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CO2 System Manual

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Sietas KG
Container Schiff
Hull No: lI93
TW/WM Reference: WM 150 358
Feuerschutz und Sicherheit
Marine Department
Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 4
24568 Kaltenkirchen
Telephone: 0049 4191 505 0
Facsimile No: 0049 4191 505 83
in co-operation with :
M40 2WL
Telephone: 0l6l 455 4400
Facsimile No: 0161 455 4452
Telex: 665690 WRMLD G
,................. 1
1.1 General
.......... 1
1.2. Caution
,.............. 1
1.3 General Description of Types of Equipment............
........... 1
2.1 General
2.2 Effectiveness of a COe-Fire Extinguishing lnstallation........... .............
2.3 Actuation..
2.4 After Discharging the System
2.5 Release Mechanism Parts
2.6 Contents of Control Cylinders
2.7 Distribution Valve
2.8 Control Station
2.9 Nozzles
2.10 Newly Filled Steel Cylinders .........
.................. s
Periodical lnspections ..............
................ s
3.1 Monthly
Visual lnspection
............ 5
3.2 Half-yearly
Functional Testing
.......... 5
3.3 Annually...
3.4 tslowing through of the CO2 System.............
..................... 5
After the pipes have been blown through and checked............ ................... 6
4.1 lnstructions for Removal of Cylinders with Lever Valves...... ..............7
4.2 lnstructions for Re-installation of Cylinders with Lever Valves ............ B
ATTENTION: ............ .................. I
1. lntroduction
1.1 General
C02-gas (carbon dioxide), which is used with this equipment as a fire extinguishing
agent, has a smothering effect.
COz is colourless and odourless. lf it is released under pressure, it resembles a
cloud of steam. When breathed in it causes a tickling sensation in the nose and the
throat and slight pressure on the chest (lungs). lt is electrically non-conducting, is
not corrosive, and is harmless to all kinds of objects. Although it is heavier than air,
it can very easily be mixed with air and be disposed of by ventilation.
COz is stored in liquid form in steel cylinders or insulated cooled tanks under con-
stant pressure, the containers being made according to appropriate specifications.
The pressure in the cylinders is dependent on the temperature, between 0' and 45'
between 34 and 125 bars.
To avoid unacceptable pressure increases in the CO2 containers, burst-plates or
safety valves are fitted; they blow out when maximum pressure for the contents of
the container is reached.
1.2. Caution
ln spaces which have been flooded with CO2, there is no longer a sufficient oxygen
content for breathing. Before entry, such spaces must be thoroughly aired. Only
after thorough airing and sampling of the air with a low-level gas detector apparatus
equipped with COz measurement tubes (the COz concentration must not exceed
5 %) should the room be entered.
Should it be necessary to go into spaces which have been saturated with COz, then
this should only be done with breathing equipment which is independent of the im-
mediate environment (air-pressure or breathing tube equipment). A
mask (filter
equipment) is not adequate.
1.3 General Description of Types of Equipment
COz-Fire Exinguishing Appliances generally consist of a bank of high-pressure
steel cylinders or a low pressure tank, filled with the necessary amount of COz,
housed in a separate space, and connected to a tube system which ends in spray
The COe quantity stocked is dependent on the size of the area to be protectecl
the necessary concentration, which is determined by the type of f ire-risk.
Activation of the system will be exclusively manually at release stations which are
equipped with an automatic alarm equipment.
After activation of the release equipment the carbonic acid flows through the distri-
bution network and is evenly distributed in the area where extinguishing is required,
through the nozzles installed there.
The supply of extinguishing agent is generally
such that the appliance can only be
used for extinguishing in that area.
2. lnstructions for Use
2.1 General
Fire Extinguishing lnstallations are installations for the protection
of people and va-
luables. They should therefore be protected
from any damage and always be kept
in readiness for use by regular servicing.
Escape routes and access to the operating stations should always be kept clear.
Care should always be taken that only authorized persons who are familiar with the
dangers, the correct working and activation of the equipment should handle or acti-
vate the system.
Practice alarms at irregular intervals will supporl this policy.
2.2 Effectiveness of a CO2-Fire Extinguishing Installation
The effectiveness of a CO2-Fire Extinguishing System is heavily dependent on
being used at an early stage on the hearth of the fire!
Warning: When a fire is detected staff must be immediately alarmed and
evacuated before the system may be released.
2.3 Actuation
The necessary instructions for activation of the system must be included on signs
and notice-boards at or in the vicinity of the release point.
2.4 After Discharging the System
Do not enter the area which has been flooded with coe! Danger of
ln areas whei'e the creation of embers is likely (e.g. cargo hords),
all openings of the space afire should be kept close for a rengthy
after the CO2 slstem has been released. Before airing,
make certain that the fire is completely extinguished. Before anyo-
ne is allowed to enter the area, it is to be thoroughly aired. lf a
space must be entered before airing, be sure that breathing
equipment which operates independently of its immediate envi-
ronment (see 1.2) is used.
After than: Arrange the immediate re-filling of CO2 cylinders in a filling station.
This makes it necessary that the empty cylinders must be sent to
the filling station.
When filling make sure that:
CO2 cylinders should always be re-filled with anhydrous carbonic
2.5 Release Mechanism Parts
Replace and examine all release mechanism parts.
2.6 Contents of Control Cylinders
Examine the contents of the control cylinders
where such exist. Refill if not filled
at 100 %.
2.7 Distribution Valve
Close off the valve of the appropriate supply pipe.
2.8 Control Station
Close and lock the door of the control .station.
2.9 Nozzles
Examine all nozzles, to ensure they are f ree of dirt, metal particles
or ice.
2.10 Newly Filled Steel Cylinders
Re-install the newly f illed steel cylinders (see Maintenance).
3. Maintenance
P e riodi c al I n spections
The TOTAL-WALTHER CO2 Fire Extinguishing System requires a minimum
of servicing. Of course the individual parts should be kept clean and ready for
use, and the release mechanism should be kept easily accessible.
3.1 Monthly
Visual Inspection
Examine all piping for mechanical damage and check the remaining installations
are in correct working order.
3.2 Half-yearly
Functional Testing
By opening door(s) at release point(s) activate the alarm in the appropriate areas to
be protected. Ensure that all alarm equipment is working.
Check drainage in COz pipes for possible water residues. Dry out if necessary.
Operational test of distribution valves (manual only). Close the valves immediately.
Do not open any valves in the pilot gas line.
3.3 Annually
Have equipment checked by authorized specialist firm, including checking of cylin-
der contents.
3,4 Blowing through of the CO2System
Blow through the piping network with dry compressed air, so that any impurities
(headlock water, dust, and the like) are removed. Use the compressed air connec-
tion available in the COz area for blowing through.
Caution: Water or oxygen must in no circumstances be used for blow-
through of the piping. ln particular the use of o>:ygen is very dan-
gerous (fire risk).
Before blowing through break off the connection between the pilot line and the ma-
Do not open the distribution valve yet.
The system is now to be tested up to the distribution valve for airtightness. Then by
opening the distribution valve, blow through the downstream pipes and nozzles and
check for free expulsion of air.
After the pipes have been blown through and checked:
1. Shut-off the compressed air intake.
2. Check that there is no pressure in the CO2 pipe system.
3. Close the distribution valve.
4. Reconnect the pilot
line wih the manifold.
5. Check carefully that all connections of the pilot line are safely tightened.
4. Removal and Re-lnstallation of CO2 Cylinders
Warning: The COz cylinders are vessels with an internal high pressure
up to
120 bars.
For the removal of a cylinder, the following sequence must be strictly adhered to:
The lever of the valve of a cylinder not discharged must not be moved, as otherwi-
se COz will rush out and may cause injuries to personal.
4.1 Instructions for Removal of cylinders with Lever varves
1. lf a cylinder, equipped with quick-opening
valve, or cylinder bank is re-
leased, the valve lever(s) is/are to be brought to its/their normal position.
2. The valve lever(s) and the operating piston(s)
must be unscrewed from
the cylinder valve(s).
3. Loosen the coupling nuts of the hose or copper tube assy and unscrew
the nut of the connection to the valve outlet. Swing hose or tube assy
4. At systems with hoses only:
ln doing this, care must be taken that the seal is not lost. Take good ca-
re of the seal until re-assembly.
5. Screw safety cap to the valve ouilet connection.
6. Take the CO2 cylinder out of the bracket and mark its location on cylin-
7. Screw the bottle cap on to the bottle-neck thread.
-7 -
4.2 lnstructions for Re-installation of cylinders with Lever valves
1. Remove cylinder cap.
Caution: Ensure that the safety cap is on the valve outlet. lf necessa-
screw on a cap.
2. lnstall the COz cylinder at its original location.
3. Turn the bottle in such a way that the valve outlet is pointing in the di-
rection for connection and secure the cylinder using the brackets.
4. Unscrew safety cap from valve outlet,
5. Screw coupling nut of the copper tube assy or hose on to the cylinder
valve outlet (do not forget send a hose) and tighten caref ully.
6. Tighten upper coupling nut of copper tube assy or hose.
7. Tighten the cylinder brackets.
8. Assemble the operating piston
to the valve.
9. lnstallthe valve lever but prevent
activation of valve.
10. Test the relcase connection is correcily connected.
Caution: Danger of release!
The flexible hoses installed in the CO2 slstem (discharge
hoses and pilot loops)
are type approved by classification societies.
The lifetime of such hoses is limited, caused by changing of environmental conditi-
ons as temperatures, humidity, salt, etc. As such conditions differ from vessel to
vessel and from different areas of operation, it is impossible to set a maximum life-
Therefore it is important to do regularily visual inspection of the hoses (2 times per
ln case that any swellings, mechanical damage, contin. bends, corrosion at the
metal fittings, etc. are detected at any hose (see DIN 20066), the vessel's master
must decide about a replacement of the hoses.
Experts reported that it might be necessary to replace hoses after a service of less
than 6 years.
As the function of the system and safety of crew and vessel are depending on ho-
ses being in good condition, it must be verified that such visual inspection will be
every 6 months.

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