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Lab 10.6.1: Creating A Small Lab Topology

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CCNA Exploration

Network Fundamentals: Planning and Cabling Networks Lab 10.6.1 Creating a mall Lab !opolog"
Lab 10.6.1: Creating a Small Lab Topology (Instructor Version)
Topology Diagram
Learning b!ecti"es
#pon $ompletion o% t&is lab' "ou will be able to:
(esign t&e logi$al network.
Con%igure t&e p&"si$al lab topolog".
Con%igure t&e logi$al LAN topolog".
)eri%" LAN $onne$ti*it".
&ar%'are (ty Description
Cis$o +outer 1 Part o% CCNA Lab
Cis$o wit$& 1 Part o% CCNA Lab
,Computer -&ost. / Lab $omputer
Cat01 or better straig&t0t&roug& #!P $ables / Conne$ts +outer1
and $omputers 2ost1
and 2ost3 to wit$&1
Cat01 $rosso*er #!P $able 1 Conne$ts $omputer
2ost1 to +outer1
Table 1. )*uipment an% &ar%'are +or Lab
4at&er t&e ne$essar" e5uipment and $ables. !o $on%igure t&e lab' re%er to t&e e5uipment and &ardware
listed in !able 1.
All $ontents are Cop"rig&t 6 177383009 Cis$o "stems' :n$. All rig&ts reser*ed. !&is do$ument is Cis$o Publi$ :n%ormation. Page 1 o% 7
CCNA Exploration
Network Fundamentals: Planning and Cabling Networks Lab 10.6.1 Creating a mall Lab !opolog"
:n t&is lab "ou will $reate a small network t&at re5uires $onne$ting network de*i$es and $on%iguring &ost
$omputers %or basi$ network $onne$ti*it". ubnetA and ubnet; are subnets t&at are $urrentl" needed.
ubnetC and ubnet( are anti$ipated subnets' not "et $onne$ted to t&e network. !&e 0
subnet will be
,ote: Appendix 1 $ontains a subnet $&art %or t&e last :P address o$tet.
Note to :nstru$tor: :n C&apter 11 labs' students will learn &ow to $on%igure a router. For t&is lab' t&e router
s&ould be $on%igured %or students. Appendix 3 $ontains a basi$ $on%iguration %or +outer1. :% "ou do not
&a*e a router t&at &as two FastEt&ernet inter%a$es' $onsider $on%iguring a loopba$k inter%a$e as an
alternati*e to t&e FastEt&ernet 0<1. Anot&er alternati*e would be to use two routers $onne$ted t&roug& a
serial $onne$tion and use t&e FastEt&ernet inter%a$es %rom ea$& router.
Tas$ 1: Design t-e Logical ,et'or$.
4i*en an :P address and mask o% / 24 (address / mask)' design an :P addressing
s$&eme t&at satis%ies t&e %ollowing re5uirements:
Subnet ,umber o+ &osts
ubnetA 3
ubnet; 6
ubnetC =9
ubnet( 131
2ost $omputers %rom ea$& subnet will use t&e %irst a*ailable :P address in t&e address blo$k. +outer
inter%a$es will use t&e last a*ailable :P address in t&e address blo$k.
Step 1: Design SubnetD a%%ress bloc$.
;egin t&e logi$al network design b" satis%"ing t&e re5uirement o% ubnet(' w&i$& re5uires t&e largest
blo$k o% :P addresses. +e%er to t&e subnet $&art' and pi$k t&e %irst address blo$k t&at will support
Fill in t&e %ollowing table wit& :P address in%ormation %or ubnet(:
/as$ 0irst &ost
Last &ost
#roa%cast 311.311.311.13>
?&at is t&e bit mask@ AAA11111111.1111111.11111111.10000000AAAAAAAAA
Step 1: Design SubnetC a%%ress bloc$.
atis%" t&e re5uirement o% ubnetC' t&e next largest :P address blo$k. +e%er to t&e subnet $&art' and pi$k
t&e next a*ailable address blo$k t&at will support ubnetC.
Fill in t&e %ollowing table wit& :P address in%ormation %or ubnetC:
/as$ 0irst &ost
Last &ost
#roa%cast> 311.311.311.173
?&at is t&e bit mask@ AAA11111111.1111111.11111111.11000000AAAAAAA
All $ontents are Cop"rig&t 6 177383009 Cis$o "stems' :n$. All rig&ts reser*ed. !&is do$ument is Cis$o Publi$ :n%ormation. Page 3 o% 7
CCNA Exploration
Network Fundamentals: Planning and Cabling Networks Lab 10.6.1 Creating a mall Lab !opolog"
Step 2: Design Subnet# a%%ress bloc$.
atis%" t&e re5uirement o% ubnet;' t&e next largest :P address blo$k. +e%er to t&e subnet $&art' and pi$k
t&e next a*ailable address blo$k t&at will support ubnet;.
Fill in t&e %ollowing table wit& :P address in%ormation %or ubnet;:
/as$ 0irst &ost
Last &ost
#roa%cast 311.311.311.3=>>
?&at is t&e bit mask@ AAA11111111.1111111.11111111.11111000AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Step 3: Design Subnet. a%%ress bloc$.
atis%" t&e re5uirement o% ubnetA. +e%er to t&e subnet $&art' and pi$k t&e next a*ailable address blo$k
t&at will support ubnetA.
Fill in t&e %ollowing table wit& :P address in%ormation %or ubnetA:
/as$ 0irst &ost
Last &ost
#roa%cast 311.311.311.313
?&at is t&e bit mask@ AAA11111111.1111111.11111111.11111100AAAAAAA
Tas$ 1: Con+igure t-e 4-ysical Lab Topology.
Step 1: 4-ysically connect %e"ices.
0igure 1. Cabling t-e ,et'or$
Cable t&e network de*i$es as s&own in Figure 1.
?&at $able t"pe is needed to $onne$t 2ost1 to +outer1' and w&"@ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
;ot& de*i$es &a*e similar network inter%a$es' and like de*i$es re5uire a $rosso*er $able.
All $ontents are Cop"rig&t 6 177383009 Cis$o "stems' :n$. All rig&ts reser*ed. !&is do$ument is Cis$o Publi$ :n%ormation. Page / o% 7
CCNA Exploration
Network Fundamentals: Planning and Cabling Networks Lab 10.6.1 Creating a mall Lab !opolog"
?&at $able t"pe is needed to $onne$t 2ost1' 2ost3' and +outer1 to wit$&1' and w&"@ AAAAAAAAAAAA
!&e swit$& ports are dissimilar to t&e router and $omputer network inter%a$es. !&ere%ore' straig&t0t&roug&
$ables are re5uired.
:% not alread" enabled' turn power on to all de*i$es.
Step 1: Visually inspect net'or$ connections.
A%ter $abling t&e network de*i$es' take a moment to *eri%" t&e $onne$tions. Attention to detail now will
minimiBe t&e time re5uired to troubles&oot network $onne$ti*it" issues later. Ensure t&at all swit$&
$onne$tions s&ow green. An" swit$& $onne$tion t&at does not transition %rom amber to green s&ould be
in*estigated. :s t&e power applied to t&e $onne$ted de*i$e@ :s t&e $orre$t $able used@ :s t&e $orre$t $able
?&at t"pe o% $able $onne$ts +outer1 inter%a$e Fa0/0 to 2ost1@ AAA Crosso*er $able AAAAA
?&at t"pe o% $able $onne$ts +outer1 inter%a$e Fa0/1 to wit$&1@ AA traig&t0t&roug& $able AAAAAAAAAA
?&at t"pe o% $able $onne$ts 2ost3 to wit$&1@ AAAA traig&t0t&roug& $able AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
?&at t"pe o% $able $onne$ts 2ost/ to wit$&1@ AAAA traig&t0t&roug& $able AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
:s all e5uipment turned on@ AAA"esAAAA
Tas$ 2: Con+igure t-e Logical Topology.
Step 1: Document logical net'or$ settings.
!&e &ost $omputer 4atewa" :P address is used to send :P pa$kets to ot&er networks. !&ere%ore' t&e
4atewa" address is t&e :P address assigned to t&e router inter%a$e %or t&at subnet.
From t&e :P address in%ormation re$orded in !ask 1' write down t&e :P address in%ormation %or ea$&
:P Address
:P Cask 311.311.311.313
4atewa" Address
:P Address
:P Cask 311.311.311.3=>
4atewa" Address>
:P Address
:P Cask 311.311.311.3=>
4atewa" Address>
All $ontents are Cop"rig&t 6 177383009 Cis$o "stems' :n$. All rig&ts reser*ed. !&is do$ument is Cis$o Publi$ :n%ormation. Page = o% 7
CCNA Exploration
Network Fundamentals: Planning and Cabling Networks Lab 10.6.1 Creating a mall Lab !opolog"
Step 1: Con+igure &ost1 computer.
Dn 2ost1' $li$k Start 5 Control 4anel 5 ,et'or$ Connections. +ig&t0$li$k t&e Local .rea Connection
de*i$e i$on and $&oose 4roperties.
Dn t&e 6eneral tab' sele$t Internet 4rotocol (TC47I4)' and t&en $li$k t&e 4roperties button.
0igure 1. &ost1 I4 .%%ress an% 6ate'ay Settings
+e%er to Figure 3 %or 2ost1 :P address and gatewa" settings. Canuall" enter t&e %ollowing in%ormation'
re$orded in tep 1' abo*e:
IP address: Host1 IP address
Subnet mask: Host1 subnet mask
Default ate!a": #ate!a" IP address
?&en %inis&ed' $lose t&e :nternet Proto$ols -!CP<:P. Properties window b" $li$king 8. Close t&e Lo$al
Area Conne$tion window. (epending on t&e ?indows operating s"stem' t&e $omputer ma" re5uire a
reboot %or $&anges to be e%%e$ti*e.
Step 2: Con+igure &ost1 an% &ost2 computers.
+epeat tep 3 %or $omputers 2ost3 and 2ost/' using t&e :P address in%ormation %or t&ose $omputers.
Tas$ 3: Veri+y ,et'or$ Connecti"ity.
)eri%" wit& "our instru$tor t&at +outer1 &as been $on%igured. Dt&erwise' $onne$ti*it" will be broken
between LANs. wit$&1 s&ould &a*e a de%ault $on%iguration.
Network $onne$ti*it" $an be *eri%ied wit& t&e ?indows ping $ommand. Dpen a windows terminal b"
$li$king Start 5 9un. !"pe cmd' and press )nter.
All $ontents are Cop"rig&t 6 177383009 Cis$o "stems' :n$. All rig&ts reser*ed. !&is do$ument is Cis$o Publi$ :n%ormation. Page 1 o% 7
CCNA Exploration
Network Fundamentals: Planning and Cabling Networks Lab 10.6.1 Creating a mall Lab !opolog"
#se t&e %ollowing table to met&odi$all" *eri%" and re$ord $onne$ti*it" wit& ea$& network de*i$e. !ake
$orre$ti*e a$tion to establis& $onne$ti*it" i% a test %ails:
0rom To I4 .%%ress 4ing 9esults
2ost1 4atewa" -+outer1' Fa0/0. &ould be su$$ess%ul
2ost1 +outer1' Fa0/1> &ould be su$$ess%ul
2ost1 2ost3
&ould be su$$ess%ul
2ost1 2ost/
&ould be su$$ess%ul
2ost3 2ost/
&ould be su$$ess%ul
2ost3 4atewa" -+outer1' Fa0/1.>
&ould be su$$ess%ul
2ost3 +outer1' Fa0/0
&ould be su$$ess%ul
2ost3 2ost1
&ould be su$$ess%ul
2ost/ 2ost3
&ould be su$$ess%ul
2ost/ 4atewa" -+outer1' Fa0/1.>
&ould be su$$ess%ul
2ost/ +outer1' Fa0/0
&ould be su$$ess%ul
2ost/ 2ost1
&ould be su$$ess%ul
Note an" break in $onne$ti*it". ?&en troubles&ooting $onne$ti*it" issues' t&e topolog" diagram $an be
extremel" &elp%ul.
:n t&e abo*e s$enario' &ow $an a mal%un$tioning 4atewa" be dete$ted@
:% 2ost3 and 2ost/ $an su$$ess%ull" ping ea$& ot&er but not 2ost1' it ma" be a 4atewa" issue.
Tas$ :: 9e+lection
+e*iew an" p&"si$al or logi$al $on%iguration problems en$ountered during t&is lab. ;e sure t&at "ou &a*e
a t&oroug& understanding o% t&e pro$edures used to *eri%" network $onne$ti*it".
!&is is a parti$ularl" important lab. :n addition to pra$ti$ing :P subnetting' "ou $on%igured &ost $omputers
wit& network addresses and tested t&em %or $onne$ti*it".
:t is best to pra$ti$e &ost $omputer $on%iguration and *eri%i$ation se*eral times. !&is will rein%or$e t&e skills
"ou learned in t&is lab and make "ou a better network te$&ni$ian.
Tas$ 6: C-allenge
Ask "our instru$tor or anot&er student to introdu$e one or two problems in "our network w&en "ou arenEt
looking or are out o% t&e lab room. Problems $an be eit&er p&"si$al -wrong #!P $able. or logi$al -wrong
:P address or gatewa".. !o %ix t&e problems:
1. Per%orm a good *isual inspe$tion. Look %or green link lig&ts on wit$&1.
All $ontents are Cop"rig&t 6 177383009 Cis$o "stems' :n$. All rig&ts reser*ed. !&is do$ument is Cis$o Publi$ :n%ormation. Page 6 o% 7
CCNA Exploration
Network Fundamentals: Planning and Cabling Networks Lab 10.6.1 Creating a mall Lab !opolog"
3. #se t&e table pro*ided in !ask / to identi%" %ailed $onne$ti*it". List t&e problems:
/. ?rite down "our proposed solution-s.:
=. !est "our solution. :% t&e solution %ixed t&e problem' do$ument t&e solution. :% t&e solution did not
%ix t&e problem' $ontinue troubles&ooting.
Tas$ ;: Clean <p.
#nless dire$ted ot&erwise b" t&e instru$tor' restore &ost $omputer network $onne$ti*it"' and t&en turn o%%
power to t&e &ost $omputers.
Care%ull" remo*e $ables and return t&em neatl" to t&eir storage. +e$onne$t $ables t&at were
dis$onne$ted %or t&is lab.
+emo*e an"t&ing t&at was broug&t into t&e lab' and lea*e t&e room read" %or t&e next $lass.
All $ontents are Cop"rig&t 6 177383009 Cis$o "stems' :n$. All rig&ts reser*ed. !&is do$ument is Cis$o Publi$ :n%ormation. Page 9 o% 7
CCNA Exploration
Network Fundamentals: Planning and Cabling Networks Lab 10.6.1 Creating a mall Lab !opolog"
.ppen%i= 1
All $ontents are Cop"rig&t 6 177383009 Cis$o "stems' :n$. All rig&ts reser*ed. !&is do$ument is Cis$o Publi$ :n%ormation. Page > o% 7
CCNA Exploration
Network Fundamentals: Planning and Cabling Networks Lab 10.6.1 Creating a mall Lab !opolog"
.ppen%i= 1
9outer1 con+iguration
ser%&'e t&mestam(s debu u(t&me
ser%&'e t&mestam(s lo u(t&me
no ser%&'e (ass!ord)en'r"(t&on
no &( doma&n)looku(
*ostname +outer1
enable se'ret '&s'o
&nterfa'e Fast,t*ernet0/0
des'r&(t&on 'onne't&on to Host1
&( address 2--.2--.2--.2-2
no s*utdo!n
&nterfa'e Fast,t*ernet0/1
des'r&(t&on 'onne't&on ./0
&( address 2--.2--.2--.242
no s*utdo!n
&( 'lassless
&( *tt( ser%er
banner motd 3
5*&s &s ,ale 1 lab router +outer1.
/ut*or&6ed a''ess onl".
l&ne 'on 0
(ass!ord '&s'o
l&ne 'on 0
(ass!ord '&s'o
l&ne au7 0
l&ne %t" 0 4
(ass!ord '&s'o
All $ontents are Cop"rig&t 6 177383009 Cis$o "stems' :n$. All rig&ts reser*ed. !&is do$ument is Cis$o Publi$ :n%ormation. Page 7 o% 7

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