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Annex11 Regulatory Analysis 20121021

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EU Annex 11

US FDA – 211, 820, 11; other guidelines

Orlando López – Rev 21-OCT-12
Concept Old 211 820 11 Others/Guidelines
Principle. GAMP 5 –Management Appendix
a. This annex applies to all forms of computerised systems 211.681 820.70(i). 11.2(b). EU Directive 2003/94/EC.
used as part of a GMP regulated activities. A computerised
system is a set of software and hardware components which
together fulfill certain functionalities.
b. The application should be validated; IT infrastructure 11-3 211.68 820.70(i). 11.10(a). Eudralex Volume IV, Glossary
should be qualified. 820.30(g) PIC/S PI 011-3.
Q7A Good Manufacturing Practice
Guidance for Active Pharmaceutical
WHO - Technical Report Series, No.
937, 2006. Annex 4. Appendix 5,
Section 7.1 (Hardware)
c. Where a computerised system replaces a manual operation, Principle PIC/S PI 011-3.
there should be no resultant decrease in product quality, process US FDA CPG 7348.810 - Sponsors,
control or quality assurance. There should be no increase in the CROs, and Monitors
overall risk of the process.
1. Risk Management. 211.68(b)2 820.30(g) 812.663
ICH Harmonized Tripartite
Risk management should be applied throughout the lifecycle of Guideline, Quality Risk
the computerised system taking into account patient safety, data Management, Q9.
integrity and product quality. As part of a risk management NIST, Risk Management Guide for

1 O. López, “A Historical View of 21 CFR Part 211.68”, Journal of GXP Compliance, Vol. 15 No. 2, Spring 2011.
2 Federal Register, Vol 60 No. 13, 4087-4091, January 20, 1995.
3 All 21 CFR Part 812 regulations apply equally to both paper records and electronic records. The use of computer systems in clinical investigations does not exempt

IDEs from any Part 812 regulatory requirement.

EU Annex 11
US FDA – 211, 820, 11; other guidelines
Orlando López – Rev 21-OCT-12
Concept Old 211 820 11 Others/Guidelines
system, decisions on the extent of validation and data integrity Information Technology Systems,
controls should be based on a justified and documented risk Special Publication 800- 30.
assessment of the computerised system. GHTF, Implementation of risk
management principles and activities
within a Quality Management
ISO 14971:2007 , Medical devices --
Application of risk management to
medical devices
GAMP Forum, Risk Assessment for
Use of Automated Systems
Supporting Manufacturing Process --
Risk to Record, Pharmaceutical
Engineering, Nov/Dec 2002.
GAMP/ISPE, Risk Assessment for
Use of Automated Systems
Supporting Manufacturing Process --
Functional Risk, Pharmaceutical
Engineering, May/Jun 2003.
EU Annex 20.
US FDA Guidance for the Content
of Pre Market Submission for
Software Contained in Medical
Devices, May 2005.
Pressman, Roger S., Software
Engineering – A Practitioner’s
Approach, McGraw Hill.
GAMP 5 –Management Appendices
M3 and M4; Operational Appendices
O2, O6, O8, O9

EU Annex 11
US FDA – 211, 820, 11; other guidelines
Orlando López – Rev 21-OCT-12
Concept Old 211 820 11 Others/Guidelines
2. Personnel. 11-1 Sub Part B 820.20(b)(1) 11.10(i) 21 CFR 110(c).
and (2); 21 CFR 606.160(b)(5)(v).
There should be close cooperation between all relevant 820.25
ICH GCP 4.1; 4.2.3, 4.2.4; 5.4.1;
personnel such as Process Owner, System Owner, Qualified 5.5.1; 5.6.1
Persons and IT. All personnel should have appropriate 21 CFR Part 312.53(a) and .53(d).
qualifications, level of access and defined responsibilities to
21 CFR 58.29
carry out their assigned duties.
WHO - Technical Report Series, No.
937, 2006. Annex 4, Section 13
GAMP 5 – Operational Appendix
3. Suppliers and Service Providers. 11-18 Sub Part B 820.20(b)(1) 21 CFR 110(c).
211.34 and (2), ICH Q7 Good Manufacturing
3.1 When third parties (e.g. suppliers, service providers) are 820.50 Practice Guidance for Active
used e.g. to provide, install, configure, integrate, validate, Pharmaceutical Ingredients
maintain (e.g. via remote access), modify or retain a WHO - Technical Report Series, No.
computerised system or related service or for data processing, 937, 2006. Annex 4. Appendix 5,
formal agreements must exist between the manufacturer and Section 6.2.
any third parties, and these agreements should include clear GAMP 5 –Management Appendices
statements of the responsibilities of the third party. IT- M2 and M6
departments should be considered analogous.
3.2 The competence and reliability of a supplier are key factors
when selecting a product or service provider. The need for an
audit should be based on a risk assessment.
3.3 Documentation supplied with commercial off-the-shelf
products should be reviewed by regulated users to check that
user requirements are fulfilled.

EU Annex 11
US FDA – 211, 820, 11; other guidelines
Orlando López – Rev 21-OCT-12
Concept Old 211 820 11 Others/Guidelines

3.4 Quality system and audit information relating to suppliers or

developers of software and implemented systems should be
made available to inspectors on request.
Project Phase.
4. Validation. 11-2; 11-4; 211.68; 820.3(z), 11.10(a); Article 9 Section 2, Commission
11-5; 11-7; 211.100(a), 803.17 11.10(k); Directives 2003/94/EC.
4.1 The validation documentation and reports should cover the 11-9 (b). 820.40 11.10(h). Medicines and Healthcare products
relevant steps of the life cycle. Manufacturers should be able to 820.170 Regulatory Agency (MHRA) (UK).
justify their standards, protocols, acceptance criteria, procedures 820.30(g),
and records based on their risk assessment. 820.70(i). PIC/S PI 011-3.
4.2 Validation documentation should include change control 21 CFR 606.160(b)(5)(ii) and
records (if applicable) and reports on any deviations observed 820.70(i) 606.100(b)(15).
during the validation process. ICH Q7 Good Manufacturing
Practice Guidance for Active
4.3 An up to date listing of all relevant systems and their GMP Pharmaceutical Ingredients.
functionality (inventory) should be available. For critical systems
an up to date system description detailing the physical and
ICH GCP 5.5.3 (a) and (b).
logical arrangements, data flows and interfaces with other
21 CFR 58.61; 63(a) and (c); 58.81(c)
systems or processes, any hardware and software pre-requisites, and (d); 58.33
and security measures should be available.
21 CFR 59.190
4.4 User Requirements Specifications should describe the 820.30(c);
820.3(z) and Blood Establishment Computer
required functions of the computerised system and be based on (aa); 820.30(f) System Validation in the User's
documented risk assessment and GMP impact. User and (g) Facility, October 2007. (Draft
requirements should be traceable throughout the life-cycle4. Guidance).
US FDA General Principles of

O. López, “Requirements Management”, Journal of Validation Technology, Vol. 17 No. 2., Spring 2011.
EU Annex 11
US FDA – 211, 820, 11; other guidelines
Orlando López – Rev 21-OCT-12
Concept Old 211 820 11 Others/Guidelines
4.5 The regulated user should take all reasonable steps, to 820.30 SoftwareValidation.
ensure that the system has been developed in accordance with WHO - Technical Report Series, No.
820.50 937, 2006. Annex 4. Appendix 5
an appropriate quality management system. The supplier
should be assessed appropriately. GAMP 5 Development Appendices:
D1 – D7; Management Appendices
4.6 For the validation of bespoke or customised computerised M1 – M10; Operational Appendix
systems there should be a process in place that ensures the O1
formal assessment and reporting of quality and performance 21 CFR 1271.160(d)
measures for all the life-cycle stages of the system formal 21 CFR 803.17; 21 CFR 803.18
assessment and reporting of quality and performance measures
for all the life-cycle stages of the system.
4.7 Evidence of appropriate test methods5 and test scenarios
should be demonstrated. Particularly, system (process)
parameter limits, data limits and error handling should be
considered. Automated testing tools and test environments
should have documented assessments for their adequacy.
4.8 If data are transferred to another data format or system,
validation should include checks that data are not altered in
value and/or meaning during this migration process.

5Test methods -- With the Black-Box Test , the test cases are derived solely from the description of the test object, the inner structure of the object is thus not
considered when creating the test plan; With the White-Box Test the test cases are derived solely from the structure of the test object; With the Source-Code
Review the source code is checked against the documentation describing the system by one or several professionals. The APV Guideline ÓComputerized SystemsÓ
based on Annex 11 of the EU-GMP Guideline, April 1996.
EU Annex 11
US FDA – 211, 820, 11; other guidelines
Orlando López – Rev 21-OCT-12
Concept Old 211 820 11 Others/Guidelines
Operational Phase. GAMP 5 –Operational Appendix
5. Data. 11-6 211.68(b). 806.1 11.10(a); US FDA 425.400; 803.1; 803.10;
211.194(d) 820.25 11.10(b); 803.14; 806.10; 806.30; 58.15; 58.33;
Computerised systems exchanging data electronically with other 820.70(a) 11.10(e); 58.35; 59.190
systems should include appropriate built-in checks for the 820.180 11.10(f); EudraLex - Volume 4 Good
correct and secure entry and processing of data, in order to 820.184 11.10(g); manufacturing practice (GMP)
11.10(h); Guidelines, Part I – Basic
minimize the risks. 11.30. Requirements for Medicinal
Products, Chapter 4 –
GAMP 5 –Operational Appendix
6. Accuracy Checks. 11-6 211.68(c). 820.25 11.10(f) The APV Guideline “Computerized
820.70 Systems” based on Annex 11 of the
For critical data entered manually, there should be an additional EU-GMP Guideline.
check on the accuracy of the data. This check may be done by a EudraLex - Volume 4 Good
second operator or by validated electronic means. The manufacturing practice (GMP)
criticality and the potential consequences of erroneous or Guidelines, Part I - Basic
incorrectly entered data to a system should be covered by risk Requirements for Medicinal
Products, Chapter 4 –
management. Documentation.
PIC/S PI 011-3.
EU Annex 11-1.
WHO - Technical Report Series, No.
937, 2006. Annex 4. Appendix 5,
Section 4.5

EU Annex 11
US FDA – 211, 820, 11; other guidelines
Orlando López – Rev 21-OCT-12
Concept Old 211 820 11 Others/Guidelines
7. Data Storage. 11-13 211.68(b). 803.1 11.10(c) 812.38.
11-14 820.20 11.10(d) Article 9 Section 2, Commission
7.1 Data should be secured by both physical and electronic 820.40 11.10(e) Directives 2003/94/EC.
means against damage. Stored data should be checked for 820.180 11.10(g)
PIC/S PI 011-3.
accessibility, readability and accuracy. Access to data should be 806.1 11.10(h)
11.30. EudraLex - Volume 4 Good
ensured throughout the retention period. manufacturing practice (GMP)
7.2 Regular back-ups of all relevant data should be done. Guidelines, Part I - Basic
Integrity and accuracy of back-up data and the ability to restore Requirements for Medicinal
Products, Chapter 4 –
the data should be checked during validation and monitored Documentation.
periodically. ICH GCP 5.5.3(d).
21 CFR 58.33; .190(d); .35; .195
Specific records retention
requirements are found in applicable
predicate rule. For example 21 CFR
211.180(c), (d), 108.25(g), and
108.35(h), and 58.195.
812.140(a) and (b).
WHO - Technical Report Series, No.
937, 2006. Annex 4. Appendix 5,
Section 7.2.2.
21 CFR 123.9(f)
8. Printouts. 11-12 211.180(c) 43 FR 31508, 11.10(b) 812.150, 58.15
July 21, 1978
8.1 It should be possible to obtain clear printed copies of Directive 1999/93/EC of the
803.1 European Parliament and of the
electronically stored e-records. 803.10 Council of 13 December 1999 on a
8.2 For records supporting batch release it should be possible to 803.14 Community framework for
generate printouts indicating if any of the e-record has been 806.30 electronic signatures.
changed since the original entry. 820.40
EU Annex 11
US FDA – 211, 820, 11; other guidelines
Orlando López – Rev 21-OCT-12
Concept Old 211 820 11 Others/Guidelines
820.180 PIC/S PI 011-3.
FDA, Guidance for Industry Part 11,
Electronic Records; Electronic
Signatures — Scope and Application,
August 2003.
The APV Guideline, “Computerized
Systems” based on Annex 11 of the
EU-GMP Guideline.
US FDA CPG Sec. 130.400 Use of
Microfiche and/or Microfilm for
Method of Records Retention

9. Audit Trails 11-10 803.18 11.10(e); 1978 US CGMP rev. Comment

820.40 11.10(k)(2) paragraph 186.
Consideration should be given, based on a risk assessment, to
The APV Guideline “Computerized
building into the system the creation of a record of all GMP-
Systems” based on Annex 11 of the
relevant changes and deletions (a system generated "audit trail"). EU-GMP Guideline.
For change or deletion of GMP-relevant data the reason should
be documented. Audit trails need to be available and convertible PIC/S PI 011-3.
to a generally intelligible form and regularly reviewed. ICH Q7 Good Manufacturing
Practice Guidance for Active
Note: In addition to the system generated audit trail, some Pharmaceutical Ingredients.
implementation included the documentation that allows ICH GCP 4.9.3; 5.5.3(c); 5.5.4
reconstruction of the course of events. Implicitly this approach 21 CFR 58.130(d).
does not required a computer system generated audit trail.
Glossary of the Note for Guidance
on Good Clinical Practice

EU Annex 11
US FDA – 211, 820, 11; other guidelines
Orlando López – Rev 21-OCT-12
Concept Old 211 820 11 Others/Guidelines
10. Change and Configuration Management 11-11 211.68. 820.30(i). 11.10(d); PIC/S PI 011-3.
820.70(i). 11.10(e) The APV Guideline “Computerized
Any changes to a computerised system including system 820.40 Systems” based on Annex 11 of the
configurations should only be made in a controlled manner in EU-GMP Guideline.
accordance with a defined procedure. WHO - Technical Report Series, No.
937, 2006. Annex 4. Section 12
Pressman, Roger S., Software
Engineering – A Practitioner’s Approach,
McGraw Hill.
GAMP 5 –Management Appendix
M3; GAMP 5 –Operational
Appendices O6 and O7
11. Periodic evaluation 211.68; 820.20(c). 11.10(k); US FDA CPG 7132a.07,
211.180(e). 11.300(b) Computerized Drug Processing;
Computerised systems should be periodically evaluated to and (e). Input/Output Checking.
confirm that they remain in a valid state and are compliant with ICH Q7, 12.6
GMP. Such evaluations should include, where appropriate, the
current range of functionality, deviation records, incidents, WHO - Technical Report Series, No.
937, 2006. Annex 4. Appendix 5,
problems, upgrade history, performance, reliability, security and Section 1.5
validation status report(s).
GAMP 5 –Management Appendix
M3; GAMP 5 –Operational
Appendices O3 and O8
58.35; 58.190; 58.195

EU Annex 11
US FDA – 211, 820, 11; other guidelines
Orlando López – Rev 21-OCT-12
Concept Old 211 820 11 Others/Guidelines
12. Security 11-8 211.68(b) 11.10(c); PIC/S PI 011-3.
11.10(d); ICH GCP 4.1.5; 5.5.3(d) and (e);
12.1 Physical and/or logical controls should be in place to 58.81; 58.190
restrict access to computerised system to authorised persons. WHO - Technical Report Series, No.
Suitable methods of preventing unauthorised entry to the 937, 2006. Annex 4. Appendix 5
system may include the use of keys, pass cards, personal codes 11.300.
Section 4
with passwords, biometrics, restricted access to computer GAMP 5 –Management Appendix
equipment and data storage areas. M9; GAMP 5 –Operational
Appendix O11
12.2 The extent of security controls depends on the criticality of
the computerised system.
12.3 Creation, change, and cancellation of access authorisations
should be recorded.
12.4 Management systems for data and for documents should
be designed to record the identity of operators entering,
changing, confirming or deleting data including date and time.
13. Incident Management. 11-17 211.100(b) 820.100 Q7A Good Manufacturing Practice
Guidance for Active Pharmaceutical
All incidents, not only system failures and data errors, should be Ingredients.
reported and assessed. The root cause of a critical incident GAMP 5 –Operational Appendices
should be identified and should form the basis of corrective and O4. O5,and O7
preventive actions.
14. Electronic Signature. 11.3(b)(7); Directive 1999/93/EC of the
11.10(e); European Parliament and of the
Electronic records may be signed electronically. Electronic 11.50; .70, Council of 13 December 1999 on a
signatures are expected to: .100, .200, Community framework for
.300 electronic signatures.
 have the same impact as hand-written signatures within
Q7A Good Manufacturing Practice
 the boundaries of the company, Guidance for Active Pharmaceutical

EU Annex 11
US FDA – 211, 820, 11; other guidelines
Orlando López – Rev 21-OCT-12
Concept Old 211 820 11 Others/Guidelines
 be permanently linked to their respective record, Ingredients.
 include the time and date that they were applied. Electronic Signatures in Global and
National Commerce (E-Sign), a US
federal law. (available at:
21 CFR 58.33; .81; .35; .120; .185
15. Batch release. 11-19 211.68 11.70; Sub 21 CFR 211.68
211.186 Part C The APV Guideline “Computerized
When a computerized system is used for recording certification 211.192 Systems” based on Annex 11 of the
and batch release, the system should allow only Qualified 211.188(b) (11)
EU-GMP Guideline.
Persons to certify the release of the batches and it should clearly 11-9; 11-14
identify and record the person releasing or certifying the EC Directive 2001/83
batches. This should be performed using an electronic signature.
16. Business Continuity. 11-15 PIC/S PI 011-3.
11-16 GAMP 5 –Operational Appendix
For the availability of computerised systems supporting critical O10
processes, provisions should be made to ensure continuity of
support for those processes in the event of a system breakdown
(e.g. a manual or alternative system). The time required to bring
the alternative arrangements into use should be based on risk
and appropriate for a particular system and the business process
it supports. These arrangements should be adequately
documented and tested.

EU Annex 11
US FDA – 211, 820, 11; other guidelines
Orlando López – Rev 21-OCT-12
Concept Old 211 820 11 Others/Guidelines
17. Archiving. 211.68(b) 11.10(c) DOD 5015.2-STD, Design Criteria
Standard for E-records Management
Data may be archived. This data should be checked for Software Applications.
accessibility, readability and integrity. If relevant changes are to GAMP 5 –Operational Appendix
be made to the system (e.g. computer equipment or programs), O13
then the ability to retrieve the data should be ensured and

EU Annex 11
US FDA – 211, 820, 11; other guidelines
Orlando López – Rev 21-OCT-12

Raw data and “similar” terms. Old 211 820 11 Others
Definition. N/A 11.3(6) + Part Clinical Trails - Source Data: original
11, Electronic data, those values that represent the
Raw data is all data on which quality decisions are based should Records; first recording of clinical trial data
be defined as raw data. It includes data which is used to Signatures — elements.
generate other records. Scope and
Laboratory – Raw data:
For electronic records regulated users should define which data Raw data means any laboratory
are to be used as raw data. worksheets, records, memoranda,
notes, or exact copies thereof, that
Source. are the result of original
observations and activities of a
Volume 4, EU Good Manufacturing Practice Medicinal nonclinical laboratory study and are
Products for Human and Veterinary Use, Chapter 4: necessary for the reconstruction and
Documentation evaluation of the report of that
study. In the event that exact
transcripts of raw data have been
prepared (e.g., tapes which have been
transcribed verbatim, dated, and
verified accurate by signature), the
exact copy or exact transcript may
be substituted for the original source
as raw data. Raw data may include
photographs, microfilm or
microfiche copies, computer
magnetic media, including dictated
observations, and recorded data from
automated instruments. Source:

EU Annex 11
US FDA – 211, 820, 11; other guidelines
Orlando López – Rev 21-OCT-12
Raw data and “similar” terms. Old 211 820 11 Others

Clinical Trails - Source Data:

All information in original records
and certified copies of original
records of clinical findings,
observations, or other activities in a
clinical trial necessary for the
econstruction and evaluation of the
trial. Source data are contained in
source documents (original records
or certified copies).
GCP Inspectors Working Group
(GCP IWG). Reflection paper on
expectations for electronic source
data and data transcribed to
electronic data collection
tools in clinical trials.

EU Annex 11
US FDA – 211, 820, 11; other guidelines
Orlando López – Rev 21-OCT-12
Revision History
02-FEB-2011 Creation of the Annex 11 matrix.
21-FEB-2011 Updated format of matrix and updated based on various references.
08-MAR-2011 Updated various 21 CFR 820 references based on the US FDA General Principles of Software Validation, January 2002,
13-MAR-2011 Updated various 21 CFR 211 references based on the US FDA Guide to Inspection of Computerized Systems in Drug
Processing, February 1983.
22-MAR-2011 Updated various 21 CFR 11 references based on regulation.
Add raw data references.
Updated periodic review based on comments by Jeffrey Torres.
31-MAR-2011 Updated “Principle” reference based on US FDA CPG 7348.810 - Sponsors, CROs, and Monitors.
Updated various 21 CFR 820 references based on another matrix correlating various regulatory requirements.
Updated various references based on ICH GCP, 21 CFR 58, and 21 CFR 312.
09-APR-2011 Added ISO 14971 as reference.
Updated 11-7 based on 21 CFR 820.
23-APR-2011 Updated various references based on various CFRs.
11-MAY-2011 Updated based on regulations for Computerized Systems Used in Medical Device Clinical Investigations, 21 CFR 812.
12-JUN-2011 Added 211.194(d) in Data Section; Added reference on my recent article on Requirements Management, published by IVT;
Section 4, added the Blood Establishment Computer System Validation in the User's Facility, October 2007 (Draft Guidance);
added as a reference EMA/INS/GCP/454280/2010 GCP Inspectors Working Group (GCP IWG), “Reflection paper on
expectations for electronic source data and data transcribed to electronic data collection tools in clinical trials.”; Updated various references
based on 21 CFR 58.
03-AUG-2011 Added regulatory requirements about 820 based on the US FDA Medical Devices QS Manual: A small entity compliance guide,
Chapter 7; added in periodic review reference of ICH Q7, 12.6; Modifications to Old-New Annex 11 mappings.
23-AUG-2011 Added WHO Technical Report Series, No. 937, 2006. Annex 4. Appendix 5. 2006
26-AUG-2011 Added Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce (E-Sign), a US federal law
25-SEP-2011 Added GAMP 5 Cross references (Yve Samson); added definition of Test Methods based APV guideline.
24-OCT-11 Added Tissues Reg 21 CFR 1271.160(d); Food 21 CFR 123.9(f)
17-MAR-2012 Updated based on NEMA Presentation. “Part 11 Recommenations for Changes”, June 2004.
21-OCT-12 Updated based on presentation FDA Public Meeting June 2004 (R. Eaton and R. Nabar)


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