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(Amber DRPG) John Biles Partial Powers

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[ Amber DRPG] John Biles partial powers

Items Page
Abyss Page
Elemental Mastery Page
Logrus Page
Magick Page
An Amberite Grimoire
Pattern Page
Trump Artistry and Trump Tricks
Shapeshifting Page
Personal Artifacts and Creatures
In 100-150 point games, I allow purchase of items with properties up to the four
point level without explanation, and up to the 8 point level with explanations
in some cases.
In my throne wars, you can buy items with up to 8 point properties freely.
The cost of an item in points is simply the sum of all of its properties. If yo
u want to buy many of a single kind of object, you can use the quantity multipli
ers to calculate the appropriate cost.
Examples of Item Construction:
Ryo wants a powerful gun. He spends 4 points and buys the 'Deadly Damage' prope
rty for it.
Hikaru wants a weapon she can take anywhere, which can change shape to match the
shadow she's in and the technology of that shadow. She buys the following prop
erties for her weapon:

Double Damage--2
Limited Shapeshifting--4
Mold Shadow Stuff-1
Her weapon can change shape into many sorts of weapons, and manufacture its own
ammunition when it's a gun (mold shadow stuff). It does double damge and only c
ost her seven points.
Fred spent too many points and can't afford Pattern. He decides he wants a van
he can cruise around shadow in. He also wants it to shapeshift so it can take o
n an appropriate form in shadows where cars don't work--a horse. That works jus
t about everywhere.

Seek in Shadow (conveyed on its weilder, since it hasn't got enough mind to
use the power itself): 14
Shapeshift--one form, horse: 1
Engine Speed: 4
Amber Stamina: 2
The total cost is 21 points. Fairly hefty, but now he doesn't have to hitch rid
es with people.
Quincy decides to create a squad of 12 guardian golems for his fortress.
Amber Vitality: 4
Tireless Stamina: 4
Minor Flight: 3
Combat Mastery: 4
Resistant to Firearms: 2
Deadly Damage: 4
Self-Healing: 1
Speak and Sing: 2
Psychic Barrier: 4
The total cost is 28. He has 12, so that costs *2 on the quantity multiplier ta
ble, which means a total cost of 56. If he wanted a horde of them, he could spe
nd 84 points.
Seeking Items in Shadow:
In addition to buying items with points, you can also seek them in shadow using
Pattern or Logrus. It takes about one day per point using the Pattern, and abou
t 4 hours per point using Logrus tendrils.
Conjuring Items:
In addition to buying items with points or seeking them in shadow, you can conju
re or empower them if you have the Conjuration power. Conjured items are fragil
e, however.
Normal conjuration can imbue up to 4 point properties, advanced does 8, and exal
ted does 16.

Basic Conjuration: The object takes one minute per point to build, but it wi
ll fade away after a while (several days out in Shadow, less time near Pattern,
more time near Chaos). It also instantly vanishes if moved across Shadow. Such i
tems can only be created where Shadow is malleable; this will not work in Amber
and is difficult in the Golden Circle. On the other hand, Chaos Shadow is highly
magically charged and easy to manipulate.
An object can be temporarily implanted with magical power. Attunement takes
an hour, and each point of power adds ten minutes. The power lasts ten times as
long as a simple Conjured Shadow Shape would, but it also fades when moved acros
s Shadow.
Conjure Shadow Shape: You can create flimsy items that can't survive leavin
g the shadow of their creation very easily--1 minute per point.
Empowerment: You can empower a pre-existing item with Qualities and Powers.
After thirty minutes preparation, the item can be infused with Qualities (10 m
inutes per point) and Powers (1 hour per point). Such items are fairly durable,
but will lose their powers permanently if taken to null-magic shadows, and may
suffer problems in some other shadows.
Complex Conjuration: One hour per point for Qualities and Powers; the item c
an survive in any shadow until it is actively dispelled, although its powers won
't function in null-magic areas. Too much shadow travel will lead to it disinte
True Conjuration: This is a permanent magical effect. If the Conjurer has t
he potential or ability to mold Shadow, it lasts even through Shadow travel. Th
e effect can either be an Empowerment or a Complex Conjuration, and it takes ten
times as long to cast. It is still vulnerable to dispelling.
[1] Animal Vitality: Gives an object the same strength as a normal animal of
the same size.
[2] Chaos Vitality: Enables an animal to lift double it's normal weight allo
wance, when conferred on a human it grants Chaos level strength.
[4] Amber Vitality: Grants an animal the ability to lift several times it's
own body mass, and confers a human with Amber level strength.
[4] Adrenalin Surge: The creature is capable of brief bursts of enhanced st
rength. While normally only possessing Chaos level strength, the creature can,
for a few seconds, scream loudly and boost its strength up into the mid-range of
the Strength attribute scale. This isn't sustained enough to be too much use i
n combat, but is great for breaking things (Up to 1 point armor), lifting heavy
things off people, throwing someone you've already grabbed a LONG way, bursting
out of bonds, etc.
[8] Stupendous Vitality: Confers a strength beyond that of any natural creat
ure. Humans with Stupendous Vitality have their Strength raised to above Amber R
ank, to somewhere in the mid to lower ranges of the Strength Attribute scale. Y
ou can break things with ease if they have one point of armor, and given enough
time, you can bash through 2 point armor as well.
[8] Hulk Smash!: The creature is capable of brief bursts of enhanced streng
th. While normally only possessing slightly above Amber level strength, the cre
ature can, for a few seconds, scream loudly and boost its strength up into the h
igh range of the Strength attribute scale. This isn't sustained enough to be to
o much use in combat, but is great for breaking things (Up to 4 point armor), li
fting heavy things off people, throwing someone you've already grabbed a LONG wa
y, bursting out of bonds, etc.
[16] Exalted Vitality: Nearly the level of a Gerard, capable of defeating vi
rtually anyone in a contest of strength. It's strong enough to simply punch thr
ough 4 point armor as if it wasn't there. (Something with Exalted Vitality AND
enhanced damage may well slice through just about anything...). Given enough ti
me, you can pound a hole in 8 point armor, although probably the target won't be
willing to GIVE you that kind of time.

[1] Confers Mobility: Allows a normally no-mobile object the ability to move
, it will tire quickly unless granted extra stamina. Objects with legs may walk
normally, other objects must slither along the ground at a relatively slow pace.
Objects with wings can flap them and fly, but not very well or fast.
[1] Feather Fall: This is a defensive measure. If the item is free falling,
its rate of falling will be slowed when it gets close to the ground, enabling i
t to drift safely to the ground and land gently.
[2] Double Speed: Doubles the normal movement rate of a creature, or allows
objects which have no limbs to move as fast as a normal creature.
[2] Levitation: Allows an item or creature not normally capable of vertical
motion the ability to levitate up and down. Movement rate is about 3 miles per h
our up and double that for downward motion.
[3] Minor Flight: Brings flight to a non-winged item or creature. Inanimate
objects with this power will be able to fly at a rate of about 20 miles per hour
. If bestowed to a creature already capable of flight this works to double thei
r normal speed and increase their maneuverability.
[4] Engine Speed. Allows a creature to keep up with powered vehicles, roughl
y increasing their movement rate by a factor of four, or two for a slithering ob
ject. Actual powered vehicles with this power will triple their speed.
[8] Racing Speed: Raises the speed to far faster than Engine Speed. A creatu
re with racing speed easily outrun any normal vehicle, reaching speeds of over 2
00 mph for horses and 150 mph for wolves and dogs. Actual land and sea vehicles
will rise to five times normal speed. At least Chaos level Endurance and Stren
gth are required to ride a creature with Racing Speed unless in a vehicle form s
uch as a car.
[8] Flight: Increases the level of a non-winged creature or item's flight to
the rate of the fastest of birds. This works out to be around 60 miles an hour
. For a creature normally able to fly at a good rate, such as falcons, pegasai,
griffins, etc. this enables them to keep up with single engine airplanes (aroun
d 300-400 miles per hour). Things which fly very quickly, such as jets have the
ir flight speeds increased to triple their normal speed.
[16] Warp Speed Now, Mr. Sulu! :)

[1] Double Stamina: Grants a creature the same stamina as that bestowed by C
haos endurance, this does not grant any of the other endurance related abilities
, i.e.: no healing or regeneration.
[2] Amber Stamina: Grants the stamina equivalent to someone of Amber rank en
[4] Tireless Stamina: The creature or object will simply never get tired. Th
is does not imply an unlimited source of energy, i.e.: a running horse will neve
r tire but will eventually collapse due to having nothing left to give, up until
then however the horse will suffer no ill effects. A perfect example of keeping
going until you drop dead in your tracks.
[4] Enhanced Energy Reserves: The creature or object has stamina equivalent
to someone placed low in the Endurance Auction.
[8] Outstanding Stamina: Not only will the creature never grow tired, they a
re no longer hindered by wounds. Only injuries that physically dismember the cre
ature can impair its efficiency.
[8] Superior Energy Reserves: The creature or object has stamina equivalent
to someone placed mid-ranked in the Endurance Auction.
[16] Awe-Inspiring Stamina: The item has as much endurance as the most tire
less person in creation, and will keep going until obliterated.
Combat/Martial Arts

[1] White Belt: Grants the unarmed combat abilities of someone with Human St
rength. Mainly useful for things like ropes which normally couldn't attack unde
r their own power.
[2] Brown Belt: Grants the unarmed combat abilities of someone with Chaos St
rength. May have up to Amber in some specialty.
[4] Black Belt: Grants the unarmed combat abilities of someone of Amber Stre
ngth, and may have specialties which place them in the lower ranks of the Streng
th scale in that specialty.
[8] Combat Supremacy: Items or creatures with this level of Martial Arts wil
l be on par with someone in the lower ranks of the Strength Attribute scale, whe
reas if they specialize in a particular type of combat (punches, kicks, locks, t
hrows) they will be equal to someone in the mid ranks of the Attribute scale.
[16] Iron Fist: Items or creatures with this level of Martial Arts will be o
n a par with someone in the middle ranks of the Strength Attribute scale, if the
y specialize in a particular type of combat they may be able to force Gerard to
exert himself.
Combat/Tactical Skills

[1] Combat Training: This grants the tactical skills of Human level warfare,
and is generally only useful for enabling things which normally have no combat
skills (such as toasters) to have some sense of tactics, and thus be able to coo
perate at least marginally with other beings in combat.
[2] Noncom: The creature is now qualified to lead small units, and has the t
actical skills of someone with Chaos Warfare. They may possess specialties wher
e they reach Amber rank.
[4]Officer: The creature or item can now match the tactical skill of Joe Amb
erite. It may possess specialties where it operates at a par with those low-ran
ked in Warfare.
[8] General: Items or creatures with this level of Tactical Skills will be o
n par with someone in the lower ranks of the Warfare Attribute scale, whereas if
they specialize in a particular type of tactics, they will be equal to someone
in the mid ranks of the Attribute scale.
[16] Marshal: Items or creatures with this level of Tactical Skills will be
on a par with someone in the middle ranks of the Warfare Attribute scale, if the
y specialize in a particular type of combat they may be able to force Benedict t
o exert himself.
Combat/Weapon Skills

[1] Combat Training: Grants the same combat skill in all weapons as someone
of Human warfare, generally only used on items that would normally not have any
combat skill, specializing in a particular weapon may enable the creature to exc
eed the abilities of Human rank.
[2] Combat Reflexes: Grants the same combat skill in all weapons as someone
of Chaos warfare, specializing in a particular weapon may enable the creature to
exceed the abilities of Chaos rank.
[4] Combat Mastery: Grants the same combat skill in all weapons as someone o
f Amber warfare, specializing in a particular weapon may enable the creature to
exceed the abilities of Amber rank.
[8] Combat Supremacy: Items or creatures with this level of Combat will be o
n par with someone in the lower ranks of the Warfare Attribute scale, whereas if
they specialize in a particular type of combat (2-handed sword, claws, etc.) th
ey will be equal to someone in the mid ranks of the Attribute scale.
[16] Exalted Combat Mastery: Items or creatures with this level of Combat wi
ll be on a par with someone in the middle ranks of the Warfare Attribute scale,
if they specialize in a particular type of combat they may be able to force Bene
dict to exert himself.
Resistance To Damage
These are, it should be noted, enhancement qualities. One can get perfectly mun
dane, 0 point armor, which will stop non-enhanced weapons, and even slow down 1
and 2 point enhanced damage weapons. Weapon and armor qualities are roughly equ
ivalent, a four point weapon will nullify most to all of the benefit of four poi
nt the same time, the armor is effectively knocking down the amount o
f damage the four point weapon inflicts to that of a more normal weapon of that
type. A weapon one step weaker than the armor it faces will require a serious w
arfare advantage, a weapon two steps weaker will take a severe one to get throug
h, and if it's three steps weaker, you'll probably never hurt them. [For exampl
e, trying to use a mundane, 0 point weapon to get through 4 point armor, you can
probably forget about it. Or a 1 point weapon vs 8 point armor.] Weapons high
er ranked than armor will simply slice through armor as if it wasn't there.
Offensive magic (fireballs, lightning, etc) will be reduced or stopped entirely
by armor, dependent on the psyche of the user and the nature of the attack vs. t
he nature of the armor (Metal armor won't stop lightning very well, for example)
[1] Resistant To Weapons: Makes the material more resistant to weapons than
it would normally be, i.e.: A T-shirt can be made to give some protection vs. kn
ives but little against a sword. Usually applied to armor, making penetration by
normal weapons very difficult.
[2] Resistant To Guns: Confers the item with a degree of 'bulletproof-ness',
mundane firearms will have a difficult time piercing the armor, unless the oppo
nent has a significant warfare advantage.
[4] Invulnerable To Conventional Weapons: Resistant to all mundane weapons,
a high warfare advantage will be needed to penetrate the armor with anything les
s than a 'deadly damage' weapon, which can penetrate this armor relatively quick
[8] Impervious To Damage: Mundane weaponry short of artillery bounces off.
So do 1 point weapons. Even two point weapons are unlikely to hurt you, unless
Benedict is using them. Four point weapons are seriously slowed down.
[16] Impenetrable: This can ONLY be applied to an item and cannot be transfe
rred. Such an item contains either the Pattern or some other major Power which
makes it almost immune to damage by any lesser Power. Two point weapons bounce
off. Four point and eight point weapons can't hurt you much. Known Powers, in
order of least to greatest are Trump, Logrus, Pattern.
Weapon Damage

[1] Extra Hard: The material of the weapon is hardened to a degree that it w
ill suffer no ill effects on striking hard surfaces, i.e.: Armor. This hardening
also allows greater armor penetration.
[2] Double Damage: Capable of inflicting wounds of a significance greater th
an initially apparent, these types of weapons are also capable of cutting throug
h almost any mundane armor without difficulty.
[4] Deadly Damage: A wound that would be minor when inflicted by a normal we
apon, will be much more dangerous when inflicted by a weapon of deadly damage. A
simple thrust will has a tendency to tear flesh, causing blood loss and tissue
damage mush more significant that would seem appropriate.
[8] Destructive Damage: Rips through opponents, causing massive damage. Ign
ores all armor less than "Invulnerable To Conventional Weapons" which it will pe
netrate fairly quickly, and can break through "Impervious To Damage" given suff
icient skill behind the weapon.
[16] Primal Damage: This can ONLY be applied to an item and cannot be transf
erred. Such an item contains either the Pattern or Logrus which makes it the ba
ne of its opposite. Primal Damage weapons literally destroy those they oppose b
y igniting their blood. Wounds from such a weapon are eventually fatal, unless
the victim has some way to shed the flaming blood in time. Against other oppone
nts, it inflicts very hard to heal Destructive Damage. Ignores Armor under Impe
netrable. If a Primal Damage weapon strikes an Impenetrable Armor and they are o
f opposing types then the item with the greater Power will succeed. For example
, if someone with a Primal Damage Pattern sword struck someone with Impenetrable
Armor of the Logrus, the armor would be destroyed ultimately (since Pattern is
a greater Power than Logrus), but the armor would have protected the wearer for
that first blow.
[16] Apocalyptic Damage: Penetrates virtually any kind of armor with ease,
and produces nasty, nasty wounds. Those of Amber or less Endurance probably die
from a nick, let alone a serious blow.
Intelligence / Communication

[1] Able To Speak: The creature or object may speak one language, usually Th
ari, and understand simple orders. It is generally considered to have the intell
igence of a well trained dog, it will not act on it's own initiative unless told
to do so, and even then will be unpredictable.
[1] Notable Skill: The Item contains knowledge of some particular skill; th
is can be conveyed or implanted.
[2] Able To Speak & Sing: May speak one language, and make other noises, i.e
.: laughter. Equivalent to the intelligence of a young child, capable of simple
problem solving.
[4] Speaks In Tongues And Voices: Equivalent to intelligence found in a adul
t, capable of acting on its own initiative to complete orders to the best of it'
s abilities. The creature may speak one language initially, though it may be tau
ght more latter, it can also imitate the voices of others.
[8] Highly Intelligent: The creature is smarter than most people and has a
wide array of skills, speaking many languages. It excels at long-range planning
and analytical thought.
[16] Super Genius: Brilliant beyond measure.
Psychic Quality

[1] Psychic Sensitivity. The item or creature gains the equivalent of Chaos
Psyche for sensory and offensive
[2] Amber Sensitivity. The item or creature gains the equivalent of Amber P
syche for sensory and offensive purposes
[2] Sensitivity To Danger. The item has the ability to sense when danger is
imminent. Creatures shielded by Psychic Neutral/Screen/Void may not set off th
is sense of danger if the item or creature's Psyche is too weak to pierce it. P
owers can also be used, with a sufficient Psyche advantage, to avoid setting thi
s off as well.
[2] Detect Lies. The item can attempt to tell if someone is lying. The ite
m needs a Psyche advantage to succeed at this. Psychic Resistances and Barriers
can screen against this. Psychic Neutral/Screen/Void is of less use, but still
resists with its psychic defense level.
[3] Linked Remote Psychic Sensitivity: This allows any of a number of items
to all be in constant Psychic communication despite distances in Shadow. Only a
Psychic Barrier or a Shadow Barrier vs. Psyche will sever the contact.
[4] Extraordinary Psychic Sense. In shadows especially attuned to Psychic p
owers, the item can reach out and contact other minds by pure Psychic force. In
other shadows, the item is limited to the normal functioning of Psyche. Still,
it possess Psyche equal to someone ranked low in the attribute auction for offe
nsive and sensory purposes.
[8] Psychic Might: Such an item possesses mid-ranked psyche for offensive a
nd sensory purposes.
[8] Augmented Offensive Psychic Force: This allows a sudden boost to the use
r's Psyche for purposes of Offense. The main difference between this and the Po
wer Word, Burst Of Psyche, is that the effects are more dramatic and continue fo
r a longer period of time.
[16] Immense Psychic Sense: Gives a Psychic equivalent to a very high rank i
n Psyche. Nearly unbeatable by any Psychic force.
Psychic Defense
Psychic Defense items can be built with a special modifier: Automatic On/Off Sw
itch. This costs 4 extra points, and can be added by anyone who has any level o
f Conjuration at all. Items with Automatic On/Off Switches click on automatical
ly as soon as a Psychic Attack starts to brush your defenses. However, such ite
ms are vulnerable to being hacked by a Psyche expert if he has time to study the
defenses, enabling him to suddenly just turn the item off if he succeeds.
[1] Chaos Resistance: Has the same resistance to attack as a creature of Cha
os Psyche. It provides a small boost to anyone who possesses naturally greater
Psyche, if Conveyed or Implanted. It does not hamper the use of Psyche at all.
[1] Light Psychic Barrier: A light psychic barrier will repel any intrusion
by those of Amber Psyche or less, will slow those of slightly higher Psyche down
, and will only make those of mid-ranked to high Psyche laugh at you. Any user
who does not have above Amber Psyche will find themselves unable to use Psyche-r
eliant abilities (shadow walking, initiating trump calls, etc), except for those
that only affect the self (Calling up Pattern Defense, shapeshifting against se
lf only, etc). Those of Psyche Amber or lower, unless they are themselves Trump
Artists, won't even notice that someone is trying to trump them, but the barrie
r will continue to protect their brain against any forced Trump Contact. Those
of higher psyche may find themselves somewhat hampered, depending on Psyche. Tr
ue-Name backed Power Words will go through it like a hot knife through butter.
[2] Amber Resistance: Has the same resistance to attack as a creature of Am
ber Psyche. It provides a small boost to anyone who possesses naturally greater
Psyche, if Conveyed or Implanted. It does not hamper the use of Psyche at all.
[2] Medium Psychic Barrier: A medium psychic barrier will repel any intrusio
n by those of fairly low, but ranked Psyche, will slow those of low to medium P
syche down, will slightly slow down those of medium to high psyche, and will onl
y make those of really high Psyche laugh at you. Any user who has under ten poi
nts of Psyche will find themselves unable to use Psyche-reliant abilities (shado
w walking, initiating trump calls, etc), except for those that only affect the s
elf (Calling up Pattern Defense, shapeshifting against self only, etc). Those o
f Psyche below 10, unless they are themselves Trump Artists, won't even notice t
hat someone is trying to trump them, but the barrier will continue to protect th
eir brain against any forced Trump Contact. Those of higher psyche may find t
hemselves somewhat hampered, depending on Psyche. True-Name backed Power Words w
ill go through it like a hot knife through butter.
[2] Psychic Neutral: The item's mind is not easily detected, and has the sam
e resistance to attack as a creature of Chaos Psyche. It provides a small boost
to anyone who possesses naturally greater Psyche, if Conveyed or Implanted. A
ny use of Psyche will void this defense for the duration of its use, but it does
not hamper such use.
[4] Improved Psychic Resistance: Has the same resistance to attack as someo
ne placed low in the Psyche attribute auction. It provides a small boost to any
one who possesses naturally greater Psyche, if Conveyed or Implanted. It does
not hamper the use of Psyche at all.
[4] Strong Psychic Barrier: A strong psychic barrier will repel any intrusio
n by those of low to medium Psyche, will slow those of medium to high Psyche do
wn, will slightly slow down those of high psyche, and will only make those of ex
tremely high Psyche laugh at you. Any user who has under thirty points of Psych
e will find themselves unable to use Psyche-reliant abilities (shadow walking, i
nitiating trump calls, etc), except for those that only affect the self (Calling
up Pattern Defense, shapeshifting against self only, etc). Those of Psyche be
low 30, unless they are themselves Trump Artists, won't even notice that someone
is trying to trump them, but the barrier will continue to protect their brain a
gainst any forced Trump Contact. Those of higher psyche find themselves somewha
t hampered, depending on Psyche. Even True-Name backed Power Words are hampered;
the user must have at least 75% of the Defender's Psyche, or the Power word is
repelled anyway. True-Name backed Advanced Power Words go right through it.
[4] Psychic Screen: Provides strong defense against your mind being detecte
d, and has the same resistance to attack as a creature of Amber Psyche. It prov
ides a small boost to anyone who possesses naturally greater Psyche, if Conveyed
or Implanted. Any use of Psyche will void this defense for the duration of it
s use, but it does not hamper such use.
[8] Advanced Psychic Resistance: It provides defense equivalent to mid-rank
ed Psyche. It provides a small boost to anyone who possesses naturally greater
Psyche, if Conveyed or Implanted. It does not hamper the use of Psyche at all.
[8] Advanced Psychic Barrier: A advanced psychic barrier will repel any int
rusion by those of medium to high Psyche, will slow those of high Psyche down,
and will slightly slow down those of very high psyche. Any user who has under f
ifty-one points of Psyche will find themselves unable to use Psyche-reliant abil
ities (shadow walking, initiating trump calls, etc), except for those that only
affect the self (Calling up Pattern Defense, shapeshifting against self only, et
c). Those of Psyche below 51, unless they are themselves Trump Artists, won't e
ven notice that someone is trying to trump them, but the barrier will continue t
o protect their brain against any forced Trump Contact. Those of higher psyche
find themselves somewhat hampered, depending on Psyche. Normal Power Words backe
d by insufficient Psyche to penetrate the barrier, even if you know the target's
True Name, will bounce off. Even Advanced True-Name backed Power Words are ham
pered; the user must have at least 75% of the Defender's Psyche, or the Power wo
rd is repelled anyway. True-Name backed Exalted Power Words go right through it
[8] Psychic Void: Even the use of powers to detect the mind of the target wi
ll tend to fail unless the power user has fairly high Psyche . Also confers psyc
hic resistance equal to that of someone placed low in the Psyche attribute aucti
on. It provides a small boost to anyone who possesses naturally greater Psyche,
if Conveyed or Implanted. Any use of Psyche will void this defense for the du
ration of its use, but it does not hamper such use.
[8] Augmented Defensive Psychic Force: This allows a sudden boost to the use
r's Psyche for purposes of Defense. The main difference between this and the Po
wer Word, Burst Of Psyche, is that the effects are more dramatic and continue fo
r a longer period of time. It otherwise functions identically to that Power Wor
[16] Exalted Psychic Resistance: The item possesses Psychic Defenses equival
ent to those of high ranked Psyche. It provides a small boost to anyone who pos
sesses naturally greater Psyche, if Conveyed or Implanted. It does not hamper
the use of Psyche at all.
[1] Extended Sense--This doubles the 'range' of a single already possessed s
ense. You can sense things more finely at a further distance. This is most use
ful for whatever senses the creature or item already specializes in (such as Sig
ht and Hearing for a normal human). [This can be applied to a mechanical sensor
y device to double its range. For example, X5 binoculars would become X10 binoc
[1] Normal Sense--This gives one of the five normal senses to something whic
h lacks them. (A blind man could be made to see, a rock could hear, etc). Inan
imate objects with intelligence need either this or Full Suite of Normal Senses
or some form of Psychic sensitivity or mechanical sensors to actually percieve t
heir environment.
[2] Improved Extended Sense--This quadruples the 'range' of a single already
possessed sense. You can sense things more finely at a further distance. This
is most useful for whatever senses the creature or item already specializes in
(such as Sight and Hearing for a normal human) [This can be applied to a mechani
cal sensory device to increase its range. For example, X5 binoculars would beco
me X20 binoculars.]
[2] Augmented Sense--This heightens some sense already possessed by the obje
ct or creature to a great degree (A human, for example, could now use his sense
of smell to track people). It does not improve range, but rather allows for fin
er sensing of detail within that range.
[2] Full Suite of Normal Senses--This gives all five senses to something whi
ch lacks one or more of them.
[4] Greatly Extended Sense--This multiplies the 'range' of a single already
possessed sense by a factor of 16. You can sense things more finely at a furthe
r distance. This is most useful for whatever senses the creature or item alread
y specializes in (such as Sight and Hearing for a normal human) [This can be app
lied to a mechanical sensory device to increase its range. For example, X5 bino
culars would become X80 binoculars.]
[4] Extraordinary Sense--This enables the recipient to sense something beyon
d the normal capacities of living beings. You might be able to sense motion, or
have infrared sight, or see gamma rays, or have x-ray vision. What is sensed m
ust be some sort of object or physical property.
[4] Full Suite of Augmented Senses--This can only be applied to something wh
ich already possesses all five normal senses, augmenting them all to superhuman
[8] Extremely Extended Sense--This multiplies the 'range' of a single alread
y possessed sense to the point where the sense could be used from orbit to obser
ve things on the ground. This is most useful for whatever senses the creature
or item already specializes in (such as Sight and Hearing for a normal human) [T
his can be applied to a mechanical sensory device.]
[16] Exalted Extended Sense--This multiplies the 'range' of a single already
possessed sense to the point where the sense could be used to cross interstella
r distances if you so desired. This is most useful for whatever senses the cre
ature or item already specializes in (such as Sight and Hearing for a normal hum
an) [This can be applied to a mechanical sensory device.]
Recording Capabilities:
[1] Short Term Memory: The item can store up to an hour of sensory data and
recall it perfectly as desired. This presumes the item already has some form o
f senses suitable to the task.
[2] Recorder: The item can perfectly record and store up to a day of sensor
y data and recall it perfectly as desired. This presumes the item already has so
me form of senses suitable to the task.
[4] Improved Recorder: The item can perfectly record and store up to a week
of sensory data and recall it perfectly as desired. This presumes the item alre
ady has some form of senses suitable to the task.
[8] Advanced Recorder: The item can perfectly record and store up to a year
of sensory data and recall it perfectly as desired. This presumes the item alrea
dy has some form of senses suitable to the task.
[16] Exalted Recorder: The item can perfectly record and store almost any a
mount of sensory data and recall it perfectly as desired. This presumes the item
already has some form of senses suitable to the task.

Item Movement Through Shadow
[1] Sense Shadow Trail--The item is able to identify Unicorn Tracks and Blac
k Roads, and it can sense the trails left through Shadow by shadowtravellers, en
abling its bearer to follow those trails if they are fairly fresh (The higher th
e item's psyche, the older the trails can be). Such beings are also harder to l
ose if they're following someone through shadow, since they can quickly get onto
the trail you left behind. Beings with this level of power can also walk throu
gh shadow to their master if seperated from him.
[2] Seek Visited Locations: The item can shadowwalk to any location it's bee
n taken to before, or which its creator has visited and programmed into it.
[4] Seek In Shadow: The item can travel in Shadow towards a specific person,
location, or item. Note that this is not the same as being able to move freely
through shadow, because the item can only move in the direction of the subject.
The item need not have encountered its target before, though obviously it someh
ow needs to know the thing exists.
[8] Seek Desires in Shadow: The item can now seek abstractions in shadow, su
ch as 'A shadow where I can get a really good curry'.
[8] Forge Shadow Highway: While this property does not of itself convey sha
dow travelling ability, if this property is used while walking through shadow (t
his doubles travel time), the item forges a highway through shadow which can be
used by anyone to walk through shadow, even complete Human Psyche shadow schmuck
s. The path allows transit at normal shadow walking speeds.
[16] Shadow Teleportation: With several minutes preparatory time, the item c
an teleport to any location in shadow it has visited before.
[16] Create Shadow Expressway: While this property does not of itself conve
y shadow travelling ability, if this property is used while walking through shad
ow (this doubles travel time), the item forges a highway through shadow which ca
n be used by anyone to walk through shadow, even complete Human Psyche shadow sc
hmucks. The expressway allows transit at hellriding speeds.
[+0] Slow Shadow Movement: The item is slower than a Primal Power User, mov
ing at about 2/3rds the speed of someone with equivalent Psyche.
[+2] Matches Use of Primal Powers for Speed
[+4] Matches Hellriding Speeds
[+8] Matches Shadow Shortcut Speeds
Item Shadow Senses
[1] SPS--Shadow Position Sense: The item always knows where it is in Shadow
relative to some fixed point chosen at item creation or when the property is im
[1] Sense Reality--The item is able to detect if someone encountered is Real
or a Shadow
[2] Assess Reality--The item is able to tell if someone encountered possesse
s Pattern or Logrus
[2] Analyze Local Reality--The object is able to examine a shadow and assess
what the local laws are, what the local laws of reality are, any flaws in the s
hadow, Veils if near the Courts, etc.
[4] Reality Search Local Shadow--The object can, given enough time, scan an
entire shadow (if it is not a Primal Plane) and eventually locate all beings and
objects of Reality in it. This takes hours to days depending on the psyche bac
king the item up.
[8] Identify Shadow Owner--The object can determine who, if anyone, controls
a shadow and how much control they have over it.
[16] Search Shadow--The object can slowly search all of shadow and find wher
e anything you desire is. This takes about 1.5 times as long as Advanced Patter
n use by someone of equivalent Psyche.
Item Control Over Shadow

[1] 'Mold' Shadow Stuff: Can alter the stuff of shadow, adjusting clothing,
or the face on a coin etc.
[2] 'Mold' Shadow Folk: Can Alter the behavior of shadow folk, emotions or a
ctions can be altered to fit the manipulators whim.
[4] 'Mold' Shadow Reality: May alter the nature of the shadow, i.e.: A sorce
rer in a no magic shadow may temporarily alter the 'reality' so that magic works
[8] Control Shadow Essence: This gives the equivalent control over a Shadow
as someone with Advanced Pattern or Advanced Logrus.
[16] Ultimate Shadow Manipulation: Gives ultimate control of many Shadows at
once, with the ability to control, shape, and direct Shadow Storms. The Jewel
Of Judgement is an example of an item with this great a control over Shadow.

[1] Self Healing: Allows an inanimate object to heal itself at the same rate
as a normal creature, and doubles the healing rate of living creatures.
[2] Quick Healing: Items heal as fast as someone with Amber Endurance. Livi
ng creatures heal at four times the normal rate.
[4] Fast Healing: Items heal as fast as someone low ranked in Endurance. Li
ving creatures heal at eight times the normal rate.
[4] Shift Wounds: Items can close up damage to their casing with concentrat
ion. Living creatures can concentrate and make their wounds close up fairly qui
ckly. However, this drains your energy reserves proportionally to the number nd
size of wounds.
[8] Rapid healing: Items heal as fast as someone midranked in Endurance. L
iving creatures heal at sixteen times the normal rate.
[8] Regeneration: Items can eventually heal even completely destroyed compo
nents. Living creatures can eventually regrow limbs if they lacked the power t
o do so before, or can do it twice as fast if they already had this ability.
[16] Rapid Regeneration: The item regenerates twice as fast as one with 8 po
int regeneration. Living creatures regenerate at four times the normal speed.
[16] Limb Reattachment: The item or creature can simply pick up any lost co
mponents/body parts and pop them back into place, quickly reattaching them withi
n a few minutes.
Shape Shifting
[1] Alternate Form: The Item / Creature has one alternate form.
[2] Named & Numbered Forms: The item has named and numbered forms, chosen wh
en the object is created.
[4] Limited Shape Shifting: Only knows practiced forms, but can learn new fo
rms. Learning a new form requires 24 hours divided by the number of points spent
on the item's intelligence or psyche (48 hours for items with none).
[8] Mimic: The item can shape shift into any form it sees or comes in contac
t with.
[16] Shape Shift: Item can shape shift freely. Note that this still does no
t confer healing abilities or other shape shifting powers beyond simply changing
Item Trump Images
These can only be conjured by people possessing both Trump Artistry and Conjurat
ion, although anyone can buy this attribute for an item with character points.
Items with Trump images cannot be sought in shadow.

[1] Contains Trump Image: May not be used on a creature or transferred, the
object contains / is a trump image.
[2] Trump Deck: A deck of trumps made by the Trump artist.
[2] Sense Trump: The item can sense the usage of trumps in its vicinity.
[2] Trump Caller ID: The item can identify who is trumping it, if it's been
trumped before by that person.
[4] Trump Powered: The Item draws it's power from Trump, and so may continue
to operate in all shadows.
[8] Multiple Trump Contact: (Note: you need an Advanced Trump Artist's power
s to create an artifact with this power.) The artifact can open and maintain up
to twelve trump contacts simultaneously for the user if the contacts are made th
rough the object. These calls can be patched together to allow 'conference' cal
ls. The object can contain up to Named and Numbered Trumps as part of its being
[8] Trump Jammer: The item can attempt to jam the operation of trump in its
[8] Trump Memory: The item need only think of a place and it is taken there,
provided the item has visited that location at least once before. A creature wi
th this ability has the power Exalted Trump Artistry: True Trump Memory.
[16] Virtual Trump Ability: Gives the ability of a Virtual Trump, where the
item need only think of the place and they are taken there. The center of the P
attern, or the Jewel of Judgement are examples of Virtual Trumps. The power may
NOT be transferred.
Power Words
One must know the Power Words power to create items that contain Power Words wit
h conjuration. One can only put Power Words known by the creator in an item. O
ne can however, seek such items in shadow, or have such an item at char creation
, or use such an item without knowing squat about Power Words.
If sentient, the item uses the Power Word backed by its own psyche and endurance
. In non-sentient items, the Power Word is backed by the psyche and endurance o
f the person using the item, unless the item has its own Endurance pool. (Which
means that if you have a repeating crossbow that fires power word bolts, you ca
n exhaust yourself eventually)
[1] Contains A Power Word.
[2] Contains Named & Numbered Power Words.
[4] Contains an Advanced Power Word: Contains a single advanced power word k
nown by the creator.
[4] Contains a Horde of Power Words
[4] Power Word Boost: One can choose to put more OOMPH into one's power wor
ds by expending additional life force. It costs five times the normal life force
, but it doubles the effectiveness of a power word. This is a good way to knock
yourself out quick, but sometimes worth it.
[8] Contains Named & Numbered Advanced Power Words: Contains named and numbe
red advanced power words known by the creator. Optionally, may also contain name
d & numbered power words.
[8] Contains hundreds of Power Words.
[8] Advanced Power Word Boost: Double power not enough? Invest 20 times th
e normal life force and you can have five times the normal effect. This is very
flashy, but also very life force costly.
[8] Area Effect Power Words: Power words normally only effect one target, a
lthough a few basic ones have some area of effect (Light Strobe, Shade, etc). T
his enables you to extend the area of effect to about a 1 yard radius for five t
imes the energy expenditure, or 3 yards radius for twenty times the energy. Thi
s can be combined with PW Boost or Advanced Power Word Boost if you really need
to, though it will knock you out fast and quite possibly kill you very dead.
[8] Contains Exalted Power Word: Contains a single exalted power word known
by the creator.
[16] Named and Numbered Exalted Power Words
[16] Horde of Advanced Power Words
[16] Put as many normal Power Words as you like. We'll make more.
Magic Defense
[1] Resistant to Magic: Items resistant to magic take more effort to alter
with magic than normal items. This cannot be turned on and off.
[2] Resistant to Magic with Switch: As Resistant to Magic, but with an on/o
ff switch
[4] Spell Breaker: This is most commonly used with weapons--it enables the
item to cut through spells as if they weren't there. You can carve holes in mag
ical shields, penetrate magical armor, parry fireballs, etc. Mages with superio
r Warfare can simply shoot around your item, however.
[4] Infused with Reality: The item can be treated as if it had Logrus/Patte
rn/Trump Defense with regard to resisting invasive magical effects.
[8] Magic Sink: You don't just resist magic, your mere touch sucks up magi
cal energy, destroying spells by rendering them unable to function for lack of e
nergy. Magic backed by a real power may still get through, though. Someone hol
ding or carrying a magic sink will find themselves unable to cast spells, and an
y beneficial spells put on them will tend to be eaten by the Magic Sink. Magic
Sinks can be made with on/off switches. Keep in mind that such switches are vul
nerable to Psyche hacking.
[8] Magic Reflection: Able to reflect magic back on its source. It will al
ways reflect at least part of a spell, but requires a psychic advantage for tota
l reflection.
[16] Magic Null: Utterly, completely immune to magic unless it's backed up
by a DemiJewel, the JoJ, or similar artifacts.
Magic Sensing
[1] Detect Magic--Detects magical energies within several hundred feet
[2] Detect and Identify Magic--Detects magical energies within several hundr
ed feet and can tell what sort of magic it is (fire magic, wards, Logrus sorcery
, etc)
[4] Magical Analysis--Detects magical energies within visual range, and once
within several hundred feet, can tell exactly what they do. Applied to magical
wards, it can identify what is needed to pass it (passcodes, a particular spell
, etc). This may require a psyche advantage against actively maintained spells.
At this level, it also can be used to examine a shadow and determine its laws
of magic, enabling a sorceror to adjust his magics to local conditions. This ta
kes minutes to hours, depending on the psyche backing the item up.
[8] Magical Sage--As Magical Analysis, but can perform these functions at an
y range as long as you have some way to extend its senses to the target area (ma
gical scrying, radio telescopes, trump scrying, etc). It also assists in penetr
ating efforts to hide magical energies. At close range (a hundred feet or less)
, it can identify who cast a spell, if it has ever been used to sense magic cast
by that person. It can also scan an entire shadow in about a half hour or less
to locate all available sources of magic.
[16] Eye of Agamotto--Can scan a hundred mile radius and return a map of all
magical energies in the area, identifying who created them, regardless of wheth
er the item or its owner has ever heard of the beings involved. This takes a few
seconds. Given enough time, you can scan an entire shadow, although with some
shadows, you'd be spending more time than it's worth. Attempts to hide magic f
rom its all seeing eye is futile, unless the person involved is at the very top
of the Psyche food chain. Connected to an item with shadow travelling power, on
e can direct its gaze between Shadows as well, scanning a shadow for magic from
an adjacent one.
Magic Use
These items can only be made by Conjurors who know Sorcery, or who are assisted
by a Sorceror. They can, however, be sought in shadow, purchased at character c
reation, turned into point items if found later, etc.
[1] Rack A Spell: Capable of holding a racked spell, implanted in it by a so
[2] Rack Named & Numbered Spells.
[2] Magical Specialty: Boosts the power of spells cast from this item in so
me specialized area, such as 'Fire Magic'.
[4] Rack & Use Spells: Holds named & numbered spells, and may also use them.
The item does not know how to actually create any new spells to rack in itself
[+4] Maintain Spells: The item can maintain spells, refreshing them periodi
cally. This is a modifier to one of the other properties, such as Rack or Rack
and Use. It requires Advanced Conjuration to add this modifier to a property.
[+4] Quick Casting: The item, if able to cast spells, casts them at 'Fast C
asting Speeds'. It requires Advanced Conjuration to add this modifier to a prop
erty. Item creator must know Quick Casting.
[8] Power Magics: The item's spells are automatically boosted by some Power
that the item is linked to, such as Pattern or Logrus. If the item is capable
of creating its own spells, it possesses 'Power Sorcery' of that type. Item cre
ator must possess the power to be linked to, and possess 'Power Sorcery' of appr
opriate type if the item will be able to cast spells itself.
[8] Magic Processor: Capable of racking, creating, and using, given enough
time and intelligence, sorcery spells. It creates such spells at normal speeds.
Items which create spells need to possess some degree of offensive and defensi
ve Psyche, or else they will produce puny Human Psyche level magics if set to wo
rk on their own. (Such an item can be rigged to allow the item's owner to cast
spells with the item using his own Psyche, which requires adding the ten point c
ost to Convey the Power.)
[16] High Speed Magical Processor: Blindingly fast, these items can create,
rack, and cast spells at Spikard level Speeds. Typically only found IN spikard
s. (This does not convey any links to shadow sources of power, however, in and o
f itself). Items which create spells need to possess some degree of offensive a
nd defensive Psyche, or else they will produce puny Human Psyche level magics if
set to work on their own. (Such an item can be rigged to allow the item's owne
r to cast spells with the item using his own Psyche, which requires adding the t
en point cost to Convey the Power.)
Quantity Multipliers
Quantity Multipliers can also be applied to shadows if you really desperately ne
ed a lot of shadows.
[*1] Unique.
There can be only ONE!
[*2] Named & Numbered.
A Dozen of them
[*3] Horde.
Fifty or so.
[*4] Shadow Wide.
In a single shadow, you have a horde of them wherever you go. Useful fo
r things like your invincible robot army that guards your home base shadow.
Alternatively, several hundred of an item
[*5] Environmental.
In a single shadow, they swarm like mad.
Across named and numbered shadows, there's a horde of them wherever you
Across a horde of shadows, you have a dozen in each.
[*6] Ubiquitous.
In one shadow, you can't kick a rock without finding one.
Across named and numbered shadows, there's severval hundred of them
Across a horde of Shadows, there's a horde of them.
[*10] Infinite Quantity. Not an accessible Quantity Multiplier normally, thi
s is a couple of steps up from ubiquitous and represents the infinite number of
Shadows connected to a Pattern.
Transferrals and Implants:
Anyone with even the most basic of Conjuration can use these tricks. Conferral
grants an item's power to its weilder. Implant is used for items which become p
art of the owner's BODY.
[5] Confer Quality on Wearer/Owner/User
[10] Confer Power on Wearer/Owner/User
[10] Implant Quality in Owner
[15] Implant Power in Owner
Abyss Power
(as Developed by Mike Loader)
Abyss Protection (Pit Diving) - 10 Points
This is a simple power, providing some protection against the entropic effects o
f the Abyss in the shallower portions of it.
Resist Entropy - The diver gains some protection against the negative energy
of the Abyss.
Navigate Abyss - The diver can 'swim' to limited extent through the black, i
nstead of spiraling helplessly downward.
Pierce Blackness - The diver can see, albeit dimly, through the blackness of
the Abyss.
Isolate Mind - The Diver can attempt to shield himself from the mental condu
ctivity of the Abyss.
Initiate of Abyss Power - 50 Points OR 40 + Abyss Protection
"If you gaze long enough into the Abyss, the Abyss gazes back." Nietzche had it
right for once. Those who descend into the Abyss and allow it into themselves ga
in a certain level of mastery of it, at a price. This price is known as Abyss L
ock - The Initiate, once in the Abyss, cannot leave without substancial assistan

[5] Abyss Resonance - Inside the Abyss, the Initiate can make mental contact
with other creatures also inside. He or she must first become aware of them, th
[10] Abyss Opening - The Initiate can punch holes in Shadow, creating tempor
ary openings to the Abyss.
[10] Purge Abyss - The initiate can drive the taint of the Abyss from other
people, and sense those tainted by it.
[10] Invoke Abyss - The initiate can fill his or herself with the negative e
nergy of the Void. They become a featureless, ghostly black form, insubstancial
to the touch and filled with enthropic energy. A useful combat form, but subject
to manipulation.
( [5] Abyss Sorcery - Those with Sorcery can put the negative power of the A
byss into their spells. This is not included in the standard 40 point cost, as y
ou can't buy it unless you also have sorcery)
[5] Abyss Timeflow and Healing - While in the Abyss, the Initiate can speed
up or slow down his or her physical functions and recovery ability, or do the sa
me for those under his mental control. This allows recovery from almost any woun
d, supernaturally fast movement, and several weeks equivalent of pondering in a
Mastery of Abyss Power - 70 points OR 20 + Initiate Of Abyss
Once any of these powers are gained, the Master suffers from Abyss Existance - O
nce inside, the Master cannot leave the Abyss without a major ritual of power pe
rformed from outside, combining both massive energy release and entropic destruc

[5] Corrupt Minds - The Master can insert the essence of the Abyss into the
mind of a victim successfully dominated in psychic combat. The essense shields t
he victim's mind from tampering by others, allows manipulation of bodily functio
ns, and provides a continual channel for a psychic link to the Master. The essen
se can be removed by a walk on the Pattern or purged by an Initiate of the Abyss
[5] Create Abyss Artifacts - The Master can construct items and creatures ab
le to channel the negative energy and power of the Abyss, and can manipulate the
m at a distance. Such creatures take time comparable to Conjuration.
[5] Open Dark Well - The Master can create a permanent opening to the Abyss
in a Shadow, filling the area with Abyss Power.
[5] Remove Soul - The Master can isolate one of his victim's attributes and
remove it, embodying it in an object. This can be done remotely via an Abyss Ar

Elemental Mastery
Elemental Mastery:
Elemental Theory
Elemental Theory argues that the elements can be organized into a sort of wheel
of dominance, in which each of the five elements dominates one other element and
is dominated by another element. The interaction between adjacent elements cre
ate what are known as Para-Elements, which are inferior in power to the five Pri
me Elements. The interaction between all five of the elements all together crea
tes the stuff of Shadow which stretches from Amber to Chaos.
This system of elements seems to have been inherited from the Pre-Logrus civiliz
ation, which is believed to have ordered its understanding of the universe on th
ese principles. The Pattern itself reflects five Elemental Patterns, in accorda
nce with these principles.
Elemental Power is inferior to Pattern and Logrus, but typically somewhat superi
or to Sorcery, within its ambit.
The Wheel of Elements:
"Water douses Fire forges Metal chops Wood bends in the Wind ripples Water"
In a direct conflict, each element dominates one other element and is dominated
by another one. Water dominates Fire. Fire dominates Metal. Metal dominates W
ood. Wood dominates Wind. And Wind Dominates Water. In game terms, this means
that if, say, Water and Fire Elementalists with equal psyches try to blast each
other with Elemental Attack, the person with the Water Imprint will, all other
things being equal, beat down the Fire Elementalist and get through their attack
with a weakened one of her own.
Wise Amberites, of course, make sure that all other things won't be equal.
The Prime Elements:
Air (Wind)
All that is gaseous is the realm of Air. This ranges from poisonous gases to li
fe-giving and fire-causing oxygen. The element of Air also has power over weath
er, although you can control weather a lot more effectively if you also have Fir
e (for lightning and temperature) and Water (for clouds, rain, snow) imprints.
Fire burns and consumes, creates and destroys, warms gently and sears hideously.
It is the most volatile of the elements, for while air moves more freely, Fire
is more destructive. You can try to control other forms of energy with fire, a
lthough many of them partake of the nature of other elements (lightning of air,
for example). It is also useful for controlling temperature, especially for hea
ting things up, and for controlling light, an aspect of fire.
Metal (Earth)
Metal is the realm of the non-living solid. Metals and stone are the main area
of influence (dirt is more in the realm of Plant, as it is the matrix in which P
lants grow and is made of dead Plants). It is the area of things which have sol
idity and persistence and form and were never alive.
Plant (Wood)
This is the realm of living and once-living plants. Animals are a complex mix o
f all five elements and can't be controlled by this, but every plant from fungus
to mighty redwoods to endless fields of wheat are part of the sphere of Plants.
Water is the realm of liquids, both poisonous and pure. If it flows, you can co
ntrol it. At sea, tides and currents are easily commanded. Solidified water, i
ce, is also controlled by this, unlike most frozen liquids, which fall under Met
al. Ice is so tied to the idea of water itself, that it remains under the influ
ence of the Water elementalist.
Para-Elements come from the interaction of elements. They are not as powerful a
s pure elements, and those who control both of the relevant elements can general
ly beat down someone who practices only a Para-Element. They are more specializ
ed, generally speaking, more easily mastered because they are more focused. But
they also tend to be more rare. Air is a common element, smoke is less common.
And so on.
Most serious elemental masters ignore them, since they can be controlled via Co-
Joint Affects if both of the relevant elements are controlled, and they tend to
be weaker.
Air (Wind) + Fire = Smoke
Smoke is, well, control over smoke, from tobacco to burning chemical fumes, to g
ood old fashioned wood smoke.
Fire + Metal (Earth) = Magma
There aren't too many magma experts, because it's hard to get access to your ele
ment to master it. But this is the sphere of molten rock and metals.
Metal (Earth) + Plant (Wood) = Oil
Oil and other naturally produced liquids originating from organic materials are
the sphere of this para-element. Things produced from such chemicals also falls
into the realm of this para-element, such as plastics.
Plant (Wood) + Water = Mud (Ooze)
Mud, slime, and similar substances are the realm of this para-element.
Water + Air = Mist
Mist, fogs, and clouds, ie, water vapor, is the area of control of this para-ele
ment. This can include mists of other liquids than water.

Partial Powers:
Elemental Mastery:
[requires Chaos Psyche, Chaos Endurance]
Basic Imprint: 30
Advanced Elemental Mastery: 50
Master of Elements: 70 (Cannot be purchased until after game begins)
Exalted Elemental Mastery: 90 (Requires centuries of dedication; essentially NPC
Elemental Imprint: 5
Sense Element: 5
Elemental Travel: 5
Elemental Hellride: 5
Elemental Teleport: 5
Elemental Gate: 5
Mold Element: 5
Elemental Attack: 5
Summon Element: 5
Summon Elemental Creature: 5
Horde of Elementals: 5
Advanced Mold Element: 5
Master Mold Element: 5
Exalted Element Molding: 5
Resist Element: 5
Elemental Invulnerability: 5
Elemental Form: 5
Transform Others to Elemental Form: 5
Elemental Imprint
Acquiring an Elemental Imprint is not an easy thing. It requires one to seek ou
t someone else knowledgeable in the arts, who can then take you deep into Shadow
to a shadow embodying your element in all its purity. They must then invest an
ywhere from days to decades (depending on your Psyche) in instructing you in the
arts of that Element, followed by a very dangerous ritual in which your mind is
plugged into the shadow itself, and you must successfully attune youself to the
element involved, or you will perish in the attempt.
It requires a minimum of Chaos Psyche and Chaos Endurance to survive the process
, assuming one goes into it fully rested and unhurt.
It is possible to acquire multiple Elemental Imprints. This puts more and more
strain on you as you acquire them, and requires more and more of those who would
master such a thing. See below under Multiple Imprints, Para-Elemental Imprint
s and Co-Joint Affects.
Possessing an Elemental Imprint tends to influence one's personality. This is n
o where near the level of impact a Broken Pattern flaw has on a person, but attu
ning oneself to an element does tend to effect one's personality somewhat in the
ways typically connected with that element (Fire Elementalists tend to have bad
tempers and be passionate, Air Elementalists are more flighty and free-thinking
, and so on). This is pretty much up to you to RP, and is not intended to cause
massive personality reshaping.
Sense Element
With this power, you learn how to sense the existence and nature of your chosen
element within a range that depends on your Psyche and how free you are to conce
ntrate and time spent concentrating. If none is present, it will give you an im
pulse of the right way to go to find it. With enough Psyche and time, you can a
nalyze it in detail.
Elemental Travel
This functions like shadow walking for Pattern Users, except that you have to st
ick to the medium of your element in order to use it. Thus, Plant elementalists
would have to move from tree to tree, or stick to grassy fields, Air elementali
sts need to be up in the air (being in a shadow with breathable oxygen around yo
u isn't enough; you need to get up into the sky itself), water elementalists nee
d to be on or in the water, fire elementalists have to move through places on fi
re, and metal elementalists have to travel on stone, paved roads, metal bridges,
etc. This may make it impossible to get to some locations, or force round abou
t movement; in general, you move at about half to two-thirds the speed of someon
e with Pattern.
Elemental Hellride
You can now travel through shadow much faster, moving at about half to two-third
s the speed of a Pattern person of your psyche hellriding.
There is no way to do Shadows of Desire with Elemental Control.

Elemental Teleport
You now have enough fine control to move within a single shadow at lightning spe
ed between concentrations of your element. In a few seconds, if left unmolested
, you can move anywhere in the same shadow. This will tire you out fast if you
do it a lot. If you are attuned to a shadow (ie, you own it with points), you c
an use this ability to leap to your element in that shadow.
Elemental Gate
You can now open gateways across Shadow between two different locations dominate
d by your element. This is fairly draining, although the rate depends on the si
ze of the gateway.
Mold Element
This gives you control over your element. You can move it around and reshape it
physically. The more of your element you're working with, the more effort it t
akes to achieve what you want. You can use your element for defense, such as fo
rming wind barriers to stop arrows or walls of stone to block incoming bullets.
You can also use it as a transport medium (use winds to fly, ride on a wave, et
Elemental Attack
You can control your element to launch attacks on people, or summon small quanti
ties of your element in order to fire it at people. These attacks are targetted
with Warfare, with Psyche controlling how much punch they have and how big they
can be.
Summon Element
Unless the local environment is hostile to your element, you can now summon up l
arge amounts of your element, to then reshape and mold with Mold Element. The m
ore Psyche you have, the more you can call forth. Sustained over long periods o
f time, you can eventually summon quite a bit of it.

Summon Elemental Creature
You can now summon Elemental Creatures which will obey and serve you. They're n
ot very bright, but they are pretty potent. This takes seconds (for a fire drag
onfly) to hours or days (for a giant Earth Elemental).
Summon Horde of Elemental Creatures
You can now summon many elemental creatures at once; the more powerful they are,
the longer this takes.
Advanced Mold Element
You can now transform your element between its different forms (such as turning
oxygen into freon, roses into potatoes, Pepsi into coca-cola, etc). The more of
your element you're working with, the more effort it takes to achieve what you'
re doing. You can also use Mold Element on much larger amounts of your element.

Master Element Molding
You can now affect huge areas with your element molding, though it takes time to
build up your control over the area to work your will on it.
Exalted Element Molding
You can control all of your element within the shadow you dwell in, fundamentall
y reshaping that aspect of the shadow.
Resist Element
You have a high degree of resistance to your own element if you concentrate. If
this concentration is broken, you're in trouble. This also allows you to comf
ortably operate in your element. For example, you can breathe in water or fire
or rock or wood.
Elemental Invulnerability
You can now comfortably function in your element all the time, even when asleep
or unconscious. It's very, very hard to damage you with it, though someone with
a massive Psyche advantage could probably still do it.

Elemental Form
You can transform your body into your element, gaining its advantages and disadv
antages. This is mildly draining under calm circumstances, and substantially dr
aining when under stress.
Transform Others to Elemental Form
This power lets you transform other people into your element. If voluntary, the
transformation is sustained by their Endurance. If involuntary, you must beat
down their Psyche and then sustain the transformation with your own life force (
your Endurance).

Multiple Imprints, Para-Elemental Imprints and Co-Joint Affects
Multiple Imprints
It is possible to get more than one Elemental Imprint. This puts additional str
ess and strain on one's body as one does so, however. Plus, one must relearn ev
ery power with that particular element. This makes mastering all five elements
rather difficult, though a dabbler could get a little of everything.

# of Imprints Psyche Needed Endurance Needed
1 Chaos Chaos
2 Amber Amber
3 11 11
4 21 21
5 51 51
Para-Elemental Imprints
As seen in the Elemental Theory section, the interaction between Elements create
s Para-Elements. It is possible to get a Para-Elemental Imprint. These are che
aper than Elemental Imprints, but they also are inferior, and will tend to lose
out to the real Elements.
Para-Elemental Imprints cost 4 points per power instead of 5.

Co-Joint Effects
It is possible to combine elements to produce effects impossible with just one,
if you possess Multiple Imprints. Someone with Improved Mold Element in Air and
Water could evaporate a lake. Someone who had it in Water and Fire could turn
the sea into a bonfire. A combined Water/Fire Elemental Attack might turn water
into gasoline and ignite it. With Air and fire, you could turna blazing bonfi
re into a cool breeze. And so on.
To produce a co-joint effect, you need to have the power to do whatever is neces
sary for it with all elements involved.

Logrus Page
While Amberites tend to think of the Logrus as 'The Chaos Pattern', it is not.
The Logrus is ancient, and if Chaosians are to be believed, predates the Pattern
. Whether or not this is actually true, it certainly wasn't made in the same wa
y the Pattern was. In fact, the way in which it was made remains unknown, thoug
h some Chaosians claim it is the shed skin of the ever-changing serpent, continu
ing to ever change, allowing those who walk through it to be reborn by passing t
hrough the holy flesh of the Serpent. Others just say it's a Construct with Del
usions of Grandeur.
Whatever its origins, it's now a large maze which twists and bends around, drift
ing round the Abyss from Shadow to Shadow following some path which is either ra
ndom or follows a pattern so deep that no one can comprehend it. Whatever house
it wanders into becomes the Keepers of the Logrus for as long as it decides to
hang out with them.
In my TAMD game, the Logrus is currently under the guardianship of House Gainax,
led by Anno, Keeper of the Logrus. The entrance to the Logrus wanders around t
he House, and has been known at times to suddenly open under people's beds, forc
ing them to sleep walk the Logrus. This is not the best of ideas...
Still, whoever walks the Logrus and lives gains power over shadow and a vastly e
xtended lifespan, assuming they don't die horribly during the initial fit of mad
Initiation into the Logrus
Walking the Logrus is fairly easy. All you absolutely need is the Ability to Sh
apeshift. Of course, it helps if you have the Blood of Chaos, as non-Chaosian S
hapeshifters frequently freeze up and die in the process, but you can survive a
Logrus walk without the Blood. Of course, Amberites can survive having all thei
r limbs hacked off too...
What the Logrus looks like varies by time of day, time zone, your blood pressure
, the price of tea in china, etc, but it's always some variation on a long twist
y tunnel which bends around in all dimensions without ever crossing itself, full
of constantly changing conditions. This is why you need shapeshifting--you hav
e to let your body automatically adapt to the changes, or you will die. Many pe
ople carry items with them, which will then be empowered by the Logrus, assuming
the item isn't destroyed...
Once you reach the exit, you are a raving lunatic, but you now have the power of
the Logrus. Most people instinctively use it to run off into Shadow to some sh
adow which matches their current insanities until they calm down. A few fools t
ry to eat the Keeper of the Logrus and have to be smacked down.
Most people eventually recover from this insanity. High Psyche usually helps an
d lets you recover faster. Once you aren't a raving loon any more, you can begin
to master the powers of the Logrus...
The Sign of the Logrus
The absolute first thing everyone has to learn, the prerequisite to every power
of the Logrus is learning to summon up the Sign of the Logrus. Like the Logrus,
it's always different. There are three basic tricks you can then do with it fr
om which all else follows:
Logrus Sight
The Summoned Sign of the Logrus can be used as a improved sensory organ which on
e looks through. It provides "sight" in a great many more spectrums than are no
rmally available and can be "fine-tuned" by it's user to meet the demands of the
situation. The user can see Magic, Pattern, Logrus, Trump, as well as things w
hich are hidden. He/she can use it to analyze any of the above things to gain g
reater information regarding them. (This is most insightful if he possesses the
power to be analyzed). Things can also be seen to be either of Shadow, of Ambe
r, or of the Courts of Chaos.
Logrus Sight is especially important to Chaos Sorcerors, as they use it to fine
tune their spells to obey the local laws of magic in shadows. They can also now
hang spells on the Logrus once they get this.
Unlike many Logrus powers, Logrus sight works just fine and dandy near Amber.
Logrus Scry:
The Logrus Master can actually use Logrus Sight through the tips of her Logrus T
endrils. This makes searching through Shadow much more reliable, since the Mast
er can decide if the item that is latched onto is really what she wanted without
having to drag it all the way back to herself. She can also engage in combat w
ith the Tendrils at the other end in an effective manner, even being able to for
m the Logrus Shield around distant objects, for example. Logrus Scrying is most
ly chaotic, as it has to follow the natural swirling of the Tendrils, at least u
ntil they latch onto something they were sent to find. Then slower continuous e
xtension can be done from that anchor point out in Shadow.
Logrus Scry also works just fine beyond Yig, although once you hit the Golden Ci
rcle, continual Pattern emenations will gradually blind it. One cannot Logrus S
cry into or beyond Arden, Harad, or Sethfore at all.
Multiple Logrus Scry:
The Logrus Master can now scan several locations at once with the Logrus, which
can be very far seperate in shadow. Once a scrying tendril is set in place, if
one possesses Tendril Servants, one can instruct it to just keep an eye out on t
hings and alert you when some set of conditions is fulfilled. The more Psyche y
ou have, the more places you can handle scrying at once.

Logrus Defense
With the Sign summoned to mind you can fill your body with the power of the Logr
us, making it resistant to the effects of Pattern, Magic, Psyche, or other force
s, but providing no physical protection. Alternately, the Sign can be made into
a shield of Power, blocking in any one direction, which is effective against ph
ysical, energy and most Magical attacks, but doesn't provide protection against
Pattern, Logrus, Trump or Psyche. You cannot use both techniques at the same ti
Logrus Defense dwindles in effectiveness beyond Yig to some degree, especially t
he second version. Within the boundaries of Amber itself, Logrus Defense dwindl
es to become better than nothing, but not by much.

Extended Logrus Defense
One can now form a small dome or sphere with the Logrus to deflect attacks, keep
ing in mind that the dome will prevent you attacking out except with Logrus Tend
rils as much as it will prevent things getting in.
If the Logrus Initiate also possesses Tendril Conduit, one can use this to exten
d the sign of the Logrus into other people if they are willing to accept you sti
cking a logrus tendril into them, so that they can be protected against Pattern,
Magic, Psyche, and other invasive effects.

Logrus Mask
The Logrus master now becomes adept at confusing any use of Logrus against himse
lf. He can feed false information to Logrus Sight and Logrus Scrying if he is o
f superior Psyche. He can make himself or others appear to have as much, little
, or none of Blood of Chaos or Logrus Imprint as he desires. He can craft Logru
s Tendril Servants (Well, assuming he knows how to make Logrus Tendril Servants
at all) which don't radiate any Logrus energy to observors. He can also deflect
any use of Logrus to try to travel towards him or his location.
He can also work these arts against Pattern Users, but it requires a fair Psyche

Summon and Control Tendrils
This Power allows one who has brought the Summoned Sign to mind to manifest Tend
rils from the Logrus. To use these Tendrils the character must then "put his/he
r arms into the Arms Of The Logrus" which takes a minute or so. These extensio
ns of the Logrus operate with a Strength that is equivalent to the Psyche of the
Logrus Master who wields them. Combined with Logrus Sight, touching of the sub
ject by Logrus tendrils will reveal whether or not a character is Shape Shifted,
if they are charged with Ambient Magic (i.e.. Power Words), and the general lev
el of the subject's Psyche, health, and mental state. The tendrils of the Logru
s can also be used to "link" into the delicate web-work of magical spells and de
activate them, or it can be used to send a raw-power feedback along a mental or
magical contact. Touching things of Magic with a Logrus tendril usually will te
ll what type of spell it is, and the exact spell if it is a common one or one kn
own by the character. Logrus tendrils can "pry" open inactive Gates, insinuate
themselves into a magical "sending" and backtrack it to its origin, spells can b
e cast along the tendrils into Shadow.
The higher one's Psyche, the faster one can do this. Also, the closer one is to
the Logrus, the faster one can do this. Near Amber, it might take several hour
s to call up Logrus tendrils, while close to the Courts, even those of Chaos Psy
che can do it in seconds. Within several miles of Amber City, it would take day
s. In Amber Castle, weeks. In the basement...forget it.
Tendril Conduit
You have now refined your control of the Logrus to the point where you can use L
ogrus tendrils to initiate Psychic contact. If you overcome your foe in psychic
combat, you can then use the tendril to remote control them around as your own
personal puppet, or go in and rewrite their brain. Depending on your psyche, yo
u may be able to handle doing this to more than one person at a time.
Logrus Tendril Servants
It is possible to separate a tendril of the Logrus, give it a simple instruction
, and leave it, unattended, to perform its duty. Logrus servants have Strength a
nd Psyche each equal to Chaos Rank, and a Human Level Warfare. In place of Endu
rance they have tireless Stamina, but can only heal or regenerate in a place whe
re Logrus is strong. Their ability to take a beating is determined by their cre
ator's Psyche. Logrus Tendril Servants are incapable of Psychic attack, but are
effectively protected by Logrus Defense all the time. In practice, this means
it takes at least mid-ranked Psyche to burrow into their minds and reprogram the
m, and high-ranked Psyche to quickly fry their brains. They also resist magic v
ery well. However, they can be unravelled fairly easily by any Logrus user who
knows how to make them, unless his Psyche is fairly inferior to that of their cr
eator. The number of Logrus servants on "duty" at any given time depends on th
e Psyche of their creator.
Logrus Servants can survive beyond Yig for a number of hours equal to their crea
tor's Psyche. Logrus users who have Hostile Environment Exploration/Adaptation,
can create Logrus Tendril Servants who can survive past Yig indefinitely, as lo
ng as they don't pass the borders of Amber proper, at which point they swiftly d
At this level of skill, one can also now form the Logrus into interesting shapes
, making weapons out of logrus, forming giant shovels to move dirt, and so on.
(Such items use the creator's Psyche as Strength if they are directly controlled
by the creator of them).

Logrus Puppet
Your control has now increased to the point that you understand how to insert a
Logrus Tendril Servant inside someone's brain, once you beat them in Psychic com
bat. This servant then will control them for you in a very subtle manner. Unde
r normal conditions, they operate under their freewill, but the servant can step
in and fuzz their thinking to direct them as you want, or even take total contr
ol. If the victim has Pattern or Logrus, the power of their own imprint will te
nd to fuzz out the presence of the Puppeteer, unless the person scanning them ha
s more psyche than you.
If the Puppeteer tries to make the victim do something suicidal, they have a cha
nce to resist its commands, although usually, they won't succeed because if they
had more psyche than you, they wuoldn't have a puppet in their head in the firs
t place. However, the puppet is not quite as strong-willed as its master, and t
hus might not be able to overcome their survival instincts. The victim may also
be able to beg for help before the Puppeteer reasserts control. Those with Pat
tern or Logrus Defense, if they aren't too hugely weak in comparison to the Pupp
eteer, might be able to call up Pattern or Logrus Defense before they fall prey
A Pattern Walk will purge the Servant. Of course, a smart Logrus master instruc
ts the servant to make sure they never take one.

Enhanced Tendril Servants
You can now create higher quality tendril servants. Your servants begin with Am
ber Psyche and Warfare (unless their creator has less than that), they possess h
alf their creator's Psyche as Strength, and they can draw on the Logrus for endl
ess stamina. Their ability to take a beating is determined by their creator's P
syche. They are now as intelligent as a stupid human. They are otherwise simil
ar to normal Logrus Tendril Servants.
Lesser Logrus Ghost
You can now make your Logrus Tendril Servants resemble real people. If you've t
aken a psychic imprint of the real person, you can impress that on the Logrus Te
ndril Servant, making it into a Logrus-Charged inferior copy of them, programmed
to serve you. Lesser Logrus ghosts have Strength and Endurance equal to half t
heir creator's Psyche, and take their Warfare and Psyche from the Psychic Imprin
t placed upon them (getting half the Psyche and Warfare of the original). (If y
ou aren't copying someone, it gets up to half of your Warfare and Psyche). Stro
ng willed Logrus Ghosts (Psyche of Amber or Higher) will eventually develop thei
r own identity and agendas, so it's not wise to make huge armies of them, unless
you like losing control, but...

Tendril Conjuration
He/she can use Tendrils to reach through Shadow, or to reach things at a distanc
e on the current Shadow. When reaching through Shadow, the Logrus tendrils can
be made to seek anything desired, locate it, grab it and draw it back to the Log
rus Master. Searching in Shadow or Chaos for something with the Logrus has adva
ntages and disadvantages. The advantage to using Logrus is that you can find ge
neric objects fast. Grabbing any defined object, sword, a plate of food, a lant
ern, anything defined in a general sense comes quickly as the Logrus finds the n
earest occurrence in Shadow and snaps to it. Unfortunately, the more specific yo
u get, and the further out in Shadow you are, the longer it takes the Logrus to
locate something. If you are in a Medieval-type Shadow, trying to use a Logrus
Summoning to get a specific piece of high-tech equipment will take a LONG while.
The game mechanic effect is that if the player wishes to define the object in
terms of points, it takes a long time (up to a day per point for items that are
not anywhere near in Shadow), and the Quantity Multiplier is limited to Named an
d Numbered. If the player will define the object in general terms it takes much
less time, but the GM will have full control over the results...
Tendril Conjuration becomes more tiring the closer one moves to Amber, conversel
y, it becomes less tiring near the Logrus. This is because shadow becomes flims
ier towards the Logrus, and less resistant to things poking into it.
Shadow Travel
He/she can use Tendrils to reach through Shadow, or to reach things at a distanc
e on the current Shadow. When reaching through Shadow, the Logrus tendrils can
be made to seek and grab a suitable anchor, and draw him/her to the object. Thi
s way is usually the manner in which a Logrus Master traverses Shadow. This is
actually easier than Tendril Conjuration, because when the undiscerning Logrus M
aster starts pulling objects through Shadow, they can often be the type of Shado
w object that dissolves when moved across Shadow.
Shadow Travel is swift near the Courts of Chaos, and progressively slower as one
moves closer to Amber. A Chaosian can go anywhere in the Courts in a day or le
ss, often in hours or minutes. The Black Zone takes a day to reach (A Pattern U
ser would take a week to travel this distance). A week puts you two-thirds of t
he way to Yig, and two weeks will bring you to Yig from the Courts. Beyond Yig,
you slow down further. Six weeks puts you at the Golden Circle. Nine Weeks pu
ts you at the borders of Arden. Beyond the borders of the kingdom of Amber, it'
s faster to just walk. Don't count on it as an escape route from Castle Amber.
Rapid Shadow Travel
This is the Logrus equivalent of Hellriding; you can now travel at seven times n
ormal shadow travel speeds. It is somewhat dangerous to do this, as you may pul
l yourself into something ugly, faster than you can shift to adjust to it.
Hostile Environment Exploration/Adaptation
This power has several applications. First of all, during Shadow Travel, the Lo
grus protects the Logrus Master from the effects of his environment. This enabl
es passage through hideously deadly environments so long as the Logrus master ke
eps moving. This can be extended to other people, but will slow down travel as
the Logrus Master has to divert his attention.
Secondly, the Logrus Master's gear and that of anyone who travels with him adapt
s to suit the shadows he is passing through.
Thirdly, the Logrus Master can now travel into environments normally poorly suit
ed for Logrus travel with greater chances of success and survival. This chiefly
consists of two situations: the Abyss and the vicinity of the Pattern. By tyi
ng a tendril to something near the Abyss, the master can use the tendril as a li
feline to escape the Abyss after diving into it. This is commonly done either t
o find things which have fallen in/been thrown in or to explore if you're fairly
insane, as all sorts of odd flotsam and jetsam can be found there. Secondly, L
ogrus travel close to the Pattern normally slows to a hideous crawl. With this
level of skill, the Logrus master can get from Yig to the Golden Circle in four
weeks instead of six, and to Amber itself in two more weeks past that. A carefu
l Logrus wielder could use Logrus tendrils in the Pattern Chamber itself, so lon
g as he was careful not to touch the Pattern or extend them over it.
Finally, this power helps in surviving Primal Chaos if one is exposed to it.
Summon and Bind Creatures of Chaos
As detailed in the Shadow Knight rulebook. This is the only way Demons can be c
onjured. Takes 1 hour per point to summon the creature, and ten minutes per poin
t to bind the creature to your will. In the Courts proper, this takes only ten
minutes per point. Beyond Yig, it takes 1 day per point. Beyond the Golden Cir
cle, you might as well not bother, unless you have a week to blow per point.

Mold Shadow
Using the Logrus, and the Chaos resident in any Shadow, it is possible to manipu
late the structure of that Shadow, altering it to fit your wishes. In this way,
for example, the physical laws of the Shadow, or the form of its inhabitants, o
r any simple detail, will be changed. It takes about as long as it takes Patter
n initiates to Shift Shadow. Eventually, if not tended, the Shadow will drift b
ack to its original form. The closer to Primal Chaos, the easier a Shadow is to
manipulate, and Shadows near Amber are nearly impossible to change. Unlike Ambe
rites, who simply Shadow Walk or Hellride to their perfect Shadow retreat, those
of the Courts of Chaos will find a Shadow, and then manipulate it to perfection
. Since Shadows modified with Shadow Molding have a tendency to lose their form
and start continually changing, which is the normal way of Chaos Shadows, most
Logrus Masters settle on a particular domain as home, called a Way (This naming
can take one of two forms, either the character's first name is included, i.e. M
andorways, or, more commonly, the family name, such as the Ways Of Sawall). It
is then shaped and maintained with a combination of Logrus, Magic, and powerful
Chaos creature servants. While the personal realms of Shadow will, with precaut
ions in place, survive a long absence, very few Chaos Lords ever maintain more t
han one personal realm at a time.
Mold Shadow works better near Chaos, however, molded shadows keep their desired
form longer near Amber.

Stabilize/De-stabilize Shadow
The Logrus user can now either stabilize a shadow and prevent it from changing,
or induce rapid changes in a shadow, given some time to work. To stabilize a sh
adow, the Logrus User builds a series of conduits to nearby shadows which bleed
off the Chaos energies of the shadow. Those shadows now destabilize and begin to
experience a higher rate of changes. This is most commonly done in the Ways.
Such a process makes the shadow highly resistant to shadow molding using Logrus
unless the Logrus user has higher Psyche than the person stabilizing the shadow.
Alternately, the conduits can be set to pump Chaos into a shadow. The shadow be
gins to change rapidly, and the use of Pattern becomes very difficult for anyone
using Pattern, while Logrus users find their Logrus effects become more powerfu
l. The refinement of this effect eventually leads to the powers relating to Pri
mal Chaos. Shadows on the Chaos side of things can handle this effect fairly we
ll; Shadows on the Order side subjected to this will tend to resist at first, th
en come apart at the seams.

Create Black Threads
This Power enables the character to "burn" areas of weakness in Shadow to allow
for easier travelling. To do this takes a HUGE effort and is usually done by gr
oups, such as the Shadow Masters' Guild, when they need one of their kind to tra
vel quickly through the Shadows of Amber. They would then extend the Logrus tog
ether, meshing it's Tendrils together to form a great construct of Power. This
is then thrust outward, channelling Chaos and Magical Shadow Manipulation along
it's length. The effect is to produce a magical "Express Railway" which Demons,
Chaos Lords, and other creatures of Chaos can travel on very rapidly. The spee
d of this travel is actually faster than Hellriding, and a being travelling alon
g a Black Thread could reach anywhere in Shadow (from Chaos) in less than a day!
A single character can produce these Threads but they are far more limited in
range and require huge expenditures of Endurance.
Once created, they will remain for 1 day per point of Psyche of the creator. Fo
r group created Threads such a construct will remain viable for 1 day per point
of the highest Psyche in the group plus one-half day per point of Psyche in the
rest of the group. The nearer to Amber the more this duration is reduced, unles
s the destination is a Broken Pattern, in which case you can thread the Black Th
read through the flaw in the Shadow. A Thread, once created, is vulnerable to t
he effects of Pattern and can become 'broken' by someone bringing the Pattern to
mind and influencing it. It can also be cancelled from its point of origin by
those who created it OR someone wielding Pattern in this vicinity.
Examples of this include the Black Road (which was one hell, er, Chaos of a Thre
ad!), and the one created in the Courts for the demon Gryll to ride upon when he
came and got Merlin for Swayvill's funeral. Note that travel along this pathwa
y is relatively safe and can take the form of walking or flying (though flying i
s far quicker).
Summon Primal Chaos
Primal Chaos, a force in direct connection with the untamed Chaos at the remote
center of the Courts, will bring total destruction to whatever Shadow it occupie
s. Once summoned it must be dispelled quickly, or it will run amuck, eventually
absorbing the entire Shadow back into nothingness. When it is summoned, the ten
drils of the Logrus are used to keep it in check and contain its area to a small
, controllable force. While in this condition it can be moved with the Arms Of
The Logrus to selected areas, utterly destroying everything of Shadow substance
it contacts. This is EXTREMELY taxing on the character's Endurance AND Psyche.
Only characters with Amber Rank or better in both can hope to contain the Chaos
, once summoned, and even if more highly Ranked this control can only be maintai
ned for a few minutes. After this time, the Logrus Master must either attempt to
dispel it (using the Logrus tendrils to snuff it out) or release it. Once rele
ased, unless halted by some force (perhaps some disciplines of the Pattern), Pri
mal Chaos will destroy the entire Shadow where it was summoned.
This is difficult to do beyond Yig, taking longer and longer as one draws near A
mber. Beyond Arden, forget it.
Control Primal Chaos
The Logrus Master is able to exert fine control over small bits of summoned Prim
al Chaos. It can be incorporated into Shape Shifting (Fists of Annihilation), I
tems (Sphere of Annihilation), Conjurations, Spells, etc.
This power is useful in areas where Shadow is weak, such as around the Courts of
Chaos. People who study this art (very common in the Courts, more so than Logr
us mastery), learn to find the weakest points and use them to open Veils between
shadows to connect them, to hide such Veils, and to recognize existing Veils wi
thout prior knowledge of their existence. Most of the areas of the Courts are s
trewn with Shadow Veils linking the entirety of the Courts together. It can al
so be used to warp and bend space in strange ways, given enoguh time.
This power is very nifty near Chaos, but mostly useless around Amber, except...
The holes in Broken Patterns create flaws in Shadow, which can be used to create
veils from those shadows to ones nearby.

Revised Logrus: 110 points total

LOGRUS IMPRINT [Chaos Psyche, Chaos Endurance]
* Blood of Chaos [4/Free if Logrus is chosen at Character Creation]
* Shape Shift: Control Primal Form
Basic Logrus--20
Advanced Logrus--75
Master Logrus--100 (Cannot start with, but can acquire during play)
Exalted Logrus--105+ (This requires centuries of dedication, and is essentially
NPC only)
[5] Imprint
[5] Logrus Sight
[5] Logrus Scry
[5] Multiple Logrus Scry
[5] Logrus Defense
[5] Extended Logrus Defense
[5] Logrus Mask
[5] Summon and Control Tendrils
[5] Tendril Conduit
[5] Logrus Tendril Servants
[5] Logrus Puppets
[5] Enhanced Tendril Servants
[5] Lesser Logrus Ghosts
[10] Tendril Conjuration
[5] Shadow Travel
[5] Rapid Shadow Travel
[5] Hostile Environment Exploration/Adaptation
[5] Summon and Bind Creatures of Chaos
[5] Mold Shadow
[5] Stabilize/De-Stabilize Shadow
[5] Create Black Threads
[5] Summon Primal Chaos
[5] Control Primal Chaos
[5] Shadowmastery [Must Join Guild, Amber Psyche] [Shadowmastery can be learned
by non-Logrus masters, and many such persons make a good living in the courts w
ith this skill]


Power Words
What Can Power Words Do?
How Do I Learn Power Words?
Basic Power Word Descriptions
How Many Power Words Can I Do Before I Fall Down and Can't Get Up?
Power Word Options
Advanced Power Words
True Names
What Can Sorcery Do?
Casting Times
An Amberite Grimoire (Now on its own subpage)
Racking Spells
Power Sources
Personal Power
Stored Power
External Power Sources
Logrus Conduit
What are some defenses against Magick?
Partial Powers
What is Magick? Magick are the arts of magic which work everywhere in shadow th
at magic works at all. Indeed, the simple arts of Power Words work in all Shado
ws, for they draw their power from within the caster. Magick is the weakest of
the Powers, but probably also the most flexible. If you can imagine it, magic ca
n do it, but keep in mind that the greater Powers (Shapeshifting, Logrus, Patter
n, Trump, etc) can typically overcome it in a duel of Powers.
Magick does not require one to possess the blood of Amber or Chaos or Regis Phil
bin. Every shadow has its own laws of magic, and who can do it varies greatly by
shadow. In some shadows, everyone is a sorceror, in others, virtually no one is
. Sorcerors who lack another way to mold and study reality, such as Pattern, Bro
ken Pattern, Logrus, etc, become helpless if they travel too many shadows away f
rom home, because they can't easily determine how magic works there. Those who d
o have power over reality by other means can quickly adapt to the new laws as th
ey move from shadow to shadow, and thus have a massive advantage. Still, the wis
e Amberite does not look down on Brian the mage because his powers fail in Amber
, for they know that back in Garweeze World, Brian the mage will kick their butt
on his home ground unless they have had time to carefully study how magic works
there, and maybe even then.
There is no particular pattern to Shadow which explains why Magick works in the
shadows it does, although it does tend to become stronger towards Chaos simply b
ecause the Shadows there are flimsier and more malleable. Yet Chaos Sorcery als
o becomes less predictable as it grows in strength.
How does one become a Magician?
Magic requires some sort of initiation which awakens one's potential for magic.
There are a million forms of initiation practiced across Shadow. They have a f
ew aspects in common:

Preliminary period of training for the initiation
Some sort of quest, often a vision quest in dreams
Several tests which must be passed during the quest
A near death experience
Finally, a confrontation with some being who initates you. It remains debat
able as to whether this is one's higher self, some sort of divine being, or just
a vivid hallucination symbolic of one's rebirth as a Magician.
What are the paths of Magickal Power?
Magic can be subdivided into three paths typically followed by Magicians.
Power Words: These are simple one word spells. They are quick and easy, bu
t don't do much and run off your life force, which can tire you out quick or kil
l you if you do too many.
Sorcery: This enables you to cast more complex spells. But they only work
in Magick supporting shadows, and sorcery is slow.
Conjuration: This enables you to empower items, create things from nothing,
and put mental imperatives into unfortunate people. These are vulnerable to be
ing dispelled.
Power Words
This revision is based on Dan Root's excellent ideas about Power Words, and seve
ral internet sources I've managed to lose the names of. ;_; And some ideas of
What can Power Words do?
Power Words produce immediate, short-term, usually single-target effects. They
feed off the user's life force, eventually leading to exhaustion.
Power words last only a few seconds, then fade. Advanced levels of Power Words
can produce longer lasting, more intense, or area-effect magics.
Power Words come in many different forms. The classic form is spoken words of p
ower, but they also may come in the forms of runes, origami, special knots in ro
pes, etc. The beginner must pick a specific form, but can then learn alternate
methods of performing power words by spending points later (or during character
creation, for that matter).
How Do I Learn Power Words?
As with Conjuration and Sorcery, the first stage of learning power words is some
sort of magical initiation. This varies by style (rune masters hang from trees
, knot-tyers face a night naked with the spirits, word speakers must practice so
me virtually impossible to pronounce poem until finally they get it right, etc).
In game terms, Magical Initiation costs five points and grants the ability to
now buy Power Words (or other Magickal powers). The character can now see magic
al energies, enabling them to detect spells in progress, magical items, and ench
antments. They can also tell if the shadow they are in allows magic and with ti
me can find the sources of magical energy in it.
Basic Power Word Descriptions:
Some of these are slightly changed from their canonical rules descriptions, whil
e others are new:

Balance--This briefly increases your coordination and balance. Useful f
or things like tightrope walking and not stumbling over the edge of cliffs.
Burst Of Magic--This triggers a small burst of magic. It can be used to
immediately cast a Petty level spell even in a place where magic normally fails
. It will slightly augment an extant spell's power level. It can also be used t
o trigger a magical item's functions (A rather dangerous use).
Burst of Psyche--This will briefly augment your psyche. It's most usefu
l in getting the upper hand in a close psychic combat. Don't expect it to help
you stop Brand, Fiona, Annadil, Lao, Wu-Tang, or other Mad Psyche Mongers.
Burst of Strength: Momentarily boosts the character's strength, allowing
them to land a powerful blow, or lift an object heavier than they could normall
Burst of Speed: Momentarily speeds the character up. Most useful when yo
u are trying to escape/outrun someone and a last burst of speed would really hel
p. Can be a slight benefit in combat by speeding up a swing, but really designed
for running, dodging and diving for cover.
Burst of Toughness--This briefly hardens you against a blow, slightly re
ducing the damage it causes. Especially useful for when you're falling; use it
right before you hit.
Burst of Trump--This creates a surge of trump energy. It will trigger t
rump traps (good for studying them without being caught in them), activate trump
devices, and help break through Trump Jamming. Does mean things to Logrus tend
Defensive Luck--Causes a bit of luck which can save your ass from a poor
combat decision, assuming the odds aren't TOO hard against you.
Fumble--Causes the target to briefly have a klutz attack and lose their
grip on something. Tightly held objects (like weapons in combat) become vulnera
ble to disarming, while loosely held objects (a weapon just drawn, a bottle you'
re trying to open, etc) will be dropped entirely.
Induce Boredom--You've all known teachers and bosses with this one. The
target briefly becomes bored with life and unalert. It works very poorly in com
bat, but rather well against people like security guards you need to sneak past.
Induce Euphoria: The target feels happy and euphoric for a few seconds.
An nonaggressive target will generally stop noticing what is going on around the
m for the duration. While not as useful in combat as a Neural Disrupt, it has th
e advantage that the target may not realize that the happiness was caused by som
eone else.
Induce Fear: Fills the target with irrational terror. If the user of the
Power Word has a superior Psyche, the target will lose all concentration and pa
nic for a second. Animals, or creatures of similarly low intelligence, will gene
rally bolt and keep running even after the fear fades, not realizing that the fe
ar was produced by a Power Word.
Light Strobe--Light Strobe causes a flash of light. Useful for sight or
blinding people.
Lifeforce--A burst of lifeforce will revive sleeping or knocked out peop
le, help someone escape being on the verge of death, and reduce the stress of sh
apeshifting. It also will make very tired people briefly more alert.
Pain Attack--This causes a brief surge of agony in the target
Process Surge--This will cause some electrical, chemical or mechanical r
eaction to briefly flare up. Delicate equipment may be wrecked by this, such as
Shade--This causes the surrounding area to briefly get darker. Mostly u
seful for scaring the weakminded
Spark--This causes a small spray of sparks. It's enough to ignite a fir
e, light fireworks or a cigar, or cause some mild pain to a victim.
Thunder--Nothing says 'I am Wizard, Hear me Roar' like a clap of ominous
Brown--This will brown about one frying pan worth of meat.
Scramble--Scrambles one frying pan worth of eggs.
Season--This will season one small cookpot worth of food. At this level
, it will only simulate one spice.
Skin--This will strip the skin from about one chicken worth of meat. It
only works on dead things, so no trying to skin the living, bucko.
Stir--This will stir up to about 3 gallons worth of liquid, soup, or ste
w. Be warned that some liquids are volatile.
Tenderize--This will tenderize enough meat for two people.
Disrupts and Negations
Chaos Negation--This is intended for self-protection against Chaos attac
ks (usually Logrus). It works best as an internal defense, but with sufficient
Psyche advantage, you can zap Chaos manifestations in the world around you.
Coordination Disrupt (aka Stumble)--The victim stumbles. Those whose St
rength is substantially lower than your Psyche may outright fall down. Very nas
ty to people in situations like edges of cliffs, tightropes, etc.
Item Negation--Item Negation is used to briefly knock out the special po
wers of items for a few seconds. If the item is being held or carried by anothe
r sentient being, they can defend it with their psyche in addition to the resist
ance the item gains from its creator's psyche (Items resist Negation with 2/3rds
the Psyche of the item's creator). Items which have been conjured may dissolve
away completely if successfully Item Negated by someone with enough of a Psyche
Magic Negation--Magic Negation knocks out spells in the process of being
cast, or which are hanging around, taking up space. They resist with the psych
e of their creator.
Neural Disrupt--This triggers a nervous twitch as you briefly disrupt th
e victim's nervous system.
Pattern Negation--This is intended for self-protection against Pattern a
ttacks. It works best as an internal defense, but with sufficient Psyche advant
age, you can zap Pattern manifestations in the world around you.
Process Snuff--This briefly dampens some electrical, chemical or mechani
cal reaction in process, such as causing an engine to briefly stall, or a fire t
o nearly gutter out. Multiple Process Snuffs in quick succession will kill the
process entirely.
Psychic Disrupt--This disrupts the victim's ability to concentrate, caus
ing them to briefly lose control of any powers they're using which require conce
ntration (For example, if using the logrus, all the tendrils they're controlling
will flail randomly for a second or two.)
Resume True Form--This forces the target to assume their most natural fo
rm. Be warned that for Chaosians, Demon Form is in fact their most natural form
...A victim with Advanced Shapeshifting will have a choice of their base forms.
Someone with Exalted Shapeshift will simply laugh at your petty little power wo
rd, though even he will flicker if you have a psyche advantage on him.
Sound Disrupt--This creates a brief burst of silence around you.
Trump Disrupt--Trump Disrupt will knock out an active Trump connection.
If used on a card you're holding, it works automatically, otherwise you need Psy
che advantage.
Weaken Structure--This briefly creates a weak spot in something solid, w
hich can then be exploited to break it if you're quick.
Cheat at Dice--Causes up to five rolled dice to come up the way you want
them to.
Freshen Up--This leaves the user clean and sparkly, though it won't prev
ent you getting dirty again. Useful for court occassions.
Twiddle--This causes a machine to perform one of its functions. You can
target a specific function if you're aware of how it would normally be triggere
Wizard Mark--At the basic level, this is mostly useful for impressing pe
ople, as the mark fades within minutes to hours, depending on Psyche. Still, it
lets you put a nifty rune on something for a short time.
Special Power Words: Special because of prerequisite powers, which are note
d after the point cost.
Instant Shift--Only useful for people with Shapeshifting. Allows you to
instantly change to one of your basic forms in a heartbeat.
Shift Feature: Changes one feature of a shadow object almost instantly.
Can change coinage into local coinage, one color into another, a hostile dog int
o a friendly one, etc. The harder it is to shift shadow in the area, the more li
kely the shifting is to fall short of the desired change.
Shadow Hop: A quick, uncontrolled shift into an adjacent shadow. Useful
for getting away from an enemy, but you end up lost, and close enough that a sha
dow shifter can find you in a few seconds.
How Many Power Words Can I Do Before I Fall Down and Can't Get Up?
Power Words cause fatigue (1 point for use of a normal power word, 2 for an Adva
nced power word, and 4 for an Exalted power word). One moves along the Scale of
Exhaustion at a speed dependent on one's Endurance.
The Scale of Exhaustion:
Just Fine. You're not tired at all
Human Endurance: 0-3 fatigue
Chaos Endurance: 0-6 fatigue
Amber Endurance:0-12 fatigue
Ranked Endurance: Divide your Endurance by 3 and add that to 12. That'
s the # of points of power words you have to utter to be shoved up one step on t
he table. (For example, if Corwin has End 99, he can utter 33+12=45 power words
before he becomes Tired)
Tired. You need rest, but can still move around or fight as needed
Human Endurance: 4-6 fatigue
Chaos Endurance: 7-12
Amber Endurance: 13-24
Ranked Endurance:Divide your Endurance by 3 and add that to 12. That's
the # of points of power words you have to utter to be shoved up one step on the
Exhausted. You can just barely move, but mostly you lie around exhausted.
Human Endurance: 7-9 fatigue
Chaos Endurance:13-18
Amber Endurance: 25-36
Ranked Endurance: Divide your Endurance by 3 and add that to 12. That'
s the # of points of power words you have to utter to be shoved up one step on t
he table.
Unconscious. You collapse and slumber for a long time.
Human Endurance: 10-12 fatigue
Chaos Endurance: 19-24
Amber Endurance: 37-48
Ranked Endurance: Divide your Endurance by 3 and add that to 12. That'
s the # of points of power words you have to utter to be shoved up one step on t
he table.
Mortally Wounded: Your lifeforce is ebbing, and you need help fast
Human Endurance: 13-15 fatigue
Chaos Endurance: 25-30
Amber Endurance: 49-60
Ranked Endurance: Divide your Endurance by 3 and add that to 12. That'
s the # of points of power words you have to utter to be shoved up one step on t
he table.
You drop quite dead
Human Endurance: 16-18 fatigue
Chaos Endurance: 31-36
Amber Endurance: 61-72
Ranked Endurance: Divide your Endurance by 3 and add that to 12. That'
s the # of points of power words you have to utter to be shoved up one step on t
he table.
Explode and fail to have any effect: Any expenditure which goes past the 'dr
op quite dead' level kills you and the power word doesn't actually go off becaus
e you didn't have enough juice for it. Sorry.
Power Word Options
These options cost points to be able to use; see the Partial Powers Writeup for
Power Word Boost
One can choose to put more OOMPH into one's power words by expending additional
life force. It costs five times the normal life force, but it doubles the effect
iveness of a power word. This is a good way to knock yourself out quick, but so
metimes worth it.
Advanced Power Word Boost
Double power not enough? Invest 20 times the normal life force and you can have
five times the normal effect. This is very flashy, but also very life force co
Area Effect Power Words
Power words normally only effect one target, although a few basic ones have some
area of effect (Light Strobe, Shade, etc). This enables you to extend the area
of effect to about a 1 yard radius for five times the energy expenditure, or 3
yards radius for twenty times the energy. This can be combined with PW Boost or
Advanced Power Word Boost if you really need to, though it will knock you out f
ast and quite possibly kill you very dead.
Alternate Power Word Forms
This enables you to learn alternate means of performing Power Words and convert
words you know between the methods you know.
Word Magic: This is the standard form, in which words are spoken to articul
ate the powers.
Meditation: This involves assuming various trance states and meditating on
particular images to activate the power words. Such users tend to think of them
selves as trained in use of 'ki'
Rune Magic: Rune mages carve runes into objects and imbue the rune with pow
er. They have an advantage over many other forms in the creation of items conta
ining power words for obvious reasons.
Paintings: Abstract or realistic. You quickly paint on some surface to act
ivate the rune. Easily combinable with Trump to produce Trumps that trigger Pow
er Words when activated.
Knot-tying: You tie various ornate knots into ropes.
Origami: Creating unique paper statuary for each power word you know.
Advanced Power Words
Advanced Power Words cost twice as much to buy, and twice as much life force to
Advanced Power Word Descriptions:
Balance--This briefly increases your coordination and balance substantia
lly. You could briefly run up a sword blade.
Burst Of Magic--This triggers a medium burst of magic. It can be used t
o immediately cast a Petty or Minor level spell even in a place where magic nor
mally fails. It will somewhat augment an extant spell's power level. It can als
o be used to trigger a magical item's functions (A rather dangerous use).
Burst of Psyche--This will briefly augment your psyche. If you already
have an advantage, you'll gain serious ground. If you're weaker, but only a lit
tle, you'll briefly surge ahead. If you're a lot weaker, this likely isn't goin
g to be enough.
Burst of Strength: You become substantially stronger for a short period
of time. If you already have an advantage, you'll gain serious ground. If you'
re weaker, but only a little, you'll briefly surge ahead. If you're a lot weake
r, this likely isn't going to be enough.
Burst of Speed: Momentarily speeds the character up. If you already have
an advantage, you'll gain serious ground. If you're weaker, but only a little,
you'll briefly surge ahead. If you're a lot weaker, this likely isn't going to
be enough.
Burst of Toughness--This briefly hardens you against a blow, reducing th
e damage it causes. Especially useful for when you're falling; use it right bef
ore you hit.
Burst of Trump--This creates a surge of trump energy. It will trigger t
rump traps (good for studying them without being caught in them), activate trump
devices, and help break through Trump Jamming. Will likely give a nasty jolt i
f directed at a Logrus manifestation.
Defensive Luck--Causes a substantial bit of luck to save your ass.
Fumble--Causes the target to drop what they're holding unless it's tied
to them or they have a lot of Strength.
Induce Boredom--The target is so bored, that even in combat, they'll los
e interest for a little while.
Induce Euphoria: The target becomes very giddy for a few seconds. An non
aggressive target will generally stop noticing what is going on around them for
the duration. While not as useful in combat as a Neural Disrupt, it has the adva
ntage that the target may not realize that the happiness was caused by someone e
Induce Fear: Fills the target with irrational terror. If the user of the
Power Word has a superior Psyche, the target will lose all concentration and pa
nic for a second. Animals, or creatures of similarly low intelligence, will gene
rally bolt and keep running even after the fear fades, not realizing that the fe
ar was produced by a Power Word.
Light Strobe--Light Strobe causes a flash of light so bright that the pe
ople will reminded blinded a bit longer even after the light fades.
Lifeforce--A burst of lifeforce at this level will heal petty wounds and
cure minor diseases (like colds). Even people collapsed of exhaustion snap awa
ke, though grogginess soon sets in. Some bleeding to death will quickly have al
l their wounds clot shut.
Pain Attack--This causes a brief surge of very intense agony in the targ
Process Surge--This will cause some electrical, chemical or mechanical r
eaction to briefly flare up tremendously. This may well break anything not fair
ly tough.
Shade--This causes the surrounding area to plunge into abject darkness f
or a few seconds.
Spark--This causes a substantial spray of sparks. This will ignite just
about anything flammable.
Thunder--Nothing says 'I am Wizard, Hear me Roar' like a clap of ominous
thunder. Anyone who can hear it will suffer some lingering deafness as well.
Disrupts and Negations
Chaos Destruction--This is intended for self-protection against Chaos at
tacks (usually Logrus). It works best as an internal defense, but you can also
zap Chaos manifestations in the world around you. Chaos constructs will start t
o unravel after being hit with this
Coordination Destruction (aka Klutz Attack)--The victim loses all coordi
nation and briefly becomes a total klutz.
Item Destruction--Item Negation is used to briefly knock out the special
powers of items for a few seconds. It will do so regardless of the creator's ps
yche, though the holder of the item can protect it with his.
Magic Destruction : An extended form of the Magic Negation Power Word, t
his word can damage the magic maintaining a conjured item, causing it to decay r
apidly. If the item is not destroyed, the conjurer can generally repair the dama
ge and prevent further decay by spending a minute per point in the item. This ha
s no effect on powers and qualities paid for with points, but permanent conjured
items just decay more slowly than normal ones. It also knocks out spells quite
Neural Destruction--The victim has a brief epileptic fit, leaving them f
airly vulnerable.
Pattern Destruction--This is intended for self-protection against Patter
n attacks. It works best as an internal defense, but you can also zap Pattern m
anifestations in the world around you. It will damage or destroy minor Pattern
Process Destruction--This will knock out some electrical, chemical or me
chanical reaction in process, unless it is very large (You can't PS a forest fir
e, but you could put out all the flames on one tree)
Psychic Destruction--This disrupts the victim's ability to concentrate,
causing any powers they're actively using to go crazy for a few seconds.
Resume True Form--This forces the target to assume their most natural fo
rm. Be warned that for Chaosians, Demon Form is in fact their most natural form
...A victim with Exalted Shapeshifting will have a choice of their base forms.
If the victim has only Basic Shapeshift, you can force him into which ever of hi
s basic forms you want, assuming you know what they are.
Sound Destruction--This creates a longer lasting burst of silence.
Trump Destruction--Trump Disrupt will knock out an active Trump connecti
on. If used on a card you're holding, it works automatically, otherwise you need
Psyche advantage. It wsill also damage or destroy minor Trump items.
Weaken Structure (Break Structure)--This shatters something solid which
lacks Damage Resistance.
Cheat at Cards--Draw the Hand you want. This works best if you're deali
Twiddle--This allows complete control over a machine's functions for a f
ew seconds. One could make a vending machine cough up free candy, for example..
Wizard Mark--Put a rune on something. It lasts for hours to days, depend
ing on how much psyche you have.
Special Power Words: Special because of prerequisite powers, which are note
d after the point cost.
Grab: This power word grabs the named object with a quickly summoned Lo
grus tendril and yanks it into your hands. Your psyche must beat the target's s
trength if the object is restrained. It has a range of 30 + Psyche points feet
on the Chaos side of Yig, and 11+ Psyche feet on the Amber side.
Instant Shift--Only useful for people with Shapeshifting. Perform any b
asic shapeshifting function instantly.
Shadow Step: The expanded form of Shadow Hop, this allows for a controll
ed hop. The character can Step out of combat, run a few feet, and Step back into
the original shadow, behind their bewildered opponent.
True Names
Power Words normally require overcoming the target's Psyche if they are invasive
, but if you know the target's true name, any Power Word you use on them will au
tomatically succeed. Smart Magicians hide their true names well.

Sorcery requires the most theoretical explanation in non-game terms, so the bulk
of what follows is an in-depth examination of those concepts.
What can Sorcery do?
Sorcery reshapes reality in a very immediate and impressive manner. It has majo
r disadvantages of scale and speed of preparation, however, and in the need to a
djust one's spells for new conditions before they can be used. Where an Advance
d Pattern Master could turn Shadow Earth into Care Bear Land fairly easily, a So
rceror would blow himself up doing the same thing...after spending months to yea
rs casting the spell. On the other hand, Pattern won't let you throw lightning
bolts or fly.
Sorcery can do almost anything that isn't the realm of a stronger Power, and if
you possess a stronger Power, you can learn to integrate that Power with Sorcery
. It has the major limitation that it can never reach out of the shadow it is u
sed in, unless combined with a higher Power.
Things Sorcery does well:
Establish psychic contact with people in the same shadow, especially if they
are in line of sight. This contact can then be used to monkey around with thei
r minds or yank things out of said minds.
Shield against psychic contact
Find things within the same shadow
Divine information about something in the same shadow, including beings of R
Summon, re-direct, destroy, or control energy
Mold shadow into new forms
Move things within the same shadow
Defend against Sorcery and Conjuration and Power Words (ie, against Magic)
Dispel other spells.
Do ugly things to spells racked in a container or a person's mind
Create spells which trigger themselves on a pre-set condition (such spells w
ill quickly unravel or fade if moved into a different shadow and are usually use
d to trap places you want to keep enemies out of)
Things Sorcery can't do by itself:
Conjure matter from nothing (the realm of Conjuration). This doesn't preclu
de summoning a desired object from elsewhere in the same shadow, however.
Create Trumps
Permanently prevent a Shapechanger shifting forms.
Move the Pattern or the Logrus
Create Logrus tendrils
Summon Primal Chaos, Primal Order, or Shadow Storms
Affect spells racked on the Logrus or a Broken Pattern.
Heal Primal Damage (Unless you have Advanced Power Sorcery)
With basic sorcery (15 points), spells must either be instantaneous (such spells
can have permanent effects, like turning people to stone), suspended until a tr
igger condition is met (wards), operate continuously in the same location until
they gradually degrade, or they require that the sorceror maintain the effect by
concentration in order to direct it. Advanced sorcery enables the sorceror to
create self-directing spells which can be given simple instructions and left to
work on their own without requiring concentration.
Casting Times For Sorcery
For simplicity's sake, magic is here defined according to roughly how powerful t
he effect is, which defines how long it takes to cast a spell and what level of
magic the shadow must support in order to sustain it.
Petty: 1-3 seconds casting time: Changing your eye color. Lighting a candle.
Picking a simple lock. Turning water into carbonated water. Creating a flash of
light. Make someone look at you.
Minor: half a minute: Sending a telepathic message across a room. Changing y
our hair color. Lighting a barbeque grill. Turning water into Coke. Generating a
five foot radius sphere of light. Make someone think about you.
Average: Five to ten minutes Sending a telepathic message across the castle.
Generating a taser-like effect with lightning. Changing your skin color. Lighti
ng a person on fire. Turning water into wine. lighting the entire courtyard. Mak
e someone like you. Fly at running speed. Teleport short distances. Create magic
al shields to repel attacks.
Difficult: 1 hour Sending a telepathic message several miles. Blasting sever
al people with fire or lightning. Impersonating someone. Turning water into liqu
id mercury. lighting a small town. Make someone love you. Teleport long distance
s. Fly at horse speed.
Challenging: 3-6 hours Send a telepathic message anywhere in a shadow. Telep
ortation within the same shadow (Those with Trump, Pattern, or Logrus can also b
uild spells to teleport anywhere they've ever been). Blasting a small crowd. Tur
ning water into gold. Lighting a large town. Make someone worship you as a god.
Create nigh-invulnerable force fields. Race cars.
Hard:1-3 days Reshape Castle Amber to your will. Level the walls of a city.
Blow up small armies with magic. Turn air into gold. Illuminate an entire nation
. Race jet planes.
Incredibly hard: 1-4 weeks Mind control dozens of people at once. Blow up la
rge cities. Turn Kolvir into a Kwiki-Mart. Teleport dozens of people at once to
different destinations. Light up an entire continent.
God-like: 1-4 months Do anything you can imagine to any shadow dweller in wh
atever shadow you're currently in. Do almost anything to any person with blood o
f Reality, if you can overwhelm their psyche backed up by their Reality Power, w
hich isn't easy.
An Amberite Grimoire
This is now on its own subpage (Found here).

Racking Spells
Weak spells are quick and easy. But most spells take long enough to cast that wh
en you're under stress, you'll die before you finish them. That's what racked sp
ells are for. Sorcerors can rack spells in specially prepared items, casting the
m in advance, then storing them until needed.
Mages with Conjuration can summon themselves up a spell rack when they need one.
Mages with Logrus can hang spells on the Logrus. Broken Pattern Mages can do th
e same, although the Broken Pattern tends to warp their magics. Crazy mages wit
h Shapeshifting can rack multiple spells in their head, although this is dangero
Racked spells do have several disadvantages. They decay over time and you period
ically will have to recast them if you don't use them fast enough. The stronger
the spell, the quicker it unravels. This means you can't spend a few years in a
quick time shadow racking spells, then bring them out to crush your enemies, bec
ause most of them will unravel by the time you finish the last ones.
Secondly, racked spells require a certain amount of fiddling with in order to ac
tually be released somewhere other than where they were cast. Crucial components
, called 'lynchpins', have to be reconfigured to make them work. The more powerf
ul the spell, the more tweaking, in general. Still, this makes releasing them a
matter of seconds instead of minutes, hours, or days.
Finally, don't forget you're still going to need a source of magic for them to d
raw on; racked spells won't work in a shadow with no magic or with magic which i
s too weak.

Power Sources
Personal Power
Desperate mages can power their magic using their own life force. The emphasis h
ere is 'desperate'. You are feeding off your own Endurance, which tends to quick
ly become dire. Spells powered by personal power can be cast anywhere, even if
the shadow doesn't normally support magic.
Human Endurance: One makes you tired. Two make you exhausted. Three makes yo
u fall down.
Chaos Endurance: You can manage two spells without significant penalty. Each
two after that moves you from tired to exhausted to unconscious.
Amber Endurance or Higher: At Amber, as chaos rank, but by threes. At higher
ranks, you can increasingly use petty magics at will without tiring significant
Human Endurance: A single minor spell makes you exhausted. After two you pas
s out.
Chaos Endurance: You can manage one spell without significant penalty. Each
one after that moves you from tired to exhausted to unconscious.
Amber Endurance or Higher: You can manage two fairly easily. After three, yo
u are tired, after five you are exhausted, and after seven, you pass out. At hig
her ranks, you can increasingly use minor magics without tiring significantly.
Human Endurance: A single average spell leaves you on the verge of collapse.
A second one without getting proper rest will kill you.
Chaos Endurance: Each one cast moves you from tired to exhausted to unconsci
Amber Endurance or Higher: You can manage one fairly easily. After two, you
are tired, after four you are exhausted, and after six, you pass out. At higher
ranks, you can increasingly use large numbers of average magics before you colla
Human Endurance: A single difficult spell puts you on the verge of death. Yo
u will need medical help.
Chaos Endurance: The first spell leaves you exhausted. The second one would
drive you to the verge of death.
Amber Endurance or Higher: A single difficult spell leaves you tired. A seco
nd one leaves you on the verge of collapse. A third one would kill you. At highe
r ranks, you can handle more of these, but you'll still drain quickly.
Human Endurance: You drop dead.
Chaos Endurance: You pass out and can't even try to cast a second one.
Amber Endurance or Higher: You totter about on the verge of collapse after j
ust one. A second one would kill you. At higher ranks, you can handle more Chall
enging magics before passing out or dying, but it's still not wise.
Human Endurance: You don't just die, your entire body is consumed and crumbl
es to dust. And the spell fails anyway.
Chaos Endurance: You sink into a coma, and sleep for weeks to months. When y
ou awaken, your endurance sinks to human.
Amber Endurance or Higher: You pass out and sleep for days. At higher ranks
of Endurance, you don't sleep as long, and at really ludicrous levels (80+), you
only reach the verge of collapse.
Incredibly hard:
Human Endurance: You completely evaporate as if you had never been, but the
spell fails regardless.
Chaos Endurance: You drop dead.
Amber Endurance or Higher: You sink into a coma and drop to Chaos endurance
after about six months nap time. If you have 10 or more points in Endurance, you
simply lose ten of them.
Human Endurance: You explode within a second of trying to cast it. Out of co
ntrol energies explode around you in some much weaker form of the effect.
Chaos Endurance: You burst into flames and burn away to ash. Spell fails.
Amber Endurance or Higher: If you have 0-4 points in Endurance, you drop dea
d and nothing happens. If you have 5-20 points in Endurance, you spend two years
in a coma and wake up with Chaos Endurance. If you have 21-30 points in Enduran
ce, you wake up in a year at Amber Endurance. If you have over 30 points, you lo
se 30, and wake up after six months of coma.
Stored Power
Smart mages carry a magical 'battery' of some kind with them wherever they go, s
o that if they're desperate, they can draw on it to perform spells if necessary.
These batteries have the major flaw that other mages can easily detect them, wh
ich can make stealth past a mage tricky. Also, broken batteries explode, which i
s never fun.
External Power Sources
The safest, but least reliable source of power is external power sources. Every
shadow where magic works has sources of magical energy. Sometimes it collects in
foci points, and in other shadows, it is evenly spread throughout the shadow. D
epending on the nature of local magic, this power is tapped in different ways, a
nd learning these ways is the most time consuming aspect of adapting to differen
t shadows. Many shadows are non-magical and have no such sources of magic at al
It takes about a week for a Chaos psyche sorceror to learn how to adapt his spel
ls to use local power sources. With Amber psyche, a day will suffice. Every te
n points above that halves the time (10--12 hours, 20--6 hours, 30--3 hours, 40-
-90 minutes, etc). This enables the sorceror to fill in the needed 'magic of sh
adow' lynchpin during casting. This is only possible if the sorceror is a Broke
n Pattern, Pattern, or Logrus user (or has some other way to study the nature of
Shadow). This is usually only necessary when one moves a substantial distance
across shadow, or if the shadow in question has been molded to change its laws.
For example, all of the shadows which make up the Golden Circle share the same
laws of magic as Amber, and thus there is no need to tinker with one's spells wi
thin that area. Chaos is the same way, although a fair number of Houses of Chao
s tinker with local magic rules to give them an advantage on their home ground.
Logrus Conduit
Sorcerors who have bought 'Logrus Sorcery' can use the Logrus as a conduit to dr
aw power from other shadows to perform magic even in non-magical shadows. They
are vulnerable to having their logrus conduit tendril cut, however.
The wet dream of every mage is to have their own Spikard. These powerful artifac
ts draw magical energy from a variety of power sources and feed it to their wear
er. This allows you to cast spells just about anywhere, and to tap ridiculous am
ounts of energy with ease. They're also said to contain spell processors which h
elp you to cast spells at a fraction of the normal time. They're also very rare.
Good luck finding one.
What are some defenses against Magick?
Invasive magics can be resisted with Psyche.
Pattern, Logrus, and Trump can be used defensively to prevent invasive magics wo
rking and to reduce the effects of non-invasive magics.
Sorcerors can also defend against each other's magic by using counterspells. Thi
s comes down to a psyche vs. psyche battle as to which succeeds.
In some shadows, items or behaviors which ward off magic may exist.
Hack the mage to death or keep hitting him so he can't get his spells off.
Cold Iron helps too.
Conjuration is the art of enchanting things and creating things from nothing. I
t enables you to mold shadow into new forms, create things from nothing, and emb
ue pre-extant items and creatures with new powers and qualities.
It's main subcategories are:
Basic Conjuration: The object takes one minute per point to build, but it wi
ll fade away after a while (several days out in Shadow, less time near Pattern,
more time near Chaos). It also instantly vanishes if moved across Shadow. Such i
tems can only be created where Shadow is malleable; this will not work in Amber
and is difficult in the Golden Circle. On the other hand, Chaos Shadow is highly
magically charged and easy to manipulate.
An object can be temporarily implanted with magical power. Attunement takes
an hour, and each point of power adds ten minutes. The power lasts ten times as
long as a simple Conjured Shadow Shape would, but it also fades when moved acros
s Shadow.
Conjure Shadow Shape: You can create flimsy items that can't survive leavin
g the shadow of their creation very easily--1 minute per point.
Empowerment: You can empower a pre-existing item with Qualities and Powers.
After thirty minutes preparation, the item can be infused with Qualities (10 m
inutes per point) and Powers (1 hour per point). Such items are fairly durable,
but will lose their powers permanently if taken to null-magic shadows, and may
suffer problems in some other shadows.
High Compelling: This allows one to alter a victim's memories or implant im
peratives in them, if you overcome their Psyche.
Complex Conjuration: One hour per point for Qualities and Powers; the item c
an survive in any shadow until it is actively dispelled, although its powers won
't function in null-magic areas.
True Conjuration: This ability requires one to possess the ability or poten
tial to mold Shadow, creating conjurations which will never fade unless they are
deliberately dispelled. The effect can either be an Empowerment or a Complex C
onjuration, and it takes ten times as long to cast.
Conjuration requires familiarity with the Item Construction Rules. Unless you'v
e bought it up to a high level, you can only imbue items with Qualities and Powe
rs in the 1-4 point range, although any given item can have a LOT of qualities a
nd powers.
Conjurations are vulnerable to being dispelled by the use of some Logrus, Patter
n, or Trump powers against them.
Magick: The Power In Game Terms:
Basic Form of a Power
Advanced Form of a Power
Master Form of a Power (can't be bought at char creation)
Exalted Form of a Power (Generally possessed only by really ancient and powerful
Special Abilities (Generally requires possession of other Powers, doesn't come i
n any 'standard package' form of the Power)
Magickal Initiation: 5 points
Power Words:
[1 each] Power Words
[3] Power Word Boost
[2 each] Advanced Power Words (Requires 10 Power Words]
[1] Alternate Power Word Forms
[3] Advanced Power Word Boost
[4 each] Master Power Words [Requires 5 Advanced Power Words
[5] Area Power Words
[3] Basic Sorcery on one side of Yig
[2] Basic Sorcery on both sides of Yig
[5 each] "Power" Sorcery
Trump Sorcery
Logrus Sorcery
Broken Pattern Sorcery
Pattern Sorcery
Shapeshifting Sorcery
[5] Advanced "Power" Sorcery (Requires having at least s
ome of the Advanced form of the Power)
[5] Quick Casting
[5] Intelligent Spells
[7] Contingency Casting
[3] Self-Maintaining Spells (Also requires Spell Mainten
ance Spells and Intelligent Spells as Pre-requisites)
[3] Spell Rack
[2] Spell Stealing
[2] Bestow Spell
[3] Bestow Spells
[5] Sardine Racking
[5] Horde of Spells
[5] Personal Spell
[5] Cantrips
[5] Personal Sorcery
[5] Spell Maintenance Spells
[5] Basic Conjuration
[5] Conjure Shadow Shape
[5] Item Analysis
[5] Improved Item Analysis
[5] Empowerment
[5] High Compelling
[5] Complex Conjuration
[5 each] "Power" Conjuration
Racked Conjuration
Trump Conjuration
Logrus Conjuration
Broken Pattern Conjuration
Pattern Conjuration
Shapeshifting Conjuration
[5] Advanced "Power" Conjuration (Requires having at
least some of the Advanced form of the Power)
[10] Advanced Powers and Qualities
[10] Exalted Powers and Qualities
[5] True Conjuration
[5+] Quick Conjuration
Magickal Initiation
The character has the potential to develop skills with power words, sorcery, and
conjuration/artificing. The character can now see magical energies, enabling th
em to detect spells in progress, magical items, and enchantments. They can also
tell if the shadow they are in allows magic and with time can find the sources
of magical energy in it.
(Power Words)
Invasive Power words generally require a psychic advantage over the target in or
der to succeed, however it the targets true name is known they will be effective
regardless of any psychic differential.
New Power Words:
Burst of Strength: Momentarily boosts the character's strength, allowing the
m to land a powerful blow, or lift an object heavier than they could normally.
Burst of Speed: Momentarily speeds the character up. Most useful when you ar
e trying to escape/outrun someone and a last burst of speed would really help. C
an be a slight benefit in combat by speeding up a swing, but really designed for
running, dodging and diving for cover.
Induce Euphoria: The target feels happy and euphoric for a few seconds. An n
onaggressive target will generally stop noticing what is going on around them fo
r the duration. While not as useful in combat as a Neural Disrupt, it has the ad
vantage that the target may not realize that the happiness was caused by someone
Induce Fear: Fills the target with irrational terror. If the user of the Pow
er Word has a superior Psyche, the target will lose all concentration and panic
for a second. Animals, or creatures of similarly low intelligence, will generall
y bolt and keep running even after the fear fades, not realizing that the fear w
as produced by a Power Word.
Advanced Power Words:
Advanced Words are twice as taxing to Endurance as normal Power Words.

Magic Destruction : An extended form of the Magic Negation Power Word, this
word can damage the magic maintaining a conjured item, causing it to decay rapid
ly. If the item is not destroyed, the conjurer can generally repair the damage a
nd prevent further decay by spending a minute per point in the item. This has no
effect on powers and qualities paid for with points, but permanent conjured ite
ms just decay more slowly than normal ones.
Hand of Steel : An extended form of the Burst of Strength Power Word, this w
ord both boosts the user's strength and momentarily hardens their skin, conferri
ng both Extra Hard and Resistant to Normal Weapons to them for a moment.
Special Power Words:
Special because of prerequisite powers, which are noted after the point cost.

Shift Feature: Changes one feature of a shadow object almost instantly. Can
change coinage into local coinage, one color into another, a hostile dog into a
friendly one, etc. The harder it is to shift shadow in the area, the more likely
the shifting is to fall short of the desired change.
Shadow Hop: A quick, uncontrolled shift into an adjacent shadow. Useful for
getting away from an enemy, but you end up lost, and close enough that a shadow
shifter can find you in a few seconds.
Grab: This power word grabs the named object with a quickly summoned Logrus
tendril and yanks it into your hands. Your psyche must beat the target's stren
gth if the object is restrained. It has a range of 30 + Psyche points feet on t
he Chaos side of Yig, and 11+ Psyche feet on the Amber side.
Shadow Step: The expanded form of Shadow Hop, this allows for a controlled h
op. The character can Step out of combat, run a few feet, and Step back into the
original shadow, behind their bewildered opponent.
Basic Spell Components
This is the capacity to create new spells using by combining Sorcery's basic spe
ll qualities or 'components', and also includes the capacity to rack and cast on
e spell. The basic spell components out of which whole spells are created are:
Shadow Opening: The first component spell of the Sorcerer is that of creatin
g opening or 'gates' from on Shadow to another, or simply from one point to anot
her within the same Shadow. These gates are usually temporary, maintaining thems
elves just with the Psychic energy of the caster, for only an instant. The most
common Shadow Opening if a Teleportation, used by the caster to travel through S
hadow. However, with the addition of magical energies, either from a Magical Ene
rgy component, or from other tapped energies, the opening can be kept open longe
r. Given sufficient energy, a Shadow Opening can be maintained indefinitely.

Sometimes, as with the Pressurized Lava spell, a Shadow Opening spell is use
ful as a weapon. Similar gateways can be used to channel in water, wind, or othe
r natural elements.
The lightning Bolt spell uses a Shadow Opening to gate in the lightning, but
the area must first be prepared with a Shadow Manipulation; otherwise, the bolt
would pass through the nearest object, namely the caster.
Shadow Manipulation: A spell to alter or change the stuff of Shadow can be u
sed by itself. Shadow Manipulation can be used to change the form of a piece of
Shadow stuff, like changing a steel door into one made of clear glass. In combin
ation with a mind touch component, Shadow manipulation can be used against a per
son, induce sleep, pain, or some kind of change in a victim.
Shape Shift Shadow Items
Prepare an Item or Area for Magickal Energy.
Define Channel for Magickal Energy
Each change counts as a separate use of this component. For example, casting
a single spell that turns a rock into an amulet, and then prepares that amulet
for storing magical energy, would require two uses of this component.
Magical Energy: This spell creates raw magickal power. Limits of the energy
that the spell can generate is more a matter of how much spells and objects can
contain, rather than any innate shortage of magic; shortages in local magickal e
nergy merely make this component take longer to cast. If a spell is to be mainta
ined without constant concentration, it must have a 'pool' of magic to work with
. Objects are usually limited to an hour's worth of magic and fields, such as ma
gical walls, wards, and so on are usually limited to about twelve hours.
Mind Touch: Opens a mind to mind link between the caster and a subject. This
link works the same way as touch or a Trump contact, allowing the two minds to
touch. Taken by itself, this spell simple creates a link. It is also the basic b
uilding block of any spell that can directly affect another creature.
Overcoming the Psyche of the victim is always a consideration (unless the ob
ject of the spell opens their mind and becomes a willing subject). This means a
Psyche superiority, where the caster dominates the victim, is usually needed.
Measure Substance: This is used to perform "detect" and "analyze" and "locat
e" spells. The more specific the target being searched for, the more detail can
be produced. ie- A Detect Substance spell could pick out everyone in a crowd wit
h any Powers or bit of reality to them, but would not specify between Pattern an
d Logrus, for example. Detect Magic might spot racked spells and identify a man
as a sorcerer, but would not notice that he had Pattern Imprint. This component
spell can be used to perform a search for something, but is limited to searching
a single shadow, since the nature of Magic is usually slightly different in oth
er shadows and the spell will not function there.
Counter Magic: This is used to create spells which defend against Magick or
disrupt and destroy it. They can be cast quickly and simply.
'Power' Sorcery
This is used to invoke a Power as part of a spell. Each form cannot be learned
unless that power is possessed at the basic level. Trying to invoke incompatib
le Powers (Like Logrus/Trump or Logrus/Pattern) in one spell is a very bad idea
... As is trying to rack a Pattern, Broken Pattern, or Trump invoking spell in t
he Logrus, or a Trump, Logrus, or Shapeshifting spell in a Broken Pattern. Rack
ing Spells on the Logrus or Broken Pattern is purchased as a Logrus or Broken Pa
ttern power, and is distinct from what this ability allows.
One must possess the Power being invoked at the 'basic' level (Trump Artistry at
25, Trump Tricks at 15, Shapeshifting at 35, Pattern at 50, etc) in order to ha
ve sufficient understanding of the Power to work it into spells. Basic Power So
rcery lets you incorporate the basic powers of that Power.

Abyss Sorcery: You can incorporate the power of the Abyss into your spells.
This makes them stronger, but has the side-effect that they tend to have a dra
ining effect on anyone you cast them on who is not an Abyss master (not so bad i
f you're zapping foes, crappy if you are, say, trying to heal people). You can
incorporate your Abyss powers into your spells. Abyss makes for spells especial
ly effective at draining things.
Broken Pattern Sorcery: The spells are backed up by the Broken Pattern, whi
ch helps them to resist being dispelled. They can incorporate Broken Pattern Po
wers. However, they suffer from the flaw in the Broken Pattern, which means the
y always have some sort of flaw. Broken Pattern makes for especially effective
Logrus Sorcery: Logrus-infused spells grow more powerful, but also become e
rratic, having unexpected effects. Logrus magics can incorporate the powers of
the Logrus known by the sorceror. Logrus Defense drops in effectiveness against
Pattern Sorcery: Spells infused with the Pattern become firmer and harder t
o dispel or counter. Pattern magics can incorporate the powers of Pattern known
to the sorceror. For example, a person could cast spells which manipulate prob
abilities. Pattern Defense drops in effectiveness against them.
Shapeshifting Sorcery: Powers of Shapeshifting can be worked into the spell
, which can alter the form of even those with the Blood of Reality. One can als
o use it to rapidly trigger one's own shapeshifting abilities by racking spells
to induce specific shifts in oneself. With advanced shapeshifting, you can crea
te Creatures of Blood who can rack and use spells (or use Sorcery to replenish t
he lost mass/life force inherent in creating creatures of blood and thus create
them much more quickly without mangling yourself).
Trump Sorcery: Trump sorcerors can use trumps of people as links to them wh
ich greatly enhance their ability to break through the person's defenses. They
can use detection magics to learn things about a person or place using that pers
on or place's trump without them being present. They can use Petty Magic to tel
eport to any place they have a Trump of. They can also rack spells in trumps wh
ich will trigger when the trump is used. Trump Defense drops in effectiveness a
gainst them.
Advanced 'Power' Sorcery
A potent ability, fusing Magic and the power together at a basic level. Spells c
ast with this ability are resisted almost as if they were the power incorporated
into them, and show a jump in power even above normal Power Sorcery. This is th
e threshold to some of the unknown, unlisted feats of grand magic. One must hav
e begun to study the power itself at the advanced level to buy this. One can no
w incorporate the abilities of the Power itself into one's spells.
Some examples:

Abyss Sorcery: An example of an Advanced Abyss Sorcery effect might be to c
reate intelligent portals to the Abyss capable of chasing people around, even th
rough shadow. Advanced Abyss Sorcery might also make an important component of
any ritual to free an Abyss Master from the Abyss.
Broken Pattern Sorcery: Advanced Broken Pattern Sorcery is a great force fo
r destruction, as you can use it to force the flaw in the Broken Pattern into th
ings to destroy them.
Logrus Sorcery: With Advanced Logrus Sorcery, you could create spells that
work even in no-magic shadows if Logrus works in the shadow, by connecting the s
pell through shadow with a Logrus Tendril to a shadow that could provide the mag
ical energy needed for the spell. (Though such spells would take longer to cast
and release). They could infuse beings or items with Logrus energy, hurting th
ose of Pattern.
Pattern Sorcery: An Advanced Pattern sorceror could infuse things with Patt
ern to enable them to do Primal Damage, or heal the wounds caused by Primal Dama
ge. They might be able to create Pattern shields or build spells that allow fla
wless teleportation to anywhere reachable by Magic or Pattern.
Shapeshifting Sorcery: One could transform others into forms of power, or i
mbue people with shapeshifting abilities, or turn their blood into living creatu
res. .
Trump Sorcery: One example of Advanced Trump Sorcery would be creating perm
anent cross-shadow portals between two shadows of which one possessed Trumps.
Quick Casting:
This allows the caster to reduce the casting time of a spell by one step on the
Casting Time table. They can also fill in lynchpins at double normal speed.

Intelligent Sorcery:
A spell with this micro-spell will be possessed of a certain degree of intellige
nce, and can guide itself without aid from its caster. It can accept complicated
commands, such as a ward whose password or list of authorized personnel can be
updated at will. Spells with this micro-spell and Manipulate Shadow can be cast
across shadow boundaries to any shadow in the immediate area (where there is no
significant difference in the function of magic). A lightning bolt could be craf
ted that would turn a corner and aim for the largest human target, or "the man i
n red robes," even if the sorcerer was unsure of the target's position.
Contingency Casting:
You can rack spells to go off or cast themselves under certain, preset condition
s. For example, you can set a racked healing
spell to go off if you fall unconsious, or a shielding spell to go off if someon
e swings a sword at you. However, these spells can
only be used as they are set to -- you can't cast the aforementioned healing spe
ll on a comrade, or even on yourself if you aren't
unconsious! Also keep in mind that the spell tends to be very literal minded.
Self-Maintaining Spells
The holy grail of the busy wizard. By tacking an extra 10% onto the casting tim
e, you can create spells which will maintain themselves, leaving you free to wor
k on other matters. This power requires intelligent spells and spell maintenanc
e spells as pre-requisites.
Spell Rack:
Twelve Spell Points worth of spells can be stored in a properly prepared contain
er. You know how to make such containers. One spell can be racked in one's min
d, with a maximum level determined by one's psyche.

Spell Racking Table Difficulty Level 'Spell Point Cost' Psyche needed to
Rack in Head
Petty: 1 for 8 Human
Minor: 1 for 4 Chaos
Average: 1 for 2 Amber
Difficult: 1 11+
Challenging: 2 21+
Hard: 4 51+
Incredibly hard: 8 76+
God-like: 16 126+

Spell Stealing (Use Other People's Racked Spells):
The Sorcerer can detect and use spells racked by other people. This power works
as usual for containers; the Sorcerer must be in Psychic contact with the contai
ner in order to access the spells therein. They can spend a few minutes of study
in order to figure out exactly what the spell does and what Lynchpins must be s
pecified, or they can be brave and try to cast it without knowing what it does.
If the subject resists, the Sorcerer must have the Psychic advantage to cast th
e spell.
This can be used, if you successfully invade another Sorceror's mind, to use the
m as a living spell rack, including setting off spells they've racked in their h

Bestow Spell:
The Sorcerer can rack a spell in another person's mind for that other person to
use. See the Spell Point Table to determine how large a spell the person can ho
ld. This depends on the recipient's psyche. Double the time to release the spe
ll if the subject does not have Magic Initiation and Cast Spells on One Side of
Bestow Spells:
Rack 12 points of spells in another person for their use. See the Spell Point
Table to determine how large a spell the person can hold. This depends on the r
ecipient's psyche. Double the time to release the spell if the subject does not
have Magic Initiation and Cast Spells on One Side of Yig.
Sardine Racking
You can now double the spell point capacity of a spell rack (usually turning 12
into 24 at this level, but also a rack 1 spell point item into a rack two spell
points item). This is somewhat dangerous, since the item wasn't really DESIGNED
to do that. If you have bad stuff or low psyche, there is some danger of accid
entally releasing multiple spells whenever you use the crammed rack. If you hav
e both, you're heading for disaster.
You can rack 2 spells inside your brain; this is somewhat safer than with an ite
m, as you know your brain well. As with Rack Spells, this is limited by your ps
Horde of Spells
You can now make items which will hold 50 spell points. This is a 4 point item
property. If you wish to risk your instant annhilation, you can use Sardine Rac
king to double the capacity, but...
You can rack 4 spells inside your brain; this is somewhat safer than with an ite
m, as you know your brain well. As with Rack Spells, this is limited by your ps
Personal Spell:
You can hard-wire 1 point worth of spells into your head permanently. This take
s ten times the normal racking time and you're vulnerable as hell during the pro
cess. This involves doing psychic surgery on yourself, so is not to be undertak
en lightly. Be forewarned that if someone invades your mind successfully, they
can then use you as a 'magic item' to cast said spell (s). You can, if you choo
se, alter your selection; see above for the necessary time. Such spells still r
equire the normal lynchpin release time for a racked spell when cast. Use of th
is ability prevents using your head for racking a single spell as per 'Rack Spel
You can now perform petty magics at will with but a thought.
Personal Sorcery:
You can hard-wire 12 points worth of spells into your head permanently. This ta
kes ten times the normal racking time and you're vulnerable as hell during the p
rocess. This involves doing psychic surgery on yourself, so is not to be undert
aken lightly. Be forewarned that if someone invades your mind successfully, the
y can then use you as a 'magic item' to cast said spell (s). You can, if you ch
oose, alter your selection; see above for the necessary time. Such spells still
require the normal lynchpin release time for a racked spell when cast. Use of
this ability prevents using your head for racking a single spell as per 'Rack S
Spell Maintenance Spells
This enables you to create spells which will do the maintenance on your racked s
pells for you. Such spells take about five minutes per spell point of racked sp
ells to cast. This can be combined with Intelligent spells to create an intelli
gent spell which will do your spell maintenance for you over its duration. (If
you choose to rack a spell maintenance spell, determine the 'difficulty' by comp
aring the casting time of the spell to the spell casting time table)
Basic Conjuration (5 points)
The object takes one minute per point to build, but it will fade away after a wh
ile (several days out in Shadow, less time near Pattern, more time near Chaos).
It also instantly vanishes if moved across Shadow. Such items can only be create
d where Shadow is malleable; this will not work in Amber and is difficult in the
Golden Circle. On the other hand, Chaos Shadow is highly magically charged and
easy to manipulate.
An object can be temporarily implanted with magical power. Attunement takes an h
our, and each point of power adds ten minutes. The power lasts ten times as long
as a simple Conjured Shadow Shape would, but it also fades when moved across Sh
Conjure Shadow Shape: Shape a shadow object into what is desired. The enhancem
ent takes about an hour, but it will fade away after a while (several days out i
n Shadow, less time near Pattern, more time near Chaos). It also instantly vani
shes if moved across Shadow. This is also vulnerable to being dispelled.
Item Analysis: The character can analyze a conjured item by touch, slowly ident
ifying its various abilities. It is possible to identify the creator of the item
if you have experience with their style of conjuration.
Improved Item Analysis: Analyze conjured items at a distance of several yards, e
nabling the examination of other characters' items from across the room without
alerting them (unless your staring at the item in question is noticed). Takes s
everal minutes by sight, while analysis by touch is now a matter of brief moment
Empowerment: An shadow object can be temporarily implanted with magical power.
Attunement takes a half-hour, each point of a quality adds ten minutes, and eac
h point of power adds an hour. While vulnerable to dispelling, it is not easily
broken by Shadow Travel.
High Compelling: The ability to conjure memories, and emotions within a target.
With enough time the target's memories or personality may be altered to whateve
r the user may wish, though a psychic impression of the new personality is neede
d. A Geas may also be given, though it's duration depends largely on how differe
nt the new behavior would be from the targets usual attitude.
Complex Conjuration: A Conjured Shadow Shape can be designed to be permanent wi
thin the Shadow it was created in. This takes one hour per point. Any attempt
to dispel the conjuration must cross the Psyche of the conjurer.
Power Conjuration: Power Conjuration lets you conjure items containing those po
wers, and backs up the item with some extra force, making it harder to dispel.
For example, Trump Conjuration can be used to conjure items with built in Trump
Racked Conjuration: This name is used instead of 'Sorcery Conjuration' or '
Power Word Conjuration', which would look silly. You can now create spells whic
h rack Conjurations (perform the Conjuration in advance, rack it like a spell, t
rigger it quickly). You can also imbue Power Words into objects if you have any
. And you can create items which can cast spells.
Advanced Powers and Qualities: Up to the 8 point level.
Exalted Powers and Qualities: Up to the 16 point level.
True Conjuration: This ability requires one to possess the ability or potential
to mold Shadow, creating conjurations which will never fade unless they are del
iberately dispelled. The effect can either be an Empowerment or a Complex Conju
ration, and it takes ten times as long to cast.
Quick Conjuration: Changes the time frame. Improves the unit of time in the ra
te of Conjuration one step on the following list: six hours - one hour - ten mi
nutes - one minute - ten seconds - one second - one-tenth second - etc. Every [
5] improves the time per point another step.

An Amberite Grimoire
The Amberite Grimoire
This does not pretend to exhaustively define what spells an Amberite can cast, b
ut simply to give some examples:

Casting Times for Sorery
Attack Spells
Defensive Spells
Healing Spells
Information Spells
Stealth And Disguise Spells
Travel Spells
Warding Magic
Weather Magic
Miscellaneous Spells

Casting Times For Sorcery
For simplicity's sake, magic is here defined according to roughly how powerful t
he effect is, which defines how long it takes to cast a spell and what level of
magic the shadow must support in order to sustain it.
Petty: 1-3 seconds casting time: Changing your eye color. Lighting a candle.
Picking a simple lock. Turning water into carbonated water. Creating a flash of
light. Make someone look at you.
Minor: half a minute: Sending a telepathic message across a room. Changing y
our hair color. Lighting a barbeque grill. Turning water into Coke. Generating a
five foot radius sphere of light. Make someone think about you.
Average: Five to ten minutes Sending a telepathic message across the castle.
Generating a taser-like effect with lightning. Changing your skin color. Lighti
ng a person on fire. Turning water into wine. lighting the entire courtyard. Mak
e someone like you. Fly at running speed. Teleport short distances. Create magic
al shields to repel attacks.
Difficult: 1 hour Sending a telepathic message several miles. Blasting sever
al people with fire or lightning. Impersonating someone. Turning water into liqu
id mercury. lighting a small town. Make someone love you. Teleport long distance
s. Fly at horse speed.
Challenging: 3-6 hours Send a telepathic message anywhere in a shadow. Telep
ortation within the same shadow (Those with Trump, Pattern, or Logrus can also b
uild spells to teleport anywhere they've ever been). Blasting a small crowd. Tur
ning water into gold. Lighting a large town. Make someone worship you as a god.
Create nigh-invulnerable force fields. Race cars.
Hard:1-3 days Reshape Castle Amber to your will. Level the walls of a city.
Blow up small armies with magic. Turn air into gold. Illuminate an entire nation
. Race jet planes.
Incredibly hard: 1-4 weeks Mind control dozens of people at once. Blow up la
rge cities. Turn Kolvir into a Kwiki-Mart. Teleport dozens of people at once to
different destinations. Light up an entire continent.
God-like: 1-4 months Do anything you can imagine to any shadow dweller in wh
atever shadow you're currently in. Do almost anything to any person with blood o
f Reality, if you can overwhelm their psyche backed up by their Reality Power, w
hich isn't easy.
Attack Spells

Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Incredibly Hard
Casting Time: 3 weeks (22 seconds if Hung)
The caster shouts "AKIRA!!!!!" and white hot-light erupts out in all directions
from the caster for a radius ranging from hundreds of yards to miles depending o
n psyche. This does nasty, ugly damage to unfortunates caught in it; anyone wit
h Amber or lower Endurance is definitely toast, and those of greater Endurance w
ill still fry badly and probably pass out. Great for urban renewal.

Anthy's Arboreal Onslaught
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Hard
Casting Time: 2 days (19 seconds if hung)
This causes an entire forest, miles across, to come to life and start attacking
unwanted intruders. The trees are not particularly skillful, but they're quite
strong and tough. They gain limited mobility; They can't go too far and don't m
ove too fast. But inside a forest, there's little space to run to when everythin
g is alive and coming after you...
Anthy's Focused Windbolt
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 8 minutes (9 seconds)
This creates a very focused blast of wind. Depending on one's aim, it can be us
ed to either disarm people, knock over objects, or through careful aiming, knock
people down.
Anthy's Windblast
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult:
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
Winds rush inward to a central point, tending to tug those caught in them along,
then explode back outwards with hurricane force. This tends to slam everyone i
n the area into things quite painfully, blow out walls, knock over anything that
can fall down, and so on.
Anthy's Windbolt
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 8 minutes (9 seconds)
This creates a powerful gust of wind which will blow just about anyone off their
feet unless their Strength exceeds the caster's Psyche. They will then tumble
a fair distance, dependant on caster psyche.
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds)
This spell renders the victim blind. It is invasive magic, and requires beating
the target's Psyche. Targets with Shapeshifting can easily heal the optic nerv
e damage involved. Those of sufficient Endurance will eventually heal the damag
e involved.
Breaking Point
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 8 minutes (9 seconds if Hung)
This spell requires a successful combat strike to release; it guides your hands
to strike the optimal point for breaking whatever you're hitting. This will aut
omatically shatter any normal object liftable by hand; objects with damage resis
tance qualities should be treated as one level lower in protection and as if the
blow was with a strength equal to the caster's Psyche.

Cardiac Arrest
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Mind Touch, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Difficult:
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
This spell triggers a heart attack. This kills people of Human endurance, knock
s out those of Chaos Endurance, who will need a week of bed rest, and sends thos
e of Amber or higher unconscious for a while dependent on Endurance (Those with
enough might not even pass out). It requires you to overcome the target's psych
Cobras of Wrath
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Difficult:
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
This fires off a barrage of magical bolts that resemble cobras at a small group
of targets.
Color Spray
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 8 minutes (9 seconds if Hung)
This produces a spray of colored light in a sixty degree arc from the caster's h
ands. It will blind and confuse those in the area of effect if you beat their p
syche. The confusion lasts seconds to minutes, depending on your psyche advanta
Death Goes Better with Jello
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent spells, Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 4 hours (15 seconds if hung)
This spell is generally blamed on a strange conversation between Chef Bork and M
itsune and a bottle of wine. It unleashes a flying horde of angry Jello cubes o
n your foes. The cubes emit paralytic poisons on anything they touch; they stri
ke with a Strength equal to the caster's Psyche, and the paralysis is resisted w
ith Endurance. The cubes fly as fast as a horse can run.
Deep Submerge
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult:
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
This unleashes a great wave of water which batters, knocks down, and engulfs eve
rything in its path until it runs out of force.
Endless Ammo
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 8 minutes (9 seconds if Hung)
This spell will supply a missile weapon with effectively infinite ammunition. I
t lasts for minutes to hours, depending on caster psyche.
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
This causes hyper accelerated plant growth over a small area; the plants will gr
ow fast enough and strong enough to entangle people; those with Strength or Warf
are superior to the caster's Psyche can evade this if they flee the area. Those
with superior strength can simply wade through the plants. They also can be bu
rned or chopped.
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
This spell causes an explosion of flame ten feet in diameter, up to Psyche + 30
feet away. It must be aimed with your Warfare.
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Petty
Casting Time: 2 seconds
This spell produces a bright flash of light in a target's face, blinding them fo
r a few seconds.
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Minor
Casting Time: 45 seconds (6 seconds if Hung)
This creates a large grease slick wherever you point. It's quite flammable. It
can also be used to coat people or objects. One can either produce vehicular g
rease or fatty cooking grease.
Hiko's Living Flame
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Mind Touch
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
The victim believes he is on fire and reacts appropriately. This requires a psy
che advantage.

Hiko's Rings of Fire
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
This spell causes fires off discrete rings of flame about a foot across at vario
us victims, aimed with warfare.

Hiko's Sniper's Flame
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
This spell unleashes a stream of flame from the caster's fingertips, aimed with
Warfare. It can be directed at one person or spread across an arc to nail multi
ple victims.
Instant Weapon
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Minor
Casting Time: 30 seconds (6 seconds if Hung)
This spell grabs you a hand or missile weapon appropriate to the shadow you're i
n; missile weapons come loaded and with a few extra stones/arrows/rounds/etc.

Keiko's Magnificent Catapult
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
Channels kinetic energy into a scoop-shaped burst of force roughly twenty-five s
quare feet in diameter--enough to throw a single human (or larger than human) si
zed target roughly a hundred feet straight up at high speed, or a hundred feet
in any one direction before gravity starts to slow them down and they begin to t
ranscribe an arc. Often used as a follow-up to Keiko's Patented Anti-Makoto the
Mad Ice Spell.

Keiko's Patented Anti-Makoto the Mad Ice Spell
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
This spell flash-freezes the air around a single target, encasing them in a bloc
k of solid ice a little bigger than they are.

Keiko's Stunning Mindblast
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Mind Touch, Magical Energy
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 4 hours (15 seconds if Hung)
A group version of the basic Mindbolt spell. Up to ten targets within sight ran
ge can be hit at once, but the effect is diminished depending on the collective
mental power of the targets versus that of the caster.

Keitaro's Flaming Darts
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 10 minutes (9 seconds)
This spell fires one or more flaming darts (dependent on Psyche) at the target.
Whether they hit is dependent on the caster's Warfare.

Kozue's Electrical Vengeance
Requires: Advanced Sorcery, Pattern
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Measure Substance, Shadow Manipulation,
Shadow Opening, Intelligent Spells, Pattern Magic
Level of Complexity: Hard
Casting Time: 1 day (18 seconds if hung)
This spell produces a stream of very nasty lightning. The spell has a mind of i
ts own derived from that of the caster and can thus do stunts like chase people
around corners, weave through a crowd, etc. It keeps going until it hits the ta
rget, something dissipates it, or too much time passes (which varies by the Cast
er's psyche). Once it hits, it hangs around for a while, continuing to electroc
ute the victim. And it has the ability to chase people through shadow if they a
ttempt to flee it in that manner. It can match the speed of a hellride if neces
Lesser Petrification
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 4 hours (15 seconds if Hung)
This spell turns a Shadow Dweller to stone permanently. It is not strong enough
to affect those imbued with reality, and creatures with Shapeshifting can turn
themselves back to normal fairly easily.

Lily's Freezing Mist
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Countermagic, Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation, Shad
ow Opening
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 4 hours (21 seconds if hung)
This creates a large cloud of freezing mist dozens of feet across. It obstructs
vision to only a few feet and then inflicts cold damage on everyone caught in i
t. Especially bad for fire and heat creatures. It douses all open flame and tr
ies to dispel any fire magics active in the area.
Major Petrification
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Mind Touch, Magical Energy, Shapes
hifting Sorcery
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 4 hours (15 seconds if Hung)
This spell turns Shadow beings to stone permanently, and will turn beings of Rea
lity into stone if you beat their psyche. If you have a handy magical energy so
urce, you can link them to it and keep them stone forever, otherwise, it lasts a
period of time proportional to your psyche, from a few hours at Chaos Rank, to
years or decades at 75+. Shapechangers can break loose in half the time, and yo
u have to beat their psyche by at least 20 points, or you only partially calcify

Michelle's Inspirational Music
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Mind Touch, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 6 minutes (9 seconds if Hung)
This spell summons forth inspirational music for battle or some other dangerous
activitity, fortififying the will of the caster's allies to do battle. This hel
ps them to resist both natural and magically induced fear, and if the caster's w
arfare is greater than that of his allies, it will slightly increase their fight
ing skills as they go to it with renewed vigor and cooperation.
Michelle's Irresistable Dance Dance Revolution
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Mind Touch
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
If you beat the victim's Psyche, he will find himself dancing uncontrollably unt
il some period of time dependant on the differences between your psyches passes
(If the caster chooses to keep concentrating on you, the wearing off clock doesn
't start ticking until they stop concentrating).
Michelle likes to say Shizumaru inspired her to create this, but won't say how..
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Mind Touch, Magical Energy
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 7 minutes (9 seconds if Hung)
This spell fires a mental blast at the victim's mind, stunning or possibly killi
ng them if you can overcome their psyche.

Mitsune's Boxing Fist
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 6 minutes (9 seconds if hung)
This creates a fist the size of a human torso which the caster can control at a
distance. It flies along at the speed of a galloping horse, and strikes with St
rength equal to the caster's Psyche. It must be actively controlled by the cast
er or it just floats, waiting for attention. It's easy to go around, but that j
ust lets it strike you from behind. It is vulnerable to being chopped apart.
Mitsune's Crushing Hand
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 3 hours (15 seconds if hung)
This creates a hand the size of a human being which attempts to grab the target
and crush him. It has a strength equal to the caster's Psyche. Being intellige
nt, it can fight on even if its creator dies or passes out and need not be activ
ely controlled. It flies at the speed of a galloping horse. It can lift a grap
pled target off the ground so it can't run, and restrain things with flight powe
rs if they can't fly faster than it can. A grappled subject cannot effectively
cast spells. Once it begins to crush the target, any victim whose Strength is l
ess than the Hand's, will eventually be crushed either unconscious or dead, thou
gh the time needed varies by the difference between the strengths and the Endura
nce of the victim. The caster can redirect the hand to a new foe at any time.
The hand can also be directed to act as a Shoving Hand, should you so desire, or
to merely hold and not crush.
Mitsune's Fencing Hand
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 12 minutes (9 seconds)
This creates a magical flying hand the size of a normal human hand, armed with a
sabre. The caster designates a target and the hand keeps trying to chop them t
o pieces until it succeeds or the spell wears off or the hand is chopped to bits
. The hand fights with the caster's warfare; the sabre does normal sabre damage
Mitsune's Fencing Genius Hand
Requires: Shapeshifting Sorcery, Persona Shift, Creatures of Blood
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
, Shapeshifting Magic
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds)
The caster pricks herself, transforming her own blood into a magical flying hand
the size of a normal human hand, armed with a sabre. The caster designates a t
arget and the hand keeps trying to chop them to pieces until it succeeds or the
spell wears off or the hand is chopped to bits. The hand uses Persona Shift to
become the hand of someone with high Warfare. There is some danger that if the
persona of the person whose hand is being imitated is too strong, the hand may t
ake on their behavior and priorities.
Mitsune's Flaming Fists of Fury
Requires: Shapeshifting Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation, Shapeshifting Magi
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
The caster's fists shapeshift into coherent flame, and now inflict nasty fire da
mage on every blow in addition to the usual punch damage. The caster still has
to use Strength to hit, though.
Mitsune's Grappling Hand
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
This creates a hand the size of a human being which attempts to grab the target
and immobilize him. It has a strength equal to the caster's Psyche. Being inte
lligent, it can fight on even if its creator dies or passes out and need not be
actively controlled. It flies at the speed of a galloping horse. It can lift a
grappled target off the ground so it can't run, and restrain things with flight
powers if they can't fly faster than it can. A grappled subject cannot effecti
vely cast spells.
Mitsune's Hail of Pimpslaps
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
This spell enables the caster to slap a group of people across the face at a dis
tance. The blow will knock out and probably break some bones against Human Endu
rance, knock out someone of Chaos Endurance, stun someone of Amber Endurance, an
d do progressively less against higher Endurances. It also tends to make the vi
ctim fall down if his Strength is less than the caster's Psyche. Applied agains
t a target's hand, it will disarm those whose Strength is less than the caster's
Psyche. You must beat the target's Strength with yours to hit them.

Mitsune's Intelligent Boxing Fist
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
This creates a fist the size of a human torso which the caster can control at a
distance. It flies along at the speed of a running human, and strikes with Stre
ngth equal to the caster's Psyche. The hand will pursue its chosen target until
the spell expires or it recieves new orders from its creator. It's easy to go
around, but that just lets it strike you from behind. It is vulnerable to being
chopped apart, although it is fairly tough.

Mitsune's Intelligent Shoving Hand
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 Hour (12 seconds if hung)
This spell summons up a large hand, about twice the size of a normal human, whic
h begins to shove that target in whatever direction the caster desires until the
spell wears off or the hand is chopped to bits. The hand has a Strength equal
to the caster's Psyche; if the target has more strength than the hand, they can
shove the hand out of the way or back towards the caster. Targets whose Warfare
exceeds the Hand's Strength can simply evade the hand and get past it. The han
d is capable of intelligent decisions and can use the caster's Warfare (and its
own Strength) to evade blows and move about to herd the victim in the desired di
Mitsune's Paralyzing Punch
Requires: Shapeshifting Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Mind Touch, Shadow Manipulation, Shapes
hifting Magic
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
When the caster strikes a blow, the surface of her fist shifts into an interface
with the target's nervous system. This then instantly overrides their nervous
system, frying it out, and leaving the target unable to move due to a lack of ne
rves. This requires a Psyche advantage, and the more advantage, the longer the
Paralysis lasts. Targets with Shapeshifting or whose Endurance exceeds the cast
er's Psyche will either laugh this off or heal the effects very quickly.

Mitsune's Pimpslap
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 6 minutes (9 seconds if hung)
This spell enables the caster to slap someone across the face at a distance. Th
e blow will knock out and probably break some bones against Human Endurance, kno
ck out someone of Chaos Endurance, stun someone of Amber Endurance, and do progr
essively less against higher Endurances. It also tends to make the victim fall
down if his Strength is less than the caster's Psyche. Applied against a target
's hand, it will disarm those whose Strength is less than the caster's Psyche.
You must beat the target's Strength with yours to hit them.
Mitsune's Rain of Blows
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 3 hours (15 seconds if hung)
Thus unleashes a storm of flying fists upon dozens of unfortunates. The fists b
egin chasing the targets everywhere until the spell wears off or they are destro
yed, pummeling them with the caster's own strength. The fists can fly as fast a
s a galloping horse.
Mitsune's Shattering Punch
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 4 hours (15 seconds if hung)
This focuses ridiculous amounts of kinetic energy into your fist, at the same ti
me, shielding it from impact. The first time you punch something, it unleashes
this energy into the target with the force of your Psyche plus more energy.. Mo
st inanimate objects, even with augmented damage resistance, will shatter from t
he force of the blow. Living creatures get to feel their bones shatter. Those
of Human Strength probably die, too.
Mitsune's Shoving Hand
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 6 minutes (9 seconds if hung)
This spell summons up a large hand, about twice the size of a normal human, whic
h begins to shove that target back until the spell wears off or the hand is chop
ped to bits. The hand has a Strength equal to the caster's Psyche; if the targe
t has more strength than the hand, they can shove the hand out of the way or bac
k towards the caster. Targets whose Warfare exceeds the Hand's Strength can sim
ply evade the hand and get past it. The caster must concentrate on the spell.
Mitsune's Thunder Dragon
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 3 hours (15 seconds if hung)
This spell unleashes a huge dragon made of electrical energy which rushes forwar
d in the direction the caster points, then detonates in an explosion of thunder
and lightning. The lightning does electrical damage, while the thunder deafens
and stuns low endurance victims.
Mitsune's Ugly Stick
Requires: Shapeshifting Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation, Shapeshifting Sorc
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 Hour (12 seconds if hung)
This spell conjures up a short, ugly rod. The first time you successfully whack
someone with it, the spell goes off and causes them to become hideously ugly, a
ssuming you have a Psyche advantage over them. Shapeshifters can just shift bac
k to normal. Other people are screwed, unless they can walk the Pattern. This
is invasive magic, so Pattern Defense will repel most or all of the effect with
Real Shrapnel
Requires: Pattern Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Pattern Sorcery, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
This spell imbues an object with reality, then makes it explode violently, hurli
ng real shrapnel into everyone nearby with brutal force. Such shrapnel must the
n be carefully removed before any wounds caused by it can be healed. The object
must be within dozens to hundreds of feet of the caster, depending on his psych
e. The size of the object doesn't influence the size of the explosion, but the
size of object that can be exploded is dependent on caster Psyche.
Rochester Rain of Glass
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Incredibly Hard
Casting Time: 3 weeks (21 seconds if hung)
The heavens rip open and razor sharp glass rains down from the sky for a number
of minutes equal to your Psyche + 15. The shards do Deadly Damage (4) every min
ute to everyone caught in them. (If you have Advanced Conjuration, you can make
the glass do Force Damage (8)). The shards rain down over a hundred foot diame
ter circle at Chaos Psyche, increasing by 100 feet for every 3 points of psyche
above that.
Shadow Boxing
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
This spell brings the victim's shadow to life and imbues it with strength equal
to the caster's Psyche. It then tries to beat the snot out of the person it's a
ttached to. This spell only works under conditions where shadows can exist; the
person can eventually punch out his shadow, also.
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Mind Touch
Level of Complexity: Average or higher
Casting Time: 10 minutes (10 seconds if hung)
This spell induces magical sleep in the target. They can only be roused by a di
spellation of the magic or by someone with higher psyche than yours, until the s
pell wears off naturally. The higher your psyche and the lower theirs is, the l
onger it lasts, from a few minutes for Chaos Psyche, to years for someone with 7
5+. This spell requires a fair psyche advantage to succeed, otherwise it just p
roduces drowsiness. The higher the complexity, the more targets you can effect.
Smart Lightning
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Measure Substance, Shadow Manipulation,
Shadow Opening, Intelligent Spells
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 10 minutes (10 seconds if hung)
This spell produces a lightning bolt with about the strength of a taser. It wil
l badly hurt anyone of Human Endurance, knock out anyone with Chaos, stun those
of Amber Endurance for quite a while, and have progressively less effect as the
target's Endurance rises. The spell has a mind of its own derived from that of
the caster and can thus do stunts like chase people around corners, weave throug
h a crowd, etc. It keeps going until it hits the target, something dissipates i
t, or too much time passes (which varies by the Caster's psyche).
Steal Sight
Requires: Shapechanging Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shapechanging Sorcery
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds)
This shapeshifts the victim to have no eyes. This effect requires a Psyche adva
ntage to pull off. Those with Shapeshifting can, with some effort, shift their
eyes back into existence.
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 5 minutes (9 seconds if hung)
This spell produces a lightning bolt with about the strength of a taser. It wil
l badly hurt anyone of Human Endurance, knock out anyone with Chaos, stun those
of Amber Endurance for quite a while, and have progressively less effect as the
target's Endurance rises. It requires aiming with Warfare.
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance
Level of Complexity: Minor
Casting Time: 30 seconds (6 seconds if hung)
This spell determines the best way to insult someone and shouts it out. If the
target has any pushable psychological buttons, it will find them and shove. Thi
s will tend to enrage the target. Whether you can survive enraging them is anot
her question.

Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, S
hadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Hard
Casting Time: 2 days (18 seconds if hung)
A nasty black cloud arises over an area of one or more miles in diameter. This
takes some ten minutes. Then, three foot long, thread thin organisms rain down
from the sky and begin seeking to attack and destroy all animal life in the area
(and they munch happily on plant life too). The organisms survive for minutes
to hours depending on the caster's psyche, and do damage by extruding acid mixed
with anti-life energy. An area devasted by Thread will take years to recover.
For the true rampaging maniac, this can be combined with Conjuration to make th
e Thread continue to live until killed or dispelled, which can get messy. Fortu
nately, they're not hugely fast and attack as if they had the caster's Warfare a
nd Strength.
Travis' Precision Grease
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 5 minutes (9 seconds if Hung)
This spell injects copious lubricants into the interior of some mechanism, gener
ally causing it to move too freely. Machines will start to run wild or come apa
rt, things latched shut (like say pieces of a suit of armor) will come loose fro
m each other, and so on.
Travis' Slingshot
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Minor
Casting Time: 30 seconds (6 seconds if Hung)
This spell fires a small object at high speed towards some target. It requires
warfare to hit successfully. It will do damage equivalent to a crossbow bolt if
the object is sufficiently hard; it can also be used to hurl things like flasks
of oil, grenades, etc.
Travis' Tornadic Slingshot
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
This spell creates a small whirlwind which grabs all available rubble, bits of s
traw, debris, etc, and flings it at incredibly high speed at everyone around it;
the more Psyche you have, the bigger and stronger the whirlwind. Truly evil pe
ople cast this spell on things like a pile of flasks of nitroglycerine.
Venus' Bow
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Mind Touch, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 3 hours (15 seconds if Hung)
This spell calls up a bow that fires love arrows. They never miss, and if you b
eat the Target's Psyche, you can make them fall in love with or hate someone.
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation, Trump Sorcery
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
This trump sorcery trick lets one use a person's trump as a sympathetic link to
do nasty things to them from far across shadow. The classic manuever is to caus
e them to sicken and die slowly, so it's not even recognized as sorcery. Howeve
r, Trump/Logrus/Pattern Defense will block this trick.
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Mind Touch, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Difficult:
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
This spell drains the victim's strength. It requires a psyche advantage. The v
ictim's strength begins to drain away as the mage maintains concentration; the h
igher the mage's psyche, the faster it goes. Eventually, the victim loses an am
ount of strength equal to the Mage's psyche + 25. If this drops the target belo
w Human, they're too weak to move. If they drop below -45, they pass out. They
recover at a speed determined by Endurance.
Yumi's Love Me Chain
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Mind-Touch, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult:
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
This spell creates a whip made out of interlinked hearts. On a successful strik
e against a foe, it wraps round them, entangling and holding them in place, whil
e trying to invade their mind and make them fall in love with you. The chain has
a strength equal to the caster's Psyche, so long as the caster concentrates on
it. You need a Psyche advantage to get the love magic to work; the bigger the a
dvantage, the faster it takes effect. Once the whip hits a specific target, it
can't be used to strike someone else; it evaporates once they fall for you.

Cross-Shadow Mail
Requires: Pattern or Logrus Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, Pattern or Logrus S
orcery, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
Go to a mailbox. Drop a letter or parcel in the box. Said letter or parcel wil
l begin shifting shadow, mailbox to mailbox, until it reaches the right shadow t
o be delivered to the target by regular mail. It moves at the same speed you sh
adow walk at.
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 15 minutes (9 seconds)
This spell lets you use any object as a cellular phone. It works like a real ph
one, including needing to know the actual number you want to call. Pushing the
difficulty up to difficult lets you call someone without knowing their phone num
ber. The spell lasts as long as you concentrate, so you can make multiple phone
calls. You cannot actually recieve calls, however, as the phone network has no
recorded number for you; you have to initiate all calls yourself.
Programmed Message
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, S
hadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 15 minutes (9 seconds)
This simple spell delivers a spoken message when some condition is met. At this
level of difficulty, it lasts for minutes to hours, depending on Psyche. Highe
r difficulty versions may last days, months, or years.
Psychic Friends' Network
Requires: Basic Sorcery (Advanced Sorcery)
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, (Intelligent Spells), Magical Energy,
Mind Touch
Level of Complexity: Challenging/Hard
Casting Time: 3 hours (15 seconds)/ 1 day (18 seconds)
Psychic Friends' Network links together multiple minds (numbers are dependent on
the Caster's Psyche) voluntarily into a communications' network allowing insta
ntaneous psychic communication across any distance within the same shadow. Any
member may dump the link at any time and anyone in the network must join volunta
rily. One person must act as the central hub of the network (usually the caster
); they can sense any psychic intrusions into the other people if that intrusion
is not so subtle as to fool them too, and dump people out of the network as nec
essary. The spell lasts minutes to days depending on caster Psyche.
The Intelligent spells version adds several features
If the network is not full (ie, not as big as the caster could make it), new
people can join it if the Hub invites them in.
The hub can use the caster's Psyche to detect intrusions if the hub is not t
he Caster himself (naturally, the caster would already be using his own Psyche i
f he's the hub)
Members of the network can voluntarily allow another member to use them as a
psychic terminal through which to conduct psychic actions
Dispelling the enchantment on a member of the network only kicks them out of the
network; Dispelling the magic on the hub destroys the network completely. In e
ither case, the spell resists with the Caster's Psyche, not that of the individu
al network members.
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Mind Touch
Level of Complexity: See Below
Casting Time: Variable by difficulty
This allows telepathic contact with someone for as long as you maintain some min
imal level of concentration. It is two-way contact and flows through any physic
al barrier that isn't magic-resistant. This contact is not suitable for invadin
g the target's mind. Difficulty is determined by range. You need not know the
subject's true name or see them, but you need some suitable way to identify who
they are. The subject can choose to throw off the spell if their psyche beats y
Minor: Sending a telepathic message across a room.
Average: Sending a telepathic message across the castle.
Difficult: Sending a telepathic message several miles.
Challenging: Send a telepathic message anywhere in a shadow. This requires
use of Trump/Pattern/or Logrus sorcery
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Variable
Casting Time: Variable by Complexity
This spell conveys a message to one or more people (the more psyche you have, th
e more people you can whisper to at once) which won't be overheard by others in
the area of effect. The message is sonic, not psychic, so silence spells and de
afness will block it. Range is psyche dependent. Increasing the difficulty up
one level lets one also disguise one's voice to whisper unrecognizably.
Petty: A single word
Minor: A sentence
Average: A paragraph
Difficult: A few minutes of speech
Challenging: An hour or so of speech
Hard: Whisper all day long
Very Hard: Whisper at them for a few months
God-Like: Keep whispering for years.

Anthy's Protective Whirlwind
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
This creates a small, intensely powerful whirlwind around the caster. It will t
urn aside almost any missile attack, and anyone trying to physically attack thro
ugh it must have Strength superior to the caster's Psyche or be blown aside. It
hampers or entirely blocks most physical magical attacks (fireballs, lightning,
etc). It lasts for minutes to hours depending on Psyche, and just protects the

Armored Clothing
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Average (1 point armor), Difficult (2 point armor), Challe
nging (4 point armor)
Casting Time: 5 minutes (9 seconds if hung) or 30 minutes (12 seconds if hung) o
r 4 hours (15 seconds if hung)
This spell toughens clothing to become like armor, able to resist assault. It h
as the disadvantage that it instantly breaks if you move to a shadow where the l
aws of magic are different. Any weapon imbued with Logrus, Pattern, Trump, or B
roken Pattern will slice right through it and break the spell as well.
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
This creates a glowing field around you which intercepts, and hopefully repels p
hysical and magically-generated physical assaults. It lasts for minutes to hour
s depending on Psyche, and just protects the caster.
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening, Magical Energy
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 30 minutes (12 seconds if hung)
Every few seconds, the caster teleports five to fifteen feet away from his curre
nt position, although he remains oriented in the same direction. This makes str
iking him with missiles very difficult, and melee combat equally frustrating for
his foes. This spell requires practice on the part of the caster, or he will d
isorient himself as much as his foes.
Gaze Reflection
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Countermagic, Mind Touch
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
This spell is designed to counteract psychic attacks, especially the classic 'lo
ck gazes' trick. It transforms incoming psychic force into a reflected psychic
attack with a strength equal to the caster's Psyche. Meanwhile, the victim's de
fense against the reflected attack is lowered by the caster's Psyche. However,
an attack by someone with twice the Psyche or more of the caster shatters the sp
ell. Also, a cunning, subtle foe can pick the spell apart and slip through it...
of course, they have to know it's there and what it is to DO that... (Example:
Gherman has Psyche 30. Julia has Psyche 50. Fiona has Psyche 130. Gherman ca
sts Gaze Reflection. Julia tries to lock gazes and mind-fry him. The spell ref
lects 30 points back, leaving Julia with 20 points for defense. She gets mindfr
ied by her own attack. Fiona steps up and locks gazes. The spell reflects 30 p
oints back, leaving Fiona with a hundred points of attack...the spell blows out
from the feedback and she then spanks Gherman hard.)
Invisibility Purge
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 4 hours (15 seconds if hung)
This spell renders hidden things visible within the area of effect (Hard or high
er magics will resist this unless you have a fair Psyche advantage on their cast
Keiko's Impregnable Shield
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Magical Energy
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
Forms a barrier of solid magical energy, glowing faintly green, which serves to
keep out physical forces. Repeated attacks can break through it, in time, and s
omeone with a Strength higher than the caster's Psyche can push through it if th
ey're determined. Cast on open ground, it forms a square barrier ten feet high
by ten feet wide; cast in a more confined space such as a corridor, it fills the
Lily's Obscuring Mist
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 5 minutes (9 seconds if hung)
This creates a cloud of mist about the size of a fair sized room. Only the crea
tor can see more than a few feet in it. Useful for escapes or giving oneself an
edge in combat.
Mitsune's Bloody Vengeance
Requires: Shapeshifting Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Creatures of Blood, Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy,
Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
This spell is cast upon the caster or a friend. Whenever the target is struck a
nd blood is drawn, the blood comes to life and transforms into a highly acidic c
reature which can fly. It then goes after the person who drew the blood and doe
sn't stop until that person dies or it is destroyed.

Mitsune's Defensive Hand
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 6 minutes (9 seconds if hung)
This spell calls up a large magical hand about twice as broad as a human being w
hich then moves to interpose itself between the caster and some designated targe
t. If the target's Warfare beats the caster's Psyche, he can manage to slip pas
t it, if his Strength beats the caster's Psyche he can just shove through it, or
if he has a sufficiently powerful weapon or enough time, he can hack it to bits
. The hand's target must be specified when the spell is cast.
Mitsune's Doppleganger Horde
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
Illusionary doubles of the caster appear and the caster is shunted a slight dist
ance away from her original position with one double taking her place in her ori
ginal position. The caster is rimmed with the same magical aura as the doubles,
so that detecting magic will not reveal which one is real. These doubles all i
mitate what the caster is doing and mill about close to the caster. Any attack
is likely to strike a double instead of the real caster. Those with superior Ps
yche to the caster can fairly quickly figure out which one is real. The higher
the caster's psyche, the more doubles appear.
Mitsune's Electrical Aura
Requires: Shapeshifting Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation, Shapeshifting Magi
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
The caster is suffused with a powerful electrical field. This does nothing to s
top attacks, but anyone who strikes the caster, or anyone the caster strikes, wi
ll suffer a powerful electrical discharge on the lines of the Taser spell. The
caster is transformed to become immune to electrical assaults herself, and highl
y conductive.
Mitsune's Improved Doppleganger Army
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 4 hours (15 seconds if hung)
As Mitsune's Doppleganger Army, but now the doubles can be made to do whatever t
he caster desires. Also, the caster becomes invisible, and is thus free to leav
e the doubles to run about attracting fire while she either runs for it or casts
spells from hiding. Or whatever.

Nanami's Magical Sinkhole
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Counter Magic, Magical Energy
Level of Complexity: Hard
Casting Time: 2 days (18 seconds if Hung)
This spell creates an up to two mile across zone where magic doesn't work. The
sinkhole lasts a few hours normally (varies by caster Psyche), but efforts are m
ade to use magic, it eats the magic and sustains itself with it. Trying to disp
el it with magic is futile, as it eats the counterspell. Pattern/Logrus/etc, on
the other hand, will work just fine.
Protection From Missiles
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 5 minutes (9 seconds if hung)
This spell creates a glowing field around the caster which will deflect any inco
ming missile attack fired by someone whose Warfare is lower than the caster's Ps
yche. It won't stop area affect explosions, acidic clouds, etc. The spell last
s only a few minutes; pushed up to Difficult, it will last for hours.
Ring of Fire
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
This summons up a wall of fire around you.. The higher your psyche, the bigger
you can make it. Various variations of this spell exist (Wall of Iron, Wall of
Force, Wall of Ice, etc).
Wakaba's Puissant Defense vs. Sorcery
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Counter Magic
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
This spell creates a ten foot diameter circular shield against spells. It is im
mobile, and attempts to dispel any magic which passes through it, using its cast
er's Psyche. Repeated assaults will cause it to degrade, and spells greater tha
n Difficult in level of complexity will only be weakened by it, unless the PD's
caster has a severe Psyche advantage.
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation,
Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Variable by level of injury.
Casting Time: Variable
This spell is most effective on Shadow Dwellers, who can quickly be put back tog
ether from just about any state of injury. An Average difficulty healing spell
will heal almost any injury to a human-sized Shadow Dweller. Beings who are Rea
l, however, are harder to heal. In their case, the spell works by accelerating
natural healing processes. An Average spell is enough to prevent death and stab
ilize such beings in the case of any but the most grevious of injuries, and a Di
fficult healing can save any Amberite or Chaosian from death. Spells to acceler
ate healing will increase in difficulty by the decree of injury--a small cut wou
ld need Petty magic, a moderate wound would probably be Average, multiple non-li
fe threatening wounds would require a Difficult spell, and life-threatening woun
ds would require a Challenging or stronger spell. A spell could heal multiple t
argets by going above the complexity needed for a single person. By sacrificing
one level of effectiveness, the mage can heal up to a dozen targets at once, pr
ovided they are close together (a Challenging-level spell may thus do Difficult-
level healing to up to a dozen nearby subjects). This spell is, unfortunately,
not very effective at dealing with Primal or Apocalyptic damage.

Pattern Healing
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Magical Energy, Intelligent Spells, A
dvanced Pattern Sorcery
Level of Complexity: Variable by level of injury.
Casting Time: Variable
By incorporating the more advanced uses of Pattern Sorcery into one's healing sp
ells, it becomes possible to repair even the damage inflicted by Primal weapons
such as Patternblades or Logrusfoils.
An Average-level Pattern healing will restore perfect health to any human-sized
Shadow Dweller it is used upon, curing diseases and purging toxins as well as re
pairing more obvious wounds. When used on Real beings, the spell both accelerat
es natural healing processes and uses the power of Order to restore the wounded
body to a more intact state--because of this, it leaves the subject less tired t
han an equivalent healing spell would. The spell also snuffs the flames caused
by Primal damage, either by countering the Chaos-induced flames with Order, or b
y simply damping the Order-induced flames (even both at once, if you're unlucky
enough to be burning from both a Patternblade hit and a Logrusfoil hit).
A Petty spell will heal minor cuts and bruises, such as those from a rough sparr
ing session. An Average spell will fix a single moderate wound or multiple mino
r wounds. A Difficult spell heals multiple moderate wounds or one-life threaten
ing wound, while even multiple-life threatening wounds will be healed by the Cha
llenging version. By sacrificing one level of effectiveness, the mage can heal
up to a dozen targets at once, provided they are close together (a Challenging-l
evel spell may thus do Difficult-level healing to up to a dozen nearby subjects)

Pattern Regeneration
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Magical Energy, Intelligent Sorcery,
Advanced Pattern Sorcery
Level of Complexity: Variable by level of injury.
Casting Time: Variable
The usefulness of this spell over the typical Regeneration spells is that, like
Pattern Healing, it is effective against Primal damage in a way that regular spe
lls are not.
Used on a Shadow Dweller (though Shadow Dwellers rarely survive damage from Prim
al weapons) it will regrow lost body parts in minutes to hours, depending on com
plexity. Used on a Chaosian, it both speeds normal regeneration and removes the
"barrier" that Primal damage normally provides to shapeshifting regeneration.
It is most useful for people with a Pattern Imprint, such as Amberites. Used on
them, it begins to reconstitute all lost body
parts at an extremely rapid rate, drawing the necessary mass from other parts of
the body (which can leave you quite emaciated) or (as is more hopefully the cas
e) from a great deal of consumed food.
Requires: Basic or Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Magical Manipulation, Shadow Manipula
tion or Shapechanging Magic
Level of Complexity: Variable by level of injury.
Casting Time: Variable
Lost body parts can be regrown by use of this spell. The basic version can regr
ow any lost body part for a shadow dweller in minutes to hours, as they are more
malleable. It also speeds the rate at which someone of Chaos or higher enduran
ce regenerates, thus enabling Amberites to recover lost body parts in weeks and
months instead of months and years. The Advanced Version sends the target into
a feeding frenzy, and uses the digested food to grow them the needed body parts.
It can grow anyone new limbs, eyes, organs, etc in days, depending on availabi
lity of food and the size of the missing part. This spell is, unfortunately, no
t very effective at dealing with Primal or Apocalyptic damage.

Detect Lie
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Mind Touch
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 90 minutes (13 seconds if Hung)
This spell lets you tell if people are lying to you. It lasts for about an hour
, depending on your psyche. You need a psyche advantage over the target or they
can lie freely.

Detect Magic
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Measure Substance
Level of Complexity: Minor or Average
Casting Time: 30 seconds (6 seconds if Hung) or 5 minutes (9 seconds if Hung)
The more complex the spell, the larger the area of effect. The minor version af
fects a fifteen foot radius, while the Average version is a hundred foot radius.

Detect Minds
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Measure Substance, Mind Touch
Level of Complexity: Minor
Casting Time: 30 seconds (6 seconds if Hung)
This simple spell can be used to detect all sentiences within a few dozen feet o
f the caster, depending on caster Psyche. Especially useful for sensing invisib
le people, people disguised as inanimate objects, sentient items, and the like.
Gauge Strength
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Measure Substance, Mind Touch
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 5 minutes (9 seconds if Hung)
This spell lets you gauge the psychic strength and sorcerous skills of the targe
t, who must be within 150 feet. If you have a psyche advantage, the information
is very accurate; if you do not, the information will be fuzzy at best.
Heighten Sense
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Measure Substance
Level of Complexity: Minor or Average
Casting Time: 30 seconds (6 seconds if Hung) or 5 minutes (9 seconds if Hung)
This augments one of your senses to a superhuman level--seeing as far and keenly
as an eagle, tracking like a dog, reading newspapers with your fingertips, and
so on. The minor version lasts a few minutes, the average version lasts minutes
to hours depending on Psyche.
Keiko's Lens of Detection
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Measure Substance, Magical Energy
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 5 minutes (9 seconds if Hung)
This spell creates a nearly-transparent green "visor" in front of the caster's e
yes, which maintains itself for about an hour on a pool of magical energy. Look
ing through it, the caster can detect various hidden things. The lynchpins for
the specific thing to be detected are generally left out. Common settings inclu
General Scan: this will pick out Powers, identify Real things from Shadow th
ings, and generally see things that are out of the ordinary without specifically
identifying what's out of the ordinary about them.
Power Scan: specified to read for Pattern, Logrus, Trump or Magic, the lens
will pick out and allow analysis of that specific power.
Criminology Scan: finds fingerprints, reveals if locks have been recently pi
cked, makes it easier to find hidden clues, and generally aids in casing a crime
Past Scan: identifies and generally detects the nature of strong psychic imp
ressions around objects, or recent strongly emotional events (violent combat, pa
ssionate lovemaking, a heated argument) in the location surveyed. Often used in
combination with Keiko's Mirror of Temporal Scrying.
Keiko's Mirror of Temporal Scrying
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Measure Substance, Magical Energy
Level of Complexity: Petty to Godlike (see below)
Casting Time: From a single second to four months (see below)
Temporarily enchants any object with at least some reflecive capacity as a devic
e that can be used to look into the past events of an area. The reflector is po
sitioned so that the area to be scryed is reflected in it, and the spell is then
cast. For an hour after that, the reflector can be used to rewind and observe
through time in the area reflected, revealing past events. It currently lacks t
he ability to pick up sound and is purely a visual device, but Keiko's been work
ing on that (and she can read lips anyway). The complexity varies depending on
just how far back in time you want to be able to look.
Petty: observe past events up to five minutes ago.
Minor: observe past events up to an hour ago.
Average: observe past events up to a day ago.
Difficult: observe past events up to a month ago.
Challenging: observe past events up to a year ago.
Hard: observe past events up to a decade ago.
Incredibly Hard: observe past events up to a century ago.
God-like: observe past events up to a millenium ago.
Searching for a desired event is something of a hit-and-miss process, rather lik
e looking through a very long videotape for the one episode of a show you want t
o watch.
Keiko's Improved Mirror of Temporal Scrying
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Measure Substance, Magical Energy, Intelligent Spells
Level of Complexity: Petty to Godlike (see below)
Casting Time: From a single second to four months (see below)
Having experienced the wonders of the DVD player since getting married to Ramon,
Keiko has worked on improving her Temporal Scrying spell to make it work along
similar lines. The added self-direction allows the spell to skip back and forth
through time instantly as commanded, search for specific events and display the
m with far more speed than a human observer "rewinding" could, etc... basically,
it makes investigations using the spell quicker and easier.
And one day, one day, she'll figure out how to get a soundtrack as well.

Lily's Magically Assisted Research
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent Spells, Measure Substance, Magical Energy,
Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Variable by library size
Casting Time: by Difficulty
This spell will magically search through a library or archive for all appearance
s of a set of words listed by the caster at the time of the actual release of th
e spell. The spell can then be configured to take any or all of several options
with regard to the results of its search:
Produce a book which lists all the books in the library which contain said k
eywords with a list of the frequency of appearance of said words
Yank all books containing the keywords and stack them neatly at a designated
location within the library
Produce copies of all such texts (This option requires the use of conjuratio
n in conjunction with the spell if you want said books to be reasonably permanen
This spell can be cast multiple times, using the results of a previous search as
the initial starting conditions if so desired. Depending on the size of the li
brary and the frequency of the keywords, this search may take hours to days to w
eeks; it is only as fast as the person who casts the spell; its main benefit is
that the caster can work on other things while the spell does the most tedious s
earching for him.
Minor: A single shelf worth of books, the papers on someone's desk
Average: A few bookcases worth, a few filing cabinets
Difficult: A small library, such as an average noble's collection; the reco
rds of a noble house
Challenging: A medium-sized library, such as that of a fair-sized town on Sh
adow Earth; the records of such a town
Hard: A very large library, such as that of Amber or the Library of Congres
s; the records of the Amber government
Locate Object
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Measure Substance
Level of Complexity: Average or Difficult
Casting Time: 10 minutes (9 seconds) or 1 hour (12 seconds)
This simple spell will guide you to any lost object within its range in the same
shadow. It provides a directional sense which leads you in the right direction
to find it. The average version is good enough for most buildings; the difficu
lt version will lead you to if it's within about ten miles.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, Measure Substance
Level of Complexity: Challenging or higher
Casting Time: 2 Hours (15 seconds if Hung) or higher
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall enchantes a mirror to become intelligent and conduct
scrying searches for you. It will search for things you designate within the sa
me shadow, then display them and the area around them. Such a search takes anyw
here from a few seconds (for an adjacent room) to a few days (for searching the
billions of galaxies of shadow earth for a planet of solid gold). One can aband
on a search and try something else, if the first search takes too long.
The difficulty level of the spell sets the duration of it. At Challenging, the
spell lasts about half a day; higher levels last a lot longer. The spell will b
e detected by anyone of superior Psyche to the caster's, and can penetrate anti-
scrying defenses made by anyone of lower Psyche.
Mitsune's Magical Sages
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent Spells, Measure Substance, Magical Energy
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 10 minutes (9 seconds)
This summons up the floating heads of Gandalf, Vecna, Merlin, and Morgan le fay.
They float around the caster, observing in all directions. If anything magica
l happens within their line of sight, they analyze what kind of magic is respons
ible and advise their caster on countermeasures. They last for minutes to hours
, depending on the caster's Psyche.
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Measure Substance
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 70 minutes (12 seconds if Hung)
This spell quickly assesses the local culture and conveys upon you the skills ne
eded to pass as a reasonably cultured individual. You thus become familiar with
local etiquette, you know enough local law to avoid having yourself executed, y
ou will be able to perform appropriate dances, rituals, etc. It typically lasts
from hours to days, depending on your psyche.
Travis' Instant Translator
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Measure Substance, Mind Touch
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 10 minutes (9 seconds)
This spell enables you to communicate in and comprehend just about any spoken la
nguage. It lasts minutes to hours, depending on caster Psyche.
Touga's Eye-Spies
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, Measure Substance,
Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 2 Hours (15 seconds if Hung)
This spell calls up a dozen or so floating invisible eyes which move at about th
e speed of a horse. They can be sent out by the caster to look at things, then
return to him at some preset duration or condition (such as when they see someth
ing happen or when 20 minutes pass or whatever). Other spells can be cast on th
em to give them special senses (to detect magic or whatever). Those whose Psych
e exceeds that of the caster will sense they are being watched.

Stealth and Disguise
Contagious Invisibility
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent spells, Shadow Manipulation, Magical Energy
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 4 hours (15 seconds if Hung)
This renders the caster invisible. Light now passes through her body, so she ca
sts no shadow, either. The spell lasts for minutes to hours, depending on caste
r Psyche. Those of higher Psyche than the caster will sense her presence, even
though they may not be quite sure what they're sensing. Anything being touched o
r carried by the caster (or recipient of the spell) can be turned invisible at h
is discretion. The flour trick will not work against a person invisible with th
is sort of spell because the flour will vanish as soon as it touches him, should
he desire. However, spells which detect magical energies will still detect the
Hiko's Image Inducer
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 3 hours (15 seconds if Hung)
This spell lasts at least a day, maybe longer depending on the caster's psyche.
It enables the caster to take on any appearance he or she desires, although thi
s is only a projected physical illusion (ie, it shows up on cameras, mirrors, et
c, requires no psyche advantage on the victims) rather than true shapechanging.
Those with a psyche advantage over the caster don't automatically detect it, th
ough if they try to detect magic around you, they'll see you're ensorcelled all
over and might suspect something. This is more a problem when passing as a begg
ar than as Thrakmoss the Archlich.
Hiko's Shade of Glamor
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, S
hadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 4 hours (15 seconds if Hung)
Hiko's Shade of Glamor gives the caster protective camoflague. You blend into y
our environment, taking on whatever appearance best fits in. This spell has the
big advantage of adjusting itself without you having to think about it. It has
the big disadvantage that it has to read surrounding minds to know what to chang
e, and thus it risks alerting anyone around you who beats your psyche.
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Magical Energy
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
This renders the caster invisible. Light now passes through her body, so she ca
sts no shadow, either. The spell lasts for minutes to hours, depending on caste
r Psyche. Those of higher Psyche than the caster will sense her presence, even
though they may not be quite sure what they're sensing. Only things which were
carried or touched at the casting are effected, although objects can be rendered
invisible by putting them inside something which is itself invisible (for examp
le, if you pick up 20 gold coins and put them in your invisible pouch, they stay
invisible). The flour trick will work against a person invisible with this sor
t of spell. So will spells to detect magic.
Mitsune's Glib Answers
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Mind Touch
Level of Complexity: Average or Difficult
Casting Time: 10 minutes (9 seconds) or 1 hour (12 seconds)

For the duration of this spell, the caster can give the response to any challeng
e or question which best disarms the suspicions of the person or persons within
a (determined by psyche, starts at 3 feet for Human Psyche, up to dozens of feet
for very high Psyches) radius of himself whom he or she is addressing. For exa
mple, if challenged by a sentry, you will automatically give the password. Ther
e may be situations where nothing you can say will disarm a person's suspicions,
however; if you are found plunging a knife into the high priest's eyes, this sp
ell won't save you. It also doesn't work on anyone who is in combat with you.
This spell only works if you have a Psyche advantage over those you are addressi
ng. The average version lasts for just a few minutes. The difficult version la
sts minutes to hours, depending on Psyche.
Mitsune's Silent Running
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 10 minutes (9 seconds)
This spell renders the caster utterly silent. It lasts minutes to hours, depend
ing upon Psyche. It can be cast either as total silence for the duration, which
requires no concentration, or in a form which allows one to make noise if one w
ants to, then go silent again. That version requires active concentration. By
adding Intelligent Spells and bumping the difficulty up to Difficult, one can cr
eate a switchable silence spell which doesn't require concentration.
Shadow Cloak
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 6 minutes (9 seconds if hung)
The caster wraps shadows around herself, becoming very difficult to see. This w
orks well in dark and shadowy places, while in well-lit locations, you will stan
d out like a sore thumb. This lasts for minutes to hours, depending on Psyche.
Somebody Else's Problem
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Mind Touch
Level of Complexity: Difficult or Challenging
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung) or 3 hours (15 seconds if Hung)
This spell causes people to ignore you because you're someone else's problem if
your psyche beats theirs and you take no action against them. The difficult ver
sion requires constant concentration to maintain, while the Challenging version
lasts for hours to days dependent on Psyche.

Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
Vacancy shields an area from outside observation by projecting a fixed illusion
chosen at the time of the casting over the area. Those inside the area see ever
ything normally. This will fool magical scrying, the use of Logrus tendrils (wi
thout the use of actual Logrus Sight) to spy, trump observation, etc. Patternsi
ght or Logrussight will identify the magical aura everywhere if the caster's Pyc
he is fairly superior to the Pattern or Logrus user, and other wise breaks throu
gh it completely.

Advanced Flying
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Intelligent Spells, Magical Manipulat
ion, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Variable by speed
Casting Time: Variable
This enables you to fly for hours to days, depending on psyche. The spell can b
e programmed to fly without you having to concentrate, freeing you to do other t
hings. Complexity is determined by spell.
Petty: Float a few feet a second.
Minor: Walking speed
Average: Running speed
Difficult: Horse speeds
Challenging: Car speeds
Hard: Plane speeds
Incredibly Hard: Supersonic speeds
God-Like: Spacecraft speeds
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Manipulation, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Variable by speed
Casting Time: Variable
This enables you to fly for as long as you put some concentration into it; this
concentration precludes casting spells from scratch, but racked spells can be us
ed and items as well.
Petty: Float a few feet a second.
Minor: Walking speed
Average: Running speed
Difficult: Horse speeds
Challenging: Car speeds
Hard: Plane speeds
Incredibly Hard: Supersonic speeds
God-Like: Spacecraft speeds
Kentaro's Infallible Guide
Requires: Pattern Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Intelligent Spells, Pattern Sorcery,
Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult or Hard
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds) or 2 days (18 seconds)
This spell can be cast in either of two ways. The difficult version creates a g
uide who is very knowledgeable in getting around a particular shadow, and given
enough time, can lead you to just about anything in that shadow while he lasts.
This version lasts hours to days, dependent on psyche. The hard version create
s a guide who can seek things out in shadow and lead you or some other designate
d person or persons to those things (This version is usually used to send flunki
es across shadow to scout something out). It lasts for weeks to months, dependi
ng on caster Psyche.
Michelle's Canal Conveyance
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
This spell turns a small wooden gondola toy into a full sized gondola and convey
s it at the speed of a horse for hours dependent on your Psyche.
Michelle's Magic Carpet Ride
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Intelligent Spells, Magical Manipulat
ion, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Variable by speed
Casting Time: Variable
This creates a flying carpet, which will fly for hours to days, depending on psy
che. The spell can be programmed to fly without you having to concentrate, free
ing you to do other things. Complexity is determined by spell. The carpet will
usually carry about six people, but the more psyche you have, the bigger the mag
ic carpet you can make.
Minor: Float a few feet a second.
Average: Walking speed
Difficult: Running speed
Challenging: Horse speeds
Hard: Car speeds
Incredibly Hard: Plane speeds
God-like: Supersonic speeds
Mitsune's Spectacular Leap
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Manipulation, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Minor
Casting Time: 20 seconds (6 seconds)
This spell enables you to perform a feat of spectacular leaping. The more Psych
e you have, the further you can jump, but even the feeblest of Psyches can leap
several dozen feet with this.
My Little Pony
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
This calls up a riding horse, pony, or mule, along with appropriate gear. It st
icks around for hours to days, depending on one's Psyche. Pushing the spell up
to Challenging gives you a winged horse.
Spider Climb
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 10 minutes (9 seconds if Hung)
This spell lets you cling to surfaces like a spider. You can even walk across c
eilings. Depending upon your psyche, you may need to keep all four limbs in con
tact to do this successfully, although with high enough psyche, you could hang f
rom the ceiling by a single fingertip.
Localized Teleportation
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Magical Energy, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: See Below
Casting Time: Variable by difficulty
This spell allows teleportation within the same shadow. The spell can be racked
to either
Transport a victim naked somewhere (requires beating their psyche)
Transport a victim somewhere with whatever he is holding
Transport the caster naked somewhere (typically used for teleporting out of
bonds, etc)
Transport the caster with whatever he is holding.
The caster must specify the destination when racking the spell. By upgrading th
e spell to advanced sorcery and adding the intelligent spells micro-spell, you c
an create a spell which accepts whatever destination you specify during the actu
al release of the spell, and which can be adjusted between the four possible out
comes when cast.
Minor: Teleport across a room
Average: Teleport across a building.
Difficult: Teleport some number of miles dependent on psyche.
Challenging: Teleport anywhere in the same shadow.
Pattern Teleportation
Requires: Advanced Sorcery and Advanced Pattern
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Magical Energy, Pattern Magic, Shadow
Opening (And requires the Pattern ability Pattern Teleportation)
Level of Complexity: See Below
Casting Time: Variable by difficulty
This spell allows teleportation across shadow boundaries. The spell can be rack
ed to either
Transport a victim naked somewhere (requires beating their psyche)
Transport a victim somewhere with whatever he is holding
Transport the caster naked somewhere (typically used for teleporting out of
bonds, etc)
Transport the caster with whatever he is holding.
The caster must specify the destination when racking the spell. By adding the i
ntelligent spells micro-spell, you can create a spell which accepts whatever des
tination you specify during the actual release of the spell, and which can be ad
justed between the four possible outcomes when cast.
One might ask why one would want to cast this when it requires one already be ab
le to Pattern Teleport. The advantage is that a racked Pattern Teleport spell c
an be used quickly in emergency situations, faster than the use of the actual Po
wer. Also, if one possesses the appropriate sorcerous abilities, one could rack
this spell in a minion's head or a spell rack for someone who doesn't possess M
ad Pattern Skills.
Difficult: Pattern Teleport anywhere within a single shadow.
Challenging: Pattern teleport up to a week's shadow travelling away
Hard: Pattern teleport up to two weeks shadow travelling distance.
Incredibly Hard: Pattern teleport from Yig to the Courts or Castle Amber
God-Like: Pattern teleport from the Courts of Chaos to Castle Amber
Trump Teleportation
Requires: Advanced Sorcery and Trump
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Magical Energy, Trump Magic, Shadow O
Level of Complexity: See Below
Casting Time: Variable by difficulty
Trump Teleportation uses a trump of a person, place, or thing as a focus. The
spell can be racked to either
Transport a victim naked somewhere (requires beating their psyche)
Transport a victim somewhere with whatever he is holding
Transport the caster naked somewhere (typically used for teleporting out of
bonds, etc)
Transport the caster with whatever he is holding.
The caster must specify the destination, using a specific trump when racking the
spell. By adding the intelligent spells micro-spell, you can create a spell wh
ich accepts whatever destination you specify during the actual release of the sp
ell, and which can be adjusted between the four possible outcomes when cast. Un
willing teleportees can resist with psyche.
The following table determines the difficulty, based on range.
Petty: Teleport a willing subject or an inanimate object to the exact locat
ion a place trump points to.
Average: Teleport anyone to the location of a place or object trump. Telep
ort the subject of an object trump to yourself. Teleport a willing subject to a
ny location within the same shadow as a place or object trump.
Difficult: Teleport anyone to the location of a person trump.
Challenging: Teleport anyone to a location within the same shadow as a pers
on trump.
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, S
hadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Variable
Casting Time: Variable
This spell alerts the caster that someone has entered the area of effect by ring
ing a bell loudly in his ears. This will rouse the caster from slumber if neces
sary. The triggering condition can be set as broadly or narrowly as one likes,
within the limitations of magic's ability to detect things (With no mind touch c
omponent, the spell has to go by appearance and behavior, but can't measure atti
tude. Identities can be specified if you know the person's biological imprint o
r have some bit of them, like hair.).
The alarm endures for a duration based on the spell complexity; area of effect r
anges from a few feet at human psyche to hundreds of feet in radius at high rank
ed psyche.

Minor: A few minutes
Average: A few hours
Difficult: A day
Challenging: A week
Hard: A month
Very hard: A year
God-like: Decades
Contingency Defense
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, S
hadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening or Counter Magic, Detect Substance, Intellig
ent Spells, Magical Energy
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 5 hours (15 seconds if Hung)
Once cast, this spell hangs around the caster, waiting for a trigger condition t
o be set off, at which time it activates the pre-chosen defense against that con
dition. It comes in two major forms: One can set it to detect various kinds of
physical attacks and prepare some countermeasure (incoming flame triggers a jet
of water, incoming bullet turns your clothing into armor, incoming lightning ge
ts grounded by a sudden lightning rod), or it can be set to detect incoming magi
c and automatically counterspell it. Contingency Defenses last for hours at Cha
os Psyche, and proportionally longer at higher ranks, however, the spell gradual
ly devours the pool of magical energy which it uses to fuel the defense, so smar
t sorcerors renew their Contingency Defenses every few days.
Explosive Runes
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, S
hadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 4 hours (15 seconds if Hung)
This spell enchants written letters to explode if looked at or read or touched.
The caster can set the explosion to be anything from a small focused burst of f
lame or lightning at the person looking at them to a room-annhilating explosion
that takes the written material with it. The caster can also set the runes to n
ot go off if certain specified people look at them. The spell lasts for days to
months, depending on Psyche.
Nanami's Impenetrable Seal
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Variable
Casting Time: Variable
This seals a door or chest or cabinet or other closable thing shut for some peri
od of time dependent on caster psyche and on the difficulty of the spell. It al
so reinforces the thing to make it harder to break.
Petty: Seconds
Minor: Minutes
Average: Hours
Difficult: Days
Challenging: Weeks
Hard: Months
Incredibly hard: Years
God-Like: Pretty much forever
Nanami's Improved Impenetrable Seal
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Counter Magic, Detect Substance, Intelligent Spells, Ma
gical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Variable
Casting Time: Variable
This seals a door or chest or cabinet or other closable thing shut for some peri
od of time dependent on caster psyche and on the difficulty of the spell. It al
so reinforces the thing to make it harder to break. And the spell will actively
resist efforts to dispel it, countermagicking any such efforts with the power o
f the Caster's Psyche.
Minor: Seconds
Average: Minutes
Difficult: Hours
Challenging: Days
Hard: Weeks
Incredibly hard: Months
God-Like: Years
None Shall Pass
Requires: Advanced Sorcery, Pattern Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, P
attern Sorcery, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 4 hours (15 seconds if Hung)
This spell protects a region so that no one who lacks the appropriate password o
r who lacks some defined quality, can enter it. Anyone who tries simply finds t
hemselves exiting the area at the spot exactly opposite where they entered. Fir
ed missiles, moving vehicles, fireballs, etc, simply bypass that area of space a
s if it wasn't there. Pattern or Logrus Defense can be used to break into the r
egion so warded. Depending on the environment, the spell's effects may or may n
ot be noticable.

Pattern Alarm
Requires: Basic Sorcery, Advanced Sorcery, Pattern Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent Spells, Measure Substance, Pattern Sorcery
Level of Complexity: Hard
Casting Time: 2 days (18 seconds if hung)
Once cast, this spell monitors an entire Shadow, alerting you if someone who pos
sesses Blood of Amber or Pattern or Broken Pattern enters the Shadow, or if they
use Pattern or Broken Pattern within the shadow. The spell will run for a numb
er of days equal to your Psyche + 30 before it breaks down and has to be recast.

Teleportation Redirection
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, S
hadow Opening
Level of Complexity: See Below
Casting Time: Variable by difficulty
This spell allows teleportation within the same shadow. The spell has two modes
of operation. At any given time, the spell must be set to a specific mode and
destination, but until the spell uses up its magical energy supply, those factor
s can be changed at any time. The spell detects any use of teleportation within
a radius of the caster specified at the time of casting, then redirects that te
leportation, if the caster's Psyche exceeds that of the Psyche backing up the te
leportation. You can:
Transport a victim naked somewhere (requires beating their psyche)
Transport a victim somewhere with whatever he is holding
The number of times the spell can redirect teleportation attempts is based on th
e difficulty of the spell. If you possess Pattern or Logrus, you can shove the
victims across Shadow by this means. If you possess Trump Sorcery, you can dete
ct incoming Trumps, and immediately try to teleport the trumpees away.
Difficult: Redirects one teleportation to anywhere in the same shadow
Challenging: Redirects two teleportations to anywhere in the same shadow
Hard: Redirects four teleportations to anywhere in the same shadow
Very Hard: Redirects eight teleportations to anywhere in the same shadow
God-like: Redirects sixteen teleportations to anywhere in the same shadow
Weather Control
Lily's Refreshing Breeze
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Minor
Casting Time: 30 seconds (6 seconds if hung)
This generates a refreshing breeze which will cool down the area pleasantly and
tend to disperse unpleasant smells and gases.
Summon Storm
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Challenging
Casting Time: 4 hours (15 seconds if hung)
This spell rapidly calls up a thunderstorm which will last as long as you concen
trate, after which you can either kill it completely, or let it gradually rain i
tself out. The storm is big enough to cover a fair sized town. Simpler version
s make smaller storms. More complex versions can make HUGE storms. .
Thoric's Air Conditioning
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, S
hadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Average or Difficult
Casting Time: 15 minutes (9 seconds) or 1 hour (12 seconds)
This spell creates a magical effect which adjusts the local temperature to one's
desires for hours to days, depending on Psyche and how severe the change is. T
he average spell affects one room, the difficult version can chill an entire bui
lding. Because the spell is intelligent, the caster can change the temperature
level as desired while it lasts and the spell adapts to any changes in surroundi
ng temperatures.


Chef Bork's Spectral Assistants
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds)
This spell calls up dozens of spectral assistant cooks who can help you prepare
a feast suitable for dozens to hundreds of people. This does not supply the raw
materials for said feast.
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Mind Touch
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 15 minutes (9 seconds)
This spell lets the caster ride along inside the mind of an animal, subtly guidi
ng it and seeing what it sees. This requires beating the animal's psyche, but u
nless you're a pretty pathetic sorceror or you're trying to borrow the Great Cow
of the Atlan Tepes, this probably isn't going to be a problem. The spell lasts
as long as you like, although if you spend too much time (hours to days, depend
ing on psyche) riding along, you may have trouble keeping your own sense of iden
tity (unless you're a shapechanger, in which case you can borrow for about as lo
ng as you like, since you're more used to shapeshifting).

Business Card
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Petty
Casting Time: 2 seconds
This lets you print whatever you like on a blank business card in a second (ofte
n the second while you're pulling it out of your pocket, hat, or whatever). It
can be combined with Conjuration to create the card itself from nothing. Anot
her variant is used in Tech shadows to instantly create fake IDs of various kind
Keitaro's Snapshot
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Minor
Casting Time: 30 seconds (6 seconds if hung)
This prints a visualized, remembered, or currently seen image onto a surface, up
to the size of a t-shirt. Useful for making 'photos' in low tech shadows.

Lily's Magical Festival
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Hard
Casting Time: 2 days (19 seconds if hung)
This spell creates an entire festival, complete with dozens of stands, a staff,
music, food, the works. It will remain in existance for some number of hours pr
oportional to the caster's psyche.
Michelle's Amberite Bandstand
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
Michelle's Amberite Bandstand creates doubles of any band you've ever seen and s
ets them to performing whatever music you like. The spell lasts for minutes to
hours, depending on psyche. Great for parties. The Raver Elves of Arden paid M
ichelle a lot to teach them this.
Michelle's Dancing Maidens
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
This creates a number of illusionary dancing maidens (or dancing men, or a mix o
f dancing men and women) dependent on the caster's psyche. They can be programm
ed to perform whatever sort of dancing you like. The spell lasts for minutes to
hours, depending on psyche. Great for staging your own movie musical number.
Michelle's Magical Jukebox
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, S
hadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if Hung)
This spell creates a magical jukebox which can play whatever songs are requested

Mitsune's Quick Cash
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 10 minutes (9 seconds)
Take a big handful of dirt, stones, sticks, etc, and shove it in a small bag. S
hake well, and voila, instant local currency. This works especially well with p
aper money; precious metals tend to be heavy and require collecting a lot of gar
bage. But a 1000 dollar bill weighs the same as a 1 dollar bill... Such money
will revert back to garbage if touched with cold iron, so best to use this on ha
pless shadow dwellers...
Mitsune's Skeleton Keys
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 10 minutes (9 seconds)
This spell quickly conjures up a ring of keys to open all locks within sight. T
hese keys will bypass any mundane traps, but do nothing to prevent magical traps
going off or to bypass magical locks.

Nanami's Quick Freshening Up
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 6 minutes (9 seconds if hung)
This spell quickly cleans off any blood, neatly starches and presses your clothi
ng as appropriate, and in general, makes you look like you just spent hours clea
ning up, even if you just survived the Second Day of Darkness. It won't, unfort
unately, stanch wounds and the like, but it will mend clothing torn by a sword.
Plant Growth
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
This spell causes hyper-accelerated plant growth over the area of effect (hundre
ds of feet to miles). The caster must spend an hour or so concentrating to get
the full effect; there is a challenging version which doesn't require concentrat
Spectral Servant
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 15 minutes (9 seconds if hung)
The Spectral Servant spell calls forth a glowing, ghostly field of force which w
ill fetch and carry for the caster for minutes to hours, depending on Psyche. I
t can't fight, but it's smart enough to follow complex orders, and it moves at t
he same speed as a human.
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Magical Manipulation, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Variable by weight and speed
Casting Time: Variable
This spell lets you move an object or objects around. The higher your Psyche, t
he more weight you can life. The speed at which you move the objects is set by
the spell difficulty. At Human Psyche, you can move small objects. At Chaos Ps
yche, you could move a child's worth of weight. At Amber Psyche, you could move
a human. At higher ranks, you can move more.
Petty: Float a few feet a second.
Minor: Walking speed
Average: Running speed
Difficult: Horse speeds
Challenging: Car speeds
Hard: Plane speeds
Incredibly Hard: Supersonic speeds
God-Like: Spacecraft speeds
Travis' Optical Stenographer
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Mind Touch, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 15 minutes (9 seconds if hung)
This spell transcribes images from your mind or things you are reading onto pape
r as you concentrate. You must be able to see what you're copying. You can, in
general, read about one page per minute. The spell can be cast on someone else
; the target must be willing.

Touga's Intimate Meal/Touga's Private Party
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult or Challenging
Casting Time: 1 Hour (12 seconds if hung) or 3 Hours (15 seconds if hung)
This spell produces all the things necessary to have an intimate meal with someo
ne, including exquisitely cooked food and beverages to order, a table, silverwar
e, and something nice to wear. The Challenging version provides food and facili
ties for up to a dozen people.

Touga's Vintage Improvement
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 15 minutes (9 seconds if hung)
Touga's Vintage Improvement raises the quality of wine or other alcoholic bevera
ges. The quality of the resulting improvement depends on the Caster's psyche.
This level of difficulty affects enough wine for an intimate meal for two; highe
r levels transmute proportionately more wine.

Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Measure Substance, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Minor
Casting Time: 45 seconds (6 seconds if hung)
This spell will unlock any lock, disarming any traps on it, so long as the caste
r's Psyche beats the maker's Warfare.

Wakaba's Instant Tailor
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 15 minutes (9 seconds if hung)
This simple spell lets you visualize a piece of clothing and then magically tran
sform the appropriate materials to make it into that clothing. Higher complexit
y versions allow you to make more outfits at once.
Wakaba's Instant Genius
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Mind Touch, Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
This spell raises the intelligence level of the target for some period of time,
enabling faster thought and better analytical skills. It will give animals the
intelligence of a young human child, young children the thinking powers of an av
erage adult, an average adult the capacities of a fairly intelligent adult, and
turn those already fairly intelligent into geniuses. The spell lasts only a mat
ter of hours, and does not actually convey new knowledge. It's especially usefu
l for puzzle solving.
Wakaba's Magical Microwave
Requires: Basic Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Shadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Minor for up to five people, more if you need to nuke more
Casting Time: 30 seconds (6 seconds if hung)
This spell rapidly cooks food for you; Wakaba isn't a tech lover, but she does l
ike the convenience of microwaves.

Wakaba's Magical Porter
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, S
hadow Manipulation
Level of Complexity: Average
Casting Time: 15 minutes (9 seconds if hung)
This creates a floating disc about four feet in diameter which follows the caste
r wherever she goes at walking speeds for minutes to hours, depending on caster
psyche. It has a strength equal to the caster's psyche.
Yumi's Bed and Breakfast
Requires: Advanced Sorcery
Sorcery Components Used: Detect Substance, Intelligent Spells, Magical Energy, S
hadow Manipulation, Shadow Opening
Level of Complexity: Difficult
Casting Time: 1 hour (12 seconds if hung)
This spell conjures up a four poster canopied bed with silk and satin sheets and
lots of pillows. It is a king-sized bed, large enough for two easily, and prob
ably three or four in a pinch. (up to eight people if they just want to get out
of the sun and are sitting, not trying to sleep). After eight hours, a bell ri
ngs loud enough to wake anyone on the bed and a small table appears with enough
breakfast (either cereal and fruit, toast and eggs, or sausage and pancakes) for
two people. Once someone eats the breakfast, or thirty minutes after the break
fast appears, the bed and breakfast table both vanish. If the bed is destroyed
before the eight hours are up, breakfast will not be served.

Pattern and Broken Pattern
Table of Contents
Walking the Pattern
Shadow Travel
Shadow Molding
Wifty Tricks with the Sign of the Pattern
Broken Pattern
Partial Powers for Pattern and Broken Pattern:
Broken Pattern
The Pattern, a big squiggly spiral carved into rock under Castle Amber is at the
very heart of the power of Amber. It is their ability to walk the Pattern and
gain power to travel through Shadow which has enabled the Royal Family, and thus
Amber, to become a mighty trading center and dominate its neighbors, rising in
wealth and strength. That same tie makes them virtually immortal, able to live
for centuries or millenia. It is, perhaps, the greatest power in the universe,
though certainly Chaos, the Logrus, and the Serpent would dispute that.
This page examines the powers granted by Pattern, and by the Broken Patterns in
some detail, hopefully answering some of the most common questions like 'How fas
t can I shift shadow to get to the Abyss and jump in?'. (Six days if you hellri
de, six weeks by normal means, about a year if you want to ride to your death in
Walking the Pattern
Some royal families cannot be certain who is really bears royal blood and who do
es not. In Amber, that question is easy to answer. If you can survive walking
the Pattern, you bear the blood of Oberon. If you die the first time you try it
, clearly you don't. Only those who bear Oberon's blood can walk the Pattern, a
t least so far as is known. All others perish in the attempt.
The Pattern must be walked without stopping until you reach the center. It puts
up an ever-increasing resistance as you do so, throwing up sparks. Especially
difficult are the three so called 'veils'. In game terms, you need a minimum of
Amber Endurance to make it to the end of the Walk unaided, although someone wit
h less Endurance might make it with help from another Amberite. You should neve
r try to walk the Pattern when not fairly well rested, as it seriously exhausts
you, and collapsing on your way to the middle is fatal.
The first time you walk the Pattern is your Initiation into its power. The Patt
ern burns itself into your very being, creating a permanent link that enables yo
u to call upon its power even when you're nowhere near it. Each and every time
you walk the Pattern, several things happen:
All enchantments, dominations, magical charms, hypnosis, and other things do
ne to screw with your head are burned away.
Any memories lost to amnesia or other Powers are recovered.
Shapeshifting Amberites are forced into their true form.
Once you reach the center, you can tell the Pattern to send you anywhere in Shad
ow that you desire to go to. If this was your first time, you can now learn how
to shift Shadow yourself and all the powers of the Pattern are open to you. Yo
u may wish to first sit down and rest for a while, though.
Blood Curses
You also gain the ability to deliver a Blood Curse, should you so desire. The r
arest used, yet most feared, of all the powers of those of the Blood of Amber is
their ability to deliver a Blood Curse. Usually delivered when dying, the curs
e is an evoking of a character's personal relationship with the Pattern, a direc
ting of their life energies towards some terrible goal.
In game terms a character is trading away ten points (or more) of "Stuff". If,
after the curse, the character's life continues, this
means they will have lost as many Stuff points, and gained as many Bad Stuff poi
nts, as is needed to make up the ten points of
the curse. Of course, if the character actually dies, well... Then it's not a
problem that concerns the character anymore. The
character issuing the curse may use up to 10% of their points in the curse (with
a minimum of 10 points. Those below a 100 points simply deliver a 10 point cur
The subject of the curse, whether person, place, or thing, is then invested with
the Bad Stuff, all of which will be directed
toward fulfilling the curse. It is also, theoretically, possible to perform a "
Blessing", such as that bestowed by Oberon at the end
of the Chronicles of Amber.
Once performed, there is NO KNOWN WAY of removing a Blood Curse. Even the person
who delivered it can't retract it. So don't use it casually.
Shadow Shifting
Typically, the first thing an Amberite learns to do with the Pattern is how to s
hift Shadow in order to travel through it. This seems a simple enough propositio
n. You walk along, and as you move, you concentrate on altering small details o
f the environment around you.
Thus, as you ride out of Arden, you might decide that there will be a stump alon
gside the road, and then another one, and then another, and soon, you're moving
through a region of clear cut forest. Then you edit in a small village over the
next hill, home to loggers, where boats stop. You stop and get onto a barge th
ere, paying the bargekeeper with gold, and as you ride down the river, you start
adding slightly higher technology houses along the river. You add the occassio
nal sound of gunfire. The river widens more and more, and finally, you're movin
g down the Mississipi river, circa 1850. You stop at a town, leaving the confus
ed and now stranded bargeman to start a new life in a new shadow and go looking
for Tom Sawyer because ever since you read the book, you wanted to beat him up f
or reminding you of your brother. And so it goes.
Normal movement through Shadow is slow. You can't shift shadow at all until you
pass the borders of the lands where Amber's King holds sway, movement through t
he Golden Circle is slow, and even once you get past those, it's not safe to go
too quickly.
If you are impatient, you can try Hellriding, but it's dangerous. Where normal
shadow shifting changes a single detail, hellriding keeps one detail and changes
everything else. It will get you places faster, but you also risk riding into
some sort of situation that's highly dangerous. It's mostly useful to simply ge
t away from somewhere you don't want to be, or if you're in a desperate hurry.
Hellrides are usually done on horseback, because other methods of transportation
will generally fail you at some point in the trip.
If you have plenty of time and want to relax and enjoy yourself, you can 'Ride t
he Royal Way'. This method is about eight times slower than normal Shadow Trave
l, but enables you to control every aspect of your trip down to the weather. Che
ering crowds hail you everywhere, the weather is perfect, you can control the te
chnology level so you can keep your snazzy car everywhere you go (Unless your en
dpoint prevents tech working), and you get just the meals you like. It's not li
ke you're in a hurry, anyway, right? You're immortal, take some time, relax and
enjoy yourself.
Scales of Travel:
You can go the same distance in:
1 day of Hellriding
1 week of normal Shadow Travel
2 months of Riding the Royal Way
Three weeks normal shadow travel will take you to Yig, beyond which shadow trave
l seems to become easier, but also more unpredictable.
Leading people through Shadow
Anyone who can see you can try to follow you through Shadow. If you want them t
o follow you, they can follow you anywhere. If you want to lose them, you have t
o edit them out, which is generally fairly easy, unless they have an independent
way to follow you through Shadow.
Armies can be lead through Shadow, keeping in mind you'll have to ride at the he
ad, and anyone who loses visual contact with the rest of your army will be left
behind. It's best, if sometimes dangerous, to keep fairly close ranks while doi
ng this so as to NOT lose them.
Seeking in Shadow and Shadows of Desire
Everything you can imagine exists out there in Shadow somewhere. With time and
experience, you can learn to ride through Shadow to find those things. Finding
items is easy; it takes about one day for every point of value the item has, unl
ess it has eight point or higher properties. Finding such items tends to turn i
nto a minor quest which may drag on longer than you planned.
Shadows of Desire are more impressive; this enables you to travel to something i
ntangible or to a specific kind of Shadow. You could, for example, seek to find
a specific person in Shadow, even if you know them only as a vague idea, such a
s 'the man who killed my father' (Inigo Montoya would have benefited from that p
ower). You can seek a shadow where 'I can get into a really good non-fatal bar
brawl'. You can seek a Shadow of Amber where you're the rightful king. Many Am
berites spend a period of time jaunting about Shadow fulfilling their desires in
this way.
The Pattern is, unfortunately, not omniscient about everything within its domain
. It cannot read minds, and thus cannot send you to 'The shadow where what Cain
e is planning to do to me is written on the wall'. That shadow IS out there, bu
t the Pattern really has no idea which of the twenty billion shadows with Caine-
related scribblings is actually accurate. While it does store the memories of t
hose who walk it, the part of it which is in charge of finding things can't acce
ss those memories (The Pattern's creator didn't want anyone using it to know HIS
thoughts). Characters CAN use Pattern to find shadows which depict their own m
emories and their own personal experiences, even if they can't remember such thi
ngs at the moment, so long as what they're seeking got recorded by the time of t
heir last Patternwalk. The Pattern extremely doesn't know what anyone connected
to another Primal Power is thinking or planning, although it can find such peop
le as long as they aren't in a Pattern-barred shadow.
Pattern can read the minds of Shadow beings who lack reality, since they're gene
rated by the Pattern. Thus, if you want to know what Rimmer is planning, you ca
n seek the shadow of Rimmer's plans, if you so desire. Unless Rimmer's secretly
been initiated into Broken Pattern anyway...
There is no easy way to compute how long seeking a Shadow of Desire will take, s
ince it varies by starting point and by whether the target sits still or moves t
hemself. (For example, you decide to Seek Touga in Shadow, so he can be told hi
s exile is over. He is a one week ride away at the start of your trip, but on t
he sixth day, he Trumps to Rebma. DOH!)
Advanced Travel
You have gained greater precision over your shadow-travelling capabilities. You
can now shadow travel close to any of the Patterns. This has four major benefi
ts. Firstly, you can begin shadow-walking right out of your bedroom in Castle A
mber or even right out of the Pattern Chamber if you so desire. Secondly, you n
ow possess sufficient skills to shadow-walk to the Primal Pattern, or into the F
lawed Ambers. Thirdly, any shadow possessions you carry adapt themselves as you
shadow walk, changing to fit in. This does not, unfortunately, apply to point
items. But your horse will become a motorcycle, your suit of armor will turn in
to kevlar, and so on, as you travel. Finally, you become more adept at avoiding
being followed through Shadow.
In addition, by calling the Pattern to mind as you hellride, you can part shadow
like a hot knife through butter. You can now travel so fast that you can move
at the speed of a hellride but with the safety level of normal shadow travel. Y
ou can also Move at hellride speeds on a Shadow Highway/Unicorn Track/Etc. This
is pretty damn exhausting, though, so I hope you have lots of Endurance.

Your mastery of the Pattern has advanced to the point that you can walk the Patt
ern in your mind and teleport as if you had walked the real Pattern. This is no
t an easy proposition, as it takes as long and is as draining as a real Patternw
alk. You may well kill yourself if you are so hurt or tired that you would not
survive the real thing. Still, it can be done anywhere, and doesn't require any
real movement, making it an ideal tool for escapes, as well as the normal uses.

Forge Shadow Highway
You now have enough skill that as you shadow walk, you can burn a trail in shado
w that anyone can follow, even complete shadow bozos. This slows you down to ha
lf the speed of a normal speed shadow walk. Once the trail is burned, anyone ca
n follow it at normal shadow travel speeds.
Your mastery of shadow travel is so complete that you can cruise right through s
hadow storms without even noticing. You can safely walk a Black Road too.
Re-Arrange/Edit Shadow
You now possess a degree of mastery that lets you begin reshaping the very geogr
aphy of shadow as you travel. You can enter a shadow and 'drive' it around shad
ow, moving it to a new location. Be warned that this only works with non-primal
shadows. This tends to set off shadow storms and make a big mess. You can als
o bend the shadows around a shadow, restricting access to a shadow to some route
or method of your choice.
Alternately, you can warp shadow around someone travelling, so that they become
lost and travel to a point of your own choice. Or you can act to prevent them
getting to some specific point. You can even force someone out of the shadow y
ou're in, though this works best against beings who can't just shadow walk back
This power can be profitably combined with the Scrying Lens, in order to allow y
ou to effect things without having to be physically present.

Shadow Molding:
Shadow molding is fairly slow, unless one has really ludicrous Psyche, and is th
us best done outside combat situations, although you can get away with Manipulat
e Minor Probabilities in mid-battle. It requires movement .

Manipulate Minor Probabilities
You have gained the ability to play with the laws of chance using the Pattern.
You can control small-scale random events, such as the roll of a die, the toss o
f a coin, the drawing of cards, the finding of change under the couch, a person
stumbling, or decisions by shadow dwellers which don't go against their motivati
ons strongly. (Ie, you could make a bored guard fall asleep, or cause a bank te
ller to make an error and give you too much money, but you couldn't make the gua
rd leave his post or the teller suddenly decide to rob the bank.)
Manipulate Probabilities
You can now play with probabilities on a larger scale. Shadow dwellers can be m
ade to do impulsive things which go out of character (like a guard suddenly shoo
ting his partner). Weather can rapidly shift within the limits of the plausible
(ie, no blizzards in July, but you can make clouds rapidly gather and pour down
rain). In a tense town, you could trigger rioting. People may discover their
gun has run out of ammo, their car is out of gas or something crucial has broken
, and so on. Relatively common resources may be found somewhere convenient.

Universal Resources of Desire:
The Pattern Master has progressed to the point where he can dimly percieve the w
hole of the Pattern's reflection, not just the spot he is in - and order it to h
is liking.
This power allows the character to do low probability manipulation and things o
f desire from halfway across the universe. It is limited by the amount of inform
ation the character has on the current state of his target.
For example, Rimmer wishes to bear a message to his friend Gherman. Rimmer is i
n Amber, and Gherman is somewhere in Shadow. Rimmer has a bird of his desire bea
r a message to Gherman... only instead of calling the bird to him, Rimmer has a
bird _near_ Gherman deliver the message.
Another example: Jacqui discovers that her daughter Random has gone off into Sh
adow without her lunch. Jacqui manipulates probability so that Random will come
across a neatly packed lunch, with the sandwiches in it made just the way Jacqui
makes them.
There are limits to this. If Gherman is currently slogging through the Elementa
l Plane of Water, there isn't going to be any birds for Rimmer to summon. If Jac
qui is in Dinosaur World, the inhabitants are highly unlikely to have left a pac
ked lunch lying around. And the Pattern Master has no way of knowing if they suc
ceeded or not.
It's possible to use this tactic to harass an enemy, but in general anyone wort
h harassing won't be very inconvienienced by the sort of manipulation this power
can achieve. While you can call Armed Homicidal Maniacs of Desire, they are lik
ely to be pathetic human-stat things that most Amberites can defeat in their sle

Mold Shadow Contents
You can now manipulate probabilities to the point of being able to substantially
reshape shadows. You can mold the loyalties and beliefs of the inhabitants of
shadows. You can cause upheavals which will reshape the landscape. You can cau
se alien fleets to invade and blow up the White House. Anything that can work w
ithin the laws of nature of the shadow can be brought into existence or wiped ou
t, given enough time to work. Large scale changes can take quite a while.
Mold World Laws
You can now tamper with the very laws of nature of a shadow. This lets you turn
powers on and off, reset the amount of technology which works, alter the time f
low, and so on. One cannot use this power by itself to bar a shadow to Pattern,
though Flawed and Broken Patterns can be barred; this requires the use of Blind
the Pattern's Eye.
Probability Chess:
This is a difficult and unreliable, though potentially powerful use of Pattern.
The Pattern Master determines an event likely to come to pass, and attempts to m
anipulate probability around it _before_it_happens_. For example, Brand thinks t
hat in an hour he is going to meet Corwin. He sets into motion the probability t
hat as he makes his dramatic threat, thunder will rumble ominously in the distan
The main advantage is that the manipulation can be done prior to the event, in
another Shadow, in the safety of your quarters, etc, thus saving you the hassle
(and potential for being exposed) of having to do it on the spot.
The disadvantage is that if events don't wind up as you predicted, things could
get messy. If Brand doesn't meet Corwin, he might find thunder for a time crack
ling every time he thinks of Corwin, or sees a man who looks like Corwin. Or may
be the universe will break the paradox by causing a Shadow of Corwin to show up
and be thundered at. The more powerful and implausible the Probability Manipulat
ion, the greater the backlash from having it not come to pass.

Probability Oracle:
Moving past the mere ordering of future events performed in Probability Chess, t
he Pattern Master starts to journey into the murky and uncertain realm of predic
ting and influencing the future.
This power has two main forms: Speaking Prophecy and Initiating Loops.
Speaking Prophecy involves confronting a person and uttering a prophecy, dire or
otherwise. This is an uncertain thing to do, as the Master does _not_ have full
control over what he says - basically, he is attempting to use the Pattern's su
perior prediction to see the destiny written for a person, and then using his ab
ility to manipulate probability to coax that destiny along a certain path. The m
ain problems is that most prophecies can be filled in a number of ways, and no m
an's fate is fixed in stone.
Example: Fiona confronts her brother Caine, and speaks prophecy. She wants to i
nflict an unpleasant surprise on him for playing a joke on her. To her mild horr
or, she intones "Ere this year is gone, your corpse shall lie upon the grass, an
d the dead shall bear you to the castle of the fallen, and the sky shall run red
above you." Fiona is less than happy, as she wasn't expecting _that_ horrid a f
As it turns out, the whole sequence winds out to refer to Caine faking his deat
h, getting the fake body carried home by supposedly dead Corwin to a castle form
erly belonging to really dead Eric. What about the sky running red? Well, no pro
phecy is perfect.
Initiating Loops is sort of like playing chicken with the future, and tends to
make people's heads hurt. It involves sending an item or action 'back in time,'
although Pattern Masters understand this is not really what happens. Rather, it
is the use of the Pattern to foresee the Order of the universe and advance it.
A loop begins when in a situation in which the benefits of the loop are desired
. The benefits will occur. Later, however, the Pattern Master must go through th
e act of 'sending' those benefits back to the situation. As a result, attempts t
o gain benefits that the Pattern Master is unlikely to have in the future tend t
o fail.
For example, Rimmer needs a trump deck for some reason, but he can't leave to g
o get one and he isn't a trump artist. He initiates a loop, and in a few seconds
a St. Bernard gambols up to him. Around it's neck is a trump deck.
Later, after his mission is done, Rimmer goes to the library and gets one of th
e trump decks. Summoning a St. Bernard of his desire, he sends it back to his pa
st self bearing the deck. He puts the deck he had received in the library in its
In another example, Makoto the Mad is cornered by angry Chaosians. Makoto giggl
es scornfully, and initiates a loop to bring Greyswandir to him to fight them of
f with. Nothing happens - because it is highly unlikely Makoto will be able to l
ay hands on Greyswandir in the near future.
The most dangerous situation is when the loop goes through, but the Pattern Mas
ter then finds himself unable to fulfill one end of it. Paradox begins to build
up in him for the longer the loop remains open, expressed in the form of Bad Stu
ff. While this Bad Stuff vanishes upon the closure of the loop, it still raises
the frightening specter of unclosable loops: something almost certain to be the
death of the Pattern Master.
For many reasons, sending information back through the loop can be unreliable.
The following examples show what is and isn't possible:
Bubba is defusing a bomb, one unlikely to be fatal to him but deadly to his wea
ker companions. Bubba would like to know which wire to cut, and initiates a loop
. A sparrow flies down with a note saying 'green'. Bubba cuts the green wire, th
e bomb fails to explode, and he sends back a note. Had the bomb been powerful en
ough to potentially kill Bubba, his loop would not have worked, as it would be l
ikely that he would be killed and thus unable to fufill the loop. But since it i
s not powerful enough to kill him, he can send back a message either way, succes
s or failure.
Dwayne is confronted with a door that is locked via a coded keypad. He tries to
loop back the password to himself. He fails, because Dwayne is unlikely to find
out the password in the near future.
After a number of alarming events, Tim tries to loop back the name of the perpe
trator. He does indeed get a name. However, the person later turns out to be inn
ocent - the future Tim had been wrong.
The safest and most reliable use of Loops is to replicate probability manipulat
ion or finding resources in places where Pattern use is not possible, or with th
ings that can't be found in Shadow (like trumps). Ancient, experienced Masters c
an use this power to do things like the Benedict's Silver Arm trick, but they ar
e more practiced and canny than players will ever be.

Shadow Pockets:
On a small scale, it is possible to create personal "Pocket Shadows" which can b
e used for various purposes. A Shadow Pocket would then be an artificial Shadow
, with just a sliver of Amber's image, brought into existence by a character's m
inute warping of the Sign of the Pattern brought to mind. The power to do so is
gained by Mindwalking the Sign; to attempt such reality manipulation without th
at power would be so taxing as to be deadly to even medium ranked individuals.
Shadow Pockets can be fixed to a particular location or can be moved around by t
heir creator. The environment inside the Shadow Pocket is also entirely up to i
t's creator. One drawback to Shadow Pockets is their fragility. As artificial
constructs they are easily destroyed by others with the strong touch of either t
he Pattern or Logrus. There are three main uses of Shadow Pockets; the Hidey Ho
le, the Portable Hole, and the Personal Retreat.
When used as a Hidey Hole, the character creates an immobile Shadow Pocket in so
me area, and then stores something there to prevent it's discovery. While immob
ile, the Shadow Pocket is difficult to locate with the Pattern Lens or with Logr
us, and impossible to detect by other means. It is also more stable, and can wit
hstand all but direct confrontation with such Powers.
The second usage of the Shadow Pocket as a Portable Hole is similar to the Hidey
Hole except it is mobile and travels with the character. He/she need not conce
ntrate on this movement, and the Pocket will travel with him/her even through Sh
adow. It can be used to store things too large to conveniently carry, or to sto
re things temporarily. Since it is mobile, it is more noticeable to those with
sensitivity to Pattern or Logrus, but can be more easily reinforced and protecte
d since it's travelling with it's creator.
The third common usage of the Shadow Pocket is the personal retreat. Since the c
haracter can design and alter the Shadow Pocket at will, using the Pattern, it i
s a perfect area to quickly get away to as a personal sanctuary. While being wi
thin such a construct isn't inherently dangerous, if the construct were attacked
from outside and was destroyed, that which is contained within would suffer var
ying consequences. Those things which are real, such as the Pocket's creator, w
ould merely be thrust into an adjacent Shadow, or perhaps thrown several Shadows
distant (depending on the Power which destroyed the Pocket), those things which
are of Shadow would likely be destroyed, though highly magical items and creatu
res have a small chance of survival.

Impose Reality
The final, and highest art of Pattern is the ability to 'Impose Reality' upon a
location. A Shadow being, item, or even an entire Shadow universe can be imbued
with Reality. The Shadow will be infused with the power of the Pattern, made f
ar more difficult for any one to manipulate. Shadow beings find their lifespans
greatly enhanced, items become close to indestructible, and Shadow universes be
come barred to the Logrus and resist being molded with the psyche of the person
who Imposed Reality on them. Such shadows will begin to cast shadows themselves
on a large scale. Shadow shifting to get out of or into that shadow (except f
or the person who made the Shadow more Real) becomes more difficult.
Wifty Sign of the Pattern Tricks
Once you're ready to do more with the Pattern than just cruise around Shadow, yo
u have to learn how to summon the image of the Pattern into your mind, then use
it to do neat things which will impress your friends, if you haven't alienated t
hem all with Bad Stuff, anyway.

Pattern Defense:
Picture the Pattern. Concentrate on this image, and move it into your body. Th
is takes a few moments at best, depending on your Psyche and how well you can co
ncentrate, but it strengthens your mind, and lends strength to your existence.
The main use is defensive, so a character with Pattern Defense on is pretty much
immune to the Logrus, and other Chaos generated forces. Likewise, it's difficu
lt or impossible to use invasive Magic on a character who has Pattern brought up
like this. On the other hand, keeping the Pattern internalized requires real co
ncentration, so the character can't run or fight effectively. (People with seven
ty five or more points of Warfare can still fight with some degree of skill, but
not anywhere even close to peak capacity). If the character's attention is bro
ken, then the Pattern instantly flickers out.
Extended Defense:
You can now extend your Pattern Defense to anyone you touch, or anyone you are i
n Psychic Contact with (for example, you can reach through a trump and extend Pa
ttern Defense into them. If they consent. (Well, you could try to force it in
psychic combat, but...)
Sign of the Pattern:
The character has sufficiently mastered the ability of calling Pattern to Mind t
hat he can now summon the Pattern before him as a shield against the use of powe
rs. The sign is about the size of the caster (possibly less if his Psyche reall
y is weak, or more if he's got a huge brain). The sign requires a few seconds t
o call up, and uses up some of the concentration of the Pattern Initiate, but no
t as much as Pattern Defense. (ie, you suffer some drop in your ability to defe
nd yourself against attack, but not so much as with Pattern defense). The sign
can also be used to disrupt the use of other powers by hitting the manifestation
of such powers with it. (For example, using it to hack a hole in a ward). The
distance you can project the sign varies with Psyche, but is never very huge.
The Sign will not do anything to living creatures (This requires the use of Patt
ern Focus), and solid objects pass right through it.
The use of this power is very obvious to anyone who isn't blind.
Static Pattern Defence:
The character calls up the sign of the Pattern underneath them, and concentrates
as per normal Pattern defence. People in contact with the Sign (up to the same
size as the real Pattern, depending on Psychic Strength) are also protected by t
he Pattern defence. They need not concentrate on the defense themself. Depend
ing on the finesse of the Pattern Initiate, he may be able to exclude Depending
on the Psyche of the character and the flimsiness of the shadow, you may be able
to extend the Sign of the Pattern over a larger area. However, the Sign is imm
obile, and if the character maintaining it attempts to leave it it winks out.
Pattern Assertion:
AKA, "I AM REAL!" A penultimate form of Pattern Defence, in which the Pattern is
not just brought to mind, but embraced into the self. The character becomes Ver
y Real, almost as real as the Pattern. They stand out so sharply against the fab
ric of Shadow that it's almost painful to look at them. Shadowdwellers will star
e and gape, and people of Reality will instantly notice them first. Things of Sh
adow become hazy and impotent against the character, incapable of hurting or hel
ping. Magic will fail. So will their Shapeshifting, if they have any. Attempts t
o mentally influence or change them will face an uphill battle unless backed by
the power of Order or Chaos.
Like Pattern Defence, this requires a lot of concentration and is more draining
. Unlike Pattern Defence, it is very, very unsubtle. It also has a tendancy to m
ake you the locus of combat, as your foes notice you a lot more vividly than eve
ryone else.

Might of the Pattern:
Sometimes, you just want to break things into tiny bits. This is a variation of
Pattern Assertion, which draws in the power of the Pattern, massively boosting
the Strength and Endurance of the Pattern Initiate while it lasts (The more Psyc
he you have, the more oomph you get from this and the longer it lasts). Unlike
Pattern Defense, it only slightly hampers your concentration. However, it burns
your own innate energy reserves like there is no tomorrow. If you aren't caref
ul, you may well smash all your foes, then pass out or drop dead as soon as you
let go of it.
Also importantly, you're full of Pattern energy, which means contact with Logrus
stuff is likely to have very icky consequences.

Assume Mantle of Order:
By the time this step has been reached, the Pattern Master has come to cast in h
is lot with the side of Order, in a symbolic but very real sense. This makes him
a being of Order, holding tightly leashed power only to be unbound under certai
n situations.
When facing the strongest servants of powers opposed to the Pattern (Advanced L
ogrus Masters, Advanced Abyss Masters, and especially the Great Old Ones), the P
attern Master can reveal themselves as a Servant of Order, a living extension of
the Pattern. This gives them power and strength they would not otherwise have,
allowing them to go toe-to-toe - however temporarily - with the other side.
The main disadvantage is that the Pattern Master has entered the system, and is
now part of the cosmology. There are things he is forbidden to do or interfere
in, and those measures effective against beings of Pattern constrain him as well
Revealing oneself as a Lord of Order is not something done lightly, and most Pa
ttern Masters will only consider doing so if disaster on a massive scale is thre
atened (A GOO is breaking through, a Logrus Master is about to attack the Patter
n, an Abyss Demon of terrifying power threatens to destroy much of reality. Thos
e who overuse their authority are said to find said authority withdrawn.

Pattern Sight:
While the Blood Of Amber of a Pattern Initiate is a substance that's very obviou
s to anyone with Pattern Sight, non-activated blood is only visible to those wit
h more advanced abilities. Just as someone with Pattern is obvious in Shadow, t
hings connected with the Logrus seem to radiate a jarring aura. Just a peek thr
ough the Sign of the Pattern will reveal any nearby Logrus Master, or any activa
ted Logrus artifact. The breaks and distortions in Shadow, caused by those who h
ave the Power to move from one Shadow to another, can also be detected through t
he use of Pattern Sight. The character looks for tiny disruptions in Shadow, at
tempting to find their source locations in the Shadow being studied, which other
Shadows are involved, and what Power was used in the disruption. How long this
takes depends on how old the trail and how major the disruption. If a single H
ellrider passed through the Shadow just minutes before, the traces could be dete
cted in just a minute or two. If the passage had taken place the day before, it
might take an hour to find the traces. However, if the disturbance was major, a
s is the case if a vast army was led through, then the traces will be obvious an
d easy to find even days later.
Pattern Focus:
Patternsight allows the character to use the Pattern as a lens. This technique t
akes that a step further, allowing the character to infuse Pattern energy into t
he focus of the lens. Targets with Pattern Imprint will feel a brief surge of we
llness, similar in effect to the Lifeforce power word. Targets of Shadow will b
riefly become Real, although this condition will not last for longer than a few
hours. Shapeshifters will find their ability to shift hampered, as the Order im
posed on them makes it difficult to change forms. Targets with Logrus imprint w
ill find the experience highly uncomfortable, and targets actually using the Log
rus will find themselves at the center of a nasty Pattern/Logrus shock. This sho
ck will disrupt the lens, and the character using it will have a hard time calli
ng the Pattern back to mind that day. This can be used to snuff the primal flam
es caused by primal weapons.
The amount of energy and degree of focus, and recovery time if a shock occurs,
is largely dependant on the Psyche of the user. Most useful for things like prov
iding a Shadow ally with protection prior to a throwdown, or treating someone hi
t by Primal logrus wounds without burning your hands.

Blind the Pattern's Eye:
The Pattern Initiate now learns how to defend himself against the use of Pattern
. Those of inferior Psyche can no longer locate him by trying to shadow walk to
him or his location using the Pattern. He can confuse the Pattern Sight of tho
se of lesser Psyche, making it show what he wants it to show. This enables him
to mask his own Pattern Imprint if he so desires, or to pass as a Broken Pattern
User, or even to make himself show up as having Logrus Imprint. He can hide ma
gical energies from other people's Pattern Sight, and hide someone's Logrus Impr
int or Blood of Chaos. He can feed false information to a Scrying Lens as well.
This power provides some limited defense against Logrus in similar fashion, howe
ver the Pattern Initiate needs a substantial Psyche advantage.
It can be combined with Mold World Laws to turn off Pattern in a shadow to anyon
e with less Psyche than the user.
Stealth Pattern:
This discipline allows the character to hide the distortions normally caused by
Pattern use. How successful they are largely depends on their psyche, the psych
e of the watcher, how slow and careful they are, and the magnitude of the use.
For example, slowly changing a dollar bill to a fiver is nearly impossible to sp
ot, but rapidly deciding that electricity will cease to function across the Shad
ow is a pretty hard stunt to pull without being noticed.

Scrying Lens:
Once you have mastered the art of Pattern Sight, you can now amplify the power o
f your Pattern Lens to allow you to extend your vision across the shadow in whic
h you dwell beyond your entire visual range. Close to Amber, this is slow becau
se the entire shadow radiates huge amounts of Reality which prevents you using a
ny of the several available short-cuts to speed up a search. Similar problems t
end to hamper the use of the Lens in any sort of shadow which contains some amou
nt of Primal Reality, forcing you to spend hours searching, although the Lens is
still faster than searching the mundane way.
Out in Shadow, you can:
use Pattern to home in on specific things within a shadow in seconds, using
Shadows of Desire
scan the entire shadow within a few minutes, locating anything which radiate
s specific energy templates of your choice: trumps, logrus users, blood of orde
r, pattern users, magical energy, or whatever.
scan the entire shadow within a few minutes to determine all local world law
s, restricted entrance/exit points, communications barriers, etc.
scan the shadow within a few minutes and find the disturbances caused by act
ive use of Trump, Pattern, Logrus, etc
If one possesses shadow short cut, one can then hop across the shadow to the scr
ied location in an instant.
The Pattern Lens cannot be extended across shadow boundaries; you can only scan
a shadow you are in. The main exception is that it can also be used from 'one s
hadow over', in order to analyze a shadow which possesses some degree of defense
s to entry, to determine what those defenses are.
The other exception to this is that the Pattern Lens can be extended through an
active trump contact, using a location trump, or a person trump with the consent
and cooperation of the person on the other end.
Pattern Awareness:
The Pattern Master can choose to extend his consciousness through a swathe of sh
adow whose size is dependent on his own Psyche. Within that swathe of shadow, h
e is aware of all manipulations of shadow which take place and of anything which
stands out from the background of Shadow (Trump, Logrus, Pattern, etc). He can
then apply this knowledge however he desires.
The Pattern Master is also aware of any use of Pattern which is directed at him
(people seeking him in shadow, etc) anywhere in Shadow. If he possesses Blind t
he Pattern's Eye, he can choose either to allow it to work, to blind it using BT
PE, or to try to redirect the use of Pattern to suit his own purposes.
This includes a 'Pattern Danger Sense' as well; any attempt to shut off Pattern
or anything shadow walking to his current location will set off enough of a feel
ing of danger to even wake him from deep sleep.
Broken Patterns
Just as Amber is reflected in Shadow, so is the Pattern. These reflections grad
ually become bent and twisted, and eventually, ones appear with holes in them, h
oles which allow someone crazy enough to walk through the hole then move to the
center between the lines. While this requires a strong will (Chaos or better Ps
yche), anyone can try to walk a Broken Pattern and gain power over Shadow. Most
of those who try belong to various societies of sorcerors who pass on the knowl
edge and the opportunity of initiation to their disciples over the years.
There are, however, some problems with walking a Broken Pattern. For one thing,
you end up with a defective power. That hole you walked through to get into it
keeps cropping up in everything you do with it, introducing a flaw.
For example, if you try to walk through Shadow, you end up in all the least plea
sant parts of the shadows you go through. Bandits frequently show up, broken gl
ass litters the road, you frequently ride into war zones and nuclear test sites,
it alternates between sandstorms, 120 degree heat, snow, hail, and torrential d
This flaw shows up in some way in just about everything you do with the Pattern.
Basically, you get fifteen points of Bad Stuff that only applies when using th
e Broken Pattern. This tends to make your life fairly lousy. It also takes abo
ut twice as much movement to perform any power that requires movement as the rea
l Pattern does. (Thus, normal shadow travel is at half the speed)
Finally, the Break in the Pattern will show up as a flaw in the initiates mind,
personality, or body as well. This flaw is called the Pattern's Price. The Bro
ken Pattern initiate will have one personality trait or mental aspect (usually a
n undesirable one) which is magnified several times, or some physical flaw which
may never be healed or overcome (because the body will revert back to it's flaw
ed state, in order to conform to the Broken Pattern). Whenever a Broken Pattern
initiate fails in the use of a Broken Pattern power, the Pattern's Price will m
anifest itself more strongly for a time, as the Break in the Pattern gains stren
gth within the initiate.
There is only one way to cure the flaws caused by Broken Pattern Imprint--Walk t
he real thing. This requires having the blood of Oberon, however, in which case
you were likely better off walking the real thing in the first place.
Most of the powers of a Broken Pattern initiate are just like those of regular P
attern, except flawed. A few cases of either new or heavily affected powers are
discussed below.
Blood Curses
Broken Pattern adepts are able to utter a blood curse, just like those with the
blood of Amber. However, the Broken Pattern adepts curse is more draining than
that of an Amberite, costing the Broken Pattern adept her life in all cases. Ho
wever, this curse is weaker than that of an Amberite, because no matter what the
curse, the Break in the Pattern manifests itself in the curse as well, providin
g some way for the target of the curse to break the curse. There will always be
some action which the target of the curse can perform to break the curse. How t
he target of the curse can find out what action is required is up to the GM, who
probably will have a pretty good idea for a quest before the curse is even utte

Hellriding and Shadows of Desire:
Broken Pattern initiates tend to hit the worst of Hellriding routes. The Break
in the Pattern also prevents initiates of the Broken Pattern from ever being abl
e to find the exact Shadow they want unless they have been to the Shadow before,
or they follow someone to the Shadow. They can seek whatever Shadow they desire
, but the Break will manifest itself as an imperfection in the Shadow they final
ly arrive in, where the Shadow does not live up to their desires in some way. A
ll Hellriding to intangibles are affected this way, so seeking someone in Shadow
also doesn't work, instead leading to some flawed shadow of the subject.
Hang Spells on the Broken Pattern:
Having learned to call the Sign of the Broken Pattern to mind, the Adept can now
hang spells on the Broken Pattern. Be warned that such spells may come out som
ewhat warped, or may slide into the Break at inopportune times and vanish, thoug
h the latter is rare.

Broken Pattern Tendrils:
Non-physical tendrils may be manifested. though they cannot manipulate physical
objects they may be used to direct magical effects, or a conduit for a psychic c
ontact. With effort the tendrils can be used to reach into adjacent shadows.
Scrying Tendrils:
The initiate can now extend a Broken Pattern Tendril through shadow to spy into
other shadows. It's a slow and clumsy process, especially since you tend to end
up passing it through the worst parts of Shadow. The further you extend the te
ndril, the greater the chance the Break manifests and snaps the tendril.
Broken Pattern Web:
One can now do either of two tricks (You need a LOT of psyche to do both at once
). First, you can call up the sign of the Broken Pattern and infuse it into sha
dow around you. The shadow becomes very resistant to molding via the Primal Pow
ers (though as always, BP ultimately isn't up to snuff with Logrus and Pattern p
roper). This also grants you a high degree of awareness of what is going on in
the area, as you remain linked into the 'web'. You can also choose to make the
area either more or less amenable to sorcery.
Alternately, you can call up the Broken Pattern as a glowing shield against Sorc
ery, Logrus Tendrils, etc. Unlike BP Defense, this will shield everything you c
an fit behind it; the more Psyche you have, the bigger it gets. Unfortunately,
people may be able to exploit the Break...

Broken Pattern Defense: This works much like Pattern Defense for someone with P
attern Imprint, except that the Pattern has a Break in it, making the initiate v
ulnerable to those who can sense the Break. Anyone who studies the initiate wit
h Logrus Sight or Pattern Lens can see the Break, and attack through the Broken
Pattern Defense with no resistance.
Broken Pattern Sight:
The Break in the Pattern manifests itself in a blind spot in the adepts Sight.
Certain things will simply not be visible to the Broken Pattern adept through th
e Broken Pattern. There is usually no rhyme or reason to what is left out, but
the blind spot will sometimes manifest to miss things which the adept subconscio
usly does not wish to see (such as things which would be frightening or which wo
uld conflict with the adept's beliefs). Even worse, Broken Pattern Sight will o
ccasionally show things which are not true, such as showing a card to be a Trump
, when it is really just a regular playing card. The Broken Pattern also usuall
y takes longer to employ than the true Pattern, as the adept has to look at thin
gs for a few moments before the lens comes fully into focus.

Impose the Break:
Calling the Broken Pattern to mind, you force its image, complete with Breaks, i
nto something of shadow, trying to use the Break to weaken or destroy the thing
being imposed upon. The smaller, more fragile, or less real the thing, the more
effective this is. Imposing the Break on the San Andreas Fault would cause a m
inor Earthquake. Imposing the Break on a toolshed would make it collapse at a t
ouch. Imposing it on a weapon could well shatter it. Beings with Pattern or Lo
grus Defense will generally laugh this off if they call it up.
This can also be used more subtly, but less controllably to 'ruin' a region of a
shadow, turning into the sort of hellhole that BP travel tends to land in. Wit
h enough Psyche, time, and a small enough shadow, you can trash the whole shadow
that way.
Dodge the Break:
Through practice and familiarity with the Break in their Imprint, the adept has
learned a bit about how and where it manifests. Shadow travel can now be done a
t near-normal speeds, and the danger of Hellrides is greatly reduced. The blurr
iness and inaccuracy of Sight and Scrying is mostly cleared up.
Mend the Break:
The adept has even more control over the Break, and is learning how to compensat
e for it. The cost is [2] points for every point of Bad Stuff manifested by the
Break the adept is able to avoid. The Break can never be completely avoided (m
inimum 1 Bad stuff), and this power does not do anything to lessen the Price of
the Pattern for the adept in any way.

Shatter Shadow:
An improved form of Impose the Break. With a little effort, the break in your B
roken Pattern can be used to smite your environment, which tends to cause Earthq
uake like damage, as the ground cracks open, crucial wall supports shatter or ev
aporate, and so on. Even solid, strong things will come apart. Be careful in i
ts use, though, or you may well fall into your own chasm or have your head smash
ed by collapsing ceilings. This power can be used fairly quickly; not before a
sword hits you, but if you have a few seconds, that's enough.

Broken Pattern Highway:
You can move through shadow, breaking holes as you go, so as to create a pathway
anyone can follow, like Shadow Highway for Pattern. However, this tends to cre
ate a rather wretched travel route unless you have learned a lot of Mending the

POWER [stat requirements]
* Prerequisites for this power [cost, Total cost if an advanced power]
[cost] Skills.
[cost] Subsequently available skills.
Basic Pattern: 20
Pattern Imprint: 50
Advanced Pattern: 80
Pattern Master: 115 (Not available during character generation, but can be picke
d up during play)
Exalted Pattern: 120+ (These powers require the sort of mad dedication and devot
ion to the Pattern which is beyond the reach of any fairly young PC, and are bas
ically NPC only)
PATTERN IMPRINT [Amber Psyche, Amber Endurance]
* Blood of Amber (5/Free at Character Creation)

[5] Imprint
[5] Shadow Walk
[5] Hellride to Artifacts & Creatures/Royal Way
[10] Shadows of Desire
[5] Advanced Shadow Travel
[2] Teleport
[5] Forge Shadow Highway
[5] Re-arrange/Edit Shadow
[5] Manipulate Minor Probabilities
[5] Manipulate Probabilities
[3] Universal Resources of Desire
[3] Mold Shadow Contents
[3] Mold World Laws
[3] Shadow Pockets
[5] Impose Reality
[5] Probability Chess
[5] Probability Oracle
[5] Pattern Defense
[5] Extended Pattern Defense
[5] Sign of the Pattern
[3] Static Pattern Defense
[5] Pattern Assertion
[5] Might of the Pattern
[5] Assume Mantle of Order
[5] Pattern Sight
[3] Pattern Focus
[2] Blind the Pattern's Eye
[5] Stealth Pattern
[3] Scrying Lens
[5] Pattern Awareness
[5+] Double normal speed Shadow Manipulation, Mindwalking, etc. Can be bought m
ore than once to increase speed; each purchase increases speed by one interation
(5 points is double, 10 is triple, 15 is quadruple, etc). You must have bought
all of the Advanced Powers before you buy this.
Basic Broken Pattern: 3
Broken Pattern Imprint: 10
Broken Pattern Adept: 25
Broken Pattern Master: 50+ (Not available during character generation, but can b
e picked up during play)

[0] Imprint
[3] Shadow Walk
[3] Hellride
[3] Shadows of Desire
[2] Teleport
[3] Broken Pattern Defense
[1] Hang Spells on the Broken Pattern
[3] Broken Pattern Tendrils
[3] Scrying Tendril
[3] Broken Pattern Web
[3] Broken Pattern Sight
[3] Impose the Break
[4] Dodge the Break
[2+] Mend the Break
[5] Shatter Shadow
[2] Broken Pattern Highway
[2] Shadow Pockets
[2] Mold Shadow Contents
[3] Mold Shadow Laws
Trump Artistry and Trump Tricks
Trumps: Creation and Use
Using Trumps
Trump Tricks
Sensing Trump
Trump Defense
Trump Caller ID
Making Trumps
Advanced Trump Making
Combining Trump with other Powers
Partial Powers Breakdown:
Trump Tricks
What are Trumps?
Trumps are images which possess a link to the being or place depicted. Anyone c
an attempt to use a Trump, even shadow dwellers. Being cards enable you to open
a psychic link across Shadow to the being depicted, if that being consents to t
he contact. Once such contact is established, you can talk, engage in psychic c
ontact, pull each other through the link to the puller's location, or even try t
o kill each other. Place cards allow you to instantly transport yourself to tha
t place. Few people can make them, but somewhat more know a variety of simple t
ricks that can be done with them, from Trump Prediction (using them as Tarot car
ds) to Trump Caller ID, which is quite useful for avoiding hostile Trump calls.
Trumps are traditionally the size of Tarot cards, but also may take the form of
paintings, engravings, charcoal sketchs on the wall, sculptures, or almost anyth
ing else which involves imagery. Rumors whisper of VR Trumps for high-tech univ
erses, Trump music, Trump architecture, and other strange forms.
Properly created Trumps are nearly indestructible. Pattern cannot mold or destr
oy them, Logrus users get shocked if they touch one with a Logrus tendril, and M
agick simply rolls off them. Shapeshifting will not prevent a Trump of you link
ing to you, regardless of what form you take on, except perhaps if you attempt a
Persona Shapeshift and lose control to the artifical persona. It is possible,
however, for a Trump in use to be destroyed if a weapon or other object is curr
ently being extended through the link when the link is cut off.
Trump, as a Power, is stronger than Logrus or Pattern at their weakest, and weak
er than they are at their strongest.
Using Trumps
Standard Trump Decks
Most Trump Artists chose a personal sigil which goes on the back of every card t
hey make, although this is not obligatory. Standard Amber Trump Decks typically
show the Unicorn. This sigil has no power in and of itself usually; it's more
of a sort of 'brand name' on the card.
Chaos has no standard Trump assortment; it varies greatly by house or even by in
dividual artists. Amber on the other hand, has a set of standard cards set out
by Dworkin (Fuyutsuki in my Through A Mirror Darkly chronicle). This typically
includes all children of Oberon known to the Royal Family, and a trump of Castle
Amber itself which links to the castle library. This will often vary greatly b
y campaign. For Through A Mirror Darkly, the standard Trump deck configuration
can be found on the Through A Mirror Darkly Setting Page.
Lost decks are not easy to replace, so try not to drop them all in the Abyss.

Person Trumps
Person Trumps link the user to a specific person, unique in the entire multivers
e of Amber, Chaos, and Shadow. Every being has a unique psychic imprint which i
s implanted in the card by the Trump Artist. Because every being, especially th
ose from Amber and Chaos, has many Shadows of themselves in existence, it is pos
sible that a Person Trump may not connect to the being you're hoping it does. S
ince every Trump Artist will create a different looking Trump of a person, and e
ven the same Artist could create different looking Trumps of the same person, an
d since some Trumps show one person but contact a different one, you can only be
absolutely sure you contacted the right person if you made the Trump yourself.
Using a person trump simply requires you to hold the card and gaze upon the imag
e on it. Within a few seconds, the other person will feel someone trying to con
tact them. If they choose not to be contacted, it is very hard to force a conne
ction unless one has an overwhelming Psyche advantage or backup from others. If
they choose to be contacted, a link forms between you.
This link allows the passage of items back and forth, physical or mental assault
s on each other (opening oneself to Trump gives them a free psychic contact whic
h can only be broken by them chosing to close the link or by some trick which di
srupts psychic or trump contacts), or even physical travel--either the caller or
the recipient can pull the other person through the link. Several people can b
e pulled through if they join hands.
When a Person Trump is active, you can see past the person 'on the other end of
the line', gaining a somewhat obscured view of what is going on around them, alt
hough much of your view is blocked by the person himself.
This has the flip side that when Person Trumps are used, you can't see your own
environment; it is not safe to answer Trump calls under stress or in combat. Yo
u won't even hear people talking to you unless they touch you, in which case the
y're patched into the Trump contact for good or ill.
Place Trumps
Place Trumps when activated, transport the activator to the target location with
in a few seconds. The user turns rainbow colored and fades out; during the tran
sition they can be effected from both locations.
Some Place Trumps are designed to function as traps, sending you somewhere nasty
not shown on the card, or going off the instant you look at them or touch them.
These are called 'Trump Traps'.

Non-Standard Types of Trump
Advanced Trump Artists learn how to create a variety of unusual kinds of Trumps,
beyond cards and paintings. The most common type is known as Etched Trump, whe
re the image has been carved into metal, bone, stone, ceramics, or some other ha
rd surface. Some also create statues, woven trumps (cloth, tapestries, etc), Vi
rtual Trumps, and other strange forms of the art.
Defense against Trump
In some rare Shadows, Trump either doesn't work or can't reach into other Shadow
s. Almost all such shadows seem to be the result of deliberate Shadow molding,
but some do seem to be natural. There is no apparent pattern to such Shadows.
If the recipient of a Trump call choses to refuse contact, it takes a severe Psy
che advantage to force such a contact. If the victim is familiar with the art o
f Trump Defense, it becomes virtually impossible to force the contact while they
concentrate on it. Logrus Defense and Pattern Defense will also make forcing y
our way into someone's brain nigh-impossible. Items which convey Psychic Barrie
rs and the like are also handy.
Those who have studied the art of Power Words can learn 'Trump Disrupt', a Power
Word which will deactivate Trumps and break Trump Contacts.
Trump Tricks
With experience and some help from others, or by experimentation, one can learn
to use Trumps in a variety of ways beyond their original purposes. The most com
monly known of these is fortune telling, in which one draws the cards in an orac
ular rite to answer questions or try to predict the future. Whether this actual
ly works remains debated among the royal family of Amber.
The remaining tricks are extrapolations from three basic trump tricks:
Sensing Trump
Trump Defense
Trump Caller ID
Sensing Trump:
A character with this ability is able to sense the usage of Trumps in his vicini
ty. Actual range is dependent upon a great many factors and the GM will be the
ultimate arbiter as to whether the character can sense the usage or not. Factors
affecting this would include the sensing character's Psyche, the proximity to t
he Trump user, any and all intervening barriers (including other people), magica
l wards and the like, etc. Additionally, the character will be able to sense th
e power used in making Trumps. When a character is within a few hundred feet of
a Trump being created they will immediately notice this great flux of power (un
less the artist has taken special precautions using various wards, scry blocks,
Psyche dampers, etc.).
Someone who is a Trump Artist is also able to detect the characteristics of a Tr
ump by careful examination. If the creator has an extreme Psychic advantage, an
y ill effects/traps on the Trump might have a chance to activate. Otherwise, th
e Artist is informed of the pitfalls.
Trump Spying:
There is another level of concentration where you simply observe the operation o
f Trump. This allows you to overhear conversations as the Trump is being used.
However, you must actually touch the specific Trumps. If you have Trump for on
ly one of the participants in a Trump Contact, you will overhear only what that
person says, and will be unable to "hear" the other end of the conversation. Ad
ditionally, if the character is in the vicinity of a Trump call, i.e. standing o
n the other side of a room while another character attempts to make or receive a
call, that character's card may be used to "tap" the connection. The character
simply takes out the card of the person engaged in the Trump Contact and applie
s concentration. Note that if the character doesn't have a Psyche advantage it
is possible that the nearby character will 'notice' something odd about the call
Trump Subterfuge:
This Power can be used to cloak Trump conversations from those who might be sens
itive to such (a very distinct Psyche advantage by the opposing party would be r
equired to sense such) and make Trump Spying and/or Trump Sensing nearly imposs

Trump Defense:
Trump defense requires one to have a Trump of oneself. One then concentrates on
the Trump, 'trumping oneself'. This fills the user with Trump energy, which wi
ll ward off Magick, Pattern, Logrus, and Shapeshifting attacks. It has the disa
dvantage that one can't do much else while one is doing this.
Trump Jamming:
It's possible, with intense concentration, to jam any one Trump. Concentrate on
a single card and the victim will be blocked from sending or receiving Trump cal
ls. Psyche advantage is not 'required' when using this method if the other pers
on simply gives up. However, should someone "push" the contact, then there will
be a Psychic battle with the person. You can also cause Trumps of yourself not
to show any visual image at all when in use. Thus a caller can hear your voice
but not see what you currently look like, where you are, etc. This is referred
to as a Trump Blackout.
Trump Blocking:
It's possible, with intense concentration, to block several Trumps. It requires
the actual cards of the subject to block. Concentrate on all cards and none of
them will be able to receive calls; their cards will appear dead (warm) to ever
yone else. This requires a clear Psyche advantage over each of the targets.
Trump Pushing:
Can open a contact between any group of Trump images. No Psyche advantage requi
red, unless the contact is held open against someone's will. With the advantage
, can also push people contacted through to the location of an activated object

Trump Caller Identification:
This trick enables a character to become familiar with the style and magical 'ma
rk' of a Trump artist. Unless purposefully obscured the character should be abl
e to recognize a new Trump as either one of several artists with which he/she is
familiar or as an unknown. If an unknown artist is encountered any subsequent
Trumps rendered by the same person would be obvious to the character as being fr
om this particular 'unknown' artist.
Additionally, this power allows the character to tell the identity of a caller,
without opening to the contact. Upon receiving a Trump Contact check through yo
ur Trump Deck. The card of whoever is making the call will be psychically active
(though if another Trump conversation is taking place, this will only narrow do
wn the possibilities). Obviously, this only works it the character happens to h
ave a Trump of the caller. As the character becomes greater attuned with this P
ower he/she will be able to merely concentrate upon his/her Trump deck to determ
ine the caller's identity.
Trump Scrying:
Use location Trumps as a tool to scry throughout Shadow, using the subject of th
e Trump as the base point for scrying.
Trump Location:
Activate person Trumps and get an impression of where in Shadow they are. Gives
enough of an imprint to Teleport or Shadow Walk there.

Trump Gate:
Trump Gate is the ability to create an open doorway from any one place to anothe
r. It requires the use of a Trump for the destination point. The Trump is then
opened normally, but instead of walking through the Trump the user pours Psychi
c energy into the connection and reinforces the bridge between the two places.
Finally, a temporary doorway from one Shadow to another is created. At least Am
ber Rank Psyche and Endurance is required to create such a Gate, and the charact
er will be totally exhausted from the effort if at that minimum Attribute requir
ement. Trump Gates only stay open, unattended, for 10 minutes or so, though if
the character wishes he/she may continue to pour more energy into it to maintain
it, though even a top-ranked individual would be hard pressed to keep one open
for more than 30 minutes.
Consume Trump:
Makes a Trump Gate which stays open two days draining the Trump of its Power ins
tead of taking energy from the character. Paintings/Cards are non-rechargeable,
but Etched Trumps can be reactivated by a Trump Artist through working them ove
r again.

Learning to make Trumps
Anyone can learn to make Trumps if they have Chaos or better psyche, and Trumps
work almost anywhere. There is no Icon for Trump, but it requires months or yea
rs of intense study to master even the basic arts of Trump. It also requires ar
tistic talent--Trump stick figures just won't cut it.
Trump Sketches
Trump sketches are the first thing a Trump Artist learns to make. These sketches
take only about twenty five minutes to an hour, and can be scribbled on walls,
dug in the dirt with a stick, or pencilled onto a napkin. Trump sketches are goo
d for a limited number of uses depending on the creator's Psyche. After this us
age is complete the sketch will be un-empowered and no longer viable for communi
cation. If the Trump Sketch is to reach across Shadow, then the creator must ha
ve either the ability or the potential to influence shadow (Blood of Chaos or Am
ber, Broken Pattern, etc.). Otherwise, the Sketch works only within the Shadow
it was created in.
Creating Regular Trumps
This involves creating a card representing some particular person, place, thing
or object. When the user concentrates on the card there will be a psychic bond
between the user and the subject of the card. Creating a Trump takes from 4 hou
rs to two days of concentrated work depending upon the character's Psyche, Endur
ance, and relative level of experience with making Trumps. As time passes, the
character will find that creating such paintings takes less and less time. Suhu
y, for example, could probably render a fully functional Trump in 20-30 minutes
of work.
The medium used also determines some of the time, i.e. Painting in oils while be
tter for highest quality Trumps takes much longer to dry and become functional w
hereas acrylics are relatively quick drying albeit not as conducive for that 'ul
tra-realistic' look which is the hallmark of quality Trumps.
Working from memory, without a live model, will DOUBLE or TRIPLE the amount of t
ime to create a card. Trumps made from descriptions, without the Trump Artist e
ver having observed the subject, have a HIGH probability of linking to a Shadow,
instead of the actual subject.
When the Trump Artist first sits down to create a Trump, he must clear his mind,
then think upon the subject of the Trump they wish to create, and finally bring
up the Power of Trump. Once in the empowered state, they then begin drawing th
e lines upon the medium they are using, rendering a life-like representation of
the subject, and embedding the Power of Trump into the image. Trumps cannot be
drawn if there are things to distract the Artist, they must have total concentra
tion during the entire process, and any interruptions during the Trump creation
stage will require them to start over. The Power of Trump makes the Trump indes
tructible while it is activated and the equivalent of [4] armor otherwise.
Advanced Arts of Trump Construction:
Memorizing Trumps
With time, Trump Artists learn how to memorize the images they create as they dr
aw them, so that even if if they lose the card, they can use the image of the ca
rd in their mind to contact the person or place. The greatest Trump Artists eve
ntually can Trump anything they've ever seen and anywhere they've ever been, it'
s said.
Trump Traps
With time, Trump Artists learn how to create cards which activate faster, or whi
ch will activate instantaneously. They also learn how to make Trumps that show
a different image than the one actually on the card. These are Trump Traps, whi
ch can be quite lethal for the unfortunate victim, depending on what they connec
t to.
For example, one might find a shadow full of poison gas, then create a Trump of
the location which goes off the instant anyone picks it up. It could then be le
ft for some victim to find, thrown at your enemies, or used as an 'unwelcome' ma
The combination of Trump Traps with Trump Alternate Forms can enable you to make
the lives of people you don't like very unhappy.
Trump Alternate Forms:
Also known as Etched Trump. Allows the character to make Trump images in things
other than a paint/card-stock medium. They are able to engrave metal, form scu
lptures, make laser etchings, etc. with Trump power. Essentially any artistic r
epresentation which is conducive for concentration and highly vivid in nature (e
ven a written description!) can be used for the creation of Trump at this level
(though the artist would require the appropriate skills for such a creation).
One of the advantages to these types of Trumps are that while they easily recogn
ized as such by a Trump Artist they are not necessarily recognized by someone un
educated in the ways of Trump creation. Such Trumps are 'usually' more difficul
t to 'prime' or initiate contact with but function identically to normal Trumps
in most other respects. Another advantage to this type of Trump is that such im
ages/objects are greater storehouses for power and a character can empower them
to actually open a Trump Gate when activated. While this will use most of the i
tem's power they may be 're-powered' by a Trump Artist at any time subsequent to
such a usage.
It must be noted that Trumps cannot be inscribed on anything alive, unless one p
ossesses sufficient levels of shapeshifting.
Trump Mimicry:
The ability to copy the style of another Trump Artist. Forgeries are obvious to
the real artist, Trump Artists with more points invested in the Power, and othe
rs with significant Psyche advantages over the counterfeiter.

Combining Trump with other Powers
Trump can be combined with other Powers to perform several tricks not possible w
ith just Trump Artistry. Combined with Conjuration, one can quickly Conjure Tru
mps one has made before; this is probably the way in which the Royal Family's Tr
ump decks were produced.
Trump Artists who practice Sorcery can learn Trump Sorcery. Trump sorcerors can
use trumps of people as links to them which greatly enhance their ability to br
eak through the person's defenses. They can use detection magics to learn thing
s about a person or place using that person or place's trump without them being
present. They can use Petty Magic to teleport to any place they have a Trump of
. They can also rack spells in trumps which will trigger when the trump is used
. Trump Defense drops in effectiveness against them.
A sufficiently skillful Shapeshifter can learn how to tattoo Trumps onto living
There is no known way to combine Trump and Logrus or Trump and Pattern. Trumpin
g onto the Logrus or the Pattern (except for its center) is lethal. Beings walk
ing either cannot be contacted via Trump.

Basic Trump
Advanced Trump
Master Trump (Cannot be taken at character generation)
Exalted Trump (Generally only available to wise old ancient masters)

[10] Trump Sketches
[5] Trump Sketch Transportation
[10] Create Trump
[3] Trump Memory
[5] Swift Trump Production
[3] Improved Trump Memory
[5] True Trump Memory
[1] Quick Activation
[1] Instant Activation
[1] Quick Transport
[2]Disguised Trump
[5] Trump Alternate Forms
[2] Trump Mimicry
Trump Sketches: Trump sketches can be drawn in pencil, marker, charcoal, etc.
They are relatively 'quick and dirty' Trumps which are good for a limited number
of uses and do not possess the innate indestructibility of real Trumps. They c
an be made in 30 minutes to an hour, though Dworkin is rumored to be able to cre
ate one in under 30 seconds! Trump sketches are good for a limited number of us
es depending on the creator's Psyche. After this usage is complete the sketch w
ill be un-empowered and no longer viable for communication. If the Trump Sketch
is to reach across Shadow, then the creator must have either the ability or the
potential to influence shadow (Blood of Chaos or Amber, Broken Pattern, etc.).
Otherwise, the Sketch works only within the Shadow it was created in. These Tru
mp Sketches can only be used for mental, verbal of visual contact / communicatio
Trump Sketch Transportation: The sketches may be used to travel (the same restri
ction apply across shadow as for communication).
Create Trump: This involves creating a card representing some particular person
, place, thing or object. When the user concentrates on the card there will be
a psychic bond between the user and the subject of the card. Creating a Trump t
akes from 4 hours to two days of concentrated work depending upon the character'
s Psyche, Endurance, and relative level of experience with making Trumps. As ti
me passes, the character will find that creating such paintings takes less and l
ess time. Suhuy, for example, could probably render a fully functional Trump in
20-30 minutes of work.
The medium used also determines some of the time, i.e. Painting in oils while be
tter for highest quality Trumps takes much longer to dry and become functional w
hereas Acrylics are relatively quick drying albeit not as conducive for that 'ul
tra-realistic' look which is the hallmark of quality Trumps.
Working from memory, without a live model, will DOUBLE or TRIPLE the amount of t
ime to create a card. Trumps made from descriptions, without the Trump Artist e
ver having observed the subject, have a HIGH probability of linking to a Shadow,
instead of the actual subject.
When the Trump Artist first sits down to create a Trump, he must clear his mind,
then think upon the subject of the Trump they wish to create, and finally bring
up the Power of Trump. Once in the empowered state, they then begin drawing th
e lines upon the medium they are using, rendering a life-like representation of
the subject, and embedding the Power of Trump into the image. Trumps cannot be
drawn if there are things to distract the Artist, they must have total concentra
tion during the entire process, and any interruptions during the Trump creation
stage will require them to start over. The Power of Trump makes the Trump indes
tructible while it is activated and the equivalent of [4] armor otherwise.
Trump Memory: In creating a card, either a new one, or redrawing an old one, yo
u memorize the image, so it is permanently imprinted upon your mind. That means
you can attempt to contact an image without an actual card being present. This
is a great effort on both the Psyche and Endurance of the Trump Artist, but if
persistent it can be accomplished. Note that this is ONLY possible with person
Trumps not those of places or objects.
Swift Trump Production: You can duplicate any trump you've drawn previously ver
y swiftly, in only a few hours. You can create trump sketches in just a few min
Improved Trump Memory: Your Trump Memory now extends to object and place cards
as well.
True Trump Memory: Trump anywhere one can remember and anyone with whom one has
had psychic contact.
Quick Activation: A Trump can be designed to take only moments to activate. Wh
en it is touched and concentrated on like a normal Trump, it activates almost im
mediately, popping on without warning.
Instant Activation: A Trump can be created to activate by sight or touch alone.
When someone looks and concentrates, or touches the active face, the Trump ins
tantly activates.
Quick Transport: A Trump can be altered or designed so that as soon as contact i
s made, transportation is automatic. The combination of Quick Transport and Acti
vation make great Trump Traps.
Disguised Trump: The subject or object of the Trump is not the true point of co
ntact. Particularly nasty when combined with Quick Activation and Quick Transpo
rt. Combines nicely with Etched Trump.
Trump Alternate Forms: Also known as Etched Trump. Allows the character to mak
e Trump images in things other than a paint/card-stock medium. They are able to
engrave metal, form sculptures, make laser etchings, etc. with Trump power. Es
sentially any artistic representation which is conducive for concentration and h
ighly vivid in nature (even a written description!) can be used for the creation
of Trump at this level (though the artist would require the appropriate skills
for such a creation).
One of the advantages to these types of Trumps are that while they easily recogn
ized as such by a Trump Artist they are not necessarily recognized by someone un
educated in the ways of Trump creation. Such Trumps are 'usually' more difficul
t to 'prime' or initiate contact with but function identically to normal Trumps
in most other respects. Another advantage to this type of Trump is that such im
ages/objects are greater storehouses for power and a character can empower them
to actually open a Trump Gate when activated. While this will use most of the i
tem's power they may be 're-powered' by a Trump Artist at any time subsequent to
such a usage.
Trump Mimicry: The ability to copy the style of another Trump Artist. Forgerie
s are obvious to the real artist, Trump Artists with more points invested in the
Power, and others with significant Psyche advantages over the counterfeiter.


[5] Sensing Trump
[3] Trump Spying
[5] Trump Subterfuge
[5] Trump Re-Direction
[2] Trump Conference Calls
[5] Trump Defense
[3] Trump Jamming
[5] Trump Blocking
[5] Trump Static
[5] Trump Shielding
[5] Trump Caller Identification
[3] Trump Scrying
[5] Trump Location
[3] Trump Gate
[5] Consume Trump
Sensing Trump: A character with this ability is able to sense the usage of Trum
ps in his vicinity. Actual range is dependent upon a great many factors and the
GM will be the ultimate arbiter as to whether the character can sense the usage
or not. Factors affecting this would include the sensing character's Psyche, th
e proximity to the Trump user, any and all intervening barriers (including other
people), magical wards and the like, etc. Additionally, the character will be
able to sense the power used in making Trumps. When a character is within a few
hundred feet of a Trump being created they will immediately notice this great f
lux of power (unless the artist has taken special precautions using various ward
s, scry blocks, Psyche dampers, etc.).
Someone who is a Trump Artist is also able to detect the characteristics of a Tr
ump by careful examination. If the creator has an extreme Psychic advantage, an
y ill effects/traps on the Trump might have a chance to activate. Otherwise, th
e Artist is informed of the pitfalls.
Trump Spying: There is another level of concentration where you simply observe
the operation of Trump. This allows you to overhear conversations as the Trump
is being used. However, you must actually touch the specific Trumps. If you ha
ve Trump for only one of the participants in a Trump Contact, you will overhear
only what that person says, and will be unable to "hear" the other end of the co
nversation. Additionally, if the character is in the vicinity of a Trump call,
i.e. standing on the other side of a room while another character attempts to ma
ke or receive a call, that character's card may be used to "tap" the connection.
The character simply takes out the card of the person engaged in the Trump Con
tact and applies concentration. Note that if the character doesn't have a Psych
e advantage it is possible that the nearby character will 'notice' something odd
about the call.
Trump Subterfuge: This Power can be used to cloak Trump conversations from those
who might be sensitive to such (a very distinct Psyche advantage by the opposin
g party would be required to sense such) and make Trump Spying and/or Trump Sen
sing nearly impossible.
Trump Re-Direction: You can redirect calls made to your trump to some other per
son or location, should you so choose. You can also cut into trump calls being
made where you can percieve them, redirecting the card to connect to some locati
on, object, or person on a trump you possess.
Trump Conference Calls: You can patch multiple Trump Calls together to each oth
er, allowing for a group conversation. Any of those involved can pull through a
nyone else, should they choose to do so.

Trump Defense: as rulebook.
Trump Jamming: It's possible, with intense concentration, to jam any one Trump.
Concentrate on a single card and the victim will be blocked from sending or rec
eiving Trump calls. Psyche advantage is not 'required' when using this method i
f the other person simply gives up. However, should someone "push" the contact,
then there will be a Psychic battle with the person. You can also cause Trumps
of yourself not to show any visual image at all when in use. Thus a caller can
hear your voice but not see what you currently look like, where you are, etc. T
his is referred to as a Trump Blackout.
Trump Blocking: It's possible, with intense concentration, to block several Tru
mps. It requires the actual cards of the subject to block. Concentrate on all
cards and none of them will be able to receive calls; their cards will appear de
ad (warm) to everyone else. This requires a clear Psyche advantage over each of
the targets.
Trump Static: If he possesses any trumps at all, the Trump Artist can use them
to jam all use of Trump in some radius by anyone with less Psyche than himself.
The more trumps he has handy, and the higher his psyche, the larger the radius,
from a half-mile or so for someone with Amber Psyche and one trump to concievab
ly entire shadows if they aren't too big.
Trump Shielding: It takes at least two dozen cards to conduct this difficult ma
nuever. The trump artist establishes contact with all of the cards simultaneous
ly, and they fly into the air, forming into a moving shield around the Trump Art
ist, acting to protect him. This requires enough concentration that it is diffi
cult to do anything else, but the activated cards can move to block physical, me
ntal, and magical attacks. Attacks backed by Primal Power will gradually 'ko' a
ll the cards. With enough cards and enough Psyche, a trump artist could protect
a small group.
Trump Caller Identification: This Skill/Power enables a character to become fam
iliar with the style and magical 'mark' of a Trump artist. Unless purposefully
obscured the character should be able to recognize a new Trump as either one of
several artists with which he/she is familiar or as an unknown. If an unknown a
rtist is encountered any subsequent Trumps rendered by the same person would be
obvious to the character as being from this particular 'unknown' artist.
Additionally, this power allows the character to tell the identity of a caller,
without opening to the contact. Upon receiving a Trump Contact check through yo
ur Trump Deck. The card of whoever is making the call will be psychically active
(though if another Trump conversation is taking place, this will only narrow do
wn the possibilities). Obviously, this only works it the character happens to h
ave a Trump of the caller. As the character becomes greater attuned with this P
ower he/she will be able to merely concentrate upon his/her Trump deck to determ
ine the caller's identity.
Trump Scrying: Use location Trumps as a tool to scry throughout Shadow, using t
he subject of the Trump as the base point for scrying.
Trump Location: Activate person Trumps and get an impression of where in Shadow
they are. Gives enough of an imprint to Teleport or Shadow Walk there.

Trump Gate: Trump Gate is the ability to create an open doorway from any one pl
ace to another. It requires the use of a Trump for the destination point. The
Trump is then opened normally, but instead of walking through the Trump the user
pours Psychic energy into the connection and reinforces the bridge between the
two places. Finally, a temporary doorway from one Shadow to another is created.
At least Amber Rank Psyche and Endurance is required to create such a Gate, an
d the character will be totally exhausted from the effort if at that minimum Att
ribute requirement. Trump Gates only stay open, unattended, for 10 minutes or s
o, though if the character wishes he/she may continue to pour more energy into i
t to maintain it, though even a top-ranked individual would be hard pressed to k
eep one open for more than 30 minutes.
Consume Trump: Makes a Trump Gate which stays open two days draining the Trump
of its Power instead of taking energy from the character. Paintings/Cards are n
on-rechargeable, but Etched Trumps can be reactivated by a Trump Artist through
working them over again.

The Little Big Book of Shapechanging
Learning to Shapeshift
Basic Forms
Minor Shapeshifting
Shift Body Parts
Shift Wounds
Shift Features
Automatic Shapeshift
Shift Persona
Shift Aura
Creatures of Blood
Shapeshifting Other People
Shapeshift Others
Imbue with Power
Miscellaneous Shifting Tricks
Shift to Animal or Plant Shapes
Shift Anatomy and Structure, Shift to Animal Abilities
Absorb and Eject Mass
Creatures of Power
Forms of Power Basics
Forms of Power Qualities
Forms of Power Powers
General Commentary on Forms of Power
Shapeshifting Partial Powers Writeup
Shapeshifting is the power which enables you to use your body as your canvas, re
shaping it into whatever you can imagine...within limits. With time, even those
limits can be escaped from, however. It is the specialty of Chaosians, but Amb
erites and Shadow dwellers can get in on it as well.
Shapeshifting has no prerequisites, although having a good psyche and endurance
helps a lot. Even someone with all human atttributes can shapeshift. Not very
often or very well, but they could. It doesn't require the blood of anything, e
Shapeshifting works virtually everywhere, just as well in the Pattern Chamber as
inside the Logrus, although there are a handful of shadows where it doesn't wor
k for some strange reason. There are also some where it is limited to powers th
at entirely affect one's body only (ie, you could use Shift Wounds, but not Shap
eshift Others or Absorb Mass).
Learning to Shapeshift
Learning to Shapeshift requires a teacher and the potential to shapeshift. In g
eneral, just about any Amberite or Chaosian can learn to do so. Shadow dwellers
may require a story reason, although plenty of Shadows exist where everyone can
It takes weeks to months to unlock your basic forms, depending on your Psyche.
From there, it takes a few more weeks to months for each of the abilities up to
Automatic Shapeshift. Abilities beyond that tend to be highly variable as to le
arning times.
Basic Forms
When you first learn shapechanging, you pick your basic forms. One of these is
your birth form, the form which it is easiest for you to assume, although all th
ree basic forms are very easily assumed by you. For Amberites and Shadow dwelle
rs, this is usually a human form. For Chaosians, it is usually the demon form.
Amberites and Chaosians typically have three basic forms: Human, Demon, and Av
atar. Shadow Dweller shapeshifters usually only have two of those forms, althou
gh some may have all three. [Having three basic forms costs five points, having
only two costs three points]. They also can, potentially, have Avatar as their
birth form.
Human form is just that. An utterly ordinary human form. It's always the same
appearance, though it ages as you age. Higher shapechanging powers can enable y
ou to impersonate other humans, but this form is unique to you.
Demon form (also called Combat Form) is an armored and weaponed form. At its ba
se cost, it gives you armor and weaponry about as good as a suit of chainmail an
d a couple of swords and axes, although you can invest more points into it to bo
ost its capabilities.
Avatar form varies, dependent on what you are. For Amberites, it's an animal fo
rm. For Chaosians, it's some sort of elemental creature. For Shadow Dwellers,
it could be just about anything.
You can spend up to five points each on your Demon and Avatar forms, investing t
hem with Item Qualities. You get three points of Item Qualities (not Powers) fo
r those forms per point you spend.
Paul decides he wants to play a Shadow Dweller, a Werewolf. In fact, just to be
strange, he wants to be a wolf who turns into a man, instead of vice versa. He
goes ahead and pays the full five points for three forms. His human form is ju
st that, a human. His Avatar is a wolf. And his combat form is a wolf-man, hal
f-human, half-wolf, a furry humanoid with claws and sharp pointy teeth. He then
buys the following qualities for those forms.

Combat form--Wolfman (Crinos) [8 item quality points costs 3 character point
Deadly Damage Claws: 4
Invulnerable to Firearms: 2
Double Speed: 2
Avatar Form--Wolf (Lupus) [8 item quality points costs 3 character points]
Engine Speed: 4
Double Damage Claws: 2
Sensitive to Danger: 2
He has thus spent a total of 11 points on his basic forms.
Minor Shapeshifting
Shift Body Parts
This is the first step, in which you become Mr. Fantastic, able to stretch or co
mpact your existing body structures like play-doh. You can turn your bones into
stretchy stuff, then resolidify them to sustain your warped form. This does no
t enable you to create new body parts, just to compact or elongate what you have
and move your body mass around to some degree. Useful for things like slapping
someone from eight feet away, escaping manacles, getting a drink from the fridg
e without leaving your chair, and other such tricks. But rather paltry by the s
tandard of later powers. But it's a prerequisite to just about everything.
Shift Wounds
In a matter of minutes, you can knit any wound back together, which makes you ha
rd to kill. On the downside, this takes time, so it's best done after the fight
ends or while you hide somewhere. If you're too cut up, you'll knock yourself
out from the exertion this requires if your endurance is low.
Shift Features
At this point, you now have enough fine control to take on the appearance of oth
er people. It's child's play to disguise yourself as just some random person, a
nd fairly easy to take on an appearance of your choice. Imitating specific peop
le requires you to spend time studying them, preferably naked if you want comple
te authenticity. Even then, you may be spotted by your lack of their mannerisms
This can be used in one's combat and avatar forms, as well as one's human form.
It takes minutes to hours, depending on how different they are in appearance.
It does allow one to change one's physical sex if one really wants to.
Automatic Shapeshifting and Primal Form
The next phase of shapeshifting is learning how to adapt to changing environment
s. This is known as automatic shapeshifting. At this point, the shifter learns
how to consciously or subconsciously quickly change to deal with adverse condit
ions. Throw him in a fire and he gets abestos skin and his lungs automatically
filter smoke. Fall in water and you develop gills. Need to cross a burning des
ert? You'll become heat resistant and your body will become more efficient in i
ts use of water. And so on. The more Psyche and Endurance you have, the faster
your body adapts.
Should stress levels become high enough, you'll automatically slide into primal
form, which is how shapeshifters refer to the ultimate survival state in which y
ou can adapt to just about anything. Primal Form has the disadvantage, however,
that you become survival obsessed and considerations like your friends, your go
als, your towel, or your reason for entering the danger in the first place are f
orgotten. You simply head for safety, regardless of other considerations, even
if this means leaving your buddies to die. With experience, you can learn to en
ter primal form automatically if you want to.
Impersonation Powers
Shift Persona
It's not too hard to imitate someone's body, but to pass as them convincingly, y
ou have to learn to adopt all their little mannerisms, idioms, and tones of spee
ch. Otherwise, everyone will start thinking your imitation subject is acting st
rangely. You now learn how to do this; this can even be used to take on a measu
re of their skills. This is a somewhat risky thing, however, because you do it
by shapechanging your own mind, and if the target has too much psyche, you may b
ecome buried by the persona, and lose your identity until the next time you slee
Shift Aura
You now learn how to shapechange your aura, so that you can pass psychically as
someone else--a plant, a normal human, Gerard...If someone overcomes your defens
es, unless they have a serious psyche advantage, they will find what you want th
em to find. Like Shift Persona, this is dangerous, as you may become submerged
for a substantial amount of time if the other person's psyche is too strong for
You can use this ability to hide your Logrus or Pattern or Broken Pattern Imprin
t to some degree, making it hard to detect, and you can use it to change your 't
rump phone number' so that existing Trumps of you will fail to reach you.

Creatures of Blood
Basic Creatures of Blood
Every cell of a shapechanger's body has the potential to become a completely new
life form; with this power, you learn how to activate that potential, shaping s
ome of your own body into a small, simple creature. It can have up to Chaos in
all stats, and a single power inherent in your blood (such as shadow walking or
being able to shift its wounds shut or whatever) At this level, such creatures
make good messengers or spies, but little else.
It takes 3-5 minutes to create such a creature, depending on psyche, and the mor
e endurance you possess, the more frequently you can make them.

Advanced Creatures of Blood
You can now create creatures with up to your body mass. This includes duplicate
s of yourself or others, though they only have up to Amber in stats. However, y
ou can invest them with a number of powers inherent in your blood equal to the #
of levels of Creature of Blood you possess.
You can also make blood creatures out of other people's blood.

Master Creatures of Blood

They can possess up to 1/3rd of your stats, and up to 1/3rd your points in your
powers. They can resemble real people if you so desire. Over time, they tend t
o become independent unless you High Compel them, as they respond to their exper
iences. Should you so desire, you can now create simple creatures of blood from
other people's blood if they possess Shapeshifting or Pattern Imprint.
It takes 5 minutes for every point of attributes (imbuing human takes 1 minute,
Chaos takes 2, Amber takes 3), and 10 minutes for every point of powers.
The closer such creatures come to your body mass, the less frequently you can ma
ke them; this is modified by endurance. If you possess the Absorb/Eject Mass po
wer, you can simply keep eating stuff and cranking out Creatures of Blood as fas
t as you want.

If you possess Forms of Power, you can create blood creatures with the correspon
ding abilities.

Exalted Creatures of Blood
At this level, your Creatures of Blood can now possess up to 2/3rds of your stat
s and up to 2/3rds your points in your powers. Advanced Creatures of Blood tend
to become independent of you fairly quickly.

Shapeshifting Other People
Shapeshift Others
At this point, the Shifter learns how to extend his powers to affect other peopl
e. This requires you to defeat the victim in psychic combat, which can take qui
te a while. If they are willing, it is quick and easy, usually taking about as
long as it would to perform the effect on yourself.
Imbue with Power
You now can not just use your shapeshifting on others, but you can attempt to fu
ndamentally rewrite their very essence. This works well on Shadow Dwellers, but
Amberites and Logrus Initiates will eventually throw off the effects. People c
an be imbued with any Shapeshifting powers you possess, and also with any Trump
or Magical skills you wish to burn into them; similarly, they can be stripped of
such powers if you're feeling cruel. You must actually possess the powers to b
e imbued, but you don't need to possess a power you wish to suppress.
If you possess a suitable template (such as yourself), you can perform a blood t
ransfusion and rewrite the target to effectively gain the Blood of Amber or of C
haos. You can also suppress such blood in a person who possesses one or the oth
er, if they haven't already walked the Logrus or the Pattern (in which case they
're beyond your power).
This can be used to create an unstable possession-like effect, melding two or mo
re beings together into one. Sufficient application of Pattern or Logrus, a suf
ficiently skilled Shapeshifter, walking the Pattern or Logrus, or similar things
will undo the effect, splitting the beings apart and probably leaving them with
weeks of bad side effects.

This power lets you infiltrate someone's body and make it your own. You effecti
vely merge your forms together and gain the best of both worlds. This can only
be done either by consent (generally not very likely) or by utterly defeating th
e victim in psychic combat. It takes about a week to do this properly, so you'r
e advised to find somewhere you won't be disturbed.
The resulting form looks like the victim, and has his Strength and Endurance, wh
ile retaining your Warfare and Psyche. If the victim possessed the blood of Amb
er or Chaos, you now possess it. If they had an active Logrus or Pattern Imprin
t, you now have the basic Imprint if you didn't have it before, but all learned
powers are gone and must be relearned by you. (And yes, your new imprint costs
you points if you didn't have it). Walking the Pattern will not expel you from
the body, as you have fused with it to become a new being.
If the victim had shapeshifting, your basic forms are replaced by his. If he di
d not, your human form becomes his normal appearance, but you retain your own de
mon and avatar forms.
Be warned, this process is irreversible. Also, you inherit any blood curses the
victim may have suffered, but you don't gain any benefit of any good karma they

Miscellaneous Shifting Tricks
Shift to Animal or Plant Shapes
You can shape shift into any animal form of comparable mass that you have studie
d, i.e. that you have a full Psychic impression of. In this context, 'animal' m
eans an organic non-vegetable form. These are Named and Numbered forms that you
practiced in - you will not be clumsy or disoriented, so there is no bad effect
on Warfare, Psyche, etc. You can also get the locomotive abilities of the stud
ied animal...flight, swimming, etc. Other abilities such as poison, fire breath
, etc. are beyond the scope of this ability and are part of Shift Anatomy and to
Animal Abilities.
This power also allows you to become a plant. The definition of what a plant is
varies by Shadow, so in this context it means a largely non-mobile form that ha
s the ability to gain sustenance passively. For example, in a hostile Shadow, ta
ke the shape of a local tree and you will have food and water enough to heal and
rest without doing any work. Plant forms are particularly excellent for meditat
ion and mental rejuvenation. You also discover your Plant Form, an appropriate
vegetation Basic Form.

Shift Anatomy and Structure, Shift to Animal Abilities
Instead of having to shift into animal form to gain the animal's ability, you ca
n simply change your own form to add the ability. For example, you can have you
r character sprout wings like a bird or a bat, or develop claws or armored scale
s. In addition, you can move around, change, duplicate, and augment the body's
internal organs. Aside from the obvious benefits of generating two hearts, or a
sub-brain, you can use this ability to regenerate lost body parts, which takes
about a week of total concentration.

Absorb and Eject Mass
Many forms cannot be adequately done with the mass possessed by a Human sized ch
aracter. It is for this reason that a character with Shape Shift can use his/he
r power to absorb mundane Shadow Material into him/herself to take on sufficient
mass for the desired form. For example, when the Demon Servant, Gryll, came to
Merlin to take him back to the Courts he lacked sufficient mass and size to car
ry Merlin on his back. Gryll then proceeded to absorb some furniture from Merli
n's room in order to gain the desired size and mass.
The Shadow Material which the character absorbs cannot be magical (living creatu
res can be absorbed, but you'll need to catch and eat them instead of just fusin
g with them). It must be considered generally mundane in the Shadow in which th
e material exists in order for the Shape Shifter to be able to assimilate it int
o themselves. This process increases the time required to Shape Shift greatly,
adding up to 15 minutes, and if the Shape Shifter wishes to then go to a form wi
th less mass/size he or she will have to expel the absorbed matter first, which
will take twice as long as absorbing it. Note that the character may not decrea
se their mass less than their smallest Basic Form's original starting total.
Creatures of Power
based on the system developed by Alan Harnum.

Each beginning Form of Power (henceforth generally referred to as FoP) is constr
ucted from a pool of points determined by the shapeshifter's Psyche, and by just
how powerful the form assumed has the potential to be. This pool represents ju
st how powerful a form can safely be assumed by the shapeshifter without risking
loss of self.
_Standard Forms of Power_
Creatures with a fair bit of bite to them, capable of posing a threat to ill-pre
pared lesser Amberites, but no real danger to Elders or groups. Examples might
include lesser dragons, gryphons and manticores (as encountered by Corwin in the
Chronicles), and lesser Chaos demons.
The pool of points for creating a Standard FoP is equal to Psyche for all Shape
Shifters capable of assuming FoP. Up to four points may be spent in each catego
ry of FoP Qualities or Powers. A standard form can have a maximum of 16 points
worth of qualities.
_Advanced Forms of Power_
Nastier beasties whose abilities could potentially give a lone Elder trouble. E
xamples might include greater dragons, tarrasques (from AD&D), and mid-level Cha
os demons.
The pool of points for creating an Advanced FoP is equal to 1/2 Psyche for Advan
ced Shape Shifters, and to Psyche for anyone able to create Master or Exalted Fo
rms of Power. Up to eight points may be spent in each category of FoP Qualities
or Powers. You can have a maximum of 32 points in an Advanced Form.
_Master and Exalted Forms of Power_
The big nasties, the kind of things that can crawl out of Shadow and threaten Am
ber every few centuries or so. Examples might include the most powerful Chaos d
emons, Great Old Ones, and black dragons the size of continents capable of eatin
g Amber.
The pool of points for creating an Exalted FoP is equivalent to 1/2 Psyche for S
hape Shifting Masters, and to Psyche for Exalted Shape Shifters. They are unava
ilable to Advanced Shape Shifters. Up to sixteen points may be spent in each ca
tegory of FoP Qualities or Powers. You can have a maximum of 64 points in an Ex
alted Form.
_Number of Starting Forms_
Determined by a pool equal to Endurance. One point allows you to create a singl
e Standard FoP, two points allows you to create a single Advanced FoP, four poin
ts (really only applicable for NPCs or starting characters more powerful than mo
st) allows you to create a single Exalted FoP.
This represents the number of true FoP possible for the shapeshifter to contain
without falling risk to nasty things like Primal Chaos Cancer.
_Free Stuff_
The basic physical form and its means of locomotion (at standard animal speeds)
is free, as are basic natural armaments, etc.
Like items granting Transferal, the effects are not additive, in the cases of fo
rms that grant certain attribute levels. However, they don't replace the attrib
ute if it's already better--the shapeshifter can shift selectively enough to cho
ose those aspects of the form that grant advantages, and exclude those that don'
The basic structure of the creature's body. The further away it gets from a nor
mal physical body, the more difficult it is to assume.
Multiple forms for a FoP may be purchased. Their primary advantage is their spe
ed of transformation: a FoP with a Physical form and an Energy form, for example
, may shift quickly into the Energy form to avoid attacks or make rapid movement
as a lightning bolt, then return to its Physical form to make attacks. Their p
rimary disadvantage is that the tremendous strain of shapeshifting within a shap
eshifted form limits them to those shapeshifters with very powerful minds and bo
dies: Multiple forms for a FoP costs the number of forms multiplied by the total
cost of all the forms; i.e. a form with an Energy form and a Physical form woul
d cost sixteen points for Composition. The total cost of the Composition in the
case of multiple FoP forms _cannot_ exceed the Endurance of the Shapeshifter.

Physical: The body is composed of flesh, skin and blood, or something similar.
Unless armoured, it's as vulnerable to physical attacks as a human being. Zero
Fluid: The body is composed of water, acid, or some other fluid. In a fluid env
ironment, it can maneuver normally; outside that, it tends to have trouble movin
g, attacking or otherwise. Difficult to damage physically without powerful magi
cal weapons. One point.
Immaterial: The body is gaseous, composed of living air, or otherwise, but is no
t an energy form. May have difficulty maneuvering in some environments, or atta
cking, although it could potentially do damage through poisonous vapous or limbs
formed of solidified air. Difficult to damage physically without powerful magi
cal weapons. Two points.
Malleable: The body is fluid, but is capable of holding itself together into def
ined shapes outside a fluid environment. Examples might include water elemental
s and the T-1000. Physical damage is again difficult to inflict, as weapons sim
ply tend to pass through the body without doing any damage. Four points.
Energy: The body is living lightning or something like a sentient laser or othe
rwise. Potentially vulnerable to all kinds of things that wouldn't bother a phys
ical body, but also very difficult to hurt with normal weapons. Can attack thro
ugh blasts of energy or bolts of lightning, or otherwise. Potentially includes
shapeshifting into the form of a living nuclear explosion, but that probably won
't win you many friends. Eight points.
Extra-Dimensional: The body is utterly alien, a living mathematical abstraction
like Kergma or a free-floating consciousness capable of possessing bodies like
a Ty'Iga. Physical attacks? Pshaw. Sixteen points.
The standard rule about not being able to subtract or add to your mass applies f
or a FoP unless you take this. So, you can transform into a dragon or tarrasque
, but you'll be a human-sized one. Size doesn't really matter all that much as
far as power goes, but it can have its advantages, and it's kinda fun to be able
to stomp Shadow Tokyo in the form of Godzilla. Mass increases and decreases ar
e achieved through some esoteric means involving the manipulation of Chaos that
they don't bother to explain to non-shapeshifters.

Small Increase/Decrease: Up to a 100% increase in mass, or a decrease to 50% ma
ss. One point.
Minor Increase/Decrease: Up to a 200% increase in mass, or a decrease to 25% mas
s. Two points.
Major Increase/Decrease: Up to a 400% increase in mass, or a decrease to 10% mas
s. Four points.
Exalted Increase/Decrease: Up to a 1000% increase in mass, or a decrease to 1% m
ass. Eight points.
Godzilla/Atom Ant: Crush cities! Cause tidal waves just by wading! Or become a
sentient flu germ or a flea with a Destructive Damage bite. Sixteen points.

A measure of the raw physical power of the form: how hard it can land blows, how
much it can carry, etc.
Double Vitality: Roughly twice as strong as an animal of comparable size. The e
quivalent of Chaos Strength. One point.
Immense Vitality: Capable of remarkable feats of strength. The equivalent of Am
ber Strength. Two points.
Incredible Vitality: _Way_ stronger than your average bear. The equivalent of a
low-Ranked rating in Strength. Four points.
Epic Vitality: Toss boulders. Topple small buildings. Armwrestle Gerard and l
ose without having your arm torn off. The equivalent of a mid-Ranked rating in
Strength. Eight points.
Exalted Vitality: Armwrestle Gerard and possibly give him a good run. The equiv
alent of high-Ranked rating in Strength. Sixteen points.

Covers how fast the form can run, fly, swim, etc using its natural means of move
ment. Energy forms, some of which can move at the speed of light, don't really
need this, nor do Extra-Dimensionl forms that skip about from one reality to ano
ther in the blink of an eye.
Double Speed: Roughly twice as fast as a comparable animal form. Around 30 MPH.
One point.
Engine Speed: Lets the form move fast enough to keep up with standard powered la
nd vehicles like cars. About 75 MPH. Two points.
Racing Speed: The form can match bullet trains and race cars in sheer speed. Ab
out 200 MPH. Four points.
Airplane Speed: Can outrun, outfly or outswim a single-engine plane. About 500-
600 MPH. Eight points.
Jet Speed: Capable of moving at something approaching the speed of sound. Sixte
en points.
Enchancement - Water Walking: Some mechanism allows the creature to move over wa
ter, mud, swamp, and other unstable or fluid ground as though over normal terrai
n. One point.
Enchancement - Wingless Flight: The creature is capable of running upon air or f
lying through telekinesis or other means not requiring physical wings. Two poin

How long the form can keep running, fighting, etc before needing rest.
Double Stamina: About twice as much stamina as an equivalent animal. Equal to C
haos Endurance when it comes to stamina. One point.
Amber Stamina: What it sounds like. Two points.
Tireless: The form can exert itself at full potential until it drops dead from e
xhaustion. Four points.
Needs No Rest: What it sounds like. It keeps going and going and going... Eigh
t points.
Godlike Stamina: Needs no rest. Keeps going at full capacity despite any wound
until actually killed. Sixteen points.

The form's combat ability with its natural weapons, a combination of physical po
wer and speed, and of battle instincts. Grants no tactical or planning ability.
Proficient: Better than an average creature at the use of their natural weapons,
rather like a very well-trained guard dog. Grants the equivalent of Chaos Warf
are with natural weapons. One point.
Skilled: Extremely good, good enough to kill any "normal" human easily and enoug
h to be a threat to average Amberites. The equivalent of Amber Warfare in its a
rea. Two points.
Master: Better than an Amberite. The equivalent of a low-Rank Warfare in its ar
ea. Four points.
Grand Master: Capable of going toe-to-toe with some of the less proficient Elder
s. The equivalent of mid-Rank Warfare in its area. Eight points.
Exalted: Might actually give Benedict some exercise before he wins. The equivale
nt of a high-Rank Warfare in its area. Sixteen points.

Purely a measure of resistance to physical damage, either from physical weapons
or spells that attack using energy.
Resistant to Normal Weapons: Your average sword, arrow or other non-technologica
l weapon won't even scratch the surface. One point.
Resistant to Firearms: Immune also to standard low-tech and medium-tech weapons
like pistols, rifles and powerful crossbows. Also protected from explosions and
fire. Two points.
Invulnerable: Immune also to high-tech energy attacks, lasers, very large explos
ions, and other nasty things. Four points.
Impregnable: Survive without a scratch the physical damage of large nuclear blas
ts, meteorite strikes, and other very nasty things. Eight points.
True Invulnerability: Cannot be hurt by physical means that do not draw upon one
of the Primal Powers. Sixteen points.

The damage potential of the creatures natural weaponry. Enhancements to this ca
n roughly cover such things as the
fire-breathing abilities of dragons, manticore tail-spikes, etc.
Extra Hard: The natural weaponry can be used against stone, metal, etc without a
ny risk of damage. One point.
Double Damage: Not only resistant to damage, but also inflicting more serious wo
unds than usual and with extra armour penetration ability. Two points.
Deadly Damage: Severely damaging weaponry, capable of killing a normal human bei
ng with a casual swipe or seriously wounding an unarmoured or unwary Amberite.
Four points.
Destructive Damage: The natural weaponry may carry deadly poison, or may simply
be incredibly powerful. Rips easily through even Invulnerable armour, almost al
ways doing a serious wound. Eight points.
Apocalyptic Damage: Even Impregnable armour falls before this. Single hits can
cripple or kill Amberites. Only armour forged somehow with Primal Power has a c
hance of resisting. Sixteen points.
Enhancement - Secondary Ranged Weapon : The creature has something (tail spikes,
an acid spit) that can be used to attack a single opponent at long range. The
damage is one rank below that of the primary natural armanents. One point.
Enhancement - Secondary Area Weapon : The creature has an attack (fiery breath,
lobbing very large balls of acid spit) that can be used to attack a large number
of opponents at long range, provided they're close together. The damage is one
rank below that of the primary natural armaments. Two points.
Enhancement - Primary Ranged Weapon : As Secondary Ranged Weapon, except that th
e damage is equal to the primary natural armaments. Two points.
Enhancement - Primary Area Weapon: As Secondary Area Weapon, except that the dam
age is equal to the primary natural armaments. Three points.
Enhancement - Secondary Decimator : The creature has an attack (atomic Godzilla
breath, the very largest dragon fire attacks) capable of destroying chunks of ar
mies in one go. The damage is one rank below that of the primary natural armame
nts. Four points.
Enhancement - Primary Decimator : As Secondary Decimator, except that the damage
is equal to the primary natural armaments. Six points.
_Psychic Abilities_
Some powerful creatures may display abilities such as telepathy, precognition an
d danger sense that aren't normally part of the standard human mind. The effect
iveness of these abilities is generally dependent upon the Psyche of the shapesh
ifter. Each level includes the abilities of the level below it.
Psychically Sensitive: The form has a "feel" for psychic power. Powerful Psyches
will stand out unless shielded, and it will be able to sense generally the use
of magic, Trump, etc in the near vincinity. One point.
Danger Sense: The form can sense impending danger in a general way, although not
from inanimate traps. Two points.
Minor Psychic Powers: The form is capable of a more focused danger sense, mild p
recognition and conversational telepathy (not enough to allow a Psyche battle).
Four points.
Major Psychic Powers: Danger sense expands further to include sensing traps and
other inaminate dangers. Precognitions can be frighteningly accurate. Telepath
y can allow mind contact enough for a Psyche battle against any mind that can be
sensed, and makes cross-Shadow telepathic contact and conversation possible wit
h some effort. Eight points.
Exalted Psychic Powers: Danger sense and precognition are nearly always accurat
e and detailed. Can make multiple telepathic contacts in the same Shadow, and c
an make cross-Shadow contact with known minds with ease, as long as they're init
ially willing. Sixteen points.

_Psychic Defenses_
Creatures may have inhuman abilities that allow them to defend their minds again
st psychic attack or detection.
Psychic Neutral: The mind is cloaked and indetectable. Psychic communications a
re also cloaked. One point.
Psychic Barrier: The mind has a permanent and powerful resistance to Psychic con
tact, but cannot receive psychic contacts, or communicate psychically. This is
thus incompatible with all Psychic Abilities above Psychically Sensitive. Two p
Improved Psychic Barrier: As Psychic Barrier, but can be turned on or off, thus
making it possible to receive or make psychic contact, or use danger-sensing abi
lities. Four points.
Psychic Void: The mind literally feeds upon and absorbs psychic attacks. It is
also almost undetectable by any psychic means. Eight points.
Alien Psyche: The mind of the form is profoundly _different_ from a normal human
mind. Its perceptions, thought processes and structure are so incomprehensible
that any psychic contact with it risks the sanity and is almost impossible to m
aintain. No restrictions upon receiving or making psychic contact, but any cont
act made by the form can drive people of low Psyche into temporary or permanent
madness. Sixteen points.

_Movement Through Shadow_
Some forms may be able to make their way through Shadow through some means. Eac
h level includes the abilities of the level below it.
Shadow Trail: The form has the ability to "track" someone or something else thro
ugh Shadow, sensing and following their trail. One point.
Shadow Path: The form can find its way, eventually, to any Shadow it has visited
before. Ranges from Hellride speeds to extremely slow, depending on distance a
nd familiarity with the route. Two points.
Seek In Shadow: The form can sense the route to a person, place or thing, and mo
ve through Shadow towards it. Tends to be slow, and often hit and miss. Four p
Shadow Movement: The form can move more freely and faster in Shadow, finding bet
ter routes of movement to reach the intended destination and arriving more quick
ly. Eight points.
Shadow Walk: An ability to move through Shadow equivalent to that of an intitiat
e of the Pattern. Sixteen points.

_Control of Shadow_
Forms may be able to manipulate Shadow, the most powerful ones being as capable
as a Pattern Intitiate or Logrus Master. Each level includes the abilities of t
he level below it.
Mold Shadow Stuff: Can change the features of inaminate Shadow objects. One poi
Mold Shadow Creatures: Can affect living creatures of Shadow, changing their att
itudes and otherwise. Two points.
Mold Shadow Reality: With time, the creature can do the kinds of tricks a Patter
n Initiate can: temporarily changing the "rules" of a Shadow, affecting probabil
ity, etc. Four points.
Mold Shadow Essence: An ability to manipulate Shadow equivalent to a Pattern Ini
tiate. Can also do the kinds of tricks an Advanced Pattern Initiate can do, giv
en time. Eight points.
Free Control of Shadow: Create new Shadows. Destroy ones you don't like. Mold
Shadow like wet clay. Laugh at the puny Amberites with their mere Advanced Patt
ern abilities. Sixteen points.

Shapeshifters tend to have pretty astonishing healing abilities by themselves, b
ut some FoP may have an even greater ability.
Rapid Regeneration: Slight wounds heal in seconds, more serious ones in minutes.
Severed parts can be reattached in a few minutes, or regenerated from scratch
in a few hours. Eight points.
Unkillable: Wounds close almost as soon as they're made. If struck a fatal blow
, the wounds continue to heal, and the form is back on its feet as soon as they
do. Primal Damage and Raw Chaos will kill it permanently, as will such drastic
measures as flinging it into the heart of a star or into a nuclear reactor. Six
teen points.

_Magic Manipulation_
Creatures may have the ability to utilize magical energy to some degree, from me
rely being able to sense it all the way up to being able to manipulate it into e
xtremely powerful effects. Each level includes the abilities of the level below
it unless otherwise specified.
Magical Intuition: The form can see and feel the use of magic, detect magic user
s, etc. One point.
Magic Manipulation: The form can utilize magical energy for minor effects such a
s glowing lights for illumination, minor telekinesis, "magic missile"-type attac
k spells, and other little tricks. Two points.
Advanced Magic Manipulation: A greater ability to wield magical energy, allowing
for flashy attacks using bolts or explosive balls of raw magical energy, sleep
or confusion spells, and other magical abilities of considerable power. Four po
Magical Well: The form cannot manipulate magical energy, but it's an expert at d
issipating, grounding or negating any spells tossed at it. Does not include the
abilities of lower levels. Four points.
Master Magic Manipulation: The form can shape raw magical energy into almost any
effect of its choosing, given time. Eight points.
Magic Eater: Cannot manipulate magical energy, but can "eat" any spells aimed it
or used in the nearby vincinity, and can also draw power from raw magical energ
y. Does not include the abilities of lower levels. Eight points.
Magic Domination: Almost absolute control of magic energy. Makes Doctor Strange
look like a sissy. Can manipulate magic to the point where the abilities of yo
ur average human sorcerer are useless against it. Sixteen points.
Assuming a FoP is one of the most draining things for a shapeshifter. The longe
r the form is retained, the greater the chance of becoming lost in the persona o
f it, particularly for an Advanced or Exalted FoP. Thus, shapeshifters learn Fo
P with the intent of using them selectively and for brief periods: for a single
battle, for a quick journey through Shadow, etc. FoP are not chosen as possible
permanent states; they're exhausting, both physically and mentally.
When making lengthly journeys through Shadow in a FoP, the shapeshifter generall
y makes stops to rest in a natural or animal form for safety purposes. If somet
hing (pursuit, for example) makes this impossible, the chance exists that too lo
ng in a FoP will begin to warp or even permanently change the shapeshifter's min
d. Shapeshifters learn to recognize the subtle changes of perception that are t
he first sign that a FoP has been retained too long.
Forms of Power are generally learned through intensive study of the creature, in
cluding Psychic contact, and are not easily come by, particularly the more power
ful ones.

SHAPE SHIFTING--Partial Powers Writeup
Basic Forms Shapeshifting: 5
Shapeshifting: 35
Advanced Shapeshifting: 65
Master Shapeshifting:
Exalted Shapeshifting: 125
Basic Forms shapeshift
Pick one of the following four options
[5] Amberite, optional
[5] Chaosian, mandatory
[5] Black Zone, mandatory
[3 for 2 forms or 5 for 3 forms] Shadow PC
[1-5] Enhance Basic Forms [optional--Not a standard part of Basic Shapes
hifting, but available if you want to spend the extra points]
[3] Additional Basic Forms past the first 3 [optional--Not a standard pa
rt of Basic Shapeshifting, but available if you want to spend the extra points]
[5] Shift Body Parts
[5] Shift Wounds
[5] Shape Shift Features
[5] Automatic Shape Shift; Involuntary Primal Form Access
[5] Primal Form [Need minimum two forms]
[3] Shift Persona
[2] Shift Aura
[5] Basic Creatures of Blood
[5] Advanced Creatures of Blood
[5] Master Creatures of Blood
[5] Exalted Creatures of Blood
[5] Shape Shift Others
[5] Imbue with Power
[5] Possession
[5] Shift to Animal or Plant Shapes
[5] Shift Anatomy and Structure, Shift to Animal Abilities
[5] Absorb and Eject Mass
[5] Shift to Standard Creatures of Power
[10] Advanced Creatures of Power
[10] Master Creatures of Power
[10] Exalted Forms of Power

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