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Argus Sussex Recipes With Flowers

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Argus Sussex Recipes

Saturday 5 July 2003

Add flower power to summer recipes
USING flowers in cooing goes way !ac into "istory !ut t"e co#ing of $un foods caused it to
lapse for a w"ile% &ere are so#e suggestions to reawaen t"ose taste !uds'
("e ex)uisitely scented lea*es of t"e rose geraniu# will add a su!tle fla*our to apple $elly or
cooed apples% +"en #aing sponge cae, put t"ree or four of t"ese fragrant lea*es at t"e
!otto# of t"e tin !efore poring in t"e cae #ix and tae t"e# away after cooing% ("is will #ae
a sponge rat"er special%
Rose petals "a*e #any uses in cooing% ("e deep-red, scented *ariety wit" its rasp!erry-lie
perfu#e is !est !ut re#e#!er to was" t"e# first and to snip off t"e w"ite pit"%
Nasturtiu#s can !e used to add colour in salads or add t"e# finely c"opped lie a "er!, to
#as"ed potatoes or in "addoc fis" caes%
450g ! l"# deep red$ fr%gr%&t rose pet%ls
!'( pi&t w%ter
)uice of ! sm%ll lemo&
*+5g !,!'(!"# c%ster sug%r
.U( t"e rose petals into pieces /not too s#all0, put t"e#
in a !asin wit" 2251 /2322!0 sugar to co*er and lea*e
t"e# to stand for two days% ("en dissol*e t"e re#aining
Il! /450g0 sugar in t"e water and le#on $uice% Add t"e
rose petals and !ring to t"e !oil w"ile stirring% Si##er
for a furt"er 25-20 #inutes until t"e $a# t"icens% Now
pour into $a# $ars and co*er%
A "andful of deep-red rose petals added to a c"erry or
plu# pie !efore t"e crust goes on is anot"er si#ple taste
of delig"t%
(&5S5 are fine to decorate a plain cae% 6ulti coloured
petals loo !est% Si#ply coat eac" petal wit" !eaten egg
w"ite, using a s#all, clean paint !rus"% S#all c"ildren
lie to see t"eir !irt"day cae decorated wit" t"e nu#!er
of t"eir age% 7inis" wit" a lig"t dusting of caster sugar
and repeat eac" side of t"e petals% 8ea*e to dry !efore
arranging on t"e cae%
M%3es !"#
! cupful sce&ted rose pet%ls w%s4ed %&d pressed
well dow&#
450g !!"# cle%r 4o&e5,
&5A( t"ese *ery gently toget"er, tirring occasionally,
for a!out ten #inutes% Re#o*e "oney fro# t"e "eat,
co*er wit" a lid and lea*e in a war# place for 24 "ours%
Now, place t"e #ix o*er a low "eat again until runny
t"en strain t"roug" a sie*e into a clean $ar and seal
tig"tly% 9eep in a cool larder%
! pi&t full cre%m mil3
( egg 5ol3s$ well "e%te&
( 4%&dfuls cle%&$ red rose pet%ls c%ster sug%r to
:;I8 t"e #il and add t"e rose petals, co*er and lea*e to
soa for two "ours% <ut t"e #ixture t"roug" a sie*e t"en
#ix in t"e egg yols plus t"e sugar to your taste% If you
wis" add a little pin colouring%
&eat t"e #ixture again, stirring all t"e ti#e !ut do not
let it !oil% 8et it cool naturally, t"en free=e%
(; eac" pint of elder!erry $uice add 4501 /22!0 of lu#p
sugar and !oil for "alf an "our, stirring occasionally% Add
> or ? clo*es to fla*our% :ottle w"en cool% Soot"ing for
sore t"roats, a nig"t-cap /"eated0 or use as an old country
T%st5 wit4 l%m" or g%me "irds#
7;R eac" 450g /22!0 or rowan !erries you will need
2322! of c"opped cra! apples% .oo toget"er wit"
enoug" water to co*er, until t"ey are soft% Strain t"en add
22! caster sugar to eac" pint of fruit $uice% :oil again,
until it sets well, t"en lea*e to cool%
(; eac" 450g /22!0 was"ed and c"opped r"u!ar!, add
t"e $uice of one le#on and 4501 /22!0 sugar% .o*er t"e
r"u!ar! wit" t"e sugar and le#on $uice to stand
."op up two "andfuls of scented rose petals to eac"
4501 /22!0 of fruit and #ix toget"er until set% ("is is a
lo*el* coloured ia# and delicious%

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