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Good News Apr4

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April 4, 2014
Nick Kirby, Daniel Rust, Logan Grifn, Wyat Jernigan and Madelyn
Gatchel represented New Bern High School on February 8, 2014, at
the Pam Pack regional math competton held at Washington High
School in Washington, North Carolina. The team won frst place in the
Math 3 category.
Analise Benitez and Ethan Chirico audi-
toned and made a spot in the East Region Jazz Bands. Analise was 2nd chair
Alto Sax in the "A" Band and Ethan was 1st chair Tenor Sax in the "B"
Band. The auditons were held in January and jazz musicians from the East
Region converged to auditon for forty available seats. Afer hours of prac-
tce and rehearsal, these two Havelock High School students represented
their school and their district very well. They had a great concert on Saturday, February 15th and the
music faculty at UNC Wilimington were great hosts.
Congratulatons to WCM 7th grade student, Katherine Gaskins for winning the 101.9 KISS FM Dr. Martn
Luther King Jr. essay writng contest! Katherine submited the essay she wrote during success block in
February based on the writng prompt "In your opinion, has Dr. Martn Luther King Jr.'s dream of equality
been achieved in America?"
On March 11th, Culinary Arts Students from New Bern High School assisted with the set up and service
of the 11th Annual Taste of Coastal Carolina, a fund raiser for the Neuse River Keeper Foundaton. Doz-
ens of restaurants were providing tcket holders with the opportunity to try their outstanding cui-
sine. Students were able to help restaurants prepare their tables for the event, greet and serve guests,
and make connectons for employment. Many students were able to see restaurateurs at work that they
might otherwise never see. We are so proud of their hardwork!
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The Refugee School Impact Program at GCF and NBHS provides refugee
students with quality educatonal opportunites and weekly tutoring. Walt
Hall, April Hall, and Leah Hutlinger believe it is important for these stu-
dents to receive support, encouragement, and inspiraton to atend col-
lege. The students toured the ECU campus, ate lunch in the dining hall,
and atended a Pirate basketball game. GCF students, Kai Oo and Kin Kin,
were excited to share their experience with their friends. Kin Kin said I
love ECU basketball games! These students are learning that college is a possibility for everyone .
On Sunday, March 9th, two teams from New Bern High School competed in the Moody's Mega Math
Challenge. This is a natonal competton sponsored by SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathe-
matcs). The students were given a problem in the morning and had untl 9pm to submit their solutons
online. These are real-world mathematcal problems involving multple variables and complex solutons.
We are very proud of the following students that volunteered and submited solutons for this challenge:
Team 1: James Altman, John-Michael Caskey, Tala Done, Quinn Gross, and Christan Rust
Team 2: Charlie Doty, Garret Rhodes, Parker Smith, and Parker Staton
On March 15th the Region 10 Science Olympiad competton took place at Lenoir Community College in
Kinston. Craven County was well represented with New Bern High, Craven Early College, Early College
East, West Craven High, and West Craven Middle all having partcipatng teams. West Craven Middle
(metals in 15 events) and West Craven High (metals in 14 events) placed in the top three schools in their
division and are going to the state competton April 25 and 26.
Grover C. Fields Middle School Band wrote two grants through Donors
Choose this year and raised $1000 dollars. There frst project was funded to
purchase two new music chair carts to help move equipment for con-
certs. The second project that they were blessed to have funded was for a
new music stand cart that also will aid in the task of moving equipment to
the auditorium for their concerts throughout the year. Thank you to all who helped with these projects!
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The Havelock High School Vocal Ensemble received a Superior Ratng at the Eastern Large Choral Music
Performance Adjudicaton. This ratng is signifcant because it marks the twenteth consecutve year that
the Vocal Ensemble received a Superior Ratng at the event. Congratulatons to the Vocal Ensemble and
to director, Missy Murphy who has been the director of the group for 22 years. The Havelock Women's
Chorus also received a Superior Ratng. Only four groups received a Superior this year.
On Thursday, March 13, students and parents atended Math Fun Night
at Oaks Road Elementary. As they explored statons on various topics,
the tools were piling high! Students won prizes and parents accumulated
many good tools for helping their child to succeed at home. Students in
grades 2 and 3 atended the Read to Achieve Staton where they learned
all about the new Read to Achieve legislaton and what it means for stu-
dent promoton. Tyvon Williams won the estmaton jar (flled with 193
CHOCOLATES) by making the closest estmate.
On March 8, a group of 2nd-4th graders from Arthur Edwards, Bangert,
James W. Smith, Trent Park and Vanceboro-Farm Life Elementary Schools,
took a feld trip to Raleigh. They atended a performance at Meymandi Hall
of the NC Symphony. It was especially designed for children about music,
noise, and silence. Students also got to play instruments at the instrument
zoo. The trip was a fantastc tme of learning and fun!
Mrs. Greenes 4th grade Social Studies students at AH Bangert have been study-
ing North Carolinas important statues, buildings, monuments, and places that
are associated with our states history. As a culminatng actvity to the unit, stu-
dents were given a project to make a replica of the NC State fag. They were not
allowed to turn in a printed fag from a computer. The fag had to have texture
and much of the grade came from originality and creatvity. The students were given three weeks to
bring in their fag and they did an outstanding job! Each fag was unique and beautful.
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The New Bern High School Naval JROTC unit recently embarked
on a three-day trip to Philadelphia. On this journey, the groups
made their frst stop at Washington, D.C., where they visited the
Washington monument, the Vietnam War Memorial, Lincoln
Memorial, and the Korean War Memorial. Afer that the group
visited the U.S. Naval Observatory, which is one of the oldest
scientfc agencies in the country. On the second day they went
to Philadelphia and took a tour around the city visitng sites in-
cluding Benjamin Franklins house and his grave. Afer the tour
the group went to see the famous Liberty Bell and took another
tour in Independence Hall.
Afer a long day the group got a chance to sit down and listen to a bus tour guide give more informaton
about the city. One of their routes included the famous steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art seen in
the Rocky movies. Afer a long day, the group proceeded to complete their Philly cheesesteak challenge.
Cadets walked through the Italian Market in South Philly and were given the choice to order steaks
from the famous rivals Genos and Pats.
On their fnal day, the cadets had a long ride back home but not before stopping at the Natonal Museum
of the Marine Corps. At this museum the group learned a lot about the many wars our natons service-
men fought in and how the Marines came to play in many of them.
The JROTC cadets stayed at the Staybridge Suites hotel they stayed at in Mt. Laurel, NJ. They received
compliments on how well behaved they were. All in all, the trip proved a great experience for the JROTC
group with no setbacks and great fun for all.
The Brinson student council recently visited Croatan Assisted Living Center. The
students interviewed residents to learn what life was like for them when they were
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Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Do you have any
siblings? Do you have any immediate family members whose
occupatons rely heavily on commission?
During the last week of February at Craven Early College, sopho-
more students lined up in a mock jury selecton process
(conducted by student atorneys) to determine who would serve
jury duty for a trial taking place right down the hall. Sophomore
and freshman students lined the halls to wait untl court was in
session in Room 106.
Presiding was an honorable judge, complete with academic dress and gavel, who swore in each witness
called to testfy with a right hand in the air and a lef hand upon the script of Death of a Salesman. Do
you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you Arthur Miller?
What evoked this trial, you may wonder? The qualm raised by the junior English class at the conclusion
of Death of a Salesman, a drama by Arthur Miller. The seemingly unanswerable queston at hand: Was
protagonist Willy Loman responsible for his own death? Or were there others who should share the
moral responsibility for his suicide? The result . . . may not be what you expect.
Underclassman audiences and jurors heard lengthy testmony from characters major and minor, wit-
nessed examinaton and cross examinaton by the junior atorneys, and deliberated for themselves the
fate of the defendant.
On March 13th Havelock Elementary Schools ECP classes presented their Ecosystems Unit Project. The
students have been working for the last month learning about forests and oceans. They had multple art
projects including cutng out shapes to make trees, collectng plants to build an ecosystem in a jar and
paintng waves and fsh. Mrs. MacIntoshs class focused on forest and pond animals, having on display
their representatons of the frog life cycle. The students also enjoyed exploring diferent textures in a
sand/beach table, water/ocean table and a forest table created by Ms. Fabian. For their presentaton,
students invited parents and other classrooms to take an ecosystem tour, exploring the diferent sensory
tables and learning fun facts with the assistance of augmentatve communicaton devices.
On Friday, March 14th, Early College EAST's Freshman students visited the facilites of Fleet Readi-
ness Center East on Marine Corps Air Staton, Cherry Point , North Carolina. Four groups of students
were given tours by Engineers employed by the facility and were able to take a "behind the scenes" look
at what exactly happens at the Fleet Readiness Center. Fleet Readiness Center East is one of the commu-
nity partners of Early College EAST which is benefcial to the school due to the engineering and STEM
afnites of the school.
What a mess the 1st and 2nd grade classes arrived to fnd in their class-
rooms on St. Patricks Day at JT Barber Elementary. The leprechauns had
been in and raided their rooms, searching for gold treasure and snacks.
Desks were turned, sparkles covered the foor, notes were lef and center
boxes and manipulatves were spread across the foor. The students in
these classes seemed happy to clean up the messes but complained that
they hadnt caught any of the mischievous Irish fellas with their handmade
leprechaun traps. To top of the morning, a real LEPRECHAUN stopped by
each class. Mr. Jay Valentne, dressed as a leprechaun to celebrate the day,
volunteers at J.T. Barber. He loves coming to work with the students and
the students are always happy to see him come. What a nice leprechaun he
turned out to be!
WCHS FFA partcipated in the FFA Seashore Federaton Event. We have
some exceptonal students who competed very well and deserve congratula-
tons. Melissa Parrish placed 3rd in Extemporaneous Public Speaking; Kaylyn
Siegel-King placed 2nd in Prepared Public Speaking (shown) and will compete
at regionals. Natalie Dudley placed 2nd in Creed Speaking; Jared Arthur, Dillon
Drake, Jonathon Smith, and Kenny Hofmann placed 1st as a team in the Tool
Identfcaton Competton. The public speakers will advance to regional com-
petton at Wayne Community College in May and the tool team automatcally advances to state compe-
tton in June. WCHS is proud of these students.
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