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Army Aviation Digest - Jan 1982

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Brigadier General Ellis D. Parker
Army Aviation Officer
ODCSOPS, Headquarters,
Department of the Army
Major General Carl H. McNair Jr.
Brigadier General Richard D. Kenyon
Deputy Commander
page 16
page 22
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker, Alabama
U.S. Army Aviation Center
FC?rt Rucker, Alabama
2 World Helicopter Champions, MAJ Bronislaw R. Maca
9 DA Aviation Update, BG El lis D. Parker
14 DES Report To The Field: UH-1H Performance Planning
16 Telling It Like It Is
20 Hangar Talk: Final Exam, CW2 Gary R. Weil and
22 Army Aviation, A Partner In Space, Betty J. Goodson
24 Fully Modernized Cobras in the National Guard, LTC
Jerold L. Jensen
26 FAIP, An Acronym That Has To Be Earned, 1 L T Edward
F. Schauberger and 1 L T Jeffrey S. Alderfer
28 Developing A Training Program For Army
Aviators, MAJ William T. Carter
30 The Fighter/Interceptor Helicopter, MAJ Frank E.
33 Reporting Final
34 PEARL's
36 Threat: Helicopters- The Soviet View,
CW4 Richard A. Davis
43 Glaciers, SP4 Mary Kathryn Henderson
45 Increasing Efficiency In Mobility Fuels, MAJ
Johnny J. Grice and CPT John R. Morrisette
48 Views From Readers
Ins/de Back Cover: RSI Report, Mr. Rush Wicker
Back Cover: ATC Action Line: Vignettes, CW4 Peter
C. McHugh
Cover: We feature the emblem of the United
States Helicopter Team that won the Fourth World
Helicopter Championship competition in Poland.
Also shown is CW2 George Chrest who gained
top individual honors as the world's best helicopter
pilot. Illustration by Paul Fretts
page 24
page 26
page 45
Honorable John A. Marsh Jr.
Secretary of the Army
Richard K. Tierney
The mission of the U.S. Army Avl.tlon Dlg t (USPS 41!>-350) is to provide
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aviation medici ne and other r el ated data
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Department of the Army 14 October 1981 . in accordance wi th Army Regulation
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A review of the prior year's accomplishments
will many times cause us to resolve to do better
in the new year. But there is one area wherein
members of the Army Aviation community simply
can't improve further. If you are among the World
Helicopter Champions, where do you go from
there? By now, everyone knows this is the title
earned by our team at the fourth international
competition held in Poland, but it is also the title
of Major Bronislaw R. Maca's article in this issue.
His words will give you the feeling you are there
as the U.S. team put their helicopters through
the strenuous and demanding events to bring
home the team title as well as the top position in
the individual standings.
A special awards ceremony for the team mem-
bers was hosted by the Secretary of the Army in
November at Fort Myer, VA, to include a review
by members of the 3d U.S. Infantry, "The Old
Guard. " Brigadier General Don Parker talks about
the occasion in " Department of the Army Avia'fion
Update." As the Deputy Director for Requirements
and the Army Aviation Officer in ODCSOPS, he
also covers other significant items of aviation
interest at the Pentagon level and plans to provide
us with future quarterly " Update" articles. This
should help to keep us all better informed as to
what is transpiring at the Pentagon level affecting
all of us in the aviation community.
Response from the field to our October 1981
"Digest " issue which exami ned helicopter ai r-to-
aircombat has been tremendous. Since all aspects
of that broad topic could obviously not be covered
in a single issue, you wi ll see some follow-on
articles in the months to come. We would hope
that you i n the field who are training on and
testing these new concepts will send us your
contributions. We know that much has already
been done at Fort Hood-so let us hear from you.
This month we have " The Figher/ lnterceptor
Helicopter-A Concept for Today and Tomorrow"
by Major Frank E. Babiasz. Such an aircraft, he
declares, would provide the " most mobile Army
air defense system ever devised that is directly
responsive to the ground commander. "
Whenever we talk about our aircraft and their
use, one item that always has to be considered is
the matter of fuel. And at today's prices, we need
to give it even more consideration. Our limited
and expensive supply is opposed by an unabated
and increasing demand, thus fuel conservation
January 1982
should be a topic of never-endi ng concern. Major
Johnny J. Grice and Captain John R. Morrisette
recognized the need for "a method for measuring
our fuel efficiency which would be congruous
for the total envi ronment. " The one t hey devised
is described in " Increasing Eff iciency i n Mobility
Fuels-An Approach to Energy Conservation."
The authors relate some of the actions taken at
Fort Rucker to decrease the use of mobil ity fuels.
This article is worthy of close scrutiny by every
member of the Army Aviat ion team because we
must save energy today to have enough for
tomorrow. Initiatives taken in 1981 at the School
alone accounted for a savings of more than one
million gallons of J P-4. But the Aviation Center
accounts for only 25 percent of the Army's flying
hours, so think how many more mi llions of gallons
could be saved if all of our units apply equally
stringent fuel conservation measures. We welcome
the sharing of your ideas in this area.
Now speaking of tomorrows, there are several
ahead of us in 1982. Let us chal lenge ourselves,
each and everyone in Army Aviat ion to higher
standards of excellence in the coming year- on
the ground and in the air. Be it in safety, operations,
maintenance- in the motor pool or in the dining
facility, set and ach ieve only the highest of Army
standards. By so doi ng, Army Aviation, in this our
40th year of service to the nati on, wil l continue
to establish a proud heritage for those who follow.
Happy New Year!! _ .'
Major General Carl H. McNair Jr.
Commander, U.S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker, AL


Major Bronislaw R. Maca
Directorate of Combat Developments
Fort Rucker, AL
icopter Championships
were held in Piotrkow Try-
bunalski, Poland, 140 kilometers
southwest of Warsaw. The United
States Helicopter Team was
scheduled to arrive at Warsaw's
Okecie Airport at 1415 on 11
August 1981.
I had been in Warsaw since 6
August 1981, attending to the
details of the team's arrival and
the last-minute changes to the
coordination effected in June
1981. I was sitting at the airport
director's office when a call came
in on one of his telephones. The
Galaxy, as it was referred to by
all the Poles, had penetrated
Polish airspace and was proceed-
ing inbound. With me was the
Army's PIO team from Heidel-
berg, Germany, which was to
cover the arrival of the team and
the Army's participation in the
championships. Soon we de-
parted for the domestic side of
the airport, where the C-5A would
park and offload. There was a
sense of excitement and antici-
pation. I was particularly excited
since I knew how hard the team
had trained and prepared for this
U.S. Army Aviation Digest
competition and finally their much
awaited arrival in Poland was
going to materialize.
The domestic ramp had been
cleared of all aircraft that usually
occupy parking spaces there. A
large crowd of news reporters,
TV crews and airport personnel
was already there. Since Warsaw
International is considered a part
of the Polish border, the WOP
(border) guards were present
everywhere. Their military uni-
forms and sidearms were a som-
ber reminder as to where this
was taking place. Finally, the
landing lights appeared on the
horizon. As they got closer, it was
obvious that they belonged to
the Galaxy. The massive landing
gear touched the runway and a
shiver ran down my spine. I was
witnessing the largest aircraft in
the world, flying American colors,
landing in Communist Poland for
the very first time. It was a
historic event. All at once the
responsibility that the team mem-
bers shouldered had grown to
enormous proportions. This was
the very first time. It was a
Aviation was going to demon-
strate and display itself in a Com-
munist country. What an awe-
some responsibility!
The colossal aircraft taxied
majestica lIy onto the parking
ramp. Using the outside engines,
the Galaxy " turned on a dime. "
It looked so huge and powerful.
So American!
The welcoming party, includ-
ing the American Ambassador
to Poland, approached the air-
craft. Finally, the door opened
and the team came down the
stairs. Honorable Francis J.
Meehan, the U.S. Ambassador,
warmly shook hands with each
member of the team and the crew
of the C-SA. He also addressed
the team as a whole, welcoming
them to Poland and wishing the
team the very best in the up-
coming competition.
I think it needs to be pointed
out here that the prevailing Pol-
ish opinion of the American Sol-
dier was very negative. It was
based not only on the " sloppy
Joe" image of World War II, but
also on the Communist propa-
ganda. Well, what they were
witnessing was in drastic contrast
to that. The Americans looked
terrific. They were slim, trim and
photo by Piotr Gawronski
January 1982
young. Their immaculate groom-
ing complemented their perfect-
ly fitting uniforms. Wearing an
American flag on their shoulders,
they appeared very confident
and proud. The whole event
seemed like a craft with super-
humans landed from another
The American military earned
the immediate admiration and
respect of the Polish people.
(Somehow I feel they (the people)
had it all along, this was just an
opportunity to express it.)
After the necessary formali-
ties of customs and passport
checks, the team proceeded to
offload their equipment. This was
probably the highlight of the
C-SA's arrival in Warsaw. The
crowd watched in amazement as
the Galaxy knelt very gently be-
fore them. The TV cameras came
to life as the nose of the aircraft
slowly started its upward move-
ment, revealing the enormous
mouth a nd its interior ca rgo space.
The whole operation looked like
a demonstration of the free world's
technological achievements.
Silently the team went about
emptying this whale. Everyone
had his assigned duties and went
about them in perfect harmony.
To the amazement of the crowd,
the team pulled out 3 UH-1 H
Huey aircraft, 4 OH-S8 Kiowas,
1 M-880 truck and 2 X-4 con-
tainers loaded with tools and PLL
(prescribed load list). In a matter
of 3 hours, the C-S was emptied
and the team's aircraft were II dress
right, dressed" on the ramp. Let
me tell you, folks, they looked
good. All were painted Army VIP
scheme with glossy 00 and white.
Big, bold letters on the tail booms
identified the proud men who
flew and maintained them. Red,
white and blue flags on each
fuselage somehow looked dif-
ferent now. They looked brighter,
bigger and so beautiful!
Since the team could not pro-
ceed to Piotrkow Trybunalski (the
site of the championships) until
the 14th, the aircraft were repo-
sitioned to a holding area on the
The crowd received another
treat as the Galaxy started its
preparations for departure. The
ramp went up, the nose came
down and the whole aircraft got
on its feet. As the C-5 rotated on
takeoff and started a steep cl imb
out, I looked at my watch. It was
just past 1900 hours. Not too
Walking through the terminal
on the way to my car, I noticed a
large crowd of people gathered
around a TV receiver. I could
barely see the TV screen through
the crowd. The national news
was on and the team's arrival in
the Galaxy was being covered
in detail. I watched the whole
program and listened to the can-
did remarks by the viewing audi-
ence. I was so proud to be an
The team stayed in Warsaw
from 11 to 14 August. The objec-
tive of arriving early was to get
over j et lag and to acclimatize to
local conditions. The team took
full advantage of this opportunity
to sightsee in Warsaw.
On the 14th, all the teams were
scheduled to arrive at Piotrkow
Trybunalski. The organizer and
his staff worked very hard to
prepare for the championships.
A lot of preparations were done
at the last minute, because they
too had anticipated the events
in Poland to postpone or cancel
the championships. At about
1200 hours, the U.S. team led
by a Polish Mi-2 from Swidnik
factory, arrived at Piotrkow aero-
drome. As expected, the host
team was already on the ground.
Later in the afternoon, the teams
from Russia, France, Great Bri-
tain and West Germany arrived
in that order. Our only civilian
entry in the competition, Bell
206Lfrom Bell Textron, arrived
with the West German team.
The next day's schedule start-
ed with Colonel Alojzy Gorny,
the director of the champion-
ships, welcoming all the partici-
pants, wishing them great suc-
cesses and introducing various
officials. Most of the day was
occupied by the many admin-
istrative details, meetings, tech-
nical checks of the aircraft and
local area orientation flights. A
pilot's meeting was held late in
the afternoon to cover in detail
tomorrow' s first event of the
competition, the timed arrival and
The official language of the
competition was English (the
working language was Polish);
however, the majority of the
material in the briefings was
given in Polish and then trans-
lated. Although the organizer
provided each team with a trans-
lator, complete translation was
an almost impossible task since
none of the translators were
pilots. Therefore, none of the
teams had the advantage of full
knowledge. None except the
U.S. team. Thanks to a very thor-
ough and detailed " plan of attack"
U.S. Army Aviation Digest
by our commander/coach Major
Roy E. Mann, the U.S. team had
two native speaking linguists who
were full functioning members
of the team as well as aviators.
The first event of the compe-
tition was preceded by an Olym-
pic style opening ceremony in
the city's stadium. A crowd of
about 20,000 spectators was on
hand to witness the colorful pa-
rade of the teams, welcomed by
Polish and FAI (Federation Aero-
nautique Internationale) dignitar-
ies, and an air show of balloons,
parachutists and fixed wing aero-
The first event consisted of a
rather simple navigation course
(65 kilometers) with two turning
points, terminating at the stadium.
There, simulating the drop of a
medicine parcel, the copilot had
to lower a bottle of champagne
suspended on a 7-meter rope
through a 40 cm hole in a mock
rooftop (see scoring chart). The
pilot was given both the takeoff
and arrival times. All the timing
was measured electronically to
1/100 of a second. The first aircraft
off the start line at the airfield
was a Polish Mi-2, second was a
Soviet Mi-2, third, a U.S. UH-1 H
piloted by CW3 Earl Jewkes,
copilot was CW3 Robert Stolwor-
thy. As the Huey crossed the
finish line the announcer confirm-
ed the unofficial finish time of
0.00 seconds deviation from the
given arrival time. It was an extra-
ordinary accomplishment. Al-
though CW3 Jewkes and CW3
Stolworthy were competing in
individual competition only, none-
theless, as the first U.S. aircraft
across the finish line, they set
the pace for the competition with
this perfect 200 score. Another
perfect score was achieved by
CW3 Irwin Starrack and CW3
Robert Miller, flying for both team
and individual competition, with
0.40 seconds deviation (standard
round-off procedures apply, i.e.,
0.49 seconds- no penalty pOints,
January 1982
0.51 seconds-one penalty point).
Backed by scores of 199 (CW2
George Chrest and CPT Stephen
Kee) and 195 (CW3 John Bailey
and CW2 AI Porter), the U.S. team
took a 9-point lead over the se-
cond place British team at the
end of the first day of competi-
tion. At the same time, in individ-
ual standings, the United States
held the top three places. It was
a great day for our team and it
was obvious that the hard worK
was paying off.
Monday, 16 August, was the
second event of the competition.
Precision Flying was the name.
Each aircraft had two ropes with
small weights attached to them,
directly beneath the pilot a 2-
meter rope and behind him on
the rear skid crosstube a 3-meter
rope. The idea was to navigate a
set course keeping the 3-meter
weight on the ground and the 2-
meter weight off the ground. The
course was a 50 meter X 50 meter
square with corridors 1-meter
wide and a 70-meter exit corridor
coming off at a 45-degree angle
from one of the corners. The pilot
was required to keep the front
rope inside the
corridors and maintain constant
heading while the
course frontwards, sidewards,
backwards and diagonally. Two
360-degree turns had to be ac-
complished at two corners with
a given minimum rate of turn.
This was a timed event with the
maximum allowed time for com-
pletion of 210 seconds. A last-
minute change in the rules al-
most put the U.S. team off bal-
ance. The change allowed no
part of the copilot's body to be
outside the aircraft except his
head. This was in great contrast
to the way we practiced. How-
ever, due to our tactical
training and the flexibility of our
crews, the U.S. team was able to
recover very quickly. The team
of CW3 Irwin Starrack and CW3
Robert Miller recorded a perfect
200 score as did CW2 George
Chrest and CPT Stephen Kee.
CW3 John Bailey with CW2 AI
Porter earned a 197 giving the
U.S. team a comfortable lead of
15 Two other U.S. crews
scored a perfect run in this event,
Scott Berrier with W01
Robert McConnell and CW3
Roger Bodwell with CW3 John
Durkin. However, since they
were in individual competition
their score was not com-
puted in the overall team score.
By the day's end, the United
States still maintained the top
three individual places: 1. CW3
Starrack/CW3 Miller; 2. CW2
ChresVCPT Kee, and; 3. CW2
Berrier/W01 McConnell, who
had just joined the top three.
The most difficult event of the
competition was the third event,
the Navigation Exercise. I think
everyone knew that. Unfortun-
ately, the Poles knew it also. It
consisted of a long navigation
course of 160 kilometers and an
8-kilometer-in-diameter circular
search area with entry and exit
points, a perfect semicircle navi-
gation section, a pick-up poi nt,
two drop points and a couple of
U.S. Army Aviation Digest
Page 6, top to bottom: Members of the U.S. helicopter team offload
a UH-1 Huey from the C-5A Galaxy (photo by SFC Harold Hopewell)
The U.S. team military members, front row, left to right, SFC David
l. Young, CW3 Roger A. Bodwell, CW3 Robert l. Miller, CW3 Irvin
B. Starrak, CW2 Alan l. Porter, CW3 John T. Bailey, SGT Charles R.
Poole, SGT Patrick O. Jackson, SP4 Robert A. Didrickson, SGT
Jimmie G. Mead, CW2 Scott E. Berrier, W01 Robert E. McConnell,
SGT Paul D. Smith, CPT John W. Connors; back row, left to right,
MAJ Bronislaw R. Maca, CPT Karol J. Kawalec, CW3 Robert A.
Stolworthy, SP4 Robert S. Frazier, CW3 Norman T. Thompson,
CW3 Don E. Jewkes, MAJ Roy E. Mann, SGM John P. Traylor, CW2
Robbie D. Robinette, CW2 Ronald C. Whetstone, CW2 George D.
Chrest, CW3 John J. Durkin, PFC Bowman T. Wright, SP4 Ralph T.
Rogers, CW3 Ronald C. Rivera. Team members not pictured are:
CPT Stephen G. Kee, CPT Arthur C. Sippo, SGT Paul C. Nelson;
also International Assistant Judges l TC Herbert V. Kerner, CW4
Charles Proctor, CW2 Nick P. Walters
Page 7, top to bottom: cwa John T. Bailey of the American team holds
his OH-58 Kiowa in position as his copilot, CW2 AJan L Porter, lowers a
bucket of water on a target in the middle of a table, the final test in the
slalom event (photo by SFC Harold Hopewell)
SP4 Scott Frazier, crewchief with the U.S. Helicopter Team, gives his
Huey a careful check before and after every flight (photo by Gary
During a break in competition at the World Helicopter Campionships in
Poland, W01 R. E. McConnell (left) and CW3 Norman T. Thompson, both
pilots with the U.S. Helicopter Team, "talk shop" with Russian female
pilot Natasha Kostaneva (photo by Gary Bloomfield)
World Champion Helicopter Pilot, CW2 George Chrest, U.S. Army
(behind) helps the former champion, Soviet pilot Vladimir Smirnov,
prepare for a ride in an OH-58 Kiowa helicopter during exchange
flights while the two were in Poland for the World Helicopter Champion-
ships. CW2 Chrest and other members of the U.S. Helicopter Team
won both individual pilot and team competition (photo by Gary
turning points. The crews were
given start time, search area
entry time and scheduled arrival
time at the finish line. Along the
flight route and in the search area
were objects to be identified and
recorded. Some were photo-
graphs and some were panel
markers (1 meter X 5 meters).
The time in the search area was
limited to 6 minutes. Oh, wait,
each crew received a map (with
course drawn), search area entry
time, arrival time and 8 photo-
graphs: They were given these
exactly 5 minutes before takeoff.
Ready? Go!
Well, nobody did well except
the Poles. They placed seven of
CW2 George D. Chrest (left) and CPT Stephen G.
Kee hold high the trophy for First Place Individual
World Championship
their crews in the top nine po-
sitions. (We found out the next
day by looking at an overprinted
T-shirt that Polish Championships
were held in the same place in
the spring.) Naturally, the Polish
team won event #3, Germany
took second, and the United
States third.
The overall team standings still
had us leading second place
Poland by 6 points, with West
Germany 8 points behind Poland.
Wednesday, 19 August, was
the last compulsory event of the
championships, the Slalom. It
was shortly before this event that
the U.S. team suffered its near
fatal blow. After the first event,
both Poland and Germany had
protested points that had been
deducted from their totals for
snaking (changing aircraft's atti-
tude or heading during the final
5 kilometers of the course).
Following close examination,
g the arbiter judges returned 25
:: points to Poland and 15 points
to Germany. This put the U.S.
I team in third position, 19 points
behind the leader. Taking the
lead seemed such an impossi-
g ble task being 19 points behind
and with only one event left in
.g the com petition. The tea m wa s
disheartened, but far from sub-
The Slalom consisted of 12
gates, measuring 1 meter across
and 2 meters high and oriented
in different directions. The ob-
jective was to navigate a 6-kg
bucket of water suspended on a
5- meter rope through these gates
and then place the center of the
bucket as close as possible to
the center of a table (1 meter in
diameter and 2 meters high) at
the end of the course. Four min-
utes was the time limit for this
The team felt very confident
about this event. It was our strong-
est and perhaps the most prac-
ticed event. The day prior to this
final event, I told the Polish Ra-
dio, during a live interview, that
I felt very confident our team
would win the competition in
spite of the set back (returning
points to the Polish and German
The pilots' briefing was held
with no surprises and the starting
order was confirmed. My confi-
dence grew stronger as I learned
that the Polish team celebrated
its victory (the regained points)
with a lot of Polish vodka the
previous night. Just prior to the
start, the U.S. team members got
in a huddle by their aircraft. It
was now or never. A few words,
a few moments of silence then-
Let's do it!
They did it! Every crew put
out maximum effort with total
concentration and determina-
tion. Not only did the U. S. team
make up the 19 points on the
Poles, it set them 20 points be-
hind. Extraordinary! A gain of
39 points. The U.S. team also
gained three points on the Ger-
man team. This catupulted the
Americans to first place only 2
points ahead of the German team
and 20 points ahead of the third
place Polish team. The United
States had the World Champion
Helicopter Team.
The crews that secured this
final victory were: CW2 George
Chrest/Cpt Stephen Kee-199
points, CW3 John Bailey/CW2
AI Porter-199 points, and Mr.
John Williams/Mr. Morten Meng
-199 points, both the latter from
Bell Helicopter.
The outstanding performance
by CW2 Chrest and CPT Kee se-
cured them the top position in
the individual standings.
In turn, CW2 Chrest was desig-
nated the World Helicopter
Champion pilot. Both CW2
Chrest and CPT Kee were award-
ed the Distinguished Flying
Cross. --
Brigadier General Ellis D. Parker
Army Aviation Officer, ODCSOPS, HQDA
Department of the Army
NE OF MY CONCERNS while commanding
the 17th Aviation Group in Korea was being
able to keep my command current on all of the
many happenings in Army Aviation around the world.
Now that I am the Deputy Director for Require-
ments and the Army Aviation Officer in the Office of
the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans
(DCSOPS), I want to do everything I can to assist
field commanders in keeping their commands in-
formed. As I view our aviation program from my
vantage point in Washington, there are numerous
activities taking place that many times we assume are
common knowledge in the field. Knowing that this is
not the case, I want to be sure that Department of the
Army (DA) level aviation actions are communicated
as widely as possible through the various forums we
have available.
This is the first of a series of articles that will be
entitled "Department of the Army Aviation Update"
and published quarterly in A viation Digest. In at-
tempting to outline the many facets of our aviation
program for you, I will be drawing from the monthly
meetings of our recently established Washington area
aviation "team." A few months ago, representatives
from 25 different DA-Ievel agencies met for the first
time to update each other on current activities, and to
share our best thoughts and ideas on where we are- or
should be- headed. The results of our first three
meetings have been extremely beneficial in allowing
for closer coordination of actions directly affecting
Army Aviation and in keeping me informed across
the entire spectrum of aviation issues. Much of that
information is passed on to you in this article.
Before doing so, however, let me briefly relate the
results of two very important events involving Army
aviators. We held our annual U.S. Army Aviation
Training Symposium and Policy Committee Meeting
at Ft. Rucker, AL, last November. For 5 days, the
Major Army Command (MACOM) aviation officers,
several group and battalion/squadron level command-
ers, and representatives from many aviation units
worldwide met to study and propose resolutions to
some 75 issues affecting all aspects of our aviation
program. We heard keynote addresses from General
Robert M. Shoemaker, commander, U.S. Army Forces
Command, and Major General Guy S. Meloy III,
director of training, DCSOPS, that set the tone for
what proved to be an extremely productive session
for all involved. The hard work and insight of some of
January 1982
Army Aviation's best will definitely assist decision-
makers at all levels to chart the course in policy and
program development for both the present and the
future. I will not go into detail here on the issues we
tackled because the Aviation Digest covered the
conference in the December issue and is planning a
more comprehensive article. Also, I am relying on
your representatives who participated to debrief you
on the results. I do, however, want to be sure that the
key issue transcending all others is clear to all: Army
Aviation must be fully integrated into every aspect of
the Army s combined arms training program. We
spent a lot of time talking about that one issue, and I
trust that each representative carried back to the
field a renewed vision for meeting our responsibilities
as a member of the Army combined arms team. We
are on our way, but must continue with dedicated
efforts if we are to measure up to what is expected of
The second event I want to highlight is the awards
ceremony held in November for the Army members
of our World Champion Helicopter Team which is
featured in this issue of the Aviation Digest in an
exceptionally fine article by Major Bruno Maca. He
did an outstanding job as executive officer of our
team. As most of you know, we sent a United States
team of our very best military and civilian helicopter
pilots to Piotrkow Trybunalski, Poland last August to
compete in the Fourth W orId Helicopter Champion-
ships. Due to the hard work and flying skill of some
tremendously dedicated people, the United States
team won the championship and also had the winning
crew in Chief Warrant Officer, CW2, George Chrest
and Captain Stephen Kee. The significant accomplish-
ments of the Army team members, so indicative of
the teamwork, professionalism and competitive spirit
that is integral to Army Aviation, were duly recognized
in a truly impressive awards ceremony at Ft. Myer,
V A. The ceremony was hosted by the Secretary of
the Army, the Army Chief of Staff and the 3d Infantry
(Old Guard), and was attended by many from through-
out the Washington area. The Secretary of Defense,
the Honorable Casper Weinberger, was the guest
speaker and paid special tribute to those who so well
represented their country and Army Aviation in world
competition. It was definitely a fitting culmination to
many months of preparation and execution.
This quarter, I want to update you on several areas.
In our equipment research, development and acquisi-
... will enable the AHIP/NTSH to
designate targets for the HELLFIRE
COPPERHEAD ... and Air
Force smart bombs.
tion, there is significant activity in almost every major
Army Helicopter Improvement Program/Near-
Term Scout Helicopter (AHIP/NTSH). On 21 Septem-
ber 1981, the Army announced the award of the devel-
opment contract for AHIP/NTSH to Bell Helicopter
Textron of Fort Worth, TX. The contract calls for
improvements to OH-58 Kiowa helicopters in the
active Army inventory. The mission equipment to be
installed on the NTSH includes a mast-mounted sight
for day and night target acquisition and laser designa-
tion from masked positions. The laser range finderl
designator will enable the AHIP INTSH to desig-
nate targets for the HELLFIRE missile fired from
the advanced attack helicopter, the COPPERHEAD
laser guided artillery munition and Air Force "smart
bombs." The AHIP/NTSH also will be equipped with
a Doppler navigation system and improved communi-
cations gear. Hover performance improvements will
be made to enable the system to meet worldwide
employment requirements that include Middle East
AH-64 Apache. On 18 November 1981, the Army
System Acquisition Review Council (ASARC), chaired
by the Army Vice Chief of Staff, decided to enter
production on both the AH-64 and HELLFIRE. The
procurement program calls for 446 aircraft to be
delivered to the Army between fiscal year (FY) 1982
and the end of FY 1988. The Army production decision
will be presented to the Defense System Acquisition
Review Council (DSARC) early in February for final
approval. This decision is indicative of Army recog-
nition of the tremendous combat multiplier potential
in aviation systems. We now face the task of preparing
for the training and employment challenge that will
confront us in fielding this impressive aircraft system.
AH-1S Cobra The contract for Phase I implementa-
tion of the FLIR (forward looking infrared radar)- Aug-
mented Cobra Tow Sight/Improved Tow Missile System
(F ACTS/ITMS) program was signed by the contracting
officer on 16 September 1981. Phase I is the program
analysis phase whereby the contractor provides analysis
for augmenting the telescopic sight with a FLIR module.
Contract dollar value for FY 1981 obligation is $1.8
million. FY 1982 funding requirements of $.9 million
were awarded 31 December 1981. Total Phase I contract
effort is estimated not to exceed $2.7 million.
CH-47D Chinook. The Desert RAM (reliability,
availability, maintainability) test of the CH-47 D was
completed at Yuma Proving Grounds, AZ, on
11 September 1981. The test lasted 43 days and
consisted of 80 flight hours during day and night
operations with internal and external loads in a sandy,
dusty, desert environment. The aircraft and crew
were exposed to natural heat with ambient temperature
121F, cockpit temperature 132F and frequent surface
temperatures above 140F. No significant CH-47D
peculiar problems in a desert environment were
identified; and assessment of RAM, human factors,
safety, logistics supportability, aircraft capabilities
and maintenance personnel training on the CH-47D
in that environment has been determined successful
and satisfactory.
UH-60A Black Hawk. The Black Hawk program is
on track, with continued efforts to "fine tune" where
necessary. Congress recently accepted the Army
proposal to produce 96 aircraft during FY 1982 to add
to the fleet. On 4 November, the 200th UH-60A was
delivered to the Army by Sikorsky. To date, Black
Hawks have been assigned to six U.S. Army combat
units and two training commands. They are operational
with the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Ft. Camp-
bell, KY; 82nd Airborne Division, Ft. Bragg, NC; 9th
Infantry Division, Ft. Lewis, W A; and combat support
aviation companies at Forts Stewart and Benning, GA.
Black Hawks are also assigned to Ft. Rucker, AL, for
pilot training and Ft. Eustis, V A, for maintenance training.
UH-60A aircraft will soon be delivered to selected
units in U.S. Army, Europe (USAREUR).
Improved GUARDRAIL V Contract Award. On
30 September 1981, the signing of the FY 1981 Improved
GUARDRAIL V contract took place at the Electronic
Warfare Laboratory, Ft. Monmouth, NJ. This award
will procure the first of the Improved GUARDRAIL
V systems that will replace the GUARDRAIL V systems
deployed in October 1978. Electromagnetic Systems
Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA, is the prime contractor
with Beech Aircraft Corp., Wichita, KS being the su b-
Aircraft Survivability Equipment (ASE). A planning
conference was held with the ASE project manager
and the users (both Army and Marines) to develop a
U. S. Army Aviation Digest
requirements specification for an upgrade to the
ANI APR-39(V) 1 radar warning receiver (RWR). The
user has stated that the number one ASE priority is
the addition of a small processor (voice synthesized)
to the RWR which would incorporate millimeter wave,
laser warning, chemical warfare and interometer
information. This would permit the pilot, flying at
nap-of-the-earth (NOE), to be warned of a radar threat
without having to check an indicator on the instrument
panel. The Marines will fund the research and develop-
ment effort in FY 1982, the Army will fund it in FY 1983
and, if all goes well, a production decision could be pos-
sible in FY 1984. ASE contracts awarded recently include
the production of the ANI ALQ-156 missile detector
for the CH-47 and the AN/ APR-39(V)2 SEMA Radar
Warning Receiver. Research and development con-
tracts call for the design, integration, fabrication test
and qualification of three prototype Hover Infrared
Suppressor Subsystems (HIRSS) for the UH-60 Black
Hawk aircraft and an Infrared Countermeasures
SuppressoriJammer installation retrofit kit for the
Night Fix. In view of the urgent need to fight at
night with night vision goggles, action has been taken
to achieve compatibility between the goggles and the
aircraft lighting systems. A plan of execution, called
Night Fix, was developed by the Army Materiel
Development and Readiness Command (DARCOM)
and has been implemented. During Phase I Night Fix,
the UH-l, CH-47, OH-58 and AH-l aircraft will be
modified by a DAR COM team at selected field
locations. The modification adds blue/ green lighting
filters to the current red lighting in these aircraft. The
Night Fix will meet the urgent requirement to fight at
night with night vision goggles. The following milestones
have been established for Phase I Night Fix Program:
15 October 1981 to
31 October 1981
I November 1981 to
July 1982
5 January 1981 to
31 August 1982
Prototype cockpits were
modified at Corpus Christi
Army Depot (CCAD), TX.
CCAD fabricates and as-
sembles kits.
Kit application at establish-
ed sites.
In the area of commissioned aviator management,
the Aviation Center at Ft. Rucker, AL, is moving full
speed ahead to assume its new role as the personnel
management proponent for Specialty Code (SC) 15,
as outlined in the new AR 600-101. Concurrently with
organizing to meet this new requirement of decen-
tralized proponency, Major General Carl H. McNair
Jr., Aviation Center commander, and his staff have
carefully evaluated the current accession methodology
and training program for our company grade aviators.
Briefings were presented recently to the Army Staff,
MACOM commanders, and to the Army Chief of
January 1982
Staff on the current status and options for the future
in these two areas. The Chief of Staff concurred with
the recommendation to continue bringing officers
into the aviation program in the three aviation specialties
(SC 15, 71 and 67J) and commissioning them into the
approved "carrier branches" as now programed in
the aviator management plan. He further concurred
with the plan to continue current efforts to improve
combined arms training for both aviators and ground
combat arms in our officer education system (Officer
Basic Course/Officer Advanced Course) and in our
unit training programs. The Transportation Center,
Ft. Eustis, V A, as the proponent for SC71 aviators, is
also actively pursuing its new personnel management
The aviator training challenge is one that will always
be with us. The task is not easy. Not only are we faced
with the requirement to be technically proficient in
aviation systems that are becoming increasingly complex,
but aviators must know combined arms tactics better
than anyone on the battlefield. Obviously, initial entry
flight training just gets us started in learning the system -
the real proficiency comes with extensive hands-on
experience in the field. Likewise, the basic and advanced
courses are not structured to produce aviator tactical
experts. The Training and Doctrine Command (TRA-
DOC) proponent schools that train aviators are
attempting to develop a curriculum that will integrate
air and ground tactics for both the aviator and their
Armor, Infantry, etc., contemporaries. But real exper-
tise in combined arms employment comes from train-
ing together at the unit level. Improvement is needed
on both sides in our field training programs. Aviation
commanders must "push" their capabilities and inform
ground commanders on how to employ aviation.
Conversely, ground commanders must "pull" aviation
into the ground scheme of maneuver and use the
aviation assets available to multiply their own capability.
The joint training opportunities are there. We must
discipline ourselves to take advantage of them during
every exercise.
Force Structure is receiving considerable emphasis
right now. The Total Army Analysis (T AA-88) Study
is examining the feasibility of converting all divisional
(except the 82d and 10Ist) TOE aviation units to the
Cavalry Brigade (Air Attack) (CBAA) structure using
current and projected assets. The goal of this effort is
to provide data with which to make decisions regarding
the aviation force structure to be included in the FY
1984 to 1988 program objective memorandum (POM)
next spring. Any trade-offs necessary to achieve the
divisional CBAA structure that cannot be resolved by
T AA-88, plus the aviation structure for corps and
echelons above corps (EAC) will be addressed by the
ARCSA IV study scheduled to begin 1 April 82 with a
completion date of the end of 4th quarter FY 1982.
In january 1982, the Army will begin
testing the concept of including aircraft
with its POMCUS equipment in Europe.
For aviation enlisted personnel, implementation of
CMF 67 (Aviation Maintenance) decisions continue.
In other areas:
Effective 17 August 1981, both enlistment and re-
enlistment bonuses were increased for military occupa-
tional specialty (MOS) 93J (air traffic control (AT C)
radar controller) and MOS 93H (ATC tower operator).
Anyone enlisting for one of these MOSs for 3 years
receives a $5000 bonus. Reenlistment bonuses were
increased to 4A (Soldiers with between 21 months
and 6 years service), 4B (6 to 10 years), and 4C (11 to
14 years). This equates to monthly base pay X 4 X
number of years of reenlistment. Training rates have
doubled for FY 1982 and almost all quotas have been
filled. Further expansion of training rates is expected
for FY 1983. The Army has 197 air traffic controllers
currently TDY (temporary duty) to the Federal Aviation
Administration. They will be returning to their Army
jobs in phases during FY 1982.
TRADOC has recently approved and will conduct
an Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE) ASI Q2
training course. It will be conducted at Ft. Eustis,
with 12 classes scheduled each year. Quotas for FY
1982 classes will be nine per class with MILPERCEN
(U.S. Army Military Personnel Center) responsible for
filling four or five seats per class. Soldiers in grades
E5 through E7 possessing any of the 67 series MOSs
may apply for attendance in course number 860-
ASIQ2 on DA Form 4187 which must be forwarded
through normal command channels to Commander,
U.S. Army MILPERCEN, Attention: DAPC-EPT-F,
2462 Eisenhower Ave., Alexandria, V A 22331. Appli-
cants not on assignment instructions may be scheduled
to attend in a TDY and return status only if the local
command will fund the school. Soldiers on assignment
instructions will be scheduled in a TDY enroute status.
Those wishing to attend enroute to a new duty station
must apply in sufficient time to allow for forwarding
of application and amendment of pes orders prior
to departure from losing command. This course will
replace the one at Chanute AFB, IL.
DA Circular 611-81-2, dated 1 March 1981, provides
instructions to implement enlisted MOS changes to
CMF 67. A new MOS, 67H Observaton Airplane
Repairer, was established to provide separate
identification for those positions and personnel
in units equipped with OV -1 aircraft. There was
no change for positions or personnel in units
equipped with utility/ cargo airplanes, which
remain 67G.
Most of our developmental and operational testing
for major systems has been completed. The Advanced
Attack Helicopter operational test II was completed
on 28 August 1981. The only major tests projected for
the near future involve the Cobra FLIR-Augmented
Cobra TOW Sight (FACTS) and the near-term scout
helicopter (AHIP). Other tests recently completed,
underway or scheduled to begin soon include the
Helicopter Flotation Kit, UH-60 Flight Simulator (OT
II), Instrument Meteorological Conditions Simulator
(CEP), UH-60A Aeromedical Kit (OT IIA), Aviators
Night Vision Imaging System (ANVIS), XM-33 Pro-
tective Mask, Air-to-Air Missile Concept Evaluation
Program, Night Hawk/Night Vision Goggle Weather
Minimums Test, MILES-AGES/ AD, and the Helicopter
Oxygen System.
Mr. Joe Cribbins, the Special Assistant for Aviation
to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, remains
busy as always. In January 1982, the Army will begin
testing the concept of including aircraft with its
POMCUS (Prepositioned Overseas Materiel Configur-
ation In Unit Sets) equipment in Europe. Fourteen
AH-IS aircraft will be stored in a humidity controlled
environment as part of this test. Additionally, adding
a National Guard Aviation Repair and Classification
Depot (AVCRAD) to the POMCUS program is
planned. The mission of the AVCRAD would be to
facilitate the pipeline flow of aircraft to and from
Europe and to provide back-up depot level repair to
USAREUR aviation units. Out at Fort Lewis, W A,
the DCSLOG has asked Major General Robert M.
Elton, 9th Infantry Division commander, to evaluate
the need for a maintenance battalion versus the
company that is currently included in the CBAA
structure. The CBAA test is scheduled to begin in
For aeromedical aviators; the aeromedical kit for
the UH-60A successfully passed its second operational
test (OT II) with the 326th Medical Battalion, Ft.
Campbell, KY in September. The first Black Hawk
for aeromedical evacuation units will be fielded
beginning in March 1982 with the kits installed.
National Guard (NG) aviators are excited about
some innovations in their aviation program. The most
u.s. Army Aviation Digest
recent was the formation of four A VCRAD round-out
units. During mobilization these units are assigned to
DAR COM to provide depot level aviation maintenance.
Additionally, they have a real peacetime mission of
providing back-up AVIM (aviation intermediate main-
tenance) and limited depot repair to NG aviation units.
In the training area, initial entry rotary wing training
quotas for the NG increase over the next few years to
205. By the way, if you missed the November 1981
issue of the Aviation Digest, I recommend you get a
copy. It has excellent coverage of the National Guard.
For our military intelligence aviators; TRADOC,
DARCOM and the Army Staff are in the initial stages
of evaluating requirements for SEMA-X, a replacement
platform for the OV -1 Mohawk and eventually the
RC-12 Huron. Additionally, development of the
Integrated Inertial Navigation System (IINS) continues
in an effort to provide an accurate avionics navigational
and positioning system to support the special electronics
The Aeronautical Services Office at Cameron
Station, V A, represents the DCSOPS in providing
liaison to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
I'd liked to highlight a few of the areas this office is
involved with.
Pressure on special use airspace (restricted areas,
etc): The ever increasing competition for use of the
national airspace is putting increased pressure on
Department of Defense requirements for special use
airspace. Increased aviation fuel costs make direct
routing increasingly important to the hard pressed
commercial carriers. Special use airspace frequently
causes deviations from direct routing. The constant
pressure on the FAA has the effect of continuously
eroding the availability of special use airspace through
procedural changes and increased segmentation. It is
imperative that the Army present a logical and credible
rationale for its special use airspace requirements as
well as being perceived as an efficient and cooperative
user of it. The FAA has begun a 4 year program for
a complete review of the National Airspace System
(NAS). This review could challenge military airspace
needs. While the Air Force owns most of the restricted
airspace, the Army has almost 100 areas that are also
under constant review. The DOD input to this review
will be through the DOD Advisory Committee on
Federal Aviation, of which the DCSOPS is the Army
member. DOD is trying to place an Air Force general
officer on the FAA executive Review Board of the
National Airspace System Study in an effort to ensure
that military needs are adequately considered.
The increased competition for the use of the national
airspace is further manifested in the increased emphasis
on strict adherence to Federal Air Regulations. All of
us need to make sure we know and comply with these
January 1982
The FAA Administrator has selected Traffic Alert
and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) as the collision
avoidance system for the United States. The impact
on the Army will probably be to require an improved
transponder. A Mode S (data link) will be added at
sometime in the future. The Army may have to purchase
a TCAS I for its CONUS based U-21/C-12 fleet within
5 years at a cost of about $5 to $10 thousand per
The U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) Aviation program
is preparing to meet some real challenges in the near
future. The biggest source of aviators to fill Army
Reserve Aviation units and Individual Ready Reserve
(lRR) positions are former active component aviators.
The great majority of these officers are Vietnam
veterans who are moving toward retirement beginning
in 1987. Average USAR aviator age is almost 37
years. The Office of the Chief, Army Reserve plans to
conduct a brief survey among its 1400 aviators to get a
profile of the aging aviators' retirement intentions.
The profile will permit them to forecast the need for
initial entry training and recruiting efforts more
accurately. The December 1981 issue of the Aviation
Digest has several outstanding articles covering USAR
aviation. And, if you will be completing active service
in Army Aviation, you will be interested in the listing
on the outside back cover of the December issue. It
contains a listing of USAR aviation units and their
telephone numbers in 27 states. If you can't get a copy
of this issue write the editor at P.O. Drawer P, Ft.
Rucker, AL 36362. It's a wise decision to join one of
these fine units.
There are several aviation studies underway at the
Concepts Analysis Agency in Bethesda, MD. One of
these is the Apache, Black Hawk and Chinook Self-
Deployment Helicopter (ABCD) Study, which began
in October 1981 and is scheduled to continue through
June 1982. The study plan has been approved, mis-
sion profiles are being established and an ABCD
model development is on schedule. This study will
thoroughly review the subject of helicopter self-
deployability in order to provide the Army with recom-
mendations concerning
the feasibility of heli-
copters being flown to
overseas areas.
I trust that the infor-
mation provided above
is of some use to you as
you continue to repre-
sent Army Aviation, no
matter where you are
assigned. I look forward
to your comments or
suggestions as we contin-
ue to expand our dia-
logue together in the
months to come.
BG Ellis D. Parker
Directorate of Evaluation/Standardization
S I ~
UH1 H Performance Planning
I F ON YOUR LAST mission you had been given
an in-flight mission change to pick up a full load of
combat equipped troops, would you have known
what indicated torque at a 5-foot skid height hover
corresponded to an aircraft gross weight of 9,500
pounds? If you answer is NO, then you are the in-
dividual who needs to keep reading. If your answer is
YES, read on anyway. You might be surprised!
Without quoting numerous statistics from our visits
to the field, one of the weaker areas found during oral
evaluations is the use of the Performance Planning
Card (PPC). The following paragraphs should clear up
any misunderstandings; and the reading will be enhanced
if, right now, you get yourself a cup of coffee, a-l0
and a TC 1-135 aircrew training manual (ATM).
Task #1005 in the ATM states that the PPC (DA
Form 4887-R (1 Jun 80)) will be used, so now is a good
time to check whether your unit has a supply of current
PPCs and to dispose of all those obsolete cards lining
drawers and cluttering closets. The same task states
that the PPC wiil be computed for all takeoff and
landing operations to include, as a minimum, those
items preceded by an asterisk. How often have you
defaulted in that task? It takes about as long as it took
you to get the aforementioned cup of coffee to compute
and complete a PPC; so each time you fly, get your
copilot to get the beverages while you complete a
Task #XXJ2 in the A TM gives very explicit instructions
on how to compute performance for most of the PPC
asterisk items. Briefly outlined, to compute the maximum
torque available, use the chart on page 7-13 of the -10
and note that this chart is for 30-minute operation. The
implications of using this chart as opposed to the
continuous operation chart on the next page is that the
engine EGT (exhaust gas temperature) is likely to be
in the yellow range (610 to 625 degrees C) when using
maximum torque available. By intersecting the pressure
altitude and temperature in the top chart and movmg
vertically downwards, the maximum calibrated torque
can be read. Turning to page 7-17 of the -10, the GO-
NO-GO can be computed. Starting at the bottom left
chart, move vertically upwards from the maximum
calibrated torque available to the 50-foot out of ground
effect (OGE) line; move horizontally to the 5-foot skid
height line and then vertically downwards to read the
calibrated GO- NO-GO torque. Provided that you have
this figure (converted to an indicated torque) or less in
a 5-foot hover power check, you have sufficient power
to perform any maneuver in the flight envelope of the
aircraft at that density altitude. However, prior to nap-
of-the-earth flight, an OGE hover check is required in
accordance with TC 1-135, Task #4008. Predicted
torque is computed by intersecting pressure altitude
and temperature in the top chart, moving vertically
downwards to the appropriate weight, horizontally left
to the 5-foot skid height line and vertically downwards
to read the calibrated torque. Predicted torque, unlike
maximum torque available and Go-NO-GO torque, is
not a function of engine performance; and there can
be a difference between predicted torque and the
torque actually indicated in a 5-foot hover due to
numerous errors, such as gauge inaccuracy, dirty main
rotor blades or wind.
Note # 1 in Task #2002 states that certain GO- NO-
GO torques equate to a gross weight in excess of9,500
pounds and that the hover chart should be used to find
the torque setting that corresponds to 9,500 pounds.
Recent graduates from flight school may have heard
this referred to as "corrected Go-No-GO" or "modified
U.S. Army Aviation Digest
GO-NO-GO"; but with no such nomenclature on the
new (and much printed) PPC, it was decided to call it
"Validation Factor." Validation factor is computed by
intersecting pressure altitude and temperature, moving
vertically downwards to 9,500 pounds, horizontally
across to the 5-foot skid height line and vertically
downwards to read a calibrated torque. A number of
avid readers of FLIGHTFAX were slightly confused
by the last paragraph of this past July's ST ACOM #70
regarding validation factor. To clarify this matter, if in
a 5-foot hover, the indicated torque is more than the
predicted validation factor indicated torque, the aircraft
is likely to be in excess of 9,500 pounds. Land the
aircraft and either off-load cargo or recompute the
365F (weight and balance form) to confirm the weight
of the aircraft. If the weight is below 9,500 pounds,
then the GO-NO-GO may be used. (Remember GO-
NO-GO is a function of engine power and validation
factor being a predicted torque could be inaccurate
because of dirty main rotor blades, etc.)
All calibrated torques are converted to indicated
values by the use of the chart on page 7-13 of the -10.
Move vertically upwards from the calibrated torque
to the calibration factor obtained from the aircraft
engine data plate, then move horizontally left to read
the indicated torque.
Safe pedal margin can be computed from the hover
chart only if you have calm winds. If there is a wind,
then the cart on page 5-4.1 of the - 10 will be used. In
DES welcomes your inquiries and requests to focus attention
on an area of major importance. Write to us at: Commander,
U.S. Army Aviation Center, ATTN:ATZQ-ES, Ft. Rucker, AL
January 1982
the upper chart intersect pressure altitude and temp-
erature and move vertically downwards to the weight
of the aircraft. This point, by interpolation between
the given wind speed lines, will give a wind speed
below which there is a safe pedal margin. If the actual
wind is at or above that interpolated, note which lettered
sector the point is in, and turn the page. Select the
wind speed and move around to the point where it
enters the appropriate lettered sector and note the
radial; then do the same where it exits the lettered
sector. You should avoid placing the wind between
these two radials, relative to the nose of the aircraft at
a hover. Computing for a pinnacle landing at a pressure
altitude of 10,000 feet, outside air temperature of 0
degrees C, gross weight of 8,500 pounds and wind of
360/ 10, the chart shows its necessity if the most desirable
approach is 300 degrees.
There are a number of things wrong with the
Directional Control Margin charts of Change 6 to the
- 10, but DA Form 2028 action is in hand and there
will be a change in the near future.
Landing data need only be computed if there is
going to be a significant change in density altitude
(pressure altitude and/ or temperature).
With the practice of computing performance for
each flight, it becomes second nature, and hopefully
this weakness found in many aviators will become a
36362; or call us at AUTO VON 558-3504 or commercial 205-
255-3504. After duty hours call Ft. Rucker Hot Line, AUTOI/ON
558-6487 or 205-255-6487 and leave a message
When it comes to
identifying the greatest
single cause of Army air-
craft mishaps and placing
the blame squarely where it
belongs, nothing can
compare with
telling it like it is
16 U.S. Army Aviation Digest
ECHNICALLY speaking, all
mishaps are associated, directly
or indirectly, with the human
element. For example, when some
component of an aircraft fails
prematurely and produces a mishap,
the materiel failure can, in theory, be
attributed to the human element.
After all, somebody designed the
unit, determined the materials to be
used in its construction, manufac-
tured it, and after inspecting and
testing it, issued it for use.
Although deficiencies in design
have, at times, produced catastrophic
results, most such deficiencies are
identified and corrected before any
serious mishaps can occur. As a rule,
the remedy appears in the form of an
MVVO or as a replacement item.
On the other hand, the human
element is directly responsible for
some of the system failures which
often lead to mishaps. These result
from what might be termed voluntary
or willful human action--but one that
is not done with any intent to cause
problems. Usually this type of error,
although committed deliberately,
results from a lack of knowledge and
a lack of supervision.
Examples are numerous. One
concerns problems associated with
UH-l trunnion installation. Following
a mishap that occurred when a
trunnion separated from the outer
swashplate, maintenance personnel
performed a one-time inspection of
their unit aircraft. Their findings
were significant. Common
discrepancies noted included the use
of screwdrivers or other unauthorized
tools to spread trunnion bore ears
during removal and installation of
trunnions; failure to properly align
trunnion slots with bolt holes; and
forcing retaining bolts in place by
pounding them with a hammer or
twisting them with a wrench when
bolt holes and trunnion slots were
improperly aligned. As a result,
trunnion bores were found to be
permanently distorted and housing
January 1982
ears as well as bolt threads and
shanks severely damaged.
Yet, the improper maintenance
procedures described were not
followed with any intent to induce
incipient failure or endanger the
safety of aircrews and equipment. On
the contrary, these actions stemmed
from a lack of knowledge and
understanding of the critical aspects
of these components and the need for
strict by-the-book maintenance. This
fact was illustrated when personnel
performing the one-time inspection
were found using the same improper
procedures. In fact, while performing
the one-time inspection, one
mechanic broke a section of a
trunnion bore ear when he pried the
ears apart with a screwdriver.
On the other hand, a great number
of mishaps are caused by the willful
and deliberate violation of ARs and
SOPs. One such example concerns a
UH-l pilot who deviated from his
planned route and descended low
over a lake resort area. While flying
at an altitude that varied from about
50 to 100 feet agl, his aircraft struck
high tension wires and crashed.
Then, we have what may be
termed true or pure human error.
Unlike those described, this type of
error does not stem from lack of
knowledge, intentional violation of
regulations or from any unsafe act
willfully performed. It is simply an
error made inadvertently by an
individual. It may be one of
commission or omission. It may be
judgmental or mechanical. In any
event, the final result is often the
same: a mishap.
A prime example involved the
pilots of a fixed wing aircraft on an
administrative flight. The pilots
elected to fly at an altitude that would
provide the passengers the most com-
fort. As they neared their destination,
they failed to increase their altitude,
as required, to clear mountain peaks
along their flight path. The end result
was impact with the side of a mountain.
This pilot error was compounded by
the actions of ground control person-
nel who were c ~ n g i n g shifts about the
time the aircraft should have been
climbing to the higher altitude.
Consequently, neither ground control
operator requested verification of the
aircraft's altitude.
Obviously, human error is not
restricted to pilots or to any single
area of activity. Maintenance
personnel are especially susceptible.
In one instance, the crew chief of one
aircraft that had departed the site
hurried to help another crew chief
get his aircraft airborne. In his haste,
he rushed into the spinning tail rotor
blades of the aircraft and was killed.
Since no one intentionally wants to
become involved in any kind of
mishap, what causes individuals to
make the errors that invite injury and
even death? No simple answer exists.
However, we do know that stress
plays a major role in causing mishaps.
Further, we can identify a variety of
stress factors that can induce human
error. Prime among these catalysts
are those associated with fatigue;
with the environment; with excessive
use of coffee, tobacco, alcohol and
other drugs, including those
obtainable over-the-counter; and with
a host of other factors such as those
related to the emotions as well as to
the tasks to be performed, their
number and complexity.
\Vhile stresses imposed upon an
individual are usually multiple in
nature, a single stress factor, if
sufficiently severe, can effectively
reduce a person's efficiency to a
point at which he can no longer
safely perform his job. Fatigue is just
such a stress. Further, it is universal
in nature. While those stresses
associated with the use of coffee,
tobacco, alcohol and drugs can be
avoided by not using these products,
everyone is subject to fatigue.
A prime example of the results
fatigue can produce concerns a U-8
pilot on an administrative flight. This
aviator was in excellent health. Not
only was he a highly skilled aviator
but also the most experienced in his
unit. And that was precisely why he
was selected to transport some VIP
\Vhile the weather was not forecast
to be the best, it certainly was not
considered a threat, especially to a
pilot with his experience. The only
hitch was that the pilot selected had
completed a night cross-country flight
earlier that night and had gotten only
4 hours of sleep when he was
summoned to fly this mission.
Because of the nature of the flight
and the VIP personnel involved, he
accepted the mission.
The flight to his intended
destination was uneventful, and
shortly after discharging his
passengers, he began his return flight.
While en route, he encountered
deteriorating weather conditions that
under normal circumstances would
have posed no special problems for
him. However, in his fatigued state,
he was unable to cope with the
situation and a fatal mishap resultec
While weather was a definite factor
in this mishap, pilot fatigue was the
real cause. In fact, this mishap
epitomizes the following statement
made by LTC David H. Karney,
M.D. , concerning fatigue:
"Fatigue is a significant hazard in
Army aviation. It reduces
crewmember efficiency and
contributes to reduced performance,
poor coordination, faulty memory,
slower reaction time and a decline in
perceptual abilities. Fatigue can lead
to overconfidence, poor judgment,
mistakes--even fatal accidents. ,.
The question that logically arises is
why experienced aviators accept
missions when they know they are
physically and mentally exhausted.
While we can't get any answers from
those who could tell us the most--the
ones involved in such fatal mishaps as
the one described--we can get the
reaction of other pilots assigned to
units in which such mishaps
In one such unit , anxiety and
apprehension were found among the
pilots. Many of them felt that refusal
to accept all scheduled missions--
regardless of rest, forecast weather
conditions or copilot availability--
would adversely affect their Army
Training exercises provide ideal
conditions for nurturing a variety of
stresses, particularly if the exercises
are conducted on a large scale. And
it doesn't matter whether they take
place in the winter or in the summer.
Each type of climate and locale will
give rise to its own set of problems
that will affect both equipment and
personnel. A variety of stresses are
the result.
\Vhile stresses related to fatigue,
the operating environment, to drugs
and nutrition, to mission and tasks
can become quite formidable, those
associated with the emotions can
often be the deadliest. A person
affected by emotional stress may be
the only one aware of its presence. So
no help can be given him unless he is
willing to make the matter known.
Because the causes are usually of a
personal nature, the emotionally
distressed person is not likely to do
this. \Vhen you consider the variety
of stresses that can be imposed on an
individual, and their severity, it is
little wonder that, as one study
shows, human error has been
involved in approximately 80 percent
of all Army aviation mishaps. And
this percentage has remained
virtually constant for 20 years.
Although human error and all the
stresses associated with it are
extremely complicated matters--far
beyond the scope of this article--they
must be faced. Any element that is
directly or ir:directly a key mishap
cause factor cannot be ignored. The
causes of stresses must be attacked,
and those stresses that cannot be
avoided must be coped with.
For maintenance errors that result
from a lack of knowledge, adequate
training, formal and OlT, and ample
supervision during the performance
of maintenance are the answer.
Human errors that stem from
willfully performed wrong acts are
considerably more difficult to
prevent. Dealing with this problem
entails dealing with each individual
on a one-to-one basis--a virtually
impossible task. For example, no one
can control the thoughts, intents, and
actions of another individual,
especially one who may be flying 100
miles away from his home station.
Nevertheless, this problem is a long
way from being unsolvable.
The prescription is formulated as a
directive and dispensed by the
commander under the careful
supervision of the safety officer. Its
main ingredient is discipline. It is a
no-nonsense policy that lets it be
known no violations of ARs and
SOPs will be tolerated. Any who
choose to break the rules will be held
accountable to the commander. But
for the remedy to be effective, two
conditions must be satisfied. The first
involves unit SOPs. These must be
realistically drafted and strictly
The second condition requires the
active participation of the unit
commander, the safety officer, and
other key personnel such as the
operations officer, the maintenance
officer and unit IPs. Their job is to
set an example. No safety program
can be effective if it is based on a "do
as I say, not as I do" attitude. Should
disciplinary measures become
necessary, the commander should not
hesitate to take any appropriate
action deemed essential for safety.
The flight surgeon is also
indispensible--not only for diagnosing
and treating various disorders but
especially in the area of prevention.
He gives advice on measures to be
taken to cope with stresses posed by
a particular environment, and he
gives personal counseling in matters
concerning physical and mental
health. He is the one person who can
determine whether or not an
individual is physically and mentally
U.S. Army Aviation Digest
capable of safely performing all
required flight duties.
Finally, we come to those mishaps
caused by what we might term as true
or pure human error. How can you
keep from making those
unintentional mistakes that often
cause or contribute to mishaps? The
experts shun the implications
embodied in this question. And for
good reason. There is no simple or
pat answer. The fact is everyone is
subject to inadvertent error, and
everyone makes such errors with
regularity. Most do not affect our
safety, although some do. Examples
are numerous.
The experience of one individual is
especially helpful in showing not only
the ease with which human error can
occur but also to what lengths it can
extend. In his daily bathing routine,
this individual had established a
pattern he followed almost
religiously. After removing his outer
garments in his bedroom he would go
into the bathroom, take off his
underclothing, lift the lid to the
clothes hamper, deposit his
underwear, then proceed with his
All went well until one evening
when he had an important business
appointment to meet. Because of a
fairly tight schedule that day, he was
pressed for time and had to get ready
in a hurry. Hastily, he followed his
established routine by removing his
outer clothing before rushing into the
bathroom. There, he quickly took off
his underwear and without a second
thought, lifted the toilet lid and
promptly flung the undergarments
into the bowl.
His reaction'? In his words: "It was
a feeling of complete helplessness.
The instant the clothes left my hand,
I knew what was happening, but I
was incapable of doing anything
about it. In a split second it was all
over, and I just stood there--dumb-
founded at my own stupidity."
Translated into aviation safety, we
find that types of missions to be
flown, number of personnel and
January 1982
aircraft involved, tasks required to be
performed and their level of
difficulty, along with a "laundry list"
of other factors, can pave the way for
human error. Therefore, all measures
possible must be taken to reduce the
possibility of human error from the
planning stage to mission completion.
The need for discipline to ensure
all ARs and SOPs are strictly
followed becomes obvious. Coupled
with this is the necessity to make
certain that pilots assigned are
thoroughly qualified for the missions
to be flown. Since either excessive
stress or stress of long duration can
adversely affect an aviator's
performance, every effort should be
made to eliminate or minimize all
undue stress factors possible.
Providing aviators with ample time
for rest and relaxation as well as with
any conveniences available and
encouraging them to get proper
nutrition are some of the ways
supervisors can help. Making every
effort to maintain morale at a high
level is another. While these
recommendations are simply a
starting point, they are invaluable in
helping to relieve pilots from
unnecessary pressure. They have
enough stresses to contend with when
they are flying their missions.
Should an aviator have a pressing
personal problem and fail to make it
known, he becomes a threat to
himself and to others. Since this type
of situation can arise within a unit, it
becomes imperative for supervisory
personnel to carefully monitor unit
aviators for any change in behavior ,
personality, mood or attitude.
Although the appearance of one or
more of these symptoms in some
individual should in no way be
construed that the individual has a
serious emotional problem, it does
represent a warning sign that should
not be ignored.
Since close associates are usually
the first-and sometimes the only
ones--to detect such changes in
others, cooperation of aviators with
each other as well as with their ASO,
flight surgeon and their commander
is definitely in order.
Bear in mind that despite all that
has been said, all stress is not
harmful. In fact, a certain amount of
it is actually beneficial. In
moderation, slight tension or anxiety
generally causes a person to become
more alert and cautious. It is
excessive or prolonged stress that
causes problems and which must be
What standard can be used to
determine the measure of success we
can expect to attain in eliminating
human error as a mishap cause
factor'! Perhaps the following account
of a country lay preacher in the hills
of Kentucky can provide the best
Because the people living in this
rural area were thinly populated and
unable to support the number of
churches needed to serve them, a lay
preacher voluntarily made his rounds
weekly to nearby communities to
conduct church services. Usually, his
young son accompanied him. On
entering a small, weather-beaten
church before the service, the
preacher stopped, pulled out two
quarters from his pocket and dropped
them into the alms basin that was
placed at the entrance.
After the serVice, as he and his son
were saying their good-byes, an
elderly man who helped care for the
church approached them. He told the
preacher that theirs was a poor
community and couldn't offer much,
but it was their policy to give the
visiting preacher whatever was in the
collection plate. With that, he
dumped the contents of the alms
basin into the preacher's outstretched
palm--two quarters.
As the preacher and his son
resumed their trek home, neither
spoke a word. Finally, the youth
turned to his father, and in all
seriousness, remarked: "You know,
pa, if we had put more in, we would
have got more out!"
And that's just about the sum of it.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! To celebrate, I've prepared
this "Final Exam" for you, drawing from several areas
to help you assess your professional knowledge. Have
fun - and good luck in this New Year!
CW2 Gary R. Weiland
Directorate of Training Developments
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker, AL
1. An aircraft flying in colder than standard air normally
will be lower than the altimeter indicates.
A. True B. False
2. What is the predominant form of ice an aviator
may expect to encounter in stratiform clouds when
temperatures range from OOC to -20C?
A. Rime B. Clear C. Glaze
3. Which type of altitude is defined as the altitude
above mean sea level?
A. Pressure B. Absolute C. True
4. While cond ucting a tactical instrument flight where
the only navigational aid is a nondirectional radio
beacon (NDB) , the slaved gyro compass of your
radio magnetic indicator fails. Given the follOwing
instrument indications, what is the magnetic course,
in degrees, to the NOB?
A. 60
B. 90

C. 120
D. 150
5. In extremely cold climates, it is a good idea to add
needed oil to aircraft while the system is hot.
A. True B. False
6. What causes most aircraft maintenance problems
in desert operations?
A. Continuous operation of aircraft at high power
settings in hot weather
B. Expansion and contraction resulting from
extreme variations in day and night temp-
C. Sand and dust
7. Which effect is not produced by consuming coffee
A. Sharper intellect and keener perception
B. Reduced reaction time
C. Hypertension
D. Decreased motor activity
8. Blackout and possible unconsciousness may occur
if an aviator is subjected to an accelerative force of
5 Gs for how many seconds?
A. 2 to 3 B. 5 to 6 C. 15 to 20
9. An aircraft's useful load is the difference between:
A. Operating and basic weight
B. Operating and gross weight
C. Empty and gross weight
10. The weight of fuel used in warmup and taxi
should be included as part of the takeoff fuel
entry on DO Form 365F {weight and balance}.
A. True B. False
11. Properly fitted aircrewmember body armor will
allow the aviator to support some of the armor
weight with his thighs while sitting.
A. True B. False
12. The AN/PRC-90 survival radio set provides voice
operation on what frequencies?
A. 121.5 and 243.0 MHz
B. 243.0 and 255.4 MHz
C. 243.0 and 282.8 MHz
D. Only 243.0 MHz
u.s. Army Aviation Digest
13. A pressure type altimeter \.Vith a QFE setting indicates
----___ altitude.
A. Density C. Pressure
B. Absolute D. True
14. The time entered in the "ETE toALTN" block of
DO Fonn 175 (Military Flight Plan) is based on
flight at:
A. Minimum en route altitude (MEA) for the
proposed route
B. The lowest instrument flight rules (IFR) cruising
altitude above MEA using the odd-even rule
C. The last cruising altitude
15. An Anny aviator's acceptance of an approach
clearance Jor a straight-in landing indicates:
A. Final approach may be begun without first
having executed a procedure tum
B. Reported ceiling is suitable for initiating the
C. Reported visibility or runway visual range
(RVR) is suitable for initiating the approach
D. Both Band C above
16. A pilot may leave a helicopter \.Vith the engines
operating if all controls are locked and there is
an operational requirement to leave the engines
A. True B. False
17. RVR is the controlling visibility factor when
published and reported for a runway.
A. True B. False
18. The touchdown zone elevation of a runway is
defined as the _ _ elevation in the first 3,000
feet of the landing surface.
A. Lowest B. Average C. Highest
19. Air traffic controllers issue instrument approach
clearances based on:
A. Known traffic
B. Weather
C. Weather and only if the procedure is authorized
D. Both A and B above
20. An aircraft climbing at a constant indicated airspeed
\.ViII be increasing its actual velocity or true airspeed.
A. True B. False
21. If an aviator suspects he is encountering retreating
blade stall, he should reduce power, airspeed
and RPM.
A. True B. False
22. An operator's manual (Dash 10) examination is
a component of the Aviator Annual Proficiency
and Readiness Test.
A. True B. False
23. Which mode of flight permits the tactical employ-
ment of aircraft under low-ambient light conditions?
A. Night C. Night Vision Goggle
B. Night Hawk D. Both Band C above
This last question is quite complex and should only
be tackled by highly skilled aviators who have, at
least, a few thousand flying hours under their belts.
24. An aviator is taxiing out to the active for an IFR
departure and observes two flashing red lights
and one steady white light at the base of the
control tower. What do the lights indicate?
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January 1982
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"For I dipt into the future. far as human eye could see. Saw th
sion of the world. and all the wonder that would be" Tennyson
Fully Modernized
Cobras 'n The
NadonaJ Guard
Lieutenant Colonel Jerold J. Jensen
Army Aviation Advisor
Army Advisor Group
Salt Lake City, UT
On 10 April 1981 at the Bell Helicopter Plant,
Fort Worth, TX, Major General Van Hixson,
Adjutant Geneml, Utah National Guard, accept-
ed the first AH-1S Fully Modernized Cobra
helicopter produced for the National Guard. This
article is about the National Guard unit which
received that Cobm and the hard work and tmining
they accomplished in order to justify their selec-
tion as the /lrst recipient.
HE SIGNIFICANCE of an Army National
Guard unit receiving a new and sophisticated
weapons system like the AH-1 S Fully Modern-
ized (FM) Cobra may go unnoticed by the masses, but
not so for members of the Attack Helicopter Troop,
163d Armored Cavalry Regiment who view the event
as a reward for aggressively training to be ready. With
jU'stifiable pride in their accomplishments, this unit
has overcome the normally disabling effects of a
major reorganization, equipment changes, personnel
turbulence, time and monetary constraints to arrive
at the forefront of the attack helicopter business.
Operating from the Army Aviation Support Facility
(AASF) at West Jordan, UT (a suburb of Salt Lake
City), the Troop is located in an ideal environment
for attack helicopter training. At the AASF, classroom
and other nonfield training is accomplished and aviation
maintenance is performed on unit aircraft. Pilot training
is conducted at a number of nearby training areas,
maximizing productivity from every available training
minute. Terrain flight qualification is conducted 10
minutes away at the state owned Camp W.G. Williams
training area or at Dugway Proving Grounds.
Helicopter gunnery training is accomplished 4 to 6
times annually on a superb range located 45 minutes
flight time away on the western edge of the Great Salt
U.S. Army Aviation Digest
Four generations of attack helicopters all in operation in the
Utah ARNG (left to right): AH-1 S (Modernized Cobra), AH-1 S
(Modified), AH-1G, UH-1 M (M-22)
Lake. All of these training areas are capable of accom-
modating multiple attack teams and joint air attack
teams in battle drill and live fire exercises.
The membership of the organization, like many
Reserve Component (RC) units, is drawn from a wide
cross section of the civil community. Found within
the ranks of the Troop are policemen, carpenters,
masons, lawyers, students, and business and community
leaders. Although coming from diverse backgrounds,
the Soldiers comprising this unit share a common
motivation in their desire to serve and to be a part of
the best.
Training is the primary ingredient in the glue that
binds the unit together. Without a good, challenging
training program, no amount of new equipment is
worth the individual sacrifice required for membership
in this or any other RC organization.
With no higher tactical headquarters immediately
accessible (the 163d Armored Cavalry Regiment is
located in Montana), the Troop must function inde-
pendently to plan, organize, coordinate, support and
execute an ambitious training plan geared to both
individual and collective unit needs.
Individual training presents some unique challenges
for the Troop because a good many members are
prior service Soldiers, Sailors, Marines or Airmen
January 1982
with experience in nonaviation related fields. To deal
with this situation, each member is placed on an
individualized track, leading to military occupational
specialty qualification.
This program is expanded in the case of aviators
because it must include the multitude of aircrew
training manuals and other required training. Con-
strained by time and training funds the AASF has
been given authority to conduct rotary wing qualifi-
cation for unit members who already have military
fixed wing ratings. Additionally, rotary wing qualified
aviators are locally transitioned into the AH-1S series
aircraft. This U.S. Army Forces Command approved
program was locally prepared and is tailored to the
Reserve Component training environment.
Training to become proficient with new equipment
and munitions- in addition to keeping pace with
changes in doctrine, tactics and techniques- makes
for an interesting challenge. The Troop is justifiably
proud of its training accomplishments. It has been a
forerunner in joint air attack team training with Air
Force and Air Guard close air support units. Troop
pilots are experienced at firing under all light conditions.
They are particularly adept at night firing under their
own 2.75 inch illumination rocket and also with artillery
illumination fired by Utah Guard units. Training
em phasizes operations in a high threat environment
where radio communication may be impossible and
the ability to communicate by visual signals may
make the difference between mission success and
failure. Speech security and IFF (identification friend
or foe (radar)) equipment are installed in Troop aircraft
and are used as a matter of course.
The Troop ventures outside the local training
environment whenever possible for combined arms
training and thus far has sharpened its skills during
multiple Air Force Red Flag exercises, plus others
such as JRX Border Star 81 at Ft. Bliss, TX.
With acquisitions of the AH-1S (FM) a major unit
goal has been achieved; however, this is not viewed as
the end. Rather it is a springboard for total readiness.
As long as the requirement exists for a well-trained
organization of mounted cavalry, the Attack Helicopter
Troop, 163d Armored Cavalry Regiment, Utah National
Guard will be there.
an acronym that has to be earned
First Lieutenant Edward F. Schau berger
RIP IS NOT a four-letter word.
It is an Air Force acronym for a
first assignment instructor pilot. This
is an individual who, upon grad-
uation from flight school, remains
there to become an instructor. Al-
though a common occurrence in
the Air Force, where a large per-
centage of fixed wing instructor
pilots are F AlPs, this is relatively
new to the Air Force helicopter
world - with only five at this writing.
The Air Training Command's 3588th
Flying Training Squadron (FrS) at
the U.S. Army Aviation Center, Ft.
Rucker, AL, has been using FAIPs
for about 4 years.
The mission of the 3588th FTS is
broad and multifaceted. Squadron
personnel monitor Air Force stu-
dents through the Army Initial Entry
Rotary Wing (IERW) program and
rotary wing qualification course,
conduct Air Force unique flight
training, provide administrative
assistance to Air Force students and
serve as their sponsors and advisors.
A close association is maintained
with the Army Aviation Center's
director of training and doctrine to
assure the continued quality of
academic and flight instruction. Of
the 20 permanent party personnel
assigned to the squadron, 15 are
First Lieutenant Jeffrey S. Alderfer
United States Air Force
3588th Flying Training Squadron
Fort Rucker, AL
instructor pilot OP) qualified.
Air Force students come to the
3588th in the last month of their
IER W program to learn those pro-
cedures unique to the Air Force.
Ninety-seven were graduated in
fiscal year (FY) 1981 with a like
number expected in FY 1982.
Being selected to remain" at Ft.
Rucker as an Air Force IP involves
a great deal of work. The student
must have a good record in flight
school, express a strong desire to
stay at the Army Aviation Center,
and have a positive attitude and
disposition. F AlPs are selected very
carefully from among the numerous
volunteers, and only the most prom-
ising prospective pilots are offered
the opportunity to return to Ft.
Rucker as instructors. After grad-
uation, IP selectees begin the addi-
tional training to prepare them to
upgrade to instructor pilot status.
Advanced helicopter training
begins with a tour at the 1550th
Aircrew Training and Test Wing at
Kirtland AFB, NM, at the Military
Airlift Command Instructor Pilot
Lead-In Course. During their stay,
prospective instructors fly as observ-
ers on syllabus training flights in
each type helicopter the Air Force
owns and operates at Kirtland.
Those flights are not to gain profi-
ciency but to help them understand
how the Air Force uses helicopters
and what their future students must
be ready to learn.
The next stop is at Fairchild AFB,
W A, for land and water survival. If
the F AlP is an Air Force Academy
graduate, the land survival already
will have been completed and water
survival training is done at Home-
stead AFB, FL. Upon completion
of survival training, it's back to Ft.
Rucker for the flying and instruc-
tional phases of the upgrade program.
Army contact program of instruc-
tion (POI) is first and presents a
real challenge. POI is 25 hours of
concentrated and demanding in-
struction conducted by a profes-
sional and experienced staff of Army
aviators. FAIPs are required to fly
the UH-l Huey from the left seat
and concurrently analyze the ma-
neuvers verbally so as to become
comfortable with the increased vis-
ibility from the left seat and to gain
additional confidence. Emergency
handling is stressed, as the PO I
instructors don't hesitate to simulate
an engine failure at just the "right"
moment. Many inflight problems,
whose solutions become second
nature, are included. The instructors
U.S. Army Aviation Digest
First Lieutenant Brian K; Livie, below right, an
Air Force FAIP at the Army Aviation Center, Ft.
Rucker, AL, goes over a UH-1 Huey preflight list
with two Air Force students, Second Lieutenants
Robert E. Hawvermale, left, and Paco F. Burrell
Helicopter procedures unique to the Air Force
are taught to students of that service in the last
month of flight training at the Army Aviation
Center, Ft. Rucker, AL, by Air Force instructor
pilots. First Lieutenant Edward F. Schau berger,
at right (foreground), is a FAIP (first assignment
instructor pilot). Second Lieutenant M. A. Stank
is the student
also play the student role and em-
phasize the unexpected things a
student might do.
The academics cover the Huey
systems and give a good background
in instructional techniques. F AlPs
come away from contact POI with
a solid foundation and a fair assess-
ment of their own capabilities.
Air Force upgrade encompasses
contact, instruments, remote area
operations and formation proce-
dures. The pace is quick but is geared
to the individual. The program ends
with an Air Force Review and Certi-
fication Board conducted in the
3588th FTS by the commander and
other instructors. Successful com-
pletion of upgrade results in a rating
as an Air Force helicopter instructor
The majority of a F AlP's work
lies in teaching Air Force instrument
January 1982
procedures while sharing the busy
airspace of the Ft. Rucker instru-
ment training area with the Army
instructors and students. Air Force
instrument procedures differ slightly
from the Army's, and it is sometimes
difficult to maintain and conform
to two sets of regulations.
The first day on the flight line at
the Army Aviation Center is met
with a little anxiety, and it helps to
have an understanding student. A
F AlP has to set some ground rules
and establish some credibility with
the student because the instructor
is flying with age group peers and
has little rank or extensive experi-
ence to claim as an advantage.
In addition to flying duties, many
of the squadron IPs are academic
instructors and also perform various
squadron functions. Each IP spon-
sors an Air Force class going through
the Army Aviation Center flight
school. This is found to be a very
rewarding experience and enriches
students' training and the instructors'
understanding of the students' ac-
Other rewards for a F AlP at Ft.
Rucker are many. This is one of the
few positions where Air Force offi-
cers can interface with another
branch of the service. It gives a
firsthand look at Army organization
which may prove helpful in any
future joint service exercise or
Being an Air Force F AlP is a
very positive and practical exper-
ience. Instructing is often tiring and
exasperating, but always rewarding.
Like other instructors at the Army
Aviation Center, the Air Force
FA IPs take pride in being "Above
the Best."
a Training
Program for
Army A i a t - - - - - ~
Major William T. Carter
Directorate of Training Developments
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker, AL
T HE TITLE "aircrew training manual " (ATM)
is common to a series of training circulars headed
byTC 1-134, ATM: "Commander's Guide," which
gives administrative instructions on all aviation-
related traming for Army aviators. Other manuals
in the series provide specific training and eval-
uation requirements, each targeted to a particular
type of helicopter or aircraft.
The ATM came about as a result of the Depart-
ment of the Army (DA) recognizing a need to relate
aviator combat readiness flying (CRF) with unit
readiness. A panel consisting of representatives
from major Army commands who were considered
experts in aviation training was formed in 1976.
It was chaired by Brigadier General Charles E.
Canedy, aviation officer, Office, Deputy Ch ief of
Staff for Military Operations, and was known as
The Blue Ribbon Panel. It tasked the Infantry,
Armor, Transportation, Intelligence and Aviation
Schools to analyze the present-day aviation
employment doctrine and to submit a proposed
tactical and mission task list for the various aircraft
systems. The panel combined that input and
formulated a task I ist for each system, consisting
of basic aircraft tasks, tactical/special tasks and
mission tasks. Based on that, the U.S. Army
Aviation Center at Ft. Rucker, AL, was told to
list to be used in a preliminary validation by the
6th Air Cavalry Combat Brigade (ACCB) at Ft.
Hood, TX, beginning 1 March 1977.
Using the results from the preliminary validation,
the first ATMs were published as " test" manuals
in October 1977. In February 1978, DA appointed
the Aviation Center the overall proponent for the
ATMs with the responsibility to write, publish
and monitor them. The other schools were to
furnish tactical task requirements based on the
employment role of the aircraft systems.
With improvements based on a year's experi-
ence in the field, the manuals were completely
rewritten and a second draft was printed in October
Final improvements were incorporated and the
DA-approved manuals were printed and distrib-
uted in late 1980 and early 1981. As new doctrine,
equipment and just better ways of doing things
are recognized, they will be included in revisions
of the manuals.
The ATM standardizes aviator training through-
out the Army. It provides criteria for unit command-
ers to consider when they evaluate unit training
status. When used with the Army Training and
Evaluation Program (ARTEP), it provides com-
manders with the tools necessary to relate individ-
ual aviator training with unit mission training,
thus allowing them to allocate resources most
efficiently to achieve readiness. Although the
ATM standardizes aviator training, commanders
are given discretionary authority over about one-
third of the tasks.
Use Of ATMs. How can unit commanders develop
aviator training plans which are valid, use resources
efficiently and are realistically attainable (a very
important consideration)? To do that, a systematic
approach is essential. A system that has worked
for me uses five different steps. Keep in mind
that I am not suggesting commanders must
personally do all of this. The unit's entire chain of
command should be involved, but the command-
ers are the leaders and must fully participate. I
have arranged the wording to produce the acronym
METER-it stands for:
Mission analysis
Evaluation of current capabilities
Training shortfalls listed and prioritized
Establish short-range and long-range goals
Resource requirements and constraints
u.s. Army Aviation Digest
Mission Analysis. The ARTEP is the primary source
for unit mission tasks. The TOE (table of organi-
zation and equipment), command guidance, con-
tingency plans and geographic location all must
be consulted and considered. All unit leaders
must be thoroughly knowledgeable of their mis-
sions. If you are not confident that this is true,
then you might consider it as a topic for your
leader development training program. Also, this
is a good place to mention that your tactical standing
operating procedure (TSOP) should complement
the above documents.
Now that the missions are fully understood,
the analysis continues to determine what individual
unit members must be proficient at doing. Natur-
ally, this should include all unit personnel; but I
will limit my discussion to aviators. One technique
is to assemble all aviators (large units may want
to break down into groups), write the missions
on a chart, and challenge the aviators to identify
every task necessary in the performance of the
unit mission. Write all the tasks on the chart below
the unit mission. Continue this process until all
unit missions have been analyzed. When this is
complete, begin with the first mission and deter-
mine which aviator duty position(s) is associated
with that mission.
With such an analysis, the commander can
easily designate Flight Activity Category (FAC) 1
and FAC 2 positions. The results are posted to
each aviator's "Aircrew Training Record" as
appropriate; and in accordance with TC 1-134,
those tasks become mandatory for the aviator.
The benefits of this approach are obvious. Besides
being a learning experience for everyone, it takes
advantage of the collective knowledge and
experience of the aviators and assures enthusiastic
support for the training program.
Evaluate Current Capabilities. This may be the
most difficult and subjective element of the process.
The natural tendency to be critical of everything
may result in wasting training resources on r e ~ s
where no training is needed. Consequently, thiS
will leave less time and fewer resources to spend
in areas where training is most needed.
Using the charts where aviator tasks are related
to the unit mission tasks, evaluate the unit's
collective aviator strengths and weaknesses in
each task listed. Assign a plus (+) value where a
task is rated as a strength and a minus (-) for a
weakness. Individual prejudices should be guard-
ed against. For example, some may want to
downplay the importance of a task such as tactical
instruments. The relative importance of a task is
best left until later, as priorities are listed.
January 1982
Training Shortfalls Are Listed And Prioritized. The
results of the above process should be recorded
and priorities established. At this point, the com-
mander must integrate other aviator training
requirements such as continuation training for
Aviation Readiness Level (ARL) 1 aviators and
mission training for ARL 2 aviators.
Establish Short-range and Long-range Goals. It
is absolutely essential that an organization have
realistic goals. They must be clearly stated, and
known and understood by organization members.
Short-range goals should concentrate on getting
the most combat readiness for the least expen-
diture of training resources. Long-range goals
should maintain and improve readiness.
To be effective, the goals must be attainable. A
short-range goal might be: Achieve aviator readi-
ness C-rating of C-1 within 90 days. Since this
requires that at least 85 percent of MTOE-required
aviators be ARL 1, personnel turnover may make
this impossible in that timeframe. You may want
to modify this goal to a short-range goal of C-2
and a long-range goal of C-1 within 180 days.
Resource Constraints Must Be Considered. While
your training plan should be challenging and
ambitious, it must also be attainable under fore-
casted conditions. Most essential is a careful
comparison of flying hours, instructor pilots, firing
ranges, ammunition, expected aircraft availability,
etc., with estimates of those requirements to
accomplish your training plan. Shortfalls do not
necessarily mean changing the plan. Your higher
headquarters may be able to help. In any case,
your capabilities and limitations will be recognized.
Summary. In summary, you can see that aviator
training does not end with the ATM. A vital link
between the ATM and good aviator training
programs is provided by unit commanders and
their training staffs. It is only at this level that
decisions about priorities and unique unit require-
ments can be dealt with. There are probably many
different approaches to aviator training that are
as good or better than the foregoing; however, I
feel that any system that does not involve the
aviator in the development process is not going
to produce optimum results.
Editor's Note: Mr. Jim Patton, Training Literature
Division, Directorate of Training Developments,
Ft. Rucker, AL36362, AUTOVON 558-4619/4588,
is the point of contact for questions and/or
comments about the ATMs. <b ,
Radical concepts or ideas normally are met with severe skepticism or rejected immediately because people are not
comfortable with uncertanties. Some time ago-a colleague and good friend-Captain Carl Daschke and I began
working on a think paper to be presented for whatever conceptual value it might hold for combat development
requirements. Unfortunately, Captain Daschke was reassigned before extensive work could be done. Some of his ideas,
in conjunction with my own convictions, remained on numerous draft copies and scraps of paper. This article reflects
those ideas on an air-to-air helicopter and one possible manner in which it can be used. I am not convinced the concept
this article presents is the ultimate solution to the question of helicopter air-to-air. I do believe it will stimulate thought
in not only the aviation community, but also within the Army's branches and in the other military services.
Major Frank E. Babiasz
Threat Branch
Directorate of Combat Developments
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Fort Rucker, AL
AIR-TO-AIR WARFARE historically has he-
longed to the U.S. Air Force and undoubtedly will
continue to be an Air Force role in the future. However,
the possibility of helicopter air-ta-air engagements con-
tinues to loom and to be the subject of ongoing contro-
versy and misunderstandings. It is time not only to
dispel the controversy and misunderstandings; it is
time for the aviation community to devel op the
needed concepts and tactics for the helicopter to
fight the air-to-air role as part of the combined arms
Before discussing that role, it is necessary to address
the threat. Where tactical aviation is concerned, it
comes in many forms: air defense, artillery, surface-
ta-air missiles (SAMs), etc. Numerous articles published
in the Aviation Digest over the past year have explained
in detail their significance.
While not discounting this threat, I will focus only on
the Soviet attack helicopter and Soviet high perform-
ance (HP) / close air support (CAS) aircraft, for it is
here that the air-ta-air threat to our helicopters lies.
First, assume that all Soviet armed helicopters (Hind
and Hip) and all Soviet high performance close air
support aircraft, because of their known onboard
ordnance, have the technological capability to destroy
U.S. helicopters. This fact is undeniable. But destroying
U.S. helicopters is not their primary mission. Both
armed helicopters and HP CAS aircraft are tasked
with providing close air fire support for tactical ground
operations. As such, they represent a serious threat
to the armor and infantry forces that U.S. tactical
aviation supports. Accordingly, helicopters working
closely with these ground elements become part of
the target array. Employment of helicopters near the
forward line of own troops (FLOT) places them in a
target area subject to air attack; hence, the air threat
to U.S. Army tactical aviation.
How will U.S. ground forces counter the Soviet air
threat? To answer, let's look at how we are arrayed on
the battlefield. Using the active defense, we plan to
fight a battIe along a wide division front (50 to 70
kilometers). This is accomplished by the use of company
and battalion battle positions which contain a mixture
of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles/ improved TOW
vehicles and aviation. To defeat the air threat, they
will depend on their organic weapons such as antiair-
craft machineguns (i.e., 50 caliber) and short range
SAMs. These systems have limited capabilities. The
antiaircraft machineguns have limited range; gunners
must optically acquire and track the target, and they
U.S .. Army Aviation Digest
are minimally effective against sophisticated aircraft.
As for the Redeye/Stinger SAM, although it possesses
an infrared homing device, gunners must first optically
acquire targets. Its use on the dirty battlefield from a
position being targeted with artillery, including smoke,
will be extremely restricted. Additionally, both Soviet
helicopters and fixed wing aircraft will attempt to
maintain maximum standoff range.
Regarding the division level short range air defense
systems, we again lack a sufficient number of systems
to be totally effective. For example, our current force
structure demands that the 50 to 70 kilometer division
front be protected by the division's air defense battalion
which is composed of eight Chaparral and eight Vulcan
systems. This gives us 32 Redeye teams and 16 Vulcan
and Chaparral systems over a broad front to protect
our forward ground forces and the associated tactical
Army Aviation. Compare this to the Soviet's 120 SA-7
Grail missiles, 16 ZSU-23-4 antiaircraft guns, 16 SA-9
Gaskin surface-to-air missile systems, and 20 SA-6
Gainful or SA-8 Gecko missile systems over a 15 kilo-
meter attack frontage. I, and many others, believe in
this critical area, U.S. forces are severely lacking.
As for our aviation assets, we fare no better than do
our ground forces. Our fielded systems (AH-l TOW
January 1982
The views of the author do not
purport to reflect the positions of
the Department of the Army nor
the Department of Defense
Illustration by Dave Deitrick
Cobras and OH-58 Kiowa scouts) do not possess an
effective ahtiair system. I believe that cries of "chance
encounter" will not be the norm on either today's
battlefield or that of the future. The Soviets have
placed great emphasis on close air support in recent
years, especially in the attack helicopter field. It seems
that sheer numbers alone support the opportunity for
frequent encounters between U.S. helicopters and
Soviet CAS aircraft. Present tactics encourage evasive
action should. U.S. helicopters be spotted by enemy
aircraft. This, of course, will dictate that we temporarily
abort our primary mission until the air threat subsides.
Such mission abort procedure can have immediate
effects on the ground commander's battle plan.
Of course, there is the Air Force. But, the Air
Force is badly outnumbered and will have its hands
full trying to establish local air superiority. This mission
will be further complicated by the fact that NATO
(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) airfields will be
among the Soviet's high priority targets. The fighter /
interceptor helicopter (F /IH) meets this challenge.
First, I will define a fighter/interceptor helicopter: I
envision this aircraft to be a modified version of the
AH-l Cobra. It will have extensive avionics, to include
the ability to operate day and night, in all weather
conditions and, most importantly, contain an air
intercept radar. As for armament, I recommend a 30
millimeter nose gun for "close encounters," two Aim-
9 Sidewinders (which have been successfully test fired
from Cobras by the U.S. Marines), four to eight air-to-
air Stinger missiles, and a 2.75 inch flechette rocket
on each outer pylon. Also, if payload permits, a larger
fuel capacity for extended loiter time is needed. The
front seat will need a heads-up display and would
provide for the gunner with the back seat for the pilot.
The bottom line is that Army Aviation could not
only protect itself but also could function as part of
the division's air defensive assets. Additionally, we
also could complement the Air Force by periodically
establishing our own air superiority, at the lower
flights levels, as we are highly capable of operating
under the Soviet's air defense umbrella. This is a func-
tion the Air Force cannot do well. A helicopter, equipped
in the manner I described, will accomplish three
significant missions: (1) Protect our antitank helicopters
from the Hind and other air threats; (2) augment the
division's air defense capability; and (3) complement
the Air Force in the ability to maintain local air
superiority. Other advantages to this type of system
are that it provides:
The most mobile Army air defense system ever
devised that is directly responsive to the ground
A helicopter platform which is fast, elusive
and-able to hide, strike and hide-unlike present
air defense systems.
Helicopters which when specifically armed for
air-to-air missions are the best systems for counter-
ing enemy helicopters.
Friendly helibome operations security from enemy
air interdiction.
The ground commander a system that can rapidly
counter enemy rear area heliborne operations.
Up to this point, I have described the threat, suggested
a means to counter that threat, and stated how the
F / IH would benefit not only Army Aviation but also
division air defense and the Air Force. I now will
describe F / IH tactics.
First, I foresee little change in the area of operations
in which tactical aviation would be employed. In
order to protect our antitank helicopters we must be
away from, yet close enough to, the ground forces to
provide air defense coverage. This is not a problem
because our current employment techniques place us
near the ground forces. Additionally, our employment
near the FLOT places the F / IH in the area we can
expect to see Hinds, Hips and HP CAS aircraft
attacking. Even our flight mode, whether contour or
nap-of-the-earth, will basically remain the same.
Additionally, it must be stressed that our mobility,
speed and maneuverability make the helicopter an
ideal platform for an air-to-air system. There were a
lot of grumbles in the late 1950s when Army Aviation
started experimenting by placing various types of
armament on helicopters. By now many of those
disbelievers have either joined the ranks of the believers
or have faded away.
Finally, I will address where and how the fighter/
interceptor helicopter fits into our present force
structure and its primary mission. As I stated earlier,
it will augment the division's air defense systems;
therefore, it should be part of the air defense battalion.
The aviation battery would contain six F / IH aircraft
and operate in teams of two during tactical operations.
Limited maintenance would be performed by the
battery support personnel, with any major repairs
going to the division aviation battalion's maintenance
company. As an integral part of the division's air
defense assets the F / IH would have the primary mission
of local air defense in support of ground operations.
In addition to its own on board radar, the F /IH would
be tied into the air defense radar network. Therefore,
it could be used to immediately reinforce any area
where the air threat is of paramount consideration.
Remember, the F / IH's airspeed (in excess of 200
kilometers per hour) allows it to be onstation within
minutes, even when the division occupies a wide
A secondary mission of local air superiority could
be dictated by the division commander. Using all six
F / IH aircraft onstation simultaneously would provide
sufficient firepower, in conjunction with other systems,
to clear the lower flight levels (3,000 feet and below)
of hostile aircraft for limited periods.
Another mission would be the protection of the
division's AH-l TOW Cobra and OH-58 scout aircraft.
This mission too would be based on the division
commander's perception of the air threat to the attack
helicopters. As I would endorse future scouts to be
armed with air-to-air systems for attack team self-
defense, the F/ IH could augment the scout's capability
as well.
Army Aviation is a recognized part of the combined
arms team, but Army Aviation has more to offer. We
must continue to be innovative. Yes, I have read of
suggestions advocating the XV-IS VSTOL (vertical
short takeoff and landing) and the Air Force OV-I0
Bronco as a Hind killer. I believe some of these
proposals have merit. However, I am firmly convinced
that the helicopter has more advantage in combating
any slow speed or HP CAS air threat than either of
these two systems. The services and branches of services
must set aside historical roles they sacredly consider
their own and plan for the future. It is only through
innovative means that we can not only meet the
threat but also defeat it.
U.S. Army Aviation Digest
Late News From Army Aviation Activities
40th Birthday. The 40th anniversary of Army
Aviation and Ft. Rucker will be celebrated 3 to 6
June 1982. A wide range of events is planned,
and details on the schedule will be announced
soon. Plan now to attend.
10th Bi.rthday. Army Aviation's only altitude
(Hypobaric) chamber has been in operation 10
years, and 16,881 students have been trained in it.
Operated by the Physiological Training Servi-
ces, Aeromedical Activity, Army Aeromedical
Center, the chamber, which is a 10 X 25-foot
specially equipped block house, simulates a
reduction in pressure at higher altitudes. The
training stresses the recognition of symptoms
of hypoxia that the student aviators feel, as well
as acquainting them with what happens when
they ascend to altitudes above 10,000 feet and
then return to ground level.
Graduation Speakers.
Lieutenanf General Julius W. Becton Jr.,
deputy commanding general for training, Army
Training and Doctrine Command, Ft. Monroe,
VA, spoke to graduating members of the Warrant
Officer Senior Course in November.
"Warrant officers have proven themselves a
necessary and vital part of our United States
Army; however, ... recognition of warrant officer
contributions has been, for the most part, minima!,"
General Becton said. That condition is being
changed, though, because the Army has made a
new commitment to its warrant officers that has
resulted in improved personal and professional
growth, compensation and recognition.
Major General John W. Woodmansee Jr.,
deputy commanding general, V Corps, U.S. Army
Europe, addressed two graduating aviator classes
"Army Aviation of the 80s and 90s will be one
of the most important arms in the U.S. Army, " he
said, telling the graduates that they will be on
the forward edge of technology as field personnel
and will benefit from the new armament and
weapons systems being used in Army Aviation.
January 1982
The Golden Knights Want You. The Army
Parachute Team, the " Golden Knights, " needs
qualified warrant officers to pilot the team's YC-
7 A Caribou and U-21 Ute aircraft. Applicants
should have 500 hours military multiengine fixed
wing time and a current fixed wing instrument
qualification with 100 hours of instrument time.
A 3-year assignment to the Golden Knights
involves extensive flying and travel throughout
the United States as a personal representative
of the Army, thus requiring the highest standards
of military bearing and appearance.
Interested aviators who are eligible for reassign-
ment and who have at least 3 years of retainability
should contact Major James H. Correll II, AUTO-
VON 236-4800/4828, or Captain Bob Ozbolt,
AUTOVON 237-6638, or write: Commander, U.S.
Army Parachute Team, Box 126, Ft. Bragg, NC
MAST Award. The 571 st Medical Detachment,
commanded by Major Richard C. Bulliner, has
received the Wright Brothers Foundation Mem-
orial Award for the assistance it has given the
civilian community during the past year. Recog-
nition of the MAST (Military Assistance to Safety
and Traffic) work occurred during the 12th annual
Colorado Aviation Hall of Fame banquet.
I n the 12 years it has been organized, the
detachment has flown more than 2,100 missions,
ranging from aiding stranded hikers to airlifting
premature babies. (4th INF DIV PAO)
Award Time For Dustoffs. Six years of accident-
free flying (1975 to 1981) have earned the 421st
Medical Company (Air Ambulance). Nelligen,
Germany, the most prestigious air-safety award
granted by the Department of the Army.
The DA Award of Excellence was presented at
a November ceremony in Stuttgart to Lieutenant
Colonel Walter L. Berry, 421 st commander, by
Major General Floyd W. Baker, commander of
the 7th Medical Command.
Represented by the Award of Excellence are
44,786 hours flown to evacuate medical emergen-
cies and to move medical people, equipment
and supplies, in the support of field training.
Personal Equipment And Rescue/survival Lowdown
Debbie Bacle
Emergency Locator Transmitter
Use of emergency locator transmitters (EL Ts) in
Army Aircraft is a continuing matter of concern that
is growing rapidly in the aviation community. As
outlined in PEARL in last month's issue of the Aviation
Digest, each aviation unit should evaluate its respective
need for ELTs and forward its request for use of these
items, with justification, through the appropriate chain
of command to CDR TSARCOM, ATTN: DR CPO-
More SPH 4 Adhesive Problems
More problems have surfaced regarding the adhesives
used in the reapir of the SPH-4 flight helmet. In par-
ticular one adhesive, national stock number (NSN)
8040-00-753-4800, which is used to install the replace-
ment energy absorbing liner, seems to be causing the
most difficulty. This two-part epoxy is apparently too
strong and too persistent; once used, it cannot later
Photograph by Tom Greene
be removed without damage to the fiberglass helmet
shell, consequently rendering the entire helmet
unserviceable. Natick Laboratories (NLABS) is working
on the selection of a new adhesive which will be
established in the supply system and which will be
reflected in a change to TM 10-8415-206-13, "Operator,
Organizational, Direct Support Maintenance Manual
for the Helmet, Flying, Protective, Model SPH-4." In
the meantime, to resolve the immediate problem, it is
suggested that one of the following two adhesives be
used: Part No. 45748, manufactured by the Swift
Adhesive Company, 4615 So. West Freeway, Suite
605, East Houston, TX; or Part No. 45748, Code
97427, Gentex Corporation, P.O. Box 315, 8th Ave.,
Carbondale, P A. Both of these adhesives are of a
water base and are easy ' to remove when necessary. '
Both may be ordered from S9T. Point of contact
(POC) for further information is Mr. H.A. Tetreault,
TSARCOM Directorate for Maintenance, AUTOVON
693-3171 or Commercial (314) 263-3171.
If you have a question about personal equipment or rescue / survival gear, write PEARL, OARCOM, ATTN: ORCPO-ALSE,
4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63120 or call AUTOVON 693-3307 or Commercial 314-263 -3307
34 U.S. Army Aviation Digest
Decompressed Trioxane (Again)
In the January 1979 edition of PEARL we reported
a very serious problem having to do with the fuel,
compressed trioxane, NSN 9110-00-263-9865, a com-
ponent of Army aircraft survival kits. Apparently the
same problem still exists. If the foil wrapper containing
the fuel bar is punctured, the fuel turns to a white or
blue powder and spreads throughout the survival kit,
contaminating everything else contained in the kit.
Trioxane fuel is composed primarily of metaformal-
dehyde, which is highly toxic and if ingested constitutes
a medical emergency. Since the inner case of the
survival kits contains water, rations and eating utensils,
the probability of inadvertent ingestion of trioxane
residue is high. Due to the seriousness of this matter,
it is strongly suggested that all Army survival kits be
su bjected to an immediate one-time inspection for
trioxane fuel residue. If any such residue is found,
the trioxane bars should be removed and the kit cleaned
in accordance with TM 55-168o-317-23&P. All trioxane
fuel bars should be inspected for punctured foil
wrappers; those with punctured wrappers are
able and should be replaced. When trioxane bars are
repacked in the survival kits, they should be sealed in
ziplock bags, NSN 8105-00-837-7755, to prevent future
contamination. (Thanks to CW2 Charles Gibson, U.S.
Army Safety and Standardization Board, USAREUR,
for this info.)
New ALSE Checklists
Checklists, including complete preflight and calendar
inspection procedures, are now available for all survival
kits used in Army aircraft. They are obtainable through
normal publications supply channels under the numbers
listed below:
TM 55-1680-317-CL-l
Individual Hot Climate Survival Kit
NSN 1680-00-973-1861
TM 55-1680-317-CL-2
Individual Cold Climate Survival Kit
NSN 1680-00-973-1862
TM 55-1680-317-CL-3
Individual Overwater Survival Kit
NSN 1680-00-973-1863
TM 55-1680-317-CL-4
SRU-21P Aircrew Survival Vest
NSN 8465-00-177-4819
January 1982
TM 55-1680-317-CL-5
OV -1 Aircraft, Hot Climate Survival Kit
NSN 1680-00-148-9234
TM 55-1680-317-CL-6
OV -1 Aircraft, Cold Climate Survival Kit
NSN 1680-00-148-9233
TM 55-1680-317-CL-7
OV -1 Aircraft, Overwater Survival Kit
NSN 1680-00-140-3540
TM 55-1680-317-CL-8
OV-l Aircraft, Survival Vest
NSN 1680-00-187-5716 (Small)
NSN 1680-00-205-0474 (Large)
All of these publications are dated 24 August 1981.
Many thanks to Mr. James Dittmer, TSARCOM
Directorate for Maintenance, whose tireless efforts
made these checklists possi ble.
Questions and Answers
We recently ordered and received several of the
training devices, blind flying hood, channel vision,
personnel, NSN 6910-00-608-7137, as listed in Depart-
ment of the Army (DA) Pamphlet 310-12, "Index and
Description of Army Training Devices . .. Unfortun-
ately, these items do not fit the SPH-4 flyer's helmet
as they are supposed to, and consequently do not suit
our needs. What do we do with these hoods and how
can we get the kind we ,can use with the SPH-4?
(Becky Barber, USAR Aviation Support Facility, No.
Syracuse, NY)
Obviously, DA PAM 310-12 is in error. The item
listed therein is not the correct blind flying hood for
use with the SPH-4 helmet; it is, in fact, for use with a
baseball-type cap. The correct piece of equipment
for use with the SPH-4 is the hood, blind flight, NSN
6910-00-525-8199, which is available from B17 at a
cost of $6.09 each. In addition, action has been taken
to delete the incorrect item from the DA pamphlet.
As for what to do with the hoods you have already
received, treat them as you would any other items- if
you can't use them, turn them in. POC at this office is
Mr. Tommy Vaughn, AUTOVON 693-3307 or Com-
mercial (314) 263-3307. _ .'
CW4 Richard A. Davis
B Co., 15th M I Battalion
Fort Hood, TX
"Victory in present day warfare will go only to the
side that has completely mastered its weapons and
equipment and the art of waging war, and also possesses
high moral and fighting qualities. "
Lt. Gen. A. Dunln of
The Soviet Tank Forces
HELIOOPrERS - tl)e SC)viet View
URING 1978, THE United States became
concerned over the rapid buildup of the
helicopter fleet in the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics. It was discovered that the Soviets had doubled
experiments, tests and exercises, with many strap-on
kits on older aircraft, were tried before the Mi-24
Hind was introduced into operational units (figure 2).
their force during 1977; expanded their helicopter
fleet three-fold as of June 1978; and were expected to
continue. By early 1980 they were able to build more
helicopters than the U.S. Army will build during the
entire span of the AH-64 Apache and UH-60 Black
Hawk programs.
FIGURE 1: Relative production rate estimates (United
States/Soviet Union)
In 1978, Anthony R. Battista, head of the House
Armed Services Research and Development Subcom-
mittee staff, noted that helicopters represented the
last area in tactical weaponry in which the United
States held a production lead over the Soviets (figure
1). They have an annual production capacity of 1,600
helicopters and were expected to increase annual
production (however, some sources indicate production
has declined some since 1978).
Submarine Diesel Power
Surface Ships
Soviet Submarine Nuclear
Power with Ballistic Missile
1972-74 1972-74 1972-74
Average Average Average
462'" 3,000 6.5:1
860 4,400 5:1
170 1,200 7:1
920 710 1:1.3
540 930 1.7:1
0 10
3 5 1.7:1
11 39 3.5:1
0 6
During and just after World War II, the Soviets
found that using air power during a combined arms
offense brought success. However, it wasn't until
successful helicopter operations in Southeast Asia
and the Mideast wars that they started to take a long,
hard look at helicopters. It is believed that manv
* Includes 475 M60A2 retrofit in 1973-74. Average M60A1 production was
advanced attack heli-
automatic direction
armored personnel
air traff ic control
antitank guided missile
Soviet Combat Recon-
naissance Vehicle
303 per year.
ESM/ ECM electronic warfare sup-
port measures/ elec-
tronic countermeasures
It leet
km kilometrs
Ib pound(s)
LTG lieutenant general
m metE:rs
mi miles
mm Millimeters
mph miles per hour
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
nuclear, biological, chemical
stability augmentation system
shalt horsepower
nuclear powered ballistic
missile submarine
United States
Union of Soviet Social-
istic Republics
U.S. Army Aviation Digest
The first mass produced helicopter designed by the
Soviets was the Hare (same as Polish SM-l). It was
designed by M.L. Mil (December 1947) and flew its
maiden flight in October 1948. By the mid-1950s, it
was operational in frontal aviation units.
Mi-2 He>plite
With the advent of the turbine-powered aircraft,
the Soviets saw a need to use this new technology and
developed the Hoplite with two 400 SHP turbine
engines. The Hoplite made its maiden flight during
August 1965. It didn' t appear to be capable of carrying
armament; however, several have been seen with
antitank missiles on each side and a cannon mounted
on the cockpit's side. In this mode, it could be used
independently as a reconnaissance vehicle. The Hoplite
can carry 8 to 10 combat troops or can be used as a
medevac to carry four wounded on stretchers, one
medical corpsman (with equipment) and the crew.
Mi-4 H()u.,d
The Mi-4 was the first medium-sized helicopter to
enter the inventory. It was designed in 1951 to lift
between 1,200 and 1,600 kilograms of cargo or 8 to
12 armed Soldiers. There is also an armored version
with strap-on pods containing a 12.7 mm machinegun.
The next helicopter to appear in frontal aviation
was the Hip. It was designed to replace the Hound,
found a place through the 1960s quickly and entered
service with Aero/lot in great numbers. Since it is
equipped with large rear doors, this helicopter is
capable of transporting at least three Soviet rifle
squads and small vehicles. The Hip is further proof
that general-purpose aircraft can be armed. Variants
have been observed with 12.7 mm machineguns, four
57 mm rocket pods and ATGMs. Moreover, each
window in the cargo section is equipped with a support-
to-hold Infantry weapon.
January 1982
It was a surprise to western observers when great
numbers of the Hook and Harke began to appear in
frontal aviation during the late 1960s. The Hook's
performance was impressive with a world circuit speed
record of 211.4 mph and a cargo load capacity of
26,500 pounds (with one-third fuel load).
Mi-24 Hil)d ;(f-
The star of the show was the Hind introduced in
1974. In the cockpit of the Hind-A, the pilot and
copilot sit back with the weapons-systems operator
up front. In Hinds D and E, the pilot sits behind and
above the gunner. The cargo area can carry 8 to 14
fully armed troops. The speed of an operationally
configured Hind-A is to be verified, but on 18 July
1975 a helicopter of the same type set a speed
record of 334.461 kilometers per hour. Prime vari-
ants now in service are the Hind-D and Hind-E.
The Hind-A has a 12.7 mm machinegun in the nose
and less sophisticated aiming system. Hinds A and D
mount four 32-shot, 57 mm unguided rocket pods and
four AT-2 SWATTER ATGM rails. Air-ta-ground
missiles and bombs up to 250 kg can be carried also.
The range of the 57 mm rockets is approximately
1,200 m, and the SWATTER has a range of approxi-
mately 3,500 m. Both can penetrate armor.
The Hind-D mounts a large caliber, four-barrel,
Gatling-type machinegun; an all-weather sighting
system; low light TV; and a laser rangefinder.
The Hind-E is similar to Hind D except spiral A TG Ms
replace SWATTERS. It is assumed that the Soviets
feel a multirole capability helicopter fits better into
their battle plans than the single-role type; for example,
the AH-l Cobra built by the U.S.
Helicopter usage has become a widespread phe-
nomenon in the Soviet Army. As early as 1953, they
were using helicopters to land troops in exercises. In
1959, Soviet tacticians described how they used heli-
copters to adjust artillery fire at night. Since 1976, the
Soviet Air Force has received increased attention
FIGURE 2: Soviet Helicopters
Mi -l Hare 39.5 12.5 106 147
Mi-2 Hoplite 39.1 12.3 136 105
MiA Hound 55 14.4 130 265
Mi -6 Hook 108.7 32.3 186 404
Mi -8 Hip 60 18.5 161 264
Mi-l0 Harke 107.8 32.2 124 155
Mi-12 Homer* 122 41 163 310
Mi-24 Hind 57 14 190 240+
*Never entered series production
steadily due to the expanding role of the helicopter.
This is evidenced by force structure changes and
equipment modernization efforts. Due to increased
use of the helicopter, commanders at all levels have
become aware of how helicopters and their tactics
can be used against them. Until 1976, most of the
Soviet's helicopter fleet was used in observation or
rear area cargo roles. Now, we find that many new
task_s are assigned and new tactics developed.
Corps Level Maneuvers
Kavkaz-76. In January 1976, the USSR Ministry of
Defense announced that corps level maneuvers, code
named Kavkaz-76, would be carried out in the
Transcaucasus Military District from 25 January to
6 February. It was said to involve nearly 25,000 soldiers.
The maneuver featured conventional Soviet operations
with emphasis on mountain operations and employment
of several relatively new items of equipment, most
notably the Hind gunship. The exercise wasn't, by
Soviet standards, particularly remarkable if you' re
looking at number of troops. Previous exercises used
as many as 100,000 troops.
Sever-76. Less than 4 months following completion
of Kavkaz-76, the USSR announced its intention to
hold another exercise-code named Sever-76. This
exercise was conducted opposite the NATO northern
5,000 2-3 NA
Older aircraft counter-
part to OH-58A
13,755 1,543 8 Can carry up to 2,600 Replacing Mi-l
pounds of chemicals
11 ,800 3,b50 16 Machinegun in Older , widely exported,
nose utility helicopter
14,750 26,450 65 Two machineguns Troop carrier and
in nose heavy transport
14,760 8,820 24 Up to six external Widely exported troop
rocket pods, carrier
ATGMs, MG in nose,
9,843 33,075 28 None Flying crane also troop
carrier version
11 ,500 66,000 200 None World 's largest helicopter;
carries troops and cargo
14,500 6,386 8-10 Machinegun in Soviet attack helicopter
nose, antitank
guided missiles, air-
to-surface missiles
and/ or bombs
region and included nearly 25,000 soldiers. It empha-
sized operations in marshy, rugged terrain typical of
the northern regions. Air assault operations occupied
a prominent place in the exercise. Am1ed Hind gunships
and Hip transport helicopters conducted at least two
tactical assault landings. An assault crossing of the
Vuoksi River was carried out with heavy heliborne
and artillery support, and part of Sever-76 was carried
out in a simulated nuclear environment.
Shield-76. From 9 to 16 September 1976, the
Warsaw Pact held its first widely publicized maneuvers,
code named Shield-76, in 4 years. It took place in
Western Poland and involved Soviet, Polish, East
German and Czechlslovak forces. The exercise's troop
strength was about 35,000. Tactical play in the exercise
featured heliborne operations in conjunction with
the Pact's tank and motorized infantry operations.
One source noted that, "Those rotary wing aircraft
are acquiring an increasingly broad range of combat
employment. "
The Soviet 1976 training year saw what they described
as three large-scale exercises. As Krasnya . Zvezda
(Red Star) put it, "The emphasis in the current training
year is a campaign to achieve further improvement in
combat readiness to improve the quality of combat
performance as well as persistent mastering of new
equipment and weapons. Through the entire period
of training, considerable attention is focused on
U.S. Army Aviation Digest
problems of tactics." This statement was reflected in
the above exercises. All involved continued exercising
and testing of new equipment and concepts (including
armed helicopters and heliborne assault operations)
but were no more than tactical in scope.
Karpaty-77. The first publicized exercise of 1977
was Karpaty-77 (27,000 troops) held in the L'vov-
Lutsk-Rovno area of the Carpathian Military District
from 11 to 16 July. Again, operations by Hind attack
helicopters in an antitank role were noteworthy. The
exercise scenario saw southern units-said to be
somewhat superior in forces and means- attack
northern troops who (despite heavy resistance) had
their defenses penetrated, failed to halt a southern
river crossing and withdrew in the face ot unsuccessful
counterattacks. Pursuing southern units, after a chase
of several hundred kilometers, overtook northern
forces and engaged northern march security elements
and hastily brought up reserves in a meeting engage-
ment. Southern superiority and corn bat initiative
ultimately won the war.
Joint Maneuvers
There is no way to estimate accurately the number
of maneuvers on the basis of press reports; however,
we believe that the Soviets and their allies have
conducted far more joint maneuvers than those
reported in the Warsaw Pact press or corning to the
attention of the West European press.
Helicopter Operations (Soviet)
The Soviets seem to be very serious about helicopter
operations and have found what they believe to be
the best tactics to employ them. In mid-1978, according
to the International Defense Review, the Soviets
employed more than 5,000 helicopters (3,800 in the
military fleet and 1,200 used by Aeroflot and the
KGB (Soviet secret police and intelligence agency).
This is a threefold increase in 4 years, and it points
out the fact that the Soviets recognize that the helicopter
is critical to Soviet mobility. The Soviets have built
great numbers of helicopters, and theirs are some 0/
the best in the world.
Offensive Operations
Analyzing the experience of the 1973 Mideast \Var
and Vietnam, the Soviets concluded that the defense
based on new armament systems, particularly anti-
tank and antiaircraft missiles, has obtained great
superiority over the offense. Soviet tactical planners
could also foresee the use of other new weapons not
yet checked in a combat situation; e.g., missile artillery,
remote Illining and nuclear mine obstacles. It is believed
January 1982
that, with missile artillery bom bardlllents of given
areas with small but highly destructive antitank and
antipersonnel mines, the whole tactical situation in
these areas can be immobilized and forces crossing
this area will sustain considerable losses. These factors
make success of offensive operations of the ground
forces doubtful unless mass use is made of the helicopter
to promote neutralization of the new obstacles.
Mass Employment Operations
Consequently, mass employment of helicopters is
becoming a necessity in tactics of ground forces.
After overcoming obstacles and landing troops.
helicopters can return to rear bases to be used over
and over. However, if helicopters do not return to the
rear they can be used to support frontline troops
continuously. The Soviets feel this is most promising!
Tactical Operations
Airmobile raids have become one in a variety of
new Soviet tactical operations. This type operation is
used to penetrate quickly into enemy positions, destroy
objectives, take prisoners, capture documents and
weapons and return immediately to friendly positions.
The same principle can be used to move artillery
close to enemy lines, open fire suddenly, destroy
enemy positions and return to the rear safely.
Cargo Helicopter Operations
Helicopters are also used to deploy troops rapidly
after a nuclear attack. Soviet troops may be landed in
15 to 20 minutes after a nuclear strike. The troop
helicopter is being used to provide rapid crossing of
water barriers and to secure the opposite side so that
bridging operations can be undertaken. They deliver
and spread antitank and antipersonnel mines. The
Soviets are ever expanding their use of cargo helicopters
in new roles. The influence of the U.S. airmobile
concept is very apparent in Soviet writings on the
subject. Colonel Belov, a writer on Soviet military
affairs, stated, "Airborne units are organized in new
combined arms entities with combined reconnaissance
and antitank sections. Landing forces can land with a
high degree of combat readiness. All this makes assault
operations a mass means of armed conflict." Many
Soviet writings about air assault presuppose the
possession of air superiority or supremacy.
Heliborne Operations
In all operations (including heliborne), Soviet ground
forces are responsible for their own defense. That's
why they arm most of their aircraft or have provisions
for troops onboard to provide fire from the aircraft.
Tactical Airlift Operations
It is estimated that each helicopter regiment in the
Soviet Air Force has sufficient assets to conduct a
tactical lift of a motorized rifle battalion, relying mainly
on helicopters such as the Hook, Hip and Hind. This
is the most likely unit to use in any type air assault
because of its assigned weapons and equipment. This
type unit could fight in a behind-the-lines situation.
Airmobile Operations
Let's examine a typical airmobile operation in detail.
The Soviets feel that a tactical heliborne operation
can be planned and launched in a matter of hours.
During early stages, the unit will increase its recon-
naissance of the objective. Then the size of the assault
force would be determined based on the type operation.
Chosen elements would be issued special equipment
needed. Once the force has been briefed thoroughly,
they board helicopters in dispersed areas. En route to
the objective and escorted by helicopter gunships,
they will use areas held by friendly troops and then
enter enemy territory at the last possible time under
the cover of tactical air (tacair) support, if available.
Tacair stays with them through the initial landing.
Hopefully, the enemy territory flown over has been
suppressed or neutralized.
After landing, the force would deploy; lift helicopters
would return to their bases; and the bulk of the ground
force would attack its objective. Other elements of
the attack force would engage other security forces
used in protecting the objective; another element
would attack enemy transportation and communica-
tions and surveillance sites; and one element would
attempt to cut off withdrawal routes and intercept
any possible reinforcements.
Special Helicopter Missions
Once the operation is complete, the force would
attempt to return to friendly lines or wait until friendly
troops advance to link up. Deployment of the Hind
has increased (immeasurably) the Soviet's ability to
conduct such operations and any other type mission.
Other types of special missions for helicopters include:
Communications relay.
ESM/ ECM (electronic warfare support measuresl
electronic countermeasures).
Psychological operations.
NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) recon-
Survivability In Combat (Helicopter)
Despite armament and flexibility, the Soviets are
aware that helicopter survivability in combat is vital
and cannot be ignored because of rapid development
of air defense weapons. Accordingly, Soviet helicopters
can be expected to avoid heavy troop and weapons
concentrations to the maximum extent unless sufficient
tactical air and artillery suppressive fires are available
to reduce effectiveness significantly.
Russia's Drive Toward Supremacy
In March 1977, then outgoing Defense Research
and Engineering Director, Dr. Malcolm R. Curry,
admitted to Congress that the Hind-D was a surprise
to western intelligence officials. He noted that Russia's,
"determined drive towards supremacy in deployed
military technology has not abated." He also confirmed
indirectly that the Soviets had already tested a new
long-range, fire-and-forget missile. He then told
Congress that the Army's new advanced attack
helicopter (AAH), "when deployed would only match
currently (1977) developed Soviet systems in attack
capability." Dr. Curry added, "The Hind-D is the most
heavily armed assault helicopter in the world and
carries sophisticated weapons delivery and fire control
equipment. "
Even though Soviet helicopter production has
increased sharply in recent years, NATO's output
exceeded the Warsaw Pact by 40 percent in 1974 and
1975. But that changed in 1976, as a result of a dramatic
change in Warsaw Pact helicopter production, which
was twice the United States output.
United States Versus Soviet Attack Helicopters.
The Hind differs from U. S. attack helicopters in
many respects. It's bigger than the Cobra, carries
more armament and serves as a combination scout-
attack-transport helicopter. The Soviets feel that having
three different aircraft perform these roles would
cause an air traffic control (ATC) problem especially
at night or in marginal weather conditions. One reason
the Soviets want long-range missiles is that their doctrine
requires attack helicopters to stay as far as possible
from units being attacked even though contour and
nap-of-the-earth flying are emphasized.
Cockpit Instrumentation on Hind
The Hind's instrumentation is said to be about the
same as U.S. helicopters with some advantages in a
few areas. These include:
ADF navigation on at least three stations with
U.S. Army Aviation Digest
continuous readout for X and Y coordinates 8.nd
a map display so they can be plotted very quickly.
A stability augmentation system (SAS).
Three generators.
Two electrical systems that use 800 cycles to
reduce the size and weight of wiring harnesses
and generators and permit electric rotor blade
deicing on all blades
Bulletproof, flat antiglare cockpit windows.
Twin turbine engines.
Rotor blade deicing.
Primary Role of Hind
One of the primary roles of the Hind is that of an
antitank weapon. LTG Reznichenko, a respected
Soviet author, wrote, "They are superior to other
antitank weapons in terms of field of vision, maneuver-
ability and firepower. They are capable of hitting
armored enemy targets while remaining out of reach
of antiaircraft weapons. The correlation between
tank and helicopter losses is 12: 1 or even 19: 1 in the
helicopter's favor, according to practical experiments."
General Reznichenko also feels that modern warfare
has acquired an exceptionally strong anti tank weapon
in the helicopter. He said, "Let the tanks aim their
machineguns at them. Helicopters will be able to
strike first from afar. The crew has everything required
to destroy the tanks; the most accurate sights, missiles
plus combat skills. "
Basic Antitank Helicopter Formation
This formation is apparently a flight of four with
the flight commander bearing a large portion of the
responsibIlIty tor the mission's success. The commander
gives the command for the turn in to the final approach
to the target and ensures that each of the crew has
mastered the various aspects of the mission before
the aircraft takes off. There is extensive use of simulators
to practice aiming ATGMs. Everything is coordinated
and practiced on the ground. The firing approach is
carefully calculated ahead of time so that there is no
requirement for position keeping. During the attack,
all attention must be on the target with the helicopter
kept as stable as possible.
Special Optical Devices
The helicopters are painted camouflage green on
top and blue underneath. They are equipped with
special optical devices that enable the weapons operator
to see tanks even though they are camouflaged and
hidden among trees. The requirement for the weapons
operators to keep their eyes pressed against the
viewing device during the attack is so intense that,
January 1982
after the mission is completed, the impression of the
rubber protector is clearly visible on the operator's
Hind's New Antitank System
The Soviets envision that the helicopters will
approach targets at a height of 5 to 10 m, then pop up
from 20 to 100 m to fire at targets from ranges between
2,000 to 3,000 m. This process should take between 20
to 30 seconds. It has been reported, in Jane's All the
World's Aircraft, that a new antitank system is under
development for the Hind with a fire-and-forget guided
missile and an optical-contrast TV seeker which has
a range of about 5 miles.
Fire Support! Antitank Roles
Soviet combined arms commanders must know the
capabilities of fire support helicopters as well as they
know those of artillery. They should know the
characteristics of armament installed on helicopters
and when it is used against different targets. These
cOTllTl1anders must work out methods of calling
helicopters forward, guiding them to the targets and
maintaining uninterrupted communications.
Colonel Savkin (Soviet), in PrinciplesofOperational
Art and Tactics, stated," Armed helicopters can
operate as accompanying fire for tanks and for infantry
in personnel carriers. Moreover, they can attack as
part of the forward detachment and advance guards,
cover the rear and flanks of friendly forces, disrupt
the movement of enemy reserves and destroy small
enemy reconnaissance units."
Russia's Follow-on Attack Helicopter
In January 1978, U.S. Representative William L.
Dickinson (R-AL), after talking about the Hind-D,
told a meeting of the American Helicopter Society in
Washington, "The Russians have a follow-on attack
helicopter which is thought to be equal to or better
than the Hughes AH-64. "
The first Hind was not spotted until 1974. If it is
true that five variants of it now exist, as some people
seem to think is the case, the Soviets have turned out
a new model of attack helicopters about every 10
months. Between 1974 and 1977, more than 450 Hinds
became operational. At that rate, an average of 15
per month is being produced with no indication of
slowing down.
Armed Helicopter's Role
In a book published in 1972, Colonel Savkin begrudg-
ingly admitted, "The armed helicopter may turn out
to be a means of fundamental change in the nature of
ground combat. Although the helicopter is not ideally
suited to this role, it nevertheless possesses those
characteristics which most ensure superiority in mobility."
Helicopters, particularly armed ones, have become
very much an integral part of Soviet combined arms
operations. It appears that, after a thorough analysis
of helicopter operations in Vietnam and the Mideast
wars, the Soviets have developed a unique Soviet
approach to helicopter employment. They have adopt-
ed and modified numerous other aspects of foreign
concepts, rejected others and added their own war
fighting philosophy. In so doing, they have created a
formidable force of helicopters.
Limited Life of Soviet Helicopters
The biggest weakness of Soviet helicopter designs,
as most U.S. rotary wing experts see it, is their limited
life of operational durability. If Soviet helicopters fly
100 to 500 combat hours, they are satisfactory. They
don' t feel that a war will last that long. And to emphasize
the folly of fine tuning their helicopters for multi-
thousand hour reliability, which characterized U.S.
military design standards, the Soviets point to the
massive number of U.S. helicopters lost in Southeast
Asia (most after short lives in the field). According to
Armed Forces Journal (December 1976), 4,869 heli-
copters were lost in the Vietnam War (2,281 due to
hostile action and the rest due to operational causes).
Although flown by Soviet Air Force pilots, Soviet
helicopters, with their variety of cargo and attack
capabilities, are not Air Force weapons. They form
an integral and important part of the combined arms
doctrine, whose employment in battle will be dictated
by the Soviet ground commander of tactical forces,
and have adapted surprisingly well to the new Soviet
theory of war.
Soviets Adaptation to Helicopters
It is clear that adaptation by the Soviet forces, in
the use of helicopters since the end of World War II,
has been successful. This gives them increased mobility,
maneuverability, striking power, surprise and fire power.
Large units and operational formations are able to
deal with tactical and operational tasks on their own.
The Soviets appreciate the effectiveness of modern
antitank defense and realize the necessity of achieving
such total surprise and maintaining such a high rate of
advance that the enemy would never have time to
establish its antitank strongpoints or forces in the
first place.
One of the main threats to the ability of a mobile
unit to survive was considered air power; therefore,
measures for improving antiaircraft systems, at the
expense of updating other ground support equipment,
were undertaken in the 1960s.
Inadequate Tactics and Equipment (Soviet)
Forced to meet political requirements in the 1970s,
the Soviets found it necessary, not only to be able to
win the next war, but to do it very quickly! Along with
this realization, they decided that both tactics and
equipment were not adequate to the task. Equipment
was nonexistent or in short supply and often was
unsuitable for its intended use.
The sum of the above efforts demonstrates how the
Soviets plan to win a war quickly. Their plans are not
unique or original, and they recognize that there are
enormous problems which will hinder execution of
their plans.
However, if the Soviets are successful in achieving
surprise, shock or disrupting political stability prior
to the outbreak of war and catching an enemy half
mobilized, undeployed or ill prepared, then their troops
(with only a mediocre level of training) will achieve
desired results during an offense! if ;.
U.S. Army Aviation Digest
lAM an SP4 journalist in the
U.S. Army; and, when I joined the
Army, I was told I would have lots
of "exciting experiences." But, I
never thought that one of those
experiences would be flying up to
the Alaskan glaciers in a UH-IH
Huey helicopter.; I was given the
opportunity to fly up to the glaciers
with Captains Elious E. Zenon II
and Philip A. Trueblood, Head-
quarters and Headquarters Com-
pany, 222d Aviation Battalion, Ft.
Wainwright, AK.
Being the adventurous type that
I am, I decided to take the oppor-
tunity. I loaded up my winter gear
and headed to the hangar at 0830
hours. The process for taking off in
the helicopter was more work than
I'd ever expected. The pilots and
crewchiefs had many duties to per-
form before we could even start
the engine.
The pilots first called to find out
what the weather report was for
the area in which we would be flying;
they then filled out the proper forms,
plotted the flight on the maps and
filed their flight plan. This process
took an hour or so. Then it was out
to the aircraft and I was ready for
the takeoff, bu t then CPT Zenon
explained that he was doing a pre-
flight on the aircraft. (Preflight is a
functional check that the pilot per-
forms on the aircraft before starting
out.) The pilots thoroughly checked
the helicopter for any discrepancies.
"A thorough preflight may take
a little extra time," said CPT Zenon,
"but if we don't take the time, there
may never be any more time to
take. It's imperative to take time to
check and see if the helicopter is in
excellent condition," he added. I
took his words of wisdom to heart
since it was my life that was going
up in the helicopter. I was then
given a passenger briefing by the
pilots and the crewchiefs; I felt some-
what assured of a safe flight.
Finally both captains were in the
pilots' seats and the crewchiefs were
checking the helicopter as the engine
Philip A. Trueblood preparing for takeoff
hA'''o..,.",rI out of the
could hear
wa'i my camera There I was,
my feet and the sun be':lmin{!
u.s. Aviation
Increasing Effi iency
in Mobility Fuels
An approach to energy conservation
was published in February
1978. It established energy
conservat ion goals and short- and
long-term objectives. Rather than
maintain an energy posture of zero
growth, this dynamic program called
for reduced energy consumption
to the year 2000 as well as a reduction
in the Army's dependence on scarce
a nd nonrenewable fuels. Although
t he Ar my had consistently per-
formed well against the previous
prevail ing goals, it was clear that
newer, more innovative conserva-
tion measures were required.
In accordance with this new man-
date, all levels of command have
placed increasing emphasis on mon-
itoring e nergy consumption and
generating new initiatives to increase
the efficiency of energy use. It is
particularly withi n the field of mo-
bil ity fue ls that many of these effic-
iency-increasi ng steps can be ap-
plied, thus ensuring a more effective
rate of return on our training dollars.
January 1982
Due to the large volume of avia-
tion training conducted at the U.S.
Army Aviation Center (USAA VNC),
we at Ft. Rucker, AL, are especially
concerned about mobility fuel con-
sumption. Because of our sizeable
aircraft fleet and its huge fuel con-
sumption rate, Ft. Rucker is the
largest single user of mobility fuel
within the U.S. Army Training and
Doctrine Command (TRADOC)
community. Our increased student
load and the attendant increase in
our flying hour program have not
only resulted in a significant con-
sumption of mobility fuels but also
have offered us numerous oppor-
tunities to increase fuel efficiency
through a judicious conservation
Recognizing our tremendous con-
sumption of fuels in Army Aviation
training and related support, we
promptly determined our need to
develop a method for measuring
our fuel efficiency which would be
congruous for the total environment.
Major Johnny J. Grice
Captain John R. Morrisette
Directorate of Industrial Operat ions
U.S. Army Aviat ion Center
Fort Rucker, AL
A stepwise method for establishing
such an efficiency measurement is
outlined below.
STEP 1: Determining A Baseline.
Because of the obvious differences
in aircraft which comprise the Avi-
ation Center training fleet, some
standard had to be developed against
which all aircraft fuel consumption
could be compared. The bulk of
our aircraft fleet consists of UH-l
Hueys, and they consume most of
our fuel. Thus, the UH-l was se-
lected as the baseline aircraft. Since
the actual fuel consumption rates
of each aircraft are known, the UH-l
was assigned an arbitrary fuel con-
sumption factor of 1.0000. All other
aircraft consumption rates were
then divided by the UH-1 rate and
expressed as a factor of the baseline.
For example, the CH-47 Chinook
uses more than four t imes the
amount of fuel per flying hour than
does the UH-l. Specifically, the
CH-47 fuel consumption factor is
TH-55 0.1 704
OH-58 0.2765
UH-1 (BASELINE) 1.000
OV-1 1.6174
T-42 0.3156
U-21 0.9469
CH-47 4.0404
UH-60 1.6414
AH-1 1.0469
AVERAGE 1.2285
FIGURE 1: Fuel consumption factors FIGURE 2: MBTUs consumed per training hour
4.0404, as shown in figure 1. It is
imperative that this first step- de-
termining a baseline- be computed
carefully because it is against this
standard of fuel consumption per
hour that all calculations will be
made. Additionally, maintaining
accurate and consistent data cannot
be overemphasized. The results of
the program will only be as valid as
the data used to calculate them. It
should be pointed out that such a
baseline could be computed for any
other fuel consuming vehicle in the
Army inventory.
STEP 2: Computation of Totals.
In step two we merely multiply
the fuel consumption factor that
we have computed for each aircraft
by the number of hours that aircraft
was flown during the time period.
FIGURE 3: Equations used
We call this result the total flight
hour equivalent by aircraft. These
figures are then totaled for our entire
aircraft fleet.
STEP 3: Determination Of Fuel
The final step merely requires
dividing the total Million British
Thermal Units (MBTUs) consumed
during a time period by the total
flight hour equivalent for that same
period (found during step 2). The
result is a number which represents
MBTUs consumed per equivalent
training hour. This equivalency
serves as a common basis for com-
parison, since the actual hours flown
by type aircraft vary greatly from
month to month. This procedure,
then, provides a highly reliable
indicator of fuel efficiency. Figure
STEP 1 {
2 shows a comparison of our progress
during fiscal year 1981 as compared
to FY 1980, and figure 3 provides a
sample format for computations.
oW that we have a reliable basis
for comparing fuel efficiency,
we can consider some of the initia-
tives undertaken by the Aviation
Center to conserve this important
resource. Although some of these
actions may seem at first glance
trivial, the impact of their implemen-
tation has been tremendous. Some
of these actions, briefly described
below, are to:
Maximize the use of our flight
simulators; i.e. , use them in-
stead of aircraft when possible.
Stress flight planning as a posi-
tive method of reducing fuel
consumption on every flight.
46 U.S. Army Aviation Digest
A typical S,OOQ..galion fuel tanker and helicopter during refueling op1ersltions.
Fuelsaving initiatives resulted in enough JP-4 saved during FY 1981 to fill
200 such tankers
exJaalJstLve it does indica-
of the direction we are headed
at the Aviation
and other lnllmUlve:s.
Aircraft being refueled using rapid ref'uelina
during training. Accomplishing CCRR refueling
RPM is one of the fuel saving initiatives employed by USAA VNC.
IncrellSil1la the number of CCR R pOints resulted in fewer delays
and more fuel saved
Would you please be so kind as to
direct this letter to the appropriate
department whereby I may obtain a
copy of an article printed in a past issue
of the Aviation Digest.
The article I seek a copy of is entitled,
"How to Crash by the Book. " I was
advised that it is in the September and
November issues for the year 1977. I
understand it is an excellent article on
the loss of effectiveness of the tailrotor
of an observation type helicopter. I would
very much like to have a copy.
If you cannot furnish me a copy
perhaps you would be kind enough to
advise me where I can obtain a copy. I
will be most happy to pay any reasonable
charge for the service. If a copy is
available, please mail to the above
address. Thank you!
Robert L. Ayers
3 Bellamy Court
Champaign, IL 61820
The article you refer to first was
printed In September 1977 under the
title "How to Crash by the Book," and
was reprinted in the November 1978
Issue under the title, "OH-58 Tail Rotor
Stall." It was reprinted because of a
visit to the Safety Center by an Anny
aviator who credited it with possibly
saving his HIe. When he encountered
tall rotor stall in an OH-58, he remem-
bered the original article and applied
what he had read In theAviation Digest
to accompUsh a safe landing.
I have read a copy of your publication
(for the first time) while at the convention
of the AUSA in Washington, and, I
found it very interesting.
If possible, I would like several back
issues, as well as a subscription.
CPT Harry Belil
New Breed Publications Inc.
Naneut, New York, NY 10954
Annual subscriptions are available
by sencIng a remittance of 822.00 (827.50
for overseas addresses) to: Superin-
tendent of Documents, US. Govermnent
PrlntlngOfflce, Washington, DC 20402.
You may obtain official distribution
In your unit (Active, Reserve or National
Guard) if it is on pinpoint distribution.
The unit should submit DA Form 12-5
in accordance with instructions on that
fonn to: Commander, AG Publications
Center, 2800 Eastern Boulevard, Balti-
more, MD 21220. If your unit h National
Guard, and not 00 pinpoint dimibution,
it should submit its request through its
state adjutant general.
The article "Hangar Talk" in the October
1981 issue of the Aviation Digest con-
tained an error. The correct response
to question 9, "Personnel wearing ear-
plugs during high-continuous noise
conditions can hear both direct voice
and radio communications better than
a person not using earplugs," should
have been choice "A" - True, as indi-
cated in the reference, TC 1-20, pages
74 and 7-9.
In the November 1981 issue of the
Aviation Digest the name of the author
of the article, "Cobra Vs. Hind," was
erroneously carried as Captain Dale
W. Moffatt. It should have read Captain
Alan W. Moffatt. The Aviation Digest
apologizes to Captain Moffatt for any
embarrassment this may have caused.
The A viation Digest re-
grets that the cutlines were
transposed for two of the
flight simulators in the
November 1981 issue.
They appear correctly at
I ~ f t
WANTED: Humorous or human interest anecdotes about
Army Aviation for use in the June 1982 issue of the Aviation
Digestto help observe the 40th Birthday of Army Aviation.
Send your contributions to Editor, at the address below ..
Articles from the Aviation Digest requested in these letters have been mailed. Readers can obtain copies of material
printed in any issue by writing to: Editor, U.S. Army Aviation Digest, P.O. Drawer P, Ft. Rucker , AL 36362
48 U.S. Army Aviation Digest
US. Army Communications Command
CW4 Peter C. McHugh
Aeronautical Information Specialist
U.S. Army Air Traffic Control Activity
Aeronautical Services Office
Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA
W HEN THE MOCA isn' t! Most Army aviators can
quickly provide a definition of both minimum en
route IFR alti tude (MEA) and minimum obstruction
clearance altitude (MOCA) - that is to say they know
that MEA is:
"The lo west published altitude bet ween radio fixes
which assures acceptable navigational signal coverage
and meets obstacle clearance requirements bet ween
those fixes. The MEA prescribed for a Federal Air-
way or segment thereof applies to the entire width
of the Airway, segment or route bet ween the radio
f ixes defining the Airway, segment or route. "
And they know that MOCA is:
"The lowest published altitude in effect between
radio f ixes on VOR Airways, off-airway routes, or
route segments which meets obstacle clearance
requirements for the entire route segment and which
assures acceptable NA V signal coverage only within
25 statute miles (22.5 NM) of a VOR. "
One would infer from the definitions above and
particularly the use of the words "Federal" and VOR,
and also the figure, that there exists a deviation from
these generally accepted definitions. The wise aviator
should know how the symbology depicted in the figure
can legitimately occur.
The definitions above certainly cannot apply in
this case since the designated MEA on V 1 is 6,900
feet lower than the MOCA. If MEA assures radio
reception for the entire route and MOCA for only
22.5 NM from each facility how can MOCA be higher
than MEA? How is it that V 18 shows only a MOCA
with no MEA?
Obviously some definitions other than those above
apply to this particular example which was extracted
from a low altitude en route chart from the Caribbean
Area. Reference to section C, theater flight data and
procedures, of the Caribbean and South America En
Route Supplement provides the following definitions
under the title "cruising altitudes. "
"(MEA)-the minimum en route as established and
published by a responsible national agency will be
shown in both controlled and uncontrolled airspace. "
(Ref FLIP C&SA En Route Sup)
"(MOCA)- Those altitudes which provide 1,000 feet
clearance in non-mountainous and 2,000 feet clearance
in mountainous terrain within 22 NM of any point on
the intended flight path in uncontrolled airspace, or
within 10 NM of any point on the intended flight path
when shown in controlled airspace. MOCA may be
shown in conjunction with MEA in uncontrolled air-
space to call attention to a requirement for caution in
flying at the MEA. USAF/ C&SA MOCA are based
upon elevation data contained on current USAF ONC
charts and when published represent a minimum terrain
clearance altitude rather than a MOCA in the true
sense as defined by FAA."
(Ref FLIP C&SA En Route Sup)
The same discrepancy of definition exists in the
European Theater, Pacific Theater and in Africa.
Minor differences in application occur in each area
and all aviators must make themselves aware of these by
reference to the appropriate En Route Supplement.
Readers are encour aged to address ma tters concerning ai r traffic control to:
Director , USAA TCA Aeronautical Servi ces Office, Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA 223 14
* u.s. GOVERNMENT PRI NTING OFFICE 1982- 546-037/ 11 0

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