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How To Use Acupressure For Fertility

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How To Use Acupressure for Fertility & Conceive

Learning self acupressure for fertility is easy! Apply these techniques to stimulate hormonal balance,
regulate the menstrual cycle and get pregnant!
Fertility acupressure can be easily applied at home on a daily basis.
It is a very easy to learn, jet very powerful technique to enhance fertility and prepare for natural
conception or for IVF cycles.
What's Acupressure
A component of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupressure has the goal of regulating the flow of energy
within the body in order to create balance and restore health.

Acupressure consists on stimulating specific acupressure body points with the purpose of invigorating
the organ that corresponds to that point. Acupressure for fertility focuses on specific organs like the
liver, the spleen, the urinary bladder, the ovaries, the uterus, the fallopian tubes and the kidneys, as
these organs play a very important role in reproductive health.
Acupressure and self-acupressure was discovered in China over 5,000 years ago. Ancient Chinese
learned how by simply pressing certain points on the body relieved pain where it occurred, but also it
was beneficial on other parts of the body away from the pain. In Chinese medicine the body is divided
into twelve meridians that are energy pathways of Qi (chi) energy. Qi flows continuously from one
meridian to another.
Why Acupressure For Fertility
Acupressure for fertility can be used to relieve menstrual pain, support the sexual
reproductive system, and to detoxify the body. When you practice self-acupressure, you will be
stimulating pressure points that are located along the body's twelve main meridian pathways. These
pathways are where the energy or Chi flows freely when you are healthy. If the Chi becomes
obstructed, dysfunction and disease will result.

Applying acupressure on specific acupressure points increases blood circulation to the reproductive
organs and increases oxygenation to the tissues. Often the blockage is caused by the presence of
toxins that accumulate as a result of poor diet, medications, stress, and poor sleep. When this
happens, the hormonal balance within the body is compromised leading to poor ovulation cycles.

Doing acupressure for fertility can improve your chances of conceiving because it stimulates
blood flow to the reproductive organs and releases toxins, congestion and inflammation. The
result of applying daily acupressure will be hormonal regulation and balance, while stimulating
ovulation and helping oxygenate the uterus in preparation for pregnancy.

Symptoms of stagnation of the liver are often associated with infertility in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
If you suffer from PMS, irregular cycles, headaches before your period, cold hands and feet, mood
swings, low energy, you will benefit from using acupressure for fertility.
Learning Self Acupressure For Fertility
In this article, you are going to learn the main acupressure points to increase fertility. These
acupressure body points are easy to find and virtually anyone can easily apply these techniques. If you
suffer from any medical condition, consult with trained acupressure therapist.
Stimulating Acupressure Points
In order to stimulate acupressure points, follow these simple guidelines:

a. Apply pressure for about 1-2 minutes by using your fingertips. You can also use your thumb. If you
feel pain or discomfort, decrease your pressure or stop.

b. Apply deep pressure using a clockwise motion for about 1 minute.

c. Make sure your nails are clean and well trimmed, do not jam your fingernails into your skin.
Lower Abdominal Acupressure Points
Only stimulate the following acupressure for fertility points during the first half of your menstrual cycle,
before ovulation. If you are preparing for IVF cycle, apply pressure on these points up until the day
before embryo transfer. Also, never apply pressure on these points if you are pregnant.

Ren 3: this acupressure for fertility point is also considered to be the "Central Pole" of the conception
meridian. It is located on the middle line, four inches below the belly button. Stimulating this point
helps regulate the menses, strengthening the kidneys and the urinary bladder. It can help in cases of
endometriosis, pelvic inflammation that interfere with implantation. Stimulate this point using deep,
clockwise circular motion. Do not stimulate if you think you might be pregnant.

Zigong: this acupressure for fertility point is also called "Place of the Child." It is locate 4 inches below
the belly button and three inches away from the center line of the body. This point is the site of the

The stimulation of this point increases blood flow to the ovaries and uterus, addressing infertility
related to menstrual problems. Use deep clockwise massage to stimulate this point every day or every
other day before ovulation.

Ren 4: this acupressure for fertility point is locate on the midline (conception meridian), two inches
below the belly button. This point is the site of the uterus. It increases the Chi energy to assist
conception. Use deep clockwise massage to stimulate this point every day or every other day before
ovulation. Make sure to use deep circular motions to stimulate this acupressure point.

Ki 16: this acupressure for fertility point is located one inch on either side of the belly button. This
point is the site of the kidney. When stimulate it brings healing energy to the heart and kidney while
clearing the mind and improving immunological function. Also, this point releases energy blocks in the
abdomen that cause low fertility.

Ren 6: this point is located one and a half inch below the belly button on the midline of the lower
abdomen. This point is also called, the sea of Chi. When stimulated increases energy, vitality to the
body overall.

St 30: this point is found 5 inches below the belly button and two inches away from the midline. When
stimulated it helps increase function of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus by releasing stagnation.
Upper Abdomen Acupressure Points
The following acupressure points increase fertility by stimulating and regulating the liver and kidney
meridian. They assist your body in toxin release from the liver and promote hormonal regulation while
helping you feel calmer.

Ren 14: this acupressure point is located two inches below the sternum and 6 inches above the belly
button. Stimulating this point has a great benefit of clearing the heart of negativity. If the heart chakra
is blocked as a result of worry and anxiety, this point when stimulated will help release your fears and
relax your mind.

Ren 12: this acupressure point is located on the midline of the stomach, half way between the belly
button and the sternum, approximately 4 inches above the belly button. This point has an affinity for
the spleen and the stomach and it is very important in draining the body of excess fluid and mucus
production like fluid accumulated in the fallopian tubes, uterus, and urinary bladder.

Lv 14: this acupressure point is located below the breast, two ribs below the nipple, 4 inches from the
midline. This point resolves liver and gastro intestinal complaints related to poor digestion experienced
as sluggish feeling after eating. This point also helps those who suffer from premenstrual breast
tenderness. When this point is stimulated, the sexual energy increases as well.
Back Acupressure Points
The following acupressure for fertility points can be stimulate during the first and also the second half
of the menstrual cycle, except while menstruating. A word of caution about using pressure points on
your shoulder.

Do not stimulate the top of your shoulder area after ovulation (avoid shoulder rubs) as stimulation of
this area can cause uterine contraction leading to a miscarriage. This area is so sensitive that during
labor many midwives recommend stimulating the shoulders in order to trigger or speed up labor.

UB 44: this point is located at the same level as UB 15, three inches to either side of the 5th thoracic
vertebra. The stimulation of this point promotes relaxation. It will help you if you feel anxious about
your inability to get pregnant.

UB 15: this point is called the point of the "Heat." It's located one and a half inches away from the
spine at the level of the 5th thoracic vertebra and two inches above the lower border of the shoulder
blade. This point regulates the heat Chi energy. It promotes better sleep, less anxiety and balanced

UB 17: this point is located at the level of the lower border of the shoulder blade at the level of the 7th
thoracic vertebra. It helps cool the blood, resolves blood stasis and stops abnormal menstrual

UB 23: this acupressure for fertility point is locate at the level of the Kidney energy on the small of the
back at the level of the second lumbar vertebra. You can find it by measuring one and a half inches
from the middle line on either side of the spine. This point addresses abnormal vaginal discharges,
irregular periods, lower back pain in women and impotence in men.

DU 4: this acupressure point is also called the "Life Gate" located on the Governing meridian right on
the midline at the level of the second lumbar vertebra. This point stimulates the womb resolving
sterility, increases energy flow through the kidneys and pelvic organs.

UB 31, UB 32, UB 33: these acupressure points address lower back pain and regulate menstrual
disorders and infertility. They also increase blood flow to the pelvic organs boosting fertility.
Acupressure For Fertility Face Points
The following points can be stimulated throughout the entire menstrual cycle and are useful during
embryo implantation after ovulation if you are trying to conceive naturally or after embryo transfer if
you are going through IVF.

Yintang: this acupressure point is located between the eyebrows.

It stimulates the activity of the pituitary gland and it is great in regulating hormonal imbalances due to
low pituitary function. It also resolves frontal headaches and anxiety.

Epang II: this acupressure point is located on the scalp above the forehead just inside the upper
corner of the hairline above the outside of the eyebrow. When you apply pressure on this point you will
usually feel sensitiveness, make sure to be gentle.

This point decreases painful menses regulates the menstrual cycle and treats urinary problems.
Acupressure For Fertility On The Ear
The following acupressure points improve general fertility and can be stimulate during the entire

Triangular Fossa: this acupressure point is located in the upper, inner area of the ear.

This point stimulates the uterus and fallopian tubes. It also regulates the sympathetic nervous system
decreasing blood pressure and body tension.

Massage this point each day for a couple of minutes or every time you feel under stress.

Intertragic Notch: this acupressure point is located just above the earlobe in the lowest point of the

It stimulates the endocrine system and the ovaries by massaging gently every day or every other day
during your monthly cycle.
Acupressure For Fertility DVD
If you choose to integrate acupressure for fertility in your life to conceive, I recommend getting
the Acupressure for Fertility DVD.

This is DVD teaches you a gentle acupressure practice designed to enhance reproductive health in
women and men who are trying to conceive.

Based on the ancient principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, that have been proven effective in
treating infertility for centuries, acupressure for fertility stimulates the flow of energy along the
meridians. The purpose is to improve blood flow to the reproductive organs boosting fertility and
facilitating conception.

The following are the main benefits of using this fertility acupressure DVD on a regular basis:
1. Balance the hormonal system.

2. Release anxiety and stress in the body.

3. Increase the success rate of IVF treatments.

4. Promote blood flow to the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes.

5. Decrease the side effects of fertility drugs.

This Acupressure for Fertility DVD was developed by licensed acupuncturist, Shasta Tierra, who has
twenty years clinical experience in the field of acupressure, yoga and acupuncture.

When you apply acupressure for fertility you will feel calmer and more relaxed, you will also notice that
your menstrual cycle will be more regular and your periods will become pain free. These are signs that
your fertility has been restored.

Fertility Blessings!
Improve Fertility Easily With Acupressure

Dalene Barton, CH, Doula

Acupressure is an alternative therapy that is easy, effective, and can be done at home to
help improve fertility. Acupressure has been applied for thousands of years to helpimprove
hormonal balance, the menstrual cycle and aid conception.
Acupressure comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine, based on the same ideas
as acupuncture, but without the needles. It involves applying pressure with the fingers to
specific points on the body. The stimulation of these points signal the body to increase
circulation and energy to another area of the body. Acupressure works to improve the health
of the corresponding organ and body systems associated with that particular acupressure
point. Many times the acupressure point is not located near the symptom. Before we learn
why, lets look at the history of TCM and acupressure as one of the many paths to wellness
through this system.
TCM is based on an ancient medical system, developed between 2,500 3,000 years ago.
Acupuncture and acupressure are part of the TCM healing system. Acupuncture and
acupressure stimulate key points on pathways of healing known as meridians, in
which qi(life force) flows. There are 14 distinct meridians in the human body, with hundreds
of points that correspond to specific organs in the body which correspond to patterns of dis-
ease. Patterns of dis-ease are thought to be blockages within the meridians. Stimulation of
key points may help move these blockages for improved health.
For example, kidney qi is associated with fertility health. If there is an infertility issue,
pressing a specific acupressure point such as Ki 16 stimulates circulation and energy to the
kidneys and reproductive organs. Ki 16 is located just one inch to the left and right of the
belly button, which is not where the kidneys are located.
What is thought to cause blockages associated with negatively impacting the health of the
body? It is thought that blockages occur due to poor diet, poor lifestyle choices, overuse of
medications, lack of sleep, stress, environmental pollution and sedentary lifestyle.
How is Acupressure Beneficial for Fertility?
This ancient healing practice may help improve fertility by stimulating improved blood flow to
the reproductive organs which in turn stimulates a release in toxins, movement of pelvic
congestion and reduction in inflammation which may also alleviate pain. An increase in
circulation means nutrient and oxygen rich blood moves to the reproductive organs for
improved reproductive tissue health.
The Benefits of Acupressure for Fertility:
Acupressure is not harmful to fertility
It costs nothing
It is a great way to connect with your partner
It can be used while on medications in preparation for IUI, or IVF
It is a great way to prepare the body for pregnancy
It may help alleviate pain associated with many fertility issues
Aids in regular natural detoxification of the organs
May help improve hormonal balance
Stress relief
Who Can Benefit from Acupressure for Fertility?
Are you experiencing any of the following?
Infertility Diagnosis
Painful menstruation
Absent Periods
Conditions associated with pelvic stagnation such as Endometriosis, Uterine Fibroids, Ovarian
Cysts, PCOS
Irregular menstrual cycles
Women preparing for pregnancy
IUI/IVF Preparation
Hormonal imbalance
How to Apply Acupressure
1. Apply pressure with your finger tips or thumb
to the point of your choice (see corresponding images below). Press only hard enough that
you feel pressure, not pain or discomfort. If you want to try out points on your back side, you
will need to have a partner help you.
2. Stimulate the point by slowly moving the finger/s in a clockwise motion, pressing as deep
as comfortable. Do this for one minute.
3. Release and move to a new point.
Note: It is best to use fingers that have short nails, be sure not to scratch the area.
Acupressure Points for Fertility
Now that you have learned the benefits and how to do it, lets learn about the specific points
shown to support fertility.
Important: For women who are preparing for pregnancy, but have yet to begin actively trying
to conceive, it is fine to stimulate these points all month long. For women who are trying to
get pregnant naturally or through IUI, only stimulate these points prior to ovulation. For
those preparing for IVF, it is fine to apply acupressure up to the day prior to embryo
transfer. Do not stimulate these acupressure points if you are pregnant.
Acupressure Points On The Front Of The Body
Epang II: Located on the scalp, just above the hairline, on the outer side of the eyebrow. This
point is used to decrease painful menstruation and promotes regulation of the menstrual
Yintang: Located in the center of the face, between the eyebrows. Stimulates the pituitary
gland for hormone regulation and balance. May also help reduce anxiety.
Lv 14: Also known as Liver 14. Located below the breast, two ribs below the nipple, 4 inches
midline. Improves liver and digestive health which may aid in hormonal balance, PMS,
breast tenderness. It is also used to improve libido and sexual energy.
Ren 14: Located approximately 2 inches below the sternum, 6 inches above the belly button.
This may vary depending on the womans body type. Known as the Gateway to the Heart,
this point is supportive of heart health. Revitalizing and supportive for the heart for
depression, anxiety, fears, worry and stress associated with any fertility challenge:
miscarriage, infertility, failed IVF, IVF preparation, struggling to get pregnant. This point runs
along the conception meridian.
Ren 12: Located halfway between the belly button
and the sternum, 4 inches above the belly button, below Ren 14. Associated with the spleen
and stomach. Supports proper fluid balance, mucous production. May help to reduce fluid
buildup in the uterus or fallopian tubes and support cervical mucous production.
Ki 16: Also known as Kidney 16. Located 1 inch on either side of the belly button. This point
is directly stimulating for the kidney, which is considered the seat of fertility health.
Stimulation of this point is also used to improve immunological response, which may be
useful for those with autoimmune related infertility issues. Supportive for general fertility
health, boosts fertility for those with lowered fertility.
Ren 6: Located 1 and a half inches below the belly button, midline on the lower abdomen.
This point is supportive of overall body vitality and energy. Useful for those who feel
exhausted, ready to give up, or need more energy. Supportive for overall health of the body.
Zigong (Rn 3): Located 4 inches below the belly button, 3 inches from the centerline of the
body, just at the ovaries. Stimulation of this point is promotes healthy circulation to the
uterus and ovaries. Supports proper function of the uterus and ovaries. Improves the
menstrual cycle and may be used for those with irregular menstrual cycles or even absent
Ren 4: Located midline, along the conception meridian, 2 inches below the belly button.
Stimulating to the uterus, bringing circulation and energy to the uterus in preparation for
Ren 3: Located on the midline, 4 inches below the belly button. This point is considered to be
the Central Pole of the conception meridian. Stimulation of this point may be used to help
regulate menstruation, strengthens kidney qi, the seat of fertility. Helpful in reducing pelvic
inflammation. May improve implantation when stimulated prior to ovulation when trying to
St 30: Located 5 inches below the belly button, 2 inches from midline. Stimulation may
improve function of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus. May aid in regulation of ovulation
and overall function of the entire reproductive system.
Acupressure Points On The Back Of The Body
UB 44: Located 3 inches to either side of the 5th thoracic vertebra. This point promotes deep
relaxation, supportive just prior to going for IVF, or for those with very painful menstruation
or very high stress levels. This point may also stimulate uterine contractions, which may be
strengthening for the uterus, but should not be done after ovulation in case of pregnancy.
UB 15: Located 1.5 inches from the spine at the
5th thoracic vertebra, on both the right and left side of the body, almost in-line with UB 44.
This is a great point for those with hormonal imbalance and/or irregular menstrual cycles
due to sleep disturbance. This point supports restful sleep. Also may support the body during
times of anxiety and mood swings.
UB 17: Located at the level of the lower edge of the shoulder blade, at the 7th thoracic
vertebra. Supportive in moving the blood, cooling inflammatory conditions of in the
reproductive organs. Has also been used to improve the menstrual cycle in those with
abnormal menstrual bleeding (spotting, heavy menstruation, light menstruation, mid-cycle
UB 23: Located at the level of the 2nd thoracic vertebra, in the area of kidney energy, 1.5
inches on either side of the center of the spine. This point is supportive in reduction of
abnormal vaginal discharge, irregular menstruation and menstrual cramps in the lower back.
This point is also used on men with impotence.
DU 4: Known as the Life Gate on the Governing Meridian, this point is located midline on
the spine, at the 2nd thoracic lumbar vertebra. Used to support the uterus and infertility. This
point improves energy to the reproductive organs and kidneys.
UB 31, UB 32, UB 33: These three points are supportive for lower back pain associated with
menstrual cramps, infertility and irregular menstrual cycles. They also increase circulation to
the reproductive organs for improved fertility.
LI 4: Located in the webbing between the thumb and forefinger; press against the forefinger
bone. Improves circulation to the uterus and stimulates uterine contractions, which may
helpful for toning the uterus in preparation for pregnancy. Avoid after ovulation if trying to
conceive. Helps the uterus to work smoothly and efficiently without spasm, which may help
prevent menstrual cramps.
GB 30: Located in the center of the buttock, in the dimple area. Pressing this point may help
to relieve menstrual cramps, especially those that radiate through the hips and down the
thighs. Also helpful for irritability and the feeling of frustration.
B 60: Located on the inner ankle between the inner ankle bone and Achilles tendon.
Traditionally used to help a woman through a difficult labor, this point may also be helpful for
women with very painful menstruation known as dysmenorrhea. Not to be done during
pregnancy, unless performed during true labor under the guidance of a practitioner.
Acupressure As Part Of Your Fertility Plan
Acupressure is a great way to help improve fertility when combined with a healthy diet,
regular exercise and stress management. For an added benefit, you can apply acupressure
after Self Fertility Massage! Acupressure is also safe to do with IVF medications.
As a Doula I use acupressure points to help laboring mothers manage pain, fear, improve
the efficiency of the uterus and enhance a sense of wellbeing. I have seen acupressure
work in the most intense labor situations. If it can be so effective in labor, why not try it in
preparation for pregnancy! I love that acupressure can be done by anyone and it costs
nothing! Try acupressure today!
2. Monte, Tom. The Complete Guide to Natural Healing, Boston Common Press, 1997

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