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Pediculosis Corporis

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Margallo, Juvy
Venezuela, Maria Grenaiel C.
Definition and
Also known as body lice.
Body lice are small,
parasitic insects tat live
on te !ody and in te
cloting and !edding o"
tose wo are in"ested.
Body lice "eed o"" small
amounts o" !lood tat is
sucked wic can cause
itching, irritation and
Definition and
#n te $nited %tates,
!ody lice are common
and most prevalent in
homeless people and
transients who may not
have regular access to
laundry equipment,
showers or changes of
clean clothes.
Causative agent
&e body louse
'pediculus humanus
corporis( "ollows a
similar developmental
and maturation pattern
as te ead louse. &e
adult !ody louse will
ten "eed on te skin o"
te !ody o" te in"ected
individual !ut dwells and
lays its eggs in te seams
o" te individuals
cloting and)or !edding.
Body lice live mostly in
te cloting and "eed o""
teir osts once or twice
a day. #n"estations o"
!ody lice spread easily in
crowded conditions
were ygiene is poor.
Risk Factors
*articipation in day care
+iving in a nursing ome
*oor personal ygiene
+iving conditions wit
poor sanitation
,arm, umid
Conditions tat cause
weakening o" te
immune system
Incubation Period
*. corporis: -./0days
#ntense itcing
1edness and crusting
1ed welts on te skin
General darkening and
tickening o" skin
#n"estation in one2s
cloting and !edding
*igmentation and oney
crust o" secondary
pyoderma 'a !acterial
skin in"lammation
marked !y pus."illed
Bacterial in"ection
!ode of transmission
Body lice are spread
troug direct contact
wit" t"e body# clot"ing
or ot"er personal items
of a person already
carrying lice.
&ransmission o" !ody lice
is common were crowds
o" people are in close
contact, suc as in
scools, prisons and
Diagnostic test
A diagnosis o" !ody lice
can !e made i" te
patient is sub$ect to
poor "ygiene# lack of
laundry facilities and
skin itc"ing and
irritation wit" lice eggs,
called nits, and lice
temselves !eing
present on te !ody and
!ody air, as well as in
te cloting o" te
Medicated sampoos "or ead
lice can !e used on te !ody,
!ut only wit caution and
sould not !e applied to
sensitive areas suc as te "ace,
genital area, and anus.
Medications sould !e applied
according to te directions on
te !ottle or advice o" a
pysician. 3elousing agents 'a
type o" pesticide( may !e
re4uired "or patients wit
e5cessive !ody air. &is may
include pyretrin or permetrin
as well as 6well wic contains
te insecticide lindane.
%ursing intervention
Body lice are easily
treated wit improved
ygiene practices.
*atients sould take a
ot sower and ave a
clean cange o" clotes.
#n"ected cloting sould
!e discarded or !urned.
#" tis is not an option,
!ody lice in cloting and
!edding can !e killed i"
laundered in strong soap
and ot water wit
temperatures e5ceeding
/70 degrees 8areneit.
%ursing diagnosis
Alteration in com"ort
#mpaired skin integrity
1isk "or in"ection
Body image distur!ance
%leep distur!ance
6nowledge de"icit
&dditional information
According to te Centers
for Disease Control,
!ody lice can spread
diseases suc typ"us#
trenc" fever# and louse'
borne relapsing fever. #"
it gets out o" control,
!ody lice can !e
responsi!le "or
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