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(State Wide) : Gazette Date: 11.04.2014 Last Date: 14.05.2014 Category No: 97/2014

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Gazette Date: 11.04.2014 Last Date: 14.05.

2014 Category No: 97/2014

Special Recr it!e"t #or $% &Loco!otor 'isa(ility/Cere(ral palsy) %eari"g i!pair!e"t) Lo* +isio", #or #illi"g p o# -. (ac/log +aca"cies ' ri"g 2004007

(State wide)
Applications must be submitted online through the official website of the Commission after 'ONE TI E !E"IST!ATION'# Candidates who ha$e alread% registered can appl% through their profile# 1. 2. -. 4. Depart!e"t Na!e o# post Scale o# pay No. o# +aca"cy & & & & 1gric lt re 1gric lt ral 1ssista"t Gra'e 22 E 10430 4 13-00/0 $% &Loco!otor 'isa(ility/Cere(ral
i!pair!e"t) Lo* palsy) %eari"g +isio", 4 4 &5o r,

The !an'ed (ist prepared in pursuance of this notification is intended to ma'e recruitment to the bac'log $acancies earmar'ed for the $arious categories and )* groups as per "O ()) No +,-.//,S01 dated -2,./,-.// and will remain in force for a ma3imum period of three %ears sub4ect to the condition that the ran'ed list will cease to e3ist as and when candidates are ad$ised and appointed against the abo$e mentioned $acancies# !ules /2 to /+ of )art II5 6S7SS! are not applicable to this selection# Candidates will be ad$ised and appointed against the abo$e mentioned $acancies and also against the bac'log $acancies5 if an%5 reported b% the Appointing Authorities as earmar'ed in "O()) No +,//,S01 dated -2,./,-.//# Selection to the abo$e8mentioned $acancies will be made from among the ((ocomotor 1isabilit%/Cerebral pals%5 *earing impairment5 (ow $ision) )* categories found suitable for the post as per e3isting go$ernment orders and $acancies will be apportioned among these categories in the ratio /&/&/# If an% of these categories are not eligible for a post the $acancies will be apportioned among the other categories# 5. 6et7o' o# Recr it!e"t & Direct Recr it!e"t &#ro! a!o"g t7e $% &(ocomotor disabilit%/Cerebral pals%5
*earing impairment) (ow $ision)

candidates onl% Note:0

Application submitted b% candidate other than those belonging to )* &(ocomotor disabilit%/Cerebral pals%5 *earing impairment5 (ow $ision) categor% will be re4ected# Indi$idual re4ection memo will not be sent to them# & (/) (-)
*earing impairment and low $ision candidates&8 /9 : ;.< Onl% candidates born between ./#./#/==> and .-#./#/=>2 (both dates included) are eligible to appl% for the post (ocomotor disabilit%/cerebral pals% candidates /9 : 2+# Onl% candidates born between ./#./#/==> and .-#./#/=>+ (both dates included) are eligible for this post#



7 .

9 ali#icatio" A : &

(i) (ii) (iii)

1iploma in Agricultural Science awarded b% the 6erala Agricultural ?ni$ersit% or its e@ui$alent In the absence of @ualified hands5 under item (i) abo$e Aocational *igher Secondar% Certificate in Agriculture In the absence of @ualified hands under item (i) and (ii) /) )ass in SS(C or its e@ui$alent with Agriculture as optional sub4ect O! -) )ass in SS(C or its e@ui$alent and a recogniBed training in Agriculture O! )ost Dasic School (ea$ing Certificate with Agriculture as an optional sub4ect "ood )h%si@ue C) The following are the Certificates accepted as recognised training in Agriculture




-) C)

Successful completion of - %ears certificate course in Agricultural Science conducted b% "andhigram !ural Institute5 adurai or b% Other !ural Institutes recognised b% the "o$ernment of India Certificate in Agricultural Science awarded b% the National -) Council of !ural *igher Education5 "o$ernment of India Certificate in 6"TE or "TE in Agriculture C) One Eear training in Agriculture at an Agricultural School or a 2) basic Agricultural School )ersons who ha$e completed the - %ears certificate course in Agriculture of the !ural Institute5 Tha$anur will be gi$en preference o$er 6"TE / "TE hands# The preference mentioned abo$e will be within the meaning of "O( S);./+./)1 dated /-/.-//=+. Candidates for 1irect !ecruitment will ha$e to undergo an endurance test and a written/ob4ecti$e t%pe test conducted b% 6erala )ublic Ser$ice Commission )ersons in possession of 1iploma in Agricultural Science awarded b%


the 6erala Agricultural ?ni$ersit% and Aocational *igher Secondar% Certificate in Agriculture are e3empted from endurance test ("O( S)C/-/+;/Agri# 1ated />,/.,/=+;5"O( S)>>,.;,Agri dated /-,.2,-..;) :7e ;"' ra"ce :est *ill co"sist o# &8


/>.. m race :ma3imum duration of /. minutes

ii) 1igging a plot of .#2 ares :ma3imum duration / hour 2) $re Ser+ice :rai"i"g
All direct recruits e3cept those who possess an% of the certificates accepted as recognised training in agriculture will ha$e to undergo a course of training for > months in an% of the two centres at Ollu''ara and Thaliparamba# Intensi$e Training will be gi$en in theor% as well as practical# At the end of the training period final test consisting theor%5 practical and oral will be conducted b% the 1eput% 1irector of Agriculture of the 1istrict concerned# Those who fail in the first chance will be gi$en two more chances to sit for the test during the period of probation5 failing which their probation will be terminated and ser$ice dispensed with# The test will be conducted half %earl% during the period of probation# After the successful completion of training5 the candidates will be appointed as Agricultural Assistants on R /.29. : /9C.. ()!) All the direct recruits e3cept those who ha$e got e3emption from the training will ha$e to e3ecute a bond agreeing to ser$e the "o$ernment for a period of two %ears failing which he /she should pa% bac' to "o$ernment all the mone% paid to him/her to all the e3penses incurred b% the "o$ernment for his /her training together with li@uidated damages of R C..# The specimen form of the bond to be e3ecuted can be had from the Agricultural 1epartment# A sum of ;. mensum (Aide "O( S)No#2.+,+.,Agri# dated -C,//,/=+.) will be paid as stipend during the period of training# Agricultural Assistant will be decided according to their ran's assigned in the ad$ice list of the )ublic Ser$ice Commission5 irrespecti$e of whether the% need or need not undergo pre ser$ice training# Dut in the case of those who fail to secure a pass after completion of the training in the first chance5 their ran' and seniorit% will be re$ised on the basis of the chances and mar' the% obtained in the subse@uent chances# Candidates appointed b% direct recruitment will be on probation for a period of two %ears dut% within a continuous period of C %ears


>) The !an' and Seniorit% of candidates selected for the post of


6et7o' o# s (!itti"g applicatio"

Defore appl%ing for the post 5 candidates should register as per FONE TI E !E"IST!ATIONG with the official website of 6erala )ublic Ser$ice Commission Hwww#'eralapsc#go$#in I# Those who ha$e alread% registered can appl% b% logging in to their profile using their ?ser8Id and pass word# No application fee is re@uired# Candidates can $iew5 rectif% defects and print the details in the registration card b% clic'ing the lin' !egistration card after entering the home page# Candidate are responsible to ensure correctness of the personal information and secrec% of password and the% shall come into memor% the user I1 for further communication with the Commission# Applications which are submitted not in accordance with the instructions gi$en in the website will be summaril% re4ected# 1ocuments to pro$e @ualification5 age5 communit% etc ha$e to produced as and when called for# 9. As per )ara + of "O()) No#+,-.//,S01 dated -2#./#//5 appropriate ad4ustments will be made5 if necessar%5 in the ratio among different categories5 as and when the "o$ernment issues appropriate orders thereto5 in order to recoup the paucit% in the share due to Dlind and 1eaf categories during the period upto -..C# 10. 11. Last 'ate o# receipt o# applicatio"s : 14/05/2014 0ednesda% upto /- midnight# 1''ress to *7ic7 applicatio"s are to (e s (!itte':

()lease also see the "eneral Conditions gi$en in part II of the "aBette) $.C. <2N=> S;CR;:1R> ?;R1L1 $@<L2C S;RA2C; C=662SS2=N

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