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Teachers' Beliefs, Classroom Practices and Professional Development Towards Socio-Scientific Issues

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55 C. Bruguire et al. (eds.

), Topics and Trends in Current Science Education: 9th ESERA

Conference Selected Contributions, Contributions from Science Education Research 1,
DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7281-6_4, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014
1 Introduction
During the recent past, efforts have been devoted in several countries to introduce
socio-scientic issues (SSIs) in science curricula in an attempt to democratise
science in society and promote scientic literacy for all: global climate change and
energy systems, genetically modied food, nanotechnologies, gene therapy, phar-
maceuticals, etc. Associated with such concerns are debates, for example, about
Chapter 4
Teachers Beliefs, Classroom Practices
and Professional Development Towards
Socio- scientic Issues
Virginie Albe , Catherine Barru , Larry Bencze , Anne Kristine Byhring ,
Lyn Carter , Marcus Grace , Erik Knain , Dankert Kolst , Pedro Reis ,
and Erin Sperling
V. Albe (*) C. Barru
STEF , Ecole Normale Suprieure de Cachan , Cachan, France
L. Bencze E. Sperling
Department of Curriculum , Teaching and Learning, Ontario Institute
for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto , Toronto, Canada
A. K. Byhring E. Knain
Norwegian University of Life Sciences , s, Norway
L. Carter
Trescowthick School of Education , Australian Catholic University , Banyo, Australia
M. Grace
Southampton Education School , University of Southampton , Southampton, UK
D. Kolst
Department of Physics and Technology , University of Bergen , Bergen, Norway
P. Reis
Instituto de Educao , Universidade de Lisboa , Lisbon, Portugal
regulation of corporate actions. The educational aim is to prepare students for active
participation in society. Empirical research has been performed on pupils and
students reasoning, concept learning, argumentation processes and decision-
making (for literature review, see Sadler 2004 , 2009 ). The design and analysis of
teaching sequences and to a lesser extent the intentions of science teachers for
teaching such socio-scientic controversies have also been under investigation
(Lee et al. 2006 ; Sadler et al. 2006 ). As they have an essential role in supporting the
development of young peoples ability to engage with such issues, science teachers
viewpoints and teaching practices on SSIs also need to be investigated. A key agent
of any reform is likely to be the teacher, whose instruction may be inuenced by
her/his general perspectives and awareness of fruitful teaching strategies. Helms
( 1998 ) has noted, for instance, that teachers tend to emphasise teaching and learning
of content (e.g. laws and theories) because science subject matter tends to be
highly integrated into their professional identities. Consequently, they may not have
strong identities with SSI activities to support citizenship education and research-
informed activism.
2 Rationale: Teachers Commitments to SSI Activities
Researchers and national curricula call for the inclusion of SSI teaching in science
education because of its potential for creating a more real, humane image of scien-
tic activity and for promoting competencies essential to active and responsible
citizenship (Kolst 2001 ; Millar and Hunt 2002 ). They consider that the understand-
ing of what science is and how it is produced is crucial for citizens participation and
involvement in the evaluation of science and technology: a key element of demo-
cratic societies. Several studies have shown the usefulness of classroom discussion
of SSIs both in terms of science learning (its contents, processes and nature) and in
terms of the students cognitive, social, political, moral and ethical development
(Sadler 2004 ). Despite mandates for it and corresponding research and development
efforts, SSI education in school science remains relatively marginalised. Only some
science teachers implement these activities, even when the SSIs comprise the cur-
ricular content. The discussion of SSIs in schools has been found to depend on
several elements: (a) teachers management skills related to classroom discussions;
(b) teachers knowledge about the nature of science and the sociological, political,
ethical and economic aspects of those issues; (c) teachers conceptions regarding
science and science education; and (d) evaluation systems that value the discussion
of SSIs (Levinson and Turner 2001 ; Newton 1999 ; Reis and Galvo 2009 ).
School science systems tend to didactically emphasise instruction in products of
science (e.g. laws and theories). Such approaches can limit students exposure to con-
tentious issues (e.g. corporatism ; Carter 2005 ) that might discredit elds of professional
science (e.g. Hodson 2008 ). Where there is attention in school science systems to SSIs,
it often appears to be limited to asking students to negotiate contentious issues and to
develop arguments to defend their positions on them. It seems much rarer to ask
V. Albe et al.
students to take action(s) such as petitions to power brokers to address issues
(e.g. Lester et al. 2006 ). There are numerous reasons to support development of a more
activist citizenry through school science. Many suggest, for example, that potential
serious harm to individuals, societies and environments is sufcient warrant (e.g.
Hodson 2003 ). It also may be that students understanding of and argumentation sur-
rounding SSIs may be deepest when they enact plans of action to address them, because
deep/committed learning appears to require close, reciprocal relationships between
phenomena (e.g. toxins in foods) and representations (e.g. lobbying letters problema-
tising toxins in foods) of them (Wenger 1998 ). There are, undoubtedly, a myriad of
factors to consider when imagining school reform like greater student-led, research-
based, sociopolitical activism. SSIs involve concepts and arguments from diverse
elds of knowledge, several stakeholders with different perspectives and normally
also uncertain knowledge and value judgments. Participating in discussions on SSIs
involves process or methodological competencies: claims, arguments and values need
to be articulated, discussed, critically examined, assessed and applied in arguments
and decision-making. Moreover, ideally participants should to be able to develop
increased insight through reading, knowledge building and participation in community
efforts to contribute to knowledge development (Roth and Lee 2004 ). This combina-
tion of conceptual knowledge and application of these in diverse processes and diverse
arenas of debate implies that fruitful dealing with SSIs is a complex competence. A key
concern for SSI teaching is to develop students ability to cope with this complexity.
Interestingly, the different processes and competencies involved overlap signicantly
with the practices and competencies sought, developed and advanced in inquiry-based
science teaching (McVaugh 2010 ). As inquiry-based methods are not restricted only to
using rst-hand empirical evidence as data, it sometimes involves the collection and
analysis of evidence, claims and arguments put forward by others (e.g. by different
stakeholders in debates on SSIs). Moreover, IBST also seeks to develop a willingness
to question and modify ideas, ask questions, seek evidence and use evidence in argu-
mentation and varied communication for different purposes and audiences (Carlson
et al. 2003 ). Such habits of mind are also desirable for fruitful participation in debates
on SSI, thus strengthening the relevance of inquiry as an approach for SSI teaching.
When SSIs and IBST meet, there are two key concerns that need to be addressed.
One concern is that, in order to prepare for SSIs, the challenge that students
encounter in IBST needs a certain level of complexity in terms of open-endedness,
methods, resources and outcome (product). If we take seriously insights from
research on situated cognition, competencies sought and developed are structured
according to types of situations. A similar conclusion follows from literacy studies
(Barton 2007 ). Thus, a competence must be trained and assessed in situations with
some relevant similarity to the arenas where they are to be used later. The second
concern opposes the rst. Participating in SSIs demands a range of more specic
competencies that are orchestrated according to the demands of the situation, the
resources available and the interests of the speaker and the audience, as more
general literacy skills (Kress 2003 ). Successful teaching and assessment (both
formative and summative) calls for explicit instruction, modelling and students
reections on specic competencies if they are going to be developed. Moreover,
4 Teachers Beliefs, Classroom Practices and Professional Development
if all skills and competencies needed are to be developed simultaneously and when
working with complex issues, many students will experience cognitive overload.
These concerns mean that complexity needs to be reduced. This causes a dilemma
when teaching SSIs by IBST. On the one hand, the more specic competencies
become relevant and useful in the light of the purposes of the authentic, full com-
plexity. This calls for a top-down approach (from full problem to specic compe-
tencies to handle it). But for the competencies to be teachable, it would be better to
teach one at a time (a bottom-up approach). A solution to this challenge is to show
that it is possible to develop a range of complexities through IBST.
In this chapter, based on ve contributions to an ESERA 2011 symposium named
SSI Active Participation: Challenges and Possibilities, two research questions
have been investigated:
1. How do science teachers negotiate their contribution to a citizenship education
and SSI classroom discussions and activism?
2. How do SSIs and inquiry-based science teaching (IBST) meet to develop com-
plex competencies?
To address the rst question, three empirical research projects are convoked: a
qualitative study on teachers views on citizenship and SSI teaching in France
(Barru and Albe 2011 ), a meta-analysis of ve in-depth case studies centred on
Portuguese biology teachers that integrate SSI discussions in their classes (Reis and
Galvo 2009 ; Galvo et al. 2010 ) and an action-research project in Ontario focused
on teachers professional development towards promotion of student-led, research-
informed activism to address SSIs (Bencze et al. 2011 ; Sperling and Bencze 2010 ).
To address the second question, an action-research project that sought to develop
a group of teachers abilities to teach SSIs by means of IBST and to develop stu-
dents scientic literacy in handling complex socio-scientic environmental issues
has also been developed and analysed (Kolst and Knain 2011 ; Knain and Byhring
2011 ). With a theoretical framework built on Wallace ( 2004 ), which introduces
three foundational concepts for scientic literacy authenticity, multiple dis-
course and third space it is here considered that inquiry approaches in complex
environmental issues offer rich opportunities for transformations across different
authenticities, varied use of language and third space and thus literacy practices
relevant in out-of-school discourses on environmental issues.
3 Methodology
3.1 Documenting Teachers Contribution to a Citizenship
Education and SSI Classroom Discussions and Activism
With the aim of identifying trends in French middle school teachers contributions to
citizenship education through SSIs, a questionnaire was built around seven items
addressing pedagogical activities ( 1, 2), practices for teaching (3, 4, 5, 6) and teachers
V. Albe et al.
contributions, consistent with the different academic subjects through convergence
themes (7a) and with citizenship education (7b). This seventh item was attached to a
short extract of ofcial texts. These questionnaires were submitted to 69 teachers.
Moreover, ve case studies were selected for a meta-analysis from a larger
group published during the last decade (Reis and Galvo 2009 ; Galvo et al.
2010 ) and under a line of research and intervention aimed at supporting the imple-
mentation, in Portugal, of new science curricula that call for the discussion of
SSIs as a way of preparing students for an active, informed participation in soci-
ety. The selection of the ve case studies was based on the fact that the involved
teachers highlighted these activities in their plans as a context and a pretext to
develop students competencies. The Portuguese biology teachers who integrate
the discussion of SSIs in their classes had a wide range of teaching experience: 33,
33, 8, 5 and 3 years respectively.
All the selected in-depth case studies follow the same methodology, involving
the triangulation of information gathered through semi-structured interviews and
classroom observation. The interviews were carried out in school by the research-
ers before and after the observation of a sequence of successive classes. The
observed sequence of classes (planned and implemented by the participating
teacher) focused on topics considered by each teacher (during a previous inter-
view) suitable to address SSIs. The observation was designed to identify activities
used by the teacher in addressing these topics and to nd out whether (and how) he
or she made use of the discussion of SSIs. The researchers always adopted the role
of direct, nonparticipant observers. Both classroom observation notes and full tran-
scriptions of the interviews were subjected to content analysis through a model of
analytical induction (Bogdan and Biklen 1992 ). The meta-analysis of the ve case
studies was centred on identifying factors that inuence positively the classroom
discussion of SSIs.
Towards helping teachers to develop deep commitments to promotion of student
activism for addressing SSIs, a class of 16 student teachers was engaged in a 9-week
elective course in Ontario (Bencze et al. 2011 ; Sperling and Bencze 2010 ). The
student teachers were required to conduct primary (e.g. correlational studies of stu-
dents iPod uses) and secondary (e.g. Internet searches about toxins in electronics)
research as possible inuences on plans of action to address SSIs of their choosing.
Concurrent assignments helped them to consider the nature of research and activism
and to consider ways in which these activities may align with their instructional
identities. Data collected for understanding effects of student teachers research-
informed activism projects on their orientation towards promotion of such projects
in their future teaching balanced naturalistic and rationalist research perspectives
(Guba and Lincoln 1988 ).
Semi-structured interviews were conducted with student teachers (for 60 min)
prior to, during and after the course. Questions focused on their views about sci-
ence, teaching and actions in relation to (i) their ongoing primary and secondary
research and (ii) a stereotypical depiction of science in relation to technology and
society. During interviews, we explored student teachers trust in their primary and
secondary research.
4 Teachers Beliefs, Classroom Practices and Professional Development
Moreover, samples of products generated by student teachers were collected,
including issue descriptions, research plans, data collected, written reports, project
reections and action plans (including justication from primary and secondary
research and other sources).
As student teachers worked on in-class and between-class activities relating to
the project focus, eld notes were also written and later transcribed. Regarding
analyses, each researcher independently and repeatedly coded data for relevant
categories and then developed encompassing themes using constant compara-
tive methods based on constructivist grounded theory (Charmaz 2000 ). Codes,
categories and themes were then negotiated until consensus was reached. Member
checks with participants were then conducted to help ensure the trustworthiness
of claims, each of which was based on a minimum of three corroborating data
3.2 An Action-Research Project Based on IBST as the Way
and as the Goal to Deal with the Complexity of SSIs
A rst round in an action-research cycle was conducted in a rst-year class at an
upper secondary school north of Oslo. The school is a combined vocational and
general track school located in a rural area, but still within short driving distance
from Oslo. The teachers wanted to provide some thematic direction on students
work, but also to provide freedom for the students to go in a direction of their own
choosing and to start an inquiry into issues that were important and interesting to
them. These concerns were addressed by creating a starting page in a wiki with
paragraphs, each describing a broad issue primarily consistent with the natural sci-
ence curriculum (6 issues), but also with issues from the social science curriculum
(2 issues). Each paragraph contained a link to an empty page the start of students
further inquiries. In the rst cycle , the wiki introduced had a potential for inquiry
processes: students could engage in each others texts and they could create hyper-
links to each others pages. This happened to some degree. However, tensions in
the tacit understandings of the goals and methods of the project among the teachers
as well as weak scaffolding of the process made the wikis potential for passive
reproduction become signicant. Its similarities in appearance to Wikipedia may
have made students associate it with the genre of the lexicon article, and it was
possible to write the texts that would become the nal product right away. The
students did, as we all do, transform the task given into something that looked like
what they had previously experienced. The teacher-controlled dialogue, expecting
short answers that are quickly evaluated, seemed to be a resource also when stu-
dents discussed in pairs in front of the computer, resulting in short exchanges that
rapidly changed focus. Students wiki pages tended to be slightly modied
cut-and-paste texts from a single source, Wikipedia. Thus, there were few opportu-
nities for transformations across authenticities and little variations in language use
and third space was not important.
V. Albe et al.
To solve the problems mentioned with the wiki tool that became a kind of all-in-
one tool and the process dimension that became invisible in the overall frame of the
project, the following steps were taken for the second cycle of the action research:
each project was requested to have log page, a statement of problem to be enquired
into, a planning page and a results page. Each project was requested to include an
empirical investigation.
4 Results
4.1 Teachers Contribution to Citizenship Education
The distribution of the different teachers answers to the questionnaire on the
choice of quoted convergence themes assumes a logic of academic subjects. For
example, technology and physics teachers declared that they teach energy and
sustainable development, and biology teachers said they teach sustainable devel-
opment and health. Several teachers said they build specic activities for this
teaching: in conjunction with relevant professionals for some of them, in multidis-
ciplinary teaching for others. The responses show that teachers are aware of the
need to involve different practices, according to the activities that they design with
other teachers of the same academic subject or with other persons. Either they are
alone, or they delegate to a professional participant working outside the school,
whom they consider as most qualied to provide knowledge on selected topics.
For item 7a, three categories have emerged from data analysis: teachers who say
that they do not contribute to consistency between different subject matters, those
who say that they contribute to consistency by collaborative work and those who
stick to the ofcial curriculum. With regard to their contribution to citizenship
education (item 7b), a majority of teachers declared that they contributed to citi-
zenship education by developing pupils behaviours, others by developing new
practices and a minority considered that they contributed by building pupils
skills. The majority of teachers expressed promoting pupils attitudes such as
civility, respect for democratic rules and awareness of societys challenges.
Several teachers underlined the need to change school practices to contribute to
citizenship education. Their common thinking is to build a bridge between school
knowledge and what they called real life. They considered that it is necessary to
link teaching to pupils everyday lives to give meaning to knowledge and to
develop debate about convergence themes which are identied by teachers as
involving nonestablished knowledge. Finally, a minority of teachers states that
they contribute to citizenship education by trying to develop in pupils skills such
as searching for and evaluating information, argumentation and a critical mind.
Their aim is to develop pupils who are able to build their own argued opinion.
This view of citizenship education may be understood as critical emancipatory
citizenship education.
4 Teachers Beliefs, Classroom Practices and Professional Development
4.2 Factors Inuencing Implementation of Classroom
Discussions About SSIs
The meta-analysis of the ve case studies shows that the implementation of classroom
discussions of SSIs is related to (a) the teachers conceptions about science, science
education, curriculum and the educational relevance of these activities and (b) the
knowledge needed for their design, management and assessment.
All teachers reveal a conception of the curriculum that stresses the possibility for
teachers to manage content and to choose the educational experiences according to
the needs of society, students specic characteristics and the unique contexts in
which they live. In line with the latter, the teachers assume the role of curriculum
constructors (and not just consumers/executors) and are more concerned with how
to develop specic competencies that they consider relevant, than with the lengthy
curricular contents themselves. So, conceptions about the curriculum (and not the
curriculum itself) emerge as an important inhibitor of the attention that teachers pay
to the discussion of SSIs.
In all cases, teachers strong personal beliefs about the importance of promoting
discussion of SSIs and explicitly addressing aspects of the nature of science,
together with their in-depth knowledge of the subject matter, the aims of science
education and the strategies to carry it out, allow them to overcome any obstacles to
the implementation of discussion activities about SSIs. A strong knowledge about
science (its contents, nature and processes) associated with a pedagogical knowl-
edge about how to manage and assess classroom discussions are decisive factors in
succeeding with those activities. Teachers beliefs and professional knowledge
grant them a remarkable capacity to interpret the curriculum so as to address the
topics and carry out the activities that they consider important and relevant.
Another interesting nding is that the ability to implement classroom discussions
about SSIs is not exclusive to those who have most teaching experience. Several
situations had a positive impact on teachers personal and professional development
regarding the discussion of SSIs. These situations provided the opportunity to expe-
rience, implement and evaluate completely new approaches under the supervision
of science education experts. In two cases, previous experience as scientic
researchers and in-depth knowledge about the nature of science and its interactions
with technology and society seemed to be important factors in the teachers ability
to promote the discussion of SSIs with students.
4.3 Complex Student Teachers Research
and Activism Choices
Data suggest that student teachers commitments to promotion of student-led,
research-informed activism on SSIs resembled a normal curve with most indicating
moderate commitments. Most chose educational actions (e.g. posters, digital slides)
V. Albe et al.
and some lobbying (e.g. letters to power brokers). Indicators of research- informed
activism commitments included passionate statements of concern about SSIs,
clear statements of intention to implement researched activism and statements
indicating self-efcacy beliefs. Myriad factors associated with the teacher, stu-
dents, curriculum and learning contexts seemed to inuence student teachers
activist choices. A major nding of this research, however, was that student
teachers commitments to activism depended less on ndings of their primary
research than was anticipated with ndings from their secondary research also
signicantly inuencing them. As the course proceeded, student teachers trust in
primary research ndings seemed to decline somewhat particularly as surprising
results occurred and as they realised the complexity of primary research. Their
apparent condence in ndings from secondary research increased slightly,
although they also felt some distrust for many of these ndings particularly for
those from websites. Relationships among student teachers primary and second-
ary research and activism choices were more complex and unpredictable than
imagined. Their activism choices seemed to depend on the extent and nature of
positive and negative relationships among their primary and secondary
research and their actions. Findings from this study suggest that although stu-
dent-led research can signicantly inuence student teachers choices about and
commitments to actions to address SSIs, there appear to be complex and unpre-
dictable relationships among their primary and secondary research and their
activist choices. Given the complexity of decision-making in general and in
elds of science and technology more particularly (e.g. Sismondo 2008 ), these
results are, perhaps, unsurprising. Arguably the most signicant nding from
this research pertains to student teachers potential attachments to and identities
with research-informed actions to address SSIs. Prior to the course studied here,
none of the student teachers included research-based actions to address SSIs as
part of their normal pedagogical repertoires. Data collected here, however, sug-
gest that they emerged from the course with visions of and attachments to
research-based actions on SSIs. For example, when discussing her future plans
as a teacher in light of her primary research ndings, Christie, a member of a
group promoting reductions in trans-fat usage, said this about the importance of
school-level activism: I think it is good to instil [a sense of activism] in kids
when they are young because it is very easy to be apathetic a slactivist.
[That is a person who says] Oh, yeah, I am an activist. I joined this Facebook
group. But, they dont do anything about it (May 26, 2010). Earlier, she had
indicated that her vision of such a project drew from the structure of the courses
research-based activism mini-project. She said that members of her major proj-
ect group kept asking:
Is this like what we did with the [travel] mugs [study and action]? (May 26,
2010). Given, as described above, that the dominant school science paradigm
appears to be antithetical to this vision of science education, some of these student
teachers may have developed, through the course described here, visions of the
possible, which they might enact in the event that contextual variables align in
appropriate ways.
4 Teachers Beliefs, Classroom Practices and Professional Development
4.4 Several Types of IBST and Possibilities for SSI Teaching
IBST topics and issues used for inquiry have different levels of complexity. On
the one hand, some IBST projects are rather narrow, using short demonstrations
and experiments to drive a teacher-guided search for answers to a scientic
question posed, e.g. Is there an upward force on things at rest on a table?
(NRC 1996 ). The number of variables in these issues is small, the learning out-
come strictly and narrowly dened and the teacher might structure and even
lead the inquiry. On the other hand, some issues for IBST projects are complex
and without any known or denite answer. They might typically involve appli-
cation of scientic knowledge in a complex situation or a real-world SSI. Such
projects are open ended and ill dened, and students might go for different
approaches. Thus, it is not possible to predene a specic set of conceptual
learning outcomes. Consequently it is not adequate for the teacher to try to syn-
chronise the thinking of all students, and thus, the teachers guiding and structur-
ing have to be at a general level. Moreover, the students have to work more
autonomously and to practise a greater variety of competencies. As indicated in
Table 4.1 , it is also possible to identify intermediate types of projects. In short,
in inquiry projects, the level of complexity of issues dealt with tends to covary
with required openness in the planned learning outcomes and adequate level of
teacher guiding.
Table 4.1 How issues with different levels of complexity in general put constraints on the
openness in planned learning outcomes and the adequate level of teacher guiding
of issue
Typical issues dealt
Typical types of learning
outcomes Characterisation
Low Scientic concepts
(e.g. laws of elmag
radiation and its
effect on cells)
Scientic concepts and
scientic reasoning
Teacher-guided inquiry
towards correct
Scientic laws
(e.g. how to
calculate and
measure elmag
Scientic methodology
(e.g. control of variables),
practical skills, scientic
concepts, scientic
Half-open inquiry
towards well-known
empirical relations
Technological quality
(e.g. comparing air
and dug-down
Scientic methodology
(e.g. identication of
variables), practical
skills, scientic concepts
Open testing towards
loosely dened
learning outcomes
High Socio-scientic issues
(e.g. what to do
with powerlines
through residential
Handle disputed claims,
collect, examine and
integrate information in
co-operation, relevant
scientic concepts
Open inquiry towards
personal judgments
V. Albe et al.
A main idea in Table 4.1 is that issues with different levels of complexity
involve and develop different process competencies. Specically, issues with low
and intermediate levels of complexity are open for teaching specic and singular
competencies, while issues with high complexity demand an ability to orchestrate
specic competencies according to the demands of an authentic, out-of-school
situation. The wise combination of different types of IBST therefore holds the
possibility of solving the dilemma discussed above.
4.5 Inquiry-Based Teaching to Handle Complex
Environmental Issues
A strong idea in this research is that inquiry-based approaches to complex environmental
issues offer rich opportunities for transformations across different authenticities, varied
use of language and third space and thus literacy practices (Barton 2007 ), which are
relevant in out-of-school discourses on environmental issues.
4.5.1 The First Cycle
The teachers wanted to provide some thematic direction on students work, but also to
provide freedom for the students to go in a direction of their own choosing and to start
an inquiry into issues that were important and interesting to them. These concerns
were addressed by creating a starting page in the wiki with paragraphs, each describ-
ing a broad issue primarily consistent with the natural science curriculum (6 issues),
but also with issues from the social science curriculum (2 issues). Each paragraph
contained a link to an empty page the start of students further inquiries.
In the rst cycle, the wiki introduced had a potential for inquiry processes:
students could engage in each others texts and they could create hyperlinks to
each others pages. This happened to some degree. However, tensions in the
tacit understandings of the goals and methods of the project among the teachers
as well as weak scaffolding of the process made the wikis potential for passive
reproduction become signicant: its similarities in appearance to Wikipedia
may have made students associate it with the genre of the lexicon article, and it
was possible to write the texts that would become the nal product right away.
The students did, as we all do, transform the task given into something that
looked like what they had previously experienced. The teacher-controlled dia-
logue, expecting short answers that are quickly evaluated, seemed to be a
resource also when students discussed in pairs in front of the computer, result-
ing in short exchanges that rapidly changed focus. Students wiki pages tended
to be slightly modied cut-and-paste texts from a single source, Wikipedia.
Thus, there were few opportunities for transformations across authenticities and
little variations in language use and third space was not important.
4 Teachers Beliefs, Classroom Practices and Professional Development
4.5.2 The Second Cycle
To solve the problems mentioned with the wiki tool that became a kind of all-in-one
tool and the process dimension that became invisible in the overall frame of the
project, the following steps were taken:
Each project was requested to have log page, a statement of problem to be
enquired into, a planning page and a results page.
Each project was requested to include an empirical investigation.
In the second cycle there was a marked shift in students oral and written texts.
Students worked with authentic data in a more complex problem formulation that
could not easily be answered by science alone. Students needed to consider several
semiotic and contextual resources, which added complexity to the problem they
worked on, but also scope and force to their dialogues. Students use of varied
resources enabled a richer eld context in terms of personal beliefs, authentic data
and content knowledge. The following contextual resources are identied in one of
the transcripts:
The demands of cohesion in written text
The genres at hand
Personal beliefs
Authentic data
Content knowledge
In the rst example from cycle 1, simple cut-and-paste reproduction of factual
genres was prevalent. In cycle 2, a more complex problem area and explicit instruc-
tion on language use for both process and product resulted in more complex genres
such as evaluating, arguing, collecting evidence and concluding from a problem
formulation. In the example discussed (in this chapter), the demands of bringing
different knowledge domains and sources into a coherent text scaffolded according
to principles of inquiry-based teaching opened for literacy practices important
to participating in socio-scientic issues and dealing with complexity: students
sustained engagement in conversations on complex problems, judging evidence and
different value positions.
5 Conclusions and Implications
Our rst question aims to clarify how science teachers negotiate their contribution
to a citizenship education and SSI classroom discussions and activism. Questionnaires
submitted to teachers provided signicant views of their envisaged contribution to
citizenship education, in connection with civility and rules to respect or to develop
pupils skills such as searching for and evaluating information, performing argu-
mentation and critical thinking, and participation in debates and arguing their own
opinions. Results also showed that the teachers answers assume a logic of academic
V. Albe et al.
subject matters. A minority of teachers aimed for critical citizen education through
interdisciplinary teaching. This suggests that teachers may not feel competent for
this teaching or, alternatively, that they show a willingness to forge links between
school context and society. The meta-analysis of biology teachers classroom activi-
ties reported in this chapter shows that the implementation of SSI discussion
depends decisively on (a) the teachers conceptions about science, science teaching,
curriculum and the educational relevance of the activities and (b) the knowledge
needed for their design, management and assessment. In all cases, teachers class-
room practice is inuenced by (a) a conception of science education focused both
on knowledge construction and on the development of skills and attitudes required
for citizens intellectual autonomy and for exercising their citizenship and (b) an
understanding of the curriculum allowing for levels of decision-making suited to the
needs of society. All teachers assume the role of curriculum creators (and not just
consumers/executors) of competencies which stresses the possibility for teachers to
manage content and choose the educational experiences according to the needs of
society, students specic characteristics and the unique contexts in which they live.
These teachers are more concerned with how to develop specic competencies that
they consider relevant than with the lengthy curricular contents themselves. The
development of these conceptions and competencies was triggered by the teachers
professional development, i.e. previous experience as scientic researchers and/or
in-service training opportunities in which the teachers experienced, implemented
and evaluated new approaches under science educators supervision.
Studying the factors of success regarding classroom discussions of SSIs provides
crucial information for the design of intervention processes capable of supporting
teachers in the planning and implementation of such activities and consequently in
attaining the goals of science curricula.
Towards helping teachers to develop deep commitments in SSI students activism,
a class of 16 student teachers was engaged in a 9-week elective course. Constant
comparative analysis of qualitative data showed that, after the course focusing on
SSI teaching, some student teachers seemed to develop moderate to strong orienta-
tions towards promotion of sociopolitical activism. Most chose educational actions
(e.g. posters, digital slides) and some lobbying (e.g. letters to power brokers).
Findings from this study suggest that although student-led research can signicantly
inuence student teachers choices about and commitments to actions to address
SSIs, there appear to be complex and unpredictable relationships among the course
activities and their activist choices. Unexpectedly, secondary and primary research
ndings appeared to equally inuence their activist choices and attachments.
Another key concern for SSI teaching is to develop students ability to cope with
complexity. It is possible to identify several types of IBST in terms of complexity.
In order to develop different competencies in dealing with complex SSIs, it seems
necessary to involve students in IBST with different levels of complexity and SSI
authenticity. In an action-research cycle on complex environmental issues, com-
plexity was a resource in students meaning-making by opening for students use
varied resources that enabled a richer eld context in terms of personal beliefs,
authentic data and content knowledge. However, developments between two cycles
4 Teachers Beliefs, Classroom Practices and Professional Development
show that students needed explicit scaffolding on process to prevent complexity
from fading away into factual reproduction by cut-and-paste strategies instead of
active transformation of varied textual and contextual resources.
The involvement of teachers in experiencing the educational potential for the
implementation of SSIs in their own classes can be a positive step forward in chang-
ing their conceptions about the relevance of this methodology and in developing the
condence and practices required for their use in the classroom.
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