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Interconnected and Diverse Markets Driving U.S. Competitiveness

Spring 2011

By Anjan Thakor, John E. Simon Professor, Finance and Director, PhD Program
Washington University in St. Louis and European Corporate Governance Institute
Since its inception, the U.S. Chamber’s Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness (CCMC) has led a
bipartisan effort to modernize and strengthen the outmoded regulatory systems that have governed our
capital markets. Ensuring an effective and robust capital formation system is essential to every business
from the smallest start-up to the largest enterprise.

Copyright © 2011 by the United States Chamber of Commerce. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form—
print, electronic, or otherwise—without the express written permission of the publisher.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................................. 2

I. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................... 4


The Conceptual Link Between the Financial System and Economic Growth................................. 6
The Services the Financial System Provides and How They Help Economic Growth................... 8

III. AN OVERVIEW OF HOW THE U.S. FINANCIAL SYSTEM WORKS...................................................... 11

Debt Versus Equity and Use by Consumers and Businesses......................................................... 13
Individual/Consumer Financing......................................................................................................... 14
Business Financing: Equity................................................................................................................ 15
Internal Equity Financing.............................................................................................................. 15
External Equity Financing............................................................................................................. 16
Intermediated Equity Capital........................................................................................................ 17
Business Financing: Debt.................................................................................................................. 21
Nonmarket, Intermediated, and Direct Debt................................................................................. 21
Public Debt................................................................................................................................... 23

IV. THE INTERCONNECTEDNESS OF THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM............................................................ 25

V. CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................................... 30 1
Executive Summary
This paper provides a broad overview of sources include family and friends, credit cards,
the U.S. financial system. It describes the variety home equity loans, and other types of bank loans.
of financing sources available to both individual Consumer credit provided through these diverse
consumers and businesses, and the considerations sources is a large segment of our economy. The
that lead a consumer or a business to choose a major providers of consumer credit—commercial
specific financing source. It then discusses how banks, finance companies, credit unions, the federal
this variety of financing sources provides benefits government, savings institutions, and nonfinancial
to the economy. Five main conclusions emerge businesses—provided over $2.4 trillion of consumer
from this analysis. credit as of year-end 2010. The efficient availability
of this credit is critical in an economy so dependent
First, a robust, efficient, and diverse on domestic consumption. It is important to note
financial system facilitates economic growth. that for many smaller businesses, especially start-
Research has shown that the level of financial devel- ups, these consumer credit products are often the
opment is a strong predictor of economic growth. only available sources of new or even working capi-
This research is based on a study of a large number tal. Entrepreneurs often rely on access to personal
of countries. Even with the unprecedented economic credit, including credit cards and home equity loans,
crisis, the growth in the U.S. financial services indus- to launch their new businesses.
try has been accompanied by a robust growth in our
economy, as measured by growth in gross domestic Third, as businesses grow they can
product (GDP). The financial system facilitates eco- access both debt and equity financing, and the
nomic growth by providing four basic services: mix of these two, called the “capital structure”
• facilitating trade; decision, is an important choice every business
• facilitating risk management for various indi- makes. Three broad categories of financing sources
viduals and businesses; are available to businesses for either debt or equity
• mobilizing resources; and capital. One source of capital involves raising funds
• obtaining information, evaluating businesses without using any intermediaries like banks or going
and individuals based on this information, to the public capital market. Included in this cat-
and allocating capital. egory are family and friends, employee ownership,
It is through the provision of these services that the retained earnings generated by the operating prof-
financial system ensures that investment capital is its of the business, customers and suppliers, and
channeled most efficiently from the providers of cap- angel investors. A second category is intermediated
ital to the users of capital, so that both the economy finance that does not involve going to the capital
and employment grow. market. Included in this are loans from intermediar-
ies like banks and insurance companies, funding by
Second, in terms of their financing private-equity firms and venture capitalists, small
choices, individuals are largely limited to debt business investment companies that provide Small-
financing for raising capital. For individuals, these Business-Administration-sponsored financing, and

2 Sources of Capital and Economic Growth

factoring companies that provide financing against financing would decline as well. Hence, assessing the
receivables. While all these financing sources are risks associated with regulatory changes in the finan-
important, venture capital has played an especially cial system is a notoriously difficult task. This often
vital role in helping launch new businesses: venture leads to unintended consequences when changes are
capital financing accounts for 21% of GDP. Many introduced in some part of the financial system. Dis-
famous companies like Apple were financed in their turbing examples of this can be found in the impact of
infancy by venture capital. For more mature busi- the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the litigation environment
ness, bank loans are an essential source of finance. faced by U.S. companies. These changes have con-
In 2009, U.S. banks made more than $7 trillion in tributed to a slowdown of the rate at which new public
loans. The third category of financing available to companies are formed and an increase in the rate at
businesses is direct capital market access, whereby which existing public companies are leaving the mar-
the firm uses an investment bank and sells debt ket, leading to a substantial decline in the number of
or equity claims directly to capital-market inves- publicly listed U.S. companies.
tors. These include commercial paper, initial public
offerings (IPOs), bond sales, and secondary equity A well-developed financial
offerings. system goes hand-in-hand
Fourth, a rich diversity of financing with robust economic growth
sources is provided by the U.S. financial system. and increased employment.
This diversity helps U.S. consumers and businesses
to better manage their risks and lowers their cost of A well-developed financial system goes hand-
capital. Diversity enables consumers and businesses in-hand with robust economic growth and increased
to effectively match their financing needs to the employment. The better the financial system func-
financing sources, with each financing source pro- tions, the more new companies are launched, the
viding a different set of services. Since the needs of larger the number of publicly listed companies, the
those seeking financing differ, it is beneficial to have better the overall management of risk, the greater the
specialized financiers catering to different needs. The availability of consumer credit, and the higher aggre-
result is better risk management and higher invest- gate investment.
ment in the economy, leading to an increase in GDP
and employment.

Fifth, the U.S. financial system is highly inter-

connected. What happens to one financing source
typically affects a host of other financing sources as
well as those seeking financing. These spillover effects
cause any change in the part of the system to be
propagated through the entire system, often in ways
that are difficult to predict. For example, if our pub-
lic equity markets were to diminish in the future—say
due to excessively onerous regulation—it is very likely
that the supply of private equity and venture capital 3
I. Introduction
In the early 1980s, the financial services liquidity-imbalance, an easy-money monetary policy,
industry accounted for about 10% of total corpo- a political desire for widespread home ownership,
rate profits in the United States. In 2007, it was 40%. and various developments in the financial sector.
Some have used statistics like this to argue that finan- All of these factors need attention if we are to have
cial services are becoming excessively important at a well-regulated, transparent, efficient, and robust
the expense of other parts of the economy, such as financial system consisting of a diversity of financ-
manufacturing and services that produce obviously ing sources. Thus, financial reform must go hand
tangible economic value. However, nothing could be in hand with a strong financial services sector. The
further from the truth. Given the economic crisis we recently passed Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and
have witnessed over the past three years, it is easy to Consumer Protection Act tackles a variety of financial
forget that growth in financial services over the past reform issues, but many of the specific regulations
two decades was also accompanied by some of the have yet to be written, so time will tell about how
most spectacular economic growth we have ever wit- effectively the Act will deal with the causes of the
nessed. In the 1980s, U.S. gross domestic product crisis. Nonetheless, an important point to remember
(GDP), the most commonly used measure of the size is that the data show a strong correlation between
of the economy, stood at under $3 trillion. In 2007, economic growth and strength of financial services.
when the share of total corporate profits accounted
for by financial services was four times as large as
Financial markets and the
in the 1980s, it was around $14 trillion. Today the financial service firms that
U.S. financial services industry employs more than
5.77 million people, about 6% of total private non-
operate in those markets help
farm employment, and this number is projected to individuals and businesses raise
grow to 12% by 2018. The wealth generated by the
financial services industry contributed nearly 6%
capital of various sorts, as they
($828 billion) to U.S. GDP in 2009.1 channel money from savers to
In the wake of the recent financial crisis, some
those with investment ideas.
have argued that the economic growth we witnessed It was not a coincidence that the U.S. econ-
was merely an unsustainable bubble, and that when omy grew so rapidly during a time that financial
the bubble burst, the economy came crashing down. services grew in importance. Financial markets and
While the causes of this crisis are not the topic of the financial service firms that operate in those mar-
this paper, it is worth noting that the crisis was a kets help individuals and businesses raise capital of
consequence of a variety of factors in the United various sorts, as they channel money from savers to
States: an excess supply of liquidity due to a global those with investment ideas. The more well developed
the financial system, the better lubricated this chan-
1 U.S. Financial Services Industry: Contributing to a More Com-
petitive U.S. Economy, SIFMA, nel, and the lower the transactions costs and other
publications/U.S.%20Financial%20Services%20Industry.pdf, impediments to investment and economic growth.
(July 2010).

4 Sources of Capital and Economic Growth

Indeed, one of the roadblocks to economic of financing sources available to them, and the
growth in the former eastern-block Communist coun- financial instruments/contracts that are used to raise
tries in Europe, such as Romania, has been the lack capital. Section IV discusses how different parts of
of developed financial systems. The fact that the U.S the financial system are connected and the role of
financial system is well developed and innovative has the large diversity of financing sources in making the
been a big boon to individuals and businesses, as financial system deep and vibrant, and facilitating
they have been able to access a variety of financing economic growth.
sources to raise relatively low-cost capital to grow.
Even within the United States, the number one reason

When small businesses

do succeed and create
employment and growth, an
important factor in their success
is access to the financing
needed to support growth.
for the failure of small businesses is lack of access
to funding. Put differently, when small businesses
do succeed and create employment and growth,
an important factor in their success is access to the
financing needed to support growth. The strength of
the financial system has also been a significant fac-
tor in the creation of prominent new firms that have
been launched in the past 25 years and have gone on
to become global powerhouses. Starbucks, Yahoo,
Google, and eBay are but a few examples. No other
country in the world can match this, in large part
because no other country in the world has such a
deep and vibrant financial system.

What is the U.S. financial system composed

of and how does it work? What makes it so deep and
vibrant? These are the main questions addressed in
this research paper. Section II discusses the role of
the financial system in promoting economic growth.
Section III provides an overview of the financial sys-
tem and addresses the question of how the financial
system functions. The focus is on the types of busi-
nesses that are involved in raising capital, the types 5
II. The Role of the Financial System in
Promoting Economic Growth
There is a rich body of research on the role of hand, is patient and would not mind giving her money
the financial system in promoting economic growth, to someone now in exchange for a larger payment in
much of it from comparisons of different countries. the future. However, she does not know Peter well and
For example, in a study of 56 developing countries, is concerned that he might be a crook who will simply
the level of financial development in 1960 was a abscond with her money if she lends it to him.
strong predictor of economic growth over the next
30 years, after controlling for a variety of economic Without a financial system in this community,
and political factors. This and other studies provide
Peter will be limited to planting whatever apple trees
ample evidence that robust financial development is he can using his own seeds and labor, but without any
followed by healthy economic growth. This section fertilizer or farm equipment. Suppose he can plant a
will discuss this research to develop an understand- few trees and harvest 500 apples a year. That then
ing of what the facts say and why they say what they defines his economic output.
say. But first, it is useful to understand the basic eco-
nomics behind how the financial system promotes Now suppose the community’s financial sys-
economic growth. tem includes a bank and a financial market where
financial securities are traded. Now Peter can go to
The Conceptual Link Between the the bank and request a loan that would be repaid from
future sales of apples. The bank will conduct a credit
Financial System and Economic
analysis and determine whether Peter is a good credit
Growth risk. The bank will also monitor Peter to make sure
A simple example illustrates this link. Sup- that he is not a crook who absconds with the bank
pose we have a community in which four people own loan. With the assurances provided, Mary will be will-
productive resources: Mary, Peter, Paul, and Sally. ing to deposit her money in the bank. This is better
Mary has saved some money that she keeps in a for her than keeping the money idle in a safe in her
safe in her house. Peter owns an orchard and some house and earning zero interest. With the bank loan,
apple seeds that he can plant to grow trees and har- Peter will buy some fertilizer from Paul and some farm
vest apples. Paul has a farm on which he naturally equipment from Sally on a cash-on-purchase basis.
produces fertilizer. Sally owns some farm equipment He can now plant more trees to produce more apples,
that can be used for tilling the land and digging holes so he ends up with 10,000 apples rather than 500. The
for planting trees. economic output of this economy has gone up due to
the financial market. A further increase in economic
Neither Paul nor Sally is willing to sell any output may arise from the fact that Paul and Sally
goods or services for the promise of a future return. may use the money Peter pays them to produce more
They will sell only if they get paid now. But Peter has fertilizer and farm equipment. This output may have
no money to pay anyone now. Mary, on the other uses in other parts of the economy, leading to further
increases in economic output, and so on (see figure 1).
2 See Levine (1996).

6 Sources of Capital and Economic Growth

This simple example illustrates three important ways in which the financial system contributes to
economic growth:

• it increases trade and the flow of goods and services;

• it increases the rate of physical capital accumulation; and
• it increases the efficiency of combining capital and labor in production.

Figure 1: How the Financial System Promotes Growth

Increases Rate of
Capital Accumulation
Pays for
fertilizer Produces more

Mary Peter fertilizer

Pays for
farm Produces more
equipment Sally farm equipment

Increases Efficiency of Combining Capital and Labor in Production

Peter uses fertilizer and farm equipment to generate greater efficiency

of labor in production and thereby produces more apples. 7
The Services the Financial System to move money from one party to the other and often
Provides and How They Help across national boundaries. Without these systems,
companies would be greatly impeded in their abil-
Economic Growth ity to do business with each other, and economic
There are four basic services provided by growth would suffer.
financial systems that help spur economic growth 3

(see figure 2). The Financial System Facilitates Risk

Management: Financial systems help individuals
The Financial System Facilitates Trade: and businesses improve their management of vari-
In primitive economies, trade was based on barter, ous sorts of risks. This is important for economic
something that Peter and Paul could not do in our growth because increased risk reduces investment.
example because Peter had no apples in his inven- In our example, Peter faces some risk when he buys
tory to trade. The invention of money minimized the fertilizer and farm equipment to increase his apple

Figure 2: The Basic Services Provided by a Financial System

Facilitates Trade

Facilitates Risk Management


Mobilizes Resources

Obtains Information, Evaluates

Businesses and Individuals, and
Allocates Capital

need for barter trade, thereby increasing commercial crop. If it does not rain as much as Peter expects, he
transactions and trade. In modern economies, it is not may have a lean harvest and be unable to fully repay
enough to have money to facilitate transactions—this his bank loan. This may cause him to lose his farm
money needs to be moved around. Financial systems, to the bank. Or there may be enough rain, but new
with the appropriate hubs and spokes for recording apple orchards may spring up in neighboring com-
and clearing multilateral financial transactions, help munities and the market may be flooded with apples,
pushing the price of apples well below normal. These
3 See Levine (1996). risks may cause Peter to cut back on how much

8 Sources of Capital and Economic Growth

he invests in buying fertilizer and farm equipment. “We have entirely lost the idea that
A financial system prices risk and provides mecha- any undertaking likely to pay, and seen to be
nisms for pooling, ameliorating, and trading risk. It likely, can perish for want of money; yet no
provides producers like Peter a way to manage risks. idea was more familiar to our ancestors, or is
For example, Peter could use the financial system to more common in most counties. A citizen of
purchase insurance against a low harvest or could Long in Queen Elizabeth’s time…would have
hedge apple price risk in the futures market. The thought that it was no use inventing railways
financial system also gives investors like Mary better (if he could have understood what a railway
risk management opportunities. For example, Mary meant), for you would not have been able to
may be concerned about liquidity risk if she lends collect the capital with which to make them.
directly to Peter. Once the money is loaned, Mary At this moment, in colonies and in all rude
may be unable to get any of it back until the apples countries, there is no large sum of transfer-
are harvested and sold. But what if a medical emer- able money, there is not fund from which you
gency arises and Mary needs the money before then? can borrow, and out of which you can make
With a financial system, Mary would simply with- immense works.”
draw her deposit from the bank when she needs it.
Thus, a financial system, by facilitating improved risk What Bagehot was referring to was the abil-
management for both borrowers and savers, spurs ity of the financial system to mobilize resources that
long-run investments that fuel economic growth. would permit the development of better technologies
that lead to economic growth.

A financial system, by
The Financial System Obtains and
facilitating improved risk Processes Information and Allocates Capi-

management for both tal: Individual savers, like Mary, may not have the
resources or expertise to evaluate firms, projects,
borrowers and savers, spurs and managers before deciding whether to invest in

long-run investments that fuel them. Financial intermediaries, like banks and invest-
ment banks, have a cost and expertise advantage in
economic growth. collecting and processing such information, and then
helping the capital-allocation process based on that
information.5 This, in turn, encourages investors to
The Financial System Mobilizes Resources: As our
supply capital to these intermediaries, which channel
example shows, without a financial system, Mary’s
the capital to businesses that make investments that
savings would have stayed locked up in her safe. It
fuel economic growth.
took a financial system to mobilize those resources
and get them to Peter, who could put them to pro-
For example, imagine that someone comes
ductive use. Almost 150 years ago, the famous
to you and asks for a loan to finance a new restaurant.
economist Walter Bagehot described how the finan-
While you have the money to lend, you are not sure
cial system helps to mobilizes resources and spur
this is a good investment for you. But if your friend
economic growth:4
goes to a bank for the loan, the bank can gather the

4 See Bagehot (1873), reprinted 1962, as noted by Levine (1996). 5 See Greenbaum and Thakor (2007). 9
necessary information about potential future income In summary, the financial system provides
and the assets purchased with the loan that can four key services—facilitates trade, facilitates risk
be used as collateral, conduct the necessary credit management, mobilizes resources, and acquires and
analysis with this information, and decide whether to processes information that helps in the allocation of
lend and how to structure the loan. Such expertise capital. These key services help to increase the flow
is part of the bank’s business skill set. Knowing that of goods and services, increase the rate of physical
the bank will do this, you may be willing to deposit capital accumulation, and increase the efficiency of
your money so that the bank can, in turn, use it to combining capital and labor in production. The result
make loans. is more economic growth.

In a different context, venture capitalists are

also information-processing experts. When a venture
capital firm like Sequoia Capital evaluates a start-
up firm, it uses its expertise in assessing the firm’s
growth potential and odds of success on the basis of
the firm’s business plan. It then uses this assessment
to decide whether to provide financing. Promising
new ventures that survive this screening are able to
obtain more financing than they might receive from
family and friends.

Figure 3: The U.S. Financial System: Individuals/Consumers



Family and

Credit Cards
Individuals/ Banks
Home Equity
Consumers Loans
Bank and Other

Nonbank Loans

10 Sources of Capital and Economic Growth

III. An Overview of How the U.S.
Financial System Works
The U.S. financial system is a complex mosaic of institutions, markets, investors (businesses and
individuals), savers, and financial contracts, all of which are interconnected. Before we can understand the
role played by each part of the financial system, it is necessary to understand some key distinctions between
the contracts by which financial capital is raised and the differences between individuals/consumers and
businesses with respect to how these financing contracts are used.

Figure 4: The U.S. Financial System: Businesses Raising Equity Financing



Family and Friends

Employee Ownership
Equity Financing
Retained Earnings

Angel Investors

Customers and Suppliers

Corporate Parents

Private Equity Debt and Equity

Firm Investors

Pension Funds,
Venture Endowments, Insurance
Capitalist Companies, Individuals
and Families
Private and Government
Venture Investors Provising
Capitalist Administration (SBA)-
Sponsored Financing

Investment Institutional and

Banks Individual Investors

Private and Public

Placements of Equity 11
Figure 5: The U.S. Financial System: Businesses Raising Debt Financing



Depositors (Individuals
Businesses: Commercial and Businesses) and
Banks Those Who Buy Bank
Debt Financing Equity

Institutional Investors Policyholders,

Such as Commercial-
Finance and
individuals, and
Insurance Companies Businesses

Factoring Companies
That Provide Factoring Companies’
Financing Against Investors

U.S. Small
Administration Taxpayers
(SBA) Loans


Investment Capital Market Investors

Banks Providing Commercial
Paper and Public Bond

12 Sources of Capital and Economic Growth

Debt Versus Equity and Use by shareholders can be paid. In our example, if Peter
Consumers and Businesses finances with a bank loan, he must first use all of the
profit from selling apples to repay the bank, even
Although a highly developed financial sys-
before he pays taxes. Only after he repays the bank
tem like the United States has a plethora of financial
and pays his taxes can he keep what is left over
contracts, the contracts by which individuals and
for himself as the owner of his business.
businesses raise capital can be divided into two main
groups: equity and debt.
Consumers finance primarily
With an equity contract, a business wishing with debt contracts.
to raise capital would sell an ownership stake in the
business to investors, who would provide the exter- Consumers finance primarily with debt con-
nal financing the business needs. In the example tracts. Bank loans, home mortgages, and credit card
discussed earlier, Peter might go to Mary and offer borrowing are all forms of debt contracts. There is
her a 30% ownership share in his apple business in a good reason why equity is not used in consumer
order to raise the money to buy fertilizer and farm financing. A loan taken by a consumer is essentially a
equipment, rather than taking a bank loan. How financial claim by the lender on the borrower’s future
much money Mary would make on her investment labor income. It is relatively easy for the borrower to
would depend entirely on the profitability of the busi- simply withhold the supply of this labor income—for
ness. If Mary invested $100,000 for a 30% ownership example, by quitting work—and make the lender’s
share and Peter made a profit of $15,000 in the first claim worthless. A debt contract, with a require-
year after paying off all his operating expenses, Mary ment to repay by a certain date and penalties for not
would be entitled to receive 30% of that, which is repaying, provides better incentives for the borrower
$4,500. If Peter’s business made a profit of $50,000, to repay.
Mary would get $15,000 in the first year alone, and
if the business made no profit in the first year, Mary Businesses finance with both debt and
would get nothing in the first year. Each year, Mary equity. In fact, the mix of debt and equity financing
would receive 30% of the profits, assuming all profit is an important decision for any business. Equity
is distributed as dividends. Moreover, Mary’s invest-
ment has no stated maturity. That means Peter never Businesses finance with
has to return her original investment of $100,000 to
her as a lump sum. The only way for Mary to recover both debt and equity. In fact,
that original investment is to sell her ownership stake the mix of debt and equity
to someone else.
financing is an important
With a debt contract—for example, a bank decision for any business.
loan—the lender is promised a repayment of the
original loan amount plus some interest. A debt claim financing is viable for businesses because the finan-
has both a stated maturity and priority over equity. cial system provides corporate governance to keep
“Stated maturity” means that the lender must be managerial actions roughly aligned with the interests
fully repaid by a certain date. “Priority over equity” of the financiers of the business. Further, businesses
means that debt holders must be fully repaid before have powerful incentives to keep producing profits, 13
so they are unlikely to withhold the supply of produc- Of course, once you take the loan, you will be faced
tive inputs like labor. with additional monthly payments on the loan.

Individual/Consumer Financing Before the subprime financial crisis, home

equity loans were a significant source of finance for
Consumers can tap a variety of sources for
many consumers. The average U.S. homeowner
financing, most of which is in the form of debt (see
extracted 25–30 cents for every dollar increase in
figure 3).
home equity during 2002–2006, and home-equity-
based borrowing was equal to 2.8% of GDP every
Friends and family provide a potentially
year from 2002 to 2006.6
significant source of capital. Often these loans have
vaguely defined maturity with specific purposes, for
Bank and other loans represent a significant
example, a student loan that will be repaid sometime
portion of the financing available to individuals. These
after graduation or a car loan. Many people rely on
loans include borrowing from commercial banks,
this form of financing in emergencies or for purposes
finance companies (e.g., car loans), credit unions, the
for which bank loans are difficult to get.
federal government, and so on. The amount of this
borrowing is huge. As of year-end 2010, consumer
Credit card financing is unsecured debt,
credit outstanding was $2.41 trillion, having grown at
which means there is no specific collateral back-
an annual rate of 2.5% in the fourth quarter of 2010
ing the loan. Since it is largely used as a means of
(see table 1).
transaction financing, the issuer expects to be repaid
from the borrower’s income within a relatively short
Nonbank loans are provided by a wide array
time. Interest rates and late-payment fees tend to
of lenders. Perhaps the biggest nonbank financial
be high to encourage prompt payment. The viabil-
intermediary is the U.S. government. From Fannie
ity of credit card financing rests on a well-developed
Mae and Freddie Mac to Sally Mae (the Student Loan
financial system with a high level of trust and a deep
Marketing Association), the amount of credit provi-
financial market in which banks can raise financ-
sion that involves the U.S. government dwarfs that
ing by securitizing their credit card receivables and
by any bank.
selling the claims to investors. The volume of credit
card finance, and hence the enormous payment-
Various other lenders also exist on the
transactions convenience afforded to consumers,
“periphery” of the financial services industry and
both decline exponentially as one moves from well-
serve as “bankers” to the poor and the excluded.
developed financial systems (like the United States)
Pawnbrokers are one such group of lenders. Pawn-
to less-developed financial systems.
broking is a form of asset-backed (secured) lending.
The lender makes a loan that typically is small,
Home equity loans are a convenient way for
say $50-$100, for a few weeks or months, and is
consumers to borrow against the price appreciation
secured with merchandise (e.g., jewelry, electronics)
in their homes. For example, say you need $75,000.
that has a resale value roughly twice the debt. Inter-
Your home is worth $300,000 and you owe the
est rates tend to be high, roughly 25–30% per month
bank $200,000. Then your home equity is $100,000
in some states. Default rates range between 10%
($300,000 minus $200,000), and you can borrow
the $75,000 you need against the home equity. 6 See Mian and Sufi (2010).

14 Sources of Capital and Economic Growth

Table 1: Consumer Credit Outstanding

Consumer Credit in $ Billions by Year

Major Providers of Consumer Credit
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Commercial banks, finance $2,384.80 $2,522.20 $2,561.10 $2,449.90 $2,410.40
companies, credit unions, federal
government, savings institutions, and
nonfinancial business

Source: Federal Reserve Statistical Release, February 7, 2011.

and 30%. In 2004, there were 15,000 pawnbrokers remain with the borrower while the loan is outstand-
in the United States. 7
ing and repossess it only upon default.

Payday lenders represent another source Attention will be turned next to business
of nonbank credit. They provide unsecured, short- financing. While for purposes of discussion, it is use-
term loans to customers. The loan arises in one of ful to create a clean separation between consumer
two ways. The first is a “traditional” payday loan, in and business financing, in practice this dividing line
which the borrower writes a post-dated (or undated) is often fuzzy. In particular, many individuals will use
personal check to the lender, and the lender makes their access to consumer financing to raise the money
a loan equal to the check amount minus a finance they need to invest in their businesses. For example,
charge. The lender usually deposits the check and someone may charge a business purchase to a per-
gets paid the day the borrower receives his pay. The sonal credit card or use a home equity loan to make
second involves the lender directly debiting the bor- the investment needed to expand the business.
rower’s bank checking account on a future date for
the amount of the loan plus the finance charge. The Business Financing: Equity
typical loan has a two-week maturity. Payday lending
Businesses can raise equity financing from a
is legal and regulated in many states, but is illegal or
richly diverse set of sources (see figure 4).
infeasible given the law in some states.

Title lenders are similar to payday lenders, Internal Equity Financing

the difference being that title lenders make secured Family and friends represent an important
loans rather than unsecured loans. That is, the title financing source for start-up businesses. The typi-
holder (lender) holds collateral against the loan. Car cal family or friend investor is someone who has
title loans are quite common, and in this case the been successful in his own business and wishes to
lender holds the title to the borrower’s car until the invest both to help a family member or friend and/or
loan is repaid. Title lending is an extension of pawn- because someone had made a similar investment in
broking. A key difference is that while a pawnbroker his business when it was a start-up. For example, a
keeps possession of the collateral during the term of health care private equity firm was launched about
the loan, the title lender may permit the collateral to 10 years ago in St. Louis, MO, with financing provided
entirely by family and friends because the founders
discovered that no Wall Street firm was willing to
7 See Greenbaum and Thakor (2007). 15
provide start-up financing to a group of individuals growth prospects and some synergies with their
who had operating experience in the industry but no own businesses, and operate in an industry that the
private-equity experience. Similarly, Facebook was individuals have successfully worked in or are bull-
launched from a Harvard dorm room and eventually ish about. Angel financing is quite often tapped by
expanded with family and friends financing. Typically, early-stage companies that have yet to establish
family and friends will invest up to $100,000 each. a track record of revenues or earnings that would
enable them to obtain institutional financing from
Employee ownership is another way in venture capital firms or banks. In our apple-orchard
which firms can raise equity financing. Employee example, if Peter cannot get a bank loan to buy fer-
stock ownership plans (ESOPs) give employees the tilizer and farm equipment, he might seek out angel
opportunity to become shareholders in the company. investors (typically investors who, unlike Mary, know
As shareholders, employees can experience increased him and something about his business) to provide
pride and security, and may become more productive. the financing in exchange for an (equity) ownership
Employees can participate via stock purchases, by stake in the business.
receiving a portion of their compensation as stock
rather than cash, and sometimes by providing per- Angel financing is quite
sonal assets to the business. There are more than
often tapped by early-stage
11,500 ESOPs in place in the United States, cover-
ing 10 million employees (10% of the private-sector companies that have yet to
workforce). The total assets owned by U.S. ESOPs
establish a track record of
were estimated at $901 billion at end of 2007.8
revenues or earnings that
Retained earnings represent a vital source
would enable them to obtain
of internal equity financing for businesses. When a
firm makes a profit at the end of a year after settling institutional financing from
all its expenses, paying creditors, and paying taxes, it
venture capital firms or banks.
will typically pay out a portion of the profits as a divi-
dend to its shareholders. The amount remaining after Angel financing is often quite expensive.
the dividend payment is called retained earnings, and Capital from angel investors can cost the entrepre-
it augments the firm’s equity. Retained earnings may neur anywhere from 10% to 50% of the ownership
be viewed as a “sacrifice” made by the shareholders in the business. In addition, many angel investors
in the sense that they forgo some dividends in order charge a monthly management fee.
to build up the firm’s equity. Companies generally
retain 30% to 80% of their after-tax profit every year. Businesses can sometimes raise equity
financing from customers, suppliers, and sales
representatives. These parties may be motivated to
External Equity Financing
provide financing because they believe that the busi-
Angel financing involves raising equity
ness has growth potential that may not be realized
capital from individual investors, known as “angels.”
without the financial support provided by the equity
These individuals look for companies that have high
input, and also that the equity position may become
8 The ESOP Association Industry Statistics, http://www.esopas- a profitable investment down the road. For example, (March 2011).

16 Sources of Capital and Economic Growth

IBM once invested enough in Intel to own 20% of
PE firms specialize in buying
Intel’s equity. It made this investment to financially
boost Intel, a key supplier whose microprocessors firms, some of which may be
were used in all IBM personal computers.
publicly owned, and holding
Corporate parents represent another sig- them as part of a portfolio of
nificant financing source for some institutions. A
privately-owned firms.
holding company may provide its subsidiary with
capital rather than incurring the cost of raising exter- professionals serve as general partners, and inves-
nal capital. For example, when ABN-Amro, the Dutch tors serve as passive limited partners and provide
banking giant, acquired LaSalle Bank in Chicago in the capital. The PE firm usually collects a manage-
1979, it infused $300 million of capital into its newly ment fee of 2% or less plus 20% of the capital gain
acquired subsidiary. from the investment. Many PE firms deliver attractive
returns to their investors, net of these charges.

Intermediated Equity Capital

The largest PE firm in the world is Kohlberg
Thus far we have discussed non interme-
Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR), which had more than
diated sources of equity capital, in which the user
$230 billion in completed and pending acquisi-
obtains capital directly from the investors (who rep-
tions during 2005–2010. Other big PE firms include
resent the sources of capital). Other forms of equity
the Blackstone Group LP, Carlyle Group, Cerberus,
capital involve financial intermediaries that help to
Clayton Dubilier and Rice, Goldman Sachs Capital
link the sources and users of capital.
Partners, Bain Capital, TPG Capital, and Permira.
While these are the largest PE firms, they represent
The first of these is private equity. The term
a mere fraction of the total number of PE firms in
private equity (PE) is used to refer to a firm whose
the business. There are more than 2,500 PE firms
equity is not publicly traded on a stock exchange or
worldwide, and they raise many billions of dollars in
capital that is not quoted on a public exchange. PE
capital every year. In 2006, PE firms bought 654 U.S.
firms specialize in buying firms, some of which may
companies for $375 billion, and U.S.-based PE firms
be publicly owned, and holding them as part of a
raised $215.4 billion in investor commitments.9
portfolio of privately-owned firms. After they improve
the management of these firms, the PE firms either
PE firms use a variety of strategies to acquire
sell them to other firms or take them public through a
firms: leveraged buyouts (LBO), growth capital, dis-
sale of stock in the market. For example, the Black-
tressed investments, mezzanine capital, and venture
stone Group’s PE unit recently acquired theme park
capital. In a typical LBO deal, the PE firm acquires
operator Busch Entertainment Corp. (previously
majority control of an existing or mature firm and
owned by the Anheuser-Busch Corp.) and renamed
finances the acquisition with a relatively high amount
it SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment. Blackstone also
of debt. The assets of the acquired firm serve as col-
acquired frozen-foods maker Birds Eye Foods in a
lateral for the debt used by the PE firms to acquire it.
PE transaction.

9 Robert J. Samuelson, The Private Equity Boom, Washington Post,

PE firms are typically organized as limited
partnerships to hold investments in which investment AR2007031402177.html (March 17, 2007). 17
Over time, the cash flows generated by the acquired the successful launch of so many new companies in
firm help to pay off the debt used for the acquisition. the United States. Numerous famous firms, such as
Apple, Google, and Microsoft, were launched with
Venture capital will be discussed shortly as the help of VC financing.
a distinct source of equity capital because there are
also specialized venture capitalists that do not do VC-backed companies account for 21% of
private equity deals. Growth capital refers to equity U.S. GDP and thus play a vital role in job creation
investments, quite frequently minority investments, in our knowledge economy. Two million new busi-
made by PE firms in mature companies that are nesses are created every year in the United States,
seeking capital to expand or restructure operations of which about 600 to 800 get VC funding.10
or fund some other major investment. By obtaining
this capital from a PE firm, the firm that acquires VC financing is provided by both govern-
the capital avoids the dilution in the capital market ment-sponsored and private entities. In fact, an initial
that would occur if it were to issue equity. There step in the development of this industry was the pas-
is ownership dilution with a PE firm as well, but sage of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958,
the minority ownership of the PE firm represents a which allowed the SBA to license private “Small Busi-
(monolithic) block ownership as opposed to a more ness Investment Companies” (SBICs) to help fill the
diffused dilution in the capital market. gap between the availability of VC and the needs of
small businesses in start-up and growth situations.
Distressed investments are investments The structure of the program is unique in that SBICs
(either debt or equity) that PE firms undertake in are privately owned and managed investment funds,
financially distressed companies. Occasionally, PE licensed and regulated by SBA, that use their own
firms will take more senior positions than equity in capital plus funds borrowed at favorable rates with
either distressed or healthy firms. These may be sub- an SBA guarantee to make equity and debt invest-
ordinated debt or preferred stock (which has seniority ments in qualifying small businesses.
over common equity but is junior to debt). The objec-
tive in taking such positions would be to reduce the There is also a substantial institutional VC
PE firm’s risk exposure. industry in the United States. These privately owned
financial intermediaries typically invest in high-growth
Mezzanine capital refers to a subordinated companies that are capable of reaching sales of at
debt or preferred equity claim on the firm’s assets least $25 million in five years. According to recent
that is senior to the firm’s common equity, but junior estimates based on surveys from the National Ven-
to other claims. Such capital has a lower return but ture Capital Association, U.S. venture capital firms
less risk for the PE firm providing the financing. invest between $5 billion and $10 billion per year.
Since 1970, VC firms have reportedly invested in
Venture capital (VC) is an enormously more than 27,000 start-ups to the tune of $456 bil-
important source of finance for start-up companies. lion. Some of the major VC firms include Sequoia
The fact that the United States has the most well- Capital, Benchmark Capital, Mitsubishi UFJ Capital,
developed VC market in the world—with Silicon and Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers.
Valley setting the “gold standard” for a VC commu-
10 Venture Impact: The Economic Importance of Venture Backed
nity—has often been singled out as a key reason for Companies to the U.S. Economy, (National Venture Capital Associa-
tion) (2009).

18 Sources of Capital and Economic Growth

VC firms raise their own financing from inves- even public firms take advantage of private place-
tors (sources of capital). These include pension funds ment, because it helps to raise equity capital without
(42% of funds), insurance companies (25% of funds), additional information disclosure of the kind required
endowments (21% of funds), individuals and families for a public offering. This can be beneficial for firms
(10% of funds), and others (2% of funds). VC firms that wish to protect the confidentiality of product
typically stay invested in their portfolio companies for information or technology.
five to eight years before selling them off.
Facebook is a good example of how private
Investment banks also act as intermediaries placement of equity can help a firm raise financ-
that help businesses raise capital from a variety of ing for growth. A relatively new company that is at
sources. An investment bank is a financial institution the vanguard of the social-network phenomenon,
that assists individuals, corporations, and govern- Facebook’s initial equity funding came from private-
ments in raising capital by underwriting and/or acting equity placements with Peter Theil (co-founder of
as the client’s agent in the issuance of securities. An PayPal), Accel Partners, and Greylock Partners. The
investment bank may also help companies involved in first round of private-equity investment in Facebook
mergers and acquisitions by providing a host of ser- came in September 2004 when Peter Thiel invested
vices, such as market making, trading of derivatives, $500,000 (valuing the company at $5 million). Since
bonds, equity, foreign exchange, and commodities. then, PE firms have continued to invest in Face-
book. In early 2011, a fund organized by Goldman
Unlike commercial banks, investment banks Sachs invested more than $1 billion in Facebook.
do not finance themselves with deposits, although General Atlantic recently agreed to purchase 0.1%
most major Wall Street investment banks have of Facebook from its employees at a price that val-
become parts of Bank Holding Companies since ues Facebook at $65 billion.
the subprime financial crisis. Investment banks
may have VC subsidiaries that provide VC financing In terms of public offerings of equity, invest-
to businesses. ment banks help to take private firms public through
initial public offerings (IPOs) of stock. An IPO
Investment banks also help businesses with involves the sale of common stock to the public for
private placements of equity, whereby new equity the first time. Through the IPO, part of the ownership
capital can be raised without having to issue equity of the company transfers from the entrepreneur(s)
on the public stock exchanges. A firm that wishes who launched the company to capital-market inves-
to raise equity hires an investment bank to locate tors. In exchange, the firm is able to raise hard cash
institutional and individual investors who wish to as it sells its shares to investors. The firm will typi-
invest in the company. These investors purchase the cally hire an investment bank to help with the IPO.
equity being offered for sale in privately arranged Among the many services the investment bank pro-
transactions. For a private firm, the benefit of this is vides are the pricing of the IPO, the “road shows”
obvious—because it is not publicly listed, a private during which the company is publicized to potential
placement allows it to raise equity capital beyond investors prior to the IPO, and the actual under-
what is available from retained earnings. The addi- writing of the equity issue. The investment bank
tional capital can help to finance expansion, business receives a percentage of the proceeds of the IPO as
growth, and additional employment. But sometimes compensation for its services. 19
A number of large IPOs have been in the
Apart from a short rebound of
news. AT&T Wireless did a $10.6 billion IPO in 2000,
and in 2010 General Motors re-emerged from post a couple of years before the
bankruptcy privatization with a $23.1 billion IPO. We
subprime crisis, IPO volume has
all remember Google’s IPO in 2004, which turned
its 1,000 employees (who were shareholders) into been declining since 2004.
instant millionaires, and its founders, Sergey Brin and
Larry Page, into billionaires. Moreover, with its pub-
licly traded stock from the IPO serving as currency, equity capital after they have already gone public.
Google was able to acquire video-sharing service Companies rely on these secondary equity offer-
YouTube in 2006 for $1.6 billion. ings (SEOs) when they need equity capital beyond
what is provided by retained earnings. For example,

Figure 6: The Decline in Publicly Listed U.S. Companies

Source: Letter by James Angel, dated January 14, 2011, to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Apart from a short rebound of a couple of in 2009 many U.S. banks made secondary equity
years before the subprime crisis, IPO volume has offerings to raise equity capital to satisfy regula-
been declining since 2004. There was also a decline tory capital requirements, because their equity was
prior to 2004, in part due to the more stringent and depleted during the crisis.
costly corporate governance stipulation contained in
the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. IPOs are one of many indi- IPOs and SEOs allow publicly traded compa-
cators of the competitiveness of U.S. capital markets. nies to raise capital, grow, and increase employment.
The number of publicly traded companies and the
In addition to IPOs, investment banks also amount of capital that they raise are both good indi-
help publicly traded companies raise additional cators of the health of the economy and the prospects

20 Sources of Capital and Economic Growth

for future employment. From this standpoint, recent the cash-on-hand that is needed to pay suppliers,
developments in U.S. capital markets cause con- support inventories, and pay other daily bills. Inter-
cern. The number of domestic U.S. companies listed mediate-term and long-term debt-financing take
on our exchanges has been declining for the past 15 the form of bank-term loans. These are the stan-
years or so. At the end of 1997, about 8,000 domes- dard commercial loans with fixed interest rates, set
tic companies were listed on the New York Stock maturity dates, and monthly or quarterly repayment
Exchange (NYSE), American Exchange (AMEX), and schedules.
NASDAQ. This number had dropped to fewer than
5,000 by the end of 2009, and there are now fewer Intermediate-term loans usually have a
than 4,000 companies in the Wilshire 5000 index of maturity of three years or less. They are generally
U.S. public companies (see figure 6). 11
This decline, repaid in monthly installments (in some cases with
combined with the sputtering volume of U.S. IPOs, balloon payments) from the cash flows generated by
suggests that we are creating new public companies the sale of goods and services and the collection of
at a slower rate than before and that existing public cash. In our apple orchard example, Peter would pay
companies are vanishing at a higher rate than new off an intermediate-term loan by selling apples and
public companies are being created. Although many collecting cash from his customers.
factors are contributing to this decline, the litigation
environment and regulatory and compliance burdens A long-term loan typically has a maturity of
faced by U.S. companies, as well as the passage of between three and ten years. These loans are secured
Sarbanes-Oxley Act, are significant issues. (collateralized) by some assets in the business. Oper-
ating cash flows are still relied on for making either
Business Financing: Debt monthly or quarterly repayments.

Nonmarket, Intermediated, and Direct Debt

In 2009, U.S. banks made more than $7 tril-
Businesses raise large amounts of financing
lion of commercial and industrial, real estate, and
from debt from a variety of sources. Commercial
consumer loans, as well as other loans and leases.
banks are traditionally an important source of debt
(see figure 7). This is a very important source of debt
financing. For example, Avolon, an aircraft leasing
financing for businesses.
group, announced in January 2011 that it had raised
$2.5 billion in debt since May 2010, the latest com-
In addition to making loans, banks also make
ing in the form of $465 million debt raised from a
loan commitments to businesses. In a bank loan
consortium of three leading U.S. banks: Wells Fargo
commitment, a bank promises to lend the borrower
Securities, Citi, and Morgan Stanley. Businesses use
up to a predetermined amount at a contractually
banks to obtain short-term, intermediate-term, and
determined interest rate in the future. Typically, com-
long-term debt financing.
mitments are provided for specific uses, such as
meeting working capital financing needs or financ-
Short-term bank financing (typically with
ing an acquisition. As of March 2001, outstanding
loan maturities under one year) is used by busi-
(unused) bank loan commitments to U.S. corpora-
nesses to finance working capital needs, that is,
tions stood at $1.6 trillion, so this is a large source
of financing.
11 Letter by James Angel, to the Securities and Exchange Com-
mission (SEC)
shtml (January 14, 2011). 21
Insurance companies are interested in making long-maturity
loans because they need to balance the risk of their long-maturity
liabilities, like life insurance policies.
Institutional lenders, such as commercial- long-term investments in manufacturing plants (such
finance companies like GE Capital and insurance as Ford or Caterpillar), networks (such as AT&T), and
companies, have been a major source of long-term so on. These investments produce cash flows over
debt financing for U.S. businesses. Institutional lend- a long time horizon. The risks in these investments
ers make loans that may be more than 10 years in are best managed by financing them with relatively
maturity and thus fill a need at the longer end of the long-maturity liabilities, such as loans from insurance
debt maturity spectrum (term loans are typically less companies. Absent such loans, the management of
than 10 years in maturity). Insurance companies are risks inherent in long-term investments would not be
interested in making long-maturity loans because as efficient.
they need to balance the risk of their long-maturity
liabilities, like life insurance policies. By making such The factoring of accounts receivables is
long-term loans available to companies, insurance another source of debt financing that is available
companies help their borrowers improve their risk to businesses. Every business that sells to custom-
management. For example, many companies make ers on credit—the customer purchases the good or

Figure 7: U.S. Aggregate Lending: Commercial Banks (Seasonally Adjusted)

22 Sources of Capital and Economic Growth

service but pays at a later date—generates “accounts Public Debt
receivables” when it makes sales. In our apple orchard Thus far we have discussed nonmarket, inter-
example, Peter might sell $1,000 of his apples to the mediated, and direct (non intermediated) forms of
school in his town but the school may not pay Peter debt. Companies that have publicly traded debt can
until three weeks later. Peter would then record $1,000 also directly access the capital market for borrowing
as a sale on his income statement and $1,000 as an by issuing public debt with the help of investment
account receivable on the asset side of his balance banks. Two main forms of public debt are available
sheet. The problem with accounts receivables is that to U.S. firms: commercial paper and long-term debt.
even though a sale has been recorded, there is no cash
coming in at that time. Sometimes, a company will Companies that have publicly
“factor” its receivables. Specialized factoring compa-
nies will provide cash to the manufacturer against that
traded debt can also directly
manufacturer’s accounts receivables, with a reserve access the capital market
payment set aside, that is, the factoring companies
purchase the receivables. After the manufacturer’s
for borrowing by issuing
customers have paid, the factor pays the manufac- public debt with the help of
turer the balance minus an amount representing the
factor’s discount and interest on the funds originally
investment banks.
paid to the manufacturer. Commercial paper is usually short-maturity
(less than one year) unsecured debt financing that
Accounts payable is a similar source of is available only to the highest-credit-quality firms.
financing provided by the firm’s suppliers. Most firms It is typically used for financing accounts receivable
do not pay their suppliers as soon as they receive the and inventory. This is a huge market, with almost $1
goods. It is fairly common practice for firms to pay trillion in outstanding commercial paper predicted
their suppliers within 30 days of receipt of the goods for 2011. At the end of 2009, there were more than
(e.g., Dell has followed this practice), but some com- 1,700 commercial paper issuers in the United States.
panies take even longer. For example, AB-Inbev, the Commercial paper is available in a variety of denomi-
beer company, has a 90-day payment policy for its nations and usually ranges in maturity from 2 to 270
suppliers. Whenever a company purchases some- days. It is relatively low-cost (currently, commer-
thing but does not pay for it right away, it records the cial paper rates are less than 0.5% per annum) and
purchase as an expense on its income statement and hence attractive to companies that can access the
the amount yet to be paid as a liability, called accounts commercial paper market. For these companies, it is
payable, on its balance sheet. This liability is essen- often an alternative to a short-term bank loan. How-
tially a form of short-term debt. ever, it is also risky because its availability and cost
are highly dependent on volatile market perceptions
The U.S. Small Business Administration of the firm. For example, in March 2002, Bill Gross,
(SBA) provides another source of debt financing. The manager of PIMCO Total Return, the world’s largest
SBA offers long-term financing for purchasing fixed bond fund, said that General Electric (GE) was exces-
assets. Typically these loans require a personal guar- sively reliant on commercial paper and that his fund
antee from any investor with a stake in the business would not buy any GE commercial paper “for the
exceeding 5%. foreseeable future.” GE’s stock price fell 3.5% after 23
the announcement.12 More recently, when the credit In both cases, commercial paper as well as
market experienced stress during the subprime cri- long-term debt, investment banks help firms with the
sis, the commercial paper market was one of the first process of issuing debt to capital market investors.
to dry up.

Commercial paper is usually a very safe

investment because the issuer’s financial condition
can be reliably predicted over a short time horizon
and because only companies with relatively high credit
ratings issue commercial paper. The typical denomina-
tion for a commercial paper issue is $100,000 or more,
which makes direct investment in commercial paper
difficult for retail investors. To deal with this, money
market mutual funds have emerged that invest in com-
mercial paper, allowing investors to invest indirectly by
purchasing shares in the mutual fund.

Long-term debt involves bond issues with

maturities exceeding one year. While commercial
paper is typically used to satisfy short-term liquidity
needs of the firm (e.g., financing inventories), long-
term debt is used to finance the purchase of fixed
assets like machines or acquisitions of other com-
panies. Companies rely on long-term bond financing
for a variety of uses and typically pay higher inter-
est rates than on commercial paper. For example,
McKesson, the biggest U.S. drug distributor, issued
$1.7 billion of 5-year, 10-year and 30-year bonds, as
reported in its February 23, 2011, filing with the SEC.
Tracking the upward-sloping yield curve, the interest
rates were 3.25% on the 5-year bonds, 4.75% on the
10-year bonds, and 6% on the 30-year bonds.13 As
of 2007, the amount of U.S. corporate bonds out-
standing exceeded $5 trillion.

12 CNNMoney. “GE Drops on Gross Comments”, http://money.
(March 21, 2002).
13 McKesson Corp. Form 8-k, EdgarOnline, http://yahoo.brand.

24 Sources of Capital and Economic Growth

IV. The Interconnectedness of the
Financial System
Two important messages emerge from the
description of the financial system. One is that there
Why do we need such a
is a great diversity of financing sources available to diverse set of financing
individuals and businesses seeking financing. And
the other is that the different components of the
sources? The simple reason is
financial system are interconnected. that the greater the diversity,
Why do we need such a diverse set of financ-
the more effectively the financial
ing sources? The simple reason is that the greater system can meet the needs of
the diversity, the more effectively the financial system
can meet the needs of individuals and businesses.
individuals and businesses.
For example, suppose that the only mortgages avail- The reason that firms such as Microsoft and Merck,
able were 30-year fixed rate mortgages. These might which have intellectual property to protect, tend to
meet the needs of individuals who wish to lock in an use relatively low amounts of debt is that an increase
interest rate for a long period of time. But what about in debt financing brings with it a higher likelihood that
the person who believes interest rates might fall in the the firm will be unable to meet its repayment obliga-
future or whose financial condition is likely to improve tion or violate certain debt covenants. For example,
over time so he would be able to afford higher inter- as we saw in the subprime crisis, homeowners who
est rates in the future? Such a person would prefer defaulted on their mortgages were those who had
a variable or adjustable rate mortgage, in which the higher loan-to-value ratios than others, because
interest rate fluctuates with market rates, or one that higher indebtedness meant larger monthly mort-
that has a lower initial rate and a higher subsequent gage payments and hence a lower ability to make
rate. A greater variety of mortgages accommodates the payments when faced with a decline in income.
a greater variety of individual preferences and needs. The same is true for companies. When there is a cov-
enant violation or default on a repayment obligation,
Like individuals, businesses have a diverse the firm may be forced to either sell assets (some
set of needs. Some face a great deal of uncertainty which may have valuable intellectual property) or
in their core business model and prefer to finance declare bankruptcy (in which case ownership of the
largely with equity in order to limit the bankruptcy intellectual property might transfer to the creditors).
risk associated with debt. Other firms invest heav-
ily in R&D and have substantial intellectual property Even within the spectrum of a specific form of
that they wish to protect. Such firms will also tend to financing like equity or debt, diversity plays an impor-
finance primarily with equity to minimize bankruptcy tant role. Consider equity first. Some firms prefer to
risk. Microsoft is one example. Other examples are finance primarily through retained earnings because
drug companies such as Merck that invest heavily in it is important for them to avoid the ownership dilu-
R&D. These firms tend to have low debt/equity ratios tion associated with issuing equity. Yet others,
in their financing mix. especially those firms that are growing rapidly, will 25
find that relying solely on internally generated equity These employees understand that if they work hard
is not enough to support their growth. Such firms and provide the best customer service, Starbucks’
will wish to use external equity financing. And in this stock price will go up. Such employee stock owner-
respect, the more diverse the sources of external ship is valued more by employees when they can sell
equity finance, the better. For example, a firm may be their stock in a liquid public market than when it is
seeking equity to help finance its growth in a market privately held.
in which it is selling a product for which it has devel-
oped a proprietary technology. Such a firm may not Diversity of financing sources is also
wish to issue equity in the public market because it important for businesses seeking debt financing.
would have to disclose sensitive information about Sometimes firms have short-term borrowing needs.
its technology, due to the information disclosure They would tend to satisfy these needs through
requirements of the securities exchange. While the accounts payable financing, accounts receivable fac-
information is disclosed primarily for investors, it is toring, or bank loan commitments. Larger firms with
also necessarily revealed to competitors at the same impeccable credit ratings may choose to augment
time. To avoid this, the firm may wish to use a private these short-term financing sources with commercial
placement of equity to raise external equity capital. paper financing. The availability of diverse short-term
If the private placement option were not available, financing sources permits firms to match quite pre-
the firm might prefer to forgo issuing equity and cisely their specific needs to the financing source.
expanding in order to protect the confidentiality The result is that more short-term financing needs
of its proprietary technology. It is easy to think of are met than would be possible with fewer financing
examples. Facebook raised private equity at a time sources. Consequently, firms invest more.
when it would have found it difficult to raise pub-
lic equity. Similarly, Intel raised private equity from At other times, firms have longer-term debt
IBM, a customer, rather than issuing public equity. financing needs. A firm may be investing in a new fac-
Although IBM has divested most of its holdings in tory that has an anticipated economic life of 20 years.
Intel, at one time it owned 20% of the company. For such a long-term investment, it will seek a long-term
loan. If only short-term debt financing were available,
By contrast, other firms might be more inter- the firm might pass up the investment opportunity.
ested in a public sale of equity—either through an
IPO or an SEO—because publicly traded equity Firms sometimes finance acquisitions with
provides greater liquidity and typically has a lower debt. For example, InBev’s purchase of Anheuser
cost of capital associated with it than private equity. Busch, the largest U.S. beer manufacturer, was
Moreover, public equity also helps with employee financed predominantly with debt. In such cases, the
motivation and retention. For example, having pub- firm may wish to match the maturity structure of its
licly traded equity allows companies like Microsoft debt with the pattern of cash flows it anticipates gen-
and Starbucks to compensate their employees with erating after the acquisition. This, too, typically calls
shares of stock. When Microsoft’s stock price was for long-term debt financing.
rising rapidly in the 1990s, this was very attractive to
its employees and it allowed Microsoft to attract and A diverse set of financing sources also
retain high-quality talent. Starbucks takes stock own- enables firms to strike the appropriate balance
ership right down to the employees in its retail stores. between the cost of debt financing and liquidity

26 Sources of Capital and Economic Growth

A diverse set of financing they will eventually exit by taking these firms public
and selling off their ownership shares. If our public
sources also enables firms to equity markets were to diminish in the future, per-

strike the appropriate balance haps because of excessively onerous regulation, it

is very likely that the supply of PE and VC financ-
between the cost of debt ing would decline as well. Without the attractive

financing and liquidity risk. “exit option” provided by the public equity market,
PE and VC firms would view their investments as
risk. Since long-term debt financing is usually more lacking the potential to be “liquefied” in the future
expensive than short-term debt financing, pure cost via an IPO, and would therefore scale back on their
considerations would push the firm in the direction investments. Clearly, some capital market regulation
of short-term debt like commercial paper or a short- is necessary to ensure transparency and integrity,
term bank loan. But short-maturity debt also exposes and this improves the efficiency and attractiveness
the firm to liquidity risk because it may not be able to of the market. But when it becomes excessive, it can
roll over its short-term debt. A recent example of this drive firms away. Thus, more onerous capital market
is Bear Stearns, the investment bank. It was financing regulation might reduce investment in small and mid-
itself with debt of one-month maturity that was rolled sized companies and lower aggregate employment.
over every 30 days. When concerns about its hedge-
fund losses became sufficiently grave, this 30-day Similarly, good public equity and debt mar-
debt financing evaporated, and the bank was on the kets allow banks to raise debt and equity capital to
brink of insolvency before its government-assisted support their own growth. This, in turn, enables banks
takeover by JPMorgan Chase. Firms are constantly to extend loans that support the financing needs and
trying to balance the cost of borrowing against liquid- growth plans of individuals and businesses. If bur-
ity risk, and a diverse set of financing sources helps densome new regulatory requirements made bank
them to achieve the right balance. capital more expensive, bank lending would decline.
The consequence would be lower GDP growth and
A greater diversity of financing sources employment.
helps individuals and businesses to:
Indeed, given the interdependence between
• improve their management of risk and achieve banks, markets, and among the different compo-
a better balance between the cost of financing nents of the market, if one financing source were to
and risk; and disappear, it would have potentially devastating con-
• increase investments, and thus employment sequences for other parts of the financial system.14
in the economy. This can be seen most vividly in emerging markets.
When Romania converted from a centrally planned,
It is useful to note that the different parts of Communist-run economy to a free-market economy,
the financial system are intimately interconnected. the housing market was underdeveloped. It was
For example, venture capital and private equity are difficult to jump-start this market even in the new
available in part because we have such deep and free-market economy because banks were reluctant
relatively efficient capital markets. PE and VC firms to lend to consumers to buy houses. This reluctance
make their investments with the expectation that
14 See Song and Thakor (2010). 27
arose from the inability of banks to securitize home in about defaults on home mortgages, and many of
mortgages because the securitization market did not the securities being used as collateral in repos were
exist in Romania the 1990s. 15
Thus, the absence of mortgage-backed securities. Thus, what happened
the securitization market stunted the growth of the in home mortgages affected short-term credit avail-
home mortgage market. ability to financial firms, which then spilled over into a
general decline in the credit available to businesses
Even within the United States, we have seen and individuals.
numerous examples of this. Many U.S. corporations,
especially non-depository financial companies, rely Imagine what would happen to U.S. credit
on the repo market for their short-term funding needs. card lending if the market for credit card securitiza-
The repo market, whose precrisis size is estimated at tion were to disappear. Millions of consumers would
between $10 trillion and $20 trillion, involves a firm find themselves without access to credit cards. Simi-
taking a short-term loan (typically overnight loans) larly, imagine what would happen to entrepreneurs
from another firm under a repurchase agreement in if venture capital were to disappear. Scores of new
which eligible securities are used as collateral. So, businesses would fail to be launched.
I might have $100 worth of marketable securities
against which I might borrow $100 from you for, say, When the components of
a day. When I repay the loan, I get my securities back the financial system are so
(I “repurchase” them). If I default, you keep the secu-
rities. Repos have “haircuts” associated with them. If interconnected, even small
I can borrow $100 against $100 worth of securities, initial changes in one part of
the haircut on the repo is 0. If I can borrow only $90
against $100 worth of securities, the haircut is 10%, the system can reverberate
and so on. It is estimated that between early 2008 and through the entire system
early 2009, the haircut on repos went from 0 to 45%.16
If one takes the simple average of these two numbers and manifest as big
as the average haircut during this period, then one eventual changes.
can estimate that about $2.25 trillion in short-term
borrowing capacity vanished fairly quickly from the The “theory of unintended consequences”
market as companies were now able to borrow that says that it is difficult to predict how the financial
much less using the same collateral as before. This system will react if one of its components is tinkered
led to a significant decline in lending to individuals with via regulatory changes. When the components
and businesses, as a major part of our financial sys- of the financial system are so interconnected, even
tem found itself to be liquidity constrained. small initial changes in one part of the system can
reverberate through the entire system and manifest
This example illustrates both interconnect- as big eventual changes. For example, when the
edness and the danger in making changes in one Federal Reserve injected substantial liquidity into
part of the financial system. One reason that repo the economy from 1995 through 2005, it was hard to
haircuts went up is that bad news began to trickle imagine that this would contribute to a housing price
bubble and crisis. Such unintended consequences
15 See Meyendorff and Thakor (2002). are also encountered in other parts of the economy.
16 See Gorton and Metrick (2010).

28 Sources of Capital and Economic Growth

For example, not many would have predicted that the legal liability on credit rating agencies for “rating mis-
“cash for clunkers” stimulus initiative would have the representation.” The three major U.S. credit rating
unintended consequence of hurting automobile parts agencies responded by asking debt issuers to not
suppliers and putting many of them out of business. use their ratings. However, by SEC regulation, these
Interconnectedness magnifies the errors embedded debt issues needed ratings, so the market for these
in regulatory missteps and increases the uncertainty issues essentially froze for a few months. Scores of
generated by them. debt issuers were denied access to much needed
funds. Such are the workings of the theory of unin-
The effects of this interconnectedness can tended consequences.
spill over into different types of financing. For exam-
ple, suppose that banks find their equity capital has This interconnectedness
been depleted because of credit and trading losses
is one of the main reasons
such as those that we witnessed during the recent
crisis. At the same time, it might be more difficult why regulatory intervention
to access public equity markets for more capital
in one part of the financial
because the market is stressed and investors are
averse to purchasing additional equity in banks. A system so often generates
consequence of this would be a decline in bank lend-
unpredictable and
ing, similar to the 7.5% decline in U.S. bank lending
witnessed in 2009.17 Another consequence would be undesirable consequences
a decline in new lines of credit (or loan commitments)
in some other part of the
extended by banks. Because companies use lines of
credit from banks extensively to back up commer- financial system.
cial paper issues, U.S. corporations would suffer a
“double whammy” in the sense that they would not
only have diminished access to bank loans, but also
lesser access to the public debt market. In this way,
adverse developments for banks in the market for
bank equity capital can spill over into the debt market
for other firms. Aggregate investment, employment,
and GDP suffer as a result.

This interconnectedness is one of the main

reasons why regulatory intervention in one part of the
financial system so often generates unpredictable
and undesirable consequences in some other part
of the financial system. Consider what happened
when the Dodd-Frank Act effectively expanded the

17 Statement of Martin J. Gruenberg, Vice Chairman FDIC, on

Condition of Small Business and Commercial Real Estate Lending In
Local Markets, FDIC,
ers/spfeb2610.html (February 26, 2010). 29
V. Conclusion
This paper has surveyed the U.S. financial access includes going directly to the capital market
system from the standpoint of the various types to raise money, such as through a commercial paper
of financing sources available to individuals and or public debt issue.
businesses and the different types of financing
arrangements (contracts) by which capital is raised. Fourth, a rich variety of debt and equity
The main messages emerging from this discussion financing sources is available in the United
are as follows. States. This diversity is crucial for helping our econ-
omy to keep its competitive edge because it enables
First, the financial system helps economic businesses to improve their management of risk and
growth. This is achieved through the provision of lower their cost of capital, so that both investment
four basic services: facilitating trade; facilitating risk and employment increase.
management for various individuals and businesses;
mobilizing resources; and processing information Finally, the U.S. financial system is highly
about individuals and businesses and allocating interconnected. This interconnectedness means
resources. that any changes in one part of the financial sys-
tem—either through a shock like a crisis or through
Second, individuals (consumers) are regulatory intervention—can reverberate throughout
largely limited to debt financing for raising capital. the entire system, often in unpredictable ways. As a
Nonetheless, consumers can use a large number result, well-intentioned initiatives may produce more
of sources to raise this financing, including banks, harm than good.
finance companies, and the federal government.
This paper has not addressed some ques-
Third, businesses regularly access both tions. What does the future hold for financial
debt and equity capital, and the appropriate services? What effect will the Dodd-Frank Act have
mix of debt and equity, called the “capital struc- on the financial services industry? Will the industry
ture” decision, is a key strategic choice for any experience an increase or decrease in the diversity of
company. Businesses have three basic sources of financing sources in the future? How will the regula-
capital: private, intermediated sources, and public tory structure evolve? These are interesting questions
markets. These three categories exist for both debt to ponder, and the answers will not only influence how
and equity capital. In private non-intermediated we deal with global challenges but also determine the
sources, the firm raises financing outside the public magnitude of future economic growth because of the
capital market without using a financial intermediary close relationship between financial system develop-
like a bank. Included in this are sources like friends ment and economic growth, discussed in this paper.
and family, cash generated from the firm’s operating The world’s population is growing and is likely to hit
profits, customers, and suppliers. Private interme- 9 billion in this century. This growth will put substan-
diated sources include bank loans, borrowing from tially greater stress on the natural resources needed
finance companies and insurance companies, and to support this population—food, water, and energy.
loans from the parent company. Public market Innovations of all sorts will be needed to optimize the

30 Sources of Capital and Economic Growth

use of limited resources and harness new resources.
These innovations will need to be financed. A vibrant
and robust financial system in the United States will
play a critical role in supporting these innovations
and helping them to become commercial successes.
The Microsofts, Googles, Genentechs, and Face-
books of tomorrow will rise from the commitment to
innovation that will be fueled by the financial services
sector in the United States and elsewhere. Financial
markets in emerging countries like India, China, and
Brazil will continue to grow and challenge the preem-
inence of U.S. financial markets. Already, two-thirds
of the world’s equity market capitalization is outside
the United States. Global competition among finan-
cial markets is sure to intensify even further. Thus,
business will go to the most transparent and well-
regulated markets, and will flow away from markets
that are more onerously regulated and involve higher
costs of capital. As long as economically sensible
regulation supports the transparency and health
of the U.S. financial system, the economic growth
that will follow the wave of future innovation will be
accompanied by growth in the depth and size of the
U.S. financial services industry and the economic
value provided by it. 31
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No. 09-14, November 2010.

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Markets: Harmonization versus Competition, ed., Claude E. Barfield, Washington, D.C.: The AEI Press,

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Review 58-1, August 2010, pp. 74-117.

Meyendorff, Anna and Anjan V. Thakor, Designing Financial Systems in Transition Economies: Strategies for
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Song, Fenghua, and Anjan V. Thakor, “Financial System Architecture and the Co-Evolution of Banks
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32 Sources of Capital and Economic Growth

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