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CH 13 and 14 AP MC and Short Answer Answers

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Chemistry Name_____________________________
Spring 2006
Craddock Date______________
Chapter 13 and 14 AP Multiple Choice/Free Response Questions
Part One
1. When a sample o o!ygen gas in a closed container o constant "ol#me is heated #ntil
its a$sol#te temperat#re is do#$led% &hich o the ollo&ing is also do#$led'
(A) *he density o the gas
(+) *he press#re o the gas
(C) *he a"erage "elocity o the gas molec#les
(D) *he n#m$er o molec#les per cm
(-) *he potential energy o the molec#les
2. *he critical temperat#re o a s#$stance is the
(A) temperat#re at &hich the "apor press#re o the li.#id is e.#al to the e!ternal press#re
(+) temperat#re at &hich the "apor press#re o the li.#id is e.#al to /60 mm 0g
(C) temperat#re at &hich the solid% li.#id% and "apor phases are all in e.#ili$ri#m
(D) *emperat#re at &hich li.#id and "apor phases are in e.#ili$ri#m at 1 atmosphere
(-) lo&est temperat#re a$o"e &hich a s#$stance cnnot $e li.#iied at any applied
,. *he molality o the gl#cose in a 1.02molar gl#cose sol#tion can $e o$tained $y #sing
&hich o the ollo&ing'
(A) 3ol#me o the sol#tion
(+) *emperat#re o the sol#tion
(C) Sol#$ility o gl#cose in &ater
(D) Degree o dissociation o gl#cose
(-) Density o the sol#tion
4. Which o the ollo&ing statements is al&ays tr#e a$o#t the phase diagram o any one2
component system'
(A) *he slope o the c#r"e representing e.#ili$ri#m $et&een the "apor and li.#id phases
is positi"e.
(+) *he slope o the c#r"e representing e.#ili$ri#m $et&een the li.#id and solid phases is
(C) *he slope o the c#r"e representing e.#ili$ri#m $et&een the li.#id and solid phases is
(D) the temperat#re at the triple point is greater than the normal ree5ing point.
(-) *he press#re at the triple point is greater than 1 atmosphere.
6. What is the mole raction o ethanol% C
70% in an a.#eo#s sol#tion in &hich the
ethanol concentration is 4.6 molal'
(A) 0.0046
(+) 0.0/6
(C) 0.08,
(D) 0.20
(-) 0./2
6. Which o the ollo&ing is tr#e at the triple point o a p#re s#$stance'
(A) *he "apor press#re o the solid phase al&ays e.#al the "apor press#re o the li.#id
(+) *he temperat#re is al&ays 0.01 9 lo&er that the normal melting point.
(C) *he li.#id and gas phases o the s#$stance al&ays ha"e the same density and are
thereore indisting#isha$le.
(D) the solid phase al&ays melts i the press#re increases at constant temperat#re.
(-) *he li.#id phase al&ays "apori5es i the press#re increases at constant temperat#re.
/. 1. Dierence in temperat#re $et&een ree5ing point o sol"ent and ree5ing point o
sol"ent and ree5ing point o sol#tion
11. :olal ree5ing point depression constant% 9

% or sol"ent
1n addition to the inormation a$o"e% &hich o the ollo&ing gi"es the minim#m data
re.#ired to determine the molec#lar mass o a nonionic s#$stance $y the ree5ing point
depression techni.#e'
(A) No #rther inormation is necessary.
(+) :ass o sol#te
(C) :ass o sol#te and mass o sol"ent
(D) :ass o sol#te and "ol#me o sol"ent
(-) :ass o sol#te% mass o sol"ent% and "apor press#re o sol"ent
8. Which o the ollo&ing is pro$a$ly tr#e or a solid sol#te &ith a highly endothermic
heat o sol#tion &hen dissol"ed in &ater'
(A) *he solid has a lo& lattice energy.
(+) As the sol#te dissol"es% the temperat#re o the sol#tion increases.
(C) *he res#lting sol#tion is ideal.
(D) *he solid is more sol#$le at higher temperat#res.
(-) the solid has a high energy o hydration.
;se the ollo&ing diagram or .#estions <211.
<. *he normal $oiling point o the s#$stanced represented $y the phase diagram a$o"e is
(A) 216 =C
(+) 210 =C
(C) 140 =C
(D) greater than 140 =C
(-) not determina$le rom the diagram
10. *he phase diagram a$o"e pro"ides s#icient inormation or determining the
(A) entropy change on "apori5ation
(+) conditions necessary or s#$limation
(C) de"iations rom ideal gas $eha"ior o the gas phase
(D) latent heat o "apori5ation
(-) latent heat o #sion
11. A sol#tion o tol#ene (molec#lar &eight <2.1) in $en5ene (molec#lar &eight /8.1) is
prepared. *he mole raction o tol#ene in the sol#tion is 0.100. What is the molality o
the sol#tion'
(A) 0.100 m
(+) 0./0, m
(C) 0.<21 m
(D) 1.28 m
(-) 1.42 m
>#estions 12214 reer to the phase diagram $elo& o a p#re s#$stance.
(A) S#$limation
(+) Condensation
(C) Sol"ation
(D) ?#sion
(-) ?ree5ing
12. 1 the temperat#re increases rom 10= C to 60= C at a constant press#re o 0.4
atmosphcre% &hich o the processes occ#rs' A
1,. 1 the temperat#re decreases rom 110= C to 40= C at a constant press#re o 1.1
atmospheres% &hich o the processes occ#rs' +
14. 1 the press#re increases rom 0.6 to 1.6 atmospheres at a constant temperat#re o 60=
C% &hich o the processes occ#rs' +
16. Which o the ollo&ing is lo&er or a 1.02molar a.#eo#s sol#tion o any sol#te than it
is or p#re &ater'
(A) p0
(+) 3apor press#re
(C) ?ree5ing point
(D) -lectrical cond#cti"ity
(-) A$sorption o "isi$le light
16. Which o the ollo&ing actions &o#ld $e likely to change the $oiling point o a
sample o a p#re li.#id in an open container'
1. Placing it in a smaller container
11. 1ncreasing the n#m$er o moles o the li.#id in the container
111. :o"ing the container and li.#id to a higher altit#de
(A) 1 only
(+) 11 only
(C) 111 only
(D) 11 and 111 only
(-) 1% 11% and 111
1/. C0
70 $oils at /8 =C and C0
$oils at 2 24 =C% altho#gh $oth compo#nds
ha"e the same composition. *his dierence in $oiling points may $e attri$#ted to a
dierence in
(A) molec#lar mass
(+) density
(C) speciic heat
(D) hydrogen $onding
(-) heat o com$#stion
18. Which o the ollo&ing sol#tions has the lo&est ree5ing point'
(A) 0.20 m C
% gl#cose
(+) 0.20 m N0
(C) 0.20 m @nS7
(D) 0.20 m 9:n7
(-) 0.20 m :gCl

Short Answer Questions
S#$stance :elting Point% =C
0? 2<2
Cs1 621
Ai? 8/0
SiC B2%000
(a) Disc#ss ho& the trend in the melting points o the s#$stances ta$#lated a$o"e can $e
e!plained in terms o the types o attracti"e orces andCor $onds in these s#$stances.
and C
ha"e lo& melting points $eca#se the orces in"ol"ed are the &eak "an der
Waals (or Aondon) orces.
0? has a higher melting point $eca#se intermolec#lar hydrogen $onding is important.
Cs1 and Ai? ha"e still higher melting points $eca#se ionic lattice orces m#st $e
o"ercome to $reak #p the crystals% and the ionic orces are stronger than "an der Waals
orces and hydrogen $onds.
SiC is an e!ample o a macromolec#lar s#$stance &here each atom is held to its
neigh$ors $y a "ery strong co"alent $ond.
($) ?or any pairs o s#$stances that ha"e the same kind(s) o attracti"e orces andCor
$onds% disc#ss the actors that ca#se "ariation in the strengths o the orces andCor $onds.
$) t&o points
and 0
D *here are more interactions per molec#le in C
than in 0
. 7r C
&eakly polar and 0
is nonpolar.
Ai? and Cs1D *he smaller ions in Ai? res#lt in a higher lattice energy than Cs1 has. Aattice
energy ; is proportional to 1 C (r
E rF)
2) Using principles of chemical bonding and/or intermolecular forces, explain each
of the following.
(a) Genon has a higher $oiling point than neon has.
Ge and Ne are monatomic elements held together $y Aondon dispersion ("an der Waals)
orces. *he magnit#de o s#ch orces is determined $y the n#m$er o electrons in the
atom. A Ge atom has more electrons than a neon atom has. (Si5e o the atom &as
accepted $#t mass &as not.)
($) Solid copper is an e!cellent cond#ctor o electricity% $#t solid copper chloride is not.
*he electrical cond#cti"ity o copper metal is $ased on mo$ile "alence electrons
(partially illed $ands). Copper chloride is a rigid ionic solid &ith the "alence electrons o
copper locali5ed in indi"id#al copper(11) ions.
(c) Si7
melts at a "ery high temperat#re% &hile C7
is a gas at room temperat#re% e"ent
tho#gh Si and C are in the same chemical amily.
is a co"alent net&ork solid. *here are strong $onds many o &hich m#st $e $roken
sim#ltaneo#sly to "olati5e Si7
. C7
is composed o discrete% nonpolar C7
molec#les so
that the only orces holding the molec#les together are the &eak Aondon dispersion ("an
der Waals) orces.
3) The normal boiling and freezing points of argon are 8.3 ! and 8".# !,
respecti$el%. The triple point is at 82. ! and #.&8 atmosphere.
(a) ;se the data a$o"e to dra& a phase diagram or argon. Aa$el the a!es and la$el the
regions in &hich the solid% li.#id% and gas phases are sta$le. 7n the phase diagram% sho&
the position o the normal $oiling point.

81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
Pressure (atm.)
Temperature (K)
($) Descri$e any changes that can $e o$ser"ed in a sample o solid argon &hen the
temperat#re is increases rom 40 9 to 160 9 at a constant press#re o 0.60 atmosphere.
(b) The argon sublimes.
(c) Descri$e any changes that can $e o$ser"ed in a sample o li.#id argon the press#re is
red#ced rom 10 atmospheres to 1 atmosphere at a constant temperat#re o 100 9% &hich
is &ell $elo& the critical temperat#re.
(c) The argon vaporizes.
(d) Does the li.#id phase o argon ha"e a density greater than% e.#al to% or less than the
density o the solid phase' -!plain yo#r ans&er% #sing inormation gi"en in the
introd#ction to this .#estion.
(d) *he li.#id phase is less dense than the solid phase. Since the ree5ing point o argon
is higher than the triple point temperat#re% the solid2li.#id e.#ili$ri#m line slopes to
the right &ith increasing press#re. *h#s% i a sample o li.#id argon is compressed
(press#re increased) at constant temperat#re% the li.#id $ecomes a solid. +eca#se
increasing press#re a"ors the denser phase% solid argon m#st $e the denser phase.
". The phase diagram for a pure substance is shown abo$e. Use this diagram and
%our 'nowledge about changes of phase to answer the following (uestions.
(a) What does point 3 represent' What characteristics are speciic to the system only at
point 3'
a) t&o points
3 is the triple point (or point &here , phases coe!ist).
Solid% li.#id% and "apor (or , phases) are in e.#ili$ri#m.
($) What does each point on the c#r"e $et&een 3 and W represent'
$) t&o points
-ach point on the c#r"e represents the temperat#re and press#re &here the li.#id and
"apor (or 2 phases) coe!ist.
At these temperat#res and press#res% the t&o phases are in e.#ili$ri#m.
*he points represent the "apor press#re o the li.#id s a #nction o temperat#re.
*he points represent the $oiling points o the li.#id as a #nction o (applied) press#re.
(c) Descri$e the changes that the system #ndergoes as the temperat#re slo&ly increases
rom G to I to @ at 1.0 atmosphere.
c) t&o points
ChangesD s#$limation o change $et&een t&o pgases% or energy% or density% or entropy
Point ID change in phase occ#rs speciically at I
(d) 1n a solid2li.#id mi!t#re o this s#$stance% &ill the solid loat or sink' -!plain.
d) t&o points
*he solid &ill sink.
*he positi"e slope o the solidCli.#id e.#ili$ri#m c#r$e indicates that the solid is more
dense than the li.#id.
1 the phase diagram is la$elled and i it is done incorrectly% 1 point is ded#cted rom the
total or parts $)% c)% and d).
1 the response or part c) indicates that a phase change rom a less condensed phase to a
more condensed phase (e.g.% gas to solid)% and additional point is red#ced.
). *nswer each of the following using appropriate chemical principles.
(a) Why does it take longer to cook an egg in $oiling &ater at high altit#de than it does at
sea le"el'
($) When N0
gas is $#$$led into an a.#eo#s sol#tion o C#Cl
% a precipitate orms
initially. 7n #rther $#$$ling% the precipitate disappears. -!plain these t&o o$ser"ations.
(c) Dimethyl ether% 0
% is not "ery sol#$le in &ater. Dra& a str#ct#ral isomer o
dimethyl ether that is m#ch more sol#$le in &ater and e!plain the $asis o its increased
&ater sol#$ility.

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