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Arthur Moeller Van Den Bruck: The Man and His Thought - Lucian Tudor

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Arthur Moeller van den Bruck:

The Man & His Thought

By Lucian Tudor
Originally published on Counter-Currents on August 17, 2012

Arthur Moeller van den Bruck was one of the most important, perhaps even the single most
important, figure of what is known as the Conservative Revolution in early 20th century
Germany. His influence on conservative German thought, despite its limitations, is deep and
lasting, carrying on even into the present day. Indeed there may be some truth to the mystical
declaration made by his wife: In trying to account for the question who was Moeller van den
Bruck, you are really addressing a question to Germanys destiny.[1] An examination of his life
and philosophical thought is an examination of one of those great forces in the realm of ideas
that moves nations. And it is for the value to any nationalist or conservative inherent in such an
examination that we aim to accomplish that here concisely.
Early Life and Development
Arthur Moeller van den Bruck was born on April 23, 1876 in Solingen in the Rhineland area of
Germany. At the age of sixteen, Moeller van den Bruck (we will hereafter shorten his last name
to Moeller) was expelled from the Gymnasium which he was attending at Dusseldorf due to the
fact that he was indifferent in his classes, which was a result of his preoccupation with German
literature and philosophy. This expulsion did not stop him from continuing his literary studies
and he even attended lectures at several intellectual centers, despite not being able to enter a
Friedrich Nietzsches (and to some extent also Paul de Lagardes and Julius Langbehns)
philosophy had a powerful influence on Moellers thought in his youth, and shaped his views of
Bismarcks Second Reich, a state which he found disagreeable because of its forced
patriotism. At this time, Moeller was extremely un-political and decided to leave Germany in
1902 for some time to avoid military service.[3] The first location to which he traveled was
Paris, where he began the writing of an eight-volume work titled Die Deutschen: unsere
Menschengeschichte (The Germans: Our Peoples History), published from the years 1904 to
1910, which was a cultural history that classified significant Germans according to characteristic
psychological types.[4]
Supplementing Die Deutschen, Moeller published in 1905 Die Zeitgenossen (The
Contemporaries), which presented his concept of old peoples and young peoples, an idea
which he would reassert in later notable works.[5] During this time he also acquired a fascination
with Fyodor Dostoevskys work and also an admiration for the Eastern[Russian] spirit, which
motivated him to produce a German translation of Dostoevskys works with the help of Dmitry

From the years 1912 to 1914, Moeller had traveled throughout various nations, particularly
through Italy, England, Russia, and Scandinavia, having originally planned to write books
describing the prime characteristics of certain nations, but he ultimately only finished a book on
Italian art titled Die Italienische Schnheit (The Italian Beauty) in 1913.[7]
World War I, Young Peoples, and Racial Theory
When the First World War began, Moeller returned to Germany due to a feeling of attachment
for Germany and enlisted in military service. In 1916, after having been discharged from the
army due to suffering from nervous disorders, he produced a key work known as Der
preussische Stil (The Prussian Style). This book, although its primary focus was on Prussian
architecture, presented Moellers view on the nature of the Prussian character, which he now
praised, writing that Prussianism is the will to the state, and the interpretation of historical life
as political life in which we must act as political men.[8]
In 1919, Moeller produced another of his famous works known as Das Recht der Jungen Vlker
(The Right of Young Peoples), which reasserted his idea of young peoples and old peoples
in a new form. In this theory, peoples or nations (Vlker, which is the plural form of Volk)
differed in age, which means not age in years or actual time but rather in their character and
behavior. Young peoples, which included Germany, Russia, and America, possessed a high
amount of vitality, hard work, will-to-power, strength, and energy. Old peoples, which
included Italy, England, and France, were saturated, highly developed, valued happiness over
work, and generally had a lower amount of energy and vitality.[9]
According to Moeller, the destiny of peoples would be determined by the law of rise and
decline of nations, which held that all aging states relentlessly sink down from their
hegemonial positions.[10] However, young peoples could be defeated in war by a coalition of
old peoples, as Germany had been in World War I, although this would not crush a young
people if the resulting conditions would still leave that nation with the ability to exist and grow.
Consequently, Moeller advocated an alliance between Germany, America, and Russia, hoping
that with this effort Wilsons Fourteen Points could be implemented and Germany would live
under reasonable conditions. However, the resulting peace treaty was the Versailles Treaty and
not the Fourteen Points.[11]
In Das Recht der Jungen Vlker Moeller also included some earlier writing he had done on the
subject of race. Moeller believed that humans could not be divided into races solely by
anthropology because Man is more than nature. He had a peculiar idea of race which presented
a dichotomy between Rasse des Blutes (Race of the Blood), which refers to the common
biological concept of race, and Rasse des Geistes (Race of the Spirit), which refers to
psychological or spiritual character which is not hereditarily determined.[12]
Moeller argued that because peoples of the same biological race could have significant
differences between each other, the English and the Germans being an example of this, race of
the blood was not as powerful or important as a race of the spirit. Conversely, it was also
proven by the fact that a people could be made of up of a mixture of races, such as the Prussians
(who were the result of an ancient Slavic-Germanic mix), yet still have a positive and unified
form; although, of course, it should be noted that despite this commentary, Moeller would
certainly have not approved of any European group mixing with non-European (i.e. non-white)

The June Club and the Spengler Debate
In 1919, Moeller founded, along with Heinrich von Gleichen-Russwurm and Eduard Stadtler, the
neoconservative (an alternative term for revolutionary conservative) group known as the
Juniklub (June Club), an organization of which Moeller would soon become the key
ideological leader.[14] In early 1920, the June Club invited Oswald Spengler to discuss his book
The Decline of the West with Moeller van den Bruck. Moeller and Spengler agreed on some
basic issues, including the basic division between Kultur (Culture) and Zivilisation
(Civilization), but had some significant disagreements as well.[15]
Moeller asserted that Spenglers morphological theory of culture cycles had certain key
inaccuracies. Firstly, he disagreed with Spenglers rigidly deterministic and fatalistic view of
history, in which the rise and decline of High Cultures were destined and could even be
predicted, because for Moeller history was essentially unpredictable; it is the story of the
Secondly, the nations which Spengler claimed constituted the West had powerful differences
between each other, especially in terms of being young and old, which affected whether they
would rise or decline, as well as cultural differences. Moeller wrote that due to these significant
differences there was clearly no homogeneous Occident and for that reason alone there can be
no homogeneous decline.[17]
Not only that, but history resembled a spiral rather than a circle, and a nation in decline
could actually reverse its decline if certain psychological changes and events could take place
within it. In fact, Moeller felt that a nation like Germany could not even be classified as
Western and even had more in common, in terms of spirit, with Russia than it did with France
and England.[18]
The Third Empire
In 1922, Moeller, along with his two friends Heinrich von Gleichen and Max Hildebert Boehm,
published a collection of their articles in the form of a book titled Die Neue Front (The New
Front), which was intended to be a manifesto for young conservatives.[19] One year later,
however, Moeller would publish his own manifesto, Das Dritte Reich (The Third Empire,
translated into English as Germanys Third Empire), which contained the most comprehensive
exposition of his worldview.[20]
He began the book with a declaration of the ideal of the Third Empire which Germany had the
potential to establish while simultaneously giving a warning that Germany must become
politically-minded. In the first chapter he discussed the German Revolution of 1918 which
established the Weimar Republic, declaring that this revolution introduced un-German political
ideas which were imposed by the foreign powers of France and England, and that it must be
overcome by a new, conservative and nationalist revolution.
Here Moeller also repeated his concept of young peoples and old peoples, emphasizing that
the English and French nations were old but shrewd and politically experienced, while
Germany was young and vigorous but had behaved in an inexperienced and impetuous

manner. If Germany could rise above the defeated situation in which it was placed into, its
leaders would need caution and political experience. Moeller warned that if German leaders
would not handle the political situation with the utmost care and skill and with wisdom,
her[Germanys] attempt will plunge us once more into impotence, into disintegration, into a
non-existence which will last this time not for decades but for centuries.[21]
The succeeding parts of Germanys Third Empire would examine the four typical ideological
types Revolutionary, Liberal, Reactionary, and Conservative in Germany and their essential
attitudes and ideas.
Revolutionaries, Socialism, and the Proletariat
The political type known as the Revolutionary or the Radical, which was represented
primarily by the Marxists, held the mistaken view that a nation and its society could be entirely
transformed through a revolution, rapidly creating a new world. Moeller believed that this was a
naive view of the life of nations, because the past customs, traditions, and values of a nation
cannot ever simply be totally brushed aside. We may be the victims of catastrophes which
overtake us, of revolutions which we cannot prevent, but tradition always re-emerges.[22]
Moeller spent much time critiquing the materialist and rationalist ideological foundations of
Marxism. He critiqued rationalism for failing to understand that reason had limits and was
entirely separate from understanding. Reason should be one with perception. This reason
ceased to perceive; she merely reckoned. Understanding is spiritual instinct; reason became mere
intellectual calculation.[23] Materialism (which shared a link with rationalism) and rationalism
embraces everything except what is vital. Like rationalism, materialism could not understand
either history or the nature of man:
The materialist conception of history, which gives economics greater weight than man,
is a denial of history; it denies all spiritual values. . . . Man revolts against the merely
animal in himself; he is filled with the determination not to live for bread alone or, at a
later stage, not alone for economics he achieves consciousness of his human dignity.
The materialist conception of history has never taken cognizance of these things. It has
concentrated on half mans history: and the less creditable half. [24]
Thus Marxism, because it was founded upon such ideas, made the error of conceiving of man as
a soulless animal guided merely by economic motives, while in reality higher spiritual forces and
ideas guided his actions. Furthermore, Marx failed to understand that there could be no
international proletariat because people, whether they were proletariats or not, were
differentiated by belonging to different Vlker (this is often translated as nations, but may also
be understood as ethnicities).
Moeller believed that this failing was partly a product of Marxs rationalistic thought as well as
his Jewish background, which made him a stranger in Europe who yet dared to meddle in the
affairs of European peoples. Moeller struck out: Jew that he was, national feeling was
incomprehensible to him; rationalist that he was, national feeling was for him out of date.[25]
However, socialism itself was not limited to Marxism and in fact, international socialism does
not exist . . . socialism begins where Marxism ends.[26] Moeller called for the recognition of
the fact that every people has its own socialism and that a conservative national socialism of

German origin existed which should be the foundation of the Third Empire.
This German socialism was essentially a form of socialistic corporatism, a corporative
conception of state and economics, which had its foundations in the ideas of thinkers such as
Friedrich List, Frieherr von Stein, and Constantin Frantz, as well as in the medieval guild
system.[27] Other notable intellectuals who were contemporaries of Moeller, most prominently
Oswald Spengler and Werner Sombart, advocated similar conceptions of German
Moeller also defied Marxs concept of the proletariat as well as his concept of class warfare,
asserting that the proletarian is a proletarian by his own desire. Thus the proletariat in the
Marxian sense was not a product of his position in capitalist society, but merely of the
proletarian consciousness. Socialism is a population problem, which is the the most urgently
socialist question conceivable and which Marx was incapable of giving proper recognition
The problem of the proletariat was essentially the problem of a nation having too much surplus
population due to a lack of living space, which meant that its people began to live in bad
conditions. Because Germany was being prevented by foreign powers from solving its
population problem, the proletariat is learning that if oppressed classes suffer in body,
oppressed nations suffer in soul. German proletarians and non-proletarians were both German
and would have to unite in order to free themselves from oppression, for only the nation as a
whole can set itself free.[30]
Liberalism and Democracy
Liberalism was attacked by Moeller as a negative force which must be absolutely eliminated and
which was the prime enemy of both the conservative Right and revolutionary Left. Liberalism,
Moeller taught, is at its essence based upon individualism, meaning not simply the idea that the
individual has value but a kind of egotism which refuses to recognize anything above the
individual and which even puts total value upon self-interest. The liberal professes to do all he
does for the sake of the people; but he destroys the sense of community that should bind
outstanding men to the people from which they spring.[31]
Thus, liberalism is a degenerating force which weakens nations and atomizes society; it is an
ideology tolerated only by nations which no longer have a sense of unity or state-instinct.
Liberals consequently have no sense of responsibility towards their nation, being indifferent to
both its past and its future and seeking only personal advantage. The disintegrating power of this
ideology is obvious: Their[liberals] dream is the great International, in which the differences of
peoples and languages, races and cultures will be obliterated.[32]
Moeller concluded that liberalism had created a form of state the republic in which the old
aristocracy was replaced by a dangerous, irresponsible, ruthless, intermediate stratum of
corrupt politicians who were guided solely by self-interest. Moeller even maintained that liberals
did not even have proper idea of freedom: Freedom means for him[the liberal] simply scope for
his own egotism, and this he secures by means of the political devices which he has elaborated
for the purpose: parliamentism and so-called democracy.[33]
In place of the liberal-republican concept of democracy, Moeller offered a new idea: The

question of democracy is not the question of the Republic but is rather something that comes
into being when the people take a share in determining their own Fate.[34] Germans had
originally been a democratic people in ancient times, which had nothing to do with theoretic
rights or even voting, but rather with the bond of peoplehood and with the monarch executing the
peoples will.
Thus, even a strong monarchy could be a democracy. However, Moeller believed that the old
monarchy of the Second Reich had lost touch with the people and a new kind of monarchical
state should come into being, a democracy with a leader not parliamentism.[35] This Leader
would abolish the rule of the parties and institute a system in which leaders would feel at one
with the nation and identify the nations fate with their own.[36]
Reactionaries and Conservatives
Reactionaries and Conservatives are often seen as interchangeable, but Moeller emphasized that
there are important differences between the two groups. A reactionary is essentially someone
who believes in a total reinstitution of a past form. That is, he seeks to reverse history and bring
back into being all old practices, regardless of whether they are actually good or bad, because he
believes that everything of the past was good. Moeller thus distinguished the reactionary from
the conservative:
The reactionarys reading of history is as superficial as the conservatives is profound.
The reactionary sees the world as he has known it; the conservative sees it as it has been
and will always be. He distinguishes the transitory from the eternal. Exactly what has
been, can never be again. But what the world has once brought forth she can bring forth
again. [37]
What is meant here is that while a reactionary seeks to completely revive past forms, the
conservative understands how the world actually functions. Societies evolve and therefore some
values and traditions change, but at the same time certain values and traditions do not change or
should not change. The conservative tries to preserve the values and customs which are good for
the nation or are eternal in nature while simultaneously being accepting of new values and
practices when they are helpful for the nation or when they replace older ones which were
negative in effect. Therefore,
He [the conservative] has no ambition to see the world as a museum; he prefers it as a
workshop, where he can create things which will serve as new foundations. His thought
differs from the revolutionarys in that it does not trust things which were hastily
begotten in the chaos of upheaval; things have a value for him only when they possess
certain stability. Stable values spring from tradition. [38]
What, then, is a Revolutionary Conservative or Conservative Revolutionary? In many ways,
Moellers definition of conservative is basically equivalent to revolutionary conservative; one
who values what is eternal or good while leaving behind what is no longer tenable or is bad.
However, strictly speaking, for Moeller the revolutionary conservative is a conservative who
merges conservative and revolutionary ideas for the benefit of the nation. Moeller wrote that
conservative-revolutionary thought is the only one which in a time of upheaval guarantees the
continuity of history and preserves it alike from reaction and from chaos.[39] It is thus a

necessary development which recognizes and reconciles all the antitheses which are historically
alive amongst us.[40]
Conservative Nationalism and the Third Empire
According to Moeller, conservatism and nationalism are linked, meaning that a conservative is
now a nationalist. But how does he define nationalism, a term which often has contradictory
definitions? Nationality (or alternatively, ethnicity) is not based simply on being born in a
specific country and speaking its language, as has often been assumed in the past; a nation is in
fact defined by its own peculiar character from the manner in which the men of its blood value
life.[41] Thus Moeller wrote:
Consciousness of nationhood means consciousness of a nations living values. Not only
those are Germans who speak German, or were born in Germany, or possess her citizen
rights. Conservatism seeks to preserve a nations values, both by conserving traditional
values, as far as these still possess the power of growth, and by assimilating all new
values which increase a nations vitality. A nation is a community of values; and
nationalism is a consciousness of values. [42]
It is of interest to note here that liberal-egalitarian intellectuals oftentimes claim that nationalists
believe that a nation is a totally unchanging entity in terms of character, while Moellers concept
of conservatism and nationalism, as explained above, entirely defies these anti-nationalist
prejudices. Similarly, Moellers associate, the influential volkisch (Folkish) thinker Max
Hildebert Boehm, held the view that a Volk was not an unchanging organism but always in a
state of flux.[43]
Finally, Moeller declared that The crumbling state threatened to bury the nation in its ruins. But
there has arisen a hope of salvation: a conservative-revolutionary movement of nationalism.[44]
It will establish a Third Empire, a new and final Empire which would unite the German people
as a whole, would be founded upon conservative values and the love of country, and would
resolve Germanys economic and population problems. However, Moeller emphasized that the
aim was not to fight only for Germanys sake, but in fact at the same time he[the German
nationalist] is fighting for the cause of Europe, for every European influence that radiates from
Germany as the centre of Europe.[45] Thus, the fulfillment of German destiny would mean the
salvation of Europe.
Influence and Death
Moellers grand vision for the future of German nationalism and conservatism had much
influence among right-wing groups in Germany and was critical in the development of
revolutionary conservatism. However, his most prominent influence was on Hitlers National
Socialist movement, even to the extent that Moeller is oftentimes said to be a precursor of
National Socialism.
Although the term Third Reich did not originate with him, it was he who popularized it during
the Weimar Republic and was the source from which the National Socialists adopted it.[46]
Furthermore, Moellers concept of a Leader who identifies with the nation, the concept of a
national socialism, his anti-liberalism, and his belief in the importance of nationality all bear
an obvious relationship to Hitlers National Socialism.

However, on the other hand, these ideas are certainly not unique to either Moeller or Hitler, and
in fact predate both of them. There are also conspicuous differences between Moellers
worldview and Hitlers. Moeller did not share Hitlers anti-Slavism or his particular racial views,
nor were his anti-Jewish attitudes as strong as Hitlers, even though he recognized Jews as a
When Hitler visited the June Club in 1922 and had a discussion with Moeller, Moeller believed
that while Hitler clearly was fighting for German interests, he did not have the right personal
qualities or tendencies: Hitler was wrecked by his proletarian primitivism. He did not
understand how to give his national socialism any intellectual basis. He was passion incarnate,
but entirely without measure or sense of proportion.[47]
According to Otto Strasser, another associate of Moeller, Hitler also did not understand
Moellers phrase We were Teutons, we are Germans, we shall be Europeans, which meant that
Germany should become a member of the great European family[48] Yet in spite of all this,
Hitler still admired Moeller and a signed copy of his Das Dritte Reich was found in Hitlers
bunker in 1945.[49]
By the year 1925, Moeller began to despair over the political situation in Germany and various
negative developments. He did not have any confidence in the right-wing political forces which
emerged, and it has also been suggested that he had feared that the National Socialists abused or
distorted his ideas. As he began to withdraw from political activism, Moeller became lonelier
and more depressed, and was finally struck by a nervous breakdown, after which he committed
suicide on May 30, 1925.[50] But as Arthur Moeller van den Bruck passed from this world he
left behind his imposing vision:
German nationalism fights for the possible Empire . . . . We are not thinking of the
Europe of Today which is too contemptible to have any value. We are thinking of the
Europe of Yesterday and whatever thereof may be salvaged for Tomorrow. We are
thinking of the Germany of All Time, the Germany of a two-thousand-year past, the
Germany of an eternal present which dwells in the spirit, but must be secured in reality
and can only so be politically secured . . . . The ape and tiger in man are threatening. The
shadow of Africa falls across Europe. It is our task to be guardians on the threshold of
values. [51]

[1] Lucy Moeller van den Bruck as quoted in Fritz Stern, The Politics of Cultural Despair
(Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1974), p. 184.
[2] Gerhard Krebs, Moeller Van Den Bruck: Inventor of the Third Reich, The American
Political Science Review, Vol. 35, No. 6 (Dec., 1941), pp. 108586.
[3] Klemens von Klemperer, Germanys New Conservatism; Its History And Dilemma In The
Twentieth Century (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968), pp. 15455.
[4] Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, Die Deutschen, 8 vols. (Minden, Westphalia: J. C. C. Bruns,

[5] Krebs, Moeller Van Den Bruck, p. 1093.
[6] Kemperer, Germanys New Conservatism, p. 15556.
[7] Ibid., p. 156.
[8] Moeller, Der preussische Stil (Munich, 1916), p. 202. Quoted in Klemperer, Germanys New
Conservatism, p. 156.
[9] Moeller, Das Recht der Jungen Vlker (Munich: R. Piper & Co., 1919).
[10] Moeller as quoted in Krebs, Moeller Van Den Bruck, p. 1093.
[11] Klemperer, Germanys New Conservatism, pp. 15859.
[12] On Moellers racial views, see Stern, Politics of Cultural Despair, pp. 14243, 187, and
Alain de Benoist, Arthur Moeller van den Bruck: Une Question a la Destinee Allemande,
Nouvelle Ecole, Paris, 35, January 1980,, pp. 13 & 35.
[13] Ibid.
[14] Klemperer, Germanys New Conservatism, p. 103.
[15] Benoist, Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, p. 28.
[16] Moeller, Das Recht der Jungen Vlker, pp. 1139. Quoted in Zoltan Michael Szaz, The
Ideological Precursors of National Socialism, The Western Political Quarterly, Vol. 16, No. 4
(Dec., 1963), p. 942.
[17] Moeller as quoted in Stern, Politics of Cultural Despair, p. 239.
[18] Benoist, Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, pp. 13, 2730.
[19] Klemperer, Germanys New Conservatism, p. 232 and Krebs, Moeller Van Den Bruck, p.
[20] Moeller, Germanys Third Empire (Howard Fertig, New York, 1971). Note that a new
edition of this work in English has recently been published by Arktos Media (London, 2012).
[21] Ibid., p. 24.
[22] Ibid., p. 223.
[23] Ibid., p. 212.
[24] Ibid., p. 55.
[25] Ibid., p. 43.
[26] Ibid., p. 76.

[27] Ibid., pp. 60, 74, 160.
[28] See Oswald Spengler, Selected Essays (Chicago: Gateway/Henry Regnery, 1967) and
Werner Sombart, Economic Life in the Modern Age (New Brunswick, NJ, and London:
Transaction Publishers, 2001).
[29] Moeller, Germanys Third Empire, pp. 16062.
[30] Ibid., p. 161.
[31] Ibid., p. 90.
[32] Ibid.
[33] Ibid., p. 110.
[34] Ibid., p. 132.
[35] Ibid., p. 133.
[36] Ibid., p. 227.
[37] Ibid., p. 181.
[38] Ibid., p. 223.
[39] Ibid., p. 192.
[40] Ibid., p. 254.
[41] Ibid., p. 245.
[42] Ibid., p. 245.
[43] Max Hildebert Boehm, Das eigenstndige Volk (Gttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht,
[44] Moeller, Germanys Third Empire, p. 248.
[45] Ibid., p. 264.
[46] Klemperer, Germanys New Conservatism, pp. 153, 16162.
[47] Moeller as quoted in Stern, Politics of Cultural Despair, p. 238.
[48] Otto Strasser, Hitler and I (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1940), pp. 39 & 217.
[49] Cyprian Blamires, World Fascism: A Historical Encyclopedia, Volume 1 (Santa Barbara,
Cal.: ABC-CLIO, 2006), p. 431.
[50] Stern, Politics of Cultural Despair, p. 266 and Benoist, Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, p.

[51] Moeller, Germanys Third Empire, p. 264.

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