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GAMP 5 Quality Risk Management Approach: by Kevin C. Martin and Dr. Arthur (Randy) Perez

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Quality Risk Management

Copyright ISPE 2008
Category GAMP 4 GAMP 5
1 Operating system Infrastructure software (OS,
middleware, DB managers, etc.)
2 Firmware No longer used Firmware is no
longer functionally distinguishable
3 Standard software Non-configured software
Includes default configurable SW
4 Configurable software Configured software configured
packages to satisfy business process
5 Custom software Custom Software
Table A. GAMP 5
software categories.
This article
describes how
the GAMP 5
quality risk
strategy offers a
approach to
GAMP 5 Quality Risk Management
by Kevin C. Martin and Dr. Arthur (Randy) Perez
n todays competitive and highly regulated
environment in the life sciences industry,
companies need to focus skilled resources
where the risks are highest, thus minimiz-
ing risk to patients while maximizing resource
utilization and efficiencies. To achieve this
result, it is imperative to understand several
critical issues. Companies must have a thor-
ough understanding of their business processes
and the Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs) of
those processes. This knowledge along with
appropriate risk management methods make
it possible to identify potential areas that may
fail, and to identify areas with acceptable risk
or low risk that can be assigned a lower priority
or effort for mitigation. It should be possible to
reduce or eliminate unwarranted work at all
risk levels, but especially on low risk areas,
freeing critical resources to mitigate higher

5 provides guidance in the applica-

tion of risk management principles to the de-
velopment of computer systems in GxP envi-
ronments. It has become far less common than
it was 10 years ago for life sciences firms to
develop their own software. This leads to the
generally positive consequence that most soft-
ware is developed by companies whose contin-
ued viability is predicated on their delivery of
good software. GAMP 5 recognizes this fact, a
point emphasized by the extensive appendix
dedicated to supplier evaluation. It is appropri-
ate to become involved in supplier software
development and QA processes only if there is
reason to doubt the integrity of these processes.
In this context, this article assumes that
software and hardware are developed by the
suppliers within a sound quality management
system. Therefore, GAMP 5 stresses consider-
ation of risk to patients with the assumption
that risks related to other business issues are
covered by the supplier and the customers
standard system implementation processes.
The development of the GAMP 5 risk man-
agement approach has its antecedents in the
FMEA-based risk assessment tool published in
GAMP 4 in 2001. The approach matured in the

Good Practice Guide: A

Risk-Based Approach to Compliant Electronic
Records and Signatures with incorporation of
aspects of ISO 14971 Medical Devices Appli-
cation of Risk Management to Medical Devices.
The expansion of these concepts and the five
step approach described in GAMP 5 and this
article are fully compatible with the approaches
published in ICH Q9 Quality Risk Management
(2005) and ASTM E2500 Standard Guide for
Specification, Design, and Verification of Phar-
maceutical and Biopharmaceutical
Manufacturing Systems and Equip-
ment (2007).
Determining the risks posed by a
computerized system requires a com-
mon and shared understanding of
the following:
impact of the computerized sys-
tem on patient safety, product
quality, and data integrity
supported business processes
Reprinted from

The Official Magazine of ISPE

May/June 2008, Vol. 28 No. 3
Quality Risk Management
Copyright ISPE 2008
Critical Quality Attributes (CQA) for systems that moni-
tor or control Critical Process Parameters (CPP)
user requirements
regulatory requirements
project approach (contracts, methods, timelines)
system components and architecture
system functions
supplier capability
the companys risk tolerance
The order in which the above is applied is not as important as
ensuring that each area is addressed. However, it is impera-
tive to understand several critical issues. First, it is essential
to have a deep understanding of the relevant business pro-
cesses and to understand CQAs of the processes.
It should be noted that the concept of CQAs is not new.
They have been a part of Six Sigma, Mechanical Engineering
and Software Engineering quality practices for years. CPPs
are also a part of Six Sigma. Thus, these concepts are
applicable in a far wider arena than in life science manufac-
turing; they are an aid to understanding the risks associated
with any business process.
GAMP 5 relates how understanding of CQAs and CPPs
can be applied to computerized systems in the life science
industry with the intent of using them to the development of
strategies for validation and verification. With such under-
standing, it is possible to identify potential areas of the
automation that may fail to perform to expectation, and to
identify those risk points that can be categorized as low or
otherwise acceptable risk versus those that constitute unac-
ceptable risk. It should be possible to reduce, or even elimi-
nate, unwarranted work on low risk issues, freeing resources
to be applied to more significant risks.
Although CQAs and CPPs are often identified and em-
ployed in relation to manufacturing systems, particularly
process control or other computerized manufacturing pro-
cesses, they are not frequently applied to non-manufacturing
areas. However, there is no reason why the concepts should
not be applied in other arenas; they can work just as well for
a preclinical study as they do for a production line. The
approach described in GAMP 5 describes a framework that
can be used in GMP and non-GMP areas equally effectively.
Analysis of CQAs can aid in the development of failure or
defect scenarios in order to understand the downstream
impact on the patient. With the scenarios identified, the
ability to mitigate the risk or impact of the failure can be
evaluated, presenting the potential to detect and intercept
these faults before serious harm occurs. The ongoing moni-
toring of not only the process, but the effectiveness of mitiga-
tion for potential failure points, can help to reduce the
likelihood that the potential failure may become a reality,
and if it does, to recognize it early and contain or minimize its
Historic Use of Risk-Based Approaches
Many companies have been using a quasi-risk based ap-
proach for years. The typical dilemma with validation of
computerized systems has been deciding what to test, how
much to test, and where should resources be applied to
achieve optimum efficiency. Their validation processes often
included risk assessments, but without a clear process for
using the results of these assessments, they tended to be just
another document in one of many binders of validation
documentation. In lieu of a sound risk-based approach, these
companies tended to err on the side of caution and conduct
exhaustive and costly validation exercises.
Requirement documents have been used to help identify
key process components, often times weighting them to
assign to them a priority based on their relative importance.
These types of tools have been used to determine where to
focus resources and to identify the critical elements of our
processes. Structured approaches such as root cause analysis
and Kepner-Tragoe Analysis have been useful in the deci-
sion-making process. The critical areas would be documented
and tested more than areas of lower criticality. Although the
term risk was not necessarily used, the concern was about
these critical processes operating properly and not failing.
The problem resided in the fact that many viewed compliance
as a black and white issue; zero risk meant compliance, and
anything less was considered unacceptable.
More recently when 21 CFR Part 11 (August 1997) was
first introduced, many formal company assessments included
a risk filter where the importance of the electronic record (or
signature) was assigned a criticality factor. This was neces-
sary as a part of triage, deciding what systems needed
remediation first. The higher the criticality, the more empha-
sis would be placed on ensuring that the integrity of the
record was maintained. This was done not only for business
reasons, but to assure product quality and subsequently
patient safety.
Evolution of the Definition and
Understanding of Risk
Risk management techniques have been in use for decades,
early versions having their genesis in the 1940s. In the 1950s,
military and aerospace industries began to apply risk ap-
proaches in the form of numerous MIL-STDs. The 1960s saw
the creation of reliability engineering approaches (e.g.,
FMECA and HACCP). Certainly, the surge in the software
development and technology industries drove the develop-
ment of standards, in part impelled by the Computer Security
Act of 1987 and the Information Technology Management
Reform Act of 1996. NIST 800-30 Risk Management Guide for
Information Technology Systems is one example. ISO-13485
also was accepted as a risk management standard through-
out the product life cycle. The ANSI/AAMI/ISO 14971:2000
was published and applied to risk management of medical
devices and replaced both ISO 13485 and EN 1441 (European
standard) as the risk standard to be used for compliance in
the medical device directives. Other industry standards orga-
nizations also contributed (e.g. IEEE, IEC, ISO, SEI, PMI).
The publication of ICH Q9 Quality Risk Management in
2005 is having a significant impact on our industry. The FDA,
as well as other regulatory bodies, is embracing the Q9
Quality Risk Management
Copyright ISPE 2008
concepts. In general, Q9 provides high level guidance regard-
hazard identification
estimating and evaluating risks
controlling risks
monitoring the effectiveness of the controls
documenting the process used for risk management
The Q9 Introduction defines risk as the combination of the
probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that
harm. It acknowledges the difficulty of achieving consensus
or agreement on a risk management approach because of the
diversity of the stakeholders. Therefore, with respect to
pharmaceuticals, although there are a variety of stakehold-
ers, including patients and medical practitioners as well as
government and industry, the protection of the patient by
managing the risk to quality should be considered of prime
The GAMP Categories
The two primary principles of quality risk management are:
The evaluation of the risk to quality should be based on
scientific knowledge and ultimately be linked to the pro-
tection of the patient.
The level of effort, formality, and documentation of the
quality risk management process should be commensu-
rate with the level of risk associated with the process.
One aspect of risk that can be leveraged with respect to
computerized systems is the general trend that increased
complexity of software implies higher risk for failure due to
factors like buggy code, incorrect configuration, or improper
implementation. Another unique factor for software is based
on ubiquity; for some types of software (e.g., operating sys-
tems and database managers), there are so many copies on
the market that it is a near-certainty that new faults will not
compromise the applications running on them.
The GAMP categories enable a high level evaluation of
risk based on the complexity of software or hardware in
combination with general trends of reliability based on ubiq-
When initially introduced, there were five GAMP catego-
ries - Table A. Since that time technologies have advanced
and necessitated a change, which is being introduced in
The previous Category 1 (Operating Systems) is expanded
to include Infrastructure Software and now also includes
such layered software components as database managers,
middleware, and ladder logic interpreters. Also included
are tools used to manage the infrastructure, such as
network performance monitors, batch scheduling tools,
etc. This class is considered to be low risk due to two
primary factors. First, infrastructure software is so ubiq-
uitous that it is extremely unlikely that any unknown
faults will exist. Second, this software is challenged indi-
rectly in all other testing activities. While proper function
of IT infrastructure may well be critical to satisfying a
CQA, infrastructure will almost always have an extremely
low probability of failure. Applications built on top of this
software may fail, but it will seldom be attributable to
failure of infrastructure software.
Category 2 (Firmware) is no longer a separate category
since modern firmware can be so sophisticated that there
is no longer any justification for differentiation. Firmware
can fit into any of the categories depending on the nature
of the embedded software.
Category 3 (Standard Software) has been renamed Non-
Configured Software and includes many examples of firm-
ware. Non-Configured in this sense refers to configuration
to meet the needs of a business process; run-time param-
eters can still be configured. Off-the-shelf software has
grown in sophistication to the point where some examples
are configurable to meet the business process, and hence
Figure 1. Risk continuum.
Figure 2. Five step risk management approach. (Source: GAMP

A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP Computerized Systems,
used with permission from ISPE)
Quality Risk Management
Copyright ISPE 2008
could be considered Category 4. A simplified approach
(Category 3) is allowed; however, a user can choose not to
configure a simple configurable product and applies the
default configuration.
Categories 4 (Configured Software) and 5 (Custom or
Bespoke Software) remain essentially unchanged with the
exception that supplier assessments are suggested (i.e.,
discretionary), depending on the overall criticality of the
system, as opposed to requiring supplier audits for all
systems within the category.
The GAMP 5 software categories represent a broad indicator
of likelihood of software failure. They can be a factor in
planning test rigor but not the only one. Large systems often
comprise components of several categories; therefore, each
category can help assess overall risk/impact of the compo-
nents. The complexity of the components also can be useful in
evaluating rigor needed for supplier assessment. Risk is a
continuum and because the GAMP 5 categories are generali-
zations, they are not absolute, but can be useful as a tool used
in the overall risk process - Figure 1. Other significant factors
related to the risk of software includes the quality processes
of the supplier (it is certainly possible to make bad infrastruc-
ture software), the integrity of the implementation process,
and of course the use to which the software is put.
The key to maximizing the usefulness of the GAMP catego-
ries is to fully realize that they represent general conclusions
about wide classes of software, and that they should only be
one of the factors considered when planning a validation/
verification strategy for a system.
Figure 3. Risk assessment effort scaled according to function impact. (Source: GAMP

5, A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP

Computerized Systems,
used with permission from ISPE)
Quality Risk Management
Copyright ISPE 2008
Five Step Approach to Risk Management for
Computerized Systems
Guiding Principles
GAMP 5 is a science-based approach to understanding and
managing risk for computerized systems. It is focused on a
top-down approach that looks at processes before systems or
functions. Determining the impact to patient health for
automated systems is not possible without a thorough under-
standing of the underlying business processes. Further, the
risk associated with a computerized system cannot be greater
than the risk associated with the processes it supports. The
approach is forward looking in that it is compatible with new
initiatives, such as the forthcoming ISPE Baseline

that will present an alternative approach, and aligns well
with the recently published ASTM 2500-07 standard. Al-
though there are many existing standards available, ISO
14971 and particularly ICH Q9 were selected as the founda-
tion for the GAMP 5 Quality Risk Management (QRM)
The central tenet of the GAMP 5 approach is to define
acceptable practices and apply stronger measures only where
warranted. The approach should be simple in that an assess-
ment result should indicate where additional controls are
needed based on the relative risk. An added benefit by
keeping the approach simple is that there should be only
minimal impact when a company transitions from old compli-
ance programs to new ones.
Process Description
It should be noted that organizations may have already
established processes for risk management. While GAMP 5
provides one suggested approach, it does not intend that
companies discard their current practices, rather that they
continue to be used as appropriate within the overall quality
risk management framework consistent with ICH Q9.
The GAMP 5 Quality Risk Management approach is based
on a simple five step process - Figure 2, where the emphasis
is on constantly narrowing the focus to the point where
rigorous testing and additional controls are only applied
where the risk warrants.
Step 1 Initial Assessment
An initial assessment should be performed based on an
understanding of the business processes. The understanding
can be derived from user requirements, design specifications,
operating procedures, regulatory requirements, and known
functional areas. The assessment should include a decision
on whether the system is GxP regulated and include an
overall assessment of the system impact. Further, it should
include an evaluation of the process for impact to patient
health, as many of the later steps in this process are depen-
dent on this for the purpose of determining the scale of effort.
Since this step is geared toward understanding the busi-
ness process, it is critical to ensure user involvement in the
assessment and their acceptance of the outcome.
Step 2 Identify Functions with Impact on
Patient Safety, Product Quality, and Data
Building upon the information obtained in Step 1, the specific
functions that have impact on patient safety, product quality,
and data integrity can be identified and addressed. It must be
remembered that no function can be assessed as having
higher risk or impact than the process itself. The functions
are typically listed in tabular form to be used in Step 3.
Similarly to Step 1, user involvement is important to ensure
that the impact of a system function on the business process
(and ultimately on patients) is understood.
Step 3 Perform Functional Risk Assessments
Figure 4. GAMP 5 risk assessment method. (Source: GAMP

5, A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP Computerized Systems,

with permission from ISPE)
Quality Risk Management
Copyright ISPE 2008
Figure 5. Relationship of risk, severity, and control.
and Identify Controls
The functions identified in the previous step can now be
analyzed by considering possible hazards and what controls
may be needed to minimize potential harm. A companys risk
tolerance is also a factor to be considered when selecting
possible controls. The rigor of the risk analysis can be ad-
justed based on the impact of the function as determined in
Step 2 - Figure 3. For low impact functions, no further
assessment of failure scenarios is warranted. For medium
impact systems, generic hazards are identified and assessed,
for example, a generic scenario for power loss might be
assessed for a data acquisition system. For high impact
functions in this system, specific hazards are analyzed, e.g.,
power problems that might include simple power failure,
power failure with a voltage spike (lightning), or a voltage
drop (brownout). For high impact functions, it is helpful (and
recommended) to establish a strong link between the final
user and the computer system supplier, whose deep knowl-
edge of the system itself can ensure a correct functional risk
assessment and suitable controls identification.
To execute these assessments, GAMP 5 retains the simple
FMEA-derived risk assessment process described in GAMP 4
- Figure 4. After identifying potential hazards, severity is
plotted against the probability of occurrence to obtain the
Risk Class. The Risk Class is then plotted against detectabil-
ity to obtain the Risk Priority. Conveniently, this assessment
lends readily itself to a semi-automated documentation ap-
proach using a spreadsheet.
As Figure 3 also illustrates, this process is aligned with the
defined process steps of ICH Q9 and ISO 14971.
Step 4 Implement and Verify Appropriate
Testing and Controls
Once the severity and risk are understood, the appropriate
level of challenge testing can be selected. Figure 5 illustrates
the concept of planning testing and selecting controls based
on assessed risk and impact. In general, functions with low
risk will require little or no functional testing to meet compli-
ance needs; testing of such functions to meet normal business
expectation as defined in the development methodology is
adequate. For medium impact functions, it is appropriate to
consider generic failure modes, i.e., what will happen if the
function fails. In the example mentioned above, this might
entail a single test case for power loss. For high impact
systems, the relevant specific risk scenarios should be tested.
In the example above of power problems, test cases might be
executed for each of the three cases noted (power loss, power
loss accompanied by a voltage spike, and brownout condi-
Based in part on the outcome of testing, controls can be
applied. If testing has shown that the system is robust
enough, controls may not be warranted or may perhaps be
emplaced to establish redundancy for high risk functions.
If testing reveals some gaps that need remediation, the
selected controls should be commensurate with the assessed
risk. Typically, low risk elements will require only Good IT
Practices. This entails the processes and practices that
would normally be applied to a well-controlled IT operation
for any company. Medium impact elements will require
somewhat stricter controls, and high impact elements will
require even greater controls. Controls should be traceable to
the identified risks and need to be verified that they are
effective in producing the intended risk reduction. An assess-
ment of residual risk, i.e., the risk status following the
application of the selected controls, should be performed for
functions initially determined to be high risk.
Step 5 Review Risks and Monitor Controls
Once the controls are implemented, they need to be moni-
tored. The implementation of the controls may reduce the
level of effort for many current activities, such as audits,
assessments, documentation, testing, and even the degree of
quality unit involvement. By communicating the resultant
impact of implementing these controls, other benefits may be
realized such as:
benchmarking against standards
measuring the amount of value added to the process
determining the cost, regulatory, and legal impact
developing a Risk-Based ROI model
After the controls are selected, the residual risk needs to be
evaluated to ascertain if the controls are adequate and if the
level of risk is acceptable. If the controls are too stringent, a
more efficient approach may possibly be suggested.
Periodic evaluation after the system is operational will
lead to improvement of the processes, controls, and overall
risk strategy. The review should
consider whether previously unrecognized risks are present
determine if previously identified hazards are still present
(and to what level)
ascertain if the estimated risk associated with a hazard is
no longer acceptable
evaluate whether all existing controls are still necessary
The level of risk will determine the frequency of review and
when in the life cycle the review should occur although review
Quality Risk Management
Copyright ISPE 2008
should always be part of the change control process. As in any
aspect of risk management, the activity should ideally be a
team-based exercise.
The GAMP 5 QRM strategy offers a pragmatic approach to
computer systems compliance. It avoids reliance on a single
standard that can be excessive and/or inadequate, and is
consistent with ICH Q9 and has incorporated some elements
from ISO-14971. It is a framework that is flexible and scal-
able and assists with the identification and application of
appropriate controls where they are needed.
1. ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline, Quality Risk
Management Q9, 9 November 2005, p. 1.
2. ISPE Baseline

Pharmaceutical Engineering Guide, Vol-

ume 5 - Commissioning and Qualification, International
Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE), First
Edition, March 2001,
3. ASTM E2500-07, Standard Guide for Specification, De-
sign, and Verification of Pharmaceutical and
Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Systems and Equip-
ment, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA,
4. Global Risk Management: Challenges in Risk Manage-
ment of Automation Systems, GAMP Forum, August
2005; Steve Coates, Wyeth/GAMP Risk Management SIG
5. Using Science-Based Risk Management to Develop Com-
pliant Computer Systems, ISPE Annual Meeting 2007;
Randy Perez, PhD, Novartis Pharmaceuticals/GAMP
Americas Chair.
6. FDA Guidance for Industry: Part 11, Electronic Records;
Electronic Signatures - Scope and Application (2003).
7. ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline, Quality Risk
Management Q9, 9 November 2005.

5, A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP

Computerized Systems, International Society for Phar-
maceutical Engineering (ISPE), Fifth Edition, February
2008, Section 5 Quality Risk Management,

Good Practice Guide: A Risk-Based Approach to

Compliant Electronic Records and Signatures, Interna-
tional Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE),
First Edition, April 2005,
10. Kepner-Tregoe Analysis, 2006 Kepner-Tregoe Inc.
11. ISO 14971, Application of Risk Management to Medical
Devices, December 2000,
We would like to express my gratitude to the members of the
GAMP Risk Management SIG and GAMP Steering Commit-
tee who reviewed and provided substantive comments, and in
particular, Steve Coates whose leadership was a driving force
for this article.
About the Authors
Kevin C. Martin is Vice President of Regu-
latory Compliance Business Development for
CimQuest-Vantage LLC, and has more than
30 years of pharmaceutical industry experi-
ence that includes management positions at
Wyeth and McNeil Pharmaceutical. He is
considered a subject matter expert for com-
puter systems compliance within the QA, IT/
IM, Manufacturing/Operations, Clinical, and R&D environ-
ments. He is a former member of the PhRMA Computer
Systems Validation Committee, a former chair of the ISPE
DVC CSV Sub-Committee, was a Core Team member for the
PDA Part 11 Task Group, is a member of the GAMP Americas
Steering Committee and is the GAMP Americas Sponsor to
the Risk Management SIG. Martin holds a BS in chemistry
from Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture and
a Master of Engineering in manufacturing systems from
Penn State University. He can be contacted by telephone: +1-
215-260-6327 or by e-mail:
CimQuest-Vantage LLC, 35 E. Uwchlan Ave., Suite 330,
Exton, Pennsylvania 19341, USA.
Dr. Arthur (Randy) Perez, Executive Ex-
pert, IT Quality Assurance for Novartis Phar-
maceuticals, has served on the ISPE Inter-
national Board of Directors since 2005. His
responsibilities at Novartis include a wide
range of IT Compliance issues, such as GxP,
Sarbanes-Oxley, and data privacy. He serves
on several global Novartis teams dealing
with computer systems compliance issues, and has authored
many of the firms global GxP compliance policies. During his
25-year tenure at Novartis, he has developed a broad range
of experience, working as a chemistry group leader in process
research, managing a chemical manufacturing process vali-
dation program, and running a QA validation group for
pharmaceutical operations. He was a member of the PhRMA
Computer Systems Validation Committee and was instru-
mental in the formation of GAMP Americas when that group
started in 2000. He initiated and led the Global Information
Systems SIG, which wrote a GAMP Good Practice Guide
that was published in 2005. In 2002, he was elected Chair-
man of GAMP Americas and became a member of the global
GAMP Council. Perez has been a speaker and a course leader
at numerous ISPE Continuing Education seminars in the US
and Europe, and has been published in industry journals and
textbooks. He can be contacted by telephone: +1-862-778-
3509 or by e-mail:
Novartis Pharmaceuticals, One Health Plaza, East
Hanover, New Jersey 07936, USA.

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