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The Man Who Invented Qigong-1

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28 QIThe Journal of Traditional Eastern Health & Fitness

He defined qigong as the integration of body, breath

and mind. This established the norm that influ-
enced all subsequent research and most qigong
methods. [David Palmer. Qigong Fever, p. 32]
n the war-torn China of 1947, a twen-
ty-seven year old clerk working for the
Communist Party was sent home on sick-
leave to the village of Dasizhuang in Hebei
Provence. His name was Liu Guizhen (}
) and he had been suffering from nervous
disorders, tuberculosis, and severe gastric ulcers
for years. He weighed less than eighty pounds
and was expected to soon be dead.
As luck would have it, his paternal uncle Liu
Duzhou (}|), who claimed to be the fifth
successor of a secret Buddhist tradition called
Neiyang gong (Discipline of Inner Cul-
tivation ), offered to help. Uncle Liu was also
experienced in Chinese traditional medicine.
[Palmer, p. 30-32]
If there ever were a qigong boot-camp
nephew Liu was about to experience it. Train-
ing was for one hundred days, no visitors, no
conversations(although at times whispering
was allowed). Women were excluded, along
with any sexual activity. There were no dietary
restrictions (it was wartime and food was hard
to get anyway), but it was necessary to drink
four to five thermos bottles of water daily, and
two of these should be filled with boiled water.
There was no bathing, no hair cutting, no cut-
ting of finger or toe nails. Uncle Liu Duzhou
said this is the way it was taught to him by his
teacher, the 5th successor of Neiyang gong, and
that was just the way it wasnothing could be
Apart from eating, sleeping, and going to
the toilet, Liu Guizhen was to practice Nei-
yang gong every other waking hour of the day!
Central to this intense practice were breathing
exercises. In addition there were various pos-
tures, and a lot of mantra chanting. If Liu Gui-
zhen wanted to change or modify anything, his
uncle told him, You do only what you are told
to do. Nothing else. Only what you are taught.
After 102 days Liu regained his health (and
thirty pounds). He returned to work. Surprised
by his unexpected recovery, Communist offi-
cials wanted to know how this happened.
Perhaps some answers might be found in the
practices that healed Liu Guizhen which might
help heal others. (After so many years of war
China was in shambles. Many were sick or
AUTUMN 2013 QI29
injured, and there was only one western styled
doctor for every 26,000 people. [Palmer p.33])
Lius meager salary was increased by a bag of
rice, and again he was sent home again, this
time to learn more from his uncle. Eventu-
ally Uncle Liu Duzhou revealed the
most important secret of Neiyang
gong and how it benefited a per-
sons health: By silently repeating
a phrase while focusing mental
awareness below the navel, brain
activity was slowed and the inner
organs were strengthened. Doing
this improved mental and physi-
cal well-being which consequently
prolonged life. [Takahashi, p. 50].
Liu Guizhen returned to his super-
visors with that and other informa-
tion gathered from his uncle.
Note: The place below the navel
was called the dantian, meaning cinnabar
farm. This needs to be explained: Cinnabar
(red mercuric sulfide crystals) although toxic
and poisonous were ingested by the ancient
Chinese in their search for immortality. So here
dantian actually means, The place where long
life is cultivated. Liu Guizhen usually located
the dantian 1.5 cun (the width of two forefin-
gers) below the navel at the acupuncture point
CV-6, the qihaiSea of Qi. The difficulty
here is the dantian is usually located below and
underneath the navel, right in the center of the
lower abdomen. To make matters more confus-
ing, Liu Guizhen occasionally seems to refer-
ence the dantian inside the abdomen, and not
on it. Nevertheless, wherever it is positioned,
bringing the mind to either place apparently
brings about positive results.
Liu Guizhens assigned goal had been to
Extract Chinese body cultivation techniques from
their feudal and religious settings, to standardize
them and put them in the service of the construc-
tion of a secular modern state. Everyone agreed
that to accomplish the goal, major changes
were needed to be done with what he had just
learned. It was doubtful that the masses would
ever accept it in its original form. Therefore
changes were made: the twelve hours of daily
practice were reduced to approximately six
hours. Breathing techniques, body postures
and Taijiquan (tai chi) movements were sim-
plified. Spiritual mantras were changed into
secular aphorisms. For example, the former
Buddhist The Claw of the Golden Dragon Sit-
ting in Meditation in the Chan Chamber became
I Practice Sitting Meditation for Better Health.)
[Palmer p. 31]. Controlled breathing
and concentration on the dantian
remained central to the practice.
The Communist bosses were
especially pleased in that the new
techniques were simple and inex-
pensivethings that most people,
whatever their health conditions,
could somehow do most anywhere
and most anytime without special
equipment, drugs or medicines.
What previously had been secretly
passed down from master to stu-
dent, now was almost ready to be
institutionalized and controlled by
governmental directives and propagated to the
However, there was a serious problem: this
new health system could not be called nei-
yang gongthat gave away its pernicious
Buddhist ancestry. What was needed was a
scientific term, a Maoist-Marxist ideological
sounding term. Older Chinese words perhaps
might be acceptable, but only if they could
somehow be made to conform to a mechanis-
tic materialistic conceptual framework. Before
being made public to the multitudes, it had to
have a politically acceptable name.

Huang Yueting , the Director of the Research
Office of the Health Department of Southern
Hebei, began discussions with Liu Guizhen.
First they considered Spiritual Therapy, then
Psychological Therapy, then Incantation
Therapy. After group discussions these terms
were rejected.
[Liu Guizhen was a learned man who had
suffered from tuberculosis, so I am assuming
this happened next: Liu remembered a book,
Special Therapy for Tuberculosis: Qigong pub-
lished in 1936. The Qigong in that title meant
Breathing Exercises and breath exercise was
a basic tenet of Lius modernized version of
Neiyang gong.] What is certain is that Qigong
Liu Guizhen sending qi to his
30 QIThe Journal of Traditional Eastern Health & Fitness
was proposed as the new name. After further
discussions, on March 3, 1949 Qigong was
proclaimed as the official name for the health
exercises that Liu Guizhen and the group had
developed. [Palmer 30-32].
(Note: Over many thousands of years never
had qigong been used to describe the life pre-
serving energy practices of breath-body-mind
which today is called Qigong. Many other
terms were used instead, most notably dao-yin
meaning leading and guiding.)
The methods elaborated by Liu Guizhen became
the model of qigong organization and practice, and
was reproduced in medical institutions throughout
China. [Palmer p. 43]
All was not over with just the creation of a
name, for outside of a handful of official health
bureaucrats, no one had ever heard of this new
Qigong. Because of his knowledge and experi-
ence, Liu Guizhen took on the role of leader,
pace-setter, and standard bearer. He joined
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and for
four years moved about Hebei province teach-
ing and healing with his Qigong. [Palmer,
pgs. 31, 34 ]. The results were impressive: the
techniques promoted prevention and heal-
ing, especially from illnesses of the respiratory,
digestive, and nervous systems. Also significant
was the strengthening of the immune system,
reduced hypertension, and improvements with
diabetes and heart conditions. (Liu Guizhen
was reticent about using the techniques alone
to cure cancer, but he believed they helped
speed recovery after cancer treatments.) [Taka-
hashi, p.50]
In 1954 he helped create the Tangshan
Qigong Clinic, the first such institution in his-
tory, and became its Director. His uncle and
teacher, Liu Duzhou, was put in charge of
qigong coaching(not for the former twelve-
plus hours a day but now only [sic.] for seven
hours a day). [Palmer 34]. According to the
records, 365 patients (most suffering from
ulcers and nervous disorders) were treated.
100% of the patients showed improvement and
95% were cured. [see Qinhuangdao City
listed in web sites at end of article.]
One year after the founding of the clinic, Liu
Guizhen was sent to Beijing to demonstrate his
healing qigong. Chairman Mao Zedong named
Liu Guizhen an Advanced Worker, and dur-
ing this same year (1955) he was summoned for
more personal interviews with leading govern-
ment officials.
Liu Guizhen sending healing qi to a patient.
Liu Guizhen conducting a scientific experiment on the
sending of external qi.
AUTUMN 2013 QI31
The Tangshan Clinic was too small, so in
1956 Liu Guizhen became vice-president, then
President of the larger Beidaihe Qigong Sanato-
rium. Up until 1964, 3,000 patients were treated
there including many high ranking members
of the CCP; the Sanatorium also trained 700
workers. It was considered the most important
qigong institution in China until 1965. [Palmer
(Note: Another major figure in the history of
Qigong during this time was Hu Yaozhen who
in 1956 became the director of a qigong hos-
pital in Beijing. (See http://hunyuaninstitute.
com/huandhunyuan.pdf). Hu Yaozhen is some-
times called The Father of Modern Qigong.
Liu Guizhen is sometimes called The Father of
Modern Medical Qigong. Others instrumen-
tal in the popularization of qigong are Guo
Lin, Chen Tao, Chengyu Lin, Duan Hui Xuan,
Huang Yueting, Jiang Weiqiao, Lin Housheng,
and Zhou Qianchuan.)
In September 1957, Liu Guizhens Qigong
Therapy Practice was published. It was the first
book of its kind to appear in modern times, and
quickly became the standard for the many sub-
sequent books about qigong to appear in the
next forty years. In 1982 an expanded edition
appeared. The total of both editions printed was
two million copies. Lius book made Qigong
a household word in China. [Palmer, p. 38].
Then all the successes of Qigong began to
shatter. In 1964 the government controlled
Qigong Therapy Practice - cover Qigong Therapy Practice meditation postures
Qigong Therapy Practice - binding Qigong Therapy Practice movements and massages
This is an 1958 edition of Liu Guizhens book. For the Red Guards of the Cultural Revolution it was a prime target for
finding and burning. Interestingly the cover and pages were bound so tightly that the book often refused to catch
fire(although it had caught fire ten years before to become a major vehicle to bring the modern practice of qigong
to millions of people in China, and subsequently to the world.
press condemned Qigong as a thing that: Pro-
motes superstitious concepts of tranquility and
harmony which are completely contrary to our
active physical training. Qigong was called, a
rotten relic of feudalism and the rubbish of his-
tory. Those who practice qigong become mon-
sters. Finally the absurdly vicious, Qigong is
at the bottom of hell.
(Note: In his book, Qigong Fever (p. 42), David
Palmer suggests this sudden change in gov-
ernment policies was part of Chairman Maos
aggressive campaign against Party leaders,
many of whom were supporters, practitioners,
and clients of qigong.)
Next, Liu Guizhen became a target of the
attack. First, he was denounced as The creator
of the poisonous weed of qigong and a class
enemy. In 1965 he was expelled from the Chi-
nese Communist Party, dismissed from Beid-
aihe Sanatorium, and incarcerated at the Shan-
haiguan farm for political reeducation.
During the years of his imprisonment, under
the threat of torture, even death, he continued
to treat and teach qigong to his fellow prison-
ers. His wife pleaded with him to stop. But he
refused, telling her: The future will confirm [our
work]. One day the science that we call qigong
will be known and judged as a precious legacy
and treasure benefiting all humanity. [see Qin-
huangdao City listed in web sites and end
of article.]
In 1969 Lius comrades at the Tangshan
Qigong Clinic were sent to clean public toilets.
The Qigong Sanatorium in the city of Beidaihe
was finally closed and its staff were ordered to
condemn and denounce all their former work.
[Palmer, p.43]. In 1976 with the death of Mao
and the end of the Cultural Revolution the Bei-
daihe Qigong Sanatorium was reopened.
(Note: The paradox of the Beidaihe Sana-
torium being open for three years during the
devastating chaos of the Cultural Revolution
(1966-1976) may be partially explained in that
Chairman Mao Zedong along with many high-
level cadres still wanted to utilize its resources
for their own personal health. After Maos sec-
ond wife Jiang Qing contracted uterine cancer,
Mao indicated that Jiang should practice Taiji-
quan in Beidaihe. The incongruity between the
formal party line and the actual pro-qigong
beliefs of many its key leaders may be a partial
reason for the rapid revival of Qigong starting
in 1978. [Kupfer, p.9]
On the 28
of October, 1980, Liu Guizhen
once again became the Director at Beidaihe.
But the long years of political abuse had taken
their toll. He died in 1983 at the age of 63,
much too early a death for a master of qigong.
After Lu Guizhens death his daughter Liu
Yafei, continuing in the traditional ways,
became the 7
successor of Neiyang gong Qigong,
and was appointed Vice Director of the former
Beidaihe Sanatorium, now called The National
Medical Qigong Hospital and Training Center,
or Beidaihe Qigong Hospital for short. Its cur-
riculum expanded to include Taijiquan, Tradi-
tional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and even some
western medicine. Liu Yafei remains a dynamic
healer and teacher in 2013. [see http://www. [and] http:// ].
Just as Liu Guizhen predicted during the
dark days of his incarceration and persecutions,
One day the science that we call qigong will be
32 QIThe Journal of Traditional Eastern Health & Fitness
Madam Liu Yafei, Liu Guizhens daughter and 7th
successor of Neiyang gong, Vice Director of the Beidaihe
Qigong Hospital.
AUTUMN 2013 QI33
known and judged as a precious legacy and treasure
benefiting all humanity. Thanks to the work of
Liu Guizhen many millions of people through-
out the world now have a better, healthier and
happier life.

The author teaches qigong in the Boston area. Con-

tact: <>.
Books in English
Kenneth S. Cohen. The Way of Qigong. Ballantine,
Kristin Kupfer. Emergence and Development of Spir-
itual-Religious Groups in the Peoples Republic of
China after 1978Dissertation. [at] http://www-
KupferKristin/diss.pdf .
David A. Palmer. Qigong Fever: Body, Science and
Utopia in China. Columbia University Press, 2007.
[This is the most important source for this article].
Masaru Takahashi & Stephen Brown. Qigong for
Health: Chinese Traditional Exercise for Cure and
Prevention. Japan Publications, 1986. [an outstand-
ing comprehensive presentation of Liu Guizhens
Qigong. The only book of its kind in English.]
Books in Chinese
} );[ 1957/1981-2. [Liu Guizhen.
Qigong Therapy Practice.] [a pdf of the 1957 edition
is at
explain.php?fileid=7026210 ]
Books in German
Liu Yafei. Innen Nhrendes QigongNeiyanggong.
Urban & Fischer, 2012. (Kindle edition available
at Amazon.)
Web Sites
Beidaihe Qigong Rehabilitation Hospital of Hebei
Province [at]
Histoire du Qi Gong [at]
The History of Nei Yang Gong Qigong
Nei Yang Gong and Tai Ji Quan [at] http://www. [This extensive site
offers an outline-syllabus of the 21st century ver-
sion of Liu Guizhens qigong. There is information
about the National Medical Qigong Hospital and
Training Centre at Beidaihe, and a list teachers in
China and the USA.]
MovementsQigong de la Femme par Madame
Liu Ya Fei [at] http://mouvements.unblog.
Web Sites in Chinese
20j50-80);{( () [ The
20th century qigong therapy 50-80 years ]
,; [Qinhuangdao City, Chi Sec-
tion X] [at]
Chinese Qigong the Historical early Series [text in
Chinese] [at]
wrbz/history1.htm [and] http://www.chinaq-
Picture Sources
1. Liu Guizhen sending healing qi to a patient.
2. Liu Guizhen sending qi to his temples [ both from ].
3. Liu Guizhen conducting a scientific experiment
on the sending of external qi. [cover of]
[Qigong and Science, premier edition], 1982.
4. Qigong Therapy Practice cover.
5. Qigong Therapy Practice binding.
6. Qigong Therapy Practice meditation postures.
7. Qigong Therapy Practice movements and mas-
sages. [All Qigong Therapy Practice pictures from ].
8. Madam Liu Yafei, Liu Guizhens daughter and
successor of Neiyang gong, Vice Director of the
Beidaihe Qigong Hospital. [from]
9. Liu Yafei teaching Neiyang gong to students from
Japan. [at]
Liu Yafei teaching Neiyang gong to students from Japan.

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