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State Magazine, May 2014

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Embassy Sustains Vital Partnership

in World's Largest Metropolis

Picturing Disability
Art Programs in Seoul
Challenge Preconceptions
Lost in Mexico
ACS Tijuanas Efforts
Help Reunite Family
May 2014
Villagers from Laki Tatu, Tanzania,
net sh from the small pond they
created with assistance from USAID.
Photo by Sharon Ketchum
Fighting Hunger
USUN Rome addresses
global food security
May 2014 // Issue Number 589
Seen through a break in the surrounding
evergreens, the Imperial Palace overlooks
a massive green space in the bustling heart
of Tokyo.
Photo by Isaac D. Pacheco
9 College Fair
Embassy Bridgetown promotes diversity
10 Popular Fellowships
Volunteers assess wave of African applicants
12 Paws that Refresh
Terapy dog helps Mission Kenya unwind
14 Picturing Disability
Seoul programs challenge preconceptions
16 Soccer Diplomacy
Envoys help Bangladesh dream big
18 Tokyo Life
Partnership thrives in Japans capital
26 New Perspectives
Eagleburger Fellows taste corporate life
28 Women in Uniform
Embassy Kabul helps protect the protectors
30 Lost in Mexico
ACS Tijuanas eforts help reunite family
2 Post One
3 America the Beautiful
4 In the News
8 Diversity Notes
34 In Brief
36 Appointments
37 Lying in State
38 Safety Scene
39 Obituaries
40 End State
On The Cover
Isaac D. Pacheco //
Deputy Editor
Ed Warner //
Associate Editor
Bill Palmer //
Art Director
Peter Ziff //
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State Magazine (ISSN 10994165) is
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Te exhibit showcased the work of more
than 100 photographers who are blind or
have limited sight, dispelling the notion
that sight is a prerequisite for participating
in a predominantly visual medium. Te
artists work also demonstrated that the
term vision is anything but literal, and
refers instead to the conceptual process that
draws on all of the artists senses.
In describing how a photographer
realizes his or her vision, Ansel Adams once
wrote that Te negative is the score, the
print is the performance. Artists in the
Sight Unseen exhibition relied on senses
other than sight to guide their creativity
and translate their mental negatives
into visual performances that audiences
could appreciate. Teir work confrmed
that photography is a truly democratic art
form, and that disability does not limit
an individuals imagination or capacity
for creative expression. Be sure to check
out the full story about Embassy Seouls
innovative arts outreach on page 14.
Photography was once
the realm of professionals
and rich amateurs, but the
emergence of inexpensive
digital technology over
the past two decades has
helped lower the threshold
for participation in this
once-exclusive medium.
Digital photography
has made it easier to
share ones vision with
the world, and the use of digital imagery
online has helped defne new types of social
interaction and participatory culture.
In this technological era where a computer
chip creates an image from a compilation
of electronic data, the precise defnition of
photography as a medium has become less
clear. What remains clear is that for all of
digital photographys innovations, it has
not replaced the photographers vision or,
more correctly, his or her ability to mentally
visualize a scene.
Todays camera technologies can automati-
cally select fash levels that fll harsh shadows
or overpowering light sources. Te cameras
can ensure that dominant elements of the
frame are in focus, and can even meter
scenes with advanced light sensors that
create well-balanced exposures. What none
of these technologies can or will ever be able
to do is replace the human imagination. It
is an artists synergistic interaction with the
technology, medium and environment that
dictates the fnal output.
A recent photo exhibition sponsored by
the U.S. Embassy in Seoul, in collaboration
with the University of California, Riversides
California Museum of Photography,
highlighted the importance of the photogra-
phers vision in a unique and paradoxical way.
Envisioning Art
State Magazine Editor Isaac D. Pacheco snaps a
shot with a telephoto lens while on assignment
in Japan for this month's cover story on the U.S.
Embassy in Tokyo.
Photo by William Ng
The Blackwater River spills over a 62-foot
(19 m) cascade at Blackwater Falls State
Park in the Allegheny Mountains of West
Virginia. The site is a popular destination
for tourists visiting the states scenic
Canaan Valley.
Photo by Isaac D. Pacheco
Online program brings classroom to students
Using an Internet-based training product called AvayaLive Engage,
FSIs School of Applied Information Technology (SAIT) is training IT
professionals by providing an instructor-led, real-time learning envi-
ronment. Now, students need not travel; they can take such classes as
CompTIA Security+ on a home computer connected to the Internet or
on a posts Dedicated Internet Network. AvayaLive Engage combines
the best features of a traditional classroom with an avatar-based online
learning experience.
Using AvayaLives Web collaboration tool, students and instructors
participate in real-time training, including virtual labs. Instructors can
tailor their hours to coincide with the operating hours of a post. When
students fnish the course, they receive the same FSI accreditation
they would receive from a physical-classroom-based course. A recent
AvayaLive CompTIA Security + class included students supporting 12
missions in Europe and Africa.
AvayaLive is based on video-gaming principles and uses a movable
avatar representing the student. To start a course, students log in to the
program and create an avatar that can be personalized by changing cloth-
ing, hair and facial contours. Tey next complete a short orientation
session with the instructors. A reference guide on the wall in the courses
main foyer helps participants locate the designated lecture area.
Te course has a virtual main lecture area and virtual images of seat-
ing, a stage with a podium, several screens behind the stage containing
cybersecurity articles, a PowerPoint presentation and videos or PDFs.
Of to the right are stairs that lead to virtual breakout areas.
Participants can hear those closest to them but not conversations on
the other side of the virtual room. A text/chat feature allows instructors
and students to use the virtual breakout rooms in small groups to work
on projects or discuss a topic associated with that room. In these rooms,
students can access fles stored in a drop box, brainstorm on a white-
board or watch online content like YouTube videos. Tey may partici-
pate in real-time collaboration from diferent countries (though usually
in nearby time zones).
Since January, approximately 24 participants from four bureaus
geographic regions have used this virtual classroom. Many gave it high
marks, noting similarities with traditional classroom learning, in particu-
lar the interactivity and ability to utilize a wealth of online materials in
real time. Te student feedback helped to adjust the delivery of future
classes. SAIT is pursing plans to ofer this training for other Microsoft
courses geared for systems administrators.
FSI ofers many distance-learning courses, and numerous IT-based
classes are available through FSIs Learn Center.
Staff involved with AvayaLive Engage included, from left, Systems Branch Chief
Charles Van Sickle, ET Division Director David Jesser and instructors Mitchel Weiss,
Mark Eoff, Kathleen Foster and Greg Fox. Kneeling are, from left, instructors Carrie
Fox-Myers and Douglas Wells.
Photo by FSI
In the News
Santa Fe Institute of American Indian Arts and OCAD University artists and instructors gather with
Consul General Jim Dickmeyer, sixth from right, and Public Affairs Ofcer Scott Walker, second
from right.
Photo by Consulate General Toronto
To build on the connections started by the calendar project, the consulate pro-
vided a travel grant to OCAD U to bring the IAIA students and a faculty member
to Toronto.Te IAIA group gave a public lecture, attended a class in OCAD Us In-
digenous Visual Studies program, visited leading Toronto museums and toured the
consulate. At an OCAD U-hosted reception, U.S. Consul General Jim Dickmeyer
told the gathering, To have the opportunity to participate in this kind of exchange
of talent and energy, and all that youre putting together here, is one of the main
reasons I love being involved in diplomacy.
Representatives of both schools said they want to keep the connection going and
conduct future exchanges.
Te U.S. Consulate General in Toronto spearheaded a
collaborative project between the Indigenous Visual Studies
Program at the Ontario College of Art and Design University
(OCAD U) and the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA)
in Santa Fe, N.M., to create a 2014 calendar with the theme
We Are All Related.
Torontos public afairs section initially contacted the
nearby OCAD U to explore having their art students create
a calendar on a U.S.-Canada theme.Te dean of the School
of Arts suggested an indigenous theme, given the importance
of indigenous cultures and people to both countries, and the
post reached out to IAIA, where the idea was also warmly
Te calendars theme, a Lakota tribal saying, captures
the close relationships between native peoples on both sides
of the border and American-Canadian connections gener-
ally.Photos of native art in a range of styles, from traditional
to modern and abstract, illustrate each month. Six pieces
were selected from students and recent graduates of OCAD
U and six from IAIA students. Te U.S. Embassy in Ottawa
paid for the printing of 2,000 copies, which were distributed
to embassy and consulate contacts across Canada.
Calendar Helps Post
Build Connections
Embassy Baghdad employees enjoy the new souk.
Photo by Johanna Klees
transformation of the space is fantastic; it is great to have these shops right here on the embassy compound, said Vice Consul Damon Goforth at
the grand opening. Te souks customers include Foreign Service ofcers and their partners, Iraqi employees, third-country-national employees and
contractors from around the world who are interested in buying goods for their residences here and as gifts for home. Refugee Admissions Coordina-
tor Gillian Apfel, who attended the opening with friends, said, I saw one of our local staf wearing a beautiful scarf and really wanted one.I was so
excited that they had them at the souk and bought many of them for my family and friends!
On Feb. 15, the frst permanent souk, an open-air market popular
in the Arab world, opened on the grounds of the U.S. Embassy in
Baghdad. Te souk will be open seven days a week for embassy em-
ployees to purchase a range of Iraqi goods, from traditional carpets to
household electronics and art.
Te idea for the souk originated last year with Deputy Facilities
Manager Ray Meininger. He cited the closure of nearby properties and
security restrictions that prohibit shopping outside the embassy com-
pound. He said the American Embassy Baghdad Employee Association
(AEBEA) wanted a shopping opportunity and cultural learning experi-
ence that would also create commerce for Iraqi businesses.
Meininger and fellow AEBEA board members approached local
vendors working in the International Zone, many of whom have been
selling goods to Americans for years. Vendors were delighted to move
into the embassy compound. Based on community needs, the board
recruited nine vendors, including a tailor, a cobbler, two artists, an
antiquities vendor, a carpet store and an electronics shop.
Using his facilities expertise, Meininger spearheaded the construc-
tion and design plans for the souk, repurposing portable buildings into
small shops for the selected vendors, building a sun shade structure and
adding Middle Eastern-style lanterns for atmosphere. Board mem-
bers coordinated closely with the regional security ofce over several
months to allow access for the vendors and their goods.
Te embassy community has been thrilled with the result. Te
Baghdad Opens First Embassy Souk
Participants in the Ofce Olympics rubber band archery competition included, from
left, Karen Avagyan, Karen Mirzoyan, Aaron Cummings, Ani Melkumyan, Artak Palian
and Ashot Hakobyan.
Photo by Anush Babajanyan
every day, said Ambassador John Hefern.
Te Games had many rules, and many LE Staf relied on their American colleagues to explain such terms as slam dunk and fshtailing.
Participation was high and, included some Armenian colleagues whod never participated in a mission event before. We felt welcomed to form a
team and participate, said one LE Staf member. It was a great opportunity to have fun and show what we can do. Teams made up exclusively of
LE Staf got the gold and silver medals.
To date, approximately 10 other missions have requested the nuts and bolts of how to do this event after seeing it reported through the CLO
Listserv. Future events include outdoor competitions like the cafeteria tray relay and lawn chair gymnastics. Te Front Ofce has promised to feld a
team for the next Games.
Although no one at the U.S. Embassy in Yerevan attended the Winter
Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia, this year, several staf members did
participate in the posts frst Ofce Olympics. Organized by the CLO,
the events included a paper airplane toss, mouse pad discus, trash can
basketball, Post-it Note fencing and ofce chair bobsledding.
Laura Fredericks, assistant community liaison ofce coordinator,
was hired especially to provide programming of fun events, said CLO
Coordinator Molly Rydzynski, adding that Fredericks and Locally
Employed (LE) Staf Sona Sargsyan had a hit with the Ofce Olympics.
Te Games opened with a video in which several staf members carried
an Olympic torch around Yerevan, Armenias capital. With the video
fading to black, DCM Woodward Clark Price burst into the embassys
main entrance, lighting the fame to open the Games.
Each team sported its own fag and country afliation, and each
event involved two members of each team. Seven teams participated,
representing a third of all staf.
Events were held every day for two weeks, during the lunch hour.
Points were given for event medals, and the fnal total determined the
winners, who were honored during the closing ceremony hosted by the
Te teamwork shown by this event speaks to what you do as a team
Ofce Olympics Held in Yerevan
The virtual classroom has, at left, a display showing an
Internet feed and, at right, a display showing course content
Photo by Michael Washington
Te Bureau of Diplomatic Securitys Information Assurance Branch (IAB) recently chal-
lenged the Departments cybersecurity professionals to design avatars, computer-generated
representations of themselves, and use them to move through a simulated embassy environ-
ment that measured their ability to protect the Departments unclassifed information system.
Ten cyber sleuths accepted the challenge. Te event, similar to a role-playing computer game,
let participants practice their skills in fnding and fxing security vulnerabilities.
IAB chose a virtual environment for the Cybersecurity Challenge to showcase how an
innovative use of technology can enhance and improve the training experience. Funded by
the Information Resource Management Bureaus Information Technology Innovation Fund,
the scenario scripted by IAB created an embassy-like setting that allowed participants to be
fully immersed in the exercise. In the background, the Challenge identifed training gaps,
measured participants learning and provided lessons about improving the virtual experience
for future Challenges. Te virtual environment allowed for worldwide participation without
the travel costs normally associated with training.
Participants enjoyed the exercise. System Administrator Srinivas Kumar of the U.S. Em-
bassy in New Delhi said the challenge was an excellent experience and the frst time I had
seen something like this. Kudos to the team for conceptualizing it and making it a reality.
Te Challenges winners, Colin Hankey and Isaac Tawalah of the U.S. Embassy in Monro-
via, the Black Mambas team, exemplifed the technical, collaborative and problem-solving
skills required to defend Department networks. Tey received a Meritorious Honor Award
and an opportunity to meet with Department Chief Information Security Ofcer Bill Lay.
Te Bureau of Diplomatic Security hopes the success of the Cybersecurity Challenge will
encourage further training innovations across the Department.
DS Holds Cybersecurity Challenge
On March 3 U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai inaugurated its $5 million
expansion, which efectively doubles the consular sections workspace and adds 16
interview windows to the current 12.
Under Secretary for Management Patrick F. Kennedy, Consular Afairs Principal
Deputy Assistant Secretary Michele T. Bond and Shanghai Consul General Robert
Grifths cut the ribbon and unveiled a plaque.
Shanghai, like all of Mission China, has experienced double-digit growth in visa
demand that continues unabated. In 2010, Shanghais consular section frst sur-
passed 100,000 visas per year; last year, it handled more than 400,000. Wait times
remain below one week, typically two to three days.
Next, CG Shanghai expects to create a new American citizen services waiting
room and work area to meet the needs of the estimated 50,000 U.S. citizens living
in the Shanghai consular district. Tat project is likely to begin this summer.
Cutting the ribbon to open Shanghais expanded consular area in March
are, from left, Shanghai Consul General Robert Grifths, Under Secretary
for Management Patrick Kennedy and Principal Deputy Assistant Secre-
tary for Consular Affairs Michele Bond.
Photo by Roger Huang
Consulate General
Shanghai Expands
General Services ofcers often worry about accounting for millions
of dollars in government property, staying within strict federal acquisi-
tion guidelines when buying goods and services, clearing and delivering
personal efects and supplies (especially in landlocked countries) and
ensuring safe ground transportation or hospitable housing.
To achieve these goals, GSOs operate the logistical platforms to man-
age housing, travel, shipping, warehousing, procurement and motor pool
services. In March, the Executive Ofce of the Bureau of African Afairs
and the Bureau of Administrations Ofce of Logistics Management (A/
LM) sponsored a workshop for GSOs assigned to AF posts in recogni-
tion of the challenges of logistics in West Africa. At the event in Dakar,
Senegal, 12 participants talked shop, networked and learned.
GSOs rely on the Departments Integrated Logistics Management
System (ILMS), so A/LM Branch Chief Nathalie Stevens and veteran
ILMS trainer Sara Rangos came to Dakar to assist with the training.
Participants manipulated live data and learned to produce advanced
performance metrics, such as procurement cycle times and asset on-
hand reports. Tey also visited Mission Senegals ofsite warehouse and
reviewed practices on receiving, transferring and disposing of property.
Tey witnessed the palletizing and wrapping used to protect stored
household furnishings against heat, humidity and dust.
Te two trainers produced post-specifc reviews and noted areas for
Senior OBO Interior Designer Stephanie Shifer spoke about ofcial
residence preparations, and Ambassador to Senegal and Guinea-Bissau
Lewis Lukenswho was once a GSO in West Africaofered candid
career advice about the management profession.
Embassy Dakar and the participating GSOs agreed: Replicating this
model of in-service regional logistical training can help make better
GSOs in the feld.
GSOs from posts in West Africa gather in front of the
new U.S. Embassy in Dakar.
Photo by Katarina Zegarac
GSOs in Africa Learn Logistics
Despite our diferences, each generation
has much to ofer the world. Te idea of
instinctively using Google to quickly fnd
answers to the most seemingly complicated
questions is indeed a benefcial lesson that
millennials have taught boomers. Remember
that each generation has been marked by
shared public eventsthe Korean and
Vietnam conficts, the draft, the arrival of
the Beatles, the assassinations of John F.
Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., 9/11,
the invention of Facebook and whatever
happened last week. So the deep sentiments of
the four generations may vary greatly.
But a few values should not vary at State
dedication to Americas foreign policy and
diplomacy goals, a deep and abiding loyalty
to our country, faith in the American spirit
and mutual respect for all who dedicate their
professional lives to our mission, regardless of
age or circumstance. If that is our workplace
mantra, then State will be fne now and for
generations to come.
With the arrival of each new Civil Service hire, A100 Class,
appointee or intern we welcome various generations into our
workforce. Te gap in age between employees has never been
more prevalent as baby boomers, like myself, delay retirement
and work alongside colleagues who are the same age as their
children or even grandchildren. As our workforce demographics
shift, it is important to consider the impact of age diversity. For
the frst time in history, there are substantially four generations
in our workforce. Tey are:
Millennials: Born after 1980,
Gen X: Born between 1965 and 1980,
Baby Boomers: Born between 1946 and 1964, and
Silent Generation: Born between 1925 and 1945.
Although the generations share similar ideals and
characteristics, their preferences and habits in the workplace may
greatly difer. So, how do you harness the benefts of a multi-
generational workforce and decrease the potential for discord?
By focusing on commonalities. By taking the time to fnd
common ground and mutual understanding, we can embrace
diversity of age and create a more inclusive work environment
where each generation can contribute its unique strengths
and talents. And when this is done well, we can forge stronger
working relationships that will lead to a more engaged and
productive workforce.
One way to fnd common ground is to dig deeper to dispel
the inevitable stereotypes that exist about each generation.
Perhaps you have heard that millennials are egocentric or that
baby boomers lack innovation or that members of the Silent
Generation are Luddites when it comes to technology? Such
assumptions and preconceived notions should be avoided.
Rather, we must be willing to engage in dialogue, which may
at times be uncomfortable, about our perspectives, motivations
and preferences in order to better understand one another.
Managers especially need to understand the best practical
ways to engage employees from all generations in order to
harness their strengths and skills. Here are some strategies from
Generations at Work: Managing the Clash of Veterans, Boomers,
Xers, and Nexters in Your Workplace by Ron Zemke, Claire
Raines and Bob Filipczak:
Treat all of your employees as you treat customers. Know
and respect their interests and what is important to them.
Ofer fexible workplace options. Boomers may need to
leave early to tend to aging parents. Gen Xers may need to arrive
late, after dropping children of at child care.
Respect competence and initiative however it looks or
dresses. You can be a loyal American and also have a modest
tattooor two or three.
Hire the right people and nourish retention. Look especially
for those employees who embrace diferences of many kinds,
including age.
Embracing Generational Diversity
Te U.S. Embassy in Bridgetown pulled out all the stops in
February to highlight Black History Month and promote President
Obamas100,000 Strong in the Americas initiative with a college
fair that drew students, parents, faculty, alumni and the public. Te
presidential initiative aims to increase international study in Latin
America and the Caribbean, as well as foster region wide prosperity
through greater international exchange of students.
Every year since 1997, Barbados has held a national college fair
that attracts U.S. schools. Embassy Bridgetowns public afairs section
organized its college fair specifcally for Historically Black Colleges
and Universities (HBCU), to promote more diverse opportunities for
Caribbean students.
As HBCUs are historically underrepresented at international
college fairs and also underrepresented within 100,000 Strong in
the Americas, we wanted to showcase the rich diversity of higher
education options in the United States, said Public Afairs Ofcer
Yolonda Kerney.
Te fair showcased a mix of HBCUs from diferent states and
specializations. Originally, the plan was to bring fve HBCU
admissions representatives to Barbados, but as interest grew the
number increased to nine, with three others participating virtually.
Speakers included HBCU alumna Dr. Gwendolyn Boyd, president of
Alabama State University and the frst female president of an HBCU,
and Grenadian Prime Minister Dr. Keith Mitchell, an alumnus and
former professor of the HBCU Howard University.
Ambassador Larry Palmer, also an HBCU alumnus, addressed the
more than 600 students, parents, teachers and guidance counselors
on the history and importance of HBCUs, especially when U.S.
educational opportunities were limited for people of color. Te very
frst class of students at Howard University included black, white and
Native American students, he said. So even at their establishment,
HBCUs were inclusive, and we think that its a testament to our core
American values.
Prime Minister Mitchell encouraged students to be open to new
opportunities and experiences at home and abroad. Boyd, the frst
African American woman to receive a masters degree in mechanical
engineering from Yale University, advised that, if your dreams dont
scare you, they arent big enough. Because a signifcant number of
college-bound students from the Caribbean are female, the embassy
wanted Boyd to speak on why she decided to attend two HBCUs and
why an HBCU education has unique appeal for Caribbean students.
Twelve HBCU admissions representatives highlighted their
curriculums, specializations and notable alumni. Schools represented
included Fisk University, Alabama A&M University, North Carolina
A&T University, Texas Southern University, Bethune-Cookman
University, Grambling State University, Morehouse College, Florida
A&M University and Howard University. Hampton University,
Bennett College and Norfolk State University participated online.
At the schools booths, students sought out applications,
promotional items, scholarship ofers and advice. Kerney said that
the turnout of the fair also demonstrated to recruiters that there is a
strong interest in HBCU education among students from the Eastern
As a result of the HBCU college fair, Alabama State University has
agreed to automatically admit all holders of Barbados Community
College (BCC) associate degrees into its bachelors programs in
prosthetics or forensics, a key feld at the university, and give them
in-state tuition. Texas Southern University ofered to give one or
two merit-based tuition scholarships to Barbadian students for the
2014-2015 academic year and is negotiating to accept BCC associate
degree holders into its bachelors programs in the health sciences. Fisk
University ofered to give on-the-spot, merit-based scholarships to
students during the college fair and is in negotiations to accept BCC
associate degree holders into its bachelors programs in education and
special education at the in-state tuition rate.
By Krystle Norman, deputy public affairs ofcer, U.S. Embassy in Bridgetown, Barbados
100,000 Strong
Embassy promotes initiative with college fair
Ambassador Palmer, left, greets keynote speaker Gwendolyn Boyd as students
and parents gather applications and browse information at the college fair.
Photo by Khalil Goodman
In early February, an unusual task force convened in the George C.
Marshall Conference Center. State Department task forces are usually
organized to respond to an international crisis, such as a nations
military coup or natural disaster. Tis team was tasked with handling
the overwhelming response received for a new Presidential initiative,
the Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders (WFYAL), an
academic exchange opportunity for sub-Saharan Africa.
When the fellowship was launched in June 2013, no one could
have anticipated that by its application deadline of January 27, nearly
50,000 young Africans would have submitted applications, which
included essays and resumes, for the 500 fellowship opportunities.
Posts had promoted the program in meetings, conferences and
workshops, via social media and on radio and TV.
Te fellowship aims to empower and bolster young African leaders
through academic coursework, leadership training, mentoring,
networking and follow-on support. It concludes with a Washington,
D.C., summit where President Barack Obama has said he wants to
hear directly from participants: your hopes, your dreams, what we
can achieve together.
Beginning in June, the 500 fellows will spend six weeks at 20 top
American universities and colleges that will provide tailored programs
in one of three sectors: business and entrepreneurship, civic leadership
and public management. Te programs will combine faculty, curricula
and local opportunities to impart professional and leadership skills.
At the concluding summit gathering in late July, fellows will interact
with the president and other senior U.S. government, business
and civic leaders. A select group of 100 fellows will remain in the
United States after the summit for an eight-week internship at U.S.
businesses, NGOs and government ofces.
On their return to their home countries, the fellows will receive
networking opportunities, professional development and access
to seed funding. USAID-sponsored regional coordinators and the
Bureau of Educational and Cultural Afairs (ECA) Alumni Ofce will
work with posts in Africa and the returned fellows on these activities.
With 49,503 applications to read, ECA and its implementing
partner, International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX),a
U.S.-based public policy organization committed to international
education in academic research, professional training, and technical
assistancerecruited volunteer application readers and hired
experts from across the nation to analyze and score each application.
Responding to ECAs call, more than 250 Department employees
One, Kirsten Fuller, a program analyst from the Ofce of
Emergencies in the Diplomatic and Consular Service, agreed to read
and score 30 applications outside of work hours. I wanted to read
about the motivations of these individuals and how participation in
the fellowship will assist in accomplishing their goals, she explained.
ECA Assistant Secretary Evan Ryan and Bureau of African Afairs
(AF) Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Rob Jackson devised a
solution under which the AF Public Diplomacy ofce (AF/PD)
launched an unprecedented task force to help review the 15,000
applications that came from Nigeria alone. AF/PD established a
workspace in the George C. Marshall Center, and the volunteers,
in 10 days, read and scored nearly 5,000 applications. IREX readers
were assigned the remaining 44,692 applications.
Approximately 16,500 hours of stafers time were spent reviewing
applications. By Feb. 24, all 49,503 applications had been read,
scored and sent to the posts in the applicants homelands. Te
posts, in turn, engaged in a selection phase, in collaboration with
the WFYAL Interagency Working Group. Full mission involvement
ensured that appropriate resources were available to interview
applicants and rank candidates.
By Corey Holmes, social media coordinator and Franklin Fellow, Bureau of African Affairs
Answering the Call
Volunteers assess wave of African applicants
More than 300 young Zimbabweans gathered in January for the panel discussion
on YALI and the Washington Fellowship, held at Zimbabwes rst technology and
business entrepreneurship hub.
Photo by Thando Sibanda
Applications from Zimbabwe also exceeded expectations. Te
U.S. Embassy in Harare had used every available opportunity and
platform to publicize the fellowship, including social and print
media, interactions with youth infuencers and live events at its
Information Resource Center and other venues. Te Zimbabwean
applicants were accomplished, engaged and truly inspiring, said
one post stafer. Tough the nation has limited opportunities for
positive and highly visible bilateral engagement, the recruitment and
selection of fellows created an opportunity for mission staf to meet
the nations next generation of business and civic leaders, the stafer
Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP) Coordinator
Macon Phillips January visit gave Embassy Harare the opportunity
to hold a panel featuring Phillips, Ambassador Bruce Wharton and
three infuential Zimbabwean youths (including an alumnus of
the Young African Leaders Initiative) to highlight the fellowship.
Hundreds of young Zimbabweans attended the standing-room-only
event or participated via social media, and the embassy generated
its largest live Twitter conversation.During and after the event, 280
virtual contributors produced more than 1,300 tweets, reaching
more than 1.4 million Twitter users.
An IIP survey found 80 percent of Africans access the Internet
through personal devices such as mobile phones and use desktop
and laptop computers at Internet cafs. Tey stay current with
global news via BBC, CNN, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo and
Al-Jazeera. Half of those surveyed had taken part in a video chat,
more than a third had taken an online educational course and more
than three-fourths access email daily and use social media, primarily
Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
To tap into Africas growing digital culture, IIP and ECA are
developing virtual platforms that will build on posts American
Spaces to interact with the roughly 49,000 young African leaders
who applied but did not gain one of the fellowships. USAID will
support creation of centers to build leadership skills by building on
existing African institutions and initiatives that provide leadership
training.Te centers may also host regional events for the fellows,
but their chief objective is reaching a broader audience of emerging
youth leaders.USAIDs implementing partner, meanwhile, will
organize regional events for the fellows to network with each other
and with leaders from a range of sectors and industries. Trough
regional coordinators based in Johannesburg, Nairobi and Accra,
U.S. embassies and USAID will establish internship opportunities
and mentors. Te broad range of engagement will create
opportunities for these young leaders to propel economic growth and
prosperity and to strengthen democratic institutions across Africa.
Many post stafers were surprised by the large number of applicants.
My frst reaction was relief, said Ryan Ingrassia, a public diplomacy
ofcer at the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa. Like many posts,
Embassy Pretoria conducted an extensive outreach campaign involving
radio interviews, TV commercials and letters from the ambassador to
some of the nations best and brightest young leaders. When more than
3,000 South Africans applied, the embassy was ready.
We knew from the beginning that we were going to read the
[applications from the] top 500 candidates and would then select 150
for interviews, Ingrassia said. I felt relieved because we worked so hard
on recruitment. We knew it was a priority for President Obama and
for our front ofce. We wanted to show we could fnd these new young
Above: Ambassador Wharton uses the microphone to stress a point during a panel
discussion in Harare on the opportunities and challenges facing young African lead-
ers, which highlighted the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) and the Washington
Fellowship; Below: A young man from Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, poses a question at the
panel discussion. Photos by Thando Sibanda
A 110-pound German shepherd
dog named Forest has for two years
helped the U.S. Embassy in Nairobis
staf fnd time to take a break, smile
and play. But thats no surprise:
Forest is the State Departments frst
therapy dog.
As a Regional Medical Ofcer/
Psychiatrist, I own, trained and
handle Forest, who provides
therapeutic support to staf
members. Te Ofce of Medical
Services supports using Forest in this
way. Like many certifed therapy
dogs, Forest is used to foster a light
and playful spirit among employees
who have faced numerous hardships
in recent years. Mental health
professionals know that taking short
breaks during the workday reduces
stress and increases productivity;
Forest is a medical intervention
intended to encourage these breaks.
Embassy Nairobi, rated critical
for crime and terrorism, is Africas
largest U.S. embassy, with more than
2,000 people under Chief of Mission
authority. In recent years, local
home invasions and car-jackings, the
threat of election-related violence
and, worst of all, the horror of last
Septembers terrorist attack on the
Westgate Mall in Nairobi have
created an environment in which
feeling overwhelmed and burned
out could become widespread unless
employees and family members learn
proactive techniques to manage
stress. Teaching and reinforcing such
techniques is a key responsibility for
By Thomas Kerrihard, M.D., regional medical ofcer/psychiatrist, U.S. Embassy in Nairobi
Paws That Refresh
Therapy Dog Delights Mission Kenya
Kenyan employees Jenipher Okatch, left, and Rita Were play Frisbee with
Photo by Peter Gichinga
Members of Embassy Nairobis health unit
gather with Forest, their newest colleague.
Photo by Peter Gichinga
Above: A group of Boy and Girl Scouts of Kenya pet Forest in Karura Park.
Photo by Thomas Kerrihard
Below: The author, left, smiles as Ambassador Robert F. Godec presents Forest with
his honorary embassy badge at an awards ceremony in Nairobi.
Photo by Gilbert Otieno
a posts health unit, and ours relies on Forest to help with stress relief.
His visits to the embassy encourage staf to pause and take time
to smile and laugh with co-workers. He reminds them that play is
importantand therapeutic.
Forest has been strongly endorsed by Ambassador Robert F.
Godec, who says he always appreciates a visit to the front ofce
from Forest. Forest has been a wonderful addition to our embassy
community, Godec said. Forest brings us together and helps
everyone to smile, even on the toughest days.
Forest arrived in the Ofce of Medical Services in 2011 and at
Embassy Nairobi, his frst overseas posting, in early 2012. At a 2013
awards ceremony, Godec presented him with an honorary embassy
When Forest comes to work, his schedule is busy. Te Community
Liaison Ofce announces the days of his visits in advance through
emails, in the embassy newsletter and on closed-circuit informational
screens throughout embassy buildings. Calls and emails then start
coming into the health unit from embassy departments, sections,
ofce groups, individual employees and family members requesting
a visit, and if that doesnt work, theres always Frisbee with Forest,
scheduled every two to three hours on the chancery front lawn.
Locally Employed (LE) Staf, American staf and Eligible Family
Members have all reported benefts from their brief encounters
with Forest. While Americans generally accept dogs as a source of
fun, many Kenyans are less exposed to well-trained dogs and more
familiar with guard dogs or untamed animals on the street. As a very
large German shepherd, Forest can be frightening and intimidating
at frst. Discovering his therapeutic benefts took a little more time
for many of the LE Staf, but many are now some of Forests greatest
Tus, Forest has become a cultural diplomat, giving many
Kenyans their frst exposure to a well-trained, friendly dog and
shifting their general attitude toward animals as pets. Many Kenyans
at post now appreciate the value of a therapy dog and have come to
understand the important role pets play in Americans lives. In fact,
hardly a day goes by now without my hearing Kenyan stafers say,
How is Forest today? When is Forest coming back? or We miss
For many Kenyans, Forest has been their frst opportunity to
touch a dog, let alone to shake hands or play Frisbee. I keep Forest
on a tight leash around anyone who expresses hesitancy about close
contact. However, an amazing transformation typically takes place
after a few times watching Forest follow commands, fetch balls
and enjoy the afection and attention of strangers. Te local staf
members are now among the most eager for Forests next embassy
Kenyans are hesitant around all pets because of our cultural
upbringing, observed Roselyn Linguli, who works as a customer
service representative. She said shed learned that dogs were to protect
and cats were to keep rats away. Forest made me appreciate dogs,
and being a therapy dog made it more interesting when I considered
his ability to bring calm to people.
Nothing beats playing Frisbee with Forest, added Elizabeth
Kimani, a Kenyan shipping assistant in the General Services Ofce.
Americans at post are also wild about Forest. Jefrey Cernyar, an
FSO who serves as representative to U.N. Environmental Program,
said he brought his children, age 9 and 11, to meet Forest and found
the dogs obedience impressive.Tey tried some of that training
on their own German shepherd and fnd that she really enjoys the
structure and attention, and responds very intelligently.
Kenyans outside the embassy enjoy Forest, too. In public spaces,
such as the Karura Forest near the embassy, they respond positively
when they see Forest dive into streams and ponds to fetch sticks. He
brings the stick to them and eagerly waits for them to join the game.
He is routinely the object of group photos with Kenyan children
and adults. Te shift from fear and skepticism to laughter and joy is
commonplace when Kenyans witness Forests obedient and playful
Forests certifcation/registration comes from Terapy Dogs
International, one of several recognized therapy dog organizations
that provide testing, certifcation, insurance and registration of
volunteer therapy dogs.Terapy dogs are not service dogs, such
as seeing-eye dogs for the visually impaired, nor are they trained
to assist individuals with disabilities. Instead, they are trained and
certifed to provide afection and comfort to people in difcult,
lonely or stressful environments, such as hospitals and nursing
homes. Some are even certifed to ofer comfort and emotional
support to disaster victims and have assisted victims of the World
Trade Center terrorist attack and Boston Marathon bombing.
Terapy dogs come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, skills and
styles, but all must meet specifed health and performance standards
set forth by one of the recognized therapy dog organizations.
Tey are tested for obeying commands and responding calmly in
unpredictable situations. Terapy dogs must be comfortable with a
variety of people, including children, the ill and those with mental
health conditions.
Terapy dogs in the workplace are becoming more commonplace.
I have seen therapy dogs decrease stress, increase morale and even
foster interofce relationships. Te response to Forest at Embassy
Nairobi has been immensely positive and productive.
Terapy dogs are not for everyone. Tere are psychological,
cultural and medical reasons to proceed cautiously with them in
such locales as hospitals, where they are not allowed in the rooms of
patients with compromised immune systems. Some people fear dogs,
and handlers are trained to recognize that discomfort. But for most
people, therapy dogs like Forest ofer an amazing opportunity to
improve work-life balance.
Two recent visual arts programs sponsored
by the U.S. Embassy in Seoul used flm and
photography to approach disability in new
ways and reafrm that, as Helen Keller wrote,
Te most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or even touched; they must be
felt with the heart.
For last years American Film Showcase,
Embassy Seoul chose two documentary flms
that encouraged viewers to reexamine their
preconceived ideas about the concepts of
ability and disability. Lives Worth Living
recounts the historic struggle of U.S.
disability rights advocates, culminating with
the signing into law of the Americans with
Disabilities Act in 1990. Tis year, Embassy
Seoul partnered with the Disability Rights
Film Festival in Korea to make the flm the
centerpiece of the event.
Department of State Senior Advisor
for International Disability Rights Judith
Heumann opened the festival with a
congratulatory video message. Films too
often portray disabled people as those to be
pitied, who cannot be in charge of their own
lives, she said. Tis flm, she continued,
shatters that misperception and demonstrates
that disabled people, like all others, want
equality and equal opportunity, and are
willing to accept nothing less.
PAO Brent Byers appreciates
the exhibit.
Photo by Eun Kyong Choi
Judy Lieff and Eric Neudel meet with staff of the Korea
National University of Welfare.
Photo by Hyun Jin Park
By Geon Hyeong Cho and Eun Kyong Choi, cultural affairs specialists, U.S. Embassy in Seoul
Picturing Disability
Embassy exhibit challenges preconceptions
At an Embassy Seoul program, lmaker Judy
Lieff, center, and Eric Neudel, at her left, gather
with independent lmmakers.
Photo by Young Hee Park
PAO Brent Byers, third from right, joins
VIPs for the ofcial opening of the Sight
Unseen exhibit.
Photo by Young Hee Park
The image Big Splash 2012
is from the "Sight Unseen"
Photo by Bruce Hall
Eric Neudel, second from left,
talks with a service recipient at
Suwon Welfare Center.
Photo by Hyun Jin Park
Te other documentary featured in the flm showcase was
Deaf Jam, which follows a group of deaf high school students in
New York as they compete in a poetry slam using American Sign
Language. Korean deaf and hearing audiences alike identifed with
the struggle of teen Aneta Brodski, who uses sign language poetry
to carve a place for herself in the world.
Te directors of both flms spent a week in Korea meeting
students, educators, dancers, political leaders and independent
flmmakers to break down stereotypes, foster mutual understanding
and bring messages of empowerment to Koreas disability
communities. Te flms were also screened at an ofsite conference
for more than 40 Korean flm producers, who are enormously
infuential in shaping public opinion. Te impact of these flms on
audiences was so powerful that both will continue to be screened
in Korea during 2014. Embassy Seoul will partner with the Korea
Diferently Abled Federation to show Lives Worth Living in 13
regions outside the capital. Deaf Jam will be featured at the Seoul
International Womens Film Festival in June.
Te other facet of the embassys visual media outreach was the
photo exhibition Sight Unseen: International Photography by
Blind Artists. Te exhibit, which showcased more than 110 works
by photographers who are blind or have limited sight, compelled
attendees to think of disability and disabled people in a diferent
Held at the Sejong Cultural Center in Seoul in collaboration
with the University of California Riversides California Museum
of Photography, Sight Unseen conveyed a powerful message
about the perceptive vision of those who lack physical sight.
Te photographers in the exhibit approached their art from
difering standpoints, but what they created was completely unlike
conventional photography. It was, as exhibit curator Douglas
McCulloh put it, full of paradox and revelation. According to
McCulloh, many photographers who cannot see must often rely on
family and friends to help handle the camera and get the objects in
the photo set for the shot, as the photographer envisions it.
Te physical images the photographers produce are mere
abstractions of the artists inner vision, free from the clutter of
the sighted world. One photographer, Evgen Bavcar, actually
apologizes to sighted viewers, as they can only view reproductions
of his work, not the originals in the private gallery of his mind.
All photographers in the exhibit make their art by drawing
on their other senses, which are often enhanced, and by fnding
inspiration in surprising ways. Henry Butler of New Orleans, also
an accomplished blues pianist, uses sound cues to direct his camera
lens. For Rosita McKenzie, a disability equality educator and
photographer, the creative impulse is sparked by the richness of
the sounds, scents and landscape of her native Edinburgh. Gerardo
Nigenda of Mexico sees his photographs as an extension of what
he is: living, smelling, touching, hearing.Tese experiences, these
memories, which are my negatives, I have them in my mind.
Regardless of whether the photographer was trying to capture
a personal, internal world, record the world or make a political
statement, those viewing the exhibit are forced to ask what it
means to be considered blind. Perhaps photographer Alice
Wingwall expressed it best: I was tired of people saying to me,
How can you take a photograph when you cant see anything?
And I think they werent asking me, they were telling me, How
can you do this? Its unthinkable. Well, I can do it. What I say to
them is that the image starts in the brain.
Embassy Seouls American Film Showcase and the exhibition
Sight Unseen showed audiences that the label disabled does
more to limit and stigmatize people than the actual diminishment
of a physical ability or sense. Rethinking our preconceptions about
what it means to be disabled compels us to reject limitations
imposed on others based on their perceived diferences. It also
helps us look toward our own impending changes in ability as we
age with a sense of wonder, not dread.
On Feb. 3, inside the Bangladesh Football Federations headquarters
in Dhaka, 50 reporters and television crew members packed into a
conference room, waiting for former FIFA World Cup star players Linda
Hamilton and Tony Sanneh. Te pair were sports envoys, former
stars who train other nations players, sponsored by the Bureau of
Educational and Cultural Afairs SportsUnited program.
Bangladesh wants to play in the 2022 World Cup, but its mens
and womens teams face an uphill fght in the FIFA rankings. Te
reporters were wondering whether the envoys visit marked a shift in
Bangladeshs approach to training its young players, especially women,
for international success. Tat very question is the subject of a new
documentary, SportsUnited, created by the U.S. Embassy in Dhaka
for its nationally broadcast television show, A Conversation with
Bangladesh. Te documentary, produced by a local flm company for the
public afairs section (PAS), takes viewers behind the scenes of Hamilton
and Sannehs weeklong visit, showing the duo doing youth outreach,
media engagements and training camps with some of Bangladeshs best
young players.
Troughout the week the duo shared skills and expertise, and
explained how sports taught them about diversity, teamwork,
overcoming adversity and self-confdence. Te pair discussed and
showed how sports transcends language, economic and social barriers;
builds understanding between people of diferent cultures; and forges
life long relationships. Tey ended their visit with two exhibition games
against Bangladeshs male and female rising stars.
Linda Hamilton autographs a ball during a
training session for varsity players from
American International School Dhaka.
Photo by Kaharba Productions
Tony Sanneh, at center with ball,
and Bangladesh Football Federa-
tion Premiere League player Biplab
Bhattachariya, far right, prepare
for the nal exhibition games.
Photo by Kaharba Productions
By Mike Harker, cultural affairs ofcer, U.S. Embassy in Dhaka
Dreaming Big
Embassy lm promotes soccer diplomacy
Since its May 2012 launch, "Conversation" has aired
more than 18 episodes, reaching 7 million to 10 million
viewers per broadcast. The show has connected visiting
U.S. officials and cultural envoys with Bangladeshis
on such issues as democracy, human rights and
entrepreneurship. Guests have included former Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton, Assistant Secretary for South and
Central Asian Affairs Nisha Biswal and Ambassador to
Bangladesh Dan Mozena.
"Conversation" is a unique platform for embassy
messaging and an opportunity for U.S. officials to
engage with Bangladeshi civil society groups, NGOs
and entrepreneurs. PAS produces "Conversation" in
partnership with Desh TV, with PAS coordinating guests
and talking points and Desh TV handling filming and
broadcasting. Given that episodes can usually be planned,
filmed and edited in a few days, the show is a flexible
means of addressing large audiences on issues and
events that matter to Bangladeshis.
A Conversation with Bangladesh
Top: Kaharba Productions lms Tony Sanneh at Jaago Foundation, a school for
underprivileged children; Bottom: Linda Hamilton and Tony Sanneh plan their soc-
cer drills at the Bangladesh Institute of Sports. Photos by Kaharba Productions.
To produce SportsUnited, PAS worked with a local flm
company whose three-man crew followed the sports envoys
visit, flming with a pair of Canon EOS 5D Mark III cameras
and shotgun microphones. Unburdened by excessive equipment,
the flmmakers moved quickly from soccer clinics to outreach
programs, ran on the feld with the sports envoys and captured
players game-time commentary and audience reactions.
Shooting at the Bangladesh Football Federation feld, the
documentarians flmed Hamilton and Sannehs Junior League
training, which focused on players technical, tactical, physical and
psychological challenges. Tey also flmed the envoys as they:
Met with students in religious schools who were learning
English via ECAs English Access Microscholarship Program,
Talked with fans at Te Edward M. Kennedy Center for
Public Service and the Arts (one of the posts six American Spaces)
Trained players at the leading Bangladesh sports education
institute, Bangladesh Krira Shikkha Protishtan.
Te resulting 30 hours and 200 gigabytes of footage were then
edited, with PAS working with the production company to review
footage, determine the storyline, identify sound bites, select
licensed music and record narration. After a few nights of editing,
the team distilled it all into a fast-paced, 20-minute documentary.
At a viewing party at the Bangladesh Football Federation,
Junior League players laughed and cheered as they watched
themselves running on screen and lobbing soccer balls to
Hamilton and Sanneh.
At frst I was so scared to play with people as famous as Linda
and Tony, recalled Ayesha Khatun Bithi, a player from the girls
Junior League. But training with them has really motivated
me and has helped my team focus. She said she looks at the
Federations 2022 World Cup banners on the soccer feld and now
believes, Were getting better. If we keep training like this we can
make it to the World Cup one day.
Te documentary discusses the value of participation in sports and
Bangladeshs prospects in international soccer. Hamilton, a defender for the
1991 FIFA Womens World Cup champion team,and Sanneh, a former
defender and midfelder for the Los Angeles Galaxy and player in the 2002
World Cup, speak about the road ahead for the Bangladeshi mens and
womens teams.
Its possible for them to make it to the World Cup, said Sanneh, but
you cant just say you want something to happen unless you do the work to
get there. Tey urged the soccer players they worked with to dream big.
Te PAS documentary extended the duos messages to audiences
beyond the soccer pitch. Aired in March as a special episode of its monthly
primetime, national talk show A Conversation with Bangladesh, the
documentary captured the sports envoys experiences and impressions
from their visit, giving audiences a look at the people-to-people impact of
sports diplomacy. Te documentary reached more than 7 million viewers,
according to Bangladeshs television ratings agency. After its broadcast,
PAS placed the video on its Facebook page, gaining 700,000 views. On
YouTube, it received hundreds of views.
At 12,389 feet, Mt. Fuji can be seen from
multiple vantage points in Tokyo on clear
days. Here it rises behind Shinjukus
skyscraper-laden business district.
Post of the Month
Story and Photos by Isaac D. Pacheco
worlds largest metropolis Embassy sustains remarkable alliance in
n seeking to understand the essence of Japans capital city, it
is wise to consider the Asian parable of the three blind monks and the
elephant. Each monk was asked to describe what lay before him based on
touch alone, and each came to a diferent conclusion based on the part
of the animal he encountered. Similarly, one persons limited perspective
is not enough to holistically describe a metropolis as large and varied as
Tokyo. Even someone who spends weeks or months exploring the citys
many neighborhoods might not see the full picture.
Japanese culture is so rich and so complex, and also so deeply
individual and unique, that its daunting, said Paul A. Wedderien,
minister-counselor for Management Afairs. Not even an 80-year-old
native-born Japanese would claim to know Tokyo; theres too much Tokyo
for any one person to know.
One of the worlds largest cities, Tokyo contains 23 wards and roughly
12 million inhabitants. Along with nearby Yokohama (State Magazine,
Feb. 2014, pg. 8), it is one of only two Japanese cities with a growing
population. Tokyo is part of the strategic Kanto Plain. A center of Japanese
power since at least the 16th century, Kanto stretches out to the mountains
on three sides and the sea on the west.
Tough post war construction can often leave them indistinguishable,
many of Tokyos neighborhoods retain a favor of their origins as centers
of commerce, entertainment or power. Summertime sees a proliferation of
colorful festivals, called omatsuri, where young (and sometimes older) men
and women carry local shrines on their shoulders and parade through the
streets to the accompaniment of merrymakers.

Above: The 2,080-foot-tall Tokyo
Skytree is the worlds second-tallest
freestanding structure, and features
the highest observation deck.
Right: In this multi-shot panorama,
passengers wait for their train in the
Tokyo subway system as another train
departs from the opposite platform.
Opposite top: A massive Torii marks the
entrance to Meiji Jingu at the center of
Yoyogi Park.
Opposite center: Pedestrians cross a
busy intersection near a neon-lit shop-
ping area in Shinjuku.
Post of the Month
Whereas large populations in tightly packed urban settings
can lead to chaotic sprawl and congestion, Tokyo stands out
for its orderliness. With one of the worlds most reliable public
transit systems, a highly developed, modern infrastructure
and a public ethic of common politeness, this enormous
metropolis is delightfully livable.
Teres a tremendous amount of considerateness in
everyones day-to-day interactions, said Donna Ann Welton,
minister-counselor for Political Afairs. I really fnd that
everyday life is much more gracious than a lot of other places.
Its a very sophisticated place to be no matter what part of
Japan youre in, and its quite beautiful. Teres a little bit of
something for everybody.
Still, in a metropolitan area that is home to more than
30 million residents, life moves quickly. Like so many cells
rushing through a bodys veins and arteries, the people on
Tokyos many crowded streets and in its massive network of
subterranean passages move with purpose and efciency. Tey
create a unique pulse that enlivens the metropolis and helps it
Each street seems to have a story to tell. From dark, solitary
lanes to bustling, fashy thoroughfares, Tokyos myriad avenues
and alleyways are worlds unto themselves. Every passageway
reveals something diferentsometimes strange, beautiful or
unexpectedabout the swirling metropolis around it.
With so much happening everywhere at once, its no
wonder that the city is so often portrayed in pop culture as an
always-on, neon-lit futurescape. Many areas of Tokyo do have
these exciting characteristics, but the metropolis also has its
quiet moments, even in the busiest parts of town.
Tokyo is dotted with hundreds of temples and shrines.
Many of these small islands of reverence and refection are
among the most beautiful and serene spaces in the city. Tey
can be found everywhere, from major city-center parks to
hidden back alleys.
Within this contrasting agglomeration of tradition and
technology, serenity and activity, State Department ofcials and
other employees at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo work to sustain
the vibrant bilateral partnership between the United States and
Tis relationship is well established and deep, said Jessica
Webster, minister-counselor for Economic and Science Afairs.
Based on that relationship, a lot of other things can be built out
in the region. Tokyo itself is a fantastic city, although there is a
great deal beyond the capital.
Te late Ambassador Mike Mansfeld, who spent 11 years
as chief of mission in Japan, making him the longest-serving
American ambassador there, was famous for describing the
partnership between the United States and Japan as the
most important bilateral relationship in the world, bar none.
According to the embassys current leadership, Mansfelds
proclamation is as true today as it was more than two decades
Tis is an extremely vital alliance. Japan continues to be,
in many ways, our closest ally, our most signifcant friend and
the relationship that we go to frst in the Asia/Pacifc when
addressing problems all around the world, said Kurt Tong,
deputy chief of mission.
We are like-minded democracies that share the same values
with respect to human rights, individual liberties, freedom of
press, freedom of assemblyall of that, he continued. Not
only are our two countries unifed by a really incredible web
of mutual understanding and appreciation, but also by the
ability for Americans and Japanese to work together, and thats
extraordinarily important for our national interests.
Te profoundly positive connection between the United
States and Japan, the worlds frst- and third-largest economies,
respectively, has resulted in a thriving trade and investment
partnership. Japan is Americas fourth-largest export market
for goods, and its fourth-largest import partner as well. Both
countries continue to engage in dialogue over the Trans-Pacifc
Partnership Agreement (TPP), a pending free-trade agreement
that its supporters say can dramatically enhance an already
robust economic relationship.
Te TPP is not only going to be a job creator here at home
and in Japan and throughout East Asia, but its going to ensure
that the highest standards that we set in our own economies
become the standard by which everybody then begins to
measure their own judgments about investment and about the
marketplace. And that improves the certainty of investment as
well as creates a stability from which every single one of us will
beneft, said Secretary of State John Kerry at the 50th U.S./
Japan Business Conference in Washington, D.C., last November.

Above: Located at the southern end of the Imperial Palace grounds, Nijubashi
Bridge is one of the most famous tourist sites in Japan.
Right: Ambassador Caroline Kennedy steps out from a horse-drawn carriage
at the Imperial Palace, where she presented her credentials to the Emperor.
Photo by U.S. Embassy Tokyo

A young woman dressed in a
traditional Japanese kimono
visits a shrine in Ueno Park.
Regional security cooperation is also deeply
embedded in the bilateral partnership. Approximately
52,000 U.S. service members are forward deployed
to bases in Japan and work closely with their Japan
Self-Defense Force counterparts to bolster the security
Te alliance with Japan is one of the cornerstones
for the Asia/Pacifc region, said Navy Capt. James
OLeary, Embassy Tokyo defense attach. Japan is one
of the key and cornerstone nations in the region, and
the key to the security in the area. Tey have a great
connection with the U.S. and are very interested in
maintaining the regional stability.
Underpinning these strategic connections are close
people-to-people relationships built upon a decades-
long foundation of mutual respect and appreciation for
each others cultures.
Japan is culturally distinct from the United States.
We didnt have much of a relationship at all until just a
little over 100 years ago, and weve only had the kind of
intense relationship we have now for the past 60 years,
said Tong. Having such a strong relationship with such
positive feelings in both directions, despite physical,
cultural and linguistic distance, is a pretty signifcant
achievement for the United States. Tis mission is the
most important single element keeping up the equity
that we have in this relationship.
Te embassys public afairs team helps sustain these
interpersonal relationships and promote American
initiatives through a number of outreach programs that
recognize the importance of face-to-face interactions
and cultural appreciation.
Public diplomacy in Japan is really at the forefront
of our broader mission engagement as never before,"
said Mark J. Davidson, minister counselor for Public
Afairs. Tis refects an understanding both here in
the mission and in Washington that the range of our
strategic goals with Japanfrom strengthening security
cooperation to deepening political coordination in
various regions of the world, to broadening our trade
and economic relationshipreally depends on a
foundation of strong people-to-people ties and mutual
In line with its eforts to bolster people-to-people
relationships, the embassy has invested considerable
resources in a nationwide campaign that promotes
educational opportunities in the United States. Part
of this efort involves educating the Japanese public
about the visa application process for students and
providing them with the tools and resources to make
informed decisions about studying in the United States.
According to Tong, the program is aimed not only at
increasing the cultural connection between the two
nations via academic exchange but also at helping Japan
develop the global human resources that it needs to
compete and prosper in the 21st century.
Embassy Tokyos consular afairs team, led by Consul
General Steve Maloney and a staf of 13 ofcers, 46
Foreign Service national employees and six Eligible
Family Members, helps protect the interests of the
nearly 115,000 Americans living in Japan, and handles
a heavy visa load that makes outreach programs like the
education exchange possible. Tokyos consular section
alone adjudicates 75,000-80,000 nonimmigrant visas
every year. Tat number increases to more than 100,000
per year when applications from U.S. consulates
throughout Japan are included in the tally.

Above: A vendor weighs sh for a customer at a stall beneath the Yamenote Line train tracks in Ameyoko,
the sight of Tokyos post-WWII black market.
Below: Hundreds of Japanese residents enjoy a concert and picnic on the lawn inside the U.S. Embassy
Tokyo housing complex during the annual Friendship Day celebration.

Source: The World Factbook
Capital: Tokyo
Government type: Parliamentary government with a
constitutional monarchy
Area: 377,915 sq. km.
Comparative area: Slightly smaller than California
Population: 127,103,388
Languages: Japanese (ofcial)
Religions: Shintoism, Buddhism and Christianity
GDP per capita: $37,100
Export partners: China, U.S., South Korea, Thailand and
Hong Kong
Export commodities: Motor vehicles, semiconductors,
iron and steel products, auto parts, plastic materials
and power-generating machinery
Import commodities: Petroleum, liquid natural gas,
clothing, semiconductors, coal and audio and visual
Currency: yen (JPY)
Internet country code: .jp
Japan At a Glance
Post of the Month
Te ofcers like being here; they like
Japan; they and their LE Staf colleagues are
doing work that they see the beneft of, and
they are committed, dedicated and motivated,
said Maloney. We are happy to be here
protecting the Americans who live in Japan
and facilitating legitimate travel between Japan
and the United States.
As the Asia/Pacifc region continues to
undergo rapid change, the United States has
renewed its eforts to bolster key institutions
in the U.S.-Japan relationship. Embassy Tokyo
is at the forefront of that campaign, working
to strengthen the security alliance, building
upon a stout economic partnership and using
public diplomacy programs to engage with the
Japanese people in meaningful ways.
We are not just recommitting to the
partnership that has been the cornerstone
of Asias security and prosperity for the
past six decades, we are reinvigorating and
redefning the ways that we need to carry that
relationship into the future, said Secretary
Kerry. And I think as you look at our work
together, whether its on security, on trade, on
global challenges and people-to-people ties, we
are proving true what Prime Minister Abe said
in Washington: No one should ever doubt the
strength of this remarkable alliance.

Above: Before departing from Japan for Bali, Indonesia, on Oct. 4, 2013, Secretary of State John Kerry shakes hands
with U.S. Defense Attach Capt. James D. O'Leary, as Embassy Tokyo Deputy Chief of Mission Kurt Tong and Haneda
Airport Administrator Masanori Suzuki look on. Photo by U.S. Embassy Tokyo
Opposite: A blur of trafc whizzes through a busy intersection near Roppongi.
Every bidding season is flled with prospects for new overseas
adventures, but perhaps the most adventurous opportunity is that
ofered by the Lawrence S. Eagleburger Fellowship. Te assignment
provides a mid career ofcer frst hand knowledge of U.S. business
operations through a year-long training assignment to the private
sector. Te State Departments private sector partner, the Executive
Council on Diplomacy (ECD), matches the fellow with a company.
In 1986, the Department partnered with ECD to establish the
Corporate Placement Program, which was renamed in 2012 to honor
former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger, a champion of
economic and commercial issues.
When I was in Slovakia in the early 90s, I was the economic/
commercial ofcer, said Chris Sandrolini, now deputy chief of
mission (DCM) at the U.S. Embassy in Bridgetown and a 1995-
1996 Eagleburger alumni. When I came out of Slovakia in 1995,
I had been interested already in this program, and even though Im
a political ofcer, I had fun doing econ/commercial work. He was
assigned to telecommunications frm US West after an introduction
to a senior executive by a colleague in the Foreign Commercial
Mark Biedlingmaier worked for DuPont as the 2007-2008
Eagleburger fellow. I was DCM in Brazzaville, and I thought this
would be a perfect opportunity, he recalled. Maybe it was the
seven-year itch, or maybe the midlife Foreign Service crisis. I had
been overseas for successive tours and I thought it would be very
worthwhile to come back to the States and reengage.
Another fellow, Lane Darnell Bahl, became interested in the
program during her tour as senior economic ofcer at the U.S.
Embassy in Kosovo.I went around trying to fnd an expert that
could come in and help us reform the insurance sector, and there was
nobody available, she said. After Kosovo I took the Econ Course,
and I kept bringing up insurance, and none of the professors or
specialists were familiar with the real-world applications of insurance
as an essential fnancial tool.
Assigned to ACE Insurance in 2012, Bahl spearheaded the
companys foray into low-cost insurance policies purchased through
mobile telephones. Low-cost policies with low premiums and
moderate payouts can be a tool for lifting people out of poverty, she
said. By avoiding having to sell their income-generating resources
when tragedy strikes, the poor can avoid plunging further into
poverty, she explained.
As an Eagleburger fellow, Biedlingmaier connected DuPont and
Department of State ofcials around the world. I happened to meet
[DuPont CEO] Chad Holliday, and he said Mark, have you ever
thought how difcult it is for us even to gain access to an embassy
overseas? He was exactly right. I reached out and planned this trip to
Europe, and we visited 12 embassies in 15 days. DuPont replicated
the program in each of its geographic bureaus.
By Joe Callahan, 2013-2014 Eagleburger Fellow
New Perspectives
Fellowship offers corporate experience
Gathered at the fellowships renaming ceremony in December 2012 are,
from left, the author, 2012-2013 fellow Lane Bahl, Executive Council
on Diplomacy President and Executive Director Solveig Spielmann,
2007-2008 fellow Mark Biedlingmaier and Andrew Eagleburger, son of
Secretary of State Eagleburger.
Photo courtesy of the Executive Council on Diplomacy
Te fellowship helps companies better navigate public-private
partnerships as well. It occurred to me very early on that one
of the big issues was that we really dont understand each others
worlds, or the environments that we make decisions in, so we
assume things about the other that may not be right, said ECD
board member Fruzsina Harsanyi, who hosted three fellows while
at the frms ABB and Tyco. It is good not only for the government
people who come into the private sector, but for the private sector
people to have a mirror put up to their own practices.
Biedlingmaier sees a signifcant career upside to the fellowship,
noting his subsequent assignments as chief of staf in Baghdad and
DCM in Luxembourg.
His Eagleburger experience, he said, shaped his approach in
these positions. I plugged in immediately when I went to Baghdad
to the OSAC Council, once a month getting together with 30 or
40 major corporations. And it was just amazing, all of a sudden I
thought, theres the value, right there, getting a foothold for the
American private sector into a country.
Next, as charg dafaires at the U.S. Embassy in Luxembourg,
I did the same thing: I plugged into Google and a lot of the
multinationals. Te embassy was then a key player, with both [the
host government and American business] sides coming to us for
advice and guidance.
Bahl, now deputy political counselor at the U.S. Embassy in
Khartoum, said her knowledge of mobile banking is helpful in
Sudan, where they have an active mobile banking system.
Within country they are able to transfer funds over their cell
phones, she said. We are so behind the curve on this sector in the
United States[and] not being the lead in these innovations makes
it even more important that we know whats going on in other
countries. [Te fellowship] gave me a year where I could delve into
something very deeply in an area that I would not be able to gain
expertise in anywhere in the Department. Being inside a private
corporation opens you up to the subtleties and the principles
necessary for private-public partnership building.
Sandrolini also endorses the fellowship, especially for people
like methose who are not economic/commercial ofcers but
do have the objective of going on to be in a leadership position,
like a DCM or an ambassador or a principal ofcer or anyone in a
position to run a U.S. government entity.
FSOs, he explained, often deal with business constituencies,
and anything you can do to help get ready for that, to be
sympathetic to their interests and know that culture, is hugely
valuable. Its all about connecting people, getting them together to
solve problems and fnding the right people to do that.
Biedlingmaier expanded his horizons beyond management issues. I
was inviting DuPont to talk with our avian fu coordinator, he said. I
was connecting our legal ofce into Embassy Kyiv and DuPont, as far as
how do we do a united approach on patent infringement, and stopping
in France and Rome to discuss [genetically modifed organisms]. It
developed my problem-solving capabilities as well, in a much broader
perspective far beyond management.
Sandrolini leveraged his experience at the Department to help US
West expand its international reach. Tey were very interested in
developing the cellular business in India, he said. Tats where I
found my familiarity working with other countries made it easy for
me to reach out to our embassies and consulates and know how to talk
to people in ways that they might not necessarily know. I had worked
in India before, so I attended meetings of the U.S.-India Business
Above: The author, left, meets snowboarder Chas Guldemond at the 2014 X Games in
Aspen, Colo.
Photo by Joe Callahan
Below: Bridgetown Deputy Chief of Mission Chris Sandrolini, a 1996 alumnus of the fel-
lowship, announces funding to upgrade Regional Security System aircraft in 2012.
Photo by Embassy Bridgetown
In the mid-1990s, an Afghan brigadier general traded her Army
fatigues for a burqa after the Taliban overwhelmed her nations capital,
Kabul, imposing strict limits on womens freedom. Afghanistans sole
female paratrooper succumbed to the life of many Afghan women under
Taliban rule, one of isolation and restrictions arising from the Talibans
interpretation of Islam.
Te fall of the Taliban ushered in renewed and in some ways unprec-
edentedopportunities for Afghan women. Tanks to the combined
eforts of the Afghan and U.S. governments, civil society and the inter-
national community, millions of girls have gone through school since
2002, and a new generation of women has been exposed to life in civil
society, government, politics, education and the security forces.
Te Army brigadier, too, gained freedom. I returned to work in
my uniform and trashed my burqa, she said. She resumed life as a
paratrooper, making her frst leap out of a helicopter in 2002 during
Afghanistans celebration of the 10-year anniversary of the departure of
the Communist regime. Her jump was symbolic of life in post-Taliban
Afghanistan: unleashing the long-suppressed talents of Afghan women.
At a November Georgetown University Symposium titled Advancing
Afghan Women, Secretary of State John Kerry said Afghan women are
at the forefront of the security transition. Te brigadier and the other
women in the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) are part of what
he called the future that we are now watching Afghan women build.
While the plight of women in Afghanistan has improved since 2001,
immense challenges remain, even for those in the ANSF. Violence
against women, including workplace harassment, remains rampant. In
2009 and 2013, the ministries of the Interior and Defense opened gen-
der ofces to identify challenges and work to overcome them.
Te Afghan government views recruitment of women into the ANSF,
especially the Afghan National Police (ANP), as a key step to redress the
trend of violence against women. Te Ministry of the Interior, which
oversees the ANP, sees having female police ofcers as the best way to
combat forced marriages, honor killings, physical and emo-
tional abuse, and other forms of domestic violence. With
the encouragement of the international community, it
released its frst Gender Strategy for managing and recruit-
ing female police.
Te staf of the U.S. Embassy in Kabul and personnel
in the feld work with Afghan ofcials to implement their
mandates and hold the Afghan government accountable for
fulflling its pledge to integrate and protect women within
the security sector. Frank discussions with the security
ministries on gender integration and professional develop-
ment have led to Afghan initiatives to support women in
uniform. Embassy support and confdence-building among
female leaders in uniform have empowered women in the
Afghan military. Tese women include a helicopter pilot
who had to hide her aviation skills under the Taliban and
a lawyer who serves at the Gender and Human Rights Di-
rectorate of the Ministry of Defense (MOD). Te embassy
amplifes their voices within the MOD and beyond.
Afghan and American soldiers discuss overcoming
challenges in the military at a professional devel-
opment event co-hosted by U.S. Embassy Kabul.
State Department photo
By Larissa Mihalisko, Bureau of Conict and Stabilization Operations civilian/military planner, U.S. Embassy in Kabul
Protecting the Protectors
Embassy supports women in Afghan security
Female Afghan Army ofcers
pose for a photo with several
Americans after a professional
development event co-hosted
by the U.S. Embassy in Kabul.
State Department photo
Above: A Department of State Political Military Affairs ofcer meets with Afghan
Army ofcers; Below: Afghan and American soldiers gather at a professional
development event; Below left: Staff from the posts Political Military Affairs
and Public Affairs sections meet with Ministry of Defense Deputy for Gender
and Human Rights and Brigadier General Khatool, second from left, a former
paratrooper and sole female general in the Afghan Army.
State Department photos
Te United States also assists female Afghan police and soldiers by support-
ing training programs, conducting awareness campaigns targeting men and
holding roundtable discussions that promote dialogue across ethnic boundar-
ies. In January, more than 20 female police graduated from Ministry of the In-
terior training. A USAID gender ofcer and her military counterparts helped
establish the frst formal training for policewomen, in Kandahar, a culturally
conservative province and the birthplace of the Taliban. Tey did so by engag-
ing with local male leaders. One trainee told local media: I am a woman, and
I will serve my country and people in the ranks of the national police until my
last breath.
ANSF leadership hopes to introduce more women into its ranks, but
women serving in the ANSF are at immense risk for abuse. A female lieuten-
ant colonel in the police lamented, When I frst joined I was so proud to
wear a uniform and serve my country. Over the years I started wearing normal
clothes to work because the harassment by strangers in Kabul, my community
and other ofcers was too much to bear.
Her situation is typical of the contradictions for women in the Afghan
work force after the Taliban. She is working on her graduate degree at a private
university and rose in the ranks to lieutenant colonel, yet cultural norms are
slow to change. Te closing of Provincial Reconstruction Teams last year and
ongoing military transition has left some women increasingly worried about
personal security. Nonetheless, women are committed to social change.
Even though my convoy and personal security detail were attacked by a
suicide bomber, I remain a fghter, a female government ofcial said, holding
back tears. She credited the U.S. militarys focus on gender issues for providing
her with the confdence to engage women in districts and villages on the rights
of women and girls.
Afghanistan is not alone in facing the challenge of gender integration in the
security forces, and U.S. diplomats and female military ofcers share stories
with Afghan women of the struggles that were involved in racial and gender
integration of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Since last summer, the embassy has facilitated three gatherings of junior
female Afghan and U.S. ofcers to generate a dialogue. One female U.S. sailor
told the Afghan female soldiers that American women encounter inequality
in [their] jobs as well, and that solutions included banding together as women
to help strengthen arguments for fair treatment, helping each other make
sure we meet the same standards as men and believing that even though the
perception is that these assignments were originally for men, women are just as
Afghan ofcers at each embassy-hosted seminar said the dialogues have
helped break down ethnic and cultural divisions and identify new opportuni-
ties that come with generational and cultural shifts. Enduring support from
the U.S. Embassy and international community encourages young ofcers to
develop a nationalist, not ethnic, mindset, and a unifed womens voice.
Tijuana, Mexico, is the ultimate border
town: With a population of between 1.5
and 2 million residents, and with 300,000
people crossing in and out from the United
States every single day, its easy to come here
anonymously. Every year, millions of U.S.
citizens do just that. Teres no record of
their arrivals, as no passports were required to
enter, nor visas or IDs.
Some who come seeking a weekend of
tequila-fueled fun wake up in TJ without
even knowing how they got here.
Its no wonder, then, that Consulate
General Tijuanas American Citizen Services
(ACS) Special Citizen Services (SCS) section
is the busiest in the world. Te most extreme
human dramas regularly unfold in SCS.
Besides its Locally Employed (LE) Staf,
theres a dedicated ofcer just for deaths,
another for arrests and another for welfare
and whereabouts cases, which average more
than 1,000 a year and involve everything from
kidnappings to disasters to missing persons.
One recent case unfolded during frst-tour
ofcer Kevin Brosnahans rotation as the
Welfare and Whereabouts Ofcer.
It began in July, when a concerned U.S.
citizen called ACS Tijuana requesting
assistance with a mentally ill woman who
looked American and had been living on
TJs streets for years. Te caller, a church
volunteer, said the church had provided
shelter for the woman but did not know her
name or anything else about her except that
she spoke hardly any Spanish. She did not
even know who she was.
As their frst step, Brosnahan and the ACS
staf brainstormed ways to try to identify
this Jane Doe. Although she could not
communicate her identity verbally, they
wondered if she could provide visual clues
and whether her fngerprints might lead to
a record of her. Brosnahan asked the legal
experts in Overseas Citizen Services (OCS/L)
for permission to fngerprint and photograph
the homeless woman. Permission was granted
and the post was authorized to provide the
fngerprints to law enforcement.
A few days later, Brosnahan visited the
woman at a Tijuana halfway house. She was
skittish and frail. She was not able to tell
him her name or write it or provide much
other information about her identity and
citizenship. He asked where she was born, and
she said Paris, France. But when Brosnahan
showed her a U.S. map and asked her to point
to her hometown, she pointed directly to
Colorado. He started asking more questions,
and at one point the woman mentioned
Stapleton Air Freight, an indication that
perhaps she had lived or worked near Denvers
former airport, which closed in 1995. Te
woman was reluctant at frst, but Brosnahan
convinced her to agree to be photographed,
and although not able to follow all the
instructions, she agreed to be fngerprinted as
Energized, Brosnahan searched NamUs, the
National Missing and Unidentifed Persons
System website. He scoured dozens of profles
of people who had disappeared. Finally, he
found a potential photo matcha woman
missing from Colorado since 2005.
Years in the Tijuana sun had taken a toll on
the homeless woman, but it sent chills down
the spine of the ACS chief when Brosnahan
showed her the current picture of the Jane
Doe beside a photo from the NamUs profle.
She also thought it was a match.
Brosnahan called the Colorado Springs
Police Department and reached the detective
assigned to the cold case. Not only did the
detective remember the case, he was still in
contact with the family. He had sifted through
thousands of leads that had all gone nowhere
but remained determined to solve the mystery
before his approaching retirement.
Brosnahan emailed the detective the photos
and a scan of the fngerprints. Two hours later,
Brosnahan got the call: Te prints matched.
Te womans name was Sara. (Her real name
cannot be revealed for privacy reasons). She
had served in the U.S. Navy and had been lost
for more than eight years.
Saras parents were celebrating their
50th wedding anniversary, and the family
happened to be all together in Arizona when
they got the news. Brosnahan gave them the
halfway houses phone number and set up a
conference call.
Te call was short. Family members got
to say hello and tell Sara they loved her, but
Sara has multiple mental illnesses, including
bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, and
these may have made her reluctant to talk.
Heartbreakingly, she told the callers that she
had no family. Later, the halfway house staf
reported that Sara had teared up when she
heard her familys voices.
Brosnahan and LE Staf visited Sara again,
but she did not recognize her own name
By Stephanie Van Hoff Moniot, vice consul, U.S. Consulate General in Tijuana, Mexico
Lost and Unknown
ACS repatriates long-missing woman



Clockwise from upper left: From left, Cindy Rodriguez, Nick Tyner and Edgar Zamudio are
ACS staff who helped identify the American who was in distress in Mexico. Photo by
Stephanie Moniot; Vendors ply their goods in a sea of trafc near to the border check-
point for entry from Mexico into the United States. Photo by Punxsutawneyphil; Saras
ngerprints, when she was a Jane Doe. Photo by Stephanie Moniot
the San Diego facilitys psychiatrist doing an assessment in Mexico,
Tyner and LE Stafers would evaluate Sara at the halfway house
and allow the ambulance to transport her only if she was calm and
cooperative. Tey could not compel her to travel.
Sara, with encouragement from Tyner and the shelter director,
willingly boarded the ambulance. Te CBP documented her
citizenship at the border, then she boarded a U.S. ambulance and was
taken to a California facility. Later, her family brought her to a facility
in Colorado. She has made good progress since and can now read,
write and talk.
Te family had their frst Tanksgiving together in eight years. Sara
requested a pumpkin pie. After all these years, she is fnally back home.
For Brosnahan, Tyner and the CG Tijuana team, it was the
type of case that makes ACS work so remarkable. After long years
of wondering, Saras family now knows she is safe and getting the
professional care she needs.
or any information about her family. Te family sent photos for the
halfway house to show her, but she seemed not to recognize them.
Clearly, this wasnt the happy reunion ACS staf had imagined, but there
was still hope for getting Sara home.
Saras family, while elated, was cautious about what her return would
mean for her and them. Many years earlier, Sara had gone missing for
a couple of weeks and then rejected their help when found. Saras sister
took the lead coordinating her return to the United States. Because of
Saras fragile mental state, simply transporting her to the port of entry
was not an option. So, ACS had to coordinate her return through the
busiest land border crossing in the world into appropriate temporary
care in California and, ultimately, home to Colorado.
Nick Tyner, who took over the welfare and whereabouts portfolio
when Brosnahan rotated out of ACS, worked with the family and began
meeting with a group of stakeholders, including staf from a mental
health facility in Colorado, congressional staf and hospitals in San
Diego, just across the border. ACS staf and the family worked to fnd
a mental health facility in California that would accept her, with the
plan of eventually transferring her to a facility in Colorado. Te family
got Saras Social Security and disability benefts reinstated, and her sister
pursued temporary guardianship, to be able to direct her care in the
United States.
Te post gathered her citizenship documents so that she could be
admitted into the United States. Tey collected her birth certifcate,
Navy discharge papers, medical documents and the fngerprint
verifcation of her identity, and coordinated with U.S. Customs and
Border Protection (CBP) so that she could be transferred across the
border. Stafers persuaded the Mexican Cruz Red Cross to provide free
ambulance transportation to the port of entry.
Te crossing, set for Sept. 24, was threatened with delay when the
doctor from the receiving San Diego mental health organization, who
was coming to Mexico to accompany Sara across the border, had to
cancel. Rather than postpone the transfer, ACS improvised: Instead of
USUN Rome supports eforts to make food more healthful, safer
and more nutritious; encourages open exchange of data about food
and agriculture markets; and facilitates joint research initiatives
and projects between the U.N. food and agriculture agencies and
experts from the U.S. government and academia. Te USDA
team at USUN is uniquely positioned to ofer a vast network
of experts to share American knowledge and know-how, noted
George Douvelis, acting USDA agriculture counselor. We have
brought agronomists, nutritionists, trade experts and food safety
experts to Rome, often on short notice, to help member countries
and the U.N. agencies develop more efective approaches to ending
Rome has long played a special role in agriculture, food security
and nutrition, but it is fast becoming the global center for these
issues.Since the 2008 global food price crisis, the U.N. Committee
on World Food Security (CFS), which is co-hosted by the U.N.
Agencies in Rome, has served as a global platform for information
on food security and nutrition policies worldwide.Annual CFS
meetings now bring together around 700 people from member
states, civil society and the private sector to discuss and recommend
responses to the most pressing challenges countries face in ensuring
their people have adequate nutritious food.
Political Ofcer Greg Groth was in Rome in 2012 when the
CFS Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition
was fnalized.After months of difcult negotiations, he recalled,
participants rose from their chairs and applauded.Global leaders
who disagree on many issues congratulated one another on a
product that strengthens food and nutrition security in the world.
Tat energy and sense of common purpose continues today, he
added, and we regularly fnd ourselves collaborating with non-
traditional partners in the fght to end global hunger.
In addition to supporting administration policy objectives
at such major U.N. events, USUN Rome provides critical
information to shape that policy. Ambassador Lane visits programs
in the feld, speaking with humanitarian assistance professionals,
government ofcials and farmers. On trips to Africa and Asia, he
has seen the most promising approaches and advised U.S. agency
partners on what is working and what could be improved.He is
often accompanied by journalists, who raise awareness about U.S.
and U.N. eforts to eliminate hunger.
Te stakes couldnt be higher: One out of every eight people in the
world goes to bed hungry each night, and 16,000 children die daily
from hunger-related causes, 80 just in the time it takes to read this
article. Preventing hunger is a moral imperative, U.S. foreign policy
priority and world security issue.
To help address the challenges of hunger and malnutrition, the U.S.
Mission to the U.N. Agencies in Rome (USUN Rome), a team of 25
employees from the Department of State, USAID and the Department
of Agriculture (USDA), works as one mission to fnd solutions to
hunger, said USUN Rome Ambassador David J. Lane. We represent
a wide range of U.S. government entities and the American people to
colleagues from 194 United Nations member countries. Te intense
negotiations that our mission engages in every day are rewarded each
time member countries agree on a strategy that helps the worlds poor
improve their lives and successfully feed themselves and their families.
Te United States is the largest contributor to all three U.N. food
and agriculture agencies: the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO),
World Food Programme (WFP) and International Fund for Agricultural
Development. Last year, the United States contributed more than
$6.5 billion to support humanitarian assistance and development aid
for agriculture, food security and nutrition. U.S. assistance both helps
the most vulnerable people and sustains initiatives to look beyond
emergencies to build more resilient societies. If U.S. and international
support ends when news coverage ends, those afected may lack the tools
for long-term recovery and will likely need emergency aid again.
By Sharon Ketchum, public affairs ofcer,
U.S. Mission to the U.N. Agencies in Rome
USUN Rome addresses major world need
Fighting Hunger
Representatives from the U.S. Mission to the U.N. Agencies in Rome join counterparts
from 194 nations to review ideas for ending hunger and malnutrition at the Committee for
Global Food Security meeting in October 2013.
Photo by Alessia Pierdomenico
With WFP programs reaching more than 90 million people each
year, changes to its gender policies will have far-reaching impact.
Although ending hunger is the missions ultimate goal, its
achievement requires U.S. engagement on issues beyond food
and agriculture programming.According to Political Ofcer
Stetson Sanders, without a fair and functional legal framework,
the poorest people are often left behind as a country develops
Sanders, therefore, supports the collaboration of UNIDROIT,
an international legal organization, with other U.N. agencies
to prepare new legal guides, including a model for promoting
commercial partnerships between farmers and agro-business
companies to beneft both small- and large-scale partners. He also
works with the International Development Law Organization to
help ensure that women working in agriculture have the same
legal protections as men, and with ICCROM, whose cultural
preservation projects have saved historically signifcant structures
and trained young people in their preservation.
When the goal of adequate, safe food is met, USUN Rome will
stand with its many partners and applaud, proud of having helped
in this key global efort.
Above: Cambodian children line up for a nutritious meal at Wat Run Primary
School; Below: Political Ofcer Stetson Sanders speaks about the work of USUN
Rome to local high school students. Photos by Maria Paola Pierini
Ambassador Lane serves food
to students at Wat Run Primary
Photo by Sharon Ketchum
Mission staf put this knowledge to use when representing the United
States on the governing bodies of the U.N.s multibillion-dollar Rome-
based agencies.One of our most important roles is to ensure that each
agency is governed well, chooses projects thoughtfully, spends its money
wisely and evaluates results so the agency can keep operating better,
said Deputy Chief of Mission Natalie E. Brown. We were particularly
pleased when FAO unveiled its 2014 budget and plan of work. Member-
state activism and careful FAO planning resulted in administrative
efciencies and greater transparency while further strengthening high-
quality programs for agricultural and rural economic developmentall
at the 2013 funding level.
Empowering women and girls is another U.S. priority. It is
rewarding to see WFP implement reforms in their approach to
gender issues that the U.S. Mission has long advocated, said USAID
Humanitarian Program Specialist Hang Nguyen. By assessing
the impact of programs on both men and women, we not only
empower women globally but also make these programsand U.S.
contributionsmore efective.
Ambassador Lane talks with
villagers from Chantheavy Khieu,
Cambodia, about their newly
formed micro nance group.
Photo by Sharon Ketchum
Te benefts of telework include supporting employees emergency preparedness; keeping the federal government operating in an emergency;
reducing trafc, emissions and commuting costs; assisting with work/life balancing; and increasing productivity. To encourage agencies, organizations
and individuals to participate, the Mobile Work Exchange sponsored its fourth annual Telework Week, March 3-7.
Under Secretary for Management Patrick Kennedy invited all eligible Department teleworkers to participate and encouraged managers to permit
at least one day of telework for situational teleworkers, those who telework infrequently. Participants were encouraged to register and enter their com-
muting data into a Mobile Work Exchange website.On the weeks frst day, the federal government allowed unscheduled telework due to a snow-
storm, and participants proved the government could continue operations despite the weather.
For the week, 209 State Department employees pledged to telework, thus saving $8,662 ($433,061 on an annual basis) and reducing pollutants
by 4.6 tons (240 tons annually). During the entire week, Global OpenNet reported 6,374 users.
Telework Week a Hit
On Feb. 20, award-winning actor and best-selling author Hill Harper was the keynote speaker during the Departments National African
American History Month Program.Te event, co-hosted by the Tursday Luncheon Group (TLG) and the Ofce of Civil Rights, drew nearly 500
participants to the Loy Henderson Auditorium.
Harpers topic, Equipping the Next Generation for Leadership and Success,focused on the importance of using ones energy and passion to
bring about positive change.He said his time at Harvard Law School, where he befriended fellow student Barack Obama, reinforced the value of
critical thinking as a way to break down complex problems and create innovative solutions.He also underscored the need to act bravely.
Harper said hed participated in youth outreach programs, with the help of U.S. posts, in Italy, Israel, the West Bank and Austria through the
Bureau of International Information Programs U.S. Speakers program.Follow TLG on Twitter: @TeTLG1973.
Actor Emphasizes Critical Thinking

Hill Harper, left, and TLG President Stacy D. Williams
are all smiles following Harpers speech.
Photo by Robert Stewart
Ethics Answers
Q: Our ofce director recently emailed everyone in the ofce about a race her husband is running to raise money for a local
animal shelter. The email asked recipients to click on a link to make a contribution. Id rather not donate but feel uncomfortable
saying no to my supervisor. What should I do?
A: Ethics rules prohibit personally soliciting funds or other support from a subordinate. In addition, barring a few narrow
exceptions that do not apply here, employees cannot solicit for charitable causes in the workplace, other than for the Combined
Federal Campaign. Federal employees should not use government resources such as computers, email or ofce space to
further private fundraising efforts. Even during the Combined Federal Campaign, employees should not pressure colleagues for
donations. You may speak directly with your supervisor about these rules or ask your executive ofce to handle the matter.
Ethics Answers presents hypothetical ethical scenarios Department employees might face. For help with real ethics
questions, email
Ranzino, Georgeanne F.
Shaw, Donald C.
Snider, Joyce E.
Taylor, Noel B.
Teague, Robert J.
Foreign Service
Betso, Kathleen A.
Clark, Mary K.
Durham, Mary Ann B.
Fortney, Edward E.
Livingston, Jeanette M.
Washington, James P.
Whited, Linda A.
Kazanowski, Eileen F.
Lester, Raymond
Nash, Ardenia R.
Seawright, Stephanie Evette
Taylor, Montez D.
Civil Service
Altman, Nancy J.
Friedman, Hal J.
Guidera, James T.
Hoard, Iris A.
Hunter, Jo-Ann L.

Ukrainian Ambassador to Cyprus Borys Humeniuk, left, chats with Ambassador John Koenig at the soccer
match. At right is Koenig's wife, Natalie.
Photo by Costas Hadjielias
When civil unrest in March forced teams of
American and Ukrainian soccer players to move their
match at the last moment from Ukraine to Larnaca,
Cyprus, the staf of the U.S. Embassy in Nicosia was
ready to help.
Te March 5 match was crucial for the U.S. players,
who play professional soccer for a variety of European
teams and were being considered to represent the
United States in this summers World Cup in Brazil.
Tey had only a small window of time to come
together, play a match and be evaluated by American
coaches. So when playing in Ukraine became
untenable, Cyprus became the venue, and the U.S.
team arrived with several ESPN camera crews in tow.
Te Embassy understood that the images from the
match would have resonance beyond the sports pages.
U.S. Ambassador to Cyprus John Koenig met privately
with Ukrainian Ambassador Borys Humeniuk
to discuss the situation in the Ukraine, and then
Ambassador Koenig and his wife, Natalie, sat beside
Humeniuk and his wife at the match.
Te U.S. team was cheered on by American
undergraduates studying at the University of Nicosia,
but the Ukrainians won 2-0.
Te embassy shared photos of the event with
colleagues in Kyiv and, via social media, sent them far
and wide, receiving a strong and positive reaction.
Embassy Promotes
Soccer Match
Check out our online
magazine to watch a
video message from
featured ambassadors.
Michael A. Hammer (SFS) of the District of Columbia
is the new U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Chile.
Previously, he was assistant secretary for Public Afairs, and
before that acting assistant secretary and principal deputy
assistant secretary for PA. He was senior director for Press
and Communications and spokesman at the National
Security Council, and also served as director of Andean
Afairs at the NSC. Other postings include Bolivia, Nor-
way, Iceland and Denmark.
Richard Stengel of New York is the new Under Secretary
for Public Diplomacy. Previously, he was managing editor
of TIME magazine. Before that, he was president and
CEO of the National Constitution Center and a professor
of journalism at Princeton University. He worked with
Nelson Mandela on Mandelas autobiography and served
as associate producer of the Oscar-nominated documen-
tary Mandela. He received an Emmy award for another
documentary, Beyond 9/11: Portraits of Resilience.
Max Sieben Baucus of Montana is the new U.S. Ambas-
sador to the Peoples Republic of China. Previously, he was
the senior U.S. senator from Montana. He was chairman
of the Committee on Finance, in which role he led the
passage of free-trade agreements with 11 countries. He
was vice chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation
and served on several other committees. Before his elec-
tion to the Senate in 1978, he served in the U.S. House
of Representatives and Montana House of Representatives.
Anthony L. Gardner of New York is the new U.S. Repre-
sentative to the European Union, with the rank of Ambas-
sador. Previously, he was managing director at Palamon
Capital Partners, a private equity frm based in London.
Before that, he held high-level corporate and legal posi-
tions in London, Paris, New York and Brussels. As director
for European Afairs on the National Security Council in
1994-95, he worked closely with the U.S. Mission to the
EU on the New Transatlantic Agenda.
Rose E. Gottemoeller of Virginia is the new Under
Secretary for Arms Control and International Security.
Previously, she was acting under secretary and assistant
secretary for the Bureau of Arms Control, Verifcation and
Compliance. She was chief negotiator of the New Strate-
gic Arms Reduction Treaty with the Russian Federation.
Before joining the Department, she was a senior associate
with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and
held high-level positions in the Department of Energy.
Anthony L. Gardner
U.S. Representative to
the European Union
Max Sieben Baucus
U.S. Ambassador to
Michael A. Hammer
U.S. Ambassador to
Rose E. Gottemoeller
Under Secretary for
Arms Control and
International Security
Richard Stengel
Under Secretary for
Public Diplomacy
Lying in State
BY Certied Industrial Hygienist Kate Bradford,
Ofce of Safety, Health and Environmental Management
Most people probably use electric lights, appliances and other
machines without giving much thought to their homes electrical
system. Tey give even less thought to the fatal consequences of
an ungrounded or improperly wired home.
In 2011, an estimated 47,700 home fres reported to U.S.
fre departments involved some type of electrical failure or
malfunction as a factor contributing to ignition. Tese fres
resulted in 418 deaths, 1,570 injuries and $1.4 billion in property
damage. Te Consumer Product Safety Commission reports
that nearly 400 people are killed annually by electrocution in
the United States and that 70 percent of child-related electrical
accidents occur at home. More than 30,000 non-fatal shock
accidents occur each year in homes.
U.S. electrical codes require homes to be electrically grounded
and have other electrical safety features. Overseas, Department
residences undergo a residential safety inspection to verify
electrical grounding and other safety requirements. But electrical
dangers still lurk.
Electricity always seeks to return to its
source and complete a continuous circuit.
A typical circuit in a U.S. home has two
conducting wires: hot and neutral. Electricity
travels from the service panel to appliances
through the hot wire and returns the current
to the service panel through the neutral wire.
A third grounding wire is also connected
to every outlet in a U.S. home. Tis critical
safety feature is designed to greatly reduce
your chance of shock or electrocution.
Grounding wires are connected directly to the
earth through a metal grounding rod. Should
a short circuit or an overload occur, leaking
electrical current will fnd its way along the
grounding wire to earth.
Te homes service panel, which distributes
electricity to switches, outlets and appliances,
is usually found in the basement, garage or
utility area. When a short or overload shuts
down power to a circuit, the service panel is where you can restore
the fow or turn of power to a circuit before starting a project or
repair. Circuit breakers or fuses shut of electricity to the circuit
if the demand for power is more than the circuit is designed to
carry. Tis prevents fre from overheated wires, most of which are
within walls where no one will notice a hot or melting wire.
Electrical outlets are where you are most likely to interact with
your homes electrical system. In the United States, most homes
have polarized outlets that feature two vertical slots of diferent
sizes. Te slot for the neutral wire is wider than the slot for the
hot wire, making it difcult to insert an electrical plug the wrong
way. When used with a polarized plug, these outlets provide
protection by keeping electrical current directed. Polarized outlets
may not be available in other parts of the world, however, so its
important to understand the potential for reversed polarity and
learn how to plug the hot conductor wire on a plug into the hot
outlet receptacle.
Grounded outlets are required in U.S. homes. Te electrical
outlets receptacle for the plug has a round hole for the grounding
conductor pin from the appliances plug. Te grounding pin is
connected to a ground wire.
Some 2,400 children yearly receive severe shock and burns
from inserting items into outlet receptacles. A few die. Tamper
resistant receptacles (TRRs), which look like standard wall
outlets but have an internal shutter mechanism, prevent children
from sticking objects like hairpins, keys and paperclips into the
receptacle. Te spring-loaded shutter system opens only when
equal pressure is applied simultaneously to both shutters, such as
when an electrical plug is inserted.
Never touch anything electrical if you are wet or standing in
wateryou may become part of a path for leaking current and
sufer severe shock or electrocution. Electrical current on most
outlet receptacles is rated at between 12,000
and 20,000 milliamperes (mA). For an adult,
a current as low as 10 mA can prevent you
from letting go, and 100 mA can stop your
heart. For children it takes less current. No
energized electrical wire is safe to touch unless
it is well insulated.
Since the 1970s, Ground Fault Circuit
Interrupters (GFCIs) have come into wider
use, saving thousands of lives and helping cut
the number of home electrocutions in half.
GFCIs are electrical safety devices that trip
electrical circuits when they detect ground
faults or leakage currents. Tese outlets
quickly shut of power to the circuit if the
electricity fowing into the circuit difers by
even a slight amount from that returning.
A GFCI should be used in any area where
water may come into contact with electrical
products. Te National Electrical Code
requires them for kitchens, bathrooms, garages and outdoors, or
where outlet receptacles are within six feet of a water source. Use
the test and reset buttons on GFCIs monthly to confrm they are
working properly. Many small appliances such as hair dryers now
come equipped with a GFCI in the plug.
Something is amiss if touching an appliance causes a shock or
tingling sensation. Te appliance or home may not be properly
grounded, or there could be an electrical short circuit. Call
your landlord or a licensed electrician immediately. At post, call
facilities management.
Know and understand how your homes electrical system
works. If you notice tell tale signs like shocks, lack of GFCIs or
circuits that routinely trip, dont let them go unaddressed. Te life
you save may be your own.
Practice electrical safety at home
Dont Be Shocked
Questions concerning employee deaths should be directed to the Ofce
of Casualty Assistance at (202) 736-4302. Inquiries concerning
deaths of retired employees should be directed to the Ofce of
Retirement at (202) 261-8960. For specifc questions on submitting
an obituary, please contact Bill Palmer at or
(202) 203-7114.
Roger Charles Schrader, 84, a retired
Foreign Service ofcer, died Feb. 4 in
Escondido, Calif., due to complications in
surgery.He served in the U.S. Army during the
Korean War.During his 30-year career, he was
posted to New Zealand, Switzerland, Germany
and England.He retired in 1987 to Tucson,
Ariz., where he was active in Common Cause,
the Social Action Council and the Tucson
Committee on Foreign Relations.He enjoyed
reading, writing letters to the editor and
debating politics.
Gerald Sutton, 78, a retired Foreign Service
and Civil Service ofcer, died Feb. 12 in Las
Vegas, Nev. His postings included Spain,
Jamaica, Colombia, Cuba, Japan, Nicaragua
and Ecuador, where he was charg dafaires. As
a senior inspector in the Ofce of the Inspector
General, he visited more than 110 countries.
After retiring in 1998, he moved to Las Vegas.
He was an avid fan of the Washington Redskins
and Los Angeles Lakers and Dodgers, and a
collector of modern and folk art.
Jane Prout White, 91, widow of retired
Foreign Service ofcer Robert W. White,
died Feb. 8 in Kilmarnock, Va. She lived in
Alexandria, Va. She worked for the Department
of Agriculture and White House, and accompa-
nied her husband on postings to Paris, Havana,
Bangkok, Tokyo, Prague, Frankfurt, Beirut,
Canberra and Panama City. After retirement,
they traveled extensively and enjoyed their
family and grandchildren.
Robert James Wilson, 90, a retired Foreign
Service ofcer, died Feb. 20 in Gaithersburg,
Md. He served in World War II and entered the
Foreign Service in 1948. His postings included
Rome, Belgrade, Hong Kong, Luxembourg,
Berlin, Algiers, Lagos, La Paz, Kabul, Lima and
Mexico City. He retired in 1984 to Manassas,
Va., and moved to Gaithersburg in 2004. He
enjoyed following the Washington Redskins
and New York Giants football teams, and loved
big band music.
Jerome R. Broadus, 85, a retired Foreign
Service ofcer, died Jan. 22. He lived in
Silver Spring, Md. He served in the Army
before joining the U.S. Information Agencys
Ofce of Audit in 1963. He traveled to
about 100 countries before retiring in
1982. Later, he worked as an auditor for the
State Department Federal Credit Union,
USIAs Ofce of the Inspector General and
other organizations. He consulted for the
Montgomery Coalition for Adult English
Literacy and was active in his church and
condo association.
Katie E. Call, 92, wife of retired Foreign
Service ofcer John P. Call, died Feb. 4 in
Solana Beach, Calif. She served with the
Marines in San Francisco during World War
II. After a brief tour as secretary in the Vienna
Legation in 1948, she accompanied her
husband on postings to Paris, Cairo, Panama
City, Buenos Aires, Asuncin, Cotonou,
Canberra and Libreville. She loved golf and
bridge, and was an expert at both games.
Kay Marie Flynn, 70, a retired Foreign
Service secretary, died Dec. 14 from
complications of pancreatitis. She lived in
Alexandria, Va. She worked for the federal
government in Minneapolis before moving
to Washington, D.C., where she became a
roving secretary for the Department, working
in embassies around the world. She retired
in 1995. She loved all animals and wildlife,
especially her cats.
Leona Marti, 91, a retired Foreign Service
ofcer, died Feb. 22 in Taylorsville, Utah.
She joined the Foreign Service in 1951 and
served inHamburg, Manila (twice), Havana,
Luxembourg, Moscow, Bangkok and Jakarta.
She retired in 1979 to the Salt Lake City
area. She enjoyed spending time with family,
traveling and attending the theater, ballet
and symphony. She did volunteer work with
refugees and theTravelers Aid Society.
Charles Donald Don Matthias, 87, a
retired Foreign Service ofcer, died Dec. 31
in Gig Harbor, Wash. He served in the Army
during World War II. His career with USAID
and its predecessors began in 1952. He served
in Jordan, Iran, Somalia, Vietnam, Bolivia,
Pakistan and Chile. After retiring in 1981,
he settled in Gig Harbor, where he enjoyed
boating in the San Juan and Canadian Gulf
Speedboat passengers enjoy an evening cruise under a
golden sunset off the western coast of Barbados.
Photo by Greg McMullin
A festival-goer dons an ornate costume while participating in a
parade for La Fiesta de San Miguel in Guanajuato, Mexico.
Photo by Alejandro Cueva
End State
Learn more about
Creative Commons online
South Korea
A man wearing a traditional uniform participates in the change
of guard ceremony at Deoksugung Palace in Seoul.
Photo by Christian Senger
A woman walks along a rust-colored dirt road in Tsavo East
National Park, one of the oldest and largest parks in Kenya.
Photo by Tiberio Frascari
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