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UNIT OUTLINE FOR SOCIAL STUDIES METHODS EDUCATION 627 December 11, 2013 PART 1 Mental Health in America:

Enter the Cuckoos Nest

Uni Ti !e: Mental Health in America: Enter the Cuckoos Nest S"b#ec $T%&ic Are'() The history of the mental health treatment in the United States from 19 1! "anuary 1# $%1 & A critical readin' of (ne )le* (+er the Cuckoos Nest& Time Fr'me) This *ill ,e tau'ht o+er the course of a month& The ten lessons *ithin are only half of *hat *ill ,e tau'ht& The -ortion included is the history focus of the unit& The literature side of thin's is only ,riefly addressed on -'s& *e+ ,%r-() .i%!ence, Men '! I!!ne((, Mi(c%nce& i%n, /In0%!"n 'r+1 Tre' men , In("r'nce2 De(i3ne- b+) C4ri( i'n *%!%"c4 F%r 3r'-e 11 ' Science Le'-er(4i& Ac'-em+

PART #1A Rationale and Brie !ummar" # $ %oints

R' i%n'!e 5%r 'n- 6rie5 ("mm'r+ %5 Uni ) . am 'oin' to teach my 11th 'rade En'lish students a,out the history of the American mental health system *hile at the same time ha+in' them read and in+esti'ate# (ne )le* (+er the Cuckoos Nest& .+e chosen this title and this to-ic ,ecause it is a to-ic that is rarely discussed in school or daily life and ,ecause of this# it carries an e/traordinary sti'ma -redicated on misunderstandin'& )urthermore# mental health is somethin' that most of us ha+e had direct encounters *ith# yet many of us# . *ould e+en ar'ue that most of us# ha+e +ery little kno*led'e a,out the *ay mental illnesses# and the system desi'ned to treat them# *ork& The unit *ill address the correlations ,et*een mental illness and a +ariety of other social issues& As a class *e *ill in+esti'ate the economic im-act of -oorly treated mental illness# *e *ill e/amine the ,usiness -ractices of treatin' mental illness# the many or'ani0ations ,ehind Americas treatment of the Mentally ill# ho* the 1ill of 2i'hts has ,een used to further ,oth sides in this ar'ument# ho* the AC3U had an enormous im-act on the structure of this ar'ument# the correlation ,et*een the closure of state hos-itals and the si'nificant rise in -rison -o-ulations# the demo'ra-hics of -rison -o-ulations# the medical system ,y *hich mental illness is treated# and the direct ramifications of t*o Su-reme Court decisions& . am teachin' this in tandem *ith (ne )le* (+er the Cuckoos Nest ,ecause this -articular no+el# like U-ton Sinclairs The "un'le# had a -rofound effect on -o-ular o-inion re'ardin' the issue& 4eseys ,ook *as e/tremely -o-ular at the same time that the American mental health system *as ,ein' restructured& .t *as s-ecifically referenced ,y the AC3U and Su-reme Court durin' *hat has come to 1

,e the landmark case on ho* to mana'e in+oluntary treatments& Also# . ,elie+e that ,y usin' a te/t *ith such rich human characters# the students *ill ha+e an immediate can+as on *hich they *ill ,e a,le to +isuali0e *hat they learn and characters *ith *hom they can emotionally and co'niti+ely relate& Ultimately# . am ho-in' that ,y teachin' a conce-tual history in tandem *ith a more human narrati+e# the students *ill ,etter internali0e the issues in+ol+ed and understand them# less as a,stractions and more as a human stru''le&

S 'n-'r-( A--re((e-) /'!! ( 'n-'r-( 're En3!i(4 c"rric"!"m ( 'n-'r-(1 S 'n-'r- 2: 2eadin' informational te/ts ena,les students to read# understand# and res-ond to information te/t& Standard 3: Reading Literature enables students to read, understand, and respond to works of literature. Standard 4: Writing develops the skills of informational, argumentative, and narrative writing, as well as the ability to engage in evidence based analysis of text and research. Standard 5: peaking and Listening focuses students on communication skills that enable critical listening and effective presentation of ideas. En-"rin3 Un-er( 'n-in3() O0er'rc4in3) !The students *ill ha+e a dee-er understandin' of the -u,lic 'ood& !The students *ill ha+e a dee-er understandin' of indi+idual ri'hts& !That the -u,lic 'ood intersects *ith indi+idual ri'hts& !That maintenance of the -u,lic 'ood may demand the relin5uishment of indi+idual ri'hts& T%&ic'!) !That treatin' mental illness is not al*ays a matter of choice& !That the current system -re+ents e5uita,le treatment of the mentally ill& !That numerous or'ani0ations ha+e an interest in not treatin' the mentally ill and -re+entin' chan'e in the system& !That the mentally ill can ,e treated& !That *hen treated# the mentally ill are some of the 'reatest contri,utors to society& !That almost e+ery su,6ect *e study in school or a--reciate in life has ,een enriched ,y the mentally ill& !That it is in our interest to -ro-erly care for the mentally ill&

E((en i'! 8"e( i%n() 97hat is the -u,lic 'ood8 7hat are indi+idual ri'hts8 7hen do these t*o conce-ts intersect8 Ho* do they intersect8 7hat role does the media9art -lay in our -erce-tion of -laces and e+ents8 7ho ,enefits from such -ortrayals8 7ho is hurt ,y such -ortrayals8 Ho* can *e read *hat *e encounter in order to com-ensate for the inherent ,iases of the media -latform or artist8 :The follo*in' essential 5uestions are the school *ide essential 5uestions at S3A& These must ,e addressed ,y e+ery unit tau'ht in my school&; Ho* are

systems created and defined8 Ho* do systems sha-e the *orld8 7hat is the role of the indi+idual in systems8 7hat causes indi+idual and systemic chan'e8 7hat is the role of the indi+idual in creatin' and sustainin' chan'e8 7hat is the relationshi- ,et*een the self and the chan'in' *orld8

P'r 726
S "-en ( ,i!! :n%,; ! the history of mental health treatment in the USA since 19 1 to the im-lementation of a -articular statute in the Afforda,le Care Act# due to ,e im-lemented on "anuary 1# $%1 & ! *ill understand the contri,utions of the mentally ill& ! *ill understand the need9,enefits of -ro-erly carin' for the mentally ill& ! *ill understand the effects of not -ro-erly treatin' the mentally ill& !*ill understand the com-le/ity of chan'e& !*ill understand the history of this -articular chan'e& ! *ill ha+e a ne* understandin' of *hat it means to ,e mentally ill& S "-en ( ,i!! be 'b!e %; ! research a *ell!e+idence ar'ument& ! com-ose a *ell!e+idenced coherent ar'ument& !ar'ue a linear# clear# thorou'h ar'ument& ! reflect u-on their o*n ,iases& !demonstrate the 'ro*th in their understandin' of mental illness and the mentally ill& ! read a +ariety of te/ts# ,oth fictional and non!fictional# and a--ly their understandin' of these te/ts to a 'reater conce-t& !the students *ill ,e a,le to demonstrate# throu'h *ritin'# ho* the a--lication of these +arious sources of information has im-acted their understandin' of the mentally ill&

P'r 73 A
In( r"c i%n'! ( r' e3ie( % -e0e!%& e((en i'! (:i!!( 'n- c%n en $c%nce& () 3ecture# 'rou- -resentations# de,ates# com-arati+e charts# class discussion# 'roudiscussion# 6ournalin'# 'allery *alk# short essay# research essays# literature circles# -rimary sources# -ersonal essays# and creati+e *ritin'&

M' eri'!($e<"i&men ) <o*er<oint# Smart 1oard# <rometheus# 6ournals# *hite ,oard# cell -hones# a *ide +ariety of -rimary sources# ima'es of mental institutions# (ne )le* (+er the Cuckoos Nest# la-to- com-uters&

P'r 7=
Per5%rm'nce T'(:() The students *ill do a 'rou- -resentation# an indi+idual research essay# one -ersonal essay on their understandin' of mental illness# they *ill -artici-ate in a de,ate# they *ill fill out a lit lo' on a daily ,asis *hich *ill monitor their readin' -ractice# and at the end =

of the unit they *ill *rite a final -iece in *hich they demonstrate ho* their -erce-tion of the mentally ill has chan'ed& All of these assi'nment and the ru,rics for 'radin' them are included in this unit -lan& Each follo*s the lesson -lan of the day on *hich the assi'nment *ill ,e discussed& >ou *ill encounter the 'radin' criteria and detailed descri-tion of each *ritin' assi'nment as you read this unit -lan& . ha+e also included my lit lo' and a rou'h layout of the -ro'ression of this unit# includin' the readin' schedule and discussion days for the no+el on -'s& of this unit -lan& S "-en A((e((men ) The final assi'nment for this unit is a *ritin' assi'nment in *hich the students must demonstrate *hat they ha+e learned o+er the course of the unit& The ru,ric for this is included after the corres-ondin' unit -lan& 1ut it essentially re5uires the student to reference their initial im-ression of mental illness and ho* this understandin' has 'ro*n&

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