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Test Part 2

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Test: Part two

AT least 37 correct. Answers are in te !ac" o# te !oo". It$s !est to a%e a #rien& cec"
'o(r score te #irst ti)e* so 'o( won$t )e)ori+e te answers i# 'o( want to ta"e te test
-. A series circ(it as a resistance o# -.. / an& a ca0aciti%e reactance o# 12.. /.
Te co)0le3 i)0e&ance is4
A. 12.. 5 6-...
7. -.. 5 62...
C. 2.. 1 6-...
D. 2.. 5 6-...
E. -.. 1 62...
2. 8(t(al in&(ctance ca(ses te net %al(e o# a set o# coils to4
A. Cancel o(t* res(ltin, in +ero in&(ctance.
7. 7e ,reater tan wat it wo(l& !e wit no )(t(al co(0lin,.
C. 7e less tan wat it wo(l& !e wit no )(t(al co(0lin,.
D. Do(!le.
E. 9ar'* &e0en&in, on te e3tent an& 0ase o# )(t(al co(0lin,.
3. Re#er to Fi,. TEST 21-. Wa%e A is4
A. :ea&in, wa%e 7 !' ;. &e,rees.
7. :a,,in, wa%e 7 !' ;. &e,rees.
C. :ea&in, wa%e 7 !' -<. &e,rees.
D. :a,,in, wa%e 7 !' -3= &e,rees.
E. :a,,in, wa%e 7 !' >= &e,rees.
>. A sine wa%e as a 0ea" %al(e o# 3... 9. Its r)s %al(e is4
A. 2-.2 9.
7. 3... 9.
C. >2.> 9.
D. ?... 9.
E. ;... 9.
=. Fo(r ca0acitors are connecte& in 0arallel. Teir %al(es are -.. 0F eac. Te
net ca0acitance is4
A. 2= 0F.
7. =. 0F.
C. -.. 0F.
D. 2.. 0F.
E. >.. 0F.
?. A trans#or)er as a 0ri)ar'1to1secon&ar' t(rns ratio o# e3actl' <.<<4-. Te
in0(t %olta,e is 23> 9 r)s. Te o(t0(t %olta,e is4
A. 2..< "9 r)s.
7. -<.= "9 r)s.
C. 2.;7 9 r)s.
D. 2?.> 9 r)s.
E. 2..< 9 r)s.
7. In a series R: circ(it* as te resistance !eco)es s)all co)0are& wit te
reactance* te an,le o# la, a00roaces4
A. . &e,rees.
7. >= &e,rees.
C. ;. &e,rees.
D. -<. &e,rees.
E. 3?. &e,rees.
<. A trans)ission line carries 3.=. A o# ac c(rrent an& -=. 9 ac. Te true power
in te line is4
A. =2= W.
7. >2.; W.
C. -.<> W.
D. 8eanin,less@ tr(e 0ower is &issi0ate&* not trans)itte&.
E. 9aria!le* &e0en&in, on stan&in, wa%e e##ects.
;. In a 0arallel con#i,(ration* s(sce0tances4
A. Si)0l' a&& (0.
7. A&& li"e ca0acitances in series.
C. A&& li"e in&(ctances in 0arallel.
D. 8(st !e can,e& to reactances !e#ore 'o( can wor" wit te).
E. Cancel o(t.
-.. A wa%e as a #reA(enc' o# 2.. "H+. How )an' &e,rees o# 0ase can,e occ(r
in a )icrosecon& Ba )illiont o# a secon&CD
A. -<. &e,rees.
7. ->> &e,rees.
C. -2. &e,rees.
D. ;. &e,rees.
E. 72 &e,rees.
--. At a #reA(enc' o# 2.== 8H+* a 33.10F ca0acitor as a reactance o#4
A. 1=.2< /
7. 1....=2< /
C. 1-<; /
D. 1-<.;" /
E. 1.....-<; /
-2. A trans#or)er as a ste01(0 t(rns ratio o# -43.-?. Te o(t0(t i)0e&ance is >;;
/ 0(rel' resisti%e. Te in0(t i)0e&ance is4
A. =... /
7. -=< /
C. -.=<" /
D. >.;<" /
E. Not &eter)ina!le #ro) te &ata ,i%en.
-3. A co)0le3 i)0e&ance is re0resente& !' 3> 1 j23. Te a!sol(te1%al(e
i)0e&ance is4
A. 3> /
7. -- /
C. 123 /
D. >- /
E. =7 /
->. A coil as an in&(ctance o# 7=. EH. Te in&(cti%e reactance at -.. "H+ is4
A. 7=.. /
7. 7=.. "/
C. >7- /
D. >7.- "/
E. 2-2 /
-=. Two wa%es are -<. &e,rees o(t o# 0ase. Tis is a &i##erence o#4
A. -F< c'cle.
7. -F> c'cle.
C. -F2 c'cle.
D. A #(ll c'cle.
E. Two #(ll c'cles.
-?. I# R &enotes resistance an& Z &enotes a!sol(te1%al(e i)0e&ance* ten RFZ is
A. Tr(e 0ower.
7. I)a,inar' 0ower.
C. A00arent 0ower.
D. A!sol(te1%al(e 0ower.
E. Gower #actor.
-7. Two co)0le3 i)0e&ances are in series. One is 3. 5 j=. an& te oter is =. 1
j3.. Te net i)0e&ance is4
A. <. 5 j<..
7. 2. 5 j2..
C. 2. 1 j2..
D. 12. 5 j2..
E. <. 5 j2..
-<. Two in&(ctors* a%in, %al(es o# ->. EH an& -.=. )H* are connecte& in series.
Te net in&(ctance is4
A. ->-.= EH.
7. -.?> EH.
C. ..->-= )H.
D. -.?> )H.
E. ..-?> )H.
-;. Wic o# te #ollowin, t'0es o# ca0acitor is 0olari+e&D
A. 8ica.
7. Ga0er.
C. Electrol'tic.
D. Air %aria!le.
E. Cera)ic.
2.. A toroi&al1core coil4
A. Has lower in&(ctance tan an air1core coil wit te sa)e n()!er o# t(rns.
7. Is essentiall' sel#1siel&in,.
C. Wor"s well as a loo0stic" antenna.
D. Is i&eal as a trans)ission1line trans#or)er.
E. Cannot !e (se& at #reA(encies !elow a!o(t -. 8H+.
2-. Te e##icienc' o# a ,enerator4
A. De0en&s on te &ri%in, 0ower so(rce.
7. Is eA(al to o(t0(t 0ower &i%i&e& !' &ri%in, 0ower.
C. De0en&s on te nat(re o# te loa&.
D. Is eA(al to &ri%in, %olta,e &i%i&e& !' o(t0(t %olta,e.
E. Is eA(al to &ri%in, c(rrent &i%i&e& !' o(t0(t c(rrent.
22. A&)ittance is4
A. Te reci0rocal o# reactance.
7. Te reci0rocal o# resistance.
C. A )eas(re o# te o00osition a circ(it o##ers to ac.
D. A )eas(re o# te ease wit wic a circ(it 0asses ac.
E. Anoter e30ression #or a!sol(te1%al(e i)0e&ance.
23. Te a!sol(te1%al(e i)0e&ance Z o# a 0arallel R:C circ(it* were R is te
resistance an& X is te net reactance* is #o(n& accor&in, to te #or)(la4
A. Z H R 5 X.
7. Z^2 HR^2 5 X^2.
C. Z^2 HRX F BR^2 5 X^2C.
D. I H -FBR^2 5 X^2C.
E. Z H R^2 X^2 / (R 5 XC.
2>. Co)0le3 n()!ers are (se& to re0resent i)0e&ance !eca(se4
A. Reactance cannot store 0ower.
7. Reactance isn$t a real 0'sical tin,.
C. Te' 0ro%i&e a wa' to re0resent wat a00ens in resistance1reactance
D. En,ineers li"e to wor" wit so0isticate& )ate)atics.
E. NoJ Co)0le3 n()!ers aren$t (se& to re0resent i)0e&ance.
2=. Wic o# te #ollowin, &oes not a##ect te ca0acitance o# a ca0acitorD
A. Te )(t(al s(r#ace area o# te 0lates.
7. Te &ielectric constant o# te )aterial !etween te 0lates Bwitin reasonC.
C. Te s0acin, !etween te 0lates Bwitin reasonC.
D. Te a)o(nt o# o%erla0 !etween 0lates.
E. Te #reA(enc' Bwitin reasonC.
2?. Te +ero1&e,ree 0ase 0oint in an ac sine wa%e is (s(all' consi&ere& to !e te
instant at wic te a)0lit(&e is4
A. Iero an& ne,ati%e1,oin,.
7. At its ne,ati%e 0ea".
C. Iero an& 0ositi%e1,oin,.
D. At its 0ositi%e 0ea".
E. An' %al(e@ it &oesn$t )atter.
27. Te in&(ctance o# a coil can !e contin(o(sl' %arie& !'4
A. 9ar'in, te #reA(enc'.
7. 9ar'in, te net core 0er)ea!ilit'.
C. 9ar'in, te c(rrent in te coil.
D. 9ar'in, te wa%elen,t.
E. 9ar'in, te %olta,e across te coil.
2<. Gower #actor is &e#ine& as te ratio o#4
A. Tr(e 0ower to 9A 0ower.
7. Tr(e 0ower to i)a,inar' 0ower.
C. I)a,inar' 0ower to 9A 0ower.
D. I)a,inar' 0ower to tr(e 0ower.
E. 9A 0ower to tr(e 0ower.
2;. A =. / #ee& line nee&s to !e )atce& to an antenna wit a 0(rel' resisti%e
i)0e&ance o# 2.. /. A A(arter1wa%e )atcin, section so(l& a%e4
A. Zo H -=. /
7. Zo H 2=. /
C. Zo H -2= /
D. Zo H -33 /
E. Zo H -.. /
3.. Te %ector >. 5 j3. re0resents4
A. >. / resistance an& 3. EH in&(ctance.
7. >. (H in&(ctance an& 3. / resistance.
C. >. / resistance an& 3. / in&(cti%e reactance.
D. >. / in&(cti%e reactance an& 3. / resistance.
E. >. (H in&(cti%e reactance an& 3. / resistance.
3-. In a series RC circ(it* were* R H 3.. / an& XC H 13. /4
A. Te c(rrent lea&s te %olta,e !' a #ew &e,rees.
7. Te c(rrent lea&s te %olta,e !' al)ost ;. &e,rees.
C. Te %olta,e lea&s te c(rrent !' a #ew &e,rees.
D. Te %olta,e lea&s te c(rrent !' al)ost ;. &e,rees.
E. Te %olta,e lea&s te c(rrent !' ;. &e,rees.
32. In a ste01&own trans#or)er4
A. Te 0ri)ar' %olta,e is ,reater tan te secon&ar' %olta,e.
7. Te 0ri)ar' i)0e&ance is less tan te secon&ar' i)0e&ance.
C. Te secon&ar' %olta,e is ,reater tan te 0ri)ar' %olta,e.
D. Te o(t0(t #reA(enc' is i,er tan te in0(t #reA(enc'.
E. Te o(t0(t #reA(enc' is lower tan te in0(t #reA(enc'.
33. A ca0acitor o# >7. 0F is in 0arallel wit an in&(ctor o# >.>> EH. Wat is te
resonant #reA(enc'D
A. 3.>; 8H+.
7. 3.>; "H+.
C. -3.. 8H+.
D. -3.. GH+.
E. Not &eter)ina!le #ro) te &ata ,i%en.
3>. A sine wa%e contains ener,' at4
A. K(st one #reA(enc'.
7. A #reA(enc' an& its e%en ar)onics.
C. A #reA(enc' an& its o&& ar)onics.
D. A #reA(enc' an& all its ar)onics.
E. A #reA(enc' an& its secon& ar)onic onl'.
3=. In&(cti%e s(sce0tance is4
A. Te reci0rocal o# in&(ctance.
7. Ne,ati%e i)a,inar'.
C. EA(al to ca0aciti%e reactance.
D. Te reci0rocal o# ca0aciti%e s(sce0tance.
E. A )eas(re o# te o00osition a coil o##ers to ac.
3?. Te rate o# can,e B&eri%ati%eC o# a sine wa%e is itsel# a wa%e tat4
A. Is in 0ase wit te ori,inal wa%e.
7. Is -<. &e,rees o(t o# 0ase wit te ori,inal wa%e.
C. :ea&s te ori,inal wa%e !' >= &e,rees o# 0ase.
D. :a,s te ori,inal wa%e !' ;. &e,rees o# 0ase.
E. :ea&s te ori,inal wa%e !' ;. &e,rees o# 0ase.
37. Tr(e 0ower is eA(al to4
A. 9A 0ower 0l(s i)a,inar' 0ower.
7. I)a,inar' 0ower )in(s 9A 0ower.
C. 9ector &i##erence o# 9A an& reacti%e 0ower.
D. 9A 0ower@ te two are te sa)e tin,.
E. ..7.7 ti)es te 9A 0ower.
3<. Tree ca0acitors are connecte& in series. Teir %al(es are >7 EF* ?< EF* an&
-.. EF. Te total ca0acitance is4
A. 2-= EF.
7. 7etween ?< EF an& -.. EF.
C. 7etween >7 EF an& ?< EF.
D. 22 EF.
E. Not &eter)ina!le #ro) te &ata ,i%en.
3;. Te reactance o# a section o# trans)ission line &e0en&s on all o# te #ollowin,
A. Te %elocit' #actor o# te line.
7. Te len,t o# te section.
C. Te c(rrent in te line.
D. Te #reA(enc'.
E. Te wa%elen,t.
>.. Wen con#ronte& wit a 0arallel R:C circ(it an& 'o( nee& to #in& te co)0le3
A. K(st a&& te resistance an& reactance to ,et R 5 jX.
7. Fin& te net con&(ctance an& s(sce0tance* ten con%ert to resistance an&
reactance* an& a&& tese to ,et R 5 jX.
C. Fin& te net con&(ctance an& s(sce0tance* an& 6(st a&& tese to,eter to
,et R 5 jX.
D. Rearran,e te co)0onents so te'$re in series* an& #in& te co)0le3
i)0e&ance o# tat circ(it.
E. S(!tract reactance #ro) resistance to ,et R 1 jX.
>-. Te ill(stration in Fi,. Test 212 sows a %ector R 5 jX re0resentin,4
A. XC H ?. / an& R H 2= /
7. X: H ?. . an& R H 2= /
C. X: H ?. EH an& R H 2= /
D. C H ?. EF an& R H 2= /
E. L H ?. EH an& R H 2= /
>2. I# two sine wa%es a%e te sa)e #reA(enc' an& te sa)e a)0lit(&e* !(t te'
cancel o(t* te 0ase &i##erence is4
A. >= &e,rees.
7. ;. &e,rees.
C. -<. &e,rees.
D. 27. &e,rees.
E. 3?. &e,rees.
>3. A series circ(it as a resistance o# =. / an& a ca0aciti%e reactance o# 137 /.
Te 0ase an,le is4
A. 37 &e,rees.
7. =3 &e,rees.
C. 137 &e,rees.
D. 1=3 &e,rees.
E. Not &eter)ina!le #ro) te &ata ,i%en.
>>. A 2..1/ resistor is in series wit a coil an& ca0acitor@ X: H 2.. / an& XC H
1-.. /. Te co)0le3 i)0e&ance is4
A. 2.. 1 j-...
7. 2.. 1 j2...
C. 2.. 5 j-...
D. 2.. 5 j2...
E. Not &eter)ina!le #ro) te &ata ,i%en.
>=. Te caracteristic i)0e&ance o# a trans)ission line4
A. Is ne,ati%e i)a,inar'.
7. Is 0ositi%e i)a,inar'.
C. De0en&s on te #reA(enc'.
D. De0en&s on te constr(ction o# te line.
E. De0en&s on te len,t o# te line.
>?. Te 0erio& o# a wa%e is 2 3 -.L1< secon&. Te #reA(enc' is4
A. 2 3 -.L< H+.
7. 2. 8H+.
C. =. "H+.
D. =. 8H+.
E. =.. 8H+.
>7. A series circ(it as a resistance o# ?.. / an& a ca0acitance o# 22. 0F. Te
0ase an,le is4
A. 12. &e,rees.
7. 2. &e,rees.
C. 17. &e,rees.
D. 7. &e,rees.
E. Not &eter)ina!le #ro) te &ata ,i%en.
><. A ca0acitor wit a ne,ati%e te)0erat(re coe##icient4
A. Wor"s less well as te te)0erat(re increases.
7. Wor"s !etter as te te)0erat(re increases.
C. Heats (0 as its %al(e is )a&e lar,er.
D. Cools &own as its %al(e is )a&e lar,er.
E. Has increasin, ca0acitance as te)0erat(re ,oes &own.
>;. Tree coils are connecte& in 0arallel. Eac as an in&(ctance o# 3..EH. Tere
is no )(t(al in&(ctance. Te net in&(ctance is4
A. -.. EH.
7. 3.. EH.
C. ;.. EH.
D. -7.3 EH.
E. -73 EH.
=.. An in&(ctor sows -.. / o# reactance at 3... 8H+. Wat is its in&(ctanceD
A. ..=3- EH.
7. -<.< )H.
C. =3- EH.
D. -<.< EH.
E. It can$t !e #o(n& #ro) te &ata ,i%en.

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