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2013-11-11 Roger Yang Resume

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Roger Yang

949.413.9317 Los Angeles, CA Executive Summary I am dedicated to accuracy, efficiency, and productivity. I provide financial analysis to key decision makers, leverage technology to increase company effectiveness, and continually improve business processes. I help companies run leaner, and smarter. Key Accomplishments

Successfully completed a large scale financial technology project to integrate a national leasing system with our financial systems: involving 5 regional finance offices and 7 business units. !ead departmental projects to streamline the annual budgeting and forecasting process for a "#.$% budget. &tili'ed (ognos )*#, +,cel -%., and S/! to automate over #5 financial reporting needs. Work Experience West iel! $ # 0 $ #1 2orld3s largest listed retail property group 4.S5: 26(7 Manager: Leasing Finance department 8ebruary $ #$ 0 9uly $ #1 )he !easing 8inance :roup provides oversight of revenues for all permanent retail spaces in the &S ;ortfolio 4<7 spaces at a "#.$% annual budget7. =ur group prepares annual budgets and monthly forecasts of leasing revenues. .dditionally we support our 5 >egional 8inance offices in their center?level financial planning. "u!geting an! #orecasting o .ssisted in the preparation of the annual budget and 1?year long?term forecast for the company. o (oordinated the @ week preparation of the budget with 5 regional offices and various internal departments to ensure that our deadlines were met. #inancial Analysis o ;roduced the annual components of growth analysis, which takes all increases and decreases of net operating income across the portfolio 4<7 spaces7 and categori'es the changes among #A areas to identify the main drivers of revenues. Some e,amples of these categories are rent steps, redemises 4splitting spaces7, vacancies, etc. o .naly'ed leasing spread on a rolling basis, which is the tenants to open compared to the tenants e,piring. )his was done at the mall and regional level to develop action plans on improving the health of the portfolio. o (ompared closed shops and e,piring leases with tenants at?risk of default to generate the uncommitted revenue risk of the portfolio. o Belped to develop the Cet ;resent -alue calculation that is run on every lease in our national leasing system. o >esponsible for production of ad?hoc analysis as needed by our Senior +,ecutives, such as: leasing dashboards, capital benchmarking, occupancy statistics, and variances from forecast to budget. $echnology %mplementation o Served as the primary liaison between the !easing 8inance, !easing, and Information )echnology departments in the management of financial data and creation of analytical reports using (ognos )*# .ctive 8orms and -%.. o >epresents the !easing 8inance 6epartment in the long?term 2estfield business process improvement project. Successfully completed a # year integration project that brought together our in?house nationwide !easing *anagement System with I%* (ognos )*#. )his unified leasing revenue metrics across the &.S. portfolio and ensured the integrity of financial data by

minimi'ing data entry. Interacted on a daily basis with the I) 6epartment and various stakeholders to ensure that data reDuirements are met, timelines are set and communicated, and that resources are managed properly.

Programmer / Analyst Consultant: Leasing Finance department .pril $ # 0 8ebruary $ #$ 6eveloped comple, +,cel -%. macros to create or improve over #5 financial reporting needs across !easing 8inance. o +nsured accuracy while saving many hours each week, and produced an easy?to?use solution for end users. o >educed the time taken to produce the E2eekly &.S. !easing .ctivity >eportF from # G hours to @ minutes. (reated the weekly summary of the !ease 6ocumentation department3s pipeline of working leases. o ;rovided a two?year history of production statistics for the whole department comprised of $ teams. o +mpowered Senior +,ecutives with the business intelligence and benchmarks needed to reach production goals. %ecame an essential contributor to the annual budget process by automating the (.*, *arketing, and )a, revenue calculations across the entire &.S. portfolio 4comprising 55 malls over H business units for a "#.$% annual budget7. "ank o America, &.A. *arch $ ## 0 8ebruary $ #$ !argest bank in the &nited States 4CIS+: %.(7 'perations (ro)ect Consultant* "AC +ome Loans, "usiness (rocess ,roup =ur department conducted the final passJfail analysis on all :S+ loans outstanding in the &S before a permanent mortgage modification agreement is sent. 2e reviewed analysis from our internal lines of business concerning loans in production, including: (orporate Investment :roup, !oss *itigation, 8inancial /uality (ontrol, and -alidation. Served as the primary point?of?contact between our department and -endor *anagement for: implementation of new practices, resolution of errors in production, and &ser .cceptance )esting 4&.)7. o >educed error rate in -endor production from # in # to # in # by finding and fi,ing the source of errors. Long-oar! Capital A!visors $ @?$ # (lean )echnology Bedge 8und (er ormance .eporting Consultant 6eveloped and implemented the monthly performance reporting process. o 6ocumented business reDuirements, created internal controls to ensure reporting accuracy, and complied with the regulations outlining communications by >egistered Investment .dvisers. o Issued a monthly letter to investors including: comments from the *anaging ;artner, returns of fund versus composites, sector allocation, and performance statistics 4Sharpe >atio, > SDuared, etc.7. *aintained the integrity of fund statistics and maintained financial reporting controls. o ;roduced valuations of eDuity, derivative, and private eDuity holdings through :oldman 1@ and other portals. o :enerated internal portfolio analysis including sector allocation, return attribution, and risk e,posures. *anaged the due diligence process for an average of $ new investment opportunities annually. o >esponsible for: reviewing investment proposals, private placement memorandum, creating financial analysesK conducting interviews with management, customers, industry e,pertsK and analy'ing financial statements. o Cotable deal closings: >IC= International 4C.S6./: >IC=7 ;I;+ at a #5$** valuation, and

:( (hina )urbine 4=)(%%: :(B)7 ;I;+ at a "71** valuation. $echnical Skills :eneral .SA , *icrosoft =ffice 4+,pert in $ 1?$ # 7: .ccess, +,cel, =utlook, ;ower;oint, ;roject, -isio, 2ord +,cel: Expert on .o-ert +al %nternational $est /0123 including -%., pivot tables, 66+, vlookup, sumproduct ;rogramming -%. 4+,pert7, -%.C+) 4;roficient7, -isual Studio 4;roficient7, (GG 4+,perienced7, 9ava 4+,perienced7, (L 4%asic7, ;ython 4%asic7 6atabase S/! +nterprise $ 1 4;roficient7, myS/! 4+,perienced7

%usiness Intelligence M +nterprise >esource ;lanning 4+>;7 I%* (ognos )*# H.5.$ 4;roficient7, 96 +dwards +nterprise=ne 4+,perienced7, S.; %usiness=bjects 4+,perienced7 Investment %loomberg 4+,perienced7, :oldman 1@ M >edi;lus 4+,perienced7, > 4%asic7 Accre!itations 8IC>.JC.S.. Series @5 4Investment .dviser >epresentative7 E!ucation 4niversity o Cali ornia, %rvine %...: +conomicsK *inor: *anagement Selected course work: 8inancial .ccounting 4full cycle7, (alculus, Statistics, #@ units in object?oriented programming with (GG Extra Curricular Activities *entee in the E(ommittee of # N, a professional advocacy group, class of $ #1 4committee# .org7 >otary Iouth !eadership .ward &(I ;assport to !eadership .ward >ed (ross %one *arrow 6onor: ;rofiled in C*6; Cational Cewsletter and a (hinese Cewspaper >eferences are available here: http:JJwww.linkedin.comJinJrogeryang#

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