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Facial Landmark Detection Using CNN Report

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National College of Engineering

(Affiliated to Tribhuvan University)

Talchhikhel, Lalitpur

[Subject Code: CT755]



Submitted by:
Dilip Paudel [NCE-073-89756]
Rajan Pandey [NCE-073-89765]
Diwash Bhandari [NCE-073-89770]
Sailesh Sapkota [NCE-073-89778]


Submitted to:
Department of Computer and Electronics Engineering
March, 2021

Submitted by:
Dilip Paudel [NCE-073-89756]
Rajan Pandey [NCE-073-89765]
Diwash Bhandari [NCE-073-89770]
Sailesh Sapkota [NCE-073-89778]

Supervised by:
(Department of Computer and Electronic Engineering)



Submitted to:
Department of Computer and Electronics Engineering
National College of Engineering
Talchhikhel, Lalitpur

March, 2021

The author has agreed that the library, National college of Engineering, may make this
report freely available for inspection. Moreover the author has agreed that permission for
extensive copying of this project report for scholarly purpose may be granted by the
lecturers, who supervised the project works recorded herein or, in their absence, by the
Head of Department wherein the project report was done. It is understood that the
recognition will be given to the author of the report and to the Department of Computer
and Electronics, NCE in any use of the material of this project report. Copying or
publication or other use of this report for financial gain without approval of the
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Department of Computer and Electronics Engineering

National College of Engineering

Talchhikhel, Lalitpur





The undersigned certify that they have read and recommended to the Institute of
Engineering for acceptance, a project report entitled “FACIAL LANDMARK
DETECTION USING CNN” submitted by Dilip Paudel, Rajan Pandey, Diwash
Bhandari, Sailesh Sapkota in partial fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering
in Computer Engineering.

………………………….. ……………………………..
Supervisor External Examiner
Er. Anup Shrestha Department of Computer,
Electronic and Communication (IOE)

…………………………….. ……………………………..
Er. Mohan Maharjan Er. Pradip Adhakari
Deputy Head of Department Head of Department
Department of Computer, Department of Computer,
Electronic and Communication Electronic and Communication
Engineering (NCE) Engineering


It gives us immense pleasure to express our deepest sense of gratitude and sincere thanks
to our highly respected and esteemed guide Er. Anup Shrestha, supervisor of our project
for his valuable guidance, encouragement and help for completing this work. His useful
suggestions for this whole work and co-operative behavior are sincerely acknowledged.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to Er. Pradip Adhakari, Head of
Department of Electronic and Computer for giving us this opportunity to undertake this
project. We would also like to thank Er. Mohan Maharjan, for whole hearted support.
We are also grateful to our teachers Er. Sarmila Bista and Er. Subash Pandey for their
constant support and guidance.

At the end we would like to express our sincere thanks to all our friends and others who
helped us directly or indirectly during this project work.


Facial landmark detection using CNN involves reading of input images from the camera
and detects any faces with their landmarks for applying filters. Human beings are able to
recognize faces while learning from childhood. But the same task for machines is much
more complex because of complexity of the occlusion or illumination and variation in
pose. With the advent of deep learning with neural network techniques, the accuracy for
face detection has increased drastically. The system uses Haar-Like Features algorithm
for face detection by detecting presence of facial features in the given image and CNN is
implemented to detect facial landmarks by extracting features from image. The CelebA
dataset was used to build a model which has 35000 face images with 136 landmarks and
0.05 validation errors was obtained with the help of absolute mean error.

Keywords: Facial landmark, CNN, Haar-Like Features, occlusion, pose, CelebA.

COPYRIGHT................................................................................................................................... 1
CERTIFICATE ................................................................................................................................ 2
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................... 3
ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................................... 4
LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................................... 7
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................... 8
LIST OF ABBREVATION ............................................................................................................. 9
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 10
1.1 Background .......................................................................................................................... 10
1.1.1 Region of interest.......................................................................................................... 11
1.1.2 Facial landmark detector .............................................................................................. 11
1.2 Problem Statement .............................................................................................................. 12
1.3 Aim and Objectives .............................................................................................................. 13
1.4 Scope of Project ................................................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER 3: REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS ............................................................................... 17
3.1 Functional Requirements ..................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Non-Functional Requirement .............................................................................................. 17
3.3 System Requirements .......................................................................................................... 18
3.3.1 Hardware Requirement ................................................................................................ 18
3.3.2 Software Requirement .................................................................................................. 18
3.4 Feasibility Analysis ............................................................................................................... 19
3.4.1 Technical Feasibility ...................................................................................................... 19
3.4.2 Economic Feasibility ...................................................................................................... 19
3.4.3 Operational Feasibility .................................................................................................. 19
CHAPTER 4: METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................. 20
4.1 Dataset Collection ................................................................................................................ 20
4.2 System Block Diagram.......................................................................................................... 21

4.3.1 Image pre-processing.................................................................................................... 21
4.3.2 Landmark point rescales ............................................................................................... 22
4.4 System Description .............................................................................................................. 22
4.4.1 Region of interest detector ........................................................................................... 22
4.4.2 Facial landmark detector .............................................................................................. 23
CHAPTER 5: SYSTEM MODEL DIAGRAM ............................................................................. 28
5.1 UI Diagram ........................................................................................................................... 28
5.2 Domain Model ..................................................................................................................... 30
5.4 Activity Diagram ................................................................................................................... 32
5.5 Sequence Diagram ............................................................................................................... 33
CHAPTER 6: SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LIFECYCLE ...................................................... 35
CHAPTER 7: UNIT TESTING ..................................................................................................... 36
CHAPTER 8: SYSTEM TESTING ............................................................................................... 38
CHAPTER 9: DISCUSSION ......................................................................................................... 39
CHAPTER 10: CONCLUSION AND FUTURE ENHANCEMENT ........................................... 40
10.1 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 40
10.2 Validation ........................................................................................................................... 41
10.3 Limitation ........................................................................................................................... 41
10.4 Future Enhancement ......................................................................................................... 41
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 43


Figure 1: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

Figure 2: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Figure 3: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

Figure 4: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

Figure 5: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

Figure 6: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

Figure 7: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

Figure 8: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17

Figure 9: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18

Figure 10: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18

Figure 11: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19

Figure 12: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20

Figure 13: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21

Figure 14: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22

Figure 15: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23

Figure 16: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24

Figure 17: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25

Figure 18: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32

Figure 19: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41


Table 1: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

Table 2: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29

Table 3: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30


2D: Two Dimensional

AI: Artificial Intelligence

CelebA: CelebFaces Attributes Dataset

CNN: Convolutional Neural Network

ConvNet: Convolutional Neural Network

GPU: Graphical Processing Unit

GUI: Graphical User Interface

NN: Neural Network

OpenCV: Open-Source Computer Vision

RAM: Random Access Memory

ReLu: Rectifier Linear Unit


1.1 Background

Facial landmark detection is a well-studied topic in the field of computer vision with
many applications such as face analysis, face recognition, or face modeling; see for a
review. The high variability of shapes, poses, lighting conditions, and possible occlusions
makes it a particularly challenging task even today. In contrast to face recognition, where
modern approaches using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are beyond human-level
performance, computers are still below par at facial landmark detection. [1]

Facial detection is the ability of a machine to receive input from multiple sources like
video, photographs etc. and detect the required portion of the face. Face-detection
algorithms focus on the detection of frontal human faces. Significant efforts have been
paid to develop representation schemes and algorithms aiming at recognizing generic
objects in images taken under different imaging conditions (e.g., viewpoint, illumination,
and occlusion).

The accurate identification of landmarks within facial images is an important step in the
completion of a number of higher-order computer vision tasks such as facial
identification, expression analysis, age estimation, and gender classification are often
built upon a facial land-marking component in their methods [2] [3]. Most landmark
detectors need a bounding box around the face to either initialize the algorithm or to crop
the image. Thus, before applying a landmark detector in practice a face detector is needed
to localize faces in the image. In this project, these two problems are looked at separately.
As we focus on practical performance of different landmark detectors, we want to test
them in combination with a face detector. This way we can measure performance in
actual testing conditions.

For fully-automated facial landmark detection, the system uses Haar-like feature
algorithm, CNN method and large labeled data-sets. The goal of this project is to apply

Deep Convolutional Neural Network to be able to identify landmarks. The advantage of
this approach is that it has robustness to pose as well as illumination.

Figure 1: Applying filter after detecting facial landmark

1.1.1 Region of interest

The Regions of interest extract only those features from the data relevant for solving the
defined problem. This stage detects and extracts the face from the image and discards
irrelevant information such as the background. For solving this problem, a Haar-like
features algorithm is used.

Haar-like feature algorithm is an appearance-based approach which is used for finding

the location of the human faces in a frame or image. All human faces share some
universal properties of the human face like the eye's region is darker than its neighbor
pixels and nose region is brighter than eye region. This algorithm uses a combination of
two main techniques: the representation of Haar-like features with an „integral image‟
and a series of „weak‟ classifiers boosted using the Adaboost learning algorithm.

1.1.2 Facial landmark detector

Facial landmark Detector is the system that detects key landmarks on the face and
tracking them. It is done by the help of convolutional neural networks. Convolutional
Neural Networks are a special type of feed-forward artificial neural network in which the

connectivity pattern between its neurons is inspired by the visual cortex. They are widely
used in image and video processing such as classification, segmentation, recommendation
systems and natural language processing etc. It takes a processed input image of a certain
size, assigns learnable kernels to extract various features from the image and will be able
to differentiate one from the other.

Figure 2: Model of CNN (Source: Google)

1.2 Problem Statement

 The main challenges for facial Key-point detection are that facial features have
great variance between different people and different external factors but our
model can accommodate with slight variation in pose.
 While algorithms like SVM were not efficient to find facial landmarks as required
features from images are hand engineered, but with enough training, ConvNets
have the ability to learn these filters/characteristics through the training.

1.3 Aim and Objectives

The main aim of this project is:

 To develop a system that can detect facial landmarks in the photo to apply different
face filters.
The objective of this project is:
1. To use Haar-like feature algorithms for locating faces.
2. To implement CNN for detecting facial landmarks.
3. To apply a face filter in the appropriate location.

1.4 Scope of Project

Facial landmark detection is the task of detecting key landmarks on the face and tracking
them. This research project includes facial landmark detection for the position of
appropriate face filters in their respective place. But the landmark detection can be widely
applied in many fields. Some of them are: face recognition, facial expression analysis, 3D
face modeling, age estimation, gender classification etc. This project findings can help
people to understand the power of CNN as it was capable of learning filters on its own
and using that filter for the detection of landmarks in face with the help of appropriate
data and CNN model. This project will also guide how to apply CNN for different image
problems and also apply facial detection abilities in another field also like in people to
analyze their facial expression to understand their behavior.


With the advancement of technology, their application and scope has also been elongated.
The researcher with their knowledge in the field of science and technology has now been
in the path of finding the miracle of working of our magnificent brain by introducing AI
to us and has been eager to apply the findings in the advancement of technology. In 1956,
American computer scientist John McCarthy organized the Dartmouth Conference, at
which the term „Artificial Intelligence‟ was first adopted. The successful application of
convolution networks was developed by Yenn Lecunn in the 1990s.

Several other recognition models were consulted and the major works that we followed

1. Facial KeyPoint's detection using Neural Network [4]:

The objective of facial keypoints detection is to find the facial keypoints in a given
face, which is very challenging due to very different facial features from person to
person. In this project, key point in the given image is located using deep architectures to
not only obtain lower loss for the detection task but also accelerate the training and
testing process for real-world applications. This paper has defined two basic neural
network structures, one hidden layer neural network and convolutional neural network as
the project baselines. The project objective is to locate 15 sets of facial keypoints when
given a raw facial image. The dataset we use is from Kaggle's facial keypoints detection
competition. There are 7049 images in total, each 4 of which is a 96 × 96 pixels image.
For the experiments, evaluation metrics for regression loss, mean squared error (MSE)
between the ground truth keypoint coordinate vector and the predicted one is used. For
one hidden layer model, which is the simplest deep architecture among the 5 approaches,
achieve the worst accuracy (loss test = 3.881). For CNN model, the loss is slightly better

2. Fully Automatic Facial Feature Point Detection Using Gabor Feature Based
Boosted Classifiers [5]:

In this paper the author has present a method for fully automatic detection of 20 facial
feature points in images of expressionless faces using Gabor feature based boosted
classifiers. The detected face region is then divided into 20 relevant regions of interest,
each of which is examined further to predict the location of the facial feature points. The
proposed facial feature point detection method uses individual feature patch templates to
detect points in the relevant region of interest. These feature models are Gentle Boost
templates built from both gray level intensities and Gabor wavelet features. The facial
feature detection method was trained and tested on the Cohn-Kanade database, which
consists of approximately 2000 gray-scale image sequences in nearly frontal view from
over 200 subjects, male and female, being 18 to 50 years old. When tested on the Cohn-
Kanade database, the method has achieved average recognition rates of 89%.

3. Deep Convolutional Network Cascade for Facial Point Detection [6]:

This paper proposes a new approach for estimation of the positions of facial keypoints
with three-level carefully designed convolutional networks. At each level, the outputs of
multiple networks are fused for robust and accurate estimation. Thanks to the deep
structures of convolutional networks, global high-level features are extracted over the
whole face region at the initialization stage, which help to locate high accuracy
keypoints. There are two folds of advantage for this. First, the texture context information
over the entire face is utilized to locate each keypoint. Second, since the networks are
trained to predict all the keypoints simultaneously, the geometric constraints among
keypoints are implicitly encoded. The method therefore can avoid local minimum caused
by ambiguity and data corruption in difficult image samples due to occlusions, large pose
variations, and extreme lightings. The networks at the following two levels are trained to
locally refine initial predictions and their inputs are limited to small regions around the
initial predictions. The dataset was created with 13, 466 face images, among which 5, 590
images are from LFW 2 and the remaining 7, 876 images are downloaded from the web.

Performance is measured with the average detection error and the failure rate of each
facial point.

4. Local Evidence Aggregation for Regression Based Facial Point

Detection [7]:

This paper proposes a new algorithm to detect facial points in frontal and near-frontal
face images. It combines a regression-based approach with a probabilistic graphical
model-based face shape model, that restricts the search to anthropomorphically consistent
regions. This algorithm detects the target location by aggregating the estimates obtained
from stochastically selected local appearance information into a single robust prediction.
The proposed algorithm was tested on over 7,500 images from 5 databases: MMI Facial
Expression database, FERET database, XM2VTS database, SEMAINE database and
BioID database. Performance is measured with the interocular distance (IOD)-normalized

5. Random Cascaded-Regression Copse for Robust Facial Landmark

Detection [8]:

In this research paper, writer presents a random cascaded-regression copse (R-CR-C) for
robust facial landmark detection. Its key innovations include a new parallel cascade
structure design, and an adaptive scheme for scale-invariant shape update and local
feature extraction. Evaluation on two challenging benchmarks shows the superiority of
the proposed algorithm to state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, the experimental results
obtained on two challenging benchmarks using a sparse auto encoder demonstrate the
superiority of the proposed algorithm compared to the state of the art.


3.1 Functional Requirements

Rid Requirements
1. Image should be converted into grayscale.
2. Images should be rescaled in needed format.
3. Face should be detected in the frame.
4. Users should be able to upload video.
5. Users should be seeing the result for both real and non-real time data.
6. System should be able to detect 128 landmarks in frame.
7. Uses should be able to select face filters.
8. The result should be displayed with a selected face filter in the
appropriate position in the face.

Table 1: Functional Requirements

3.2 Non-Functional Requirement

Non-functional requirements are as follows:


Prioritize the essential functions of the system based on usage pattern Frequently used
functions should be tested for usability, as should complex and critical functions. Be sure
to create a requirement for this.


Users must trust the system, even after using it for a long time. Your goal should be a
long MTBF (mean time between failures). Create a requirement that data created in the

system will be retained for a few years without the data being changed by the system. It
is a promising idea to also include requirements that make it easier to monitor system


What should system response times be, as measured from any point, under what
circumstances? Are there specific peak times when the load on the system will be
unusually high? The following can be the points needed to be considered in the
performance of the facial landmark detection:
 It should identify landmark in the photo under few second.
 It should apply face filter instantly


The system needs to be cost-effective to maintain. Maintainability requirements may

cover diverse levels of documentation, such as system documentation, as well as test which test cases and test plans will accompany the system.

3.3 System Requirements

3.3.1 Hardware Requirement

 For training our deep neural network, Google Collaboratory cloud computing will
be used which has following hardware requirement:
 RAM – 12 GB
 GPU - Tesla K80 GPU
 Hard-disk – 10 GB

3.3.2 Software Requirement

 It can be used on all types of system as well as all OS.

 The project is implemented in python 3.

 OpenCV for image pre-processing.
 NumPy for matrix and array operations.
 Matplotlib for plotting graphs.

3.4 Feasibility Analysis

The feasibility study determines whether the proposed system is useful and feasible to
use to the organization and user.

3.4.1 Technical Feasibility

All the technical resources required for the project including hardware parts and software
are easily available in the market. User must have camera to capture the image and
storage device to store them and working PC to operate the software. So, there must not
be a problem for us to get those things that are required for the project.

3.4.2 Economic Feasibility

The project is economically feasible and is within the range of affordable expenditure as
most of the equipment and electronic devices are already available. Once the system
setup is done and it starts functioning as it is supposed to.

3.4.3 Operational Feasibility

This project is quite a complex system while designing as it requires of deep learning
with neural network with their different mathematical algorithm and a large dataset for it
training. But once the system is implemented and starts to operate with accurate result
there will operationally feasible because this software doesn‟t require special training to
operate in side of users. This system can be operated with basic knowledge of computer.


4.1 Dataset Collection

Since Convolution Neural networks is supervised Machine Learning technique, a large

amount of labeled data (images) is needed for the purpose of training. A labeled data
(images) is a data that has input and knows the expected output value for it. In this
project, the input is the image of a person with different landmarks and a labeled
landmark is normalized. In this project dataset was obtained from CelebFaces Attributes
(CelebA) Dataset [9]. From the CelebA dataset repository, 35000 face images with 136
landmarks are used for training dataset and testing dataset.

Figure 3: Sample of Dataset

4.2 System Block Diagram

Figure 4: Block diagram of facial landmark detection using CNN

In figure 10, input scanned image from camera is taken and then passed to a face detect
model which uses Haar-like features to detect faces in the given frame. The required
portion of image is cropped and is normalized in the preprocessing phase which is passed
to trained CNN models to detect landmarks of the face. According to the landmark, a
chosen filter is applied to the face.

4.3 Pre-processing Datasets

After having image datasets, it needs to use some preprocessing to be acceptable by

model. In preprocessing, both the input image and output labels should be processed.

4.3.1 Image pre-processing

Image pre-processing is the method to enhance an image or extract some useful

information. For pre-processing images, a pre-processing module was used. In the
preprocessing module, images were read from the directory, 3 channel images were
converted into gray-scale. Then it passes to the Region of interest detector to extract the
face. Crop face images were reshaped into 96 * 96 sizes and each image was normalized
by dividing with 255 to convert values into float32.

4.3.2 Landmark point rescales

As only the face portion is needed to detect and face images are resized, so landmark
points should also be rescale to fit in face where they need to be. It is obtained by
 By subtracting landmark point by x,y (top-most points of face detection points)
 And dividing by (weight/height of crop faces images / required dimension)

Figure 5: CelebA Dataset while preprocessing

4.4 System Description

For fully-automated facial landmark detection, the system should find Region of interest
I.e., find faces of people by help of Haar-like feature algorithm and detect facial
landmarks using CNN method and also large labeled data-sets to training model. So,
System is divided into two parts:

4.4.1 Region of interest detector

It is the first stage of an automated land-marking system and is critical for overall
performance because it extracts only those features from the data relevant for solving the
defined problem such as face from the image and discards irrelevant information such as
the background. For face detection, a Haar-like features method is used. All images must

first pass through a face detector to extract only the important region(s) of interest (ROI)
from the data.[10]

Haar-like feature algorithm is an appearance-based approach which is used for finding

the location of faces in an image by finding out which region is lighter or darker to sum
up the pixel values of both regions and comparing them as the eyes region is darker than
the nose region.

Haar features are used to detect the presence of feature in given image. Each feature
result in a single value which is calculated by subtracting the sum of pixels under white
rectangle from the sum of pixels under black rectangle. Integral image concept is used to
compute the rectangle features as it only needs four values at the corners of the rectangle
for the calculating features. But These features are the weak classifiers. To construct a
strong classifier, Adaboost is used as a linear combination of these weak classifiers. At
last stage of the cascading classifier for high-performance.

Figure 6: Haar-like feature

4.4.2 Facial landmark detector

A convolutional neural network (CNN or ConvNet) is a type of feed -forward deep

learning that extracts features from the input image. It compares any image block by
block and the block that it looks for in an image while detection is called as features .The
convolution layer‟s parameters consist of a set of learnable filters.

In general the more convolutional steps we have, the more complex features (such as
edges) are recognized using the proposed network. The whole process is repeated in
successive layers until the system can recognize points. For example, in image
classification a CNN may learn to detect edges from raw pixels in the first layer and then
use the edges to detect simple shapes in the second layer. Then use these shapes to
determine higher level features, such as body shapes in higher layers. [11]

Figure 7: Architecture of proposed CNN Model

Where N-F*F-S in the figure 14 is indicated as:

N: numbers of filter
F*F: shape of filter
S: Strides

In the proposed CNN, input image is of 96 *96 *1 and was passed to convolution layers
which consist of 32 numbers filters, filters shape of 11x11 and strides of 2. Then the
convolutional layer was followed by ReLu Activation Layer and Dropout of 0.2. Then
followed by five more convolutional layers by different numbers filters, filters shape and
strides and each convolution layer was followed by ReLu Activation Layer and Dropout
of 0.2. Higher level features are flattened into column-wise matrices and a fully
connected 512 number of hidden neurons is used and followed by ReLu Activation
Layer. At last, fully connected of 136 hidden neurons are used as outputs.

Convolutional Neural Networks that we used, have the following 3 layers: convolutional,
ReLu layer, fully connected and dropout.

I) Convolutional layer

Convolution layer is the first layer to derive features from the input image. The
convolutional layer conserves the relationship between pixels by learning image features
using a small square of input data. It is the mathematical operation which takes two
inputs such as image matrix and kernel or any filter. [12]

 The three dimensions of the image matrix is height(h)×width(w)× Color-

 The dimension of any filter is filter_height(fh)×filter_width(fw)×color channel(d).
 The dimension of output is height(h-fh+1)×width(w-fw+1) × 1.
 Stride is the number of pixels shifted over the input matrix.
 Sometimes the filter does not perfectly fit the input image, Pad the picture with
zeros or Drop the part of the image where the filter did not fit.

Figure 8: Convolution

II) ReLU Layer

ReLU stands for Rectified Linear Unit for a non-linear operation. The output is ƒ(x)
=max (0, x). It simply removes all negative values that come from convolution layers by
comparing with its function and replaces negative with zeros. ReLU‟s purpose is to
introduce non-linearity in our ConvNet. Since the data we want our ConvNet to learn
would be non-negative linear values. [13]

Figure 9: Rectification applied to Feature Maps

III) Fully Connected (Dense) Layer

The layer we call as FC layer, we flattened our matrix into vector and feed it into a fully
connected layer like a neural network where actual detection occurs by using high
features to detect various landmarks based on labels.[14]

We do this by implementing the following 3 steps:

 Pick a neuron
 Pick a activation function (usually relu)
 Dot multiplies of input and neuron

Figure 10: Fully Connected Layer

IV) Dropout

A layer that randomly sets a fraction p of the output units of the previous layer to zero.
The Dropout layer randomly sets input units to 0 with a frequency of rate at each step
during training time, which helps prevent overfitting .

Figure 11: Dropout in action


5.1 UI Diagram

Figure 12: UI Diagram I

The figure 7 shows the GUI of facial landmark detection using CNN. It consists of a
home button to return back to home. The camera button is used to open camera to detect
landmark in the given frame to apply face filter.

Figure 13: UI Diagram II

The figure 8 shows the GUI after the camera button has been clicked. After the frame has
been uploaded to the system, it displays a detected facial landmark and the user can select
a face filter which will be shown along with the user image.

5.2 Domain Model

Figure 14: Domain Model of Facial Landmark Detection

The figure 5 shows the domain model of facial landmarks with CNN. The Neural
network can have multiple layers of convolution, max pooling, activation layer, dense,
flatten, dropout. The CNN model contains the neural network layers and it can also
contain one or more than one pre-processing layer.

5.3 Class Diagram

Figure 15: Class Diagram of Facial Landmark Detection

The figure 9 shows the class diagram of facial landmark detection using CNN. There are
mainly 6 classes that help to build CNN model. They are conv2d, Dense, Activation,
Dropout, Flatten and MaxPooling. The CreateData class is used to make train and test

data from the given data. The Neural Network class is used to build architecture of CNN
model. Loss class is used to calculate the loss and it is inherited by MeanAbsoluteLoss
class. Rmsprop is used to calculate the gradient to update bias and weight. CreateCNN
model is used to build CNN model and to train using the train dataset.

5.4 Activity Diagram

Figure 16: Activity Diagram of Facial Landmark Detection

The figure 4 shows an activity diagram of facial landmark detection using CNN model.
Frames are constantly uploaded with the help of a camera. Face is detected in the frame
with the help of a haar-like feature. If a face is detected in the frame it is further pre-

processed and is fed to the CNN model for outputs. The CNN model outputs 136
landmarks points and a face filter can be applied to the required position as defined in the

5.5 Sequence Diagram

Figure 17: Sequence Diagram

The above figure shows the sequence diagram of facial landmark detection using CNN.
Here users can upload frames by opening the camera in the application. The system
checks for the face in the uploaded frame. If it contains the face, the system predicts 136
landmark positions. Now the user can select the face filter to be applied in the face. The
GUI finally display users face with the applied filter.


Iterative software development model was used for developing this project. With iterative
development software changes on each iteration, evolves and grows. As each iteration
builds on the previous one, software design remains consistent. As requirements of this
project were cleared but the CNN model needed to be built and tested for its performance
as long as its accuracy was not fulfilled, an iterative development model was used.


For unit tests, each individual module was checked and tested for the errors. The smallest
testable parts of an application, called units, were individually and independently
scrutinized for proper operation. After output was verified for several inputs, we came to
the conclusion the application is ok.

For unit testing, we have several inputs like Original images and their landmarks points
for pre-processing modules, input shapes and other parameters for determining individual
output shape, small sizes images for convolution, max-pooling and ReLu test, filters
images with landmarks.

S.N Test Cases Test Result Remarks

1 Convert text dataset file to Outputs dataframe As expected
2 Resize image and their Resized image with their As expected
landmark position landmark position
3 Split dataset into train and test Train and test data As expected

4 Shuffle dataset Outputs shuffled data As expected

5. Generate batch as per given Outputs batch as given As expected

batch size of dataset batch
6. Check ReLU function with Outputs only with positive As expected
data value.
7. Check convolution with data Outputs convoluted data. As expected

8. Check flatten with data Outputs flatten data. As expected

9 Test dropout with probability Only takes data defined by As expected
rate. probability.

10 Test mean absolute loss with y Returns mean(abs(y- As expected

and y_pred y_pred))

Table 2: Unit Test Case


Once all of the units in a program have been found to be working in the most efficient
and error-free manner possible, larger components of the program can be evaluated by
integrating all the components. The main objective of our project was to detect the
landmark and after detecting landmarks to position the face filter in their right place.

S.N Test Case Test Result Remarks

1 To train CNN model Trained CNN model As expected

2 Check whether system is Landmarks was As expected

detecting landmark or not detected
3 Test whether system is Face filter was As expected
positioning face filter in right position in the right
place place

Table 3: System Test Case


The project has been carried out according to the schedule successfully. Tasks like
preliminary studies, detailed study, requirements analysis, feasibility study, system
analysis have been completed according to the schedule. The aim is to develop a facial
landmark model and to assign user selected face filters to their respective place. To
achieve aim, the objective was to implement the deep neural network. CNN was used to
extract landmarks from images. The implementation of CNN was done as the core task in
this project. A Haar like feature was used to identify the face in the image and CNN was
used to identify 136 landmark points in the face. The selection of regions of interest in
input image and rescaling of landmarks was done in the preprocessing phase before it
was passed through the training phase. The images were also changed into grayscale
format in the preprocessing phase. 33,200 data were used for the training and 1800 were
used for testing the constructed CNN model. 0.045 training loss was obtained while
validation loss was about 0.05.

The obtained loss was good because of our limited resources but it could be better. The
final output of this research project was good. It was able to locate the landmark but was
limited to a single face. Since it runs on GUI, the performance depends upon the GPU of
the machine it run on.


10.1 Conclusion

Hence CNN was implemented in this facial landmark detection model and complete
documentation, preliminary study, details study, system analysis, system design, dataset
collection as well as the implementation of CNN for modeling the landmark detection
was completed on time. The landmark detection CNN model was able to detect 136
landmark positions in the face. And finally, the chosen face filter can be applied to their
respective places. Unlike conventional methods like SVM the developed CNN model
beats them in performance.

Figure 18: training and validation loss

As shown in figure 19, we obtain training loss of 0.045 and validation loss of 0.05.

10.2 Validation

Figure 19: Validation

The above image of a person was fed to the system and the system was able to locate the
landmark of the face and hence the selected filter was applied correctly.

10.3 Limitation

Although the landmark detection model was carefully planned and prepared, there are
still limitations and shortcomings.

First of all, the CNN model was designed using our own code which was not optimized
so that we were not able to harness the potential power of CNN. Secondly the dataset
available were not prepressed to make it free from a variation in pose, lighting and
background. Lastly, the model was trained on a limited dataset and limited hardware.

10.4 Future Enhancement

However, it can be further improved with addition of face recognition, facial expression
analysis, 3D face modeling, age estimation, gender classification etc. It can be further

implemented in certain domains like lip reading, emotional inference, marketing,
photography, etc.


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