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The Assessment of Fatigue

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The assessment of fatigue

A practical guide for clinicians and researchers

A.J. Dittner
, S.C. Wessely
, R.G. Brown
Department of Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London, London, UK
Academic Department of Psychological Medicine, Guys Kings and St. Thomas School of Medicine, London, UK
Objectives: Fatigue is a common feature of physical and
neurological disease as well as psychiatric disorders, often reported
amongst patients most severe and distressing symptoms. A large
number of scales have been developed attempting to measure the
nature, severity and impact of fatigue in a range of clinical
populations. The aim of the present review is to guide the clinician
and researcher in choosing a scale to suit their needs. Methods:
Database searches of Medline, PsycINFO and EMBASE were
undertaken to find published scales. Results: Details of 30 scales
are reported. These vary greatly in how widely they have been used
and how well they have been evaluated. The present review
describes the scales and their properties and provides illustrations
of their use in published studies. Conclusions: Recommendations
are made for the selection of a scale and for the development and
validation of new and existing scales.
D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Measurement; Instrument; Scale; Psychometric; Severity; Impact
Although often identified as a sign or symptom of a
disease state or side effect or treatment, fatigue is essentially
a subjective experience. It has largely defied efforts to
conceptualise or define it in a way that separates it from
normal experiences such as tiredness or sleepiness. Empha-
sis is usually given to the degree and persistence of such
experiences in the absence of any excessive expenditure of
energy or effort as cause. Thus, fatigue is typically defined
as extreme and persistent tiredness, weakness or exhaus-
tionmental, physical or both. Fatigue is common in the
general population [1,2] and is the defining feature of
chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). However, it is also an
important feature of a wide range of other conditions
including physical disease such as cancer, neurological
disease such as multiple sclerosis (MS) and Parkinsons
disease and psychiatric disorders such as depression. In
these and other conditions, fatigue can be a major source
of disablement and is often reported by patients as being
amongst their most severe and distressing symptoms [37].
Despite this, fatigue has typically been ignored in the
assessment of symptom severity or outcome in many of
the diseases in which it is found. Consequently, we know
little about the phenomenology of fatigue in these condi-
tions, quite apart from their epidemiology and aetiology.
Finally, fatigue is often neglected as a target for treatment,
perhaps because it typically appears unrelated to the severity
of the central disease process.
Progress in research and improved management depends
on having reliable and valid methods of assessment that
reflect the problems reported by patients. With the growing
recognition of fatigue as a major clinical problem in many
conditions, there has been a proliferation of measures of
fatigue, often referred to by synonyms or abbreviations
shared with other scales. Although all purport to assess
fatigue, being self-report scales, the information derived
depends on the questions being asked. These will be based
on the scale developers own conceptualisation of fatigue
and will in turn be answered by the respondent based on his
or her own interpretation. This means that different scales
may be measuring fundamentally different aspects of the
fatigue experience or even potentially distinct constructs. In
addition, where an instrument has been developed specifi-
0022-3999/04/$ see front matter D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. P077, Department of Psychology, Institute of
Psychiatry, De Crespigny Park, London SE5 8AF, UK. Tel.: +44-20-7848-
0773; fax: +44-20-7848-5006.
E-mail address: (R.G. Brown).
Journal of Psychosomatic Research 56 (2004) 157170
cally to measure fatigue in one clinical condition, its use in
other patient groups may not be justified if the fatigue
experience differs from group to group.
A researcher or clinician wishing to measure fatigue in
their patients needs to ensure that the instrument chosen
measures the right aspect of fatigue for their purposes, in a
way that meets the requirements of their study and does so
both reliably and validly. However, choice of the most
appropriate measure is far from straightforward. The pur-
pose of the present review is to describe the range of
instruments available and to provide guidance on choosing
a scale for a specific use. It does not seek to compare scales
directly although published studies that have sought to do so
will be discussed.
The scales included in this article are the result of a
bibliographic search of English language publications
indexed in Medline (1966 to March 2003), EMBASE
(1980 to March 2003) and PsycINFO (1974 to March
2003). Searches were based on the main Medical Library
Subject Heading (MESH) term fatigue (synonym lassi-
tude, previously tiredness). The scope of this term is
defined as the state of weariness following a period of
exertion, mental or physical characterised by a decreased
capacity for work and reduced efficiency to respond to
stimuli. It is distinguished from muscle fatigue defined
in MESH as a state arrived at through prolonged and
strong contraction of a muscle. In addition to the search on
the main term fatigue, a parallel search was also made on
the conceptually related term asthenia, defined in MESH
as a clinical sign or symptom manifested as debility or lack
or loss of strength and energy. Other related constructs
such as tiredness and anergia are not considered as
distinct signs and symptoms in the MESH classification
system. The scope of the review excluded scales designed to
assess sleepiness or somnolence.
For the Medline and EMBASE searches, the MESH
qualifier /Diagnosis was used. This covers all aspects
of diagnosis, including examination, differential diagnosis
and prognosis. Qualifiers are not available with PsycINFO.
Therefore, the MESH terms fatigue and asthenia were
combined with a keyword search of instrument, assess-
ment, scale or measurement. This search was aug-
mented by reviewing article reference lists and performing
citation searches using ISI Web of Science. Scales cited only
in abstracts or as reports of meetings were not included.
Details of all scales identified are presented in Tables 1
and 2. These tables summarise each scales purpose and
structure and evidence of its psychometric properties from
the original source reference. Where available, published
cutoff scores are provided for guidance, although their
validity or utility in other clinical or research contexts
should not be assumed. For the majority of scales, further
details including illustrations of their published uses are
provided in the accompanying text. Where psychometric
properties were not explicitly tested in the primary refer-
ence, potential users may need to check for any subsequent
information pertaining to reliability and validity. The order
of presentation is alphabetical, commencing with unidimen-
sional scales (Table 1) and then multidimensional scales
(Table 2). Scales for which insufficient are data available at
present are included in the tables but discussed only briefly
in a final section on Other scales.
The scope of this review excludes instruments that
include fatigue as one dimension of broader index of health
outcome. These include generic instruments such as the
Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36 (SF-36) [8], the
Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) [9] and the Profile of
Mood States (POMS) [10] in addition to many disease-
specific general outcome scales. Such measures can provide
a useful brief index of fatigue in the context of broader
health outcome. However, the fatigue subscales or items
should generally not be used in isolation without validation,
although the POMS Fatigue subscale has been used inde-
pendently in many studies [11].
The following comments and discussions should be read
in conjunction with the details reported in Tables 1 and 2
together with the recommendations provided at the end of
the review.
Unidimensional scales (Table 1)
The Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI) [12]
The BFI was developed for screening and assessing
clinical outcome in severely fatigued patients with cancer.
The authors acknowledge that the scale is virtually inter-
changeable with other unidimensional fatigue severity
scales such as the Functional Assessment of Cancer Ther-
apy-Fatigue (FACT-F) (see below) but claim its use of
language is simpler making it easier both to understand
and to translate. The BFI has good psychometric properties
although, at the time of writing, there is no information on
test retest reliability or its sensitivity to change. It has not
been used in any subsequent studies and has not been
formally validated in a noncancer population.
Number of citations: 23.
Examples of use: cancer [13].
Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) [14]
This is one of the best known and most used fatigue
scales. The name is, however, slightly misleading. The FSS
principally measures the impact of fatigue on specific types
of functioning rather than the intensity of fatigue-related
symptoms [15].
The FSS has high internal consistency, has good test
retest reliability and is sensitive to change with time and
after treatment. It also has good concurrent validity and is
able to distinguish patients with different diagnoses (be-
tween systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and MS [14] and
A.J. Dittner et al. / Journal of Psychosomatic Research 56 (2004) 157170 158
between CFS, MS and primary depression [4]). In a com-
parison of the FSS and the Fatigue Questionnaire (FQ) (see
later) in a sample of CFS patients, the FSS was found to be
the more effective measure, probably owing to its specificity
to the behavioural consequences of fatigue [15]. The scales
psychometric properties have been confirmed in chronic
hepatitis C [16] and immune-related polyneuropathies [17]
although a study of fatigue in patients with brain injury [18]
failed to support its internal consistency, suggesting that its
suitability in all populations cannot be assumed.
Number of citations: 239.
Examples of use: MS [19,20], Parkinsons disease [21],
CFS [22,23], chronic hepatitis C [16], brain injury [18],
sleep disorders [24], cancer [25,26] and amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis [27].
FACT-F subscale [28]
The FACT-F has reasonable psychometric properties but
is by definition a cancer scale and has not been validated in
other populations. Although it has been validated indepen-
dently from the full FACT scale and may be used in
isolation, its diagnostic sensitivity and sensitivity to change
have not yet been established.
Number of citations: 71.
Examples of use: cancer [29].
Global Vigour and Affect (GVA) [30]
This pair of measures, designed for research purposes,
consists of eight 100-mm visual analogue scales, of which
four are related to vigour and four to affect. The two
subscales are scored individually so it is possible to derive a
single score for global vigour (GV). In the initial validation
study, GV was found sensitive to changes in mood and
activation resulting from diurnal variations and jetlag.
However, it was reported that subjects required time to
practice and an explanation of the terms to complete the
scale. This would make the measure unsuitable for postal
surveys or any situation where unattended completion is
required. Finally, the visual analogue scales make it labori-
ous to score.
Number of citations: 56.
Examples of use: drug treatment effects [31] and sleep
and circadian rhythms research [32].
May and Kline Adjective Checklist [33]
The scale consists of fatigue-related adjectives rated on a
Likert scale. However, in the initial validation, scores on the
checklist were found to correlate with scores on the Eysenck
Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) [34], reflecting differences
in personality rather than in fatigue. Whether this is a factor
in only this questionnaire or in all measures of fatigue has
not been assessed. Considering its length, it conveys rela-
tively little information about the patients fatigue. In fact,
many of the adjectives relate more to mood than to fatigue.
Number of citations: 7.
Examples of use: none to date.
PearsonByars Fatigue Feeling Checklist [35]
The PearsonByars Fatigue Feeling Checklist was de-
veloped to assess work-related fatigue in healthy adults and
has been shown to discriminate between fatigued and non-
fatigued airmen. It is not recommended for clinical or
research use, owing to the lack of validity data in medical
populations and its outdated language.
Number of citations: 12.
Examples of use: cancer [36,37] and pregnancy [38].
Rhoten Fatigue Scale [39]
The Rhoten Fatigue Scale has been used in a number of
studies, mainly in patients with cancer, although because of
its simplicity and generic language, it is likely to be useable
in other conditions. As a single-item measure, it provides
limited information about the patients fatigue, although it is
useful as a quick screening measure.
Number of citations: 23.
Examples of use: cancer [4042].
Schedule of Fatigue and Anergia (SOFA) [43]
First published in 1996 [44], the SOFA exists in two
formsthe SOFA/CFS for the identification of patients with
CFS in specialist clinics and the SOFA/GP, a modified
version for the identification of prolonged fatigue syn-
dromes in community and primary care settings. The scales
differ in terms of their anchor points for severity and
chronicity to optimise sensitivity to cases in the respective
clinical settings for which they are intended. Both scales
have good diagnostic validity, demonstrating their utility as
screening instruments for patients with CFS and prolonged
fatigue syndrome. However, the scales have not been
developed or validated for use in other populations, and it
remains to be seen whether they can be used to assess
fatigue in other conditions.
Number of citations: 32.
Examples of use: CFS [45].
Multidimensional scales (Table 2)
Chalder Fatigue Scale
See FQ.
Checklist Individual Strength (CIS) [46]
The CIS was developed for use in hospital studies of CFS
patients. As a multidimensional measure of severity and
behavioural consequences of fatigue, CIS is divided into
four subscales: Subjective experience of fatigue, Concentra-
tion, Motivation and Physical activity. The CIS has been
well validated amongst CFS patients [4649] and has been
widely used in this population. It has good internal consis-
tency and split-half reliability and discriminates amongst
CFS, MS and healthy patients. Test retest reliability has not
been demonstrated, although the scale has been shown to be
sensitive to change in fatigue levels over time and to
drug treatment effects in randomised controlled trials
A.J. Dittner et al. / Journal of Psychosomatic Research 56 (2004) 157170 159
[48,49]. The CIS has also been validated in the working
population [50].
Number of citations: 57.
Examples of use: CFS [51,52], MS [53] and working
adults [50].
Fatigue Assessment Instrument (FAI) [54]
The FAI, sometimes referred to as the Fatigue Severity
Inventory (FSI), is an expanded version of the unidimen-
sional FSS (see above), with items added to assess addi-
tional aspects of fatigue. The scale was developed to permit
the assessment of fatigue symptomatology across a range of
medical conditions. It was therefore validated in a sample of
outpatients at neurology and rheumatology clinics with a
variety of diagnoses.
The FAI has four subscales: Fatigue severity, Situation
specificity, Consequences of fatigue and Responsiveness to
rest/sleep, with extra dimensions providing information on
situational aspects of fatigue. The Fatigue severity subscale
corresponds almost exactly to the FSS, sharing eight of the
original nine items while including three new ones. Not
surprisingly, its correlation with the FSS was found to be
extremely high (r = .98) across 235 subjects in seven
different disease groups. In general, the inventory has
good psychometric qualities, although test retest reliability
is only moderate. Furthermore, closer examination of the
factor structure indicates that the majority of the items
loaded on to the first two factors and only Severity and
Consequences subscales demonstrated concurrent validity
based on other measures of fatigue and energy level. In its
favour, however, the FAI is able to distinguish healthy
subjects from patients and is notable for its ability to
distinguish differences between patients with different
diagnoses in some cases.
The FAI has been adapted [55] for use in Parkinsons
disease patients and has been named the FSI. Concurrent
validity was demonstrated with the several other fatigue
measures, although no other psychometric information was
available at the time of writing.
Number of citations: 52.
Examples of use: chronic hepatitis C [56] and Parkin-
sons disease [57].
Table 1
Unidimensional fatigue scales, characteristics and properties
Scale name BFI CRFDS
What is assessed? Severity Impact Impact Impact and functional
outcomes related to
Severity and
Number of scale items 9 20 8 9 13
Scale type 11-point Likert 11-point Likert 5-point Likert 7-point Likert 5-point Likert
Number of subscales
or factors
1 1 1 1 1
Target population Cancer Cancer General medical Chronic medical Cancer
Standardisation sample(s) (n) Cancer inpatients,
outpatients and
adults without cancer
diagnosis (595)
Cancer patients (221) Individuals with flu-
like illness (93)
MS and SLE patients
Patients receiving
cancer treatment
Internal consistency 0.96 0.97 0.91 0.88 0.93
Test retest reliability 0.84 0.90
Concurrent validity Associated with
Negatively associated
with health, sleep
quality and activity;
positively associated
with illness symptoms,
rating of fatigue and
number of hours work
Fatigue rated on
visual analogue scale
and prolonged
fatigue syndrome
Discriminative validity Discriminated between
patients based on
haemoglobin levels,
subjectively rated
fatigue and
performance status
Distinguished patients
with MS or SLE from
healthy subjects

Cutoff score 3/4

Sensitivity to change Yes Yes
See Other scales.
A.J. Dittner et al. / Journal of Psychosomatic Research 56 (2004) 157170 160
Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS) [58]
The FIS, also called the Fisk Fatigue Severity Score
(FFSS), seeks to assess the impact of fatigue on different
areas of functioning (cognitive, physical and psychosocial)
rather than fatigue severity or phenomenology. It has good
internal consistency and correlates (r = .51) with the
Sickness Impact Profile (a measure of general health status
based on a patients description of how their functioning has
been affected by their disease). The FIS was validated in a
sample of patients with MS and hypertension, and signifi-
cant differences were found in the scores of these two
groups of patients on all subscales.
The FIS is an effective tool for assessing the impact of
fatigue on patients lives. Validation in primary biliary
cirrhosis patients has shown good reproducibility, suggest-
ing that the scale could be of use in intervention trials [59].
The wording does assume that the patient is suffering from
fatigue (because of my fatigue. . .), but this also allows a
measure of attribution. The Daily Fatigue Impact Scale
(DFIS) [60] has been developed from the FIS to assess
daily changes in fatigue. Validated in patients suffering from
flu-like illness, it has good internal consistency, construct
validity and sensitivity to change.
Number of citations: 36.
Examples of use: MS [61,62], primary biliary cirrhosis
[59,63], stroke [64] and brain injury [18].
Fatigue Rating Scale (FRS)
See FQ.
Fatigue Scale (FS)
See FQ.
Fatigue Questionnaire [65]
Also referred to as the FRS, the Chalder Fatigue Scale
and the FS, this scale was developed for hospital and
community studies of patients with CFS and has been used
in this population in many studies since (first published in
Ref. [66]). The FQ consists of 11 items measuring fatigue-
related symptoms and loading onto two dimensions
physical and mental fatigue. This structure has been repli-
cated in subsequent studies [67,68]. The scale was validated
May and Kline
Adjective Checklist
PearsonByars Fatigue
Feeling Checklist Rhoten Fatigue Scale
Severity Phenomenology and
Severity Severity Phenomenology and
4 vigour, 4 affect 16 2 checklists, each with
13 items
1 10
Visual analogue 9-point Likert Checklist 10-point Likert 5-point Likert
1 vigour, 1 affect 1 1 1 1
Psychiatric Nonclinical Nonclinical General medical Primary care and CFS
Nonclinical and
depressed patients
Nonclinical male
male (48)
Postsurgical cancer
patients (5)
Primary care (1593)
and CFS (770)

Ratings of alertness
and sleepiness
Weakly associated
with activity based
measure of fatigue

depressed and
healthy subjects
between fatigued
men returning from
exercise and
nonfatigued subjects
nonclinical sample after
fatigue-inducing task
from control group
Discriminates between
patients with CFS and
primary care patients
SOFA/CFS 1/2 or 2/3
and SOFA/GP 2 /3
A.J. Dittner et al. / Journal of Psychosomatic Research 56 (2004) 157170 161
against a fatigue item in the CIS, and a cutoff of 3/4 is
recommended for identifying significant fatigue.
The scale has good clinical validity supported by a
population study of fatigue in the general population [68].
FQ scores were continuously distributed with higher scores
seen amongst those receiving disability allowances and
those reporting disease and current health problems. The
validity of the FQ in assessing fatigue in the general
population suggests that it is a useful tool for assessing
fatigue in a variety of medical disorders, although the
presence of primary physical or cognitive dysfunction may
confound interpretations of the responses. It has been used
to assess fatigue in patients with conditions such as cancer
and HIV and in general medical patients and Gulf War
Table 2
Multidimensional fatigue scales, characteristics and properties
Scale name
Cancer Fatigue
What is
and severity
and severity
and severity
severity, impact and
possible triggers
severity and
of items
15 20 50 29 12
Scale type 5-point Likert 7-point Likert scale 4-point Likert scale 7-point Likert Yes/No
Number of
or factors
3 4 5 4 5
Cancer CFS Conditions with
associated energy-deficient
states and research
General medical MS
sample(s) (n)
Cancer (307) CFS (298) Severe insomnia (372) Lyme disease,
CFS, post-Lyme
chronic fatigue, SLE, MS
and dysthymia and
controls (235)
MS (155)
0.88 0.90 0.720.97 0.700.91
Test retest
0.69 Nk 0.290.69
VAS-F Maslach Burnout
Survey (MBI-GS)
exhaustion subscale
Sleepiness and
scales with the
Epworth Sleepiness
Scale [125] and all
scales with number
of reported sleep problems
Subscale 1 with
RAND Vitality Index
[126], subscale 3 weakly
with Enervation Scale [127]
Detects fatigue
from nonfatigue in
cancer population
Discriminates amongst
CFS patients or
MS patients,
healthy controls
and different
occupational groups
Discriminates between
patients and controls and
some differences between
patient groups

Cutoff score(s) 18/19

to change
See Other scales.
A.J. Dittner et al. / Journal of Psychosomatic Research 56 (2004) 157170 162
veterans, although there is limited information as to its
validity in these groups. It owes its popularity to its efficacy
and the ease and speed with which it can be completed.
Number of citations: 174.
Examples of use: CFS [6971], HIV [72], general
population [68], cancer [73], Gulf War veterans [74] and
MS [75,76].
Fisk Fatigue Severity Score
See FIS.
Fatigue Severity Inventory
See FAI.
Fatigue Symptom Inventory (FSI) [77]
This multidimensional scale measures, in addition to
severity, the duration of fatigue and its impact on quality
of life in cancer patients. The initial standardisation sample
consisted of women undergoing treatment for breast cancer,
those who had completed breast cancer treatment and those
who had never been diagnosed with cancer. It was shown to
Impact Intensity, impact,
aspects related
to fatigue
Severity Phenomenology Severity, impact
and duration
Severity, impact,
distress and timing
severity and
40 56 11 30 13 16 20
5-point Likert Likert Yes/no response
or 4-point Likert
Checklist 11-point Likert 100-mm visual
analogue, later
changed to 10-point
3 3 2 3 3 5 5
MS HIV CFS Nonclinical Cancer Rheumatoid
MS and
hypertension (105)
HIV (54)
Primary care
Women who had
received or who were
undergoing treatment for
breast cancer and women
without cancer (270)
clinic attenders
Cancer and
CFS patients,
0.93 0.94 0.880.90 > 0.94 0.93 0.84
0.43 0.350.75 (clinical),
0.100.74 (controls)

Sickness Impact
Profile (SIP) [128]
Revised Clinical
Interview Schedule [129]
(CIS-R) fatigue question
POMS-F and SF-36-vitality POMS-F, and
Significant difference
between scores of MS
and hypertensive
patients on all scales
Discriminates between
patients with and without
fatigue assessed on CIS
Sensitive to fatigue
in both breast cancer
population and in a
noncancer population
Detects significant
differences in fatigue
between patients
and controls


A.J. Dittner et al. / Journal of Psychosomatic Research 56 (2004) 157170 163
have moderately good psychometric properties, although the
test retest reliability was, in the authors own words, weak
to moderate.
The scale has since been validated in a different cancer
conditions [78] consisting of both male and female patients
including the elderly, although there remains no evidence on
its sensitivity to change over time or with treatment.
Overall, however, the scales validity in both genders, a
wide age range and a variety of cancer diagnoses makes it a
useful tool in assessing the impact and duration of fatigue.
Although, to date, the scale has only been used in cancer
studies, it reflects generic aspects of fatigue that may make it
suitable for use in other populations.
Number of citations: 19.
Examples of use: cancer [7880].
Fisk Fatigue Severity Score
See FIS.
Table 2 (continued )
Scale name MFSI PFS PFRS
Revised PFS SOFI-Revised
rating of
PE and
What is
and severity
and severity
and severity
and severity
and severity
and severity
Severity Severity
Number of
30 76 54 22 20 28 2 18
Scale type 5-point
Number of
or factors
5 7 4 4 5 4 2 2
Cancer Cancer CFS Cancer Nonclinical Cancer None General
sample(s) (n)
Women who
had received
or who were
treatment for
breast cancer
and women
without history
of cancer (345)
CFS patients
and controls
Breast cancer
survivors (382)
patients and
with sleep
0.850.96 0.85 Fatigue
0.97 0.92 0.97 0.910.96
test retest
>0.50 Fatigue
FQ CR10 [130],
measure of
PE and
ME and
with SSS
ancer and
patients (except
mental fatigue)
groups by
fatigue level
receiving and
not receiving

Cutoff score(s)
to change
A.J. Dittner et al. / Journal of Psychosomatic Research 56 (2004) 157170 164
Lee Fatigue Scale (LFS)
See Visual Analogue Scale for Fatigue (VAS-F).
Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue (MAF) scale and
the Global Fatigue Index (GFI) [81]
Although in principle a multidimensional scale, the MAF
was designed to generate a single score, the GFI, from 15
items in five separate dimensions: Degree, Severity, Dis-
tress, Impact on activities of daily living and Timing [82]. A
further item, not included in the GFI, measures change in
fatigue over the past week. This instrument is unusual in
that it allows patients to miss out irrelevant questions on the
activities of daily living subscale.
Originally rated using visual analogue scales [81], later
versions have employed 10-point numerical rating scales,
still referred to as the MAF. In both forms, reasonable
psychometric properties have been established although
more information is needed as to the scales test retest
reliability and sensitivity to change over time. It has been
found to be a valid and reliable measure for use in HIV [82],
although its construct validity and appropriateness for use in
cancer patients have been questioned [83].
Number of citations: 37.
Examples of use: rheumatoid arthritis [84,85], Cancer
[83], MS [86]
Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20) [87]
This widely used measure consists of five subscales
General fatigue, Physical fatigue, Mental fatigue, Reduced
motivation and Reduced activity. Internal consistency is
good for all subscales as are test retest reliability results
(general fatigue r = .83, physical fatigue r = .87, reduced
activity r = .84, reduced motivation r = .80 and mental
fatigue r = .74) [88].
However, although it is one of the most comprehensive
and promising fatigue measures currently available for use
in cancer patients, it has been suggested that the scale
needs further development before use in a clinical setting
[83,87,89,90]. In the initial validation study, there were
some surprising findings, e.g., the general fatigue scale did
not discriminate between cancer patients and students, and
students were found to have higher scores (i.e., more
fatigue) than cancer patients on the mental fatigue scale.
It also appeared that with the exception of the mental
fatigue scale, all of the subscales behaved somewhat
similarly, suggesting that the distinction between dimen-
sions may not be as important as initially claimed. In a
later test of the scales psychometric properties [83], a five-
factor solution was obtained but with very different item
loadings, which also suggests problems with the dimen-
sional structure.
In a recent study, the MFI-20 was shown to discriminate
between patients with and without Parkinsons disease [55],
although the contribution of non-fatigue-related parkinso-
nian motor and cognitive symptoms was not clear.
Number of citations: 99.
Examples of use: cancer [9194], Sjogrens syndrome
[95], Parkinsons disease [55], chronic obstructive pulmo-
nary disease [96], rheumatoid arthritis [97].
Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory (MFSI) [89]
The MFSI assesses five dimensions of fatigue: Global
experience, Somatic symptoms, Cognitive symptoms, Affec-
tive symptoms and Behavioural symptoms. The standardisa-
tion sample consisted of women who had received treatment
for breast cancer and women who had no history of cancer.
The MFSI was found to have good psychometric prop-
erties. The scales factor structure shows a reasonable fit with
the originally conceptualised dimensions, although different
labelling is used (General fatigue, Emotional fatigue, Phys-
ical fatigue, Mental fatigue and Vigour). The MFSI has
excellent internal consistency, good test retest reliability,
convergent validity and divergent validity for all dimen-
sions. It also has diagnostic validity, with significant differ-
ences between scores of cancer patients and noncancer
patients on subscales of General fatigue, Emotional fatigue,
Physical fatigue and Vigour.
The authors suggest that, as the MFSI contains no
reference to any medical diagnosis or disease, it may well
be of use in assessing fatigue in other clinical and healthy
populations and for making baseline assessments in patients
about to undergo treatment that may cause fatigue. With
appropriate validation, the MFSI is a potentially valuable
tool in both research and clinical settings, although its length
may limit its usefulness.
Number of citations: 16.
Examples of use: none to date.
Piper Fatigue Scale (PFS) [98]
The PFS, developed for use in research in cancer patients,
has received various criticisms. It takes a long time to
complete and patients have had difficulty understanding it.
In addition, the wording assumes that the patient is already
suffering from fatigue, requiring initial screening before use.
In terms of psychometric qualities, the original version has
some shortcomings. Firstly, factor analytical techniques were
not used to establish the validity of the dimensional structure.
Secondly, the scale was validated on only 42 patients. Finally,
although the internal consistency is high, concurrent validity
measures are only moderate. In fact, when used together with
the Fatigue Symptom Checklist (FSCL) (see Other
scales), the only correlations found were with mood-related
items on the PFS, while total PFS fatigue score did not
correlate with any of the items on the FSCL.
Number of citations: 64.
Examples of use: cancer [99], HIV [100], chronic ob-
structive pulmonary disease [101] (found to be unsuitable)
and well women [102].
Revised PFS [103]
In 1998, the Revised PFS was developed and validated
in a sample of women recovering from breast cancer.
A.J. Dittner et al. / Journal of Psychosomatic Research 56 (2004) 157170 165
Factor analysis revealed four dimensionsSensory, Affec-
tive meaning, Cognitive/mood and Behavioural/severity
and a number of redundant items were deleted. The
response format was also changed to a Likert scale,
making it easier to score. The internal consistency of the
new scale is high, and a recent study has found good
psychometric properties in a population of postpoliomye-
litis patients, including high concurrent validity with the
FQ (r = .80) and good test retest reliability results (r = .98).
Confusingly, this new version is still referred to as the PFS
in most reports.
Number of citations: 14.
Examples of use: older adults [104] and postpoliomye-
litis infection [105].
Schwartz Cancer Fatigue Scale (SCFS) [106]
The scale was developed for measuring cancer-related
fatigue. Factor analysis revealed a four-factor solution that
accounted for 70% of the variance. The factors were named
as Physical, Emotional, Cognitive and Temporal.
The 28-item scale is easy to administer and its psycho-
metric properties appear to be good. However, there is no
information as to its test retest reliability, and further
studies need to be carried out on larger samples to confirm
its diagnostic and discriminatory ability. A more recent
study in cancer patients has suggested a two-factor struc-
ture rather than the four-factor structure originally pro-
posed [107].
Number of citations: 12.
Examples of use: cancer [107].
Visual analogue ratings of physical energy (PE) and mental
energy (ME) [108]
These are simple, well-validated visual analogue scales
(from 0 = I have no energy at all to 100 = I am full of
energy), which are quick to complete and allow patients to
give different ratings for mental and physical dimensions.
Number of citations: 7.
Examples of use: healthy volunteers [109].
Visual Analogue Scale for Fatigue [110]
The VAS-F was designed to be a simple and quick
measure of fatigue and energy levels for patients in the
general medical population. As the name suggests, it
comprises a number of visual analogue scales organised
into energy and fatigue dimensions. The psychometric
properties are good, although as concurrent validity was
established using the Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS)
[111], it has been suggested that the VAS-F scale is unable
to distinguish between fatigue and sleepiness [18]. Simi-
larly, it has been found sensitive to morning and evening
changes in cancer patients [83]. It is sometimes called
the LFS.
Number of citations: 36.
Examples of use: HIV [100], cancer [83,112,113], brain
injury [18] and stroke [114].
Other scales
The measures considered so far have all been widely
used or, if new, have provided sufficient evidence to
evaluate aspects of their reliability, validity and utility. A
number of other scales have also been reported. These are
considered briefly for completeness and because they may
be the subject of future use and evaluation. Kirsh et al.
[115] investigated a single-item screening measure, I get
tired for no reason. It has not been validated against a
complete existing fatigue scale, and while it may prove
useful as a brief screening measure, it has the same
shortcomings as other single-item scales (see Ref. [39]).
The Profile of Fatigue-Related Symptoms (PFRS) [116] is
a multidimensional measure of symptoms associated with
CFS rather than fatigue itself. The Cancer-Related Fatigue
Distress Scale (CRFDS) [117] has good reliability but has
not been validated in any other studies. The Swedish
Occupational Fatigue Inventory (SOFI) [118], the Cancer
Fatigue Scale [113] and the FSCL [119] have not been
validated in English-speaking populations. The SOFA and
the FSCL were developed for occupational groups, and
while the FSCL has been validated in cancer patients, the
SOFA has been shown not to be a valid instrument in a
clinical population (also cancer patients). A new scale for
HIV, the HIV-Related Fatigue Scale (HRFS) [120], has
been developed by assembling items from a number of
other existing measures, although it has not yet been
adequately evaluated. The Fatigue, Anergia, Conscious-
ness, Energized and Sleepiness Adjective (FACES) check-
list [121] is a new 50-item multidimensional tool designed
to characterise different qualities of fatigue/sleep states
across conditions. It has been validated only in a sleep
disorder population, raising the possibility that it is mea-
suring constructs such as tiredness or sleepiness rather than
fatigue. Finally, the Fatigue Descriptive Scale (FDS) [122]
for MS correlates well with the FSS, but no other
psychometric information is available.
Fatigue assessment depends on a clear understanding of
the phenomenology and aetiology of fatigue within a
condition. In developing fatigue scales, there is a catch-
22 situation: before a concept can be measured, it must be
defined, and before a definition can be agreed, there must
exist an instrument for assessing phenomenology. There is
unfortunately no gold standard for fatigue, nor is there
ever likely to be.
There are a number of issues to be considered in
choosing a particular scale for research or clinical practice.
1. What aspects of fatigue are to be assessed and why?
As discussed above, the titles given to scales can be
misleading. Careful examination of the scale items and
evidence of convergent validity with other scales should
be undertaken to ensure that the instrument is measuring the
A.J. Dittner et al. / Journal of Psychosomatic Research 56 (2004) 157170 166
core concept intended by the investigator. For example,
some scales may be measuring tiredness or sleepiness rather
than a more typical fatigue experience.
No two scales measure exactly the same thing. Some
measure phenomenology and others measure fatigue sever-
ity or impact, while many assess a mixture of all these.
Choice of scale is dependent on what aspect(s) of fatigue
the clinician/researcher wishes to measure. It is also impor-
tant to consider the purpose of the assessment. Where a
scale is to be used to screen for, or diagnose, fatigue in
individual patients or groups of patients, the instrument
should have a proven ability to discriminate cases from
noncases, with acceptable levels of sensitivity and specific-
ity. For other studies seeking to describe fatigue severity or
impact, the scale must be sensitive to the full range of
presentations. Thus, while a brief instrument with a handful
of items may be sufficient for a screening test or use as part
of an epidemiological study, detailed investigations into
fatigue or the measurement of change would require longer
and more detailed questionnaires. Finally, where a scale is
to be used as an outcome measure in a clinical trial, it
should have proven sensitivity to change with disease
progression or treatment.
2. Should you choose a unidimensional or multidimen-
sional scale?
Unidimensional scales are designed to derive a single
score that captures heterogeneous symptoms and behaviours.
Such scales are often relatively brief, which makes them easy
and more economical to administer and score, and therefore
useful as outcome measures in large studies or as screening
instruments. Where well constructed, unidimensional scales
can show good levels of internal consistency and test retest
reliability. Multidimensional scales, on the other hand, are
typically longer but provide a detailed qualitative and quan-
titative assessment of fatigue. This can make them useful for
comparing profiles across conditions for descriptive research
or in seeking to identify mechanisms underlying specific
aspects of fatigue. However, the validity of individual sub-
scales may vary, with some (particularly those with only a
few items) having unacceptable reliability.
3. Is the scale suitable for use in your patient population?
Most scales have been designed for use in specific
populations. Ideally, such scales will have been validated,
e.g., in their ability to distinguish between cases and non-
cases and between different severities of fatigue within that
population or to be sensitive to change following treatment
or other intervention. Where there is no information on the
validity of a particular scale in the target population/condi-
tion, the clinician or researcher may choose to use a scale
designed for use in other populations; indeed, there are
many instances of this in the literature. However, in the
absence of independent validation, these studies should be
interpreted with caution.
At its simplest level, the validity of a scale can be
assessed in terms of its content. When using a scale in a
population other than that for which it was developed, it is
important to examine the individual items to assess any
overlap between fatigue-related and non-fatigue-related
symptoms. Fatigue in the normal population has symptoms
relating to physical and cognitive function and interacts with
depression and anxiety [123]. These same problems may
occur as a consequence of the disease in the absence of a
subjective experience of fatigue. A test score may therefore
confound aspects of disease symptomatology with fatigue
severity. Particular problems arise where the researcher or
clinician wishes to assess fatigue in children or older adults
where validity data are usually lacking.
Finally, patients with fatigue may have problems com-
pleting long questionnaires, particularly when the fatigue
measure is part of a larger assessment pack. The scale
chosen may therefore need to be a compromise between
practicality in administration and level of detail obtained.
There is clearly much to be done in the development of
new scales and in the further validation of those already in
existence. Even basic data on reliability are missing on
many scales; few provide evidence on sensitivity to change
or suggest cutoff scores for identifying levels of clinical
caseness. This latter shortcoming is particularly significant
given the prevalence of fatigue within the general popula-
tion. Although different scales are often used for cross
validation, there have been almost no direct comparisons
between the properties of different scales for specific
purposes. Finally, few scales have attended to the questions
of possible age, sex, ethnic, educational, cultural and socio-
economic factors. Given the wide range of mechanisms
probably underlying fatigue, differing manifestations and
confounding effects of disease symptoms and/or treatment,
it seems unlikely that any one fatigue scale will ever be
appropriate for measuring fatigue in all disease groups. It is
hoped that the present review will provide guidance on
choosing between available scales and highlight the need for
the development and validation of effective generic and
disease-specific measures.
This work was supported by a grant from the Parkinsons
Disease Society (UK).
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