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Java - Core Java Exercises

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1. The following is a set of seven sequentially related questions.

a) Create a class called Message with a default constructor (one that takes no
arguments). Print a default message in the constructor using System.out.println( ).
(Don’t add any other fields / methods, and don’t specify any package.)

b) Add an overloaded constructor to the Message class that takes a String

argument and prints it along with your message (no need to format).

c) Create a class called DisplayMessages (in a separate file in the same

directory). In the main( ) function, create an array of type Message (the class you
created in a above), having 5 elements, consisting of object references of the
Message class. Don’t actually create objects to be assigned to these references yet.

When you compile and run the program, are the initialization messages from the
constructor calls printed? Why?

d) Assign objects to the array of Message references through a loop, using

the default no-argument constructor in Message. Run the program to see if the
messages are printed.

e) Comment out the code inserted in (d) above, and create the Message
objects in the array again, this time using the second overloaded constructor in
Message, to print five specific messages (without using a loop). Run the program
again to see if the default and specific messages are printed.

f) Finally, place these files into a folder structure called project \ messages
anywhere in your file system. Make project.messages the package of both the
classes. Execute the program by making appropriate changes to the classpath.
Write the command that you used to execute the program, and the corresponding
classpath entry.

g) In the above exercise, if you changed the package for both the classes to
just messages instead of project.messages, what change would occur in the
classpath entry and the command for running the program?

2. Create a class called “Statement”. It should contain

a) A single field – the Statement ID
b) Set and Get methods for the Statement ID field
c) A constructor that takes no arguments and initializes the Statement ID to
d) Another constructor that takes a statement ID as argument and initializes
the Statement ID field with that argument.

Derive two classes, both directly extended from “Statement”:

I) “FinancialStatement”. This class should contain

a) A single field – the Financial Statement ID
b) Set and Get methods for the Financial Statement ID field
c) A constructor that takes one argument to initialize the Financial
Statement ID field, but does not take any argument to initialize the
base class Statement ID field.

II) “EconomicStatement”. This class should contain

a) A single field – the Economic Statement ID
b) Set and Get methods for the Economic Statement ID field
c) A constructor that takes two arguments – one to initialize the
Economic Statement ID field, and another to explicitly initialize
the base class Statement ID field.

Put all the classes in one file called Write a public class
called InheritanceDemo in the same file. In the main( ) method of that class,
a) A “FinancialStatement” object that initializes its financial statement ID to
100. Print the values of its base class statement ID and financial statement
ID by calling the appropriate “Get” methods.
b) An “EconomicStatement” object that initializes its economic statement ID
to 200 and its base class statement ID to 20. Print the values of its base
class statement ID and economic statement ID by calling the appropriate
“Get” methods.

3. Create a class called Rating.

a) It should have a field for the Rating ID.
b) It should have a field for the Rating Name
c) It should have a method called setRatingDetails for setting both the rating
ID and the rating name by taking in arguments for the ID and name.
d) It should have an overloaded method by the same name setRatingDetails
that sets the rating ID through an argument, and sets a default rating name
as “General Rating”.
e) It should have a display( ) method that prints the rating ID and the rating
f) Write a main( ) function in the same Rating class that creates an object of
class Rating.
a. First set the rating details of the object by calling the method that takes
both the ID and the name as arguments (pass anything as the ID and
name). Display the values by calling the display( ) method.
b. Now, re-set its rating details by calling the method that takes only the
ID as argument. Display the values by calling the display( ) method.

4. Create a base class called DataStatement. It should just have three methods:
a) void getRawData( )
b) void generateProcessedData( )
c) void createStatementReport( )

These methods should not have any implementation in the base class i.e. you can
leave the methods empty or print some message.

Now create three derived classes extending from this base class:

i) FinancialDataStatement
ii) EconomicDataStatement
iii) NationalDataStatement

Each of these classes should override all the three methods in the base class
mentioned above, and provide a suitable specific implementation for each
method. (For the implementation of the methods you can put some specific
System.out.println statements, specific to the class out of the three classes to
which the method belongs)

Create a public class called ProcessDataStatement. It should contain a method

called processStatement( ). This method should accept a reference variable of
DataStatement class, and call the three methods getRawData( ),
generateProcessedData( ) and createStatementReport( ) on the variable in

In the main( ) method of the ProcessDataStatement class, create three objects of

type FinancialDataStatement, EconomicDataStatement and
NationalDataStatement respectively. For each of these objects, call the same
processStatement( ) method by passing in the object as the argument. In the
output of the program, note if the processStatement( ) method dynamically
changes its behavior based on the type of object passed to it.

Put all the classes that you create in the same file, for
ease of execution.

5. Implement the previous exercise again by changing the base class DataStatement
to an interface, and make the three derived classes implement the interface. (The
remaining code will remain almost the same). Code this example in a separate
java file.

6. Write a program called DataConversionDemo. In the main( ) function, read three

arguments from the command line. Provide the values from the command line as

1st argument: 10
2nd argument: 34.2
3rd argument: 35.2

( i.e. run the program as java DataConversionDemo 10 34.2 35.2 )

In the main( ) function,

i) Convert the first argument into an int primitive type, the second into a
double primitive type, and the third into a double primitive type.
ii) Add them and put the result in a double primitive type variable.
iii) Convert the result back to a String and print it out.

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