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Indian Chemical Society: Application For Membership

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Indian Chemical Society

92, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata-700 009, India.

-mail! indi"#7$
Phone ! 9&-0""-2"'0 9#97 (a) * Phone ! 9&-0""-2"+0 "#7$
Xerox copy of this form may e !se"
Rea" caref!##y the R!#es i$ the
a$$exe" sheet efore %##i$& the
An applicant may be recommended for admission to a category of membership different from the one
applied for. Admission to membership is made by the Council and its decision is final.
Full name, (Surname first) !
Date of Birth : Sex - Male / Female
Official Designation !
Office address !
Residential address !
ele!hone "o: (O) (R) (M)
#ddress for $ommunication !
%-mail: Fax :
#cademic &ualifications
(Degree, university and year of
admission from BSc onwards)
'rofessional %x!erience
ive a brief outline in an anne!ure within "## words.(not applicable for Student $embers ) stating
therein the most significant contribution in the field of speciali%ation. &umber of publications in
'ournals which are abstracted, articles, reviews, boo(s, monographs, etc., along with a list of important
publications (up to )# and stating the names of authors in each case) are to be enclosed.
're(ious Mem)ershi! "o of *$S
( if applicable)
Membership Applied for*: Student Member/ Associate Fellow/Fellow/Benefactor/Patron
* Strike out ,hich are not a--lica.le
'ro!osed )+ (t,o *$S Fello,s in good standing)
1. __________________________________ __________________________ ____________________
2. __________________________________ ___________________________ ____________________
Name Full Signature of the proposer Fellowship
*he +onorary Secretary
,ndian Chemical Society
-", Acharya .rafulla Chandra /oad
0ol(ata12## ##-.
,, the undersigned, do hereby engage that, if elected to the 3ellowship4Associate 3ellowship 4 Student $embership. , will
endeavour to promote the interests and welfare of the ,ndian Chemical Society and , will uphold its Constitution and observe its laws,
rules and regulations, and to the utmost of my power maintain its dignity as long as , shall continue as a Student $ember4 Associate
3ellow43ellow4Benefactor4.atron thereof.
, agree 4do not agree to accept membership of a category different from the one applied for.
, agree to ma(e payment of all appropriate dues on being intimated of the decision of my admission and , have noted that my
membership will be effective from the first day of the month immediately following the date of receipt of payment by the Society and ,
shall be entitled to avail of the privileges of membership as provided in the Constitution and the Bye1laws of the Society.
Date : (Signature and full name of the a!!licant)
FOR OFF*$% -S% O"./
/ecommended 4&ot recommended for admission as Student $ember 4Associate 3ellow 43ellow4Benefactor 4.atron

Date 6 Signature of the Mem)ershi! Officer

Details of payment received and date of receipt 6 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

Admitted as Student $ember 4Associate 3ellow 43ellow4Benefactor 4.atron with effect from the
Council of ,CS at its meeting held on 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555555555555555 555555555555555555555555555555555
Signature of the #ccountant Signature of the 0onorar+ reasurer Signature of the 0onorar+ Secretar+
92, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road
Kola!a "## ##9,
Ar!$cl* I+, '*llo-.h$/
Sec. 1 The Fellows of the Society shall be th9se individuals, who are interested in the objects of the Society, and are((above
the age of 21 years, and whose admission in the oinion of the !ouncil would be conducive to the interests of the
Society and who meet the requirement for Fellowship after provided in the Bye-Laws..
Sec. 2 Those who do not meet all the re"uirements for Fellowshi may be admitted as #ssociate Fellows$Student %embers as
rovided in the &ye'(aws.
Sec. ) (a* #licants for Fellowshi (#ssociate Fellow$Student %ember* shall be elected only as rovided in the &ye'(aws.

(b* # Fellow (#ssociate Fellow$Student %ember* may be removed by the !ouncil from the Society for (i* non'ayment
of dues,
(ii* for being convicted by a cometent tribunal of felony or misdemeanor, or (iii* for conduct which in any way tends
to injure the Society, or to affect adversely its reutation or which. is contrary to or destructive of its +bjects. ,o
Fellow shall however be removed for reasons of conduct as er clause
(ii* above e-cet after oortunity to be heard as rovided in the &ye'(aws.
Sec. . (a* +nly the Fellows of the Society, who have been duly admitted and whose ayment of subscrition is not in arrears
and who are resident in /ndia shall have the rivilege of voting at any meeting of the Society, and to contest and be
elected to any of the offices or the !ouncil of the Society.
(b* The #nnual Fellowshi Subscrition shall become due. on the first day of 0anuary every year. #nyone who fails to
ay the subscrition on or before %arch 11 in any year shall lose the right of voting and for holding any office of the
Society in that year and other rivileges of Fellowshi.
Sec. 2 The !ouncil may create other class of membershi for well'wishers, &enefactors and. 3atrons of the Society, who may
be granted facilities and services of the Society as rovided in the &ye'(aws, but who shall not be granted rights to
vote or to contest and be elected to any of the offices.
Ar!$cl* &II , '$nanc*.
Sec. 2 4ach elected Fellow$#ssociate Fellow$Student %ember shall ay dues as rovided in the &ye'(aws, and as determined
by the !ouncil from time to time.
0y*1La- I,Par! I
Sec. 2 The candidate shall not be formally declared elected unless he has aid the admission fee, if any or such art thereof
as may be re"uired by the !ouncil, and the first annual subscrition.
&ye'(aw / 53art //
Sec. 9 The !ouncil may arove for Fellow a reutable erson who meets any of the following re"uirements of formal
training and e-erience in any branch of !hemistry or !hemical 4ngineering (e-cet as otherwise secified*.
(a* # doctor6s degree of a recogni7ed 8niversity or /nstitution.
(b* # master6s degree certified to the Society by a 8niversity, /nstitution or !ollege aroved by the Society for its
under'graduate and ost'graduate rofessional training in !hemistry or !hemical 4ngineering and9 two years of active
articiation in some form of !hemical or !hemical 4ngineering wor:.
ICS% M*2%'or2
(c* # bachelor6s degree certified to the Society by a 8niversity, /nstitution or !ollege, aroved by the Society as
above, and four years of active articiation in !hemical or !hemical 4ngineering wor:.
(d* # bachelor6s or higher degree in !hemistry or !hemical 4ngineering from an /nstituti on not thus aroved by the
Society, or a bachelor6s or higher degree in a closely related disciline; in such cases there shall be at least two years
of study in !hemistry or !hemical 4ngineering'and si- years of active articiation in !hemical or !hemical
4ngineering wor:.
(e* (ess formal training than indicated above but e-cetional achievement in !hemistry or !hemical 4ngineering and
at least ten years of active articiation in !hemical or !hemical 4ngineering wor:. #roval for Fellowshi under this
rovision shall be limited to alicants who have earned recognition beyond their local area, as indicated by
ublications, atents, receit of awards, and invited articiation in symosia arranged by recogni7ed scientific or
rofessional Societies or by other forms of recognition. Such roosals for aroval of the !ouncil shall be suorted
by documentary evidence.
(f* For the urose of e-erience re"uirements, ost'graduate study or research in !hemistry or !hemical 4ngineering
shall be considered as e"uivalent to emloyment as a !hemist or !hemical 4ngineer for a li:e eriod of time.
Sec. 1< (a* The !ouncil may arove for #ssociate Fellow any of the following5
(/* # erson who has comleted the academic training secified in the aforesaid Sec. 9, but lac:s the e-erience
(2* # erson who though fulfilling the re"uirements for admission as a Fellow, is less than 2= years of age as on 11 st
>ecember of the year in which the alication is made and ma:es a secific re"uest to the !ouncil in his alication
for admission as an #ssociate Fellow.
(1* # erson whose academic training does not meet the aforesaid re"uirements, but who has rovided evidence of
technical cometence in and made significant contributions to !hemistry or to !hemical 4ngineering or /ndustry. #n
alicant in this category must be recommended to the !ouncil by a &ranch of the Society and shall be suorted by
documentary evidence.
(b* #n #ssociate Fellow shall retain such status until he has met the re"uirements for Fellowshi has re"uisitioned the
!ouncil for reclassification and has been aroved by the !ouncil for advancement to the status of Fellow, e-cet for
those who have been admitted as #ssociate Fellow under sub'clause 2 of Sec. 1< (a*.
Such #ssociate Fellows shall be automatically advanced to the status of Fellow in the year in which they comlete 2=
years of age.
Sec. // The !ouncil may admit as a Student %ember any erson who is a full'time student, under'graduate or ost'graduate,
in any branch of !hemistry, !hemical 4ngineering or a related academic disciline and who roduces a certificate to
this effect from the ?ead of the >eartment$(aboratory of the 8niversity, /nstitute or !ollege where he is studying
and which /nstitution has been aroved by the Society for its rofessional e-cellence. @Full'time ost'graduate
studies@ for uroses of this section, is to reresent any combination of course'wor:, research wor: and teaching that
the /nstitution considers a full'time load. # Student %ember shall be entitled to retain his %embershi in this category
only u to >ecember 11st of the year in which he ceases to be a student.
Students beyond %.Sc. are not entitled to be Student %embers.
Sec. 12 The !ouncil shall have the ower to interret and aly these re"uirements, including determining the status of
alicants educated in foreign countries.
0y* La- /.5 Par! III
Sec 12(b* /f a candidate be elected during the month of +ctober, ,ovember or >ecember, he shall not be called uon to ay
the subscrition for that year, unless he desires to receive a coy of 0ournal ublished by the Society issued to the
resective category for that year.
0y*1La- /5 Par! +
Sec. 22 For resigning from the Society, a resignation letter signed by the member shall be sent to the ?onorary Secretary
rior to the end of the calendar year for which dues have been aid. The resignation shall be acceted only after
ayment of dues to the Society.
Sec. 21 (a* #ny erson whose resignation has been duly acceted may resent to the !ouncil a re"uest for readmission to
the aroriate category. The case of such a erson shall then be considered by the !ouncil, which may, if it sees
fit, reinstate him as a Fellow or to the aroriate class of membershi, on ayment of fresh admission fee, if any.
(b* # erson whose membershi was terminated through nonayment of dues, in addition to the above shall have
to clear all arrear dues.

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