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Space Glossary
Thi s page provi des expl anati ons and i mages of bodi es throughout the uni verse: gal axies, sol ar systems,
pl anets, nebul a, stars, asteroi ds, comets, quasars, bl ack holes, and more.
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Asteroi ds, also known as the minor planets, are small bodies orbiting the Sun that resemble planets. More than
5,000 asteroids have been discovered, and most are found between Mars and J upiter. Usually having an irregular
shape, asteroidsat least those discovered thus farcan range in size from 580 miles (940 km) in diameter, which
is the size of the asteroid Ceres, to just 33 ft. (10 m) in diameter.
This image is of the asteroid Ida and its small satelite, Dactyl. Dactyl is the small object on the right, and in the close-up. Taken by the Galileo spacecraft in between Mars and J upiter.
Photo courtesyof NASA
A bl ack hol e is created by the total gravitational collapse of a massive star or group of stars. It is the final phase of
some stars, in which gravity sucks the star in on itselfit implodes rather than explodes. This makes it so dense
that not even light can escape its gravitational field.
Two computer generated images highlighting the star field called Orion's Belt as it appears in normal space (left) and how it would look if a black hole was present. Notice in the left
image the three bright stars making up the "belt". Now, look at the right image with the black hole; it's strong gravity bends light toward it, causing unusual visual distortions. Photo courtesy
Brown Dwarfs are also called failed stars. They lack enough energy to be true stars but are also too massive and
hot to be planets.
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The approximate size of brown dwarf TWA 5B (center) compared to J upiter (right) and the Sun (left). Although brown dwarfs are similar in size to J upiter, they are much denser and
produce their own light whereas J upiter shines with reflected light from the Sun. TWA 5B is estimated to be between 15 and 40 times the mass of J upiter, making it one of the least
massive brown dwarfs known. Photo courtesy of NASA
Comets are made up of frozen dust and gases, and have been described as large, dirty snowballs with icy centers.
They often travel on extremely elongated orbits around the Sun. Some comets have orbits that take just 10 years to
circumnavigate while other comets have orbits that take hundreds of thousands of years to circulate. The tail of a
comet, called a coma, forms when the comet comes within 100 million miles of the Sun. It is then affected by the
solar wind (hydrogen and helium that travel away from the Sun at high speeds), which causes a tail of dust and
gases to form behind the comet.
Ingredients of a comet: clays; iron-containing compounds; carbonates, which are the minerals in seashells; crystallized silicates, such as the green olivine minerals found on beaches
and in the gemstone peridot; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are carbon-containing compounds found in car exhaust and on burnt toast; water vapor and carbon dioxide. Photo
courtesy of NASA
Gal axies are immense systems containing billions of stars. Astronomers have estimated that the universe could
contain 40 to 50 billion galaxies. Galaxies have different shapes: some are spiral, others are elliptical, or oval-
shaped, and some are irregular.
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The Whirlpool Galaxy, also called M51, is 37 million light-years away.
Photo courtesyof NASA
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Meteors are fragments of comets, planets, moons, or asteroids that have broken off. It is estimated that a billion
meteors enter our atmosphere every day. Contact with our atmosphere causes most to disintegrate before reaching
Earth. Those that do not disintegrate completely but fall to Earth are called meteorites.
This is the Barringer meteor crater in Arizona, the impact occurred 49,000 years ago. More than 100 impact craters have been identified worldwide. Photo courtesy of NASA
The Mi lky Way is our own galaxy. J ust about all that you can see in the sky belongs to our galaxya system of
roughly 200 billion stars. The Milky Way is a spiral-shaped galaxy about 100,000 light-years in diameter and about
10,000 light-years in thickness.
Notice the location of our Sun in the Milky Way Galaxy, indicated on the lower portion of the picture.
Photo courtesyof NASA
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A nebul a is a giant glowing cloud thought to be made up of dust and gas. Nebulae were thought to have been
galaxies that appeared as a blur because they were so far away, but as more powerful telescopes were created,
they showed that nebulae were not clumps of stars but in fact a hazy cloud of gasses. A nebula is illuminated by
bright stars nearby. More than 300 nebulae have been named.
This nebula is called NGC 3132. At the center are two stars, one dim and one bright. The dim star is the dying one that ejected the gases forming the nebula. The bright star is younger,
but will likely create a similar type of nebula upon its death. The gas expanding from the dying star is over half a light-year wide (about 2,935,686,240,000 miles), moving away from the
central star at a speed of 9 miles per second.
Photo courtesyof NASA
Neutron stars are formed after a supernova explodes and shrinks. The shrunken form of the star becomes
incredibly dense and compact as gravity pulls all of its matter inward. It becomes so compressed that a million tons
of its matter would hardly fill a thimble. This density crushes together the electrons and protons that make up its
atoms, turning them into neutrons.
On December 27, 2004, a neutron star flared up so brightly, it temporarily blinded all the X-ray satellites in space for an instant, and lit up the Earth's upper atmosphere. This tremendous
blast of energy was from a giant flare created by the neutron star's twisting magnetic field. Objects like this are called magnetars, and they produce magnetic fields trillions of time more
powerful than those here on Earth. These fields are so strong they can actually buckle the surface of the neutron star causing these powerful star quakes.
Photo courtesyof NASA
Orbi t is the term for the path traveled by a body in space. It comes from the Latin orbis, which means circle. Some
orbits are nearly circular, but the orbits of most planets are ellipsesshaped like ovals.
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This diagram shows the relative size of the orbits of the seven planets visible to the naked eye. All the orbits are nearly circular (but slightly elliptical) and nearly in the same plane as
Earth's orbit (called the ecliptic). The diagram is from a view out of the ecliptic plane and away from the perpendicular axis that goes through the Sun.
Photo courtesyof NASA
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Planet is the term used for a body in orbit around the Sun. The word comes from the Greek planetes, and means
wanderers. Our solar system has eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, J upiter, Saturn, Uranus, and
Neptune. Since 1994, evidence has been found that planets also exist beyond our solar system. At least 322
planets existing in other solar systems have been discovered.
This image is of the planet Neptune.
Photo courtesyof NASA
Pul sars are believed to be rapidly spinning neutron stars that give off bursts of radio waves at regular intervals.
Pulsar is a shortened version of Puls[ating st]ar.
These images are of the Vela pulsar and its jet of high energy particles. The jet is half a light year in length, and is shooting out ahead of the moving pulsar. Photo courtesy of NASA
Quasars (quas[istell]ar objects) are believed to be the most remote objects in the universe. Despite their small size
they produce tremendous amounts of light and microwave radiation: not much bigger than Earth's solar system,
they pour out 100 to 1,000 times as much light as an entire galaxy containing a hundred billion stars.
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This is an artist's concept of a quasar, or growing black hole, at the center of a distant galaxy. The quasar is the orange object at the center of the large, irregular-shaped galaxy. It
consists of a doughnut-shaped cloud of gas and dust that feeds a central super massive black hole. As the black hole feeds, the gas and dust heat up and spray out X-rays, illustrated by
the white rays. Photo courtesy of NASA
Satel l ite (or moon) is the term for a body in orbit around a planet. As long as our own Moon was the only moon
known, there was no need for a general term for the moons of planets. But when Galileo Galilei discovered the four
main moons of the planet J upiter, J ohannes Kepler wrote Galileo a letter suggesting he call them satellites (from
the Latin satelles, which means attendant). The word means the same thing as moon.
J upiter and its largest moon Ganymede (lower left). Photo courtesyof NASA
Our solar system is made up of the Sun (solar means sun) at its center, the eight planets that orbit it, and the
various satellites, asteroids, comets, and meteorites that are also controlled by the Sun's gravitational pull.
This video shows how a solar system forms.
Video courtesy of NASA
Stars are composed of intensely hot gasses, deriving their energy from nuclear reactions going on in their interiors.
Our Sun is the nearest star. Stars are very large. Our Sun has a diameter of 865,400 milesmaking it a
comparatively small star.
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A new star cluster was found in our Milky Way galaxy. The cluster is seen in the center of the red nebula, or star-forming cloud, as the grouping of small blue, yellow and green stars. The
wisps of red are organic molecules within the dust which have been illuminated by nearby star formation. Green indicates the presence of hot hydrogen gas. Blue predominantly reveals
older stars. The bright white arc located to the lower left side of the central star cluster shows the area where a massive star is forming. With time, the clouds will disappear as more stars
form. Photo courtesy of NASA
The Sun is the closest star to Earth and the center of our solar system. Every second, it converts 49 million tons (45
million metric tons) of matter into pure energy, which reaches us in the form of light. The Sun weighs more than
300,000 times as much as Earth and is 109 times larger.
Our Sun is also named Sol.
Photo courtesyof NASA
Sunspots appear as dark spots on the Sun, and are believed to be cooler than the rest of the Sun. They appear in
11-year cycles.
Large sunspots on the surface of the Sun. Notice the writing and black dot at the bottom of the image, this is the approximate size of Earth compared to the Sun and its spots.
Photo courtesyof NASA
A supernova is an extremely large exploding star. J ust before the star dies, it releases huge amounts of energy,
briefly becoming millions of times brighter than it was. Then it immediately shrinks.
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This image is of N49, the brightest supernova remnant, or stellar debris, in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
Photo courtesyof NASA
White dwarfs occur when a star runs out of energy and shuts down. The force of gravity at its center pulls the mass
of the star in on itself, forcing it to collapse. It resembles the glowing cinders of a fire that has died down. It is called
a white dwarf because it emits a white glow.
Like a butterfly, a white dwarf star begins its life by casting off a cocoon that enclosed its former self. The above cocoon, the planetary nebular designated NGC 2440, contains one of the
hottest white dwarf stars known. The white dwarf can be seen as the bright dot near the photo's center. Photo courtesy of NASA
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The Universe
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