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Keith Small Quranic Window New Testament Textual History

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A Quranic Window onto New Testament
Textual History
Keith E. Small, PhD
Introduction: The Two Goals of
Textual Criticism
Traditionally, Textual criticism as
applied to the Greek text of the New
Testament (NT) has had two goals, 1)
recovering as much of the original form
of the text as possible, and 2) tracing
the historical development of the text as
it has been transmitted through manu-
scripts. In the last two decades, the goal
of recovering the original text has been
called into question under the influence
of post-modern literary theories and
also increased understanding of the
dynamics of ancient book production.
With this, there has been an accompa-
nying call to redirect scholarly efforts
toward the second goal of tracing the
history of the development of the text.
Though it was not the only influence
directing this trend, a major voice ex-
pressing doubt over the traditional cer-
tainties of being able to recover the
original text has been Dr. Bart Ehrman,
with his landmark 1993 book, The Or-
thodox Corruption of Scripture,
his 2005 popularization of that book,

Keith E. Small has received a Master of
Theology and written his PhD thesis in
Islamic Studies. His focus of research is
applying New Testament textual criticism
methods to early Quran manuscripts.
Bart D. Ehrman, The Orthodox Corrup-
tion of Scripture, Oxford 1993.
Misquoting Jesus,
which made it to the
top of the New York Times bestseller
list. Both of these books assert that ear-
ly Christian scholars changed the text
of the Gospels for intentional dogmatic
reasons to such a degree that we cannot
be sure of the text of the NT.
The arguments of these books have
been discussed in many other books
and articles so I will not critique them
here other than to say that all of the
examples Ehrman cites can be legiti-
mately explained in terms of normal
scribal practices which do not call the
basic integrity and reliability of the NT
text into question. At the root of the
disagreement is not mainly a methodo-
logical problem but more a pre-
suppositional one which depends on
views one takes at the outset concern-
ing the early history of Christianity.
some ways, what has resulted is a
stalemate with increasingly polarised
camps: those who think the historical
sources support a reliably transmitted
text and those who do not.
I think that the Quran manuscript
tradition can open a window of poten-
tial escape from this stalemate by

Bart D. Ehrman, Misquoting Jesus, New
York 2005.
Michael W. Holmes, Reasoned Eclecti-
cism in New Testament Textual Criticism,
in: The Text of the New Testament in Con-
temporary Research, Studies and Docu-
ments, Grand Rapids 1995, pp. 336360.

providing a comparative situation for
examining issues of intentional dog-
matic change to religious texts. The
comparison the Quran tradition pro-
vides can be best viewed against the
backdrop provided by the views of the
main exponent of radical intentional
change to the NT text, Bart Ehrman.
Ehrman has provided plausible exam-
ples of sporadic, isolated changes made
to individual manuscripts that might be
the result of the desire to strengthen
particular views of Christ. However,
taking his strongest examples of this,
together with the testimony of the wid-
er NT manuscript tradition and early
Christian literature, there is not clear
evidence of widespread and precise
editing to establish a precise form of
the text of the NT, either before or after
it was gathered into a canonical collec-
tion and used liturgically as a cult ob-
ject in Christian worship. Instead, the
evidence, including that of intentional
textual variants, points to a largely in-
formal process of textual standardiza-
tion for the NT that was spread over
many centuries.
For the Quran, however, from both
its manuscript tradition and from within
the Islamic historical tradition there is
strong evidence of a more centralized
hand in the editing of its text from its
earliest recorded periods, and a strong
case can be made that the editing and
shaping was done for a combination of
political, dogmatic, and liturgical rea-
sons. The Quran underwent a more
formal process of textual standardiza-
tion which started with a major effort in
its first century and was largely fin-
ished within four centuries.
I would like to briefly examine
some of the evidence for the claims
being made mainly for the Quran.
Quran is a text whose history and man-
uscript tradition supports the develop-
ment of an intentionally shaped text,
different from what at the outset was
held to be sacred and used as scripture.
The evidence for this comes from four
main sources, the Hadith, the form of
the text found in the bulk of the Islamic
manuscript tradition, corrections in
Quran manuscripts, and the very few
Quranic palimpsests
that exist.
looking at each of these categories, I

More extensive comparisons are found
in the authors PhD thesis: Mapping a New
Country: Textual Criticism and Quran
Manuscripts, Brunel 2008, and his book,
Textual Criticism and Quran Manuscripts,
Lexington Books, 2011.
(Parts of) manuscripts from which the
text has been scraped off and which can be
used again.
Note the comment by Colin H. Roberts ,
Manuscript, Society and Belief in Early
Christian Egypt, London 1979, p. 15, re-
corded in Barbara Aland, The Significance
of the Chester Beatty Papyri in Early
Church History, in: Charles Horton (ed.),
The Earliest Gospels, London 2004, pp.
108-121, p. 109, To judge from their
hands, the earliest Christian books were
essentially books for use, not, as Jewish
Rolls of the Law sometimes were, almost
cult objects. At the outset it should be
noted that the Quran came to be used
liturgically much more quickly than the
NT. Part of the reason why might be that
the Quran came into a milieu that already
had established books of scripture among
Jews and Christians, so that there was an
added impetus for a new revelation to
conform to an established pattern of usage
among people of the Book. The written
Quran seems to have become a cult object
within a century of its initial inscription,
whereas for the NT it can be argued that it
took two to three centuries for this kind of
usage to develop into its normative use as it
took on its final canonical form.

will make some brief comparative
comments to the NT tradition.
1. The Hadith
The Hadith contain many reports of
portions of text that were supposedly
revealed to Muhammad as scripture and
used as such, but which did not make it
into the text of the Quran as we know
it now. Some of these are:
The story of the collection of the
Quran under Uthman which contains
the report that variant collections of
Quran material collected from Mu-
hammads companions were burnt after
they were gathered in and an official
version was collated.
If other literary
sources referring to these collections
are reliable, than these collections dif-
fered over length, content, precise
wording, and the internal order of the

There are accounts of other signifi-
cant portions of scripture which did not
make it into the Quran. These range
from individual verses, to extended
portions involving scores of verses, and
even to entire surahs.

Sahih al-Bukhari vol. 6, book 61, num-
ber 5:10.
The entire body of secondary citations to
these companions collections in early Is-
lamic grammatical and exegetical works
and in the Hadith are in view here, as are
collected in Arthur Jeffery, Materials for
the History of the Text of the Qur'$n, Lei-
den 1937, and Abd al-Al Salim Makram
and Ahmad Muktar Umar, Mujam al-
Qiraat al-Quraniyah, Maa Maqaddimah fi
Qiraat wa Ashhar al-Qurra, Third edn.,
Cairo 1997.
Two articles which conveniently list
these portions are Claude Gilliot, Un ver-
set manquant du Coran ou repute tel, in:
Marie-Therese Urvoy (ed.), en hommage
au pere Jacques Jomier, o.p., Paris 2002,

Comparatively for the NT, the only
traditions of substantial portions of the
texts of the individual NT books that
may be missing or added in later are
sections like the long ending of Mark,
verses 16:9-20, the pericope of the
adulterous woman in John 7:538:11,
and a few isolated verses, which all
appear in actual manuscripts in the NT
manuscript tradition.

2. The Form of Text in the
Quranic Manuscript tradition
The great bulk of the Quranic man-
uscript tradition contains the same basic
form of consonantal text, even in the
great majority of the very earliest man-
uscripts. For instance, aside from early
orthography issues, the consonantal text
one finds in the oldest Quran in the
British Library which dates to the early
to mid 700s is basically the same as
the consonantal text in current printed
Qurans. One does not find variant
phrases, verses, or portions in the great
majority of the earliest manuscripts.
Only occasionally does one find a vari-
ant word. In fact, the degree of the lack
of variant readings in these manuscripts
is an evidence for a major edit-
ing/standardization project taking place
within the first Islamic century, as one
finds claimed in the Hadith.
This is in contrast to the NT manu-
script tradition which has textual vari-
ants of words, phrases, verses, and por-

and Hossein Modarressi, Early Debates on
the Integrity of the Quran, in: Studia Is-
lamica 77 (1993), pp. 539.
Some of these verses are Matthew 16:2-
3; 17:21; 18:11; 23:14; Mark 7:16; 9:44,
46; 11:26; 15:28; Luke 9:55-56; 22:19-20,
43-44; 23:17; 24:12, 40; Acts 15:34; 28:29;
Romans 16:24; 1 John 5:8,9.

tions in the earliest available manu-
scripts and also later manuscripts. This
is a situation which is also a common
one with other bodies of ancient litera-
ture preserved in multiple manu-
For the NT, the greatest influ-
ences of textual standardization were
external, and informal ones with the
destruction of manuscripts in the perse-
cution under Diocletian in the early
and perhaps in the refinement
of the text for use in liturgy in the 9th-
11th centuries in the Byzantine Em-
Even the text attributed to Luci-
an of Antioch from the late 3rd century
CE, thought by many to have been an
intentional recension, was only one of
many texts in use at the time, and only
accidently came into prominent use in
the wake of the Diocletian persecution
with the need to quickly replace de-
stroyed texts. It also was not an offi-
cially sponsored recension when it was
made. It was the effort of a private
Christian scholar, not an official recen-
sion made under the directives of a cen-
tral civic and religious authority.

See for example B.M. Metzger, Chapters
in the History of New Testament Textual
Criticism, New Testament Tools and Stu-
dies, Grand Rapids 1963, especially Chap-
ter V. Trends in the Textual Criticism of
the Iliad and the Mahabharata, and Wendy
Doniger O'Flaherty (ed.), The Critical
Study of Sacred Texts, Berkeley 1979.
Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland, The Text
of the New Testament, Leiden 1989#, p. 65.
Timothy J. Ralston, The Majority Text
and Byzantine Texttype Development: the
Significance of a Non-Parametric Method
of Data Analysis for the Exploration of
Manuscript Traditions, PhD thesis, Dallas
Theological Seminary University, 1994.
Philip W. Comfort, Encountering the
Manuscripts, Nashville 2005, pp. 274275.
3. Corrections in Manuscripts
In the NT tradition, there is a range
of kinds of corrections found in manu-
In general, corrections were
not made to establish a particular form
of the text, but rather were the work of
individual scholars to correct what they
thought were mostly grammatical, sty-
listic, and transmission mistakes. They
are corrections of what were perceived
as transcription errors. There is also the
possibility of some intentional changes
in isolated manuscripts made for theo-
logical reasons. What one does not find
are corrections made to fix extended
portions of text with a particular word-
ing which enshrines a particular doctri-
nal position or liturgical practice. These
can be found, though, with the Quran.
With the Quran, there are correc-
tions made to fix copyist errors, but
there are also corrections to establish a
particular, precise, authorized form of
the text. This is a text that came to be
viewed as the orthodox text but which
at first was possibly one of many ac-
cepted ways of reading the text. Here
are some pictures of these kinds of cor-
a) Words and phrases rubbed out
and replaced

See the examples of David Parker and
Dirk Jongkind in the excellent work they
have done isolating the work of individual
correctors in Codex Bezae and Codex
Sinaiticus respectively. D.C. Parker, Codex
Bezae: An Early Christian Manuscript and
its Text, Cambridge 1992; Dirk Jongkind,
Scribal Habits of Codex Sinaiticus, Text
and Studies, Piscataway 2007.
The first image is Bibliotheque Nationa-
le de Francais, Manuscrit Arabe 370a, f. 3r.
The second is from the UNESCO CD-
ROM, Sanaa Manuscripts, Memory of
the World. UNESCO. Cairo, Egypt: Ritsec
Cultureware, CD-ROM, image 045022B.

The first correction on lines two and
three of text in this image (lines four
and five on the manuscript page, see
figure 1 and 2 on page 31) was erased
thoroughly and replaced with text from
the current reading of Surah 14:39
which translates as Allah, who has
given me in my old age, referring to
Ismail and Ishaq. Then on the bottom
line, (line 13) two sections of text are
erased and replaced. In Surah 14:44 the
first erasure on this line looks to have
been over possibly up to three words
and was replaced with two, which are
translated, those who wronged. The
second reassure appears to have been
over two words which were replaced
with one which can be translated, a
little while.
The original line of text was thor-
oughly erased and replaced with the
current reading of text in a smaller and
more tightly written hand. This rewrit-
ten portion can be translated, those
who do not believe in the hereafter are
courting a sure agony and steeped in
dismal error (S. 34:8).

b) Multiple lines rubbed out and re-

The original line of text was thor-
oughly erased and replaced with the
current reading of text in a much small-
er and more tightly written hand which
also extends out into the left margin
(see figure 3 on page 31). This rewrit-
ten portion with portions of Surah 4:89-
90, lines twelve and thirteen, can be
make no friends with them until
they emigrate in the cause of Allah. But

This image is from the UNESCO CD-
ROM, 'Sanaa', image 133175B.
if they turn back, then capture them and
kill them wherever you find them, and
do not take anyone of them as a friend
or as a helper. (90) Different, however,
is the case of those who join a people
with whom you have a pact, or of those
who come over to you whilst their
hearts are constricted from fighting
against you or fighting against their
people. If Allah has do willed He
would have given them power.
When one examines what remains
of the erased or covered underlying
text, these corrections can be interpret-
ed as deliberate attempts to ensure that
the consonantal text conforms to what
has come to be regarded as the standard
form of text. The upper corrected por-
tions of text all conform to what is con-
sidered now to be the standard text. A
similar phenomenon was seen in NT
manuscripts in that sometimes the text
of a manuscript was corrected to the
reading of a text the scribe thought was
a better manuscript. The similarity
ends, though, in that the corrections in
the Quran manuscripts to regularize the
text were not isolated incidents accord-
ing to the judgement of an individual
scribe. These were part of a larger ideo-
logical campaign to create a completely
unified text of the Quran. The manu-
scripts pictured all had portions of text
that were erased where there was a por-
tion of consonantal text that was
deemed incorrect. One does not find in
the NT tradition such large erasures and
rewrites of text to match a standard
reading of the text as corrections to
4. Palimpsests
Quranic palimpsests provide an
even greater example of these phenom-
ena. There are very few of these manu-

scripts in existence, especially when
compared to the NT.
As regards the
kinds of textual variants they contain,
the underlying text in NT palimpsests
contain the same kinds of variants as
the rest of the NT tradition. The under-
lying text in all of the Quran palimp-
sests that have been studied so far pre-
sent a very different form of the text
compared to the rest of the manuscript
tradition. The underlying texts in Quran
palimpsests have word variants, phrase
variants, added and omitted verses. It
can be legitimately suggested that these
variations were erased and rewritten
with the kind of text now found in the
rest of the Quranic manuscript tradi-
tion. The underlying text was erased
and replaced with the consonantal text
now recognised as the standard ortho-
dox text which Islamic historical tradi-
tion states was established for a combi-
nation of political, dogmatic, and litur-
gical reasons. Also, even the smaller
corrections on the inferior and superior
texts align the reading more closely to
what later became the standard. In the
studies done so far on the inferior and
superior texts of these palimpsests,
there is a clear tendency to correct the
text toward what is now considered to
be its standard form.

Only six separate Quranic palimpsest
manuscripts are known to this author over
against 68 out of 310 majuscule New Tes-
tament manuscripts. This figure for the NT
is derived from B.M. Metzger and Bart D.
Ehrman, The Text of the New Testament,
Fourth edn., New York 2005, 22. For a list
of the Quranic palimpsests and other com-
parisons with NT palimpsests, see Keith E.
Small and Elisabeth Puin, UNESCO CD
of Sanaa MSS: Part III, in: Manuscripta
Orientalia 13 (2007), pp. 5971.
These studies are: Alba Fedeli, Early
Evidences of Variant Readings in Qur'$nic

Palimpsests in the NT tradition ap-
pear to have been done for primarily
economic reasons, to recycle parch-
ment, and were not done to establish a
particular form of the text. This is seen
primarily in that their underlying texts
contain the same kinds of variants as
are found in the rest of the NT manu-
script tradition. There is no qualitative
difference in their variants.
5. Conclusions
These comparative situations
demonstrate the importance of the se-
cond goal of textual criticism- tracing
the historical development of the text.
In the case of the Quran, it is actually
the main goal available to our study.
There are not enough primary source
materials available to say that the origi-
nal text can be recovered, especially if
the action attributed to Uthman was as
effective as the Islamic manuscript tra-
dition seems to present.
The effects of these un-intentioned
and well-intentioned textual changes in
later textual history, however, can be
cumulative and significant. They can
obscure the original form and meaning

Manuscripts in Karl-Heinz Ohlig and
Gerd-R. Puin (eds.), Die dunklen Anfnge,
Berlin: Hans Schiler, 2005, pp. 293316;
Elisabeth Puin, Ein frher Koranpalimpsest
aus Sanaa, in: Markus Gro and Karl-
Heinz Ohlig (eds.), Schlaglichter, Berlin
2008, pp. 461493; Elisabeth Puin, Ein
frher Koranpalimpsest aus Sanaa II (Dam
0127.1), in: Markus Gro and Karl-Heinz
Ohlig (eds.), Die Enstehung einer Weltreli-
gion I, Berlin: Schiler, 2010, pp. 233305;
Benham Sadeghi and Uwe Bergmann, The
Codex of a Companion of the Prophet and
the Qur'an of the Prophet, in: Arabica 57
(2010), 343436; Keith E. Small, and Eli-
sabeth Puin, UNESCO CD of Sanaa
MSS: Part III, in: Manuscripta Orientalia
13 (2007), pp. 5971.

of the text. Consider for the Quran what
Ehrman asserts concerning intentional
variants in the NT tradition:

by physically altering the
words, they (the scribes) did something
quite different from other exegetes, and
this difference is by no means to be
minimized. Whereas all readers change
a text when they construe it in their
minds, the scribes actually changed the
text on the page. As a result, they creat-
ed a new text, a new concatenation of
words over which future interpreters
would dispute, no longer having access
to the words of the original text, the
words produced by the author.
For the NT, the negative impact of
this phenomenon is diminished because
we have a wider representation of man-
uscripts available to us than early NT
scribes from which we can discern such
possible changes and rectify them.
With the Quran, however, there is not
such a widespread representation in the
manuscript tradition. Instead, the kinds
of variants one finds in corrected por-
tions, in the palimpsests and in the va-
riety of variants recorded in the sec-
ondary literature concerning the Quran
differ radically from what one finds in
the great majority of manuscripts.
Also, the Qurans text was precisely
standardized more quickly than was the
NT text, and with a potentially much
higher degree of centralized religio-
political influence in the editing pro-
cess. It is important to note that histori-
cal justifications of Uthmans action
usually emphasize not preserving the
full and true text of the Quran, but of
him authorizing an edited text in the
face of the necessity of maintaining

Ehrman, Corruption, p. 280.
Islamic unity and power in the political
context of the early Islamic conquests
and a budding religious civil war.

This context interjects the strong possi-
bility of political and theological mo-
tives behind Uthmans action to foster a
single book of divine authority which
would help undergird his personal reli-
gious and political authority.
Taking these factors into considera-
tion, Ehrmans observation above be-
comes more acute for the Quran textual
tradition than it is for that of the NT.
Whereas one can recover a reliable
version of the earliest form of the NT
text because of the informal and largely
unguided nature of its textual develop-
ment, for the Quran one cannot recover
a distinctive form of text preceding the
edited text produced in Islams first
century. The more original multiple
forms of text used during and just after
the lifetime of Muhammad cannot be
This window the Quran opens onto
the development of the text of the NT is
one of contrast. It is one of a largely
formal standardization process carried
out with political and religious inten-
tion as well as state authority, com-
pared to one that was a more informal
process with no centralized authority
exercised to precisely establish the text.

Labib as-Said, The Recited Koran,
Princeton 1975, pp. 2425.

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