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Men's Fitness - The 12 Week Body Plan

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magazine —< : Tsai ~ © BUILD MUSCLE © BURN BODY FAT © GET A SIX-PACK errr aN ean Se auton Deaton psi eote OS Bernt peor Ped Re aod Pentre Paar Nts Br Suet Cae ININDUSTRY-LEADING DOSAGES Saat er ea itt aca ANTI-CATABOLIC SUPPORT BINT Cate Pair Cay eer eae Acne oe ron eet Br ees SU eee pirate Bet teen eae aOR Tad Paton ME ad coms Se Ora ad eget pce See ad a WWW.GRENADEFATBURNER.COM Men's Fitness magazine YOUR COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION GUIDE 12 WEEK BODY Art Editor Richard Davis, ‘Additional design Jo Gurney Managing Editor Chris Miller Subeditors Gareth Beach, Jo Williams Art Director Donovan Walker Photography Tom Miles, Duncan Nicholls, Glen Burrows, Danny Bird, Shutterstock enn is ruc pee coat Nene as o9 lots Bet Reyne ug France Crectrln Leet severing ‘het Exe Dice mae Kate wood ate ona (Girma Fb enor att leeds wsisteli2denns uk ‘recoyaravecnanca ecards cates Oa otstntant be To subscribe to Men's Finess magazine, call0844 844 0081 or go Lo L INTRODUCTION ~! CONTENTS ‘ABOUT THIS BOOK Foreword by Charles Poliquin = About the book - About the authors Covet model muscle - How to do the challenge + Workout planner - Tracking your progress + QBA + How muscles work « Glossary MICROCYCLE1- WORKOUTS 1-8 36 Upper body « Lower body MICROCYCLE3- WORKOUTS 18-20 38 Back and shoulders - Legs - Chest and arms MICROCYCLE 4~ WORKOUTS 21-29 70 4 12 Week Body Pian MICROCYCLE 6 - WORKOUTS 39-41 98 Back and shoulders - Legs - Chest and arms MICROCYCLE 8 - WORKOUTS 45-46 Legs and arms - Chest, back and shoulders pack science + Abs exercises» High-intensty interval traning Fasted waking cl AVN MUS aS of NEW PROTEIN BLEND _s is a professional protein blend made with Whey Protein, Milk Protein Isolate and Peptide Bonded L-Glutamine. It is a high protein dietary supplement designed to support the growth and maintenance of lean muscle. Combining effective amounts of Whey Protein Concentrate, Milk Protein Isolate (Containing approximately 80% Casein) and Peptide Bonded L-Glutamine (Derived from Hydrolysed Wheat Protein Isolate), Pharma Pro-3 is one of PhD Nutrition’s most versatile high protein products and can be used at all times throughout the day to support = intense training. A great tasting high protein shake, Pharma Pro-3 has = been designed to supplement the diet and training of all athletes, from the elite to the beginner. WHEY PROTEIN + MILK PROTEIN ISOLATE PEPTIDE BONDED L-GLUTAMINE + ASPARTAME FREE HIGH IN NATURALLY OCCURRING BCAA’S + AVAILABLE IN 4 GREAT TASTING FLAVOURS PHD Fodor: A] ae \ 80* protein IT'S ALL IN THE Pda eS ca nstant Whey’ eee upto fey 1 oh Coa care) Pent eee poole tenors Peete cei) disulphide bridge) and up to 16% Perec enn Per ee ety guaranteed protein levels and Full en tne tig ere eens eee eco 9 Yoh ier) bioavailable ey WV aretiexnutrition L INTRODUCTION ~! FOREWORD by Charles Poliquin, the world-renowned strength and conditioning coach, who has trained Olympians in 12 different sports, world record holders in ten different sports, and professional athletes in the NBA, NFL, NHL, MLB and English Premier League 7 time he has been responsible for many phenomenal transformations, helping people get the bodies they coveted. Butit is his work with Joe Warner that has cemented his position as not only the leading body composition expert in Europe but also one of the best in the world. I first met Joe when | started contributing to Men's Fitness magazine as its muscle expert. | even trained Joe once for a magazine feature. Although he tried hard, nothing | saw Joe do that day suggested he was capable of building enough muscle while burning enough fat to get on the cover of Men's Fitness. Indeed, 'd go as far as to say that his performance was as dynamic as that of a teddy bear on Valium, with a physique that would have only got him a game ina primary school football match if they were short of a goalpost. However, Nick has demonstrated that a smart, well-planned training programme and nutrition plan can lead to a remarkable change in the way you look without a shirt on. The exercise and diet framework are only half the battle, of course. You could learn Nick's programme inside out, but it won't have any effect unless you execute itwith the same focus, determination and desire that Joe did. And that's the key to you getting the same results as Joe. You need to follow every single one of Nick's instructions as if your life depended upon it. Attack this programme with a full heart and clear eyes and you will be astonished by what you achieve. e Ihave known Nick Mitchell for more than five years, and during that CHARLES POLIQUIN 8 12 Week Body Pian Ges Feo Talee) PRO RANGE SERIES ah DIRECT 08445447992 L INTRODUCTION ~! ABOUT THE BOOK Here's why this book is the only guide you will ever need to getting the physique you have always wanted VF is filed with 7 personal trainers and % authors who claim that they can dramatically ‘change the way you {ook with minimum fuss, effort or expense. This book isa bit different. That's because genuine transformations - where your body changes so rapidly and 0 significantly that frends, family and colleagues can'thelp but comment on the size of your biceps or try to poke at your shrinking belly to see how hard your abs are - require hard training with utter dedication and commitment to building ‘a body you have always wanted. Trust me, | know. That's because I trained under the guidance of Nick Mitchell to discover how radically ! could transform my physique in just 12 weeks with the right training and nutrition plan, r gets The complete guide This book contains the complete programme that followed for 12 weeks, detaling every single workout and when to doit. As wellas the nutrition plan Nick created for me to stick to there's a comprehensive overview of how you can eat etter and smarter fora ‘stronger, leaner body. It also includes the only guide to building a six-pack youll need, featuring the only types of cardio training you should do to burn belly fat. ‘And there's a complete guide tothe best supplements avallable to support muscle- bulging, fat-burning and general health, Soif youhave ever wanted to bull a big, strong and lean body thisis the book for you. And the beauty is that. if you follow this programme tothe letter, you are going to achieve this physique in just 12 weeks. So startrnow. Why would you wait? a [oad rm 10 12 Week Body Pian eer eee 0844 745 1345 7 DAYS A WEEK Nara Taal hey ar RN ete MeL) lon ie Just £69.99 eRe) Wieser ” PhD Nutrition Cr ena) ere Hype Olympic 3 Hole Plates (Pair) peice Muito See hae a Instant Whey 2.27kg Bask) é aller roi Si OVER OVER PROMISE Sets at Le BSG AE PRODUCTS aC CRS Men Uae ote es L INTRODUCTION ~! THE AUTHORS The two men behind this book collaborated to transform a beer-swilling journalist into a cover model in 12 weeks. Here's what makes them tick | | About Nick Mitchell | | About Joe Warner 12 T2Week Body Plan >) Nick is the founder of Ultimate Ve Performance (, the UK's foremost personal training business, and is widely recognised as one of the ‘world's leading personal trainers and body ‘composition experts. former competitive strength and physique athlete, Nick has ‘worked with an array of professional athletes, bodybuilders, movie and pop stars, but he is best known for his abilty to radically change a client's physique in record time. The fitness world knows that working with Nick is never easy, but always effective. Everything he doesis rooted ina rigorous ‘methodology, so that he can predict for his clients the exact changes their bodies will ‘make, instiling confidence and transparency into a process that in the past has too often been clouded by haphazard guesswork. Nothing is left to chance, with Nick ensuring e Joe is the deputy editor of Men's Fitness magazine. He has never been a strength and physique athlete and his ‘greatest achievements in the sporting arena are representing the county of Essex at chess. atunder-nine and under-T!evel (losing every ‘match) and running four marathons with a distinctly average PB of 3hr 29min 47sec He has, however, been on the cover of Men's Fitness magazine after completing a 12-week training programme devised and overseen by Nick Mitchell. He approached Nick after spending ‘most of his 20s chasing a better physique but never really getting anywhere, despite spending hhours in the gym and running on the road. tured out everything he thought he knew about building muscle and burning fat ‘was wrong, Luckily Nick was happy to help tum the 30-year-old beer-drinking, biscuit- scoffing journalist ito a genuine cover model, complete with a six-pack. He genuinely ‘Nick Mitchell has become one of the most sought-after experts in fitness’ that every single area that could have an impact on his cents’ performance and physical ‘well-being s first audited and then managed ‘and demystified for maximum result. Nick has become one of the most sought- after experts in the fitness world ands known as the man who can get anyone ‘cover, ‘model ready’. Nick’s empowering teaching style motivates his clients to reach beyond their self-imposed limitations and achieve results that they never thought possible. Follow Nick on Twitter @UPFitness Cr ane believes thatif he can do it, so can you, which Is why he and Nick have written this book. Follow Joe on Twitter @JoeWarerMF WY | la Run my SER oR eR Ost ee neta ety Caer ee paces aes POEs Caer) Poe Lis are POAT Ld Se eran Tee aed Geet eau) User + International Champion (60) Sree ee eet) Wellman® is an advanced range of nuttitional products tailored to the specific requirements of men. It has helped top athletes like | World Champion boxer Ashley Theophane } | stay ahead of the game and competing or not, iL it could do the same for you. ‘a oe echo VITABIOTICS Wellman’ tablets from Boots, Superdrug, supermarkets, Holland & Barrett, Lloyds, pharmacies & health stores eet * Optimuscle® is available at (3 )\i\— and if See ee eae See Mee] Cm ORO Ne Ree RLU AUR UTILS) programme works and what you need to do before beginning your journey to a brand new body This first chapter sets the scene for the next 12 weeks, explaining in detail everything you need to know before beginning my 12-week programme that builds muscle and burns fat to transform your physique into the one you have always wanted. It’s essential that you read the following pages before you start training to understand exactly how it will work so you'll be armed with everything you need to attack your new training plan and diet with focus, determination and desire. Read now Je Wamer Atte ntrmaton coach Mitel sets transformed nis body yeuneedtaFolow! outers you Inf2weeks andhowhe deatt ths traning plan from mustfolow f you want mS wath the ups downs and Srexptanaton a te mis programme to produce demandsefnickeitcel's seasons to nat ou need Impressive ests and arauousprogamme ‘oputinyourgymoog Answers he wil quesbons ‘ 15 COVER MODEL MUSCLE Can you really transform your physique in just 12 weeks? Joe Warner followed a strict training and eating plan and ended up as a Men’s Fitness cover star. Here’s how he did it Ihave never hada six-pack JIN in my ire. Welt technically Ihave, but unt recently Tdnever seenit because it was hidden under athick layer of ft. woulds't mind, bt spent most of my 20s chasing a better physique. Despite hours in the gym and ots of tong- distance running, | wasn't particularly strong or muscular and constantly carried alte belly, even when | was running a sub-3hr 30min marathon. Something, lrealised, had to change. The big 3-0 What changed, it turned out, was hitting 30. A sudden, painful awareness that | might ive my life without ever seeing the outline of my abdominals convinced me to find out what | was doing wrong and seek professional help. Could a beer-drinking, biscuit-scoffing journalist build a body worthy of a Men's Fitness cover model? To find out, lenlisted the help of Nick Mitchell founder of Ultimate Performance Fitness with two personal training gyms in London (, who is one of the most highly sought-after body composition experts in the country. Initial diagnosis: not good. 16 12Week Body Plan ‘You have the classic "skinny-fat” ectomorphic body, meaning you have not much muscle buta lot of fat, specifically on your belly, Nick told me. t's the result of genetics, ahigh-carb, low-protein vegetarian diet, a demanding job, high stress. levels and years of endurance training, We need to lose a lot of fat, while also adding a significant amount of new lean tissue to your slow-twitch, ‘marathon-running muscles. I's not, mission impossible, but i's close In my first week I went from lager- loving vegetarian to meat-eating teetotaller’ Luckily for me, Nickis always up for a challenge. He agreed to oversee my training and diet for 12 weeks ‘ontwo conditions: that started eating meat and gave up alcohol. The first wasn'ta tough sell Despite not eating mammals, fish or fowi for the past 21 years, d been contemplating starting again for a while, mainly because Ican't cook and. was fed up eating the same things every day. | was also struggling to consume enough protein and other vital nutrients found in meat, The prospect that going carnivore would help my mission was the final straw. Ast turns out meatis delicious, and Hinstantly felt better and had more energy. mot saying you have to eat meat to change your body = butit certainly worked for me. ‘As for booze, knew it would be tough, but I tried to think of hopping on the wagon asa short-term sacrifice for long-term gain. Inmy first week with Nick Iwent from lager-loving vegetarian tomeat- eating teetotaller. Not just going cold turkey, but actually starting toeatit. My diet was built around lean protein and lots of vegetables and was, fortunately for aman of my culinary skills, pretty simple. Fatattack My first session began with Nick measuring my body fat using calipers to work out where my body likes to store fat. This helped him build up a picture of what my hormones were doing, and which supplements I needed to balance them so my body could burn lard rather than hoard it, The results weren't pretty. At 1.8m tall, | started my cover model experiment weighing 72.3kg at 16.5% body fat. Some of the fat was around my chest - a ign that my body was making too much of the female hormone estrogen, which is elevated in ‘men through booze - but most of it was on my stomach, which indicated that there was too much cortisol, the stress hormone, in my system. | could have told him that I get stressed. I's why | drink ‘You have significant fat stores to lose,’ Nick told me, ‘Butwe must add a lot of muscle too or you'll go from skinny-fat to just skinny, That means we have to train smart to ensure we burn fat and build muscle at the same time.’ He split the 12 weeks of training Into different cycles. The first alternated between upper- and lower-body sessions, typically compound tfts such as squats, deadlifts, bench and overhead presses, under a slow tempo, ‘This will build strength, burn fat, and prime your high-threshold motor units ahead of a more specific muscle-building phase, Nick told me. The faster your muscles learn to contract, the harder we can push them later to pack on muscle. Nick also emphasised that what I consumed before, during and after my sessions would be hugely influential in creating the conditions tomake maximum changes. He put ‘me on a pre-workout drink full of caffeine and beta-alanine, a type of ‘amino acid, Itreally worked, helping ‘me focus and improving blood flow Into my muscles. It also made my face and hands tingle ~ a sensation that sometimes extended as far as. my testicles, which was something of an unadvertised bonus. also popped three branched- chain amino acid (BCAA) pills after every set. These prevent muscle breakdown while promoting protein synthesis. The resultis bigger, stronger muscles, so necking 40 pills per ‘workout is well worth the trouble, After two full weeks of brutal workouts, training Monday, Wednesday and Friday lunchtimes and Saturday ‘mornings, | was already seeing results, The exercises stayed the same, but the weights moved up every session andin two weeks | dropped my body ‘After two weeks of brutal workouts I was already seeing results’ fat percentage from 16.5% to 12.8% ‘while adding a couple of kilograms of ean muscle. It was a good start (so ‘good that it prompted disbelieving ‘comments on UP's Facebook page) but only convinced Nick to push harder. ‘A common mistake when trying to build muscles to liftthe same ‘weight every workout, he said. If you don't make your muscles do something they ve not done before they have no incentive to grow. The upper-body sessions were hard, but not as tough as the legs sessions, ‘mainly because | had very weak legs. Great for running long distances, useless at shifting heavy barbells. Nick started calling me Ostrich, not just because my 18 12Week Body Pian VITAL STATISTICS Se ery See Prone mad Peery fetes ier) ae Deere Peres Dead Eee) T-shirts that no ead legs were so skinny, but because 'dbeen sticking my headin the sand about legs training to focus solely on my ‘mirror muscles - chest, arms and shoulders. ‘Your legs are your biggest muscles, so you can lft heavier weights to release more testosterone and growth hormones that will instruct your body to build muscle and burn your love handles, he told me Unfortunately, they are also the muscles most prone to filling with lactic acid and leaving me squirming on the floor. Stil, the balanced approach was getting results. Of course, as we often emphasise in Men's Fitness, what you doin the gym. is only half the challenge. The other is eating the right foods at the right time to fuel your progress. The good news for my cover model body was that Nick's preferred fat-trimming, muscle- building diet is ridiculously simple to understand, The bad news? It's hard to follow - unless you're organised, I started batch-cooking lean mince with vegetables, which Ihad for dinner and took to work for lunch, Packets of cooked chicken replaced crisps in my shopping basket. Eating out wasn't too bad: most places do steak or chicken and will let you swap carb-heavy foods for extra vegetables. All you have to do is ask, then try not to pinch anyone's chips. Not only was following this diet expensive ~ as anewly converted carnivore | couldn't believe how much a ah | Nick Mitchell uses ‘allipers to measure Joe's body ft et a legs = a forbigger all-over gains Nick checks on Joe's forminthe standing shoulder press {good-quality lean meat costs - itwas also dull. Seriously dull. Eating became a bitof a chore. | stopped looking forward tomeal times, and when they came around I could barely look at the slices of beef stacked up on my plate. But as Nick kept reminding me, |was eating for my muscles, not my taste buds Forgetting’ to eat wasn't an option. In Nick's own words, Skipping a meat is worse than skipping a workout 19 If you do that you're wasting your own time and, even worse, you're wasting mine’ So | kept munching dutifully away on all the protein packed meat and nutrient-rich veg, By week three Nick had changed up my training to a three-way body part split, training back and shoulders in one session, then legs, then chest and arms. But every session was different, thanks to Nick's constant tinkering with sets, reps, tempo, rest and even exercise selection. Since my muscles were always being asked to do something new, they had no option but to keep growing, it's tempting to do three sets of eight reps for every exercise in every session said Nick. But after a few weeks your muscles know exactly What's in store and can cope with the load, Even increasing the weight isn't always enough to keep them growing, You have to tweak every variable to keep progressing. You should always bbe outside your comfort zone’ No problem there. Inever rested for more than about 90 seconds between sets or exercises. This intensity sent my heart-rate soaring, as well as increasing lactic acid levels to help torch fat "To bulld muscle and burn fat you need to work out hard and fast because testosterone, the muscle-building hormone, peaks 45 to 60 minutes into For quick results, bodyweight n't always enough ‘Tracking Joe's progress TAKING SHAPE ea ent cand percentage faa con Cad roan 20 12 Week Body Plan ‘a workout’ Nick told me, "Then it falls away rapidly and cortisol levels rise. This stress hormone not only prevents your body from burning fa, it actually Instructs it to store more’ Inweek six finally got a treat For the first month and a half of the cover ‘model plan | avoided all carbs except vegetables, Butnow Iwas getting leaner - my body fat crept close to 10% - Nick reintroduced carbs to my diet to keep my muscles fuelled, starting in my post-workout shake and increasing gradually as Ished more fat. Iwas also allowed a bowl of porridge before bed on the days I trained. The carb infusion didn't do much for my taste buds but t did help my muscles and give me more energy inthe gym. This came inhandy when Nick decided to shake things Up again by making me do three or even four different exercises back to back without con Cand Eons rest. Typically this would be one big compound move followed by isolation, or single-joint, lifts. "To achieve maximum stimulation so the muscle fibres grow back bigger, isolation movements are the way to go, Nick said. They are less taxing on your nervous system than compound ifts So you can go to town with the volume youliftin a session to stimulate your muscles’’lalso did alot of drop sets, which is when you do a move to failure, then continue with a lighter weight. Working the muscles to complete fatigue is effective, but it’s not pleasant The burn it creates made me hop on the spot, clench my fists and invent some fairly colourful swearword combos. My shoulders, arms and legs were bigger and my chest was more defined, but the six-pack was still nowhere to be seen. So I started doing high-intensity interval session once a week to shift the fat stubbornly sticking to my belly in aid to turn my two-pack into the full half-dozen that cover models need to pay the bills. With a fortnight to go, the programme was undeniably working. My body fat levels were falling each week while was still getting heavier, proof that | was packing on muscle, But couldn't help worrying that my abs were still refusing to blossom into a full six- pack. Id always believed that doing lots of big lifts, especially squats last and shoulder presses, was enough to get rock-solid abs, but it’s not. Joe pumps up with afew petore te covershoot I started doing a high-intensity interval sessions once a week to shift the stubborn fat on my belly’ to geta spray tan. ‘You'll look 10-20% better with a tan because i highlight your new muscles and make them look leaner’ he promised me. nan effort not to look like a Hollyoaks extra | tried to get the best available, going to celebrity tanner James Read at the Agua Spa at London's Sanderson hotel. lemerged. after 20 minutes looking as if 'd spent two weeks in the Caribbean, much to the amusement of the rest ofthe office. The abs are like any other muscle group - they need tobe targeted directly, Nick told me. ‘You have pot abs, in that they aren't very thick. That's genetics, so we need to work even harder over the final two weeks to bring them out as much as possible’ From that day forward, every other ‘workout included some agonising abs ‘work. Barbell roll-outs, done super- slow, were the worst. Hanging legs raises and weighted crunches aren’ much fun either, but they re effective at sculpting a six-pack, as long as you've shifted the fat on top of them first jor The day before the shoot Nick put me through a final body fat assessment, with results that were litte short of unbelievable. In 12 weeks Id lost 8kg of fat and added 10kg of tean muscle. fm ‘now stronger, leaner and heavier than lve ever been, And for the first time in my life am the owner of a six-pack, It took hard work and discipline, it butby aiving your all every time you step into your gym and by eating the right foods at the right time you can transform your body into the one ‘With my final session in the bag - a horrible hour of tri-sets and drop sets to flush as much blood into my muscles while also stripping their cells of any glucose to make me look as lean as Possible - Nick gave me one final order: NOWIT'S YOURTURN }> By following Nick's 12-week training, nutrition and Pree ea kencm etn ai the September 2012 issue of Men's Fitness ene many ely rea Penta eRe ial Re ee Cua) Bees eet ary you've always wanted. You might not make It on to the cover of MF, but who knows? If can doit, anyone can. ‘ 21 L BEFORE YOU BEGIN HOW IT WORKS Everything you need to know about this programme is explained here © Tebeouy of tis rating programmes that everything is lald out for you for the next 12 weeks. It's the exact workout plan that Joe followed to get into shape to be on the cover of Men's Fitness magazine. The entire 12-week plan is called amesocycle. This mesocycle is broken down into eight smaller phases or microcycles, each of Which has a specific alm that will prepare you for the following cycle, while also working towards the overall objective: building youa brand new body. Each microcycle includes two or three different workouts, 0 tomake the programme easy tofollow, each cycle has its own chapter containing all the workouts you do in that particular microcycie before moving on to thenextone The plan has been devised in this way because building muscle isnot a linear process. Doing the same exercise with the same weight for the same number of sets and reps each session may result ina few quick gains, but these will quickly plateau as your muscles become accustomed to the demands placed upon them. Only regularly shaking up the variables - such as the moves your perform, the weight you use and the sets and reps you complete - will ensure you continue to build new muscle tissue ‘while burning away unwanted fat stores. Getting started Before you begin the training programme, read this chapter to familiarise yourself with what lies ahead, Then read the nutrition chapter, beginning on p148, and the supplements chapter on p158. Building a better body's about what you doin the kitchen as much as itis what you do in the gym, so follow the food rules detailed to give your body the nutrients itneeds to fuel your muscle- building and fat-loss mission. With your nutrition plan in place, youare ready to start You willbe hitting the gym, four times a week. Joe trained ‘on Monday, Wednesday and Friday tunchtimes and Saturday mornings. This fitted in with his work schedule and gave him time to recover, whichis the key to building muscle and burning fat Structure your workouts around your life so long as you train four times per ‘week but only ever train for a maximum of two consecutive days in a row. Allthe exercises, sets, reps, tempo and rest periods are clearly detailed, so pack your gym bag with what youneed including this book ~ and away you go. GYM BAGESSENTIALS tere'swhatJoetook to the gym for each andevery session TRAINING DIARY WATER BOTTLE SUPPLEMENTS TOWEL Thisis crucial to Hydration is. Joe took three You are going to staying on track. really important BCAA capsules get to sweaty, so Make sure you to both gaining after every set fave a small gym spendfive orten minutes muscle, burning fat and to prevent muscle tissue towel with you to wipe before training writing performing to the best of breakdown and promote down kitand equipment downalltheinformation your capabilities, so always new muscle growth (see after you use t's just ‘good manners. Youll also heed toitto dry you hands ‘so your gripis as strong ast needs to be for moves such a chin-ups and deadlift. 158 for our complete ‘you need for that session guide to supplements) 50 you'll know exactly ‘what youneed to do and dont waste any training time. You canuse any notebook or the version In this book (see p168). hit the gym with a bottle of cold water. You don't want towaste a second queuing for the communal fountain. 22 12 Week Body Plan Be ol tS eee te ee arta oem) REPS TEMPO REST NAVIGATION BAR ‘The number of ‘The speed at which ‘Thetime in seconds ‘This details which of the repetitions ofthe move Yyoumust perform you estafter workout microcycles you are on ‘youmust complete ‘each repetition ‘completing the move andthe workouts withinit SETS The numberof sets ofthe move ‘you must complete pe eed FORM Clear and EXERCISE detailed writen ‘Thenames of the descriptions of moves youare how to perform ‘going to dointhe ‘each move order they needto be performed TRAINER TIPS VISUAL ‘These are Nick GUIDE Mitchells expert Joe Warner ae Ez ao tips to bearin demonstrates the mind when doing startand end position this exercise ‘ofeach move Ceeccecee PROTEIN SHAKE CHALK WRIST STRAPS Before you begin ‘What youeat Joe hadnever used These are helpful immediately after chalk before but for pulling ¥ Read this your session s founditreally movements such _chopter throughly crudial Prepare a whey- usefulforsqueezing outa _—_as deadlift and chin-ups packedproteinshakesoits fewextra~andimportant Usingthesestrapsmeans Read the ea at steer Sn ESO ESseeneeed hopters on ‘you've completed yourfinal have otherwise failed. meaning youcanfocuson —MUtrition (p148) and repto ive your muscles the workingthe targetmuscle Supplements (p158) nutrients they need to grow groups. You may not need : spencers Serene |v Bo yursym they are ideal for sets of ig essentials more than ve reps ¥ Stort training! 23 BEFORE YOU BEGIN WORKOUT CHECKLIST This page is your easy-to-follow quick-reference chart of the workouts in the order in which you must perform them over the next 12 weeks ni Ele telea fal ey ia Upper body 38 8 | Back and shoulders 60 92 i Lower body a | Legs 84 [BBY crestand arms and arms 88 ey Back and shoulders MICROCYCLE 6 Legs 76 100 Chest and arms 78 104 2 108 76 MICROCYCLE 7 78 (YARN ack and shoulders 14 sO BE Back and shoulders 72 43 Legs ng Chest and arms 54 Chest and arms 20 Back and shoulders 46 73) cece: | Chest and arms 54 Back and shoulders 84 Chest bat 130 Back and shoulders 46 Legs Once all the workouts are done rr ers er es [el] Legs Bo Ba ‘Chest anid arins: eens >) Ba Chest and arms sa Bi Back and shoulders a 24 12Week Body Plan EY WUTRITION Ultimate protein supplement designed to give you a full amino acid profile in a low fat and low carbohydate blend of multiple protein sources. Perfect for anyone ee ee es oAIRTEM ATT EAT QE 0845 365 3155 pees ete www.extremenutri L BEFORE YOU BEGIN Stay on top of your transformation by taking the following steps q Ww id | 4 a Vie wk ‘same scales at the same time of day; i's best to doit first thing in the morning, And always take these photos on the IeS easy to think youre not making same day ofthe week and a the same MSS progress if your weight is staying the time to get the most accurate report (3 Wourmesssrementsaremore ——_SSmeor evenineasng But welt isa 1 important than your weight badindcatorhere'when youre buldng OES because this programme's 2b0ut muscle and burning fat, the chances transforming your appearance, not about are that your weight won't go down, At Tis book clearly detats the how much you weigh Record your theendorhis programme ioe wasthe lg? exercises, sets reps tempo and measurements witha tapemessure _eavesthedever been iis ie but rest for each and every werkaut you vl Broundthe folowing areas shoulders, alsothe eanest which meanthe looked do, butone thing you wil need 0 keep farms with biceps lexed) chest over ftalcifferent from whenhe started. track ofthe weights yout Simply the nipples) and stomach (around your Copy out that days workout rom tis bellybutton) You canalsocohips tions ESTES book in your ary before you goto ane calves if you want a more complete the gym ~or you can use the version picture henfakemensirements fom 4S Whats mporant when racking weve oie ee 68) a ad the same stes every week orfornight. © your progressis your body inthe weight youthink you walneed IReanbe ricky tomeasure youre compostion and to-selectto nt your accurately s0 get someone help the best way to sets rep andtempo Youu Anddontuse thestartof the tape monitor thats target After your frst measure to assess craumferences,,__totake photos of Set put aticenextto because I'can go slack. stead go 10cm yourself without the weight you ust overs thatthe tape's ight around atop rom about managedit the body part and then subract TOcm the front back Dutiit was too ght to get an aecurate measurement and side Do this cr neavy make an before your first EE session. then every week adjustment and note this down. After the session go back over gS, lump on the scales before you or fortnight to your workout to make begin this programme to getastart get the best the best estimation weight that you can compare against Idea of how Cf what you intend each week or fortnight. Always use the you are doing. i B tolift next time, 26 12 Week Body Ptan |_| > ULTIMATE | ONLINE TRAINING You've seen the results, you've bought the book, now let the team behind the dream, Nick Mitchell and his Ultimate Performance team are known throughout the world as the trainers who can turn ordinary bodies into startling physiques! Whilst Nick worked with Joe Warner one-to-one to create the results that you can see in this book, he now has a hand-picked group of coaches who follow his principles and guidance working with online clients all over the globe. The UP Online Training Program Gives You Access To: * Your very own Mitchell and Poliquin (PICP & BioSignature) certified trainer. © Proven training and nutritional programs, tailored and tweaked for you. See a eee ae Reco un ery erecta tteerinery et tr Seta ka Sete cd ce memmrreey oben hare eet nee Sa) ene td ree ary Cee ened Pets ea support Ive received. odor) Two amazing Nick Mitchell Scola coral oR Lae sola) UP team do for your physique?! For the price of your daily Starbucks coffee, you too can new work with the best in the business. Don't make excuses, they're for pregnant nuns, not those who want to make a change in their lives! * These two results were obtained using one-to-one Nick Mitchell programmes that may differ from our Online Training Programmes. L BEFORE YOU BEGIN THE COVER MODEL COMMANDMENTS Follow Nick Mitchell's crucial guidelines for the best possible results The key toa successful physical transformations ‘the accumulated number of how many correct things you do every single day. Three {good days of training hard and eating right followed by tone bad day when you go off the rals does not equate to a et gain of two good days: the hormonal implications mean you will take some significant steps backwards. Every single day counts, Don't waste any of them, has Vaan Youare only trainingin the gym for around four hours week - that's nothing in the grand scheme of what you do each week. But these four hours are among the most important. Leave nothing on the gym floor. You should complete each and every session knowing you gave ityour all. You should feel, exhausted but ultimately delighted with your execution, Se Rola Forany training and diet regime to work properly, ‘the more intune you are ‘with what your body is telling you the greater your chances. of success. Youneed to be 28 12 Week Body Plan your own coach and be as objective and honest with yoursetf as possible. You can, and should, back off if you are physically exhausted ~ youll domore harm than good = but you must also learn to distinguish between mental weakness and physical tiredness, Don'tpull the wool over your own eyes. A Monttor PROGRESS Tracking your progress to help you stay motivatedis ‘or undereat, both of which are equally bad for your cover model aspirations. SE RU Joe succeededinhis quest because he had laser focus ‘on what he wanted to achieve ~to get on the cover of Men's Fitness. Work out your ultimate goal before you start and don't waver fromit. ‘And be sure you are doing this for yourself,notto please anyone else. Thisis avery ‘Leave nothing on the gym floor. Complete each and every session knowing you gave it your all’ an absolute must to the success of this project. Take photos from the front, back and side before you start, and then every week or fortnight. Youalso need to track your weight-training sessions in journal or you won't be able toensure you're pushing for improved performance at each and every workout. Try keeping a detailed food diary too. Unless you keep a written note of everything that goes in your ‘mouth, itis remarkable how easy itis to either overeat tough regime and for you to stick to itand succeed you ‘must be motivated by the right intention, Ee Retina Ifyouwant the best body you've ever had then you reed to make sacrifices. Inparticular, this means ] = ees eee (© Lieonaninctine bench holding a dumbbell in each hand directly above your chest with palms facing. Make sure your head and upper back are supported on the bench and that your feet are flat on the floor © Keeping slight bendin your elbows, slowly lower the ‘weights out tothe side as far as is comfortable. Use your chest to reverse the movement andraise the weights back tothe top. Eon Cnr ry Perera concentrate on ced Sra ters pete eeren © Grip parallel bars and lean forward. Continue to lean forward throughout, the move. With your elbows pointing straight back, lower your body as far as you can ] 4 (© Standtaltholding a towards your chin. © Lie onabench set ata20" lock out your elbows at ouble-rope cable handle, © squeeze your biceps at the angleholding anEZ-barwith _—_thettp. attached tothe low pulley ofa ° {hot themove. then return narrow, overnand grip. © Stowty lower the weight ‘able machine, wth your tothe start, squeezing your © Keep your feet flaton the bback down to your chest, Balms facing each other, triceps and the very bottom. floor and your back against keeping your elbows close (© Keeping your elbows next the bench. to your side. ‘to your body, curt your hands © Press the weight directly upto raise the handles above your head but don't sy © Stetina press-up Position but with your hands close together so that your thumbs and index fingers touch to form a lamond shape. Keeping your body ina straight ine from head to heels, ower your chest as faras you can before powering back up stronaly ‘ E>. CYCLE This microcycle shakes things up again with a return to a heavier phase of training, with bigger weights but lower reps. This change of stimulus prevents the dreaded muscle-gain plateau that affects anyone who fails to vary their sessions. Despite the low reps you can still expect muscle growth as there is a high degree of volume in these workouts, as well as more hardcore drop sets to work your muscles to fatigue. The 25-rep drops sets are horrible but stick to the exact workouts I've created. And stay Positive no matter how much it hurts: now is the time when you should be noticing strength gains as well as greater muscle development. HOW TODO THESE WORKOUTS Do workout 21 (back and shoulders), 22 (legs) and 23 (chest and arms) in order, before repeating this sequence with workouts 24 through to 29 then advancing to the next microcycle. Increase the weight for each session ‘without losing form. Never work out ‘on more than two consecutive days. MICROCYCLE 4 ‘ iaqaen SETS fous TEMPO cog SET1 Rack deadlift 5 5 3m 90sec Seated barbell shoulder press 5 5 4010 90sec SET2 Reverse incline dumbbell row 3010 90sec Dumbbell high pull 2010 90sec Bae Incline reverse dumbell fiye Dumbbell shrug Face pull ere eel this Setthe safety bars ona squatrack to mmid-knee level With the barbell esting on the bas, take a wide grip with your core braced, your back flat and your shoulders retracted and over the ba. Use your glutes to power the intial Ut, pushing down | through your heels. Keep the bar close to your body and, asit passes your knees, push yourhips forward then lowerthe weight back down so itjust touches the bars and repeat. St rr) res Sea Pree es Poetecras 72 12 Week Body Pian MICRO Blan ae te eo 2 / CYCLE uke 22i23)24125)26)27 sisi 4 DBR dee © Siton anupright bench with barbell on your upper chest, srippingit with hands shoulder-width apart. (© Keep your chest upright and Your core muscles braced. (© Press the bar directly ‘upwards until your arms are extended overhead. (© Lowertthe bar back down behind your neck then ress back up, (© Lie chest-firston aniline bench holding a dumbbell in ‘each hand with your arms fully extended. Leading with your elbows, row the weights up towards you, focusing on retracting Your shoulder blades rather than relying on your biceps. (©. Slowly return tothe start. ° TRAINER TIP Sted ery Ree Seon eros Te Ne est WTpae) ere alee Lan Lele Stand all witha dumbbell, ineach hand with an overhand grip. Keeping your core braced, pullthe weights up, leading with your elbow, until they are a chest height. Return tothe start. Lie chest-forward on an incline bench holding a dumbbell in each hand, With stight bend in your elbows, alse the weights ‘ut to your side until they reach shoulder height, then Feturn to the start. eee) Pera rery ee tty fullrange of motion at Peres 74 12 Week Body Plan Q, 2 twesewornours ©) EN) EE) EE) EZ) 55) Eo EE) (© Stand with two heavy ‘dumbbells in front of you. (© Squat down and grip the weight securely with an ‘overhand grip. (©. Stand up, keeping your core braced anda natural arch in your back. (©. Shrug your shoulders up towards your ears, keeping Your arms straight (© Hold tora secondat the top position before slowty lowering the weight back down. fone ey eer) ey ee ees presto © Hold adouble- rope attachment that’s fixed tothe high pulley ona cable machine. (©. Start with your arms fully extended and your palms. facing the floor. © Pullthe handles towards Yyourhead - keeping your Upper arms parllelto the floor -so that the handles goto either side of your face, (© Returnto the stat ia Tal Ais eo * ‘fterthe fat Ea) ‘set, reduce the ‘weight and Squat 4010 150sec Eee Lying hamstring curt 4on 20sec Reverse sled drag 4 40m x Osec Dumbbell step-up 4 15 2010 90sec Restthe bar against the back of your shoulders ~ roton your neck - and hold iRwith an overhand grip slightly wider than your shoulders. Keep your elbows pointing down. Your feet should be just Wider than shoulder-wigth apart with your toes pointing ‘outwards sightly ‘Squat down until your thighs ae a least parallel tothe floor. The deeper you an squat, the better. Drive back up through your heels. CR pee Sree pores ees Pen ued teeta 76 12Week Body Plan O Q tuestwornours ©) Ei) EENEE) 2) BEES Ei EE) (© Leonthe machine, following its instructions to position yourself correctly and safe With the pad against the back of our lower calves, raiseitby contracting your hamstrings. (© Returnstowiy tothe start. ° (©. Stand facing away froma, long, clear pathway, holding a sled strap in ‘each hand. © Keeping your core braced and ‘your arms straight, sprint backwards as fastas you can. [tthe end, turn ‘around and ‘print back to the star. ° (©. Standin front ofa platform set at knee heightholding a ‘dumbbell in each hand. (© Keep one foot on the platform and step up and back down with the other. © Switchtegs and repeat. [aq Tal SETS pay TEMPO og SET1 Incline bench press a 5 4010 90sec Chin-up 5 3 4010 90sec Ea Triceps dip 7 3010 75sec Preacher dumbell hammer curt 7 3010 75sec EGE Barbell rollout Hanging leg raise cline bench press Ue ona bench set ata 45° angle holding abarbell with an overhand grip. Keep your feetflaton the {oor and your back against the bench, Slowty lower the weight down to your chest, flaring your elbows outto the Sides, until the bar touches Your chest. Press the weight directly above your head but don'tlock out your elbows atthe top. 78 12Week Body Plan Grab the bar with an lunderiand grip with your hands stightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Start froma dead hang with your arms fully extended. Pull voursetfup by ‘squeezing your lats together. ‘Once your chinis higher than yourhands lower yourself back tothe start. Sad Perot Poeeryreen Peeee teensy With your elbows pointing straight back, lower your body as far as you can comfortably go without stressing your shoulders. Keep your core braced and don't swing yourlegs for ‘momentum, Press back up powerfully but don't tock out your elbows at the top. eee Sea Bemererioony a 79 fol TS EIR eerie © Sitatapreacher bench holding a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip. (© Keeping your elbows on the bench, it the dumbbells up ‘towards your chin. © Lower back stowy tothe start. (© Avoid rocking back and forth to.generate momentum, Which takes the emphasis away from the biceps. (© Geton your knees with your arms extended and your hands holding a barbell with a shoulder-width grip. (© Slowiy roltthe barbell away from your body, keeping your core braced FB trouphout (© Once youhave extended luni your torsos parallel to the ground, contract your abs to pul the bar back towards your body. TRAINER TIP Cee ety ey perenne Ty es a ] rt E 3 #4 3 nT irr Fe ty c A Aol ES) Glee Now’s the time to crank up your fat-loss efforts, By now you should have noticed some significant changes to your body. "New muscles willhave sprouted where there was none before, and your fat stores shouldbe significantly reduced. However, if youre still not Seer eta ee aor a een e nn ese eed etc rrt ne han ete) ee ere eet ey torching your remaining body fat. Turn to p34 for al the details on how and when to do these sessions, as well as our complete guide to carving Pu eortoecr stunner finishing touches to your physique. The chapter includes: Paks eed ea pore cs oer sixbest moves youcan poner ieee Cas pared Presets] MICRO Q Cw ps|2zpz8)29| Hang froma bar with your body straight Keeping your legs straight, tse your lower abs to raise them until they are parallel with the ground. Return slowly tothe stat. 81 -@( A ouLe | eye 4 FEEL THE PUMP These multi-move sets build muscle and burn fat ed rhs f This microcycle maximises blood flow to the . = | muscles to encourage greater returns. To this end there's a greater focus on tri-sets and giant sets, where multiple exercises for the same muscle group are performed back to back with little or no rest. This burns body fat more effectively than any extended cardio session, and creates extreme blood flow to the muscle. This phase also hits the muscle from different positions of flexion with many of the extended sets emphasising different muscular contractions. Many of the sets are low-rep so you'll get the benefit of extended time under tension because of the short rest intervals. MICROCYCLE 5 EIGHT > 74.7kg Eau PERCENTAGE way [ota a4 py SET1 Pull-up Dumbbell pull-over Seated cable row Rack deadlift Seated shoulder press Cable lateral raise Cable upright row Grab the bar with an coverhand grip with your hands shoulder-with apart. Start from a dead hang with Your arms fully extended. Pull yoursetf up by squeezing your lats together. Once your chinis higher than your hands pause briefly, then slowty lower yourself back to the start. ert Perera allow the weight plates Seng Peete acd Eres 84 12Week Body Pian 2 Q Q Slam? Leke2) 2? [24] 35] 2°] 37] (© Lieflaton bench with your head and shoulders supported and your feet flaton the floor. (© Hold a single dumbbell over Your chest with both hands. and engage your core. (© Slowly lower the weight behind your head, keeping a slight bend in your elbows. Don't arch your back. (© Raise the weight back over yourhead tothe start position TRAINER TIP Cen rae Poteet cy eer et tes © Siton the bench witha slight bend in your knees, holding a double-D handle ~attachedto the lower pulley ofa cable machine — ‘with aneutral grip. (© Make surethereistensionin the cable before youbegin. (© Pullthe handle in to your sternum, keeping upper body movement toa ‘minimum, and squeeze your Th) shouiderbiades together. $8) © Returstowiy tothe start. ‘ Tore Nes ys ty Rack deadlift © Setthe safety bars ona ‘squat rack tomid-knee level. © With the barbell resting on the bars, take a wide grip with your core braced, your back fat and your shoulders retracted and over the bat. © Use your glutes to power the Initial it, pushing down through your heels. © Keep the bar close to your body and, as itpasses your knees, push your hips forward then tower the weight back down soit just touches the bars and repeat. ar ected blades back and rn enters © Sitonanupright bench with barbell on your upper chest, gripping it with hands shoulder-width apart. © Keep your chest upright and Your core muscles braced. Press the bar directly upwards until your arms are extended overhead © Lower the bar back down behind your neck then press backup. 86 12Week Body Pian / MICRO wed WORE O EYE EES VEIN 5 ] Eee (© Stand side-ontoa cable ‘machine holding a D-handle, attached the low pulley, in your far hand. (© Keeping a sight bend in your elbows, it your atm up and away from the machine. Stop at shoulder height then slowly return tothe star. (© Once you've completed allthe reps, repeat with the other arm. bon Oey mere ren ener) Paererer er etme esters (© Standtaltholding a straight or EZ-bar hand, attachedto the low pulley ‘ofa cable machine, with anoverhand grip. © Leading with your elbows, pul the bar up Lntil your hands are at shoulder-height. (©. Slowly lower the bar back tothe start ioc Tal * SET1 ‘Theaimisto complete atten Setvot ron squats Ja Lying hamstring curt Spd squats win 1b Weighted glute bridge Ic Walking dumbbell lunge 2a Front squat” 2b Squat 3a Barbell rollout 4 6 4010 Osec b Hanging leg raise 4 R 4010 30sec 3c Decline dumbbell crunch 4 2 2010 60sec hamstring curl © Leon the machine, following ts instructions to position yourself correctly and safely ‘ith the pad against the ‘back of your lower calves, raise tup by contracting ‘your hamstrings. Return slowly tothe start 88 12 Week Body Plan + +! , MICRO Eee ko Mao] > eles] 3-1 ( cvcLE eal \ 5 } © Lie with your upper back supported on bench, Your feet lat on the floor and your knees bent, with barbell resting across yourhips. © Squeeze your glutestott the weight and return to the start position. © Brace your core and lower Your glites down towards the Moor. Walking dumbbell lunge = yneres © Standin front of along, clear i . r pathway, holding a dumbbell teach hand. © Keeping your core braced, take abig step forward and lunge down until both knees are bent at 90" © Push of from your back foot and lunge forward with that les, © Repeatuntil youhave covered the stated distance. Ceres parecer tans ers Ro orr peers 89 Ue ely Rest the baron the front of Your shoulders, gripping it with your hands crossed in frontof you, with your elbows pointing forward and feet shoulder-width apart. Maintain a natura archin your back and keep your Core braced throughout the move, ‘Squat down until your thighs are at least parallel tothe floor. The deeper you can squat, the better. Drive back up through your heels. ney Os re ced Peer ur Ce Restthe bar against the back of your shoulders ~ not on your neck ~ and hold it with an overhand rip slightly wider than Your shoulders. Keep your elbows pointing down, Your feet should be just Wider than shoulder-width apart with your toes pointing outwards slighty. ‘Squat down until your thighs are atleast parallel tothe floor. The deeper you can squat, the better. Drive back up through yourheets, oN Cet pre nrrs Seis! ee cen eee ero 12 Week Body Plan MICRO BeBe 5 ] © Hang romabar with your © Keeping your legs straight, © Getonyourknees with your © Once your have extended until body straight. tse your lower abs to raise arms extended and your ‘your torso parallel tothe them unt they are parallel hhands holding abarbell witha ground, contract your abs to withthe ground, shoulder-width grip. pul the bar back towards your © Slowly rollthe barbell away a a eta, from your body, keeping your core braced throughout. 13c| Decline dumbbell cru: (© Lieonadectine bench holding a dumbbell on your chest. (© Contract your abs to ft your shoulders up and curt your chest towards your knees. Pause atthe top of the ‘move, squeeze your abs and lower slowly tothe stat. ° [ota a SET1 a Incline dumbbell bench press ib Decline bench press 1c Dumbbell bench press 2a EZ-bar preacher curl > Incline dumbbell curt 2c Kneeling overhead cable curt 2d Triceps dip Decline tying triceps extension 2f Standing overhead triceps extension www www aAaaaaa 4010 10sec 30 10sec 30m 10sec 4010 10sec 4010 10sec 3n0 45sec 92 T2 Week Body Plan ine dumbbell bench press © Lie ona bench set ata 45" angle holding a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder-height. © Keep your feet lat on the floor and your back against the bench © Press the weights directly above your head but don't lockout your elbows atthe top. © Slowly lowerthe weights back downto your chest, flaring your elbows out to the side Q Q Q muestwornours © £2) EN EES) ES EES) 1b] Dec! (© Lieonadectine bench with your feet on the floor, directly under your knees. (© Hold the bar with an ‘verhand grip shoulder- width apart © Slowly ower the barto Your chest, taking your elbows out to 90: until the bars almost touching the middle of chest or just ‘over your nipples. Drive your feet hard into the floor and push the bar back strongly tothe start position. ° (© Lie on aflatbench holding a ‘dumbbell in each hand at shoulder-height (© Keep your feet flatonthe floor and your back against the bench. © Press the weight directly above your head but don'tlock out your elbows atthe top. © Slowly ower the weight bback downto your chest, flaring your elbows out to the sige. oa Oe etal corked eer Prien See Ce es ‘ L CHEST AND ARMS ar preacher curl ° Sitata preacherbench holding an EZ-bar with an ‘overhand grip. Keeping your elbows on the ‘bench, curl the bar up towards your cin, © Lower back slowly to the start. ‘Avoid rocking back and forth togeneratemomentum, ‘which takes the emphasis away from the biceps. ° ° © Siton abench setatan incline of between 30° and 45 holding a dumbbellin each hand, Keeping your back flat against the bench and your elbows lose to your sides, slowly curt both dumbbells up to shoulder height (© Squeeze your biceps atthe top ofthe move before slowly returning tothe start. ° Crea creer ere Pr Stet 94 12 Week Body Plan TO BE DONE ON S 2 oa CYeLE ) SRR O DENIES ERED (Ga) ES DGRGI Ree kercmets (© Kneetin front of acable ‘machine holding an EZ-bar handle attached toa high cable © Keeping your elbows locked In postion, cul the bar back bbehind your head. (© Returnto the start. (© With your elbows pointing straight back, lower your body as far as you can comfortably go without stressing your shoulders. (© Keep your core braced and don't swing your legs for momentum, (©. Press back up powerfully but don't tock out your elbows atthe top. one Oe Cea Peat eres tee reed ‘ © © ©. SSO See coed eee i2e| Decline lying triceps extension : © Lieonadectine bench, holding an EZ-bar above you with straight arms. © Stowiy lower the bar towards the top of your head by bending your elbows, which should point at the celing throughout. Without arching your back, slowly return the bar tothe start position by straightening your arms. (©. Stand talthotding a double- rope handle attached to the lowe pulley ofa cable machine. ‘Turn away from the machine with your hands behind Your head and your elbows atelther side (© Keeping your elbows next to Yourhead, press the handles Up and forward to straighten your arms. (© Flex your triceps atthe top ofthe move, then returntothe start and flex your biceps. ° on Cee rend oes ee tory Peron tm ‘2 Week Body Pian PCE ae ACU meee te eel Froma 12-week fight camp training plan to advice, tips and tricks from some of the world's greatest boxing and MMA stars, Get A Fighter's Body has everything you need to get in your best shape ever ~ whether you're looking fora fight or not. Pre Ccel ulke cet CM eeren Rd eRe ur hs This short microcycle will provide a ‘deload’ as r well as a short, sharp shock of training intensity. > It has a mixture of drop sets and sets to failure to . stimulate your muscles sufficiently while reducing the volume lifted to let your nervous system and joints recover. With most of the sessions in the bag, you should be noticing big differences in your physique and it may be tempting to take your foot of the gas a little. That's the wrong attitude. It’s imperative that you step up the effort and execute each rep with total focus. Do that and your results will rocket. Before starting this cycle, read the Finishing Touches chapter (p142) to ensure you look as good as possible when the training is over. HOW TODO THESE WORKOUTS Read the Finishing Touches chapter on er 1p142 then do workout 39 (back and shoulders), 40 (Legs) and 41 (chest and Ee arms) in order, before advancing to the BODY FAT next microcycle. Never work out on PERCENTAGE ‘more than two consecutive days. 7.8% 99 Back and shoulders cen ae) * The at setisa drop set Perform {he stated amber Ja Lat pull-down 2 10 4010 Q0sec | streps.thenreduce ‘lb Seated cable row ae 10 3010 90sec ele aal amernumber Sstreps Repeat tis process once 2a Reverse bench row t 10 3010 Osec ‘more, thenrest 2b Seated dumbbell shoulder press 1 15 3010 30sec 3a Cable lateral raise on R 3010 Osec 3b Face pull 2 2 3010 30sec 4 Barbell rollout 2 8 4010 60sec © Siton the seat andhold the bar with an overhand, shoulder-width grip. © Look forward, retract your shoulder blades and keep Yyourtorsoupright. (©. Pullthe bar down infront of Yyouuntitit reaches your Upper chest. Don't ean back ‘toald he movement. (© Squeeze your las at the bottom ofthe move and return the bar slowly to the top. ona Cae ee ee Cees ent teed ‘2 Week Body Pian MICRO < / Ee ] DBs (© Siton the bench witha slight bend in your knees, holding a double-D handle ~attachedto the lower pulley ofa cable machine — ‘with aneutral grip. Make sure theres tension in the cable before you begin. Pullthe handle nto your sternum, keeping upper- body movement toa ‘minimum, and squeeze your shoulder blades together. B} © Return stowly tothe start ° ° (© Lie chest-firston anincine bench holding a barbell wth ‘wide, overhand grip. | © Keeping your chest on the bench, row the barbell up, leading with your elbows, (© Returntothe start. BACK AND SHOULDERS a Se reg io eed © Sitonanupright bench holding a dumbbell in each hhand at shoulder height. | © Keep your feet flat on the floor, our core braced, your bback against the bench and Your head looking forward. © Press the weights up powerfully until your arms are fully extended, then retum slowly tothe start machine holding aD-handle, attached tothe low pulley, in your farhand. (© Keeping slight bend in your elbows, it your arm up and. away from the machine. Stop at shoulder height, pause fora second and slowly retumto the start EP ELQaTeaeeies (© Once you've completed all the reps, repeat withthe other arm. 12 Week Body Plan Laperemy Sie SO: oa 6 (© Hold.adouble-rope attachment that’s fixed tothe high pulley ona - cable machine. (©. Start with arms fully extended and palms a facing the floor. (© Pullthehandies towards Yyourhead - keeping your "upper arms paralleto the floor so that the handles go ) toeither side of your face. (© Returnto the start fe ee stand witha split-stance con nias ce) Petey 13b] Face pull © Geton your knees with your arms extended and your hands holding a barbell with a shoulder-width rip. © Slowly roll the barbell away from your body, keeping Your core braced throughout, © Once youhave extended until your torso is parallel tothe ground, contract your abs to pul the bar back towards your body tothe start position Siaens REPS TEMPO * Everysetisto faire Once youve pertormea he Ta Lying hamstring curt 2 6 4010 90sec | | satedmmberot 1b Squat 2 R 3010 20sec | waphtoyisx and Uitte tate, then lower the weight byatutnerss% 2Leg press 1 50 1010 18Osec | anddoonemore 3a Farmer's walk 4 30m x Osec 3b Reverse sled drag 4 30m x 180sec 4a Decline dumbbell crunch 4 2 3010 30sec 4b Toes to bar 4 10 3010 sec 4c Hanging leg raise 4 10 3010 60sec (© eonthe machine, following its instructions to Position yourself correctly and safely (© With the pad against the back of your lower calves, faise tup by contracting your hamstrings. (© Return stowty tothe start. 12 Week Body Pian MICRO a) 0 ( (© Rest the baragainst the back of your shoulders - not ‘on your neck ~ and hold it with an overhand grip slightly wider than your shoulders, Keep your ‘elbows pointing down. Your feet should be just wider than shoulder-width ° apart with your toes pointing ‘outwards slighty. ‘Squat down until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor. The deeper you ‘an squat, the better. Drive backup through your heels. ° ° BEics = ©. Sion the machine, fetiowintstnstctons to poation ara corey trasate © Release the ok henslonty (ower the lator twas vou bending yourknees do pusntraughyournetsto Straighten your legs and umetie sat TRAINER TIP eet Penieoer natures ey Perens cents ‘ 105 EEC GSE (©. Standin front of (© Stand facing along, clear away froma pathway, long, clear holding a where the &xet pathway, ‘weighted bar or holding dumbbell in sled strap in each hand, each hand, (© Keeping your © Keeping your core braced, core braced and walk as quickly your arms as you can down straight sprint the track backwards as (© Atthe end, turn fastas youcan, around and walk. © Atthe end, turn back quiekly to around and the stat. Sprint back to the start. © Lieonadectine bench holding a dumbbell on your chest. © Contract your abs tot your shoulders up and curt your chest towards your knees. © Pause atthe top ofthe move, squeeze your abs then lower slowly tothestart 12 Week Body Pian (© Hang froma bar with your body straight (© Keeping your tegsas straight as possible, use your lower abs to lift them all the way ‘up to the bar. (© Slowly lower them back tothestart (© Hang froma bar with your body straight (© Keeping your legs straight, use your lower abs to raise them until they are parallel with the ground. 107 OUT wees ia Tal aincline bench press ‘ib Inline dumbbell fiye 2 Triceps dip 3a Spider curl 3b Decline triceps extension 4a Standing cable hammer curt 4b Incline EZ-bar triceps press 5 Diamond press-up 10 R 3010 3010 4010 30n 4010 3010 4010 2010 30sec 30sec 90sec Osec 90sec Osec Osec 90sec * Fmeans tofaiture. ‘Once youreach {allure pausein the top position for 20secand goagain tofature Repeat ‘Wwice more. + Inthe fnat set, perform the stated reps, then reduce ‘the weight by 5% “andrepeat. Do the same again and rest ** [After your final set ‘gostraightinto Set 5 without resting. 12 Week Body Plan (© Leon aninctine bench with Your feet on the floor directly under your knees. Hold the bar with an ‘verhand grip shoulder- ‘width apart, Slowly lower the bar to Your chest, taking your elbows out to 90°, until the bars almost touching the middle of your chest or just over yournippes. Drive your feet hard into the ‘floor and push the bar back strongly tothe sta position. Oy MICRO ERHERER © HOG | 6 — iit eee Ue on an inctine bench holding a dumbbell in each hand directly above your chest with palms facing. Make sure your head and upper back are supported on the bench and that your feet are flat on the floor. ° ° (© Keeping alight bendin your elbows, slowly lower the ‘weights out tothe side as far as is comfortable, Use your chest to reverse the movement andraise the weights back tothe top. ° (©. Grip pallet bars, keeping your body upright. With your elbows pointing ° straight back, lower your body as far a5 you can comfortably go without stressing your shoulders. (© Keep your core braced and don't swing yourlegs for momentum, (©. Press back up powerfully but don't tock out your elbows at the top. Cree eur Pearce Peay rete ‘ bel Tye hy I3al Spider curl (© Lean over apreacher bench with your chest flat againstitand your arms fully extended holding an EZ-bar with anarrow grip. (© Curt the bar up to shoulder height, keeping your elbows against the padding ©. Stowiy tower the bar back down in three seconds until your arms are straight, then flex your ‘wiceps at the bottom, © Lieonadectine bench, holding an EZ-bar above you with straight arms. Slowly lower the bar towards the top of your head by bending your elbows, Which should point tthe celing throughout © Without arching your back, slowly return the barto the stat position by straightening your arms. Na Cert Poeun Cece ener’ Penmaes 12 Week Body Pian Oy Se RHEE O LOM f 6 [al Standing cable hammer curl JN4b] Incline EZ-bar triceps press (© Standtalthotding a double towards your chin. © Lieonabench setata20" lockout your elbows at rope cable handle, attached too squeeze yourbiceps atthe angle holding anEZ-bar with _thetp. ‘the ow pulley ofa eable arora ater teniena narrow, overhand grip. © Stowiy lower the weight machine, with your palms tothe star. flexing your © Keep your feet faton the bback down to your chest, {acing each other. tricepsat the very bottom. floor and your back against keeping your elbows close to (© Keeping your elbows next the bench yourside. {to your body, curt your hands © Press the weight directly Uuptoraise the handles above your head but don't © Startina press-up Position but with your hands close together so that your thumbs and index fingers touch to form a slamond shape. Keeping your body ina straight ine from head to heels, lower your chest astar as youcan before Powering back up stronoly. fer au i ny Care, ° Congratulations! If you've stuck to the programme your muscles will ache in places you didn’t know you had muscles and you'll be very bored with your diet, but you're close to being in possession of a brand new body. This penultimate microcycle is about putting the finishing touches to your physique, so you need to stay focused. With 41 gruelling sessions in the bag, you're probably tired, so it may be time to reduce the workout intensity and prevent overtraining. If you still feel relatively good, by all means push harder by adding a drop-set to each exercise. But if you've been following everything perfectly, you shouldn't really want or be able to. HOW To DO ce THESE WORKOUTS bh stanly Do workout 42 (back and shoulders), [atea 43 (legs) and 44 (chest and arms) in order, before advancing to the next ee microcyee: Never workout o0 more Poa Sareea ters PERCENTAGE Px ‘ aes Pull-up 3 8 4010 10sec Dumbbell pull-over 3 10 3m Osec Seated cable row 3 2 3010 90sec Reverse bench row 3 R 30m Osec Seated dumbbell shoulder press 3 10 4010 90sec Incline reverse dumbbell flye 3 20 2010 Osec Face pull 3 20 2010 90sec Grab the bar with an overhand grip with your ‘2 Week Body Pian, hands shoulder-width apart Start from adead hang with Your arms fully extended. Pull yourself up by squeezing your lats together. ‘nce your chinis higher than your hands pause briefly, then stowty lower Yourself back tothe start. MICRO 2 / y Ee *5" ] (© Liefatonabench with your head and shoulders supported and your feet flaton the floor. (© Hold a single dumbbell over Your chest with both hands. and engage your core. © Slowly lower the weight behind your head, keeping a slight bend in your elbows. Don't arch your back. (© Raise the weight back over yourhead tothe start position oc Ce concentrate on using Roun oer erent DBSarenern © Siton the seat holding D-handle in each hand, "Make sure theres tension in the cable before you begin. © Pullthe handles in to your sternum, keeping upper~ body movement toa ‘minimum, and squeeze your shoulder blades together. (© Returnstowiy tothe start ° ‘ BACK AND SHOULDERS bench holding a barbell wth wide overhand grip. Keeping your chest on the bench, row the barbell up, leading with your elbows, Return tothe start Siton an upright bench holding a dumbbell in each hand at shoulderheight. Keep your feetflaton the floor, your core braced, your back against the bench and your head ooking forward. Press the weights up powerfully unt your arms are fully extended then retur stowly tothe start 12 Week Body Plan MICRO oo ee 7 ] | Incline reverse dumbbell flye Lie chest-forward on an incline bench holding a ‘dumbbell in each hand, With a stight bendin your elbows, raise the weights ‘out to your side until they reach shoulder height, then return to the start Hold adouble-rope attachment that's fixed tothe high pulley on a cable machine ‘Start with your arms fully extended and your palms. facing the floor. Pullthe handles towards Yyourhead - keeping your "upper arms paralleto the floor - so thatthe handles go to-cither side of yourface. Return tothe star [aa ata claro REPS TEMPO ita y | Squat | si 12 | 4010 | 60sec Walking dumbbell lunge 5 70m x 120sec Reverse sled drag 5 7om x 80sec Calf raise Restthe bar against the back of your shoulders not on your neck and. hold it with an overnand rp slightly wider than Your shoulders. Keep your elbows pointing down. Your feet should be just Wider than shoulder-width apart with your toes pointing ‘outwards slighty ‘Squat down until your thighs are atleast parallel tothe floor. The deeper you can squat, the better. Drive backup through yourheets. 12 Week Body Plan 2 j MICRO aE “5 ] Walking dumbbell lunge Reverse sled drag ‘Stand facing away froma, long, clear pathway holding sled strapin ‘each hand, Keeping your corebraced {and your arms ‘straight, sprint backwards 33 fastas you can tthe end, tum ‘around and sprint back to the start Standin front af along, clear Push off from your pathway holding a dumbbell back foot and lunge Ineach hand. forward with that le, Keeping your core braced, Repeat until youhave covered take abig step forward and the stated distance. lunge down untit both knees are bent at 90° iG Siton the machine - having adjusted the weight plates ‘or stack, depending on the ‘equipment - with your toes on the platform. Release the safety catch and go up onto your tiptoes, keeping your body stable, Pause briefly before returning tothe stat, ensuring that your heel ‘90¢s below the level of the platform fora full range of motion. Ces eon uae cas Pent ees [aa ata claro REPS TEMPO ita y | Incline dumbbell bench press | 3 10 | 4010 | 90sec Incline dumbbell fiye 3 10 3110 Osec Triceps dip 3 10 4010 90sec Incline dumbbell curt 3 10 3m Osec Decline EZ-bar triceps press 3 R 4010 90sec EZ-bar preacher curl 3 10 3010 Osec Standing overhead cable triceps extension 3 10 3010 90sec Incline dumbbell bench press Leona bench set at 245" angle holding a ‘dumbbell in each hand at shoulder-height Keep your feetflaton the floor and your back against the bench, Press the weight directly above yourhead but don'tlock out your elbows atthe top. Slowty lower the weight back downto your chest, flaring your elbows outto the side. Ce igeeetocd erty eel es 12 Week Body Plan Cae MICRO eT *5" ] cline dumbbell flye Ue on an inctine bench holding a dumbbell in each hand directly above your chest with palms facing. Make sure your head and upper back are supported on the bench and that your feet are flat on the floor. Keeping a slight bendin your elbows, siowly lower the ‘weights out tothe side as far as is comfortable. Use your chest to reverse the movement andraise the weights back tothe top. keeping 3 With your elbows pointing straight back, lower your body as far a5 you can comfortably go without stressing your shoulders. Keep your core braced and don't swing your legs for momentum. Press back up powerfully but don't tock out your elbows a the top. bel Tye hy Siton abench set at an incline of between 30° and ‘45 holding a dumbbeltin each hand, Keeping your back flat against the bench and your elbows close to your sides, slowly curt both dumbbells upto shoulder height Squeeze your biceps atthe top ofthe move before slowy returning the star. ar Lh aes iti) © Cock your wrists back to pe perce ety PTs Lie fat on a bench holding anEZ-bar witha close, ‘overhand grip. Aim to have afistsized gap between your hands. Keep your head, shoulders and back supported by the bench with your core braced and feet flat on the floor. Lower the bar slowly to your chest, keeping Your elbows cose to Your sides tokeep the ‘emphasis on your triceps. Push back up powerfully, but ddon'tlock out your elbows. Cee eo triceps. As youtire et Pomc neenrty Paneer 12 Week Body Pian Sitata preacher bench holding an E2-bar with an underhand grip Keeping your elbows on the bench, curt the bar up towards your chin Lower back slowly tothe start. ‘Avoid rocking back and forth togenerate momentum, hich takes the emphasis away from the biceps. Cee rear See cere Stand all holding a double-rope handle attachedto the low pulley ofa cable machine, ‘Turn away from the machine with your hands behind your hhead and your elbows at either side, Keeping your elbows next to Your head, press the handles Up and forwardto straighten your arms. Flex your triceps atthe top ofthe move, then. return othe start and flex your biceps. ‘ 123 FINE-TUNING Deplete your muscles’ energy stores to make them pop This final microcycle is designed to deplete your muscle cells of their glycogen rather than causing more muscular damage, because at this stage you're preparing your body to look its best on the big day. If you then carb-load all the fuel floods into your muscles, making them look and feel fuller and bigger - perfect for a cover shoot. Although these two sessions are low- volume compared with the ones you've been doing, they're still tough and you may feel as if you're lifting through treacle during each set. Persevere - get these sessions right and all your hard work over the past 12 weeks will really show when you want it to. MICROCYCLE 8 Een W251) Eau PERCENTAGE a5 aes Walking dumbbell lunge Hex bar deadlift Lying hamstring curt Sissy squat Incline dumbbell curt Decline EZ-bar triceps press Incline hammer curl Decline EZ-bar triceps extension Walking dumbbell lunge Standin front of along, clear pathway holding a dumbbell In each hand. Keeping your core braced, {take abig step forward and lunge down until both knees are bent 3 90° Push off rom your back foot and unge forward with that eg. Repeat until youhave covered he stated distance. Oe ee Rarer ieoutanes Pee red Poe ‘2 Week Body Pian, Ue onthemachine,following raise itup by contracting Atsinstructions to position ‘your hamstrings. ‘yourself correctly and safely Return slowly tothe start ‘With the pad against the ‘back of your lower calves, With your feet shoulder-width apart, go.up onto the balls of your feet holding a bench orother stable object for balance but not for support. Squat down as deep as you can, thrusting your hips {forward uni you feel a good Stand with ahex barn front ‘of you. Squat down, keeping your chestup, and take hold Of ahandle on each sie. Use your glutes to power the Inti, pushing down through your heels. {asthe bar passes your knees, push your hips forward, then tower the weight sothatitjust touches the loor before repeating Sean eens Pte ota stretchin your quads. Your torso wil lean back and Yourknees will go ahead of Yyourtoes. Raise yourself four-fths of ‘the way tothe star position and then squat down again, BN rem Tra)Xa eT Sitonabench setatan incline of between 30" and 45’ holding a dumbbell Ineach hand. Keeping your back flat ‘against the bench and your elbows close to your sides, slowly curl both dumbbells Lup to shoulder height Squeeze your biceps atthe top of the move before slowly returning tothe start. Le ona dectine bench holding an E2-bar above you with straight arms. Slowly lower the weights ‘towards your chest, keeping Your elbows close to your ides throughout Press back up strongly to the star 12 Week Body Plan Siton an upright bench holding a dumbbell in each hhand with your palms facing each other. Keeping your elbows lose to your sides, slowly raise both dumbbells toshoulder height, squeezing your biceps athe top ofthe move. Slowly return the weights to the start position and repeat. Le ona decine bench holding an EZ-bar above you with straight arms. Slowly lower the bar towards the top of your head by bending your elbows, Which should point atthe celing throughout. Without arching your back, slowly return the bar tothe start position by straightening your arms. EXERCISE Chin-up Triceps dip Reverse bench row Incline dumbbell bench press Seated cable row Dumbbell bench press Face pull Cable crossover Grab the bar with an lunderhand grip with your hands shoulder-width apart. Start from a dead hang with Your arms fully extended. Pull yoursetf up by squeezing your lats together. Once your chinis higher ‘than your hands, lower Yourself back to the start. Cra eee) eas errs preteen ‘2 Week Body Plan Cae MICRO ( CYCLE \ ET ‘9 | Triceps dip Grip parallel bars, keeping your body upright. With your elbows pointing, straight back, lower your body as far 35 you can comfortably go without stressing your shoulders. Keep your core braced and dont swing your legs for ‘momentum. Press back up powerfully but don't tock out your elbows at the tp. Le chest-fiston anincline bench holding a barbell wth ‘wide overhand grip Keeping your chest on the bench, row the barbell up, leading with your elbows, Return tothe start ‘ CHEST, BACK AND SHOULDERS Incline dumbbell bench press Lie ona bench set ata 445’ angle holding a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder-height. Keep your feetflat on the floor and your back against the bench Press the weight directly above your head but don't lock out your elbows atthe top. Return tothe start wt aot! Sitonthe bench with slight _stemum, keeping upper- Leona flat bench holding a lock out your elbows atthe bend in your knees holding body movement toa ‘dumbbell in each handat top. Return to the start double-D handle attached to minimum, and squeeze your shoulder height. the lower pulley of acable shoulder blades together. aay pote ioed a ine machine - witha neutral rip. © Return stowty to the stat. floor and your back against Ensure that there s tension in the bench. the cable before you begin. Press the sgh Pullthe handleinto your above your head but don't ‘2 Week Body Pian Oy S22 | ET ‘g ] Hold adouble-rope attachment that's fixed tothe high pulley on cable machine ‘Start with your arms fully extended and your palms facing the floor. Pullthe handles towards Yyourhead - keeping your ‘upper arms parallel tothe floor so that the handles go toeither side of yourface, Return tothe star Standin the middle of a cable machine with a split stance holding a D-handle attachment in each hand, with the cable set above shoulder height Keeping anaturatarchin your back, your core braced and upper body stl, bring Your hands down in an areto ‘meetin front of your chest Pause briefly and squeeze your chest muscles before returning slowly tothe start, keeping the weight Under full control or oe ents pues Pers handles together. 133 ABS AND eh Carve a rock-hard six-pack and blast away the last traces of fat to complete your transformation If you've followed this programme to the S y’ letter then you've strongly stacked the odds of = possessing a genuinely impressive six-pack in your favour. However, if you're like Joe, genetics may be holding you back a touch and preventing your now leaner stomach from exhibiting hard abs. Don’t worry, that’s easy to fix. This chapter contains all the advice you need to work your abs and build greater muscle mass and thickness, which will really make them stand out. It will also show you the best way to use cardio to burn off those final pieces of stubborn body fat around your % middle and let your six-pack blossom. The science behind ‘The best moves for The only cardio geting» shepace rand abs Sessions that bur fat © 135 TP yo at SIX-PACK SCIENCE Struggling to reveal your abs despite endless crunches? It's probably because you're doing the wrong exercise. Here's everything you need to know about getting the perfect six-pack DOreEre rr Anatomically speaking, the six-packis the rectus abdominus, a paired muscle that runs vertically on each side of the front of the abdomen, separated down the middle by ‘band of connective tissue ‘alled the linea alba, or white line. I's this line and those that run horizontally across this ‘muscle group that create the six distinct parts of a six-pack re yale muscle do? Its an important postural muscle responsible for flexing your spine forwards. Italso assists with breathing, stabilises the torso during exercise and protects your internal organs from impact. Ore Pesan Everyone has a six-pack butmost people cantt see thetrs for one simple reason: it's hidden under a layer of fat. Men are predisposed to storing body fat around the stomach, Whereas women keep theirs Con their hips and bottom. f you have excess body fat, is going to prevent your abs from being con full display. Seis PCr ar For years people have believed - wrongly - that lots of cardio training in the at-burning zone’ was the only way to shift body fat (see box, below). Infact, the best way to effectively burn away excess. fatis by doing weight training {and high-intensity cardio, such as sprints. These approaches increase your heart rate and your ‘metabolism (the rate at which your body burns calories), so your fat stores have to be used as fuel, You also need to follow high-protein diet and control Your intake of carbohydrates, THE FAT-BURNING ZONE MYTH ore ccnen ad Tree ee aa Perera ed Donnan ete en eat TM ee Cree rete tad pote ae tee aay eae) Dried Ore cert 136 12 Week Body Plan Couey ee osetia Pec) increase levels ofthe stress reel High cortisol levels Paes Ceres and break down muscle for Ceo tee Peers BS reticoi Which flood your body with energy that not only prevents you from burning fat but also increases fat stores'f you don't se up all that energy. Dr Besar BCE eee Heavy compound tts, such as squats, deadlifts and overhead presses, work the entire abdominal region far harder than sit-ups or crunches. That's because the six-pack muscles are responsible for stabilising your torso and must therefore work hard to keep your upper body ina stable, secure position Whenever you lit heavy weights. However, exercises that directly target the abs should also be included in any training programme to work the muscles as hard as possible and promote ‘maximum growth, Pin concecy for directly targeting Led Not sit-ups, despite the widespread view that they are. They allow the hip flexor muscles to dominate the move, not the abs, so they! never build a six-pack regardless of the hours you dedicate to them. Planks, however, are of conjugated tinolec ‘acid and omega 3s than the kind fed on grain Eating free-range fee's tess tke a fvolous luxury if you tink off this way. Sonutritonally dissimilar to cage-rearesthatits basialyalfferent food. ‘What's going to make you fatter: 2,000 calories from ice cream or 2,000 calories from white fish and veg? You know the answer to this already’ nes i) Thisis key. Follow this outer aisles of the rule and you'lend up supermarket, which is. following allthe others where the fresh produce ‘almost by default. A is usually kept for ease of simple rule of thumb transportation, and away isto eat oniy food that from the interior where grew out of the ground everything's canned, or once had aface. Or go processed or packed caveman and think like a full of preservatives. hunter-gatherer. When Avoid things containing looking at something on preservatives that you the shelf, ask yourself can't spell or ingredients ifitwould have existed you wouldn't keep in 5,000 years ago. If Your kitchen cupboard the answer’sino, you Eat things that will rot probably shouldit eat it, eventually so you know You may find it they're fresh. Andtry to easiertostick tothe ——_enjoyit. eo 153, —§£— me USING CARBS CORRECTLY When building muscle and burning fat, using carbs can be one of the best ways to get ripped, as Nick Mitchell explains > Carbohydrates have a pretty bad LW rap when it comes to muscle building and fat loss. They cause insulin tevels to spike, which can result in ‘your body storing more energy as fat rather than using fat for energy. But ‘manipulating your carb intake is one of the best ways to get bigger and leaner. ‘You just need to be lean enough in the first place to deserve those carbs. At first glance, Joe's det looks a lot like the dreaded Atkins diet. This isnt the case bbut you'll go a long way to understanding how to eat for fat loss if you can grasp that controling your blood sugar is of paramount importance. This means carbs ‘should only be introduced when and if your body can handle them property. The bad news is thatf you're out of shape you can't handle them. The good news s that weight training and getting leaner and more muscular improves insulin sensitivity, so fewer of the carbs ‘you ingest go into fat cells and go instead Into muscle cells where we want them to go. This means that as the 12 weeks of the programme progress, you may in fact benefit from adding carbs into your diet at ‘some point Joe is naturally tolerant of carbs, as {s the case with most naturally skinny individuals. However, years of bad eating had hampered this ablity to deal with them, so we needed to stick to a very low-carb diet forthe inital weeks to get his body used to using fat as energy, rather than dietary carbohydrates, and to Improve is insulin sensitivity that would in tum also make it easier to add muscle. After traning hard and following a tow- carb diet for two to six weeks, most 154 12 Week Body Plan Individuals will benefit from selectively ‘adding the right carbs into their diet. However, rather than simply eating carbs ‘ona daily basis, science and anecdotal ‘experience have shown that cycling your Intake with tow, medium and high-intake days will produce much better results for fatloss and muscle building, This way you get the muscle-building benefit of high-carb days with the fat- loss benefits of lower-carb days, all while keeping your metabolism properly revved ‘up with fluctuating dally calorie intakes. Unfortunately there's no one-size-fitsall ‘approach to carb cycling. What worked in Joe's case may not work in yours, so it's important to read this part thoroughly to understand what you need to do. Pay very close attention to your body's feedback and adjust your intake according to the criteria we lay out for you below. After adhering to my seven diet rules, explained above, for the first two weeks ‘Manipulating your carb intake is one of the best ways to get bigger and leaner’ of the programme, you need to start reviewing your progress to determine ‘when you need to reintroduce carbs. You'll know the time is right when you're eating, sufficient quantities ofthe foods outlined Inthe diet but are beginning to suffer the following symptoms: © You feet sluggish all the time. © You're not getting a decent pump ea when you weight-train and your energy levels while training are generally much lower than usual. © You normally sieep well but now your sleep is disturbed. © You're noticeably more iritable than normal. If you are genuinely noticing these changes - and not just desperately craving a bagel - youneed to reintroduce carbs slowly. When the time comes to add them to your diet, startin the first week by adding 50g of carbs to your post-workout shake. Joe used Poliquin Quadricarb but any fast-acting carb powder will do, If this small addtion of carbs helps to relieve the symptoms, the next step is to add a large bowl of porridge ~ made with water, not milk - before you go to bed fon those days that you tran. If you can't stomach porridge, you can substitute it Routes SOT en Mz) food affects your blood-sugar levels. eee with a medium-size serving of wild rice, ' or sweet potatoes. Ifafter two weeks of consuming these additional carbs you continue to feel better and are seeing yourself become leaner, thisis the time to start thinking about more aggressive carb-cycling strategies. Because we're interested in aggressive fat loss, for carb cycling to be effective youalso need to manage ‘your calorie intake. When you add and the quicker insulin levels rise. Eras ec erect Ponies Se ee eco Rien ‘carbs, you mustremove calories from that day's diet by reducing your protein and/or fat intake Before you freak out that eating less protein will result in a loss of your new muscles, don't worry — it ‘won't, especialy if you've been eating at the high end of the 4g per kilogram of bodyweight as have advised. A good rule of thumb isi ‘you add 100g of carbs to your diet, take away 50-1009 of protein, but never let your protein intake fall below 2g per kilo of bodyweight. 5-DAY CARB CYCLING TOC ea) Seen eae eee Cre er ea eee cy Cetera ue cs Ree ec ey Pier ence Cuenta PU cure cana ee hues ted erecta cheer ators Ve Pens ry Carbs: ey VAL Perey Carbs: i) a eed after training Vey Perel) (three servings ent) oa Vea Peet 155 WEEKLY MEAL PLAN GS Now you know tne food UF rules you need to stick to over the course ofthe 12- week challenge, you'e armed with al the information you need to get started. However, if you are unsure of how all the rules fit together in your shopping trolley ~ rather than Just on paper here's a seven- day menu thats typical of the one Joe followed during his transformation Clear your cupboards You're more tkely to make bad food choices if you have tempting, unhealthy foods in your kitchen, Before you start the challenge, make sure you have a proper clear-out, Is also worth throwing away any takeaway menus you don’t want to be reminded cof what you need to avoid ‘eating, and not having them at hand makes youtess likely to ‘ive into temptation. Finally, stock up on all the foods and snacks that will be the staples of your det for the next few months. And talk to ‘your local butcher so you can be kept up-to-date on the best-quality stock he getsin. 156 12 Week Body Plan MONDAY ryt yd Cea Ces Roast beef slices with Chicken breast with handful of brazil nuts handful of almonds CNN ‘Two boiled eggs Gee Beta-alanine shake with caffeine Sec ‘Whey protein shake with creatine Ham salad COTTER Raw vegetables with guacamole ee Tuna salad {green vegetables Chicken breast with roasted vegetables Wii Bacon and two boiled eggs CONTE Tinof salmon Eee Beta-alanine shake with caffeine Se ‘Whey protein shake Turkey salad CaO ETE Tinof tuna Cod filet with steamed vegetables Polya —— Peas Roast chicken slices with, handful of brazil nuts ‘Two scrambled eggs Chicken stir-fry CEE Raw vegetables ‘with guacamole Steak with roasted vegetables: Pry ae - ——_—_— CEIaSa CEES Ham omelette with Bacon and two ‘handful of almonds scrambled eggs CONDI Tinof salmon Handful of almonds Ee ecla GaSe cld Beta-alanine shake Beta-alanine shake with caffeine with caffeine POSeU CLIC POS ‘Whey protein shake Whey protein shake with creatine wth creatine Tin of sal Raw vegetables with guacamole Saas Steak with roasted DOE vegetables. Minced Beef chill with vegetables Brora ‘Turkey slices with a handful of brazit nuts Protein shake CaO DEES Raw vegetables with guacamole Roast beef with steamed vegetables 157 Read on to find out which pills and powders. can aid fat loss, boost muscle growth and help you to recover faster HELPING HAND ... MEM Cel ele] Coa IAM COL 1M VOU a Cele ft) hy sy There can be a lot of confusion when it comes to supplements and what you need to take and when in order to assist your gains. The most important thing to remember is that supplements are just that - they're supposed to supplement your diet, never replace it. Consistently eating good-quality food is far more important in getting a better body than popping a few pills. That said, the right supplements can make a tremendous difference towards your progress, and this chapter will explain everything you need to know about the best muscle-building, fat-loss and general health supplements available. ‘ WHAT SUPP? Nick Mitchell answers your most common supplement queries (A scxipting your pecs, but do they rma nueva gence isa cose ane aoa 160 12Week Body Plan If [take the right combination of supplements, can I get ripped without working out? ‘Sadly, no. Anyone who tells you that a magic formula can give you massive biceps and sculpted abs is, \ying, Eat right, train hard tallor your supplement use to your goals and choose well-researched and tested | products, and you'll see results. ‘The point | make about supplements is that they're ‘supplementary, not essentials. If you can afford them and | you have your training and diet spot- on, then by all means experiment ‘with them, Just remember, there is no substitute for correct eating and hard | training, and thatit’s possible to make amazing progress lust by sticking very much to the basics. Supplements are | your icing on top of the cake when it ‘comes to getting maximal result. Can't | get all the nutrition Ineed from my daily diet? I you tive on a tropical island wath ‘no pollution and naturally grown and reared food then possibly, yes. But if you live somewhere like the UK, with its mass-produced food (quantity not | quality) and its polluted environment, | then supplements have a huge role to play. Almost everyone, for ‘example, should take a good- ‘quality probiotic, ish ol ‘and a multivitamin, just for basic good health, When trying to enhance body ‘composition, we ‘would look at| performance- related supplements suchas creatine. However, | always come froma position that we optimise health first before looking at more esoteric supplements, simply because the healthier the body, the better your ability to put on muscle and burn body fat. Do Ineed to take supplements on the days I'm not training? Yes. You get stronger as you recover from exercise, so making sure you're getting enough nutrients on your rest days is essential to keep your muscles fuelled and encourage fat stores to be used as energy. Remember, the training in this programme stimulates an adaptive Fesponse - fat burning and muscle ‘Anyone who tells you that a magic formula can give you massive biceps and sculpted abs is lying’ building - but it's what you do outside the gym when you'te recovering that {governs whether that stimulation has the raw materials and environment to produce the right effect Should I be waking up in the middle of the night to take certain supplements? Definitely not. You might have heard about bodybuilders getting tp at 3am to neck a quick shake, but as, soon as you're awake for more than three seconds you disrupt the production of melatonin, which is one of the most important hormones in building muscle, Focus on getting good-quality sleep and leave the alarm clock for the ‘morning only. What alot of guys do ~ and this is amistake Imade when | was younger - is have aprotein shake waiting for them if they wake up to go to the tollet, know this sounds rather innocuous and on the surface the logic Is impeccable - if you're already awake, then why not get some extra nutrition In? — butts a mistake because of the hormonal impact of food on ‘breaking your fast. Research has now shown that a seven- to ten-hour fasting window, which naturally occurs when we sleep, is fantastic for maximising ‘growth-hormone production and promoting a lean and mean physique. Are supplements safe to take? ‘As sports supplements are technically classified as food, they aren't subject to the same strict ‘manufacturing, safety testing or labelling as licensed medicines, so there's no guarantee they're living up to thelr claims, The EUis currently looking into the situation with a view to introducing stricter guidelines, but inthe meantime it's up to individual ‘manufacturers to maintain the quality of their own products, Look for supplements that are 1S0 17025 certified, which means they've been subjected to rigorous checks during the'r production. Can I fail a drugs test after taking supplements? Maybe. If you'r a serious enough sportsman to be tested, you must be cautious about supplements that ‘may contain stimulants or prohormones, A survey by an international Olympic Committee-accredited laboratory in Cologne looked for steroids in 634 supplements and found 15% per cent contained substances that would cause a failed drug test, although none Contained steroids. If yourre concerned, contact your sports federation and ask them about the supplement in question, 161 To make Joe's mission even more effective, Nick Mitchell had him take a variety of supplements. Here are the all the pills and potions he used over the 12 weeks and how they worked Iemc WHAT? A type of protein derived from dairy products, ‘which is typically found in powder form, WHEN? SOgina post-workout shake. WHY? Whey is digested ‘quicker than any other type of protein, makingit ideal to rapidly replenish your muscle tissues after traning and kick- start protein synthesis, or the process where new muscle fibres are built, resulting in bigger and stronger muscles. Ey WHAT? BCAAs, or branched- chain amino acids, are taken during heavy welght-training Each capsule contains an ideal ‘anabolic (muscle-building) ratio ofthe three amino acids, leucine, isoleucine and valine. WHEN? 40-609 during every workout WHY? Taking BCAAs during ‘your workout has numerous benefits, including preventing the breakdown of muscle tissue and post-workout soreness, and increasing post- ‘workout muscle recovery and 162 12 Week Body Plan testosterone levels, Nick had Joe take three capsules with water after every work set, Which worked out at between 40 and 60 per session. cul WHAT? A type of amino acid WHEN? About 30 minutes. before training Stick to the label guidetines for dosage. WHY? This supplement is ‘great for improving your levels of focus and concentration during your workouts. It also Increases the concentration of the dipeptide camosine inthe muscle, which allows you to perform more reps during those intense weight- lifting sessions, WHAT? A form of essential fatty acid. WHEN? 5g a day, | av WY? Omega 3 is mainly found in oy cold-water fish, such as salmon and anchovies, andis essential for good health. Research has shown ithelps to prevent a host of long-term alments, including cancer and heart disease. Its especially beneficial When you're trying to lose weight because it promotes the utlisation of existing fat stores for fuel. WHAT? An essential ‘mineral we can only get through our det WHEN? 10mg per day. WHY? We need zinc for hundreds of essential biological functions, not least for the production of testosterone. However, despite this, many men have low levels. This supplement helps to restore adequate zinc levels for better muscle- building potential. Topical magnesium WHAT? A cream applied to the skin to restore optimal ‘magnesium levels. WHEN? Two squirts behind each knee before bed WHY? Magnesiumis the fourth-most abundant mineral inthe body andinvolved in 300 essential biochemical reactions, ranging from eneray production in your celts to protein synthesis, making Itital for optimal athietic performance. Many people are deficient in magnesium and this cream can help to boost your levels. PE WHAT? A compound primarily found in red meat WHEN? 500mg per day. WHY? L-carnitine plays many roles in the body, specifically inhelping to use fat stores as fuel. Cam-Enhanced is a Convenient liquid form that also contains vitamins BS ‘and B12{to increase your fat- ‘burning potential and improve energy levels, WHAT? A vitamin made by your body when skin is ‘exposed to sunlight. WHEN? 25,0001U twice per week WHY? A lack of regular, strong sunlight in the UK ‘means most Brits are severely lacking in this crucial vitamin that supports bone health il WHEN? Two tablets each anda strong immune system. building blocks of muscle, Many studies also suggest you're not only wasting money with breakfast and lunch that vitamin may decrease on good food, youre also WHY? Compounds found in tisk formany diseases and —_ wasting timein the gym. hholy basil init your cortisol conditions, including certain Choose a form of the response when you're faced types of cancer, multiple supplement that contains with those daily disturbances sclerosis and hypertension, __ compounds that help you to that can make your blood a5 well as aidin weight loss extract vitamin B12 andiron, boil. Having high levels of {and even improve longevity. from food, both of which are this stress hormone in your vital for good energy levels, as well as pepsin herbal Gey bitter and gentian root, all WHAT?HCHisa compound. of which help to fire up your that helps your body to break digestive system, down the food you eat more efficientiy an effectively Holy bast WHEN? One tabletatermeas. GETIEES WHY? If your stomach cant WHAT? An aromatic plant break down food into the grownin the tropics systems very damaging and ‘can result in your body storing ‘more fat around your belly. Available in products such as Holy Basil Supreme, it can also protect the body from the effects of both physical land chemical stress and will boost your energy levels in the ‘morning and afternoon 163 surpuemenrs-| MUSCLE UP When you want to add lean muscle mass, these are the best supplements to help you reach your goals ‘workout when you need us Toh aninstant hit but ideal for The post- consuming before bed. workout protein Have tin a shake with Wheyisafast-release water before turning in for protein, which means tis the night. This means your Quickly digested andso gets muscles will receive quality into your bloodstream - and protein while you sleep, which therefore your muscles -fast. is when they are repaired What you consume after and rebut training is one of the most important meals youeat,so ETSY ‘make sure you buy a high- duality product. The muscle pill Your muscles are most Branched-chain amino receptive to nutrients as soon acids are the best supplement as you finish training, so drink to take during your workouts aprotein shake as soonas —_—because they help to keep Yyourffinalrepis completed. __a steady supply of proteins. ‘Aim for a minimum of 40g flowing into your muscles. This, of whey protein powder. has been proven to aid muscle building as itreduces the ‘amount of muscle loss during exercise and improves protein synthesis, which is the process by which new muscle tissue Is built. BCAAs can also help to prevent muscle loss during petiods of intermittent fasting plenty of water: creatine is, hygroscopic, soit will suck water into your muscles and ‘can leave you dehydrated. ‘The muscle booster Take up to 0.49 per The most anabolic Kilogram of bodyweight during amino acd, leucine can the course of your welght- independently stimulate traning session. Your body metabolses insulin secretion and muscle aS workouts to delver the post- workout elie round 80% of cow's milk, SR equrec energy to your ‘Ag dose of leucine for example Its a siow- . muscles, mother words, ater training and between release protein because it Som creatine helps you iftharder meals can increase the takes longer for your body to forlonger. Anabolic or muscle-bulaing digest, so you get more ofa Take 2-109 n your “ effect of food especially ‘rip-feed effect of protein Dost-workout shake to when consuming protein into your bloodstream over ES replenish lost stores, or split sources that are low in leucine longer period. Tis makes Your dose and have hat and which therefore might not itunstitable for taking The ackup generator before your workout and halt stimulate maximum muscle immeciatety after your for your muscles after And make sure you drink protein synthesis on their own 12 Week Body Plan LOC CC WHAT WHAT wHy wry HOw How Phosphatidyl serine WHAT wHy WHat way How ‘ THE BEST OF THE REST Use these health-boosting supplements to improve your all-round fitness performance WHAT The sun substitute WHY You should get your vitamin D from the sun but } that’s a foriorn hope for the average deskbound Briton = 20 minutes’ exposure is enough in the summer but according to the National Institute of Health, its impossible to get enough come the winter. Deficiency is common and linked to lower strength levels and increased body fat. thas also been linked to a number of diseases, including cancer, diabetes and depression, HOW It’s available in tablet form or as an oral spray. Official government recommendations are tow ~ aim for 3,0001U a day, ‘which has been proved safe in multiple studies. i's fat- soluble, so take it with a meal WHAT The wonder fluld WHY It’s important to include ‘omega 3 fats in your diet for ——_ health reasons, and taking ‘supplement can help you ‘to maintain a good omega 3to omega 6 ratio. Modern humans, as arule, consume far too much omega 6. 166 12 Week Body Pian w More specifically, studies have shown that fish oil supplementation results indecreased body fat and reduced inflammation, thas also been linked to increased ‘serotonin levels, more focus in training and less stress. HOW Take a spoonful with your meals. Most authorities recommend 1-49 a day, depending on how much oly fish is already included inyour diet WHAT he dlgeston helper wit HCL hyochone sedis responsbie tor digesting and breaking down animal poten Inyour stomach Taking a supplement wl ensue youre actly geting the Dene of Al the poten youre extn ifyou arent digesting and breaking down nutrients propery in yoursut then aloter supplements and healthy food could simply be wasted 28 you weritbe abe tbabsorb trem efecvey. HOW Take one or two tablets th each mea WHAT The backup plan WHY Although you shouldn't “Vitamin D de common and has been linked to lower strength levels and increased body fat’ rely on them to make up for a bad diet, a quality multivitamin can help tofillin the gaps in an otherwise solid eating plan. Deficiencies in vitamins ‘an cause mood swings, depression, lethargy and ‘exhaustion but taking a daily dose will keep you on the up and focused on your goals. There is also evidence that ‘a multivitamin can help you LBZ recover from a particularly tough workout. You should aim to take multivitamins at a consistent time of the day. It makes sense to take them before ameal, for example, with aglass of water to aid absorption of their micronutrients. The gut calmer This amino acid should already be presentin your body. However, if you have problems with your digestion or are training hard, a supplement can be helpful to strengthen the lining of your gut and help protein synthesis. You have several options on how you take this, depending on your goals. Take 10g in water on an empty stomach before breakfast to ad in gut healing and function, or 10g post- workout to help replenish ‘your glutamine store. If you're ona low-carb diet, take 309 after your workout to enhance alycogen replenishment. Cen The body calmer Every organ needs magnesium, especialy the heart muscles and kidneys Ifyou stam on svat mineral you can experience anxety, sleep problems andirtabity also Reps tomaintain anormal heat thythm and ain the body's eneray production Nou shoul sick to the recommended dose of tess than 350mg 2 day and remember to take vith food taking magnesium supplements on an empty Stomach can ead to darthoea and'an upset stomach Or You nnn , ‘can use a magnesium spray or lotion, both of which are easily absorbed through the skin The masculine mineral Zinc s vital for your hhealth and immune system, ‘Our bodies can't store it, so you need to top up regularly The RDA intake for zinc {Tima for adult males - you ‘should take no more than 40mg, Don't take itwith coffee cr foods containing phytates ~ such as wholegrains - as they can block its absorption. For the best benefits take it ‘with animal proteins as they promote absorption, ‘ This simple workout planner allows you follow the 12-week training programme with ease and record all the weights you lift for every move, So it’s easy to chart your progress The only way to get the most out of every ye y session is to know exactly what you need to ¢ do as soon as you get in the gym. That's why a training diary is so important. All the exercises, sets, reps, tempo and rests are clearly detailed in each chapter, but the one thing that’s unique to you is the weight you need to lift. That's where this training log comes in. Simply note down the weight you used to successfully complete all the sets and reps and the desired tempo. Then you'll know what increase you need to make next time to keep your muscles growing and avoid a dreaded growth plateau. ‘Our simple-to-follow training log will help you keep track of the weights Yyouie lifting in each session. Just don't forget your pencil! > 169 EN Sry) cae KEEPING TRACK Do the workouts in order and record the weight lifted as you go to keep growing a weight you liftin each and every session inthis 12-week programme as you go, so you can keep track of your progress and, if necessary, make increases when that session comes around again. Increasing the weight i a vital clement in continuously increasing the size and strength of your muscles, white stil burning fat. The numbered columns underneath ‘Weight kg)’ represent that session's number, whichis why each columns labelled from (the first session) t0 46 (the final session). For full details of how to perform each move, Nick Mitchell's trainer tips and for any additional instructions highlighted by asterisks or other symbols, ust turn tothe full workout plan. The page number is indicated at the top of each session table. Cae Pera) eS ‘This training log allows you to record the Bos ES i 3 A iu Ja Chin-up 4 8 | 4010 | 90sec ‘b Incline bench press 4 8 | 4010 | 90sec 2a Rack deadlift 4 8 zm | 90sec 2b Triceps dip 4 @ | 4010 | 90sec 3a High pull 4 8 20 | 45sec 3b Decline plank with 4 25 | 2010 | 45sec alternate foot touch rar Grad So oC 2 B Ce Ta Squat 4 8° | 4010 | 90sec ‘b Lying hamstring curt 6 6° | 4c10 | 90sec 2a Incline back extension 4 8 aon | Osec 2b Calf raise 4 2 | 4010 | 90sec 3a Hanging leg raise 4 5 | 3010 | Osec 3b Decline dumbbell crunch] 4 2 | 3010 | 90sec 170 2 Week Body Plan Caer ee eed WEIGHT (kg) Eos Sa fu 9 2 15 Ja Pull-up 3 R 3m 60sec ‘1b Seated shoulder press 3 2 4010 60sec 2a Band pull 3 15 20X1 10sec 2b Bent-over row 3 2 3010 75sec ‘3a Dumbbell pull-over 3 10 aint Osec 3b Close-grip lat pull-down | 3 10 30m 10sec ‘3c Face pull 3 15 2010 90sec 4a Lateral raise 3 15 2010 45sec 4b Incline bench shrug 3 5 20T1 45sec eee WEIGHT (kg) Bon ES fou 10 3 16 Ja Safety bar squat+ 2 4 6010 90sec ‘Tb Kneeling hamstring curt | 4 a 4010 90sec 2 Safety bar squat 2 20 3001 180sec 3a Incline back extension 3 2 3012 10sec ‘3b Reverse hyperextension | 3 10 30m TOsec 4a Dumbbell step-up 3 5 2010 18OseC 4b Leg press 3 45" 2010 60sec ‘5 Farmer's walk 3 40m) x 90sec MICROCYCLE 2 Chest and arms WEIGHT (kg) Bo SETS REPS TEMPO fu 1" a 7 incline dumbbell bench press | 3 2 4010 90sec 2 Guillotine press 3 10° 4010 90sec 3a Decline bench press* 3 2 3010 60sec 3b EZ-bar preacher curl 3 2 4010 60sec a Incline hammer curl 3 10 3010 a5sec ‘4b Triceps press 3 2 3110 a5sec a Triceps pressdown 2 307 2010 Osec ‘5b Cable biceps curt 2 2a 2010 Osec 171 EN Sry) cae alist oh Cole ee ced WEIGHT (kg) Goad ESR 3 1 Underhand lat pull-down 2 10 4010 60sec 2 Seated cable row 2 10° 3010 60sec 3 Reverse bench row 1 10° 3010 90sec 4 Seated dumbbell shoulder press 1 Ss 3010 90sec 5 Cable lateral raise 2 12° 3010 60sec 6 Face pull 2) 12° 3010 60sec ro a Lying hamstring curl 2 o 4010 30sec ‘Ib Squat 2 rR" 3010 60sec 3b Reverse sled drag 4 40m x 90-120sec 4a Decline plank with foot touch 4 24 2m 30sec 4b Garhammer raise 4 RQ 2010 60sec Cory ‘Incline dumbbell bench press 2 10 3010 90sec 2 Incline dumbbell flye 2 2 3010 90sec 3 Pectoral dip 1 i 4010 90sec 4a Spider curl ie 2 30n 60sec 4b Decline EZ-bar triceps extension 2 12 4010 60sec Sa Standing cable hammer curl 2 “a 3010 60sec Sb Incline EZ-bar triceps press 2 R+ 4010 60sec 6 Diamond press-up 1 P, 3010 Osec 172 12Week Body Ptan bi oe Be eur cece WEIGHT (kg) la Rack deadlift z a 3m 90sec ‘Ib Seated dumbbell e 5 4010 90sec shoulder press. 2a Reverse incline 4 6 3010 90sec dumbbell row: 2b Dumbbell high pull 4 6 2010 90sec 3a Incline reverse lateral raise ie 1S 3010 Osec 3b Dumbbell shrug 3 1S 2010 Osec 3c Face pull 3 1S 2010 60sec roar la Squat 6 eo 4010 1SOsec ‘Ib Lying hamstring curt 6 4 4011 20sec 2a Reverse sled drag 4 40m x Osec 2b Dumbbell step-up 4 1S 2010 90sec Pasi feet Rey Be SETS REPS TEMPO fea WEIGHT (kg) EE] Fr 29 ‘a Incline bench press 5 5 4010 90sec ‘Tb Chin-up 5 5 ‘4010 90sec 2a Triceps dip 4 7 3010 75sec 2b Preacher dumbbell 4 i 3010 75sec hammer curl 3a Barbell rollout 4 6 ‘4010 60sec 3b Hanging leg raise 4 2 ‘4010 ‘90sec 173 EN Sry) cae Coy Bon So cu Ey 33 Ed Ja Pull-up 3 6 4010 10sec ‘ib Dumbbell pull-over ey 8 3010 TOsec ‘Tc Seated cable row 3 8 3010 WOsec ‘id Rack deadlift 3 10 zit TOsec 2a Seated shoulder press 3 6 4010 Osec 2b Cable lateral raise 3 10 2010 Osec 2c Cable upright row 3 R 2010 ‘90sec Boar Ea oa) fog Ey WEIGHT (kg) Evy 37 la Lying hamstring curl 4 6 3010 10sec ‘Ib Weighted glute bridge 4 10 201 Osec ‘Ic Walking dumbbell lunge 4 40m x 90sec 2a Front squat” 10 6 3010 Osec (2b Squat 10, 9 3010 60sec 3a Barbell rollout 4 6 4010 Osec 3b Hanging leg raise 4 RD 4010 30sec 3c Decline dumbbell crunch 4 2 2010 60sec Coa la Incline dumbbell bench press: 3 6 3no 10sec ‘Ib Decline bench press 4. 6 4010 10sec ‘Ic Dumbbell bench press 2. 6 4010 90sec 2a EZ-bar preacher curl 3 6 4010 WOsec 2b Incline dumbbell curl a 6 3no 10sec 2c Kneeling overhead cable curl - 6 3011 10sec 2d Triceps dip 3 6 4010 10sec 2e Decline lying triceps extension a 6 4010 Osec 2f Standing overhead triceps extension 3. 6 3no 45sec 174 12 Week Body Pian aT) Bos Soe Es ‘a Lat pull-down 2 10 4oi0 | 90sec ‘b Seated cable row 2 10° 3010 | 90sec 2a Reverse bench row 7 10" 3010 | Osec 2b Seated dumbbell shoulder press 7 15 3010 | 30sec Ba Cable lateral raise 2 2 3010 | Osec 3b Face pull 2 mz 3010 | 30sec 4 Barbell rollout 3 8 4010 | 60sec Sooo eso eas) Pit tes fou WEIGHT (kg) 40 Ja Lying hamstring curt 2 eo 4010 | 90sec ‘Tb Squat 2 2" 3010 | 120sec 2 Leg press 1 50 1010__| 180sec 3a Farmer's walk 4 30m x Osec 3b Reverse sled drag 4 30m x 180sec 4a Decline dumbbell crunch 4 2 3010 | 30sec 4b Toes to bar 4 10 3010 | Osec 4c Hanging leg raise 4 10 3010 | 60sec WEIGHT (kg) Bon Bao oo a ‘a Incline bench press 2 10 3010 | 30sec ‘1b Incline dumbbell flye 2 2 3010 | 30sec 2 Triceps dip 1 Fe 4010 | 90sec 3a Spider curt 2 2 3011 Osec 3b Decline EZ-bar triceps extension* | 2 2 4010 | 90sec 4a Standing cable hammer curt 2 2 3010 | Osec 4b incline EZ-bar triceps press 2 2 4010 | _Osec 5 Diamond press-up 1 a 2010 | 90sec 175 EN Sry) cae MICROCYCLE 7 Back and shoulders WEIGHT (kg) la Pull-up ie 8 4010 10sec ‘Ib Dumbbell pull-over z 10, 3m Osec ‘Ic Seated cable row ef 2 3010 90sec 2a Reverse bench row: - 12 301 Osec 2b Seated dumbbell shoulder press iz 10, 4010 90sec 3a Incline reverse dumbbell flye 3 20 2010 Osec 3b Face pull 3 20 2010 90sec Co ‘1Squat 5 2 4010 60sec 2a Walking dumbbell lunge ay 70m x 20sec 2b Reverse sled drag 5, 70m: x 180sec MICROCYCLE 7 Chest and arms WEIGHT (kg) ‘IIncline dumbbell bench press 3 10 4010 90sec 2a Incline dumbbell flye 3 10, 310 Osec 2b Triceps dip 3 10 4010 90sec 3a Incline dumbbell curt & 10 3m Osec 3b Decline EZ-bar triceps press * FS 4010 90sec 4a EZ-bar decline preacher curl 3 10 3010 Osec 4b Standing overhead triceps extension 3 10, 3010 90sec 176 T2week body plan ‘PIZ6 STD) Bras ESO od 45 Walking dumbbell lunge a 40m 2010 Osec Hex bar deadlift 5 20 2010 Osec Lying hamstring curl 5 10 20m ‘Osec ‘Sissy squat 5 5 2010 20sec Incline dumbbell curt a 5 2010 | Osec Decline EZ-bar triceps press 4 1S 2010 Osec Incline hammer curl 4 5 2on | Osec Decline EZ-bar triceps extension 4 Ss 2010 90sec PI30 WEIGHT (kg) Bras ES So 46 ‘Chin-up. 3 a7 2010 Osec Triceps dip 3 Ss 2010 75sec Reverse bench row 3 2 2010 Osec Incline dumbbell bench press 3 2 2010 75sec Seated cable row 3 5 3010 Osec Dumbbell bench press 3 5 3010 75sec Face pull 3 5 20n Osec Cable crossover ry 25 30n 60sec 177 Try 3 just £ FATIN.S 45 MINS, com et i \ issues for 1 and get the body you've always wanted! tla Ua tatty De URLS MMC Lute (© Meal plans that strip away fat Due uc aed RN hE acu) Deere ic PRN ear Re elec tog ey Mura ad a | i it par quoting code G1201BMB for print + digital or G1201PMB for print only If during your 3 issues, you decide Men's Fitness isn't for you, simply cancel and you wor't pay a penny more. 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