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Trunks & GSM

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A thesis report submitted for the partial fulfillment of

requirements for the award of the degree of

Master of Engineering (Electronics and Communication Engineering)

Submitted by

(Abhilasha Sharma)
Roll No 8044101

Under the Guidance of

Mr. Rajesh Khanna Mr. Balwant Singh

Assistant Professor Senior Lecturer

Department Of Electronics and Communication Engineering

(Deemed University), PATIALA – 147004, INDIA

JUNE 2006

I hereby declare that the thesis report entitled (“Telecommunication Network Designing and
Planning of Interfaces for GSM”) is an authentic record of my own work carried out as
requirements for the award of degree of master of Engineering in Electronics and
Communication at Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology (Deemed University), Patiala,
under the guidance of Mr. Rajesh khanna , Assistant Professor and Mr. Balwant Singh, Senior
Lecturer, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Thapar Institute of
Engineering & Technology (Deemed University), Patiala during the session from January to
June, 2006.

Date: ___________________ (Abhilasha Sharma)

(Roll No.8044101)

It is certified that the above statement made by the student is correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

(Mr. Rajesh Khanna) (Mr.Balwant Singh)

Assistant Professor, Senior Lecturer ,
Deptt. of Electronics & Comm.Engg. Deptt. of Electronics & Comm. Engg.
Thapar Institute of Engg.&Technology , Thapar Institute of Engg.&Technology,
(Deemed University) , (Deemed University) ,
Patiala -147004 Patiala -147004

Prof. & Head , Dr.T.P Singh,

Deptt. of Electronics & Comm.Engg. Dean Of Academic Affairs,
Thapar Institute of Engg.&Technology, Thapar Institute of Engg.&Technology
(Deemed University), (Deemed University) ,
Patiala -147004 Patiala -147004


It is said that engineers make the world. Time spent in this college has given us the confidence
to make world as better, efficient and beautiful place to live in.
I would have never succeeded in completing my task without the co-operation, encouragement
and help provided to me by various personalities.
With deep sense of gratitude I express my sincere thanks to my esteemed and worthy
supervisors, Mr. Rajesh Khanna, Assistant Professor, and Mr. Balwant Singh, Senior Lecturer,
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, for their valuable guidance in
carrying out this work under their effective supervision, encouragement, enlightenment and co-
I shall be failing in my duties if I do not express my deep sense of gratitude towards Dr.
R.S.Kaler, Prof. & Head of the Deptt. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Thapar
Institute of Engineering and Technology (Deemed University), Patiala who has been a constant
source of inspiration for me throughout this thesis work.
I am also thankful to all the staff members of Electronics & communication Engineering
Department for their full cooperation and help.
The technical guidance and constant encouragement made it possible to tie over the numerous
problems, which so ever came up during the study. My greatest thanks are to all who wished me
success. Above all I render my gratitude to the ALMIGHTY who bestowed self-confidence,
ability and strength in me to complete this work.

Telecommunications sector is growing at a fast rate. The dependence of people on the
telecommunications has also increased very much. For building reliable telecommunication
systems a lot of engineering and designing is required. An optimized system can only be
designed after proper planning and consideration of each and every factor that can affect
working of the system. This thesis is divided in two parts. A first part deals with planning of a
fixed network. It involves design and engineering of telecommunication network using EWSD
switches. These switches are configured and dimensioned according to the requirements of the
network. History with structure and advantages of EWSD switch and various parts used in the
exchange are also explained in the first part. Basic rules of designing the exchange are also
discussed in this part. Practical applications are considered designing an exchange for Thapar
institute of engg.and technology and second example for Patiala city. These switches comprises
of three regions with their respective RSUs connected to the main exchange. Capacity of RSUs
depends upon locality. We designed software that will calculate all the parameter of exchange
by simply entering the capacity. Different graphs shows distribution of different parameter.

Second part of thesis is related to the planning of interfaces for GSM mobile network. The core
of any GSM network is its switching subsystem. The network consists of two MSCs connected
to each other as well as to their respective network elements. Interfaces of GSM system are also
considered in this part. Planning of core network interfaces for given traffic model is done by
taking the capacity of 600K subscribers and 10000 subscribers. Designing of software is done
that will calculate the no. of interfaces by entering no. of subscriber.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………………………………………………………… ……...II
ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………. . ....III
LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………………VII
LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………………..IX


1.1 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………….... .1
1.2 LAYOUT OF THESIS…………………………………………………………...2
2.1 INTRODUCTION……………….……………………………………………….3
2.2 INTERFACES…………………….……………………………………………...3
2.2.1 EXTERNAL INTERFACES……………………………………………..3
2.2.2 INTERNAL INTERFACES……………………………………………...4
2.3 ACCESS………………………………………………………………………….4
2.3.1 DIGITAL LINE UNIT (DLU)…………………………………………….5
2.3.2 LINE TRUNK GROUP (LTG)…………………………………………....9
2.4 SWITCHING NETWORK……………………………………………………...10
2.4.1 INTERFACES TO THE SN……………………………………………..11 EXTERNAL INTERFACES…………………………………..11 INTERNAL INTERFACES…………………………………...11
2.4.2 SWITCHING…………………………………………………………….11
2.4.3 STRUCTURE OF SWITCHING NETWORK………………………….12 SN (B)……………...…………………………………………..13
2.5 CO-ORDINATION COMPLEX………………………………………………...14
2.5.1 MESSAGE BUFFER……………………………………………………..15
2.6 CENTRAL CLOCK GENERATOR (CCG)……………………………………..16
2.7 SYSTEM PANEL…………………………………………………………………16
2.8 COORDINATION PROCESSOR (CP113 E)…………………………………….17
2.9.1 CCNC STRUCTURE……………………………………………………...20
2.10 CALL SETUP IN THE EWSD…………………………………………………….21
2.11 DIMENSIONING OF EWSD……….……………………………………………...23
2.11.1 DLU (USING DLUG)………………...……………………………….....24
2.11.2 LINE/ TRUNK GROUP (LTGP)…………………………………….......26
2.11.3 CCNC……………………………………………………………………..28
2.11.4 COORDINATION PROCESSOR (CP113 C)……………………………29
2.11.5 SWITCHING NETWORK………………………………………………31
2.11.6 MESSAGE BUFFER (MB)……………………………………………...31
2.11.7 MOMAT…………………………………………………………………32
2.11.8 APS & DATABASE…………………………………………………….33
2.11.9 TOOLS AND TESTERS………………………………………………...33
3.1 INTRODUCTION………………..……………………………….……………….34
3.2.1 DIMENSIONING OF 5K SWITCH…….……………………………….34
3.2.2 DLUG……..……………………………………………………………...35
3.2.3 LTGP…….……………………………………………………………….37
3.2.4 E1S DUE TO ISDN-PRI SUBSCRIBERS ……..………………………..39
3.2.5 TRUNKS…………………..…………………………………………......39
3.2.6 CCNC………………..……………………………………………………39
3.2.7 CP113C……..………………………………………………………….....40
3.2.8 SWITCHING NETWORK B………..…………………………………...40
3.2.9 MESSAGE BUFFER B……...……………………...................................40
3.2.10 MOMAT…………………………………………………………………..40
3.2.11 APS AND DATABASE…………….…………………………………….41
3.2.12 POWER PLANT………………………………………………………....41
3.2.13 TOOLS AND TESTERS…….…………………………………………...41
4.1 INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………..61
4.2 INTERFACES IN THE GSM NETWORK……………………………………….61
4.2.1 AIR INTERFACE……..……………………………………………….. .62
4.2.2 TRAFFIC CHANNELS……..…………………………………………...63
4.2.3 SIGNALING CHANNELS……..……………………………………….63
4.2.4 ABIS INTERFACE…………..……………………………………………63

4.2.5 A INTERFACE…………………….…………………………………….64
4.2.6 INTERFACES TO PSTN………..……………………………………....64
4.2.7 E INTERFACE…....………………………..……………………………64
4.2.8 C INTERFACE………………………..…………………………………65
4.2.9 MSC-VMS INTERFACE……………….……………………………….65
4.3 CORE GSM NETWORK PLANNING ……...……………………………………65
4.3.2 ERLANG BLOCKING THEORY……..………………………………...66
4.3.3 TRAFFIC MODEL…………………..…………………………………...67
4.4 NETWORK DIAGRAM ...………………………………………………………..68
4.7.1 MSC-BSS………...……………………………………………………….74
4.7.2 MSC-PSTN……………………………………………………………….74
4.7.3 MSC-HLR………………………………………………………………...74
4.7.4 MSC-VMS……...………………………………………………………...74
4.8.1 PSTN INTERFACE……………………………………………………...75
4.8.2 INTER MSC INTERFACE……………...……………………………….75
4.8.3 INTERFACE TO BSS……………………………………………………76
4.8.4 INTERFACE TO VMSC………....……………………………………..77
4.8.5 INTERFACE TO HLR…………………………………………………..77
5.1 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………78
5.2 REQUIREMENTS…………………………………………………………………78
5.2.1 TRAFFIC MODEL……………………………………………………….78
5.2.2 OTHER PARAMETERS…………………………………………………79
5.3 CALCULATION OF TRAFFIC …………………………………………………..80
5.4 TRAFFIC ON INTERFACES……………………………………………………...81
5.5 DIMENSIONING OF LINKS …………………………………………………….82
FUTURE WORK……………………………………………….....................................91


Fig 1-1: PHYSICAL STRUCTURE………………………………………………..…….1

Fig 2-1: EXTERNAL INTERFACES………………………………………………….....4
Fig 2-2: INTERNAL INTERFACES……………………………………………………..4
Fig 2-4(A): CROSSOVER CONNECTION………………………………………….......6
FIG 2-4(B): RANDOM CONNECTION……………………………………………........6
Fig 2-5: ARCHITECTURE OF DLU……………………………………………………..8
Fig 2-6: ARCHITECTURE OF LTGB………….………………………………………10
Fig 2-7(A): TIME SWITCHING…………………………………………………….......12
Fig 2-7(B): SPACE SWITCHING………………………………………………………12
Fig 2-8: SWITCHING STAGES OF SN…………………………………………….......13
Fig 2-9: ARCHITECTURE OF SN: 63LTG…………………………………………….14
Fig 2-10: MESSAGE BUFFER…………………………………………………………15
Fig 2-11: CENTRAL CLOCK GENERATOR………………………………………….16
Fig 2-12: FUNCTIONAL UNITS OF SYSTEM PANEL…..…………………………..17
Fig 2-13: PROCESSORS IN CP…………………...........................................................19
Fig 2-14: BLOCK DIAGRAM OF CCNC…………………….………….……………..22
Fig 2-15: (a) R: DLUG (b) F: DLUG A (c) F: DLUG A , F: DLUG B …..…………….27
Fig 2-16: R: LTGP………………………………………………………….……………28
Fig 2-17: R: CP113C…………………………………………………………………….31
Fig 2-18: (a) R: LTGN with F: LTGN, F: MB, F: TSG (B) ) (c) F: SSG (B) (d) F: TSG
(b) R: LTGN with F: MB, F: SSG (B) ……………………………………….32
Fig 2-19: F: MB/CCG (B)………………………………………………….……………32
3) FOR PATIALA CITY….................………………………………………………….52
Fig 4.3: TRAFFIC CHANNEL…………………………………………………..……...63
Fig 5.1: CORE NETWORK FOR 600K SUBSCRIBERS………………………..……..79
Fig: 5.3: DIMENSIONING OF LINKS………………………………………………....85
Fig.5.5: DIMENSIONING OF LINKS FOR 10K…………………………………….. ..89

TABLE 5-1: TRAFFIC MODEL………………………………………………………79


APS – Application Program System

ATC – Automatic Train Control
AuC – Authentication Center
BAP – Base Processors
BDCG – Bus Distributor Module with Clock Generator for DLUC
BS – Base Station
BSC- Base Station Controller
BSS – Base Station Subsystem
BTS – Base Transceiver Station
CAP – Call Processor
CB – Channel Bank
CCNC – Common Channel Signaling Network Controller
CMY – Common Memory
DIUD – Digital Interface Unit for DLU
DLU – Digital Line unit
DLUC – Digital Line Unit Control
DLUG – DLU type G
DSB – Digital Switchboard
EIR – Equipment Identity Register
EIRENE – European Integrated Railway radio Enhanced Network
EWSD – Digitales Elektronisches Wähl system
GP – Group Processor
GS – Group Switch
GSM – Global System for Mobile communication
GSM-R – GSM Railways
HLR – Home Location Register
IOC – Input/Output Control
IOP – Input/Output Processor
LIL – Link Interface module between TSM & LTG
LIM – Link Interface module between SGC & MBU: SGC
LIS – Link Interface module between TSG & SSG
LIU – Line Interface Unit
LTG – Line /Trunk Group
LTU – Line Trunk Unit
M.E. – Main Exchange
MB – Message Buffer
MBG – Message Buffer Group
MDD – Magnetic Disk Drive
MMC – Mobile to Mobile Calls
MMI – Man Machine Interface
MOC – Mobile Originated Call
MOD – Magneto Optical Disk
MS – Mobile Station
MSC – Mobile Switching Center
MTC – Mobile Terminated Call
OAMC – Operation and Maintenance Center
OMT – Operation and Maintenance Terminal
PDC – Primary Digital Carrier
PLMN – Public Land Mobile Network
PTT – Push to Talk
RGMG – Ringing and Metering Voltage Generator
RSU – Remote Switching Unit
SDC – Secondary Digital Carrier
SGC – Switch Group Control
SILTG – Signaling Line Trunk Group
SIM – Subscriber Identity Module
SIPA – Signaling Periphery Adapters
SLCA – Subscriber Line Circuit Analog
SLCD – Subscriber Line Circuit Digital
SLM – Subscriber Line Module
SLMA – Subscriber Line Module Analog
SLMCP – Subscriber Line Module Processor
SLMD – Subscriber Line Module Digital
SN – Switching Network
SPMX – Speech Multiplexer
SS7 – Signaling System No.7
SSG – Space Stage Group
SSM – Space Stage Module
SU – Signaling Unit
SYPC – System Panel Control

TRAU – Transcoding and Rate Adaptation Unit
TSG – Time Stage Group
TSM – Time Stage Module
VBS – Voice Broadcast Service
VGCS – Voice Group Call Service
VLR – Visitor Location Register
VMSC – Voice Mail Service Center

ESWD ( Digitales Elektronisches Wahl system) entered the world market in 1981, it was one of
the first fully digital switching systems. By 1994 some 85 million ports in EWSD technology
had been put into service by about 200 operating companies in 85 countries. This international
market success is based on the extraordinary reliability and high economic efficiency of ESWD,
its continually advancing state of the art technology and ever growing number of features for
subscribers and operating .With its universality and flexibility, EWSD can be used economically
in different network structures as a network node of variable size for switching the most varied
types of information and can be adapted flexibly to changing requirements. The dynamic
capacity of the system can handle a traffic load of up to 25.600 erlangs with 2.5 million
BHCA(Busy hour call attempts). So EWSD offers adequate reserves of capacity of any
application that may arise in practice.The EWSD is a highly successful digital electronic switch
system. It is a powerful and flexible for public communication networks and over 250 million
EWSD switching nodes have been deployed since its introduction in the telecommunications
field. The EWSD switching system employs a fully digital design concept. It provides a wide
and expandable range of features and services, an extensive safeguarding concept and a high
data transmission quality. The EWSD switching system is designed with a modular approach in
every component used in the system. EWSD is divided into three parts-software,
hardware, and physical structure. The software, hardware and physical units of the EWSD are
modular in design.
Modules (M:X): Smallest units in the system. The type of module depends on the hardware
subsystem in which they are used.

Fig 1-1: Physical Structure

Frames(F:X): Group of modules of certain hardware subsystem form a frame.

Racks (R:X): Frames together form a rack as shown in fig 1-1.
Rack Row: Line of racks form a rack row.
Fig 1-1 clearly shows that the physical structure uses a modular concept. The node is divided
into four sections. The hardware architecture is designed in such a way that every subsystem of
it has same design i.e. modules, frames, racks.
1) It provides effective safeguarding.
2) It gets flexibly adapted to the network environment.
3) It provides cost efficient adaptation to the future changes.
4) There is a simplification of installation and maintenance.
5) It provides a variable range of features.
This report is divided in two parts first parts deals with planning of a fixed network. It involves
design and engineering of telecom network using EWSD switches. These switches are
configured and dimensioned according to the requirements of the network. Chapter one deals
with the introduction and advantages of EWSD switch. It also includes physical structure of
EWSD switch. Various parts used in the EWSD switch and dimensioning rules are explained in
chapter two. Parts used are line trunk groups(LTG),digital line unit(DLU), Primary digital
carrier(PDC),Secondary digital carrier (SDC),Coordination processor(CP), Switching
network(SN),Common channel signaling network(CCNC). Chapter two also considered how
call set up in a exchange. Practical applications are considered in chapter three by designing a
exchange for Thapar institute of engg.and technology and second example for patiala city. For
patiala city these switches comprises of three region with their respective RSUs connected to the
main exchanges.

Second part of report is related to the planning of interfaces for GSM mobile network.
Introduction and design of interfaces for GSM is given in chapter four. Chapter four explain
different parts of GSM system and there functioning. It also explains types of interfaces and why
we go for the designing of interfaces. Chapter five includes practical application i.e.planning of
core network interfaces for 600K subscribers. It also includes calculation of traffic,
dimensioning of links and no. of channels. Software system is designed that will calculate all the
parameter of chapter four by entering the no. of subscribers. All these parameter are calculated
for 10000 subscribers through software system.

The hardware of the EWSD is designed to have flexibility of expansion in the system to the
future requirements without halting the operation of the switch and to have the simplicity of
installation. For these reasons modular concept is used in hardware architecture. The EWSD
switch is divided into four major subsystems which are further divided into subparts. The four
major subsystems are:
1) Access
2) Switching Network
3) Signaling network
4) Coordination complex
The interfaces in the EWSD are used to interconnect the subsystems. The interfaces are
categorized on the basis of their location w.r.t. switch. two categories of
interfaces are:
2.2.1 External Interfaces
These interfaces are used to connect the external environment to the switch. These interfaces
can be analog as well as digital. The various external interfaces are
Subscriber Lines: These lines are used to connect the telephone subscribers to the switch.
These lines usually carry the analog information. These are directly connected to the DLU for
converting them into digital format to have compatibility with completely digitized environment
of switch. These lines carry signals of 300Hz to 3400Hz and are also called analog lines.
ISDN Lines: These are the primary and basic access lines for the medium and large sized PBX
systems (also known as CENTREX). This interface carry two-wire line that carry B-channels
(64Kbps) and D-Channel(16 Kbps).The B-channel carries the information and the D- channel is
used for signaling.
Digital Trunks: These are the lines coming from other central offices or switch.
Analog Trunks: The analog trunk lines coming from the other exchanges are connected to the
channel bank, which concentrates the 30 analog voice signals into the digital PCM format. The
utility of the channel bank is to make the analog trunks compatible with the digital environment.
Digital Switchboards: The digital switchboards are used to provide operator services in hotels,
offices and receptions.
Operator and Maintenance Services: These are the connections used for the control and
maintenance of the node or switch. These are connected between system panel and coordination
Fig2.1: External Interfaces
2.2.2 Internal Interfaces:
These interfaces are used to interconnect the internal components in the EWSD switch. The
internal interfaces are digital as compared to the external interfaces. The various internal
interfaces present in the EWSD are:
Primary Digital Carriers (PDC): These interfaces are used to connect the DLU to the LTG.
These carry speech and data channels. The transmission rate of the PDC link is 2048 Kbps. One
link can carry 32 channels at a rate of 64 Kbps per channel.
Secondary Digital Carriers (SDC): These are also called Secondary multiplex links and have a
transmission rate of 8192 Kbps. The SDC carries up to 128 channels at rate of 64 Kbps. This is
four times the transmission capacity of Primary Digital Carrier. These connect the LTGs to the
Switching Network. The SDCs are also used to connect the other subsystems like CCNC and
coordination complex to the SN.
Bit Parallel: These interfaces are used for connecting the CCNC to the Coordination Processor.
The data is transferred using 8 parallel lines and the bits are transferred using parallel data

Fig2.2: Internal Interfaces

Access is used to connect the
subscribers, analog as well as digital, to the switch. The external interfaces like subscriber lines,
ISDN lines etc. are used to connect the subscribers to the access subsystem. The internal
interfaces like PDC links are used to connect the DLU to the LTG. Both are the parts of access
resulting in modular approach.
1) Digital Line Unit (DLU)
2) Line/Trunk Group (LTG)
DLU is used to connect the subscribers to the switch and to concentrate the subscribers’ traffic
in the direction of the EWSD network node. These can be installed as part of the network node
in an exchange (local) or as remote connection units in the vicinity of a subscriber group called
as remote DLU. Remote DLUs can be installed in permanent buildings, in containers or in
shelters (for small groups of subscribers). The short subscriber lines obtained in this manner and
the concentration of subscriber traffic to the network node on digital and fiber-optic transmission
links result in an economical subscriber network with optimum transmission quality. The DLU is
an intermediate stage for the connection of the external environment to the exchange. The lines
that are connected to it are subscriber lines, ISDN lines and digital subscriber lines. On the other
side of the DLU, towards the EWSD side, it has PDC links going towards the LTG. These lines
are also called external interfaces to the DLU. Besides these there are internal interfaces present
in it also which are used to connect its internal components. These interfaces include the voice
and data speech highway with a data rate of 4096 Kbps and a control network with a data rate of
136Kbps. These two networks are duplicated for safeguarding purposes.
The DLU and LTG are connected to each other in three different modes via 2, 3, or 4 PDC links
namely: Direct:
In this type of the connection a particular DLU is connected to a single LTG with all of its
outgoing PDCs to that single LTG only. The disadvantage of this system is that if the LTG fails
then all the connections with that particular DLU are lost and they stop working.

Fig 2.3: Direct connection of DLU and LTG Crossover:
In this mode the connections from a particular DLU are not connected to a single LTG rather
half of the connections go to one LTG and remaining half are connected to some other LTG.
The advantage of this mode is that if either of the LTGs fails the DLU is not completely

disconnected from the exchange rather the connections can still be made through the other
LTG using the second set of PDC links. Refer fig.2.3 Random:
This mode uses a random fashion of connecting the PDCs to the LTGs i.e. some PDCs are
connected to a particular LTG randomly and the remaining is connected to second one (fig 2-
4). The failure of the system in this mode totally depends upon the coincidence whether
redundant unit is available for the call processing in case of an LTG or PDC failure.

Fig2.4(a): Cross over connection

Fig 2.4(b): Random Connection

2.3.2 Architecture of DLU 2.

The hardware architecture of the DLU is divided into three major units depending upon the role
individual units play in the working of the DLU. The units present in the DLU are: Peripheral Functional Units:

As the name suggest these units are used in the DLU for connecting the external environment to
switch. The various interfaces from the subscriber side terminating towards the exchange are
connected to the peripheral units. The various peripheral units are:

Subscriber Line Modules (SLM): The SLM provides ports for connecting the subscribers to the
DLU. Both the analog and digital subscribers can be connected to the SLMs. This provision is
fulfilled by providing two types of modules known as Subscriber Line Module Analog (SLMA)
and Subscriber Line Module Digital (SLMD) for analog and digital subscribers respectively.
The SLMA and SLMD have circuits called Subscriber Line Circuit Analog (SLCA) and
Subscriber Line Circuits Digital (SLCD) respectively. The number of the subscribers that can be
connected to these cards depends upon the number of circuits present in the SLMA and SLMD.
The number of circuits in turn depends upon the version of the DLU.

Test Equipment: The test unit is used for testing and monitoring the functioning of the
Subscriber Line Circuits (SLC) and the subscriber station. It also tests the analog subscriber sets.
It can be used for testing both the analog and digital subscriber lines. The test unit is centrally
operated from the operation and maintenance terminal (OMT). The test unit uses the control
network having a transmission rate of 136Kbps for performing the testing. The network is
duplicated for increasing the reliability of the system.
Ringing and Voltage Distribution: The Ringing and metering voltage Generator (RGMG)
generates the sinusoidal ringing and metering voltages required in the DLU for analog
subscribers, as well as a synchronizing signal for connecting the ringing tone if necessary.
Various frequencies (16 Hz, 23 Hz, 20 Hz or 25 Hz) must be set with the switches on the
RGMG module for the ringing voltage and the ringing voltage magnitude (70 Volt or 90 Volt).
The ringing and metering voltages are monitored for under voltage conditions. If the monitoring
circuit responds, the failure is indicated by the fact that the LED on the front panel of the module
goes out and a relay with a relay contact drops out. Central Functional Units:
The central functional units of the DLU are used to control its various functions. Because of the
controlling functions they serve in the DLU these units are duplicated, DLU system 0&1, for
providing greater reliability in the system. The various control units are:
Control for DLU (DLUC): The DLUC controls the DLU internal sequence of operations and
distributes or concentrates the control signals between the subscriber line circuits and the
DLUC. The DLUC cyclically polls the SLMCP for messages and directly accesses the SLMCP
to transmit command and data. The two DLUCs operate independently in load sharing mode.
Digital Interface Unit for DLU (DIUD): The DIUD receives transmits speech information
from and to the SLMs and distributes the information. It also extracts the control information for
the DLUC from the PDC that connects the DLU and LTG. It uses the signals from the PDC for
pulse synchronization.
Bus Distributor Module with Clock Generator for DLUC (BDCG): The clock generator
generates the system pulse required for the DLU and the associated frame synchronization
signal. The DLU clock can be regenerated from the line clock from the LTG in the DIUD (DIU:
LDID). In the same way, the frame signal (FS) can be regenerated from the frame alignment
signal (FAS) of the PCM link. The clock generator is duplicated for reliability (BDCG0 &
Bus Systems: The exchange of the information in the DLU is handled by the duplicated Bus
System. The bus system regenerates signals, distributes signals to the periphery or concentrates
signals coming from the periphery. Central and peripheral functional units communicate over a
duplicated bus system. Functional Unit for Remote Functions:

The DLU can be installed locally as well as remotely depending upon the external conditions. In
case a remote DLU is disconnected from the exchange by any means, may be because of LTG
failure or PDC breakage, the operation of the DLU is discontinued. In these conditions it is
possible to connect the subscribers served by this particular DLU by using specific software. In
this case the billing data is not recorded. Figure 2.5 shows the hardware units in DLU. DLUG
The latest version of the DLU which is used in the EWSD switches these days is DLUG. It is the
most powerful subscriber line concentrator unit. The enhancements of the DLUG are in the
terms of increased number of subscribers that can be connected to a single module. The increase
is both in the digital as well as analog subscribers. Using a single module of SLMA & SLMD up
to 32 analog subscribers and 16 digital subscribers respectively can be connected. This is
because of the increase in the number of the SLCA and SLCD in the module. In addition to this
there is 50% reduction in the space requirements in the per analog subscriber line. The power
consumption is also lowered by 30% to 1050W at maximum load.
Fig 2.5: Architecture of DLU

The Line/Trunk Groups are the interfaces between the Switching Network and the network
environment of the exchange which maybe analog or digital. It may be connected to trunks as
well as a DLU. The LTG is connected to both the planes of the switching network to improve
safeguarding. If the link between the LTG and one of the switching network fails, call
processing will continue unrestrictedly. The LTG has following functions:
1) It receives and evaluates the information of trunks and subscriber lines.
2) It also sends signals and tones. It sends and receives messages from and to the coordination
processor (CP) and the group processor.
3) It adapts the line conditions (transmission format) to the 8Mbits /sec highway of the SN.
4) It detects LTG faults.
5) It detects faults on the exchange –internal link interfaces during call processing.
6) It reports faults and routine messages to the coordination processor.
7) It evaluates the faults and initiates processes, such as blocking the LTG.
The capacity to handle different transmission format (PCM 30, PCM 24, and Digital Access) and signaling systems (MFC, R2, pulse coding
signaling, CCITT no.7) was optimized through the implementation of the different LTG types. The some of the types of LTGs are:

1) Line/Trunk Group A (LTGA)

2) Line/Trunk Group B (LTGB)

3) Line/Trunk Group C (LTGC

4) Line/Trunk Group G (LTG

5) Line/Trunk Group D (LTGD) Architecture of LTGB

In this section architecture of the LTGB will be discussed only as other LTGs have more or less
same hardware architecture. The LTGB consists of:
Group Processor (GP): The GP is an independent periphery controller. It controls all the functional units of the LTGB. It exchanges data with
the coordination processor and other LTGs. It also self diagnosis and safeguards the LTG.

Line Trunk Units (LTU): The LTU is used to connect the various units to the LTGB.
Depending upon the application, the LTU is equipped with different modules (DIU modules
interface DLUs and other exchanges, OLMD interface DSBs). The LTU decides what kind of
interfaces can be connected to the LTG.
Link Interface Units (LIU): The LIU is used to connect the LTG to the SN. It duplicates the channels to both the SN0 and SN1. It forwards the
commands from CP to the group processor and sends messages from the GP to the CP.

Signaling Unit: The Signaling Unit (SU) provides code receivers for the evaluation of signals (such as dialing information). The SU also
contains a tone generator for the generation of tones, frequencies for the MFC signaling.

Speech Multiplexer (SPMX): The speech multiplexer is a non-blocking time stage similar to the time stages in the switching network. The
SPMX is used for connecting the trunk lines to the LTGB. The time stage unit switches the sequence of transmission channels.

Group Switch: The Group switch connects the subscribers’ lines to the LTGB. The GS also permits the implementation of the conference calls.
Thus the DLU and the digital switchboards require the Group switch.

Fig2.6: Architecture of LTGB LTGP

LTGP is the latest one and is characterized by improved performance and a much compact design. In LTGP all the basic functions of four LTGs
are combined on the single module. This type has the capacity of receiving 16 PDC links from DLU and other exchanges.


The actual switching process establishing a call connection between two subscribers takes place
in the hardware subsystem called Switching Network. The digital electronic switching system is
equipped with a very powerful switching network. By virtue of its high data transmission
quality, the switching network can switch connections for various types of service (for example
telephony, facsimile, teletext, data transmission). For the safeguarding reasons the switching
network is always duplicated. This increases the reliability of the system. The SN’s uniform
design and expansion modules permit its application in the wide range of exchange types and
sizes. The SN type is categorized on the basis of number of the LTGs that can be connected to it
for example SN: 15LTG, SN: 63LTG, SN: 126LTG, SN: 256LTG, SN: 504LTG. Amongst these
types SN: 15LTG is the smallest. In this section we will take closer look at the SN in a
configuration for up to 63LTGs. SN: 15LTG, SN: 63LTG are called switching units and
remaining are called switching plane. The SN has negligible internal blocking (10-5) which
makes SN available all the times when required.The interfaces of the SN are of two types-
External interfaces and Internal interfaces. The external interfaces are used to connect the
switching network to other subparts of the EWSD.

2.4.1 Interfaces to the Switching Network

The switching network has two types of interfaces: External Interfaces:

These interfaces are used to connect the subsystems of the EWSD to the switching network. The various external interfaces are SDC: LTG,
SDC: CCNC, SDC: TSG, SDC: SGC. The SDC is secondary digital carriers with a capacity of 8Mbps. The names of the SDC links themselves
suggest the components which are connected to the SN through these interfaces. These will be briefly discussed only.

SDC: LTG between a time stage group (TSG) and a line/trunk group (LTG). Channel time slot 0 is used for communication between the LTG
and the CP. Channel time slots 1...127 are used for the subscriber connections.
SDC: CCNC between the switching network and a common channel signaling network control (CCNC). Common channel signaling (CCS)
information is exchanged via the SDC: CCNC.

SDC: TSG between a message buffer unit for LTG (MBU: LTG) and a time stage group (TSG). Items of information are transferred

SDC: SGC between a message buffer unit (MBU) and a switch group control (SGC).
Commands from the CP to an SGC and messages from an SGC to the CP are transferred via the
SDC: SGC. Internal Interfaces:
The internal interface in the SN is SDC: SSG – between a time stage group (TSG) and a space
stage group (SSG). All types of connection can be carried via an SDC: SSG. Because of the
duplicated switching network and because of the changeover-to standby principle in SN: 504
LTG, SN: 256 LTG and SN: 126 LTG, this type of interface is always present in quadruplicate.
At an SDC: SSG interface a separate cable is required for each direction of transmission. Each
cable contains 8 secondary digital carriers for information (8x128 channel time slots), one
exchange clock line and one frame mark bit line.

The structure and switching in SN will be described by referring to the SN: 63LTG type only.
In the SN two types of switching is occurring:

Time Stage Switching: In this type of switching 8 bit code words , for example coded voice.

Fig 2.7(a): Time switching

information, coming on the multiplex lines is switched randomly to any time slot. In the SN the
time stage module (TSM) is responsible for the time switching.

Space Stage Switching: As opposed to the time stage a space stage does not change the timslot.
It is only responsible for switching randomly the 8 bit coded word on any

Fig 2.7(b): Space Switching

Multiplex line. In SN space stage module (SSM) is responsible for the space switching.
In the SN the time stage module and the space stage module are organized as shown in the
figure 2.7
2.4.3 Structure Of Switching Network
The switching network has the following functional units:
Time Stage Module (TSM): A TSM performs the time switching of the octets. It contains one
time stage incoming (TSI) and one time stage outgoing (TSO). The TSI and TSO form one
physical unit. A switching network unit in an SN: 63LTG or a time stage group (TSG) in an SN:
504LTG, SN: 252LTG or SN: 126LTG contains a maximum of 16 TSMs. There are a maximum
of 4 TSMs in a switching network unit in an SN: 15LTG. The TSM is further connected to the
Space stage modules. Each TSM can access each space stage module.
Link Interface Module between TSM and LTG (LIL): The switching network contains one
LIL (link interface module between TSM and LTG) for every TSM. Four 8192-kbit/s highways
lead from each LIL to the inputs of a time stage incoming (TSI) and four 8192-kbit/s highways
lead from the outputs of a time stage outgoing (TSO) to an LIL. An LIL therefore contains four
identical circuits. Each of these circuits is connected by a cable to a particular LTG or a
particular MBU: LTG. Each cable contains an 8192-kbit/s incoming information line and an
8192 Kbps outgoing information line and associated clock lines.
Space Stage Module (SSM): The SSM performs space switching of the time slots. It is
connected to each and every TSM. An SN:63 LTG contains 4 SSMs. Each SSM has 16 inputs
and 16 outputs one input coming for each of the TSM. The input and output to the SSM are
8192Kbps highways having 128 time slots.
Link Interface Module Between TSG and SSG (LIS): The link interface modules between
TSG and SSG (LIS) are contained in both TSGs and SSGs. The connections between the LISs
are duplicated in time and space stage groups. Each of these connections represents 8 separate

8192-kbit/s information lines, one exchange clock line and one frame mark bit line (Internal
interfaces). If faults occur in TSGs or SSGs, the extra connection can be used to provide
changeover to standby. In the transmit section of a LIS, eight incoming information signals are
processed and each is forwarded over a separate 8192-kbit/s highway.
Link Interface Module Between SGC and MBU: SGC (LIM): It is used for the transmission
of the setup commands from the CP to the SGC.
Switch Group Control (SGCI): A switch group control with link interface to the message
buffer (SGCI) only occurs in capacity stage SN: 15LTG. It contains a complete SGC and the
interface to the hardware controller of an LIM. In SN: 63LTG SBCI exists without the direct
Connection to the message buffer.

Fig 2.8: Switching Stages in SN SN (B)
A more compact and optimized version SN is SN(B). The basic functions of SN(B) are same as
that of the old version. The CP software can thus serve both the switching networks. The
advantage of the SN(B) is however the considerable saving of space (Up to 70%). For example
if we compare the SN(B) with SN the number of time stage modules are reduced by 50%. Each
TSMB has 2 TSCI and 2 TSCO. The space stage modules are also reduced to single module
SSM16B from 4 modules in the SN. The SSM16B has 8 space stage circuits out of which only
four are needed with switching network variant SN(B): 63LTG. Similar is the case with the

other SN types.

Fig 2.9: architecture of SN: 63LTG

The EWSD system incorporates largely independent subsystems with a separate microprocessor
control. The coordination processor handles the coordination of these microprocessor controls
and data transfer between them. The coordination complex has been divided into different units
for coordinating different parts of the EWSD. These parts will be discussed in the following

2.5.1 Message Buffer

The message buffer serves as an interface adapter for the internal information exchange between
1) coordination processor
2) Switching network
3) Line trunk group
The MB has 1-4 message buffer groups (MBG) depending on the system size. The MBG are
also duplicated. The latest version of the message buffer is MB (D) after MB (B). The MBB is
designed to match the processing capacity of the coordination processor CP113C. The MBB
provides a very high transmission capacity, especially in the message buffer for the line/trunk
group (MBU: LTG). The MBB has four functional units:

Combined Group Clock Generator/Multiplexer (CG/MUX): The CG/MUX provides clock

pulses. Despite of this function is also used for exchanging the messages with the LTGs.

Interface Adapter: The interface adapter is used to receive and send signals from/to the CP.
The exchange of the messages between the IOP: MB and MBU via the interface is bidirectional,
byte parallel, and asynchronous.

MB: SGC: A message buffer unit for switch group control (MBU: SGC) controls the exchange
of messages between a maximum of three switch group controls (SGCB) of the switching
network (SNB) and the IOP: MB of the CP113. The MBU: SGC sends the CP113 commands,
which are received and buffered via the IOP: MB, to the connected SGCB via the transmit
channels of the (max. 3) multiplex lines. The MBU: SGC receives messages from the SGCB via
the receive channels of the (max. 3) multiplex lines. It buffers these messages and then forwards
them to the CP113.

MBU: LTG: A message buffer unit for line/trunk group (MBU: LTG) distributes incoming
messages from the IOP: MB of the CP113 to a maximum of 63 LTGs, and collects messages
arriving from the LTGs to forward them to the IOP: MB.

Fig 2.10: Message Buffer

The MB is duplicated and thus has two units MB0 and MB1 (figure 2-12). The MB0 accesses
only SN0 and MB1 accesses only SN1. The CP transmits and receives to the MB0 and MB1.
The MBG can serve 2x63 LTGs. One MBU: SGC can serve those units in the switching
network that Fig 2.10 Message Buffer are required to support upto 2x63 LTGs. In maximum
configuration 4 MBGs can serve upto 504 LTGs.
For the transfer of digital information in a network, synchronized functional sequences of all
participating units is an absolute requirement. Accurate clock pulses must be provided for all
exchanges with in the digital network. This task is handled by the CCG which synchronizes the

Fig 2.11: Central Clock Generator
clock generators in the functional units. If all the clock generators are failed nothing would work.
It would not be possible to operate the exchange from the O&M center, to route speech channels,
to record billing data or to display the time at the system panel. Tones would not be generated
and above all the evaluation of the dialed information would not take place. For this reason CCG
is duplicated. One CCG operates as the master and the other as slave. The slave is phase locked
with the master, thus ensuring a continuous clock supply if the master fails. The CCG is
synchronized to the external reference frequency. Then the CCG synchronizes all the
components of EWSD to the reference frequency.


The system panel provides a continuous overview of the operational status of a EWSD system.
The system panel indicates faults visibly and audibly. It also displays the processing load of the
CP, the time and the date. The display area includes 7- segment displays, light emitting diodes
and keys. It is organized into display areas for LTG, SN, CP & CCNC, external equipment,
system internal conditions and the system panel itself. The displayed processor load is a measure
for the traffic load handled by the EWSD system. The system panel also displays alarms like
critical alarm, major alarm, minor alarm, minor alarm combined with the major alarm. To turn
off the alarm simply depress the accept key. Upto eight system panels can be connected to the
EWSD exchange. It can be remote and may be connected to the system also. The system panel
consists of the following functional units:

System Panel Display: The SYPD is used to display the various parameters of the exchange.

System Panel Control (SYPC): The SYPC handles the input/output control for up to 8 SYPDs,
24 external supervisory units like smoke detectors, 24 external failures signaling units.

Fig 2.12: Functional Units of System panel

For making the EWSD a flexible and powerful system the EWSD the different subsystems of the
EWSD are designed with their own separate controls. The common control unit CP controls all the
common system procedures and coordinates the operating, safeguarding and the switching
processes. The coordination processor 113E (CP113E) is characterized by a dynamic capacity of
approximately 16 million BHCA. It has also been optimized for the space requirements and the
power consumption. The CP113E is the latest version of CP after CPP113C and CP113D. The
CP113E contains a total of 16 processors in its maximum configuration. The structure of the
CP113E consists of:

Base Processors (BAP): The BAP handles all the tasks (operation and maintenance,
safeguarding) including the call processing tasks when the CAP are occupied. In its maximum
configuration the CP113E can be equipped with 2 BAPs out of total 16 processors in the CP113E.
Out of the two BAPs one operates as master (BAPM) and the other operates as spare (BAPS). The
BAPM processes operation and maintenance tasks as well as some of the call processing tasks. The
BAP performs the call processing tasks only. The two BAPs operate in task and load sharing modes.
If the BAPM fails the BAPS take over the tasks of BAPM.
Call Processors (CAP): The CAP handles the call processing tasks. The CP113E has 10 CAPs out
of 16 processors. These CAPs work in load sharing mode. Together with BAPM and BAPS, the
CAPs form a pool redundancy. As a result, even if one processor fails (BAP or CAP), the CP
continues to handle the full nominal load (n+1 redundancy).
Input/Output Control (IOC): The IOC handles data exchange between the CMY and the
peripheral operating and call processing devices. Each IOC has its own bus system (B: IOC). Each
bus system links upto 16 Input/output processors (IOP) for call processing and peripheral operating
devices. Out of 16 processors in the maximum configuration of the CP113E there are only 4 IOCs.
The IOCs are duplicated. If one of the IOCs fails the other IOC carries out the task of the partner
Input/Output Processors (IOP): The IOPs are used to connect various devices to the CP113E. The
IOP forms the interface between the CP and the periphery. Some of the devices which are connected
to the IOPs are CCNC, message buffer (MB), central clock generator (CCG), system panel (SYP),
magnetic disk drive, magnetic tape drive and OMT. A total of 16 IOPs can be connected to an IOC.

The IOPs are dimensioned in such a way that they can perform the tasks of the other unit if one of
the units fails.
Common Memory (CMY): The CMY contains all common databases for all the processors, space
for the non resident program codes which can be reloaded from the magnetic disk if necessary. It is
duplicated. Both the CMYs (CMY0 and CMY1) can be reached by all the processors and the IOC as
well the IOP also. In the normal operation the two CMYs perform all the read and write cycles
simultaneously. However the two CMYs can also be operated separately in the splitting mode. In
addition to all CMY all the processors have their own local memory (LMY). The LMY contains
processor specific data and the resident program code of the processor. The other processors can not
access the LMY of some other
Bus System (B: CMY): The bus system allows the processors to access the common memory
(CMY) and communicate directly with each other. Both the bus systems transfer the same
information simultaneously to both memory banks. Wide ranges of safeguarding measures are taken
to ensure high availability of CP113E. The time between the total failures is more than 500 years.
The functions of the CP113E include:
Call Processing Functions: The call processing functions include digit translation, routing, zoning,
call charge registration, traffic data administration, network management, path selection through the
switching network (SN).
Safeguarding Functions: The safeguarding functions deal with errors affecting the CP113E as well
as the errors in other EWSD subsystems. As well as responding to the errors, the safeguarding
functions also start the tests and diagnostic functions.

Fig 2.13: Processors in CP
EWSD can control traffic to and from other network nodes with all conventional signaling
methods. One method particularly well suited to processor-controlled digital network nodes is
the signaling system no. 7 (SS7). It transfers messages separately from the user information
(speech, data) along common channel signaling links. The common signaling channels are
routed via a separate signaling network whose nodes are generally integrated in the network
nodes of the communication network. There are three functionally distinct nodes in a signaling
1) Node as signaling end point (SEP)
2) Node as signaling transfer point (STP)
3) Node as relay point (SPR)
A network node functioning as a SEP represents a point of origin or a destination for signaling
messages. A network node functioning as an STP receives signaling messages from a SEP and
passes them on to a SEP or STP. A network node functioning as an SPR can additionally

perform global title translation (GTT). A network node may function simultaneously as an SEP,
STP and SPR.
2.9.1 CCNC Structure
The functional units of the CCNC are divided in three blocks:
Multiplex System: The purpose of the multiplex system (MUX) is to combine all signaling
links outgoing from the CCNC onto one secondary digital carrier (SDC) leading to the switching
network and to distribute the links incoming to this SDC to the SILTDs in the CCNC. The two-
stage multiplex system consists of:
A Duplicated Master Multiplexer (MUXM): The master multiplexer MUXM0/1 consists of
the MUXMA module and, depending on the configuration, an expansion module, MUXMB
module The MUXMA module is connected to a maximum of 7 MUXS via 7 inputs/outputs. Up
to eight signaling channels can be carried on each of these highways (512Kbps). The signaling
channels are multiplexed and demultiplexed in the MUXS upstream from the SILTG. The
multiplexer is connected to the switching network (SN) through an input/output by means of an
8-Mbit/s highway over which the 7 x 8 SILTG channels are routed. For a configuration with
more than 7 and up to 16 SILTGs, the expansion module MUXMB is used; this can service a
further 9 SILTGs. The MUXMB has 9 inputs/outputs to the MUXSs and no connection to the
SN. Transmission of the 9x8 channels from the SILTGs to the SN is handled via the MUXMA,
which feeds the channels into the 8 Mbps secondary digital carrier to the SN.
This results in the following configurations:
MUXMA 0 1...55 signaling links
MUXMB 0 56...127 signaling links
MUXMA 1 129...183 signaling links
MUXMB 1 184...255 signaling links
32 Slave Multiplexers (MUXS): The slave multiplexer constitutes the transfer stage to the
Signaling Line Trunk Group (SILTG): The 254 signaling links (max.) in a CCNC can be
divided into a maximum of 32 groups of signaling link terminals (SILTGs).
Common Channel Signaling Network Processor (CCNP): The CCNP is the brain of CCNC.
The CCNPs convert messages into EWSD internal format, distinguish whether the messages are
intended for this particular signaling point or for another signaling point, route messages,
manages the signaling network. It is duplicated and each unit is connected to all the SILTG
groups installed in the system. One of the two units is switched to active. An update of the data
is made from the active to the standby CCNP.
Signaling Periphery Adapter (SIPA): Upto 8 SIPA. The SIPA and the SILTC together
constitute the adapter system between the CCNP and the SILTG.

Signaling Management Processor (SIMP): The SIMP is divided into two units- MH:SIMP
module and PMU:SIMP module.
Coordination Processor Interface (CPI): The CPI consists of the modules PMU:CPI, MU:CPI
or MU:CCNP, and IOC:CPI. The CPI is connected to each of the two input/output processors
for the message buffer (IOP:MB) in CP by the bus system B:CCNC. Modules PMU:CPI and
PMU:SIMP have the same layout; they differ only in the address coding. The memory unit
MU:CPI acts as a dual-port memory for the processor memory unit PMU:CPI and as a buffer for
the exchange of messages between PMU:CPI and MH:SIMP. Module IOC:CPI handles the
exchange of data between the input/output processors of the CP (IOP:MB) and the PMU:CPI
The call setup in the EWSD switching system involves interaction of the various hardware
subsystems. An overview of the call setup and the sequence of various steps are explained in this
part. Let us consider subscriber A wants to call the subscriber B. To call subscriber B the
subscriber A initiates a number of call processing events by lifting the handset. The various
steps involved in completion of the call are:
1) When A lifts the handset the analog subscriber line circuit detects the off hook condition.
2) The A-SLMCP scans the SLCA and detects request for a connection. The A-SLMCP
reports this situation to the DLUC.
3) The DLUC then forwards the seizure message via digital interface in the DLU and A-DIU in
the A-LTG to the group processor.
4) The GP checks its database for the data associated with the A subscriber and assigns time slot
on one of the PCM links and reports this information to the A-SLMCP.
5) A-SLMCP causes the SLCA to loop back the send time slot to the receive slot (test loop). The
A-GP through connects to group switch in order to perform the speech channel loop test from
the A-LTG to the A-SLCA in the A-DLU and back to the A-LTG. The test tone for the loop test
is provided by the tone generator in the A-SU. After the successful completion of test the A-GP
selects the free time slot to the SN and sends the seizure message to the CP. Also A-GP
commands the A-SLMCP to set up the speech path in the SLCA.
6) In the next step the tone generator in the A-SU sends the dialing tone to the A-SLCA. A code
receiver in the A-SU is ready for the receipt of the dialing digits. A subscriber hears this dial
tone. The subscriber then dials the number and the A-SU receives the dialed digits.
7) The A-SU transfers received digit code to the A-GP. After the first digit is received the A-GP
disconnects the dial tone. The data received by the A-GP is then transferred to the CP.

Fig 2.14: Block diagram of CCNC
8) The CP then checks its database and checks whether the B-subscriber is idle. The CP
identifies the DLU, SLCA and the connection of the B-subscriber selects one of the two LTGs to
which DLU is connected and if the line is idle, marks the B-subscriber busy.
9) The CP determines a path through the SN for the connection between the A-LTG and B-LTG
and sends the setup commend to the SGC. It also informs the B-LTG with the seizure command
about the speech channels (A-LTG-SN, SN-B-LTG), B-port number etc. The B-LTG loops the
assigned speech channels. The CP informs the A-LTG in a setup command about the zone and
the partner’s side (port, speech, and channel) and causes the A-LTG to perform a cross office
check (COC) between A-LTG & B-LTG. With the aid of a report the A-GP informs the B-GP
about the successful COC and connects the subscriber’s speech channels through the A-GS.
So far the call has been setup from the B-LIU. However the connection from the B-LTG to the
B-SUB is still missing.

10) Now the connection between the B-LTG and the B-SUB is setup. For setting the connection
the same steps are followed from 1 to 5. After step 5 the B-GP sends the ringing command to the
B-DLUC. The B-DLUC instructs the SLMCP to apply the ringing voltage B subscriber. The B-
GP forwards a switch command to the B-GS to send the ringing tone to the A subscriber. The A
subscriber receives the ringing tone from the B-SU.
11) The B subscriber accepts the call by lifting the handset. The B-SLCA detects the loop
closure. The B-SLMCP scans the B-SLCA and recognizes that B subscriber wants to accept the
call i.e. has gone off-hook. The B-SLMCP reports the lop closure to the B-DLUC. The B-DLUC
removes the ringing tone current and forwards the message to the B-GP. The B-GP disconnects
the ringing tone and connects the speech through the B-GS.
12) The B-GP reports the answer to the A-GP. Due to this report the initiates the charging
13) Finally the connection is established. It seems that the process will take time but the
experience shows that the connection is set up in few seconds. The A-GP stores the call charges
and stores in one of the registers and transfers to the CP at the end of the call.
The whole process involved in establishing requires interaction between the various parts of the
hardware as explained in steps. In the daily life establishing the call seems to very simple but the
system required to establish this call involves a great complexity both in architecture and the
process designed for call set up.


The deployment of the switch in the field involves first determination of the configuration of
the switch. This is also called dimensioning of the switch. The dimensioning of switch
involves determination of how many and what types of modules are required in a hardware
subsystem to meet the requirements. In addition to the determination of the modules the
number of frames and racks required is also a part of dimensioning. The dimensioning depends
on various factors some of which are:

1) Traffic requirements i.e. traffic per subscriber

2) Number of subscribers to be connected to the switch
3) Busy Hour Call Attempts (BHCA)
4) Number of RSUs required and number of subscribers connected to each RSU
5) Services required by the operator in its network like ISDN-BRI, ISDN-PRI etc.

The various parameters and the requirements are provided by the upon these factors the
dimensioning of switch is started. The first step in dimensioning of switch involves the
dimensioning of DLU and then others subsystems are dimensioned.

2.11.1 DLU (Using DLUG)

The DLU is a subsystem of access part of EWSD. It connects the subscribers to the switch as
already described. The configuration of the DLU depends upon the number of subscribers
connected and the services like ISDN BRI provided by the operator to the subscribers. The
dimensioning of DLU is done as described in the following steps:

Determine the number of analog subscribers and ISDN-BRI subscribers from given data. The
need for ISDN-BRI is usually given in terms of number of B-channels. From B-Channels we
have to calculate number of subscribers using the formula:

ISDN-BRI subscribers = No. of B-Channels/2……………….(1)

The formula is logical as each ISDN-BRI subscriber requires 2 B-channels.

Modules (SLMA and SLMD): The number of SLMA and SLMD are calculated from number
of analog and digital subscribers. As we are using DLUG so each SLMA provides connectivity
for 32 analog subscribers and each SLMD provides connectivity for 16 digital subscribers or
ISDN-BRI subscribers. So numbers of SLMA and SLMD modules required are:operator. After
M: SLMA = number of analog subscribers/32………………….(2)
M: SLMD = number of digital subscribers/16……………..........(3)
It may happen that the number of modules required come out to be a fractional number. So in
those cases the number is rounded off to next integer.
Number of DLUG: The number of DLUG required depends on the number of total modules
required i.e. both SLMA and SLMD. A single DLUG can accommodate 63 SLM modules
.Number of DLUG = (M: SLMA + M: SLMD)/63……………….(4)
In this case also the number of DLUGs should be an integer.
Number of Racks (R: DLUG): The number of racks required depends upon the number of
DLUGs required. Each rack can accommodate 2 DLUGs {DLUG (0) & DLUG (1)}. Thus the
number of racks required is given by:
R: DLUG = Number of DLUG/2…………………………………(5)
The racks come in two sizes 8 ft. and 7 ft but both have same configuration.

DCC Converter for Analog and Digital Subscribers: DCC modules are required for
providing power supply to the modules. For ISDN subscribers each half shelf requires a DCC
module. Each half shelf can accommodate 8 SLMD modules. For analog subscribers 2 DCC
modules are required for up to1024 subscribers and 3 are required for subscribers greater than
Frames [F: DLUG (A) & F: DLUG (B)]: The frames required for housing the modules depend
on their number. One DLUG is formed from two frames each divided into two shelves. One of
the frames is F: DLUG (A) and other is F: DLUG (B). The F: DLUG (A) can house 15 SLM
cards in the top shelf and 16 SLM modules in bottom shelf. The top shelf in addition to SLM
modules also houses a DLUC module for controlling the DLUG parts. In F: DLUG (B) both the
shelves house 16 SLM modules. Thus total number of modules a DLUG can house is 63
(15+16+16+16 = 63). After determining the racks, DLUGs and the modules the distribution of
these SLM modules is determined in various racks and DLUGs. The distribution should be such
that the traffic is evenly distributed among DLUGs and minimum number of power supply
modules should be used. Then the frames are filled one by one according to distribution. It may
happen that in a particular DLUG F: DLUG (B) may not be required due to already complete
filling of frames and no SLM modules are left.
M: ALEX: This module is used in the remote DLU for supervision and warning purposes. It is
used for the alarm transmission. This is module is not used in the main exchange and is only
used in the remote DLU. One module is required for each RSU.
M: ALEX = 1 (per RSU)
M: SASCG: This module is used for standalone service in remote DLU. The requirement of this
module is not in the main exchange. Number of M: SASCG required is equal to the DLUs
present in the RSU.
M: SASCG = number of DLUs in RSU
Network Termination Units: The NT units provided to the operator are equal to 10% of the B
channels for ISDN-BRI. If the customer requires extra NT units he has to buy on
Number of NT units = 10% of ISDN-BRI B channels…………(7)
M: DLUC: The number of M: DLUC required is equal to number of DLUs.
M: DLUC = number of DLUG
The above rules are same for both main exchange and RSU except the modules which are only
meant for RSU.

2.11.2 Line/ Trunk Group (LTGP)

After the DLU is dimensioned LTG is dimensioned. The dimensioning of LTG depends upon
the number of PDC links coming from the DLU, from other exchanges and ISDN PRI
The steps for dimensioning LTG are:
For dimensioning the LTG first of all the traffic because of all the DLUs is calculated. This is
done on individual DLU basis. The traffic due to DLU is because of both the analog and digital
subscribers. The traffic values because of analog and digital subscribers are given. To calculate
the traffic the following formula is used:
Traffic = M: SLMAs in DLU * 32 * t analog + M: SLMDs in DLU * 16 * t digital
t analog = traffic due to analog subscriber
t digital = traffic due to digital subscribers
After calculating the traffic due to the DLU the number of PDCs is determined from the data
sheets. The above step is repeated for all the DLUs whether in main exchange or in RSUs. After
calculating the PDCs coming from all the DLUs to the LTG the sum total of all these PDCs is
PDC DLU = Sum total of all the PDC form all the DLUs (M.E. + RSUs)……..(8)
The next step towards the dimensioning of the LTG is calculation of the E1 required because of
the ISDN PRI subscribers. Before calculating the number of E1 required we have to calculate
the ISDN-PRI subscribers from the given data. Usually the ISDN-PRI subscribers are given as
percentage of B-channels required by these subscribers.
Number of ISDN-PRI subscribers = No. of B-Channels/30…………..(9)
Each ISDN-PRI subscriber requires full E1 as ISDN- PRI has 30 B channels of 64Kbps each.
Thus the number of E1 required is equal to number of ISDN-PRI subscribers.
E1ISDN-PRI = Sum total of all the E1s required in both M.E. and RSUs
The third factor which contributes to the PDCs or E1s is trunks used to connect other exchanges.
These trunks are decided on the basis that 30 % of the total traffic is routed to other exchanges.
The number of trunks is first calculated from formula:
Number of trunks = 30% of total capacity (subscribers) of exchange
After calculating the number of trunks we know that each trunk uses a 64Kbps channel. From
this value we can calculate E1s required.
E1 trunks = Number of trunks/30
Another factor which contributes for the LTGs is number of trunk lines coming from other
exchanges. This is determined using the step3 for other exchanges.
E1 trunks other exchanges = E1s coming from other exchanges
After following all the steps we have to calculate sum total of all the E1s terminating at LTG.

E1 total = PDC DLU + E1ISDN-PRI + E1 trunks + E1 trunks other exchanges
After calculating the PDC links to the LTG we will now determine the number of LTGPs
required. One LTGP can be used to connect 16 PDC links. So the total number of LTGPs
required is given by:
LTGP = E1 total / 16
After calculating the LTGP we have to calculate the number of F: LTGP required for housing
the LTGPs. Each F: LTGP can house upto 8 LTGPs so
Now the racks required to accommodate these frames is to be calculated. Each R: LTGP can
accommodate up to 6 F: LTGP. So racks required are:

Thus after calculating racks, frames and modules we can install the LTG also. So with the
dimensioning of DLU and LTG we are complete with the access part of EWSD. The
configuration of the LTGP is shown in figure 2.15



(a) (c)
Fig 2.15: (a) R: DLUG (b) F: DLUG A (shelf 0) (c) F: DLUG A (shelf 1), F: DLUG B (shelf 2,

2.11.3 CCNC

The dimensioning of CCNC is based on the requirement of the signaling links in the network.
The signaling links then decide the modules, frames, and racks required. The following steps are
followed in the dimensioning of the CCNC:
R: CCNC: The R: CCNC can accommodate 5 frames out of which 3 are F: SILTD and the
other 2 are F: CCNP {F: CCNP (0) and F: CCNP (1)}. Depending upon the F: SILTD and F:
CCNP the number of racks is determined. Usually the 2 frames of CCNP can support upto 254
signaling links but the 3 F: SILTD in the R: CCNC can support 47 links only. So if the number
of the links exceeds 47 we have to use another R: CCNC but only two F: CCNP are required.
M: SILTD: The SILTD module is used for receiving a single signaling link. Thus the number of
M: SILTD depends upon the number of signaling links and is equal to it.
M: SILTD = Number of signaling links
F: SILTD: The number of F: SILTD required depends upon the M: SILTD. Out of 3 racks the
topmost rack can accommodate only 15 M: SILTD but the remaining 2 frames can
accommodate 16 M: SILTD each. Thus 3 frames are required for supporting 47 links.
M: SIPA: The module SIPA is present in the F: CCNP. A single M: SIPA can control upto 32
M: SILTD modules. Thus depending upon the M: SILTD M: SIPA is determined.
M: MUXMA & M: MUXMB: The MUXMA & MUXMB are also a part of F: CCNP. The M:
MUXMA & M: MUXMB are determined on the basis of signaling links. The following scheme
is used to determine these module
MUXMA = 1-55, 129-182
MUXMB = 56-127, 183-255
F: CCNP: The R: CCNC contains 2 F: CCNP (0 &1). These are duplicated for redundancy
purposes. The M: SIPA, M: MUXMA, M: MUXMB are present in this frame. Two of these
frames can support up to 254 signaling links. Both of these frames are mandatory. The
configuration is shown in figure 2.16

Fig 2.16: R: LTGP and R:CCNC

2.11.4 Coordination Processor (CP113 C)

The coordination processor is dimensioned for various processors like BAP, CAP, IOP, IOC etc
which constitute CP113C. The coordination processor controls whole of the switch so it is a
very important part. Redundancy is used in each and every part. The various factors which come
into play in the dimensioning of the switch are BHCA for call processing, X.25 &V.24
interfaces, systems connected to message buffer units, and the various devices connected to the
switch and are controlled by the The switch has only one R: CP113C. Also in
the rack a proper arrangement of cooling using fan boxes is deployed and is a must because
failure of this unit will stop the functioning of the switch. Following steps are taken in the
dimensioning of CP113C:
R: CP113C: Only single rack is used for the processor. The R: CP113C has in total 7 frames for
accommodating different modules. Out of these some frames are mandatory and some are
R: CP113C = 1
F: PIOP: In a single rack there are four F: PIOP (0, 1, 2, and 3). Out of these two {F: PIOP (0)
& F: PIOP (1)} are mandatory and other two (2, 3) are optional depending upon the
requirements of the processors in the switch. As the name suggests the F: PIOP houses the IOP
processors. , IOP: MB and IOP: Central tasks. It also houses the IOC0, IOC1 which are
mandatory. The IOC0 is present in F: PIOP (0) and IOC1 is present in F: PIOP (1). The CAP (2-
5) processors are also present in the F: PIOP (0-3). The other two optional frames are deployed
on the basis of additional processors required.
F: PIOP (0 & 1) = 2 (M)
F: PBC: There are two F: PBC (0, 1) present in the R: CP113C. As the name suggests that these
house BAP and CAP processors. Both are mandatory. The F: PBC (0) & F: PBC (1) houses the
BAP0 & BAP1 processors. In addition to that it also houses the CAP (0, 1) processors. The
common memory modules are also present in the F: PBC.
F: DEV (F): This frame is used to accommodate external memory units for the CP113C. This
memory is used for storing the call detail records and other programs which the processors can
load on requirement. The types of memory devices that accommodated by this frame are MDD
& MOD.
F: DEV (F) = 1 (M)
BAP: The two BAP (0 & 1) processors are mandatory in CP113C. The BAP can support the call
processing functions with a capacity of 250K BHCA (combined capacity of two). The
processors modules that are used for BAP, CAP, and IOC are same. Thus two modules for BAP
processors are used. These processors are accommodated in the F: PBC as already explained.
BAP = 2 (M)

CAP: The CAP processors CAP 0-5 are optional and are only deployed depending on the need
of call processing. Each CAP can support 200K BHCA. Usually CAP0 & CAP1 are given for
safeguarding purposes. CAP0 & CAP1 are present in F: PBC (0&1) respectively.
CAP (0 &1) = 2 (R)
IOC: The IOC processors are placed in the F: PIOP. There are total four IOC processors. The
IOC0 & IOC1 are mandatory. Whereas the requirement for IOC2 & IOC3 depend on the devices
to be connected to the switch. The IOC 0-3 are placed in F: PIOP 0-3 respectively, one in each
IOC = 2 (M)
M: CMY: The M: CMY is available as a unit of 256MB. Usually 1 GB or 512 MB of memory
is provided. The M: CMY are duplicated for safeguarding purposes. Therefore double the
modules are required. These modules are housed in F: PBC (0 &1)
M: CMY = 2 * (memory needed, 1GB or 512MB)/256 MB
M: IOP: The IOP is used for different devices to be connected to the CP113C. The IOP: MB is
one of the important modules which are used for connecting SYP, CCG, and CCNC. It is also
used for different types of interfaces (X.25, V.24) to be connected to the CP113C. These
interfaces are used to connect the OMT PC to the CP113C. If the PC is situated at a far distance
from CP the X.25 is used and if distance is short than V.24 is used. For X.25 IOP: SCDP is used
and for V.24 IOP: UNI is used. The numbers of IOP: MB used are given by
SYP = 2
CCG = 2 (per frame)
MB = 2
CCNC = 2

Fig. 2.17: CP113C

MDD and MOD: These are the external memory units for storing the call detail records. MDD
is magnetic disk drive and MOD is magneto optical disk. These are installed in the F: DEV (F).
The configuration of CP113C is shown in figure 2.17.

2.11.5 Switching Network

The switching network is dimensioned on the basis of the LTGs required. It is divided into
frames: F: TSG & F: SSG. The important part of the dimensioning of SN is to determine the
number of frames of TSG (B) and SSG (B) required catering to the needs. The rules for
dimensioning SN are:

F: SSG (B): This frame is divided into two parts one is basic and other is extension. The
capacity of basic equipment is 126 LTGs and if we use extension then the maximum capacity
can be increased to 252 LTGs.

F: SSG (B) = 1 for 126 LTGs (basic equipment) and for 252 LTGs (extension)

F: TSG (B): This frame is also decided by the number of LTGs. One frame is required for 63

F: TSG (B) = 1 for 63 LTGs

R: LTGN: The SN (B) is housed with other LTGs as well as message buffers. The rack LTGN
can be configured in following ways:
1. 4 F: LTGN
2. 2 F: TSG(B) + 2 F: MB + F: LTG
3. 2 F: SSG + 2 F: MB
So we can use R: LTGN in two of the ways one to house the LTGs and the other to house SN
with MB. The F: TSG (B) and F: SSG (B) are never housed together. So a minimum of 2 racks
are required for accommodating both the frames.

R: LTGN for F: TSG (B) = Number of F: TSG (B)/2 ……………… (a)

R: LTGN for F: SSG (B) = Number of F: SSG (B)/2……………….. (b)
Total number of R: LTGN = (a) + (b)

The configuration of the SN is shown in figure 2.18



(a) (b)
Fig 2.18: (a) R: LTGN with F: LTGN, F: MB, F: TSG (B) (b) R: LTGN with F: MB, F: SSG
(B) (c) F: SSG (B) (d) F: TSG (B)
2.11.6 Message Buffer (MB)
The F: MB/CCG (B) basic equipment is used for 63 LTGs. If the number of LTGs is greater
than 63 then extension is used for another 63 LTGs resulting in 126 LTGs max. The diagram of
F:MB/CCG (B) is shown in figure 2.19

Fig 2.19: MB/CCG (B)

2.11.7 MOMAT
MOMAT constitute the materials which are required in addition to the EWSD hardware for the
installation and connection of various components. This includes installation material per rack,
cables, connectors and various tools for maintenance of the switch. Dimensioning rules for
some of the components of MOMAT are as follows:
1) Installation material is defined per rack and total installation material required is equal to the
total number of racks required in the switch.
2) 16 pair connectorised subscriber cable of 20m between the DLU and MDF.
3) 16 pair subscriber cable for every additional 5m between DLU shelf and MDF.

4) Crimping tool
5) Cables per LTGP for 20m between LTG and DDF rack.
6) Cables per LTGP for every additional 5m between LTG and DDF rack.
2.11.8 APS& Database
APS is provided to the customer on the basis of ports the customer is using. The following
formulas are used for calculating the ports:
Number of ports = M: SLMA* 32 + No. of ISDN-BRI * 32 + No. of ISDN-PRI * 30 + No. of
LTGP * 480 + No. of STMI * 1890
Application Software = number of ports
Database = number of ports
2.11.8 Power Plant
For providing the backup to the exchange additional battery banks are used. These battery banks
provide power to exchange during the power failures. The capacity of battery bank required
depends upon the load of the exchange and the backup time for which the battery banks will
provide the power. After determining the total capacity battery bank units of standard capacities
are provided to support the requirement. The load of the exchange is given in amperes. The
battery banks are available in terms of ampere hours, usually 2000AH & 600AH. The following
formula is used for calculating the total capacity of battery banks. The load of exchange is
expressed in amperes because we know that the exchange works at standard voltage supply of
48V or 60V. Thus the power can be calculated from the product of current and voltage.
Battery Capacity (AH) = backup time (hours) * load of exchange (amp)
After calculating the capacity battery bank units are calculated.
2.11.9 Tools and Testers
Various tools and testers are also provided along with the switch for various testings and
inspections required in the exchange. Some of these tools and testers are:
1) Digital phones
2) Network Termination units for ISDN-BRI



In this chapter we designed a telecom network for T.I.E.T Patiala by using EWSD switch. Total
capacity of staff and student is 5000.5K is divided in to four parts according to the capacity of
locality. Main exchange is situated in the college and RSUs (remote switching units) are for
boys, girls, and for giving connection to staff houses. We designed a different parameter
manually by using dimensioning rules and also develop software that will calculate all the
parameter by entering the capacity. Now if capacity of TIET. will increase to double then we
designed a exchange for 10K.another example witch we take for patiala city . Capacity of Patiala
is 1000000. Three exchanges are situated in different regions having different capacity of each.
Each exchange is having its own RSUs and each RSU is having its own capacity .capacity will
depend upon the locality. These three exchanges are connected to each other with the help of
trunks line.
3.2 Telecom Network Designing for T.I.E.T Patiala using EWSD Switch
Total capacity of staff and students is 5000
3.2.1 Dimensioning of 5k Switch
1. Subscriber Distribution
Total capacity = 5K
Main exchange (M.E.) = 2K
RSU1 = 0.5K
RSU2 = 1K
RSU3 =1.5K
2. Subscriber Capacity (same for M.E., RSUs)
Analog subscribers = 90%
ISDN-BRI subscribers = 5% (in terms of B-Channels required by ISDN-BRI subscribers)
ISDN-PRI = 5% (in terms of B-Channels required by ISDN-PRI subscribers)
3. Traffic
Analog subscriber = 0.15 Erlang\sub
ISDN (BRI & PRI) = 0.44 Erlang\sub
Mean holding time = 90 sec
Only the Subscriber distribution changes with exchange and the subscriber capacity & traffic
usually remain same for a particular operator. In this network also only subscriber distribution
changes and other two parameters remain same. The dimensioning is started with DLUG and is
done for M.E. and every RSU individually. One thing to note is that number of modules, frames,
and racks can not be in fractions so in various calculations direct results in next integer are
3.2.2 DLUG
M.E. (2K)
Analog subscribers = 90% of 2K = 1800
ISDN-BRI subscribers = (5% of 2K)/2 = 50
ISDN-PRI subscribers = (5% of 2K)/30 = 4 (rounded off)
M: SLMA = 1800 (analog subscribers)/32 = 57
M: SLMD = 50 (ISDN-BRI)/16 = 4
Number of DLUGs = (57 + 4) (total modules)/63 = 1
M: DLUGC = 1
R: DLUG = 1/2 = 1
Distribution of modules in DLUGs and racks
R (1).DLU (1) = 4SLMD + 57SLMA
Power Supply Modules
M: DCC (ISDN) = 1*1 = 1 (1 per half shelf)
M: DCC (analog) = 1*3 (sub> 1024) = 29
F: DLUG (A) = 1; F: DLUG (B) = 0
Standalone operation
M: ALEX = 0; M: SASCG = 0
Network Termination Units = 10% of ISDN-BRI Channels =100* 10/100 = 100
RSU1 (0.5K)
Analog subscribers = 90% of 0.5K = 450
ISDN-BRI subscribers = (5% of 0.5K)/2 = 13
ISDN-PRI subscribers = (5% of0.5K)/30 = 1
M: SLMA = 450/32 = 15
M: SLMD = 13/16 = 1
Number of DLUGs = 15 + 1/63 = 1
M: DLUC = 1
R: DLUG = 1/2 = 1
Distribution of modules in DLUGs and racks
R (1).DLU (1) = 1SLMD + 15SLMA
F: DLUG (A) = 1; F: DLUG (B) = 0

Power supply modules
M: DCC (ISDN) = 1*1 = 1; M: DCC (Analog) = 2*1 = 2
Stand alone operation
M: ALEX = 1 (per RSU); M: SASCG = 1 (per DLU)
Network Termination units = 26*10/100 = 2
RSU2 (1K)
Analog subscribers = 90% of 1K = 900
ISDN-BRI subscribers = (5% of 1K)/2 = 25
ISDN-PRI subscribers = (5% of 1K)/30 = 2
M: SLMA = 900/32 = 29
M: SLMD=25/16 = 2
Number of DLUG = 29 + 2/63 = 1
M: DLUC = 1
R: DLUG = 1/2 = 1
Distribution of modules in DLUG and racks
R (1).DLU (1) = 2SLMD + 29SLMA
F: DLUG (A) = 1; F: DLUG (B) = 0
Power supply modules
M: DCC (ISDN) = 1*1 = 1; M: DCC (Analog) = 2*1 = 2
Stand alone operation
M: ALEX = 1 (per RSU); M: SASCG = 1 (per DLU)
Network Termination units = 50*10/100 = 5
RSU3 (1.5K)
Analog subscribers = 90% of 1.5K = 1350
ISDN-BRI subscribers = (5% of 1.5K)/2 = 38
ISDN-PRI subscribers = (5% of 1.5K)/30 = 3
M: SLMA = 1350/32 = 43
M: SLMD=38/16 = 3
Number of DLUG = 43 + 3/63 = 1
M: DLUC = 1
R: DLUG = 1/2 = 1
Distribution of modules in DLUG and racks
R (1).DLU (1) = 3SLMD + 43SLMA
F: DLUG (A) = 1; F: DLUG (B) = 0

Power supply modules
M: DCC (ISDN) = 1*1 = 1; M: DCC (Analog) = 3*1 = 3
Stand alone operation
M: ALEX = 1 (per RSU); M: SASCG = 1 (per DLU)
Network Termination units=76*10/100 = 7
Fig.3.1 shows distribution of different parameter (M:SLMA, RACKS , M:SLMD,DLUC,
DLUG, M:PSD,M:PSA)of main exchange, RSU1, RSU2, RSU3. This fig. shows how many
analog and digital modules, no. of racks, and power supply modules required for both digital and

3.2.3 LTGP
Traffic Calculations and PDCs due to all the DLUGs

Number of DLUGs = 1
1DLUG with 4SLMD + 57 SLMA modules
Traffic = 4*16*0.44 + 57*32*0.15 = 301.76 Erlang
PDCs required per such DLUG = 16
Total PDCs due to these 1 DLUG = 1*16 = 16
PDCs coming out of DLUGs in M.E. = 16

Number of DLUGs = 1
1 DLUGs with 1SLMD+15SLMA modules
Traffic = 1*16*0.44 + 15*32*0.15 = 79.04Erlang
PDCs required Per DLUG = 16
Total PDCs required = 1*16 = 16
Total PDCs coming out from DLUGs in RSU1 = 16

Distribution Between the Parameters of Main Exchange , RSU1, RSU2, RSU3

Main Exchange(2K) RSU1(0.5K) RSU2(1K) RSU3(1.5K)

Rack 2 1 1 1
M:SLMA 57 15 29 43
M:SLMD 4 1 2 3
DLUC 1 1 1 1
DLUG 1 1 1 1
NTU 10 2 5 7
M:PSD 1 1 1 1
M:PSA 5 2 2 5

Fig no.3.1:Distribution of different parameters

Number of DLUGs = 1
1 DLUGs with 2SLMD+29SLMA modules
Traffic = 2*16*0.44 + 29*32*0.15 = 153.28Erlang
PDCs required Per DLUG = 16
Total PDCs required = 1*16 = 16
Total PDCs coming out from DLUGs in RSU2 = 16]
Number of DLUGs = 1
1 DLUGs with 3SLMD+43SLMA modules
Traffic = 3*16*0.44 + 43*32*0.15 = 227.52Erlang
PDCs required Per DLUG = 16
Total PDCs required = 1*16 = 16
Total PDCs coming out from DLUGs in RSU3 = 16
Total PDCs links terminating at LTGP due to all the DLUGs of an exchange =16+16+16+16=64
3.2.4 E1s due to ISDN-PRI Subscribers
Number of ISDN-PRI subscribers = 4
E1s required = 4 (equal to number of ISDN-PRI subscribers as each use 2Mbps bandwidth)
Number of ISDN-PRI subscribers = 1
E1s required = 1
Number of ISDN-PRI subscribers = 2
E1s required = 2
Number of ISDN-PRI subscribers = 3
E1s required = 3
Total E1s terminating at LTGP = 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 10
3.2.5 Trunks
Total trunks due to outgoing traffic from the exchange = 50
Total trunks required =50
All the possible E1s terminating at LTGP = 64+ 10 + 50= 124
Each LTGP can terminate 16 PDCs so total LTGP required = 124/16 = 8
F: LTGP = 8(total LTGPs)/8 = 1
R: LTGP = 1/6 = 1
3.2.6 CCNC
Number of signaling links required = 94
M: SILTD = 94 (1 per signaling link)
M: SIPA = 94/32 =3 (1 SIPA controls 32 SILTD)
M: MUXMA = 1 (for links 1-55)

M: MUXMB = 1 (for links 56-127)
F: SILTD = 3*94/47= 6
F: CCNP = 2 {CCNP (0), CCNP (1)}
R: CCNC = 2 (for housing additional 47 M: SILTD)
3.2.7 CP113C
Processor modules for BAP = 2 (BAP0 & BAP1 mandatory)
Processor modules for CAP = 2 (CAP0 & CAP1 as per BHCA requirement)
Processor modules for IOC = 2 (IOC0 & IOC1 as per devices to be connected)
M: CMY = 4*2 = 8 (for 1 GB of memory)
Processor modules IOP = 9
IOP: MB= 8 (SYP = 2, CCNC = 2, CCG = 2, MB = 2)
IOP: SCDP = 1 (for X.25 interfaces)
MDD = 1
MOD = 1
F: PBC = 2 (PBC0 & PBC1 mandatory)
F: PIOP = 2 (PIOP0 & PIOP 1 mandatory)
F: DEV (F) = 1 (mandatory)
R: CP113C = 1
3.2.8 Switching Network B
Number of LTGP = 8
F: SSG (B) basic = 1 (Basic equipment for 126 LTGPs)
F: SSG (B) extension = 0 (extension for another 126 LTGPs)
F: TSG (B) basic = 8/63 = 1
R: LTGN for F: TSG (B) = 1/2 = 1
R: LTGN for F: SSG (B) = 1/2 = 1
Total R: LTGN = 1 + 1 = 2
3.2.9 Message Buffer B
Number of LTGP = 8
F: MB\CCG (B) basic equipment = 1 (basic equipment for 63 LTGPs)
F: MB\CCG (B) extension = 0 (extension for another 63 LTGPs)
3.2.10 MOMAT
Total number of racks = 10
Installation material = 10 (1 per rack)
3.2.11 APS and Database
M: SLMA = 57 + 15 + 29 +43 = 144
ISDN-BRI = 50 +13 +25 +38 =126

ISDN-PRI = 4 + 1 + 2 +3 = 10
LTGP = 8
Number of ports = 144*32 + 126*64+ 60*10 +8*480= 17112
APS software = 17112
Database = 17112
3.2.12 Power Plant
Load of the exchange = 50A
Backup time = 8 hr
Capacity required = 8*50 = 400 AH
Battery Banks, 2000AH = 0
Battery Banks, 600AH = 1
3.2.13 Tools and Testers
For the maintenance of the exchange tools and testers are required.
Digital Phones = 3
Vacuum cleaner = 1
Traffic generator = 3

This completes the dimensioning of 5K exchange. After determining the required modules,
frames, and racks the modules are installed in the frames and the frames are installed in the
racks. And the connections are made.


Now in the coming years no. of students and staff will increase approximately up to 10k.Now
Exchange will have total capacity of 10K which is divided among M.E., RSU1, and RSU2. The
subscriber capacity and the traffic parameters for this exchange are same as that of 5K exchange.
The subscriber distribution is of course different and is as:
Subscriber distribution
Total capacity = 10K
Main exchange = 5K
RSU1 =2K
RSU2 =3K
3.3.1 DLUG
M.E. (5K)
Analog subscribers = 90% of 5K = 4500
ISDN-BRI subscribers = (5% of 5K)/2 = 125
ISDN-PRI subscribers = (5% of 5K)/30 = 9 (rounded off)
M: SLMA = 4500 (analog subscribers)/32 = 141
M: SLMD = 125 (ISDN-BRI)/16 = 4
Number of DLUGs = (141 + 4) (total modules)/63 = 3
M: DLUGC = 3
R: DLUG = 3/2 = 2
Distribution of modules in DLUGs and racks
R (1).DLU (1) = 8SLMD + 55SLMA ; R(2).DLU(2) =0SLMD +23SLMA
R(2).DLU(1) = 0 SLMD + 63SLMA
Power Supply Modules
M: DCC (ISDN) = 1*1 = 1 (1 per half shelf)
M: DCC (analog) = 2*3 (sub> 1024) + 1*2 (Sub<1024)= 8
F: DLUG (A) = 3; F: DLUG (B) = 2
Standalone operation
M: ALEX = 0; M: SASCG = 0
Network Termination Units = 10% of ISDN-BRI Channels =250* 10/100 = 25
RSU1 (3K)
Analog subscribers = 90% of 3K = 2700
ISDN-BRI subscribers = (5% of 3K)/2 = 75
ISDN-PRI subscribers = (5% of3K)/30 = 5
M: SLMA = 2700/32 = 85
M: SLMD = 75/16 = 5
Number of DLUGs = 85 + 5/63 = 2
M: DLUC = 1
R: DLUG = 1/2 = 1
Distribution of modules in DLUGs and racks
R (1).DLU (1) = 5SLMD + 58SLMA; R(1).DLU(2) =0SLMD +27SLMA
F: DLUG (A) = 1; F: DLUG (B) = 0
Power supply modules
M: DCC (ISDN) = 1*1 = 1; M: DCC (Analog) = 2*1 + 3*1 =5
Stand alone operation
M: ALEX = 1 (per RSU); M: SASCG = 2 (per DLU)
Network Termination units = 150*10/100 = 15
RSU2 (2K)
Analog subscribers = 90% of 2K = 1800

ISDN-BRI subscribers = (5% of 2K)/2 = 50
ISDN-PRI subscribers = (5% of 2K)/30 = 4
M: SLMA = 1800/32 = 57
M: SLMD=50/16 = 4
Number of DLUG = 57 + 4/63 = 1
M: DLUC = 1
R: DLUG = 1/2 = 1
Distribution of modules in DLUG and racks
R (1).DLU (1) = 4SLMD + 57SLMA
F: DLUG (A) = 1; F: DLUG (B) = 0
Power supply modules
M: DCC (ISDN) = 1*1 = 1; M: DCC (Analog) = 3*1 = 3
Stand alone operation
M: ALEX = 1 (per RSU); M: SASCG = 1 (per DLU)
Network Termination units = 100*10/100 = 10

Distribution Between The Subscribers Of Main Exchange,RSU1 & RSU2:

Main Exchange=5K

Exchange RSU1 RSU2

Analog Subscriber 4500 2700 1800

ISDN-BRI 125 75 50
ISDN-PRI 9 5 4

Fig.No.3.2: Distribution of diff. parameter

3.3.2 LTGP
Traffic Calculations and PDCs due to all the DLUGs

Number of DLUGs = 3
1DLUG with 8SLMD + 55 SLMA modules
Traffic = 8*16*0.44 + 55*32*0.15 = 320.32 Erlang
PDCs required per such DLUG = 16
Total PDCs due to these 1 DLUG = 1*16 = 16
1DLUG with 63SLMA modules
Traffic =63*32*0.15 =302.4 Erlang
PDCs required per DLUG =16
Total PDCs required by 1DLUG =1*16 =16
1DLUG with 23SLMA modules
Traffic =23*32*0.15 =110.4 Erlang
PDCs required =8
Total PDCs coming out of DLUGs in M.E. = 16 +16 +8 =40
Number of DLUGs = 2
1 DLUGs with 5SLMD+58SLMA modules
Traffic = 5*16*0.44 + 58*32*0.15 = 313.6Erlang
PDCs required Per DLUG = 16
1 DLUGs with 27SLMA
Traffic =27*32*0.15 =129.6 Erlang
PDCs required =8
Total PDCs coming out from DLUGs in RSU1 = 16+8 =24
Number of DLUGs = 1
1 DLUGs with 4SLMD+57SLMA modules
Traffic = 4*16*0.44 + 57*32*0.15 = 301.76Erlang
PDCs required Per DLUG = 16
Total PDCs required = 1*16 = 16
Total PDCs coming out from DLUGs in RSU2 = 16
Total PDCs links terminating at LTGP due to all the DLUGs of exchange = 40 +24 +16 = 80
3.3.3 E1s due to ISDN-PRI Subscribers
Number of ISDN-PRI subscribers = 9
E1s required = 9 (equal to number of ISDN-PRI subscribers as each use 2Mbps bandwidth)
Number of ISDN-PRI subscribers = 5

E1s required = 5
Number of ISDN-PRI subscribers = 4
E1s required = 4
Total E1s terminating at LTGP =9 +5 +4 = 18
Total trunks due to outgoing traffic from the exchange = 100
Total trunks required =100
All the possible E1s terminating at LTGP = 18+ 100+ 80= 198
Each LTGP can terminate 16 PDCs so total LTGP required = 198/16 = 13
F: LTGP = 13(total LTGPs)/8 = 2
R: LTGP = 2/6 = 1
3.3.4 CCNC
Number of signaling links required = 94
M: SILTD = 94 (1 per signaling link)
M: SIPA = 94/32 =3 (1 SIPA controls 32 SILTD)
M: MUXMA = 1 (for links 1-55)
M: MUXMB = 1 (for links 56-127)
F: SILTD = 3*94/47= 6
F: CCNP = 2 {CCNP (0), CCNP (1)}
R: CCNC = 2 (for housing additional 47 M: SILTD)
3.3.5 CP113C
Processor modules for BAP = 2 (BAP0 & BAP1 mandatory)
Processor modules for CAP = 2 (CAP0 & CAP1 as per BHCA requirement)
Processor modules for IOC = 2 (IOC0 & IOC1 as per devices to be connected)
M: CMY = 4*2 = 8 (for 1 GB of memory)
Processor modules IOP = 9
IOP: MB= 8 (SYP = 2, CCNC = 2, CCG = 2, MB = 2)
IOP: SCDP = 1 (for X.25 interfaces)
MDD = 1
MOD = 1
F: PBC = 2 (PBC0 & PBC1 mandatory)
F: PIOP = 2 (PIOP0 & PIOP 1 mandatory)
F: DEV (F) = 1 (mandatory)
R: CP113C = 1

3.3.6 Switching Network B
Number of LTGP = 13
F: SSG (B) basic = 1 (Basic equipment for 126 LTGPs)
F: SSG (B) extension = 0 (extension for another 126 LTGPs)
F: TSG (B) basic = 13/63 = 1
R: LTGN for F: TSG (B) = 1/2 = 1
R: LTGN for F: SSG (B) = 1/2 = 1
Total R: LTGN = 1 + 1 = 2
3.3.7 Message Buffer B
Number of LTGP = 13
F: MB\CCG (B) basic equipment = 1 (basic equipment for 63 LTGPs)
F: MB\CCG (B) extension = 0 (extension for another 63 LTGPs)
3.3.8 Message Buffer B
Number of LTGP = 13
F: MB\CCG (B) basic equipment = 1 (basic equipment for 63 LTGPs)
F: MB\CCG (B) extension = 0 (extension for another 63 LTGPs)
3.3.9 MOMAT
Total number of racks = 10
Installation material = 10 (1 per rack)
3.3.10 APS and Database
M: SLMA = 141 + 85 + 57 = 283
ISDN-BRI = 125 +75+50 =250
ISDN-PRI = 9 + 5 + 4 = 18
LTGP = 13
Number of ports = 283*32 + 250*64+ 60*18 +13*480= 32376
APS software = 32376
Database = 32376
3.3.11 Power Plant
Load of the exchange = 100A
Backup time = 12hr
Capacity required = 12*100 = 1200 AH
Battery Banks, 2000AH = 0
Battery Banks, 600AH = 2
3.3.12Tools and Testers
For the maintenance of the exchange tools and testers are required.
Digital Phones = 3

Vacuum cleaner = 1
Traffic generator = 3

This completes the dimensioning of 10K exchange. After determining the required modules,
frames, and racks the modules are installed in the frames and the frames are installed in the
racks. And the connections are made.
Now if no. of RSU is increased in the dimensioning of 10k exchange then parameter will be
Total no. of capacity =10k
Main Exchange Capacity =5k
RSU1 =0.5K
RSU2 =1K
RSU3 =1.5K
RSU4 =2K
3.4 DLUG
M.E. (5K)
Analog subscriber = 4500
ISDN-BRI subscriber = 125
ISDN_PRI subscriber = 9
M : SLMA =141
M: SLMD =8
DLUC = 2
Distribution of Modules in DLUGs and RACKS
R (1).DLU (1) = 8SLMD + 55SLMA; R (1).DLU (2) = 0SLMD +23SLMA
R (2).DLU (1) = 0SLMD + 63SLMA
Power supply modules Digital 1
Power supply modules Analog 8
Network Termination Units 25
RSU1 (0.5K)
Analog subscriber = 450
ISDN-BRI subscriber = 13
ISDN_PRI subscriber = 1
M: SLMA = 15
DLUG = 1
DLUC = 1
Distribution of Modules in DLUGs and RACKS
R (1).DLU (1) =1SLMD +15SLMA
Power supply modules Digital = 1
Power supply modules Analog = 2
Standalone operation:
Number of ALEX Modules = 1
Number of DLUs in RSU = 1
Network Termination Units = 2

RSU2 (1K)
Analog subscriber = 900
ISDN-BRI subscriber = 25
ISDN_PRI subscriber = 2
M: SLMA = 29
M: SLMD = 2
DLUG = 1
DLUC = 1
distribution of Modules in DLUGs and RACKS
R(1).DLU(1) =2SLMD +29SLMA
Power supply modules Digital 1
Power supply modules Analog 2
Standalone operation:
Number of ALEX Modules = 1
Number of DLUs in RSU = 1
Network Termination Units = 5

RSU3 (1.5K)
Analog subscriber = 1350
ISDN-BRI subscriber = 38
ISDN_PRI subscriber = 3
M: SLMA = 43
M: SLMD = 3
DLUG = 1

DLUC = 1
Distribution of Modules in DLUGs and RACKS
R(1).DLU(1) =3SLMD +43SLMA
Power supply modules Digital = 1
Power supply modules Analog = 5
Standalone operation:
Number of ALEX Modules = 1
Number of DLUs in RSU =1
Network Termination Units =7
RSU4 (K)
Analog subscriber = 1800
ISDN-BRI subscriber = 50
ISDN_PRI subscriber = 4
M:SLMA = 57
M: SLMD = 4
DLUG = 1
DLUC = 1
Distribution of Modules in DLUGs and RACKS
R (1).DLU (1) =4SLMD +57SLMA
Power supply modules Digital = 1
Power supply modules Analog = 5
Standalone operation:
Number of ALEX Modules = 1
Number of DLUs in RSU = 1

Distribution Between Various Modules of Main Exchange and RSUs:

Exchange(5K) RSU1(0.5K) RSU2(1K) RSU1(1.5K RSU2(2K)

Rack 2 1 1 1 1
M:SLMA 85 15 29 43 57
M:SLMD 5 1 2 3 4
DLUC 2 1 1 1 1
DLUG 1 1 1 1 1
NTU 15 2 5 7 10
M:PSD 1 1 1 1 1
M:PSA 5 2 2 5 5

Fig 3.3: distribution of different parameter


The Exchanges required to build this network will be based on EWSD. The network consist of
three exchanges with subscriber capacity of 350K, 250Kand 400K.

Fig. 3.4: Network Diagram showing three exchange region (1,2,and3) and the interconnection of
their main exchange with each other and main exchange to their respective RSUs.

3.5.1 Dimensioning of 350k Switch

Subscriber Distribution
Total capacity = 350K
Main exchange (M.E.) = 200K
RSU1 = 100K
RSU2 = 50K
Subscriber Capacity (same for M.E., RSUs)
Analog subscribers = 90% of main exchange
ISDN-BRI subscribers = 5% (in terms of B-Channels required by ISDN-BRI subscribers)
ISDN-PRI = 5% (in terms of B-Channels required by ISDN-PRI subscribers)
Analog subscriber = 0.15 Erlang\sub
ISDN (BRI & PRI) = 0.44 Erlang\sub
Mean holding time = 90 sec
Only the Subscriber distribution changes with exchange and the subscriber capacity & traffic
usually remain same for a particular operator. In this network also only subscriber distribution
changes and other two parameters remain same. The dimensioning is started with DLUG and is
done for M.E. and every RSU individually. One thing to note is that number of modules, frames,
and racks can not be in fractions so in various calculations direct results in next integer are
3.5.2 DLUG
M.E. (200K)
Analog subscribers = 90% of 200K = 180K
ISDN-BRI subscribers = (5% of 200K)/2 = 5K
ISDN-PRI subscribers = (5% of 200K)/30 = 334 (rounded off)
M: SLMA = 180K (analog subscribers)/32 = 5625
M: SLMD = 5K (ISDN-BRI)/16 = 313
Number of DLUGs = (5625 + 313) (total modules)/63 = 954`
M: DLUGC = 94
R: DLUG = 94/2 = 47
F: DLUG (A) = 95; F: DLUG (B) =94
Power supply modules Digital = 39

Power supply modules Analog = 336

Network Termination Units = 10000*10/100 =1000

Standalone operation
M: ALEX = 0; M: SASCG = 0
RSU1 (100K)
Analog subscribers = 90% of 100K = 90K
ISDN-BRI subscribers = (5% of 100K)/2 = 2500
ISDN-PRI subscribers = (5% of100K)/30 = 167
M: SLMA = 90K/32 = 2813
M: SLMD = 2500/16 = 157
Number of DLUGs = 2813 + 157/63 = 48
M: DLUC = 48
R: DLUG = 48/2 = 24
F: DLUG (A) = 48; F: DLUG (B) = 47
Power supply modules
M: DCC (ISDN) = 19 ; M: DCC (Analog) = 161
Stand alone operation
M: ALEX = 1 (per RSU); M: SASCG = 1 (per DLU)
Network Termination units = 5000*10/100 = 500

RSU2 (50K)
Analog subscribers = 90% of 50K = 45K

ISDN-BRI subscribers = (5% of 50K)/2 =1250
ISDN-PRI subscribers = (5% of 50K)/30 = 84
M: SLMA = 45000/32 = 1407
M: SLMD=1250/16 = 79
Number of DLUG = 1407 + 79/63 = 24
M: DLUC = 24
R: DLUG = 24/2 = 12
F: DLUG (A) = 24; F: DLUG (B) = 23
Power supply modules
M: DCC (ISDN) = 10 = 1; M: DCC (Analog) = 78
Stand alone operation
M: ALEX = 1 (per RSU); M: SASCG = 1 (per DLU)
Network Termination units =2500*10/100 = 250
3.5.3 LTGP
Traffic Calculations and PDCs due to all the DLUGs
Number. Of DLUGs= 94
Traffic =8*16*.44 +55*32*0.15 =320.32 Erlang
PDCs required per such DLUGs =16
Total PDCs due to these 39DLUGs =40*16 =640
54 DLUGs with 63SLMA modules
Traffic =63*32*0.15 =134.4 Erlang
PDCs required per DLUG=54*16 =864
Total PDCs coming out of DLUGs in M.E. = 640 +864 =1504
RSU1 (100K)
Number of DLUGs = 48
20 DLUGs with 8SLMD+55SLMA modules
Traffic = 8*16*0.44 + 55*32*0.15 = 320.32Erlang
PDCs required Per DLUG = 16
Total PDCs due to these 20DLUGs =20*16 =320
28 DLUGs with 63SLMA
Traffic =63*32*0.15 =134.8 Erlang
PDCs required per DLUG =16
Total PDCs required per DLUG =16*28 =448

Total PDCs coming out from DLUGs in RSU1 = 320+448 =768
RSU2 (50K)
Number of DLUGs = 24
10 DLUGs with 8SLMD+55SLMA modules
Traffic = 8*16*0.44 + 55*32*0.15 = 320.32Erlang
PDCs required Per DLUG = 16
Total PDCs due to these 20DLUGs =10*16 =160
14 DLUGs with 63SLMA
Traffic =63*32*0.15 =134.8 Erlang
PDCs required per DLUG =16
Total PDCs required per DLUG =16*14 =224
Total PDCs coming out from DLUGs in RSU1 = 160+224 =384
Total PDCs links terminating at LTGP due to all the DLUGs of an exchange =384 +768 + 1504
3.5.4 E1s due to ISDN-PRI Subscribers
Number of ISDN-PRI subscribers = 334
E1s required = 334 (equal to number of ISDN-PRI subscribers as each use 2Mbps bandwidth)
Number of ISDN-PRI subscribers = 167
E1s required = 167
Number of ISDN-PRI subscribers = 84
E1s required = 84
Total E1s terminating at LTGP =334 +167 +84 = 585
Total trunks due to outgoing traffic from exchange =3500
Total trunks due to in coming traffic =1750 +1250=3000
Total trunks required = 3500 +3000 =6500
All the possible E1 s terminating at LTGP=6500 +585+2656=9741
Each LTGP can terminate 16 PDCs so total LTGP required =9741/16 =609
F: LTGP =609/8 =76
R: LTGP=76/6 =13
3.5.5 CCNC
Number of signaling links required = 94
M: SILTD = 94 (1 per signaling link)

M: SIPA = 94/32 =3 (1 SIPA controls 32 SILTD)
M: MUXMA = 1 (for links 1-55)
M: MUXMB = 1 (for links 56-127)
F: SILTD = 3*94/47= 6
F: CCNP = 2 {CCNP (0), CCNP (1)}
R: CCNC = 2 (for housing additional 47 M: SILTD)
3.5.6 CP113C
Processor modules for BAP = 2 (BAP0 & BAP1 mandatory)
Processor modules for CAP = 2 (CAP0 & CAP1 as per BHCA requirement)
Processor modules for IOC = 2 (IOC0 & IOC1 as per devices to be connected)
M: CMY = 4*2 = 8 (for 1 GB of memory)
Processor modules IOP = 9
IOP: MB= 8 (SYP = 2, CCNC = 2, CCG = 2, MB = 2)
IOP: SCDP = 1 (for X.25 interfaces)
MDD = 1
MOD = 1
F: PBC = 2 (PBC0 & PBC1 mandatory)
F: PIOP = 2 (PIOP0 & PIOP 1 mandatory)
F: DEV (F) = 1 (mandatory)
R: CP113C = 1

3.5.7 Switching Network B

Number of LTGP = 609
F: SSG (B) basic = 1 (Basic equipment for 126 LTGPs)
F: SSG (B) extension = 2 (extension for another 126 LTGPs)
F: TSG (B) basic = 609/63 = 10
R: LTGN for F: TSG (B) = 10/2 = 5
R: LTGN for F: SSG (B) = 5/2 = 3
Total R: LTGN = 3 + 5 = 8
3.5.8 Message Buffer B
Number of LTGP = 609
F: MB\CCG (B) basic equipment = 1 (basic equipment for 63 LTGPs)
F: MB\CCG (B) extension = 9 (extension for another 63 LTGPs)
3.5.9 MOMAT
Total number of racks = 107
Installation material = 107 (1 per rack)

3.5.10 APS and Database
M: SLMA = 180000 +2813 + 1407 = 184220
ISDN-BRI = 5000 +1250+2500 =8750
ISDN-PRI = 167 + 84 +334 = 585
LTGP = 609
Number of ports = 184220*32 + 8750*64+ 60*585 +609*480= 6782460
APS software = 6782460
Database = 6782460
3.5.11 Power Plant
Load of the exchange = 3500A
Backup time = 10hr
Capacity required = 10*3500 = 35000AH
Battery Banks, 2000AH =1
Battery Banks, 600AH = 3
DLUG M: SLMD = 32 M: SASCG = 1
M.E.(150K) M: DLUC = 10 F: DLUG (A) = 14
Analog subscriber=135k M: DCC (ISDN) = 4 F: DLUG (B) = 13
ISDN-BRI subscriber=3750 M: DCC (Analog) = 29 R: DLUG = 7
M: SLMA = 4219 M: ALEX = 1 NT Units = 150
M: SLMD = 235 M: SASCG = 1 RSU 3(50K)
M: DLUC = 71 F: DLUG (A) = 10 M: SLMA = 1407
M: DCC (ISDN) = 29 F: DLUG (B) = 9 M: SLMD = 79
M: DCC (Analog) = 126 R: DLUG = 5 M: DLUC = 24
M: ALEX = 0 NT Units = 100 M: DCC (ISDN) = 10
M: SASCG = 0 RSU 2(30K) M: DCC (Analog) = 78
F: DLUG (A) = 71 M: SLMA = 844 M: ALEX = 1
F: DLUG (B) = 70 M: SLMD = 47 M: SASCG = 1
R: DLUG = 36 M: DLUC = 14 F: DLUG (A) = 78
NT Units = 750 M: DCC (ISDN) = 9 F: DLUG (B) = 77
RSU 1(20K) M: DCC (Analog) = 46 R: DLUG = 12
M: SLMA = 563 M: ALEX = 1

F: SSG (B) basic = 1 (400K EXCHANGE)
LTGP F: SSG (B) ext. = 2 DLUG
PDCs due to all DLUGs F: TSG (B) basic = 6 M.E.(240K)
1216 +168 +162 + 400 = 1946 R: LTGN = Analog subscriber=216K
E1s due to ISDN-PRI Message Buffer B ISDN-BRI subscriber=6000
84 +250 +34 +50 =418 F: MB\CCG (B) basic= 1 ISDN-PRI subscriber =410
E1s due to trunks F: MB\CCG (B) ext. = 5 M: SLMA = 6750
Total trunks required =150 MOMAT M: SLMD = 375
+200 +2500 =2850 Installation material = 177 M: DLUC = 114
E1s terminating at LTGP M: DCC (ISDN) = 46
=2850 +418 +1946 =5214 APS & Database M: DCC (Analog) = 37
LTGP required =326 M: SLMA M: ALEX = 0
F: LTGP =652 =4219 +563+844+1407 M: SASCG = 0
R: LTGP = 109 = 7033 F: DLUG (A) = 114
Signaling links= 94 =3750+500+750+1250 R: DLUG = 57
M: SILTD = 94 =6250 NT Units = 1200
M: MUXMA = 1 =84+250+34+50 Analog subscribers = 45K
M: MUXMB = 1 =418 ISDN-BRIsubscribers =1250
F: SILTD = 6 LTGP = 326 ISDN-PRI subscribers = 84
F: CCNP (0&1) = 2 Number of ports= 806616 M: SLMA = 1407
R: CCNC = 2 APS software = 806616 M: SLMD = 79
CCG = 2 Database = 80616 Number of DLUG = 24
IOP: SCDP = 1 M: DLUC = 24
MDD = 1 Power Plant R: DLUG = 12
MOD = 1 Load of exchange = 2500A Frames
F: PIOP (0, 1) = 2 Backup time =10hr F: DLUG (A) = 24; F:
F: PBC (0, 1) = 2 Capacity =25000AH DLUG (B) = 23
F: DEV (F) = 1 Battery Banks, 2000AH=12 Power supply modules
R: CP113C = 1 600=2 M: DCC (ISDN) = 10

M: DCC (Analog) = 78 Number of DLUG = 24 M: MUXMA = 1
Stand alone operation M: DLUC = 24 M: MUXMB = 1
M: ALEX = 1 (per RSU) R: DLUG = 12 F: SILTD = 6
M: SASCG = 1 (per DLU) Frames F: CCNP (0&1) = 2
NT = 250 F: DLUG (A) = 24; F: R: CCNC = 2
RSU2 (60K) DLUG (B) = 23 CP113C
Analog subscribers = 54K Power supply modules Modules for BAP (0, 1) = 2
ISDN-BRI subscribers =1500 M: DCC (ISDN) = 10 Modules for CAP (0, 1) = 2
ISDN-PRI subscribers = 100 M: DCC (Analog) = 78 Modules for IOC (0, 1) = 2
M: SLMA = 1688 Stand alone operation M: CMY = 8 (1 GB)
M: SLMD =94 M: ALEX = 1 (per RSU) M: IOP = 9
Number of DLUG = 29 M: SASCG = 1 (per DLU) MB = 8
M: DLUC = 29 NT = 250 SYP=2
R: DLUG = 15 LTGP CCNC = 2
Frames PDCs due to all DLUGs MB = 2
F: DLUG (A) = 29; 1952+592 +416+ 592 = CCG = 2
F: DLUG (B) = 28 3552 IOP: SCDP = 1
Power supply modules E1s due to ISDN-PRI MDD = 1
M: DCC (ISDN) = 19 = 1; 410 +84 +100+84 =678 MOD = 1
M: DCC (Analog) = 92 E1s due to trunks F: PIOP (0, 1) = 2
Stand alone operation Total trunks required =4000 F: PBC (0, 1) = 2
M: ALEX = 1 (per RSU); +1750 +1250 =7000 F: DEV (F) = 1
M: SASCG = 1 (per DLU) E1s terminating at LTGP = R: CP113C = 1
Network Termination 7000 +3552 +678 =11230 SN (B)
units =300 LTGP required =702 F: SSG (B) basic = 1
RSU3(50K) F: LTGP =88 F: SSG (B) ext. = 5
Analog subscribers = 45K R: LTGP = 14 F: TSG (B) basic = 12
ISDN-BRI subscribers =1250 CCNC R: LTGN = 6
ISDN-PRI subscribers = 84 Signaling links= 94 Message Buffer B
M: SLMA = 1407 M: SILTD = 94 F: MB\CCG (B) basic= 1
M: SLMD = 79 M: SIPA = 3 F: MB\CCG (B) ext. = 11

MOMAT =6000+1250+1500+1250 Database = 1377704
Installation material = 118 =10000 Power Plant
APS & Database ISDN PRI Load of exchange =40000A
M: SLMA =410+84 +100 +84 Backup time =10hr
=6750 +1407 +1688 +1407 =678 Capacity =400000AH
= 11252 LTGP = 702 Battery Banks, 2000AH=200
ISDN-BRI Number of ports= 1377704
APS software = 1377704

The global system for mobile communications (GSM) was introduced in 1982. At that time the
GSM stood for Groupe Spéciale Mobile, a committee under ETSI (European standardization
organization). The task of the GSM was to define a new standard for mobile communications in
900 MHz range. It was decided to use digital technology for the implementation of this mobile
communication system. In 1991 acronym for GSM was changed to present name. Also in 1991
the first GSM system was

Fig 4.1: Global System for Mobile Communication

The basis idea of a cellular architecture is to partition the available frequency range, to assign
only parts of the frequency range to a Base Transceiver Station (BTS), and to reduce the range
of a Base Station (BS) in order to reuse the scarce frequencies as often as possible. One of the
major goals of network planning is to reduce interference between different BS. Besides the
advantages of having a cellular structure to reuse frequencies, it also comes with the following
1) An increasing number of BS increases the cost of infrastructure and access lines.
2) All cellular networks require that as the mobile station moves from one cell to the other, call
is transferred, a process known as Handover.
3) The network has to keep constantly updated of the location of the subscriber, even when a call
is not in progress, in order to forward incoming call to the mobile station (MS).
4) The above two items require extensive communication between the MS, the BS and various
other network elements. This type of communication is called signaling, and goes far beyond
that in fixed networks.

The network elements in the GSM network are connected with each other through various
interfaces. These interfaces are defined in the standards designed by the ETSI. Thus the BTS
and BSC designed by different manufacturers can not be connected with each other. The
network diagram showing interfaces and the network elements present in the GSM network is
shown in the diagram

Fig 4.2: GSM network diagram showing interfaces and various subsystems
The air interface in the GSM network is also called Um.
Uplink: 890-915MHz
Downlink: 935-960MHz
The radio spectrum is a limited resource shared by all the users. The method chosen by GSM is
a combination of time- and frequency-division multiple access (TDMA/FDMA).
4.2.2Traffic Channels:
traffic channel is used to carry speech and data traffic. Traffic channels are defined using the 26
frame multiframe or a group of 26 TDMA frames. The length of the multiframe is 120ms. Out
of the 26 frames, 24 are used for traffic, 1 is used for the slow associated.Multiframe is 120ms.
Out of the 26 frames, 24 are used for traffic, 1 is used for the slow associated control channel
(SACCH) and 1 is currently unused. In addition to these full-rate TCHs (TCH/F,22.8 Kbps),
half-rate TCHs (TCH/H, 11.4 Kbps) are also defined. Half-rate TCHs double the

Fig 4.3: Traffic Channel

Capacity of a system effectively by making it possible to transmit two calls in a single channel.
4.2.3 Signaling Channels: The signaling channels on the air interface are used for call
establishment, paging, call maintenance, synchronization etc. There are three groups of the
signaling channel.
Broadcast Channels: Carry only downlink information and are responsible mainly for
synchronization and frequency correction. This is the only channel type enabling point-to-
multipoint communications in which short messages are simultaneously transmitted to several
mobiles. The broadcast channel is divided into three categories namely BCCH, FCH, and SCH.
Common Control Channels: A group of uplink and downlink channels between the MS card
and the BTS. These channels are used to convey information from the network to MSs and
provide access to the network. These channels are also divided into PCH, AGCH, and RACH.
Dedicated Control Channel: These channels are responsible for handovers, roaming and
encryption etc. These channels include channels like SDCCH, SACCH, and FACCH.


The Abis interface lies within the BSS and defines the dividing line between the BSC and BTS.
The Abis interface is not properly defined in every detail in the GSM standard and thus is
proprietary which means that it totally depends upon the manufacturer. This is the reason why
the BSC of a particular manufacturer can not be connected to the BTS of some other
manufacturer because of the lack of compatibility. The Abis interface is a PCM30 interface with a
transmission rate of 2Mbps which is partitioned into 32 channels of 64Kbps each. The data
transmitted on the Abis interface is in compressed form after passing through the TRAU. The
data carried by the Abis interface (single PCM30) is equivalent to the data which will be carried

by the 4 PCM30 links. This means that single time slot on the Abis interface can carry the data of
four time slots in the normal operation. The Abis interface carries mainly two types channels:
Traffic Channels (TCH): The traffic channels are used to transfer the user data. The traffic
channels can be configured in 8, 16 and 64Kbps formats. The TRAU frame is a transport unit for
a 16Kbps TCH on Abis. It uses 13.6Kbps for the user data and for 2.4Kbps for inband signaling,
timing and synchronization.
Signaling Channel: These channels are used for the signaling purposes between the BTS and
the BSC. These channels are configured in the 16, 32, 56, 64 Kbps formats. Each transceiver
requires a signaling channel on the Abis interface.
The A interface is the interface used to connect the MSC with the BSC. This interface is also a
PCM30 links on the physical level with a transmission capacity of 2Mbps. The TRAU which is
located between the BSC and MSC has to be considered when examining this interface. The
traffic on the A interface is compressed to one fourth on the Abis interface. Thus four A
interfaces are converted into one Abis interface by the TRAU. The number of the A interfaces
depends upon the traffic per subscriber and number of the subscribers served by the particular
BSC connected to the MSC. A single MSC can serve more than one BSC and thus total number
of the A interfaces terminating at the MSC also depends upon BSC number. The A interface also
carries both traffic channels and signaling channels. The signaling on this interface is SS7
signaling and the traffic channels uses PCM30
The PSTN is connected to PLMN at the MSC or GMSC. The traffic from/to PSTN subscriber
To/from PLMN subscriber is carried on the interfaces between the PSTN and PLMN. The
interfaces between the PSTN and PLMN are realized using a PCM30 link with a transmission
capacity of 2Mbps. The number of PCM30 links depends on the traffic and the routing schemes.
An STM-1 link can also be used to connect the MSC and PSTN. The STM-1 is equivalent to the
63 PCM30 links. The connection between the PSTN and MSC carries both traffic and signaling
channels. The traffic channels use the PCM30 scheme with each channel having a capacity of
64Kbps. The signaling used is SS7. The user part used in the signaling is ISUP, TUP, and ISDN.
The interfaces connected to the PSTN require echo compensation. So DEC modules are used for
this purpose. For each line a DEC is required for the compensation.
An MSC can also be connected to more than one PSTN. The different interfaces coming from
these PSTNs can be multiplexed to STM-1 links if a later extraction of the VC12 signals is
ensured. For echo compensation in this case a DEC480 is available which can compensate for
16 PCM links.

This interface is used to connect MSCs with each other. It can used to connect MSC to an MSC
or a GMSC. This interface is physically realized using the PCM30 links. The inter MSC links
are used to carry traffic which may be coming from mobile subscribers of the same PLMN or it
may be from PSTN. The E interfaces carries traffic and signaling channels. The traffic channels
are 64Kbps channels. The signaling channels use MAP, ISUP, ISDN protocols.
The C interface connects the home location register to the MSC. This interface is organized as
PCM30 interface with a 2Mbps transmission rate. This interface does not have any kind of
traffic channel rather it consists of signaling channels only. It uses CCS7 signaling with MAP,
TCAP, SCCP protocols.
This interface is used to carry the forwarded traffic to the voice mail service center. The calls are
forwarded to the VMSC from various MS. The calls may be conditionally or unconditionally
forwarded to the VMSC. In the conditional forwarding the calls are forwarded from the MS to
the VMSC based on some conditions like busy, not reachable etc. Whereas the unconditional
forwarding involves the calls to be forwarded to the VMSC directly after interrogation with the
VLR. The MS which has subscribed the voice mail service can also retrieve the calls stored in
the VMSC. Thus bidirectional traffic exists on this interface.
The core of any GSM network is the switching subsystem in the network. The core is also
known by the name of network switching system (NSS). The switching subsystem involves the
mobile switching centre (MSC). The MSC is the heart of any core which is used mainly to
provide the circuit switching with some other functions also. The other network elements which
are also a part of the core are HLR, VLR, AUC, VMSC etc. The network planning of the core
involves the planning of the interfaces used to connect the network elements, dimensioning of
the hardware required in the MSC, HLR, and VLR etc. Only the dimensioning and planning of
the interfaces will be discussed i.e. the number of the interfaces required that will support the
required traffic conditions will be determined. The hardware is dimensioned according to the
interfaces planned in the above process. The configuration of the hardware is not planned in
India rather it is planned only in Bangkok for whole Asian continent. For any network that has
to be established or needs to be expanded the first step is to plan the interfaces according to
traffic model and mobility model which define the traffic conditions required by the operator.
After designing the interfaces the hardware is determined from these interfaces. The traffic on
the interface consists of both the payload traffic which is voice traffic and the signaling traffic
which is used in the call processing. The signaling traffic in the GSM is very high as compared

to the fixed network traffic because of the mobility management, radio resource management
and the handovers. The interfaces are designed keeping the MSC as the center of the network
and all the interfaces going out of it to the other network elements.
4.3.1 Network Designing Parameters and Terminologies
The network is designed from certain parameters which describe the traffic requirements of the
network. The values of these parameters are known before designing the network. The
parameters and the terminology related to the network designing will be defined in this section.
To dimension the network appropriate mathematical models are needed. For the circuit
switching network standard blocking theory as originally developed by the Agner Krarup Erlang
is used. All the parameters used in this theory are related to the busiest hour of the day. The
other things that are used to design the network are traffic models and mobility models. These
are the starting points of any network.
4.3.2 Erlang Blocking Theory
The parameters defined in this theory are related to the busiest hour of the day.
Call Attempt: Any attempt on the part of the traffic source which is a subscriber to obtain the
service. The attempts to obtain the service can be successful or unsuccessful.
Call: Any attempt that is processed and makes a bid for the service. So the calls<=call attempts.
Busy Hour Call Attempts (BHCA): It specifies the total number of call attempts during the
busy hour. This factor covers all the successful and unsuccessful call attempts for all kind of
calls (originating, terminating).
Mean Holding Time tm: It is the average duration for the call attempt, no matter whether the
call is successful or not. The units of the mean holding time are seconds. Usually the BHCA per
subscriber and the traffic per subscriber are given so we can calculate the mean holding time
from these two parameters using the formula given in the offered traffic below.
Maximum Allowable Blocking Probability, P: This value represents the major quality
criterion. It specifies an acceptance rate with which call attempts can be blocked by the network
due to the lacking resources. This value can either be defined as an end to end value or for an
individual interface.
Offered Traffic, A: This value specifies the amount of traffic that would be generated if all call
attempts could be served by the network. This parameter has actually no unit but Erlang is used
to honor A.K.Erlang for the development of this theory. Strictly speaking one Erlang is equal to
one permanently used channel during the busy hour. As in communication networks a channel is
allocated to a certain call and then relocated to another call, the value of 1 Erlang per channel is
only theoretical as gaps between the release of the first call and the occupation by the second
call occur. The formula for the offered traffic is given as:
A= BHCA* tm /3600 sec
Number of Channels, N: It specifies the needed amount of channels between two entities in
order to serve the offered traffic A with the required blocking probability P. the relation between
the A,P,N cannot be given by a resolvable formula but can be described only by the recursive
formulas. N can be determined by the Erlang tables or appropriate algorithms as defined in the
tools like Teltraf.
4.3.3 Traffic Model
The network is designed on the basis of a model called traffic model. The traffic model gives the
information about the call activity in the busy hour, mean holding time per call, call split of
MTC, MOC and MMC and their success rate. Other than these parameters the traffic model also
gives information about the call forwarding i.e. about the percentage of the total calls that are
forwarded and the conditions under which the call forwarding is governed. The different
parameters that are given in the traffic model are defined below.
Traffic per MS: This parameter provides the value of the traffic contributed by the MS. The
units are Erlang /sub. The traffic the MSC has to support thus depends upon the number of
subscribers that particular has.
BHCA per Subscriber: This is one of the ways how the BHCA encountered by the MSC is
defined. The parameter defines the BHCA on the basis of the number of subscribers. Thus total
BHCA will change depending on the number of subscribers. The peculiar thing about the traffic
model is that it defines the different parameters such that the model is general for all the MSCs
in the network.
Call Forwarding: One of the features of the GSM is that calls to the MS can be forwarded to
some other destination like other MS, PSTN or voice mail center. The calls can be forwarded on
the basis of some conditions laid by the subscriber such as busy, not reachable etc. These kinds
of the calls are conditionally forwarded and forwarding technique is called conditional
forwarding. The subscriber can also opt to forward the calls unconditionally i.e. to forward all
the calls directly to some other destination like MS, PSTN or VMSC.
Call Retrieval: The calls that are forwarded to the VMSC can be retrieved by the MS. In this
case messages are the retrieved stored information. This process is called call retrieving.
Mobile Terminated Calls, MTC: The MTC is defined as the call from the PSTN to PLMN.
The MTC given in the traffic model gives its distribution out of total calls. This distribution
includes successful as well as unsuccessful calls. Also it includes the forwarded calls whether
conditional or unconditional. The MTC involve the calls from the PSTN subscriber to MS as
well as calls from MS of other PLMN using PSTN as transition network.
MTC= MTCremain + MTCuncond + MTCcond
Mobile Originating Calls, MOC: The MOC is defined as the call from the PLMN to the
PSTN. As like the case of MTC the MOC are also given as distribution of the total calls.

Similarly it also has successful, unsuccessful calls. The MOC does not have the contribution
because of the forwarded calls because the destination is the PSTN subscriber. From the
definition of the MOC it appears that the call will be only for PSTN subscriber but the PSTN
network can also act as the transition network for the calls to MS of other PLMN. Thus MOC
involve calls for PSTN subscriber and calls for other PLMN users. The MOC also involves the
retrieving calls from the MS to the VMSC for receiving the stored messages.
Mobile to Mobile Calls, MMC: MMC is defined as the call from one mobile subscriber to
other mobile subscriber in the same PLMN. Due to the reason that the two parties are in the
same network the two parties share common resources i.e. only one traffic channel as compared
to the MOC and MTC. The MMC also involves the calls which are forwarded either
conditionally or unconditionally. Contrary to MTC and MOC MMC involve the calls only
between the users of the same PLMN. The MMC are further distributed into inter MSC and intra
MSC calls.
4.4 Network Diagram
The network diagram which will show all the network elements present in the network, the
various sites and nodes the network will have. The elements are decided on the requirements laid
by the operator. For the simplest network MSC, HLR, VLR, PSTN, BSC, VMS, SMSC will be
definitely present. Now after deciding upon the network elements that will be present the next
step is to determine the number of these nodes required for serving all the subscribers in the
PLMN and the geographical area in which subscribers are to be served. As far as the core
planning is concerned the geographical area is not a big consideration. The geographical area is
required in the planning of the radio subsystem of the PLMN which is not the concern here.
Usually one node each of HLR, VLR, and VMS serve more than one MSC. So in our network
design only one node each of the HLR, VLR, and VMS will be considered. Now at last only the
MSC is left. The number of MSCs depends upon the number of subscribers. A thumb rule used
in determining the number of the MSCs is that a single MSC can support approximately 500K-
520K subscribers. The number of BSCs required is not the concern of core planner. Usually
core planner assumes the number of BSCs on the past experience before actual requirement is
determined by radio planner. This approach is helpful as the core planner needs only total traffic
from all the BSCs to determine the total number of A interfaces and not the individual BSC
traffic. If after planning of the BSCs if there is some discrepancy in the number of the BSCs
assumed, which is usually there, only thing which is to be done is just to redistribute the
calculated A interfaces among BSCs.
Now after determining the nodes the interconnection between the several nodes is to be decided.
The interconnection of the network nodes is done by using various interfaces. Thus after
connecting the network nodes we get a final network diagram.

4.5 Determination of Traffic on Various Interfaces
The next step towards the planning of the network is to calculate traffic on various interfaces
present in the network. The interfaces are indicated in the network diagram. The traffic
calculated will determine the number of various interfaces required in the network. The correct
calculation of the traffic is very crucial because the calculated traffic determines the number of
interfaces and the number of interfaces will in turn decide the configuration of the hardware
which is to be deployed in the network. It is the most computing intensive part of the network
planning. Factors which are to be taken care of while calculating the traffic are:
The first step in the calculation of the traffic is to choose the interface. Usually the traffic is
calculated on the interfaces between PSTN and MSC first. This is done because most of the
traffic parameters that will be required in the calculation of the traffic on other interfaces get
calculated automatically in this interface only. Thus this interface provides reference for the
other interfaces also. But it is not always necessary that PSTN and MSC interface traffic is to be
calculated first.
The second factor which is to be taken care of is the routing of the calls. Traffic due to each and
every possible call that can be routed on that particular interface is to be calculated. The routing
of the calls can lead to a number of cases to be considered. One of the techniques that can help
in calculating the cases is to write down all the cases using the permutation and combination
theory in mathematics. While considering any of the interfaces take out the cases which will
contribute to the traffic on that particular interface thus in this way almost all the cases will be
taken into consideration. The other technique which can be used is to construct a traffic matrix.
In this a table is formed in which the traffic from all the possible source nodes to all the possible
sink nodes is tabulated. The important thing about the traffic matrix is that it does not give any
information about the routing of the calls. After calculating the traffic one has to still consider
the routing cases.
While deciding the routing of the calls the shortest path is to be considered.
So while calculating the traffic these factors should be taken into account. The traffic on
interfaces depends on various factors.
PSTN Interface: The connection to the PSTN exchanges is a PCM30 line. A detailed
determination of the traffic flow and routing is essential for the calculation of PSTN interfaces.
This also includes a determination of the number of PSTN exchanges connected to a MSC/VLR
and the number of paths for each of these connections as well. In most cases, a PSTN connection
is a bi-directional trunk group carrying incoming plus outgoing traffic.
Inter MSC Interface: The number of trunks by which a MSC/VLR is connected to other
MSC/VLRs depends on the traffic on the individual MSC/VLR interconnections that are

influenced by the network size, switch locations, network structure, traffic routing strategy etc.
The traffic on this interface is also determined by the mobile to mobile traffic.
Interface to VMSC: The voice mail service enables GSM and UMTS subscriber to forward
incoming calls e.g. conditionally or unconditionally to his voice mail box, e.g. when he is not
attached to the network or when his line is busy. After attaching to the network he can retrieve
one or more messages from his voice mail box with one call to his voice mail box.
Interface to BSS: There are two possibilities for the planning of the A-Interface. These are:
a) Bottom-up approach:
In the case of a bottom-up planning the configuration of the Radio Subsystem (RSS) is done
before the Switching Subsystem (SSS) will be dimensioned. An output of the BSS planning is
the amount of A-interfaces. The actual amount of the interfaces towards the RSS depends on
parameters like coverage, urban or rural area, subscriber distribution, etc. Moreover, the
mobility of the subscribers has an impact on the traffic on air. From a statistical point of view,
the traffic fluctuation is higher in small areas than in large areas. Consequently, the RSS
normally has a higher subscriber capacity than the SSS.
b) Top-Down approach:
If no detailed planning of the RSS configuration has been carried out or in case of budgetary
offer, the total traffic occurred in the BSS part should be split on a suitable number of BSCs
connected to one switch. Assumptions on the BSC-individual traffic could be done on the basis
of subscriber location, size and topography of the area to be served, etc.
5. Interface to HLR: The interface to HLR contains the signaling information so only the CCS7
links are to be calculated.
There are mainly three types of traffic: MMC, MTC and MOC. The definitions of these
parameters are already defined in the above discussions. The traffic on any interface will be
because of these three types only except in the case of data traffic.After the determination of the
all the cases that will contribute to traffic on a particular interface determine category of traffic
whether it is MMC, MTC or MOC. The determination of the traffic type helps in calculating
value of the traffic. Then traffic due to each case is calculated and the total traffic is the sum
total of traffic due to all cases. Some of the cases how to calculate traffics will be given in this
section. Except these cases some other cases can also be present. Thus the examples help in
understanding the underlying concept for calculating the traffic.
The examples are according to the traffic types.
MTC Traffic: The term MTC has been already discussed in the previous section. The total
MTC traffic consists of three types- MTC uncond, MTC cond, MTC remain. MTC uncond, MTC cond

come under the category of forwarded calls. The total traffic due to MTC is given by the

MTC= (MS * BHCA *pMTC*tm)/3600
MS = number of subscribers
BHCA = busy hour call attempts per subscriber
pMTC = share of MTC traffic
tm = mean holding time
MTC uncond is defined as calls from the PSTN directly being forwarded to the target after
performing interrogation to the HLR. It is applicable on the supplementary service CFU (Call
forwarding unconditional). The target can be voice mail service centers or other mobile or fixed
subscribers. The formula for calculating this traffic is given by:
MTC uncond = (MS * BHCA *pMTC* puncon * t Forward)/3600……(1)
p uncond = share of unconditionally forwarded MTC traffic
t Forward = forwarding time, e.g. duration of the occupation of VMSC including greeting message
and left message.
MTC cond is defined as calls from the PSTN interrogated and routed to the subscriber current
MSC/VLR. Due to certain conditions the call will be forwarded from this subscriber’s location
(MSC) to the forwarding target. It is applicable on the supplementary services CFB (Call
forwarding on mobile subscriber busy), CFNRy (Call forwarding on no reply) and CFNRc (Call
forwarding on mobile subscriber not reachable). The target can be voice mail service centers or
other mobile or fixed subscribers.
MTC cond = (MS * BHCA *pMTC* pcond * t Forward)/3600…….(2)
pcond = share of conditionally forwarded MTC traffic
MTC remain is simply the MTC subtracted by the forwarded traffic conditional and
unconditional, i.e. the traffic that is treated in the normal defined way as mobile terminated
traffic. It is the remaining traffic.
MTC remain= MTC - MTC cond - MTC uncond
MMC Traffic: MMC is defined as calls from one mobile subscriber to another mobile
subscriber. Due to the fact that two parties in the same network are involved they share one
resource (traffic channel) in comparison to MOC and MTC, where one subscriber inside and one
subscriber outside the network share this resource. The call is part of both subscribers MMC
attempt, e.g. having 0.1 MMC call attempts means it could be originated and terminated. The
channel sharing is covered by the factor 2 in the denominator. The formula for MMC is given
MMC= (MS * BHCA *pMMC*tm)/3600*2……..(3)
pMMC = percentage of MMC traffic
MMC uncond is defined as MMC directly being forwarded to the target after performing
interrogation to the HLR. It is applicable on the supplementary service CFU (Call forwarding
unconditional). The target can be voice mail service centers or other mobile or fixed subscribers.
MMC uncond = (MS * BHCA *pMMC* puncon * t Forward)/3600*2
MMC cond is defined as MMC interrogated and routed to other subscriber current MSC/VLR.
Due to certain conditions the call will be forwarded from this subscriber’s location (MSC) to the
forwarding target. It is applicable on the supplementary services CFB (Call forwarding on
mobile subscriber busy), CFNRy (Call forwarding on no reply) and CFNRc (Call forwarding on
mobile subscriber not reachable). The target can be voice mail service centers or other mobile or
fixed subscribers.
MMC cond = (MS * BHCA *pMMC* pcond * t Forward)/3600*2……(4)
MMC remain is simply the MMC subtracted by the forwarded traffic conditional and
unconditional, i.e. the traffic that is treated in the normal defined way as mobile - mobile traffic.
MMC remain= MMC - MMC cond - MMC uncond
MOC Traffic: MOC is defined as calls from the PLMN towards the PSTN. The following
formula shows the total MOC caused by all subscribers in this particular MSC. It doesn’t show
anything about the distribution of this outgoing traffic among the PSTN nodes connected to the
network. The formula for calculating the MOC traffic is given below:
MOC= (MS * BHCA *pMOC*tm)/3600……………..(5)
pMOC = percentage of MOC traffic
Unlike MTC the MOC does not have any forwarded calls as the calls are destined to PSTN and
call forwarding is a facility provided by the PLMN and GSM network. But the MOC calls
consist of retrieving of calls and messages from the VMSC stored in it because of forwarded
MOC retrieval is defined as the traffic caused by retrieving messages stored on the voice mail
service center. These stored messages are originated (forwarded) by the traffic types MTC uncond,
MTC cond, MMC uncond and MMC cond.
MOC retrieval = (MS * BHCA *(p uncond + pcond)*pMOC*t retrieval)/3600......(6)
t retrieval = retrieving time, e.g. duration of the occupation of VMSC including greeting message
and play of the left message(s).

Due to the distinct input parameters of retrieval time (tretrieval) and forwarded time (tforward) the
result of the retrieved traffic could be different than the sum of the MMC and MTC forwarded
traffic. This can be explained with different greeting lengths.
MOC retrieval = (MMC cond +MMC uncond + MTC cond + MMC uncond) * (t retrieval/ t forward)
In case of equal times the equation becomes:
MOC retrieval = (MMC cond +MMC uncond + MTC cond + MMC uncond)

MOC remain The remaining traffic is simply the MOC subtracted by the retrieved traffic, i.e. the
traffic that is treated in the normal defined way as mobile originated traffic.
MOC remain = MOC - MOC retrieval
4.6 Determination of Traffic Channels
After the calculation of the traffic on individual interfaces the next step is to calculate the traffic
channels required to support or carry the required traffic. The traffic channels required are
calculated using a tool called Teletraf. The inputs required by the tool are traffic and blocking
probability of particular interface. The traffic channels can also be calculated by the Erlang
tables. Actually the formulas that are used to calculate the traffic channels from the traffic and
blocking probability are recursive formulas and it is not easy to calculate the answers from these
formulas manually. So special softwares like Teletraf or excel sheets are used for calculating the
traffic channels. The general recursive function for calculating the traffic channels for an
interface is given by
#TCH = f (P, traffic)
f = recursive function
P = blocking probability of the interface
Traffic = traffic on the interface

4.7 Calculating the Signaling Links

Logically, signaling network and the payload network are two networks. However, often
signaling links are simply transported associated with the payload, thus the impression might
exist that signaling and payload network are one entity. If this associated transport is the case,
bandwidth for signaling must be provided and considered when dimensioning the payload links
between the nodes. The signaling links depend on the interface we are considering. Usually
while calculating the signaling links thumb rules are used and no detailed discussion as to why
these result only is discussed. The thumb rules are nothing but the results of the theories
implemented in the calculation of signaling links. Thus thumb rules fast up the planning process
with fair amount of accuracy. The rules for different interfaces are mentioned below:

4.7.1 MSC-BSS: The C7 links required for the A interface depends on the traffic channels
calculated for it on the basis of traffic and blocking probability. One C7 link is required per 240
traffic channels.
#CCS7A= #TCHA/240
#TCHA = #TCH out, BSC = f (B; Traffic out, BSC)
#TCHA= traffic channels required
#CCS7A= signaling channels or links
The function f (x, y) is a recursive formula for calculating the traffic channels.
4.7.2 MSC-PSTN: For MSC-PSTN interface the number of CCS7 links depend upon the PCM
links required for the speech information. One CCS7 links is required per 30 PCM links. In case
of MSC-PSTN signaling links there should be redundancy because of the criticality of the
interface in the network. Thus redundancy of one CCS7 link is provided as also shown by the
formula given below.
#TCH = f (B; Traffic out, BSC)
#E1 = #TCH / 30
#CCS7 = #E1/30 + 1……..(7)
UR = Utilization Rate (0.8 or 1)
4.7.3 MSC-HLR: The number of signaling links required in this case depends on the number
subscriber. The requirement also depends on one factor in the hardware i.e. whether we are
using CCNC or SSNC. In this case also one extra C7 link is provided for redundancy. Thus
signaling links required are given by:
#CCS7= Number of subscribers/20000 +1
#CCS7= Number of subscribers/40000 +1

The difference between CCNC and SSNC is that SSNC is newer version.
4.7.4 MSC-VMS: For the interface between MSC-VMS two signaling links are required. In
general this value is sufficient irrespective of any other factor.
#CCS7 Links Between the PLMN Switch and VMS=2…..(8)
4.7.5 MSC-MSC: The signaling links required for the inter MSC interface depend on the
number of subscribers in the PLMN. One signaling link is required per 20000 subscribers. One
channel for redundancy is provided if requested by operator.
#CCS7 = number of subscribers/ 20000………(9)
These five interfaces are to be planned in our report only. So this data will be sufficient for
designing the network.
4.8 Determination of Number of Interfaces
After following the steps mentioned above now we have to calculate the number of interfaces
required between the network nodes in the network. All the interfaces between different network
nodes are PCM interfaces. The rules for calculating the number of interfaces are discussed in
this section one by one for each of the interfaces.
4.8.1 PSTN Interface: The PSTN interface with the MSC is a PCM30 interface. The number of
PCM lines required for supporting the traffic and signaling depends on the traffic channels and
signaling links calculated. The other factor which plays an important role in determining the
PCM lines is utilization factor (UR). The UR is used to consider the percentage of total capacity
of PCM used in the network. The value of UR can be 0.8 or 1. Usually the value of UR is taken
to be 0.8.
The number of PSTN interfaces can be obtained with
# TCH PSTN + # C7
# PSTN - IF = …….(10)
# TS * UR
#PSTN-IF = number of interfacing lines
#TCHPSTN = number of traffic channels required for speech
#C7 = signaling links
#TS = number of time slots = 30 (as standard, in exceptional cases also 31)
UR = Utilization rate (0.8 or 1)
Basically speaking, a single PCM line offers 31 time slots that can be filled with payload.
However, very often a further time slots remains reserved. In this case the number of available
time slots reduces to 30. If this is the case and the reserved time slots are blocked for signaling,
it is necessary to remove the term #CCS7 from above equation as signaling bandwidth has
already been foreseen. If 30 or 31 time slots are used needs to be clarified project specific. If no
other information is available, use 30 as default.
4.8.2 Inter MSC Interface: The E interface is a TDM based interface and uses PCM30 links.
As E interface also use PCM30 lines thus for calculating interfaces it has similar kind of
calculations as in the case of PSTN interfaces.
The number of MSC-MSC interfaces can be obtained with
# TCH MSC -MSC + # C7
# MSC - MSC - IF = …….(11)
# TS * UR
#MSC-MSC-IF = number of interfacing lines

#TCHMSC-MSC = number of traffic channels required for speech
#C7 = signaling links
#TS = number of time slots = 30 (as standard, in exceptional cases also 31)
UR = Utilization rate (0.8 or 1)
Now whether 30 or 31 time slots are to be used has already been explained in PSTN interfaces.
4.8.3 Interface to BSS: The A interface is also a PCM30 interface but the number of interfaces
is determined in a different manner as compared to PSTN or MSC.
# TCH out,BSC + 4 * # CCS7 links on A − IF + 4 * OMC − Links NUC
# A − IF = …..(12)
# TS * UR
#A-IF = number of A interfaces
#TCH out, BSC = number of traffic channels
#CCS7= number of signaling links
OMC-Links = 1 for BSC-OMC nailed-up-connection, 0 otherwise
#TS = number of time slots = 30 (as standard, in exceptional cases also 31)
UR = Utilization rate (0.8 or 1)
This rule has to be applied for each BSC connected to the switch. Above rules leads to the
minimum number of A interface which are necessary to handle the entire traffic. However, this
approach is somewhat simplified as with the introduction of AMR codecs in GSM the setup of
A interface pools becomes necessary. One pool is e.g. reserved for classical codecs like HR, FR
and EFR whereas a second pool is responsible for the handling of all calls using the AMR
codec. The biggest impact lies in the BSS, as the TRAU must be split according to the pools.
The core effects of pooling might be negligible for offer planning but become very relevant
when integrating a node in a real network.
4.8.4 Interface to VMSC: The connection of PLMN with the VMSC is realized using PCM30
lines. The number of PCM30 interfaces are calculated by using the formula
# TCH VMS + # CCS7
# VMS - IF = ……..(13)
# TS * UR
#VMS-IF = number of interfaces form the MSC to the VMSC
#TCHVMS = number of traffic channels
#CCS7= number of signaling links
#TS = number of time slots = 30 (as standard, in exceptional cases also 31)
UR = Utilization rate (0.8 or 1)
4.8.5 Interface to HLR: The number of interfaces required between the HLR and MSC depends
only upon the signaling links as no speech traffic exists on this interface. The PCM30 can

support 31 signaling links. For redundancy an extra line is provided. Thus the number of
interfaces required are given by:
# CCS7 links MSC/VLR − HLR/AC
= + 1 ….(14)
#PCM30 MSC/VLR-HLR/AC = number of links required.
#CCS7 MSC/VLR-HLR/AC = number of signaling links required

Planning of the core network having a capacity of 600K subscribers. A network with a capacity
of 600K which is divided into two MSCs, MSC0 and MSC1, with equal capacity of 300K
subscribers each. Different types of traffic i.e. MTC (mobile terminating call), MOC (mobile
originating call), MMC (mobile to mobile call) are calculated. No. of channel is calculated by a
software or a excel sheet. Different dimensioning links are calculated. Finally we calculate no.
of interfaces required. A software is developed that will calculate all these parameter by entering
the Capacity. Different graphs shows distribution of various types of traffic and dimensioning
of links.
The requirements and parameters of the network are:
5.2 Requirements
1.Network with a capacity of 600K which is divided into two MSCs, MSC0 and MSC1, with
equal capacity of 300K subscribers each.
2.The traffic requirement per subscriber is 30m Erlang.
3.The BHCA per subscriber is 2.6 BHCA.
5.2.1 Traffic Model
Traffic per MS 30 m Erlang
Number of BHCA per MS & busy hour 2.6
Mean holding time per call 41.53 sec
MOC 40%
Successful calls 65%
Unsuccessful calls 35%
No traffic channel engaged 60%
No answer 40%

MTC 40%
Successful calls 55%
Unsuccessful calls 45%
MS detached /no paging response 70%
No answer 30%
MTM calls: MSC internal 10%
To other MSC’s 10%
FAX or data calls 1%of total
Subscriber controlled input per MS & busy hour 0.1
SMS(MO+MT) per MS & busy hour 0.2
Call forwarding of MTC & MMC 10%
Unconditional 100%
To VMS center 100%
Table 5.1: Traffic Model

1. Call forwarding time, t forward = 50 sec
2. Call retrieving time, t retrieve = 50 sec
3. Blocking Probabilities:
A- Interface = 0.5%, UR = 0.8
PSTN interfaces = 1%, UR = 0.8
E- Interface = 1%, UR = 0.8
VMS-MSC blocking = 0.1%
4. Distribution of MTC & MOC calls:
MTC for MSC0: 50 % from PSTN0, 50 % from PSTN1
MTC for MSC1: 50 % from PSTN0, 50 % from PSTN1
MOC of MSC0: 50 % to PSTN0, 50 % to PSTN1
MOC of MSC1: 50% to PSTN0, 50% to PSTN1
5. Distribution of forwarded calls
Forwarded calls to PSTN: 50% to PSTN0 & 50% to PSTN1
Forwarded calls to MS: 50% to BSC0 & 50% BSC1
Network Diagram

Fig 5.1: Core Network for 600K subscribers

The network diagram for 600K subscribers is shown above. The network has two MSCs, MSC0
& MSC1, with a capacity of 300K each. The MSC are connected to the PSTN network. MSC0 is
connected to PSTN0 and the MSC1 is connected to the PSTN1. It is assumed that MSCs will be
connected to a single PSTN network only. the MSCs are connected to the BSS through the A
interfaces. MSC0 is connected to the BSC0 (BSS) and the MSC1 is connected to BSC1 (BSS).
The number of BSCs in the BSS network is also assumed according to the top down approach.
The MSCs are connected to each other through E interfaces as shown in the diagram. In addition
to these there are two another network elements namely- HLR and VMSC. The HLR is a static
database meant for the subscriber management and mobility management so it is also to be
connected to MSCs. The VMSC is used for storing the forwarded messages for subscribers.
Following conventions are used in this section:
PSTN0 = P0 BSC0 = B0 MSC0 = M0 VMSC = VMS
PSTN1 = P1 BSC1 = B1 MSC1 = M1

5.3 Calculation of Traffic

VMS Traffic
Forwarded MTC Traffic
Dedicated for subscribers belonging to MSC0
PSTN0-VMS = 2.6 *0.4 (MTC)* 0.1 (forw)* 0.5 (Dist.)*300,000*50/3600
= 216.67 Erl
PSTN1-VMS = 2.6 *0.4 (MTC)* 0.1 (forw)* 0.5 (Dist.)*300,000*50/3600
= 216.67 Erl
Dedicated for subscribers belonging to MSC1
PSTN0-VMS = 2.6 *0.4 (MTC)* 0.1 (forw)* 0.5 (Dist.)*300,000*50/3600
= 216.67 Erl
PSTN1-VMS = 2.6 *0.4 (MTC)* 0.1 (forw)* 0.5 (Dist.)*300,000*50/3600
= 216.67 ErL
Forwarded MMC traffic
MSC0 = 2.6*0.2 (MMC)*0.1 (Forw.)*300,000*50/3600
= 216.67 Erl
MSC1 = 2.6*0.2 (MMC)*0.1 (Forw)*300,000*50/3600
= 216.67 Erl

Retrieved MTC traffic

The retrieved MTC traffic is proportional to the ratio of retrieval time over forward time
VMS-MSC0 = (216.67+216.67)*50/50
= 433.34 Erl
VMS-MSC1 = (216.67+216.67)*50/50
= 433.34 Erl
Retrieved MMC traffic
MSC0 = 216.67 Erl
MSC1 = 216.67 Erl
Land to Mobile Traffic (MTC_Remaining)
PSTN0-MSC0 = 300,000*0.03 (traff.)* 0.4 (MTC)* 0.5 (dist.) – 216.67

= 1583.33 Erl
PSTN1-MSC0 = 300,000*0.03 (traff.)* 0.4 (MTC)* 0.5 (dist.) – 216.67
= 1583.33 Erl
PSTN0-MSC1 = 300,000*0.03 (traff.)* 0.4 (MTC)* 0.5 (dist.) – 216.67
= 1583.33 Erl
PSTN1-MSC1 = 300,000*0.03 (traff.)* 0.4 (MTC)* 0.5 (dist.) – 216.67
= 1583.33 Erl
Mobile to Land Traffic (MOC_Remaining)
MSC0-PSTN0 = 300,000* 0.03*0.4 (MOC)* 0.5 (Dist) - 650 (VMS total)*0.5 (dist.)
= 1475 Erl
MSC0-PSTN1 = 300,000* 0.03*0.4 (MOC)* 0.5 (Dist) - 866.68 (VMS total)*0.5 (dist.)
= 1475 Erl
MSC1-PSTN0 = 300,000* 0.03*0.4 (MOC)* 0.5 (Dist) - 866.68 (VMS total)*0.5 (dist.)
= 1475 Erl
MSC1-PSTN1 = 300,000* 0.03*0.4 (MOC)* 0.5 (Dist) - 866.68 (VMS total)*0.5 (dist.)
= 1475 Erl
Mobile to Mobile Traffic
Remaining MMC traffic
MSC0 = 300,000*0.03*0.2 – 216.67
= 1563.33 Erl
MSC1 = 300,000*.03*0.2 – 216.67
= 1563.33 Erl
Local Traffic
MSC0 = 1563.33*50/100
= 791.66Erl
MSC0 = 1563.33*50/100
= 791.66 Erl
Inter MMC
MSC0-MSC1 = 1563.33*50/100
= 791.66 Erl
MSC1- MSC0= 1563.33*50/100
= 791.66 Erl
5.4 Traffic on Interfaces
Total VMS Traffic
Traffic to VMS
MSC0-VMS = 216.67+216.67+216.67

= 650 Erl
MSC1-VMS = 216.67+216.67+216.67
= 650 Erl
Traffic from VMS
VMS-MSC0 = 216.67+216.67+216.67
= 650 Erl
VMS-MSC1 = 650 Erl
Total Traffic
MSC0-VMS = 1300 Erl
MSC1-VMS = 1300 Erl
Total PSTN Traffic
This interface handles MOC_Remaining, MTC_Remaining, and MTC_Forward
MSC0-PSTN0 = 1475+1475+1583.33+1583.33+216.67+216.67
= 6550 Erl
MSC1-PSTN1 = 1475+1475+1583.33+1583.33+216.67+216.67
= 6550 Erl
Total Inter MSC Traffic
This interface has to handle the following traffic shares: MMC_remaning traffic and
MTC_Remaining traffic entering the network at the wrong MSC. Note that the MMC traffic
must be weighted with a factor of 50%.
MSC0-MSC1 = 0.5*791.66+1583.33
= 1979.16 Er
MSC1-MSC0 = 0.5*791.66+1583.33
= 1979.16 Erl
Total Traffic = 3958.32 Erl
5.5 Dimensioning of Links
PSTN Interfaces
Traffic = 6550 Erl
#TCH = 6548
PCM30 = 219
C7 = 219/30+1 = 9
PSTN-IF = (6548+9)/30*0.8 = 274
Same as MSC0-PSTN0
MSC0-MSC1 Interfaces
Traffic = 3958.32 Erl
#TCH = 3976
PCM30 = 133
C7 = 600,000/20,000 = 30
MCS-MSC IF = (3976+30)/30*0.8 = 167
MSC-VMS Interface
Traffic = 1300 Erl
#TCH = 138
C7 = 2
MSC-VMS IF = (1380+2)/30/0.8 = 58
Same as above
MSC-HLR Interfaces
MSC0-HLR = 300000/20000+1 = 16
MSC1-HLR = 16
Total Traffic = 300,000*.03
= 9000 Erl
Traffic per BSC = 9000/3
= 3000 Erl/BSC
#TCH = 3057
#C7 = 3057/240 = 13 per BSC
A – Interfaces = (3057+4*13)/30*0.8 = 130 per BSC
Total A interfaces = 3* 130 = 390
Total C7 links = 13*3 = 39

Same for this case also

This completes the dimensioning and planning of the interfaces for core network. The call
forwarding in this case has been taken only unconditional with 100% forwarding to VMS.

Distribution Between Various Types of Traffic
Total Subscriber Capacity=600K

Forwarded Retrieved Retrieved Land to Mobile to Mobile to Local MMC Traffic on
MTC MMC Mobile Land mobile
MTC & MMC traffic traffic traffic traffic traffic Traffic Interfaces
Traffic (Er.) (Er.) (Er.) (Er.) (Er.) (Er.) (Er.) (Er.) (Er.)

216.67 433.34 216.67 1583.33 1457 1563.33 791.66 791.66 650

Fig:5.2 Distribution between various types of Traffic



274 167 58 16 390

Fig:5.3: Dimensioning of Links

5.6 Planning of core network interfaces for 10000 subscribers:

Enter the capacity: 10000

Forwarded MTC Traffic MSC1_PSTN0 = 49.166667 Erl

PSTN0_VMS_MSC0 = 7.222222 Erl MSC1_PSTN1 = 49.166667 Erl


PSTN0_VMS_MSC1 = 7.222222 Erl Remaining MMC Traffic

PSTN1_VMS_MSC1 = 7.222222 Erl MSC0 = 52.777778 Erl

Forwarded MMC Traffic MSC1 = 52.777778 Erl

MSC0 = 7.222222 Erl Local Traffic

MSC1 = 7.222222 Erl MSC0 = 26.388889 Erl

Retrieved MTC Traffic MSC1 = 26.388889 Erl

VMS_MSC0 = 14.444444 Erl Inter MMC

VMS_MSC1 = 14.444444 Erl MSC0_MSC1 = 26.388889 Erl

MSC1_MSC0 = 26.388889 Erl

Retrieved MMC Traffic


MSC1 = 7.222222 Erl Traffic to VMS

Land to Mobile Traffic(MTC_Remaining) MSC0_VMS = 21.666667 Erl

PSTN0_MSC0 = 52.777778 Erl
MSC1_VMS = 21.666667 Erl
PSTN1_MSC0 = 52.777778 Erl
Traffic from VMS
PSTN0_MSC1 = 52.777778 Erl
VMS_MSC0 = 21.666667 Erl
PSTN1_MSC1 = 52.777778 Erl
VMS_MSC1 = 21.666667 Erl

Mobile to Land Traffic(MOC_Remaining) Total Traffic

MSC0_PSTN0 = 49.166667 Erl
MSC0_VMS = 43.333333 Erl
MSC0_PSTN1 = 49.166667 Erl
MSC1_VMS = 43.333333 Erl
Total PSTN Traffic A-interface

MSC0_PSTN0 = 218.333333 Enter the value of TCH: 73

MSC1_PSTN1 = 218.333333
A Interfaces = 4.000000 per BSC
Total Inter MSC Traffic
Total A Interfaces = 12.000000
MSC0_MSC1 = 65.972222 Erl
Total C7 Links = 3.000000
MSC1_MSC0 = 65.972222 Erl

Total Traffic = 131.944444 Erl


PSTN Interfaces

Traffic = 218.333333 Erl

Enter the value of TCH : 260

PSTN_IF = 11.000000

MSC0_MSC1 Interfaces

Traffic = 131.944444 Erl

Enter the value of TCH: 166

MCS_MSC_IF = 7.000000

MSC_VMS Interfaces

Traffic = 43.333333 Erl

Enter the value of TCH: 64

MSC_VMS_IF = 3.000000

MSC_HLR Interfaces

MSC0_HLR = 1.500000

MSC1_HLR = 1.500000
Total subscriber capacity=10000

Forwarded Retrieved Retrieved Land to Mobile to Mobile to Local MMC
MMC MTC Mobile Land mobile
MTC & MMC traffic traffic traffic traffic traffic Traffic
TRAFFIC (Er.) (Er.) (Er.) (Er.) (Er.) (Er.) (Er.) (Er.)

7.22 7.22 14.44 52.77 49.16 52.77 26.38 26.38

Fig.5.4: Distribution between various types of traffic




11 7 3 1.5 12

Fig.5.5: Dimensioning of links

Telecommunications sector is growing at a fast rate. The dependence of people on the
telecommunications has also increased very much. For building reliable telecommunication
systems a lot of engineering and designing is required. An optimized system can only be
designed after proper planning and consideration of each and every factor that can affect
working of the system. The infrastructure used for network elements in the network must also be
capable of meeting real time requirements like traffic variations due to time of the day (day or
night) of the network etc. For increasing the reliability and capability of network elements the
infrastructure involved becomes very complex and sophisticated. Due to the rising complexity in
the system it is desirable that the systems should be divided into modules or subparts. These
modules or subparts will help in reducing the complexity of whole system and limiting the
complexity of a particular subsystem to that part only. This kind of approach can be seen in
EWSD system where whole system is being divided into many subsystems. This also helps the
switch designer while configuring the switch. In addition it also helps in increasing the
flexibility of the system in terms of easy expansion whenever required. By making the
individual network elements modular we can design and implement a complex network with
much more ease. This makes whole network modular as network is nothing but the collection of
all these network elements. Thus the approach to design a network is to recognize the network
elements and design parameters based on the needs required in the network and then start
configuring the elements on the basis of parameters given. From the first part of thesis we can
easily recognize these approaches. As EWSD is a modular approach we can expand the capacity
of exchange by increasing the no. of modules. For increasing the capacity we need not to change
the whole design of exchange. RSU is a variable unit & its capacity will be different for different
locality. I have designed an exchange for TIET PATIALA and for PATIALA city. In similar
way we can design such an exchange for any city.
Telecommunication industry has brought a great change in the life of people. With newer
services introduced, subscribers can take a lot of advantage of these in their daily lives. As an
example we can see how mobile communications has brought changes in our lives. Newer
services based on concept “anywhere anytime” are bringing revolution. This concept adds to our
mobility and the services are available to us where we need them. If we just take a simple
example of voice communications, traditionally because of fixed telephones we must have a
fixed phone near us to use the service but now because of mobile communication we can stay
connected everywhere. The next step towards the planning of the network is to calculate traffic
on various interfaces present in the network. Core planning for 600K Subscribers shows that
land to mobile traffic is more as compared to other types of traffic and A-interfaces require more
dimensioning link than to other interfaces .
Further work
The first part of thesis can be further expanded. In the first part we can connect the exchanges to
a TAX exchange for providing the connectivity to other exchanges for national and international
calls. We can also configure the EWSD switch to work as a TAX exchange.
In second part we have planned interfaces for circuit switched network. The work can be further
expanded to planning of interfaces for packet switched network i.e. GPRS. Another thing we can
do is to configure the hardware of MSC on the basis of interfaces planned.


2. http://education



5. Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) - Basic Access Interface for Use on
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11. M. Mouly, M-B. Pautet, “The GSM System for mobile communication,’’ published by
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16. Electronic Communication Systems, 5th edition, by Wayne Tomasi, Pearson Education





22. Jan A. Audestad. Network aspects of the GSM system. In EUROCON 88, June 1988

23. Josef-Franz Huber. Advanced equipment for an advanced network. Telcom Report
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29. Siemens’ documentation for EWSD (for internal use only)

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