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Introduction To Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity: Dewey H. Hodges

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CB433-FM CB433/Hodges January 21, 2002 18:40

Introduction to Structural
Dynamics and Aeroelasticity
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia Institute of Technology
CB433-FM CB433/Hodges January 21, 2002 18:40
The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom
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Dewey H. Hodges G. Alvin Pierce 2002
This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception
and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without
the written permission of Cambridge University Press.
First published 2002
Printed in the United States of America
Typeface Times New Roman 10/12 pt. System L

A catalog record for this book is available from the British Library.
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Hodges, Dewey H.
Introduction to structural dynamics and aeroelasticity / Dewey H. Hodges, G. Alvin Pierce.
p. cm. (Cambridge aerospace series ; 15)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-521-80698-4
1. Airframes Design and construction. 2. Structural design. 3. Space
vehicles Dynamics. 4. Aeroelasticity. I. Pierce, G. Alvin. II. Title. III. Series.
TL671.6 .H565 2002

31 dc21 2001052552
ISBN 0 521 80698 4 hardback
CB433-FM CB433/Hodges January 21, 2002 18:40
Foreword page xi
1 Introduction 1
2 Structural Dynamics 5
2.1 Uniform String Dynamics 6
2.1.1 Equations of Motion 6
2.1.2 Standing Wave (Modal) Solution 9
2.1.3 Orthogonality of Mode Shapes 13
2.1.4 Using Orthogonality 14
2.1.5 Traveling Wave Solution 17
2.1.6 Generalized Equations of Motion 20
2.1.7 Generalized Force 25
2.2 Uniform Beam Torsional Dynamics 30
2.2.1 Equation of Motion 31
2.2.2 Boundary Conditions 33
2.2.3 Example Solutions for Mode Shapes and Frequencies 35
2.3 Uniform Beam Bending Dynamics 41
2.3.1 Equation of Motion 41
2.3.2 General Solutions 44
2.3.3 Boundary Conditions 45
2.3.4 Example Solutions for Mode Shapes and Frequencies 49
2.4 Approximate Solution Techniques 59
2.4.1 The Ritz Method 60
2.4.2 Galerkins Method 66
2.5 Epilogue 70
3 Static Aeroelasticity 80
3.1 Wind Tunnel Models 80
3.1.1 Wall-Mounted Model 80
3.1.2 Sting-Mounted Model 84
3.1.3 Strut-Mounted Model 85
3.1.4 Wall-Mounted Model for Application to Aileron Reversal 87
3.2 Uniform Lifting Surface 89
3.2.1 Equilibrium Equation 89
3.2.2 Torsional Divergence 92
3.2.3 Airload Distribution 94
3.2.4 Sweep Effects 96
3.3 Epilogue 109
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x Contents
4 Aeroelastic Flutter 114
4.1 Stability Characteristics 115
4.2 Aeroelastic Analysis of a Typical Section 119
4.3 Classical Flutter Analysis 124
4.3.1 One-Degree-of-Freedom Flutter 126
4.3.2 Two-Degree-of-Freedom Flutter 128
4.4 Engineering Solutions for Flutter 130
4.4.1 The k Method 131
4.4.2 The pk Method 132
4.5 Unsteady Aerodynamics 136
4.5.1 Theodorsens Unsteady Thin-Airfoil Theory 137
4.5.2 Finite-State Unsteady Thin-Airfoil Theory of Peters et al. 139
4.6 Flutter Prediction via Assumed Modes 143
4.7 Flutter Boundary Characteristics 147
4.8 Epilogue 151
Appendix: Lagranges Equation 155
A.1 Introduction 155
A.2 Degrees of Freedom 155
A.3 Generalized Coordinates 155
A.4 Lagranges Equations 156
A.5 Lagranges Equations for Conservative Systems 160
A.6 Lagranges Equations for Nonconservative Systems 162
References 164
Index 167
CB433-01 CB433/Hodges January 22, 2002 14:40
Aeroelasticity is the term used to denote the eld of study concerned with the
interaction between the deformation of an elastic structure in an airstream and the result-
ing aerodynamic force. The interdisciplinary nature of the eld can be best illustrated by
Fig. 1.1, which depicts the interaction of the three disciplines of aerodynamics, dynamics,
and elasticity. Classical aerodynamic theories provide a prediction of the forces acting on
a body of a given shape. Elasticity provides a prediction of the shape of an elastic body
under a given load. Dynamics introduces the effects of inertial forces. With the knowledge
of elementary aerodynamics, dynamics, and elasticity, the student is in a position to look at
problems in which two or more of these phenomena interact. One of those areas of interac-
tion is the eld of ight mechanics, which most students have studied in a separate course
by the senior year. The present text will consider the three remaining areas of interaction:
between elasticity and dynamics (structural dynamics),
between aerodynamics and elasticity (static aeroelasticity), and
among all three (dynamic aeroelasticity).
Because of their importance to aerospace system design, these are appropriate for study in
an undergraduate aeronautics/aeronautical engineering curriculum. In aeroelasticity one
nds that the loads depend on the deformation (aerodynamics), and the deformation de-
pends on the loads (structural mechanics/dynamics); thus one has a coupled problem. Con-
sequently, prior study of all three constituent disciplines is necessary before a study in
aeroelasticity can be undertaken. Moreover, a study in structural dynamics can be helpful
to develop concepts that are useful in solving aeroelasticity problems, such as the modal
It is of interest to note that aeroelastic phenomena have played a major role throughout
the history of powered ight. The Wright brothers utilized controlled warping of the wings
on their Wright Flyer in 1903 to achieve lateral control. This was essential to their success
in achieving powered ight because the aircraft was laterally unstable owing to the signi-
cant anhedral of the wings. Earlier in 1903 Samuel Langley made two attempts to achieve
powered ight fromthe top of a houseboat on the Potomac River. His efforts resulted in catas-
trophic failure of the wings due to aeroelastic divergence caused by insufcient torsional
stiffness. Torsional divergence phenomena were a major factor in the predominance of the
biplane design until the early 1930s when stressed skin metallic structural congurations
were introduced to provide adequate torsional stiffness for monoplanes.
The rst recorded and documented case of utter in an aircraft occurred in 1916. The
Handley Page O/400 bomber experienced violent tail oscillations as the result of the lack
of a torsion rod connection between the port and starboard elevators, an absolute design
requirement of today. The incident involved a dynamic twisting of the fuselage to as much
as 45 degrees in conjunction with an antisymmetric apping of the elevators. Catastrophic
failures due to aircraft utter became a major design concern during the First World War
and remain so today. R. A. Frazer and W. J. Duncan at the National Physical Laboratory
in England compiled a classic document on this subject entitled The Flutter of Aeroplane
CB433-01 CB433/Hodges January 22, 2002 14:40
2 1 / Introduction
elasticity dynamics structural
Figure 1.1 Schematic of the eld of aeroelasticity.
Wings as R&M 1155 in August 1928. This small document (about 200 pages) became
known as The Flutter Bible. Their treatment for the analysis and prevention of the utter
problem laid the groundwork for the techniques in use today.
Another major aircraft design concern that may be classied as a static aeroelastic
phenomenon was experienced in 1927 by the Bristol Bagshot, a twin-engine, high-aspect-
ratio English aircraft. As the speed was increased the aileron effectiveness decreased to zero
and then became negative. This loss and reversal of aileron control is commonly known
today as aileron reversal. The incident was successfully analyzed and design criteria were
developed for its prevention by Roxbee Cox and Pugsley at the Royal Aircraft Establishment
in the early 1930s. Although aileron reversal does not generally lead to a catastrophic failure,
it can be quite dangerous and is thus an essential design concern. It is of interest to note
that during this period of the early 1930s it was Roxbee Cox and Pugsley who proposed the
name aeroelasticity to describe these phenomena, which are the subject of this text.
In the design of aerospace vehicles, aeroelastic phenomena can result in a full spectrum
of behavior fromthe near benign to the catastrophic. At the near benign end of the spectrum
one nds passenger and pilot discomfort. One moves fromthere to steady-state and transient
vibrations that slowly cause the aircraft structure to suffer fatigue damage at the microscopic
level. At the catastrophic end, there are aeroelastic instabilities that can quickly destroy an
aircraft and result in loss of human life without warning. Aeroelastic problems that need
to be addressed by the aerospace system designer can be mainly static in nature, meaning
that inertial forces do not play a signicant role, or they can be strongly inuenced by
inertial forces. Although not the case in general, the analysis of some aeroelastic phenomena
can be undertaken by means of small deformation theories. Aeroelastic phenomena may
CB433-01 CB433/Hodges January 22, 2002 14:40
1 / Introduction 3
strongly affect the performance of an aircraft, positively or negatively. They may also
determine whether its control surfaces perform their intended functions well, poorly, or
even in the exact opposite manner of that which they are intended to do. It is clear then that
all these studies have very important practical consequences in many areas of aerospace
technology. The design of modern aircraft and space vehicles is characterized by the demand
for extremely lightweight structures. Therefore, the solution of many aeroelastic problems is
a basic requirement for achieving an operationally reliable and structurally optimal system.
Aeroelastic phenomena also play an important role in turbomachinery, in wind energy
converters, and even in the sound generation of musical instruments.
The most commonly posed problems for the aeroelastician are stability problems. Al-
though the elastic moduli of a given structural member are independent of the speed of the
aircraft, the aerodynamic forces strongly depend on it. It is therefore not difcult to imagine
scenarios in which the aerodynamic forces overpower the elastic restoring forces. When
this occurs in such a way that inertial forces have little effect, we refer to this as a static
aeroelastic instability or divergence. In contrast, when the inertial forces are important,
the resulting dynamic instability is called utter. Both divergence and utter can be catas-
trophic, leading to sudden destruction of the vehicle. Thus, it is vital for aircraft designers
to know how to design lifting surfaces that are free of such problems. Most of the treatment
of aeroelasticity in this text is concerned with stability problems.
Muchof the rest of the eldof aeroelasticityinvolves a studyof the response of aircraft in
ight. Static aeroelastic response problems constitute a special case in which inertial forces
do not contribute and in which one may need to predict the lift developed by an aircraft of
given conguration at a specied angle of attack, or determine the maximum load factor
such an aircraft can sustain. Also, problems of control effectiveness and aileron reversal
fall under this category. When inertial forces are important, one may need to know how the
aircraft reacts in turbulence or in gusts. Another important phenomenon is buffeting, which
is characterized by transient vibration induced by wakes behind wings, nacelles, or other
components of the aircraft.
All the above are treatable within the context of a linear analysis. Mathematically, lin-
ear aeroelastic response and stability problems are complementary. That is, instabilities
are predictable from examining the situations under which homogeneous equations pos-
sess nontrivial solutions. Response problems, however, are generally based on solution of
nonhomogeneous equations. When the system goes unstable, a solution to the nonhomoge-
neous equations ceases to exist, while the homogeneous equations associated with a stable
conguration have no nontrivial solution.
Unlike the predictions from linear analyses, in real aircraft it is possible for self-excited
oscillations to develop, even at speeds less than the utter speed. Moreover, large distur-
bances can bump a system that is predicted to be stable by linear analyses into a state of
large oscillatory motion. Both situations can lead to steady-state periodic oscillations for the
entire system called limit-cycle oscillations (LCO). In such situations, there can be fatigue
problems leading to concerns about the life of certain components of the aircraft as well as
passenger comfort and pilot endurance. To capture such behavior in an analysis, the aircraft
must be treated as a nonlinear system. Although of great practical importance, nonlinear
analyses are beyond the scope of this textbook.
The organization of the text is now presented. To describe the dynamic behavior of
conventional aircraft, the topic of structural dynamics is introduced in Chapter 2. This is
the studyof dynamic properties of continuous elastic congurations, whichprovides a means
of analytically representing a ight vehicles deformed shape at any instant of time. We begin
CB433-01 CB433/Hodges January 22, 2002 14:40
4 1 / Introduction
with very simple systems, such as vibrating strings, and move up in complexity to beams
in torsion and nally to beams in bending. The introduction of the modal representation
and its subsequent use in solving aeroelastic problems is the paramount emphasis of this
chapter. A very brief introduction to the methods of Ritz and Galerkin is also included.
Chapter 3 treats static aeroelasticity. Therein we concern ourselves with static insta-
bilities, steady airloads, and control effectiveness problems. Again, we begin with simple
systems, such as elastically restrained rigid wings. We move up to wings in torsion and
nish the chapter with a treatment of swept wings undergoing elastically coupled bending
and torsion deformation. Finally, Chapter 4 treats aeroelastic utter, which is associated
with dynamic aeroelastic instabilities due to the mutual interaction of aerodynamic, elastic
and inertial forces. A generic lifting surface analysis is rst presented, and this is followed
by illustrative treatments involving simple typical section models. Engineering solution
methods for utter are discussed, followed by a brief presentation of unsteady aerodynamic
theories, bothclassical andmodern. The chapter culminates withanapplicationof the modal
representation to the utter analysis of exible wings and a discussion of the utter bound-
ary characteristics of conventional aircraft. It is important to note that central to our study in
these last two chapters are the phenomena of divergence and utter, which typically result
in catastrophic failure of the lifting surface and may lead to subsequent destruction of the
ight vehicle.
Lists of references for structural dynamics and aeroelasticity are included, along with
an appendix in which Lagranges equations are derived and illustrated.

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