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Dipok-Cover Letter With CV

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Dipok Kumar Das

Uttara, Dhaka-1230
Phone: +8801717183018 / +8801813983736
E-mail: dipokdm!mail"#om / dipokdm!$ahoo"#om
SUB: Job application for the position of Visualizer.
Dear %ir/&adam,
' am (ritin in re)pon)e to the po)ition o* +raphi# De)iner, ad,erti)ed a) -ein open at thi) time
(ith $o.r #ompan$" ' am a talented and #reati,e +raphi# De)iner (ith #omp.ter and de)in
)kill) and the a-ilit$ to prod.#e ).perior (ork on time and mat#hin #lient )pe#i*i#ation)" /o( '
(o.ld like to -rin m$ arti)ti# and -.)ine)) )kill) to (ork *or $o.r #ompan$"
' ha,e -een in,ol,ed in raphi# de)in *or more than t(o $ear, *o#.)in on ad,erti)in de)in and
prod.#tion" ' am )kill) in #on#ept.ali0in art(ork *or #on#ept meetin), )tor$ -oard),
ad,erti)ement), #atalo), and man$ other area)"
&$ -a#kro.nd e1ten)i,e (ork (ith 3D model and motion raphi#) 2 de)in, and ' po))e))
e1ten)i,e te#hnolo$ )kill)" 'n addition, m$ *reelan#e and -.)ine)) manaement e1perien#e) ha,e
allo(ed me to de,elop e1#ellent pro3e#t manaement and leader)hip )kill)" 4he)e talent), toether
(ith m$ a-ilit$ to )#hed.le and #oordinate pro3e#t), ha,e me an important le))on-a ood
de)in i) a ood de)in, reardle)) o* it) appli#ation"
4he a##ompan$in re).me #an )er,e to pro,ide $o. (ith reater detail) o* m$ a##ompli)hment) and
(hat ' ha,e to o**er"
' (ill #all $o.r o**i#e in a *e( da$) to in5.ire a-o.t the po))i-ilit$ o* a meetin"
4hank $o. *or $o.r time and #on)ideration"
%in#erel$ $o.r),
Dipok 6.mar Da)
Dipok Kumar Das
8o.)e no-69, 9oad no-:, %e#tor no-13, Uttara, Dhaka-1230
&o-ile no- 01717-183018, 01813-983736
&ail addre)): dipokdm!mail"#om
;a#e-ook 7/#: dipok<dm!$ahoo"#om
b!ecti"e: ' (o.ld like to -.ild .p m$ #areer in raphi# de)in 2 m.ltimedia" =a)i#all$ ' intere)ted
to 3oin in $o.r #ompan$ a) a ,i).ali0er to p.r).e a #areer that in,ol,e) de#i)ion-makin and
opport.nit$ *or )el*-de,elopment and (ork in a #hallenin en,ironment"
#ca$emic %ualification:
De&ree : +raphi# de)in 2 &.ltimedia >8on)? - 2012
'nstitute : %hanto-&ariam Uni,er)it$ o* @reati,e 4e#hnolo$
Boar$ : Dhaka
Result : +P7-2"97
De&ree : 8"%"@ >8.manitie) +ro.p? - 2008
'nstitute: %hah0adp.r +o,t" @ollee
Boar$ : 9a3)hahi
Result : +P7-2"60
De&ree : %"%"@ >%#ien#e +ro.p? - 2006
'nstitute: %hah0adp.r Pilot 8ih %#hool
Boar$ : 9a3)hahi
Result : +P7-2":0
(an&ua&e skills: =anle and Enli)h >Pro*i#ien#$ in readin, (ritin and )peakin?
)ommunication skills: Aral pre)entation and pro*e))ional detailin )kill
Soft*are skills:
&i#ro)o*t o**i#e: &%-Bord, E1#el, Po(er point"
+raphi#): 7do-e Photo)hop 2 7do-e 'll.)trator >@%: or @%6?"
&.ltimedia: 7do-e Premiere pro, %o.nd ;ore, 7do-e 7*ter E**e#t, 3D-&a1 (ith ,-ra$
Be-: 7do-e ;la)h, 7do-e Dream(ea,er
=a)i# )kill: E-mail and 'nternet -ro()in"
+ork E,perience:
#rter- )ommunication BD . /'nternship0
Spartan )ommunication (imite$ . /12 month0 3
)onference 3 E,hibition Mana&ement Ser"ice (t$. /)EMS0 . >;rom 01/0C/2012 to )till
4ersonal 'nformation:
5ull 6ame : Dipok 6.mar Da)"
5ather7s 6ame : 7nando @handra Da)"
Mother7s 6ame : 9a)moni 9ani Da)"
4ermanent #$$ress : Dill- Parkola, Po)t- %hah0adp.r, P"%- %hah0adp.r,
Di)t: %ira3on3
6ationalit- : =anlade)hi
Date of Birth : 1:
E.l$, 1990"
Reli&ion : 8ind. >Da)?
Marital status : %inle
Se, : &ale
8ei&ht : : *eet 6 in#he)
+ei&ht : 60 k
Bloo$ 9roup : 7+ >Po)iti,e?
Bat#hin tele,i)ion 2 @omp.ter ame
4alash Kumar Das >74/ =anla?
Phone: 01711179C0C
Rezaul Reza >+rameenphone/%partan Fimited?
Phone: 017:C986687
9azi #b$ur Razza: >@on*eren#e 2 E1hi-ition &anaement %er,i#e Ftd" -@E&%?
Phone: 017166:7661 / 018170CC80:
5acebook link:
'* $o. (ant to )ee m$ )ome pro*e))ional (ork in *a#e-ook pae, $o. ma$"
&$ *a#e-ook link i) http)://((("*a#e-ook"#om/pae)/Dipok-6.mar/2201C109C7088C:
and Go.4.-e al)o http://((("$o.t.-e"#om/.)er/dipokdmH.ided<help<*lo(I1
Dipok 6.mar Da)"

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