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Are Shia Kafir

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1. "Bad'ah" ALLAH tells a lie. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No.1, Page No. 148. A Shia
2. All Imams are equal in rank and status to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s. (Asool
Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. #$%"
!. "here are se#enteen thousand A$ah in real %ur'an. (Al Shafi, Vol. No. #, Page
No. &1&"
&. 'aha(ah ().H (e*ame in+idel ($ den$in, the di#ine ri,ht (-ila$at o+ Ha.rat Ali.
/irst three *aliph and other 'aha(as (e*ame in+idel ($ den$in, the di#ine ri,ht o+
(-ila$at o+ Ha.rat Ali. (Asool Kaafi, Page No. 4#%"
0. All the people re1e*ted Islam a+ter the death o+ the Prophet e2*ept three. Miqdad3
A(u 4ar and 'alman /arsi. ('(a! )a*eed +, )a-+ool H(ssai! .ehle/i, Page
No. 104"
5. "6i++eren*e (etween ALLAH and Ali". (1ila2(l2A,o(!, Vol. No. #, Page No. &&"
7. -e are the e$es o+ the 8od in his *reature and the +inal authorit$ in all human
(ein,s. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 143"
9. :o one possess *omplete knowled,e o+ Hol$ %ur'an e2*ept Imams. (Asool Kaafi,
Vol. No. 1, Page No. ##8"
;. Ha.rat A(u Bakr (r.a *ould not re*ite <alma at the time o+ his death. (Isa2e2
)(ha44ad, Page No. #11"
1=. -hen >ur %aim (12th Imam ,ets up3 Humira (A$esha will (e raised +rom the
dead so as to (e whipped her due punishment3 and so as to a#en,e the dau,hter o+
Muhammad (s.a.w.s3 /atima. (Al Shafi, Vol. No. #, Page No. 1%8"
11. Ali is 8od. (1ila2(l2A,o(!, Vol. No. #, Page No. &&"
12. "he Hu11at (?ltimate proo+ o+ 8od *an not (e esta(lished without Imam. (Asool
Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 1$$"
1!. "@han,es in %ur'an +or 6rinker <hula+aAeA)ashideen". (5a!slatio! 6f '(a!
)a*eed +, )a-+ool H(ssai! .ehle/i, Page No. 4$7"
1&. 'haitan was the +irst to sworn the oath o+ alle,ian*e +rom A(u Bakr in the
mosque. (Isa2e2)(ha44ad, Page No. 0%"
10. "An a**usation o+ poisonin, to Prophet ($ A$esha and Ha+sa". (1ila2(l2A,o(!,
Page No. 118"
15. Imams are 8od. (1ila2(l2A,o(!, Vol. No. #, Page No. 83"
17. Imam knows his hour o+ death and his death is in his *ontrol. (Asool Kaafi, Vol.
No. 1,Page No. #38"
19. Pakistan is mentioned in the >ri,inal Hol$ %ur'an3 present %ur'an is meanin,less.
(Ha8aa 5(4hai .as Ha4ai, Page No. 334"
1;. It is in+idelit$ (<u+r to dou(t a(out the in+idelit$ (<u+r o+ Ha.rat ?mar. (1ila2(l2
A,o(!, Page No. &0"
21. A(dullah I(nAeA'a(a maintained the indispensa(ilit$ o+ Imamat and *laimed that
Ali was the true lord. (A!9aa2e2Na(4a!ia, Vol. No. #, Page No. #04"
22. A**ordin, to 'hia's nothin, *an remain hidden +rom the Imams3 the$ ha#e a
*omplete knowled,e o+ past3 present and +uture. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page
No. #&%"
2!. %ur'an was as*ended in +our parts whereas present %ur'an is *onsist o+ three
parts. (Shia A( 5eheef2e2'(a!, :age No. &#"
2&. "hose who den$ the +irst o+ Ha.rat Ali @aliphate are in+idels. (A!9aa2e2
Na(4a!ia, Vol. No. 0, Page No. #&4"
20. A$esha was an in+idel women. (Ha,at2(l2'(loo+, Vol. No. #, Page No. $#&"
25. -e neither a**ept that 8od nor Prophet whose su**essor is A(u Bakr. (A!9aa2
e2Na(4a!ia, Vol. No. #, Page No. #$8"
27. Imam posses more attri(ute than a Prophet posses. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1,
Page No. 088"
29. "he present %ur'an is a(rid,ed where as the >ri,inal %ur'an is kept ($ Imam
Mehdi. (Ha8aa 5(4hai .as Ha4ai, Page No. 330"
2;. A(u Bakr and ?mar were more t$rant than 'haitan. (Ha-2(l2;a-ee!, Page No.
!=. Imam Mehdi will punish A$esha with strips. (Ha,at2(l2'(loo+, Vol. No. #,
Page No. 7%1"
!1. "An a**eptan*e o+ separate <alma". (Asool2e2Shaiat Fee A-aid2(l2Shia<t,
Page No. 4#0"
!2. "o hide se*ret and to weep on the operations o+ Imam is Bihad. (Asool Kaafi,
Vol. No. #, Page No. ##&"
!!. 'haikheen (r.a re+used to a**ept the %ur'an whi*h was *ompiled ($ Ha.rat Ali
(r.a. (Fasal2(l2Khita+, Page No. &4"
!&. Ha.rat A(u Bakr and Ha.rat ?mar amon, se#en doors o+ the hell. (Ha-2(l2
;a-ee!, Page No. 3%%"
!0. A$esha and Ha+sa were h$po*rite and in+idel women. (Ha,at2(l2'(loo+, Vol.
No. #, Page No. 7%%"
!5. "An a**eptan*e o+ alteration in the <alma "a$$i(ah". (Shia )a8ha+ Ha- Hai,
Vol. No. #, Page No. 3$"
!7. /ourteen Imams o+ 'hia's (in+alli(le3 the masters o+ this ?ni#erse are
dese*ration o+ all Prophets and An,els. (1ila2(l2A,o(!, Vol. #, Page No. #7"
!9. %ur'an was eaten ($ 8od. ()i! Kita+2(l2=(ha! Fee 5afsee2(l2'(a!, Page
No. 08"
!;. Imam Mehdi will order3 the di,,in, out +rom ,ra#e3 the dead (odies o+
'haikheen3 make them ali#e and will (e punished. (Ha-2(l2;a-ee!, Page No.
&=. "A$esha was h$po*rite". (Ha,at2(l2'(loo+, Page No. 8&$"
&1. "o ask +or help +rom Ali is not a pol$theism (ut a wa$ o+ the Hol$ Prophet
(s.a.w.s". ( Hathi Ka, .aa!t Kha!a, Ka, A( .i>ha!a, Ka, A(, Vol. No.#,
Page No. 41"
&2. Imam Mehdi will kill all the 'unni '*holars. (Ha-2(l2;a-ee!, Page No.3#$"
&!. "he main *ompilers o+ %ur'an interpreted *han,ed *orrupted and per#erted the
Hol$ %ur'an. (Al2Ehti*a*, Page No. #3$"
&&. A(u Bakr3 ?mar3 ?sman and Muawi$ah are like idols3 the$ are worst o+ all the
*reatures o+ 8od. (Ha-2(l2;a-ee!, Page No. 317"
&0. A$esha was *har,ed o+ *ommittin, open #ul,arit$. ('(<a! )a*eed +,
)a-+ool H(ssai! .ehle/i, Page No. 84%"
&5. <alma "a$$i(ah without Ali -ali ?LLAH is +alse. (Shia )a8ha+ Ha- Hai, Page
No. #"
&7. Ha.rat A(u Bakr and Ha.rat ?mar were the +ollowers o+ 'haitan. ('(a!
)a*eed +, )a-+ool H(ssai! .ehle/i, Page No. &$4"
&9. A$esha was not an Ameri*an or Curopean lad$. (Ha-ee-at2e2Fi-ah Ha!fia .a
1a9a+ Ha-ee-at2e2Fi-ah 1affia, Page No. &4"
&;. -hen 8od (e*omes happ$3 He talks in Persian3 when He (e*omes anno$ed3 talks
in Ara(i*. (5aee>h2(l2Isla4, Page No. 1&0"
0=. In Hol$ %ur'an (/ahsha re+ers to A(u Bakr3 (Munkir re+ers to ?mar3 and (Ba,hi
re+ers to ?sman. ('(a! )a*eed +, )a-+ool H(ssai! .ehle/i, Page No. 331"
:ow m$ dear )eaders $ou all onl$ de*ide what should (e the la(el o+ su*h people
who are still propa,atin, their +alse (elie+s.

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