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Saving and Investing For Retirement: It Is Never Early

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To achieve your variou !i"e-#a$e $oa! a%& #o 'ai%#ai% your &eire& !i"e#y!e &uri%$
your re#ire'e%# year( you %ee& #o 'a)e *ru&e%# i%ve#'e%# &uri%$ your +or)i%$
*u##i%$ your har&-'o%ey #o +or) "or you i% your $o!&e% year.
Saving and Investing fo Retie!ent" It is neve ea#$
T%e goa# of etie!ent &#anning is to %e#& a'%ieve $o( finan'ia# dea!s )ot% d(ing
$o( *o+ing $eas and &ost etie!ent. Most &eo&#e, &ati'(#a#$ t%ose in t%e ea#$
stages of t%ei 'aee, t%in+ etie!ent is too fa to *o$ a)o(t.
P#anning fo etie!ent often feat(es !a# i% our *riori#ie( afte &#anning fo -%i#den.s
Ed('ation, Maiage, Ho!e/)($ing, and even Ho#ida$ing. W%i#e $o( !a$ %ave de'ades
to go )efoe $o( etie, it0s neve too ea#$ to stat &#anning and setting aside savings
fo etie!ent.
F(t%e, as #ife e1&e'tan'$ in'eases, t%e is+ of #iving #onge is e2(a##$ sti+ing as t%e
is+ of d$ing ea#$. T%eefoe a &#anned a&&oa'% to etie!ent &#anning is 'iti'a#.
Let !e intod('e, The I''e&ia#e Pe%io% Sche'e - S,IL SARAL PENSION
SBI Life / Saa# Pension, a taditiona#, Non Lin+ed Pension P#an, *%i'% offes $o(
'o!&#ete safet$ fo! !a+et vo#ati#it$, )$ &oviding a se'(e f(t(e and a 3o$o(s
etie!ent. It &ovides an o&&ot(nit$ to $o( to !aintain $o( standad of #iving.
4e$ Feat(es"
5 Peo&#e of Age go(& )et*een67 to 89 'an 3oin.
5 En3o$ a eg(#a : Life ti!e in'o!e and et(n of 'a&ita# to $o( No!inee
5 Have o&tion to se#e't Lifeti!e Ann(it$ &a$o(t fo $o( as *e## as a fa!i#$ !e!)e
5 T%is is a taditiona# &ension &#an *it% no !a+et e1&os(e o f#('t(ation.
5 F#e1i)i#it$ to '%oose fe2(en'$ of ann(it$ &a$o(ts as &e $o( e2(ie!ents /Mont%#$,
;(ate#$, Ha#f/<ea#$ O <ea#$
5 T%e &o#i'$ %o#de *i## get a #ife ti!e !ont%#$ &ension and at t%e ti!e of deat%, t%e
no!inee 'an &('%ase t%e ann(it$ and 'ontin(e *it% &ension o t%e tota# s(! ass(ed
&#(s )on(s *i## )e &aid )a'+ to t%e no!inee
5 Mini!(! Pe!i(! &a$ing te! 69 $eas
5 No !edi'a#s e2(ied.
An I##(stative E1a!&#e
If a '(sto!e aged =>, &a$ing an ann(a# &e!i(! of Rs >,99,999 and &e!i(! &a$ing
te! is 69 $eas, fo! >> $ea on*ads, t%e '(sto!e 'an e'eive an a&&o1i!ate
$ea#$ &ension of Rs >,99,999 fo %is #ife ti!e. On t%e deat% o''(s, if t%e no!inee
&('%ases an ann(it$ *it% (s 'an 'ontin(e *it% &ension o 'an *it%da* t%e tota#
&e!i(! &#(s t%e )on(s ti## date.
Atta'%ed an I##(station fo $o( efeen'e
4e$ Feat(es"
G(aanteed Bon(s
-an 'o!!(te 6?@d at t%e ti!e of vesting.
Ta1 )enefit (nde se' 79--
F#e1i)i#it$ &e!i(! &a$!ent o&tion
Ao'(!ents Re2(ied
Pan -ad -o&$
Addess Poof / Pass&ot o diving #i'ense
One &%otoga&%
Ann(it$, ne'essitates &oviding &ote'tion against f(t(e (n'etainties and events so
t%at t%e a'%ieve!ent of &esona# goa#s is not 'o!&o!ised.
We t%an+ $o( fo $o( 'ontin(ed asso'iation *it% (s and ass(e $o( of o( )est
sevi'es at a## ti!es .....
I% cae o" a%y &ou-# . c!ari"ica#io% *!eae &o %o# hei#a#e #o co%#ac# u.
Thanks & Regards,
Anil kumar G.Nair
BDM Region 2
*No!hing is +m,ossi-le
Ais'#ai!e"The in/orma!ion con!ained in !his e.mail message and0or a!!achmen!s !o i! ma"
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5mails canno! -e guaran!eed !o -e !imel", secure, error./ree or 1irus./ree. There/ore, SB+ 6i/e
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de,lo"ed a! SB+ 6i/e !o scan !he messages, i! does no! acce,! res,onsi-ili!" /or an" damage
2ha!soe1er !ha! is caused -" 1iruses -eing ,assed.
7om,u!er 1iruses can -e !ransmi!!ed 1ia email. The reci,ien! should check !his email and an"
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SB+ 6i/e sends e.mails onl" /rom i!8s o//icial domain 9:s-ili/ and
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similar or misleading domains, as same ma" -e /raudulen!0 ,hishing emails9. +n case o/ an"
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Wide Variety Annuity Options available:
1) Life Annuity (Single Life): Annuity payout at guaranteed rate, through-out
the life of the annuitant. You may choose from following options:
3 Lifetime Income
4 Lifetime Income with Capital

! Lifetime Income with Capital refund in parts
2) Lifetime income with Balance Capital
Refund: Annuity is paya"le at a
constant rate throughout the life. #n death, the $alance capital %in case positi&e'
will "e paid.
3) Lifetime income with Annual Incea!e of 3" o #": Annuity payout
increases at a simple rate of 3( or !( p.a. for each complete year and is paya"le
throughout the life of the annuitant. All future annuity payouts cease immediately
on death and the contract terminates

$) Lifetime income with cetain peiod of #% 1&% 1# o 2& yea! and life
) Annuity is paya"le at a constant rate for a minimum *+ed period of !,
,-, ,! or .- years/ and for life thereafter.
#) Life Annuity ('wo li(e!): 0he annuity payout will continue at a guaranteed
rate, throughout the life of the annuitants. You may choose from "elow options:
1 Life and Last 2ur&i&or - !-( or ,--( Income without Capital efund
3 Life and Last 2ur&i&or - !-( or ,--( Income with Capital efund


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