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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2013 1

ISSN 2250-3153

The Impact of Interest Based Banking on Socio-
Economic Environment and Its Solution through Islamic
Finance Concepts
Mohd Saleem*, Matloob Ullah Khan**, Dr. Sadaf Siraj**

*VAG Management Services, DDE Sikkim Manipal University, New Delhi, India
**Department of Management, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India

Abstract- The main objectives of this paper are to trace the
emergence and importance of interest based banking and it
impact on socio-economic environment. The impact of interest
based banking system was focused and analyzed with best efforts
and also tries to define the working mechanism of Interest based
system. How interest and banking system affects the society and
how it propelled the society to go to hazardous situation? How
do the lives of the people get affected by this system due to
which so many social evils such as depression, anxiety and even
suicide are growing rapidly among the borrowers? This paper
also suggests the solutions of interest based banking system on
the basis of Islamic finance concept. The authors of this paper
also tried to touch some other parameters such as- tax implication
of interest and focused on relationship between lenders and
borrower. All these descriptive study provide better inside view
of interest based banking system
Descriptive and Qualitative Research Methodologies are used in
this paper on the basis of readings of many research papers,
journals, newspaper, online material provided by websites and
some personal experience.
While reading this paper, one will easily understand the interest
based banking and it mechanism with its impact on society and
economy and also reached to its solution with reference of
Islamic finance.

I ndex Terms- Banking, Interest, Islamic Finance, Regulatory
System and Tax;
s it is well known that in current scenarios most of the
businesses are facing some challenging issues. In the era of
globalization and privatization, most of the firms or businesses
face a high degree of competition. This competition may be of
many types such as operational competition, productivity
competition, market competition and so on. To cope with these
types of competitions or challenges and to survive in this
competitive world, the business firms are required to manage
their resources properly and utilization of these limited resources
should be channelized and allocated in such a way that it may
produce desired results. For accomplishing the targets, the
adequate amount of fund and resources are very much required.
When it is talked about fund and resources in any business, it
may be in physical form- men, machine and material; in paper
form-mainly cash or money cannot be ignored. In this research
paper, money/cash will be focused. The money plays a very
crucial role while deciding the future course of action because
proper allocation of cash justifies maximum and desired results.
For growth and development, a firm should have proper and
adequate amount of money or cash to run its operation without
any fail. In business world money/cash is termed in many ways
and finance interchangeably used for it. As blood is so important
for life same case is with finance in business. In lack of proper
circulation of blood, human body may become sick, paralyzed
and even dead; the same system is followed in business for
finance. It means that if a business is running short on finance or
has not proper circulation of finance into its functioning, it may
be harmful to the business and may be a cause of business
collapse or winding up.
The finance needs may be met out by two ways. It may
be through equity capital or by way of debt capital. Most of the
business firms have limited equity capital and to accomplish their
goals they are required to have some extra amount beyond equity
capital. This extra amount of money or fund may be arranged by
way of debts. For debts, the business firms or needy persons may
approach the financial institutions. Most of the businesses have a
need for a line of credit or debts financing with financial
institutions or banks. When it is talked about financial
institutions, bank one of the main players of this segment, cannot
be ignored. Banks are those financial institutions that do the
work of accepting, depositing the money of the public and
granting loans to the needy section of the society. Financing with
banks or other financial institutions become more important and
crucial in case when business firms are running on short finance,
business is slow or the company or firm is in same way
In general, banks are very important for economy and
country. They make bridge between savings and needs of money.
They mobilize the savings and these savings are contributed
towards capital formation. Capital formation guides and leads to
the new opportunities which is most important and motivational
factor in the development of economy and provides more
opportunities for employments. When all sections of society get a
chance to employment, the poverty will reduce and disappear.
Apart from this, better employment opportunities provide a solid
base for entrepreneurship and rapid economic growth and
development. All this happen due to proper allocation and
circulation of fund in the economy in form of healthy financial
services. Banks are very prominent in providing these financial
services. From this point, the role and importance of banks can
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2013 2
ISSN 2250-3153

be understood. The contribution of banks in the development and
growth of economy and country cannot be avoided. This is one
side of the coin showing the positive face of the banking system
prevailing in current and in general most of the banking system is
based on interest system which itself is a very controversial
Now, the other side of the coin should be shown as
Modern banking is based on interest banking system and interest
banking system itself is a symbol which represents such results
due to which economy and society had to suffer and born losses.
There are so many instances where the cruel face of interest
based banking system has emerged. The quantum and degree of
loss and damage caused by interest system may vary and differ
according to the amount financed. In general, when fund was
arranged based on interest system, the final results were not
favourable for both the parties- the lender and the borrower. The
results may be fruitful for lender but its an appeasement of


Banking sector has been remained an attractive destination for
research. The research on banking has produced some interesting
facts and figure which shows the contribution of it in the
development and growth of the economy as well as the negative
impact on economy and society. Modern banking system has
been analyzed on different aspect and scholars have given
different-different views on this. Some have found the hidden
curial face of interest based banking resulting adverse effects on
economy. Interest based banking system harm society as well as
also creates Non-Performing Assets (NPA) to the banks or
lenders because customers are not able to pay premium sometime
or generally, which was the sum of interest and principle amount.
It means that interest based banking affect both borrowers and
lenders of organised and unorganized sectors as well.
[1] According to Mishkin (1997) contrary to adverse selection,
moral hazard is an asymmetric information problem that occurs
after the transaction and when a principle commission an agent to
act on his behalf but the agent engages in shirking, pursues self
interest to the determinant of the principals interest or indulges
in dishonest or immoral behaviour. [2] Akoi (1997) refers to
moral hazard as a hidden action problem arising because investor
cannot distinguish the effect of event that management cannot
control from the effect of management actions taken in
implementing an investment project, financial intermediaries
may be able to reduce their problem by monitoring management
activities. Moral hazard is a disposition on the part of individuals
or organization to engage in riskier behaviour, than they
otherwise would because of a tacit assumption that someone else
will bear part of all of the costs and consequences if the incurred
risk turns out badly [3](Wolf, 1999). Effect of Interest is defined
in the economic literature as action by economic agents in
maximising their own utility to the detriment of others in
situation where they do not bear the full consequences of their
actions (See, [4] Ivan and Manuel 2004, [5] Pindyck and
Rubinfield 1998).
More moral hazard occurs because the borrower has incentives to
invest in high-risk projects where the borrower does well if the
project succeeds but the lender bears most of the loss if the
project fails. The borrower also has incentives to misallocate
funds for personal use, for instance to undertake investment in
unprofitable projects that increase the borrower power structure.
The conflict of interest between borrower and lender, steaming
from moral hazard or the agency problem implies that many
lenders will decided that they would rather not make loans, so
that lending and investment will be at sub-optimal levels.
Mishkin (1997), [6] Sandmo (1998) and Wolf (1999) conducted
that insurance is a major cause of moral hazard, where insurance
companies have to realise that an insurance policy may change
the behaviour of the insured in a way which makes the event
converted by the insurance policy more likely to happen. [7]
Corsetti et al (1999a) stresses that moral hazard become a source
of crises when there is over-investment, excessive external
borrowing and current account deficits in a poorly supervised
and regulated economy. [8] According to Ely (1999) moral
hazard produce financial crises in three situations. First, bad
management (poor interval control, self-dealing, bad landing and
investment decisions, and excessive rapid expansions) is the
main cause of isolated or non-contagion financial features.
Second, an economic contagion, almost always triggered by a
decline in the market value of assets, caused the financial sector
to fail when in normal economic time it would not. Third,
government restrictions on assets and geographical risk
dispersion limit the ability of individual banks or financial
institutions to diversify their assets risk in order to protect
themselves against contagion events such as regional assets
deflation made worse by assets fire sales.
[9] Justice Muhammad Tqui Usmani (2012) also studies the
effects of interest on society on the histories judgement on
interest in the Supreme Court of Pakistan. This was considering
the Islamisation of the countrys financial system. [10] Imam Al-
Gazzali (d. 505 A.H) the renowned jurist and philosopher of
Islamic history discussed the nature of money in an early period
when the westerns theorems of money were not existent at all.
He was taken the concept of medium of exchange to its logical
end and also conducted that when money is exchanged for
money of the same denomination it should never be made as
instrument generating profit by such exchange. This approach of
Imam Al-Gazzali, fully backed the clear direction of the Holly
Quran and Sunnah, has never been admitted to be true by some
realistic scholars, and even in societies dominated by interest.
Many of them after facing the reverse consequences of their
financial system based on trade in money have admitted that their
economic plight was caused interlaid by the fact that money was
not restricted to be used for its primary function as a medium of
[11] During the horrible depression of 1930s an Economic
Crises Committee was formed by Southampton Chamber of
Commerce in January 1933. The committee consisted of ten
members headed by Mr. Dennis Mundy. In its report the
committee had discussed the root causes of the calamitous
depression in national and international trade due to the interest
rate change. This committee also give suggestion that this
problem will be removed if transaction will don without the
foundation of interest based concept.


The main objectives of the study are given as:
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2013 3
ISSN 2250-3153

Banking system in India and Its Development;
Interest and its mechanism;
Focus on relationship between Lender(Bank) and
Borrower- A monster Face of Lender;
Show the impacts of changes in Interest Rate on Socio-
Economic Environment;
How to reduce the dependency on Interest Based
Banking through Islamic Finance Concept;
Interest system and social evils; and
Tax implication of interest in India;


Research Methodologies used in this research paper are based on
the combination of descriptive and qualitative research. In
descriptive research, researchers have to used data and
information given in various research journals, newspapers,
books and online materials and in qualitative research section
researcher have to do personal experience with banks and
financier. Apart from this, other parallel lending-borrowing
system is also analyzed so as to gain deep knowledge of lending
and borrowing system and for better comparison. This paper is
developed while keeping in mind that it will be useful and
beneficial for whole mankind who are interested to know all
about Interest based Banking and its alternatives. This is
basically a common approach paper which provides a brief
knowledge about banking system based on interest and its
impacts on society and other alternatives to this system so that
dependency may be reduced and this system may be developed
in a new way for mankind. This paper also focuses on inside and
outside impacts of interest banking on common men.


The banking system in the modern form is originated in the last
decades of the 18th century. The first bank in India was Bank of
Hindustan (1770-1829) and General Bank of India (1786).There
is so many evidences of loans and activities related to lending
and borrowings from the Vedic Period in ancient India. During
the Maurya dynasty, the uses of debt instruments were found. An
instrument called Adesha was in use in that period which was
an order of payment to a banker, ordering him to pay the money
of the note to a third person. This type of instruments in current
is known as bill of exchange. Buddhist period also had provided
the same evidences that show considerable use of these
The development and growth of banking system in India
can be divided into two parts: Pre-Independence Era and Post-
Independence Era.

Pre-Independence Era
The conception and birth of modern banking system can trace
back to British Rule. Most of the modern banks in India were
established in that period. In current, some are in the same form
with little change as they were developed and some had gone
different phase or shape with change in their structure and name
and have been surviving since then. During the period of British
Rule, merchants established many banks-some were private
sector and some were joint stock associations. Banking
institutions like, The Allahabad Bank, Punjab National Bank,
Bank of India, Corporation Bank, Indian Bank, Bank of Baroda,
Canara Bank, Central Bank of India are surviving to the present
and contributing in the development of country as well as
banking sector. There were so many foreign banks also which
were established during that period.

Post-Independence Era
The partition of India adversely affected the economy and
especially the banking sector of the nation due to which all
banking activities had gone paralyzed for months. The
Government of India took the charge of economy and banking
sector and initiated so many measures for the revival and survival
of them. Some most of the important and memorable event after
the independence of India are
The Reserve Bank of India, a central banking regulatory
body which was established in April 1935 nationalized
on 1 January 1949 by passing the Reserve Bank of India
( Transfer to Public Ownership) Act , 1948
The Banking Regulation Act was passed in 1949 which
empowered the Reserve Bank Of India to regulate,
control and inspect the banks in India
The Banking Regulation Act also provided that no new
bank or branch of an existing bank could not be opened
without the license issued by the Reserve Bank Of India
The three main banks from pre-independence era
namely Bank of Bengal, Bank of Madras and Bank of
Bombay were merged to form Imperial Bank of India in
1921 and this bank was nationalized in 1955
The nationalization of 14 largest commercial banks in
India took place on 19 July 1969. Before nationalization
all of the bank in India except State Bank of India were
owned and operated privately in spite of the provisions,
control and regulation of the Reserve Bank of India.
Introduction of Liberalization in Indian Economy in
early 1990s resulting the licensing a small number of
private banks in India. This moves were to be known as
New Generation Tech-savvy banks, and included Global
Trust Bank (the first of such new generation banks to be
set up), which were later amalgamated with Oriental
Bank of Commerce, Axis Bank(UTI Bank at that time),
ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank. This move of
liberalization pushed rapid growth in Indian Economy
and energized the banking sector which includes
Government Banks, Private Banks and Foreign Banks.
These were some important points which show how banking
industry come to present and some other changes or measures are
taken which cannot be ignored. The use of technology was
introduced in banking sectors so that transparency and accuracy
may be achieved. Information technology contributed a lot in
formation of modern form of banking. Now a days banking is
known with some prefix such as e-banking, net-banking, mobile-
banking, core banking. These are some form of modern banking
which made banking an easy play due to which the customer of
the bank are free to easy withdrawal, deposit, money transfer,
online purchasing and many more. In banks perspective, there
are so many benefits such as less paperwork, reduction in
workload, more customer satisfaction, tech-savvy working
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2013 4
ISSN 2250-3153

environment etc. That is the current scenario of Indian banking
sector. The modern form of banking sector has been very
attractive and productive. In current, banks are expanding their
size by expanding its business. They are opening new branches
in India and abroad also. In spite of commercial banking
services, they are also providing some other services as merchant
banking, forex exchange services, and credit facilities for export
related activities.


The current mechanism of banking system, which is existing in
India or most of the part of the world, is based on interest rate
system. In India, lending-borrowing activities can be divided in
two groups. The first one as termed as indigenous bankers and
second one is organized banking. Indigenous banking is that
which comprises the traditional practices of lending-borrowings
performed by Sahukar or influential locals of the area. The
organized sector represents well defined structure of banking
institutions governed by a central regulatory body like Reserve
Bank of India.
The interest is a fee or compensation for using the
borrowed money and is chargeable by the lender. It is commonly
known that interest is the price for the use of borrowed money
from a person or an institution. When money is borrowed,
interest is paid to the lender as a percentage of amounts given as
loan and this amount is called principal amount. The percentage
of the principal amount paid to the lender or the owner of the
money (on monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis) is
called rate of interest. The fixation of the rate of interest mainly
depends on the relation of lender and borrower in case of
indigenous banking. The interest may be charged by two
methods-simple interest method or compound interest method.
That is the case for individual or indigenous banking or
unorganized banking.
Now the organized sector of banking should be focused. The
organized sector of banking mainly is governed, controlled and
regulated by a central regulatory body with effects of monetary
policy. The financial and monetary activities in financial system
of India are mainly governed by the Reserve Bank of India. It
means that all policies and activities of banking institutions of
India work according to the guidelines and regulations of
Reserve Bank of India. So the interest rate chargeable by the
banks for providing loans and advances to the public or
organizations is decided by the central regulatory body e.g.
Reserve Bank of India. Time to time RBI takes steps to
effectively regulate the financial activities. The banks can decide
the rate of interest on the basis of guidelines provided by the
RBI. The lending rate of interest is very crucial for both lender
and borrower. As in case of indigenous banking, organized
banking also uses the two methods for charging interest. Simple
interest and compound interest are two method used for charging


The needs and aspirations induce the individual or the
organization to go beyond its capacity and use that amount which
is not belonged to him or it. And in this situation, the needs are
met out with the help of debt with or with interest. The role of
lender cannot be avoided but some factors make it worse and
bitter. People want to go to get debt without considering the
future consequences and results thereafter. The process of
lending money in lieu of interest totally profit oriented but this
process involves so many types of risk related to risk and return.
Among this factor of risk, the risk of losing money is very much
aggressive and apart from this, the irregular payments of
instalments with interest, fear of conversion of the assets into
NPV (Non Performing Assets) are some other factors which are
very crucial for lender. In most of the cases, the risk factor
remains vital and alarming.
As it is pointed out earlier that interest based banking system is
purely profit-oriented process so it has some complication and
perils for borrower also and it cannot be avoided. It means
whatever might be the conditions; the borrower should discharge
his/her liabilities as to pay interest with specified amount without
any fail or delay. If borrower makes such mistakes, he/she is
liable to face consequences which again puts extra financial
burden. On one side the borrower is not able to pay the specified
amount with interest and on the other side the lender asks
him/her to give extra money as a penalty due to default in
payment. It means that the lender always expects to receive
his/her amount irrespective the ability or capacity of the
borrower. In this process, the humanity is killed. That is the
reality of interest based banking and its existence. In most of the
cases, the lending is based on collateralized debt and the lender
has the right to realized his/her amount from that collateralized
asset. So, borrowers have some perils that if they don't pay the
loan, their assets will be sold out and the amount will be used to
discharge their liabilities in the form of loan. That is the extreme
point which could be to the borrower. But before this, the
borrower faces so many problems or can say some sort of torture
mainly the mental torture, depression and social fear. If borrower
does not able to pay, he/she may lose his/her belongings
specially the collateralized asset. This fear may induce or compel
the borrower to kill the life and there are so many instances
where it is find that due to insufficient earnings and lack of funds
to pay the loans, the people opted to suicide so that he/she may
avoid social injustice and torture of lender. This is because of
lender does not want to lose his/her amount and not to be
financially sick and to avoid this condition of loss and sickness;
it induces the lender to recover his/her amount with interest at
any cost or anyhow. The loans are recovered irrespective of
social and human values.


In this segment of research paper, it is tried to focus on the
impacts of interest and its changes on Socio-Economic
Environments. The main motive behind this is to show the
practices and its adverse effects on environments and how to
reduce the effects. The cases of banks in USA and Europe which
collapsed and caused a lot of loss, panic and instability
worldwide, due to which so many economies had been affected
very badly and adversely, cannot be avoided. There are some
important points which may explain the areas related to interest
and its impacts of changes.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2013 5
ISSN 2250-3153

Banks and Interest Rate- In India, the banks and interest rates
are regulated by a central regulatory body known as Reserve
Bank of India. This is the main body which takes decisions
regarding the fixation of interest rate in the country. Banking is
the main area where the degree of impacts due to changes in
interest rate is very high and this sector faces higher volatility
and uncertainty. Due to this change, the bank faces so many
problems and always adjusts their lending rates with RBI
guidelines. This change in lending rates causes many problems
for borrowers. Their monthly budget gets disturb and they have
plan accordingly. In banks perspective, it is very hectic to match
RBI interest rate regulation frequently and this causes to banks
extra burden of work. A lot of calculation is made to get accurate

Interest Rate and Price Level Change- Interest rate can be
understood or assumed as a portion of money or capital borrowed
from the lenders. At which rate this portion is charged is called
interest rate. Thereafter assuming a fixed amount of money in the
economy, when price level increases, the real income will
decrease and the extra amount of money will be required. To
meet the extra demand and to match the requirements, one has to
borrow the money to maintain real income. Because there is a
fixed amount of money in the economy, the demand for money
will be more than supply. So in this way, the increase in price
level increases the demand of money and also the price of it
which is the rate of interest. When there is a demand of money,
the price of it or rate of interest would be high and that would
lead to an adverse impact on overall cost of production.

Interest Rate and Inflation-As it is well known that the entire
financial and banking system is based on interest so any change
in interest rate deliberately will affect the financial market
mainly the money market. It means if there is any increase in
interest rate, it will have adverse impact on overall cost of
production because borrowed capital becomes more expensive.
On the other hand as interest rate drops, consumers spending
increases and subsequently it will stimulate economic growth. In
general, it is assumed that excessive economic growth can be
detrimental and may hamper the economy deliberately. At a
point where economy is growing so fast, can experience
hyperinflation, resulting higher cost and price of goods and
services. Generally it is seen that in most of the cases when
financial requirements arises out of the pocket, these
requirements are fulfilled by that capital which is arranged as
loan. Most of the investments and expansion plans may be
accomplished with the help of a good capital structure that
comprises debt also. Business houses basically borrow fund to
meet out their capital expenditures such as factory establishment,
plant & machinery acquisition, technological developments etc.
Sometimes the debt fund is also used for household requirements
such as car, AC, furniture etc. The consumption basically
depends on the purchasing power of the consumer and the
purchasing power is very much affected by inflation and interest
rate prevailing into the system. The rate of interest has direct
impact on the final cost of production hence on consumption

Interest Rate and Employment-The fluctuation in interest rate
is bad signal for employments and growth. This scenario can be
understood with the help of some economic and monetary
measures taken by the government. When interest rate is high,
people prefer to deposit their money into banks instead of
spending on durable goods or luxurious goods. Due to this
tendency of the consumer, the demand for durable or luxurious
goods tends to come down as well as slows down the growth and
development plans of the business organizations. When people
avoid the purchase of durable and luxurious goods, business
firms face lower customers resulting reduction in overall
revenue. That is the tough time for firms to manage its operations
and activities properly because they are having a lack of fund. To
manage and sustains its activities in crisis, they prefer the
techniques of cost cutting hence reduces the manpower. That is
how the interest rate system affects the production, growth and
employments adversely. From different perspective when interest
rates are very high, firms do not prefer to borrow due to high cost
of capital as interest which is expensive for them. In this
situation, the firms generally reject or postpone their expansion
or developments plans and again the cost cutting policies are
adopted. According to this policy, the employers tend to fire old
employees or terminate the future plans of fresh hiring. Again the
cruel effects of interest are appeared due to which, the people
have to lose job opportunities even their jobs also. The rate of
unemployment rises and the fear of social security and social
sickness arise also. For any economy whether it is under-
developed, developing or developed, it is very important to have
an adequate growth and employment rate to that social demand
should be matched. Employment is very crucial for the
sustainable development and for a civilized society as well.


There is a need to find and adopt such type of system which may
reduces the dependency on interest culture and minimizes the
impact of interest rate fluctuations on economy and its different
sectors. This system should be of such type which comprises the
features of a sound financial system and lesser dependency on
other factors. There are some banking services out of interest
bakings ambit which might be a perfect substitute for this.
Bai' al 'inah (sale and buyback agreement)-Bai' al
inah is a financing facility with the underlying buy and
sell transactions between the financier and the customer.
Bai' bithaman ajil (deferred payment sale)-Under
this, the sale of goods is made on a deferred payment on
the basis of predetermined price which includes a profit
margin agreed to buy by both parties.
Mudarabah - It is a special kind of partnership
agreement where one partner gives money to other to
invest in commercial enterprises. It is a profit sharing
agreement/contract where one party provides 100
percent of the capital and other party provides its
specialized knowledge and expertise to manage
Bai' muajjal (credit sale) - It is meant for credit sale. It
is a financing method adopted by Islamic Banks in
which banks earns profit margin on the purchasing price
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2013 6
ISSN 2250-3153

and allows the buyer to pay the price of the commodity
at a future date in lump sum or in instalments.
Istisna(Manufacturing Finance)-It is a process where
payments are made in stages to facilitate the
manufacturing or processing or construction works.
Ijarah(Lease or Rent)- It is like selling the benefits to
use the assets.
Musharakah (joint venture) - It is relationships
between two or more than two parties where capital is
contributed to a business and profit and loss is shared on
pro rata basis.
There are so many other products or services which may be the
alternative to interest based banking such as Qard hassan/ Qardul
hassan (good loan/benevolent loan), Sukuk (Islamic bonds),
Takaful (Islamic insurance), Wadiah (safekeeping), Wakalah
(power of attorney) and many more.


In general, it is felt by the people that interest based banking
tortures the borrowers more than its benefits. There are so many
cases where it can be seen that borrower had to suffer a lot due to
loan taken from bank or from other lender under this system. The
borrower had to lose his/her assets, relief in life and even his/her
life due to this cruel system of interest. In 2008 when the major
banks of USA collapsed and overall panic and uncertainty
created, the curse of interest came out in full face and so many
societies and economies criticized this system. There are some
points which may describe the actual adverse effects of interest
based banking.

Ignorance of humanity and well being
Induces the greed and selfishness
Exploitation of poor and weak
Negative impact on performance of small and individual
Capitalist control on Institutions, Resources, Production
and National Income
Improper circulation of wealth and income in society
Barrier to social collective development
Social instability
Here, the main concern is that on one side the Interest based
banking sector providing many opportunities of funding and
investing and on the other hand, it also is causing such dangerous
effects to the economy as well as the society.


As per Income Tax Act 1961, there are so many tax benefits in
regard of interest payments. This act provides many
opportunities to the taxpayer in context of interest paid on loan.
If the terms and conditions are fulfilled, interest amount can be
deducted up to a limit from income and tax liability can be
reduced. There is a list of main sections which provide these
opportunities for tax reduction-
Section 80E: Education loan interest- Under this,
payments of interest in respect of Education Loan for
education in India or abroad is allowed as deduction.
Section 80TTA : Interest on Savings Account- This
allows the taxpayer to deduct the amount of interest (up
to 10000) received from saving account in banks, post
office or a co-operative society.
Section 24: Interest on housing loans- For self
occupied properties, interest paid on a housing loan up
to Rs 150,000 per year is exempt from tax. This
deduction is in addition to the deductions under sections
80C, 80CCF and 80D.
Apart from this the Income Tax Act 1961 allows on many
occasions to get the tax benefits while having calculations of
taxable income for a particular year.


There are some findings while doing this research work. These
findings are grouped into points and explained below:

Though the banking and financial institutions are
contributing and nourishing to the development of the
society but also generating a lot of obstacles due to
which the society is suffering very much.
On one side, it is funding the development and growth
plans and on the other side, it is making such
environment where borrowers are feeling unsafe,
anxiety, depression at the same time.
In current scenario, the banks and financial institutions
are adopting such types of system of recovery which
violates major of the norms of human rights.
Due to restrict imposition of recovery policies, the
borrowers are feeling themselves depressed unsafe.
The suffocated environment to borrowers is making so
many hurdles in the development or boom of banking
and financial institutions mainly micro finance.
The small and big loans have become curse to many
families due to which the cases of death and suicide
have been increasing day by day.
The banking and financial institutions have a big impact
on society. In each group of population, the funds are
required and sought as a loan. But proper and equal
distribution of funds is not found.
This system has very traditional approach and practices
for recovery of the loans as it includes the threatening
practices, abusing and exploitation of the borrowers.
The banking and financial system sometime has adverse
impact on income, employment, prices and production
in general.


The role and importance of banks and financial institutions
cannot be avoided. Every section of the society wants to get such
financial benefits which are offered by the bank time to time.
Though banking is contributing and has been attractive place for
the people to meet out their household and business needs and
requirements but the more banks are given loans, the more they
generating non-performing assets (NPA). The non performing
assets (NPA) of banks are rising very fast and rapidly. As per the
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2013 7
ISSN 2250-3153

records, there is a shocking figure of NPA in Indian banks of Rs
2.06 trillion till August 2013. That is the main reasons why banks
are so frustrated and restrict while recovering the loans.
The NPA induces the banks and financial institutions to
recover their loans at any cost or anyhow. This system cannot be
justified but amounts should be recovered with some leniency
and dignity. Banks and financial institutions should consider the
financial status of the borrowers at the time of granting loans and
most important while recovery of the loans. In this process, it
should be keep in mind that the human and values must be
respected. No borrower cannot be tortured in the name of
recovery and he or she cannot be humiliated or mishandled. Due
to the humiliation and torture of the borrowers by the lenders, the
borrowers are compelled and induced to choose the option of
suicide. At least 17,368 Indian farmers killed themselves in 2009,
the worst figure for farm suicides in six years, according to data
of the National Crime Records Bureau. Suicide rates among
Indian farmers were a chilling 47 per cent higher than they were
for the rest of the population in 2011. In some of the States
worst hit by the agrarian crisis, they were well over 100 per cent
higher. The new Census 2011 data reveal a shrinking farmer
If it is talked about the fortune and fate of the financial
institutions and banking sector, there is a strong factor behind
this and it is growing nature of the economy and developing
society which will boost and induce the growth and development
of this sector. But there are some factors also which developing
gap between lenders and borrowers are. There is need of the time
to develop such tools and techniques which may bridge the gap
between lenders and borrowers. This system should be of such
type which include the proper distribution of the fund into the
society and unbiased practices while recovery of the loans. The
exploitation of the borrowers must be stopped and adequate time
should be provided to him/her. The concept of participative
banking may be analyzed and adopted so that both parties may
get equal or agreed benefits from it. The concept of Islamic
Banking is most attractive in this regard where social values are
important. As discussed above that bank are contributing on one
hand and also misbalancing the social structure. Interest based
banking has some adverse impacts on production, income,
employments, prices, demand and supply,


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First Author Mohd Saleem,
Lecturer (Finance and Accounts),
VAG Management Services,
DDE Sikkim Manipal University, New Delhi,
Contact No.: 91-9350997142

Second Author Matloob Ullah Khan,
Research Scholar,
Department of Management,
Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi- 110062;
Contact No: 91-8800553488
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2013 8
ISSN 2250-3153

Third Author Dr. Sadaf Siraj,
Assistant Professor (Marketing),
Department of Management,
Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi- 110062;
Contact No: 91-9990575157

Correspondence Author Matloob Ullah Khan,
Contact No.: 91-8800553488

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