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Debt Funding in India

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Debt Funding in India

February 2019

© Copyright 2019 Nishith Desai Associates

Debt Funding in India

February 2019

Internal Knowledge > Business Development and Intelligence Material >

Research Papers > Debt Funding in India v3. Document Number 6347.
© Nishith Desai Associates 2019
Debt Funding in India




I. Investment Instruments 04
II. Investment Routes 04
III. Onshore Investment Vehicles 05


I. Foreign Direct Investment 06

II. Foreign Venture Capital Investors 07
III. Foreign Portfolio Investments 08
IV. External Commercial Borrowing 10
V. Rupee Denominated Bonds (Masala Bonds) 12


I. Non-Banking Financial Companies 15

II. Alternative Investment Fund 18


I. Taxation 22
II. Tax Treaties And Jurisdictions 24


I. Specific Relief Act 25

II. Insolvency Code 25
III. Arbitration 26
IV. Contract Act and Damages 27


I. Revamped Arbitration Regime 28

II. Enforcement of Security without Court Interference 29
III. Introduction of Insolvency Code 29


Private Equity vs Private Debt 32


Investment Instruments 33


Pooling Vehicle – Trust/ Company/ LLP 34

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Debt Funding in India


Jurisdiction Comparison 36


Types of NBFC 37


Comparative analysis of NBFC 39


Death Knell for Foreign Investors in Indian Corporate Debt Markets? 41

© Nishith Desai Associates 2019

Debt Funding in India

Si no. Term Explanation
1. A&C Act 1996 The Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996
2. AD Banks Authorized Dealer Category-I banks
3. AIF Alternative Investment Fund
4. AIF Regulations Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Funds)
Regulations, 2012
5. ARC Asset Reconstruction Companies
6. Bankruptcy Code The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
7. BEPS Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
8. CBDT Central Board of Direct Taxes
9. CCDs Compulsorily Convertible Debentures
10. CCPS Compulsorily Convertible Preference Shares
11. CRAR Capital to risk weighted assets ratio
12. DDT Dividend Distribution Tax
13. DHCAC Delhi High Court Arbitration Centre
14. ECB External Commercial Borrowing
15. ECB Master RBI Master Direction No.5 dated January 1, 2016 ‘External Commercial Borrowings, Trade
Directions Credit, Borrowing and Lending in Foreign Currency by Authorised Dealers and Persons other
than Authorised Dealers’
16. FATF Financial Action Task Force
17. FDI Foreign Direct Investment
18. FDI Policy Foreign Direct Investment Policy issued by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
19. FEMA Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
20. Foreign Equity Foreign equity owners holding at least 25% shareholding in the Indian entity
21. FPI Foreign Portfolio Investor
22. FPI Regulations SEBI (Foreign Portfolio Investors) Regulations, 2014
23. FPIs Foreign Portfolio Investors
24. FVCI Foreign Venture Capital Investors
25. FVCI Regulations SEBI (Foreign Venture Capital Investors) Regulations, 2000
26. GAAR General Anti-Avoidance Rules
27. GAAR General Anti Avoidance Rules
28. HUF Hindu Undivided Family
29. ICDR Regulations SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure) Regulations 2009
30. IRP Interim Resolution Professional
31. IRPs Insolvency Resolution Professionals
32. ITA Income Tax Act, 1961
33. ITA Indian Information Technology Act
34. LLP Limited Liability Partnership
35. LLP Act Liability Act, 2008
36. LTCG Long Term Capital Gains
37. MAT Minimum Alternate Tax
38. MLI Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
39. NBFC non-banking financial company
40. NBFC Regulation Directions issued by RBI for governance of each kind of NBFC
41. NBFC-D Deposit Accepting or Holding NBFCs
42. NBFC - IFC Infrastructure Finance Company
43. NBFC-ND-NSI Non-Systemically Important Non-Deposit Accepting or Holding NBFCs
44. NBFC-ND-SI Systemically Important Non-Deposit Accepting or Holding NBFCs

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45. NBFCs Non-Banking Finance Companies

46. NCDs Non-Convertible Debentures
47. NOFHC Non-Operative Financial Holding Company
48. NPAs Non-Performing Assets
49. OCDs Optionally Convertible Debentures
50. OCRPS Optionally Convertible Redeemable Preference shares
51. QIB Qualified Institutional Buyer
52. RBI Reserve Bank of India
53. RBI Act Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934
54. RDBs Rupee Denominated Bonds
55. SARFAESI Act Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act,
56. SEBI Securities and Exchange Board of India
57. SI Systemically Important
58. Specific Relief Act The Specific Relief Act, 1963
59. Specific Relief The Specific Relief Amendment Act
Amendment Act
60. SRs Security Receipts
61. STCG Short Term Capital Gains
62. STT Securities Transaction Tax
63. Thin Capitalization thin capitalization rules within the ITA
64. TISPRO Regulations Foreign Exchange Management Act (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident Outside
India) Regulations, 2017
65. Takeover Code SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011
66. VCF Venture Capital Fund

© Nishith Desai Associates 2019
Debt Funding in India

1. Introduction
Investment into companies are generally in the form With banks facing constraints on lending, Indian
of equity investment or debt investment. Equity companies have been looking at alternative modes
instruments provide the investor direct upside from of funding Private debt funds have seen a substantial
the operations of the investee company, along with rise in the Indian debt scenario due to increasing
substantial control rights. On the other hand, debt opportunities. The emergence of these debt
investments provide investors downside protection, platforms can also be attributed to the enactment of
guaranteed returns and security against the sums the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 in India,
advanced. In the last couple of decades alternative which provided creditors with substantial powers
means to bank lending also emerged to cover for the enabling them to ensure that the promoters of the
debt needs of Indian companies. Another paradigm Indian companies do not go rogue.
shift that investments into Indian companies that
The changing dynamics of the Indian regulatory
was noticed was the use of hybrid instruments,
framework has also resulted in debt funds / investors
merging the benefits of debt instruments (such as
being compelled to look at various structures for debt
downside protection and guaranteed returns) as well
investments into India. Some of these regulatory
as of equity instruments (such as upside sharing and
requirements include minimum residual maturity
controlling rights).
for corporate bonds issued to foreign portfolio
The Indian central bank, the Reserve Bank of India investors, concentration norms for foreign portfolio
has undertaken stern measures in the last 2 years to investors investing into Indian corporate bonds,
clean up the non-performing assets in India. In the thin capitalization norms for Indian corporates,
backdrop of these measures, banking institutions applicability of the International Financial
in India have been more cautious in lending to Reporting Standards (IFRS) for Indian companies
companies. Further, a few banks have been put and enactment of the General Anti-Avoidance Rules
under RBI’s Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) plan, under the Indian tax regime. (Refer Annexure I for
thereby restricting the ability of these banks to lend. comparative analysis of debt vs equity). This paper
discusses structures and strategies for offshore debt
investors to invest in India.

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2. Debt funding options

The Indian regulatory framework provides options iv. Rupee Denominated Bonds (“RDBs”) or Masala
for both onshore and offshore debt funding for Indian Bonds are bonds issued by corporates outside
companies. The offshore funding routes are generally India but are denominated in Indian Rupees.
highly regulated and need to comply with a number These bonds are generally priced at 450 basis
of conditions provided under Foreign Exchange points over the prevailing government security
Management Act, 1999 (“FEMA”). Onshore lending rate. These bonds are governed by the directions
generally does not require compliance with FEMA, issued by Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”) from
and is generally less regulated. time to time.

v. Security Receipts (“SRs”) are instruments issued

I. Investment Instruments by ARCs (defined below) in exchange for non-
performing assets acquired by them.
Debt Investment in India can be made by way of
various instruments, such as:
II. Investment Routes
i. Non-Convertible Debentures (“NCDs”) are debt
instruments which cannot be converted into Foreign debt could be infused in one of the following
equity shares of a company. Return on NCDs is by ways:
way of interest that is payable on them and upside
i. Foreign Direct Investment (“FDI”) is investment
on sale or extinguishment. They are regarded as
through capital instruments such as equity, CCD
corporate debt and will accordingly be subjected to
and CCPS.
the overall corporate debt auction limits of India.
Investment in NCDs can be made under the FPI
ii. Foreign Portfolio Investment is (i) investment
Route or by an FVCI.
by a person registered with the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”) as a Foreign
ii. Compulsorily Convertible Debentures (“CCDs”)
Portfolio Investor (“FPI”) and is investing in
or Compulsorily Convertible Preference Shares
instruments such as NCDs of an Indian company,
(“CCPS”) are instruments which mandatorily
units of domestic mutual funds, SRs issued by
convert into equity shares of the issuing
asset reconstruction companies etc.;
company on the conditions decided mutually at
or (ii) investment by a person resident outside
the time of issuance of the instruments. CCDs
India through less than 10% of capital
generally have a lower rate of interest than NCDs.
instruments of listed Indian company.
CCDs are considered as capital instruments and
investment in CCDs may be made under the
iii. Investment by Foreign Venture Capital
FDI route. (Refer Annexure II for comparative
Investor (“FVCI”) through securities of an
analysis of CCD (under FDI) vs NCD (under FPI))
Indian company engaged in a few limited
sectors or units of a Category I Alternative
iii. Optionally Convertible Debentures (“OCDs”)
Investment Vehicle or Venture Capital Fund
are instruments that may be converted to equity
and / or OCDs of an Indian venture capital
shares of a company but such conversion is not
undertaking or a venture capital fund.
mandatory. Investment in OCDs may be made
under the FVCI route.
iv. External Commercial Borrowing (“ECB”): is
infusion of capital by direct lending or lending
in exchange of rupee denominated bonds.

© Nishith Desai Associates 2019
Debt Funding in India

III. Onshore Investment ii. Alternative Investment Fund (“AIF”) means any
fund established or incorporated in India which
Vehicles is a privately pooled investment vehicle which
collects funds from sophisticated investors,
i. Non-Banking Finance Companies (“NBFC”) whether Indian or foreign and invests it for the
means a company incorporated under the benefit of its investors.
Companies Act, 2013, engaged in the business
iii. Asset Reconstruction Companies (“ARC”)
of loans and advances, acquisition of bonds
means a company which purchases bad assets
and marketable securities issued in relation to
or Non-Performing Assets (“NPAs”) from banks
leasing, hire-purchase, insurance business, chit
or financial institutions in exchange for SRs.
business but does not include any institution
Thus, helps banks clean up their balance sheets
whose principal business is that of agriculture
and helps revive the stressed company.
activity, industrial activity, purchase or sale of
any goods (other than securities) or providing
any services and transfer of immovable property.

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3. Investment Routes
a. Optionality: Instruments subscribed to by
I. Foreign Direct Investment foreign investors may contain an optionality
clause (such as a put/call option), subject to a

A. Introduction minimum lock-in of 1 year, or the prescribed

lock-in for the relevant sector, as applicable.
Foreign Direct Investment is governed by the
b. No assured returns: While interest payments
Foreign Exchange Management Act (Transfer or
on CCDs is permissible, due to RBI guidelines
Issue of Security by a Person Resident Outside India)
on pricing, the price/conversion formula has to
Regulations, 2017 (“TISPRO Regulations”). FDI
be determined upfront at the time of issuance,
investment is by way of investment: (i) through
and the price at the time of conversion cannot
capital instruments by a person resident outside
be lower than fair market value. Further,
India in an unlisted Indian company; or (ii) in 10% or
instruments issued with optionality clauses
more of the post issue paid-up equity share capital on
will not considered to be FDI compliant, unless
a fully diluted basis of a listed Indian company.
they comply with RBI guidelines in this regard,
Investment by way of FDI is subject to entry including, inter alia, minimum lock-in of 1
route restrictions and sectoral caps. The TISPRO year, and obtaining exit only according to
Regulations provide for the following two entry the prevailing market price. The prevailing
routes, and specify the sectors pertaining to each: intent is that foreign investors subscribing to
instruments with optionality clauses should
a. Automatic Route: no prior approval from
not be guaranteed an exit price.
either the RBI or the Government is required
for investment by non-resident investors c. Pricing guidelines: FEMA also regulates the entry
and exit price of investments made under the
b. Government Route: prior approval is required
FDI regime. The pricing requirements are
from the Government for investment made by
different for companies having their shares listed
nonresident investors, and such investment
and unlisted. The price of capital instruments
shall be subject to the conditions stipulated in
of an Indian company issued by it to a person
the approval.
resident outside India should not be less than:

B. Instruments and Modes of §§Listed company - the price worked out in

accordance with the relevant SEBI guidelines.
§§Unlisted company - the valuation of capital
FDI Investment is investment in capital instruments
instruments done as per any internationally
which include equity shares, compulsorily and fully
accepted pricing methodology for valuation
convertible debentures, compulsorily and fully
on an arm’s length basis duly certified by
convertible preference shares and share warrants
a Chartered Accountant, a SEBI registered
issued by an Indian company. A debt investor can
Merchant Banker or a practicing Cost
invest by way of CCDs. There are a few sectors
in which FDI is prohibited. The investment and
conversion into equity shares may be subject
to pricing guidelines, and other FDI-linked
requirements such as:

© Nishith Desai Associates 2019
Debt Funding in India

II. Foreign Venture j. Infrastructure sector. The term ‘Infrastructure

Sector’ has the same meaning as given in the
Capital Investors Harmonised Master List of Infrastructure sub-
sectors approved by Government of India vide

A. Introduction Notification F. No. 13/06/2009-INF dated March

27, 2012 as amended/ updated.
The FVCI regime is regulated by the SEBI (Foreign
Venture Capital Investors) Regulations, 2000 (“FVCI
C. Instruments and Modes of
Regulations”). The regulations were enacted
to incentivize foreign investment into venture
capital undertakings1 and startups in India, by
FVCIs can invest in the following instruments:
providing certain incentives to FVCIs who registered
themselves with SEBI. They are permitted to invest a. equity or equity linked instruments
in far fewer sectors. (including optionally convertible debentures),
or debt instruments issued by an Indian

B. Permitted Sectors company engaged in any of the permitted

sectors, whose shares are not listed on any
Investment by an FVCI is only permitted in entities recognized stock exchange at the time of
in certain sectors, VCFs, Category 1 AIF and start-ups: issue of the said securities;
List of Sectors in which an FVCI can invest:
b. equity or equity linked instruments, or debt
a. Biotechnology instruments issued by a start-up, irrespective of
the sector in which the startup is engaged; and
b. IT related to hardware and software
development c. units of a Venture Capital Fund (“VCF”), or of a
Category I AIF, or of a scheme or fund set up by
c. Nanotechnology
such VCF or by a Category I AIF.

d. Seed research and development

D. Considerations
e. Research and development of new chemical
entities in pharmaceutical sectors The FVCI Regulations provide for risk diversification
norms for FVCI entities:
f. Dairy industry
a. The FVCI can invest its total funds committed
g. Poultry industry
in one VCF or Category I AIF;

h. Production of bio-fuels
b. The investment shall be made in the following
i. Hotel-cum-convention centres with seating
capacity of more than three thousand
i. at least 66.67% of the investible funds shall
be invested in unlisted equity shares or
equity linked instruments of venture capital
undertakings or investee company;
1. Venture capital undertaking means a domestic company:- (i)
which is not listed on a recognized stock exchange in India at
the time of making investment; and (ii) which is engaged in the ii. up to 33.33% of the investible funds may be
business for providing services, production or manufacture of
article or things, and does not include the following activities
invested by way of:
or sectors: (1) non-banking financial companies, other than
Core Investment Companies (CICs) in the infrastructure sector,
Asset Finance Companies (AFCs), and Infrastructure Finance
Companies (IFCs) registered with Reserve Bank of India; (2) gold
financing; (3) activities not permitted under industrial policy of
the Government of India; and (4) any other activity which may
be specified by the Board in consultation with the Government
of India from time to time.
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§§subscription to an initial public offer of a period) of a company conducting an IPO is locked

venture capital undertaking or investee for a period of 1 year from the date of allotment in
company whose shares are proposed the public issue. However, an exemption from this
to be listed; requirement has been granted to registered FVCIs,
provided that the shares shall be locked in for at least
§§debt or debt instrument of a venture 1 year from the date of purchase by the FVCI. This
capital undertaking or investee company
exemption permits FVCIs to exit from investments
in which the FVCI entity has already
immediately post-listing.
invested by way of equity; or

§§preferential allotment of equity shares of a iv. Exemptions under the Takeover Code
listed company, subject to a lock-in period
Regulation 10 of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition
of one year; and
of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011
iii. the life cycle of the fund shall be disclosed by (“Takeover Code”) provides an exemption from open
the FVCI entity. offer obligations to promoters of a listed company,
acquiring shares of the listed target company, from an

F. Benefits of an FVCI entity FVCI entity, pursuant to an agreement between the

FVCI entity and the promoters.

i. Broad range of Instruments

v. QIB Status
As per the FVCI Regulations, FVCI entities can invest
FVCIs registered with SEBI have been accorded
instruments such as CCDs and OCDs as well as equity
qualified institutional buyer (“QIB”) status under
shares and other equity linked instruments. Equity
the ICDR Regulations, and are eligible to subscribe to
linked instruments include instruments convertible
securities at an IPO through the book building route.
into equity shares, including instruments optionally
convertible into equity shares.

III. Foreign Portfolio

ii. Pricing Exemption
Where the FVCI entity acquires securities from, by
purchase or otherwise, or transfers securities, by sale
A. Introduction
or otherwise, to a non-resident, the pricing norms
do not apply, and the purchase/sale may be carried The FPI regime in India is governed by the SEBI
out at a price mutually acceptable to the seller and (Foreign Portfolio Investors) Regulations, 2014
the buyer. The FVCI entity may also receive proceeds (“FPI Regulations”), which was enacted by merging
of liquidation of VCFs or Cat-I AIFs, or of schemes/ the erstwhile foreign institutional investor route
funds set up by them. and the qualified foreign investor route. Erstwhile
FIIs and QFIs were deemed to be Foreign Portfolio
Thus, there are no price floors/ceilings applicable
Investors (“FPIs”) after payment of a conversion fees,
to FVCI entities, and the investment in capital
and new foreign investors were required to register
instruments will only be subject to sectoral caps,
separately under these regulations.
reporting and related requirements.

iii. Lock-in Exemption

Under the SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure)
Regulations 2009 (“ICDR Regulations”), the entire
pre-issue share capital (other than certain promoter
contributions which are locked in for a longer
© Nishith Desai Associates 2019
Debt Funding in India

B. Limitations the broad-based criteria. To satisfy the broad-based

criteria two conditions should be satisfied. Firstly,
a. Individual Limit: The total holding of one single
fund should have 20 investors even if there is an
FPI or an investor group2 shall not exceed: (i) 10
institutional investor. Secondly, both direct and
percent of the total paid-up equity share capital
underlying investors i.e. investors of entities that
issued by an Indian company, on a fully diluted
are set up for the sole purpose of pooling funds
basis; or (ii) 10 percent of the paid-up value of
and making investments shall be counted for
each series of debentures, or preference shares,
computing the number of investors in a fund.
or share warrants issued by an Indian company
iii. Category III FPI includes all FPIs who are
b. Aggregate Limit: The total holdings of all FPIs
not eligible under Category I and II, such as
put together shall not exceed 24% of the Indian
endowments, charitable societies, charitable
company’s paid-up equity share capital on a
trusts, foundations, corporate bodies, trusts,
fully diluted basis, or the paid-up value of each
individuals and family offices.
series of debentures, or preference shares, or
share warrants issued by the Indian company.
D. Instruments
In case the investment made by an FPI is in excess
FPI entities are permitted to invest in Indian
of the prescribe Individual Limit, such investment
companies by way of the following instruments:
shall be re-classified as an FDI investment, subject
to further compliances by SEBI and RBI Regulations
a. Listed or to-be listed shares, debentures and
framed in this regard.
warrants of a company

C. Categories of FPIs b. Listed/unlisted units of schemes floated

by a recognized mutual fund
The FPI Regulations classify FPIs into three categories
c. Units of schemes floated by a collective
based on the basis of risk-based approach of the
investment scheme
customer. The following table describes the eligibility
criteria and registration fee for each category:
d. Derivatives traded on a recognized stock
i. Category I FPI includes Government and
government-related investors such as central
e. Treasury bills and dated government securities;
banks, Governmental agencies, sovereign
wealth funds or international and multilateral f. Commercial papers issued by an Indian company
organizations or agencies.
g. Rupee denominated credit enhanced bonds
ii. Category II FPI includes the following: i.
h. SRs issued by ARCs (to this extent, FPIs are
Appropriately regulated broad based funds; ii.
allowed to invest up to 100% of each tranche
Appropriately regulated persons; iii. Broad-based
in SRs issued by ARCs, subject to RBI guidelines
funds that are not appropriately regulated but
and within the applicable regulatory cap)
their managers are regulated; iv. University funds
and pension funds; and v. University related
i. Perpetual debt instruments and debt capital
endowments already registered with SEBI as FIIs
or sub-accounts. The FPI Regulations provide for
j. Listed and unlisted NCDs/ bonds issued by an
Indian company in the infrastructure sector
2. As per Regulation 23(3) of the FPI Regulations, “In case the same
set of ultimate beneficial owner(s) invest through multiple (where infrastructure has the same meaning as
entities, such entities shall be treated as part of same investor under ECB Guidelines)
group and the investment limits of all such entities shall be
clubbed at the investment limit as applicable to a single foreign
portfolio investor.”

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k. Non-convertible debentures or bonds issued by it must be ensured that such an investment

NBFC-IFCs does not result in transfer of ownership and
control of the resident Indian company to non-
l. Rupee denominated bonds or units issued by
resident investors.
Infrastructure Debt Funds
e. The FPI Regulations further prescribe that the
m. Indian depository receipts
transaction of business in securities by an FPI
shall be carried out only through SEBI registered
n. Unlisted NCDs/ bonds issued by an Indian
stock brokers. However, an exemption is
company, subject to MCA guidelines
provided to Category I and Category III FPIs
o. Securitized debt instruments (such as mortgage- while transacting in corporate bonds.
backed securities and asset-backed securities)

F. Diversification: (50/20)
E. Considerations
Foreign exchange control regulations currently
FPIs are allowed to purchase instruments of an permit foreign investments into India by way of
Indian company through public offer or private unlisted or listed NCDs. Subscribing to NCDs was
placement, subject to the individual/ aggregate the most preferred route of foreign investment by
limits, and the following conditions: FPIs due to substantial regulatory flexibility with
respect to structuring returns from investment, as
a. In case of subscription by way of public offer,
well as tax planning. FPIs were earlier permitted
the price of the shares issued to FPIs shall not
to hold 100% of the NCDs issued by a borrower,
be less than the price at which shares are issued
whereas investment by FPIs into equity was
to resident investors.
restricted. RBI and SEBI recently issued circulars
which introduced limits on exposure a single FPI
b. In case of subscription by way of private
could take into a single borrower group to 20% of
placement, the price shall not be less than:
the debt portfolio, as well as the maximum extent to
(i) the price arrived at in terms of the Pricing
which a single investor could subscribe in a single
Guidelines (as applicable to FDI investment)
bond issuance which was set at 50% of the relevant
issued by SEBI; or (ii) the fair price worked out
issue. Such test has to analyzed on a group basis and
as per any internationally accepted pricing
hence related FPI entities and investment by FPI into
methodology for valuation of shares, on an
related companies, will have to kept in mind while
arm’s length basis. Such fair price arrived at
calculating the limits and setting up investment
shall be certified by a SEBI registered Merchant
structures. (Refer Annexure VII for our hotline on
Banker or CA, or a practicing Cost Accountant.
the 50/20 diversification)
c. Minimum maturity period of the NCDs shall
be one year. The minimum residual maturity
has been reduced from 3 years to 1 year vide a
IV. External Commercial
recent circular dated April 27, 2018. This change Borrowing
is prospective in nature, and does not impact
NCDs issued before the date of the circular.
A. Introduction
d. If foreign investment by an FPI is made up to
ECBs are commercial loans that are raised by certain
an aggregate limit of 49% of the paid-up equity
eligible Indian companies from eligible non-
share capital of the Indian company, or the
residents. ECBs can be raised as plain vanilla loans,
applicable statutory/sectoral cap, whichever is
capital market instruments (such as floating rate
lower, no government approval or compliance
notes, fixed rate bonds, non-convertible debentures,
with sectoral conditions is required. However,
non-convertible, optionally convertible, or partially

© Nishith Desai Associates 2019
Debt Funding in India

convertible preference shares and debentures), borrowers are required to send their requests to the RBI
foreign currency convertible bonds, foreign currency through their AD Banks for examination.
exchangeable bonds, buyers’ credit, suppliers’ credit
Individual Limits: The following limits apply to the
and financial lease. RBI regulates the ECB route very
amount of ECB which can be raised in a financial
closely. Hence, Indian entities can undertake the
year under the automatic route, and are further
borrowings by confirming to various parameters
applicable to all three tracks:
such as minimum maturity, permitted and non-
permitted end-uses, maximum all-in-cost ceiling, etc.
a. Up to USD 750 million or equivalent
These parameters apply in totality and not on
for the companies in infrastructure and
a standalone basis. The ECB route comprises
manufacturing sectors, NBFC-IFCs, NBFCs-
of the following three tracks:
AFCs, Holding Companies and CICs

§§Track I: Medium term foreign currency b. Up to USD 200 million or equivalent for
denominated ECB with minimum
companies in software development sector
average maturity of 3/5 years.
c. Up to USD 100 million or equivalent for
§§Track II: Long term foreign currency entities engaged in micro finance activities
denominated ECB with minimum
average maturity of 10 years. d. Up to USD 500 million or equivalent for
remaining entities
§§Track III: Indian Rupee (INR) denominated ECB
with minimum average maturity of 3/5 years. Beyond these aforesaid limits, investments through
the ECB routes would fall under the approval route.
However, it may be noted that NCDs issued to FPIs
Further, when the ECB is raised from direct equity
shall not be construed to be investments routed
holder, these individual limits will also be subject to
through the ECB Route. Investments made by FPIs
the ECB liability: equity ratio requirement (i.e. the
into NCDs in India shall not fall under the ECB Route.
ECB liability of the borrower should not be more
than seven times of the equity contributed by the
All circulars, instructions, etc. in respect of ECB
Foreign Equity Holder). However, an exemption is
transactions have been now compiled in the
provided for this requirement where the total
RBI Master Direction No.5 dated January 1, 2016
of ECBs raised by an entity does not exceed
‘External Commercial Borrowings, Trade Credit,
USD 5 million or equivalent.
Borrowing and Lending in Foreign Currency
by Authorised Dealers and Persons other than
Authorised Dealers’ (which is amended from time to C. Considerations
time) (“ECB Master Directions”).
a. Hedging requirement

B. Routes and Instruments Eligible borrowers of ECBs and RDBs (as outlined
above) are required to have a board-approved
ECBs can be raised under either:
risk management policy, including the policy
of keeping their ECB exposure hedged at 100%
§§The automatic route; or
at all times/ Entities raising ECBs under Tracks
§§The approval route (i.e. where the terms of the I and II are required to follow the hedging
ECB would require a prior approval from the RBI guidelines issued by the concerned sectoral
before the loan can be availed). or prudential regulator.

With respect to the automatic route, each specific case Further, the ECB borrower is required to hedge
is examined by an Authorized Dealer Category-I banks the principal as well as coupon payments. The
(“AD Banks”). For the approval route, the prospective minimum tenor of financial hedge is one year,

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with a periodic rollover such that the exposure §§Eligible borrowers and lenders: Each track
is not unhedged at any time during the currency specifies the persons who can be eligible
of the ECB. borrowers of lenders. Foreign equity owners
holding at least 25% shareholding in the Indian
b. End use restrictions
entity directly are recognized as eligible lenders
(“Foreign Equity Holder”)
The end-use restriction prescribed for each ECB
Track as well as RDBs is very high. Thus, the
§§ Security: Borrowers are free to provide any security,
sectors for while ECBs can be employed are
as it may agree with the lender as a security for
limited, to which extent, foreign investors may
ECB, provided the agreement for the ECB contains
prefer going through the FPI Sector which has
a clause requiring the creating of such security and
opened up maximum sectors for investment,
a no objection certificate from existing lenders
and prescribes very few sector-linked conditions,
in India has been obtained. However, in case of
subject to certain compliances.
immovable property being provided as security, at
the time of enforcement, the sale of the property
c. Eligibility Requirements:
must necessarily be to an Indian resident, and the
The biggest hit to the RDB regime has been the proceeds used to repay the ECB.
restriction placed on related parties of the issuer.
Since the definition of a “related party” under §§Currency: ECB can be raised in any freely
convertible foreign currency as well as in INR.
the Indian Accounting Standards is quire broad,
issuing companies will be restricted from raising
§§Proceeds: ECB proceeds meant for INR
loans in RDBs from their holding, parent or
expenditure should be repatriated immediately
group companies.
for credit to the borrower’s INR accounts with
the AD Banks in India. ECB borrowers are also
d. Prescribed All-in-cost Ceiling:
allowed to park ECB proceeds in term deposits
For Tracks I and II the prescribed ceiling is 450 with AD Banks in India up to a maximum period
basis points over 6-month LIBOR of applicable of 12 months. These term deposits should be kept
currency. If the current rate of USD LIBOR in unencumbered position.
for a 6-month maturity is around 2.5%, the
ECB proceeds meant for only foreign currency
maximum possible return the foreign investor
expenditure can be parked abroad until they are
will be able to make is limited to ~7%. These
utilized. Prior to utilization, they can be invested in
returns are significantly less as compared to
the certain specified liquid assets.

returns which may be available through other

debt or debt-linked instruments through the
V. Rupee Denominated
FPI/FVCI routes.
Bonds (Masala Bonds)
Further, for Track III ECBs and RDBs, the
prescribed ceiling is 450 BPS over prevailing
Indian companies and body corporates have also
rate of G-secs of corresponding maturity.
been permitted to issue RDBs (privately placed or
Assuming the maturity period to be 5 years,
listed as per host country regulations), also known
maximum interest would be approximately
as masala bonds, to certain eligible lenders. The
12.5%. However, given the current status of the
two frameworks, on ECBs and RDBs, run separately.
emerging markets currency, and the high cost
For example, limit of borrowing under the ECB
of hedging, the risks might not be worth the
framework would be separate from the borrowing
interest payments available.
under the framework for issuance of Rupee
Denominated bonds overseas.

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Some of the features of the route for availing ECB by investors. Investment by recognized investors
way of issuance of RDBs are provided below: is subject to the condition that the eligible Indian
entities cannot issue RDBs to related parties as
a. Eligible Borrowers: Any corporate or body
classified under Indian Accounting Standards.
corporate is eligible to issue RDBs, including SEBI
Under Indian Accounting Standards, the
regulated Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
definition of related party is quite broad and
and Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs).
includes, inter alia: parent entities, holding
Further, Indian banks are also eligible to issue
companies, majority shareholders, persons
RDBs by way of Perpetual Debt Instruments
having significant influence over the entity,
(PDI) which qualify for inclusion as additional
persons who are employed in key managerial
Tier 1 capital, and debt capital instruments
positions of the entity, entities which are
which qualify for inclusion as additional Tier
engaged in a joint venture, and sister concerns.
2 capital, as well as issuing long term RDBs for
financing infrastructure and affordable housing. c. Minimum Maturity: Minimum original
maturity period for Rupee denominated bonds
b. Recognized Investors: RDBs can be issued in,
raised up to USD 50 million equivalent in INR
and subscribed by a resident of a country:
per financial year should be 3 years and for bonds
raised above USD 50 million equivalent in INR
§§which is a member of the Financial
per financial year should be 5 years. The call
Action Task Force (“FATF”) or its regional
and put option, if any, shall not be exercisable
prior to completion of minimum maturity.
§§whose securities market regulator is a Transfer to eligible parties is permitted within
part of the Appendix A signatory to the the minimum maturity. In genuine cases the
International Organization of Securities authority may permit early redemption.
Commission’s (IOSCO’s) Multilateral
d. All-in-cost ceiling: Interest rate offered and
Memorandum of Understanding or is a
paid will be governed by the all-in-cost ceiling.
signatory to the bilateral Memorandum of
The all-in-costs ceiling has been capped at
Understanding with SEBI for appropriate
450 basis points over the prevailing yield for
information sharing arrangements; and
government securities for corresponding
§§ is not a country identified in the public maturity period. The term ‘All-in-Cost’ includes
statement of the FATF as: (i) a jurisdiction rate of interest, other fees, expenses, charges,
which has strategic deficiencies in anti- guarantee fees whether paid in foreign
money laundering or in combating the currency or Indian Rupees (INR) but will not
financing of terrorism (activities to which include commitment fees, pre-payment fees
FATF has suggested counter measures); / charges, withholding tax payable in INR. In
or (ii) a jurisdiction that has not made the case of fixed rate loans, the swap cost plus
progress in addressing the aforementioned spread should be equivalent of the floating rate
deficiencies or has not committed to an plus the applicable spread.
action plan developed in consultation with
e. End-use restrictions: The proceeds from
the FATF to address these deficiencies.
the issuance of the RDBs can be used for any
Related party within the meaning as given purpose, except (i) real estate activities (not
in Ind-AS 24 cannot subscribe or invest in òr being development of integrated townships/
purchase such bonds. affordable housing projects), (ii) investment
into capital markets and equity investments
Further, Multilateral and Regional Financial
domestically; (iii) on-lending activities; (iv)
Institutions of which India is a member
purchase of land; and (v) activities prohibited
country are also considered as recognized
under the foreign direct investment guidelines;

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f. Security: The ECB Master Direction permits g. Hedging: Under the ECB Master Directions,
creation of security for the purpose of securing the investors are permitted to hedge currency
the RDBs. The security creation must be risk through AD Banks in India. Additionally,
required in accordance with the terms of the the investors are also permitted to hedge
lending/ facility agreement. Practically it has the risk offshore through foreign branches
been more favorable to have the security to be or subsidiaries of Indian banks or foreign
created in a debenture trustee in India on the banks which have a presence in India. For all
behalf of the lender, as it reduces the costs at purposes, the exchange rate applicable on the
the time of transfer of RDBs in the future. date of the settlement of the transaction would
be considered as the exchange rate for the
purpose of the RDBs.

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Debt Funding in India

4. Investment Vehicles
Offshore Fund
Manager Management

Singapore SPV


Investment Services
Manager Onshore


As per the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (“RBI

I. Non-Banking Financial Act”), NBFC means: (i) a financial institution which
Companies is a company; or (ii) a non-banking institution
(company, corporation or cooperative society), and

A. Introduction which carries on the Principal Business of receiving

deposits, under any scheme/ arrangement or in
A non-banking financial company (“NBFC”) is a any other manner, or lending in any manner but
company engaged in the business of loans and advances, does not include any institution which carries on,
acquisition of shares and other identified financial as its Principal Business and activity in relation to,
activities. An NBFC needs to be registered with the RBI. any agricultural operations, industrial operations,
purchase or sale of any goods, (other than securities)
In light of the challenges that NCDs under the FPI
or providing services. The Central Government by
route are subjected to and the restrictions on offshore
notification in the Official Gazette may notify any
debt funding, there has been a keen interest in
other class of institutions.
offshore funds to explore the idea of setting up their
own NBFC to lend or invest in Indian companies.

Onshore leverage Pricing norms, as per TISPRO, will apply
Listing, repatriation and attendant liquidity Minimum Net Owned Funds of INR 20 million
Security creation - SARFAESI benefits Minimum capital adequacy ratio of 15% to be maintained
NBFC is a resident entity, and accordingly, all instruments Tier I capital shall be minimum 10%
are permitted including loans including loans
Double level of taxation – 30% at the NBFC level and tax of
approximately 20% on dividend distribution
Concentration Norms

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i. Types of NBFCs detailed below, is the capital of the company less

the investments made and loans given.
NBFCs may be classified into different types, based
on certain parameters like liability, activity and size c. Minimum capital risk adequacy ratio of 15% of
(Refer Annexure V). tier 1 capital to tier 2 capital is to be maintained.

i. Based on liability undertaken - NBFCs may be d. Minimum Tier I capital to be 10%.

classified as deposit accepting and non-deposit
e. Tier II capital shall not exceed Tier I capital
accepting NBFCS. In this regard, only Investment
Companies, Asset Finance Companies and Loan
f. NBFCs are subject to concentration and exposure
Companies are allowed to accept public deposits.
norms. The NBFC Regulations gives a certain
percentage over which an NBFC cannot lend.
ii. Based on their size - NBFCs may be classified
either as Systemically Important (“SI”) or Non-
Systemically Important (Non-SI) NBFCs; SI NBFCs C. Important Terms
are those whose asset size is at least INR 500 crore.
a. Tier I Capital - means owned fund as reduced
iii. Based on the activity – NBFC may be categorized by investment in shares of other non-banking
into Asset Finance Company, Investment Company, financial companies and in shares, debentures,
Loan Company, Infrastructure Finance Company, bonds, outstanding loans and advances
Core Investment Company, Infrastructure Debt including hire purchase and lease finance
Fund, Micro-Finance Company, Non-Operative made to and deposits with subsidiaries and
Financial Holding Company, Factors or Mortgage companies in the same group exceeding, in
Guarantee Companies. aggregate, ten per cent of the owned fund;
and perpetual debt instruments issued by a
Further, RBI has determined prudential norms
non-deposit taking non-banking financial
applicable to NBFCs by classifying them into three
company in each year to the extent it does not
main categories: Non-Systemically Important Non-
exceed 15% of the aggregate Tier I Capital of
Deposit Accepting or Holding NBFCs (NBFC-ND-
such company as on March 31 of the previous
NSI), Deposit Accepting or Holding NBFCs (NBFC-D),
accounting year;
and Systemically Important Non-Deposit Accepting
or Holding NBFCs (NBFC-ND-SI). RBI has issued b. Tier II Capital - includes the following:
directions for governance of each kind of NBFC
i. (a) preference shares other than those which
(collectively referred as “NBFC Regulation”).
are compulsorily convertible into equity;
Please note that the below analysis is in relation to
ii. (b) revaluation reserves at discounted rate of
NBFC-ND-SI, refer Annexure VI for comparative
fifty-five percent;

iii. (c) General provisions (including that for

B. Conditions Standard Assets) and loss reserves to the extent
these are not attributable to actual diminution
In order to carry on the business of a non-banking
in value or identifiable potential loss in
financial institution, the following requirements
any specific asset and are available to meet
must be complied with:
unexpected losses, to the extent of one and one
fourth percent of risk weighted assets;
a. The entity should be a company, duly
registered under the Companies Act, 2013
iv. (d) hybrid debt capital instruments;

b. The entity should have a minimum net owned

v. (e) subordinated debt; and
fund of INR 2 crores. Net owned funds, as further

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Debt Funding in India

vi. (f) perpetual debt instruments issued by f. Capital risk adequacy ratio means the ratio of
a non-deposit taking non-banking financial the aggregate of Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital to the
company which is in excess of what qualifies risk weighted assets of the company. Assets
for Tier I Capital, are assigned weights as given in the NBFC
c. Owned Fund of a company means the
aggregate of (i) the paid-up equity share capital;
(ii) compulsorily convertible preference shares;
D. Prudential Norms
(iii) free reserves; (iv) the balance in securities
a. No applicable NBFC shall,
premium account; and (v) capital reserve
account, to the extent that it represents the i. (i) lend to - (a) any single borrower exceeding
surplus arising out of the proceeds of sale of 15% of its owned fund; and (b) any single group
assets less (i) accumulated balance of loss; (ii) of borrowers exceeding 25% of its owned fund
deferred revenue expenditure; and (iii) other
ii. (ii) invest in - (a) the shares of another
intangible assets.
company exceeding 15% of its owned
d. Net Owned Fund means Owned Fund less (i) fund; and (b) the shares of a single group of
investment made by the company in shares of companies exceeding 25% of its owned fund
its subsidiaries, group companies, and all other
iii. (iii) lend and invest (loans/investments taken
NBFCs; and (ii) book value of all debentures,
together) exceeding; - (a) 25% of its owned
bonds, outstanding loans and advances
fund to a single party; and (b) 40% of its
(including hire-purchase and lease finance)
owned fund to a single group of parties.
made to and deposits with its subsidiaries and
group companies, to the extent that it exceeds
b. For calculation of the above concentration limits
10% of the owned fund.
(i) investments in shares of; or (ii) book value
of debentures, bonds, outstanding loans and
e. Principal Business: The Act has remained silent
advances (including hire-purchase and lease
on the definition of ‘principal business’ and
finance) made to, and deposits with, subsidiaries
has thereby conferred on the regulator, the
and companies in a group, shall be excluded.
discretion to determine what is the principal
business of a company for the purposes of
regulation. Accordingly, the test applied by RBI E. Acquisition of NBFC
to determine what is the principal business of
For transfer of 26% or more of a paid-up capital of an
a company was articulated in the Press Release
NBFC, prior approval of the RBI would be required.
99/1269 dated April 8, 1999 issued by RBI.A
On a case to case basis in case of intra-group transfers,
company is regarded as an NBFC if it satisfies
NBFC shall submit an application, on the company
the following two requirements: (i) more than
letter head, for obtaining prior approval of the Bank.
50% of the company’s total assets (netted off by
Based on the application of the NBFC, it would be
intangible assets) are financial assets; and (ii)
decided, on a case to case basis, which documents
income from the financial assets is more than
the NBFC requires to submit for processing the
50% of the gross income. The determination
application of the company.
of these factors is to be done basis the last
audited balance sheet of the company, and these
Setting up of an NBFC can take anywhere between 6 to
factors will determine the ‘principal business’ of a
8 months, which is why typically many debt players
company. This test is also referred to as the ’50-
prefer to acquire an existing NBFC. Acquisition process
50 test,’ and any company fulfilling both these
could take up to 3 months and can be rather simpler.
requirements will have to obtain a certificate of
At the time of acquisition diligence of NBFC should be
registration as an NBFC from the RBI.
carefully carried out. .

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F. Advantages of NBFC b. Credit Concentration Norms – Each

NBFC should comply with certain credit
a. Onshore leverage - The funding provided
concentration norms and prudential norms
through NBFCs is in the form of domestic loans
which restricts its investment and lending.
or NCDs, without being subjected to interest rate
Depending on the category of NBFC, the credit
caps as in the case of CCDs. These NCDs can be
concentration norms differ.
structured to provide the requisite distribution
waterfall or assured investors’ rate of return to c. Capital adequacy to be maintained - Each NBFC
the offshore fund. should maintain a certain capital adequacy
ratio, this capital adequacy ratio, as detailed
b. Repatriation, Liquidity and Listing– Even
above, is a ratio of Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital.
though repatriation of returns by the NBFC to
Maintenance of this ratio limits the external
its offshore shareholders will still be subject to
debt that an NBFC can borrow.
the restrictions imposed by the FDI Policy (such
as the pricing restrictions, limits on interest d. Asset classification and provisions - The assets
payments etc.), but since the NBFC will be owned should be classified based on the probability of
by the foreign investor itself, the foreign investor recovery of the loan given and their performance.
is no longer dependent on the Indian company The provisions should be created based such
as would have been the case if the investment asset classification.
was made directly into the Indian entity.

c. Security Creation - Creation of security interest in II. Alternative Investment

favour of non-residents on shares and immoveable
property is not permitted without prior regulatory
approval. However, since the NBFC is a domestic
entity, security interest could be created in A. Introduction
favour of the NBFC. Enforceability of security
Alternative Investment Fund means any fund
interests, however, remains a challenge in the
established or incorporated in India which is a
Indian context. Enforcement of security interests
privately pooled investment vehicle which collects
over immovable property, in the Indian context,
funds from sophisticated investors, whether Indian
is usually a time consuming and court driven
or foreign, for investing it in accordance with a
process. Unlike banks, NBFCs are not entitled to
defined investment policy for the benefit of its
their security interests under the provisions of the
investor and is regulated under Securities and
Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial
Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment
Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act,
Funds) Regulations, 2012 (“AIF Regulations”). AIF
2002 (“SARFAESI”).
can be set up as either a Trust, Company or LLP
Categories of AIF
d. No restrictions on instruments – As NBFC is
a resident company, there are no restrictions on
i. Category I AIF: Invest in start-up or early
the instruments it can issue or invest in.
stage ventures or social ventures or SMEs or
infrastructure or other sectors or areas which the
G. Challenges in set up of NBFC government or regulators consider as socially or
economically desirable and shall include venture
a. Minimum capitalization – Each NBFC should
capital funds, SME Funds, social venture funds,
maintain a certain percentage minimum Tier
infrastructure funds and such other AIFs as may
1 and certain total capital to be eligible for
be specified
registration and licence.

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ii. Category II AIF - Do not fall in Category I e. The AIF Regulations require that the sponsor/
and III and which do not undertake leverage manager of an AIF shall have a certain
or borrowing other than to meet day-to-day continuing interest in the AIF. For Category
operational requirements I and II AIFs, such interest must be not less
than 2.5% (two and half percent) of the corpus
iii. Category III AIF - employ diverse or complex
or INR 5 crores), whichever is lesser and for
trading strategies and may employ leverage
Category III AIFs, the interest must be not less
including through investment in listed or
than 5% (five percent) of the corpus or INR 10
unlisted derivatives.
crores, whichever is lesser.

Refer Annexure III for comparative analysis of the

three categories.

No limitation on the instruments (NCD/ OCD/ RPS 25% of corpus - diversification requirement over the life of
permitted) the fund
Much liberalized concentration limits of 25% of corpus Manager / sponsor has to be an Indian incorporated entity,
as compared to NBFC though foreign ownership of such entity is permitted
Light touch regulations Sponsor commitment of 2.5% of the corpus, or INR 50
million, whichever is lower
Ease of upstreaming with limited tax leakage Leverage at the fund level is not permitted for Category I and
Category II AIFs
Direct foreign investment permitted with ease If sponsor/ manager is not resident owned or controlled,
investments in “capital instruments” by AIF is indirect foreign
No listing regime for AIF

B. Conditions f. The key investment team of the Manager of

Alternative Investment Fund has adequate
a. AIF may be registered as a Trust under the
experience, with at least one key personnel
Registration Act, 1908, incorporated as a
having not less than five years experience in
Company under the Companies Act, 2013, set
advising or managing pools of capital or in fund
up as a Limited Liability Partnership (“LLP”)
or asset or wealth or portfolio management or
under the Limited Liability Partnership Act,
in the business of buying, selling and dealing
2008 or et-up as body corporate and specifically
of securities or other financial assets and has
permitted to carry on activities of an AIF by the
relevant professional qualification.
central or state legislature. Most of the AIFs
registered with SEBI are in trust form. g. Category I and II AIFs are required to be close
ended have a minimum tenure of 3 years.
b. Each scheme of AIF shall have a maximum of
Category III AIFs may be open ended or close
1000 investors.
ended. No maximum tenure is prescribed.

c. AIFs shall raise funds through private

h. Category I and II Alternative Investment Funds
placement by issue of a Private Placement
shall not invest more than 25% (twenty five
Memorandum (PPM).
percent) of the investable funds in one Investee
Company. Such limit shall be 10% (ten
d. An AIF can have multiple schemes but each
percent) in case of a Category III AIF.
scheme shall have a minimum corpus of at
least INR 20 crores. Each investor shall invest
a minimum of INR 1 crore.

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C. Important Terms f. Investee Company - means any company, special

purpose vehicle or limited liability partnership or
a. Corpus- means the total amount of funds body corporate or real estate investment trust or
committed by investors to the Alternative infrastructure investment trust in which an AIF
Investment Fund by way of a written contract makes an investment.
or any such document as on a particular date.
This refers to the total commitment and not
D. Indicative Structure
actual drawdowns or funds received.



Sponsor Investment
Trustee Sponsor Units
Trusteeship services Manager
Equity / Debt

Portfolio Companies

b. Sponsor - means any person or persons who set E. Advantages

up the Alternative Investment Fund and includes
a. Investors can invest in various categories of
promoter in case of a company and designated
instruments, including FPIs. FDIs and
partner in case of a limited liability partnership.
FVCIs routes.
c. Manager - means any person or entity who is
b. AIF regulations are not as restrictive as the
appointed by the Alternative Investment Fund to
regulations applicable to an NBFC
manage its investments by whatever name called
and may also be same as the sponsor of the Fund.
c. Tax is charged in the hands of the investor and
not in the hands of the AIF. Due to such pass-
d. Fund of Funds – means an AIF which has
through taxation regime there is minimal tax
invested in other AIFs.
leakage during upstreaming of returns.
e. Investible funds - means corpus of the
d. Trusts registered as AIFs are easier to setup
Alternative Investment Fund net of estimated
than other type of entities.
expenditure for administration and
management of the fund.

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Debt Funding in India

F. Challenges d. Listing – The regulations provide for listing of

units of close ended AIFs subject to a minimum
a. Investment in instruments – Category I and
tradable lot of INR 1 crore. However, as the AIF
Category II AIFs may only invest in unlisted
Regulations are still relatively new, there are no
shares. Only Category III AIFs are permitted
listed AIFs in the market.
to invest in listed shares. Investment in
debentures. However, debt funds, which are e. Diversification – Category I and II AIFs can
primarily Category II funds, may invest in listed only invest a maximum of 25% of their
or unlisted debt securities. investible funds in a single investee company.
This limit is reduced to 10% in case of Category
b. Private placement only – The AIF Regulations
III AIFs. The diversification test is company
prohibit solicitation or collection of funds
wise and not a group test. Hence, it is possible
except by way of private placement.
that in a certain cases where more than 25% of
the investible funds are in the same group.
c. Leverage – Category I and Category II AIF’s are
not permitted to raise any leverage funds, apart
f. No Taxation Pass-Through for Category III AIFs
from what is required for day to day operations.
– Tax pass-through is only available to Category
Category III AIF’s can raise leverage but only to the
I and Category II AIFs and income earned by
extent of 2 times of the net asset value of the fund.
Category III AIFs is taxable in its hands. Hence
the benefits as detailed above are not available
to the investors.

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5. Taxation
which such start up is set up has been provided for in
I. Taxation Budget for the financial year 2018-2019.

A. Withholding Tax C. Dividend and Buy Back Tax

Tax would have to be withheld at the applicable rate
Dividends distributed by Indian companies are subject
on all payments made to a non-resident, which are
to a Dividend Distribution Tax (“DDT”) at the rate
taxable in India. The obligation to withhold tax applies
of 15% (exclusive of surcharge and cess) payable by
to both residents and nonresidents. Withholding tax
the company on a gross basis. Currently, no further
obligations also arise with respect to specific payments
Indian taxes are payable by the shareholders on such
made to residents. Failure to withhold tax could result
dividend income once DDT is paid. However, the
in tax, interest and penal consequences.
Income Tax Act, 1961 (“ITA”) also provides that
dividends declared by a domestic company and
B. Corporate Tax received by a specified assessee (individual, Hindu
Undivided Family (HUF) or a firm who is resident in
Income tax in India is levied under the ITA. Resident
India), in excess of INR 10 lakh, shall be chargeable to
companies are taxed at approximately 34% (if net
tax at the rate of 10% (on a gross basis) in the hands
income is in the range of INR 1 crore – 10 crores) and
of the recipient. Further, an Indian company would
around 35% (if net income exceeds INR 10 crores).
also be taxed at the rate of 21.63% on gains arising to
However, for financial year 2018-19, companies with
shareholders from distributions made in the course of
turnover in the financial year 2016-17 not exceeding
buy-back or redemption of shares.
INR 250 crores shall be taxed at the rate of 29% (plus
surcharge and cess). This reduction in corporate
tax rates has been the a step towards meeting
D. Capital Gains Tax
Government’s promised goal of reducing corporate
Tax on capital gains depends on the period of holding
tax rates from 30% to 25% (excluding surcharge
of a capital asset. Short Term Capital Gains (“STCG”)
and cess) over the next 4 years, coupled with
may arise if the asset is held for a period lesser than
rationalization and removal of various exemptions
3 years. Long Term Capital Gains (“LTCG”) may
and rebates. Non-resident companies are taxed at the
arise if the asset is held for a period more than 3
rate of about 42% (if net income is in the range of
years. Gains from listed shares which are held for a
INR 1 crore – 10 crores) and approximately 43% (if
period of more than 12 months are categorized as
net income exceeds INR 10 crores). While residents
long term. Unlisted shares and immovable property
are taxed on their worldwide income, non-residents
(being land or buildings or both) are treated as long
are only taxed on income arising to them from
term only when held for more than 24 months. Long
sources in India. A company is said to be resident in
term capital gains earned by a non-resident on sale
India if it is incorporated in India or has its place of
of unlisted securities may be taxed at the rate of 10%
effective management (POEM) in India. Minimum
(provided no benefit of indexation has been availed)
Alternate Tax (“MAT”) at the rate of around 20%
or 20% (if benefit of indexation has been availed)
(18.5% plus surcharge and education cess) is also
depending on certain considerations. Long term
payable on the book profits of a company, if the
gains on sale of listed securities on a stock exchange
company’s income due to exemptions is less than
used to be exempted and only subject to a Securities
18.5% of its book profits. With respect to ‘eligible
Transaction Tax (STT).
start-ups’ meeting certain specified criteria, a 100%
tax holiday for any 3 consecutive assessment years The Finance Act, 2018 removed this exemption
out of a block of 7 years beginning from the year in and introduced a levy of 10% tax on LTCG arising

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from the transfer of listed equity shares, units of an test the business purpose of a transaction in order
equity oriented mutual fund, or units of a business to determine whether it is lawful; (c) to determine
trust where such gains exceed INR 100,000. This the features of an artificial transaction, scheme or
tax is applicable on LTCG arising on or after April arrangement that has been entered into solely to
1, 2018 and no indexation benefits can be availed attract a tax advantage.4
of. However, the Finance Act 2018 also introduced
The legislative intent of introducing the GAAR
limited grandfathering in respect of protecting
provisions is explained in the Memorandum
the gains realized on a mark to market basis up to
of the Finance Bill, 2012. This states that GAAR
January 31, 2018 and only an increase in share value
has been introduced to deal with aggressive tax
post this date would be brought within the tax net.
planning and the need for GAAR provisions were
Short term capital gains arising out of sale of listed
to codify the doctrine of ‘substance over form’. To
shares on the stock exchange are taxed at the rate of
prevent situations where the transaction and the
15%, while such gains arising to a non-resident from
structure is seemingly in line with the tax laws
sale of unlisted shares is 40%.
but the transaction has been entered into to attract
a tax advantage or avoid tax consequences. The
E. GAAR real intention of the parties will be considered and
purpose and need for the transaction will be analysed.
India has introduced wide General Anti Avoidance
Rules (“GAAR”) which provide broad powers to the
tax authorities to deny a tax benefit in the context F. Thin Capitalization Norms
of ‘impermissible avoidance arrangements’. GAAR
The FA, 2017 introduced thin capitalization rules
has come into effect from April 1, 2017 and overrides
within the ITA (“Thin Capitalization Norms”) to
tax treaties signed by India. Investments made up to
curb companies from enjoying excessive interest
March 31, 2017 are grandfathered, and GAAR applies
deductions, while effectively being akin to an equity
prospectively, i.e. to investments made after April 1, 2017
investment. This move would have a significant
Further, the Central Board of Direct Taxes (“CBDT”) impact on investments into India through the debt
has clarified that general and specific anti avoidance route – both in respect of CCDs and NCDs which
rules can co-exist and applied as and when necessary are widely used methods for structured finance into
as per the facts of the situation. Although the India. Thin Capitalization Norms provide that where
CDBT has noted that anti-abuse rules in tax treaties an Indian company or PE of a foreign company
may not be sufficient to address all tax avoidance makes interest payments (or similar consideration)
strategies and therefore domestic anti-avoidance to its associated enterprise, such interest shall not be
rules should be applied, it has also clarified that if deductible at the hands of the Indian company / PE
avoidance is sufficiently addressed by Limitation of to the extent of the “excess interest”. Excess interest
Benefits clauses in treaties, i.e. clauses which limit means an interest amount that exceeds 30% of the
treaty benefits to those persons who meet certain EBITDA of the Indian company / PE. In the event the
conditions, GAAR would not apply.3 interest payment payable / paid is less than excess
interest, the deduction will only be available to the
Generally, statutory GAARs across various
extent of the interest payment payable / paid.
jurisdictions are used to achieve one or more of the
following purposes: (a) to target transactions which
seemingly comply with the literal interpretation of
tax legislations, but which generate tax advantages
that the State considers to be against the legislative
intent; (b) to establish economic substance or to

4. Source - Vikram Chand, The Interaction of Domestic An-

3. Central Board of Direct Taxes, Circular No. 07 of 2017, dated ti-Avoidance Rules with Tax Treaties (ed. Robert Danon), 2018
27th January, 2017 Schulthess

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II. Tax Treaties And The MLI is to be applied alongside existing tax
treaties, modifying their application in order to
Jurisdictions implement BEPS measures. Specifically, the provisions
of the MLI require the mandatory amendment of
India has entered into more than 80 treaties for bilateral tax treaties to allow for certain minimum
avoidance of double taxation. A taxpayer may be taxed standards to be applied in respect of bilateral treaties.
either under domestic law provisions or the tax treaty Importantly, the minimum standards include the
to the extent it is more beneficial. A non-resident denial of treaty benefits, if obtaining such benefits
claiming treaty relief would be required to file tax was one of the purposes of a transaction resulting in
returns and furnish a tax residency certificate issued by the benefit. From a business point of view, this will
the tax authority in its home country. The tax treaties create difficulties for businesses, based on the manner
also provide avenues for exchange of information of its subjective application. These provisions raise
between countries and incorporate measures to curb the level of uncertainty when it comes to structuring
fiscal evasion. Based on analysis of various tax treaties business operations, and their applicability alongside
and its comparison against the Indian Information the recently introduced GAAR may reduce ease of
Technology (“IT)” Act we have prepared the doing business due to the ambiguity on whether both
comparative table in Annexure IV. provisions could potentially be applied at the same
time or to the same transaction. The MLI has come
India has also recently signed the Multilateral
into force on July 1, 2018, following the deposit of the
Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related
instrument of ratification by a fifth country.
Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting
(“MLI”), in furtherance of the OECD’s Base Erosion
and Profit Shifting (“BEPS”) project.

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6. Dispute Resolution

I. Specific Relief Act II. Insolvency Code

The Specific Relief Act, 1963 (“Specific Relief Act”) The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016,
provides for specific relief for the purpose of enforcing (“Bankruptcy Code”), which came into effect
individual civil rights and not for the mere purpose on December 15, 2016, is a welcome overhaul of
of enforcing civil law. Under the Specific Relief Act, the erstwhile fragmented and time-consuming
courts are mandated to grant specific relief unless the bankruptcy regime in India. The Bankruptcy Code
relief is expressly barred under the limited grounds is a comprehensive insolvency legislation as it
provided in the statute. Specific performance is an consolidates the existing laws relating to insolvency
order of the court which requires a party to perform of companies, limited liability entities (including
a specific act in accordance with the concerned limited liability partnerships), unlimited liability
contract. While specific performance can be in the partnerships, and individuals into a single legislation.
form of any type of forced action, it is usually used Some of its most noteworthy features are: ƒ Time-
to complete a previously established transaction, Bound Resolution: The Bankruptcy Code creates
thus, being the most effective remedy in protecting time-bound processes for insolvency resolution - as
the expectation interest of the innocent party to a per its provisions, every insolvency resolution process
contract. The aggrieved party may approach a Court must conclude within 180 days of commencement
for specific performance of a contract. The Court which is extendable by another 90 days in case of delay.
will direct the party in breach to fulfill his part of This amendment marks the onset of a monumental
obligations as per the contract capable of being change in the corporate insolvency regime, and has
specifically performed. The Specific Relief Act was renewed faith amongst investors, both nationally
recently amended and received Presidential assent and internationally. ƒ Streamlined Processes: The
on August 1, 2018 (“Specific Relief Amendment resolution processes are conducted by licensed
Act”). However, its provisions are yet to be notified. Insolvency Resolution Professionals (“IRPs”); and
The Specific Relief Amendment Act has altered the the specialised National Company Law Tribunal
nature of specific relief from an exceptional rule to a adjudicates insolvency resolution for corporate
general rule which will certainly ensure contractual entities. The Bankruptcy Code establishes a specialised
enforcement. Some salient features of the Specific Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India which is
Relief Amendment Act are below: ƒ Courts must now responsible for the regulation of various aspects of
grant specific performance of a contract when claimed insolvency and bankruptcy, including issuing and
by a party unless such remedy is barred under the formulating regulations, and regulation of insolvency
limited grounds contained in the statute. ƒ If a contract professionals. Specific Information Utilities have been
is broken due to nonperformance of a promise by a established which collect, collate and disseminate
party, the party suffering the breach has the option financial information related to debtors. ƒ Regulatory
of substituting performance through a third party or & Legislative Impetus: The central government, central
through its own agency. A suit filed under the Specific banking institute, and the central securities exchange
Relief Amendment Act must be disposed of by the regulator in India have added teeth to the Bankruptcy
court within 12 months. Such period can be extended Code by ensuring that its implementation is smooth
by 6 months after recording written reasons by the and efficient. With their inputs, the Bankruptcy
court. ƒ No injunction can be granted by the court in Code is not merely an amendment to a statue - but an
relation to an infrastructure project if such injunction overhaul of the entire framework. It is evident that
would cause delay or impediment in the progress or the Indian government is leaving no stone unturned
completion of the infrastructure project. in its aim to improve the Ease of Doing Business in
India. The legislature, RBI, SEBI, and the judiciary have

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presented a unified front, unprecedented in India as the International Court of Arbitration

so far. Any apparent loopholes are being plugged at attached to the International Chamber of
the earliest and the law is evolving rapidly. It comes Commerce in Paris (ICC), the London Court
as no surprise, then, that as in June 2017, India had of International Arbitration (LCIA) and the
already secured its position in the top 30 developing American Arbitration Association (AAA), the
countries for retail investment worldwide and that Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre
insolvency resolution in India has become a more (HKIAC) and China International Economic
streamlined, consolidated and expeditious affair. and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
are well known world over and often selected
as institutions by parties from various
III. Arbitration countries. Within India, greater role is played
by Singapore International Arbitration Centre
Due to the huge pendency of cases in courts in
(SIAC) or the Mumbai Centre for International
India, there was a dire need for effective means of
Arbitration (MCIA) or the Delhi High Court
alternative dispute resolution. India’s first arbitration
Arbitration Centre.
enactment was the Arbitration Act, 1940 which was
complimented by the Arbitration (Protocol and c. Statutory Arbitration Statutory arbitration refers
Convention) Act of 1937 and the Foreign Awards to scenarios where the law mandates arbitration.
Act of 1961. Arbitration under these laws were not In such cases the parties have no option but to
effective and led to further litigation as a result of the abide by the law of the land. It is apparent that
rampant challenge of arbitral awards. The current statutory arbitration differs from the above
Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 (the “A&C types of arbitration because (i) the consent of
Act 1996”) was enacted to make both, domestic and parties is not required; (ii) arbitration is the
international arbitration, more effective in India. compulsory mode of dispute resolution; and (iii)
it is binding on the Parties as the law of the land.
Broadly, the A&C Act 1996 covers the following
Sections 24, 31 and 32 of the Defence of India
recognized forms of arbitration:
Act, 1971, Section 43(c) of The Indian Trusts Act,
1882 and Section 7B of the Indian Telegraph Act,
a. Ad-hoc Arbitration Ad-hoc arbitration is where
1885 are certain statutory provisions which deal
no institution administers the arbitration. The
with statutory arbitration.
parties agree to appoint the arbitrators and
either set out the rules which will govern the
d. Foreign Arbitration When arbitration
arbitration or leave it to the arbitrators to frame
proceedings are seated in a place outside
the rules. Ad-hoc arbitration is quite common in
India, such a proceeding is termed as a Foreign
domestic arbitration in India and continues to
Arbitration. The provisions of Part I of A&C
be popular. In cross border transactions it is quite
Act 1996 are not applicable to foreign awards
common for parties to spend time negotiating
and foreign seated arbitrations where the
the arbitration clause, since the Indian party
arbitration agreement was entered into on or
would be more comfortable with ad-hoc
after September 6, 2012. This has considerably
arbitration whereas foreign parties tend to be
reduced the level of interference by Indian
more comfortable with institutional arbitration.
courts in foreign arbitrations. Awards passed in
However, with ad-hoc arbitrations turning
such foreign seated arbitrations would not be
out to be a lengthy and costly process, the
subject to challenge under the A&C Act 1996.
preference now seems to be towards institutional
The parties to a foreign seated arbitration can
arbitration as the process for dispute resolution
seek interim reliefs in aid of arbitration from
the Indian courts in exceptional circumstances.
b. Institutional Arbitration Institutional
arbitration refers to arbitrations administered
by an arbitral institution. Institutions such

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IV. Contract Act and where a contract is broken, the party suffering from the
breach of contract is entitled to receive compensation
Damages from the party who has broken the contract. However,
no compensation is payable for any remote or indirect
Under Indian law, parties can choose to opt for the loss or damage. Section 74 deals with liquidated
remedy of specific performance or damages upon damages and provides for the measure of damages
a breach of contract. The goal of damages in tort in two classes: (i) where the contract names a sum to
actions is to make the injured party whole through be paid in case of breach; and (ii) where the contract
the remedy of money to compensate for tangible and contains any other stipulation by way of penalty. In
intangible losses caused by the tort. The remedy of both classes, the measure of damages is the reasonable
damages for breach of contract is laid down in Sections compensation not exceeding the amount or penalty
73 and 74 of the Contract Act. Section 73 states that stipulated for.

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7. Security Enforcement
Significant changes have taken place in the past the Companies Act, 1956. However, proving
three years in the way in which debt enforcement insolvency of the debtor, and once proved, the
mechanisms work in India. Previously, there were only a process of liquidation, usually took upwards of a
few options to recover debts owed by a defaulting debtor. decade. The liquidator would be from the office
Arbitration under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, of the government liquidator and would not act
1996, civil suits for recovery of money or enforcement efficiently resulting in wasted leakage of value at
of mortgage, the procedure laid down under the the liquidation stage and further delays.
SARFAESI, or proceedings to wind up a company under
The present government has maintained a strong
the Companies Act, 1956. These options were time
focus on improving India’s rankings in the World
consuming and the changes that have taken place have
Bank’s ease of doing business rankings. This has led
ensured not only speedy recovery of debts, but also
to the government introducing seminal reforms to
control in the hands of the creditor.
improve enforcement of contracts in India, which
The mechanism that existed prior are as follows: has consequently improved security enforcement.
Further, it has been a consistent policy of the
i. The parties could adopt arbitration so as to
government to place offshore investors and domestic
crystalize the debt. However, the arbitration
investors on the same footing. The negative impact
process was protracted there were no obligations
of inefficient debt enforcement mechanisms on
on the arbitrator to comply with a reasonable
India’s sovereign ratings have ensured that it remains
time period to complete the arbitration
a priority in the eyes of the government. These
proceedings. Further, arbitral proceedings often
measures and their impact are:
ended up in protracted court litigation, which
could take upwards of ten years, due to high
degree of court interference. I. Revamped Arbitration
ii. The creditor could file a civil suit in a court of Regime
appropriate jurisdiction for recovery of debts or
for enforcement of mortgage. However, it was a. A new arbitration regime has been introduced
hard for creditors to prove outstanding debts, which provides for fast track arbitration, loser
even if such debts were apparent from the books. pays cost regime, faster enforcement of awards
Further, convoluted court procedures allowed etc. A key feature of the amendment is that
defaulters to extend the litigation, leading to the it introduces a timeline of 12-18 months for
litigation becoming time intensive. completion of arbitration.

iii. Under the SARFAESI Act, 2002, banks, Asset b. There has been a complete change in attitude of
Reconstruction Companies and Financial courts towards arbitration proceedings. The recent
Institutions could recover outstanding debts by series of judgments reflect that the courts take
claiming ownership (for the purposes of sale) hands off approach when dealing with challenges
over assets that were part of the security. Upon to arbitral awards. Furthermore, merely pendency
default, secured creditors could then sell the assets of a challenge in court can no longer be a ground
to satisfy the debt and interest amounts. However, to resist enforcement of an award. This has
the applicability of this Act was restricted to Banks, removed the time lag in enforcement of an
ARCs and specified FIs alone. award. (See Associate Builders v. Delhi Development
Authority, 2014 (4) ARBLR 307(SC); Etizen Bulk A/S
iv. A creditor could file a petition for winding up
v Ashapura Minechem Ltd. and Anr., Civil Appeal
of a company on account of insolvency under
Number 5131-5133 of 2016 (SC);)

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c. There were a number of cases where defaulters c. Upon acceptance, within 15 days, a Committee
or parties reneging from freely entered of Creditors (“CC”) is formed, and an Insolvency
contractual obligations relied upon the Resolution Professional (“IRP”) is appointed
exchange control regulations to defeat claims of to take over the powers of the Board. The CC is
the creditors. However, courts have consistently responsible for coming up with a Restructuring
refused rejected these grounds and allowed for Proposal/Plan, which is to be accepted by
enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in India. 75% of all creditors (by value) before being
(See Cruz City 1 Mauritius Holdings v. Unitech implemented.
Ltd.; POL India Projects Ltd. v. Aurelia Reederei
d. Failure to come up with a Restructuring Proposal,
Eugen Friederich Gmbh; Ntt Docomo Inc vs Tata
or failure for 75% of creditors (by value) to
Sons Limited)
accept a proposal within the time frame of the
d. Further, arbitration proceedings may take place in Bankruptcy Code will trigger mandatory fast
India or abroad, and the award could be enforced track liquidation of the company.
in India as a decree of a court.
e. A priority waterfall or the order in which
subsisting debts will be satisfied has also been
II. Enforcement of laid out under the Bankruptcy Code (Section

Security without Court 53), with priority being given to insolvency

related costs, followed by secured creditors
Interference and workmen dues (unpaid up to 24 months).
Secured creditors therefore have a priority over
a. In 2016 the government amended the SARFAESI unsecured creditors and even government debts.
and extended its benefits to debenture holders.
f. The Bankruptcy Code also lays out a strict
Now a Debenture Trustee stands on equal footing
timeline of 180 days (extendable once to 270
with the banks, ARCs and specified financial
days) for resolution, failing which there is
mandatory liquidation of the debtor company.
b. A debenture trustee has the power to directly
g. The liquidator is now a form of an insolvency
take possession (after 60 days’ notice) and sell
resolution professional that is appointed by the
security interest without approaching a court.
CC. Insolvency Resolution Professional could
now also be in form of a partner from the Big
III. Introduction of Four Accounting Firm allowing for efficient and

Insolvency Code quick liquidation.

h. In the debate between SARFAESI and the

a. The Bankruptcy Code revamps the insolvency Bankruptcy Code, the single largest secured
resolution process in India by shifting the creditor may prefer proceedings under
control to the hands of the creditor, instead of SARFAESI so as to protect his collateral.
allowing a defaulting debtor continuing control. However, upon initiation of the resolution
process under the IBC, all the assets of the debtor
b. Upon a default on debt or interest payment
will fall within the ambit of the resolution plan,
by the debtor company, a creditor may move
and all pending proceedings under SARFAESI
an application for insolvency to the National
are suspended. As a result, creditors who wish
Company Law Tribunal (“NCLT”) without
to proceed under the SARFAESI procedure
providing notice to the debtor. While the NCLT
must invoke existing pledges at the earliest
may accept or reject such application (within 14
default. Once a security has been invoked under
days of filing), rejection is uncommon.
SARFAESI, then the security cannot become
part of the resolution process under the IBC.
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A. Enforcement of Various b. It should be noted that once the pledged shares

Types of Securities: are credited to the pledgee, pledgee must sell

such shares within a reasonable time with
i. Mortgage of Land: The usual remedy of a suit prior notice to the pledger. In case of listed
for enforcement of mortgage is time consuming shares prior notice of 2 days or more could be
and may take between 3-5 years. Accordingly, considered as sufficient. In case of unlisted
proceeding against such security interest under shares a notice of 15 days or more is usually
SARFAESI remains the preferred option for provided. An obligation lies on the pledgee to
creditors. Historically, applicable only for Banks make reasonable attempts to sell the shares.
and FI’s, now available to all listed debt and Such sale may be to a third party or to the
NBFCs. These proceedings can be completed in lender itself, at FMV. Proceeds from the sale
about 18 months. The lender has the right to sell will be applied towards repayment of dues.
the property without intervention of the courts.
c. In case the shares are in physical form, it is
ii. Corporate & Personal Guarantee: A guarantee advisable to have them dematerialized prior to
can now be easily enforced through arbitration. creation of pledge. If the pledge is created on
It should not be noted that post the amendment, shares in physical form, the share certificates
merely filing a challenge against the award passed along with blank share transfer forms &
by the arbitrator does not stay its enforcement. power of attorney are required to be provided.
Thus, an award against a guarantor can be quickly However, share transfer forms expire in 60
enforced as a decree of the court. Additionally, days. Further board approval is required for
corporate creditors can proceed against the recording share transfer. The debtor has the
guarantor under the Bankruptcy Code as well. opportunity of creating issues by revoking the
power of attorney or resisting the recordal of
iii. Escrow Mechanism: All cashflows from
share transfer at board level.
identified projects are deposited in an escrow.
Escrow account is managed by an escrow agent d. In the event that a Holding Company holds
which could be the debenture trustee. Escrow shares in a Special Purpose Vehicle that are
agent operates on the instructions of debenture pledged to a lender, and the Holding Company
holders/trustee Outflows from the escrow will goes insolvent and in control of an IRP, then:
be to operational account to use the proceeds for
If the pledge had not been invoked prior to
expenses or to the investor account, to use the
commencement of insolvency proceedings
proceeds for servicing the debt).
then, un-invoked pledges would fall within the
iv. Pledge of Shares: purview of the asset of the holding company to
be distributed as per the stipulated waterfall.
a. A pledge on dematerialized shares can be
created and enforced in a simple manner. If the pledge had been invoked prior to the
A Pledgor files a simple form with the initiation of the insolvency process then
depository participant (DP) to create pledge the shares (being in the demat form) having
and the pledged shares get frozen in the transferred to the account of the creditor,
pledgor’s account. Upon invocation, pledgor would outside the purview of the insolvency
merely needs to instruct the DP to transfer the process and the secured creditor in question
pledged shares to the pledgee’s account. This can exercise his right to sell.
is an immediate process. DP is mandated to
If the shares are in the physical form, they
follow the instruction of the pledgee without
will fall within the purview of the IRP even
going into the merits of default and / or
after a pledge has been invoked.
reasons for invocation.

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B. Key Highlights of the appointment of provisional liquidator would

Insolvency Regime: take months and in some cases years. Further
the appointment of the provisional liquidator
The Bankruptcy Code has put in place a regime would not provide protection and surety given
which has professionals such as those from the big the nature of official liquidator’s office and
4 accounting firms taking charge of the insolvency their performance. However, under the new
process and driving it forward. Under the earlier law a creditor nominated insolvency resolution
regime the office of Official Liquidator would professional is appointed to take charge of the
take charge of the process which brought with it assets and to drive the insolvency resolution
huge inefficiencies and propriety issues. Further process. The average time taken from the date
Bankruptcy Code also has prescribed timelines for of filing the insolvency petition to the date on
completion of this process. which it first came up for hearing is around
18 days and for appointment of insolvency
The key features and impact of the Bankruptcy Code
resolution professional 28 days. This means
is as following:
that companies’ assets have been taken over
by creditor nominated insolvency resolution
i. Increased impact of the threat of insolvency
professional within 28 days of filing.
proceedings: Once Bankruptcy Code proceedings
are triggered, the control of the Company moves
iii. Insolvency Resolution Process: As per the IBC,
out of the hands of the promoter and who is
the corporate insolvency resolution process shall
also subsequently prohibited from participating
close within 180 days from the date of admission
in the insolvency resolution process. This has
with a provision to extend the period by 90 days.
increased the impact of threat of insolvency
Landmark cases which are under Insolvency
proceedings. It is noticed that if faced with a
Resolution Process. In June 2017, Reserve Bank of
prospect of losing control of the company to
India (“RBI”) sent the list of top 12 defaulters to
the insolvency professional many debtors
the respective creditors for a quick launch of the
choose to pay up the dues. As per the Indira
resolution process. Namely, Bhushan Steel, Lanco
Gandhi Institute of Development Research
Infra, Essar Steel, Bhushan Power, Alok Industries,
(“IGIDR”) report published on August 31,
Amtek Auto, Monnet Ispat, Electrosteel Steels, Jaypee
2018, 10% of the cases dismissed were settled
Infratech, ABG Shipyard, Jyoti Structures and Era Infra.
out of court and the creditors recovered their
dues.2 The data on cases settled prior to filing iv. Liquidation of Assets: If no resolution plan has
of an application before the NCLT would not been agreed to by the CoC within the timeline
be publicly available though we are aware of mentioned, then NCLT shall pass an order to
examples where this has occurred. The Supreme commence the liquidation of the corporate
Court in the Lokhandwala Kataria Construction debtor. Once the liquidation order is passed, the
Pvt. Ltd case on July 24, 2017 ruled that a case resolution professional acts as the liquidator of
can be withdrawn after insolvency proceedings the corporate debtor. He takes control of all assets
have started against a company if a settlement of the corporate debtor which can be utilized
is considered. This position as upheld in a few and distributed subsequent to liquidation. As per
cases such as Mothers Pride Dairy India Pvt. Ltd the regulations, the entire liquidation process
case and Uttara Foods and Feeds Pvt. Ltd. This including the sale of assets and distribution of
further reflects that insolvency proceedings have liquidation proceeds has to be completed within
created high degree of pressure on promoters to 2 years. We have seen cases where the same has
arrive at settlement and pay of the dues. been completed in 5-8 months.

ii. Expedited appointment of Insolvency

Resolution Professional: Under the old law
admission of the winding up petition and

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Annexure I

Private Equity vs Private Debt

Sl. No. Particulars Debt Equity
1. Assured returns Investors are eligible for assured Returns on PE investments cannot be assured.
returns on their investment
through interest and redemption Call/ Put Options are not looked at favorably
premium. and are subject to the conditionalities
prescribed under the FDI Policy.
2. Capital repatriation Debt capital can be fully While permitted to be repatriated under the
repatriated. FDI Policy, repatriation of capital is limited to
buy-back or reduction of capital, subject to the
conditionalities prescribed under the FDI Policy.
3. Tax benefits Interest payments are deductible Dividend payment and buyback proceeds are
as an expense for the borrower. taxed at the hands of the investee company at
20.36% or 23.72% respectively, in addition to
Interest payments made to a non- the corporate income tax of 30%.5 The investor
resident lender may be subject to cannot claim credit for any of the above.
withholding tax in India. Credit in
the home country may be available
for the taxes withheld in India.
4. Sources of payment Interest may be paid out of any Dividends can be paid out of profits only
source of the borrower (including (unless government approval is sought).
by way of refinancing debt). Reduction of capital may be done without
profits, but is a tribunal driven process and
subject to approvals from the creditors.
Another alternative is buy-back of shares.
However, the same is subject to host of
conditions, including limits on how much of the
share capital can be bought back.
5. Security Debt may be secured by creation No security creation is possible to secure the
of security interest, including over investment amount or returns thereon.
the assets of the borrower.
6. Returns on Returns may be structured as Returns may be structured by way of dividends
Investment interest or redemption premium or capital reduction or buy-back, all of which
and linked to cash flow, share are tax inefficient structures.
price etc. hence achieving equity
like structure with tax optimization.

5. The effective rate for domestic companies is 30.9% where income is less than or equal to INR 10 million, 33.063% where income exceeds INR
10 million but is less than or equal to INR 100 million and 34.608% where the income exceeds INR 100 million.

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Annexure II

Investment Instruments
Particulars CCD NCD
Equity Ownership Initially debt, but equity on conversion Mere lending rights; however, veto rights can
ensure certain degree of control.
ECB Qualification Assured returns on FDI compliant Purchase of NCDs by the FPI from the Indian
instruments, or put option granted to an company is expressly permitted and shall not
investor, may be construed as ECB. qualify as ECB.
Coupon Payment Interest is repatriable without any Arm’s length interest pay out should be
restrictions (net of taxes). permissible resulting in better tax efficiency.
Higher interest on NCDs may be disallowed.
Though it is not provided in text, as a market Interest can be required to accrue only out of
practice, interest pay out may be limited to free cash flows.
SBI PLR + 300 basis points as the same Redemption premium may also be treated as
ceiling is applicable in case of payment business expense.
of dividend with respect to compulsorily
convertible preference shares.

Parties may agree that interest can accrue

and be paid only out of free cash flows.
Pricing CCDs have to be issued pursuant to the Valuation is not applicable
RBI’s pricing guidelines which prescribe
for internationally accepted pricing
Security Interest Creation of security interest is not NCDs can be secured (by way of pledge,
permissible either on immoveable or mortgage of property, hypothecation of
movable property receivables etc.) in favor of the debenture
trustee who acts for, and in the interest of, the
NCD holders.
Sector-based Only permissible for FDI compliant activities Sector restrictions not applicable; provided
conditionality that unlisted NCDs cannot be issued for raising
capital for “real estate business”.
Equity Upside Investor entitled to equity upside upon NCDs are favorable for the borrower to reduce
conversion. book profits or tax burden. Further, equity
upside can also be structured which can be
linked to any variable agreed between the
borrower and the investor.

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Annexure III

Pooling Vehicle – Trust/ Company/ LLP

Issue Trust Limited Liability Partnership Company
General The person who reposes The concept of LLP was A Company can be incorporated
or declares the confidence recently introduced in India under the Companies Act, 2013.
is called the “author of under the Limited Liability
the trust”; the person who Act, 2008 (“LLP Act”). An The control of the company is
accepts the confidence is LLP is a hybrid form of a deter- mined by its board of
called the “trustee”; the corporate entity, which directors which is elected by the
person for whose benefit the combines features of an shareholders.
confidence is accepted is existing partnership firm and
called the “beneficiary”; the a limited liability company (i.e. Separate classes of securities could
subject matter of the trust the benefits of limited liability be issued to different shareholders
is called “trust property”; for partners with flexibility to that shall determine their rights and
the “beneficial interest” or organize internal management obligations (as distinct from other
“interest” of the beneficiary is based on mutual agreement classes) from both, the ‘voting’
the right against the trustee amongst perspective as well as from a
as owner of the trust property; the partners). The functioning ‘distribution’ perspective. The class
and the instrument, if any, by of an LLP is governed by the structure, however, would need to
which the trust is declared LLP agreement. be in compliance with Companies
is called the “instrument of Act, 2013, as and when all relevant
trust”/ “indenture of trust” sections thereof are brought into
Entities The Settlor: The Settlor Partner: A ‘partner’ rep- Shareholders: Shareholders hold
Involved settles a trust with an initial resents an investor in the the shares of the company and
settlement. Terms of the fund. To that extent, a partner are granted special privileges
indenture of trust shall has an obligation to fund its depending on the class of shares
administer the functioning of ‘commitment’ to the fund and they own.
the trust. is entitled to distributions
based on fund documents Directors: Directors have
The Trustee: The Trustee (being the LLP Agreement in a fiduciary duty towards the
is in charge of the overall this case). company with respect to the
administration of the Trust powers conferred on them by
and may be entitled to Designated Partner: Though the Companies Act and by the
a trusteeship fee. The the expression ‘designated Memorandum of Association
Trustee may also appoint an partner’ is not explicitly and Articles of Association of the
investment manager, who in defined, however, on a plain company. They are trustees in
turn manages the assets of reading of the LLP it is under- respect of powers of the company
the Trust and the schemes stood that such ‘designated that are conferred upon them, for
/ funds as may be launched partner shall be the person instance, powers of (a) issuing
under such Trust from time to responsible and liable in and allotting shares; (b) approving
time. respect of the compliances transfers of shares; (c) making calls
stipulated for the LLP. on shares; and (d) forfeiting shares
The Contributor: The con- for non-pay- ment of call etc. They
tributor is the investor to the must act bona fide and exercise
Trust (the Fund) and makes a these powers solely for the benefit
capital commitment under a of the company.
contribution agreement.

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Management The Trustee is responsible The LLP relies on The board of directors manages
of entities for the overall management the Designated Partner in the company involved. In practice
of the Trust. In practice this this respect. In practice, this this responsibility is outsourced to
responsibility is outsourced responsibility may be out- an investment manager pursuant
to an investment manager sourced to an investment to an investment management
pursuant to an investment manager pursuant to an agreement.
management agreement. investment management
Market Almost all funds formed in Only a few funds are There are no clear precedents for
Practice India use this structure. registered under this structure. raising funds in a ‘company’ format.
The Registrar of Companies
The regulatory framework does not favor providing
governing trust structures approvals to investment LLPs.
is stable and allows the
management to write its own As per section 5 of the LLP Act,
standard of governance. 2008, only an individual or a
body corporate is eligible to be
a partner in an LLP.

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Provided upon request only

Annexure IV

Jurisdiction Comparison
Mauritius Singapore Netherlands
Capital gains tax No local tax in Mauritius No local tax in Singapore Dutch residents not taxed if
on sale of Indian on capital gains. Mauritius on capital gains (unless sale made to non-resident.
securities residents not taxed on gains characterized as business Exemption for sale made
resulting from the transfer of income). Singapore to resident only if Dutch
shares in an Indian company residents not taxed on shareholder holds lesser
acquired prior to April 1, 2017. gains accruing before the than 10% shareholding in
Gains arising to Mauritius date on which the India- Indian company. Local Dutch
residents from alienation of Mauritius Protocol comes participation exemption
Indian shares (acquired after into force. Gains accruing available in certain
April 1, 2017), between April after such time are subject circumstances.
1, 2017 and March 31, 2019 to tax in India. (Please refer
shall be subject to tax at 50% to section on “Investing
of the Indian tax rate. into India: Considerations
from a Singapore-India Tax
Tax on dividends Indian company subject to DDT Indian company subject Indian company
at the rate of 15% (exclusive of to DDT at the rate of 15% subject to DDT at
surcharge and cess) on a gross (exclusive of surcharge the rate of 15%
basis. and cess) on a gross basis (exclusive of
surcharge and cess)
on a gross basis.

Withholding tax No relief. Taxed as per Indian 15% 10%

domestic law.
Other India and Mauritius have There are specific limitations To consider an-ti-abuse rules
recently signed a Protocol, under Singapore corporate introduced in connection
which significantly amends law (e.g. with respect to with certain passive holding
the provisions of the tax treaty buyback of securities). structures
between the two countries,
giving India a source based
right to taxation. (Please
refer to section on “Investing
into India: Considerations
from a Mauritius-India Tax

© Nishith Desai Associates 2019
Debt Funding in India

Annexure V

Types of NBFC
Type of NBFC Eligibility Requirements
Asset Finance §§company which is a financial institution
§§principal business6 includes financing of physical assets which support productive/
economic activity, such as automobiles, tractors, earth moving and material handling
equipments, moving on own power and general purpose industrial machines
Investment Company §§company which is a financial institution

§§principle business is the acquisition of securities

Loan Company §§company which is a financial institution

§§principle business is providing finance, whether by way of making loans or advances

or otherwise, for any activity other than its own, but does not include an Asset Finance
Infrastructure §§an NBFC which meets the following four requirements:
Finance Company
(“NBFC- IFC”) at least 75% of its total assets is deployed in infrastructure loans

has a minimum net owned fund of INR 300 crores


has a minimum credit rating of ‘A’ or equivalent


maintains a capital to risk weighted assets ratio (“CRAR”) of 15%

Systemically §§an NBFC carrying on the business of acquisition of shares and securities
Important Core
Investment Company §§must satisfy the following requirements:

at least 80% of its total assets is in the form of investment in equity shares, preference
shares, debt or loans in group companies

at least 60% of its total assets is invested in equity shares of group companies (including
CCPS/CCDs with a maturity period of maximum 10 years)

it does not trade its investment in shares, debt or loans, except for the purposes of
disinvestment or dilution

it does not carry on any other financial activity except bank deposits, money market
instruments, government securities, loans to and investments in debt issuances of group
companies or guarantees issued on behalf of group companies

it has a minimum asset size of INR 100 crore


it accepts public funds


6. For this purpose, principal business is defined as aggregate of financing real/physical assets supporting economic activity and income arising
therefrom to be not less than 60% of the company’s total assets and total income respectively

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NBFC – §§company registered as NBFC

Infrastructure Debt
Fund §§facilitates flow of long term debt into infrastructure projects

§§raises resources through rupee or dollar denominated bonds only, with a minimum maturity
of 5 years

§§only an IFC can be a sponsor

NBFC – Micro §§non-deposit taking NBFC
Finance Institution
§§at least 85% of its total assets should satisfy the following requirements:

loan disbursed to a borrower with a rural household, with annual income not exceeding INR 1
lakh, or to an urban/ semi-urban household with annual income not exceeding INR 1.6 lakh

loan amount does not exceed INR 50,000 in first cycle, and INR 1 lakh in subsequent cycles

total indebtedness of the borrower should not exceed INR 1 lakh


for loan amounts in excess of INR 15,000, tenure should be at least 24 months with facility
of prepayment without penalty

loan should be extended without collateral


aggregate amount of loans, given for income generation, is not less than 50 per cent of the
total loans given by the micro finance institutions

loan repayable on weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis, at the option of the borrower
NBFC – Factors §§non-deposit taking NBFC

§§principal business is factoring

§§at least 50% of its total assets should be in factoring business, and income derived from
such business should be at least 50% of its total income
Mortgage Guarantee §§financial institution
§§at least 90% of business turnover is the mortgage guarantee business, or at least 90% of
gross income is from mortgage guarantee business

§§minimum net owned fund shall be INR 100 crore

NBFC – Non- §§financial institution
Operative Financial
Holding Company §§promoter/ promoter group of the wholly owned NOFHC will be permitted to set up a new
(“NOFHC”) bank through the entity

§§NOFHC permitted to hold the bank and other financial services companies, regulated by the
RBI or other regulatory bodies, to the extent applicable

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Debt Funding in India

Annexure VI

Comparative analysis of NBFC

Based on this characterization, the following table offers a comparative description of prudential requirements
for each type of NBFC:


Tier I Capital Owned funds reduced by Owned funds reduced by Owned funds reduced by
investment in shares of other investment in shares of other investment in shares of other
NBFCs, and in shares, bonds, NBFCs, and in shares, bonds, NBFCs, and in shares, bonds,
debentures, outstanding debentures, outstanding loans debentures, outstanding loans
loans and advances and advances (including hire and advances (including hire
(including hire purchase and purchase and lease financing) purchase and lease financing)
lease financing) made to and made to and deposits with made to and deposits with
deposits with subsidiaries subsidiaries and companies in subsidiaries and companies in
and companies in the same the same group, exceeding 10% the same group, exceeding 10%
group, exceeding 10% of the of the owned fund, in aggregate; of the owned fund, in aggregate;
owned fund, in aggregate Further perpetual debt Further perpetual debt
instruments issued by a non- instruments issued by a
deposit taking NBFC in each non-deposit taking NBFC, with
year, to the extent it does not assets between Rs. 100 crore
exceed 15% of the aggregate Tier and Rs. 500 crore as per the
I Capital of such company, as of last audited balance sheet,
March 31 of the previous year in each year, to the extent it
does not exceed 15% of the
aggregate Tier I Capital of such
company, as of March 31 of the
previous year

Tier II Capital Includes: Includes: Includes:

§§preference shares (other §§preference shares (other than §§preference shares (other
than CCPS) CCPS) than CCPS)

§§revaluation reserves, at a §§revaluation reserves, at a §§revaluation reserves, at a

discounted rate of 55% discounted rate of 55% discounted rate of 55%

§§general provisions and loss §§general provisions and loss §§general provisions and loss
reserves reserves reserves

§§hybrid debt capital §§hybrid debt capital §§hybrid debt capital

instruments instruments instruments

§§subordinated debt to the §§subordinated debt §§subordinated debt

extent that the aggregate
does not exceed Tier I §§perpetual debt instruments, §§perpetual debt instruments,
Capital which is in excess of what which is in excess of what
qualifies as Tier I Capital to qualifies as Tier I Capital to
the extent that the aggregate the extent that the aggregate
does not exceed Tier I Capital does not exceed Tier I

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Capital Capital Risk Adequacy Ratio Capital Risk Adequacy Ratio must Capital Risk Adequacy Ratio
Adequacy must be 15% be 15% must be 15%
Requirements Provided that, Tier II Capital Provided that, Tier II Capital shall Provided that, Tier II Capital
shall not exceed 100% of Tier not exceed 100% of Tier I Capital shall not exceed 100% of Tier I
I Capital Capital
Credit NBFC-D cannot: Not applicable NBFC-ND-SI which accepts
Concentration public funds will have the credit
Requirements §§Lend to: concentration requirements as
applicable to NBFC-D
A single borrower in excess
of 15% of Owned Funds

A single group of borrowers

in excess of 25% of Owned

§§Invest In:

Shares of another Company

in excess of 15% of Owned

Shares of single group of

companies in excess of
25% of Owned Funds

§§Lend and Invest:

In excess of 25% of Owned

Fund to a single party

In excess of 40% of Owned

Fund to a single group of

© Nishith Desai Associates 2019
Debt Funding in India

Annexure VII

Death Knell for Foreign Investors in Indian

Corporate Debt Markets?
debt had been exhausted, and limits were thereafter,
available only under auction.
§§Minimum residual maturity reduced from 3
years to 1 year In light of the issues faced by the market participants,
the RBI has introduced 2 circulars, Circular No. 24 dated
§§Credit Concentration norms for FPI investments April 27, 2018 (“Circular 1”) and Circular No. 26 dated
May 1, 2018 (“Circular 2”) to introduce certain changes.

§§Maximum subscription by a FPI of a single

issuance introduced
II. Changes And Analysis
A. Minimum residual maturity:
I. Background
i. Background
In 2008, SEBI introduced the SEBI (Issue and Listing
In February 2015, the RBI and SEBI amended relevant
of Debt Securities), Regulations 2008, which paved
regulations to provide for a minimum residual
the way for companies to issue their debt securities,
maturity of 3 years. This minimum maturity applied to
primarily, non-convertible debentures (“NCD”)
primary subscriptions, as well as secondary acquisition
to investors. Subsequently, the Foreign Exchange
of NCDs by FPIs. By way of a press release, RBI also
Management (Transfer and Issue of Securities to
clarified that optionality clauses enforceable prior to
Persons Resident outside India) Regulations, 2000
the minimum residual maturity of 3 years was not
(“TISPRO 2000”) was amended to permit foreign
permitted. This was considered a major concern since,
institutional investors (and later Foreign Portfolio
pre-payment was also considered as optionality rights
Investors (“FPI”)) to invest in listed NCDs, and
which the borrower had. Further, the regulations also
subsequently in to-be-listed NCDs.
restricted pre-payments even in default cases where
the lender could seek pre-payments.
In February 2015, the Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”)
and the Securities Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”)
further amended TISPRO 2000 and the SEBI ii. Changes
(Foreign Portfolio Investors), Regulations 2014 (“FPI
By Circular 1, RBI has now reduced the minimum
Regulations”) stipulating a minimum residual
maturity from 3 years to 1 year.
maturity for NCDs which FPIs could invest in. This
was considered as a major impediment to foreign
investment, since this restricted raising short term iii. Analysis
financing through NCDs.
This is a welcome move since it was felt that the
Despite the introduction of a minimum residual restriction of a minimum maturity of 3 years was
maturity, issuance of NCDs by Indian corporates too onerous, and impacted fund raising by Indian
were at an all-time high. This was evident in the corporates. In the absence of a similar restriction
fact that the prescribed overall limits for corporate on resident NCD holders, companies intending to

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pre-pay NCDs were facing substantial challenges, if ii. Changes

even a single NCD was held by a FPI. Further, this
regulatory arbitrage led to a situation where FPIs §§By Circular 1, RBI has introduced limits on the
extent of an issuance that FPIs can subscribe
would transfer the NCDs to an Indian entity to
to. Under Circular 1, RBI has prescribed that the
provide for the redemption prior to the 3 year period.
investment by an FPI shall not exceed 50% of the
While NCDs having residual maturity of less than 3
issuance of NCDs by a corporate. In cases, where
years were not permitted to be redeemed prior to the
this limit has been breached, the FPI shall not be
expiry of the 3 year period, FPIs were permitted to
permitted to make any further investments till
transfer the NCDs to a resident entity prior to expiry
the exposure of the FPI in such issuance has met
of the 3 year period.
the 50% condition.
The change would now permit resident Indian NCD
holders and FPIs to be treated at par with respect to §§Circular 2 has clarified that ‘related FPIs’ means all
FPIs registered by a non-resident entity.
repayments / redemptions, without FPIs being required
to restructure their holdings in case of a pre-payment
(such as the warehousing structure mentioned above). iii. Analysis
Further, the 1 year restriction would not impact NCD
The imposition of a limit of 50% of a bond issuance
issuances substantially, since RBI regulates issuance
that can be subscribed to by an FPI is expected to
of NCDs with less than 1 year maturity separately,
have major implications on the viability of the
and the NCDs issued by corporates to such FPIs are
NCD route as a mode for raising funds. Currently,
generally for a period greater than 1 year.
a single FPI can subscribe to the entire issuance
Another important consideration is that the changes of NCDs by a company. However, with this new
are prospective in nature, i.e. the changes do not impact restriction, a minimum of 2 FPIs would be required
NCDs issued prior to the notification of the changes. for any corporate to undertake an issuance. This is
unnecessarily onerous in the current framework,

B. Single issuance where a borrower generally negotiates the terms

with an FPI and issues NCDs to such FPI.
concentration norms
An important point to note is that the restriction has
been imposed on the FPI, but not the issuer. It would
i. Background
need to be seen how are FPIs supposed to monitor
NCDs have been used by corporates as an effective the same, since it may not have full clarity
mechanism to raise debt from offshore, especially from on the subscribers.
FPIs. This was a preferred route for corporates, since
While Circular 1 states that if the FPI holds more than
the NCD holders were not subject to strict regulatory
50% of the issue size, it shall not invest any further
compliances otherwise applicable to banks, provided
funds into the issue till such 50% limit is adhered to.
substantial flexibility with respect to structuring
It is unclear in which situation would the FPI exceed
returns and was tax efficient for the holders and the
the 50% limits prescribed, considering that the FPIs
issuers. This made the NCD-FPI route attractive and a
are not permitted to subscribe to more than 50% of
large number of corporates raised debt from a single
the issue. This is also linked to the previous point, on
FPI investor by issuing NCDs to them, especially since
the practicability of the FPI to monitor its investment.
the FPIs were permitted to hold 100% of the NCDs
As an illustration, if a company intends to issue 100
issued by a borrower (as opposed to limits prescribed
NCDs (with each NCD having the same face value), an
on the equity investments by FPIs). The limits
FPI’s investment cannot exceed 50 NCDs. However, it
prescribed apply to an FPI along with all related FPIs.
is unclear that if the total NCDs issues (due to lack of
subscription) is 95, would the issuance to the FPIs be
restricted to 47 (instead of 50)? Or would the FPI be

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issued 50 NCDs, and it would not be permitted to make §§If the exposure of a FPI is more than 20% of the
any further investments in the issuance. debt portfolio of the FPI to a single corporate
group, the FPI shall not undertake any fresh
Another important aspect to be considered is what
exposure in such entity or any related entity, till
the RBI means by a single ‘issuance’. If a borrower
the 20% limit is met.
issues multiple tranches of NCDs under a single
prospectus (termed a ‘shelf prospectus’), would §§New FPIs (i.e. FPIs registered after April 27, 2018)
each tranche refer to a single issuance, or would all shall be required to comply with the 20% limit
tranches collectively be referred to a single issuance? within 6 months from being registered as an FPI.

While the text is not abundantly clear at this stage, §§Circular 2 clarifies that related entities would
considering that the intent of RBI is to limit an FPI’s have the meaning ascribed to them under the
exposure to 50%, it would be safe to assume that the Companies Act, 2013.
RBI would want to consider these limits strictly for
each issuance.
ii. Analysis
The definition of ‘related FPIs’ under Circular 2
The requirement for having multiple investments
seems to be vague, and incoherent with the existing
seems to stem from RBI’s insistence on diversifying
FPI Regulations. Under the definition provided
the risk for investors in FPIs. By having a maximum
under Circular 2, if a single investor invests through
of 20% exposure to a single corporate entity (along
multiple FPIs which are set up by different entities,
with its related entities), FPIs would be mandatorily
the investments would not be clubbed. This does not
required to look for more investment opportunities
seem to be a logical interpretation of the intent. The
and invest in multiple corporate entities.
RBI / SEBI may refer back to the ultimate beneficial
ownership test applicable for FPIs currently, where The concentration norms as provided for FPIs are similar
if an investor has investments through multiple FPIs, to those imposed on Alternative Investment Funds in
the limits would be clubbed for all purposes. India. However, one notable change in the FPI regime
is that new FPIs are required to comply with the 20%

C. Single group concentration concentration norms within a period of 6 months from

the date of registration. This would necessarily imply
norms that a newly registered FPI would need to make at least
5 investments of exactly 20% of its debt portfolio, or
i. Background more than 5 investments, with each investment being
lower than 20% of its debt portfolio. Coupled with the
Under the current regulatory framework, a single FPI
concentration norms on single issue concentration
can have only one NCD as its entire debt portfolio,
norms (covered in 2 above), this may pose a substantial
i.e. there is no concentration norms requiring an
challenge to newly set up FPIs.
FPI to spread its investments across portfolios. This
provided the FPIs flexibility to invest into NCDs at Further, existing FPIs have not been given
their discretion, without any requirement for a time frame within which the above provisions
a minimum number of investments. would need to be complied with. There seems to be
no rationale for the same, considering that the RBI
has already restricted any additional exposure by an
i. Changes
FPI into a corporate entity if the limits are breached.
§§Under Circular 1, RBI has prescribed 20% of the As an example, if an existing FPI has 3 investments
debt portfolio of the FPI as the limit of exposure with 33% investment in 3 corporate groups, they
of a FPI into a single corporate entity, along with are anyway restricted from making any further
related entities. investment in these 3 portfolio companies till the
limits are below 20%. In this light, FPIs may benefit

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from this regulatory arbitrage, unless a time bound is USD 274 million, as opposed to net inflows of USD
obligation is imposed on the existing FPIs. 320 million as of April 22, 2018 (as per information
available on NSDL’s website)). As mentioned earlier,
while the changes seem to bring in diversification
III. Conclusion and expansion of the debt market, the implications
seem to be far excessive and unnecessary.
While RBI’s intent of Circular 1 and Circular 2 is to
encourage companies to mobilize resources through The concentration norms have been enacted and
public issuance of NCDs, the concentration norms successfully implemented in other financial services
seems to be unnecessary and excessive, considering sectors to avoid systemic risk in the financial markets
the growth of the investor interest in the corporate by encouraging diversification among investors, but
debt markets. The impact can be observed in the limits on investment into issuances seems to be far
net investment by FPIs in the debt segment being excessive, and may prove to be the death knell for
negative in the month of May already (net outflows not only the debt segment for FPIs, but an important
as of May 22, 2018 in the debt segment avenue for fund raising for Indian corporates.

For any queries please reach out to

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Debt Funding in India

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January 2017 September 2018 March 2018

NDA Insights
Blackstone’s Boldest Bet in India M&A Lab January 2017
Foreign Investment Into Indian Special Situation Assets M&A Lab November 2016
Recent Learnings from Deal Making in India M&A Lab June 2016
ING Vysya - Kotak Bank : Rising M&As in Banking Sector M&A Lab January 2016
Cairn – Vedanta : ‘Fair’ or Socializing Vedanta’s Debt? M&A Lab January 2016
Reliance – Pipavav : Anil Ambani scoops Pipavav Defence M&A Lab January 2016
Sun Pharma – Ranbaxy: A Panacea for Ranbaxy’s ills? M&A Lab January 2015
Reliance – Network18: Reliance tunes into Network18! M&A Lab January 2015
Thomas Cook – Sterling Holiday: Let’s Holiday Together! M&A Lab January 2015
Jet Etihad Jet Gets a Co-Pilot M&A Lab May 2014
Apollo’s Bumpy Ride in Pursuit of Cooper M&A Lab May 2014
Diageo-USL- ‘King of Good Times; Hands over Crown Jewel to Diageo M&A Lab May 2014
Copyright Amendment Bill 2012 receives Indian Parliament’s assent IP Lab September 2013
Public M&A’s in India: Takeover Code Dissected M&A Lab August 2013
File Foreign Application Prosecution History With Indian Patent Office IP Lab April 2013
Warburg - Future Capital - Deal Dissected M&A Lab January 2013
Real Financing - Onshore and Offshore Debt Funding Realty in India Realty Check May 2012

© Nishith Desai Associates 2019
Debt Funding in India

Research @ NDA
Research is the DNA of NDA.In early 1980s, our firm emerged from an extensive, and then pioneering, research
by Nishith M. Desai on the taxation of cross-border transactions. The research book written by him provided the
foundation for our international tax practice. Since then, we have relied upon research to be the cornerstone of our
practice development. Today, research is fully ingrained in the firm’s culture.

Our dedication to research has been instrumental in creating thought leadership in various areas of law and pub-
lic policy. Through research, we develop intellectual capital and leverage it actively for both our clients and the
development of our associates. We use research to discover new thinking, approaches, skills and reflections on ju-
risprudence, and ultimately deliver superior value to our clients. Over time, we have embedded a culture and built
processes of learning through research that give us a robust edge in providing best quality advices and services to
our clients, to our fraternity and to the community at large.

Every member of the firm is required to participate in research activities. The seeds of research are typically sown
in hour-long continuing education sessions conducted every day as the first thing in the morning. Free interactions
in these sessions help associates identify new legal, regulatory, technological and business trends that require
intellectual investigation from the legal and tax perspectives. Then, one or few associates take up an emerging trend
or issue under the guidance of seniors and put it through our “Anticipate-Prepare-Deliver” research model.

As the first step, they would conduct a capsule research, which involves a quick analysis of readily available
secondary data. Often such basic research provides valuable insights and creates broader understanding of the
issue for the involved associates, who in turn would disseminate it to other associates through tacit and explicit
knowledge exchange processes. For us, knowledge sharing is as important an attribute as knowledge acquisition.

When the issue requires further investigation, we develop an extensive research paper. Often we collect our own
primary data when we feel the issue demands going deep to the root or when we find gaps in secondary data. In
some cases, we have even taken up multi-year research projects to investigate every aspect of the topic and build
unparallel mastery. Our TMT practice, IP practice, Pharma & Healthcare/Med-Tech and Medical Device, practice
and energy sector practice have emerged from such projects. Research in essence graduates to Knowledge, and
finally to Intellectual Property.

Over the years, we have produced some outstanding research papers, articles, webinars and talks. Almost on daily
basis, we analyze and offer our perspective on latest legal developments through our regular “Hotlines”, which go
out to our clients and fraternity. These Hotlines provide immediate awareness and quick reference, and have been
eagerly received. We also provide expanded commentary on issues through detailed articles for publication in
newspapers and periodicals for dissemination to wider audience. Our Lab Reports dissect and analyze a published,
distinctive legal transaction using multiple lenses and offer various perspectives, including some even overlooked
by the executors of the transaction. We regularly write extensive research articles and disseminate them through
our website. Our research has also contributed to public policy discourse, helped state and central governments
in drafting statutes, and provided regulators with much needed comparative research for rule making. Our
discourses on Taxation of eCommerce, Arbitration, and Direct Tax Code have been widely acknowledged.
Although we invest heavily in terms of time and expenses in our research activities, we are happy to provide
unlimited access to our research to our clients and the community for greater good.

As we continue to grow through our research-based approach, we now have established an exclusive four-acre,
state-of-the-art research center, just a 45-minute ferry ride from Mumbai but in the middle of verdant hills of
reclusive Alibaug-Raigadh district. Imaginarium AliGunjan is a platform for creative thinking; an apolitical eco-
system that connects multi-disciplinary threads of ideas, innovation and imagination. Designed to inspire ‘blue
sky’ thinking, research, exploration and synthesis, reflections and communication, it aims to bring in wholeness
– that leads to answers to the biggest challenges of our time and beyond. It seeks to be a bridge that connects the
futuristic advancements of diverse disciplines. It offers a space, both virtually and literally, for integration and
synthesis of knowhow and innovation from various streams and serves as a dais to internationally renowned
professionals to share their expertise and experience with our associates and select clients.

We would love to hear your suggestions on our research reports. Please feel free to contact us at

© Nishith Desai Associates 2019

93 B, Mittal Court, Nariman Point 220 California Avenue, Suite 201 Prestige Loka, G01, 7/1 Brunton Rd
Mumbai 400 021, India Palo Alto, CA 94306-1636, USA Bangalore 560 025, India
tel +91 22 6669 5000 tel +1 650 325 7100 tel +91 80 6693 5000
fax +91 22 6669 5001 fax +1 650 325 7300 fax +91 80 6693 5001


Level 30, Six Battery Road 3, North Avenue, Maker Maxity C–5, Defence Colony
Singapore 049 909 Bandra–Kurla Complex New Delhi 110 024, India
Mumbai 400 051, India
tel +65 6550 9856 tel +91 11 4906 5000
tel +91 22 6159 5000 fax +91 11 4906 5001
fax +91 22 6159 5001


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80539 Munich, Germany New York, NY 10152
tel +49 89 203 006 268 tel +1 212 763 0080
fax +49 89 203 006 450

Debt Funding in India

© Copyright 2019 Nishith Desai Associates

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