Bilaam, Amalek and The Occult
Bilaam, Amalek and The Occult
Bilaam, Amalek and The Occult
Bilaam, Amalek & the Occult
Part 1 - The Forces of Evil are Alive and Among Us
Part 2 A Warning to the People of the United States
By Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok
Copyright 2000, 2004 by Ariel bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
The most significant lesson taught in the Biblical story of Bilaam is about the reality and
power of the Sitra Ahra, what we have come to know as the Dark Side. While many
people today proudly boast that their rational minds only allow them to believe what they
can see and sense, nonetheless, there still exists a hidden Dark Side of sorcery, magic,
witchcraft and the occult.
There can be no denial; based upon the events surrounding Balak and Bilaam, the Sitra
Ahra (Dark Side) must be recognized as an evil force with which to be reckoned. The
one who says there is no such thing as actual and operational power in black magic, the
occult or metaphysics is either a fool, a liar or one already under their influence.
There are not too many Rabbanim who recognize the methods of operations used by the
Sitra Ahra. Yet, this does not mean that there arent any. Indeed, although they be few,
some Rabbanim, those who were masters of what is called Kabbalah Maasit (practical
Kabbalah), did write books to instruct their students how to defend against an attack of
evil magic or from the forces of the occult. Many of the secrets known to these holy
Mekubalim were gleamed from the holy Names and hidden codes found in this Parasha,
by those who know where to look.
The Parasha opens by reveling to us the fear instilled in the heart of Balak, King of
Midian, by the victories of the Israeli army over his rather mighty neighbors. Balak
knows that his defeat will soon come. He knows full well that he does not have the
military might to defeat the body of the Israeli army. Dismissing any military option,
Balak instead turns to the master sorcerer, Bilaam. Balak begs him to curse the Israeli
nation. Balak is convinced that such a curse, coming from such a mighty master of the
Sitra Ahra as Bilaam, would work psychically to successfully destroy Israeli moral and
resolve from deep within their collective unconscious.
If Balaks plan were to no avail; if Bilaam was merely an old fool with some magic tricks,
the sacred Torah of G-d would not have defiled itself to include this story. By the mere
Copyright 1993 - 2003 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
presence of this episode in the Torah, we learn that Bilaam did indeed pose a great
danger to the Israeli people, a danger that inevitably became evident.
What is learned from this Parasha is the subtle way that evil influences creep up on an
individual. All the while that Bilaam was trying to build his spiritual power by building his
altars and sacrificing his offerings, the Benei Yisrael were totally oblivious to what he was
doing. As long as Benei Yisrael were under the umbrella of spiritual protection allotted to
them by their observance of the Mitzvot, they had nothing to fear from the subtle
influences that the power of an evil curse arouses.
Yet, the Sitra Ahra, Dark Side of evil is not called the Yetzer HaRa (the evil inclination)
for nothing. In our many sins, we human beings have a psychological inclination towards
performing acts defined by G-d as evil. In our many sins, we often are not willing to
admit or do not feel that what G-d has called evil is really so bad that we must refrain
from it. This spirit of compromise is the work of the Yetzer HaRa (evil inclination). It
attacks our minds and our feelings, welling up from the depths of our unconscious.
The forces of the Sitra Ahra, with very precise intention and motive, seek to engage your
mind in an internal conversation. Such forces quite literally whisper in your heart. In
other words, they project thoughts, images or impressions into your mind. You believe
that these bizarre thoughts are just popping up in your mind. This is another subtle
deception of the Dark Side. These thoughts are not coming to you from within your
mind. They are bombarding you from an outside Force. Once you begin to consider
what these foreign thoughts are saying, you have opened yourself up to the domain of
Similar to the conversation of the Serpent in Eden with Hava (Eve) does the Sitra Ahra
engage our minds in what we interpret to be an inner conversation. These forces project
into our mind thoughts similar to these:
1. What really so bad about such and such a thing.
2. The way I interpret something to be forbidden isnt exactly so.
3. There is room to be lenient, indeed, if I am truly a man of G-d and not acting foolishly
out of fear, I would be more lenient.
4. Why not, what do I have to lose?
5. Its those Rabbis who have it wrong, what do they know about living in the real
6. Whos going to know? I can get away with it?
7. I really deserve this, so why shouldnt I just take (or do) it?
This is only a small example of how our minds, blemished by eating the forbidden fruit of
the Tree of Knowledge, Good and Evil, can become corrupted. Indeed, even the most
Copyright 1993 - 2003 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
horrible human behavior appears justified in the eyes of those doing it. This is the work
of the Sitra Ahra.
When Zimri, in the sight of all Israel, decided to take a Princess of Midian into his own
tent (for immoral purposes), dont you think he had convinced himself that he was doing
the right thing? Indeed, Zimri did believe what he had done was right, otherwise he
would not have done it. What led a mighty leader of the Jewish people to reject Torah
Law and to perform a forbidden act and to do it with such brazenness in front of
everyone? It is because he opened himself up to enter discussion with the Sitra Ahra.
Although a Jew may perform mitzvot and study Torah, if there is a question of doubt in
his heart, the Sitra Ahra recognizes it immediately and attacks his unconscious. The
forces of evil bombard ones mind with negative images, forbidden thoughts and evil
projections, all in an attempt to expand ones doubt and to bring it to the surface of the
conscious mind. Thus motivated by evil, the individual Jew will then perform an evil
deed attracting more Sitra Ahra forces to cling to him. Eventually the striving soul either
will win his good fight and do a complete teshuva (repentance) or he will lose the fight
and eventually become an agent of evil. The latter is what happened to Zimri.
Bilaams powers were not to be underestimated. That evil sorcerer unleashed a wave of
demonic influences, which sought to speak into the hearts and consciousness of any
Jew who would be open to listening at the unconscious level.
Nothing has changed over the centuries. Practitioners of black magic and the occult
arts, to this day, still seek to topple and overthrow everything holy. The attack has
always been against the Bible (Torah), and any religious symbol or message that it
represents. This is why Christianity (and in its own way Judaism) is under attack in all
areas of western culture.
Today, any public display or mention of anything Biblical is condemned as a violation of
church and state. This initially wise concept has been cleverly manipulated to ever so
smoothly separate the masses from religion in general.
More than this, supporting this public removal of any Biblical references is actually
considered to be the politically correct and morally proper thing to do. No one would
believe that the motivating forces behind this movement have their connections to the
Occult. Woe to us, for how the mighty have fallen!!
Our great problem today is that we no longer believe that such things like the black arts
still exist. We mockingly laugh at the thought of magical mumbo-jumbo. Nonetheless,
interest in the Occult arts has skyrocketed. One merely need look at the growth of the
New Age spirituality movement and the popularity of the Harry Potter phenomena as
Copyright 1993 - 2003 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
examples. Although most dismiss Harry Potter as innocent childrens literature, one
educated in the ways of the English Occult secret societies can clearly see authentic
Occult teachings ever so subtly presented within the pages of the so-called innocent
childrens novels. The Occult today is big business and evokes widespread interest.
Since the days of Bilaam, nothing has changed. The forces of evil today, like Bilaam
before them, continue their evil and vile practices under a complete cloak of secrecy,
confusion and denial. Being aware that these things are real and that they do exist
among us is the only the first step to fight their influence.
Part 2 A Warning to the People of the United States
Note: What you are about to read I have never before publicly released. This was
written over a year before the 9/11 attacks and since that date I have made sure that this
material was not published. Yet, the lessons of 9/11 have been mostly forgotten. A
wake-up call for the United States to change its ways has been mostly ignored.
Immorality still runs rampant throughout our society. Those who live moral, religious
lives and adhere to the sacred Biblical values are still under attack in many sectors. The
United States of America, in my opinion, the greatest nation on Earth, has succumbed to
the seductive influence of Bilaam, even as did Israel millennia ago. Israel was punished
for her sins. It is nothing but arrogance to think the United States will not be punished in
like manner. Read the following and judge for yourselves . . . Mind you, it is never too
late to make a change.
July, 13, 2000 . . .
For centuries, throughout Christian Europe, there have always been secret societies of
practitioners of black magic. History clearly shows their involvement in instigating the
secularist movement in Renaissance times. It was they who pioneered nude modeling
for portrait painting, not for the sake of art, as is claimed, but rather to promote
immorality (which indeed it did). Study history well and you will see a number of greatly
influential occult groups were operating throughout Europe, some of the more infamous
include the Knights Templar, the Rosecrucians, the Golden Dawn and most well known,
the Masons.
Occult and black magic influence used to only be found on the fringes of western secular
society. Today occult art and New Age bookshops are in almost every city. Black magic
symbols appear predominantly on rock and roll album covers. Wicca, witchcraft and
other black magic groups are everywhere, with many teenagers being attracted to them.
A day doesnt go by without a television program or movie being played that doesnt
have a positive slant to a black magic topic. Our society today is inundated with all the
Copyright 1993 - 2003 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
symbols and practices of the occult. Indeed, two teenage boys who were influenced by
(and were members of) an occult black arts group called the Goths carried out the
murder of over dozen of their fellow high school students in Columbine Co. Yes, the
growth in popularity of the occult and black arts in modern secular culture is a serious
threat, not only to the forces of of all things good and holy, but also to everyone (as the
students of Columbine High School can attest).
In the Bill of Rights of the American Constitution is a proclaimed belief that there is
freedom for all, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press. This
sounds like such an emancipating concept. Freedom! Yet, is America really the really
the home of the free that it presents itself to be?
The founding fathers of the United States were all practicing Masons. It is clear from the
writings of Thomas Jefferson and others that the founding fathers definitely had a
philosophical agenda that included within it Masonic elements associated with the occult.
This is certainly not a revelation of anything new. In the U.S. capital hangs a painting of
General George Washington, the first American president, taking his oath of office
dressed in full Masonic regalia. One need just look on the back of an American one-
dollar bill to see an old occult image of the pyramid with the eye on top it. This was
placed on American money because of the powerful Masonic influence in this country.
One of the most dangerous aspects about the occult, its philosophies and the practices
related to it is that they all share a basic tenet of racial superiority. European occult
circles were notoriously anti-Semitic as well as anti anything not of their own kind. One
of the most influential occult groups of the 19-20
centuries was the Thule Society in
Germany. They eventually turned political and started a political party, known as the
National Socialists. History remembers them well as the Nazis. The Thule had branches
and supporters throughout Europe and the United States.
Many of these secret societies had American members. Throughout American history
many a prominent American has held affiliations with one or more Occultic society that
had taken root on American soil, even on some university campuses. To this day, their
memberships include a number of prominent Americans, including Presidents.
In our many sins, since its establishment, the United States has been subject to a fair
amount of Occult influence. As the saying goes, fruit does not far fall from the tree.
While the Jews were the people of choice to be persecuted in Europe, many Americans,
unknowingly led by secret Occult interests, made their own choice whom to abuse.
While the U.S. proclaims its love of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, there have
been those who have had a different experience with Americas love of freedom.
Copyright 1993 - 2003 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
The history of African Americans is well known. As a race, they were subjected to
terrible inhuman treatment at the hands of those who claimed to embrace the Bill of
Rights. G-ds Hand fell swift on the foundling new U.S. in that less than 100 years after
its birth, a terrible Civil War nearly destroyed it. By G-ds grace national unity was
salvaged, but at a great cost of loss of life. Nonetheless, the lessons to be learned from
this debacle were never implemented. African Americans still suffered and after them
came the sufferings of the Native American.
Indeed, history documents that more Native Americans were killed by Americans
following the doctrine of Manifest Destiny than Jews were killed by the Nazis. Study the
history and you will easily and honestly learn this to be true! America, the greatest
nation in the world is also guilty of perpetuating one of the worse Holocausts in history.
The influence of the Occult is still felt today in American society, not only in politics, but
also in business. Numerous claims are made today about large American and European
corporations using marketing techniques in advertising and the media that have their
origins in the Occult doctrines of mind control.
Judging from how America and the world have been negatively influenced by television
and the media over the last 50 years, one can see how we are being mentally
manipulated. Today, there is a fast food restaurant on every corner. We suffer from a
national crises of obesity. But this is all big business! The most popular leisure activity
is shopping in the local mall. Purchases are made on credit cards and paid for, with high
interest rates over years. The majority of the country is in serious debt. Yet, no one is
shopping less. This is all big business! We all want more and more!!
What possesses us to live a lifestyle that is driving us crazy with anxiety and worry and
putting us in an early grave because of our poor eating habits? Why have we sacrificed
our entire lives to earn the bigger bucks and at the same time forgotten about the
priorities of family and friends? A recent survey of High Schools students revealed that
the majority of them did not consider cheating on a test to be a bad thing. Only getting
caught was considered to be bad. Whatever happened to morality and doing the right
thing simply because it was the right thing to do.
Our American society has been overrun. The spiritual forces of embodied in Bilaam
have returned upon us and wreck havoc on a daily basis, and we in our arrogant denial
sit and become part of the problem and not part of its cure.
The United States of America has become possessed by this spirit of the evil Bilaam.
His was the spirit of sexual depravity and what greater sins affects our society today
more than these? We see it ever so clearly in the growth of immorality, pornography and
smut that is exported to the whole world with the tag made in America.
Copyright 1993 - 2003 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
This is the work of the impure spirit of the black-arts deceiver Bilaam, who is none other
than the master of violence and evil, Amalek, the Biblical eternal enemy of G-d (ref. Ex.
17:16). Our Sages have warned us and psychology knows it well that sexual depravity
will always arouse the existence of violence. Thus the two Biblical archetypes of evil,
Bilaam and Amalek, are eternally entwined in a partnership of evil. What we learn from
this is devastating. Biblical teachings are clear: sexual immorality is the cause of our
modern day terrorist plague.
America has grievously sinned in that it has created, nurtured, supported and now
exported a culture of hedonism, secularism and sexual depravity endeavoring to turn
many nations and other cultures away from G-d. Is it of any wonder why today America
and all that it represents is hated by large portions of the world?
American hedonism and secularism is the greatest enemy and danger to all things good
and holy. The worship of the almighty dollar has replaced the worship of G-d in the
hearts of hundreds of millions. The worship of money and the affluent lifestyle is the
worst form of idolatry today.
Amalek, the eternal enemy of G-d seeks to attack the weak and to entrap them. Bilaam
and Amalek therefore embrace the same evil concept of deception, subjugation, slavery
and abuse. This is what the worship of the dollar has brought upon so many nave and
otherwise innocent souls.
Let us look at the numbers of Gematria and see a remarkable connection. By the light of
Torah wisdom, i.e., authentic Torah numerology is Amalek exposed:
Amalek - Ayin (70), Mem (40), Lamed (30), Kof (100) = 240 equals
Dollar Dalet (4), Vav (6), Lamed (30), Resh (200) = 240
The identical numerical value between these two indicates that there is a powerful
relationship between them. It is the lust after the American dollar, the lust for hedonist
secularism that combines the evil of Bilaam and Amalek and brings in its stead all types
of pride, greed, violence and depravity.
Woe to us who are deceived by the monster loose in American society. It is incumbent
upon every G-d fearing soul to take to heart these lessons and seek change in society.
Repentance, return to G-d, humility and the embrace of the righteous lifestyle, these are
the only keys to freedom today in a G-dless world society out to dominate and control.
Copyright 1993 - 2003 by Ariel Bar Tzadok. All rights reserved.
In our arrogance we allow ourselves to be deceived even as was Zimri in his day. We
arrogantly boast how we are doing nothing wrong! G-d on the other hand sees things
differently. G-ds zeal arose within Pinhas and he arose to punish Zimri.
Will a modern day Pinhas arise to punish us?