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Name Numerology

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Name Number 1

As per name numerology, you are allowed to have Name No. in 1, if you are born on the 1st,
10th, 19th, and 28th, of any month.
You can also have Name No. 1, if your Life No. is 1. Name No. 1 will not give good results, if
you have a different Day No. or Life No.
In such cases, If you keep Name No. 1, it will land you in problems.

When Is It Lucky
You should consider that your name number is 1, if the total numerical value of your name is in
any of the following range of numbers, which reduce to 1. For Example, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55,
64, 73, 82, 91 and 100.
Name numerology states that you can have a name with name number 1, if your day number or
your life number is 1. When 1 is both the day number and the life number, you will get most
lucky results with name number 1.

Mixed Results
When you have Day Number as 1, and your Life Number is other than Number 1, your Name
Number will give both happy and unhappy results which are influenced by that life number,
which is different from 1.

Name Number 10
As per name numerology, to find your name number, add the values of each alphabet in your
name. Reduce to a single digit. If your name is THOMAS R. VINCENT, It is = 24+2+29=55=10
and your name number is 10
No. 10 represents Sun and you will be ruled by Sun in most of your life's aspects. Here, the
component values for your name are 24=6, 2 for R and 29 =11=2. 2 ruled by Moon twice and 6
ruled by Venus add their influence.

Dignified Life
No. 10 denotes the movement of yogic power along your spinal cord, in a serpentine fashion, up
and down through all the six chakras. You will have a highly dignified life with 10 as your name
Name number 10 gives steadiness in all your activities. It gives you abundant confidence. You
will get many lucky occurrences in your life, due to name number 10. It will make you quickly

Maintain Integrity
Name number 10 assures you an affluent life. All your acts attract public attention. You have to
be careful in your moves to keep up your good name. You have to maintain great restraint and
integrity in your dealings.
Name number 10 also promises a happy and peaceful life. You will never suffer with out money
or struggle for it. You will have a commanding personality. You can be a powerful leader, if you
You do not enter into unlawful deals. You do not like crimes, corruption, conspiracy, and
underhand dealings. You speak with clarity and authority.

When 10 Is Spoiled
Name number 10 can be spoiled if the component words in your name signify negative
vibrations in 2, 7 and 8. It can also be spoiled if the spoken name does not have proper
representation in its written form.

Name number 10 may be afflicted also when the syllables in the name have negative
connotations. Like Sad in Sadasivam, Mar in Marshall, and war in Anwar. Name Number 10 is
also spoiled If your name begins with letter D.

Name Number 19
Name Numerology for Name Number No. 19, has been greatly praised in Ancient Mythologies.
It refers to the glory of morning Sun. If your name number is 19, you will shine like the Morning
As per numerology, name number 19 promises continuous growth. Your rank, position, status,
and riches will keep on increasing.
You radiate Enthusiasm. You will shine in your life and attain success.

Succeed In Plans
Name numerology states, that if you have name number 19, you will plan well, and achieve your
plans. As Number 19 signifies intimate love, you will get a well chosen girl. You will beam with,
full of life energy.
Numerology for No. 19 keeps you young, even when you are old. You exhibit briskness and
strength. You are fond of pleasures. But you have to be cautious. Remember, that you will
succeed, only in righteous ways.

Born With No. 1

Name Numerology for 19, gives you the ability to conquer the Three Worlds. It is confirmed by
Ancient Sanskrit Literature. The Egyptian Mythology refers to this number, as 'The Celestial
Prince of Heavens'.
Numerology for Name Number 19, benefits you, only if your Day Number is 1. Number 19 also
suits some, whose Life Number or Destiny Number is 1. If you blindly keep your name in No.
19, you only invite troubles.

Name Number 28
Name Numerology Brands number 28 as your Highly Unlucky number.
If your Name Number is 28, you may have Success and comforts In the early days of your Life.
Later, you will Lose all that You Earned, and You will badly Suffer.

Ups And Downs

Numerology of name number 28 gives you lots of ups and downs. You will face competition,
obstacles, and difficulties, in your business. You will be forced to return to square A, and restart
your life, again and again.

Regressive Number
Name Numerology of No. 28 is uniquely regressive. You will make rapid progress and rise to the
top. A time will soon come, when you will face disasters. Suddenly, you will lose all your
property, and your earnings.

Enmity With Friends

As per numerology, if your name is ruled by 28, your friends will create problems for you. They
will take undue advantages, and cheat you. They will steal your wealth. They will testify against
you, in a court of law.

Wolfish Relatives
Name Numerology of No. 28 warns you to exercise caution, when you deal with your relatives.
Your own kith and kin will trouble you, and extract big amounts. They will cheat you, and fail to
return it, when you need it most.
Even otherwise, numerology of 28 makes you invest unwisely in share markets, sign wrong
deals, and stand security for fraudulent persons. Later, they turn against you, and you lose all
your hard earned savings.

Diagnosis Of No. 28

Name numerology of 28, says that this number is ruled by 2 and 8. It fails you on two counts. 8
is evil, as it represents Saturn. When it combines with the unsteady, weak nature of Moon, it
hastens your quick downfall.

Name Number 37
Name Numerology sings the glory of Name No. 37 as very Lucky. It earns you great name and
It gives the forward push towards success. It elevates you to great heights, from an ordinary
As per numerology, Name No. 37 is ruled by No. 3 and 7. It means you are ruled by Jupiter &

Special Charms
As the Guru of Devas or Gods in Heaven, Jupiter has Divine Powers. Kethu represents high
states of knowledge and Dispassion.
As per name numerology, this combination bestows on you very special charms. You entice
people and make them love you. Others look at you with admiration. This makes you to easily
succeed in your love affairs.
Numerology of Name Number 37 gifts you with special powers. It charms you so much so that,
status is no bar for your love affairs. You are loved by those who are above your status. Both men
and women like you.

Spontaneous Help
Name Numerology for Name No. 37 indicates that as a man you will get help from women. As a
woman you will get help from men. Your friends will come forward to help you. They will also
help you in your business.
Numerology for 37 makes others to enrich your business. They pump in funds and more capital.
Number 37 bestows luck in financial matters. You earn and spend money in many ways. You
enjoy music and dance.

Exceptional Sills
Name Numerology for 37 gives you a lovable personality, and charming manners. You will
possess exceptional skills to convince others. It makes others not only to fall in love with you.
They also enrich your business.


Numerology for No. 37 cautions you to be alert in your sex. When you have a high status, a
careless love affair, or scandal can tarnish your image and cause your downfall. You surely need
to have contentment.
Name Numerology for 37 cautions you not to be greedy. No. Only others have to envy you. Your
Name Number 37 has already blessed you with many advantages. If you become greedy, you
will only invite troubles.

3 & 7 Afflicted
Name No. 37 may not suit your numerology Day No. and Life Number. Numerology for 37
warns that 3 or 7 can be afflicted by inimical numbers 6, 8, or 7. If afflicted it only causes
sorrows, miseries, and misfortunes.
Name Numerology for 7 in 37 can force you not to enjoy your fortunes. You may gift them to
some one and lose every thing. You may renounce life. You should guard you against these
drawbacks with a perfect name.

Name Number 46
Name Numerology for name number 46, pushes you to the top position in what ever you do in
It makes you a great leader. It strengthens you with a high degree of personal integrity. You are
able to command people.
Numerology for 46 makes you gifted with knowledge, as if it was your ancestral inheritance.
You are able to keep an audience spell bound, with your captivating speeches. You are good as a
teacher and as a professor.

Excel In Governance
Name Numerology for 46, enables you to climb to great heights, even if you are born in poor
circumstances. You shine outstandingly with your character and discipline. You excel with your
intellectual abilities.
Numerology for 46 is tailor made to make you a great political leader. You can rise to rule the
state. Your achievements help you to administer many portfolios in an exemplary manner. You
set new standards in governance.

Become World Famous

Name Numerology for no. 46, makes you to lead a simple life even if you achieve the top
positions. You believe in simple living and high thinking. These qualities make you a role model
for the other people to follow you.
Numerology for no. 46 enables you to write on religion, and philosophy. You are quoted as an
authority on these subjects. You can become so world famous that, your name deserves mention
in future school books.

Rank & Status

Name Numerology for no. 46, day by day, acts as a driving force to increase your status, rank
and riches. Remember! You will excel with this number, only if you maintain honesty, and keep
public welfare in mind.
Numerology for number 46 bestows you with keen wisdom, intelligence, and knowledge. You
are gifted like this for you to use these gifts in righteous ways. You will reap full benefits, if you
live up to this ideal.

When 46 Is Afflicted
No. 4 by itself is not so good. However, Name Numerology for 46 is good, so long as there are
no evil aspects from other numbers. It is afflicted by No. 2, 7 or 8, if any of these numbers is
your Day Number, or Life Number.
Numerology for No. 46 will not suit every one. It works well only, if your day number is 1 and
life number is 5, or 6, or 9. If your day number is different, and if you have your name in 46, you
will only purchase troubles.

Component Words
Name Numerology for No. 46 demands that the component words making up 46 should not have
evil numbers against other name components. This internecine enmity between numbers, will
ruin your chances of success.

Name Number 55
Name Numerology for 55 signifies the Universal Energy, or Prana. It represents great occult
It gives you the power to create or destroy. It makes you overcome and vanquish your enemies.
Numerology for 55 is praised in all scriptures and literatures. It represents Will Power and
The ancient Greek warriors invoked success and painted Number 55 in their armors. This
invoked powers to confer victory on them, when they fought battles with their enemies.

Astonishing Talents
If your Name Numerology comes in Number 55, you astonish your friends with your knowledge
and talents. They acclaim you as a man of Great Wisdom. Name Number 55 gives you a sharp
acumen to perform like this.
Numerology for Number 55 endows you with a sparkling intelligence. You have to canalize it in
the correct ways to benefit others. God created people like you, to make scientific inventions,
and contribute to Mankind.

Special Knowledge
Name-numerology for Number 55 gives you knowledge about the secrets of stars, galaxies, and
Universe. If you meditate, you will get all knowledge about the Divine Creation. Your face
shines with the Cosmic Effulgence.
Numerology for Number 55 warns you of evil consequences, if you misuse your talents and
skills, to the detriment of good people. You should not forget the story of Asura King Ravana,
who perished by his own misdeeds.

Ensure Perfect Name

Numerology for 55 is capable of curing venereal diseases. Number 5 is the Central No. from 1 to
9. You have two fives in Number 55. A single No. 5 is enough to make you gifted. This power is
doubled in the Name Number 55.
Name numerology postulates that you should have a perfect name to vibrate in harmony with
Name Number 55. Every alphabet vibrates. Every syllable vibrates. Every component word has a
special significance.

Components Important
As per numerology, you must have a flawless initial, first, middle, and last name, for Name No.
55. It calls for four flawless components in your name. Each must vibrate well with one another,
and also with your Name Number.
Name Numerology stresses that, if your name contains more than one component, each
component must vibrate well with the other individual components, and also with your initials.
Internal enmity is not allowed.

Name Number 64
Name Numerology for 64 blesses you with a sharp intelligence, cleverness, and mental strength.
It creates for you, equal number of both friends and enemies. It makes you overcome your
enemies, to emerge successful.
Numerology for name number 64 makes you a great achiever.
You are selected for very high positions in the Government. You succeed in matters, which others
consider impossible. You achieve name and fame.

Suits Day No. 1

Name Numerology for 64 makes others regard you in great respect and wonder. You acquire
great powers. What ever you say comes true, and it fructifies. People invite you to be the chief
guest in important functions.
However, numerology for 64 demands, that you must be born on 1, 10, 19 or 28 of any month, to
have 64 as your name number. In certain cases, as for those with day number 6, 5, 3, or 2, name
number 64 will not match.

As per name numerology, people who are born on 5, or 6, can have better name numbers, in
other series than in 1. So also, those born on 7, 8, 3 or 9 will have a wiser choice, in other series,
to finalize their name numbers.
It follows that numerology for 64 will not, and need not suit every one. It gives the indicated
favorable results, only for those born on 1, 10, 19 and 28. If others try to have their names in No.
64, they are inviting troubles.
Name Number Meanings for No. 29

Day No. 2 Or 3
If as per name numerology, you are born on 2, 11, 20, or 29, or on 3, 12, 21, or 30, you will lack
numerology compatibility in 46 or 64. It will only punish you with heavy demands. It will not
sync with your Day Number.
Numerology for 64 gives the mixed results of 6 and 4. No. 6 and 4 makes 10. Therefore, you also
get the results of 10 and 1. As such, if your name number is 64, you will be getting mixed results
of Venus, Rahu and Sun.

How To Finalize
Look at it this way. Suppose your day number is 1 and you have a choice in 37, 46 and 64. All
will not give you the same result. One among these will be the best, to suit your bioenergetics
vibration. Which one is that?
Find out by taking help from an expert who knows bioenergetics, Lecher Antenna, and Horary
Astrology, besides Name Numerology. He will confirm your ideal name number. Have your
name, finalized in that number.

Name Number 73
Name Numerology for 73 gives mixed results of 7 and 3. Number 7 is Planet Ketu and The
3 is for Jupiter, the Guru of Devas in the Heavens. As such, Number 73 produces a combination
of Divinity, and worldly Wisdom.
Numerology for 73, accordingly, blesses you with extraordinary mental and psychic powers.
You have powers to concentrate and meditate. You can feel extra sensory perceptions. If you
persist, you will become clairvoyant.

Rank & Status

Name Numerology for name number 73 gifts you with all kinds of comforts. What ever you
want, comes to you from some where. Step by step, you climb to a high position. You acquire
name, fame, riches, and recognition.
Numerology for number 73 makes you love all kinds of worldly enjoyments. You like arts, dance
and music. You like to decorate your house in the latest interior designs. You like to dress well,
eat well, and enjoy your life.

Clever & Skilled

Name Numerology for Number 73 makes you highly talented, skilled, and clever, in your
strategies for success. You can be a good politician. You excel in investigations. You get things
done, with out others Knowledge.
Numerology for Name Number 73 makes you powerful in high circles. You get Government
support in your industrial, and public ventures. You also get help from other Foreign
Governments, for your business investments.

Succeed Or Fail
Name Numerology for 73 assures you, that you will acquire decent houses, landed properties,
cars, transport vehicles, cattle, and poultry. You will build investments in Government Securities.
You will get abundant wealth.
Numerology for name number 73 rules, that you have to maintain honesty and integrity at all
times, to keep up your name and fame. If you discard your honesty, and resort to evil ways of
life, you will lose your reputation.

When Afflicted
Name Numerology for 73 can make you devoted to God. You must ensure that 73 is not afflicted
by other numbers. When you do that, you become pure hearted. You have lofty ideals, enjoy
serenity, and live like a lord.
Numerology for 73 is afflicted by certain evil numbers. If you encounter 6, 8, or 9, as Day
Number, Life Number, Business Number, Wifes Number, or Wedding Dates Number, you face
obstacles, get into difficulties and fail.

Components Decide
Name Numerology for 73 has no numerology compatibility with Number 6, 8, or 9. Ensure
compatibility between the component words in your name, and its initials. Let them vibrate well
individually, and collectively with 73.
You can offset such evil effects only by designing a perfect name!

What Is The Remedy

If your name is unlucky, change it at once. Take help from an expert who knows bioenergetics,
Lecher Antenna, and Horary Astrology. He will find out your ideal name number. Have your
name finalized in that number.

Plus Points 82
Name Numerology for 82 is highly powerful. You work very hard. You can take off from rags to
You can live like a king. You can rule your society. You can develop many sincere followers.
Numerology for 82 empowers you with success. Your word counts. You own lands, mines, and
You enjoy riches. You like fast cars, chariots, horses, and helicopters.

Command Respect
Name Numerology for 82 makes you like pomp and show. You love sports. You like to drive a
plane non stop round the world. You can attain the peaks of glory. Your eyes radiate magnetism
You command respect.
Numerology for 82 makes you get entangled in love affairs. Take care. You are adamant in your
views and expectations. This makes the loved one obey you at first, and then wreak revenge on
you later.

Yogic Perfection
Name Numerology for 82 makes you ideally suited to yoga. You get perfection in yogic feats. If
you struggle hard, you can get God realization. You can become a great religious teacher.

Minus Points
Numerology for 82 has got its negative sides. No. 8 is Saturn, and it rules your name number. It
is afflicted if you have a day number or life number with out numerology compatibility to the
name number.

Beware Of Drinks
Name Numerology for 82 makes you suffer delays, disappointments, and defeats. It an make you
addicted to drinks. When ever you come across No. 8, you feel an attraction for that number by
the force of Saturn.
Numerology for No. 82 warns you that you should not fall into these traps. If you marry, start a
construction, sign a contract, and go on a business trip, on days ruled by 8, you will meet with
failure or accidents.

Accident Risks
Name Numerology for 82 curses the person to have heavy accident risks. Famous people like,
Sanjay Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, and Rajiv Gandhi were short lived. They all met with accidents of
different kinds, and died early.
Numerology for 82 states that numbers in the family of 7, 8, or 9, are evil to you. You have to
consider them as unlucky, and avoid these numbers.

Mars And Sun 91

Numerology Number meanings for 91 gives you the the powers of Mars in No. 9 and the powers
of Sun from 1.
As such the influence of Mars will be predominant in your in your daily life and Sun will modify
its effects.
Numerology for 91 shows that you will work hard and learn technical skills. You can shine as as
a leader.

Born To Lead
You fight for your cause and stand up for your country. You will fit the role of a powerful leader.
You can occupy very senior official positions in the industry. You will become the General
Manager or Managing Director.

Will Power
Numerology number meanings for 91 signify great will power. If you make up your mind on
your goals, you stick to them like a leech. You are tenacious and persistent. You do not stop or
rest till you reach your goal.
Numerology for 91 makes you travel a lot. You travel as a professional consultant to serve in
different cities. If No. 9 and 1 receive favorable aspects from other numbers, you will fly
frequently around the globe.

Trade & Travel

As per numerology number meanings for 91, you have a strong dispassion. You earn a lot but
you are not attached to your wealth. You aspire for new achievements. You like to go on
pilgrimage to visit many holy places.
Numerology for 91 gives you a stead fast character. You involve deeply in your emotions, faiths,
and ambitions. You will shine well in the export and import business. You will use planes and
ships to move your cargo.

Yogic Talents
Numerology number meanings for no. 91 indicate that you will also shine well in your practice
of yoga. You will attain quick success in pranayama or breath control. You will easily
concentrate and fall into meditation.
Numerology for 91 gives you a happy life, if it is not afflicted by 8, 2, and No. 7. As per
numerology, these numbers are inimical for No. 9. They pose obstacles in your life, prevent your
success, and create enemies for you.

When Afflicted
You have to avoid these numbers for your appointments, and important meetings. You will have
to be extra careful with persons ruled by 2, 8, or No. 7. These meetings and friendships will not
give you any good results.
Blessed are you if you do not have a wife or business partner in these numbers of 2, 7, and 8. If
your wife has any of these numbers, you have to correct her name at once, to ensure numerology
love compatibility.

Components Decide
Numerology number meanings for 91 indicate no compatibility with Number 2, 7, or 8. An initial
or a component word in your name with any of these numbers is evil. If it occurs, you have to
perform a numerology correction.
If your partner has No. 2, 7, or 8, you have to remove him from business, or change his name
with numerology compatibility. You have to do it in a new name number that signifies favorable
numerology number meanings.

Sun & Zero 100

Numerology Number Meanings reveal your chances of good luck, bad luck, fortunes, miseries,
and misfortunes.
You also get to know your chances of success and failure with your new name with a name
number in 100.
Knowledge of this precious info enables you to prevents pitfalls in your life and attain real

Effect Of Zeroes
Numerology for 100 is ruled by Sun and Two Zeroes. Sun gives you the intelligence, drive, and
initiative to succeed in your activities. Yet the two zeroes do not give you the right opportunities
to profit from your talents.

Numerology number meanings for Zero are many. In one aspect, it gives you dispassion and
makes you a carefree recluse, and vagabond. You despise riches and acquisitions. You are
disenchanted with family and kids.
Numerology for 100 makes you choose the Divine Path and search for the Truth. You spend your
early days in family surroundings. Your upbringing and the family incidents mould you for the
divine life.

Will You Enjoy

Numerology number meanings foretell if you will enjoy your wealth. Earning is different and
from its Enjoyment. In most cases, one who earns leaves it for the others to enjoy. If you pause to
think, who is lucky? You or They?
Numerology for 100 indicates a similar fate for your riches. If you do not realize this, you will be
chastened by incidents of false love and loyalty. All these create distaste in you for worldly

Unlucky Partner
Numerology number meanings for 100 indicate no compatibility with Number 8 An initial or a
component word in your name with Number 8 signifies evil. If it occurs, you have to perform a
numerology correction.
If your partner has No. 8, you have to remove him from business, or change his name with
numerology compatibility. You have to do it in a new name number that signifies favorable
changes in his business role

Unlucky Wife
Numerology for 100 warns that if your wife has a day, life, or name number in No. 8, it signifies
evil. You can not enjoy happiness from this marriage. Therefore, you have to change her name in
a more favorable vibration
Numerology number meanings forewarn you about the demerits of a name number. It guides you
to choose a different name number to enjoy luck and fortunes. When you go for a name change,
you must take expert help.

Twice Ruled By Sun 11

Numerology Meanings for number 11 must be analyzed from its structure.
It is made up of two ones. As No. 1 represents Sun, you are ruled twice by Sun. As such, you are
unselfish, dutiful, and altruistic, in your nature.
No. 11 is hailed as a Master Number. It has special powers to give you remarkable intelligence
and wisdom.
You plan your activities well and always aim for excellence.

The Moon Influence

Numerology Meanings for No. 11 must also be looked at from the Moon's angle. One plus 1 is 2,
and Number 2 stands for Moon. As such, it makes you dreamy and imaginative, with variable
moods, full of ups and downs.
Moon interferes with the independent nature of Sun. Ruled by Moon, you are more skilled only
when you work for others, than when you work for yourself. You can not organize and get things
done for your own profits.

Hidden Dark Side

Numerology Meanings for 11 indicate that, like the Moon never reveals its dark side, you too
have a secret aspect in your personality, which you never reveal. It makes you nurse secret fears
about others around you.
Moon rules over water. Remember how the ocean waters swell on every full moon and new
moon days, producing high tides. Like wise, off and on, waves of imagination sweep over, and
drown your mind and intellect.

Ruled By Imagination
Numerology Meanings for 11 convey that when you harness imagination, you can become a
great philosopher, poet, or scientist. When imagination takes the reins, you become moody, and
act as if you are a lunatic.
Moon is fond of water. Like wise, your body has a proclivity for Drinks and Liquor. The
guardian influence of Sun reduces this tendency. Yet you have to be careful not to get over drunk
in your parties, and get intoxicated.

Love For God

You are by nature God fearing and this faith helps you to advance in your career and profession.
The power of Sun enables you to get easy success in business. You have to keep this faith, in
order to maintain your success.

Beware of Cheats
Numerology Meanings for 11 reveal your soft nature. Being emotional, you feel for others, and
make financial helps beyond your means. Your own people take undue advantage of this nature,
and cheat you left and right.
You resolve every time when it happens, not to go overboard and help others. But when these
persons come again and shed crocodile tears, your heart melts, and if you are not guarded, you
will be cheated again.

When Afflicted
Numerology Meanings for 11 conclude that it is not a good name number. It is afflicted by 9 and
8, it either is your day or life number. It makes you sign wrong deals, accept dubious contracts,
and cause your own ruin.
Take care not to let it continue, when your wife or business partner has 9 or 8 as their day, life, or
name numbers. They will turn against you. If it happens, you have no other go, except to get
their names changed.

Components Decide
Numerology meanings for 11 indicate no numerology compatibility with Number 9, or 8. An
initial or a component word in your name with any of these is evil. If it occurs, you have to
perform a numerology correction.
If your partner has No. 9, or 8, in his name or birth numbers, you have to remove him from
business, or change his name with perfect numerology compatibility. You have to get it done in a
new favorable name number.

Saint Or Sinner

Numerology Meanings for Number 20 denote the sound of kettle drums.

If your number is 20, a war monger may hide inside your personality.
At another extreme, you can be a Mahatma. It signifies extremes in both Sacrifice and Revenge.
Numerology number meanings for 20 stem from No. 2 and Zero. Number 2 denotes Moon. Zero
refers to infinity. Lord Krishna says in Srimad Bagavat Gita, that Moon nourishes lives by its
cool vibrations. BG.Ch.15.Verse 13.

Peace Or War
As Krishna said, Numerology Meanings for 20 signify the Benevolence of Moon, and the
limitlessness of Zero. You attract the world by your Cause and Deeds. You have the potential to
set examples like Mahatma Gandhi.
Numerology Number Meanings for 20 also suggest War and Revolution as signified by the
sound of Kettle Drums. When these noble qualities are sacrificed for selfish ends, it makes you a
Vicious Rebel or a Renegade.

Call For Upheaval

Numerology Meanings for 20 convey that you will take up arms to achieve your ends. You do
not care if the innocent succumb to your violence and Revenge, and if the old, sick, and the kids
perish in the Bloody Carnage.
Numerology Number Meanings for 20 also signify poisoning en masse. When 20 is your
number, you can acquire special powers to detoxify the effects of poisoning. You can neutralize
poisons and save snake bite victims.

Call For Reforms

Numerology Meanings for No. 20 also signify a Big Call from a Savior or Saint. It has the
powers to arouse a country or a Big Nation. It can be a call for Spiritual Upheaval, Political
Revolution, or Economic Reform.
Numerology Number Meanings for 20 Confirm your Capability to Arouse the Asleep, and
Achieve your Goals. But only when you are unselfish! If you direct your powers for selfish ends,
you end up with Ignominious Defeats.

Hitler Or Gandhi

The German Dictator Hitler was born on 20-4-1889. His popular name Hitler measures and
vibrates in No. 20. He was well known as Hitler. He was born on the 20th. This shows that 20
can produce a Hitler, or Mahatma Gandhi.

When Afflicted
Numerology Meanings for 20 conclude that it is not a safe Name Number. It is afflicted by 9 and
8, if either is your day or life number. It makes you sign wrong deals, accept dubious contracts,
and cause your own downfall.
Take care not to let it continue, when your wife or business partner has 9 or 8 as their day, life, or
name numbers. They will surely turn against you. If it happens, you have no other go, except to
have their names changed.

Components Decide
Numerology meanings for 20 indicate no numerology compatibility with Number 9, or 8. An
initial or a component word in your name with any of these is evil. If it occurs, you have to
perform a numerology correction.
If your partner has No. 9, or 8, in his name or birth numbers, you have to remove him from
business, or change his name with perfect numerology compatibility. You have to get it done in a
new favorable name number.

Name Number 29

As per Name Numerology, you are ruled by 29, if you are born on the 29th, or if your name
number is 29.
You are not born for peace and amity. You like to take revenge. You take pleasure in others
Numerology of 29 turns out quarrelsome citizens. They pose like heroes and call others villains.
They fight for trivial things. 2 as Day or Life No. sharpens these qualities.

Blow Their Trumpets

Name Numerology of 29 makes them highly selfish. But they pose as if they are very good. They
constantly blow their own trumpets. They act as if they are full of courage. But, they inwardly
cringe and are afraid.
Numerology of 29 makes them, afraid of their superiors. But, they torment and torture others
below them. They never see eye to eye with others. They come up with objections, some how or

Duty Of Parents
Name Numerology for 29 makes them to sue and go to courts, even for small problems. Their
parents should mold their character, when they are young. Otherwise, they do a great injustice,
by releasing such children.
These parents must not allow such kids to mix with evil company. Numerology of 29 has not
produced any great soul. On the other hand, we know that number 29 has produced many
magicians, and tricksters.

Succeed In Business
As per name numerology for 29, though they have a war like nature, if they enter into a business,
they earn a lot. If they are not engaged like that, they will create wars within their own family

Diagnosis Of No. 29
Numerology of No. 29 defines it as quite unlucky. It is obvious, if you examine this number. No.
29 is made of 2 and 9, representing Moon and Mars. These two numbers and their planets are
inimical to each other.
Name Numerology declares that there should not be enmity between the components of a
number. In this case, 2 is against 9. Moon is against Mars. Each one is busy fighting the other
and your welfare is neglected.

More on 2 And 9
Numerology of 2 and 9 is also unlucky, if you have one as your Day No. and the other as Life
Number. In stead of being your Guardian Angels, these numbers fail in your times of need, due
to their own internal fight.
Name Numerology asserts that 2 and 9 have no numerology compatibility. If your wife has 2 and
you have 9, you can never be a happy, in your marital life. This combination drives you, to dig
for your own down fall.

Deep Faith 38

As per Numerology Meanings for No. 38, you are ruled by 11 and 2.
That means you are ruled by Moon. Moon does not have self effulgence. It shines only in
borrowed glory.
Hence you excel only when you work for others. When you study numerology for 38, it asks you
to have a deep faith in some thing.

Place it on a leader or you should trust in God. With that deep Faith, you can climb to great
heights like that Great Indian leader, Mahatma Gandhi.
Good Company

Numerology Meanings for 38 can also take you to great heights of power and terror like Adolph
Hitler. Belief in God makes you a Mahatma, whereas belief like Might is Right, makes you climb
to heights of power and terror.
When you study numerology for 38, it cautions you about its Number 8 and Saturn. If your
baby's name is in 38, train it to move only with good friends. If it moves with evil fiends, it will
also become selfish and evil.
Big Support

Numerology Meanings for No. 38 declare that you will get support of big shots for your business
success. You are faithful to them, which makes them help more. You love justice. You are well
behaved and soft natured.
When you study numerology 38, you know you get such help, when you have 38 in your own
name or business name. You begin as a very small person, but with the quality of help, you
gradually climb to great heights.
Sad Endings

Numerology Meanings for 38 reveal that one develops enemies from his own circles. They harm
him. Unless corrected by a good name, unsteady Moon and evil Saturn make him meet with an
unexpected sad end.
When you study numerology, Jupiter in 3 makes you serve. Moon in 2 makes you waver. Saturn
in 8 wreaks its revenge to punish. These effects are worse, if your birthdate numerology
compatibility is afflicted.

Move Backwards 47

If your name number is 47, you have little numerology compatibility between its component
No. 4 is Rahu, a retrograde planet and 7 is Kethu, another retrograde planet. Both move away

If you study numerology, you learn that Rahu stands for talkative nature. This makes you
You poke your nose into others private affairs and incur their displeasure. Kethu makes you lose
interest in your worldly enjoyments and renounce.
Poles Apart

Rahu is literally poles apart from Kethu. They occupy opposite locations in the Zodiac, allowing
little numerology compatibility in 47. Some times Rahu works and at other times Kethu,
affecting the erstwhile achievements.
If you study numerology of 47, you find that 4 and 7 add to 11. It adds to 2, which is Moon.
Moon is inimical to Rahu.. As per ancient texts, Rahu causes the eclipse of Moon. This also
affects compatibility for. 47.
Vision Risks

However, you find persons ruled by 47 acquire wealth. They are selfish in their aggrandizement.
Poor birthdate numerology compatibility due to 9 as day or life number, or 7 in 47, prevents
them from enjoying their wealth.
Not only that. You often find that those with 47 lose their vision due to diabetes or accidents.
Even minor injuries are likely to turn septic and make one lose his vision. It calls for extra care
during any eye surgery.
When Afflicted

If you have no. 9 as your day or life number, that becomes inimical to 7 in 47, which upsets the
numerology compatibility for that number. If 8 is your day or life number, you also lose your
numerology love compatibility.
When you study numerology, you know that there is no numerology love compatibility between
7 and 9 or 2 and 9. If you have 47, it has a 7 and it reduces to 2, when you add 4 and 7. This
leads to abortive love affairs.

Excellence of No. 56

If you search for perfect numerology compatibility, you have it in No. 56.
The only drawback of 56 is that it adds up to the vibes of Moon, which is unsteady and ever

Birthday numerology confirms that this can be rectified by a good name correction as per
Being central to the Nine Cardinal Numbers, Number 5 has no inimical vibes with other numbers
from 1 to 9.

Perfect Name Essential

Numerology Compatibility for 56 is enriched by a perfect name. When it is done, this number
works wonders in your life. It has a charm and a magic spell. It confers name, fame and the
boons of Richness Goddess, Lakshmi.
Birthday numerology for 65 is not good, if you are born with a Day Number 3. Number 6 is
Venus, who is the Guru of Demons. Since 3 is ruled by Jupiter, the Guru of Devas, there is
perennial enmity between these two.

When Afflicted

Numerology Compatibility in No. 56 is also spoiled by 3, if you have 3 as your Life No. You can
correct it only by a perfect name. You have to measure the name effect against the vibes of 56, to
ensure compatibility.
Birthday Numerology cautions you about No. 8 as your Day or Life Number. It can ruin the
chances of success achievable by your 56. As 8 can cause fatal accidents, one has to take special
care in designing your name.

Secret of Success

Numerology Compatibility in 56 can release you from all ties. When you are detached from your
ties, you concentrate better and achieve success. Like a chick comes out of an egg shell, you
break out of your bondage.
When you study numerology for 56, you learn that it is used by tantra practitioners to seek
special boons. It has such great powers to unlock any door. The locks against you snap open, in
order to please you.

The Show Must End

Numerology Compatibility in 56 can be used for good things, if only you have a perfect name. If
not, the magic spell and charms of 56 vanish at some point of time all of a sudden. You lose
every thing as if in a dream.
When you study numerology, you learn that this is the effect of borrowed glory of Moon. 65 adds
up to 2, and the power of Moon in 2 dominates deciding when the pomp and show ends. It is
sooner, if your name is poor.

How Name Works

Numerology Compatibility in 56 can be maintained and the inimical effects neutralized, if you
have a powerful and vibrant name. It must satisfy the measurements by Lecher Antenna and
confirmation by Horary Astrology.
When you Study Numerology, you learn that it works on the theory of vibrations. Harmonious
vibes build up to have a big synergy effect. You can achieve it by employing bioenergetics
diagnosis and Horary Astrology.

No. 6 & 5 Make 65

Free Numerology Predictions for Number 65 should consider how No. 6 and 5 individually
contribute for your achievements.

You are ruled by Venus in No. 6. You are ruled by Mercury in No. 5. Both influence your life in
no. 65.
When you study numerology numbers, 6, 5, and 65, you find that 65 reduces to 11, which
reduces to 2. Therefore, a prediction for No. 65 must consider the aspects of Moon.

Divine Attributes
As per free numerology predictions for no. 65, you are blessed with divine qualities. You have
mercy towards the sick, poor and the down trodden. You will raise in revolt against oppression,
injustice and anarchy.
Numerology meanings for no. 65 further reveal that your compassion will make you start
charities and ashrams for the sick and poor. You will lead movements to generate financial
support for funding these ventures.

Enlist Good Support

Free numerology predictions for no. 65 confirm that you will get support from the rich and the
affluent for your social activities. This influence also helps you to build your own business with
multiple income streams.
Numerology meanings for no. 65 predict that ultimately your life is decided by Moon, which is
the sum of 6 plus 5. As such you will have many ups and downs in your family, business,
finance, and love life.

Changing Tastes
Free numerology predictions for 65 reveal that your marriage will be a happy event. But satiety
makes you look else where too, to satisfy your appetites. You can not maintain the same taste and
love at all times.
When you study numerology for 65, you know that you will also face many dangers like knife
wounds and bullet injuries. You can prevent these by perfect numerology compatibility with your
birthday numerology numbers.

Importance of Name
Free numerology predictions for 65 recommend that you must have a perfect name. You should
avoid clash with incompatible numbers like 3, 8, and 9. You must avoid dealings with persons
ruled by these numbers.
You must not ignore your birthday numerology numbers. Your name must have numerology
compatibility with both your day and life numbers. The component words in your name should
not have negative vibrations.

Components Decide
Free Numerology Predictions for 65 indicate no compatibility with Number 3, 8, or 9. An initial
or a component word in your name with any of these numbers is evil. If it occurs, you have to
perform a numerology correction.
If your partner has No. 3, 8, or 9, you have to remove him from business, or change his name
with numerology compatibility. You have to do it in a new name number that signifies favorable
numerology number meanings.

Poles Apart 74

How is it if you get numerology for free? Here is your report on No. 74.
When your name is in this number, you are influenced by both 7 and 4.
Kethu rules over 7 and Rahu over 4. Both influence your life.Kethu and Rahu are poles apart at
180 degrees away in the zodiac.

As such, numerology numbers 7 and 4 pull you in opposite directions. 7 makes you deeply
religious. No. 4 makes you revolt against all traditions.
Preach & Reform

Numerology for free tells you that you are not content with your researches. Rahu in No. 4 gives
you the gift of the gab to preach reforms against traditional values. Kethu makes you preach
religious doctrines.
If your birthday numerology has conflicts with 74, it will make you suffer. No. 9 as day number
is inimical to 7 in your 74. It is also inimical when 9 is your Life No. A Day. or Life No. 2, is
also inimical to 4 in No. 74.
Conflicts & Downfall

Numerology for free tells you to look into your birthday numerology. When it has this conflict
between your numerology numbers, your actions cause your downfall. .As if impelled by fate,
you cause your own ruin.
When you add the numerology numbers 7 and 4, you get 7+4 =11. Add 1 plus 1 and you get 2.
Moon rules over No. 2. It means you are mainly ruled by Moon by No. 2 in your name
numerology. It is not a good sign.
Gloomy Future

Numerology for free predicts a gloomy future for Name No. 74. You suffer with out good
income. There is no end for your grief and sorrows. You have few friends. You are cross with
your relatives and society.
Name Number 74 further causes deep sufferings in married life. I have seen hundreds of people
suffer due to quarrels between the couples, when even one has this name number. Many are
driven to separate and divorce.

Measure Wavelengths

Numerology for free advises that 74 is not a good number. If your birthday numerology conflicts
in its numerology numbers, you have to choose a name which nullifies these and add more
positive vibes to benefit you.

You should verify the quality of your name and numerology numbers by measurements. Modern
science bioenergetics defines the good and bad vibes by wavelengths. You can measure these
vibes by Lecher Antenna.
Change Your Name

You name is more powerful than your numerology numbers. If you have a name in. 74, change it
at once to some other good number. Your new name can over ride conflicts and give you a happy
and prosperous life.
If your name is unlucky, change it at once. Engage a Numerologist who also knows
bioenergetics, Lecher Antenna, and Horary Astrology. He will find your ideal name number.
Have your name finalized in that number.

Ruled By Moon 83

You get your free complete numerology reading here for Name Number 83. This number adds up
to 11 which reduces to Number 2.
That means you are ruled by 2. As 2 is in the vibes of Moon, you are ruled by Moon in your
Name Number.

Numerology meanings for 2 say that you are highly imaginative. 83 has its component 3 which is
Jupiter. It signifies your sharp intelligence, sagacity, hard work, and dedication.
Jupiter Helps Moon

Therefore, your free complete numerology reading for 83 concludes that your imaginative skills
of the Moon, combined with the brilliance of Jupiter in. 3, make you excel in your chosen field.
You attain sanguine success
Numerology meanings for 83 also include the effect of Saturn in No. 8. He acts the role of an
impartial judge. He punishes only if you deserve it. He respects true genius and excellence of
Jupiter that you have in 3 with 2.
Achieve Greatness

Free complete numerology reading for 83 predicts that you will attain great enviable positions in
life. You occupy seats of successful diplomats, judges, or leaders. Society looks upon you with
awe and great respect.
Numerology meanings reveal that unless you deserved it you would not have got the influence of
Jupiter in 3 to help you with a weak name number that reduces to 2. You respect authority and
achieve greatness.
Victory & Danger

Free complete numerology reading for 83 states that your achievements place you on a high
pedestal. You adorn great posts with ease. You live in style like a King. Victory crowns you with
success in what ever you do.
Numerology meanings for 83 also caution you to exercise great care in your travels and out
station trips. Like all successful persons, you too will have enemies, who would like to vanquish
you in your careless moments.

Risky End

Free complete numerology reading for 83 also warns that like in the movies, your status too will
crumble one day. May be it will be in your later years. Your own family and trusted ones grab
your wealth from all sides.

Numerology meanings for 83 comforts you that it is the duty of Saturn, to render justice for
mistakes you committed in your past. Propitiate Saturn mentally and pray to him. This will ease
tricky situations in your favor.
Components Decide

Free complete numerology reading confirms no numerology compatibility for 83 with Number 9,
8, or 6. An initial or component word in your name with any of these is evil. If it occurs, you
must seek a numerology correction.
If your partner has No. 9, or 8, or 6 in his name or birthday numerology, remove him from
business, or change his name with perfect numerology compatibility. You have to get it done in a
new favorable name number.

Numerology 92

Birthday Numerology is important to empower your Name Number. If your name adds up to 92,
you have an inbuilt conflict between No. 9 and 2.
To make this Name with Number 92 effective, you must have the support of your Day No. and
Life No.

Numerology numbers such as Day Number 8 or Life Number 8 do not give good results for
name number 92. No. 9 and 2 represent Mars and Moon. 8 is inimical to both 9 and 2.
Numerology 7

If you have 7 as Day or Life No. in your birthday numerology, you face another problem. 7 is
inimical to 9 but friendly to 2. The combined 2 and 7 oppose the left out third number 9. This
conflict reduces the power of 92.

Successful Nameology Success In Love Traditional Nameology

Name Component
Word In 7 & 8

Take care also to avoid 7 and 8 in the component words of your name. As per birthday
numerology, these are unlucky. It is better to avoid even an initial with these numbers to ensure
perfect numerology compatibility.
The Golden Rule is to avoid any internecine quarrels between the initial, component words, the
total name effect, and your numerology numbers. If you have more than one initial, you have to
consider each one.

Name component
Word In No. 3

Numerology Numbers 6 and 5 are not inimical to 9 or 2. If you have either of these as your Day
or Life Number, they augment the beneficial power of 92. Take care to avoid a name component
in No. 3 as it opposes 6.

Negative Vibrations

Birthday Numerology for auspicious names holds that no syllable that makes up your name
should carry any negative vibration. Names with Nun, NAN, WAR, DI, DIE, DYE, RUN, END,
must be avoided to prevent bad luck.
If your name has letter combinations such as HIT in Hitler, MAD in Maddox, SAD or DAM in
Saddam Hussein, know that you purchase misfortunes. Equally bad are syllables with LO, OO,
KU, NO, MAR, DRA, and ILL.

Bad Phonology

In Sacred Bagavad Gita, Lord Krishna declares Aksharaanaam Akaaros Me, Dwandha Saamaasi
Gasya Cha! which means, Among the Alphabets, I am the letter A, and I am in the Hidden
Meanings in the Words. BG Ch. 10-33
Lord Krishna here refers to Phonology. It has Phonetics and Phonemics. Phonemics studies the
Hidden Meaning In the Words. It also looks into Etymology. Ignorant people call Phonology as

Syntax & Semantics

Avoid bad phonology in your birthday numerology names. When I select names, I also examine
the Morphology (study of word structure), Syntax (study of word order), and Semantics
(intensive meaning in words).
Birth Day Numerology is not just alphabets and numbers. Each alphabet and number breathes
life! Each radiates positive and negative vibes with meanings. Knowing this is the Secret of
Success in Name Numerology.

No. 3 And Jupiter

In Name Numerology, No. 3 stands for Jupiter. He is the Guru of Devas and other Celestial Gods
in Heaven.
Jupiter is also the Lord of astrology signs Sagittarius and Pisces in your Natal Chart or Birth
As such, Jupiter rules No. 3. He signifies Knowledge, Wisdom, Selflessness, Service, and

Who Is Ruled By No. 3?

Many patriots, men of great sacrifice, and disciplined leaders as in Navy and Air force are
influenced by No.3 and Jupiter. If you are born on the 3rd, 12fth, 21st, and 30th, of any month,
you are ruled by Jupiter.
If the strength of your day number 3 is weakened in your numerology, by a conflicting life
number or name number, you settle down as a clerical staff or accountant, in any government or
private organization.
Who Else is Ruled?

If your Life Number is 3 or if your Name Number is 3, in both cases, you come under the and
leadership of No.3 and Jupiter. In Hindu Mythology, and name numerology, Jupiter is the Guru
of Devas in the Heavens.
Intelligence And Diligence

Name numerology of No. 3, makes you intelligent, hard working, diligent and honest in your
dealings. You obey your superiors implicitly. You also expect punctuality, discipline and
obedience from your subordinates.
Though you show a tough exterior, you are not hard hearted. As per your numerology, you only
do what is reasonable and you act as per your conscience. You do not mind to help others, even
with out any returns.
Orthodox In Outlook

Name numerology for 3 makes you You orthodox in your views. You follow your religion
sincerely. You do not change your ways of life as per social norms. You like to help others. But
you shy away from asking for help.
You may appear proud, when you behave like that, but, you are not. Your numerology makes you
so great in nature. You consider it inferior to seek the help of others. Your self respect prevents
you from doing that.
Ready To Help Others

Name Numerology of No 3, involves you in altruistic deeds. You attain high positions in politics,
by your selflessness. But you do not classify among the lucky. What ever comes to you comes
only after your due hard work.

But your numerology gives you promotions only step by step. You do not desire for any thing
which you can not perform. You remain content with what ever comes to you in the course of
your life, by sincere hard work.
Daring And Self Confident

Under name numerology of 3, you fall in two types. One with self confidence, and the other with
out that. If you are the first type, you are bold in what you do. You fight for what is right,
unmindful of oppositions.
You are attracted by self less sacrifice for others. As a soldier, you do not even mind dying for
your country. For public cause and good, your numerology makes you ready to undergo any
suffering and personal loss.
Those With Out Self

As per name numerology, if you are the second type, you obey your elders and remain silent.
You work only for you and your family. Even if you do some thing good, you just get a name,
but you do not become famous.
On the other hand, your numerology for 3 makes you the strong pillars of offices, institutions and
governments. You will fill all the important clerical and administrative positions to serve officers,
ministers and organizations.
Self less Service

Name numerology for No. 3, make you shy away from earning a bad name. You stand for
prestige. You are not interested to start or run an altruistic institution. But you gladly work for
those that offer good service.
When No.3 Is Weak

As per name numerology, if the strength of No. 3 is weakened by opposite name number or life
number, you become, lazy, turn fond of gambling and do unjust things. If the power of 3 is too
much, it makes you autocratic.
You become sensual, borrow funds, and fail to return, indulge in unlawful activities and even
court imprisonment. Therefore, it is important to correct your name with positive vibrations of a
new name by an expert.
Numerology of Day No. 3 With
Different Life Numbers!

Now what happens to 3, when it acts with different life numbers? Many with day no. 3, have
different life no. from 1, 2, or 3 up to 9. Each set has different characters and remedies. 3 & 2, is
different from 3 & 1, or 3 & 3.
You will find in the following links, details of name numerology for every set, from 3 & 1 up to
3 & 9. This kind of a thorough study is not available any where else. We request you to benefit
by this rich and useful info.
When 12 Is Good

Numerology meanings for Name Number 12 make you happy, if you have a name in this Name
It is fashion now for every one to sport short names. Hence, you must pay special attention to
Number 12.
Numerology for 12 says you have the combined influence of Sun and Moon. Sun scorches but
Moon cools.
Sun scorches and gives energy. Moon cools and fosters life. Like father and mother, Sun signifies
Cosmic Energy. Moon signifies Earths Energy. These only constitute your body cells, your
traits, and your character.

Built In Contrast

Numerology meanings for name number 12 furthers convey that Sun is ever dynamic,
commanding, and assertive. Moon is slow and meditative in nature. Moon gives dreams and a
fertile imagination. You compose poems.
Numerology for no. 12 has a built in contrast in Sun and Moon. Sun has original light. Moon
shines in borrowed glory. Sun makes you forthright in speech. Moon makes you think before you
talk. You are always tactful.

Excel Before Others

Numerology meanings for 12 reveal that for you the Sun acts as the goal setter. Moon acts as the
executor. Sun gives leadership and the push. Moon makes you execute the ideas to perfection.
You invent better ways.

Numerology for 12 therefore makes you excel in your thinking, behavior, speech, and action.
The soft nature of Moon makes you work for others welfare. The lofty nature of Sun shuns
rewards for your altruistic sacrifice.

The Opposite Side

Numerology meanings for 12 also reveal an opposite side when 1 is your Day Number and 2 is
your Life Number. It delays your actions. Here Moon becomes the goal setter and it dilutes Sun's
dynamism and enterprise.
Numerology for 12 therefore makes you procrastinate to the last minute. You suffer with bated
breath to see the results. You often miss goals and the golden opportunities. you are torn between
action and inaction.

When You Have 1 & 2

What happens to the numerology meanings of 12 when 2 is you Life Number and 1 is your Day
Number? Here again there is a conflict between the nature of 2 and 1. Moon decides your
character and actions.
As a result, numerology for12 makes you succeed less, fall into moody states, and get lost in
confusion. Though you have material success, people see only one side of you. Like Moon, you
hide your other side.

Mixed Results

Numerology meanings for 12 then become diluted by giving mixed results. After 40 you no
longer have the drive and initiative for enterprise. Now Sun drives you to work hard but you end
up with poor or mixed results.
Numerology for 12 turns you to mysticism. You research astrology, numerology, and other occult
sciences. If Sun is not afflicted, you become talented in Mantra, Tantra, and Yantra. You excel in
these sciences.

Numerology Meanings 21

If you study numerology of No. 21, you are impressed by the contrast and the opposite nature of
1 and 2.
Note the difference between 12 and 21. If you and another have 12 and 21, both will have
opposite traits.
Numerology meanings for both 12 and 21 reveal that both of you are ruled by Jupiter and Name
Number 3.
It is because, 2 and 1 in 21 or 12 add up to 3. Ruled by Jupiter, you will not like own business.
You will prefer jobs in private or Government firms.
Influence of 2 & 3

If you study numerology of 21 closely, you understand this influence of 2 and 3 on the native. If
your name number is 21, the effect of 2 and 3 decides your prospects. You prefer service rather
than do own business.
Numerology meanings for 21 reveal that you always aim for your own pleasure. You aim for
quick money. You work hard. You get your lifts in due course. Your early life will be filled with
struggles and difficulties.
Correct Your Name

If you study numerology of 21, you find that these persons are not as successful as the persons
with name number 12. Unless you have a perfect name, it is not possible for you to climb the
ladder of success.
As per numerology meanings, If your name number is 21, 2 influences you more than 1. In day
to day life 2 and 3 dominate your traits and character. You live as per 2 & 3, and reach positions
defined by 1 and 3.

Suits Only 3 Born

If you study numerology, you know that If you are born on 3, 12, 21, or 30 dates, or if your
compound number is 3, then you can have 21 as your name number. Even with 3, 21 makes you
work only for others' profits.

Numerology meanings confirm that unless you have 3 as your day or life number, a name in 21
will not benefit you. It does not suit persons with other numbers. If they have 21 in their names,
they must change it.

Search For Perfection

If you study numerology of a 21 ruled person, you will find him more imaginative. He will have
astonishing talents in composing, poetry, and literary works. He will search for perfection in any
field of activity.
Numerology meanings for 21 convey that 21 delays execution of projects. The quest for
perfection causes great delays. If you have your name number in 21, you have to correct your
name to rectify this defect.

12 Better Than 21

When you further study numerology of 21, you find that if you have day number 2 and life
number 1, there is not much of a conflict. Your birth numerology numbers support your name
number 21 and you will succeed.
Numerology meanings for 21 differ when 1 is your Day Number. No. 1 stifles your imagination
and drives you to act. It is against your character. You are not satisfied, you make mistakes, and
you become depressed.

Beware Of 9 & 6

When you study numerology of 21, you are cautioned against 9 as your day or life number. 9 is
inimical to 2. You do actions to cause your own ruin. The remedy is to correct your name in a
different name number.
Numerology meanings for 21 reveal that it does not suit when you have 6 as your day or life
number. 6 is against 3. It makes you cause your own downfall. You must at once correct your
name in a lucky name number.
Incisive Thinker

Numerology meanings for 30 portray you as a thinker. For this 3 must not be afflicted by any
other factors.

If you are born with Number 3 as day number or compound number, you are fit to have a name
in 30.
As per basics of numerology, 3 and 0 make 30. 3 is for Jupiter. Zero is Infinity. Jupiter is the
Guru of Gods.
He is full of knowledge. He makes you an incisive thinker.

Contact us For Lucky Names

Compatible Dates

If your birth date is 3, 12, 21, or 30, you can have a name in 30. As per numerology meanings, a
name number 3 includes 39, 48, 57, 66, 75, 84, and 93. All these numbers reduce to the basic
number 3.

Unselfish Altruist

As per free numerology predictions for 30, you are an unselfish altruist. You obey your
conscience. You are not money minded. You do not care for profits. You get occult powers by

Beware of No. 6

Numerology meanings for No. 3 cautions you about any contact with 6. Six stands for Sukra who
is the Guru of the enemies of God. As Jupiter is the Guru of Gods, he is a sworn enemy to Sukra
and No. 6.

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Avoid 6 In Any Form

Free numerology predictions for 3 or 30 confirm that when ever you meet with 6, you will have
problems. When your name is in the 3 series like 3, 12, 21, 30, it is better for you to avoid 6 in
any form.

Avoid 6 in Family
And Business

Numerology meanings for 30 make it clear that it does not suit you if your day or life number is
6. Take care not to have a partner in 6. Take more precautions to avoid a spouse with number 6.
Free numerology predictions for 30 guide you that you should not have your business name,
product name, or brand name in 6. You must avoid the days ruled by 6 as unlucky. Even Friday is
unlucky for you.

Avoid Emerald

As per free numerology predictions for 30, you must not use the Gems ruled by 6. In this case,
you should not wear Emerald. If you are fond of emerald, you have to correct your name in some
other vibration.

Contact us For Lucky Names!

Change your Name

As per Numerology meanings for 30, you must avoid 6, 15, and 24. You must also avoid any day
with a compound number 6. If you are interested in wealth and marital happiness, you have to
correct your name.

Components Decide

Numerology meanings for 30 denies numerology compatibility with No. 6. An initial or a

component in your name with 6 is evil. If it occurs, you have to correct your name as per
numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics.
If your partner has No. 6, you have to remove him from business, or change his name with
numerology compatibility. You have to do it in a new name number that signifies progress in
business for both.

Name Number 39

If you have your name in number 39, you are ruled by No. 3 and Jupiter as per name numerology
As per rules of name numerology, 39 will suit you only if you have No. 3 as your Day Number
or Life Number.
As per name numerology, if you are born in any month on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th, you are
ruled by 3.
You are also ruled by 3, if your birth day's compound no. is 3. You get it by adding the day,
month, and year values and reduce it to a single digit.

Role of Jupiter
Numerology meanings for No. 39 will apply to you with full force, only if you satisfy the above
condition. If not, you will lose the benefit of your Day Number and Life Number. You will also
lose any benefits of No. 39.
As per name numerology, when you have 39 as your name number, Jupiter rules your character.
As such you are blessed with a sharp intelligence and mental abilities. You exhibit all your
talents in any field you choose.

The Pitfalls
However, numerology meanings for 39 caution you about its pitfalls. Though you achieve
results, some one else steals all the glory. You keep working only for others' benefits. In the
process you also neglect your health.
Name numerology too warns you about this ill health. Most of the times, you are destined to
desk work. Therefore you lack exercise and your limbs become weak. You become susceptible to
acquire various skin diseases.

Watch Your Health

Numerology meanings for 39 state that you will be less healthy than other persons ruled by
Number 3. Mars in 9 makes you irritated and jealous of others. Though more intelligent, you do
not get any lucky breaks.

Name numerology confirms this as true. If you really want to enjoy any material success, you
have to correct your name. You must correct it in the lucky vibration of Mercury, Mars, or Sun in
5, 9, or 1.

Beware Of Number 6
Name numerology meanings further caution you that No. 6 is taboo for your happiness. Avoid 6
in all dealings. Do not mix with a girl with number 6. Avoid any partners with 6. Do not have
your Business Names in 6.
As per name numerology it is correct. 3 stands for Jupiter. He is the Guru of Gods. 6 stands for
Venus. He is the Guru of the Demons. There is an eternal enmity between the Divine and
Demoniac forces.

Points To Ponder
As per numerology meanings, numerology numbers are like your father and mother. What
happens when your parents hate each other? Your life is spoiled. Like wise, you life is spoiled,
when you have 3 and 6.
As per name numerology, you can have thousands of spellings for a name in 39. Which one is
perfect for you? Traditional numerology has its limitations. You do not get a clear answer. It calls
for scientific reasoning.

Scientific Answers
After years of research, I have perfected a method to find the perfect name for you in any name
number. I follow traditional numerology. I cross check it with astrology, and confirm it by
In this new method you get triple benefits. You get a perfect name as per numerology. You test it
with astrology to confirm its Luck. You also cross check it with bioenergetics, if it really suits
your mind body vibrations.
Fond Of Religion

Numerology meanings for 48 signify religion and renunciation. The 8 in No. 48 tempts you to

It makes you surrender to the Lord. When you add 4 and 8 you get 12. If you add 1 and 2, you
get No. 3.
It means you are ruled by Jupiter. Therefore Saturn and Jupiter in your Name Number shape your

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Sparkling Intelligence

Name numerology confirms this. Jupiter in 3 gives you sparkling intelligence and wisdom. You
become a tireless worker in your cause. 4 in 48 drives you to research the occult. Number 8
waters that thirst.
The 8 in 48 prevents you from enjoyments. You shun small pleasures which tickle the senses.
You are engrossed in thoughts. Meditation comes to you easily. You never care for your personal

Full Of Sacrifice

Numerology meanings for 48 convey that you are altruistic and unselfish. For example, if you
get a chance for promotion, you are ready to renounce it for the sake of a needy person. He may
be heartless in his request.
But you gladly sanction his wish. Name numerology confirms this tendency in 48. Your friends
and relatives take undue advantage of your qualities. But you do not seem to care.

Others Exploit You

Numerology meanings for 48 caution you that others exploit you. It is as if you are born to serve
others. They use you to satisfy their selfish ends. When you give advice, they pay a deaf ear to
your words.
Name numerology indicates that you will be religiously inclined even from your childhood. Your
own parents oppose your views and actions. However you fearlessly exhibit your religious

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Colorless Life

It is as if Number 48 gives you a colorless life. Name numerology meanings confirm this. If you
really wish to have material success, good family with wife and kids, and a posh home, you have
to correct your name.
Name numerology for 48 cautions you that you will meet with lots of opposition when you
preach religious dictates to others. People avoid you. You meet with little success in winning the
public support.

No. 48 Is Unlucky

Numerology meanings for 48 indicate that this is an unlucky number from the worldly view
point. No one likes to have a number like this which makes him suffer for others. Worldly
persons avoid this as a name number.
If per chance you have this as your name number, you have to correct your name. After years of
researching name numerology, I have discovered a fool proof method to identify your most
appropriate name number.

Perfect Your Name

I do it as per the tenets of numerology meanings and definitions. At the same time, I ensure that
it is really lucky to you by astrology verifications. I also analyze its lucky nature by checking
with the Lecher Antenna.
I verify and confirm that the new name is strictly as per name numerology. I also examine if it is
really lucky to you by astrology and bioenergetics and confirm its accuracy. Then only I email
the new name to you.

Know The Meanings

Before you choose a name number, you must know its numerology meanings. Especially if yours
is 57.
Know that each name number is unique in giving results depending on your birthday numerology
If you want to have your name in 57, you must be born with 3 as your day number or your life

Day Number 3
If you are born on 3, 12, 21, or 30 dates in any month, your day number is 3. Ruled by Jupiter, 57
will suit you. But it gives only inferior results.

Not For Every One

If you add the date, month, and year values of your birth day and get a total of 3, your Life
number is 3. As per numerology meanings, you are ruled by Jupiter and therefore 57 may suit
you. But not for other persons.
If you are born with any other day or life number, 57 will not suit you. You will meet with
obstacles, difficulties, and failures repeatedly. The only remedy for you is to correct your name
as per rules of name numerology.

Better To Avoid
Even when your numerology number is 3, as per numerology meanings, it is better for you to
avoid 57. I have seen many such persons who suffered by having their names in 57. They made
initial progress but failed later.
As per name numerology for 57, you make an initial progress, reach certain positions, but lose
them later on and end up as a failure. Or you suddenly lose interest in your business affairs and it
dies a natural death.

Play of No. 5 & 7

Numerology meanings for 57 can be better understood like this. The 5 in 57 goads you into
action to achieve certain goals. It goes on for a while. Then suddenly the 7 in 57 makes you lose
interest in what you do.
As a result many persons with 57 become famous for a while and fade into oblivion after some
time. They will never be able to regain those lost positions, as name numerology of No. 7 diverts
their attention elsewhere.

Marriage Turns Sour

The same thing happens in your married life. Numerology meanings for 5 make you fond of
changes. Your initial love changes later. To add fuel to the fire, No. 7 makes you lose interest in
your marital life.
Name numerology of 5 makes you change your love too. You begin to try multiple relationships.
Soon you become disenchanted. Or you take it for granted that living together relationships are
better than marriage.

Correct Your Name

Numerology meanings for 57 conclude that 57 is not a safe name number. In case by accident
you have 57 in your name, your business name, or your baby names, you have to correct them
When ever you correct your name, do it as per name numerology. Verify the planetary vibrations
by horary astrology. Measure the Name Vibrations by an expert in bioenergetics and the use of
Lecher Antenna.
Does It Suit You?

If you have Name Numerology of 66, make sure you have Day Number 3.
As per numerology meanings, your Day Number is 3 if you are born on 3, 12, 21, or 30 dates in
any month.
This Name Number of 66 also suits you when your Life Number is 3.
It does not suit any other Number.

Verify Your Life Number

Your Life number is 3 if the values in your day, month, and year of your birth day add up to a
final number of 3. The final total must come as 3.

Venus & Jupiter

Number 6 appears twice in name Number 66. As per name numerology, 6 denotes Venus and it
influences you twice. Number 66 adds to 12 giving 3. Hence you are also ruled by Jupiter. Both
Planets influence your life.
As per numerology meanings Venus and Jupiter are enemies. Jupiter denotes Virtues and Venus
denotes Passion. Venus comes twice in 66. It has better control. Jupiter is less effective in
offsetting results of Venus.

Skills In Oratory

Number 66 gives you great skills in oratory. As per name numerology, you have the ability to
keep your audience spell bound. Develop this skill. You will make great progress as a Sales
Director, Senator, or Politician.
You develop a political importance very soon. Numerology meanings reveal this potential. The
Government wants your support for their programs. Other leaders compete to win your attention
and share your services.

Skills In Fine Arts

Name numerology for 66 gives you abilities in acting, mimicry, dance, and stage shows. You can
thrill your audience by your versatile talents. You have great chances to shine in Television
Commercials and Mega Serials.

Role of Jupiter

Numerology meanings for 66 extol the influence of Jupiter in this number. It gives you the
presence of mind to assess situations, persons, and consequences. You get the skills for a
Mediator, Judge, or an Ambassador.

Perfect Your Name

If you have name number 66 and you do not enjoy these plus points, it means your name is
defective as per name numerology. You may have negative components or bad meaning syllables
in your numerology name.
Numerology meanings for 66 reveal that 8 is unlucky for you. You must not have any name
component in 8. You should not have negative syllable like ban, war, end, none, no, gone, run,
trick, and fleece in your name.
Does It Suit You?

Name Numerology permits you to have 75 in your name, if you have 3 as your Day Number or
Life Number.
If you are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month, your Day No. is 3 and is ruled by
If the date, month, and year of your birth date adds up to a reduced total in No. 3, your Life
Number is 3.

If your number is not 3, Name Number 75 lacks numerology compatibility. It will

only create problems and difficulties for you. And it makes you fail. The same
applies to you for your business names, kids, and family names.

Kethu & Mercury

Name Number 75 offers results of both 7 and 5. Numerology meanings for 7 and 5 confirm this.
7 is ruled by Kethu who gives knowledge and dispassion. 5 is ruled by Mercury who governs
change and development.

Role Of Jupiter

When you add 7 and 5 in 75, you get 12 and then 3. Therefore 75 is ruled by Jupiter. Number 7
influences your early life. As per Name numerology for 75, No. 5 stands for Mercury. It
influences your life in your later years.

Numerology meanings for 75 confirm academic excellence. As such you out shine others in your
school life. You study religion, philosophy, and many occult sciences. But you are not attracted
by wealth and monetary gains.

Rejoice in Later Life

Therefore, Name Numerology of 75 makes you lag behind others. You are not interested in
married life either. And you delay your marriage. Even after your marriage, you lose interest and
look elsewhere for satisfaction.
In later life, Mercury pushes you into limelight. Numerology meanings for 75 hold that you are
inspired by numbers 3, 7, and 5. You exhibit your talents as an author, writer, and poet. You excel
in your speeches and writings.

When 75 Is Afflicted

You get unexpected name and fame. You acquire important friendships. However, name
numerology of 75 makes you dissatisfied with your wife and family. Many with 75 in their
names live away from their families.
As per numerology meanings, when 75 is afflicted, you undergo a lot of mental anguish. You live
alone despising the world. Though you work hard, others steal your glory. You are fleeced by
your greedy relatives.

Cause Of Affliction

As per name numerology, 75 can be afflicted when you have a weak 3, or 7 or 5. If any part of
your name measures in 8, the power of Saturn afflicts you. If it is in 6, Venus afflicts you. If it is
in 9, Mars afflicts you.
Name Number 75 is also afflicted by negative syllables like war, end, and gone. As per
numerology meanings, even an initial with U, V, W, O, Z, P, or F afflicts 75. In such cases, you
must correct your name immediately.

Does It Suit You?

Name Numerology permits you to have 84 in your name, if you have 3 as your Day Number or
Life Number.
If you are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month, your Day No. is 3 and is ruled by
If the date, month, and year of your birth date adds up to a reduced total in No. 3, your Life
Number is 3.

When It Does Not?

If your number is not 3, Name Number 75 lacks numerology compatibility. It will
only create problems and difficulties for you. And it makes you fail. The same rule
applies to your business names, baby names, and other names.

Childhood Miseries

Name Numerology for 84 is fraught with miseries from the childhood. You suffer from poverty
right from your school days. Even if you have talent, it goes unrecognized. You do not have the
means to complete your studies.
Numerology Meanings for 84 confirm this to be true. Many with 84 acquire chronic or incurable
diseases early in life. Opportunities common to other kids are denied to you. You are furious with
jealousy, regrets, and hatred.

Adulthood Sufferings

The only way to correct these is to give perfect names to such kids as per name numerology.
However you balance the vibrations of 84, the resultant name emits bad vibrations to accentuate
the effects of Saturn.
Numerology Meanings for 84 affirm that it continues to trouble you in your adult life. You meet
with delays, disappointments, and defeats. You lose your honor, feel dejected, get incited, and
feel tempted by violence.

Religious Pursuits

Name numerology for 84 also makes you dejected with your whole life making you seek
asceticism. You get lost in a crowded train with no particular destination in mind. You wander
aimlessly in search of Truth.
You learn about religions, do research on their concepts, and also teach what you know to others.
However, numerology meanings for 84 reveal that some how or other, Saturn plays its role to get
you into troubles.

Inimical Surroundings

Name Numerology for 84 predicts that many enemies will form around you. They work for your
downfall. You worry most of the time about how to defeat them. You even resort to using arms
and behave like a terrorist.

The Remedy

Numerology meanings for 84 reveal that these events rob your enthusiasm and enterprise. You
get dejected over the outcome of events. The only remedy for you is to correct your name in your
most favorable vibration.

Measure The Vibes

Is there a way to do it? Name numerology says "Yes. You Can!" Find a numerologist who can
measure these vibes by bioenergetics. He will evaluate the vibes in your alphabets, numbers,
names, and gem stones.
How to make sure that the new name is really lucky? To answer such questions, we use a Divine
Method in Horary Astrology. It clearly answers if your new name obeys the Golden Rules of
Numerology Meanings.

Correct Strategy

At present you get this invaluable service only from us. You can have more than 10000 names
in 84. Which one suits you best as per numerology meanings? You can not know unless you
measure the vibes in every name.

We measure each of your initial, component word, and the over all name's effect by scientific
techniques. We remove the bad vibes, introduce the good, and rectify your name in tune with
those rules of name numerology.

Does It Suit You?

Name Numerology allows you to have 93 in your name, if you have 3 as your Day Number or
Life Number.
If you are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month, your Day No. is 3 and is ruled by
If the date, month, and year of your birth date adds up to a reduced total in No. 3, your Life
Number is 3.

When It Does Not?

If your number is not 3, Name Number 93 lacks numerology compatibility. It will
only create problems and difficulties for you. And it makes you fail. The same rule
applies to your business names, baby names, and other names.

Achieve Great Things

The name numerology for 93 makes very interesting reading. If you have 93 as your name
number, you have the bold Mars and Intellectual Jupiter at your service. These Planets take care
and lift you to the top positions.
With a name in 93, you are able to achieve what is impossible for others. As per numerology
meanings, you have the drive of Mars and the sharp intelligence of Jupiter. You achieve great
things in your fields of activity.

Shine In Any Field

Name Numerology for 93 confirms that you can shine in any field. Whether it is Law, Medicine,
Engineering, Science, Space Flight, Army, Navy, or Air Force, every thing comes to you like
second nature.

People refer to you for opinion, guidance, and advice. They listen to you with rapt attention and
obey your commands. Numerology Meanings for 93 confirm this in the lives of people who have
93 as their Name Number.

Multifarious Talents

If you want you can shine in Politics as well. You can outshine others in any field of Arts,
Drama, Stage Shows, Movies, and Television. As per your name numerology, you have the
potential for Play Writing and Poetry.
You are gifted with multifarious talents. As such you can have multiple streams of income.
Numerology meanings for 93 confirm this facility. You acquire great Name and Fame. People
look at you with admiration.

When 93 Is Afflicted

If your name has name numerology for 93, and you still do not enjoy these benefits, some thing
is wrong with your numerology numbers and name. You may have negative alphabets, syllables,
or components in your name.
How to identify these negative vibes? How to ensure lucky numerology meanings? Bioenergetics
has a wonder tool in Lecher Antenna to do this. Get it done by an expert in numerology,
astrology, and bioenergetics.

Pin Point Accuracy

You can have a million names with the name numerology in 93. How will you find the one that
suits you best? Only by such measurements. When you come to us for name correction, we
evaluate your name like this.
We identify the negative vibes and remove them. We introduce positive ones with the correct
numerology meanings. We add an alphabet or two and correct your name. We measure and
confirm if it is really lucky.
No. 4 And Raahu

In Name Numerology, No. 4 stands for The Planet Raahu.

If You are Well Informed, Well Known, and a Source for Info on All Topics, You are Ruled by
No. 4.
You are the knowledgeable person who is always busy, collecting information about all walks of
life. You represent the society.

You cause changes in social custom, and your society. It is your opinion which counts as the
public opinion.

Who Is Ruled By No. 4

Name numerology states that if you are born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st., of any month, you
are ruled by No. 4. You are also ruled by Raahu if your Life or Name Number is 4. You are the
Mr. Public in society.
If your Day Number is something else, and your life number is 4, you will have your early life
and character as per your day number. But No. 4 will decide the important changes, unexpected
events, and turns in your life.

Free Numerology Predictions For No. 31

The Well Informed

Name numerology for 4 makes you The Well Informed in social circles. You are on the lips of
every one, as an authority, when some one wants some information. You have the power of
tongue, or gift of the gab.
Your No. 4 rules, Buddhi or your Intellect. You can cause and effect social revolutions. You make
reformation and social changes by your speech and writings. You are always busy talking to
some one, or helping the others.

Source of Information

Name numerology for 4 makes you gather latest info on all subjects. You are the trusted source
of information, on a wide range of subjects. We can see you in the street corners, restaurants,
clubs and press meets.
Your No. 4 also represents The Earth. Its presiding Deity is Lord Ganesha. Therefore, you are
sharp and intelligent. You are soft and pleasant. You are acquainted with almost every one. You
have a wide circle of friends.

Speak With Authority

Your name numerology makes you want to express authoritative opinions. You cross others with
the alternate views, which you want to establish. In trying to be adamant, you also acquire secret
enmity amidst your circles.
If No. 4 is not afflicted, you change this nature well in time, to become amiable to all. You can
win friends and influence people. But you keep only surface friendship with the most, and
maintain only a few close friends.

World Of Research

Your name numerology for No. 4, makes you research life deeply. You are good in researching,
literature, mythologies, philosophy and religion. You keep acquiring knowledge skillfully, on a
wide range of topics.
You numerology makes you not so keen on becoming famous. You want to fully enjoy life. You
care much about your food and drinks. You are the one who asks for special aphrodisiacs and
tonics to improve your health.

Enjoy Your Money

Name numerology for No. 4, makes you soft in nature. You are full of emotions. You are easily
hurt. But, you forget it quickly to get along well. It is not easy for you to make money. You
struggle for your earnings.
But you enjoy spending money. You take pleasure in shopping for the latest in the computers and
on the internet. You keep your drawing room very attractive. You amaze your friends with your
rare collections.

Fond Of Company

Name numerology makes you fond of games like cricket, volley ball and foot ball, which interest
most people. In youth, you want to enjoy life. In old age, you do researches on Vedanta, and
philosophical literature.

Cautious In Enterprise

You are not like those ruled by No. 3, who will do any daring sacrifice for the country, unmindful
of results. In your life, you think well, and only indulge in those activities, which will earn good
profits for your welfare.

When 4 Is Afflicted

According to rules of name numerology, It is not good to have your name number as 4. If you
have 4 as the day number and 8 as your life number, you will face lots of complications. 2 and 4
is also not a good combination.
4 and 9 also does not work for you. 4 and 7 are still more dangerous. Therefore, if your are ruled
by 4, it is better for you to correct your name, by an expert who can measure the vibrations, and
effect a good change.

Sun, Jupiter & Rahu

Name Numerology for 13 must be analyzed from its composition. If you add 1 and 3 in 13, you
get 4.
Therefore you are influenced by its net result of 4. As 4 is Rahu, you are influenced by this
Study numerology meanings of 13 from 1 and. 3. If your number is 13, you are also influenced
by 1 and 3.

Ruled By Rahu
No. 1 is ruled by Sun, and 3 is ruled by Jupiter. Therefore, you are also influenced by Sun and

Name numerology says that if you are born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st of any month, your
Day No. is 4 and ruled by Rahu.
If the date, month, and year of your birth date add up to a final total in No. 4, your Life Number
is 4, and again ruled by Rahu.
You are also ruled by Rahu when your name is in 13. That is if the numerical values of all the
alphabets in your name add to make 13.

Is No. 13 Unlucky?
As per numerology meanings, many regard 13 as unlucky. It is true if your name is in 13. As
name number is more powerful than your day or life number, No. 13 dominates you in all walks
of your life in giving unlucky results.
If you have the name numerology of 13, be prepared to meet with shocks in your family, career,
and other aspects of life. You will get unexpected surprises shocking your plans. You will face
dangers every now and then.

Honesty Best Policy

As per numerology meanings of 13, Lord Sun and Jupiter will come to your help and save you
from the dangers caused by this number due to the effect of 4. Your early life is influenced by
Sun and Jupiter.
Name numerology of 13 gives you a firm and steady character. You are strong in your knowledge
and beliefs. As 4 is ever there to cause mischief, you have to remain honest and straightforward
in your dealings.

Have Flawless Names

Numerology Meanings of no. 13 assures you a satisfactory life if you are honest and
straightforward. If your name is otherwise flawless, you will achieve greatness due to combined
effects of Sun and Jupiter.
Name numerology strictly forbids use of negative phonology in your name. You must not have
negative letter groups like war, ash, die, di, end, bar, dra, ku, and mar. These syllables spoil the
name effect or the good power of names.

Avoid Initials P & D

Numerology meanings for 13 also caution you not to have names in P, F, or D. Avoid starting
your names in P, F, D, M, or T. It is because 4 has no numerology compatibility even though your
name number is 4.

Potential Dangers
Name numerology for 13 contains potential dangers due to involvement with the other sex.
Being talkative and knowledgeable, you attract opposite sex like iron filings to magnets. Take
care in dealing with the other sex.

Influence of Moon
Name Numerology for 22 must be analyzed from the structure of 22. If you add 2 and 2 in 22,
you get 4.
Therefore you are influenced by No. 4. As 4 is ruled by Rahu, you are also influenced by this
planet Rahu.
Numerology meanings of 22 reveal presence of two Moons. If you have 22, you are ruled twice
by Moon.

Ruled By Rahu
No. 2 is ruled by Moon. But 22 adds to 4 which is Rahu. Moon and Rahu are inimical to each
other. Therefore, there does not exist any kind of numerology compatibility between Moon and
Rahu. Rahu devours Moon.
When does Rahu control you? Name numerology says that if you are born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd,
or 31st of any month, you are ruled by 4 & Rahu.
If the date, month, and year of your birth date add up to a final total in No. 4, your Life Number
is 4, and in this case too you are ruled by Rahu.
You are also ruled by Rahu when your name number is 22. That happens if the numerical values
of all the alphabets in your name add up to make 22.

Strange Character
Numerology meanings of 22 convey that you have a strange character. You like both good and
bad. But the evil elements in bad attract you more. Therefore, you will look for special
opportunities to drift into evil ways.

Moon & Rahu

Name numerology for 22 is like this because you are ruled by two inimical planets. Moon is
good, kind, cooling, and benevolent. It rules your mind. But Rahu is a demon, a serpent, and an
evil. It is bent on devouring Moon.

Evil Tendencies
Numerology meanings for 22 reveal that Fate offers many opportunities for you to go into evil
paths. You like drinks, drugs and intoxication. You are attracted by pubs and hide outs. You
prefer races, gambling, and Casinos.
Name Numerology for 22 further reveals that You will be an authority on all types of
information. However, you will be attracted by evil friends. You will have sway and attract evil
friendships by the power of Rahu and No.4.

Watch Your Friends

Numerology meanings for 22 reveal that you have good talents to make money. You will win in
competitions, races, gambling, and other evil ways. You will be surrounded by people who wait
for exploiting your weakness.
Therefore, name numerology for 22 cautions you to be more careful even with your near and
dear. You have to keep a constant watch over your friends too. Any one of them or a group of
these persons will cheat you.

Lines of Business
Numerology meanings for 22 further disclose that you can make money by printing press,
computers, publications, textile mills, and transport industries. You also earn by hotels, casinos,
gambling clubs, and cinemas.

Name numerology for 22 declares that you are an extrovert and you get along very well with
others. Therefore, you will be successful in any field of activity or business which involves a
large number of people.

Keep Good Advisers

Numerology meanings for 22 advise you therefore to always keep well meaning true friends and
advisers around you. You have to listen to them and follow their directions even if these are
against your personal wish.

Take Expert Help

Influence of Rahu

Name Numerology for 31 must be analyzed from the structure of 31. If you add 3 and 1 in 31,
you get 4.
Therefore you are influenced by No. 4. As 4 is ruled by Rahu, you are also influenced by this
planet Rahu.
Numerology meanings of 31 reveal that your life will also be influenced by 3 and 1, or by Jupiter
and Sun.

Jupiter & Sun

As for 4 and 1, Rahu has excellent numerology compatibility with Sun.

As per numerology, Sun gives you strength of character. Jupiter gives you a sharp intelligence.
As such these two planets with 4 make you a great intellectual. You are a scholar in many
subjects. You write useful books.

Free Predictions for Name Number 31

Like Independence

As per numerology meanings for 31, Rahu gives you the great power of information. You have a
sharp memory and grasp of many topics just like a computer. You store the info and reveal it
suddenly stunning others.
Name numerology for 31 makes you independent. You do not care for wealth. You cherish your
independence. What ever tempts you, even if it is Rahu, you do not engage in matters that you
dont like. You abhor evil.

Adept In The Occult

Numerology meanings reveal that as a result of 3, 1, and 4, you research into the occult sciences
like astrology, numerology, palmistry, and hypnotism. You also research in The Scriptures like
Bible, Koran, and Gita.
Name numerology for 31 further declares that you will live like an ascetic. You do not even care
for your results. Even if victory comes, you do not take it to your head. You do not hanker after
sensual enjoyments.

Loss And Gain

As per numerology meanings, you will have your climax when you are 31. Some force will make
you lose every thing. Or you may renounce voluntarily. You will regain what you lose only when
you are 37 years old.

The Unexpected

Name numerology suggests that you will be tossed about by unexpected events in your life. You
will be inclined towards spiritual pursuits. You may also don the ochre robe. You may become a
full fledged God Man.
Numerology meanings for 31 tell you that you will have intuition.. You will even know about
your end. If you have No. 1 as your Day or Life Number, you will attain name and fame. You
will get a big following of admirers.

Not Desirable

Therefore, name numerology cautions you that No. 31 is not good as a Name Number. It does
not contribute to worldly enjoyments or worldly success. Ruled by the ascetic, you will make a
poor husband or parent.

When Afflicted

As per numerology meanings, 31 will be afflicted if you have Saturn or No. 8 in your birth date.
31 will also be afflicted if you have an initial or name component word in 8 or Saturn. Both are
very much dangerous to you.
Name numerology cautions you that in that case, you may drift from the worldly life to ascetic
life off and on. You may lose the gain of name and fame. You may end up as a clerk in a religious
set up with a low status.

Watch Phonology

As per numerology meanings, even when you have No. 31 as your name number, you must
examine your name closely to see if it contains any bad alphabet group. Bad phonology can
cause loss, defamation, and accidents.
Therefore, name numerology advises you to avoid negative terminology like war, end, di, die,
dra, mar, bore, or bar in your name. You have to ensure that your name does not begin with P, F ,
O, or Z.
Influence of Rahu

Numerology Meanings for 40 must be analyzed from the structure of 40. If you add 4 and 0 in
40, you get 4.
Therefore you are influenced by No. 4. As 4 is ruled by Rahu, you are also influenced by this
planet Rahu.
The meanings of 40 also reveal that you are also influenced out and out by 4 and by the Planet
Rahu alone.

Role of Rahu

The role of Rahu in your birth horoscope matters a lot. As per astrology, Rahu is an important
Planet. It governs Arudhra, Swathi, Sathabhishta. Rahu own these constellations.

Any Planet residing in these constellations is ruled by Rahu and those planets also give Rahus
results. Rahu also gives the results of the Lord of the sign in which he resides, and those of the
planets that aspect Rahu.

Mr. Public

These factors must be taken into account when you analyze the numerology of name number 40
for any individual.
As per this science of numbers, Rahu makes you highly knowledgeable. You are the Mr. Public.
What is referred to as the public opinion is yours. You are always the center of attraction for the
general public.

Rank & Status

You will get unexpected friendships. Often some one not known to you will approach you for
some help or information. Like this you acquire many friendships. You also become very
As such, numerology of Rahu in 40 raises you to a big status with great powers. You gain name
and fame. You shine as a lawyer or arbitrator. People come to you for amicable settlements.

Money & Riches

Consequently you earn a lot of money and purchase assets. You get movable and immovable
properties. You also invest in Shares, Gold, and jewelry. You become so rich that people are
jealous of you.

Later Years

As per numerology, your extraordinary knowledge makes you autocratic in your expressions.
Your friends mistake it for arrogance. After certain time like in your late forties, you are liked
less and less.
Then your friends begin to see other weak points in you and start back biting. However, you
shrug off bouquets and brick bats. You are bent upon achieving your targets and you always

Thankless Society

However, numerology of 40 literally ends in zero. In your later life, you find the whole world
totally thankless. You had helped thousands of persons in your youth and middle age. All these
become thankless.
If some one meets you, you speak to them episodes of your golden periods. You remember the
name, fame, and riches that you acquired. And you also regret that your society has turned selfish
and ungrateful.

When Afflicted

Numerology of Rahu becomes afflicted if it is in Saturns Star in your birth horoscope. Whether
it is in Saturns Star or Sub Regions, it perforce has to give the results of Saturn. Then your life
will be full of miseries.
Rahu also becomes afflicted if it resides in Capricorn or Aquarius. Why? These signs are own by
Saturn. When Rahu occupies these signs, it has to give Saturns results. It makes your life

Aspects By Saturn

Rahu can also be afflicted if it is aspected by Saturn. Saturn casts its spells on the 3third and
tenth signs from its own. If Rahu is in such a place to receive Saturns spells, it turns unlucky for
numerology of 40.

Negative Aspects

Name with 40 is also afflicted if it contains negative alphabet groups like war, dra, di, die, strike,
lash, down, bore, bar, etc. You must closely watch your name and if you see these take expert
help to correct it.
The name component words also matter. A name with No. 40 may contain negative parts or
initials with 8, 6, 3, or 7. It may be inimical to your day or life number. You must engage expert
help to identify and correct them.

Ruled By 4 & 9

You get a very thorough analysis of No. 49 in Chaldean Numerology. 4 and 9 add to 13 that adds
to No. 4.
As such No. 4 controls you from the start. No. 4 is ruled by Planet Rahu and it decides your day
to day life.
As per Name Numerology, both No. 4 and 9 influence you. Mars rules over 9 and it influences
your over all life.

Rahu & Mars

As per Chaldean Numerology, Rahu makes you knowledgeable. It gives you an excellent power
of grasp and expression. You are an extrovert and you control others by the power of Mars. You
do business and earn a lot.
Name Numerology for Mars gives you strength and courage. Combined with the power of Rahu,
it takes you to great heights You achieve name and fame. You rise to heights of fame very fast.
You acquire abundant wealth.

Incident Filled
As per Chaldean Numerology, your life is full of incidents. You face many unexpected twists and
turns. You get a rich experience from these incidents. Mars makes you daring. You become
intoxicated with powers.
Name Numerology for 49 makes you acquire many enemies. Some times the enmities last over a
life time. Mostly you have an upper hand. You like being surrounded by flatterers. You like to
show off your powers to others.

On The Move
As per Chaldean Numerology for 49, you are highly talented. You are dynamic in administration.
You travel to many places for business. It calls for frequent traveling. You meet lots of people
and gain rich experience.
Name Numerology cautions you that you may meet with unexpected accidents. Though it
hospitalizes you, you spring back to activity very soon. There are ups and downs in trade. You
invest in stocks and lose.

Steady Wealth
However Chaldean Numerology assures you of steady wealth. You like to purchase gems and
jewelry. You like to wear them and show off. You invest in real estates. You employ servants to
attend to your wealth.

When Afflicted
Name Numerology for 49 cautions you that good things happen only if your day and name
number match with 49. If there is any discord your life is filled with tragedies. You meet with
loss. You are not happy in marriage.
As per Chaldean Numerology, 2 is inimical to 9. If it is your day or life number, it afflicts 49.
Number 7 or Kethu also is inimical to 9. When it is your numerology number, it works against
you if your name has No. 49.

Alphabets & Vibes

Name Numerology for 49 cautions you that all names in 49 are not good. You can have millions
of names in 49. Each will have a different effect. If your name in 49 contains evil vibrations, you
have to meet with failures.
Chaldean Numerology insists that you must avoid negative syllables in your name. Avoid war,
end, ash, mesh, kant, no, run, die, dhi, gone, and that which conveys a negative meaning. It
spoils the powers of your name.

Ruled By 5 & 8
You get a very thorough analysis of No. 58 in Name Numerology. 5 and 8 add to 13 that adds up
to Number 4.
As such No. 4 controls you from the start. No. 4 is ruled by Planet Rahu and it decides your day
to day life.
As per numerology meanings, both No. 5 and 8 influence you. Mercury rules over 5 and Saturn
over No. 8.

Mercury & Saturn

As per numerology for 58, Mercury gives you a sharp intellect. You think at lightning speeds.
You change your ideas for innovation. You make money in different ways. You know no fears.
You succeed in any new field.
Name numerology for Saturn harms persons with other name numbers. In your case, Mercury
passifies Saturn and protects you. Even though you are on the brink of danger, you come out
unscathed because of Mercury.

Name & Fame

As per numerology meanings, the combined effects of Rahu and Mercury takes you to heights of
name and fame. You become the chief center of attraction. You attract people by your gift of the
gab and original talents.
Name Numerology for Saturn makes you religious. You follow tradition and convention. You
practice disciplines. You persuade other people to follow your example. They admire you for
your talents and ways of life.

Rahu & Saturn

Name Numerology Rahu and Saturn affect you differently. Rahu makes you preach reforms.
Saturn makes you afraid. This fear always lurks in your mind. Because of Saturn and this fear,
you will be forced to do bad things.
As per numerology meanings, Rahu and Saturn lift you up when you have 4 or 8 in your
numerology numbers. No. 4 doubles the power of Rahu as he rules your name number. No. 8
doubles the power of Saturn as he is in 58.

Name Components
As per name numerology, a name in 58 is unlucky if the component words in your name convey
negative meanings. Even your initials are important. Any one with an initial of P, F, O or Z will
face obstacles every where.
Numerology Meanings add that even the syllables in between are highly important. You should
not have negative meanings hidden there. Avoid syllables like War, Ash, End, Die, Di, or Gone.
These are highly negative.

As per name numerology, if you must have such initials or negative letters in your name, you
must compensate this defect. An expert who can measure the vibrations can do it by subtle in the
spelling of your name.
As per numerology meanings, you can build thousands of names in 58. Each differs in its good
and evil elements. As name decides your luck, fate, and fortune, you must ensure to have a
perfect name in all respects.

Ruled By 6 & 7
You get a very thorough analysis of No. 67 in Numerology Meanings. 6 and 7 add to 13 that adds
to No. 4.
As such No. 4 controls you from the start. No. 4 is ruled by Planet Rahu and it decides your day
to day life.
As per name numerology, both No. 6 and 7 influence you. Planet Venus rules over No.6 and Ketu
over No. 7.

Venus & Ketu

As per numerology meanings Venus is the deity for arts. With a name in 67 you do well to
cultivate interest in this field. It fosters your talents and makes you famous. As 6 stands for
riches, you will also be rich.
As per Name Numerology Ketu is an embodiment of knowledge. You have the thirst for
knowledge. However, Ketu does not foster family ties, marital relations, or material riches. As
such you are a product of Venus and Ketu.

Great Artists
Numerology meanings for 67 reveal that you have the potential to become a great artist. You are
a tireless worker. You work hard and achieve great fame. You get the support of highly placed
persons and VIPs.
As per name numerology, you can excel in any field of arts. Dance, Music, Acting, Mimicry, and
Film making will come to you easily. Often you find persons with name in 67 talented in many
branches of these fine arts.

Fair Sex Connection

As per Numerology meanings for 67, your fame puts you into contact with many women. You
are likely to fall for them. Or you may become infatuated. This applies breaks to your progress
and ruins your career.

Spiritual Feats
As per Name Numerology, if you are cautious and if you concentrate on your mission, you will
attain respect. When 7 is not afflicted, it guides you into noble tasks and enables you to obtain
the Grace of God.
As per Numerology Meanings, No. 6 in 67 entices you to encash your knowledge by showing
off. You write books in the spiritual lines and make money. You make tours, give lectures on
these subjects, and earn a lot.

Being Selfish
As per Name Numerology for 67, if you are selfish, you meet with failures. You lose your
popularity and glory. You will end up with failures. The 7 in 67 and 4 in the name number are
best suited for the unselfish.
As per numerology meanings, Name Number 67 will not benefit if you have no interest in fine
arts. On the other hand, You become frustrated. The name pulls you in one direction and your
interests pull you in the other.

When Afflicted
As per name numerology, 67 is afflicted if you have 3 , 9, or 8 in your numerology numbers. 3 is
inimical to 6. 9 is inimical to 7. And 8 is inimical to 7. These numbers and Planets work for your
downfall with 67.
As per Numerology meanings, your name is also afflicted if it has name components in these
numbers. If you want to have 67 in your name, you must not have anti vibration from these
numbers. That is bad phonology.

Bad Phonology

Phonology helps in Name Numerology. It is the study of the pronunciation, spelling, etymology,
syntax, and hidden meanings of words. It insists that you name must not have any negative
words, letters, or syllables.
As per numerology meanings, you must not have letter groups such as War, End, Die, Scar, Ash,
No, Nil, and Gone. These formations cause failures. It is better to correct these than to keep an
evil name.

Ruled By 7 & 6
You get a very thorough analysis of No. 76 in Numerology Meanings. 7 and 6 add to 13 that adds
to No. 4.
As such No. 4 controls you from the start. No. 4 is ruled by Planet Rahu and it decides your day
to day life.
As per name numerology, both No. 7 and 6 influence you. Venus rules over 6 and Ketu rules over
No. 7.

Kethu & Venus

As per numerology meanings, you are ruled by Rahu, Kethu, and Venus. Rahu gives you
materialistic knowledge. Kethu gives pure knowledge. It pushes you in the divine path. Kethu
dominates over Venus.
As per name numerology, Venus is for arts, business, and rich life. You have such a peculiar
combination of these three planets. Your life will be shaped in accordance with their strengths
and merits.

Aimless Life
As per numerology meanings, Kethu dominates you as it comes first in No. 76. You will have
little inclination to make money. Rahu makes you talkative. You spend your time criticizing
others for their short comings.
As per name numerology, Kethu gives you an unhappy married life. You tend to live in solitude
away from your wife. The Divine in you makes you brood on philosophy and religion. As such
you spend an aimless life.

76 In Business

As per numerology meanings, 76 is not suited for business success. In fact, you must not have 76
ever in your business name. But Venus in 76 persuades you to do business. You start unwillingly
and end up with loss.

Loss In Business
As per name numerology for 76, you develop your business for some time. But over a period you
become vexed with it and you begin to make serious mistakes. You lend goods to bad clients and
get cheated.
As per numerology meanings for 76, one day you lose every thing. You lose whatever that you
earned. You do not recover even if you try different techniques. You realize that you are not cut
out for business.

When Afflicted
As per Name Numerology, 8, 9, or 3 afflict your 76. 3 is inimical to 6. 8 and 9 are inimical to 7.
You should not have these in any part of your name. You should not have these as your day or
life numbers.
As per numerology meanings, you will find that persons who have 3, 8, or 9 will not make
friends with you. If they do, they will cheat you in the long run. You should not love or marry a
girl ruled by these inimical numbers.

Gods Grace
As per name numerology, 76 is best suited for altruistic service. When you do unselfish work,
you get good results. You get name and fame, though not money. If you continue in this service,
you earn the Grace of God.

Ruled By 8 & 5
You get a very thorough analysis of No. 85 in Name Numerology. 8 and 5 add to 13 that adds up
to Number 4.
As such No. 4 controls you from the start. No. 4 is ruled by Planet Rahu and it decides your day
to day life.
As per numerology meanings, both No. 8 and 5 influence you. Saturn rules over No. 8 and
Mercury over 5.

Saturn & Mercury

As per name numerology, Saturn and Rahu dominate your life. How? Rahu is in your name
number 85. Saturn is in 8 of No. 85. You enjoy results of these three planets in the order of
Saturn, Rahu, and Mercury.
As per numerology meanings, Rahu gives you materialistic knowledge. But you use it only for
others. You do not use it to your benefit. Even if you try your hand and work for any business,
Saturn prevents it by obstacles.

As per your name numerology what is the role of Saturn? It overwhelms Mercury. Therefore the
initiative, enthusiasm, enterprise and innovation due to Mercury are all subdued by the influence
of Saturn.
As per numerology meanings, Saturn gives you many obstacles. You have to try very hard to
attain any thing. You get results only after repeated efforts. Your efforts are more and your results
are scanty.

Spiritual Growth
As per name numerology for 85, you are forced to lead a live of poverty. You do not slip into evil
ways. You use the intelligence given by Mercury in helping others. You are very good and kind
to every one.
As per numerology meanings for 85, you volunteer to help others when they suffer. You climb in
the Divine Ladder by serving the sick, poor, and the helpless. You enrich your knowledge and
attain spiritual growth.

New Ideas
As per name numerology for 85, this experience of helping others gives you a new vision about
life. You think differently and express new ideas on humanity and religion. You give new
interpretations for the holy Scriptures.

As per numerology meanings for 85, you can become a great person like Mahatma Gandhi. It
makes you happy when you Serve the poor and sick. You want to learn medicine. You can shine
very well in the medical field.

Loved By All
As per name numerology for 85, you treat the poor with out any fees. This makes you rise in the
vision of the public. You attain a position where people mentally worship you. You are loved by
every one.
You are cut out to become a pure Saint. Such is your personality. But all persons of 85 do not
take to renunciation. On the other hand, you strive to achieve realization and liberation by
fulfilling your duties.

When Afflicted
As per name numerology for 85, there can be thousands of names in 85. All will not possess the
above qualities.. Numbers such as 8 and 7 in your name, day number, or life number reduce the
goodness in 85.
As per numerology meanings, if you have negative letters in your name, it causes evil effects.
Negative letters such as war, ash, end, die, wane should not get into your name. This protects you
from their evil effects.

Ruled By 9 & 4
Name Numerology has clearly given the qualities of name number 49. 9 and 4 add to 13 that
adds to No. 4.
No. 4 is ruled by Rahu and it decides your day to day life. As such Rahu controls you from the
As per numerology meanings, both No. 9 and 4 influence you. Mars rules over 9 and it
influences your over all life.

Rahu & Mars

Name Numerology for Mars makes you brave and heroic. Rahu adds his power of knowledge
and out going nature. You achieve great name and fame. You take up many projects and execute
them nicely.

As per name numerology meanings Rahu makes you an extrovert. He gives you the gift of the
gab. You astonish others with your speech. You have abundant memory. You have all the
information at your finger tips.

Lucky Combination
As per name numerology 9 & 4 is one of the luckiest combinations. If alone you have perfect
name to match with these good numbers, you will have a very successful life. You will amass
abundant wealth.
As per numerology meanings for 94, Mars makes you ver daring and forceful. You are good in
the fields of engineering, arts, law, and architecture. You have great skills in handling
emergencies in your field.

Early Life
Name Numerology reveals that your early life is spent in acquiring knowledge and education. It
is followed by professional service. You show your merits and climb to high positions in any

Later Life
Numerology meanings convey that after professional service, you concentrate on reforming the
society with your code and conduct. You form associations of like minded people and fight for
the common good.

Name & Fame

Name numerology conveys that you perform many good actions for the uplift of the down
trodden. You are invited as the chair person in several organizations. You write many books
which are widely read.
As per numerology meanings for 94, you are unselfish in your services. Others look up to you
with great respect and admiration. You are well remembered for your altruistic deeds. You
acquire great name and fame.

When Afflicted
Name-Numerology cautions you not to have inimical numbers like 2, 7, or 8 in your personal
name. You should not have these in your business name as well. 2and 7 are inimical to 9. No. 8 is
inimical to 4.
As per numerology meanings, a bad name makes you very unlucky. You begin to face reverses
from your early life. You also meet with failure if your name contains any hidden negative
Mercury and No. 5

In Name Numerology, No. 5 stands for Planet Mercury.

If you take daring risks, consider Nothing as Impossible, you are ruled by No. 5 and Mercury.
Your Intellect works with Lightning Speed, and you are very Popular and Successful,

Why Traditional Nameology Fails?

Who is ruled by No. 5?

As per name numerology, If you are born on the 5th, 14th, and 23rd, of any month, know that
you are ruled by 5 and Planet Mercury. You are also ruled by No. 5, if your Life Number or
Name Number happens to be 5.
The power of numerology for 5, makes your intellect work with lightning speed. You quickly
think of new ideas, for which others take months. You are responsible for the rapid scientific
developments in our modern life.

Study Numerology For Name Number 32

Lucky And Risky

Name numerology makes you work so well, that you consider the whole world lags behind. You
are fond of new business ventures and you are never afraid of failures. You are lucky and
successful. You are liked by all.

If your day number is not 5 but your life number is 5, you start your life as per the day number,
but you will be very popular in your later life. You can also be notorious like Rasputin with (7
and 5) and Hitler (2 and 5).
If your day number is 5 but your life number is 7 or 8, your life will be filled with narrow
escapes from accidents and death. You later life is determined by your life number and you will
enjoy its results.

Powers Of Attraction

Name numerology for No. 5 gives you special powers of special attraction. Successful
businessmen know this and change their business names to No. 5, in order to be successful. You
can never fail. You fight back and win.

Likes Constant Changes

Name numerology for 5 makes you constantly like changes and new enterprise. You are bored by
routine. Whether it is in your dress or job, business or food, you want continuous changes for the
Your spouse has to understand this secret of your numerology. She has to display her affection in
different ways. She has to retain your affection by cooking tasty dishes, and impress you with
changes in her personality.

Successful In Business

Name numerology for No. 5 ensures your business success. You can do any business
successfully. You think of novel ways of making money. If you fail, know that. it is the stepping
stone for your next big success!
You like to earn well and spend well. If your numerology of 5 is exalted, then, you achieve great
name and fame. You perform memorable things. You invent new ideas, new ways of marketing
and new methods.

Keep Your Confidence

Name numerology for No. 5 warns that you have to be careful with your secrets. You can not
hide any thing from others. People come to know of your secret love matters very quickly. You
should not take risks.

Love Life for No. 5

Name numerology for 5 makes you easily fall in love. It is instant love out of passion rather than
reason. Because you love changes in every thing, you also change your love often. You may end
up in serious trouble.
Persons with ruling numbers 9, 18, and 27 attract you like magnets. If you marry any of them
you may end up with a bitter married life. They are likely to rule over you in the long run. You
have to make a wise choice.

Children for No. 5

Here you have is some unpleasant news. Persons ruled by No. 5, do not get children easily. If
both husband and wife are ruled by No. 5, then the question of issues is more delayed or denied.
It is better to try from early.

When 5 Is Afflicted

Name numerology for No. 5 can be afflicted by a life number of 8 or 7 or a very poor name
number coming in 2,4,7 and 8. In such cases, you lead a life of telling lies with trickery and
cheating others by fraudulent methods.
You perform financial frauds in the stock market and banks and mishandle public funds. The
power of 5 makes you succeed there also. To avoid all this, you must correct your names with
accurate vibrations by an expert!

Name Numbers in 5

The following links give you name numerology meanings for all numbers in the 5 series like 14,
23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77, 86, 95, and 104. Find your name number from these links, click your
link, and know all about you.
Business Numerology

Business Numerology for 14 is highly fascinating. This number suits well for the success of your
You have 1 and 4 in No. 14. 1 is Sun and 4 is Rahu. Both equip you with the talents for business
Sun gives you drive and initiative for business and Rahu equips you with knowledge for business

When It Suits

As per Name numerology, If you are born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th date in any month, or on
the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st, No. 14 will suit you well. If you have No. 1 or 4 as your Life No.,
Name No. 14 will suit you.
As per business numerology, If you have any other day or life No., name number 14 may or may
not be correct. We have to measure the vibrations in your name, business name, and its name
parts, and find out if it suits.

(1 & 4) & (4 & 1)

Business Numerology hails the merits of No. 14. 1 and 4 add up to 5 or Mercury. Therefore, if
your day or life no. is 5, again name no. 14 will suit you. And it suits you also if you have a
combination of 1 & 4, or 4 & 1.

Name & Fame

As per business numerology, if you have 1 & 4 or 4 & 1 in your birth date numerology, No. 14
gives you roaring success. Whatever business you do, you are successful. Your name and fame
spreads every where.
Numerology Meanings say that if you have 14 in your business name, you will be always
surrounded by goods and clients. No. 14 imparts attraction to your business. All your clients talk
about you and spread your Name.

Brand In 14

As per business numerology, you can even brand your goods in name number 14. This makes
your brands fast moving. You follow this strategy in numerology business to beat your
competition brands in the market.

Use Lucky Tips

As per name numerology, you have to use your lucky colors in your letter pad, logo, name
boards, hoardings, and visiting cards. You have to follow your lucky dates and use your lucky
gems. You must avoid the unlucky.
Business Numerology advises you to train your lucky numbers. Use them in your business.
Calculate lucky dates based on the lucky numbers. Tame the unlucky by avoiding them. Buy
your lucky gems as per lucky numbers.

Always Busy

Business Numerology declares that No. 14 always keeps you busy. You keep moving from place
to place. You meet all kinds of people in your business. Even at home, you are always attending
phone calls and emails.
As per name numerology for 14, you trust people who are nice to you. You believe them and sell
on credit. In the beginning, they pay you regularly. But after some years, they start cheating. You
have to note this point.

Role of Mercury

As per business numerology, this happens due to Mercury. He makes it difficult for you to hide
your secrets. You reveal them to some very close persons. Later, when they turn against you, they
betray you badly.
As per numerology meanings, it happens often if you have 8 or 7 in your day or life number.
Though name numerology of 14 gives you overwhelming business, you can not run it all by
yourself. You have to rely on others.

When Afflicted

Business-Numerology cautions that negative vibes in your business name hurt your business.
These come from negative syllables or letters in your name. You have to avoid this. Beware of 7
or 8 in your Name Components.
As per numerology number meanings, 14 is ruled by Mercury and it makes you lose your focus
too often. This prevents you to become No. 1 in your business. Some times, the business suffers
badly due to lack of attention.
The Most Lucky

Here you have your numerology free readings for Name No. 23. It is your luckiest among
numerology numbers.
If you have 23 in your Name you will achieve whatever you want. You attain success in what
ever you do.
Whatever you plan fructifies. You get the Divine Help some how from some where to help your

Nothing Impossible

Whatever other people consider as impossible, you do it with ease. This is what you learn from
your free numerology readings. Your actions and your achievements make others to look upon
you with admiration and wonder.
As per life path numerology for Name No. 23, you become the center of attraction in your trade,
business, and other activities. You will find many successful business men, scholars, and
scientists with this name number.

Aim For Big Things

God has sent you here to achieve great things for you and the humanity. This is the advice you
get from your numerology free readings. Always aim at the sky. There is no harm even if you fall
a little short of your target.
Life path numerology for 23 reveals that you must avoid run of the mill easy to do projects. You
can undertake any big projects which others fear to touch with a long pole. You will achieve
success where others can not.

Makes You Famous

As such you become very famous. Your name spreads far and wide. Your word counts. Others
look upon you with respect for your guidance. We have confirmed these free numerology
readings for 23 with several people.
Life path numerology declares that you get the help of big shots and VIPs. If you are in the
Global Trade, you get the support of Senators and Ministers. The Government comes forward to
sign agreements with you.

Government Support

You receive the care and protection from all sources. You are in the good books of the
Government. Your numerology free readings confirm this as true. You have to just send an email
or SOS and you get your things done.
There are people to do any thing for you at a moments notice. They are at your beck and call.
They are just a phone call away. Life path numerology says that you must use these facilities for
the common good.

When Afflicted

Even Name No. 23 can be afflicted. Numerology free readings confirm this. If your name is
defective, the powers of 23 fizzle out. You should not have any hidden negative meanings in
your name, its parts, initials, or surname.
Life path numerology says that name parts such as war, end, die, and ash siphon out the powers
of your Name. Consult an expert in numerology and phonology. He will locate these hidden
meanings and effect compensation.

Afflicted 23

Even if your name is in 23, such evil vibes affect you. You live in poverty and sufferings. You
fail in your goals. Numerology free readings confirm this. You also fail if your name parts have
4, 8, or 9. These emit evil vibes.

You must be careful about persons with 4, 8, or 9. Life path numerology says that they will harm
you. It also applies to business numerology. If your clients have 4, 8, or 9, exercise great caution
in dealing with them.

Jupiter & Moon

When you study numerology, name number 32 fills you with excitement. In this number you
have No.3 and 2.
3 is for Jupiter and 2 is for Moon. Therefore, you have the imagination of Moon and efficiency
of Jupiter.
You attract all kinds of clients and well wishers with this number 32. You will always enjoy
public support.
Jupiter and Moon make you reveal novel ideas and projects. You will attain to very high
positions. King Vikramaditya used it as his favorite number.

Why do Nameologists Fail?

Nameology -The Science Of Designing Perfect Names!

Role of Mercury

When you study numerology and add 32, you obtain No. 5. This number is ruled by Mercury.
Therefore, in addition to the good effects of Jupiter and Moon, you have the predominant
influence of Mercury in your name.
Therefore you command attention and respect wherever you go. Mercury guides you from your
subconscious mind. You must obey its suggestions, even if it is against your ideas. That way, you
will always attain Success.

Why Birthdate Numerology Compatibility Is Not Enough?

Practical Intelligence

When you study numerology of 32, you will find that Mercury and Jupiter bestow you with
remarkable intelligence. They will guide you in your most critical moments. If you ignore their
suggestions, you will face failures.
Numerology of 32 will bless you with ever lasting youth. You attract others with your wit and
humor. You will appear young even in your old age.

Numerology Love Compatibility!

Fond of Change

When you study numerology of 32, you will find that Moon has its say from your age of 38.
Though intelligent, you are not content with one project. You keep changing goals. As a result,
you will have many ups and downs.

Numerology Meanings for 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82, 91, 100

Initials & Components

Numerology of 32 cautions you to have an appropriate name. You must not have an initial or
component word which reduces to 6 or 9. 6 is inimical to 3 and 2 is inimical to 9. You should
avoid both these numbers.

Numerology Meanings For 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, 92

Ensure Compatibility

When you study numerology of names, 6 and 9 work against you. It can happen if your wife or a
business partner has a name in these numbers. If it is so, you must correct their names with due
numerology compatibility.
It is not enough if you have birthdate numerology compatibility. You should also have astrology
compatibility and bioenergetics compatibility in any name, and especially in your name. Have
your name designed accordingly.

Unique And Gifted

Numerology meanings for Name Number 41 are unique. It makes one an exceptional individual.
If you have No. 41 as your name number, you are extremely lucky. You get success in any field.
You have new ideas and different visions. You attract others by your talents. They admire your

Contact Us Business Names Baby Names Nameology Lucky Gems

Multiple Talents

You have multiple talents. You surpass the general public in many specialties. You stand out as
some one special. You are a puzzle to ordinary people. Your numerology commands attraction
form the elite.

Name No. 31 Lucky Days Purity Of Gems Love Match Super Stars

World Famous

As per numerology meanings for No. 41, you are attracted by genius in any discipline.You have
lofty ideals. Your followers obey you implicitly. You outshine others in your fields. You always
come out successful.
Consequently, numerology for No. 41 makes you world famous. You serve people from all over
the world. You are always bent upon achieving new things. You show up in the first web page of
search engines.

Lucky Combination

As per Numerology meanings for No. 41, this number is made up of 4 and 1. There is a natural
attraction between 4 and 1. No. 4 stands for knowledge in multiple fields. No. 1 stands for
outstanding success.

As such numerology for 41 implies that you are ruled by Rahu and Sun within this number. It
adds up to 5 when you add 4 and 1. Therefore, ultimately you are ruled by Mercury, assisted by
Rahu and Sun.

When Afflicted

Numerology meanings for 41 imply that you become intoxicated with your achievements. You
consider nothing is impossible. You take risks as if it is your second nature. It some times leads
you to failure and defeat.
You are fond of sex. You like variety. At times, it makes you lose discretion. You fail to hide your
interior. This makes you an easy target for your enemies. It happens to you when numerology for
41 is afflicted.

Be Wary Of 8, 1, & 2

As per numerology meanings, you must take care when you marry. You can not marry a person
with 8 as one of the numerology numbers. Same applies to business. You must avoid No. 8 and 1
for partnership ventures.
It is also not safe to marry a person with No.1. There is no numerology compatibility. It is like
having two swords within a sheath. In the same way No. 2 persons will not suit you for marriage
or in business.
Uncanny Judgments

Here you have our Free Name Numerology Reading for Name Number 50. It is ruled by
If it is your number, you are brilliant. You think with lightning speed. You are uncanny in your
Numerology for 50 makes you search for the inner truth. You do not stop till you find the real
ultimate truth.

Business Names Baby Names All About 2 All About 3 Contact Us

Expert Resolution

This makes you an expert in investigations. Folks trust your judgment. They make you the judge
for local issues. You resolve disputes quickly. You settle thefts, border problems, and marital
issues amicably.

Nameology All About 4 All About 5 All About 6 All About No. 7

Academic Excellence

Free name numerology reading for 50 says that you excel in your studies right from school. You
can score the State first rank. Not satisfied your academics, you build your knowledge from
many other sources.
Numerology for 50 makes you an ideal teacher. You can be an endearing lecturer. You soon rise
to the positions of a Professor and become the Dean or Chancellor of a University. You create
scholars and set records.

Succeed In Business

Free name numerology reading for 50 conveys that if per chance your childhood does not permit
schooling, you study all by yourself. You stand first in correspondence education. You enter into
business and earn a lot.
Numerology for 50 says that you are unexcelled in business. You can be successful in any kind
of business. Like fish takes to water, you enter into any business and come out successful. You
build enormous wealth.

Historic Achievements

Free name numerology reading for 50 says that if you have 5 and 2, you can become a great
poet, writer, and captivating speaker. If ruled by 5 and 3, you become a senior Government
Officer like the District Collector.
Numerology for 50 says that if you are ruled by 5 and 4, you can become a politician. Ruled by 5
and 5, you make historic achievements in research and business. 5 and 6 makes you a business
man like a famous Jeweler.

Narrow Escapes

Free name Numerology reading for 50 says that if you are ruled by 5 and 7, you will face
bitterness in marriage. You opt for divorce quite often. With 5 and 8, you will have narrow lucky
escapes from fierce accidents.

When Afflicted

Influence of 7 and 8 pulls down the powers of numerology numbers in your birthday
numerology. This diverts you from protecting your wealth and life time earnings. Eager to
explore new avenues you neglect your main business.
Name numerology reading for 50 says that in such times, the power of 50 is afflicted. Any other
name number except 50 leads to chaos with 7 and 8. 50 is strong enough to fight these evils and
it pulls you out unscathed.
When Does 59 Suit You

Life path numerology tells you that 59 is a Lucky Name Number. It suits well if your Life Path
Number is 5.
It also suits you if your day no. is 5. It is best in case you have a 5 & 9 or 9 & 5 combinations in
your birth.
For all others, 59 may or may not be appropriate. It must be found out by expert vibration

Measure The Vibes

Life path numerology is made more useful for you if you study, measure, and evaluate the effect
of your Name & Name Number on your mind, body, and soul vibrations. I do this by the Lecher
Antenna using bioenergetics.

Talents In Writing

As per best free numerology, 59 makes you clever and innovative. You love writing. You have
the gift of humor with the pen. You write articles to magazines. You are invited to comment on
the latest topics and events.

Name Number Decides

Life path numerology declares that your Name Number is more important for your life than your
Life Path Number. Correct Name and Name Number offsets the evil effects of your inimical
Birth Date Numerology Numbers.

Monetize Talents

No. 59 makes you earn a lot of money. You use your power of writing to earn huge wealth. You
write stories, novels, and commentaries. You create earning web sites which is visited by
thousands of people per day.
Life path numerology for 59 confirms that you will be asked to be the editor of popular
magazines. You attract the attention of film producers. They hire you to do their script. They also
keep you as their Director.

Mercury & Mars

As per best free numerology, 59 makes you occupy the top positions. You may not be highly
educated. 59 makes you come up all by yourself. Planet Mercury gives you the knowledge and
Mars fills you with the efforts.
Life path numerology says that 59 makes you money minded. Making money is your motto. You
achieve success in your efforts by the grace of Mercury and Mars. You acquire a big fortune and
accumulate wealth.

Luck Continues

Best free numerology confirms that your luck for making money is not temporary. As you
become famous, many businessmen come forward to pay you more and more as you turn out to
be more useful for them.

When Afflicted

Life path numerology for 59 warns you that you may get neurological disorders, motor neuron
disorders, and suffer from paralysis. This happens when 59 is afflicted by inimical numbers like
2 , 7, or 8 in your name.
You must not have them in your name, initial, name parts, and surname. You must avoid negative
syllables like war, mesh, gone, and die. It robs the Powers of your Name. This is the advice from
best free numerology.

59 In Business

Life path numerology cautions you for your business numerology. You must be careful in your
dealings with persons who have 2, 7, or 8. It is better for you if your clients do not have these
birth date numerology numbers.
As per best free numerology, you can have your business name in 59. But make sure that you get
your name designed by an expert. He must know all the techniques of vibration measurements
with the Lecher Antenna.
Name Number 68

Life Path Numerology for 68 afflicts you with sufferings. If your Name is in 68, you will face a
lot of failures.
If your Business Name is in 68, you end up with loss or bankruptcy. Only a Powerful Name can
protect You.
Number 68 is powerfully influenced by three numerology numbers 6, 8, & 5. You get 5 when
you add 6 & 8.

Qualities Of No. 68

Therefore, you are ruled by Venus in Number 6. Your life is influenced by Saturn in Number 8,
and your over all life is guided by Mercury in No. 5. Venus gives you plus points, but Saturn
gives you bad luck and failures.
Mercury mediates between these two conflicting influences. As such your life is tossed about
with pleasure and pain, happiness and sorrows, with trials and tribulations. Your only option lies
in a scientific Name Correction.

No. 68 For Business

Your life path numerology is afflicted with failures, when you design your business name in 68.
It cheats you with some initial success, but later on disappoints you with many failures. How can
you save it from happening?
Whenever you design your business letter format, devote some attention to your business name.
Always check it from an expert whether the name is flawless and correct as per numerology,
astrology, and bioenergetics.

Influence Of Saturn

Saturn by Number 8 can afflict your life path numerology with labor strike, union upheavals,
income tax raids, and unexpected accidents. Thefts and accidents are not uncommon in business
ventures connected with No. 68.
The solution lies in your business letter format. Design your name by an expert numerologist
who knows the science of vibrations and who can measure these vibrations in alphabets,
numbers, names, and your logos.

Influence Of Venus

Venus in No. 6 from 68 makes your life path numerology over romantic to make you forget
business. Like Nero who was playing the flute when his city was engulfed in fire. You indulge in
too much sex and invite troubles.
Once again the solution lies in your business letter format. Or in your business name. You have
to name it fitting with your goods and your trade. You have to style it with a charming name that
attracts clients.

Influence Of Mercury

Mercury in No. 5 comes to help you like the surgeon who treats you after an accident. He tries to
save you with new ideas to solve any crisis. But Saturn in No. 8 makes you change plans too
often detracting your focus.

If only you apply your mind when you plan your business, you will know the importance of your
business name. The name in your business letter format is the driving force to attract many more
clients for your business.

Useful Business Tips

Name Number 77
Life path numerology for 77 is not self explanatory when you read and learn about name
numerology for 7.
As 7 is unlucky for materialistic progress you may think that the two sevens in 77 will make you
too poor.
As 7 is opposed to the bliss of love and marital life, you may be upset when you see two sevens
in No. 77.

Defies Popular Beliefs

Contrary to popular belief, 77 is a very good number that confers luck and prosperity. If you ask
me if this is always true with 77, the answer is no. There are always certain exceptions to any
rule. 77 has exceptions too.
When you have No. 9 in your life path numerology, 77 will not give you success. That is what
happens if you are born with a Day number 9 or Life number 9. It has been repeatedly proved
that 7 and 9 do not coexist.

No. 77 & Mercury

Mercury benefits you in your life path numerology. When you add 7 with 7 it gives 14 and when
you add 1 and 4 in 14, you get No. 5. As number 5 stands for Mercury, it influences your
personal life and business success.
You must use this knowledge in your business plan template. If there is no enmity from 9, you
can design your business name in 77. This makes your business profit more with less efforts with
an invisible Divine Help.

The Divine Hand

God is very kind to persons who have 77. Number 7 shows Divinity and Saintliness. If you have
7 in your birthday numerology, God gives you trials to make you fit for Godliness with
dispassion for money and women.
When you design your business plan template with a name in 77, God is overwhelmed with love
for you. Like a father who permits his son to enjoy special luxuries as a gift, He gives you
success in your business life.

Numerology Compatibility
You have no numerology compatibility between 7 & 9. A business partner with 9 in his life path
numerology will destroy your business. A wife, a friend, or a Concubine with 9 will spoil your
peace of mind and business.
Therefore, you have to exercise caution when you prepare your business plan template. Examine
all your partners, and associates to avoid 9 in any form. Don't start your business on the dates
with Day or Compound No. 9.

No. 77 And No. 2

You can have excellent numerology compatibility if you have persons born with 2 as your
friends, associates, or partners. You will have good numerology love compatibility if you love or
marry any one with Number 2.
If you remember this point when you write your business plan template, it will pay you great
dividends. You will be blessed with a lovable wife and good children. You will enjoy ever
increasing wealth and luxuries.

The Divine Help

Life path numerology for 77 gives success only when your business name or your own name
does not have evil components with sinister vibrations. How to avoid this? Get expert help from
one who can measure such vibes.
We specialize in assessing your business plan template. We measure the good or bad vibes in
alphabets, name components, and name numbers. We examine by Lecher Antenna and ensure
that you get the perfect names.

Name Number 86

You have been asking for our free numerology report on name number 86. And here you have
this report.
If your name is in 86, you learn all about the events and experiences with this name number in
your life.
You understand 86 from its make up. It is made of 8 and 6. It adds up to 14. When you reduce
14, you get 5.

Obstacles & Challenges

As such all these three numbers hold sway over your life. 8 makes you life full of obstacles and
challenges. You strive hard at each step to prove your worth. You meet with a lot of difficulties
and delays.
However, name numerology for 86 enables you to climb in your ladder. Though it is not the most
successful number in the 5 series, you face your challenges with cheers given by Venus and
persistence given by Mercury.

Garner Support
It is a pleasure to make your free numerology report. Your humility wins the attention of all
people. You lead a simple life. You are miserly in attending to your needs. You lend e a shoulder
to lean on for others.
This makes you worthy of support. When you face challenges, you always find some one to
come to your help. name numerology confirms this. You attract people in high places. They help
you to solve your problems.

Help With Finance

Our free numerology report continues further. The Rich in your community come forward to
finance you. Your register a steady growth. You meet with problems here and there. You ignore
them and keep up your work.

Acquire Properties

As per name numerology, you acquire assets and properties. You build your home, purchase your
car, and invest in real estates. You buy things which pleases your wife and children. You live a
luxurious life like others.

When Afflicted
Our free numerology report also cautions you to avoid certain things. You get interference from
the other sex. You fall in love affairs and arrest your progress. You have the weakness of not
keeping your secrets.
As per name numerology, it happens when your name has evil vibes in its initial, surname, or
other parts. If your name has three parts, they must vibrate in harmony. If there is any anti
vibration it leads to failures.

The compensation
As per this free numerology report, if you have 8, 7, or 3 in your name parts, it contributes
negativity. If it has any evil syllables like sad, war, or no, then also it reduces the powers of your
name and makes you unlucky.
Name numerology tells you to compensate this. You can alter the spelling, replace an initial, or
change a surname. You can not do this by trial and error. You have to do this effectively to make
the name powerful.

Name Number 95
Numerology Life Path for 95 is Lucky for You and Your Business. It works for you through Mars
and Mercury.
Mars makes you Bold and Dynamic. Mercury invents New Ways for you to achieve Outstanding
When you analyze No.95, you find 9 comes first in this number followed by 5. 95 adds to 14 and
one more 5.

Mercury Comes Twice

This gives you two fives in your numerology life path. Hence, Mercury is twice set to make you
lucky and successful. He saves you from the pitfalls of business and guides you in your personal
life through your inner voice.

As per name numerology, 9 is ruled by Mars and he takes the leadership. Mercury performs as
his minister and an intimate friend. This impeccable combination makes you achieve great
success in any new line of business.

Role Of Mars
As per name numerology, Mars in 95 makes you a disciplinarian. You exhibit authority. You
strive for perfection even at the expense of time. Mercury makes you think in unique ways. He
sets laudable goals for your ambitions.
Your success in numerology life path is decided by these two planets Mars and Mercury.
Therefore, 95 will be most lucky if you have 9 & 5 Or 5 & 9 combinations. It also suits if you
have your day or life number as 9 or 5.

When Afflicted
Numerology life path for 95 is good so long as your birth day numerology numbers are
favorable. It does not suit you if your day or life number is 2 or 7, as both these numbers emit
anti vibrations to your 9 in 95, or Mars.
Name numerology for 95 is not good for you if your name is messed up with evil vibrations. You
get such evil vibrations from negative syllables or word elements like your initial, surname, and
other parts of your name.

An Example
When you want your numerology life path in 95, you may like to keep Your surname though
defective, unchanged. In that case, you have to effect compensation by altering the initial or the
component words in your name.
Take the name numerology for Anil Kumar Singh. The name components are the 3 words Anil,
Kumar, and Singh. As the surname Singh comes in 17 or Saturn, it is very negative for the
overall name. It needs compensation.
Born To Rule

Name Numerology for No. 6 stands out for Planet Venus. It makes you dominate, rule, and
control others.

No. 6 gives you a charming, lovable, attractive personality. You command obedience from all
folks around you.
The artist in 6 numerology makes you fond of dance, music sessions, television serials, and film

Exercise Power

You order around and rule. Surrounded by servants, you lead a luxurious life. Some one is
always waiting for your beck and call. Some one is always looking for your help. You are gifted
with name, fame, and riches!

Why Traditional Numerology Fails?

Who is ruled by No. 6?

As per name numerology, If you are born on the 6th, 15th, and 24th, of any month, you are ruled
by No. 6 and Planet Venus. You are also ruled by Venus and 6, if your Life Number or Name
Number happens to be 6.
If your Life number alone is 6, you will attain to the qualities of No. 6 in due course of your life,
and attain greatness. If your name number alone is 6, you gradually transform your life to a
status of comforts and luxury.

Born To Enjoy

Numerology for 6 makes you love all attractive things. You love all things beautiful. You
consider this life is to be fully enjoyed. You want to enjoy every pleasure. You extract work from
others to achieve your goals.
Numerology for 6, makes you enjoy all pleasures. If you are a woman, you get a wealthy
husband and enjoy through him. If you are a man, you get a rich wife and enjoy through her. You
work tirelessly to make money.

Born With Gifts

Name numerology for No. 6 makes you a great artist, actor, orator, or politician. You easily
govern and rule experts, even though you do not have their knowledge. You are helped by others
to come up in your life.
Numerology for 6 makes you excel in mantra, tantra and shastras. You are an expert in Tapas or
sacrifice to please the Gods and eke out their favors. You are good to friends. You are kind even
to perfect strangers.

Not Grateful To All

Name numerology for 6 makes others to help you, but you do not always reciprocate. You make
false promises, and fail to keep them. Others do thankless jobs for you. You are always careful
about your money.
Numerology for 6 makes you give less and take more from others who serve you. Even if you
make a sacrifice, there will be a financial motive behind that. You will calculate profits and then
only start any thing

Love Colorful Life

Name numerology for 6 makes you decorate your home with attractive things. You like well kept
gardens and swimming pools. You like to be surrounded by women. Even if you are a man, you
love ornaments.
Numerology for 6 makes you spend money on costly and beautiful things. You easily bribe
others with nice gifts and sweet talk. You are an expert in accumulating wealth using others
talents, to make your life beautiful.

Born To Be Lucky

Name Numerology for No. 6 makes you born lucky. You are very attractive, which makes others
like you. You are talented in your persistence and you achieve success. You purchase success at
what ever price.
Numerology for 6 makes you enjoy others' work and sacrifice. You are gifted with great riches
and wealth. You live in a grand luxury. You can not imagine a life with out servants, who are
always present to obey you.

If No. 6 is Afflicted

Name numerology for 6, if afflicted makes you a confidence trickster. You cheat others very
boldly. People knowingly get themselves cheated by you. You speak sweet and attractive words
to delude and cheat them.
Numerology for 6, when afflicted, makes you enter the fields of medicine, religion, mantra
shastra about which you know nothing. But you pretend to know every thing, speak lies, cruelly
cheat others and make a living.

Name Number 6

Name Numerology for 6 makes you successful in what ever you do. The powerful vibrations of
No. 6 and Planet Venus come to help you to attain success. You are not afraid of failures. You
boldly try again.
When you do not have a correct name, If your day or life number is 7, 8 or 4, it will affect you to
a great extent. Therefore, you should approach an expert and rectify your name with the correct
vibrations of No. 6.

Name Number 15
Numerology Life Path for Name No. 15 makes you successful, if your name is perfect as per
If you have a defective name, even though 15 is a good number, you will not get any big,
noticeable success.
As per business numerology, 15 is profitable for your business, if your numerology birth
numbers are good.

Perfect Your Name

Your personal name is an essential part of the business engine. It propels the satellite of business
venture to great heights, if your name is perfect. It gives you a huge business success in your
numerology life path with 15.

As per name numerology, No. 15 shapes you to attain success. It gives you special charms. You
attract others with your magnetic personality. You keep the listeners spell bound with your
speech. You are liked by all.

Road to success
When you climb up in your business ladder, you want to reach the top position at any cost. Any
business in fine arts, movies, dancing schools, jewelry shops, textile malls, or shopping complex
gives you success.
When your birth day numbers are good and your name is perfect, you attain great wealth. You
enjoy all kinds of luxuries. You become a very important person. No one can meet you with out
an appointment.

The Pitfalls
Numerology life path with name number 15 has its pitfalls. If you are not careful, you become
arrogant with your staff and servants. You are possessed with greed to amass wealth, which
makes you highly selfish.
Lust is another major enemy to conquer. Name numerology for 15 confirms that attractive girls
will fall head over heels to please you in any way. You have to exercise moderation and
discretion in your love affairs.

When Afflicted
Numerology life path for 15 is afflicted if you have an evil name. Avoid negative numbers or
syllables in your name components like no, war, end, die, sad, mad, etc. You must not have evil
numbers in your name parts.
If Sun and Moon are evil to you in your natal birth chart and your horary astrology charts, you
must avoid it in your name components and your overall name. Name numerology confirms that
3, 7, and 8 are evil to you.


If you have a wife, kid, or partner with 3 as birth number, you will not see eye to eye with that
person. The 6 in your name makes you dislike such people. There is no numerology
compatibility between numbers 3 and 6.
In such cases, you have to arrange for them to correct their names with numerology
compatibility. It is better if you check the name numerology and birth numbers of your likely
staffs and partners before inducting them.

Name Number 24
If your Name No. is in 24, Chaldean Numerology says that you are under the control of 6 and
Planet Venus.
Your Name No. 24 has 2 and 4. No. 2 refers to Moon. 4 refers to Rahu. Both the planets add their
As such, your business success and personal life are decided by these 3 planets Venus, Moon,
and Rahu.

Role Of Moon
As per Chaldean Numerology, Moon governs your mind. It gives you a fertile imagination. If
well placed in your horary astrology, Moon gives you the ability of imagination to be a poet,
scientist, lyricist, or story teller.
As per name numerology, Moon in 24 gives you the abilities to shine as a Director of box office
Holly Wood Movies. It makes it easy for you to head the brain storming sessions of high level
corporate business management.

Role Of Rahu
As per Chaldean Numerology, Rahu gives you an astonishing memory. You remember and store
info in your brain like a computer hard disc. You can master all subjects very quickly. Your
capacity for information is admirable.
This makes you popular in business circles. Name Numerology confirms this. You are most
needed for those touts who deal in share markets. You have information in your finger tips on
any latest topics, events, or incidents.

Role of Venus

As per Chaldean Numerology, the 6 in your name number of 24 makes you beautiful, handsome,
and charming. The fair sex adores you. You attract people from all sections of society. People
like to engage you for advice.
As per name numerology, business men like mostly people like you who are ruled by Venus or 6.
If you also have 6 in your Day number and 4 or 2 in your numerology life path, you will have
success in any kind of business.

Role of Birth Numbers

As per Chaldean Numerology, if 6 is your numerology life path and 2 or 4 is your Day No. you
will shine in your business. 4 & 6 enables you to be a consultant. People seek your advice on
business and pay you hefty fees.
As per name numerology, if you have 6 in your numerology life path and 5 in your Day No. it
works wonders. You will float No. 1 Business Ventures in your Country. You will be the
President for your Global business Ventures.

Role Of 6 & 5
As per Chaldean Numerology, if your numerology life path is 5, and Day No. is 6, you will be a
success in your personal and business life. You get big chances to be a top political leader. You
have a huge number of followers.
Name Numerology says that any business in Jewelry, Garments, Exports, Imports, Trading,
business malls, Real Estate, and Commission lines will suit you well. You will shine as a
mediator for many kinds of business disputes.

Role of 6 & 3
Unfortunately, No. 3 does not suit you. If you have 3 in your Day No. or numerology life path, as
per Chaldean Numerology, your life and business opportunities will be highly messed up. Your
progress will grind to a halt.
It is because 3 has no numerology compatibility with your 6 in 24. 3 is the Guru of Gods, and
Venus or 6 is Sukra who is the Guru of Demons. Venus is an arch rival and sworn enemy for
Guru. These two cannot co exist.

About 3 Persons
Chaldean Numerology cautions that if you acquire clients, staffs, directors, partners, or business
consultants, avoid the people with birth numerology numbers in 3. It is also better to avoid love
affairs with the No. 3 persons.
As per name numerology, what if you have a wife with 3 or a partner with 3? You can not
dismiss your wife. Therefore, you must correct her name. Change the partner, if you can. Or, you
have to correct his name also.

When Afflicted
Chaldean Numerology says that your name must not be afflicted by evil vibes in your
numerology numbers, or in your name components. In that case, you will build an empire,
purchase assets, and enjoy all luxuries.
If your name in its parts has evil numbers like 7 or 8, or 3, you will devote all your time only to
face problems. Your numerology life path and success will be stunted. Hence, avoid evil vibes in
your name, initial, and surname.

Name Correction
Chaldean numerology for your name can be rectified if you follow our rigid procedures to
examine your name and correct the evil vibes. We have our special techniques to measure your
name and rectify all kinds of evil vibes.
We correct them by subtle alterations in your name, initial, or surname. We check its correctness
by Lecher Antenna. We also confirm it by horary astrology. Thus, we ensure the best name
vibration for your success.

Name Number 33
If you have 33 in your numerology name, you are highly fortunate. It is a very lucky numerology
Name No. 33 is made up of 3 and 3. The two numbers add up to give you Number 6. And 6 is
ruled by Venus.
Therefore, your entire life is ruled by Jupiter in No. 3 and by Venus in No. 6. Jupiter enjoys the
upper hand.

Venus Remains Silent

Venus is an enemy to Jupiter. They are arch rivals equal in strength and prowess. In other words,
6 opposes 3. But there are two threes in 33. Hence, Jupiter is twice more powerful than Venus in
this numerology name.
In war and politics, it is wise not to fight an enemy twice more powerful than you. Therefore,
Venus remains silent accepting the situation. Hence, the goodness in the name numerology of 33
is not spoiled by Planet Venus.

Better Be Virtuous
And as per name numerology, 33 is a blessed number. It is held auspicious in Mantras. However,
your numerology name must be flawless and perfect to reap the benefits of Jupiter. A defective
name will rob your advantage.
Name Numerology for 33 demands you to be good, honest, and virtuous. You must not be a
womanizer. You must not tell lies. You should not favor falsehood. You must desist from
deception, fraud, and antisocial activities.

Have Flawless Names

As Jupiter is the Guru of the Gods, he is always virtuous. All the benefits in 33 come as a Divine
Gift on Jupiter transferred to you from Planet Jupiter's powers. Therefore, 33 in your numerology
name demands this from you.
However if your name numerology for 33 is spoiled by evil numerology numbers in your name
parts, initials, or surnames, 33 can not do any good for you. It loses its powers due to internecine
conflicts of numbers.

Benefits Of 33
Our system of name numerology has the latest scientific techniques to design for you flawless
numerology-names. When we design a name like that, you enjoy all the benefits of this Name
No. You enjoy all luxuries.
As per Chaldean Numerology, you never face any shortage for money. Wealth accrues with little
efforts. You acquire houses, swimming pools, and estates. You purchase granaries and
agricultural lands.

33 Need Not Be Good

However having a mere 33 in your name does not give you any benefits. Suppose one has a
name 'PQRLSTOX'. As per name numerology it is in 33. But is it a numerology name? Does
'PQRLSTOX' mean any thing to you?
A name with Number 33 must have a positive meaning by etymology and phonology. Then only
as per name numerology for 33, it qualifies as a name. Even then it may suit you or not. It
depends on your bioenergetics.

Scientific Techniques
Not only that. A numerology name must also satisfy your future prospects when tested by horary
astrology verification. If as per horary methods that name proves unlucky, you have to discard
that name as unfit for you.
We specialize in these modern techniques. We not only verify your name as per name
numerology. We also check if it is correct by horary astrology and we confirm its accuracy by
bioenergetics measurements.

When Afflicted
The powers of a good numerology name in 33 can be afflicted if you have too many sixes in your
name components. Suppose your 1st name is 6, middle name is 15, initials are 6, and last name is
in 6, you get overall 33.
But as per name numerology, Venus is a natural enemy to Jupiter and too many sixes increases
his powers to spoil your happy life. Numbers like 7 or 8 in your name parts are also unhealthy
for a powerful name in 33.

Name Number 42
Nameology or Name Numerology for No. 42 is derived from its structure. Name Number 42 is
made of 4 & 2.
Four refers to Rahu and 2 refers to Moon. Both planets influence the success or failure in your
entire life.
However 4 & 2 add up to 6. As No.6 refers to Planet Venus, it holds the reins and extracts work
from 4 & 2.

When 42 is Unlucky
Venus employs Rahu and Moon to shape your life. It is important that your numerology name in
Number 42 is not afflicted by evil birth day numerology numbers. Nameology holds that 2, 3, or
8 in your birth date afflicts No. 42.
These numbers also spoil the powers of 42, if you have your name with its initial, name parts, or
surname in 2, 3, or 8. As per name numerology, these components should not have evil vibrations
between one another.

When 42 is Lucky
Name No. 42 is lucky if you have a perfect name as per name numerology, astrology, and
bioenergetics. For this you must correct your name by an expert who can measure your name
vibes and ensure its 100% perfection.
Mere bookish nameology correction will not help you to become lucky. Your numerologist must
also be an expert in horary astrology to ensure that he designs your name is in the vibes of your
most lucky planet in your chart.

When 42 is Lucky
When you have a perfect name, No. 42 is lucky for you both in your business and personal life.
Though born poor, you will attain great riches by this number. You will occupy powerful
positions in business and politics.
Business Numerology says that you will shine in contracts, Commission Agencies, Shipping,
Imports and Exports, Precious Metals and Lucky Gems, and in fashion goods. As per nameology,
42 cures many diseases too.

Name Number 51
As per nameology or numerology, 51 is the best Name No. in the 6 series. It is ruled by the
numbers 5, 1, & 6.
No. 51 is made up of 5 & 1. These two numbers add up to 6. No. 5 is Mercury, 1 is Sun, and 6 is
Therefore, your entire life is shaped and ruled by these 3 planets. Venus gets results from
Mercury and Sun.

Verify If Lucky
Before giving a name in 51 by nameology, you must find out the individual strengths of these
three planets in your natal chart and horary horoscope. If these planets are weak in either
horoscope, 51 will not be lucky for you.
You must remember to verify your Name numerology calculation by horary astrology. Your natal
chart may be defective. Your time of birth may be wrong. Hence, you can not trust the natal
charts. Horary is more reliable.

Reject The Bad

If all these 3 planets are good, you can choose a good name in Number 51. While doing, you will
get many names with different spellings. All these names will not be the equal or best. You have
to select the best one.
Therefore, you must engage an expert in bioenergetics, who can measure the name, its initial,
name parts, and surnames. He will identify the good or bad vibrations. He will reject a name
even if it contains any evil vibes.

Find The Best

Like this you must test different names with No. 51. After many attempts, you will get the best
name. Ensure that its nameology agrees with your astrology and bioenergetics. Finalize on that
name and accept it as best.

Works Wonders
Such a perfect name in 51 works wonders. It gives you a great mental strength. As per
nameology, you become a tireless worker. You think at lightning speeds. You plan your projects
well and achieve big success.
As a result, name numerology for 51 gives you rapid growth. You achieve the top positions very
quickly. As you get more and more responsibilities, you become a workaholic. You become a
slave driver with your staffs.

Enemies & Pitfalls

As per nameology or name numerology, you defeat too many competitors in business. They all
become highly jealous. They harbor malice and ill will towards you. They wait for their turn to
take revenge and see you perish.
Numerology numbers 51 and 6 imply that you should have a tight security to protect you. You
must engage efficient body guards to protect your assets and safe guard your family. Then only
you can continue in the top.

When Afflicted
Name numerology for 51 gives failures, if your name or business name is defective. Have no evil
vibes in your initial, name, or your surname. Avoid name parts in 7, 8, or 3 which have no
numerology compatibility with 51.
When afflicted, though you have 51 numerology, you will fail in your life's mission and business.
You talk big things but achieve nothing worthwhile. You will waste your time in evil company
and by flirting with sexy women.

Name Number 60
As per vedic numerology, number 60 will not suit if you are born on dates of 3, 12, 21, or 30 in
any month.
It is because there is no numerology compatibility between 3 and 6. And No. 3 is inimical to No.
6 or No. 60.
Number 3 represents the Guru of the Gods but Venus in No. 6 is the Guru of the demons and
enemy to Jupiter.

Numerology Meanings
Numerology meanings for name number 60 objects for you to have any relationship with No. 3.
For example, if your life number or life path number is 3, it prevents you from getting success
with your name number in 60.

Number 60 In Business

It applies to your business as well. Vedic numerology warns you not to engage any partner who
is ruled by No. 3. That means a partner with 3 as his day number or life number will do you more
harm than any good.

Marriage & Riches

This is also confirmed by many free numerology predictions. These reports warn you not to
marry a girl who has 3 as her day number or life number. Number 60 makes you rich. But 3
prevents you from enjoying those riches.

Success With 60
As per Vedic Numerology, if you have numerology numbers like 1, 4, 5, or 9 you will be
successful with name number 60. As 6 is Venus, it gives you enormous wealth and the desire to
enjoy the pleasures from your wealth.

Zero Influences 60
Name numerology for Zero has its effects on name number 60. It tones down the aggressiveness
of Venus. It gives you a calm, contented, and satisfying personality. You win any thing with out
injuring others.
Vedic Numerology also further hails the qualities of zero. The divinity in zero gives you deep
knowledge and intuition. You understand subjects with a lightning flash. You are skilful in
speech and in your expressions.

Business With 60
Numerology meanings for name number 60 assures that if your business name is in 60, you will
get success. The rule is that you must avoid 3 and 8 in all your dealings. You must avoid brand
names with name number 3.

Dealing With 3 Persons

However, what if you are already married to a wife born with No. 3? Vedic numerology has a
clever solution toi correct the situation. You have to correct the name of your wife with a name
number in 1, 4, 5, or 9 series.
As per Numerology meanings for No. 60, you better don not marry a person with 6. You enjoy
much better the company of a person born in 1, 4, 5, or 9. Remember that the like poles repel
each other.

When Afflicted
As per Vedic Numerology, 60 gives you all riches and a good family if not afflicted by
numerology numbers like 3, 7, or 8. 3 opposes enjoyments, 7 makes it unfit for marriage, and 8
threatens with misfortunes.
When afflicted you meet with obstacles in life even though you have your name in 60.
Numerology meanings for 60 confirm this. You are forced to lead an ordinary existence. You are
precvented from enjoying your riches.

Name Number 69
Numerology names with Name No. 69 can be a blessing or curse. It rests on the exact structure
of the name.
Do you have a name with No. 69? Though 6 and 9 are compatible, this number combination is
Basically No. 6 is inimical to 3 while 2 & 7 are inimical to 9, and No. 8 is inimical to any
number including 8.

Correct The components

When the numerology names are in 69, you have to avoid the influence of these numbers in any
form. For example, your name may contain 4 or 5 components like the initial, first name, second
name, and the last name.
As per numerology meanings, your success depends on the correctness of each name component.
Number 2, 9, 3, 8, and 7 are conflicting numbers with 69. Such conflicts between these name
components are not allowed.

Ensure Best Vibes

Not only that. Numerology names with 69 should vibrate in harmony with each and every
individual component in your name. How can you ensure this? You have to measure each name
till you get absolutely no bad vibes.
Over and above this, Vedic Numerology clarifies that each and every name component has a
relative vibration with the overall name and this must be optimized. It means that it must be
rendered with maximum goodness.

How To Compare
Numerology names with 69 must be so designed with these points in mind. When the overall
name gets over 75% marks, you can confidently say that the name will give you lucky results.
Here too you may get competition.
The numerology meanings for two names with 69 can spell good luck in higher or lower degrees.
This must be verified by testing the vibration with scientific instruments. A name with better
benefits must be chosen.

Correct Test Methods

Numerology names with 69 can be rendered perfect by scanning with the lecher antenna as per
bioenergetics. As a fully qualified bioenergetician, I measure and verify the correctness of the
name on the vibration aspects.
As per vedic numerology, your name should turn out as lucky if tested by horary astrology.
Therefore, I test your name as per horary astrology if it will be really lucky for you. If the results
are not good, I reject that name.

Avoid Bad Company

According to reports by some free numerology predictions, if your name is in Number 69, you
must be careful with persons ruled by No. 3, 7, 2, and 8. Such persons will not suit you as your
life partner or business partners.
You must properly understand the numerology meanings for 69. The name in 69 must not have
any anti vibes. It must be correct as per astrology, numerology, and bioenergetics. Your partners
must not have evil numbers.

The Best Remedy

Numerology names for 69 produce bad luck if your associates cast their negative influence on
you. A wife with 3, 7, 2, or 8 may sue you in a court of law. A business partner with such
numbers will cheat you.
If you understand the numerology meanings correctly, the answer must be clear to you. Yes. You
have to correct the name of your wife or partner, if these people have such negative numbers
which prevent your success.

Name Number 78
Numerology Reading for a name number helps you to decide if your name is lucky to you or not.
It analyzes all the plus and minus points in the name numerology for your particular name
Often many people have names in the evil name numbers like 47, 29, 26, 17, 16, 31, 35, 38, or

78 Becomes Lucky
Every one of these numbers causes incalculable harm to your health, happiness, and prosperity.
If I find that you have your name in one of these evil numbers, I advise you to correct your name
It is a mystery to most people how 78 can be lucky for any one. Yet, numerology reading for 78
reveals that 7 though normally does not give you material success, becomes lucky when
followed by number 8.

Power Of Venus
The secret lies in the fact that 78 adds up to 15 and reduces to 6. What is 6? It is Venus. And you
know that six is the most lucky number in name numerology from among all numerology
numbers from 1 to 9.
Therefore, 6 and Venus modify 78 as follows. A virtuous son born to bad parents makes them
good. A good son makes his poor parents rich. He changes their lives. Likewise, Venus changes
the nature of 7 and 8 in 78.

Purest & Noble

Numerology reading for 78 finds its analogy in the gifted crafts man who makes the best engine
with components left over by all as useless. Like that, Venus gets the best name numerology
benefits from 7 and 8 in 78.
There are many numbers in the 6 series like 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 69, 78, 87, 96, and 105.
From among these, name numerology reading hails persons with name number 78 as the purest
and the most noble.

Religion & Discipline

Name numerology of Venus in all other numbers makes you fall into the trap of sensuality and
enjoyments when you attain success. But if you have 78 in your name, you are not like them.
You retain all your virtues.
How is it possible? Because 78 makes you highly religious. It makes you follow rigorous
disciplines. Numerology reading for 78 reveals that despite many obstacles you carve out a slow
and sure path to success.

Practice & Preach

Name numerology of 78 gives you the talents to compose poetry. Your speeches are
extraordinary. You talk on lofty things and cast a magic spell. You impress any audience and
make them spell bound listeners.
Numerology reading for 78 reveals that you not only preach to others but put into practice
whatever you preach. What ever you say comes true. You help others with your money, donating
lots of it to charities.

Achieve Reputation
You are able to mobilize huge funds to help your altruistic goals. Every one adores you. You
achieve a big reputation with the name numerology of 78, if your birth numbers are not afflicted
by your name or its parts.

Numerology reading says that if your birth number or name is defective, you fail in your love
life, fail in your married life, and fail to earn enough income. You get miseries, misfortunes,
sorrows, failures, and accidents.

When Afflicted
If your name has evil numbers in its initials or name parts, it affects your life. No. 9 anywhere in
your name causes bad luck. Numerology reading for 78 warns that evil components like sad, end,
or di spoil your name.
In case your birth numbers are unlucky or when these are afflicted by enmities, 78 will not
produce good results for you. You will lose all your wealth and end up in poverty with multitude
of sufferings.

Name Number 87
In this page we shall analyze the numerology readings for name number 87. Here 8 precedes 7.
Though these numbers are only reversed in 78 and 87, it causes a world of difference in
In the name numerology of 87, 8 takes the command. It makes you suffer bad luck in your life.

Evils Of Saturn
There is a big difference in characteristics between 78 and 87. Please note here that 7 just follows
8. No. 8 is the leader and it can not do any good. It can only harm you with its evils like miseries
and misfortunes.

Saturn And 87
It is what Saturn in 8 does to 7 and you with his evils. 7 or Planet Ketu becomes quite helpless.
He walks behind 8 as a silent spectator. Hence numerology readings confirm that you get very
unlucky results from 87.
Watch any one with name number 87. If he is rich, investigate how he made his money. You will
invariably find that he earned his wealth by unethical means like bootlegging, womanizing,
extortion, or gambling.

If you research the life of prisoners and the accused lot, you will find more of the 8 persons in
their midst. This is an important finding in name numerology. Saturn tempts them to earn in
unlawful evil ways.

Mystic Powers
Both 8 and No. 7 signify occult things and mysticism. Therefore, if your name is in 87, you will
possess many secret powers. Mystic energies flow through you. This is an important finding in
numerology readings.
Name numerology for 87 also reveals that you can control serpents, wild animals, and spirits.
Such mystic powers make you pose as a yogi or saint and cheat. Girls easily fall for you. You can
steal boldly at midnight.

Attract Evils
Numerology readings for this number confirm that it is these people who commit crimes with out
blinking an eyelid. Many third rate criminals from the low lying slum areas possess name
numerology of name number 87.
Number 87 afflicts one with childhood poverty and various diseases. It attracts one to boot
legging, drug peddling, and mixing with immoral women. Name numerology of 87 attracts one
to evil habits and women.

Unlucky Number
Numerology readings for 87 confirm that it is a highly unlucky number. Though you earn much
none of it sticks to you. It goes down the drains just the way it is as soon as it comes. You remain
constantly in wants.
George Bernard Shaw was a great learned man and philosopher of his times. He confides that the
name numerology 8 made him to cherish criminal thoughts. He reveled in fantasies of
committing deadly crimes.

When Afflicted

Numerology readings for 87 confirm that this effect is more pronounced in a person if he is born
with 8 or 9. As 9 is inimical to 7, and 8 is also inimical to 7, it worsens the numerology
characteristics of Name No. 87.
Likewise, you suffer extreme bad luck if you have 8 or 9 in your initials, first name, middle
name, or in your surname. 8 and 9 are inimical to 7. In such a situation, you must build enough
compensation in your name.

Name Number 96
For a long time you have been asking for our free numerology readings for name number 96.
For you we have researched into the name numerology of 96. We have found it to be highly
If you want to enjoy this number's luck in full measure, you should have a flawless and perfect

No. 9 gives you the results of Mars. It makes you highly forceful. It gives you the boldness to
meet any challenge in life. No. 6 offers the results of Venus. It gives you the powers of attraction
and its leadership qualities.

Good Education
Most free numerology readings praise Name No. 96. This number makes you study well. You get
help some how from some where to excel in your studies. Good Education is no problem for you
if your name is in No. 96.
As per name numerology, many students who have 9 & 6 stand state first or university first rank
holders in their examinations. They get the most honored Government Scholarships. They
become an asset to our society.

Leadership Qualities
Name numerology for 96 gives you a charming complexion and attractive personality. You take
the lead and also succeed in your love affairs. You achieve command over others. You have good
control on your co workers.

Name numerology of 96 makes you an army officer, a major in the air force, or a navy captain.
Persons with 9 & 6 excel in any profession. They become chief doctors, collectors, arbitrators,
ministers, or senators.

Effects of 96
Rectify your name in 96 by our scientific methods and achieve a high level of education. You get
blessed with a good family, decent home, and riches to enjoy. You acquire gems, jeweleries, and
valuable real estates.
Persons with a good name in 96 own jewelery shops, casinos, studios, theaters, shopping malls,
star hotels, and restaurants. Free numerology readings add that they become famous producers,
actors, or directors.

Succeed Every Where

A rectified name in number 96 makes you succeed every where. What ever you think comes true.
You attract one and all. You excel in fine arts, dance, and music. You adopt the win win policies.
You excel in politics.
Free numerology readings for No. 96 certify that you become powerful administrators,
politicians, and parliament members. Numerology for No. 96 indicates achievements in exports,
imports, and Garments Industry.

Hidden Facts
Most free numerology readings do not give you all the facts. Because the numerologist himself
dos not know them or he does not have the time and patience to explain every thing for free. We
Do not hide any thing.
We reveal all the facts about numerology of 96. Name number 96 will suit only certain persons.
Surely it will not suit every one. For example, if you are born with No. 2 or 3 as your birth date
numbers, 96 will not suit you.

Inimical Numbers

Why? 3 is inimical to 6 and 2 is inimical to 9. If you have 2 or 9 as your numerology numbers,

96 will not be lucky for you. You face tall risks with No. 96. These secrets are not revealed in all
free numerology readings.
Two other numbers do not go well with the name numerology of No. 96. These are 7 and 8.
Since 8 is unlucky to all, and 7 is unlucky to 9, 96 will not suit if you have either 7 or 8 as your
birth date numerology numbers.

The Exceptions
These are the basic rules in name numerology. But there are exceptions too. How do you know
when an exception occurs? You know it when a person with an apparently defective name in 96
shines well in life.
The reason is, his name has an inbuilt compensation. He has a name in which the alphabets and
numbers are positioned correctly to compensate for 2, 9, 3, or 8. This is not revealed in most free
numerology readings.

The Rectification
Your name in 96 may have a name part in 2, 3, 7, or 8. This spoils the name effect. This can be
rectified only by applying modern science of measurements. This is not revealed in most free
numerology readings.
We adjust the alphabets and numbers differently and measure the overall vibrations. We keep
doing it till we get your perfect name with lucky vibes. We do this by name numerology and
measurements of vibrations.
Do You Have No. 7?

If your are born on 7, 16, or 25 in any month, you are ruled by numerology of Day Number 7.
You are also ruled by 7, if your Life No. is 7. It makes you a recluse, philosopher, or a religious
You are also ruled by 7 if your Name Number is 7 or If you marry on a day with Day or
Compound No. 7.

Success By Numerology How To Choose Your Love Match!

Not So Lucky

As far as luck is concerned, seven ruled persons can not be lucky. Indeed they are not lucky in
spite of their mental caliber. If at all success comes to them, it is only after a lot of hard work,
struggle and disappointments.

Cure Your Chronic Diseases By Lucky Names !

Numerology Meanings For 16 25 34 43 52 61 70 79 88 97
Numerology Meanings For 71
Marriage Numerology Predictions For Persons Born With Day No. 7

Eludes Success

If you are ruled by numerology number 7, success eludes you in all your endeavors. Many
persons fail and end up doing trivial jobs. Many others live with unfulfilled desires and
The 7 Ruled persons are gifted with greater will power. Because of high mental acumen, they
speak very little. They can be good leaders but they make poor followers. They can not see eye
to eye with you or others.

Free Name Reports- What You Miss Out!

No Love Lost

Number 7 makes you moody even with close persons. You become short tempered. Hence, you
have few friends. You do not enjoy marital life. You tend to live separately or obtain divorce.
The seven born ladies are seldom graced by beauty. Often, the feminine charms are missing.
They too find marriage a trial and feel unhappy in married lives. The rest lead lack luster lives of
no marital charms.

How To Ensure Love Compatibility!

Toil For others

The numerology number 7 makes your altruistic ambitions more successful than your works of
personal gain. Generally, No. 7 sees to it that you are bound to succeed, only if you work for
others, than for your own profit.
The seven persons have great powers of the mind and intellect. The number 7 is ruled by Kethu
which is a significator for wisdom. The 7 born are usually religious and inclined to be great
thinkers and philosophers.
Name Number 16

This numerology chart explains what happens to you if your name is in Name Number 16.
It also explains what happenUs to your business if your business name is in Name Number 16.
Name Number 16 is a fated number. It does not allow material progress since 16 adds up to 7.

Ketu & Number 16

No. 7 has its origins in Ketu. As per this numerology chart he was once a demon. He was also
cursed. Due to this frustration, he wreaks his vengeance on humanity. As such he does not allow
material success.
Nor does he allow success in your love. Even though you try hard you find it difficult to hold on
to your lover. The love melts and slips through your fingers. You cannot love even your wife for
great lengths of time.

Thirst For Occult

Name No. For 16 says that you are more interested in the occult. You gain knowledge in
astrology, numerology, and occult sciences. You research into religion and spirituality. You
believe in simple living and high thinking.
Numerology chart for 16 says that even if you make money you do not enjoy your riches. You
think that others around you lead a false life. You want to guide them to your path of purity and

Analysis Of No.16

Numerology chart for 16 reveals that No. 16 has two numbers. No.1 & No. 6. No. 1 is ruled by
Sun. He bestows on you your courage, convictions, uprightness, and leadership qualities.
No. 6 is ruled by Venus. He enriches your looks and gives you an attractive personality. He
strives to make you succeed over others. No. 7 acts as a break to the combined progress given by
Sun & Venus.

Prospects For No.16

Name number 16 therefore makes to shine in science, technology, law, and religious pursuits. It
also qualifies you to become a seasoned politician and a powerful political leader. You will enjoy
doing only the lawful kind of work.

Character For No.16

Numerology Chart for No. 16 says that though Sun and Venus work hard to make you a success
Ketu outsmarts their combined efforts. You are gentle, calm, and restrained. You spend less even
though you earn more.

Fine Arts & Journalism

Numerology for 16 further reveals that you will also shine in the fields of fine arts. You have a
bright future as a film artist. you evince interest in music, dance, and acting. You also qualify to
become a great poet or writer.
Numerology chart for No. 16 tells that Journalism comes easily to you. Like this if you have a
correct and perfect name you can shine well in any of the above fields. However if your name is
defective you end up as a failure.

Correct Your Name

I have corrected the names for hundreds of persons who had defective names in 16. I am a glad
to share with you that all these persons enjoy good family, own bungalows and cars, and shine as
successful businessmen.

A word Of Caution

Numerology Chart for 16 further cautions that 16 adds up to 7 you must be beware of
transactions involving no. 9 and 8. As 3 is inimical to 6 you must also be careful about involving
much with No. 3. With numbers
As a result you must exercise care when you move with 3, 8, & 9 persons. Your wife, brother or
business partner with either day number or life number as 3,8, or 9 will cause you trouble.
Numerology Chart for 16 further advises that you must also avoid days and transactions
involving 3,8, and 9. For example if you want to put a price tag to your product, you must not do
it in these numbers.

A Point to Ponder

All these instructions in this numerology chart are applicable only to those with defective names.
When I give a perfect name I take care to see that you are no longer affected by the evil effects of
3,8, and 9.
In such cases, you can easily avoid loss if you correct your current name scientifically as per
name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. You must also correct your business name for
that business to make profits.
Name Number 25

If your name number is 25, this page gives your Namealogy or Numerology Predictions for this
Numerology No.
25 is made up of 2 & 5. What is the sum? It is 7. These three numbers influence all the events in
your life.
You may think what about my birth numbers? The Name Number and the name are superior to
birth numbers.

Your Name

And your name is far superior to your name number as well. Yes. Your name is the most
powerful. Even if you are born with the worst birth numbers like (7 & 8) or (8 & 8), if you have
a perfect name, you will succeed in your life.

Ultimately it is your name that determines the namealogy or name numerology for your No. 25
in the course of your entire life. Therefore perfect your name as per the scientific innovations in
name numerology.

Role Of 2 in 25

No. 2 influences your namealogy for 25 as follows. It gives you an unstable personality. It makes
you postpone important decisions. You lack the energy to continue your fights. You are afraid.
You are haunted by fears.
You don't trust others. Or else do do the opposite of trusting the wrong persons. You become
crest fallen when you get cheated by your own kith and kin. You try to drown your worries in
liquor. You become mental.

Role Of 5 in 25

Your namealogy for 25 is modified by the Number 5. It makes you dream of big projects but No.
2 does not support you with action. You dilly dally and lose. You dream of another big project
and once again miss your chance.
No. 5 makes you flirt with many ladies but you do not go any further. The fair sex gets attracted
to you, but they find you unsure of yourself due to a faulty name. Your love seems to succeed but
it slips through your fingers.

No. 7 And Love Affairs

The 7 namealogy of 25 denies success in love life. You can overcome this if you have a perfect
name. No. 7 makes you somewhat reserved. You don't show interest in outings, vacations, and
shopping which the women love.
You lack timely words of appreciation for your girl friends. You do not know the art of touch to
promote physical intimacy. You are unable to say the right things at the right moments. As such
your love affairs are short lived.

No. 7 & Finance

The namealogy of 7 holds check on your 25. It does not allow you to enjoy material prosperity.
You get obstacles in your business. You do not earn a good name in profession. Your superiors
scorn you for your performance.
Even if you earn, you do not allot enough times to spend your earnings. Though you are rich you
live like a miser. You do not wear modern clothes and you don't wear any custom jewellery. Your
money lies idle in the bank.

Watch Out For No. 9

If your name is in the namealogy of 25, watch out for No. 9. Why? Because 9 is inimical to both
2 & 7. Be selective in choosing your business partner and life partner. Avoid 9 persons as a rule
to prevent conflicts and cheating.
You also must not have any 9 in your name parts. Avoid 9 in your business dealings and in your
business names. However if 9 becomes unavoidable, do correct your name as per astrology,
name numerology, and bioenergetics.

A Point to Ponder

All these instructions in this name numerology article are applicable only to those who have
defective names. When I give a perfect name, I take care to see that you are no longer affected by
the evil effects of 8, Saturn, or 9.
In such cases, you can easily avoid loss if you correct your current name scientifically as per
name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. You must also correct your business name for
that business to make big profits.
Name Number 34

If you have your name in Name No. 34, your namealogy predicts that you are honest in your
You will be an honest to your staff, employers, co workers, and to your colleagues. You lead a
simple life.
However dame luck does not smile at you. Money hardly comes and even if it comes it does not
last long.

Analysis Of 34

Name Number 34 is made up of 3 and 4. It adds to 7. Therefore your life will be a resultant of 3,
4, and 7. Each number influence you in its own manner. Ultimately your personality is a mixture
of traits due to 3, 4, & 7.
Namealogy or numerology of 34 states that 3 is ruled by Guru or Jupiter. You are very orthodox.
You stick to discipline. You give respect and take respect. You care for little things while big
ones slip through your fingers.

Role Of 3 In 34

Namealogy of 34 blesses you with a keen intelligence. You have a sharp intellect. You study well
and score good marks. You exhibit qualities of an intellectual. You expect the world also to think
like you and live like you.
You are honest to your employers. You respect your superiors and expect the same from your
subordinates. When such respect does not come from some of them you get vexed, annoyed, and
irritated. You become angry.

Role Of 4 In 34

The namealogy of 34 is modified by No. 4 in 34. 4 is Rahu. His motion is retrograde. He was
once a good Demon. Due to a mistake got cursed. As he was well versed in knowledge, he gives
you a great thirst for knowledge.
You pick up information from all sides. If you meet a person you remember his face,
mannerisms, and traits. You know every one. People look up to you for info. You guide them
well. But you do not climb fast in your career.

Role Of 7 In 34

No. 7 or Ketu plays an important role in the namealogy of name number 34. Without your
knowing you are frugal. You hate lavish spending. You say why waste money in 5 star hotels
when food is available in cheaper restaurants.

This attitude irritates your spouse if you marry any one. It also annoys your girl friends who like
fashion, make ups, dancing, and exhibition of riches. But you have little time to satisfy their
needs. You live in your own world.

Mixed Results

As such you develop a personality with some traits of 3 or Jupiter, some of 4 or Rahu, and more
of 7 or Ketu. You lead a simplistic life, become highly knowledgeable, and you please your
employers beyond their expectations.
But they do not compensate you well. As you are not the demanding type, they extract work
from you and take you for a ride. But you satisfy yourself saying that merits of all work goes to
God and He will take care. But when?

Finance & Married Life

The namealogy for 34 warns you that you make little progress in financial matters. If you have a
business, you do not get many honest clients. Hence you gain and lose. Even if you become rich
you don't enjoy your riches.
As far as love matters are concerned, you don't find time to flirt with girls, waste time in coffee
shops, visit malls, clubs, and cinemas. Hence you have little success in love. If married you find
a hard family life. You face failures.

A Point to Ponder

All these instructions in this numerology chart are applicable only to those with defective names.
When I give a perfect name I take care to see that you are no longer affected by the evil effects of
3,8, and 9.
In such cases, you can easily avoid loss if you correct your current name scientifically as per
name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. You must also correct your business name for
that business to make profits.
Name Number 43

Namealogy for Name No. 43 makes you feel aloof, lonely, left alone, and lost. No one
understands you well.

It doesnt give you success in your marriage, profession, or business. You repeatedly lose in your
Your love life is disappointing and short lived. However hard you try, your nature shows up and
you lose.

Analysis Of No. 43

Namealogy for Name Number 43 gives you a mixed personality. 43 adds up to 7. You are a
mixture of the traits of numbers 4, 3, and 7. No. 7 has the final say on all matters. From
childhood you show interest in all lofty things.

Religion & Spirituality

You evince deep interest in matters of religion and spirituality. You read books on philosophy
and religion. You enquire "who am I". You live like a miser. You don't show off. You abhor
ostentation and exhibition of wealth.

Occult Studies

Namealogy for 43 makes you research into the occult. You study astrology, numerology, and
about talking with spirits. You do not spend time with others. You consider it a total waste of
time to chit chat on worldly matters.

Frugal & Thrifty

Your earnings are much less than the others. Even then you don't spend what you earn. You are
very thrifty in spending. you dress in traditional old fashioned clothing. Pomp and fashion are
foreign to your basic character.

Least Understood

Namealogy for 43 makes you a riddle to others. You have few friends. You talk to them much on
spiritual matters. You don't leave them even if they feel sleepy. Most people do not understand
you. They consider you a Bore.

You like to lead people of similar temperament. You like to give lectures on many lofty things.
You pity the worldly people who run after money. You will make a good teacher in a convent,
church, or in any religious institution.

When Afflicted

Namealogy of 43 gets afflicted if you meet with 6 in any form. Why? The 3 in 43 is inimical to
6. No. 6 is ruled by Venus who opposes the 3 of Jupiter. He makes you chase money like others.
This conflicts with your real nature.
You are torn between feeling of worldliness and spirituality. Persons with 6 as name number or
birth number will do you more harm than good. You should avoid a 6 person even if it is your
wife, friend, or business partner.

Correct Your Name

It is not wise to retain your name in the namealogy of Name Number 43. As such you are already
weak by your 4, 3, and 7. It is better for you to alter your name to a better number where the
name vibrates in lucky vibrations.
A name has many alphabets, words, name parts, and numbers behind the alphabets. Each of these
vibrates and your overall name has a resultant vibration. It must be lucky for you. Then only you
can prosper in your life.

What Is In A Name

Unlike others I practice scientific namealogy. I examine all the vibes in the alphabets, numbers
behind the alphabets, and the vibes of the individual name components. One will cancel another
and one will augment another.
And finally your overall name gives out a resultant vibration. It must be in the lucky wave
lengths on the Lecher Scale in the Lecher antenna. These additional features make your name
more powerful than any name number.

Power Of Names

You can build a million evil names in the so called good name numbers like 19, and 41. A name
vibrates in many more wave lengths and frequencies whereas a Name No. vibrates in much
lesser wave lengths and frequencies.
Therefore the vibrational potential in a name is far superior to that of any name number. Yes.
Your name is the most powerful. It overrides the traditionally spoken benefits of any Name
Number including Name No. 43.

Have Timely Relief

This is not every thing about Name No. 43. Namealogy is an ocean. I have only surfed in this big
ocean to give the broad insights of this science. Those who want to benefit from this rare
knowledge should approach me for relief.
It is not your fault that your parents gave an inferior name in Name No. 43. But after knowing all
this if you do not correct your name it is your fault. You have no right blame this world or your
fate for your bad luck and sufferings.

Names & Mantras

For me the name number is just a number in namealogy with a limited vibrational capacity. But it
is easily over shadowed by the vibes of the all powerful overall name. That is why our Sages
used names to build mantras.
These mantras could build and destroy any thing. Such is the power of Names. The overall
collective vibes of a name must be positive. Then only a name number begins to vibrate in lucky
frequencies and do you any good.

When A Name Is

All these instructions in this numerology page are applicable only to those with defective names.
When I give a perfect name I take care to see that you are no longer affected by the evil effects of
3,8, and 9.
In such cases, you can easily avoid loss if you correct your current name scientifically as per
name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. You must also correct your business name for
that business to make profits.

Name Number 52

The namealogy or Numerology for 52 gives you mixed results of 5, 2, and 7. You lead an above
average life.
5 gives you initiative. Moon supports it with the power of imagination. But by nature Moon sulks
too often.
She applies breaks to your progress by delays. She makes you postpone events. She tempts you
with drinks.

Role of 7 in 52

As per namealogy 52 adds up to 7. Therefore if your name is in Name No. 52, you are ruled by 7
or Ketu. Your overall life is decided by Him. He tends to delay your financial progress. He
makes you fail in your love affairs.

Unhappy Marriage

Not only that. No. 7 delays your marriage. Even if you get married, Ketu in 7 sees that you
develop misunderstandings with your wife. You get bored with sex soon. You do not know how
to apply varieties in the game of love.
Namealogy of 52 makes you live far away from your residence. Either he sends you to a foreign
land or to a far off place where you cannot take your wife along. Ketu causes disappointment,
separation, and divorce.

Easily Bored

Your relations are not steady with your wife. You love her but you throw a curtain in your
relations. You don't show spontaneous intimacy. You think "How can you repeat the shameful act
with the same person every night."

Ketu & Finance

You are not lucky in your financial affairs. You cannot concentrate on your business. You lose
interest suddenly and neglect your business. You develop other interests postponing important
business schedules.
Namealogy of Ketu makes you delay vigorous activity. It allows peaks and troughs in your
business progress. It prevents steady growth. However you are busy with some activity or
another. You lack the time to enjoy.

A Point to Ponder

All these instructions in this numerology chart are applicable only to those with defective names.
When I give a perfect name I take care to see that you are no longer affected by the evil effects of
3,8, and 9.
In such cases, you can easily avoid loss if you correct your current name scientifically as per
name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. You must also correct your business name for
that business to make profits.

Name Number 61

Namealogy for Name No. 61 is highly interesting. At first sight you are alarmed about the
number 7 in 61.
But if you observe it is a blessed 7 in the series of numbers that add to 7. Why? Because 61 is
made of 6 & 1.
This works wonders to you even if you have an inferior name. What then if you have a prefect

Role of 6 in Name No. 61

The namealogy of 6 in Name Number 61 works wonders when it combines with No. 1. It makes
you an attractive person. More often than not you are more handsome and more beautiful than
most others.
You are most dynamic in your activities. You attract all kinds of persons around you. You possess
a peculiar charm. People just admire you for your qualities of leadership and dynamism.

Role of 1 in Name No. 61

The namealogy or name numerology of No. 1 in Name No. 61 gives you more merits. It makes
you a respected leader. People look up to you for your advice and instructions. They just love to
help you and serve you.
You astonish others by your honesty. You are very outspoken. You are highly straight forward in
your dealings. You hate to be dishonest and disloyal. You also expect others to be like you. This
is your weakness.

Role of 7 in Name No. 61

The namealogy or name numerology of 61 adds up to 7. This makes you an altruistic leader. You
like to serve others. You don't expect any rewards for your favours. You love to sacrifice
anything for others.
You exhibit all the Divine Traits of 7. You are a symbol of character and determination. You are
ready to sacrifice your personal comforts for the public good. You live like a king among the
monks or sages.

The Pitfalls of No. 61

The namealogy or name numerology of 61 has its pitfalls too. More often than not you are
thrown away from your family. Though the public highly respect you, you do not command any
respect from your wife and children.
In fact most of those born in Name No. 61 do not enjoy a good family life. If you are a man you
make a poor husband. If you are a woman you make a poor wife. Your love is weak or wafer thin
ever likely to break.

Life of Sacrifice

You love to live like Mahatma Gandhi or Mother Theresa. In fact you do not belong to your
family. You live for the society and it's common good. You believe in simple living and high
thinking. You shun ostentation.

You do not wear precious jewellery or expensive clothing. Even in habits of food you exhibit
extreme simplicity. You are very truthful in your speech and activities. You don't allow even
others to be unjust.

A Point to Ponder

However the 61 people suffer if they meet with 3, 8, or 9. Why? Because these numbers are
inimical to 61. When I give a perfect name I take care to see that you are no longer affected by
the evil effects of 3, 8, or 9.
The 61 persons also suffer in life if they have defective names. 61 may be good but if your name
contains evil vibes, you tend to lead a miserable life. You lose your dignity and respect. Poverty
strikes at you from its roots.
In such cases, you can easily avoid loss if you correct your current name scientifically as per
name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. You must also correct your business name for
that business to make profits.
Numerology 7 In 70

If your name number is 70, I show you here what is in store for you in your life. 70 has 2
numbers 7 & 0.
7 Numerology in 70 intensifies your faith in religion. You show interest in spiritual matters of
Soul & God.
The second number Zero signifies both Divinity & Infinity. It makes you research into spiritual

Ketu & Number 70

The chief actor Ketu who rules Numerology 7 controls your life. Your faith in Divinity helps you
to sail along in your life boat. You are highly intelligent. You accept the supremacy of God and
lead a simple life.
The second number Zero has no ruling planet. It refers to lofty matters of deep research into
literature, science, and holy books. So you are fit to become a research scholar, scientist, teacher,
doctor, or pastor.

Career For Name No. 70

You accept whatever comes along. Your career rests on simple living and high thinking. You do
not care for material prosperity. Even by chance if you earn wealth, you are least inclined to
enjoy that money.

Love Life For 70

You do not exhibit lust. You do not have the unquenchable thirst for women. Beautiful girls
cannot entice you easily. You care more for your mission in your life in matters of research and
religious pursuits.
As a consequence, you are not passionate in your love affairs. You get bored easily. You are not
the type of person who bathes his love with kisses during his telephonic talks. You show restraint
and limitations.

Unlucky Love Life

Numerology 7 stifles your springs of love. You rarely meet with success in your love affairs. You
love for a while and continue then without much physical intimacy. This irritates your partner
who deserts you.

Unlucky Married Life

Numerology 7 leads you to a void in your married life. Either you marry late or you never marry.
Even if you get married, you do not see eye to eye with your spouse. He or she quarrels with you
for no good reasons.
This leads to separation or divorce. Or it drives you away from your spouse. You live abroad or
far away from where your spouse lives. You develop contempt for marriage and for those who
get married.

Business Success & 70

If your name or your business name is in 70, you cannot make roaring profits in your business.
Even if you get initial success, later you lose interest in your clients. Numerology 7 works
against material success.

In such cases, you can easily avoid loss if you correct your current name scientifically as per
name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. You must also correct your business name for
that business to make profits.

When 7 Is Afflicted

Numerology 7 in 70 is quite spoiled by 9 or 8 in your name or business. These are inimical to 7

and they cause loss. In such cases the negative vibes of such names should be removed by
techniques of bioenergetics.
I have made hundreds of persons with names in 70 successful by such corrections in their names
and business names. Unless one understands the meaning of good and bad vibes, this
achievement is not possible.
The Power of No. 88

Numerology Meanings for No. 88 carry bad news for you if your name is wrong, incorrect, and
Your name is defective when the vibes of your name parts and your overall name are unlucky
and evil.
You must avoid these unlucky vibes in your personal names and in your business names if you
want success.

Love & Finance

Let us analyze what 88 does to your business and love life. 88 adds to 16 and becomes 7. It is
Divine in many aspects. But it does not give success in your love or married life. It also wrecks
your financial prospects.

Miss Out On Love

Numerology meanings of 88 or 7 make you dislike company and brood in solitude. You miss out
on love calls. You dislike permanent company with any girl. You do not take care to provide
enough for your family.

Lose Time & Money

You hate to accumulate wealth. You dislike working just for money. Your mind revolves around
philosophy. You read books on religion, philosophy, and mysticism. The time lost like this spoils
your financial prospects.

Live Like A Miser

As per numerology meanings you do not have the knack to mix well with the opposite sex. There
is no numerology love compatibility. As per business numerology you do not work well to
achieve financial growth.
Suppose by a freak chance you earn some wealth you do not know how to enjoy. You lose it by
lending to others. Sometimes you lock your wealth in immovable assets which don't fetch quick
returns. You live like a miser.

Prone To Accidents

The numerology meanings for two eights in 88 portend bad happenings like all kinds of
accidents. Road accidents, Train, & Plane accidents are not uncommon. Unless you have a
perfect name, you cannot avoid these.

Other Extremes

The power of 88 and 7 can make you join evil company. You develop various bad habits. You
cultivate a violent attitude. People become afraid of you. You go to such extremes of crime that
you end up in jail.

The Exceptions

Numerology meanings for 88 reveal that if you have a flawless perfect lucky name you can
escape from the above dangers. If you see someone successful with name number 88, know that
he has a perfect name.
Your full name has some initials, some words, and probably a surname. Each one of these name
parts must have flawless lucky vibrations. Then your overall name comes. This too must have
flawless lucky vibrations.

Methods of Correction

Numerology meanings also reveal that if you want to achieve these results, you must consult one
who knows how to measure your name, its parts, and your name number. Only such an expert
should correct your name.
He should check the vibes of your name in various modifications. He will choose that name
which has a perfect sync with your body and mind. He should also check with horary astrology if
that name is really lucky.

Life Changing Effects

If you follow these methods you will surely get a perfect name which is really lucky. That will
give you many positive results. It will change your personality and character. It will also increase
your earning capacities.

The Opposing 9 & 7

You deduce the Numerology Meanings for 97 by analysis. 97 has 9, 7, and another 7 by adding 9
& 7.
You know that No. 9 and No. 7 are mutually inimical. 9 fights with 7. 7 fights with 9. Both are
When your name is in 97, you are subjected to the fight between 9 & 7. This fight makes you

The Explanation
No. 9 makes one bold, commanding, skilled, and able to achieve anything. In your case 9 ignores
these duties and concentrates on how to spoil the effects of 7 and defeat it. It has little time to
attend to your welfare.

Unwise Decisions
Numerology meanings for 97 convey that you make wrong decisions which spoil your future.
You are adamant. You keep wrong company. You listen to wrong advice. You take foolish
decisions and dig your own grave.

This makes you face court cases, imprisonments, and other sufferings. You are surrounded by
sycophants who misguide you. Your power is snatched away by others. Or you lose it by your
own foolish actions.

Effects of Two 7s
According to numerology meanings you have the effects of two 7s in your life. How? Add 9 & 7
in 97. You get 16. Add 1 & 6. You get 7. There is already a 7 in 97. Therefore the power of two
7s rule your life.
These two 7s give you a Divine streak. This makes you scorn ostentation. You are not crazy
about sex. You are not overt in your love. These factors prevent success in your love life and
deny success in your business.

Business Numerology
Numerology meanings reveal that the two 7s give many obstacles in your business. You will not
get enough finance. you will give credit to the wrong clients and lose your capital. Your profits
will be low.
Your are not consistent in your efforts to run your business. You overwork some times. But your
actions are delayed. Your work becomes a waste. Even if you get some money you do not know
how to invest it or enjoy it.

The Remedy
Numerology meanings reveal that if you want to avoid these set backs, do have a flawless name
with lucky vibes. Then only you can overcome the unlucky effects of 9 & two 7s in 97. Hence
correct your name you must.
Saturn And Number 8

In Name Numerology, No. 8 stands for Planet Saturn. How will you know you are under the
sway of Saturn?
If you often face obstacles, meet with accidents, and feel unlucky, you are ruled by No. 8 and
Numerology for 8, when exalted, makes you a saint. When afflicted, it makes you a proficient

Michael Jackson's Name & Saturn

Who is ruled by No. 8?

As per name numerology, If you are born on the 8th, 17th, and 26th, of any month, know that
you are ruled by 8 and the Planet Saturn. You are also ruled by Saturn and 8, if your Life Number
or Name Number is 8.
If your Life number alone is 8, you will attain to the qualities of No. 8 in due course of your life,
and undergo many sufferings. If your day or name number is 8, then you suffer from your early
days through out your life.

The Killer In 8

When I declare No. 8 will give you accidents, some people do not take it seriously. 8 is a killer in
name numerology. I give below the link to prove my statement. After reading that kindly come
back to this page again.
See how 9 in 72 is spoiled by 8. Can you believe that a number with 10 digits and 9 eights has
killed all its 3 owners within 10 years? It is 0 888 888 888. This is what 8 will do to any one or
you. The Killer Mobile

Always Unlucky

Name Numerology for No. 8 makes you face a lot of obstacles. You suffer from your childhood.
You get even little things, only after great struggles. You meet with many unexpected accidents,
disappointments and failures.
You have too many risks even when you hold high positions. You have heavy duties, which you
can not shoulder. Bad Luck hangs like a Democles sword above your head. You mostly fail.

When 8 Is Exalted

In the science of name numerology, the ancients adore No. 8. When pure, It gives you the power
to understand the scriptures. You are filled with compassion, love, and mercy. You sacrifice for
the poor and the sick.

You boldly renounce this life and your riches to take up an ascetics life. You spend your life in
serving the poor and the sick. You propagate religious teachings with missionary zeal. You strive
for God Realization!

When Not Exalted

In name numerology, No. 8 makes you appear clean. But inside, you are seething with rage and
thoughts of revenge. You revel in plans of cheating, fraud, blackmails, rape, murder and
counterfeit currency.
When ruled by 8, you harbor such thoughts, but you lack the courage to do such things. Many
lead poor lives with too many hardships all through their years. Many die half way through by
mysterious, fateful accidents.

When Afflicted

Name Numerology for 8, when afflicted, drives you to commit crimes and fill the prisons. If you
analyze the lives of the inmates of prisons all over the world, you will find that these victims are
ruled by Saturn and No. 8.
When Saturn and 8 are afflicted, this is what happens. Saturn inflicts punishment here and now.
A criminal ruled by 8 as his day, life or name number, fails in his efforts to escape from his
punishment. He suffers.

Is Saturn Evil?

Ancient texts for name numerology depict Saturn in a seated pose with a balance in his left hand,
knife in his right, and both his eyes tied up with a cloth. A dove indicating love, mercy and
compassion sits on his shoulders.
What does it tell you? It reveals that Saturn stands for justice. He administers justice, with out
fear or favor. He weighs your past deeds and punishes you accordingly. You deserve what you
get and reap your fruits.

Escape From Bad Luck

These texts on name numerology describe the bad luck of No. 8, but fail to show you, how to
escape from its evil effects. Intensive research by changing names for such persons gave the
hidden clues to achieve that.
When you are afflicted by the evil effects of Saturn and No. 8, it helps you to modify your name
in the vibration of No. 5. There are persons who escaped several times from accidents and
deaths, using the power of 5.

Luck Defeats Bad Luck

Name numerology for No.5 declares it as the embodiment of good luck. Therefore, what ever be
your sufferings with 8, if you have a proper name change in the vibrations of No. 5, you are sure
to escape from bad luck.
Not only that. Numerology for No. 5 works for you like a talisman to protect you from dangers.
You have to remember that you can have many numbers with final result of 5, like 23, 32, 41, 50,
59, 68 and so on.

Name Number 8

In name numerology, if your name, day or life No. is 8, unexpected bad events will befall you
when you attain to the age of 17th, 26th, 35th, and 44th in your life. You can boldly declare that
8 brings bad Luck to all!
In such cases, you must change your name in the proper vibration of No. 5 that suits you, with
the help of an expert. He should be able to distinguish between the various meanings of variation
of No. 5, like 14, 23, 32 and 41.

Childhood Poverty
Numerology meanings for 17 foretell that you will suffer many hardships right from your early
Childhood poverty afflicts you from your small age. Your parents do not earn enough to support
your family.
You fall ill frequently. The period of illness lasts longer than usual time and the cure is frequently

Analyze Number 17
You understand what name number 17 means to you if you analyze this number. 17 is made up
of 1 and 7. Therefore Sun plays a role in your life. So also Ketu ruled by 7 influences your life
and the events in your life.

Education Suffers
Numerology meanings for 17 further reveal that you will face a lot of obstacles in your
education. You will be highly intelligent due to 1 and 7. But your parents do not have enough
means to support your education.

Aborted Love Affairs

When you grow up as an adult you face problems in finding a love partner. Your efforts to love
end up in failure. You are not steady. Sometimes you want to love someone and at other times
you want to be left alone.
Numerology meanings for 17 add that even if you fall in love, you become disenchanted soon.
You show different faces and exhibit different moods to your lover. This upsets him or her and
your love affair aborts.

No Love Compatibility
The 7 in 17 prevents your financial prosperity. It also denies numerology love compatibility. That
is why you fail often in your love affairs. Only a flawless name can correct these faults and make
you lead a happy life.

Bitter Married Life

Numerology meanings reveal that you are not happy in your marriage. You cannot digest the
company of the same partner every night. You misunderstand each other. Your inability to
support the family makes them hate you.
Numerology meanings for 17 reveal that you will live far away from your life partner. May be
you go abroad and live there. If you try to coexist in family, trouble arises. You end up in
separation or seek divorce.

Saturn Plays A role

Numerology meanings for 17 convey that Saturn has a major role to play in your life. Why? If
you add 1 and 7 you get 8. And that is the number of Saturn. Saturn affects you with miseries,
misfortunes, and sorrows.

Business Numerology
Business numerology asserts that it is suicidal to have your personal name or business name in
17. If you have, you will face countless obstacles in running your business. You get raids often.
Your clients cheat you.

Lucky Or Unlucky
Name Numerology tells you that you suffer like this only if you have an unlucky name. If your
name's overall vibes are negative, it is unlucky. Whether these are unlucky can be measured by
the Lecher antenna.
Moon And Venus

Numerology meanings for 26 give you the benefits of 2 & 6. You are ruled by Moon in 2 & by
Venus in 6.
As such you should climb to the top with your imagination and the attraction given to you by
But Saturn in 8, which is the total of 2 & 6 in 26 arrests you midway with many obstacles and

The role Of Moon

Moon gives you a keen power to think, imagine, and dream about your chosen goals. But you
lose your time in thinking and day dreaming. You think more and act less. you lose time and give
way to your competitors.

Actions Delayed

Numerology Meanings for 26 reveal that you delay actions to the last minute. You always forget
something in your hurry. You are the kind of person who locks the door and later worries if he
really locked it or not.
You are unsure about your success. You are shy. You worry unnecessarily. Fear of unknown
dangers, faceless enemies, and worries about your future arrest your progress. Saturn takes full
advantage of your weaknesses.

The Role Of Venus

Numerology meanings for 26 reveal that you have an element of Venus in all your actions. You
have a charming personality. People like you just like that. You impress them with your thoughts
and power of speech.
You like to climb to success and come out on top of all others. But more often than not you get
unexpected obstacles, financial difficulties, and interference from the Government. Saturn gives
you these setbacks.

Stormy Love Life

Numerology meanings for 26 suggest that you will have a stormy love life. The charms you have
by Venus give you good numerology love compatibility. But you have to face a lot of enemies in
your love life.
Moon gives you the gift of the gab. You entice the other sex with your sweet words. Your lover is
spell bound by your power of speech. But you get competition from other persons who interfere
in your love affairs.

The Role of Saturn

Numerology meanings for 26 explain the role of Saturn in your life. Like for others he gives you
all the miseries, misfortunes, accidents, and sorrows. He defeats the efforts of Moon and Venus
to elevate you in your life.

Business Numerology

If you have your personal and business names in 26 both names become unlucky for you. As per
business numerology, your personal name is like the computer which controls a satellite from the
ground station.
Numerology Meanings for 26 further add that your business is like the satellite propelled from
the ground station. Your own name works like the ground station and your business name works
like the satellite.

Loss of control

Therefore if your personal name is wrong, incorrect, or defective, it cannot control the propelled
satellite to the correct destination. It gives out faulty instructions which make the satellite fail and
crash into the seas.

Flawless Name

Numerology meanings reveal that if your own name is defective, you will fail in your business.
You cannot win even if your business name is okay. If you want success in business, 1st you
must have a flawless name.
Perplexed About Future

Numerology meanings for 35 reveal that though you are honest and hard working you do not
meet your goals.
You face obstacles right from your birth. Childhood diseases remain chronic and refuse to get
You face obstacles in your education and impediments in your career. You are perplexed about
your future.

The Real Reasons

You face these troubles due to Saturn. It is he who caused those obstacles and difficulties. Where
does Saturn come from? Look at your Name No. It is 35. Add 3 & 5. You get 8. And that is
Saturn's number.

Role of Jupiter

Numerology meanings for 35 reveal that you always get mixed results. You are not able to taste
success. Jupiter in 3 of 35 makes you too honest to come up in life. You lose your good chances
in life by being too honest.
But Jupiter blesses you with a keen intellect and a quick understanding. You have a good grasp
of things. You are too loyal to your superiors. You command your subordinates to be honest and
invite their hatred.

Role of Mercury

Numerology meanings for 35 further reveal that you are also influenced by Mercury in your
Name No. Mercury makes you a non stop worker. Profit or loss you are steady in your work. You
are highly creative.
You do things at a quick pace. You get new ideas all the time. But true to Mercury's nature, you
shift your priorities very often. You are mercurial in your temperament. This weakness creates
many enemies for you.

Role of Saturn

Numerology meanings for 35 foretell that Saturn applies the breaks in all your efforts to succeed.
He assails you with miseries, sorrows, misfortunes, and accidents. If at all you do not get
success, it is due to Saturn.
Saturn makes your subordinates revolt against you. Even your family is not grateful. They too
hate you as you are too busy to attend to their needs. Your boss and superiors do not applaud
your good work.

Mechanical Love Life

Numerology meanings for 35 reveal that being so dedicated to your job gives you little time to
mix intimately with your family members. Even your kids share their problems only with your
wife and not with you.

Your attempts in love meet with half success. You are not overt in showing your love. You don't
employ the fine techniques the lovers use to entice their beloveds. You lack numerology love
compatibility to entrap them.

The Remedy

Numerology meanings reveal the secret of success with name number 35. If you correct your
name to a different lucky number with strong lucky vibes, you too can be successful. You must
do it by going to a real expert.
Ensure that he knows how to measure the vibes in a name. He must know bioenergetics to make
it have proper sync with your body mind vibrations. He must infuse good vibes and delete the
bad vibes in your name.

Name Is All Powerful

Numerology meanings for 35 add that though your Name No. is 35, if your name is made
flawless using the above techniques, you will not face any failure in life. Name is always
superior to to your Name Number.
Name Numerology confirms that whatever be your birth numbers or name numbers, if you have
a flawless name with only the lucky vibrations, no one can prevent your success. It is a secret in

Verify By Astrology

Numerology meanings for 35 further advise you to verify and confirm if your name is really
lucky by horary astrology. Your expert will always triple check if your name will really be lucky
to you in your life.

Obstacles & Defeats

Numerology meanings for Name No.44 reveal that you do not attain the success that you really
You are highly knowledgeable. All news about the current affairs in your society are in your
finger tips.

But the Saturn in your name number afflicts you with obstacles, difficulties, and

Hidden Danger
You understand Name Number 44 if you have a close look and analyze it. 44 means you are
under the full influence of Rahu. It is he who makes you so knowledgeable. But there lurks a
hidden danger in Name No.44.

Role of Saturn
Numerology meanings for 44 reveal that you are more influenced by Saturn as 44 adds to 8.
4+4=8. This is Saturn's Number. Therefore you are not able to make it to the top though you are
exceptionally gifted.
As per name numerology, Saturn causes all your setbacks. He troubles you with miseries,
misfortunes, sorrows, and accidents. He applies breaks in your efforts to succeed. He alone
causes all your obstacles.

Love Compatibility
Numerology meanings reveal that you will fall in love with the No. 1 born persons. No. 1 must
be their day number or life number. If you meet with such persons, you will love them and dance
to their tunes.
Name Numerology for 44 asserts that you have a good numerology love compatibility with the 1
born persons. Though Saturn will trouble your married life, it is better for you to face these
troubles with the 1 borns.

Business Numerology
Numerology meanings for 44 also reveal that you must not have your personal name or business
names in 44. As per business numerology it is suicidal to have your business name in 44. That
business is bound to fail.
If your name is defective no business name will help. Even if your business name is perfect, if
your own name is defective, that business will wind up. If you want good profits your personal
name must be flawless.

A Business Analogy
Numerology meanings for 44 give you the solution to overcome the problems given by Saturn.
To do this you must correct both your personal and business names. When both names are
flawless you can earn profits.
Your personal name is like the computer in the ground station which controls the satellite in the
sky. If that computer is defective, it cannot command the satellite properly. And the satellite is
bound to crash land.

Unexpected Downfalls
Numerology Meanings for 53 reveal that you will attain good positions in life but often suddenly
lose them.
It is as if you climb to the top of a difficult pole and unexpectedly fall down to the place where
you began.
You lose your rank, honor, good luck, and achievements due to many obstacles in your path of

Mercury & Jupiter

Your success is due to the combined efforts of Mercury and Jupiter in 53. As you know 5 stands
for Mercury and 3 stands for Jupiter. Jupiter augments the efforts of Mercury to make you come
up in life.

Role of Mercury
Numerology meanings for 53 further reveal that Mercury gives you the sagacity, speed, and
efficiency in your projects. Your thinking is as fast as lightning. Many new ideas to make money
flood through your imagination.

Role of Jupiter
Name numerology reveals that Jupiter blesses the efforts of Mercury in No. 53. He tones down
the greed and over enthusiasm of Mercury in attaining results. He guides Mercury to take the
right and honest path to success.

Role of Saturn
Look at this number 53. On the surface it looks quite nice. But numerology meanings warn you
that there is a hidden danger in the lives of people with Name No. 53. Because 5 and 3 add up to
8 which is Saturn's Number.
Name numerology for 53 is more under the influence of Saturn besides that of Mercury and
Jupiter. Saturn applies sudden breaks with unexpected obstacles in your progress. You are forced
to lose and accept defeat.

Miseries & Misfortunes

Numerology meanings warn you that if your name number is in 53, Saturn will give you many
miseries, misfortunes, accidents, and sorrows. He will cause thefts, fire, and raids from the
Labor, Income Tax, and Sales Tax.
Name numerology for business confirms it. In business numerology it is the experience of most
people that Saturn causes fire accidents, loss and theft of property documents, court cases and
jail terms.

Miseries & Misfortunes

Numerology meanings for 53 further reveal that you will have satisfactory love life. You are
gifted with numerology love compatibility. But more often you have to face opposition to your
love from other persons.
Name numerology for 53 predicts that you have many opportunities to make love. But it is your
weakness to reveal your business and personal secrets to your love partner. This puts you often
under their clutches.

Venus, Moon & Saturn

Numerology Meanings for 62 reveal that you are ruled by Venus, Moon, & Saturn. Saturn
exploits Moon.
He makes you fond of liquor & other vices. The negative side of Venus operates and brings bad
luck to you.
You successes are wafer thin. You build castles in the air. You invest in weak plans & wrong
projects & fail.

Venus, Moon & Saturn

Venus loses its skills of diplomacy, statesmanship, and leadership qualities due to Saturn's
influence on Moon. The negative side of Moon makes you waste time, day dream, procrastinate
and lose chances.

Sexual Weaknesses
Numerology meanings for 62 say that you are over fond of the other sex. You shower money on
them for giving company to you and lose your wealth little by little. You are not satisfied with
one partner for time time.
Name numerology says that you are tempted by bars, costly restaurants, luxurious ambiance, and
casinos. You take your partner to places like these and revel in enjoyment. You think it is your
birth right to enjoy.

Gambling & Drinks

Numerology meanings for 62 reveal that you have the tendency to gamble. You like to bet on
horses and try your hand in poker games. You lose many times but boast to others telling them
how cleverly you won quite often.
Name numerology for 62 confirms that you have the proclivity for liquor and drinks. You may
have a bar of your own and you may play the host to its visitors. Often you become addicted to
drinks and other stimulants.

Love Life
Numerology meanings convey that you are attractive enough to entice rich sex partners. You also
want more partners from all clans and races. You possess enough numerology love compatibility
to achieve your ends.

Business Numerology
Name numerology for 62 asserts that this number is not suitable for success in business. If you
have your business name in 62, kindly correct it from an expert.

Name Number 71
Numerology Meanings teach that if the alphabets in your name add to 71, your Name No. is 71.
If you add 7 & 1 it becomes 8. This Number 8 is ruled by Saturn and he mainly governs your
Number 7 signifies Ketu and No. 1 signifies Sun. Thus Saturn rules your life through Ketu and

Ketu & Knowledge

Ketu gives you deep interest in religion. You read lots of religious books. Ketu also gives you
knowledge in the occult sciences.You are eager to know philosophy, theology, astrology, and

Love & Finance

But numerology meanings reveal that Ketu makes you a loner. He denies success in your love,
your marriage, and married life. He puts obstacles in your business. He prevents your financial
Name Numerology affirms that though you start well, you suddenly lose interest in money. Even
if you become rich you have little time to enjoy. You see people less in status than you enjoy life
much more.

Role Of Sun
Name Numerology says that Sun tries to bolster you up. He makes you face challenges in your
love affairs and financial matters. However Ketu makes you lose interest and become morose or
Tamil Numerology says that Sun makes you think too high of yourself. You feel you have more
knowledge than others. Those around you look small in your eyes. You think they need your
advice to live properly.

Scorn Advice
Numerology Meanings reveal that you feel only you are fit to advice others. You hate being
advised. So when your business meets with a crisis you do not listen to good advice. This makes
you face losses.
Business numerology tells you spend more time in teaching others what to do and what not. You
lose time at the cost of your business. You do not keep up schedules for important business

Too Late To Enjoy

In this way Numerology 7 makes you face obstacles, delays, defeats, and disappointments. If at
all you come up it after a very long struggle. By then you are too late to enjoy your earnings or

Role Of Saturn
Numerology Meanings convey that your behavior and character are very much influenced by the
evil planet Saturn. Had it not been due to Saturn, you would have been far more benefited by
Name Numerology reveals that Saturn makes you face miseries, misfortunes, accidents, and
sorrows. He does not allow you to sleep well. He keeps giving troubles to prevent your success
and prosperity.

Saturn & Accidents

Name Numerology warns you that Saturn will cause accidents. Saturn has the power to cause
road, rail, or plane, or fire caaidents. You may face thefts and you may lose your properties.
Tamil Numerology warns that if you are a business man with 71 Saturn may cause raids from the
income tax and Sales Tax. You will face lock outs, strikes, and you may lose on your

Business Numerology

Numerology Meanings caution you the you should never have your business name in 71. Saturn
may be beneficial in your birth chart. But He may have bad aspects from malefic planets to
cause you losses.
Suppose your business Name in 71. Tamil Numerology says that Numerology 7 in 71 will make
you lose. You will fail to handle your clents right. You will antogonize them and lose your

Your Family & No. 71

Numerology Meanings advice you not to have 71 as name number for your wife and kids.
Better be cautious about people with Name No. 71. They may give you wrong advice and cause
you sufferings.

Name Number 80
As per Numerology Meanings, if the alphabets in your name add to make 80, your Name No. is
No. 8 is ruled by Saturn. It is He alone who rules your life. You are under the full sway of
Saturn creates many sufferings in your life. He creates miseries, misfortunes, and many sorrows.

Early Childhood
Saturn begins his work early in your childhood. He makes you undergo a very poor life. Your
parents are not rich. You live under miserable conditions. You face many difficulties in pursuing
your education.
Name Numerology says that you do not even have three square meals a day. You stay hungry
when other boys in your class eat mid day meals. You are forced to work as a menial to increase
your family income.

Ill Health & Disease

Numerology meanings reveal that you suffer often from ill health and disease. Every now and
then something goes wrong. Often your doctors are unable to trace the cause of your disease.
They are perplexed.
As a result numerology number 8 makes you suffer incurable diseases right from your
childhood. If not, you get early diabetes. You suffer from hyper tension, kidney disease or heart
disease in your middle age.

Financial Constraints
Numerology Meanings say that poverty chases you through out your life. Even if you are born
rich you are forced to quit and darn the ochre robe. You become a Sannyasin and beg for your
food from door to door.
Tamil Numerology cites several examples of rich persons with name number 80 who renounced
every material thing in their lives and chose to live in a hermitage. In any case, your income is
always restricted.

Criminal Tendencies
Numerology number 8 gives you criminal tendencies. George Bernard Shaw Born on 26-7-1856
had 8 & 8. He had admitted frankly on record that he often revelled in thinking of committing
heinous crimes.
Tamil numerology also confirms this fact. It says if you think a man is a suspect first find out if
he has numerology number 8. It is true that name number 80 makes it easy for you to commit a
deadly crime.

The Divine Touch

Numerology Meanings assert that your Name Number 80 is associated with penury, poverty,
disease, and other bad things. However if you have a correctly designed name, you can attain to
Divine Heights.

Tamil Numerology cites Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh as an example. He was strongly ruled by
8. But he became world famous. He was a beacon of knowledge and wisdom to the whole

Number of Excellence
Numerology Meanings also reveal that your name number 80 can be a number of excellence. 8
need not be always bad. If you have a perfect lucky name, you can live long and achieve great
things in life.
Name Numerology cites George Bernard Shaw as an example. He was ruled by 8 & 8. He was a
great writer. He won the Nobel Prize for literature. He won an oscar for his role in the Movie

Fear & Anguish

Numerology Meanings say that if your name is incorrect in Name No. 80 you will be haunted by
fear and anguish. You will always be afraid of some thing. You are fearful of dangers that lurk
around you.
Numerology number 8 is the brand of thieves, rapists, murderers, and terrorists. If you study the
occupants of jails around your city, you will have your proof. Naturally criminals are afraid of

Threat of Accidents
Numerology Meanings state that if your name is in 80 you should be wary of accidents. Many
millionaires in young age had lost their lives in gory accidents. Numerology Number 8 has such
a bad effect.
Name Numerology consoles that this happens only if you have an evil name. Suppose you have
a perfect name. Then what? That lucky name will protect you like a talisman and save you from

Business & No. 80

Numerology Meanings exhorts you to examine your business names. If your business name is in
80, make sure its name is redesigned by a veteran numerologist who knows the technique of
measuring vibrations.
Business Numerology cautions that if you have your business name in 80 is incorrect, your
business is bound to fail. Have your name designed as per Lecher Antenna measurements using

The Remedy
Remember all the bad things happen only to those with unscientific names. Numerology
Meanings reveal that though your name number is in 80 you can still attain super success if you
have a scientific name.
And what is a scientific name? Examine your name for evil vibes and remove them. Contact an
expert and design your name as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. Then you
Will surely Win!

Take Scientific Help

Name Number 89
Numerology Meanings for name number 89 reveal that your life is fully ruled by Saturn and
Mars and Saturn are close friends. Hence 89 makes you escape from most of the evil effects of
You come up by hard work from the scratch. You overcome your obstacles by sheer persistence.

Difficult Start

Numerology number 8 says that you face a lot of troubles in your childhood and adolescence.
You live in conditions of poverty. Often you have to miss a meal in a day. You do not have
enough money.
Tamil numerology says that when you are young you find that every one else is richer than you.
Your parents Keep struggling for income. You envy those around you and dream that one day
you will also be rich.

School Life
Numerology Meanings reveal that you have a talent for learning any subject. Though struck by
poverty you vow to beat other students by showing your talent in your studies. You read well
and score well.
Books on numerology 9 reveal that you stand first in many of your subjects. You work hard and
keep late hours to study well. You win the affection of your teachers. You stand 1st and win
many prizes.

Numerology meanings reveal that though afflicted by poverty, you keep on learning many
things. You do not limit yourself with your school learning. You do extra reading and become
proficient in many subjects.
Treatises on numerology 9 reveal that you are fond of machineries. You take up part time jobs in
work shops. You work in garages with out pay just to learn how to repair a diesel engine or an

Your Career
Numerology Meanings reveal that the 8 and 9 in your 89 draws you to join the police or
military. If you apply you are easily selected. You shine well in these departments. You win
several medals and honors.

You are also successful as an engineer. You exhibit enviable skills in handling any machinery.
You also get injured often. You climb up in the ladder of promotions. You reach the top sooner
than others.

Risks & Dangers

Numerology Meanings compare Saturn and Mars to two friendly boxers. In boxing you must be
ready at any time for a sucker punch. Same way Saturn keeps throwing challenges in your path
of progress.
Tamil Numerology explains that sometime Saturn wins and you lose. You face the enmity of
your colleagues and seniors. Your enemies try very hard to wipe you out. Many times you have
a narrow escape.

Prone To Accidents
Numerology Meanings reveal that there are two 8s in 89. These two 8s make you prone to
accidents. You meet with accidents every now and then. But you recover after a surgery or brief
Books on Numerology 9 caution you to always be wary of accidents. Prevention is better than
cure. Whenever you do any thing take extra care to prevent any accident. Keep adequate first aid
kits by your side.

The Balance Sheet

Numerology Meanings confirm that you earn enough money to satisfy all your wants in your
later life. You get lands, buildings, jewelery, and stocks in the share market. You are able lead a
luxurious life.
You also get married and manage to lead a happy married life. You meet with bitter quarrels
with your wife. She deserts you often. But somehow you call her back, make truce with her, and
get settled.

Business And No. 89

Numerology Meanings say that 89 is a risky number to have in your business name. If you want
to remain always in tension you can dare to have it. But common sense says that you should
avoid number 89.
Business Numerology states that you can afford a business name in 89 if it is flawless. Such a
name should be designed by an expert. Make sure that expert is well versed in astrology and
bioenergetics as well.

Word of Caution
Tamil Numerology cautions you to correct your name scientifically if you want name No. 89.
What is a scientific name? It must have an overall good and lucky vibration when measured by
the Lecher Antenna.
Numerology number 8 warns that If you ignore this advice, you will face all the evil effects of
Saturn. All the good effects of Mars will be lost. You will have to face miseries, misfortunes, and
sorrows in your life.

Name Number 98
Numerology Meanings for name number 98 reveal that your life is entirely ruled by Mars and
You are twice ruled by Saturn. By the 8 in 89 and another 8 when you add 8 and 9 and get 17 =
No. 8 succeeds 9 in 89. It ensures that all the powers of Mars are completely neutralized by

Sharp Intelligence
Books on numerology 9 say that you are blessed you with a very sharp intelligence. But you use
it more for others and less for yourself. As a result of this you find yourself entangled with
complicated problems.

Family Problems
Numerology Meanings reveal that you are not able to make ends meet. Your family is constantly
in a state of want. However you try to solve it you get crisis after crisis and you are not able to
satisfy your family.
Tamil numerology states that this happens due to the redoubled effects of Saturn. You have got
two 8s in your name number. One visible 8 in 89 and one occult 8 in 17 or 8. This makes you

Problems In Profession
Numerology Meanings caution you to be very careful in your working place. Your superiors do not take notice of
whatever good you do. They tease you for no fault of yours. You are not not in their good books.
Numerology Number 8 has it that you do not enjoy the friendship of your co workers. They think you are a wise
crack. They make fun of you in your behind. You become the star victim of back biting.

Problems In Business
Numerology Meanings advise you that you are not equipped for business. Whatever you start
you are not able to finish. You find things move beyond your control. You lose your money and
repent later.
Business Numerology reveals that 89 is not a desirable name number for your business. If you
have your business name in 98, you would do better change it. If not your customers will swindle
you and cheat you.

Risk Of Accidents
Numerology Meanings reveal that you are accident prone. Accidents become second nature in
your life. You have to be careful when you travel by road, train, or air. Be wary of machinery that
you handle.
Numerology number 8 has this quality to catch you unawares. Though you are careful you are
not able to avoid accidents. Many a time you suffer minor and major injuries. Some times you
are hospitalized.

Health & Disease

Numerology Meanings state that you do not keep good health. Some thing or other goes wrong
with your health. You have a very poor disease resistance. Your self healing powers are at a low
Tamil Numerology reveals that name number 89 makes you suffer from incurable diseases. You
may get diabetes or kidney disease or some such disease. You are prone to suffer skin diseases
like psoriasis.

Points To Ponder
Business Numerology declares that if you have a perfect name, you will escape from the miseries
of Saturn. What is a perfect Name? It must be correct as per name numerology, astrology, and
Tamil Numerology asks you to correct your personal name and business name if these are in 89.
You can have these names in 89 if your name components and overall name vibrate in good
wave lengths.
Mars And No. 9

In Name Numerology, No. 9 stands for Mars. You have 9 numerology, if your day, life or name
no. is 9.
If you a fight for a cause, rebel against an oppression, and fight for your country, you are ruled
by No.9.
You shine as a technician, and excel as a chemist, doctor or a lawyer.
No. 9 is the highest in the series 1 to 9. In multiplication of any number by 9, all results reduce
back to 9.

Why Traditional Nameology Fails?

Why Birthdate Numerology Compatibility Is Not Enough?

Uniqueness Of No.9

No. 9 has a unique Name Numerology. If you 2 + 9, the total is 11, which is 1+1= 2. If you add 8
+ 9 the total 17 is (1+7)= 8. Any number added to 9 ends up as the same number after reduction.
9 is unique in this aspect.
9 numerology is also unique in multiplication. If you multiply any number with 9, the result
reduces to 9, if you add up the component numbers of the product. For example, 9 X 7=63 and if
you add 6+3, you get back 9.

Effect of 9 with 8

No. 9 is good in its name numerology. When it joins hand with 8, it makes you a criminal,
gangster, or it kills you in an accident. 8 is a killer. I give you a link to prove the effect of 9 & 8.
See it and come back to this page.
See how 9 in 72 is spoiled by 8. Can you believe that a number with 10 digits and 9 eights has
killed all its 3 owners within 10 years? It is 0 888 888 888. This is what 8 will do to any one or
you. The Killer Mobile

Who is ruled by No. 9?

As per name numerology, If you are born on the 9th, 18th, and 27th, of any month, know that
you are ruled by 9 and Planet Mars. You are also ruled by Mars and No. 9, if your Life Number
or Name Number is 9.
As per 9 numerology, If your Life No. is 9, you will attain to the status shown by 9, by the day to
day qualities of your Day No. If your Day No. alone is 9, you develop the qualities for 9
moderated by your Life No.

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Live With Dangers

Name Numerology for No. 9 depicts the 9 born as a man who walks with the torch of
intelligence, in a road full of blood stains, not seeing the snake below his feet. It tells you that
your life is fraught with dangers.

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Gifted With Courage

Numerology for No. 9 makes you a born fighter. You do not know what fear is. 9 numerology
makes You an embodiment of courage. You possess excellent resilience and endurance. You
persist in your efforts to succeed.

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The Fighter

Name numerology for 9, fills your life with struggles. You struggle against poverty, oppression,
cruelty and authority. You are the tiller, the plumber, the machinist, the carpenter, the farmer, the
doctor and the scientist.
9 Numerology makes you fight against the old and create a new order. You construct buildings,
dams, and bridges. You also destroy them with bombs, in an emergency, or during war. You are
the back bone of any civilization.

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The Patriot

Name numerology for 9, makes you love your country. You also love your society. 9
Numerology makes you help your fellow citizens. You sacrifice for your Nation. You fight for
the rights and freedom of your countrymen.

The Warrior

Name numerology for No. 9, makes you join the army, navy, or the air force. At least, you try to
become a police officer. You like hot fighting scenario. You like to handle the fire arms, machine
guns, and bombs.

9 Numerology makes you obey rules and you also demand obedience. You fight for your honor.
You sacrifice your life for your country. You fight for any public cause like Mahatma Gandhi,
who was also ruled by Life No. 9.

Numerology for Success In Business!

Cool And Intelligent

Name Numerology for 9, gives you a sharp intellect. You appear cool in any crisis. 9 numerology
makes you hide your feelings. But you plan secretly to defeat your enemies. You weigh all the
pros and cons and strike to win.
You find many scholars and philosophers ruled by No. 9. Numerology for No. 9, makes you fit to
be a clever politician. You can be a successful minister for external affairs. You will also make an
effective ambassador.

How To Choose Your Numerology Love Match!

Inviting Trouble

When you are less lucky, 9 numerology makes you betray your emotions and engage in quarrels.
You generate enemies in this manner. You waste your energies in emotions of hatred. You waste
time and money in fights.
If 9 numerology is afflicted, it gives you feelings of hurt pride. You are charged with greed and
jealousy. You brood on your weaknesses and on your enemies. You burst with anger. You become
a nasty street fighter.

Numerology Compatibility Guarantees Your Success!

Rare Knowledge

Numerology for 9 makes you an expert chemist. You are good at rare inventions. 9 numerology
gives you deep insights into chemistry and medicine. You exhibit your special powers, when 9 is

When 9 Is Afflicted

Name Numerology for 9 demands that it should not be polluted by bad associations of No. 2, 4, 7
or 8. When 9 is afflicted by your day number or name number, you are rude. You acquire bad
traits and evil habits.
When 9 numerology is afflicted, you turn arrogant and commanding. You dictate terms. You are
filled with lust. You get addicted to drugs and alcohol. You take pleasure in torturing and hurting

Ensure Numerology Love Compatibility For Success in Love!

Name Number 9

As per name numerology, you can have your name organized in the pure vibrations of No. 9,
when your day number is 1, 3, or 9 , or when your life number is 1, 3 or 9. You should not have
your name in No. 2, 4, 7 or 8.
It is in such situations, that you must correct 9 numerology by making your name vibrate in
perfect harmony with your day and life numbers. Get it corrected by an expert, who can measure
your name vibrations.

Name Number 18
Numerology Meanings decries this number as undesirable. It gives you miseries and
1 is Sun and 8 is Saturn. You are ruled by Sun and Saturn in 18. As 18 = 9 you are also ruled by
Saturn afflicts the good effects of Sun and Mars. He also afflicts you with his trials and

Delays & Obstacles

Numerology Meanings advise that the numerology number 8 in 18 gives you many obstacles and
delays. You face difficulties in every thing you do. Your progress is stifled. Your financial plans
get blown up.
Tamil Numerology says that you are not able to get your daughters married. Many persons
propose but later refuse to accept your daughters. Theymake big demands on you which you are
not able to meet.

Troublesome Life
Numerology Meanings reveal that you are forced to live in exile. Unable to face your creditors
you are forced to leave your home town. You remain in exile for many short and long periods.
You suffer for food.
Authoritative books on numerology number 8 further say that you are not able to make ends
meet. You are forced to live in poverty. You are driven to take loans which you are not able to
repay on time.

Fear From Enemies

Numerology Meanings say that Saturn afflicts Sun and Mars. Sun makes you arrogant when you
speak to others. They think you are head strong. They speak ill of you behind your back. They
spoil your image.
Mars when afflicted gives you too much anger. You land up in many quarrels and physical
attacks. You attack others and create many enemies. Later you are afraid of them. You move
around with weapons.

Treachery & Conspiracy

Numerology number 8 afflicts you with the full powers of Saturn. Your enemies plan to attack
you. They make many conspiracies to catch you. You are forced to live always on your guard.

Books on numerology 9 say that you are skilled with weapons and machinery. You keeps many
small weapons. You carry them hidden on your person when you move around. You fear danger
from your enemies.

Name Number 27
As per Numerology Meanings, if the alphabets in your name add to make 27, your Name No. is
No. 2 is ruled by Moon. No. 7 is ruled by Ketu. As 27 adds to 9 you are ruled mainly by Mars as
With a good name Moon gives you useful ideas. Ketu gives intuition. Mars leads you to success.

Knowledge & Wisdom

Name Numerology says that with a perfect name, name number 27 gives you great knowledge.
You are also blessed with great maturity and wisdom. You always take right decisions and do the
right things.

Painstaking Efforts
Numerology meanings reveal that you are highly industrious. You work very hard. You do not
stop until you put in your maximum efforts. You do not stop until you are successful.
Numerology 7 declares that with 27 you are like this in whatever field you are. You make great
sacrifices. This makes you outstanding in every walk of life. You come out on top and win others'

Rich & Famous

As a result you earn a lot of wealth and riches. You acquire lands and houses. You buy and own
several luxurious cars. You effortlessly invest in jeweleries. Others admire your luck with envy
and jealosy.

Tamil Numerology confirms that you achieve name and fame. You enjoy great respect wherever
you go. People invite you to preside over meetings. Schools and colleges invite you to give

Business Numerology
Numerology Meanings say that if your personal name is lucky, then you can confidently have
your business name in 27. It gives you a profitable business. But it is important that your name
is perfect.
Business Numerology confirms the above findings of Tamil Numerology. I have named many
ventures with name number 27 after correcting their personal names. They are all successful.

Name Number 36
As per Numerology Meanings, if the alphabets in your name add to make 36, your Name No. is
No. 3 is ruled by Jupiter. No. 6 is ruled by Venus. Your overall name number is ruled by 9 or
As Jupiter and Venus are inimical to each other you struggle hard in your life but achieve

Role of Jupiter
Jupiter gives you a sharp intellect. You gain many intellectual skills due to the influence of
Jupiter. You excel in your studies. You do lots of extra reading and build up a vast knowledge in
all subjects.

Role of Venus
As per numerology meanings, Venus makes you charming and attractive. You win recognition
and support. You become the center of attraction. You undertake any business and make it a

Name Numerology says that you are tossed between knowledge and income. Jupiter makes you
thirsty for knowledge at the expense of wealth and earnings. Venus pulls you in the opposite

Role of Mars
As per numerology meanings, Mars plays the mediator. Suppose you are a minister and you
have two deputies. Though they work in opposite directions you coordinate their efforts to
achieve your ends.
As per numerology 9 Mars gives you the thirst for knowledge. He also gives you the ability to
convert your knowledge into additional income. He gives you confidence and courage. He makes
you to excel.

Modest Beginning
As per Tamil Numerology you begin your life modestly. But you achieve your financial goals by
persistence and hard work. You acquire riches. You construct buildings and invest in real estates.

Family Life For 36

Numerology Meanings for 36 reveal that you spend very little time with your family. The Venus
in your name number 36 makes you lean for enjoyments from the fair sex and this complicates
your family life.

Effect of 3 & 6
Numerology Meanings declare that Jupiter and Venus are inimical to each other. This creates
complications. You take wrong decisions. You will regret later. As a result you will lose income
and profits.
Numerology 9 says that Mars makes you angry on your failures. You flare up for trivial things.
You generate many enemies. They want to punish you with treachery. You must be careful about
this weakness.

Business Numerology
If you are born in dates of 9, 18, and 27 of any month you can have a successful business with
name number 36. Numerology number 9 reveals that your business will be successful if your
life number is 9.

If Your Name Is Defective

Numerology Meanings warn you that all the above statements are true only if you have a
flawless name in name number 36. Remember that all names in 36 are not good. There are evil
names too in 36.
Tamil numerology assures that you can still have a perfect name in 36 if you design your name
properly with expert help. Design your name like that and you will enjoy all the benefits of name
number 36.

Name Number 45
As per Numerology Meanings, if the alphabets in your name add to make 45, your Name No. is
No. 4 is ruled by Rahu. 5 is ruled by Mercury. As 4 and 5 add to 9 You are mainly ruled by
Rahu and Mercury are friends of 9. Hence if you have a good name, Mars gives you a successful

Bad Name Gives Failures

Your Name No. may be in 45. But if your name is defective, you face failures in your life.
Therefore ensure you have a scientifically perfect name. Design it as per Name Numerology,
Astrology & Bioenergetics.

Role Of Rahu
As per Numerology Meanings Rahu gives you an incredible memory. You are a store house of
information. People look up to you for new knowledge. They always surround you to discuss
the current affairs.
Name Numerology says that you are never tired of speaking to others. This makes you very
popular. You are cynosure of attraction to others. They come forward to help you in many ways.

Highly Talkative
Numerology Meanings declare that Rahu makes you highly talkative. You know both good and
bad information about others. Often you reveal bad things about them. This creates many
enemies to you.
However Name Numerology assures you protection from Mercury and Mars. These two planets
save you from any bad reputation. They give you control and command to save yourself from
any bad effects.

Role Of Mercury
As per Numerology Meanings Mercury makes you excel in everything you do. However you
waver and change your priorities quite often. This prevents hundred percent success in many of
your projects.
Tamil Numerology says that your thinking is lightning fast. In spite of the above defects you
achieve success in your chosen fields. Numerology Number 5 makes you leave an indelible
mark of success.

Role of Mars
Numerology 9 says that Mars gives you courage and confidence. He helps you to defeat your
enemies. He also enables you to succeed over stiff competition. This makes you successful in
any business.

As per Business Numerology Name Number 45 makes you shine in business. You succeed in the
stock markets. You attain success in Trading, Commision and Contracts. Iron and Steel also suits
you well.

Beware Of 2 & 7
Business Numerology further warns you not to have your business name in name number 2 or 7.
It further cautions you not to have partners with Name number 7 or Birthday numerology
numbers in 2 & 7 series.
Why? Number 2 and 7 are inimical to Name No. 9 and Name No. 36. You will derive the
benefits of 36 only if your name is perfect. A defective name ensures failures in both your
personal life & business.

Name Number 54
As per Numerology Meanings, if the alphabets in your name add to make 54, your Name No. is
No. 5 is ruled by Mercury. No. 4 is ruled by Rahu. And the total of 5 & 4 which is 9 is ruled by
The difference in 45 and 54 is that 4 comes before 5 in 45. It causes many difficulties in your

Less Lucky Than 45

Your life and decisions are influenced more by by Rahu than by Mercury. This is confirmed by
Tamil Numerology.You are less lucky since Rahu lacks the acumen, courage, and spontaneity of

Role Of Rahu
Numerology Meanings for 54 convey that in the beginning you have a modest life. Later you
come up slowly. You face many rise and falls. Yet you attain name, fame, and riches by hard
work early in your life.

Tamil Numerology explains that Rahu thrusts you with lots of diverse information. Hence you
are more confused by Rahu in making business decisons with the help of Mercury. This allows
you only limited success.

Role Of Mercury
As per Numerology Meanings Mercury drives you to do many ventures. You do not fully
concentrate in any one business. It dilutes your efforts and you lose opportunities of grand
success in any particular business.

Rash Decisions
Numerology 9 is ruled by Mars. He frustrates you with his disapproval and anger. As a result
you take rash decisions. This makes you lose your investments. You become the butt end of
ridicule to others.
Mars makes you angry for trivial reasons. You become adamant. You refuse to listen to good
advice. You think you are wiser than others. You fight with them. You invest in useless ventures
and lose again.

Thoughtless Actions
Numerology Meanings for 54 reveal that you do thoughtless actions. You believe those you
should not believe. You reveal your sensitive secrets to them. They spread it and make you lose
your reputation.
You are not tired of losing. Numerology Number 5 gives you false confidence. It makes you
greedy. Your prime enemy is this greed. You want to amass wealth and restore your pride. You
try again and again.

Role Of Mars
Numerology Meanings for 54 reveal that you persist recklessly. If you are not careful you lose
everything. Mars in 54 comes to your rescue. You become flexible. You earn back some thing of
what you lost.

Numerology 9 by Mars makes you lean on others help to get back whatever you lost. This makes
you dependent on them. Though you lead a good life you go through it with out much

Avoid The Pitfalls

Numerology Meanings advise you to correct your name if you want to avoid the pit falls of
Name No. 54. If you have a perfect and flawless name you will not suffer the negative qualities
of this name number.
Business numerology says that this applies to your business as well. It is not enough if your
name is perfect. If you want your business to earn good profits, you have to correct your
business name as well.

Name Number 63
As per Numerology Meanings, if the alphabets in your name add up to make 63, your Name
Number is 63.
No. 6 is ruled by Venus. 3 is ruled by Jupiter. As 6 +3 = 9, Name No. 63 is ruled by Mars as well.
Name No. 63 is not an enviable number. If your Name 63, your life will be full of many

Enmity of 6 & 3
As per Tamil Numerology 6 is inimical to 3 and 3 is inimical to 6. Why? 6 represents Venus. 3
represents Jupiter. Venus is the Guru of Demons. Jupiter is the Guru of Devas or Gods. So they
always fight one another.
The enmity between Venus and Jupiter is eternal. As per Vedic Numerology 6 represents
Sukracharya. Sukra always wants to destroy Jupiter. And Jupiter or the Deva Guru wants to
destroy his enemy Sukra at any cost.

Family Analogy

Name Numerology Meanings for 63 explains this as a family conflict. No. 6 is like your father.
No. 3 is like your mother. If there are constant fights between your father and mother, how can
they look after you properly?
Tamil Numerology for 63 remarks that if your name number is 63 you grow with out the proper
parental care. There is no time for them to take care of you or guide you. So you are tempted and
driven to go in the wrong ways.

Evil Company
Numerology Meanings for 63 further add that you grow on your own. Whenever you try to come
up, you face a lot of obstacles. Even to achieve a small thing you have to face enormous
difficulties. Your life is helpless.
Numerology 6 reveals that you are fond of nice food, good dress, and recreation. But if you do
not get these things in your family it makes you turn into bad path. You keep wrong company to
earn money in evil ways.

Rich After Trials

It does not mean that you always remain poor. Numerology relations compatibility confirms that
you will join evil company. It says you will make money somehow by hook or crook. After
many trials you will be rich.
You are not bad by nature. Though you are good you are driven into evil ways. Many persons are
not like this. They do not join evil company. But they believe wrong persons and take wrong
decisions to ruin their lives.

Beware of 2 & 7
Numerology Meanings advise that if you want to remain happy, you have to avoid people who
are born on dates of 2, 11, 20, and 29. You must also avoid people who are born on dates of 7,
16, and 25.

Numerology Relationship Compatibility says that you must avoid any person who has a name
number in the 2 series or 7 series. These persons cannot do you any good. They will only harm
you and make you lose.

Marriage Numerology
Marriage Numerology advises you not to marry any one with dates in 2 or 7 series. You must
also avoid persons with day number or life number in 2 or 7. You must also avoid persons whose
names add up to 2 or 7.

Business Numerology
As per Numerology Meanings you should follow the same for your business. You must not deal with those with 2
or 7 as day number, life number, or name number. You must not have any partner with 2 or 7.
As per business numerology, if your company or business name is in name number 63, better change it. Correct it
with the help of an expert. A business name in 63 will give you loss only unless you rectify it properly.

Name Number 72
As per Numerology Meanings, if the alphabets in your name add to make 72, your Name No. is
No. 7 is ruled by Ketu. No. 2 is ruled by Moon. You cannot find better friends than Ketu and
Therefore, In spite of of your wrong doings you are highly successful in financial life.

Role Of Ketu
Ketu gives you tremendous knowledge and intuition. He gives you the moral support to do
anything. Normally, Ketu does not give financial support to anyone but in your case he has
become exceptional.

Role Of Moon
Numerology Meanings for 72 reveal that Moon gives you most creative imagination. He gives
you extraordinary talents to imagine. You always think about your profits. You never go wrong in
financial transactions.
Numerology Relationship Compatibility implies that if you are born with No.2 or 7 as birthday
numerology numbers, You will be devoted to persons who are born under No.2 or 7. They assist
you to come up in your life.

Role Of Mars
As per Numerology Meanings, Mars is inimical to Moon and Ketu. But in this case of Name
No.72, Mars is helpless to show his bitterness. Therefore, He allows you to do freely whatever
you do.
Tamil Numerology says that Mars is incompetent to defeat the friendship between 7 & 2. He
gives you extraordinary courage to face complications in your life. He wants to see that you are
fully successful.

Business Numerology
Name No.72 is a favorite of successful business men. I have given business names all over the
world in Name No.72. They are Highly successful and they write to me for more advice.
Numerology 7 reveals that though you are financially successful you are inclined to spend on
charity. You build ashrams and societies to take care of the old. You are very kind. You cannot
hurt anyone.

Material Success
Numerology Meanings for Name No. 72 assures that you acquire a lot of wealth. With a right
name you establish an empire with a lot of properties. Your properties last for several generations
even after you depart.

As per business numerology money pours in like rain. A correct scientific name with the proper
lucky vibrations ensures continuous flow of money into your bank account. Your riches and life
style make you world famous.

Name Number 81
As per Numerology Meanings, if the alphabets in your name add up to make 81, your Name
Number is 81.
No. 8 is ruled by Saturn. No. 1 is ruled by Sun. No. 8 and 1 in 81 add up to 9. Number 9 is ruled
by Mars.
The united influence of Saturn, Sun, & Mars controls your development. Mars plays a major role
in your life.

Saturn & Sun

Tamil Numerology says that though Saturn is inimical to most planets, he is favorably inclined to
Sun. Note that Saturn has a special affinity for Sun. These Planets have a special mutual
numerology relationship compatibility.

Marriage Numerology
Numerology Meanings reveal that if you are born in the dates of 1, 10, 19, or 28 of a month, you
will be successful with a spouse having No. 8. And if you are born on 8, 17, or 26, you will
succeed with a person with No. 1.
Numerology Relationship Compatibility reveals that if an 8 person marries a person with No. 1,
both will have a successful married life. So also if a boy with Name No. 1 marries a girl with
Name Number 8 both will be happy.

Success & Riches

Numerology Meanings reveal further that if your Name No. is 81, you will develop well in your
personal life. You will achieve name and fame. You will acquire wealth, riches, and jewellery.
You will invest in Real Estates.

Numerology Number 8 reveals that this rules applies only if your name is flawless and perfect. If
your name in 81 has been designed by bookish numerology, you will have a life with miseries,
misfortunes, and sorrows.

Fear Of Enemies
Numerology Meanings reveal that the role of Sun and Mars in 81 is very important. Sun makes
you dominant and arrogant. Mars adds fuel to the fire. You invite jealousy, malice, and hatred
from those who deal with you.
They become your enemies, warns Tamil Numerology. These enemies wait for a chance to bring
you disrepute. They work behind you and do many tricks to cause your downfall. You always
live with a fear of these enemies.

Beware of Accidents
Numerology Meanings reveal that Name Number 81 is susceptible to cause accidents. You must
be careful not to move alone during nights. You must have sufficient number of friends and body
guards to save you.
Numerology Number 8 warns that you must also be careful about accidents. Saturn makes you
handle your machinery wrongly to cause you accidents. You must also be beware of rail, road,
ship and air accidents.

Business Numerology
Business Numerology warns you that if your name or your business name is is 81, it should be
flawless and perfect as per name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics. It must also be
correct as per phonology.
Numerology Relationship Compatibility warns you that your business will be ruined if you have
a defective name in 81. Ensure that your name vibrates in the lucky wave lengths when measured
by the Lecher Antenna.

Name Number 90

As per Numerology Meanings, if the alphabets in your name add up to make 90, your Name
Number is 90.
Number 9 is ruled by Mars. It is He alone who rules your life too. You are under the full
influence of Mars.
Mars gives you all the initiative. He also gives you the skills. He makes you work hard and attain

Overcome Obstacles
Tamil Numerology reveals that you may start from a small beginning. You may face obstacles
and difficulties. But you are not the kind of person to be easily stopped. You think well, work
hard, and overcome all the obstacles.

Work Like A Devil

Numerology Meanings state that you are unstoppable. You do not care about either hunger or
sleep when you work. You do not stop your efforts till you reach your goals. Every one is
amazed by your capacity for work.
Tamil Numerology says that you have many types of skills. You work like this on several
projects. You attain success in all these projects. People say that you work like a devil. You
develop many streams of income.

Success In Business
Numerology Meanings add that if you have a perfect name in 90, you become rich, richer, and
richest. Money pours in from all directions. You become so rich that you also start Money
Lending Business.
Texts on Numerology 9 reveal that you use your income to buy shares and make profits there
also. You develop many chains of stores to sell all kinds of commercial goods. You expand your
business to all parts of your state.

Unfit For Divine Life

Numerology Meanings further add that name number 90 will not suit you if you plan to renounce
and take up a Divine Life. This is because name number 90 is so rajasic. Rajasic means it fills
your mind with all desires.
Tamil Numerology also confirms this point. Name Number 90 puffs you up with the pride and
egoism. It drives you to achieve more and more. It makes you attached to your clients,
customers, coworkers, and the Press.

Business Numerology
Business Numerology states that if you have a defective name in 90 you cannot attain any
success. You will end up as a hard worker. Otherwise people will take advantage of your hard
work. They will suck your profits.
Numerology relationship Compatibility states that a defective name in 90 gives you only the
worst kind of customers. Your contacts and co workers will leave you and start their own
business. They steal your knowledge.

Name Number 99
As per Numerology Meanings, if the alphabets in your name add up to make 99, your Name
Number is 99.
Note that you have got two nines in No. 99. Also note that there is one more hidden 9 in Name
No. 99.
How? Add 9 + 9 in 99. You get 18. Add 1 + 8. You get one more 9. Hence you have three nines
in 99.

Thrice Ruled By Mars

Therefore says Tamil Numerology, the power of Mars is increased three times. Mars indicates
redness, roughness, anger, ferocity, astonishing physical strength, tenacity and toughness. You
are thrice ruled by Mars.

Rough Beginning
Numerology Meanings reveal the following characteristics for Name No. 99. You are unusually
strong from your very young age. As a student you get a good education. In your school life you
dominate over other school boys.
Tamil Numerology says that you always keep a crowd of boys around you. Those who obey your
orders. You dictate terms to them. They do what you say out of fear. They are secretly afraid that
you may hurt them.

Numerology meanings for 99 say that a defective name in 99 makes you a gangster. Mars fans
your desires. Ambitions overpower you. You like to do what others fear. You join evil friends.
You enjoy with women of disrepute.
Books on Numerology 9 reveal for 99 that a defective name makes you fond of illicit pleasures.
You like to enjoy everything all at once. You need lots of money for your enjoyments. You get
that money by hook or crook.

Crime & Terror

Numerology Meanings for 99 reveal that a defective name in 99 makes you a terror to others.
Your brain works in criminal ways. You mix up with rowdy elements. You use this muscle power
to extract money from others.
Books on Numerology 9 say that if your name is defective in 99, you grow into a gangster and
become a Mafia Don. You are violent and menacing. You peddle drugs for big money. You resort
to blackmail. You run brothels.

Beware of 2 & 7
Numerology Relationship Compatibility for 99 warns you to avoid mixing with persons with 2 or
7. It means those who are born on dates of 2, 11, 20, 29 and dates of 7, 16, and 25 will not suit
you as a spouse or partner.

Tamil Numerology for 99 clarifies that you must also avoid persons with 2 or 7 as their Day
Number or Life Number. Those with name numbers in 2 or 7 will not suit you too. They will not
help you and they will not be loyal to you.

Name Number 108

As per Numerology Meanings, if the alphabets in your name add up to make 108, your Name
No. is 108.
No. 1 is ruled by Sun. No. 8 is ruled by Saturn. Zero refers to infinity or God. He Blesses you
with Success.
Saturn gives you many difficulties. But God's Grace saves you from all your dangers in the last

Role of Sun
As per Numerology Meanings Sun gives you agility, smartness, and a sharp intelligence. You
have an appealing personality.You believe in truth. You are straight forward and honest. You
command respect wherever you go.
Tamil Numerology says that you will be successful as a professor, doctor, advocate, engineer, or
a business man. If you are in a government job, you will occupy the top positions. You will be a
great success in Politics.

Role of Saturn
As per Numerology Meanings, Saturn tries his best to affect your life. He gives you many
obstacles and difficulties. He lands you in accidents. But by God's Grace, you come out
unscathed in the last moment.
Tamil Numerology says that there is an affinity between Saturn and Sun. They are friends. Thus
Saturn has a great Numerology Relationship compatibility with Sun. So he does not mind your
coming out unscathed.

Role of Mars

As per Numerology Meanings if you study 108 carefully 1 + 8 = 9. No. 9 is ruled by Mars. He
controls your overall life. Sun helps you to come out on top and Mars is glad to assist Sun in His
efforts to make you a Success.
As per Numerology 9, Mars gives you additional support to make you successful. He gives you
tenacity and persistence. He gives you courage and confidence. He makes you powerful. He
makes you reach your goals.

Achieve The Impossible

As per Numerology Meanings, a perfect name in 108 will make you fond of adventures. You
will act in circus. You will swim long distances in a turbulent sea. You are bold enough to catch
poisonous snakes by hands.
Numerology 9 says that 108 makes you perform astonishing feats. You jump down in parachutes
from great heights. You are the kind of person who creates a new Guinness record. You prove
that you are extraordinary.

Material Life
Numerology Meanings convey that Name No. 108 gives you a successful life only if you have a
flawless perfect name. You acquire wealth and riches. You get name and fame. All your efforts
meet with success.
As per numerology 9, if you have a perfect name, 108 helps to attain great positions in life. You
achieve whatever you want. Whatever you plan will come true. Your efforts are well directed.
You will achieve your goals.

Business Numerology
As per Business Numerology, if you have a perfect business name in Name No. 108, your
business will be a huge success. It will make roaring profits. You will acquire enough wealth to
last your family for many generations.

As per Tamil Numerology, If your business name is defective, though it is in 108, it will surely
go on loss. You cannot make profits. Your customers will be unreliable. They will borrow huge
credits from you and fail to pay back.

Name Is Most Powerful

As per Numerology Meanings for 108 all these good results come to you only if your name is
flawless. Therefore ensure to meet an expert and get a perfect name as per name numerology,
astrology, and bioenergetics.
Tamil Numerology says that Name No.108 benefits you only if you have a flawless name. Your
birthday numbers are powerful. Your Name No. is more powerful than birthday numbers. But
you Name is the Most Powerful.

Secrets of Numerology
Name Numerology has many more secrets and nuances than what you learn by mere study of
Which name number will suit you best? Such secrets were revealed by great Sages to chosen
They knew by their instincts which number caused what disease. They got this knowledge by

Disciplic Succession
And it was transmitted from Gurus to disiciples through disciplic succession. As time passed, the
quality of disciples went down, they forgot the essence of their teachings and lost these secrets
except a few disciples.

Numbers 37 & 46
For example, 37 is a Super Number, as per Name Numerology. It makes you excel in your Love,
Business, and Life. But, it is evil for you, if you are born on dates of 9, 18, and 27. It makes you
blind by the forces of Sun & Mars.

When 46 is your name number, it makes you a great leader and world famous. Yet, it will not suit
you, if you are born with 9 as your day or life number. It makes you suffer from high blood
pressure and heart disease.

Numbers 44 & 45
Name Numerology warns you more on this. If you are born on 9 or 27, you can have 45 as your
name number. But, if born on 18, the same 45 is evil. For the 18 born, 44 and 45, will cause
diabetes, hyper tension, or leprosy.
44 and 45, can cause depression, gall bladder disease, heart disease, and neurological disorders,
if you have any of these, as your name number. An expert in Numerology, Horary Astrology and
Bioenergetics, can predict this.

If You Have No. 6

As per Name-Numerology, if born on 6, 15, or 24, these dates are lucky for you. But, if you treat
any of your eyes on these days, you will lose your vision. Your doctor makes a mistake, or your
medicine makes you go blind.

Essentials of Judgment
That is why you should not name any one with book knowledge. Unless you are an expert with
insight, intuition, and knowledge of the shastra, you will make mistakes and invite disaster. You
should take expert help.
A deep knowledge in name numerology, astrology, and bioenergetics is essential for accurate
judgment of appropriate name numbers. Birth Day Astrology does not help. Horary Astrology
alone confirms that judgment.

Bioenergetics Scans
Bioenergetics Scans your body, brain and mental energy fields, to decide if the name number
makes you rich, succeed in love, keep your health or have any disease. Lecher Antenna confirms
if the name number is correct.

It enables you to verify the correctness of the name number decided by name numerology. It is
again confirmed by judgment of Horary Astrology. Natal Astrology is unreliable, due to likely
errors in records of birth time.

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