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Demo Weld Cost Calc XL-Unprotected

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Legal Statement Year 2006 release

Copyright 2002 Mark F. Mruczek

This software was developed by Mark F. Mruczek If you use this product you agree to the followi g ter!s a d co ditio s" # The user uses this software at their ow risk. 2 This otice !ust be i cluded with all copies !ade. $ This product is used %as is% without warra tees or liability. It is your respo sibility to k ow how to use this software. & y 'ob(weld!e t )uoted with this software is the users respo sibility. Mruczek*s +eldi g , gi eeri g does ot guara tee the accuracy of this product. - &ll risk associated with this products use is assu!ed by the user. . &ll cost calculated with this spreadsheet are for weldi g o ly. It does ot take i to co sideratio !achi i g cost/ !aterial cost 0other tha weldi g !aterial1

Changes To Spreadsheet
If you !ake a y cha ges to this spreadsheet you are respo sible for a y a d all cha ges that you !ake.

If you have co!!e ts/ correctio s or )uestio s about this product se d a e!ail to !!ruczek2atla ticbb. et. I will try to a swer all e3!ails i a ti!ely !a er. !!ruczek2atla ticbb. et

This progra! was verified the followi g ways # 4a d calculatio s 2 Co!pariso with other co!!ercial software a d publicatio s &lthough every effort was !ade to !ake this software as accurate a d easy to u dersta d as possible/ there is o way to guara tee it*s accuracy. There are assu!ptio s that !ust be !ade co cer i g welder a d process efficie cy. 5rocess efficie cy is built i to the progra! a d the i for!atio was obtai ed fro! u!erous publicatio s. +elder efficie cy is supplied by the user. This is o e of the !ost basic factors i the cost calculatio s a d !ust be deter!i ed as accurately as possible i order to !ake sou d evaluatio s of weldi g cost.

Welder Efficiency
Welder Efficiency " +elder ,fficie cy is the perce tage of a welder7s worki g day that is actually spe t weldi g. & -.6 0.-.1 operati g factor !ea s that o ly -.6 of the welder7s day is actually spe t weldi g 0-.- hrs1. The bala ce of ti!e is spe t i stalli g a ew electrode or wire/ clea i g slag/ positio i g the weld!e t/ clea i g spatter fro! the weldi g gu / prepari g the 'oi t/ !ovi g parts/ coffee break etc. If the actual operati g factor is ot k ow / the followi g averages ca be used. $06 !ay be used with the shielded !etal arc weldi g process08M&+1 .06 !ay be used with the 9as !etal arc weldi g process 09M&+1 -.6 !ay be used with the Flu:Cored &rc +eldi g process 0FC&+1 -.63.06 !ay be used with the 8ub!erged &rc +eldi g process 08&+1 .06 !ay be used with a y auto!atic +eldi g process

Labor and O erhead !ates

;abor a d overhead are co sidered 'oi tly i all calculatio s i this spreadsheet. ;abor is the welder7s hourly pay rate which i cludes their wages a d be efits. <verhead i cludes allocated portio s of pla t operati g a d !ai te a ce costs.

+eld shops i !a ufacturi g pla ts or!ally have established labor a d overhead rates for each depart!e t. ;abor a d overhead rates ca vary greatly fro! pla t to pla t/ a d also with locatio .

Weld #oint $ra%ings

All weld joint drawings were produced usign Arc Works Software developed and distributed by Lincoln Electric Co. Copyright !!" Lincoln Electric Co#pany


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&lease Select The Type of Weld #oint Yo' Wish To E al'ate by &ointing to and Clic(ing on The )ppropriate &ict're *elo%

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Mark Mruczek 8e ior +eldi g , gi eer Mruczek +eldi g , gi eeri g &ro+ect, Company, /!EC S'b+ect, Welding Cost < Time Welding process2es3 5sed, 4-)W #(- fillet weld used for all weldi g 5lease Choose ? its before e teri g data below *ase -aterial, &rod'ct .orm, .iller -aterial Trade /ame, 48;&3D0 5late ,C#0#TM ,8&> $ate, &age,
Choose ? its For This 8heet

0#(#E(0E # of 2
, glish ? its Metric ? its

Leg Si1e 2in3 .iller material &rocess 4as 5sed

)mps Volts Wire .eed 2in6min3 Electrode $iam7 2in3 Total Length of Weld 2ft3 Tra el Speed 2in6min3 4as .lo% !ate 2ft896hr3 Welder Efficiency Cost Electrode 2:6lb3 Labor6O erhead !ate Cost of 4as 4as Cylinder Si1e 2ft893 &o%er Cost Cost of .l'; 2:6lb3

&rocess 0 0.2.0 i 0 Carbon Steel 0 GMAW (98Ar-2O2)


Leg Si1e 2in3 .iller material &rocess 4as 5sed

)mps Volts Wire .eed 2in6min3 Electrode $iam7 2in3 Total Length of Weld 2ft3 Tra el Speed 2in6min3 4as .lo% !ate 2ft896hr3 Welder Efficiency

&rocess 2 0.2. i 0 Carbon Steel 0 GMAW (98Ar-2O2)


2.0 $0 -E0 0.0-. 20000 ##.0 $0


& B i (!i i ft i (!i ftF$(hr

2.0 $0 -E0 0.0-. 20000 ##.0 $0


& B i (!i i ft i (!i ftF$(hr

2... G(lb 2... G(lb Cost Electrode 2:6lb3 2..00 G(hr 2..00 G(hr Labor6O erhead !ate -0.00 G(bottle -0.00 G(bottle Cost of 4as $$0 ftF$ $$0.00 ftF$ 4as Cylinder Si1e 2ft893 0.20 G(kwh 0.20 G(kwh &o%er Cost 3 G(lb 3 G(lb Cost of .l'; 2:6lb3 Leg Si1e" The leg size show above is what is re)uired. For cost calculatio s #06 is added to the size show . This is co sista t with or!al shop practices. I other words welders will typically produce a weld that is #06 larger tha what is re)uired. Fillet welds are assu!ed to be co ve: rather tha flat for cost calculatio s 08ee =rawi gs to the right. ? its H ;ast # #

Scroll $own %o See &esults


Co ve:


O5T&5T .O! 4-)W 2=>)r"2O23 &!ou t of filler !etal eeded IB&;?,J Au!ber of passes per 'oi t K IB&;?,J 8ize of fillet weldLL 0.2-D &!ou t of shieldi g gas used IB&;?,J Au!ber of 9as >ottles Ce)uired IB&;?,J &ctual weldi g ti!e IB&;?,J ;abor Cost IB&;?,J +eldi g ,lectrode Cost IB&;?,J 9as Cost IB&;?,J Flu: Cost G3 5ower Cost IB&;?,J I itial Cost IB&;?,J Fi al Cost ?V)L5E@ Total cost per ft of weld IB&;?,J Filler cost per ft of weld IB&;?,J Flu: cost per ft of weld 3 9as cost per ft of weld IB&;?,J ;abor cost per ft of weld IB&;?,J lbs i ftF$ hr
;abor Cost +eldi g ,lectrode Cost 9as Cost Flu: Cost 5ow er Cost

G(ft G(ft G(ft G(ft G(ft

LL 8ize of the fillet weld is based o heat i put. This i for!atio ca be used to ad'ust your a!ps M volts to achieve the leg size you e tered i Cell >#0 O5T&5T .O! 4-)W 2=>)r"2O23 ;abor Cost &!ou t of filler !etal eeded IB&;?,J lbs +eldi g ,lectrode Cost Au!ber of passes per 'oi t K IB&;?,J 9as Cost 8ize of fillet weldLL 0.2-D i Flu: Cost &!ou t of shieldi g gas IB&;?,J ftF$ 5ower Cost Au!ber of 9as >ottles Ce)uired IB&;?,J &ctual weldi g ti!e IB&;?,J hr ;abor Cost IB&;?,J +eldi g ,lectrode Cost IB&;?,J 9as Cost IB&;?,J Flu: Cost G3 5ower Cost IB&;?,J I itial Cost IB&;?,J Fi al Cost ?V)L5E@ Total cost per ft of weld IB&;?,J G(ft Filler cost per ft of weld IB&;?,J G(ft Flu: cost per ft of weld 3 G(ft 9as cost per ft of weld IB&;?,J G(ft ;abor cost per ft of weld IB&;?,J G(ft

?V)L5E@ &ro ides )


Sa ings !elati e To The


Weld Cost CalcAL +ritte >y" 'ark (. 'ruc)ek Copyright *++* 'ark (. 'ruc)ek

5pdates since inception =ate Cha ge #E3May302 Added ,pdate Sheet Check Spelling Checked Against Sa#ple Calculations .3Feb30$ Added Co#pound Single -evel .oint to the spreadsheet 'oved all calculations to a separate page D3@ul30$ Added $ouble/01 and $ouble -evel joint to the spreadsheet Sa#ple 0alues Entered #03<ct30$ Added ,nits page Added units conversion 0- code to each sheet #N3@a 30- Added Single/,1 Single/.1 and $ouble/. .oints to the spreadsheet ,pdated all weld joint drawing using Arc Works drawing software (ro# the Lincoln Electric co#pany ,pdated %ables page to add #ore base #etals1 gases and welder efficiencies 2N3&pr30- Corrected errors in cost calculations 2rotected Spreadsheet O3&ug30. Added $eposition rate page to the spreadsheet Corrected errors in unit conversion calculations in 0- code ,pdated Weld .oint $rawings Sa#ple Calcs &an/0erification Co#plete Added 3otes to (illet weld page and fillet weld drawing showing flat and conve4 beads #2((#-(200. Changed 3a#e fro# Weld Cost &ev 5 to Weld Cost Calc6L $03@a 30. (iled for Copyright


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