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Logic E-Commerce Website Development, Functional Specification & Commercial Proposal

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Logic E-Commerce Website Development, Functional Specification & Commercial Proposal




Functional Requirement Document BUSINESS PROCESS F O! " CO##ERCIA PROPOSA


2012 LOGIC ERP SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copyright in th !ho" #n$ % ry p#rt o& thi' $o()* nt + "ong' to LOGIC ERP SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED ,h n( &orth LESPL- #n$ *#y not + )' $. 'o"$ tr#n'& rr $. (opi $ or r pro$)( $ in !ho" or in p#rt in #ny *#nn r or &or* or in or on #ny * $i# to #ny p r'on oth r th#n in #((or$#n( !ith th t r*' o& th O!n r/' Agr prior !ritt n (on' nt o& th O!n r0 * nt or oth r!i' !itho)t th

Th (ont nt' o& thi' Do()* nt #r pro%i$ $ to th pro'p (ti% ("i nt in (on&i$ n( 'o" "y &or th p)rpo' o& C"i nt "o(#ting !h th r th (ontr#(t 'ho)"$ + #!#r$ $ to LESPL0 Th (ont nt' h r in #r th int "" (t)#" prop rty o& LESPL0 Any Non1LESPL pro$)(t' * ntion $ in thi' $o()* nt #r th int "" (t)#" prop rty o& th r 'p (ti% % n$or'0 Di'tri+)tion o& thi' $o()* nt o)t'i$ o& th int n$ $ #)$i n( . or. r pro$)(tion o& it' (ont nt' +y #ny * #n' r 2)ir ' prior (on' nt &ro* LESPL0

Thi' $o()* nt h n( ')**#ri3 ' #"" th r 2)ir * nt' o& C"i nt #n$ (o)"$ + (on'i$ r $ #' # +)'in '' pro( '' r 2)ir * nt $o()* nt #' ! "" #' # '(op $o()* nt &or th I*p" * nt#tion o& CRM ! +'it 0 It i' i*p r#ti% th#t irr 'p (ti% o& th +)'in ''. th M#n#g * nt o& C"i nt int n$' to h#% # (o**on IT in&r#'tr)(t)r #' th +#(45+on &or it' pr ' nt op r#tion'. !ith pro%i'ion &or '(#"#+i"ity !ith r 'p (t to it' &)t)r +)'in '' p"#n'0

ESP i' Mi(ro'o&t ( rti&i $. SAP ( rti&i $. HP ( rti&i $. In$i# +#' $ C)'to* So&t!#r D % "op* nt Co*p#ny pro%i$ing IT ' r%i( ' 'in( th y #r 16670 In th r#ng "#'t 20 y #r'. ! h#% #(hi % $ th 't#t)' o& r p)t $ So&t!#r D % "op* nt E1 Co*p#ny +y i*p" * nting !i$ (o** r( R t#i" ! +'it o& pro8 (t' &or r p)t $ org#ni3#tion in &o""o!ing $i&& r nt ' (tor' into 9 : ;

So")tion. 9MCG. A9S. E" (troni( : T " (o*. Ph#r*#. Sp# : S#"oon #n$ E1(o** r( ! +'it D % "op* nt ,;2C- #n$

$ % "op* nt ,;2;- 'o")tion to C"i nt #' p r +)'in '' % rti(#"' into M#n)&#(t)ring. Di'tri+)tion :

Bu'ine'' Detail' Requirement o( CR# PRO)ECT

Th 9o""o!ing ' (tion' $ '(ri+ th pro( ''<S(op &or = +'it D % "op* nt o& CRM PRO>ECT0

11 De'i*n %oal'
Th #pp"i(#tion (on'i't' o& &o""o!ing *#in thing'?

A. CR# !e+'ite
N ! CRM !o)"$ h#% #"" &)n(tion#"ity o& o)r @i'ting CRM , @i'ting CRM #r #"r #$y (h (4 $ +y ("i nt- +)t !o)"$ + $ % "op in MVC &r#* !or40 UI !i"" + pro%i$ $ #' p r 3|Page



("i nt 'p (i&i(#tion0 ! !i"" )' o)r t 't ' r% r &or ho't th pro8 (t $)ring $ % "op* nt r# #n$ ("i nt !o)"$ h#% #(( '' to (h (4 r g)"#r )p$#t ' #n$ progr '' o& o)r !or40 D#i"y )p$#t ' !i"" + ' n$ to ("i nt thro)gh E"#n( * ''#g ' .E*#i" or '4yp 0 Pro8 (t !i"" h#n$o% r to ("i nt in(")$ing #"" 'o)r( (o$ #n$ ("i nt !o)"$ + &r to 'h#r 'o)r( (o$ !ith #nyon 0

S r% r 'i$ ? #'p0n t .(A.*%( B00.E9 C00.'2" ' r% r 200D R20 C"i nt Si$ ? Ht*".Ht*"C.C''.C''7.>2) ry.>#%#'(ript0

Commercial Pro-o'al
1. De.elo-ment " Im-lementation Co't (or CR# !e+'ite #o/ule " (eature !i'e De'cri-tion !or0in* &our'

CR# De'i*n

10 ,our'23104,our5

CRM Development Testing

Ho'ting on yo)r ' r% r

610 ,our'23164,our5 67 ,our'23104,our5 1 ,our'2314,our5 108109 3100 61081693::;0 6781093670 1819;7 Total9377;7

Tot#" Co't Ta< = a--lica+le a' -er %o.ernment Rule'

Pro>ect Stan/ar/ In(ormation

Logi( ERP So")tion h#% '4i"" $ #n$ t#" nt $ $ % "op* nt #n$ $ 'igning t #* !ho !i"" !or4 $ $i(#t "y on yo)r pro8 (t0 Co$ !o)"$ + ! "" 't#n$#r$ #n$ *or r #$#+" 0 Pro8 (t !o)"$ + #'y to @t n$ in &)t)r 0! !i"" )' "#t 't t (hno"ogi ' &or $ % "op* nt #n$ $ 'igning to *#4 th pro8 (t *or r "i#+" #n$ goo$ "oo4ing0 T #* !i"" + !or4 )n$ r pro8 (t *#n#g r !ho !i"" 4 p y ' on (o$ing 't#n$#r$ r g)"#r"y0 = !i"" ho't th pro8 (t on o)r t 't ' r% r &or 4 p yo) )p$#t r g)"#r"y0 Eo) (#n (h (4 o)r progr '' $#y +y $#y0 D#i"y pro8 (t 't#t)' !i"" + ' n$ %i# *#i" or '4yp 0 C"i nt' (o1op r#tion !i"" + r 2)ir $ #t " #'t on( in # ! 4 &or r %i ! o)r !or4 #n$ gi% & $+#(40
Thi' i' t nt#ti% ti* #n$ (o't 'ti*#t 'o !o)"$ + %#ry in &)t)r i& &)n(tion#"ity @t n$ or r $)( 0 %eneral Term' Pro>ect Duration an/ Sc,e/ule

Ho! % r it i' 'ti*#t $ th#t th pro8 (t !i"" + (o*p" t $ #' p r th '(op $ &in $ + t! Th @#(t $)r#tion !o)"$ $ p n$ on th *#pping ph#' 0 It n $' to + #ppr (i#t $ #n$ )n$ r'too$ +y th

n LESPL #n$ C"i nt0

(o*p" @ity o& +)'in '' *#pping pro( '' ' )n(o% r $ $)ring th

(on( rn $ p#rti ' 5 C"i nt. LESPL th#t th

@ ()tion o&

Pro8 (t P"#n i' $ p n$ nt on th #%#i"#+i"ity o& r 2)ir $ r 'o)r( '0 In (#' th r 'o)r( ' #r not *#$ #%#i"#+" &ro* C"i nt #t th r 2)ir $ ti* . LESPL !o)"$ not + r 'pon'i+" &or #ny $ "#y (#)' $ !h#t'o % r in (o*p" tion o& th pro8 (t0 C"i nt !i"" n')r th $ $i(#t $ p#rti(ip#tion o& it' pro8 (t t #*0 I& th r i' # '"ipp#g in pro8 (t '(h $)" $) to non1#%#i"#+i"ity o& th ("i nt 'i$ pro8 (t t #* p r'onn ". LESPL !o)"$ $o th i*p#(t #n#"y'i' &or #"" ')(h (#' '0

9o""o!ing #r th *#8or #'')*ption' #' p#rt o& thi' propo'#"? D % "op* nt h#' + n $ % "op $ on th +#'i' o& '(op o& !or4 #' #'')*ption #n$ #"" th ()'to*i3#tion

r 2)ir * nt n%i'#g $ !o)"$ + "ogi(#""y. t (hni(#""y #n$ &)n(tion#""y & #'i+" 0 Eo)r ! +'it (o't i' in(")'i% o& propo' $ (o't on th +#'i' o& $ '(ri+ '(op o& !or40

#ulti an*ua*e
= +'it int r&#( !i"" + in Eng"i'h "#ng)#g on"y0 U' r inp)t' !i"" + 'tor $ #' nt r $ into th $#t#+#' !itho)t + ing (h#ng $ in #ny ' n' 0


C"i nt !i"" pr p#r th +)'in '' S( n#rio &or t 'ting o& th ! +'it in #(t)#" n%iron* nt #n$ '#*p" $#t# !i"" + r 2)ir $ &ro* th C"i nt 'i$ &or $#t# t 'ting $)ring th $ % "op* nt pro( '' #n$ #&t r (o*p" tion o& th ! +'it 0

Project Coordination C"i nt 'h#"" #ppoint # ' nior p r'on #' FIT Coor$in#torG to r pr ' nt th * #n$ t#4 $ (i'ion' on + h#"& o& it' M#n#g * nt0 C"i nt/' R pr ' nt#ti% pro8 (t0 LESPL 'h#"" #ppoint # ' nior p r'on #' # LESPL R pr ' nt#ti% to r pr ' nt LESPL #n$ t#4 $ (i'ion' on + h#"& o& LESPL M#n#g * nt0 Th LESPL R pr ' nt#ti% 'h#"" + th 'ing" point o& # (ont#(t &or #"" *#tt r' p rt#ining to thi' pro8 (t0 5|Page 'h#"" + th 'ing" point o& # (ont#(t &or #"" *#tt r' p rt#ining to thi'

Working Schedule D)ring th @ ()tion o& thi' pro8 (t. th 9)n(tion#" #n$ T (hni(#" (on')"t#nt' &ro* LESPL 'h#"" !or4 #' p r th ()'to* r0 Th ti*ing' o& !or4 'h#"" + th '#* #' th r g)"#r o&&i( ho)r' o& th 4

!or4ing $#y' o& th

()'to* r0 It i' # pr & rr $ pr#(ti( in IT in$)'try th#t th Con')"t#nt,'- !or4 &or not *or th#n B0 ho)r' # !

Deputation of Consultants Con')"t#nt,'- $ p)t $ on th #''ign* nt !i"" + *p"oy ' o& LESPL0 A' &#r #' po''i+" . LESPL !i"" n')r

(ontin)ity o& Con')"t#nt,'- $ p)t $0

LESPL ho! % r. r ' r% ' th

right o& $ 1#""o(#ting Con')"t#nt,'- #n$ Un$ r #"" (ir()*'t#n( ' !ithin it'

r p"#(ing th * !ith # n ! in()*+ nt. i& &o)n$ #+'o")t "y n ( ''#ry0

(ontro". LESPL !i"" && (t #(h $ 1#""o(#tion !ith prior inti*#tion to th ()'to* r0 Post Project Support & AMC H#n$ ho"$ing ')pport #&t r FGo "i% $#t G i' o&& r $ #' p#rt o& th i*p" * nt#tion0 LESPL 'trong"y r (o** n$' to th ()'to* r to nt r into #n Ann)#" M#int n#n( #gr $#t o& i*p" * nt#tion0 Th AMC !i"" + #pp"i(#+" * nt !ith LESPL #&t r on y #r #n$ (o)nt $ &ro* y #r H 20I p# on th tot#" *o$)" (o't o& #&t r on

pro8 (t0 Thi' i' to + p#i$ in #$%#n( #t th (o** n( * nt o& th po't !#rr#nty p rio$0

Integration & Data Migration Th r !i"" + ' p#r#t (h#rg ' &or $#t# *igr#tion #n$ int gr#tion &ro* or !ith #ny thir$ p#rty i*p" * nt#tion ti* "in o& E1(o** r( = +'it #pp"i(#tion<$#t#+#' 0 Th int gr#tion #n$ Migr#tion $ p n$' )pon th $#t# 'tr)(t)r #n$ oth r r 2)ir * nt0 Ti* "in : Co'ting o& i*p" * nt#tion i' ' p#r#t &ro* th #pp"i(#tion !hi(h !i"" #gr Confidentiality E#(h p#rty o!n'. #n$ !i"" (ontin) to o!n #"" right'. tit" #n$ int r 't' in #n$ to #ny in% ntion' ho! % r ' (r t'. *#t ri#"'. prop rty or * nt i' )n$ r @ ()tion or th#t it *+o$i $. 4no! ho!. !or4' in #ny * $i#. 'o&t!#r . in&or*#tion. tr#$ propri t#ry int r 't th#t it o!n $ prior to thi' #gr * nt or !hi" thi' #gr (r #t $ or #(2)ir $ in$ p n$ nt"y o& it' o+"ig#tion' p)r')#nt to thi' #gr Intellectual Property E#(h p#rty o!n'. #n$ !i"" (ontin) to o!n #"" right'. tit" #n$ int r 't' in #n$ to #ny in% ntion' ho! % r ' (r t'. *#t ri#"'. prop rty or *+o$i $. 4no! ho!. !or4' in #ny * $i#. 'o&t!#r . in&or*#tion. tr#$ 6|Page + t! n +oth th p#rti '0

* nt0

propri t#ry int r 't th#t it o!n $ prior to thi' #gr

* nt or !hi" thi' #gr

* nt i' )n$ r @ ()tion or th#t it

(r #t $ or #(2)ir $ in$ p n$ nt"y o& it' o+"ig#tion' p)r')#nt to thi' #gr Termination Thro)gh C"i nt Con' nt 5 ith r o& th p#rti ' (#n t r*in#t th #gr

* nt0

* nt !ith 70 $#y' noti(

on C"i nt/'

(on' nt0 In ')(h % nt. C"i nt !i"" p#y LESPL #"" #*o)nt' $) #' o& th t r*in#tion $#t 't#t $ in th noti( #' ! "" #' th p#y* nt th#t !o)"$ h#% + (o* $) on (o*p" tion o& th p#rti()"#r ph#' o& th #''ign* nt< pro8 (t #' p r th T r*' o& P#y* nt0 In (#' o& Non Co*p"i#n( +y ith r p#rty 5 In (#' o& non1(o*p"i#n( +y C"i nt. LESPL *#y ' r% # noti( o& t r*in#tion gi%ing *ini*)* 70 $#y' to (o*p"y0 In ')(h % nt'. C"i nt !o)"$ + "i#+" to p#y LESPL #"" #*o)nt' $) ,+i"" $< )n+i"" $- #' o& th t r*in#tion $#t 't#t $ in th noti( #' ! "" #' th p#y* nt th#t !o)"$ h#% + (o* $) on (o*p" tion o& th p#rti()"#r ph#' o& th #''ign* nt< pro8 (t0 In (#' o& non1(o*p"i#n( +y LESPL. C"i nt *#y ' r% # noti( o& t r*in#tion to LESPL gi%ing *ini*)* 70 $#y' to (o*p"y0 In ')(h % nt'. C"i nt !o)"$ + "i#+" to p#y LESPL on"y th #*o)nt' $) ,+i"" $< )n+i"" $- #' o& th t r*in#tion $#t 't#t $ in th noti( 0

Pa?ment Term' an/ Sc,e/ule

Payment Terms We!site for fi"ed price 30% payment shall be taken as advance 30% (after 40% work will complete and after review by client) 20% (after 80% work will complete and after review by client) 20% (after project complete and check by client on our test server) 4"y p#y* nt !i"" *#4 +y ("i nt'0

For &ourl? Contract@ Ho)r"y (ontr#(t !i"" + ' r% $ #' p r E"#n( t r*'0 = Time #stimate

ith sin!le resource will use at a time and project will take appro"imate 4# to #0

workin! days $ we can use more than one resource if project should re$uired to complete in less duration(cost will not be effected in either way)% %or &'(IC #)P Solutions P*t+ &td+ 7|Page


(ukhwinder (in!h

)esi!nation' *roject +ana!er


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