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Isokinetic Strength Training of Kinetic Chain Exercises of A Professional Tennis Player With A Minor Partial Internal Abdominal Oblique Muscle Tear

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Physical Therapy in Sport 38 (2019) 23e29

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Case Studies

Isokinetic strength training of kinetic chain exercises of a professional

tennis player with a minor partial internal abdominal oblique muscle
tear e A case report
Ola Eriksrud a, *, Ali Ghelem b, Jan Cabri a
Department of Physical Performance, Norwegian School of Sports of Sciences, Oslo, Norway
Ali Ghelem AB, Stockholm, Sweden

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objective: To present a case of a right-handed professional tennis player with a left internal abdominal
Received 3 October 2018 oblique muscle tear sustained while serving. We document the progress of a rehabilitation program
Received in revised form consisting of primarily kinetic chain isokinetic strength training where symmetrical measurements
13 April 2019
(<10% side difference) of force and dynamic postural control were used as criteria for return to sport.
Accepted 19 April 2019
Methods: Isokinetic exercises (bilateral rotational pull, unilateral vertical press and unilateral anterior
push) to target trunk specific demands of the serve (flexion, rotation and lateral flexion) were done using
robotic resistance. Dynamic postural control was assessed using the hand reach star excursion balance
Abdominal strain
Dynamic postural control
test (HSEBT). The rehabilitation program lasted 3.5 weeks (eight sessions).
Isokinetic strength training Results: At baseline isokinetic strength tests that imposed concentric muscle function demands of the
injured muscle had lower force measurements (range: -32.1 to 71.9%). These force measurements
improved (range: 166.1e296.5%) and were symmetrical (range: þ1.6 to þ7.3%) on return to sport. In
addition, the HSEBT test with the greatest asymmetry (20 cm) improved to symmetrical (þ2 cm) on
return to sport.
Conclusion: Symmetrical isokinetic force and dynamic postural control measurements were successful
return to sport criteria as the player since has remained pain free (2 years).
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

1. Introduction symptoms and a delayed return to sport may occur (Dines et al.,
Muscle injuries are the most common type of injury in tennis Since tennis has become a faster game with increased force and
players who participate in competition (Gescheit et al., 2017). torque demands placed on trunk muscles (Abrams, Sheets,
Muscle strains are common at the abdominal site since they play an Andriacchi, & Safran, 2011), abdominal muscles may be more sus-
important role in force production, particularly during the serve ceptible to injuries. Therefore, addressing trunk specific mechanical
(Dines et al., 2015; Maquirriain, Ghisi, & Kokalj, 2007). The serve is determinants, kinematic (i.e. position and velocity) or kinetic var-
the most strenuous stroke in tennis (Elliott, Fleisig, Nicholls, & iables (i.e. angular momentum), of tennis serve performance may
Escamilia, 2003) and the trunk is at the center of energy flow guide rehabilitation programs and return to sport decision making
(Martin et al., 2014) by acting as a mechanical link between the (Ardern et al., 2016). Kinematic analyses have established that the
lower and upper extremities. Consequently, it is not surprising that trunk moves into extension, ipsilateral lateral flexion and rotation
abdominal muscle strains lead to a decreased performance or in the preparation phase with a subsequent flexion, contralateral
inability to participate in training and competition (Connell et al., lateral flexion and rotation in the acceleration and follow-through
2006). If not treated properly, recurrence of pain, prolongation of phases (Elliott, 2006; Kovacs & Ellenbecker, 2011; Tubez et al.,
2015; Wagner et al., 2014). Furthermore, trunk rotational angular
velocity (Gordon & Dapena, 2006) and flexion and lateral flexion
angular momentum (Bahamonde, 2000; Martin, Kulpa,
* Corresponding author. Department of Physical Performance, Norwegian School
Delamarche, & Bideau, 2013) significantly contribute to serve
of Sport Sciences, PO Box 4014, 0806, Oslo, Norway.
E-mail address: (O. Eriksrud). speed.
1466-853X/© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
24 O. Eriksrud et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 38 (2019) 23e29

Clinicians should preferable target these specific trunk me- Imaging (MRI), which confirmed a small tear at the insertion of left
chanical determinants in rehabilitation. Also, it has been advocated internal abdominal oblique at 11th rib (type 3A) (Mueller-
that both testing and training of dynamic postural control, mobility, Wohlfahrt et al., 2013) (Fig. 1). The prognosis was good and ex-
force, speed and power should be based on kinetic chain move- pected to heal in three to four weeks.
ments since they might have a greater potential to transfer to sport
performance (Ellenbecker & Roetert, 2004a; Helland et al., 2017;
Kibler, 1995). The HSEBT is a test of dynamic postural control that 2.2. Rehabilitation program
measure shoulder, trunk and lower extremity joint movement in-
teractions similar to those observed during the different phases of The rehabilitation program was managed using POLICE principle
the tennis serve (Elliott, 2006; Eriksrud, Federolf, Anderson, & in the management of acute injuries (i.e. protection, optimal
Cabri, 2018; Kovacs & Ellenbecker, 2011; Tubez et al., 2015; loading, ice and elevation) (Bleakley, Glasgow, & MacAuley, 2012).
Wagner et al., 2014). In fact, one HSEBT test has been reported to During the first week the primary focus was to control the in-
be correlated with serve speed (Eriksrud, Ghelem, Henrikson, flammatory process using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
Englund, & Brodin, 2018). Furthermore, useful exercises for (NSAID), cryotherapy, rest and light activities of daily living that did
strength and power from a standing position might be: 1) unilateral not provoke pain. However, the main emphasis of this case was
overhead press to target lateral flexion, 2) bilateral arm rotational optimal loading of trunk specific mechanical determinants of the
pull to target trunk rotation and 3) unilateral arm anterior inferior tennis serve. Upon return home (one week after injury) the NSAID
press to target trunk flexion and rotation. In fact, the unilateral was discontinued and a training program was implemented which
anterior inferior press is similar to the standing throwing test included (trunk mechanical determinant in parenthesis): 1) bilat-
described by Signorle and co-authors who reported good to eral hands left and right rotational pull (rotation), 2) left- and right-
excellent correlations between peak torque and serve speed hand vertical press (lateral flexion) and 3) left- and right-hand
(Signorile, Sandler, Smith, Stoutenberg, & Perry, 2005). New tech- anterior push (rotation and flexion) (see Fig. 4 for images of exer-
nologies (e.g. robotic resistance) allow for quantification of force, cises). All exercises were done using a robotic resistance (1080
speed and power of these tests, which can be used for objective Quantum, 1080 Motion Nordic AB, Stockholm, Sweden) which
documentation of baseline, progress, feedback and return to sport consists of a servo motor to control resistance load (concentric:
criteria. (Ardern et al., 2016). 1e50 kg; eccentric: 1e60 kg) and speed (concentric: 0.1e8.0 m s1;
We present a case report that describes the rehabilitation pro- eccentric: 0.1e6.0 m s1). The adjustable arm of the system allowed
gram targeting trunk specific mechanical determinants of the serve for different directions of external load and the above exercises to
in a professional tennis player with a small internal abdominal be performed in one system. For all exercises, the load was set to
oblique muscle tear (type 3A). Specifically, improvements to sym- 5 kg for both the concentric and eccentric phase, while the speed
metrical measurements (<10% side difference) of kinetic chain was set to 0.5 m s1 and 1.5 m s1 for the concentric and eccentric
isokinetic and dynamic postural control tests were used as return to phase, respectively (Fig. 2). The low resistance ensured that only
sport criteria. low forces were needed to accelerate the external load to the set
0.5 m s1 concentric speed limit. Once the concentric speed limit
was reached the remainder of the movement was isokinetic and the
2. Methods resistance accommodated to the force applied. Thus, the injured
player could determine the resistance experienced during a given
2.1. Case description exercise. This cannot be achieved using isoinertial free-weights or
pulley systems, since a given external load will impose a force
The player was a 39-year-old (92 kg, 192 cm) right handed demand that is greatest during the acceleration phase with a sub-
professional double tennis player on the Association of Tennis sequent decrease through the movement. Also, isokinetic resis-
Professionals tour. The player hurt himself during competition tance allowed the player to determine the resistance progression
while serving. He reported a left anterolateral trunk pain toward through the rehabilitation program as he could exert more force.
the insertions of abdominal muscles at the ribs. Afterwards, all During the repair phase a progression from isometric to isotonic
strokes became painful, particularly the smash and serve. At this and isokinetic strengthening without pain has been recommended
time the player had pain at rest, with overhead activities and with (Baoge et al., 2012). However, early onset of rehabilitation has been
activities that increased force demands (sit-up). Palpation around found to be advantageous in muscle strain injuries with pain <5/10
the insertions of the abdominals to the ribs were painful, too. The on the pain Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) on range of motion exer-
player consulted a physician who requested a Magnetic Resonance cises (Bayer, Magnusson, Kjaer, & Tendon Research Group, 2017).

Fig. 1. MRI of injury site (indicated by arrow) showing edema with fatty atrophy of the internal abdominal oblique muscle. Inferior view using STIR sequence (A) and T1 weighted
image (B). Lateral view using T1 weighted image (C).
O. Eriksrud et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 38 (2019) 23e29 25

Fig. 2. All exercises were done using robotic resistance. Start position of the left, right or both feet, could be defined by X and Y coordinates in cm on a marked raster on the floor.
Orientation of the player was defined based on degrees in relation to the machine ensuring reproducible positions of the athlete between sessions.

Unfortunately, Bayer and co-authors did not identify maximum each foot (stance foot) (Eriksrud, Federolf, Sæland, Litsos, & Cabri,
pain-level for their strength training program (Bayer et al., 2017). 2017). Procedures and reach direction definitions have been
Thus, we started with isokinetic strength training after seven days described in detail previously (Eriksrud et al., 2017). Based on
with a more conservative pain-level (NRS<3/10). Based on an similarity of elicited hip, trunk and shoulder joint movements
effective isokinetic strengthening program for performance in (Eriksrud, Federolf, et al., 2018) to the different phases of the tennis
golfers (Parker, Lagerhem, Hellstrom, & Olsson, 2017) three sets of serve (Elliott, 2006; Tubez et al., 2015) four horizontal reaches (L45,
five repetitions of each exercise were performed. The exercises R45, L135, R135) and two rotational reaches (LROT and RROT) were
were alternated between left and right hand or direction of tested on each foot. The reaches were performed on a testing mat
movement (rotation). All exercises were kept at the same load and designed for this purpose (Athletic Knowledge Nordic AB, Stock-
speed settings over the course of the four weeks (eight sessions). holm, Sweden - Fig. 3). Three to five practice trials were allowed,
General mobility exercises of the hip and shoulder were carried after which three valid reaches were recorded and the maximum
out during the first two weeks of the program. Specifically, hip value used for further analysis. These tests were performed in
extension, internal and external rotation mobility exercises where session one and seven (three weeks between tests). Evaluations of
performed in standing and half kneeling, which will impose a small the all HSEBT outcome measures were carried out using minimal
mobility demand on the trunk based on the pelvis moving relative detectable change (MDC) from session one to session seven
to the thorax. Shoulder horizontal abduction with scapular retrac- (Eriksrud et al., 2017).
tion and shoulder external rotation exercises were also performed
in standing. After two weeks, thoracic and trunk mobility exercises
were introduced. Specifically, bilateral rotation was done in quad- 3. Results
ruped and standing, while bilateral lateral flexion and extension
were done in standing. Each exercise was performed dynamically in At session one exercises that required concentric function of the
three sets of 30 repetitions, five to seven times per week. left internal abdominal oblique (bilateral hands left rotational pull,
right hand unilateral vertical press and right hand anterior unilat-
2.3. Tests eral push) had lower force measurements (32.1 to 71.9%) than

Isokinetic force measurements were obtained from the reha-

bilitation exercises previously described. A coordinate system on
the floor was used to ensure the same player position relative to
external load for each set and session. The force data were collected
from the first set (five repetitions) of each exercise in each session.
For each repetition the mean force was calculated. The repetitions
with highest and lowest mean force (N) were ignored and the mean
of the three remaining repetitions was calculated and used as
outcome measurement. This was done for all exercises and for all
eight training sessions. Fig. 3. Visual representation of HSEBT reach measurements (photographs) on the left
Dynamic postural control and functional mobility were assessed and right foot with reach distances for session 1 (grey numbers and dotted lines) and
using the HSEBT, which consists of 10 hand reaches performed on session 7 (black numbers and whole line).
26 O. Eriksrud et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 38 (2019) 23e29

Fig. 4. Mean isokinetic force measurements for all exercises (images) over eight sessions (four weeks). Dotted and whole lines show exercises that require concentric muscle
function of the left and right internal abdominal oblique respectively.

their contralateral counterparts (Table 1, Fig. 4). Furthermore, of the rotational force was observed (þ1.6%) (Table 1). Also, the greatest
dynamic postural control tests only the left foot L45 reach had a improvements in force measurements were observed in the exer-
lower measurement when compared to the contralateral test using cises that required left internal abdominal oblique concentric
MDC values (Table 2, Fig. 3). After session six (2.5 weeks) all exer- muscle function (166.1e296.5%) (Table 1). At this time the player
cises were performed without pain and the player to returned to started to practice serves with a pain-level (NRS <3/10) deter-
practice forehand and backhand strokes with pain-level (NRS <3/ mining intensity. The player returned to sport one month after the
10) determining intensity. The player was an active decision maker start of the rehabilitation and five weeks after the injury. At two
as both coach and player agreed not to return to competition due to year follow up no recurrent injury to this anatomic site was
asymmetry of trunk rotational force (12.6%), apprehensive in reported.
attempting to serve (psychological readiness of Step 2 of the Stra-
tegic Assessment of Risk and Risk Tolerance (StARRT)), and not 4. Discussion
willing to take the risk of missing an upcoming Grand Slam Tour-
nament (Step 3 StARRT) (Shrier, 2015). At session seven the greatest To our knowledge this case study is the first to use a kinetic
improvement in dynamic postural control measurements was chain isokinetic strength training program to target established
observed for the left foot L45 reach (20 cm) (Table 2). Also, left foot trunk specific mechanical determinants of tennis serve perfor-
L135, right foot R135 reach and right foot right rotational reach mance on a player with a partial tear of internal abdominal oblique
measurements improved more than established MDC values muscle (Type 3A) (Mueller-Wohlfahrt et al., 2013). Furthermore,
(Table 2). At session eight (3.5 weeks) force measurements for all this case provide insight into how symmetrical measurements of
exercises had improved (43.8e296.5%), and a greater symmetry of sport specific kinetic chain exercises, isokinetic and dynamic

Table 1
Isokinetic tests with side differences and changes.

Test Session 1 Session 6 Session 8 Change

Force (N) Asymmetry (%) Force Asymmetry (%) Force (N) Asymmetry (%) Session 1 to 8 (%)

Bilateral hands left rotational pull 102 32.1 261 12.6 309 þ1.6 202.9
Bilateral hands right rotational pull 141 296 304 115.6
Left hand unilateral vertical press 121 71.9 210 4.4 211 þ6.9 74.4
Right hand unilateral vertical press 57 201 226 296.5
Left hand anterior unilateral push 203 53.0 272 þ5.0 292 þ7.3 43.8
Right hand anterior unilateral push 118 286 314 166.1

Note. e and þ sign denotes percentage asymmetries of tests that concentrically imposes a demand on the left relative to the right internal abdominal oblique muscle.
O. Eriksrud et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 38 (2019) 23e29 27

Table 2
Hand reach star excursion balance tests measurements with side differences and improvements.

Test Session 1 Session 7 Improvement MDC

Measure Difference Measure Difference Session 1 to 7

L foot R45 reach (cm) 81 2 82 2 1 1.8e2.8

R foot L45 reach (cm) 79 80 1 1.7e2.4
L foot L45 reach (cm) 44 17 64 2 20 1.5e1.7
R foot R45 reach (cm) 61 62 1 2.1
L foot L135 reach (cm) 77 0 82 0 5 3.9e4.2
R foot R135 reach (cm) 77 82 5 3.3e3.9
L foot R135 reach (cm) 47 5 50 1 3 5.5e7.9
R foot L135 reach (cm) 52 51 1 5.7e7.2
L foot LROT reach (deg) 125 2 126 1 1 5.2e6.3
R foot LROT reach (deg) 123 127 4 5.2e6.6
L foot RROT reach (deg) 115 3 115 5 0 4.7e5.1
R foot RROT reach (deg) 112 120 8 5.1e7.2

Note. R ¼ Right, L ¼ Left; 45 ¼ 45 relative to anterior surface of body; 135 ¼ 135 relative to anterior surface of body: ROT ¼ Rotation; cm ¼ centimeter; deg ¼ degrees;
MDC ¼ Minimal detectable change.

postural control, can be used in the return to sport decision-making apprehensive in attempting to serve. Then, at session eight, when
process. the player returned to sport, no mean force deficits were observed
Current strength and power tests and exercises used to target and the player was more confident in the serve.
serve performance include the standing throwing test (Signorile The symmetrical force measurement criteria for the different
et al., 2005), isolated isokinetic tests (Roetert, McCormick, Brown, exercises was considered a minimum as handedness could influ-
& Ellenbecker, 1996), static back extension (Baiget, Corbi, Fuentes, ence the force output in these exercises. Since we did not have any
& Fernandez-Fernandez, 2016) and different medicine ball throws reference values the criteria was based on previously reported
(Maquirriain et al., 2007; Roetert et al., 1996; Ulbricht, Fernandez- trunk isokinetic strength measurements of symmetrical rotation
Fernandez, Mendez-Villanueva, & Ferrauti, 2016). Of these tests (Ellenbecker & Roetert, 2004a). However, greater isokinetic
only the standing throwing and medicine ball throws capture the strength in lateral flexion toward the non-dominant side have been
trunk mechanical determinants associated with the tennis serve reported (Andersson, Sward, & Thorstensson, 1988). Furthermore,
action in kinetic chain movement patterns. However, quantification electromyography (EMG) studies indicate that asymmetrical find-
of these tests have been limited to mostly throwing distance ings could be expected since asymmetrical trunk muscle function
(Fernandez-Fernandez, Ulbricht, & Ferrauti, 2014), with the with high normalized activity have been observed (Chow, Park, &
exception of Signorile and co-authors who measured peak torque, Tillman, 2009; Chow, Shim, & Lim, 2003). In addition, asymmet-
average power and total work in a diagonal inferior push using a rical hypertrophic changes of abdominal muscles have also been
standard isokinetic dynamometer (Signorile et al., 2005). reported (Connell et al., 2006). Thus, the symmetrical isokinetic
The use of robotic resistance allowed us to obtain force mea- force measurement criteria for return to sport might therefore be a
surements of kinetic chain exercises that targeted trunk mechanical minimum requirement. Since this case study is the first to quantify
determinants to the serve action in every session. This was valuable kinetic chain isokinetic exercises specific to the tennis serve, it
information for us in the return to sport decision making process. provides a start from which reference values can be explored. In
Since the isokinetic exercises were based on serve specific trunk fact, such isokinetic profiles have been called for (Ellenbecker &
mechanical determinants, the most painful of the tennis strokes Roetert, 2004b).
after injury, we were confident that trunk function was improving. In combination with average isokinetic force, the HSEBT mea-
However, it can be argued that the kinetic chain exercises used in surements were also used in the return to sport decision making.
the current case were not specific enough in isolating and targeting Specifically, the left foot L45 reach had the greatest side difference
the left internal abdominal oblique muscle. Furthermore, multiple (17 cm) and subsequent improvement (20 cm). Consistent with the
trunk muscles contribute to the trunk movements associated with findings of the isokinetic exercises, this reach might require a
the different exercises. Nonetheless, the observed force impair- greater concentric contribution of the internal abdominal oblique
ments at baseline are consistent with the partial left internal since flexion, left rotation and lateral flexion are the trunk move-
abdominal oblique muscle tear (type 3A) diagnosis as tests that ments elicited by this reach (Eriksrud, Federolf, et al., 2018). How-
require concentric muscle function of flexion (right hand anterior ever, it was surprising that none of the reaches that challenge the
push), left lateral flexion (right hand unilateral press) and rotation internal abdominal oblique muscle eccentrically (L135 and R135)
(bilateral hands left rotational pull) showed a force deficit ranging had a side difference greater than the reported MDC values
from 32.1 to 71.9% (Table 1). Based on these observations and (Eriksrud et al., 2017). We speculated that these findings could be
the absence of reference values, different cohorts and the player due to all L135 and R135 reaches tested at session 1 being affected.
himself, the symmetrical isokinetic force measurement criteria However, it appears that only two of these reaches were affected,
(Step 1 of the StARRT framework) (Shrier, 2015) for return to sport since the left foot L135 and right foot R135 reach improved beyond
seemed reasonable. It is important to note that this was a shared reported MDC values (5 cm) (Eriksrud et al., 2017). Furthermore, it
decision with the player (Ardern et al., 2016). might be that L135 and R135 reach measurements are still limited
The established return to sport criteria proved to be important at session seven. This is supported by comparisons to the greater
at session six since there was no pain during any of the exercises, reported reach measurements in national and international level
but there were asymmetrical force measurements ranging tennis players, where the dominant foot L135 reach was reported to
from 12.6 to þ5.0%. During this session both the coach and the be significantly correlated with serve speed (Eriksrud, Ghelem,
player agreed that return to competition should be postponed et al., 2018). Since dynamic postural control tests have not been
based on the force symmetry criteria, and that the player felt widely used to assess tennis players (Eriksrud, Ghelem, et al., 2018),
28 O. Eriksrud et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 38 (2019) 23e29

it might be that other hand reach based test such as the Upper stability, and pitch velocity. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research/
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Conflicts of interest
Medicine Australia, 6(1), 76e87.
Eriksrud, O., Federolf, P., Anderson, P., & Cabri, J. (2018). Hand reach star excursion
The first and second authors are shareholders in 1080 Motion balance test: An alternative test for dynamic postural control and functional
mobility. PLoS One, 13(5), e0196813.
Nordic AB that commercially distributes 1080 Quantum.
Eriksrud, O., Federolf, P., Sæland, F., Litsos, S., & Cabri, J. (2017). Reliability and
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Written informed consent and permission to use information lower body power tests predict serve performance in national and international
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