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Review of Derivatives and Optimization

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In business decision making, the concept of a derivative can be used to find solutions to optimization
problemseither maximization or minimization problems in either unconstrained or constrained
situations. This review briefly covers the basic skills of taking derivatives and using derivatives to find
solutions to optimization problems.

When y is a continuous, differentiable function of xdenoted as y = f (x)the derivative of this
function gives the rate of change in y as x changes. Derivatives are generally denoted using either
one of following conventions:
( ) ( )
dy d
f x f x f
dx dx

If, for example, at x =1,000, = !200, then y changes 200 times as much as x changes, but y
changes in the opposite direction of the change in x.
( ) f x

Since the derivative is evaluated at x =
1,000, the rate of change, !200, applies to changes in x that occur in the neighborhood of x =
1,000; that is, changes in x that are small relative to x = 1,000. An increase in x of 2 units
results in a decrease in y of (approximately) 400 units.
In the figure below, the function y =
= !0.5x ( ) f x
+ 800x is graphed. For this function, the rate of change in y with respect to x
(=dy dx ) is equal to !200 at x = 1,000 (see point A). The blow up at point A shows that a 2-unit
increase in x from 1,000 to 1,002 does indeed cause y to decrease by (approximately) 400 units
in this case, the precise decrease is 402 units. (Later in this review we will show you how to find
the derivative of a function and the numerical value of the derivative at any particular value of x.)
Since derivatives measure the rate of change in y as x changes, derivatives can also be
interpreted as the slope of curve at a point on the curve. As you may recall from a course in
algebra, the slope of a curve is measured by constructing a line tangent to the curve at the point of
measure. The slope of the tangent line is then equal to the slope of the curve at the point of
measure. In the figure below, the slope of the curve at point A is !200, which is the slope of the
tangent line TTN. The procedure in calculus of taking a derivative of a function and evaluating
that derivative at a point is equivalent to the procedure in geometry of constructing a line tangent
to a curve and measuring its slope.
Without using calculus to find the derivative of a function, it is possible to determine
visually, rather than mathematically, whether the derivative is positive, negative, or zero at points
along a curve. In the figure above, you can visually verifyjust see the tangent line at a point
on the curvethat the derivative of the function y = = !0.5x ( ) f x
+ 800x is positive over the
range of x from 0 to 800. At x = 800 (point M), y reaches its maximum value of 320,000, and the
derivative is equal to zero. At either maximum or minimum points on a curve, the slope of the
curve is zero at these points. The blow up at M shows how you can visualize the slope of ( ) f x

When a derivative is positive (negative), the variables y and x are directly (inversely) related. When the
variables are directly related, y and x move in the same direction. When the variables are inversely related, y and x
move in opposite directions.

Actually, the 800 unit decrease in y is only approximately correct because, strictly speaking, derivatives
measure rate of change in y for tiny or infinitesimal changes in x. Since a 2-unit change in x is a rather small
change when x is equal to 1,000, the actual change in y will be quite close to !400 but not exactly !400. The
smaller is the change in x, the more precisely the change in y is approximated.
at x = 800. For values of x greater than 800, the derivative is negative.

500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
Blow up at A
Blow up at M
y x x = -0.5 + 800

This section presents six fundamental rules for taking derivatives. These six rules provide the
tools for finding the derivatives of the polynomial functions typically encountered in business
decision making. An application of the rule is given for each rule.

Power function rule:
For any n,
1 n n
x nx


Example: Let y = = x ( ) f x
. Using the power function rule, the derivative is dy dx =
. At x = 0.5, dy = 3(0.5) dx
=0.75, which means that the slope of the tangent at x = 5
is 0.75. In other words, for very small changes in x in the neighborhood of x = 0.5, y
changes only 3/4 as much as x changes (and in the same direction).

Constant function rule:
For any constant function y = k, where k is any constant value,


Example: Let y = 20. Since y takes the value 20 for all values of x, dy dx must equal

Sum (difference) of functions rule:
For any two functions, and , the derivative of the sum or difference of the two
functions, , is simply the sum or difference of the derivatives of the
individual functions:
( ) f x
( ) g x
( ) g x
( ) y f x =

[ ] ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
dy d
f x g x f x g x
dx dx

= =
0.75 200 q q = + ( ) 500 =

Example: Let and C q . If
then the derivative of , is
( ) R q
( P q
10 2 q q + ( ) P q =
( ) ( ), R q C q ) dP dq = ( ) ( ) R q C q

= (1.5q +200)
. ( 10 4 ) + 5 q = .5 210 q +

Product rule:
For any two functions, and , the derivative of the product of the two func-
tions, , is:
( ) f x ( ) g x
( ) ( ) y f x g x =

[ ] ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
dy d
f x g x f x g x g x f x
dx dx

= = +
( ) 10 f x x = ( ) 2 g x x =

Example: Let and . The derivative of the product,
, is ( ) ( ) y f x g x = dy dx = 20x(2x) + 2(10x
) = 60x

Quotient rule:
For any two functions, and , the derivative of the quotient of the two
( ) f x ( ) g x
( ) ( y f x g = ) x is:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
f x g x g x f x dy d f x
dx dx g x g x

= =
10x = ( ) 2 g x x =

Example: Let and . The derivative of the quotient ( ) f x
( ) ( ) y f x g x = , is dy dx = [20x(2x) ! 2(10x
= (40x
! 20x
= 5. Note that it
is much easier to find the derivative of the quotient when the quotient is first simplified
algebraically: ( ) ( ) 5 , g x x = f x so dy dx = 5.

Chain rule:
Let one function be composed of another function: and . The
( ) y f z = ( ) z g x =
dy dx is found by applying the chain rule:

dy dy dz
dx dx
( ) 2L =

Example: Let and Q L . The rate of change in R as L
( ) 500 20 R Q Q Q =
15L +
dR dL , is easily found using the chain rule: dR dL = (500 ! 40Q)(!6L
+ 30L).
In order to express the derivative as a function of L only, substitute Q(L) = !2L
+ 15L

into the derivative and simplify algebraically to obtain dR dL = !480L
+ 6,000L

+ 15,000L.
As a final example, find the derivative of the function in the figure above. Recall
from the discussion of the figure that the curve is a plot of the function y = !0.5x
+ 800x
(over the range of x from 0 to 1,600). The derivative is dy dx = !x + 800. At point A, x
= 1,000, and dy dx = !1,000 + 800 = !200. At point M, x = 800, and dy dx = !800 +
800 = 0.

Derivatives of functions can be used to find the value of x that maximizes or minimizes the value
of y. The procedure involves two steps:
(1) The derivative of , which is denoted by , is set equal to zero and solved
for the value(s) of x that satisfy the condition . The values of x for which
are called extreme points because these are the points on a curve at which the
curve reaches either a maximum or minimum value. A function may have multiple
extreme points. The condition , then, identifies values of x that may be either
maximum points or minimum points, and this condition is generally referred to as the
first-order (necessary) condition for either a maximum point or minimum point.
( ) y f x = ( ) f x

( ) f x

= 0
( ) 0 f x

( ) 0 f x

(2) Both kinds of extreme points maximum points and minimum points occur where
the derivative is zero. In order to determine whether an extreme point is a maximum or
minimum point, the second derivative of the function, which is the derivative of
and denoted by , must be examined. The second derivative of a function indicates
the rate at which the slope of the curvethe first-derivative is changing. At a
maximum point, increasing x causes to change from a value of zero to a negative
value; i.e. moving in a rightward direction from a maximum point necessarily causes
to decrease. Consequently, the second derivative is negative when evaluated at a
maximum point. Conversely, the second derivative is positive when evaluated at a
minimum point. The condition required of the second derivative to establish either a
maximum point or a minimum point is generally referred to as the second-order
(sufficient) condition.
( ) f x

( ) f x

( ) f x

( ) f x

( ) f x

These two conditions for finding a maximum or minimum point can be summarized as follows:
First-order condition Second-order condition
Maximum point f N(x) = 0 f O(x
) < 0, where x
is an extreme point of f(x)
Minimum point f N(x) = 0 f O(x
) > 0, where x
is an extreme point of f(x)

To illustrate finding the value of x that maximizes a function , consider again the
function graphed in the figure above: . Setting the first-derivative
equal to zero gives the first-order condition:
( ) y f x =
( ) 0.5 800 y f x x = = +

800 0
= + =

Solving the first-order condition for x reveals that x = 800 is an extreme point. To determine
whether 800 is a maximum point or a minimum pointeven though you can see that it is a
maximum point in the figurethe second derivative is evaluated at x = 800:

( ) 800 ( ) 1
x f x

+ = =

Since is a constant function equal to !1, the second-order condition for a maximum is met
at x = 800.
( ) f x

In some situations, decision makers face constraints on the values of the decision variables (also
called choice variables) that prevent reaching the absolute maximum or minimum point of an
objective function (the function that is to be maximized or minimized). A typical constrained
optimization problem might involve choosing values of x and y either to maximize or to minimize
the function subject to the constraint that , where k is any constant value.
One technique of solving this type of constrained optimization problem is called the Lagrange
multiplier method. In this review, we will focus exclusively on the first-order conditions for
optimizationwhich are the same for maximization and minimization problemsand leave the
more challenging second-order conditions for a course in mathematical economics.
( , ) z f x y = ( , ) g x y k =
The Lagrangian multiplier method of solving constrained optimization problems involves
maximizing (or minimizing) the following Lagrangian function:
[ ] ( , , ) ( , ) ( , ) L L x y f x y k g x y = = +
where 8 is called the Lagrange multiplier and is treated as a variable in the Lagrangian function.
To obtain the first-order conditions for constrained optimization, partial derivatives of the
Lagrangian function must be set equal to zero:

( , , ) ( , ) ( , ) 0
x x x
L x y f x y g x y = =
( , , ) 2 0
L x y y = = +

( , , ) ( , ) ( , ) 0
( , , ) ( , ) 0
y y y
L x y f x y g x y
L x y k g x y

= =

The optimal values of x, y, and 8 are found by solving the system of first-order equations
simultaneously. Notice that the first-order condition associated with the partial derivative of 8
forces the constraint to be satisfied when x*, y*, and 8* are found by solving the system of first-
order equations simultaneously.
To illustrate the Lagrange multiplier technique, find the values of x and y that maximize
the function subject to the constraint that where
. The Lagrangian function for this constrained optimization problem is:
( , ) 5 2 10 z f x y xy y x = = + + +
( , ) 15 g x y =
( , ) g x y x = +

[ ] ( , , ) ( , ) ( , )
5 2 10 (15 2 )
L L x y f x y k g x y
xy y x x y

= = +
= + + + +

The first-order conditions for maximization (or minimization, for that matter) are:
( , , ) 5 2 0
( , , ) 15 2 0
L x y x
L x y x y

= + =
= =

Solving for x*, y*, and 8* using either substitution or Cramers rule produces the solution:

( , ) f x y
( , ) f x y ( , ) f x y

The partial derivative of with respect to x measures the rate of change in z as x changes, holding y
constant. Similarly, the partial derivative of with respect to y is the rate of change in z with respect to y,
holding x constant. Partial derivatives are denoted either by using the partial differentiation symbol M in Mz/Mx and
Mz/My or by using a subscript to indicate partial differentiation in and .
( , ) f x y
x y

To find a partial derivative with respect to a particular variable, employ the usual rules for differentiation,
but treat all other variables in the function as constants. For example, the partial derivatives of z = = 5x ( , ) f x y
+ 3y
are = 10x ! 2y ( , )
f x y
and = !4xy + 6y ( , )
f x y

* 7 x =


The maximum value for z can be found by substitution: . * * * ( , ) 7 4 5 4 2 7 10 72 z f x y = = + + + =

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