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DCN Question Bank

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Subject Name: Data Communication and Networking Semester: II

Unit - 1
Part A (2 marks)
1. Explain network topologies.
2. Write short notes on multiplexing.
3. What is data communication and components of it?
4. What is simplex, half duplex and full duplex?
5. !pes of connection.
". #ategories of network.
$. What is protocol?
%. &a!ers of '() model.
*. !pes of addressing.
1+. What is analog and digital signal?
11. ,eriodic and non periodic signal.
12. ransmission impairment -attenuation, distortion, noise.
13. (cram/ling.
14. ransmission modes -parallel and serial.
15. 012, 12
1". 3uided media and unguided media
1$. #ircuit switching network and 4irtual circuit network
1%. What is multiplexing?
1*. 2ultiplexing and demultiplexing.
2+. #onnection and connectionless ser4ices.
Part B (16 marks or 8 marks)
1. Explain in detail a/out '() model.
2. Explain a/out 4arious categories and topologies of network.
3. Compare OSI and TCP reference model.
4. #ategori5e all switching techni6ues and explain each
5. 1iscuss a/out the 4arious transmission media
". Explain 2ultiplexing in detail
$. 1iscuss the protocols and standards.-%.
%. 1escri/e the 012 and 12 -%.
P art A (2 marks)
1. Explain the 4arious t!pes of data link protocols.
2. Write a/out data link control.
3. 7lock coding.
4. !pes of error.
5. What is #8#?
". What is checksum?
$. 0low and error control.
%. (top and wait protocol.
*. What is pigg!/acking?
1+. ,oint to point protocol.
11. What is framing?
12. What is ('9E:(1; and its la!ers?
13. (( multiplexing.
14. What is frame rela! and its la!ers?
15. What is error control, flow control and congestion control?
Part B (16 marks or 8 marks)
1. 1iscuss the 4arious error correction mechanism in detail
2. 1escri/e the Ethernet in detail
3. Write short notes on 1ata &ink #ontrol ,rotocol
4. 1iscuss a/out frame rela! in 4irtual circuit networks
5. 1iscuss a/out <2 with diagram .
P art A (2 marks.
1. Explain the concept of unicast address.
2. 1efine routing.
3. Explain a/out <8, and )#2,.
4. ),44 addressing.
5. #lassful and classless addressing
". What is 9<?
$. ),44 packet format
%. What is datagram?
*. 0ragmentation
1+. ransition from ),44 to ),4"
11. What is <8,, 8<8,, 7'',, 1;#,? Expand them
12. )#2, and )32,
13. What is forwarding and its techni6ue?
14. What is router and routing ta/le?
15. &ist unicast routing protocol and multicast routing protocol.
Part B (16 marks or 8 marks)
1. Explain the distance 4ector routing algorithm.
2. ;ow will !ou deli4er packets in network la!er?
3. #lassful and classless addressing
4. 9etwork <ddress ranslation
5. ),44 and ),4" address
". )#2, and )32,
$. =nicast routing protocol
%. 2ulticast routing protocol
P art A (2 marks)
1. What is 19(? Explain
2. Write a/out multimedia
3. 1iscuss 4arious issue on application la!er
4. What is process to process deli4er!?
5. (ocket address
". 8elia/le and unrelia/le ser4ices
$. What are #, and =1,?
%. #, ser4ices
*. hree wa! handshaking
1+. What is >o(? ->ualit! of (er4ice.
11. What is ?one and 1omain?
12. What is resolution in 19(?
13. What is remote logging?
14. What is E&9E?
15. What is Email?
1". What is 0, and 0,?
1$. What is WWW and ;,?
1%. What is cookies and =8&?
1*. ;2&
2+. (tatic and d!namic document
21. What is =1,?
22. What is multimedia?
23. 1igiti5ation and compression
Part B (16 marks or 8 marks)
1. 1escri/e a/out an electronic mail
2. Explain a/out the file transfer mechanism through 0,
3. Write short notes on ;, and WWW
4. Write short notes on 1omain 9aming (!stem-19(. and 0ile ransfer ,rotocol-0,.
5. #, and =1, and (#,
". #ongestion #ontrol
$. 19(
%. Email and remote logging and file transfer
*. (92,
P art A (2 marks)
1. What is cr!ptograph!?
2. (!mmetric and as!mmetric ke! encr!ption
3. What is 1E( and <E(?
4. What is 8(< algorithm?
5. What is message integrit! and authentication?
". What is digital signature?
$. 1efine encr!ption
%. What is mono alpha/etic cipher? Explain
Part B (16 marks or 8 marks)
1. &ist and explain all modes of operation for /lock cipher.
2. (!mmetric ke! cr!ptograph! and as!mmetric ke! cr!ptograph!
3. 1iscuss a/out (ecurit! ser4ices
4. Explain the details 1E( encr!ption scheme with an example and what are the
draw/acks of 1E( algorithms?
5. Explain the principle of RSA algorithm and how the pulic and !ecret "e#! are

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