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IEX Rules Dated 01.08.2011

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Statutory Disclaimer
These rules and the bye laws, including the business rules have been
approved by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission. However, as
observed by the Commission, notwithstanding the approval of the rules and
bye-laws by the Commission, the persons enrolling themselves as members
or clients of the power exchange or transacting trade on the power exchange
shall do so after satisfying themselves of all the commercial aspects including
the fees and charges leviable covered under the rules and bye laws,
uninfluenced by the fact that the Commission has approved them since these
are the matters exclusively between parties.

Indian Energy Exchange Limited

100 A/1 Ground Floor, Capital Court, Olof Palme Marg, Munirka, New Delhi-110067

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IEX Rules (Ver. 3.0) 01
August, 2011 Page 2


1. PREAMBLE ................................................................................................... 3
2. DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................ 4
3. MANAGEMENT OF THE EXCHANGE ......................................................... 5
4. MEMBERSHIP OF THE EXCHANGE ........................................................... 8
5. VERSION CONTROL .................................................................................. 18

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August, 2011 Page 3

1. Preamble and Interpretation

1.1 These Rules shall be known as The Rules of Indian Energy Exchange Limited
and are for the sake of brevity and convenience, herein referred to as these
Rules or the Rules of the Exchange.
1.2 These Rules are designed to provide the framework for the management of
the Exchange, and admission of members and their representation on the
1.3 These Rules shall be subject to and consistent with the provisions of the
Electricity Act, 2003, the Rules made thereunder by the Central Government
and Regulations, Codes, and directives issued thereunder by the Commission
including and in particular the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Power
Market) Regulations, 2010 and CERC (Terms and Conditions for recognition
and issuance of Renewable Energy Certificate for Renewable Energy
Generation) Regulations, 2010 as amended from time to time and the Bye Laws
of the Exchange.
In case of any inconsistency between the contents of these Rules of the one
part, and any of the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003, the Rules made
thereunder by the Central Government and Regulations, Codes, and directives
issued thereunder by the Central Commission including and in particular the
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Power Market) Regulations, 2010 ;
CERC (Terms and Conditions for recognition and issuance of Renewable
Energy Certificate for Renewable Energy Generation Regulations, 2010 and
Bye Laws, of the other part the latter will prevail to the exclusion of the former.
1.4 These Rules may be amended or changed from time to time by the Exchange
and wherever required with the approval of the Commission and shall further be
subject to such modification or change as may be directed by the Commission
from time to time.
1.5 The Exchange may issue clarifications or directives, as may be required from
time to time, to remove any difficulty or ambiguity in implementing the provisions
of any of the Rules and such clarification shall have a binding force.
1.6 These Rules shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
India. In case of any dispute between the Exchange and the Exchange Member
in relation to or arising under these Rules, the courts at New Delhi, India shall
have the exclusive jurisdiction, irrespective of the place of business or residence
of the Exchange Member.
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2. Definitions

2.1. Unless the context otherwise specifically requires the words. And expressions
used in these Rules which are defined in the Electricity Act, 2003, or the Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Power Market) Regulations, 2010 or the Bye
Laws shall have the same meaning as assigned to them therein. Subject to the
above in these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires, the following
expression shall have the meaning as assigned to them hereunder.

(a) Base Capital means and includes the initial security deposit, additional security
deposit, margin money, any other credit amounts, bank guarantee, and other
collateral, by whatever name called, specified to be part of the base capital.

(b) Notice Board refers to the board displayed at the registered office of the
Exchange or the Web Site and also the bulletin board, market news and
Information corner displayed on the trading system of the Exchange or the news
and circulars, notifications, etc. downloaded / broadcast at the trading system of
the Members.

(c) Register of Exchange Members means the register containing the names and
other details of the Exchange Members registered with the Exchange.

(d) SERC means State Electricity Regulatory Commission.

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3.1. The management of the Exchange shall at all times be under the supervision and
control of the Board and shall be conducted in compliance with such directions
as the Board may issue from time to time.

3.2. The Board shall be constituted in accordance with Memorandum and Articles of
Association of the Exchange, subject to fulfillment of requirements under the
CERC (Power Market) Regulation, 2010.

3.3. The powers and duties of Managing Director or an Exchange Committee or office
bearers of the Exchange are dealt within Memorandum and Articles of
Association of the Exchange. The Managing Director or an Exchange Member or
office bearers of the Exchange shall carry out such other duties as are assigned
under the Power Market Regulations.

3.4. Subject to its overall supervision and control, the Board may constitute, and/or
reconstitute committees to undertake various functions of the Exchange. The
committees shall have such responsibilities and powers as may be delegated to
it by the Board from time to time. The Board will have the power to withdraw
services of a committee member at any point of time, if it so desires.

3.5. Unless otherwise decided by the Board such committees will generally have
three persons with one of the person being designated as Chairperson. The
Board shall from time to time fill in any vacancy in the membership of any

3.6. The quorum for every meeting of the committee shall be one-third of the total
strength of each Committee or two (2), whichever is higher. In case the quorum
is not present to transact any matter the same shall be referred to the Board for

3.7. The meetings of the committees, panels and advisory boards may be conducted
by means of telephone or audio-visual conferences during which all participants
and committee members are able to hear and to be heard at all times by all other
participants and committee members. The participation to such conferences shall
be deemed to constitute presence in person to such meetings.

3.8. The decision of the committee shall be by majority and in case of equality of
votes the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.

3.9. Subject to the powers vested in the committee the Board may delegate powers to
the Chief Executive Officer (Managing Director), other Directors, officers of the
Exchange and others as may be considered appropriate.

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3.10. The Managing Director, or Director or any employee or other persons of the
Exchange to whom the powers are delegated as provided in the Articles of
Association of the Exchange shall not be directly or indirectly associated with any
Member or Client or participant of the Exchange or with a holding or subsidiary
company thereof. The Exchange Member may however be appointed as a
member of any Committee constituted by the Board subject to the
restrictions/limitations imposed by the Power Market Regulations.

3.11. The Exchange may avail services of any consultant or advisor as long as the is
not dealing with price sensitive information of the Exchange and there is no
conflict of interest between assignments undertaken for other persons served by
the consultant or advisor and the Exchange.

3.12. A member of any committee who is on the committee by virtue of being an
Exchange Member or of the Clearing House shall cease to hold such office
forthwith if he ceases to be an Exchange Member and/or Member of Clearing
House , as the case may be; or upon suspension, expulsion or declaration as
defaulter by the Exchange.

Exchange Committees

3.13. The Exchange shall maintain the following Committees as specified in the CERC
(Power Market) Regulations, 2010 as amended from time to time and in addition
thereto such other committees as may be considered appropriate

A) Risk Management Committee (RMC)
This Committee shall stipulate risk containment measures and monitor adherence of the
same. The functions of the Committee will be to stipulate risk containment
measures and monitor adherence of the same the following -

a. The Exchange adopts best practices while formulating prudent and
dynamic risk management processes based on the changing risk profiles of the

b. Members, transacting on behalf of other Clients, to have a prudent risk
management and timely margin collection system from their clients. The quantum
of margins collected by members from client shall be at the discretion of the
members and as per bye laws of Power Exchange.

c. The Risk Management Committee shall review risk management
framework and process of the Power Exchange on a six monthly basis in
January and July each year. The RMC report shall be submitted to the board of
directors. The decision of the board of directors on the subject along with the
RMC report shall be submitted to the Commission within one month of the risk
management review process and not later than end of February and August

B) Market Surveillance Committee:
This Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the Market in the manner stipulated
by the Commission or other authorities from time to time. The Committee shall
perform the following functions-
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o To ensure fair, transparent and unbiased market platform to members.
o To ensure that interest of generators and consumers are safeguarded.
o To ensure that movement in price and volume is monitored closely and
o To ensure that the risk management tools adopted by the surveillance
department are efficient.
o To ensure market safety and promote market integrity.

C) Settlement Guarantee Fund(SGF) Management Committee
The Committee shall be responsible for management of SGF as stipulated by the
Commission / other regulatory authorities from time to time. monitor adherence of
regulatory directions in respect of SGF, contribution of Members to the SGF
Management Committee, its investment and utilization & recoupment of SGF in
case it is utilized to meet residual defaults.

Arbitration Panel

3.14. The Exchange shall maintain an Arbitration Panel consisting of persons amongst
whom the Exchange will appoint arbitrators to adjudicate and settle disputes
between Members inter-se, and between Members and their Clients in relation to
the Contracts and matters concerning the transactions undertaken in the

Advisory Board

3.15. The Exchange may appoint an advisory board consisting of experts having
experience in electricity markets or power sector. Such experts may be Members
of the Exchange or professionals. The Exchange may also form Regional
Advisory Panels/Councils consisting of representative of institutions like SERCs,
STUs, SLDCs, Distribution Licensees, Generators and others within the Regions.
The Regional Advisory Councils will advise on matters related to contract
specifications of different Contracts and Open Access in the Region.

Acts done by the Board or committees valid notwithstanding defective

3.16. All acts done by any or a committee thereof, or by any person acting as a
Director or member of a committee shall notwithstanding that it may be
afterwards discovered that there was some defect in the appointment of any one
or more of such Directors or of any person acting as aforesaid, or that they or
any of them were disqualified, be as valid as if every such Director and such
person had been appointed and was qualified to be a Director or committee
member as the case may be.

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4.1. The Exchange may classify the Members in different categories on the basis of
qualifications, eligibility criteria and payment terms for the Contracts admitted to
the Exchange and provide for different rights and privileges for trading, clearing
and settlement of Contracts. A person, who wishes to be a Member, may apply
for any category of membership, subject to his fulfilling the membership criteria.

4.2. The membership category shall determine and/ or be the basis of all rights and
privileges of a Member, , subject to the Bye-Laws, these Rules and Business
Rules as applicable and amended from time to time. Subject further to the due
compliance of the applicable laws and Regulations any subsidiary or holding or
associate company of such Member shall also be treated as same entity for the
purpose of transactions on the Exchange.

Provided further that subject to the approval of the Exchange, if an associate,
subsidiary or holding company of a Member, who otherwise fulfills the
requirements under the Bye Laws, these Rules and Business Rules, such
entity/person shall be permitted to transact in the Exchange.

4.3. For the present, the Membership of the Exchange are classified into four
categories as under:

4.3.1. Proprietary Member means a Member who is a grid connected entity
and shall include distribution licensee, generator, end user and open
access consumer;

Proprietary Member shall have right to trade for its own account, and
clear the same Contracts through the Clearing House as a Clearing
Member. The Proprietary member shall also be entitled to undertake
transaction on the Renewable Energy Certificates.

4.3.2. Trader Member means a Member holding a valid and subsisting
Interstate Trading License from the Commission;

Member who is a Trader Member shall trade and clear on their own
account or trade and clear on behalf of their clients. Such Member shall
be entitled to transact the electricity, right to which has been obtained
through an agreement from a grid-connected entity. In such cases, the
electricity trader will be treated as client and the delivery shall be
undertaken by the party on the other side of agreement i.e. grid
connected entity. A Trader Member shall also be entitled to undertake
transaction on the Renewable Energy Certificates.

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4.3.3. Professional Member means a Member who is neither a grid connected
entity nor holding a valid and subsisting Interstate Trading License from
the Commission;

The Professional Member shall not be entitled to trade for himself. He
shall have the right to act for and/ on behalf of his Clients but shall not
settle and clear the contracts on the Exchange for such Clients in
accordance with the Power Market Regulations. In particular, the.
Professional Member shall only provide the following services:

a) IT infrastructure for bidding on electronic exchange platform or skilled

b) Advisory services related to power prices and the follow on bidding
strategy (e.g. weather related information, demand supply position etc)

c) Facilitation of procedures on behalf of his client for delivery of power (e.g.
SLDC standing clearances, coordination with NLDC etc)

The Professional Members shall not provide any credit or financing or
working capital facility to their clients

The Professional Members shall also be entitled to undertake
transactions on the Renewable Energy Certificates in the same manner
as in the case of other transactions

4.3.4. REC Member means a Member who has limited right to transact
contracts relating to Renewable Energy Certificate under the Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for recognition
and issuance of Renewable Energy Certificate for Renewable Energy
Generation) Regulations, 2010

The REC Member shall be entitled to undertake transactions only in
Renewable Energy Certificate contracts on the Exchange and he shall be
entitled to undertake transactions on behalf of its clients also.

4.4. Criteria for Exchange Member

Any person, as may be approved by the Exchange, fulfilling the following criteria
will be eligible to become an Exchange Member:

a. Compliance with the capital adequacy norms as may be prescribed by the
Exchange for the Category of membership of the Exchange, from time to time;
b. Compliance with the registration and other provisions as may be prescribed by
the Exchange from time to time.
c. Payment of such fee, charges, deposits and other monies, as may be specified
by the Exchange.
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d. Such other requirements and/or criteria for admission as an Exchange Member
and to alter any such Rules including those specified above, as the Exchange
may consider appropriate to specify from time to time.
4.5. Every Exchange Member shall comply with and be bound by the Bye-Laws,
these Rules and Business Rules that may be made in accordance therewith,
from time to time, and shall accept as final any decision made by the Exchange
or by a committee approved by the Board .

4.6. Prospective Exchange Members or their Authorized Persons shall, during the
admission process, if required by the Exchange, appear personally before the
Exchange, for an interview and/or test as may be prescribed.

4.7. A decision on each membership application is entirely at the discretion of the
Exchange and shall be final and conclusive

4.8. The membership can be surrendered either by resignation from the membership
of the Exchange or transfer of the membership by nomination. In case of
resignation, the Exchange Member shall be entitled to receive back his deposit, if
any, after the Exchange and the Clearing House have recovered all outstanding
dues from the Member who has tendered his resignation, subject to such lock in
period as may be specified by the Exchange. The admission fee paid by the
Exchange Member shall be non-refundable.

General conditions

4.9 No person shall be eligible to be qualified as a Member of the Exchange, if such

(a) does not have a minimum net worth as the Exchange may from time to time
determine and consider acceptable;
(b) has been declared or rendered incompetent to enter into contract under any law
in force in India;
(c) has been adjudged bankrupt or a receiving order in bankruptcy has been made
against him or he has been proved to be insolvent even though he has obtained
his final discharge;
(d) has been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude or any other crime;
(e) has compounded with his creditors;
(f) has been found to be of unsound mind, by a court of competent jurisdiction;
(g) has applied to be adjudicated as an insolvent and the application is pending;
(h) in case of individual if he is a minor;
(i) suffer from any disqualification as may be specified by the Exchange or the
committee thereon from time to time.
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Membership application

4.10 Every person who wishes to become an Exchange Member shall apply to the
Exchange for admission as an Exchange Member, in the form prescribed for the

Admission fee

4.11 Every person applying for the membership of the Exchange shall pay, along with
the membership application, non-refundable admission fee or any other
fee/deposit as may be specified by the Exchange, from time to time. Where,
however, a retiring Member of the Exchange or the legal heir(s) of a deceased
Exchange Member nominate(s) a person eligible for admission as an Exchange
Member under these Rules, to succeed the established business of the retiring or
deceased Exchange Member who is his father, uncle, brother or son or any other
person in the opinion of the Exchange is a close relative, such nominee shall be
admitted as an Exchange Member provided he/she is found otherwise qualified,
eligible and fit for the membership of the Exchange under these Rules.


4.12 The Exchange may prescribe the procedure for transfer or transmission of
membership or change the category of membership of a Member. Membership
of the Exchange shall be transferable only to any eligible person, body corporate,
company, partnership firm, institution or such other person, as may be approved
by the Exchange

4.13 The membership of the Exchange shall be transferable on payment of such fees
as the Exchange may prescribe from time to time provided that such transfer
shall be affected only from the date of approval by the Exchange. The Exchange
shall have the power to refuse transfer of membership if the interests of the
Exchange, it is expedient to do so.

Grounds for expulsion or disqualification

4.14 The Exchange may expel a Member of the Exchange, if in its opinion to be
recorded in writing, such Member has in or at the time of his application for
admission to membership of the Exchange or during the course of the inquiry
made by the Exchange preceding his admission:

a. made any willful misrepresentation;
b. suppressed or concealed any material information required of him as to his
financial position, including financial liabilities, character and antecedents; or
c. has directly or indirectly given false particulars or information or made a false

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Certificate of admission to membership of the Exchange

4.15 On admission a Certificate of Membership duly signed will be issued to the newly
admitted Member.

4.16 Every Exchange Member shall promptly notify the Exchange in writing about any
change in the information provided by the Member at the time of admission or at
a later stage to the Exchange. The Exchange shall indicate the changes in
respect of which the Member should take prior written approval from the
Exchange. In case the Member fails to do so, then the Exchange shall be entitled
to impose such penalty and/or take further disciplinary action as may be
considered appropriate.


4.17 Every Exchange Member shall pay the annual fee, other fees, deposits or any
other charges as may be fixed by the Exchange, from time to time. If any
Exchange Member fails or neglects to pay any fee, deposit or other levies as
required by the Exchange for a continuous period of six (6) months, the
Exchange may declare such Member as a defaulter within the meaning of these

4.18 Provided that such defaulting Exchange Member shall be at liberty to apply for
re-admission as an Exchange Member by complying with the provisions of these
Rules as applicable to re-admission of defaulters.

Security Deposit

4.19 The Exchange may prescribe payment of initial security deposit from a Member
payable at the time of his admission. A new Exchange Member shall, not later
than such number of days as may be specified by the Exchange, from the date of
intimation in writing by the Exchange conveying its decision on admission,
provide security deposit of a sum and in such mode(s) as may be decided by the
Exchange from time to time and shall maintain such security deposit with the
Exchange at all times.

4.20 The Exchange may prescribe a different payment options for different Members.

4.21 The Exchange Member shall provide additional deposits in order to get higher
limits to trade.

4.22 The security deposit to be paid by a Member shall be payable in such form, as
specified by the Exchange subject to such terms and conditions as the Exchange
may from time to time stipulate.

4.23 The initial security deposit and additional security deposit provided by an
Exchange Member shall be subject to a first charge and paramount lien on any
sum due to the Exchange or to the Clearing House.

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Return of security deposit or additional security deposit to Exchange Members:

On the termination of his membership of the Exchange, the security deposit and the
additional base capital not applied under the Rules, Bye-Laws and Business Rules shall,
at the cost of the Member, be repaid subject to such terms and conditions as may be
decided by the Exchange from time to time and transfer either to him or as directed by
him or, in the absence of such direction to his legal heirs or legal representatives after
recovering all the dues of the Exchange and the Clearing House.

However, the Exchange shall return back only such amount as may have been collected
as a deposit in the form of refundable security deposit or additional deposit for providing
trading and clearing limits, subject to settlement of all pending dues and also settlement
of all outstanding Contracts. Such deposits or contributions, which are collected as non
refundable deposits, shall not be refunded.


4.24 In addition to other requirements herein a partnership firm shall be eligible for
admission as an Exchange Member, provided it fulfills the following:

(a) The firm is duly registered with the Registrar of Firms;
(b) The deed of partnership contains a provision to the effect that the business of the
firm shall at all times be carried out so as to comply with the Bye-Laws, these
Rules and the Business Rules, for the time being in force;
(c) The partners of the firm are acceptable to the Exchange; and
(d) No new partner shall be admitted without the prior written approval of the

(e) No change in the name of an existing partnership shall be affected without prior
written intimation to the Board and its approval;

(f) No person shall at the same time be a partner in more than one partnership firm
carrying on the business of facilitating transactions in electricity or Renewable
Energy Certificates and/or clearing.

(g) Upon dissolution of the firm or its reconstitution without the approval of the
Exchange, firm shall cease to be an Exchange Member.

4.25 The Exchange Member, who is the partner of any partnership firm, which is an
Exchange Member, shall be primarily liable and responsible for all dues, claims
or demands against the partnership by the Exchange and also the liabilities of
the partnership to the Exchange and its Exchange Members. Provided that the
other partners shall also be jointly and severally responsible for all dues, claims
or demands pending, if any, against the partnership firm.

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Bodies corporate as Exchange Members

The corporate entity shall furnish to the Exchange the corporate documents, board
resolution and other details as may be required by the Exchange at the time admission
to the membership and thereafter from time to time.

Authorized Persons

4.26 Any Exchange Member may be entitled to be represented by an Authorized
Person for purposes of conducting business in the Exchange.

a) An Exchange Member who wishes to appoint Authorized Person(s) for specific
activities to be undertaken on behalf of the Exchange Member shall apply for the
permission of the Exchange in such form as the Exchange may from time to time
prescribe. The Exchange may permit such Authorized Person to act on behalf of
the Member on such terms and conditions as the Exchange may from time to
time direct.

Appointment of Approved Users

4.27 An Exchange Member carrying on business on the Exchange shall be entitled to
appoint persons who are in his own exclusive employment or as Approved Users
with the permission of the Exchange for operating the trader work stations
connected with the ATS of the Exchange and entering orders in such system or
segment on behalf of such Member.

4.28 An Exchange Member who wishes to appoint Approved Users shall apply for the
permission of the Exchange.

Number of Trader Work Stations

4.29 The Exchange shall determine from time to time the number of Trader Work
Stations that may be provided to a Member of the Exchange and the number of
Approved Users an Exchange Member shall be entitled to employ.


4.30 An Exchange Member shall be in default if he:

(a) Falls within any one or more of the grounds specified by the Commission
in regulation 30 (i) of the CERC (Power Market) Regulations, 2010, that is
to say, a Member may be declared a defaulter by direction or circular of
the Power Exchange or Clearing Corporation if :
1. he is unable to fulfill his clearing or settlement obligations; or
2. he admits or discloses his inability to fulfill or discharge his duties,
obligations and liabilities under the Rules, Bye-laws or the Business
Rules of the Power Exchange; or
3. he fails or is unable to pay within the specified time the damages and
the money difference due on a closing out effected against him
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under the Rules, Bye Laws of Power Exchange or Clearing
4. he fails to pay any sum due to the Power Exchange or Clearing
Corporation which may be prescribed by them from time to time; or
5. he fails to pay or deliver all moneys, electricity or other related assets
due to member who has been declared a defaulter within such time of
declaration of default of such member in such manner and to such
person as the Power Exchange or Clearing Corporation may direct; or
6. he fails to abide by the arbitration award made under the Rules, Bye
Laws and Business Rules of Power Exchange or Clearing Corporation
; or
7. under any other circumstances as may be decided by the Power
Exchange or Clearing Corporation from time to time.

(b) Fails to provide the monies, securities, bank guarantees, subscription
and any other collaterals required to be deposited with the Exchange.; or

(c) In the opinion of the Exchange a Member is unable to fulfill his
engagements or obligations.

(d) Fails to pay or reimburse to the Settlement Guarantee Fund or any other
fund established by the Exchange in respect of the amount used from it
for the purpose of fulfilling settlement obligations on his behalf; or

(e) Fails to pay or deliver such money and arising out of an award given by
the Arbitrator under the arbitration proceedings provided in the Bye-Laws
of the Exchange;

(f) Fails to pay or deliver to the Exchange all monies, within such time as
directed by the Exchange.

(g) Violates any Bye-Laws, Rules and Business Rules of the Exchange and
the Electricity Act, 2003 and the Indian Electricity Grid Code and rules
and regulations made thereunder, and any orders, circulars, directives of
the CERC, SERC and other relevant government authority.

(h) Fails to give information and details as the Exchange may call for from
time to time

(i) Fails to meet any other criteria which the Power Exchange may, at its
discretion, stipulate.

4.30.1 Declaration of defaulter process

In the event a member is declared a defaulter and he fails to meet the
clearing and settlement obligations, the Power Exchange shall give
precedence to the payment of transmission charges, scheduling and
system operation charges from the deposits of the member or client as
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the case may be out of his funds available with the Power Exchange.
Thereafter the Power Exchange may utilize the Settlement Fund and
other monies to the extent necessary to eliminate the obligation of the
defaulting member in the following order-

(1) Liquidation of collaterals: Contributions or deposits, including margins
in any form by the defaulting member or client.
(2) Liquidation of security deposit: Membership deposit given by the
defaulting member to the Power Exchange.
(3) Insurance money: Insurance taken by Power Exchange of an amount
as considered appropriate by the Power Exchange for protection
against defaults.
(4) Its Initial contribution as considered appropriate by the Power
Exchange towards Settlement Guarantee Fund.
(5) Current years Profits of the Power Exchange including Fines, penalty
collected from members.
(6) Reserves of the Power Exchange.
(7) Contribution towards settlement guarantee fund by all members or
All non-defaulting members or clients contribution in proportion of
deposits towards Settlement Guarantee Fund.
(8) Equity Capital of the Power Exchange.
(9) Balance obligations remaining outstanding after above funds will be
met by contribution from members or clients in proportion to their
contribution to the SGF.
Provided that once the Clearing Corporation is hived off, the default
remedy mechanism shall be handled by the Clearing Corporation and
the Power Exchange shall not be held liable on this account.

4.31 Upon the Exchange Member being a defaulter the Exchange shall initiate a
process to declare such Member a defaulter after giving a reasonable opportunity
to such Member. A show cause notice to that effect shall be forthwith issued by
the Exchange to such Member and a copy of the same may be posted on the
website of the Exchange. The following consequences shall follow upon being
declared as a defaulter

a) the Exchange Member shall hand over all his books, documents, papers,
assets, cheque books and other documents, as may be specified by the

b) the Exchange Member shall file with the Exchange, within such time of the
declaration of his default as the Exchange may direct, a written statement
containing a complete list of his debtors and creditors and the sum owing by
and to each of them.

c) the Exchange Member shall submit to the Exchange such statement of
accounts, information and particulars of his affairs as the Exchange may from
time to time require and if the Exchange so desires, he shall appear before the
Exchange at its meeting in connection with his default.
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d) automatically and without any further act deed or thing to be done all monies,
securities, bank guarantees lying with the Exchange in respect of the
Exchange Member shall vest in the control of the Exchange in trust for the
benefit and on account of the creditors, who may have a claim and the
Exchange shall deal with such monies, securities or bank guarantees and
claims, as provided in regulation 30(ii) of CERC (Power Market) Regulations,
2010, Bye-Laws and relevant Rules herein and specifically as provided.

e) he shall at once cease to be an Exchange Member and as such cease to
enjoy any of the rights and privileges of membership of the Exchange but the
rights of his creditors, arising out of or incidental to the transactions, against
him shall remain unimpaired as provided herein.

f) he shall not be readmitted to the membership of the Exchange directly or
indirectly for a minimum period of 1 (one) year from the date, he is declared a
defaulter . Provided the Exchange may at its discretion readmit the defaulter
within such shorter period as it may consider appropriate.

Power of the Exchange to define the grounds of suspension and expulsion

4.32 The Exchange may at its discretion, may issue circulars for defining the conduct
or acts or omissions which renders an Exchange Members, liable to expulsion,
suspension, fine or withdrawal or suspension of rights and privileges of
membership of the Exchange and other consequences in addition to those
specified hereinabove as defaults on the part of the Members and the
consequences thereof. No decision of the Exchange expelling or suspending an
Exchange Member shall be passed or voted upon until and unless the Member
has been given an opportunity to explain the charges against him. Such Member
may appear at such meeting or state his case in writing addressed to the

4.33 Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules and subject to the CERC
(Power Market) Regulations, 2010 and the Bye Laws, the Exchange reserves the
right to suspend a Member pending declaration of default of such Member.
Indian Energy Exchange Ltd
IEX Rules (Ver. 3.0) 01
August, 2011 Page 18


Version Date of Submission Modifications
1. 06.05.2010 Compliance of CERC(Power Market)
2. 04.10.2010 Compliance of the directions and observations
made in CERC order dated 26.08.2010, except the
observation at Ser No. 53 of the tabular statement
attached to the said order.
3. 01.08.2011 In compliance of CERC order dated 03.06.2010 in
Petition No. 26/2010.

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