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Basic Calculus Activity 1

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Activity 1

Basic Calculus
Professor: Mr. Marlon C. De Mesa
Embang, Cyrill Jorge
Esperanza, Jehan Carlo
Higuit, Ericka
Tolibas, Alvin
Bongabong, Jericho
Santiago, Steven Ricky
Sartin, Kervin
Pelayo, John Ched
Bonagua, John Dave
Bacuta, Angelo
Rate of Change

In determining the rate of change of one variable with respect to

another variable, we must be able to distinguish between the average and
the instantaneous rates of change. The two rates of change are
comparable to the distinction between the slope of the secant line through
two points on a curve and the slope of the tangent line at one point on the

The Average Rate of Change

The average rate of change of y= f(x) with respect to x in the interval

[x,x+  x] is the slope of the secant line joining the points (x,f(x)) and (x+
 x, f(x+  x)) on the graph of y= f(x). It is given by:

y f ( x  x )  f ( x )

x x

The Instantaneous Rate of Change

The Instantaneous Rate of Change of y =f(x) with respect to x at the

point (x,f(x)) is the slope of the tangent line to the graph of y= f(x)
Example 1. Suppose that a function is defined by y=f(x)= x -x.

a. Find the average rate of change of y with respect to x over the interval

b. Find the instantaneous rate of change of y with respect to x at the point

of x=-1


A. From the closed interval [1,3], we get x = 1 and x

1 2 = 3. Now,
Using the formula for the average rate of change, we get

y f ( x   )  f ( x ) y f ( x2 )  f ( x1 )
  
x x x x2  x1

Notice that x = x  x  x  x  x .
2 1 2 1
y f ( 3 )  f ( 1) (( 3 )2  3 )  (( 1) y
   3
x 3 1 3 1 x

Thus, on the average y increases 3 units per unit increases in x over

the interval [1,3].
B. To find the instantaneous rate of change of y with respect to x, we
differentiate the given fucntion with respect to x. That is,

dy dy
y  x2  x   2 x  1   3
dx dx at x= -1

Since the instantaneous rate of change is negative at x= -1, y is

decreasing at the point x=-1 .

Distance and Displacement

In physics, We must define the term “position” and “time”.

Location of an object with respect to some reference plane. The
location of a particle/ body can be represented by unit vectors, Then the
position of an object will be

x  x0
x = Final postion

x0 = Initial position

Also called as the elapsed time. It is the duration required for a
particle/ body moved from rest or at motion. Thus.

t  t  t 0


t  Change in time\
t  Final Elapse TIme
t0  Initial Elapsed TIme

Note: If a body/ particle moves at rest, then

x0  0
t0  0
It is the total path travelled by an object. It is a Scalar quantity. [ m ].

d TOT  d 1  d 2  d 3  ...  d n

It is a straight line path from the initial to the final postion. [ m ]. It is a
vector quantity.

d  d  d 0  x  x  x0

The distance of a body/ particle travelled is used by scalar addition

while a vector addition is needed to solve for the displacement.

Speed and Velocity

The speed is the rate of change in distance travelled from path with
respect to time. Thus

x x  x 0 xTOT m
Speed   , speed
TOT  [ ]
t t  t 0 also t TOT s

Note: That the speed is a scalar quantity. The speed quantifies how fast an
object is.
Is defined as the rate of change of velocity. It is a vector quantity and
it’s units are in [ m / s ].

Example. A particle starts from rest and moves with a velocity of 60 m/s
in 2 seconds. Find it’s acceleration.

Given variables RTF=a

v0  0
v  60m / s
t0  0



60  0

a  30m / s 2

Example. A point moves along a straight line so that its displacement S is

meters at any time t in seconds , measured from a fixed reference point 0
along the line, is given by
S  4t 3  15t 2  18t  6

A.) What is the displacement, velocity, and acceleration after 5

B.) How far will the point travel during the fifth second?
C.) What constant acceleration acting for 5 seconds will produce the
same final velocity as in (a)?


A.) Find first the differentiation of the function

1. s( t )  4t  15t  18t  6 (Displacement Function)

3 12

v( t )  12t 2  30t  18 (Velocity)

a( t )  24t  30 (Acceleration)

At 5 Seconds:

S ( 5 )  4( 5 )3  15( 5 )2  18( 5 )  6
1. S ( 5 )  791m

v( 5 )  12( 5 )2  30( 5 )  18
v( 5 )  432m / s
a( 5 )  23( 5 )  30

a( 5 )  150 m / s 2


In this section, we will consider problems involving two (or more)

variables that are changing with respect to time t. In such problems, we
want to find the rate at which some quantity is changing by relating it to
other quantities whose rates of change with respect to time t are also

For instance, if x and y are related by the equation x  y  1 then

2 2

differentiating this equation with respect to t produces an equation

involving the rates of change dx/dt and dy/dt.

dx dy
2x  0
dt dt

dy x dx
  .
dt y dt

The derivatives dx/dt and dy/dt are called related rates, since they are
related by means of an equation.

Example. Suppose that x and y are both differentiable functions of t and

are related by the equation

x 2
 y 2
 25. Find dy/dt when x=3, given
dx/dt =8 when y = 4.
Solution. Differentiating implicitly with respect to t, we get

x 2  y 2  25

dx dy
2x  2y  0
dt dt

dy dx
2y  2x
dt dt

dy x dx
  .
dt y dt

When x = 3, y = 4, and dx/dt = 8, we obtain

dy 3 dy
  .( 8 )   6
dt 4 dt

The negative signs indicates that dy/dt is decreasing.

Cost, Revenue, and Profit Functions

Businessmen and economist are always concerned with problems of
the following nature: How many items should be sold in a week to make
a profit or to stay in business? What should the price of an item to break
even; (I.e. no gain or loss) or to make some profit from such investment?

1.) If the revenue sales exceeds the cost of production, then the business
is running a profit.
2.) If the revenue equals the cost of production ,then the company neither gains nor
losses, it break even.
3.) If the cost of production exceeds revenue, then the business is
operating at a loss.

Optimizing Economic Functions

The economist is frequently called upon a help a firm maximize

profits and levels of physical output and productivity, as well as to
minimize the costs, level of pollution, and use of scarce natural resources.
This is done with the help of techniques developed earlier and illustrated

Example. Maximize profits  for a firm, given total revenue,

R  4000Q  33Q 2 total cost C= 2Q  3Q  4000Q  5000 , assume

3 2


A.) Set up the function   R  C.

  4000Q  33Q 2  ( 2Q 3  3Q 2  400Q  5000 )

 2Q 3  30Q 2  3600Q  5000

B.) Take the first derivative, set it equal to zero, and solve for Q to find
the critical points.

 '  6Q 2  60Q  3600  0

 6( Q 2  10Q  600 )  0
 6( Q  30 )( Q  20 )  0
Q  30  Q  20.......CriticalPo int s

C.) Take the second derivative: evaluate it at the positive critical points
and ignore the negative critical point, which has no economic
significance and will prove mathematically to be a relative minimum.
Then check the sign of concavity to be sure of a relative maximum.

 ' '  12Q  60

 ' ' ( 20 )  12( 20 )  60  300

Concave, relative maximum

Profit is maximized at Q =20 where

 ( 20 )  2( 20 )3  30( 20 )2  3600( 20 )  5000  39000

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