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Analysis of A Plate With Stress Concentrations (Abaqus)

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Instructor: Professor James Sherwood Revised: Dimitri Soteropoulos Programs Utilized: ABAQUS CAE 6.9-EF1 Problem Description: This tutorial illustrates the effects of various stress concentrations on a plate. Three different stress concentrations are incorporated into the geometry of and aluminum plate: a hole, fillets, and a crack. The mesh of the plate is designed and refined to fit the conditions of the geometry.

Creating the Model Geometry Go to the Start Menu and open Abaqus CAE You may be prompted with an Abaqus/CAE 6.9 Extended Functionality box (Figure 1). Close this box by clicking the X in the top right hand corner.

Figure 1. Abaqus/CAE 6.9 Extended Functionality box.


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Once the Extended Functionality box is exited, the ABAQUS CAE Viewport should look similar to Figure 2. (Please note the model tree is the series of functions listed on the left hand side of the viewport, while the module is the list of icons to the right of the model tree)

Model Tree

Figure 2. ABAQUS CAE Viewport To create the model geometry of the aluminum plate, a sketch of the face of the part must be generated. Using the left mouse button, double click Parts in the model tree and the Create Part (Figure 3a) dialog box appears. Enter a new name for the part (PLATE), and under the Base Feature tab choose Shell for shape and Planar for type. Change the approximate size option to 20. The Create Part dialog box should look identical to Figure 3b. Click Continue and the graphics window will change to a set of gridlines.


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Figure 3a. Create Part Dialog Box

Figure 3b. Create Part Dialog Box (PLATE)

For the first step in generating the model geometry an outline of the plate must be created. Click the Create Isolated Point icon in the module. (Remember, the module is the series of icons to the right of the model tree) At the bottom of the viewport the Pick a point or enter X,Y: option will appear. Points will be entered using X,Y coordinates. Enter the X,Y coordinates of the points listed in Table 1. After each entry hit enter on the keyboard and the point will appear in the viewport. (Enter the points in the x,y format) Table 1. Points for Geometry
Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 X Coordinate -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -0.75 0.75 1.25 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 1.25 0.75 -0.75 -1.5 Y Coordinate 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.5 0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75


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17 18 19 20 21

-2.0 -2.5 0 -0.25 0.25

-0.75 -0.75 0 0 0

If all of the points have been entered correctly, the viewport should look similar to Figure 4. To auto scale the points to fit the screen hit F6 on the computer keyboard. X,Y Coordinates

Figure 4. Geometry Points Click the Create Lines: Connected icon in the module, click and create lines between points 1 & 2, 2 & 3, 3 & 4, 4 & 5, 5 & 6. After the fifth line has been created click the center scroll wheel on the mouse to exit the creation of this segment of lines. Create lines between points 13 & 14, 14 & 15, 15 & 16, 16 & 17, 17 & 18. After the fifth line has been created click the center scroll wheel on the mouse to exit the creation of this segment of lines. Next, create lines between points 8 & 9, 9 & 10, 10 & 11. After the third line has been created click the center scroll wheel on the mouse to exit the creation of this segment of lines. Finally, create a line between points 1 & 18. Press Esc on the computer keyboard to exit the Create Lines: Connected tool. At this point of the sketch the geometry should look similar to that in Figure 5.


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Figure 5. Geometry Lines The final step in drawing the plate geometry is to create a hole and two fillets. Click the Create Circle: Center and Perimeter icon in the module. Using the cursor click point 19, this will denote the center point for the circle. Next click point 20, this will select a perimeter point for the circle. Press Esc on the computer keyboard to exit the Create Circle: Center and Perimeter tool. Finally, click the Create Arc: Center and Two Endpoints icon in the module. For a center point the first filet click point 7. Next click point 8 to denote a start point for the arc. Finally click point 6 for an endpoint for the arc. Repeat the same steps to create the second filet for points 12 (center), 13 (start), 11 (end). Press Esc on the computer keyboard to exit the Create Arc: Center and Two Endpoints tool. The completed geometry should look similar to that in Figure 6.


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Figure 6. Geometry Complete The geometry of the plate is now complete. Click Done at the bottom of the viewport to exit the sketching viewport. Upon exiting the sketching viewport, the part should turn a solid grey color (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Plate With Hole (Part Module)


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Defining Material Properties To define material properties for this model, double click on Materials in the model tree and the Edit Material dialog box will appear (Figure 8a). Enter a Name for the material (ALUMINUM), and click the Mechanical tab, highlight Elasticity and click Elastic. Enter values of Youngs Modulus = 10E06 Psi, and Poissons Ratio = 0.3. After the material properties have been entered, the Edit Material dialog box should look identical to Figure 8b. Click OK.

Figure 8a. Edit Material Dialog Box

Figure 8b. Edit Material Dialog Box (ALUMINUM)

Please note there is no dropdown menu or feature in ABAQUS that sets specific units. All of the dimensions have been input in inches; therefore the respective Youngs Modulus units should be entered in Psi (Pounds per square inch). The units chosen for the definition of the material properties should be consistent and dictate what units should be used for the dimensions of the structure. At this point in preprocessing, the model should be saved. Click File then click Save. Name the file Plate With Hole Tutorial. The file will save as a Model Database (*.cae*) file. It may be of interest to save the file after each section of this tutorial.

Creating Sections To create a shell section in ABAQUS, double click Sections in the model tree and the Create Section dialog box will appear (Figure 9a). Enter a Name for the section (SHELL), and choose Shell under the Category Tab, and Homogeneous under the Type tab. Your Create Section dialog box should look identical to that in Figure 9b.


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Click Continue

Figure 9a. Create Section Dialog Box

Figure 9b. Create Section Dialog Box (SHELL)

The Edit Section dialog box will then appear where a value for the respective Shell thickness can be prescribed for this section. Because only one material has been created, the Material is defaulted to ALUMINUM. If multiple materials had been created, the dropdown menu could be used to prescribe a different material to this section. Under the basic tab enter 0.25 for the Shell thickness. Change the Thickness integration rule: to Gauss. When this is done the number of Thickness integration points will default to 3. The Edit section dialog box should look identical to that in Figure 10. Click OK.

Figure 13. Edit Section Dialog Box (SHELL)


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Assigning Sections Now that the shell section has been created, it can be assigned to the geometry. In the model tree, click the + to the left of the Parts icon, this will further expand the model trees options. Next, click the + to the left of the part called PLATE, further expanding the model tree (Figure 16).

Figure 14. Model Tree Expansion (Parts) After the model tree has been expanded, double click Section Assignments. Using the cursor, draw a box around the whole part. If the section has been chosen correctly the part will change color from grey to red (Figure 15). Click Done.

Figure 15. Selected Geometry


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The Edit Section Assignment dialog box will appear. Ensure that SHELL is selected under the Section option. Under the Shell offset option make sure the drop down definition is set to Middle surface. The Edit Section Assignment dialog box should look identical to that in Figure 16.

Figure 16. Edit Section Assignment (SHELL) Click OK. The geometry should now turn to a green color.

Creating an Instance Before the part will be meshed, it can be brought into the assembly. To do this task, click the + to the left of Assembly in the model tree. The model tree will expand and should look identical to Figure 17.

Figure 17. Model Tree Expansion (Assembly) Double click on the Instances icon in the expanded model tree. This feature will allow multiple parts to be brought into the assembly. The Create Instance dialog box will appear (Figure 18). Under the Instance Type Option make sure to click Independent (mesh on instance).



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Figure 18. Create Instance Dialog Box Click OK. If this step was done correctly the model should turn a blue color (Figure 19).

Figure 19. Instance Part



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Creating a Mesh To create a mesh for the model geometry, expand the PLATE-1 instance in the model tree and double click Mesh (Empty). Be sure to mesh in the ASSEMBLY part of the model tree and not the PARTS section. If this selection is done correctly, then the geometry should change color to pink. The first step in creating the mesh is to partition the geometry. Click the Partition Face: Sketch icon in the module. You will be prompted to click an edge or axis, click one of the edges of the geometry and the sketching plane will appear. Using the Create Lines: Connected looks identical to that in Figure 20. icon in the module create lines such that the geometry

Figure 20. Partitioned Geometry Click Done. The sketching tool will automatically be exited. Click Done. The next step in creating a mesh is to seed the part. Since a refined mesh is desired around holes and cracks each edge will be meshed accordingly. Click and hold the Seed Part icon in the mesh module and six icons will appear. Hover the cursor over the Seed Edge: Biased icon and release the button on the cursor. The edges listed in Figure 21 are to be seeded with a bias. Table 2 lists the edge number (1-10), the bias ratio, and how many elements along the length of that edge. Note, when clicking the edge to be seeded, click the side of the edge where the bias should be denser. A red arrow will point where the mesh will be more refined.



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7 1 2 5 3 4 10 6 9

Figure 21. Selected Biased Edges Table 2. Biased Edges Edge Number Bias Ratio # of Elements 1 3 15 2 3 15 3 3 15 4 3 15 5 3 10 6 3 10 7 3 10 8 3 10 9 3 10 10 3 10 Now that all of the biased edges have been seeded, the edges shown in Figure 22 will be seeded with equal spacing of the nodes. Click the Seed Edge: By Number icon in the module. Seed the edges listed in Figure 22 with their respective values shown in Table 3.
11 14 18 12 19 16 13 21 17 24 22 20 15 23

Figure 22. Selected Equal Edges



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Edge Number Bias Ratio # of Elements 11 0 10 12 0 10 13 0 10 14 0 15 15 0 15 16 0 15 17 0 15 18 0 60 19 0 60 20 0 30 21 0 30 22 0 15 23 0 30 24 0 30

If the part has been seeded correctly, the viewport should look similar to that in Figure 23.

Figure 23. Seeded Part The next step in creating the mesh is to assign mesh controls. Click the Assign Mesh Controls icon in the model tree. Using the cursor draw a box around the whole geometry. If this is done correctly the color of the part will turn from pink to red. Click Done.



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The Mesh Controls dialog box will immediately appear. Under the Element Shape option click Quad. Under the Technique option click Structured. You may be prompted by an Abaqus dialog box, click Yes. Click OK. All of the regions of the model should turn a green color except for the two regions that define the central hole (Figure 24).

Figure 24. Mesh Regions While the Assign Mesh Controls option is still selected hold shift on the computer keyboard and click the two sections that define the central hole. If this is done correctly they will turn from a pink to a red color. Click Done. The Mesh Controls dialog box will immediately appear. Under the Element Shape option click Quad. Under the Technique option click Structured. You will be prompted by an Abaqus dialog box, click Yes. Click the Redefine Region Corners option in the Mesh Controls dialog box. At the bottom of the viewport, click Select New. While holding shift of the keyboard click the four nodes that join the two regions along the xaxis (Figure 24). Click Done. Click OK. The part is ready to be meshed. Click the Mesh Part Instance Icon In the module. Click Yes. If the mesh has been generated properly, the part should look similar to Figure 25.



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Figure 25. Meshed Part Creating a Crack Now that the geometry has been meshed, a crack will be created on the part. In the Model Tree, expand the Engineering Features by clicking the + sign. If this has been done correctly, the model tree should look similar to that in Figure 26.

Figure 26. Model Tree Expansion (Crack)



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Double click Engineering Features in the model tree and top toolbar of the screen will change. At the top toolbar click Special and in the dropdown menu hover the cursor over Crack and click Assign Seam (Figure 27).

Figure 27. Assign Seam Dropdown Menu Click the horizontal line created in the partition to assign the line to be modeled as a seam. (This line is the central horizontal line located at the left side of the part). Click Done. Click Done.

Creating a Step A Step is where the user defines the type of loading, e.g. Static or Dynamic, and defines the boundary conditions, e.g. support constraints and forces. In the model tree, double click the Steps icon. The Create Step dialog box will appear (Figure 28a). Create a Name for the step called LOADING STEP. Under Procedure type choose General > Static, General. The Create Step dialog box should look identical to Figure 28b.



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Figure 28a. Create Step Dialog Box

Figure 28b. Create Step Dialog Box (LOADING STEP)

Click Continue, and the Edit Step dialog box will immediately appear (Figure 29).

Figure 29. Edit Step Dialog Box Click OK to accept the default values for the various options.



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Apply Constraint Boundary Conditions Boundary conditions will be defined which will simulate a fixed (also known as clamped) beam at one end with a tip load. Double click BCs in the model tree and the Create Boundary Condition dialog box will appear (Figure 30a). Create a Name for the boundary condition called FIXED, and under the Step drop down menu make sure to choose Initial. Under the Category option choose Mechanical, and choose Symmetry/Antisymmetry/Encastre under the Types for Selected Step option. The Create Boundary Condition dialog box should look identical to that in Figure 30b.

Figure 30a. Create Boundary Condition

Figure 30b. Create Boundary Condition (FIXED)

Click Continue Click on the left edge of the part. If the edge has been selected correctly it will turn a red color. Click Done. The Edit Boundary Condition dialog box will immediately appear. Click ENCASTRE (U1=U2=U3=UR1=UR2=UR3=0). The Edit Boundary Condition dialog box should look identical to that in Figure 31.



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Figure 31. Edit Boundary Condition Dialog Box Click OK.

Applying an Axial Load to the Structure An axial load of 500 lbs will be applied on the right side of the structure. Double click Loads in the model tree and the create load dialog box will appear (Figure 32a). Create a Name for the load called AXIAL. Ensure that the Step option is set to LOADING STEP and that the Category is set to Mechanical. For the Types for Selected step option choose Shell edge load. The Create Load dialog box should look similar to Figure 32b.

Figure 32a. Create Load Click Continue Click the right edge of the part.

Figure 32b. Create Load (AXIAL)



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Click Done. The Edit Load dialog box will immediately appear (Figure 33a). Under Magnitude enter -500, under the Traction is defined per unit dropdown menu choose undeformed area. The Edit Load dialog box should look similar to Figure 33b.

Figure 33a. Edit Load Dialog Box

Figure 33b. Edit Load Dialog Box (AXIAL)

Click OK. If this has been done correctly, small purple arrows will appear on that edge in the direction of the loading.

Creating a Job To create a job for this model, double click the Jobs icon in the model tree. Up to this point, you have been preprocessing the model. A job will take the input file created by the preprocessor and process the model, i.e. perform the analysis. In the Create Job dialog box, create a Name for this job called AXIAL. Blank spaces are not allowed in a job name. Thus the use of the underline in the name. The Create Job dialog box should look identical to that in Figure 34.

Figure 34. Create Job Dialog Box (AXIAL)



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Click Continue The Edit Job dialog box will immediately appear (Figure 35).

Figure 35. Edit Job Dialog Box (AXIAL) Accept the default values and click OK.

Setting the Work Directory To ensure that the input files write to the correct folder, setting the work directory must be accomplished. At the top of the screen, click File and in the dropdown menu click Set Work Directory (Figure 36).

Figure 36. Set Work Directory



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The Set Work Directory screen will immediately appear (Figure 37). Click Select and use standard Windows practice to select (and possibly create) a subdirectory.

Figure 37. Set Work Directory (FOLDERS) Click OK. Click OK.

Writing the Input File (.inp) To write the input file of the job that was created, first click the + next to the Jobs(1) icon in the model tree. Right click the job called AXIAL and click the Write Input option. This choice will write an input file (.inp) of this model to the work directory. It may be helpful to go to the folder on the computer to which the work directory is set to ensure that the input file was written there.

Model Analysis (ABAQUS Command) Method #1 Go to the Start Menu and open Abaqus Command ABAQUS is set to a default directory (Example E:\>). To change directories in the Abaqus Command type the directory of choice followed by a colon (D:) then hit Enter. To access a specific directory within that drive type cd followed by the specific folder name in that directory (e.g., cd APPLIED STRENGTHS T.A) then hit Enter. Now that the correct directory has been sourced in the command window type abaqus inter j=AXIAL and then hit enter. If the job has completed successfully the Abaqus prompt should look similar to Figure 38.



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Figure 38. Abaqus Command Prompt (COMPLETED)cd Method #2 An alternative method for submitting an *.inp file for processing by ABAQUS can be accomplished with ABAQUS CAE Right click the job called AXIAL and click the Submit option. If you see a warning:

Click OK. The intent of this warning is to prevent the user from accidentally overwriting a previously completed analysis with the same name. The model will now be submitted for analysis by ABAQUS and the progress can be viewed in the status window at the bottom of the screen.



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Postprocessing using ABAQUS CAE After the analysis has successfully completed in the Abaqus Command window using Method #1 or using Method #2, return to view the ABAQUS CAE viewport. Because the last step of creating the model was to create a job/write (and possibly submit) an input file, the AXIAL job should still be highlighted in ABAQUS CAE model tree. Right click the AXIAL job and then click Results. If this selection was done correctly, the model should turn to a green color and the geometry will have rotated to an isometric view (Figure 39).

Figure 39. Analysis Results Isometric View To rotate the model back into the X Y plane for viewing, click View in the toolbar at the top of the screen. Next, Click Toolbars and make sure the option Views has a check mark to the left of it. If not, then click it. The Views toolbar will appear (Figure 40), and the Apply Front View button can be clicked to view the model in the X Y plane.

Figure 40. Views Toolbar To view the deformed shape of the model, click the Plot Contours on Deformed Shape icon in the Visualization module. The model should look similar to that in Figure 41.



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Figure 41. Deformed Shape (AXIAL) Conclusion Save the file by doing either File > Save or clicking the disk icon

Close ABAQUS CAE: File > Exit or Ctrl+Q This completes the Finite Element Analysis of a Plate with Stress Concentrations Tutorial.



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