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Mother-Child Bonding at 1 Year Associations With Symptoms of Postnatal Depression and Bonding in The First Few Weeks

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Arch Womens Ment Health (2013) 16:381389

DOI 10.1007/s00737-013-0354-y


Mother-child bonding at 1 year; associations with symptoms

of postnatal depression and bonding in the first few weeks
Madeleine OHiggins & Ian St James Roberts &
Vivette Glover & Alyx Taylor

Received: 19 October 2012 / Accepted: 6 April 2013 / Published online: 21 April 2013
# Springer-Verlag Wien 2013

Abstract Some mothers experience neutral or negative

feelings toward their new infant. This study examined the
association between symptoms of postnatal depression and
motherinfant bonding and the persistence of these feelings
over the first year. Bonding was assessed using the Mother
Infant Bonding Scale (MIBQ), at four times postnatal, early weeks (14 weeks), 9 weeks, 16 weeks and 1 year, in 50
depressed, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression scale (EPDS)
13 at 4 weeks post natal, and 29 non-depressed mothers.
A significant association between the EPDS score at 4 weeks
and bonding score at 14 weeks, 9 weeks, and at 1 year
postnatal, 2(1)=9.85, p<0.01, 5.44, p<0.05 and 5.21, p<
0.05, respectively, was found, with a trend at 16 weeks.
There was a strong association between bonding in the early
weeks and all later time points 2(1)=17.26, p<0.001, 7.89,

M. OHiggins
Krembil Neuroscience Centre, Toronto Western
Hospital, 399 Bathurst Street,
Toronto, ON, Canada M5T 2S8
I. S. J. Roberts
Thomas Coram Research Unit Institute of Education,
University of London, 27/28 Woburn Square,
London WC1H 0AA, UK
V. Glover : A. Taylor
Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology,
Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College,
Hammersmith Campus, Du Cane Road,
London W12 0NN, UK
A. Taylor (*)
School of Biomedical Sciences, Kings College,
London, Stamford Street,
London SE1 9NH, UK

p < 0.01 and 13.69, p < 0.001, respectively. Regression

showed early bonding rather than early depression was the
major predictor of bonding at 1 year. Women who are
depressed postnatally can fail to bond well with their baby
and this can persist for a year. Early identification and
intervention for poor bonding is indicated.
Keywords Postnatal . Depression . Bonding . Mother .

A mothers thoughts about her baby stimulate affection
and protective feelings, which facilitate the beginning of
the motherinfant relationship (Ainsworth and Bell 1974).
These feelings (Kumar 1997) usually begin during the
pregnancy. The mothers feelings about her baby, described as bonding, normally continue and increase when
the baby is born, and underpin the development of her
relationship with her child. Robson and Kumar (1980)
showed that up to 40 % primiparae and 25 % of
multiparae mothers were indifferent to their babies on first
holding them, although most developed affection within
the first week.
The mothers feelings toward her unborn infant have also
been described as maternal attachment (Cranley 1981) or
prenatal attachment (Muller 1993). Attachment was first
used to describe a two-way relationship in which both
parties are active (Bowlby 1969). Cranleys MaternalFetal
Attachment Scale includes a subscale called Interaction in
which the mother can record physical actions by the unborn
child that she perceives to be the response to her own
actions. In contrast, motherinfant bonding describes the


mothers feelings towards her infant that do not require a

response of any kind from the child. While both concepts
are of interest, it is the motherinfant bonding that this study
focuses on.
For some mothers affectionate feelings towards their
infant fail to develop. This failure has been described as
a disorder of mother-to-infant bonding, or more simply,
bonding disorder (Kumar 1997; Brockington et al.
2001). A failure to bond with the infant may lead to
rejection or harm in extreme cases. Brockington reports
1025 % of women referred to psychiatrists after childbirth experience bonding disorder (Brockington 1996).
Further research showed that outright rejection of the
child is only found in 0.51.0 % of cases (Brockington
et al. 2006).
There can also be variations in bonding in the general
population. A study by Figueiredo and co-workers
(Figueiredo et al. 2007) distinguished between strong bonding (66.6 %) moderate bonding (29.4 %) and no bonding
(4 %) within the first 24 h postnatal. Two prospective
studies have reported rates of poor bonding in the general
population of postnatal women to be 7.1 % at 2 weeks
postnatal (Reck et al. 2006) to 8.9 % at 12 weeks (Taylor
et al. 2005). Generally the earlier the measure the greater the
percentage of poor bonding found. Recently Bienfait and
co-workers (2011) found 12.2 % of women at 48 h postnatal
scoring over the threshold for high risk of poor bonding on
the MotherInfant Bonding Scale (MIBQ 2). The general
improvement in bonding scores with time agrees with the
earlier observations by Robson and Kumar (1980); however,
the persistence of bonding problems for a minority of mother infant dyads remains an important issue.
Some studies have noted an association between
postnatal depression and poor bonding. Kumar (1997)
showed that women who were suffering from postnatal
depression had prolonged difficulties in developing maternal feelings towards their infants compared to women
who were not depressed. In a previous study our group
found a correlation between early postnatal symptoms
of depression (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression scale
[EPDS] 13 on day 3 postnatal) and worse bonding
scores within the first 12 weeks postnatal (Taylor et
al. 2005). A recent Japanese study has also found an
association between postnatal depression and poorer
bonding (Yoshida et al. 2012). Women with postnatal
depression do not all experience problems with bonding,
and some women, who are not depressed, do experience
poor bonding (Righetti-Veltema et al. 2002; Klier 2006).
Further research is needed to establish the extent to
which postnatal depression and poor motherinfant
bonding are associated.
The current study was designed to examine the persistence of poor bonding over the first year and association

M. OHiggins et al.

between symptoms of postnatal depression and mother

infant bonding.

Participants and procedure
This work was designed as a prospective cohort study.
Hammersmith Hospital NHS Ethics Committee granted
ethics approval. Women were recruited on the postnatal
ward of Queen Charlottes and Chelsea Hospital, London
(Fig. 1). Participants were given verbal and written
descriptions of the study and written consent was obtained.
Only those mothers with healthy, full term (over 36 weeks)
babies were approached. Women were also excluded from
the study if they had a recorded history of a psychotic
disorder, were under 17 years of age, did not speak sufficient English or were receiving support from social workers
for housing or social problems. Those who were willing to
take part were screened for depressive symptoms at 4 weeks
postnatal, sent to them by post. Of the 2048 women who
returned their questionnaires, 285 women (13.9 %) met
screening criteria for high risk of depression (EPDS
13). They were invited to take part in the study group,
and 89 women agreed to participate, of whom 50 completed the study. This group is presented here as the
depressed group. Of the women whose screening scores
indicated they were not depressed, 1,376 (67.2 %) scored
EPDS 8, 95 were selected at random and invited to take
part in the study. This group is described as the nondepressed group. Forty five of these women agreed to
participate and 29 completed the study. Women who
scored from 9 to 12 on the EPDS at screening were
not invited to take part in the study, to clearly delineate
the depressed and non-depressed. All the women were
asked to complete the depressive symptoms questionnaire
and motherinfant bonding questionnaire at 9 weeks,
16 weeks and 1 year postnatal. At 9 weeks postnatal,
the women were given two versions of the bonding
questionnaire, the first asked the women to describe her
feelings in the early weeks (14 weeks postnatal) and
the second asked for her current feelings.
As part of a larger study, the depressed group were
randomly assigned either to a support group or to a
baby massage group for 6 weeks between week 9 and
16 postnatal, as described by OHiggins et al. (2008).
The intervention study was designed to investigate
possible effects of attending a baby massage group in
the early postnatal period compared with attending a
general support group, on maternal mood, motherinfant interaction and infant behaviour. There were no
differences in bonding scores at any time point


mothers feelings towards her infant that do not require a

response of any kind from the child. While both concepts
are of interest, it is the motherinfant bonding that this study
focuses on.
For some mothers affectionate feelings towards their
infant fail to develop. This failure has been described as
a disorder of mother-to-infant bonding, or more simply,
bonding disorder (Kumar 1997; Brockington et al.
2001). A failure to bond with the infant may lead to
rejection or harm in extreme cases. Brockington reports
1025 % of women referred to psychiatrists after childbirth experience bonding disorder (Brockington 1996).
Further research showed that outright rejection of the
child is only found in 0.51.0 % of cases (Brockington
et al. 2006).
There can also be variations in bonding in the general
population. A study by Figueiredo and co-workers
(Figueiredo et al. 2007) distinguished between strong bonding (66.6 %) moderate bonding (29.4 %) and no bonding
(4 %) within the first 24 h postnatal. Two prospective
studies have reported rates of poor bonding in the general
population of postnatal women to be 7.1 % at 2 weeks
postnatal (Reck et al. 2006) to 8.9 % at 12 weeks (Taylor
et al. 2005). Generally the earlier the measure the greater the
percentage of poor bonding found. Recently Bienfait and
co-workers (2011) found 12.2 % of women at 48 h postnatal
scoring over the threshold for high risk of poor bonding on
the MotherInfant Bonding Scale (MIBQ 2). The general
improvement in bonding scores with time agrees with the
earlier observations by Robson and Kumar (1980); however,
the persistence of bonding problems for a minority of mother infant dyads remains an important issue.
Some studies have noted an association between
postnatal depression and poor bonding. Kumar (1997)
showed that women who were suffering from postnatal
depression had prolonged difficulties in developing maternal feelings towards their infants compared to women
who were not depressed. In a previous study our group
found a correlation between early postnatal symptoms
of depression (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression scale
[EPDS] 13 on day 3 postnatal) and worse bonding
scores within the first 12 weeks postnatal (Taylor et
al. 2005). A recent Japanese study has also found an
association between postnatal depression and poorer
bonding (Yoshida et al. 2012). Women with postnatal
depression do not all experience problems with bonding,
and some women, who are not depressed, do experience
poor bonding (Righetti-Veltema et al. 2002; Klier 2006).
Further research is needed to establish the extent to
which postnatal depression and poor motherinfant
bonding are associated.
The current study was designed to examine the persistence of poor bonding over the first year and association

M. OHiggins et al.

between symptoms of postnatal depression and mother

infant bonding.

Participants and procedure
This work was designed as a prospective cohort study.
Hammersmith Hospital NHS Ethics Committee granted
ethics approval. Women were recruited on the postnatal
ward of Queen Charlottes and Chelsea Hospital, London
(Fig. 1). Participants were given verbal and written
descriptions of the study and written consent was obtained.
Only those mothers with healthy, full term (over 36 weeks)
babies were approached. Women were also excluded from
the study if they had a recorded history of a psychotic
disorder, were under 17 years of age, did not speak sufficient English or were receiving support from social workers
for housing or social problems. Those who were willing to
take part were screened for depressive symptoms at 4 weeks
postnatal, sent to them by post. Of the 2048 women who
returned their questionnaires, 285 women (13.9 %) met
screening criteria for high risk of depression (EPDS
13). They were invited to take part in the study group,
and 89 women agreed to participate, of whom 50 completed the study. This group is presented here as the
depressed group. Of the women whose screening scores
indicated they were not depressed, 1,376 (67.2 %) scored
EPDS 8, 95 were selected at random and invited to take
part in the study. This group is described as the nondepressed group. Forty five of these women agreed to
participate and 29 completed the study. Women who
scored from 9 to 12 on the EPDS at screening were
not invited to take part in the study, to clearly delineate
the depressed and non-depressed. All the women were
asked to complete the depressive symptoms questionnaire
and motherinfant bonding questionnaire at 9 weeks,
16 weeks and 1 year postnatal. At 9 weeks postnatal,
the women were given two versions of the bonding
questionnaire, the first asked the women to describe her
feelings in the early weeks (14 weeks postnatal) and
the second asked for her current feelings.
As part of a larger study, the depressed group were
randomly assigned either to a support group or to a
baby massage group for 6 weeks between week 9 and
16 postnatal, as described by OHiggins et al. (2008).
The intervention study was designed to investigate
possible effects of attending a baby massage group in
the early postnatal period compared with attending a
general support group, on maternal mood, motherinfant interaction and infant behaviour. There were no
differences in bonding scores at any time point

Mother-child bonding at 1year

Mothers recruited on postnatal
ward n = 3396

Women invited to take

part in the study
n = 89 agreed to
(study group)

n = 285

4 weeks
EPDS by post
n = 2048

n = 1763

95 women who scored

EPDS 8 randomly
selected and invited to
take part in the study.
n = 45 agreed to
participate (control

At 9 weeks postpartum all participants asked to

MIBQ for weeks 1-4
MIBQ for week 9

At 16 weeks postpartum all participants asked to


At 1 year postpartum all participants asked to

n = 50 Study Group
n = 29 Control Group

Fig. 1 Study design

between the massage and the support groups, so they

were combined here for this analysis (O'Higgins et al.

Depressive symptoms
The EPDS (Cox et al. 1987) is a ten-item self-report questionnaire developed for use in the early postnatal period as a
screening tool to enable primary healthcare workers to identify women who may need services for postnatal depression.

The ten-item EPDS was validated by Cox and co-workers

by comparison with clinical diagnosis using the Research
Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) (Spitzer et al. 1975). A threshold
of 12/13 was found to include all those women with an RDC
diagnosis of Definite Major Depressive Illness (Cox et al.
1987). However, Cox and co-workers also suggested that a
score of 9 or 10 may be an appropriate threshold for routine
use by primary health care workers identifying mothers who
may need treatment for depressive symptoms (Cox et al.
1996). In this study, a score of 13 or more on the EPDS was
used. The Cronbach alpha was 0.78.
Women for the non-depressed group were randomly selected from those who returned an EPDS score between 1


M. OHiggins et al.

and 8. The upper limit of 8 was chosen, to avoid including

women in the control group who might be found to be
mildly depressed.
Bonding questionnaire
The MIBQ (Taylor et al. 2005) is an eight-item self-rating
scale. Each item describes an emotion the mother may
experience towards her infant and is a statement which is
rated on a 4-point Likert scale. The range for the total score
is 024. Positive and negative emotions are scored in the
opposite way. Higher total scores indicate worse bonding.
The Cronbach alpha for the bonding scale was 0.71. A score
of 2 or more on the MIBQ has been shown to indicate poor
bonding (Bienfait et al. 2011) and was used as the cut-off in
this study.

Statistical analyses
The EPDS data were normally distributed, but bonding data
were not and could not be normalised by transformation.
Non-parametric tests were therefore used. Spearman rank
correlation was used to compare the bonding scores at each
time point (Fig. 2). 2 was used to test the association
between psychometric rating scale data at different time
points. A score of 13 or more on the EPDS was used as
the criterion for inclusion in the depressed group (Cox et al.
1987). A score of 2 or more on the MIBQ was used to
indicate poor bonding (Bienfait et al. 2011). 2 was used to
compare the demographic data of the women in the depressed and non-depressed groups. Where the expected
number in any cell fell below 5, Fishers exact test was
used. MannWhitney U-tests were used to compare the
bonding scores for the depressed and the non-depressed
groups. Logistic regression was used to test the putative
predictors of poor bonding at 1 year.


Fig. 2 Bonding data for all participants comparing scores in the early
weeks (14 weeks postnatal) with bonding at 9 weeks (a); bonding at
16 weeks (b); bonding at 1 year (c) and regression line for each,
Spearman rank correlation, Sr =0.62, p<0.001; Sr =0.59, p<0.001;
and Sr =0.50, p<0.001 (two-tailed), respectively

Results are reported for the 79 mothers who completed the

study, 50 in the depressed group and 29 in the nondepressed group. The characteristics of the participants are
given in Table 1. There were no differences in demographic
data between those who completed the study and those who
started, but failed to complete the study. Reasons for not
completing included moving out of the area and returning to
work full-time.
The demographic data for those women who completed
the screening data collection but declined the offer to take
part in the study showed they had a similar profile to the
participants. The women who declined had a mean age of

32.5 (SD=4.6); educational status (UK educational stages:

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) at
16 years old; Advanced Level (A' Level) at 18 years old)
(Pre GCSE 0 %, GCSE 10 %, A' Level 20 %, university
55 % and vocational qualification 15 %); ethnicity (80 %
white, 10 % black, 10 % other); nationality (55 % UK-born)
and marital status (95 % married or living together, 5 % not
living together). The ethno-cultural origins of the women
who completed the study and those who declined to take
part are both typical of the women who attend Queen
Charlottes Hospital. The catchment area of the hospital is
in west London and is multi-racial, but generally fairly

Mother-child bonding at 1year


Table 1 Demographic data

Depressed EPDS Non-depressed p
13 (N=50)
Maternal age mean (SD)
Education: Pre GCSE %
A' Levels %
University %
Vocational %
Ethnicity: White %
Black %
Asian %
Other %
UK born: % yes
Marital status:
Married/living together %
Not living together %
Parity: Primiparous %
1 or 2 other children %
3 or more others %
Sex of index child: % male
Breast Feeding: %

32.3 (5.3)

34.6 (4.9)








Demographic data of the depressed and non-depressed group was

compared by 2 except where the expected number in any cell fell
below 5, and Fishers exact test was used instead. The index child is the
baby born immediately prior to the mother participating in the study.
Education is defined by the UK system: General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) at 16 years old; Advanced level exams (A'
Levels) at 18 years old. School pupils who leave at the age of 16,
without any examination qualification are included as Pre GCSE.
Vocational training is an alternative to higher education at university
NS no significant difference

affluent. Information about the baby born immediately prior

to the woman taking part in this study (index child) and
siblings showed no significant differences in the depressed
and control groups with regard to parity (primiparous 70 %,
one or two other children 25 %, three or more 5 %), and
breast feeding (76.5 %), except in the sex of the index child
(40 % male in the depressed group and 69 % male in the
non-depressed group, p=0.013). There was no difference in
the proportion of women who scored EPDS 13 in the nonparticipant group compared with those who did participate,
which indicates that there was no bias created by the loss of
these potential participants.
In general, the whole cohort was well educated and married
or living with the father of the child (Table 1). In the nondepressed group of women, there was a trend towards higher
education and a greater proportion born in the UK, but neither
trend reached statistical significance. There was a difference
between groups with the sex of the baby. More of the
non-depressed women had boys than girls 2(1)=6.16,
p = 0.019. There were no other significant differences
between the two groups. Logistic regression showed that none
of these factors (the sex of the child, being born in the UK and

educational status of the mother) pred'icted bonding outcome

at 1 year.
Motherinfant bonding scores compared over time
There was a strong correlation between bonding in the early
weeks (14 weeks) and 9 weeks, 16 weeks and 1 year postnatal (Fig. 2a, b, c). The Spearman rank correlation was found
to be Rs =0.62, p<0.001; Rs =0.59, p<0.001 and Rs =0.50,
p<0.001 (two-tailed), respectively.
If a woman experienced poor bonding (MIBQ 2) in weeks
14 postnatal, she was 15.75 times more likely to still be having
problems with bonding 1 year postnatal (2(1) =17.26, p<001).
The bonding scores at 9 and 16 weeks postnatal also predicted
bonding at 1 year. Women with poor bonding at 9 weeks
postnatal were 4.19 times more likely to have poor bonding at
1 year 2(1)=7.89, p<0.01, and women with poor bonding at
16 weeks were 7.48 times more likely to have poor bonding at
1 year postnatal 2(1)=13.69, p<0.001.
EPDS scores and motherinfant bonding scores diagnosis
as predictors of later motherinfant bonding
The EPDS scores at 4 weeks postnatal were then used to
define the depressed group (EPDS 13) from the nondepressed group for the rest of the analysis. There was a
significant difference in mean EPDS scores between the
depressed group and the non-depressed group of women at
each time-point (Table 2). Although the scores of the depressed group improved over the year they remained significantly higher than the non-depressed group. Comparison of
the bonding scores for the depressed and the non-depressed
groups (defined by the EPDS score at 4 weeks) by Mann
Whitney U-test showed a difference between them in the
early weeks (14 weeks), p<0.001 at 9 weeks p=0.001, at
16 weeks p<0.5 and at 1 year postnatal p<0.05 (Table 2).
The proportion of depressed and non-depressed women
who also experienced poor bonding was examined. If a woman scored 13 on the EPDS at week 4 she was 5.13 times more
likely to be experiencing poor bonding (MIBQ2) at the same
time (2(1)=9.85, p<0.01.) At 1 year postnatal 24.1 % of
women from the depressed group (EPDS13 at 4 weeks)
scored 2 or more on the MIBQ, while only 5.1 % of the
non-depressed women scored did so (2(1)=5.21, p<0.05).
Concurrent EPDS data were compared with the bonding
data at 1 year and showed that 14 women scored EPDS 13
and 22 women scored MIBQ 2, but only six of these
women scored both. The 2 test revealed that there was no
association between the EPDS and MIBQ scores at this time
Both EPDS at 4 weeks and bonding in the early weeks
were associated with bonding at 1 year. However, when both
factors were entered simultaneously into a logistic regression,


M. OHiggins et al.

Table 2 Psychometric rating

scale data for the depressed and
non-depressed group compared
at each time-point

Depressed EPDS13


17.0 (1322)
16.7 (2.6)

5.0 (18)
4.9 (1.9)


13.0 (722)
13.5 (4.0)

3.0 (010)
3.1 (2.7)


10.0 (026)
10.0 (5.0)

3.0 (010)
3.7 (2.4)


8.5 (127)
9.5 (5.7)

3.0 (016)
3.4 (3.2)


3.0 (019)
4.8 (4.9)

1.0 (04)
1.3 (1.3)


3.0 (015)
2.4 (2.9)

0 (03)
0.8 (1.1)


1.0 (010)
1.6 (2.5)

0 (03)
0.6 (0.9)


1.0 (09)
1.6 (2.0)

0 (06)
0.7 (1.3)


EPDS 14 weeks
median (range)
mean (SD)
EPDS 9 weeks
median (range)
mean (SD)
EPDS 16 weeks
median (range)
mean (SD)
EPDS 1 year
median (range)
mean (SD)
Bonding Scores 14 weeks
median (range)
mean (SD)
Bonding Scores 9 weeks
median (range)
mean (SD)
Bonding Scores 16 weeks

MannWitney U-test used to

compare psychometric rating
scale data for the depressed and
non-depressed group at each

median (range)
mean (SD)
Bonding Scores 1 year
median (range)
mean (SD)

it was only the early bonding scores that predicted bonding at

1 year B(SE)=2.62(0.92), Wald=8.14, p<0.01.

There was a strong association between scores on the MIBQ
in the early weeks postnatal and the bonding scores at all
other time-points (Fig. 2). There was also a strong association between the EPDS scores at 4 weeks postnatal and the
bonding scores at 1 year. However, logistic regression
showed that early bonding, rather than early depression,
was the main predictor of bonding at 1 year.
The study, depressed, group in this analysis comprises
two intervention groups: baby massage classes and support
group. There were no differences in bonding scores at any
time point between the women who attended baby massage
classes and the women who attended a support group
(O'Higgins et al. 2008). A no-treatment depressed group
was not included in the study for ethical reasons. For this
study these two intervention groups were combined for
further analysis.
It might be argued that poor bonding is only one aspect of
postnatal depression and therefore current screening for

postnatal depression is sufficient to identify those mothers

in need of support services. Studies that report a link between maternal depression and poor motherinfant bonding
(Kumar 1997; Clark et al. 2003; Taylor et al. 2005; Moehler
et al. 2006; Figueiredo et al. 2007; Figueiredo et al. 2009),
support this. On the other hand some studies distinguish
between maternal depression and bonding disorder
(Fleming et al. 1988; Klier 2006; Brockington 2008). The
results presented here suggest that although there is an
association between postnatal depression and poor bonding
in the early weeks 2(1)=9.85, p<0.01, the early bonding
score is the strongest predictor of later bonding, and so it is
important to examine bonding in its own right.
These disorders may share common triggers or one may
influence the development of the other. Hoffman and Drotar
reported results that suggest maternal depression may have
selective effects on different aspects of motherinfant interaction (Hoffman and Drotar 1991). They found that women
suffering from depressive symptoms showed less positive
interaction overall, with reduction in expressivity/affective
involvement and responsivity/sensitivity, while the level of
maternal stimulation and infant activity were not different
from non-depressed controls. A prospective study by
Roisman and co-workers (2002) showed an association

Mother-child bonding at 1year

between the mothers attachment style and symptoms of

depression further suggesting a common underlying process
might be identified.
Bonding disorders can also occur in the absence of postnatal depression (Brockington 2004). Klier reported specific
case studies to illustrate her view that bonding disorder is
distinct from postnatal depression (Klier 2006). In the first
case, Klier notes that while the patients EPDS scores fell
below the threshold for depression by week 4 postnatal, her
bonding scores remained above the threshold for poor bonding until week 14. In the second case, the patient recovered
from postnatal depression but continued to have poor bonding with her infant daughter.
In a prospective study of new mothers, Fleming and coworkers (1988) used three items to describe the mothers
feelings about her infant (e.g., Thinking of baby makes me
feel good; Talk a lot about baby). While they found that
maternal mood did influence two of the study outcomes
(maternal adequacy feelings; attitudes to caretaking), they
found that neither antenatal nor postnatal mood scores made
significant contributions to the variance of maternal feelings
about her infant (Fleming et al. 1988). There is evidence that
when the infant has become an active player in the mother
infant interaction, there is a link between maternal depression and less effective motherinfant interaction (Feldman
2007), but there are also motherinfant dyads who experience poor interaction in the absence of maternal depression.
This was illustrated by a prospective study by RigettiVeltema and coworkers (2002) that recruited 570 unselected
pregnant women. To assess the motherinfant relationship at
3 months, Rigetti-Veltema and co-workers used two instruments (Guaraldi et al. 1985; Bur et al. 1989). The scale by
Bur and co-workers (1989) is an observer-rated scale describing aspects of the motherinfant interaction. The latter
is a two-part scale administered by trained midwives; the
first part is answered by the mother and includes her feelings
about the child, while the second part is answered by the
midwife describing the motherinfant interaction. RigettiVeltma and co-workers found 10.6 % of the non-depressed
women had a global interaction with their infant measured
on the scale by Bur and co-workers as pathological and
11.5 % of infants of non-depressed women showed a poor
relationship with their mother on the scale by Guaraldi and
co-workers (Righetti-Veltema et al. 2002), thus providing
evidence for cases of poor interaction in the absence of
maternal depression.
In a study using video analysis of the interaction between
mothers and their infants at 2 months old, Murray and coworkers (1996), showed that depressed mothers were more
likely to have problems interacting with their babies
(Murray et al. 1996). However, it was the quality of the
interaction at 2 months, not the depression score that predicted the cognitive function of the child at 5 years. It is


interesting to note that a recent study by Tharner and coworkers (2012) into maternal depression and infant mother
attachment found that maternal depressive disorder, regardless of severity or psychiatric co-morbidity, was not associated with an increased risk of infant attachment insecurity or
Brockington (2008) points out that intervention methods
usually involving directed play are effective for bonding
disorder. A randomised control trial of 117 mothers showed
that 8 weeks of interaction coaching significantly improved
motherinfant interaction compared to the control group
(Horowitz et al. 2001). A review by Poobalan Aucott et al.
(2007) examined the effects of treating PND on mother
infant interaction and child development. Treatments involving mother and child were found to improve the
mothers feelings about her child, while treatments involving the mother alone were found to be effective for depression but did not have a significant effect on the mothers
feelings towards her child. This indicates that early detection
and referral to appropriate services could provide effective
The data presented in this study show a strong association between early depressive symptoms as measured by the
EPDS (weeks 14) and poor bonding scores on the MIBQ.
This situation changed by 1 year postnatal when there was
no longer an association between depressive symptoms and
poor bonding. For some women the bonding score remained
poor while the depressive symptoms improved and for
others the reverse was true. This suggests that while these
two disorders may share common triggers they may follow
different courses of development or resolution. Research
into the underlying neuro-endocrinology of bonding
(Douglas 2010), and postnatal depression (Bloch et al.
2003), may help to explain these differences.
While it is clear that postnatal depression is associated
with a risk of poorer cognitive and behavioural development
of the child (Murray 1992; Sharp et al. 1995; Hay et al.
2001; Pawlby et al. 2008), it has not been established to
what extent poor bonding contributes to this. Earlier studies
of postnatal depression and child development did not measure mother infant bonding. Future long-term studies should
distinguish different sub-groups: women who are depressed
and experiencing poor bonding; women who are depressed
but not experiencing bonding problems and women who are
not depressed but experiencing bonding problems. It is also
important to establish the predictive value of bonding disorder for later attachment problems. This will establish the
impact of each factor on the cognitive and behavioural
development of the child born at the time mother is affected.
The study presented here is a prospective study of mother
infant bonding up to 1 year postnatal. However, there are
some limitations due to the study being part of a larger overall
project. The study group comprises mother and infant pairs


who were assigned randomly to two different treatment conditions, one being motherbaby massage and the other attendance of a support group (O'Higgins et al. 2008). These were
found to have no different effect on outcome which enabled
their combination for this study. Another limitation of the
current study is the discontinuous data groups created by
selecting women with particular scores on the EPDS for the
study and control groups. This restricted the choice of statistical analysis. Both limitations could be avoided in the design
of future projects. It would also have been of interest to study
the mothers own attachment style, which might in turn have
been related to impaired bonding.
In conclusion, screening for postnatal depression, by administration of the self-report EPDS scale (Cox et al. 1987) or
questions presented verbally by primary healthcare workers
(NICE 2007), has become part of normal practice in developed countries, and widely reviewed (Delatte et al. 2009;
Hewitt and Gilbody 2009; Mitchell and Coyne 2009). The
results presented in this paper suggest that a specific screening
for risk of poor bonding may also be important although more
research will be needed to evaluate potential benefit versus
harm. In the future, appropriate referral services may play a
role in preventing child rejection or harm.

Acknowledgements Funding of this study was provided by the

Foundation for Integrated Health. We thank Diana Adams for all her
help on the project and also all the mothers and babies who took part.

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