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DW Horizontal Aboverground

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Modern Welding Company, Inc.

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LONG FORM: Section 13205

Guide Specification Modern Welding Company, Inc. Double Wall Horizontal Aboveground Fuel Storage Tanks

ART ! General
"#$" Related Work S%e&i'ied in Ot(er Se&tions A. $. C. +. -. Ca t!in!"lace Concrete# Section 03300 Anc%or $olt # Section 05501 &i'uid &e(el Gauge # Section 151)* "iping# Section 150,* "ainting# Section 0..00

"#$) *ualit+ Assuran&e A. Accepta/le Manufacturer# Modern Welding Company, Inc. $. Go(erning Standard # 1. 0.&. 1*2, 0nder1riter &a/oratorie , Inc.,Steel A/o(eground 2an3 for 4lamma/le and Com/u ti/le &i'uid . 2. 54"A 30, 5ational 4ire "rotection A ociation 4lamma/le and Com/u ti/le &i'uid Code. 3. 54"A 30A, 5ational 4ire "rotection A ociation Automoti(e and Marine Ser(ice Station Code. *. 0niform 4ire Code, International 4ire Code In titute. 5. "-I67"200! "etroleum -'uipment In titute, 7ecommended "ractice for In tallation of A/o(eground Storage Sy tem for Motor 8e%icle 4ueling. "#$, Sub-ittals A. S%op +ra1ing # Contractor %all u/mit copie of %op dra1ing for eac% tan3, location of fitting and acce orie 1it% pecific dimen ion %all /e %o1n on all dra1ing . $. +ra1ing Appro(al# Contractor %all recei(e dra1ing appro(al prior to product fa/rication. C. Catalog +ata# Contractor %all u/mit 99999 current copie of t%e manufacturer: literature. +. Certification# -ac% tan3 %all /ear t%e 0.&. 1*2 la/el for a/o(eground li'uid torage.

ART !!


)#$" Modern *ualit+ Horizontal Se&ondaril+ .ontained Aboveground Storage Tank A. Material 1. ;nly ne1 material %all /e u ed in t%e manufacturing proce and t%e manufacturer %all en ure t%at t%e material u ed meet all appropriate pecification and 'uality a urance re'uirement . $. +imen ional 7e'uirement 1. 5ominal capacity of t%e tan3< = %all /e 99999 gallon . 2. 5ominal diameter of t%e tan3< = %all /e 99999 inc%e . 3. S%ell lengt% %all /e appro>imately99999 feet, 99999 inc%e . *. Con truct Secondary Containment of %ori?ontal tan3 per 0&!1*2. C. &oading Condition # 2an3 %all meet t%e follo1ing de ign criteria.

1. Internal &oad# 2an3< = %all 1it% tand an air pre ure te t of 3 ! 5 p i. 2. 2an3 %all /e de igned to upport acce ory e'uipment uc% a ladder , pump , etc. 1%en in talled according to manufacturer: in truction and limitation . 3. 2an3 %all /e pro(ided 1it% uita/ly de igned and located lifting lug 1%ic% %a(e a 2#1 afety factor. +. "roduct Storage 7e'uirement 1. 2an3< = %all /e capa/le of toring li'uid 1it% a pecific gra(ity up to 1.1. 2. 2an3< = i de igned for operation at atmo p%eric pre ure only. 2an3< = %all %a(e opening of ufficient i?e to meet normal and emergency (enting re'uirement for /ot% primary and econdary containment a tated in 0.&. 1*2, 04C, and 54"A 30. 3. 2an3< = %all /e capa/le of toring ga oline, ga o%ol, @et fuel, a(ga , die el fuel or met%anol at am/ient temperature or u ed for fuel oil at temperature not to e>ceed 120 degree 4a%ren%eit. )#$) A&&essories A. Certification "late# 0nder1riter &a/oratorie la/el %all /e affi>ed to eac% tan3. $. 4itting # 2%readed65"2 1. All t%readed fitting %all /e of a material of con truction con i tent 1it% t%e re'uirement of t%e 0nder1riter &a/oratorie la/el. All fitting %all /e protected u ing t%readed plug or uita/le clo ure cap . 2. 4itting Sc%edule# 0e Si?e 2ype 999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999 3. &ocation# 7efer to dra1ing . C. 4itting # 4langed 5o??le 1. All flanged no??le %all /e of a material of con truction con i tent 1it% t%e re'uirement of t%e 0nder1riter &a/oratorie la/el. All no??le %all /e protected u ing uita/le clo ure cap . 2. 5o??le Sc%edule# 0e Si?e 2ype 999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999 3. &ocation# 7efer to dra1ing . +. Man1ay 1. Man1ay %all conform to 0nder1riter &a/oratorie A1*2 tandard 1it% regard to con truction, /olting and ga 3et . 2. &ocation# 7efer to dra1ing . -. &adder and Wal31ay 1. ->terior ladder, if nece ary, %all /e of teel con truction and de igned u ing accepted engineering practice . 2. Wal31ay %all /e pro(ided at t%e location %o1n on t%e plan and dra1ing . +e ign of t%e 1al31ay %all /e /y t%e tan3 manufacturer and u/mitted to t%e contractor for appro(al prior to fa/rication. 4. Support Saddle 1. +e ign and 'uantity of t%e teel upport addle %all /e uc% a to afely upport t%e 1eig%t of t%e tan3 filled to capacity. 2. 2%e addle %all /e le t%an 12 inc%e %ig% at t%eir lo1e t point. 3. &ocation# 7efer to dra1ing .

ART !!! /0e&ution

,#$" !nstallation A. 2an3 %all /e in talled in trict accordance 1it% t%e mo t recent in tallation in truction pro(ided /y t%e tan3 manufacturer, "-I67"200, 04C, 54"A 30, local ordinance, recogni?ed engineering procedure, and ot%er applica/le code . ,#$) Testing A. 2an3 %all ucce fully complete an air pre ure te t of 3!5 p i prior to in tallation. ,#$, Field ainting A. 7efer to Section 0..00.
4;7M# +WB;7CAG.rtf D 0162003 M;+-75 W-&+I5G C;, I5C

S12S!D!AR!/S: Corporate ;ffice <2)0= ,E5!**00 Su/ idiarie # Modern Welding Company of ;1en /oro, Inc. ;1en /oro, FG <2)0= ,E3!5323 Modern Welding Company of ;%io, Inc. 5e1ar3, ;B <)*0= 3**!.*25 Modern Welding Company of 4lorida, Inc. ;rlando 4& <*0)= E*3!12)0 Modern Welding Company of 2e>a , Inc. Bou ton, 2H <)13= ,)5!*211 Modern Welding Company of 2e>a , Inc. 7%ome, 2H <E1)= ,3,!2215 Modern Welding Company of Io1a, Inc. $urlington, IA <31.= )5*!,5)) Modern Welding Company of California, Inc. 4re no, CA <55.= 2)5!.353 Modern Welding Company of Georgia, Inc. Augu ta, GA <)0,= )22!3*11

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