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10 Steps To More Likes: Facebook Marketing Made Easy

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Made Easy
10 Steps to
More Likes
10 Steps to More Likes
Social media marketing success is dependent upon social networks. In order to max-
imize your companys presence on Facebook, you need to build a community flled
with people who both Like you and Like you enough to share your content with their

To make this as easy as possible for you, weve broken down our best suggestions
into 10 tips to drive targeted Facebook Likes to your business page.

In this third installment of our Facebook Business Essentials series, well give you 10
easy steps to more Facebook likes. This book will give you the basics in order to:
1. Get Started: Review
2. Engage Your Community
3. Evaluate Your Results
Facebook Busi ness Essenti als - 10 Steps to More Li kes
10 Steps to More Likes: Facebook Marketing Made Easy
Youve set up your Facebook Page, you know how to use
Graph Search, and youre ready to get out there and use
your Page for marketing.
So now what?
Well, now you need fans wholl spread the word about you
with their own networks. If you dont have a community,
you dont have anyone listening to you. If theres no one
listening to you, your Facebook presence is pointless.
The goal of a good social media marketing program is to
spur word-of-mouth by engaging your followers to share
your content, thus leading to earned social media.
So how do you do it?
Heres a tried-and-true 10-step process to growing your community on Facebook. If youve been
reading our Facebook Business Essentials education series (this being book 3 of it), you can skim or
skip the frst three review tips.
1. Complete your Facebook Business Page Prole
If you dont know why this is important, please check out Book 1, 4 Steps to a Facebook Page for
2. Add Social Plugins to Your Website
Visitors on your website and other owned media should know that you have a Facebook Page. Our
best recommendation is to useFacebooks Social Plugins to get more Facebook likes (our top 3 sug-
gestions are also in Book 1).
TIP: Quantity and quality both
matter: you need numbers to
increase your likelihood of a share,
but engagement is a lot more
important than a vanity metric. Its
better to have a smaller, engaged
following than large numbers of
unqualifed followers who arent
paying attention and dont help
your business goals.
Facebook Busi ness Essenti als - 10 Steps to More Li kes
3. Find out What Interests Your Community
With Facebooks new Graph Search its really easy to fnd out what interests your target community,
and post relevant content to increase Facebook likes.
4. Ask Friends, Business Partners and Other Contacts to Like You on
Friends are like underpants. Some snap under pressure, some are a little twisted,
and some alternate between being clean and dirty - but there are always those
thatll give you great support.
Still with us? Great we just wanted to make sure that youre paying
attention. ;)
When you frst create a Facebook Page, invite the people in your network
to Like it. These initial Likes will give you higher social media credibility and
visibility. Dont be shy: these are your friends, after all. If your friends wont help
you in your business endavors, you might question whether youve outgrown

For more on Graph Search, check out our second free book in Meltwaters
Facebook Business Essentials series..
Facebook Busi ness Essenti als - 10 Steps to More Li kes
5. Use Facebook Ads
Facebook ads are another great way to increase Facebook Likes. To get the most out of your ads, you
can target by your communitys interests to fnd people similar to your current fans.
In the image below, you can see how we would use the information we gleaned from Graph Search
and to start an advertising campaign for our new pizza restaurant.
Experiment with diferent types of ads to see what works best for your organization, and make sure
you choose the option that allows Facebook users to Like your page directly from the ad.
TIP: Facebook ads, being inexpensive
and hyper-targeted, are a solid test-
ing ground for more expensive and
labor-intensive advertising campaigns
on diferent channels.
Facebook Busi ness Essenti als - 10 Steps to More Li kes
6. Run a contest
Contests have done very well for some companies, and not so well for others. First things frst: make
sure that your contest follows Facebookspromotion guidelines. Your contest must use a Facebook
app: this allows you to create a fan gate, which means that the contest is only eligible for people who
Like your Page. Apps also have a unique URL, so you can promote your contest with a Facebook ad
(see tip above about Liking Pages directly from a Facebook ad).
Other quick tips on contests:
Make sure the contest app works on mobile
Think about what sort of content will be the most engaging for your audience
Make it easy and to participate and share the contest
Encourage users to share participation and other aspects of the contests on Facebook
Sweepstakes are, legally and functionally, a lot easier to manage than contests of skill
7. Like and Engage with Other Companies
Did you know that you can
engage with other company
pages as your Business Page
on Facebook? This sort of
engagement is a great way
to build awareness among
like-minded companies and
their followers. To do this, visit
your Facebook Page, click on
Edit Page in your Admin Pan-
el and select Use Facebook as
Finding companies to like and interact with is easy. Use Graph search and search for companies, Pag-
es, and places that of interest to your company, and Like these Pages (you cant Like personal profles
as a business Page, which is good: that would be weird).
After you have liked some Pages, you can view your companys Newsfeed and engage with the pages
you like. Not only is the company likely to follow you back, but their engagement with your page will
help you increase Facebook likes amongst their followers as well.
Find other companies to interact with and build your
community with conversations and interaction.
Facebook Busi ness Essenti als - 10 Steps to More Li kes
8. Publish Engaging Content
Heres a little Content Marketing 101: Its important
to publish engaging, entertaining and interesting
posts on a regular basis, and to keep an eye out for
the posts that get the most engagement. Images
are among the best types of post for driving engage-
ment, so make sure you publish images your follow-
ers can relate to and will like. You may also want to
include calls to action in some of your posts, asking
followers to like, comment or share your content, or
ask your community a question.
9. Be Active
How often should you post? There is no magic number, but there are best practices and analytics to
guide you. Some tips:
Postat leastone status update per day
Experiment with the timing of your posts to see when the majority of your followers are ac-
People are unlikely to like your Facebook page if you dont post regularly Facebook rewards
10. Measure, Analyze and Learn
Use Facebook Insights to fnd useful metrics on your page performance. You can see things like Reach
(how many users are seeing your posts), En-
gaged Users (how many users engage with
your posts) and new Likes (when and why
do you get new followers). These metrics will
help you understand whats driving engage-
If you want to get a quick snapshot of how
successful your Facebook Page is, or want
TIP: fnding Groups doesnt mean that
you should bust in and advertise: that is
SPAM. Social media is a community and
dialogue marketing discipline. You must
be part of the community by providing
something of value before you try to sell
Facebook Busi ness Essenti als - 10 Steps to More Li kes
recommendations for improvement, try out our free Facebook analytics tool,LikeAlyzer.
Baked may not seem like a product that would inspire a viral social media post. But British super-
market ASDA saw potential in those tiny legumes, and their faith in these wee, unassuming legumes
wasnt misplaced. Baked beans were the star in ASDAs most successful social media post to date:
ASDA got more than 24,000 likes, 5,000 comments, and hundreds of shares from this one conver-
sation. By buillding their social community with engagement, they later earned 45,000 entries and
15,000 shares on a Facebook contest.
The simple question, Nom or wrong? teaches us a few things about Facebook engagement and
what it means for business.
Facebook Busi ness Essenti als - 10 Steps to More Li kes
Talk About What Interests Your Audience
As a grocer, household staples like baked beans are central to the ASDA brand. With the majority of
ASDA customers in the demographic target being mums aged 25-35 years old, presenting them with
what was essentially a thumbs up / thumbs down vote on comfort food was a great way to spur
Go Mobile
As per Facebooks own publicly fled SEC documents, one in six people access Facebook solely from
their smartphone. This is a growing trend globally, and the third world Africa, in particular - is skip-
ping the PC altogether and going straight to smartphones.
With the market trend of mobile replacing the PC as
a customers primary internet gateway, it raises the
question as to whether marketers should prioritse
mobile frst, then move towards the website, rather
than the other way around. Says Dom Burch, head of
Social Media for the ASDA, Websites are simply a com-
fort blanket, he argued, I feel I am having the same
conversation now about websites that I did about hard
press advertising fve years ago.
So, how do brands manage to build a community of
die-hard fans who will circulate all their ofers and
catapult shares on Facebook? According to Burch the
answer is simple get to know your audience and to
stay true to what you do. If you combine those two
elements, youll build credit in the bank and soon be
the brand that got the beans (or an expression that
rhymes with that).
One in six people access
Facebook solely from their
Facebook Busi ness Essenti als - 10 Steps to More Li kes
Where is the ROI in Getting Shares on Facebook?

In social media marketing, when the Board is screaming for ROI, it can be hard to imagine why
anyone would focus on getting shares on Facebook. Youd be right to question whether its a
worthy business goal; its not! Its a marketing tactic. Every marketing campaign should have
a business goal, e.g. to increase sales.
A marketing goal might be to attract new customers and a marketing tactic might be to start a
dialogue on Facebook to gain fans among a target group who could become new customers.
Youd be forgiven for wondering whether initiating conversations about baked beans is the
best use of a brands time on social media until you saw it as part of a larger marketing strate-
gy. Heres how it works: gaining shares on Facebook is a marketing tactic that can lead to the
marketing goal of increasing fans who be-
come customers whose purchases deliver the
business goal of increased sales delivering
the ROI the Board wants.
For more on fnding the ROI, feel free to skip
to Chapter 7: Measuring Success.
But, back to the beans
In the case of ASDA, Burch says, We re-
cently ran a competition on both TV and
Facebook where the prize was to win a
12-month supply of nappies. Interestingly,
zero people entered the competition from the TV campaign - and 45,000 entered on Facebook.
Out of this, we received 15,000 shares on Facebook from fans to those they knew would like to
know about the competition our key target audience.
Burch continues, brands cant pay for this level of endorsement, and you cant achieve this
unless you start the ball rolling with ten conversations about beans on toast.

Youd be right to question
whether its a worthy
business goal; its not! Its a
marketing tactic.
Facebook Busi ness Essenti als - 10 Steps to More Li kes
Conclusion & Resources
After reading this book, you should be well-prepared to get on out there and garner some new
Likes from enthusiastic followers. Your next step in our 7-book Facebook Business Essentials
Series is understanding the basics of Facebook content marketing: when, how and why to post
The book you just read is part 3 of a Facebook marketing education series that provides the
essentials for marketers from beginning to advanced levels, so even if youre not interested in
learning about Facebook content marketing timing - be sure to check out our other Facebook
marketing guides.
If youre interested in checking out how a good social marketing tool can help you get the most
out of your Facebook eforts, check out Meltwater Buzz:
If youd like to stay up to date on the latest tips and tricks from the digital marketing world, please
subscribe to our social media blog.
Mastering Facebook
Graph Search
3+3 Easy Steps to Growing Your
Reach, Engagement,
and Community
on Facebook
About the Authors
It takes a village to write a Facebook marketing series of this breadth and depth. Here are
the folks who contributed to this book:
Robert Rydefalk, Contributing Author
Founder of Facebookskolan
Robert is a Product Manager at Meltwater who
loves big data, building tools for social media mar-
keting, and blogging about all the business pos-
sibilities Facebook offers. Robert is the founder
of Swedens largest blog about Facebook, Face-, and, a free Facebook
analytics tool.
Follow Robert on LinkedIn
Leslie Nuccio, Editor & Contributing Author
Leslie Nuccio is a marketer and writer who started work-
ing in digital marketing before the frst millennium Inter-
net bust, and has been working in social media mar-
keting since the dinosaur ages of 2008. Leslie is on
staff at Meltwater to wax poetic about all the social
media marketing topics she can think of that will help
fellow marketing types utilize the power of social
media marketing. You can fnd her at the Meltwater
social media blog, or off on a trail with a dog.
Follow Leslie on Twitter
Heidi Myers, Contributing Author
Heidi runs PR & Marcom across the Central
EMEA region for Meltwater. She has been with
Meltwater for eight years, and previously worked
for various advertising agencies in London. She
is a London dweller, post-wine philosopher, and
lover of baked beans

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