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Name Change Numerology

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Doing Your Own

Doing Your Own

Name Change
Name Change
Will Bontrager
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Doing Your Own Name Change
with Numerology
Will Bontrager
Published August 26, 2011
Updated August 28, 2011
Copyright 2011 by Will Bontrager Softare, !!C
"ou are en#ouraged to gi$e this entire do#u%ent to friends or tell
the% here you got it so they #an get it for the%sel$es&
'on(t sell the do#u%ent& 'on(t #hange it in any ay& 'on(t publish the
#ontent in any other %ediu%&
But you %ay gi$e this do#u%ent to others& And you %ay %a)e #opies&
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Table of Contents
Doing Your Own Name Change.......................................................................................... 4
Overview......................................................................................................................... 4
Taking the Easy Route.....................................................................................................5
Marriage Name Changes................................................................................................. 6
The Date of irth Effe!t.................................................................................................."
Determine the Right New Name #an$ %hether or Not to &ro!ee$ with the Change'....(
). De!i$e what you want from the name.................................................................... (
*. O+tain a numero,ogy rea$ing of your +irth name an$ +e!ome fami,iar with your
,ife -ath as $etermine$ +y your +irth $ate................................................................ ).
/. Make a ,ist of a!!e-ta+,e names........................................................................... ))
4. Narrow the ,ist $own to no more than three......................................................... ))
5. 0et a fu,,1 in $e-th numero,ogy rea$ing for ea!h name remaining on the ,ist.....)4
6. Com-are the rea$ings an$ make a $etermination.................................................)5
2et &eo-,e an$ usinesses 3now Your New Name an$ 4nsist On 4ts 5se...................)"
Make it Offi!ia,............................................................................................................. )6
Thank you......................................................................................................................*.
7--en$i8........................................................................................................................... *)
Things To Do.................................................................................................................*)
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Doing Your Own Name Change
"our na%e has huge and long+ter% effe#ts on your life&
Still, your na%e does not run your life& "ou run your life& Unless you
pro$ide no self+deter%inis% at all&
,a%es bring personal tenden#ies and in#linations and a li)elihood
that #ertain e$ents or situations ill %anifest&
A na%e #hange is a #ru#ial de#ision& -t ill #hange your life& Perhaps
subtly, perhaps drasti#ally& .or better or for orse&
"es, the #hange #an be for orse& /hat is hy it is #ru#ial to get it
right, if you(re going to do it at all&
/here are three %a0or steps to #hanging a na%e&
'eter%ine a #orre#t ne na%e 1and hether or not to pro#eed
ith the #hange2&
!etting people and businesses )no your ne na%e and
insisting on its use&
3a)ing it offi#ial&
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Taking the Easy Route
An easy route is unli)ely to or) as hoped&
5ne easy route is to 0ust tell your friends to #all you by a ne na%e&
And lea$e it at that&
But that ould ha$e only the effe#t of a ni#) na%e& A ni#) na%e
generally has little effe#t #o%pared to the effe#t of a #o%plete na%e
Another easy route is to try different na%es until the right one is
found& 1-nstead of doing the or) to deter%ine a #orre#t na%e before
the first na%e #hange is done&2
-t is dangerous to #hange one(s na%e $ery often&
-t is a trap& /he %ore often you #hange your na%e, the %ore
#onfusing your life& /hat(s be#ause all past names are still with
6$ery ti%e the na%e is #hanged, additional $ibrations are loaded
onto the #hara#ter& After enough na%e #hanges, the life #an be#o%e
thoroughly #onfused be#ause of all the #onfli#ting #hara#teristi#s&
Pre$ious na%e $ibrations are ne$er deleted& 5ld na%e $ibrations #an
not be dis#arded, although they %ay gradually ha$e less effe#t as the
years go by ith a ne na%e&
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As an analogy, #onsider the na%e at birth to be the foundation of a
house& ,a%e #hanges %ay be li)ened to painting the house a
different #olor& 6$ery ne na%e paints the house a different #olor&
/he foundation ill alays be there& /he #olors of all the pre$ious
na%es are still present under the #urrent #olor&
5ld na%es #an not be gotten rid of&
,e na%es add #hara#teristi#s, they don(t re%o$e old
Choose the right na%e& 3a)e sure the na%e does not seriously
#onfli#t ith your birth na%e or ith your birth date& Change your
na%e the least nu%ber of ti%es as feasible& 5r #hange it not at all&
Marriage Name Changes
When a person #hanges their na%e to a %arried na%e, it is a real
na%e #hange& /enden#ies, in#linations, and li)elihoods #hange 0ust
li)e any other offi#ial na%e #hange&
When a person gets %arried, there are %any #hanges all at on#e&
Spe#ifi# #hanges brought about by the ne na%e %ay not be seen
for hat they are& -nstead, being attributed to the life #hanges that
%arriage generally brings&
/he ne na%e #hara#teristi#s are there& 8ust generally unre#ogni9ed
in the %idst of all the other #hanges ta)ing pla#e at the sa%e ti%e&
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The Date of Birth Effet
/he date of birth does ha$e an effe#t on the person&
:enerally, the date of birth re$eals the life path& /he na%e at birth
generally re$eals personal #hara#teristi#s&
;oe$er, both affe#t the other& -n depth nu%erology readings refle#t
that& /he na%e<birth date relationship is generally addressed only in
the best paid readings& =arely in free readings& /he #al#ulations are
rather in$ol$ed and the results ha$e so%e effe#t on %ost aspe#ts of
the reading&
Be#ause both effe#t the other, people ith the e>a#t sa%e na%e ill
still ha$e different in depth nu%erology readings& Be#ause they ha$e
different birth dates&
When you get a full, in depth #o%plete nu%erology reading, the date
of birth effe#t is ta)en into #onsideration&
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Determine the Right New Name !an"
Whether or Not to #roee" with the
/here are si> steps to deter%ining a #orre#t ne na%e&
1& 'e#ide hat you ant fro% the na%e&
2& 5btain a nu%erology reading of your birth na%e and be#o%e
fa%iliar ith your life path as deter%ined by your birth date&
*& 3a)e a list of a##eptable na%es&
4& ,arro the list don to no %ore than three&
7& :et a full, in depth nu%erology reading for ea#h na%e
re%aining on the list&
6& Co%pare the readings and %a)e a deter%ination&
%& Dei"e what you want from the name&
Before a ne na%e is de#ided upon, de#ide hat you ant fro% the
So%e na%es are better for s#ientifi# endea$ors, others are better for
a##ounting or finan#e #areers, and still others are better for tra$el and
entertain%ent& So%e na%es are good for fa%ily and health& So%e
are good for tea#hing&
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/o find a na%e that ill be #ondu#i$e to your su##ess, first deter%ine
hat su##ess %eans to you& So%e na%es are better for su##essfully
raising a fa%ily& 5thers are better for su##essfully %anaging
#orporations& 'e#ide hat a##o%plish%ent is e@ui$alent to su##ess
for you and #hoose a na%e that supports it and %a)es it %ore li)ely&
-f your su##ess %eans being ealthy, deter%ine hat ealth %eans
to you and then #hoose a na%e that supports it& Perhaps it %eans the
ability to tra$el here and ho you please, or the freedo% to
e>perien#e anything you ish, or the ability to attra#t a high+so#iety
spouse, or the ability to buy and run any #o%pany, or so%ething else
,o na%e is good for e$erything& ,o na%e is perfe#t for e$eryone&
-f you 0ust ant a na%e that is good, you ill need to de#ide hat
good %eans to you before you #an )no hether or not a #ertain
na%e is good&
Be#ause your old na%e(s in#linations ill alays be present, the
%ore spe#ifi# you are ith hat you ant fro% the ne na%e, the
%ore li)ely it is to gi$e it to you& Broad, general ants are less li)ely
to or)&
When you ha$e de#ided hat you ant, rite it don& "ou ill refer to
it often in %ost of the folloing steps&
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'& Obtain a numerology rea"ing of your birth name
an" beome familiar with your life (ath as
"etermine" by your birth "ate&
:et a free nu%erology reading at this eb site and print it out& Use
your birth na%e and birth date for the reading&
,oti#e that the reading has a se#tion labeled B"our !ife(s Path&B /hat
se#tion is deter%ined by your birth date& Birth date interpretations do
not #hange hen a na%e #hanges& /herefore, it is i%portant any ne
na%e does not #onfli#t ith the life path&
/he birth date is a indi#ation hat your life path ill be& "ou(ll
generally do best hen your na%e resonates ith your birth date&
.or e>a%ple, a life path to bring %any ne e>perien#es ill #lash
ith a na%e for doing one spe#ial thing ell& -t ould be a life ith an
undertone of stress and %u#h inde#ision&
/herefore, understand your life path interpretation before de#iding on
a na%e&
/he part of the free reading abo$e the B"our !ife(s PathB se#tion has
to do ith your #urrent na%e& Be#ause the influen#e of na%es are
ne$er re%o$ed, it is i%portant to be aare of this interpretation hen
de#iding on a ne na%e to a$oid #onfli#ting #hara#teristi#s&
-t is not good to introdu#e #onfli#ts + unless hat you are loo)ing for in
a ne na%e re@uires tension&
Page 10 of 20
When you print out the free nu%erology reading, )eep it at hand& "ou
ill #onsult it in later steps&
)& Make a list of ae(table names&
Write don se$eral or %ore na%es that are a##eptable to you&
/his is the ti%e to list e$ery na%e that appeals to you& -t is prudent to
be thorough so you ha$e e$ery a##eptable na%e you #an thin) of at
hand for #onsideration&
Web pages or boo)s ith na%es #o%piled for referen#e %ay be
#onsulted to see if any appeal to you&
-t is a##eptable to ta)e se$eral days or longer for this step& Add
na%es to the list as you thin) of the%&
*& Narrow the list "own to no more than three&
When your list of a##eptable na%es is #o%plete, it is ti%e to narro
the list to no %ore than three na%es&
/o do that, get a free nu%erology reading at this eb site for ea#h of
the na%es on your list& -n#lude your birth date ith ea#h reading&
Print ea#h reading so it is easier to #o%pare the% side+by+side&
Page 11 of 20
When you ha$e a reading printed out for ea#h na%e on your list,
grade the% forC
How well you like the name.
S#ore a nu%ber fro% 1 to 10 D
10 for Bli)e it $ery %u#h&B
7 for Bli)e it but not $ery spe#ial&B
1 for Bli)e it only a littleB&
Write the s#ore on the printout&
How well it resonates with your birth name. Some dissonance is
expected, otherwise there would be no desire to change the
S#ore a nu%ber fro% 1 to * D
* for Bresonates ell on e$erything&B
2 for Bso%e #onfli#t, but nothing serious&B
1 for B#onfli#ting on e$erythingB&
Write the s#ore on the printout&
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How well the name resonates with your life path.
S#ore a nu%ber fro% 1 to 6 D
6 for Bresonates ell on e$erything&B
* for Bso%e #onfli#t, but nothing serious&B
1 for B#onfli#ting on e$erythingB&
Write the s#ore on the printout&
How well the interpretation aligns with your reason for a new
S#ore a nu%ber fro% 1 to 10 D
10 for Baligns perfe#tly&B
7 for Babout half of the reading aligns ell&B
1 for Bno align%entB&
Write the s#ore on the printout&
6a#h of those ite%s are i%portant& Be honest hen you grade the
When ea#h ite% has been graded for a na%e, add up the s#ores&
Write the s#ore on the printout&
'o ea#h of those steps for e$ery na%e on your list&
Page 1* of 20
When e$ery na%e on your list has a total s#ore, sele#t the to, three,
or four of the best ones& Put the other printouts aside and %ar) their
na%es off your list&
+& ,et a full- in "e(th numerology rea"ing for eah
name remaining on the list&
:et a full, in+depth, #o%plete nu%erology reading for ea#h na%e& /he
@uality of your life depends on it& 3a)ing a rong de#ision #an be a
%iserable %ista)e&
"ou(ll need %u#h %ore than the abbre$iated and in#o%plete free
readings on the -nternet that pro$ide interpretations for only so%e
nu%erology aspe#ts& "ou(ll need a full, #o%plete nu%erology reading
for ea#h na%e re%aining on the list&
-t is i%portant to get a #o%plete nu%erology reading for ea#h of the
na%es in this step& 5therise, you ill be guessing& And guessing is
not a good ay to deter%ine the #ourse of the rest of your life&
:et the #o%plete readings here& Use your birth date ith ea#h na%e
you are getting a reading for&
-f you ha$e a professional nu%erologist in your area that you trust,
the nu%erologist %ay be illing to pro$ide the #o%plete readings for
you& /a)e good notes, as you(ll be #o%paring readings later on&
'o not s)i%p on this& /he readings ill be used to %a)e the final
sele#tion of hi#h na%e to use& /his deter%ination is #riti#al&
Page 14 of 20
.& Com(are the rea"ings an" make a
"ou no ha$e a full, in depth, #o%plete nu%erology reading for ea#h
na%e on your list& And you are ready to deter%ine the best na%e for
Co%pare ea#h reading& !oo) for * thingsC
i& "our personal preferen#e for the na%e& Personal preferen#e
#an be an instin#ti$e )noingness of things not yet #onsidered&
Preferen#es #an generally be trusted at this point&
ii& ;o ell the reading does or does not align ith hat you ant
fro% the na%e deter%ined in the B'e#ide hat you ant fro%
the na%eB step&
iii& ;o ell the reading does or does not resonate ith your birth
na%e and birth date&
After re$ieing ea#h of the readings, you ill ha$e the infor%ation
needed to %a)e a final deter%ination for your ne na%e&
/his final deter%ination step is i%portant& .or the best de#ision, you
%ust ha$e a #o%plete nu%erology reading for ea#h na%e under
-f to or %ore na%es ha$e e@ual resonan#e ith hat you ant fro%
a na%e, and e@ual personal preferen#e, %a)e your de#ision based
Page 17 of 20
on ho ell the reading does or does not resonate ith your birth
na%e and birth date&
-f you still ha$e to or %ore readings that are e@ually preferred, it
%ay be ti%e to #onsult a psy#hi# or tarot reader for feedba#)&
-f none of the #o%plete readings are a##eptable, go ba#) to the
B'e#ide hat you ant fro% the na%eB step and do the full e>er#ise
again& Perhaps this ti%e you ill thin) of the perfe#t na%e&
Before #ontinuing, de#ide hether or not you really ant to #hange
your na%e&
Change your na%e only if it feels li)e the absolutely #orre#t thing to
=eali9e that your on deter%inis%, your on a#tions, and your
persisten#e are stronger than any na%e& /he na%e #an help or
hinder, but it #an ne$er ta)e o$er&
Page 16 of 20
/et #eo(le an" Businesses 0now Your
New Name an" 1nsist On 1ts 2se
-f you de#ided to go ahead and #hange your na%e, assu%e the ne
na%e and let people )no& -t #an not be a na%e #hange unless the
ne na%e is used&
.ore%ost, you need to identify yourself as that na%e& -n all a#tions
and thoughts, be the person ith that na%e& /he %ore you identify
ith the ne na%e, the %ore it(s nu%erologi#al influen#e #an be
6$erybody and e$ery business ho uses your na%e needs to be
infor%ed of the #hange& .a%ily, friends, a#@uaintan#es& Ban)
a##ounts, #ontra#ts and ritten agree%ents, postal %ail deli$ery,
.a#eboo) a##ount, all those and others need to be infor%ed of the
ne na%e and re#ords updated&
-nsist your ne na%e be used& After all, you are no longer the old
na%eE if so%eone addresses you by the old na%e, it is not you&
/he %ore others identify you as being the person ith that na%e, the
easier it is for you to identify yourself that ay& A na%e #hange noti#e
in nespapers, blogs, and other publi#ations %ay help&
Page 1? of 20
/he %ore you assu%e your identity as the ne na%e and the %ore
others see you as the ne na%e, the %ore effe#ti$e your ne na%e
ill be&
Signatures, titles on property, identifi#ation #ards F the %ore things
that identify you as the ne na%e, the %ore effe#ti$e the na%e is&
Still, it %ay ta)e %onths or years for the ne na%e to be#o%e as
effe#ti$e as it ill be& 3u#h depends on ho ell you assu%e your
ne identity& So%e depends on ho others see you be#ause that #an
ha$e an effe#t on ho you see yourself&
Page 18 of 20
Make it Offiial
3a)ing your ne na%e offi#ial gi$es it %ore poer&
'epending on here you li$e, %a)ing it offi#ial %ay be publishing
your na%e #hange in a publi# nespaper& -n other areas, it %ay entail
a re#ognition of the ne na%e through a pro#eeding in a #ourt of la&
Unless you ha$e a #o%pelling reason not to, %a)e your ne na%e
your offi#ial na%e&
"our na%e has huge and long+ter% effe#ts on your life& ;oe$er, it
does not run your life, unless you pro$ide no self+deter%inis% at all&
,a%es bring personal tenden#ies and in#linations and a li)elihood
that #ertain e$ents or situations ill %anifest&
A na%e #hange is a #ru#ial de#ision& -t is #ru#ial to get it right if you(re
going to do it at all&
Thank you
/han) you for reading this do#u%ent& - ish you the best of all there
Will Bontrager
Page 1A of 20
Things To Do
G#li#)H Use nu%erology tools for spe#ial #al#ulations 1#areer, %arriage
#o%patibility, lu#)y nu%bers, personal %onths, et #etera2&
G#li#)H /a)e a 21+lesson free #ourse on nu%erology&
G#li#)H Put a free nu%erology for% on your eb site&
G#li#)H =ead ansers to nu%erology @uestions people ha$e as)ed&
G#li#)H As) your on nu%erology @uestion&
G#li#)H :et a free nu%erology reading&
G#li#)H :et a full, in depth, #o%plete nu%erology reading&
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