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Porter Carlos Whitlock - Germany v. Porter

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Carlos Whitlock Porter

By Carlos Whitlock Porter

(c) 2013 by Carlos Whitlock Porter. All rights reserved.

ISBN 978-1-387-12262-2
Table of Contents

Introduction ...................................................................................... 4
Part I: Order of Punishment ............................................................... 5
Part II: Reply to Lower District Court................................................ 9
Part III: Subpoena – Revisionism .................................................... 13
Part IV: Translation of Judgement:
Revisionism, Failure to Appear.......................................... 17
Part V: Opinion of German Defence Attorney ................................. 20
Part VI: Answer to Subpoena of 22 May 1997................................. 24
Part VII: Replies to Subpoena of 22 August 1997 ............................ 27
Part VIII: Replies to Court Judgement of 23 October 1997 .............. 30
Part IX: Holocaust Museum of Stupidity: Now Opening
at a Location Near You...................................................... 34
Part X: Holocaust Museum of Stupidity Moves to New Location..... 36
Part XI: Final Statement to the Court............................................... 42
Final Disposition of the Case........................................................... 44
Annex I: Graphics, Germany v. Porter ............................................. 45
Annex II: Official IMT Record of Pedal-Driven Brain-
Bashing Machine – Cause of Defendant’s “Severe
Cranial Injuries”, Rendering Him Unable to Appear ........ 56
Annex III: Official IMT Record of German WWII Atomic
Bomb Used in “Secret Experiment” at Auschwitz
– Cause of Defendant’s “Severe Radiation Burns”,
Rendering Him Unable to Appear................................... 59
Annex IV: Covers of the Author’s Books ........................................ 61


On April 25, 1995, a former member of the Wehrmacht (not the SS),
Reinhold Elstner, burnt himself to death at the Feldherrnhalle in
Munich to protest what he called the “Niagara of lies” engulfing
Astonishingly, the Munich police had the shamelessness to
arrest people for placing wreaths on the spot, and to remove all the burn
marks with a blow torch. In protest, I sent over 200 copies of NICHT
SCHULDIG IN NÜRNBERG, a German translation of NOT GUILTY
AT NUREMBERG, a brochure authored by myself, accompanied by a
protest letter, one to every important newspaper, magazine and
politician in the country, to Helmut Kohl, Richard von Weizsäcker and
five others by registered mail, to make sure they got it.
The Mayor of Munich, a certain Christian Ude, got his knickers
in a twist and the result was 17 months of so-called “legal proceedings”
during which I told them more or less to bugger off. Of course, I was
polite about it: I said, “I defy your authority and I refuse to comply with
any order to do anything.”
For 17 months, the German courts ignored everything
introduced by the Defendant, i.e., myself, in reply to the avalanche of
subpoenas, summonses, certified letters, certified translations, demands
for payment, etc. Jokes, insults, sarcasm, refusals to appear, demands
for the production of evidence, irrefutable legal arguments, refusals to
pay, etc. were all ignored – like a computer continually displaying the
same error message.
Goaded beyond endurance, his back to the wall, the Defendant
took drastic, perhaps unprecedented action...


Certified True Copy Reference no. 8430 Cs 112 Js 11637/96

Mr. Carlos Whitlock PORTER
Address [deleted to protect present occupants]
[stamp: Effective as of: Munich, Clerk of the Court]
Born on 6 March 1947 in Pasadena/United States of America, stateless.


Inquiries of the State Prosecutor’s Office have revealed the following:

In August 1996, with intent to disseminate, you sent a number, which is
no longer known [“eine nicht mehr bekannte Anzahl” – a no-longer-
known number: Are they admitting they don’t know, or do they claim
they used to know, but have now forgotten?], of copies of the printed
NUREMBERG), in each case [Note: How do they claim to know that?
– C.P.], together with a cover letter, to a “no-longer-known number” [!]
of persons living in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Thus, in mid-August 1996, from your dwelling in Belgium you
sent the printed text in question, together with the cover letter, signed
by yourself, to Mayor Christian Ude of the city and state capital of
Munich. At least the following passages, mentioned below, from the
printed text, entitled NICHT SCHULDIG IN NÜRNBERG, together
with the cover letter concerned, deny [“deny” (leugnen): implies bad
faith – C.P.] and minimize the mass extermination of the European
Jews during the National Socialist regime of violence.
Disputing the mass murders in the concentration camps
minimizes the evil of National Socialist injustices. It therefore attacks
the dignity and existential basis of the Jewish people, while
simultaneously degrading the dignity of the dead who were the victims
of the National Socialist regime.
In particular, the above matter involves the following passages
from the printed text entitled NICHT SCHULDIG IN NÜRNBERG:
– “The ‘documentary evidence’ is, of course, a Communist
‘War Crimes Report’ and the ‘death chamber’ [sic], of course, are
‘steam chambers’ ” (page 23);

– “Ziereis’s ‘confession’ continues to be taken seriously by
Reitlinger, Shirer, Hilberg, and other itinerant peddlers of Holo-
Schlock” (page 43);
– “Schirach and Streicher were both taken in by a ‘photocopy’
of a Hitler document in which he ‘confessed’ to mass killings (XIV 432
[[476]]; XII 321 [[349]]).
Since Hitler was a genius (X 600 [[671-672]), and since
geniuses do not kill millions of people with Diesel exhaust and
insecticides which take 24 hours to kill moths (Document NI-9912), it
appears that the significance of this document has been overrated. In
fact, it is typical Hitler: full of violent language, but short of factual
content. Nor is it certain that Hitler was of sound mind in 1945 (IX 92
[[107]])” (pages 59-60);
– “Actually, Zyklon presents a similar problem, in that the
liquid must evaporate, and does so slowly unless heated. German
technical wizardry and industrial advancement in general renders
ridiculous any notion of a ‘Holocaust’ using insecticide or Diesel
exhaust” (page 62).
The passages from the cover letter [a letter of protest sent to a
public official in a so-called “democratic” country – C.P.] is worded as
“The fact is that the so-called ‘Nazi gas chambers’ (which serve
as a pretext for the present system of tyranny) never existed. The
impossibility of their functioning in the manner described has been
repeatedly proven in expert chemical and engineering reports to which
our slave masters have no answer. The ruling classes in Germany (as
elsewhere) cannot prove the existence of any ‘Nazi gas chambers’; they
do not even try. All they do is fine and imprison all those who dare to
defend the honour of the German people.”
[Full text: “Dear Sirs, “I wish to protest the persecution of
nationalist sympathizers and Holocaust revisionists in the Federal
Republic of Germany, and Austria, including, but not limited to, David
Irving, Fred Leuchter, Otto Ernst Remer, Germar Rudolf, Hans-Jörg
Schimanek, Gottfried Küssel, Hans Schmidt, and Gerhard Lauck.
“The above mentioned persons were arrested and imprisoned
simply for exercising their internationally recognized freedom of
speech and opinion. If they had been Jews in the Soviet Union, of
course, worldwide outrage would have been deafening. Obviously, ‘All
Animals Are Equal, but Some Are More Equal Than Others’.
“It is time for the citizens of our ‘democratic’ Western slave
states to speak out whether the Jews like it or not.
“The fact is that the so-called ‘Nazi gas chambers’ (which serve

as a pretext for the present system of tyranny) never existed. The
impossibility of their functioning in the manner described has been
repeatedly proven in expert chemical and engineering reports to which
our slave masters have no answer.
“The ruling classes in Germany (as elsewhere) cannot prove the
existence of any ‘Nazi gas chambers’; they do not even try. All they do
is fine and imprison all those who dare to defend the honour of the
German people. The latest includes arresting people for laying flowers
or wreaths on the site where a 75-year old German expelled from the
Sudetenland burned himself alive in protest against a deluge of filth and
lies which has no parallel in history.”] [Reinhold Elstner, in Munich.]
You are therefore guilty [!] of dissemination, in the Federal
Republic, of texts (under Section 11, Paragraph 3), denying or
minimizing the evil of actions committed under the National Socialist
regime, in the manner referred to in Section 220a, Paragraph 1, thereby
injuring others in their honour, as well as slandering the dignity of the
dead through the same action; and punishable for:
“Popular Incitement” (or “Incitement of the Masses”)
[Volksverhetzung] [!] [?] identical in law to “Slandering the Dignity of
the Dead”, according to Section 130, Paragraph 2, Number 1a [copious
references, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah] of the Criminal Code.
Method of proof:
1. Confession
2. Printed text entitled NICHT SCHULDIG IN NÜRNBERG
(photo 3), with accompanying text (photo 2). Documents: Extract from
the Federal Central Registry.
Upon petition of the State Prosecutor’s Office, a fine of 150
“daily monetary units” is hereby applied. The daily monetary unit is
established at 40 DM. The fine, in total, amounts to 6,000 DM.
Failure to pay will be punished by imprisonment. One daily
monetary unit corresponds to one day’s imprisonment. You will be
responsible for the costs of the proceedings, as well as your own
necessary expenses.
Decision: We hereby order the confiscation of all copies of the
text entitled NICHT SCHULDIG IN NÜRNBERG, together with all
copies of the accompanying text, with return address “Carlos Whitlock
PORTER... [Address and telephone number deleted to protect present
[Note: What criminal leaves his return address and phone
insofar as such printed texts may be found in the possession of
persons active in their distribution, or aiding and abetting in such

distribution, or exposing the same texts to public view, as well as all
copies not yet distributed to the intended recipients by mail.
[Note: Are they going to arrest everybody in the post office?]
We further order the confiscation of the above mentioned
printed text, together with all plates, forms, typesetting material,
negatives, and stencils.
Under application of regulations: Section 74d of the Criminal
Code. Munich, 19 Dec. 1996 Zeilinger Judge, Lower District Court
Certified true copy [signatures, etc.] Information on legal assistance:
You may file an objection against the present order of punishment
[Note: Punishment first, trial afterwards!] within two weeks of delivery
of the present order of punishment. It may be limited to one specific
grounds for objection. If the legal objection is filed within the correct
period, a main trial [Hauptverhandlung] will be held [!] unless the
Prosecutor’s Office drops the case or you withdraw your objections.
You may protest against the decision to impose procedural costs and
necessary expenditure if the value of those costs does not exceed 200
DM, and IF [emphasis added] you file an objection with the Lower
District Court of Munich, IMMEDIATELY, within ONE WEEK of
delivery of the present order of punishment, in writing, with the Office.
The objection or complaint may be made in writing, at the
Lower District Court of Munich or filed with the office. The written
declaration must be in German.
With regard to written declarations: mailing the declaration
within the stated period is not sufficient for purposes of compliance.
The Court must actually receive the declaration prior to expiration of
the stated period for you to comply with the above stated expiration
period. Important note: After effectiveness of the order of punishment,
you will receive a demand for payment of the monetary punishment
(fine), and the costs of proceedings, by means of a pre-prepared
payment transfer form, unless you have already paid a deposit in the
amount of the fine and costs [!]. Please [!] pay only after receipt of the
demand for payment, using the enclosed pre-prepared payment transfer


Carlos W. Porter
Address [deleted to protect present occupants]
7 January 1997
Judge Zeilinger
Lower District Court,
Justice Building
Nymphenburger Str. 16,
D-80097 MUNICH
Reference no.: 8430 Cs 112 Js 11637/96

Judge Zeilinger,

I hereby object to your order of punishment. I don’t recognize

your right to try me for anything. I am not a citizen of your “Republik”,
and what I do in Belgium – a free, sovereign state – is none of your
business. I must inform you that the German occupation of Belgium
ended over 50 years ago. If you, in the so-called Bundesrepublik
Deutschland, are of the opinion that certain goods ought not to be sent
into the Bundesrepublik, then you must inform all the Member States
of the World Postal Union, with an exact description of the excluded
goods. An inquiry with the local post office reveals that no such
communication exists. Your order of punishment is a basic violation of
the freedom to engage in research, which is also guaranteed in the
Basic Law of the Bundesrepublik Deutschland, and is furthermore
anchored in the European Convention on Human Rights. Treaties of the
European Union moreover guarantee the free exchange of goods within
the scope of the Union. Goods which can be freely sold in England
cannot be excluded from sale in Germany just on your whim. That is
the responsibility of the European Commission. You appear to suffer
from a fundamental misunderstanding in this regard: we have not a
German Europe, but rather (at least, in theory) a European Germany,
which claims to be a civilized country. Maybe you feel better in the
company of Burma and China. You have left the field of law, and
abandoned yourself to pure whim. Your “trial” is not much different
from many “trials” held in the Third Reich...


– “The ‘documentary evidence’ is, of course, a Communist

‘War Crimes Report’ and the ‘death chambers’ (not ‘death chamber’, as
you say), of course, are ‘steam chambers’ ” (page 23) [deleted
references: III 567-568 [632-633]].
You really don’t seem to understand what you read. It’s not me
who says that the “death chambers” were “steam chambers”, it’s the
above mentioned Communist Commission of the USSR [actually, of
Poland, Document PS-3311]. In that case, don’t you think you really
ought to send your “order of punishment” someplace else? Or have the
“steam chambers” now become “proven fact”, just like having sexual
intercourse with the Devil was a “proven fact” during the Middle Ages?
– “Ziereis’s ‘confession’ continues to be taken seriously by
Reitlinger, Shirer, Hilberg, and other itinerant peddlers of Holo-
Schlock” (page 43).
Since when are the contents of this document considered to be
“proven fact”? Do you possess the specialist factual knowledge
required even to express an opinion on it? Obviously not.
– “Schirach and Streicher were both taken...”
The text contains a series of references to the documents of the
Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal. If you don’t like these documents,
you should at least familiarize yourself with them first. That “geniuses
do not kill millions of people with Diesel exhaust and insecticides
which take 24 hours to kill moths” is a fact you can hardly dispute. Or
do you think that’s something a genius would do? I don’t. It’s not me
who says Hitler was a genius, maybe he wasn’t. If you were to
familiarize yourself with the use of indirect speech in the German
language, you would understand when a statement is being attributed to
somebody else. The text contains over 1,000 exact references to
transcript pages from the IMT. You can look them up and read them.
– “Actually, Zyklon presents a similar problem...”
That this problem arises in any explanation of the gassing
procedure can hardly be disputed – or don’t you know anything at all?
That’s why so many attempts to explain it have been made in recent
years. See, for example, J.-C. Pressac. If you still think people can be
killed with insecticides and Diesel exhaust, I suggest a practical
experiment. I will gladly and voluntarily serve as the guinea pig. Such a
procedure could in no way have corresponded to the technical
development of that time. IF 6 million Jews were gassed (or was it 8,
12, or 45 million, as claimed in some statements), then it must have

been done using some other method. The extract quoted above contains
no opinion as to WHETHER 6 million Jews were gassed.


The cover letter is not “dissemination”. Rather, it is a letter to Mayor

Ude. I can write him a letter and say anything I want. Or are private
letters now subject to censorship, too?
I firmly protest against the very notion that efforts to discover
the truth constitute “Popular Incitement” (or “Incitement of the
Masses”) [!] [?]. Even if I’m wrong, I have the right to attempt to
approximate historical truth. I even have the right to be wrong!
That efforts to discover the truth can be considered “slander”
belongs to the mental world of the Middle Ages.
For your information, I enclose the German translation of an
article from a famous Danish newspaper (“Information”), in which a
Danish scholar refers to the lack of freedom of research in Germany. It
looks as if Germany is quickly becoming a blot of shame on the map of


Dr. Goebbels was a rank amateur in this area. He burnt a few
books in public. You burn them by the ton – but in secret! Dr. Goebbels
could really learn a lot from you! The brochure is now available in 6
languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese).
[Since recently, it is available in Russian and Romanian as well.] So
you’ve got a big job ahead of you. Why don’t you invade the country
and send in a squad of border police? Of course, you’ll have to take all
the copies of MADE IN RUSSIA – THE HOLOCAUST back with you
at the same time. This 400-page book contains almost nothing but
documents from the International Military Tribunal – “proven facts”,
like steam chambers, electrical chambers, vacuum chambers, mass
killings with quicklime and atomic bombs, pedal-driven brain-bashing
machines, and portable crematory ovens; not to mention, of course, the
description of all sorts of objects made of human hair, fat, skin, bones,
Oh yes, the murder of the Polish officers at Katyn is in there
too, which the Germans were accused of, but which the Russians
confessed to in 1989...


I must further inform you that the European Convention on

Human Rights (Article 6, Section 3(a)-(c)) requires you to send me all
documents in my own language (English), so that I don’t have to have
everything translated [joke]. If I miss the deadline, then the fault for
breaking the regulations lies with you.
I further demand a court-appointed lawyer for any further
If you think I am afraid of you, you’ve got another think
coming. People like you are swept away by history. Oh, I almost
forgot. The statute of limitations for the whole matter has already
expired. I sent the first brochure in February.

Carlos Porter


Lower District Court, Munich Division for Criminal Cases and Fines
Reference no.: (please indicate in all correspondence!) 8430 Cs 112 Js
Lower District Court, 80097 Munich

Mr. Carlos Whitlock PORTER

Address [withheld to protect present occupants]

x/ Marked as applicable 8-097 Munich 27 Feb. 1997

Justizgebäude Nymphenburger Strasse 16 Room
Telephone (0 89) 55 97-4353 [deletions]
Fax: (0 89) 5597 4428 (Criminal Court)


(Please bring this subpoena with you to the appointment.)

x/ Criminal case Versus: Porter Carlos For: “Popular Incitement” (or
“Incitement of the Masses”) [!] [?]

Dear Mr. Porter,

On the basis of your objection you are summoned to a main

trial on: Tuesday / Day, month, year / Time / Above mentioned
building / Room no.: Tuesday, 25 March 1997 14:00 A 224
You may also be represented by a lawyer with written power of
attorney. If neither you nor a defence attorney with written power of
attorney to defend you appears, and if such absence is without
sufficient justification, your objection will be rejected without
Applicable only if checked! x/ The Court has ordered your
personal appearance. This order must be obeyed even if you are
represented by a defence lawyer.
You must bring the evidentiary material listed on the reverse
page with you. You may apply to the court to examine additional
witnesses and experts, or to produce further evidentiary material,

stating any facts with regard to which any evidence is to be adduced.
You may also bring any witnesses and experts whom you wish to be
examined, along with you to the main trial; you must, however, notify
the Court of their names and addresses immediately. Should you be
able to show that you are unable to pay the travel costs out of your own
funds, you may apply for an indemnity for travel costs, and file it with
the above mentioned court, or, in urgent cases, with the Lower District
Court with jurisdiction over your place of residence. Respectfully,
[name, signature]
Public transport connections: underground, streetcar; stop at
Stiglmaierplatz. AG No. 788c/E AGM Abt. 8-113.5 (9.93) StP 206:
subpoena for a defendant who has objected to an order of punishment
(Sections 411, 412, 329 of StPO) (2.88).

[reverse page]
Indication of evidentiary material:
1. Witnesses
2. Experts
3. Documents
4. Other evidentiary material

[third page]
[letterhead, addresses, etc.] Certified True Copy 80097 Munich, 28 Jan.
In matter of: Trial of Carlos Porter for “Popular Incitement” (or
“Incitement of the Masses”) [!] [?]


The application of the defendant dated 7 January 1997 for a court-

appointed lawyer is hereby rejected.


The prerequisites of Section 140, Paragraph 1 of StPO are not present.

Neither is the defendant accused of a felony, nor has he been confined
in prison for at least 3 months with the authorization of a judge, or by
court order.
Such appointment on the basis of Section 140, Paragraph 2 of
StPO must also fail. Neither does the cooperation of a defence attorney
appear to be required due to the “severity of the offence”, nor the
“complexity of the technical and legal situation”. Nor is it apparent that

the defendant is incapable of acting in his own defence.

[signed: Zeilinger] Judge,

Lower District Court
Certified True Copy With original document
Munich, 27 February 1997 Lower District Court
[name, signature] Clerk of the Court


[Note: The defendant disputed the court’s jurisdiction in a letter dated

March 10 1997, and refused to appear. The “trial” was held in absentia
on March 25, 1997.]

Judge Zeilinger
[address] [references]
10 March 1997

Judge Zeilinger,

With regard to your subpoena of 22 May: Without prejudicial

admission, waiver, and with all due reserves:
I do not recognize your jurisdiction.
I do not recognize the legality of your order of punishment.
I do not recognize the legality of your subpoena.
I do not recognize the legality of your laws curtailing freedom
of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of opinion, and freedom of
I do not recognize the legality of being asked to produce
evidence when every single one of my defence witnesses and experts is
either currently in prison, or is a fugitive from justice, for the “crime”
of expressing their internationally recognized freedom of expression,
and when every one of their expert opinions and books, have, without
exception, been banned, confiscated and burnt.
I demand all documents in English according with Article 6,
Section 3(a)-(c) of the European Human Rights Convention.
I demand an indictment based on facts, not opinions and
conclusions, so that I may know the exact nature of the charges against
I demand to know point by point, sentence by sentence,
document by document, reference by reference, exactly what you
object to in every single one of the sentences quoted against me, as well

as in any other sentence which may be quoted against me, so that I can
know exactly what is being alleged against me in order to enable me to
prepare my defence.
I demand to be supplied with all documents, evidence, and a list
of all witnesses upon which/whom you intend to rely in proving your
I demand a continuance of the trial date so that I can study
German law.
I demand to appeal your decision to deny me a lawyer.
I demand to be supplied with any and all exculpatory evidence
in your possession.
I refuse to accept any burden of proof in this matter whatsoever.
The burden of proof is on you, not me.
I am not familiar with the legal systems of Third World

Carlos Porter


[The document is a printed form with a few blanks filled in by


Reference no. 8430 Cs 112 Js 11637/96
(Please indicate reference in all correspondence!)


of the Lower District Court of Munich

In the criminal case against Carlos Whitlock PORTER

For “Popular Incitement” (or “Incitement of the Masses”) [!] [?]
Based on the main trial held on Tuesday, 25 March 1997 with the
participation of the following persons:
Judge AG Zeilinger as Criminal Judge
Prosecutor GrL Fügman as Public Prosecutor
Jr. Sec. Urmann as Clerk of the Court.

The objection [singular] of the defendant against the order of

punishment of the Lower District Court Munich dated 19 Dec. 1996 is
hereby rejected.
The defendant must bear the costs of the proceedings.
Grounds: see reverse!
No. 484 c / E Stp AGM Abt. 8-11 5.4 (11.94) StP 208 (with StP
Copy of judgement with legal remedies in the event of rejection
of objection against order of punishment due to absence of defendant
(Sections 412, 329 of StPO) (4.87)

[reverse page]

Grounds: The defendant raised objections in due time against the order
of punishment indicated in the statement of judgement.

The subpoena for the trial, held today, which contained
information as to the consequences of absence, or absence without
sufficient excuse, was duly delivered on: 3 March 1997.
The defendant was absent without justification, or with
insufficient justification, and was not represented by a lawyer with
signed power of attorney.
The objection must therefore be rejected under Sections 412,
329 of StPO [Criminal Trial Regulations].
The cost of the proceedings is based on Sections 465 of StPO.

Judge of Lower District Court
Certified True Copy
Place, date: Munich, 3 April 1997
Urmann Legal Secretary Clerk of the Court [stamp]

Legal Remedies (StP 137)

I. 1. You may, within ONE WEEK of delivery of the judgement, apply

for restoration of the previous situation, if you were unable to appear at
the proper time through no fault of your own. Application for
restoration of the previous situation must be made within the indicated
period at the Lower District Court indicated on the reverse, stating the
grounds for absence. Justified absence must be proven, either in the
application or during proceedings to the application.
2. You may dispute the judgement handed down against you,
either singly, or together with application for restoration of the previous
situation, by means of appeal [BERUFUNG] or Review [REVISION].
Any filing of Appeal or Review not accompanied by application for
restoration of the previous situation will be considered waiver of
restoration (Section 315, Paragraph 3, Section 342, Paragraph 3 of the
Criminal Trial Regulations [StPO]).
3. Appeal, in the above case, may only be justified on the
grounds of insufficient justification for rejection of your objection, in
particular, due to unjustified absence. Review may only be asserted on
the grounds that the judgement is based upon a violation of the law.
4. If you wish to dispute the judgement, you must, within ONE
WEEK of delivery of the judgement (appeal period), make an oral
application to be taken down in writing, before the Clerk of the Lower
District Court indicated on the reverse (for Appeal), or an application in
writing to the judicial officer (for review), stating that you are filing for

either Appeal or Review, according to your choice.
II. 5. If you have filed for appeal, you are free to state your
grounds for so doing within TWO WEEKS of delivery of the
judgement. The grounds must be stated in writing to the Court, or
orally to the Clerk of the Court, to be taken down in writing.
6. If you have filed for Review, delivery may be made to you
by means of public delivery through proclamation by publication in the
newspaper, or by posting on the notice board of the Court, especially
when delivery of sentence is not possible where it was last made, or at
the last address indicated by you.
7.1. If neither you, nor, in the cases in which this is permissible,
a lawyer with power of attorney, is present at the beginning of the main
trial, and if such absence is without sufficient justification, the Court is
fundamentally bound to reject the Appeal without a hearing.
7.2. If, in the circumstances indicated above, the prosecution
has filed an appeal, proceedings may take place in your absence. The
prosecution may also, under such circumstances, drop the appeal, even
without your consent.
7.3. If proceedings are not taken under 7.1 or 7.2, the Court
may order your appearance or arrest.
8. If you have filed for Review, you MUST state the grounds.
This requires a statement as to:
a) whether the judgement is being disputed as a whole or only
in certain parts, and whether application is being made to reverse it in
whole or in part (applications for Review), AND
b) whether the judgement is being disputed on the grounds of
violation of substantive (material) law, or on the grounds of violation of
the procedural regulations (grounds for Review); In the latter case, the
application must state the facts which are alleged to have resulted in
impermissibility of the rejection of your objection.
9. A document signed by yourself is NOT sufficient for
statement of the grounds for Review. Applications for Review, stating
the grounds for the same (no. 8), must be made orally to the judicial
officer to be taken down in writing, or filed in a document signed by a
defence attorney or lawyer. This must take place within ONE MONTH
after expiration of the appeal period (no. 4).
III. 10. For written declarations, it is not sufficient, for purposes
of compliance with the appeal period, that such written declaration be
posted within the appeal period. Compliance with the appeal period is
only present when the declaration is actually received by the Court
before expiration of the period. Application for legal remedy must be
filed in the German language.


[Appeal was filed by fax at 2:00 A.M. on 14 April 1997.]

[Translator’s note: In the following translation, I have taken the liberty

of referring to “Germany” as “Nigerimania” – a combination of
Germany and Nigeria – throughout, as it seems to be called for.]


[name of lawyer withheld]

3 June 1997

As agreed, I have examined the files in your case and am able to report
my general opinion as follows: On 16 August 1996, you sent a letter
written in Nigerimanian – whether you were actually the author may
remain open – to the Mayor of Munich (among others?), enclosed with
the brochure “Not Guilty at Nuremberg”. From the file, it appears that
the Mayor of Munich, Christian Ude, by letter dated 20 August 1996,
forwarded both your letter and the brochure to the State Prosecutor,
with the request “to examine both for their criminal content and, if
applicable, to take suitable steps”.
It doesn’t take much intelligence to see that both, i.e., your
letter and the brochure, are in violation of present Nigerimanian law (it
is obvious that I need not undertake to evaluate the contents
personally). The responsible State Prosecutor, in any case, applied for a
corresponding Order of Punishment (in practice, this is an indictment
which, if no objection is filed, then becomes the equivalent of a legally
effective conviction. Orders of Punishment are used chiefly in cases of
minor importance). This Order of Punishment was duly delivered to
you in Belgium, accompanied by the proper information as to legal
By letter of 7 January 1997, you filed an objection within the
proper period, and further demanded the appointment of a court-
appointed lawyer. The court rejected this in a decision dated 28 January
1997. It appears doubtful to me whether this rejection was correct; in
any case, you are a foreigner, and it is doubtful whether such a
foreigner possesses sufficient knowledge of Nigerimanian law to be

able to defend himself properly.
The question of whether the above mentioned decision was
technically correct may, however, remain open. For your part, at any
rate, you made no use of the opportunity to file a complaint against that
decision. [!]
One might also state here that the situation is now out of date,
due to the further progress of the matter.
Unfortunately, I cannot spare you the reproach that, even after
learning of this decision, you did not bother to consult a Nigerimanian
lawyer – which was obviously still possible later, in the form of my
intervention. If this had occurred, the further progress of the matter
would have been as follows: the defence lawyer would have informed
the Court that he was representing you, and then applied for and
received permission to look at the file.
The subpoena to the Main Trial on the grounds of your
objections – which you filed within the required period! – would have
been sent to your attorney as well as to yourself. This would therefore
have excluded the possibility of what has, in fact, unfortunately
occurred due to inaction on your part: namely, that you missed the
court date, without an appearance by yourself or your defence attorney,
resulting in the rejection of your objections (which must follow under
Nigerimanian law).
In a letter dated 10 March 1997, you nevertheless (interestingly,
in English) acknowledged the contents of the subpoena, and disputed
the jurisdiction of the court. At this moment, at the very latest, you
should have attempted to engage a Nigerimanian lawyer in the case
(this was obviously still possible later, otherwise the matter would not
have landed with me). On 25 March 1997, however, neither you nor
your attorney was present; the Court was therefore required by
Nigerimanian law to reject your objection – which was filed within the
required period! – by corresponding judgement under Sections 412,
329 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
This decision was delivered to you on 7 April 1997. By fax on
13 or 14 April 1997, you filed for appeal and/or review against the
judgement – within the required period. According to Nigerimanian
law, you also had the possibility, within one week of delivery of the
judgment, of alleging that you were unable to appear in court on 25
March 1997 through no fault of your own (for example, illness, car
trouble, etc.), i.e., application for “restoration of the previous situation”.
You didn’t do this either. No grounds for any such claim are to be
inferred from your letter to the Court, nor your correspondence with
me, nor the fax from Mr. Zündel, dated 13 April 1997, which lies

before me.
On 28 May 1997, I received a subpoena for an Appeal Trial on
Friday, 1 August 1997, at 12:30 A.M. in Munich (see enclosure). The
question arises of whether it makes any sense for us to take advantage
of this court date. This must, in my view, be answered in the negative.
In particular, the Appeal Trial will not examine the matter itself – that
is, whether your written statements actually violate the applicable
provisions of law – but rather, only whether the Court, in session on 25
March 1997, rightfully rejected your objections. Unfortunately, this
must be answered in the affirmative. I therefore see no sense in taking
advantage of the appeal court date, thus producing further costs which
could be avoided.
Rather, I recommend that you withdraw your appeal.
The result of the above would be that the Order of Punishment,
which has already been issued against you, would become effective in
law (and would therefore be equivalent to a conviction). This would
mean that you would have a prior conviction under Nigerimanian law
for the acts for which you stand accused, and would have to pay the
fine mentioned in the Order of Punishment, in the total amount of 6,000
DM [plus costs]. The normal procedure in the matter is that, some
months after legal entry into effect, you would receive a demand for
payment from the State Prosecutor of Munich.
Let us assume that you are not prepared to pay the fine, and
furthermore, that the fine cannot be forcibly collected in Belgium.
Then, at best, a demand would be issued to you in Belgium by the
Nigerimanian Prosecutor’s Office to appear in Nigerimania to serve the
alternative period of imprisonment (150 daily monetary units, i.e., 150
days imprisonment). It is not known to me whether you would be able
to serve the time in a Belgian prison.
[Note: I would.]
Should you disobey the subpoena and fail to appear for
imprisonment, a warrant would be issued for your arrest, which would
mean that if your identity documents were to be examined upon
crossing the border into Nigerimania, you could be arrested to serve the
prison sentence.
Whether the Nigerimanian authorities could apply for your
extradition to Nigerimania under international law to serve the prison
sentence in Nigerimania, I don’t know. You could, of course, avoid this
risk entirely by paying the fine, which would naturally be possible in
instalments (upon sufficient showing of need for this purpose).
As you may gather from the above remarks, the problem is not
whether you filed an objection against the judgment of 25 March 1997

with the required period – you did so. The problem is rather, whether
such an appeal could examine the grounds for the Order of Punishment
itself. This must be answered in the negative, since you didn’t appear
for trial. If you should argue that you lacked a sufficient understanding
of the Nigerimanian legal documents, it must be remarked that the
indicted letter to Mayor Ude was written in Nigerimanian, as well as
your lengthy letter to Judge Zeilinger dated 7 January 1997 (I assume
that you didn’t write it). In view of the above, it appears remarkable
that you should attribute any misunderstandings or failure to appear to
defective knowledge of the Nigerimanian language – as you did in your
letter to the court dated 10 March 1997.
For purposes of completeness, I must furthermore state that, in
concluding your letter to the court dated 7 January 1997, you mention
the question of the statute of limitations – if this has any application at
all [Note: So does it, or doesn’t it?], this would apply only to the book,
but not to the letter to Mayor Ude. You may however “console”
yourself with the thought that I would have estimated your chances of
acquittal – even if you had appeared on the court date on 25 March
1997, i.e., even if there had been no negligence on your part – as
extremely slim (you must, of course, be aware of Nigerimanian practice
in similar cases).
[Note: I am. That’s why I didn’t appear, and that’s why I didn’t
bother with a lawyer.]
As a result, I can only recommend that you withdraw the appeal
in order to save further costs. In the event that you wish to become
acquainted with Nigerimanian justice personally, and wish to appear in
Munich on 1 August 1997, I will be glad to appear as well.
I am sorry to have nothing further to report to you, and hope
that you have no further contacts with Nigerimanian justice, or, if you
do, that you have at least learned from this case to bother with a
Nigerimanian lawyer within the required period. [Note: What for?]
Please let me have your instructions as to whether you wish to
withdraw the appeal or not. If you decide to withdraw, you should, of
course, not do so a few days before the court date, but rather, within the
required period. [deletions]
Postscript: As you may see from the enclosure, which just
reached me by fax, the court has ordered your personal appearance on 1
August 1997. Enclosures: subpoena, etc.
[Nigerimanian bright spark then resigned as defence attorney. A
new subpoena was received dated 22 May 1997.]


Richter Ulrich
Landgericht München I
Nymphenburger Strasse 16
D-800335 München
Spa, 1 July 1997
Landgericht München Az. 18 Ns 112 Js 11637/96
Fax: (089) 55 97 43 54


Judge Ulrich,

With regard to your subpoena of 22 May: Without prejudicial

admission, waiver, and with all due reserves:
I do not recognize your jurisdiction.
I do not recognize the legality of your order of punishment.
I do not recognize the legality of your subpoena.
I do not recognize the legality of your laws curtailing freedom
of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of opinion, and freedom of
I do not recognize the legality of being asked to produce
evidence when every single one of my defence witnesses and experts is
either currently in prison, or is a fugitive from justice, for the “crime”
of exercising their internationally recognized freedom of expression,
and when every one of their expert opinions and books, have, without
exception, been banned, confiscated and burnt.
Article 10 guarantees freedom of opinion. A decision of the
European Court of Justice in Strasbourg (“Notary X” case, Hugo
Gijsels and Leo de Haes, February 1997), states that “an opinion need
not be proven, or even susceptible to proof”.
Article 6 of the European Human Rights Convention guarantees
a fair trial before an impartial judge.
I refuse to appeal.
I refuse to appear.
I take no interest in the illegal decisions of a kangaroo court

plying its trade in a foreign totalitarian dictatorship.
If you fine me, I will not pay it.
If you put me in prison, I will go on hunger strike like Bobby
I shall speak and write the truth as I see it whether you or
anyone else likes it or not.

Carlos Porter


[The defendant then received another subpoena, translated into English,

dated 22 August 1997, identical to the others, except that “advocacy of
violence” had been arbitrarily added to the list of crimes for which the
defendant stood accused.]



Criminal case against Carlos W. Porter regarding incitement to hatred

and violence [!!] against segments of the population [sic].

Dear Mr. Porter,

You are summoned for the hearing of your appeal on weekday

month/day/year/time above mentioned building Friday October 10,
1997 2:00 P.M., Court room n. A 208/II
At the hearing you may be represented by a defending counsel
on the basis of a written power of attorney.
Your appeal will have to be dismissed without hearing the case,
if at the beginning of the hearing you neither appear personally nor by
counsel with a written power of attorney and if there is no reasonable
excuse for your absence.
At the hearing the evidence shown below will be presented
[Note: Blank space – no evidence indicated].
You may request the Court to summon further witnesses and
experts or to procure other evidence, stating in your request the facts
about which evidence shall be taken. You may also bring with you to
the hearing any witnesses or experts whom you want to be examined,

however, you have to inform the Court immediately about their names
and addresses
[Note: No doubt so the court can arrest them and burn their
If you should not be able to pay for the travelling expenses out
of your own resources and furnish proof thereof, you may submit an
application for a travelling allowance to the above-mentioned Court or,
in urgent cases, to the Local Court competent for your place of

Yours faithfully,
signed: Weingart
Court employee Clerk of the Court’s office


Documents: [blank] [!]

Other evidence: [blank] [!]

In my capacity as sworn translator for the English language duly

registered with the Regional Court Munich I, I confirm: Foregoing
translation of the document, drafted in German language and presented
to me in the original, is correct and complete [!].

Munich, August 25, 1997. [stamp]


Richter Ulrich
Landgericht München I
Nymphenburger Strasse 16
D-800335 München
Spa, 1 September 1997
Landgericht München Az. 18 Ns 112 Js 11637/96
Fax: (089) 55 97 43 54


Judge Ulrich,

Without prejudicial admission, waiver, and with all due

reservations. With regard to your summons translated into English and
dated 22 August 1997: If you really want to prove something, you can
produce the following physical evidence from the official Nuremberg
trial record, accompanied by proof of origin and authenticity thereof:
– 1 steam chamber for the extermination of human beings (IMT
XXXII 153-158, III 567);
– 1 electrical chamber for the extermination of human beings
(IMT VII 576-577, XII 369);
– 1 German atomic bomb for the extermination of Auschwitz
inmates (IMT XVI 529);
– 1 tree used as murder weapon by Wehrmacht (IMT VII 582);
– 1 portable oven used for the extermination of Russian
prisoners of war (IMT VII 586);
– 1 pedal-driven brain-bashing machine used for the
extermination of Russian prisoners of war (IMT VII 376-377);
– 1 bone-grinding machine (IMT VII 439, 446, 549-550, 593);
– 1 spanking machine (IMT VI 213);
– 1 lampshade of human skin (IMT XXXII 258, 259, 261, 263,
265, 269);
– 1 pocket book of human skin; 1 pair of driving gloves of
human skin (IMT XXX 352, 355);

– 1 pornographic picture painted on canvas of human skin (IMT
XXX 469);
– 1 book bound in human skin (IMT VI 331);
– 1 saddle, 1 pair of riding breeches, 1 glove, 1 house slipper,
1 ladies’ handbag, all of human skin (IMT V 171);
– 1 torture box disguised as an ordinary wardrobe (IMT XVI
561, 546, 556-557);
– 1 chair stuffed with human hair (IMT XIX 506);
– 1 pair of booties of human hair (IMT XXXIX 552-553, XX
– 1 jar of human soap (IMT VII 597-601);
– 1 piece of tanned human skin (IMT VII 600);
– 1 gas van (IMT VII 571);
– 1 doormat of human hair (NMT V 1119-1152, Trial of
Oswald Pohl).

I am not interested in the appeals procedures of a foreign

totalitarian dictatorship.
I refuse to appeal.
I refuse to appear.
If you fine me, I won’t pay it.
If you put me in prison, I will go on hunger strike like Bobby
The burden of proof is on you, not me.

Carlos Porter


Richter Ulrich
Landgericht München I
Nymphenburger Strasse 16
D-800335 München
Spa, 5 September 1997
Landgericht München Az. 18 Ns 112 Js 11637/96
Fax: (089) 55 97 43 54


Judge Ulrich,

In addition to production of the physical evidence mentioned in
my fax of 1 September (for example:
1 “steam chamber” for the extermination of human beings,
1 German “atomic bomb” for the extermination of Auschwitz
1 “pedal-driven brain-bashing machine” for the extermination
of Russian prisoners of war, etc),
I demand production of the following documentary evidence:
a) all data in your possession relating to Hitler’s I.Q. (Point 3 of
the indictment);
b) a clarification of whether you agree with Wilhelm Keitel’s
assessment that Hitler was a genius (Point 3 of the indictment), and that
mass murder with Diesel exhaust and insecticide is therefore the act of
a genius; or, alternatively, a clarification that you consider Hitler to
have been an idiot, which would explain the use of Diesel exhaust and
insecticide for mass killing;
c) the original of the “Hitler mass murder confession” (Point 3
of the indictment), since you object to my statement that the document
is a “photocopy”;
d) a clarification of whether or not you agree with Field
Marshal Milch’s assessment that it is unclear that Hitler was of sound
mind in 1945, accompanied by all data in your possession relating to
Hitler’s mental health in 1945 (Point 3 of the indictment).
I must point out to you that denial of the existence of “steam
chambers for the extermination of human beings” (Point 1 of the
indictment) is not a crime under German law, since nobody believes
that they existed. If you wish to prove that the “steam chambers” did
exist (along with the German “atomic bombs” and “brain-bashing
machines” also referred to in the text which is the subject of the
indictment), I demand that you produce a “steam chamber” and bring it
to court, proving the authenticity and origin thereof.
When you have assembled the prosecution evidence which will
be required to prove your case, I shall consider preparing a defence. I
refuse to reveal the whereabouts of my witnesses, because you will
arrest them; you already burnt their books, remember?

Carlos Porter

OF 23 OCTOBER 1997

[On 3 November, the defendant received a judgement from the State

Court of Munich dated 23 October 1997 acknowledging receipt of the
defendant’s demands for evidence and for clarification of the charges
against him, accompanied by his express refusal to appear, but without


...The subpoena was then delivered to the defendant on 29 August

1997, accompanied by a translation into English [Note: This is not true:
the translation was not accompanied by any original document], by
registered mail with return receipt, at his residence in Belgium. He
signed for the contents in his own hand. The accused then sent the
Court two letters written in English, dated 1 September 1997 (received
by the Court on 29 August 1997) [Note: This is not true; it was sent by
fax at 40 minutes past midnight on 31 August/1 September, and again
at 9:18 in the morning] and 5 September 1997 (received by the Court
on 4 September 1997) [Note: Sent by fax at 4:06 P.M. on 4 September].
In both letters, the accused referred to the merits of the case [!]
and ended his letter dated 1 September 1997 stating among other things
that he would refuse to appear. [!] On 10 October 1997, when the case
opened at 2:16 P.M., neither the accused, nor any defence counsel for
the accused, was present. [!] No excuse was received from the accused
before opening the case. Even during the main trial, which lasted until
2:45 P.M., no such excuse was received by the Court, either in writing
or by telephone. This was confirmed by the Court’s Office of the 18th
Criminal Division upon subsequent inquiry...
[The judgement then describes the Court’s great consternation
and astonishment at the defendant’s failure to appear, providing lengthy
information as to legal remedies relating to justified absence,
erroneously asserting the jurisdiction of the Court under Article 52,
Paragraph 1 of the Schengen Implementing Agreement, and giving the
defendant one week in which to assert the defence of justified absence,
in which case the whole comedy would start all over again!]

Legal Remedies (StP 137) [small print]

I. 1. You may, within ONE WEEK of delivery of the judgement, apply

for restoration of the previous situation, if you were unable to appear at
the proper time through no fault of your own....
[What can one do with such stupidity? There was only one
thing to do, and the defendant did it.]



Richter Kunert
Landgericht München I
Nymphenburger Strasse 16
D 80335 München
Spa, 5 November 1997
Landgericht München Az.
18 Ns 112 Js 11637/96
Fax: (089) 55 97 43 54


Judge Kunert,

May it please the Court:

I was unable to appear for trial on October 10th 1997 due to
severe cranial injuries and concussion sustained while experimenting
with the pedal-driven brain-bashing machine used in the murder of
840,000 Russian prisoners of war at Sachsenhausen Prison Camp, as
described in the Nuremberg Trial transcript (IMT VII 376-377 [416-
417 of the German transcript]).
We know that the “pedal-driven brain-bashing machines”
existed, because they are described in the “confessions” of SS man Paul
Waldmann (Document USSR-52).
The document is a typeset “War Crimes Report” written by the
Soviets. The “confession” is typeset in Russian, with a typeset
“signature” by Paul Waldmann, also in Russian.
We know that the “confession” was voluntarily given, because
it says so. We know that the document is authentic, because it is
“certified” by the Russians as a “certified true copy”. My injuries are

attested to by a “doctor’s certificate” retyped by myself. The signature
is typewritten because it is a “certified true copy”, certified by myself.
If this kind of thing is good enough for the Nuremberg tribunal,
then it is good enough for you.
Please notify me of my next trial date, so that I may appear as
soon as you have assembled the evidence required to prove your case,
as described in my letters of 1 September and 5 September 1997.

C.W. Porter


Richter Kunert
Landgericht München I
Nymphenburger Strasse 16
D 80335 München
Spa, 7 November 1997
Landgericht München Az.
18 Ns 112 Js 11637/96
Fax: (089) 55 97 43 54


Judge Kunert,

Having recovered from the cranial injuries referred to in my fax

of 5 November, I have the following statement to make: If you think
you can intimidate me by asserting your jurisdiction with reference to
Article 52, Paragraph 1 of the Schengen Implementing Agreement, you
are very much mistaken.
I have the complete Schengen Implementing Agreement right in
front of me. It contains no mention whatsoever of any of the crimes for
which I stand accused. It contains nothing which supersedes Articles 6
and 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
The Schengen Implementing Agreement contains nothing
restricting freedom of expression in any manner whatever.
There is no mention of the “crime” of writing a protest letter to
an elected official in a so-called democratic country. There is no
reference to the “crime” of “Popular Incitement” (or “Incitement of the
Masses”) [!] [?]. I am not an escapee from a German jail (Article 41,

Paragraph 1). You are not engaged in the “cross-border hot pursuit” of
a person detected in the act of committing “murder, manslaughter, rape,
arson, counterfeiting, aggravated theft, receiving stolen goods, robbery,
extortion, kidnapping and hostage taking, trafficking in human beings
[Menschenhandel], narcotics dealing, firearms and explosives
violations, causing explosions, illegal traffic in toxic or hazardous
wastes”, or even “hit-and-run driving resulting in death or serious
injury” (Article 41, Paragraph 4a).
Article 40 of the Schengen Implementing Agreement permits
you to enter Belgium and place me under observation, with written
permission from the Belgian authorities, upon suspicion of an
“extraditable felony”, particularly “murder, manslaughter, rape, arson,
counterfeiting, aggravated theft, receiving stolen goods, robbery,
extortion, kidnapping and hostage taking, trafficking in human beings,
narcotics dealing, firearms and explosives violations, causing
explosions, illegal traffic in toxic or hazardous wastes” (Paragraph 4).
You are not permitted to enter my dwelling, or to interrogate or arrest
me (Paragraph 1, e and f).
The Schengen Implementing Agreement contains no provision
for extradition for political offences (see Articles 50, 59 and 63). The
“offence” was committed in Belgium (Article 6, Paragraph 2 of the
Benelux extradition treaty. There has never been a trial for this offence
in Belgium; see Article 8). I have an absolute right to a jury trial in
Belgium, and to do the time in a Belgian prison. There is no
international treaty dealing with revisionism or “Holocaust denial”.
I defy your authority and I refuse to comply with any order to
do anything.
A “trial” in which the court has no jurisdiction; in which the
prosecution offers no evidence, and refuses to clarify the nature of the
charges (particularly, Point 3 of the indictment, which is a complete
mystery to me); in which the defendant is permitted to offer no
evidence; in which defence witnesses are routinely arrested and all
defence evidence routinely burnt, is not a trial at all. It is a form of
social, political and legal terrorism.
The Schengen Implementing Agreement, to which you refer, is
intended, in part, to combat international terrorism. Perhaps you should
take a look at yourself.

C.W. Porter


[On 5 December 1997, the court rejected the defendant’s defence of

justified absence due to pedal-driven brain-bashing-machine-induced
injuries, partly on the grounds that he had failed to specify the exact
date of his injury! How stupid can you get? He was given one week in
which to object, in German.]


18 Ns 112 Js 116737/96
Regarding: Criminal proceedings against Porter, Carlos
For “Popular Incitement” (or “Incitement of the Masses”) [!] [?]
[Short excerpts only]

…[The defendant] stated that he had been unable to attend the main
trial on 10 October 1997 due to “severe cranial injuries and
concussion”. With regard to the other statements, reference is made to
the letter of the defendant dated 5 November 1997, which was
[This means: the letter of 7 November will be ignored.]
[…etc., etc., blah, blah, blah.]
…The mere assertion of severe cranial injuries and concussion
is insufficient to constitute justified failure to appear because there is no
indication of the date [!!!]. In addition, the claim was not substantiated
[!]. The doctor’s certificate mentioned by the accused in his letter of 5
November 1997, was not presented [!]. Nor was this failure made good
in the letter of the defendant dated 7 November 1997 in which the
accused stated that he had recovered from his cranial injuries [!].
Furthermore, the accused, in his letter to the court dated 1 September
1997, had [already] stated at length that he would refuse to appear.
[OK; so why bother with the trial?]
[…etc., etc., blah, blah, blah.]

Presiding Judge Regional Court
[certified true copy, etc., etc.]

[The defendant was then given one week in which to protest the
rejection of his defence of justified absence due to pedal-driven brain-
bashing-machine-induced injuries.]
…The objection must be in German.



[by fax on 5 January 1998]

[address, references, etc.]

Judge Kunert,

It is my duty to inform you that in disputing or denying the

credibility of my cranial injuries caused by the pedal-driven brain-
bashing machine described in the Nuremberg Trial transcript [IMT VII
377 [416-417] you injure my dignity as a human being, causing me
serious psychic disturbances and emotional anguish. I feel humiliated
and insulted. You will be hearing from my lawyer about this. I also
suffered severe radiation burns on 9 October 1997 while handling the
German World War II atomic bomb described in the Nuremberg trial
transcript [IMT XVI 529-530 [580]] and am still radioactive.

Carlos W. Porter

[THE GERMAN ORIGINAL: Es ist mein Pflicht, Ihnen mitzuteilen,

dass, indem Sie die Glaubwürdigkeit meiner durch die in dem
Nürnbergerprozeß beschriebenen (IMT VII 377 [416-417]) Pedal-
angetriebene Gehirnzertrümmerungsmachine verursachten
Kopfverletzungen anzweifeln bzw leugnen, Sie mich in meiner
Menchenwürde verletzen, was mir ganz schwere psychische und
Gefühlsleiden verursachen muß. Ich fühle mich herabwürdigt und
beleidigt. Sie werden von meinem Rechtsanwalt hören. Im übrigens,
würde ich am 9. Oktober schwer verbrannt durch Ausstrahlungen von
deutschen Atomwaffen aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg [IMT XVI 529-530
[580]) und bin immer noch radioactiv.]


What would happen in an American criminal court if you asked for a

new trial date on the grounds that you had previously been unable to
appear due to radiation burns suffered while experimenting with an
atomic bomb? If you were on trial for murder, a psychiatric
examination would most certainly be ordered. In any other case, the
result would be a severe reprimand: “Objection denied on grounds of
obvious frivolity; any further undue levity on the part of the defendant
will be severely punished”.
Not so in Germany. The weakness of the so-called Holocaust is
that it is a fundamentalist religion, not a jot or tittle of which may be
taken away. Every aspect of it must be defended with deadly
seriousness, no matter how absurd or insane. The defendant was
indicted, in part, for denying the existence of the “steam chambers” at
Treblinka. He said, OK, so get me a steam chamber and bring it to
Objection ignored. All legal arguments, all demands for
evidence or clarification of the charges against him were simply
ignored. The court continually insisted that it would accept only the
defence of inability to appear on the grounds of injury, accident, etc.
Goaded beyond endurance, the defendant then claimed inability
to appear due to cranial injuries caused by the pedal-driven brain-
bashing machine at Sachsenhausen, as described during the Nuremberg
Objection denied: date of injury not stated. [!]
He was given one week in which to object. He then claimed to
have suffered “radiation burns” on 9 October 1997 while experimenting
with the German WWII atomic bomb used in a “secret experiment” at
Auschwitz and described during the Nuremberg Trial by Robert
Jackson [!]. This objection was taken seriously [!!!] by the State Court
of Appeals of Munich, which stated, in a unanimous opinion written by
a panel of three judges [!!!]:
Objection denied: received late. [!!!]

The reason (or excuse) for this was that the postman left a
notice of registered delivery with return receipt in the defendant’s mail
box on 22 December 1997. The defendant did not actually sign for
delivery, or receive the judgement, until New Year’s Eve [!]. The
return receipt was therefore dated 31 December 1997, as the court very
well knows, and as the defendant can easily prove.
He was given one week to object “from date of delivery” [!].
He objected by fax on 5 January 1998, as he can easily prove, by
production of his itemised telephone bill. The State Court of Appeals,
with mock seriousness, also got the date of the objection wrong, which
is given twice as 2 January. Presumably this was done to make it more
difficult to prove willful falsehood as to the date of delivery. The
delivery date of 22 December 1997 is mentioned 3 times. The text
contains no mention of pedal-driven brain-bashing machines, atomic
bombs, or the defendant’s claim to be “still radioactive”. It is obvious
that, while the judges may be willing to perjure themselves as to the
delivery date, they are reluctant to make themselves look ridiculous.
The decision was written in German.


Certified True Copy

Nymphengergerstrasse 16,
80097 München 2 Ws 98/98 18 Ns 112 Js 11637/96 StA b.d.
LG München I III BerL 117/98 StA b.d.
OLG München


The 2nd Panel of Criminal Judges of the State Court of Appeals of

Munich [blah, blah, blah] after consultation with the State Prosecutor,
hereby REJECTS defendant PORTER’s immediate objection, [etc. etc.
blah, blah, blah] objection REJECTED with imposition of costs [blah,
The 18th Chamber [blah, blah] REJECTED the defendant’s
appeal in a decision dated 10 October 1997 [blah, blah]. This decision
was delivered to the defendant at his address in Belgium on 22
December 1997. The decision and information as to legal remedies
were translated into English. The defendant’s immediate objection was
received on 2 January 1998, it was written in German [!]. The
immediate objection is inadmissible, because it was received late [!!!].

[Blah, blah, blah.] Delivery on 22 December 1997 was therefore
effective [blah, blah]. The one-week objection period therefore began
to run on 22 December 1997 [blah, blah]. Receipt of the immediate
objection on 2 January 1998 [!] was therefore late [!]. The legal remedy
is to be rejected as inadmissible. [Decision as to costs, etc. etc. blah,
blah, blah].

Dr. Glück,
Sole Presiding Judge
Judges of the State Court of Appeals
[Certified True Copy, etc.]
Münich, 10.02.1998


Meanwhile, back at the ranch, on 2 February 1998, the publisher of the

German translation of NOT GUILTY AT NUREMBERG received the
following letter by registered mail with return receipt:

[LETTERHEAD]: THE CHAIRWOMAN [Vorsitzende, female]

Federal Examination Centre for Texts Dangerous to Youth [!]
Post office box 26 01 21
53153 Bonn
To: NINETEEN-EIGHTY-FOUR PRESS [a name most aptly chosen, it
would seem to appear] [address, etc.]

Registered Mail with Return Receipt Bonn, 19 January 1998 [note

dates – it took 13 days to arrive]
Pr. 208/97-I/AK
For information to: The Federal Ministry for Family, the Elderly,
Women, and Youth
Rochusstrasse 8-10 53123 Bonn
Application of 13.08.1997
File no.: 415-2434-I/204
Regarding: Brochure of Carlos Whitlock Porter “Nicht Schuldig in
Enclosure: Application for indexation from the BMFSFJ
[They are too stupid to realise that it was already prohibited a year ago;
what do Germans pay taxes for?]

Dear Sirs,

The application is to be decided in the simplified procedure

according to Section 15a of GjS. The address of the author is not
known at this office. It is left to your discretion to send him a copy of
this letter upon request. You may, however, notify us of his address as
well, so that delivery may be made immediately (Section 12 of GjS,
Section 4, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1 of DVO GjS).
You [i.e., the publisher] are being given an opportunity of
notifying us, within ONE WEEK of delivery of the present notice,
whether or not you have any objections to the present application and
to the processing of the same in a simplified procedure. [!]

Monssen-Engberding Ltd.
Reg.Direktorin [female director]
Kennedy Allee 105-107
53175 Bonn
Telephone (0228) 37 66 31
Fax: 37 9014 ------
Ref.: (please mention in all correspondence): 415-2434-1/204
[address again, blah, blah, blah]
Telephone: (0228) 930-2756 Or 930-0 [sic]
Fax: (0228) 930-930-2221
Bonn, 13.08.1997
Processing: Dr. Scholtz [Doktorin, another idiot female]
Federal Examination Centre for Writings Dangerous to Youth
Kennedy Allee 105-107
53175 Bonn
[stamp: Federal Office, etc. blah, blah blah, received 18 August 1997]


[Note that they are actually shameless enough to borrow the term
“Index” from the medieval inquisitors! – C.P.]

The application is hereby made to index the brochure “Nicht

Schuldig in Nürnberg” by Carlos Whitlock Porter according to Section
1, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1 of the Law on the Dissemination of
Writings and Media Content [sic] Dangerous to Youth. [!] [It must be

pure coincidence that Germany produces the filthiest pornography in
Europe, falling behind the Dutch in child pornography only.]
Reason: The mere title of the text mentioned above gives rise to
the conclusion that its content is likely to disorient children and young
people. [!] PORTER’s brochure is a revisionist publication in the
broadest sense of the word, but nevertheless contains a few passages
denying the Holocaust. The intent of the text is, first of all, to slander
the International Military Tribunal [!] from a one-sided point of view
[!] and to rehabilitate the condemned war criminals. Germany is thus to
be discharged from its responsibility.
A general attempt is made, through the alleged innocence of the
chief defendants, to prove that there was no extermination of the
European Jews. The well-known Holocaust denier Robert
FAURISSON receives positive mention (see p. 36) to this end, among
other things. The meaning and intent of this text is, therefore, partially,
to discredit the Military Tribunal [!], and, secondarily, to deny the
Holocaust. The author attempts to suggest to the reader that no crimes
of the kind imputed to the defendants took place in Germany between
1939 and 1995 [sic]. The points of the indictment against the
defendants are attributed solely to falsification on the part of the Allies.
PORTER continually presents the criminals indicted at Nuremberg as
the real victims, who were in no way guilty.
[This is not quite true. The introduction clearly states: “This
book contains a great many references to page numbers. They are not
there… to prove the truth of the matter stated [!], but to help interested
people find things.” The author makes no pretence of knowing the
exact location of the Gneisenau on 1 September 1939, for example, or
whether it carried any ammunition supplies; that is for others to verify.
– C.P.]
An attempt is made to suggest levels of scientific research
which the text in no way reflects. To shore up the credibility of his
statements, the author gives the references to the Nuremberg trial
transcript at all times. The sources and quotations used by him are
given unsystematically and taken out of context [i.e., they are defence
statements instead of statements of the prosecution. – C.P.]
He is not successful in creating a connection to the arguments
intended by him. [OK, so where do YOU say the Gneisenau was on 1
September 1939? – C.P.] It is remarkable that the author neither quotes
correctly, nor gives correct references.
[None of the author’s mistakes are cited against him as
examples; perhaps they have gotten the human soap “recipe”, USSR-
196, mixed up with the human soap “exhibit”, i.e., the soap itself, USS-

393, and think that the latter is a “mistake”. – C.P.]
Media with similar content have already been indexed by the
Federal Examination Centre. [The author is waiting for a hole to be
bored in his tongue with a red-hot iron. – C.P.]
With relation to the above mentioned brochure, we are asking
you to examine whether or not there is an identity, or identity of
content, between this text, and texts which have already been indexed,
or texts for which an application has been made for listing. [In other
words, whether the same thing may also have been published under
some other name! – C.P.]

Upon behalf of. Dr. Scholz [Inquisitrix]


Geschäftsstelle des Oberlandesgerichts München

Nymphenberger Strasse 16 80097
Aktenzeichen: 2 Ws 98/98 Beschluß von 3.2.98 Datiert: 10.02.1998 –
2 Ws 98/98 18 Ns 112 Js 11637/96 StA b.d.
LG München I III BerL 117/98 StA.b.d.
OLG München Richtern: Dr. Glück Mallwitz Seul
16 March 1998



May It Please the Court:

In civilized countries it is the custom to allow a defendant to

make a final statement to the court prior to sentencing.
The Nuremberg Trial transcript is 14,638 pages long in German
alone, much of it in small print. I have read this material, and evidently
you have not. I have provided approximately 1,000 exact references to
both the American and German transcripts.
The pagination and format are not the same; it can be almost
impossible to find certain things in the German, even if you know
where it is in the English, and vice-versa. I have also read the British
transcript, which is much shorter. There are many discrepancies. All
references were completely revised and corrected prior to printing; all
page numbers are given twice, according to the German and American
I defy you, or anyone else, to find one single error in any of the
references quoted in NICHT SCHULDIG IN NÜRNBERG.
I refuse to be dictated to by people who have not read this
material, and who have no idea what it contains.
I refuse to be deprived of a basic right which belongs to
everyone else in the world as a matter of course: the right to freedom of
speech and freedom of the press.

I retract nothing. I regret nothing. I fear nothing.
I stand by the contents of my letters to the court dated 7
January, 10 March, 1 July, 1 September, 5 September, and 7 November
I stand by the contents of my letter to Christian Ude.
If you fine me, I will not pay it. If you put me in prison, I will
go on hunger strike like Bobby Sands.
I defy your authority and I refuse to comply with any order to
do anything.
I am not afraid of you; I fear the future if I do nothing. That is

Carlos W. Porter


On April Fool’s Day 1998, after 17 months of proceedings before 4

courts and a total of 7 judges, beginning with my appearance before an
examining magistrate in Verviers, Belgium, on 4 November 1996 in
answer to “international letters rogatory” (a procedure normally used in
the pursuit of international car theft rings, etc.), I (hereinafter referred
to as “the Defendant”) was convicted of “Popular Incitement” (or
“Incitement of the Masses”) [!] [?] in Munich, Germany, and fined an
odd sum of money (probably the most they thought they could collect
in view of the fact that the Defendant was self-employed and the father
of 4 children) ending in 20 pfennigs.
Intrigued by the date of my final conviction, and in an effort to
determine whether or not the Germans are really as stupid as they
would very often seem to appear, I sent the Munich State Prosecutor’s
Office a 10 pfennig-piece Scotch-taped to my Final Statement to the
Court (in which, for the third or fourth time, I refused to pay anything),
asking them to deduct 10 pfennigs from the amount owing and send me
a receipt for it. They did. I haven’t heard from them since.
They spent a fortune prosecuting me, including mountains of
certified translation work, German into French, French into German,
German into English, English into German, wasting 17 months of their
time, then they sent me a receipt for 10 pfennigs. And we wonder why
our countries are broke.

Finis Germaniae.

[Note: In the interests of historical accuracy, it should perhaps be noted that

what the defendant calls a “receipt” was, in reality, an exact duplicate of the
demand for payment, accompanied by copious and dire threats, which they had
already sent him about 10 days before, but deducting 10 pfennigs! The
German authorities are required by law to acknowledge all part payments, so,
like all other correspondence in the case, it was sent by registered mail with
return receipt. The stamp on the envelope, if the defendant’s recollection is
correct, was DM 6.50. So it cost the German taxpayers DM 6.50 to send what
amounted to a “receipt” for 10 pfennigs.]


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