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St. Joseph's April 13, 2014 Bulletin

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100 South 8th Street

Arma, KS 66712
Tel. (620)347-4525
Mailing Address:
PO Box 948
Arma, KS 66712
Weekly Bulletin
Saint Joseph Church, Arma
Last Week July 2013 to date
Contributions $2,037.00 $53,220.86
Expenses-March $7,969.55 $58,868.37
Over/ (Under) ($5,647.51)

MA55 5cHbUL
Sat. 5:30pm 4:00pm
Sun. 10:00 am 8:00 am

Sat. 2:00-2:30pm 3:15-3:45pm

Weekdays before Mass;
anytime by appointment.

Fr. Roger Lumbre

Janel Scales/Marcel Normand
Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor

Georganne Galichia

Rectory Office Hours
Wednesdays 9AM-Noon
Tel. (620) 347-4525
Saint Joseph Parish Mission Statement:
The faith-filled parishioners of Saint Joseph Catholic Church of Arma, in union with the Blessed
Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, value tradition and prayer. We are committed to strong
leadership, responsive community service, and forming caring, welcoming, intimate relationships
with our fellow brothers and sisters. We seek to become a more diverse, vibrant, active church

Notes from the Pastor - Thanks be to God and praise be to Him as we enter into this Holy Week!
The highest point of this week is the celebration of the Sacred Paschal Triduum. It is the three most
solemn days of the liturgical year; Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil. These most
holy days celebrate the Paschal Mystery, first, the passion, suffering, and death of the Lord Jesus,
followed by his resurrection, the triumph of the holy cross, and Christs decisive victory over sin and
death. These days rank at the head of the liturgical calendar. They celebrate the most sacred myster-
ies of our faith, and they ought to be celebrated with the community at liturgy. The Jews have three
high holy days, three pilgrimage feasts, Passover, Pentecost, and Booths, and those who lived outside
of Jerusalem made pilgrimage to the Temple to celebrate these solemn occasions. The three days of
the Triduum are our high holy days, our pilgrimage feast, and we ought to make pilgrimage from
our homes to church to commemorate and honor how the Lord Jesus laid down his life for us, his
friends, for our salvation.
Please make it a top priority to go to church to celebrate the Triduum this year. Reserve the time.
Rearrange your schedule if necessary. Take some personal time off from work. Suspend errands or
jobs around the house. Drop everything. Plan to attend the Mass of the Lords Supper on Holy
Thursday, the Passion of the Lord on Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday. These
days may be optional, but none are more important.

I am posting here again our Holy Week Schedule, with one additional mass in Arma at 8AM, Holy

Altar Servers:


E. M. E.

Gift Bearers
12:00 PM
Grant Waterman

Bill Harman & Volunteer

Joan Black
Pat Westhoff & Joe Broyles

Mary & Georganne Galichia
8:00 AM
Kaylee Bogina
& Noah Popejoy
Henry Ashbacher
& Joe Polhlopek
Tracey Bogina
Linda Broyles

Ron & Joan Black

Next Sunday(04/20/2014) Good Friday (04/18/2014)
















4:00 PM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
7:00 AM
5:30 PM
6:00 PM
8:00 AM
6:30 PM
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
12:00 PM
6:00 PM
4:00 PM
8:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM

Geno Marchetti
Greg Evans
Jim David
Verl Diskin
Special Intention
NO Stations of the Cross
Ad Dantis
Verl Diskin
Eucharistic Adoration
Don Born
Ad Dantis
Shirley Foster
NO Eucharistic Adoration
Don Born
Pro Populo
Pro Populo

Mass Schedules & Intentions for April 12th-20th:
Saint Josephs Upcoming Events

Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays from 8:30am to 3:00pm

Finance Council Parish Council
Next Meeting, May 8th Next Meeting, April 22nd
At 6:00pm After 5:30pm Mass

St. Ann Altar Society Knights of Columbus
Next meeting, April 16th 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm
Rectory at 6pm St. Michael Parish Hall

Parish Pastoral Council Officers:
Chair: Pat Westhoff Members at Large: Betty Rons, Dustin Ashmore,
Joe Broyles, Debbie Amershek Secretary: Karen Pryer

Worship Committee: Parish Finance Council:
Chair Karen Pryer Chair Fred Bogina
E.M.Es Joann Black Members Joe Polhlopek,
Ushers/Greeters Bill Harman Judy Wingebach,
Altar Society Judy Smerchek Linda Broyles
Lectors Marcel Normand
Music Jan Harman
Saint Michael grounds. We will be having food (Asian and American; my
friends will be roasting two whole hog-with the head on it-yikes!) and lots of
activities for a free will donation. All the proceeds will be added to the mon-
ey we have received since November last year for the victims of Hurricane
Haiyan in the Philippines. I will take the donation myself when I visit the
Philippines on May 12 and make sure it will go to where it is mostly needed.
Come all and join the celebration! God bless you all! Fr. Roger


Easter Lilies
We will again be purchasing Easter Lilies for the altar on Easter Sunday. Anyone
wishing to make a donation for these flowers may do so by placing your dona-
tion in a separate envelope marked Easter Flowers.

St. Anns Altar Society
The next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 16th at 6:00pm in the rectory.

Golden Anniversary
The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 29th, at 6:00pm in the rectory.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
There will be a Formation Session on May 4th at 1:00pm at St. Francis Church in
St. Paul. This session if for individuals who are either renewing their 5-year
commission or are requesting a mandate for the first time. If you are interested
please contact Father Roger or the parish office, so you can be registered.

Thoughts During Holy Week
This weekend, we enter the holiest week of the Church Year with PALM SUN-
DAY, when Jesus began His final preparations for our redemption. This little
story illustrates its importance:
Two men are sentenced to die in the electric chair. At the last moment, their
sentence is commuted to life. They fell on their knees and cried out, Thank you,
Jesus! We were under the SAME sentence. In fact, we were ALL sentenced to
death. But Jesus came and died for us. He commuted our sentence to LIFE!
Palms are sacramental, the equivalent of any other blessed article such as water
or candles. Be sure to take one home with you and place a piece in every room of
your home. They will remind you through the year that our triumphal entry into
Heaven will come through the Cross.
On HOLY THURSDAY, the Church relives the mystery of the institution of
the Holy Eucharist and Holy Orders, as well as the night of the Passion of Our
Lord. We focus on the humility of Jesus, as he tells us to love one another and
if you do, you should serve one another. When Christ instituted the Holy Sac-
rifice of the Mass, St. John Vianney wrote: All our good works put together can
never equal the Sacrifice of the Mass because they are the works of men; but the
Mass is the work of God. Even Martyrdom is nothing compared with the Mass,
for martyrdom is the sacrifice which Man makes to God for his life, while the
Mass is the sacrifice which God offers for man of His Body and Blood. How
sublime (inspiring) is the office of the priest! If we had faith, we should discern
(recognize) God hidden in the person of the priest, like a light behind a glass
And then comes GOOD FRIDAY, and I always recall Fr. Donald Thissens de-
scription: What a way to love a Son, Son though He was, He learned obedience
from what He suffered. All His trust was in God. God loved His Son through it
all! On Calvary, He gave us the power to live. We must wait now to see why the
Father loved the Son so much. On the Cross, the Church was born.!
HOLY SATURDAY EVENING, the night our Savior arose triumphantly from
the dead, is the holiest night of the year and the liturgical ceremonies of the East-
er Vigil are the most beautiful and symbolic of the entire week. It is the victory
of Christ over the darkness of sin and death. The Church comes back to life!
RCIA ends, the catechumens are baptized, we repeat our baptismal vows, all
receive the Eucharist, the Triduum ends, and we begin a 50 day celebration
known as Easter! Article by Marcel Normand


We Thank our advertisers for your support!

Palm Sunday:
Saturday Vigil Masses 4PM Arma,
5:30 PM Girard;
Sunday Masses 8:00AM Arma, 10:00 AM Girard
Holy Monday - 7:00AM Girard
Holy Tuesday - 11:00AM Chrism Mass- Cathedral
Note: NO MASS and NO STATIONS this day at Saint
Joseph, Arma
Holy Wednesday Arma, Mass at 8AM
Girard, Mass at 6:30PM
Holy Thursday - Girard, 7PM -Mass of the Last Supper,
Washing of the Feet, and Adoration of the Eucharist until
Good Friday: Arma - 12 Noon - Stations of the Cross fol-
lowed by Veneration of the Cross and Communion
Girard - 3PM Stations of the Cross
6PM - Veneration of the Cross and Communion
April 19
-Saturday Night, Easter Vigil Girard
Easter Sunday Masses: 8:00AM Arma, 10:00AM

Note: Easter Egg hunt in Arma right after the 8AM Mass
and Girard right after the 10AM mass on Easter Sunday,
April 20

Congratulations to four of our kids at Saint Michaels in Girard
who made their first reconciliation Saturday, April 12
: Kolton
Droessler, Anne Martin, Carly Reif, and Jake Towner. Congrat-
ulations also to their parents for making this possible and for ful-
filling their promise to the Church during their wedding and when
the kids were baptized to bring them up in the Catholic faith. Con-
gratulations and thank you also to all our catechists especially to
our second graders cathechist, Janel Scales, for their sacrifice of
their time, talent, and treasure to teach these kids every Wednes-
day! God bless you a hundredfold as He has promised! These
kids and four from Arma will be receiving their first communion
on Sunday April 27
. Include them in your prayers.
Better late than never: Congratulations to Cooper Puckett for
being awarded as Outstanding Catholic Youth for Region 1 last
March 23 during the Diocesan Youth Conference in Wichita. May
God bless you always Cooper and may other youth follow your
good example!
This April 18
, is my 28
year anniversary of ordination to the
priesthood. Pray for me and all the priests as we thank God for the
gift of the priesthood for the community. As it falls on Good Fri-
day, we are moving the celebration on April 26
, Saturday at the
5:30 mass at Saint Michael and the banquet following the mass at
Hickory Bend, LLC
100 South 8th Street
Arma, KS 66712
Tel. (620)347-4525
Mailing Address:
PO Box 948
Arma, KS 66712
Weekly Bulletin
Saint Joseph Church, Arma
Last Week July 2013 to date
Contributions $2,037.00 $53,220.86
Expenses-March $7,969.55 $58,868.37
Over/ (Under) ($5,647.51)

MA55 5cHbUL
Sat. 5:30pm 4:00pm
Sun. 10:00 am 8:00 am

Sat. 2:00-2:30pm 3:15-3:45pm

Weekdays before Mass;
anytime by appointment.

Fr. Roger Lumbre

Janel Scales/Marcel Normand
Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor

Georganne Galichia

Rectory Office Hours
Wednesdays 9AM-Noon
Tel. (620) 347-4525
Saint Joseph Parish Mission Statement:
The faith-filled parishioners of Saint Joseph Catholic Church of Arma, in union with the Blessed
Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, value tradition and prayer. We are committed to strong
leadership, responsive community service, and forming caring, welcoming, intimate relationships
with our fellow brothers and sisters. We seek to become a more diverse, vibrant, active church

Notes from the Pastor - Thanks be to God and praise be to Him as we enter into this Holy Week!
The highest point of this week is the celebration of the Sacred Paschal Triduum. It is the three most
solemn days of the liturgical year; Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil. These most
holy days celebrate the Paschal Mystery, first, the passion, suffering, and death of the Lord Jesus,
followed by his resurrection, the triumph of the holy cross, and Christs decisive victory over sin and
death. These days rank at the head of the liturgical calendar. They celebrate the most sacred myster-
ies of our faith, and they ought to be celebrated with the community at liturgy. The Jews have three
high holy days, three pilgrimage feasts, Passover, Pentecost, and Booths, and those who lived outside
of Jerusalem made pilgrimage to the Temple to celebrate these solemn occasions. The three days of
the Triduum are our high holy days, our pilgrimage feast, and we ought to make pilgrimage from
our homes to church to commemorate and honor how the Lord Jesus laid down his life for us, his
friends, for our salvation.
Please make it a top priority to go to church to celebrate the Triduum this year. Reserve the time.
Rearrange your schedule if necessary. Take some personal time off from work. Suspend errands or
jobs around the house. Drop everything. Plan to attend the Mass of the Lords Supper on Holy
Thursday, the Passion of the Lord on Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday. These
days may be optional, but none are more important.

I am posting here again our Holy Week Schedule, with one additional mass in Arma at 8AM, Holy

Altar Servers:


E. M. E.

Gift Bearers
12:00 PM
Grant Waterman

Bill Harman & Volunteer

Joan Black
Pat Westhoff & Joe Broyles

Mary & Georganne Galichia
8:00 AM
Kaylee Bogina
& Noah Popejoy
Henry Ashbacher
& Joe Polhlopek
Tracey Bogina
Linda Broyles

Ron & Joan Black

Next Sunday(04/20/2014) Good Friday (04/18/2014)
















4:00 PM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
7:00 AM
5:30 PM
6:00 PM
8:00 AM
6:30 PM
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
12:00 PM
6:00 PM
4:00 PM
8:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM

Geno Marchetti
Greg Evans
Jim David
Verl Diskin
Special Intention
NO Stations of the Cross
Ad Dantis
Verl Diskin
Eucharistic Adoration
Don Born
Ad Dantis
Shirley Foster
NO Eucharistic Adoration
Don Born
Pro Populo
Pro Populo

Mass Schedules & Intentions for April 12th-20th:
Saint Josephs Upcoming Events

Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays from 8:30am to 3:00pm

Finance Council Parish Council
Next Meeting, May 8th Next Meeting, April 22nd
At 6:00pm After 5:30pm Mass

St. Ann Altar Society Knights of Columbus
Next meeting, April 16th 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm
Rectory at 6pm St. Michael Parish Hall

Parish Pastoral Council Officers:
Chair: Pat Westhoff Members at Large: Betty Rons, Dustin Ashmore,
Joe Broyles, Debbie Amershek Secretary: Karen Pryer

Worship Committee: Parish Finance Council:
Chair Karen Pryer Chair Fred Bogina
E.M.Es Joann Black Members Joe Polhlopek,
Ushers/Greeters Bill Harman Judy Wingebach,
Altar Society Judy Smerchek Linda Broyles
Lectors Marcel Normand
Music Jan Harman
Saint Michael grounds. We will be having food (Asian and American; my
friends will be roasting two whole hog-with the head on it-yikes!) and lots of
activities for a free will donation. All the proceeds will be added to the mon-
ey we have received since November last year for the victims of Hurricane
Haiyan in the Philippines. I will take the donation myself when I visit the
Philippines on May 12 and make sure it will go to where it is mostly needed.
Come all and join the celebration! God bless you all! Fr. Roger


Easter Lilies
We will again be purchasing Easter Lilies for the altar on Easter Sunday. Anyone
wishing to make a donation for these flowers may do so by placing your dona-
tion in a separate envelope marked Easter Flowers.

St. Anns Altar Society
The next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 16th at 6:00pm in the rectory.

Golden Anniversary
The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 29th, at 6:00pm in the rectory.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
There will be a Formation Session on May 4th at 1:00pm at St. Francis Church in
St. Paul. This session if for individuals who are either renewing their 5-year
commission or are requesting a mandate for the first time. If you are interested
please contact Father Roger or the parish office, so you can be registered.

Thoughts During Holy Week
This weekend, we enter the holiest week of the Church Year with PALM SUN-
DAY, when Jesus began His final preparations for our redemption. This little
story illustrates its importance:
Two men are sentenced to die in the electric chair. At the last moment, their
sentence is commuted to life. They fell on their knees and cried out, Thank you,
Jesus! We were under the SAME sentence. In fact, we were ALL sentenced to
death. But Jesus came and died for us. He commuted our sentence to LIFE!
Palms are sacramental, the equivalent of any other blessed article such as water
or candles. Be sure to take one home with you and place a piece in every room of
your home. They will remind you through the year that our triumphal entry into
Heaven will come through the Cross.
On HOLY THURSDAY, the Church relives the mystery of the institution of
the Holy Eucharist and Holy Orders, as well as the night of the Passion of Our
Lord. We focus on the humility of Jesus, as he tells us to love one another and
if you do, you should serve one another. When Christ instituted the Holy Sac-
rifice of the Mass, St. John Vianney wrote: All our good works put together can
never equal the Sacrifice of the Mass because they are the works of men; but the
Mass is the work of God. Even Martyrdom is nothing compared with the Mass,
for martyrdom is the sacrifice which Man makes to God for his life, while the
Mass is the sacrifice which God offers for man of His Body and Blood. How
sublime (inspiring) is the office of the priest! If we had faith, we should discern
(recognize) God hidden in the person of the priest, like a light behind a glass
And then comes GOOD FRIDAY, and I always recall Fr. Donald Thissens de-
scription: What a way to love a Son, Son though He was, He learned obedience
from what He suffered. All His trust was in God. God loved His Son through it
all! On Calvary, He gave us the power to live. We must wait now to see why the
Father loved the Son so much. On the Cross, the Church was born.!
HOLY SATURDAY EVENING, the night our Savior arose triumphantly from
the dead, is the holiest night of the year and the liturgical ceremonies of the East-
er Vigil are the most beautiful and symbolic of the entire week. It is the victory
of Christ over the darkness of sin and death. The Church comes back to life!
RCIA ends, the catechumens are baptized, we repeat our baptismal vows, all
receive the Eucharist, the Triduum ends, and we begin a 50 day celebration
known as Easter! Article by Marcel Normand


We Thank our advertisers for your support!

Palm Sunday:
Saturday Vigil Masses 4PM Arma,
5:30 PM Girard;
Sunday Masses 8:00AM Arma, 10:00 AM Girard
Holy Monday - 7:00AM Girard
Holy Tuesday - 11:00AM Chrism Mass- Cathedral
Note: NO MASS and NO STATIONS this day at Saint
Joseph, Arma
Holy Wednesday Arma, Mass at 8AM
Girard, Mass at 6:30PM
Holy Thursday - Girard, 7PM -Mass of the Last Supper,
Washing of the Feet, and Adoration of the Eucharist until
Good Friday: Arma - 12 Noon - Stations of the Cross fol-
lowed by Veneration of the Cross and Communion
Girard - 3PM Stations of the Cross
6PM - Veneration of the Cross and Communion
April 19
-Saturday Night, Easter Vigil Girard
Easter Sunday Masses: 8:00AM Arma, 10:00AM

Note: Easter Egg hunt in Arma right after the 8AM Mass
and Girard right after the 10AM mass on Easter Sunday,
April 20

Congratulations to four of our kids at Saint Michaels in Girard
who made their first reconciliation Saturday, April 12
: Kolton
Droessler, Anne Martin, Carly Reif, and Jake Towner. Congrat-
ulations also to their parents for making this possible and for ful-
filling their promise to the Church during their wedding and when
the kids were baptized to bring them up in the Catholic faith. Con-
gratulations and thank you also to all our catechists especially to
our second graders cathechist, Janel Scales, for their sacrifice of
their time, talent, and treasure to teach these kids every Wednes-
day! God bless you a hundredfold as He has promised! These
kids and four from Arma will be receiving their first communion
on Sunday April 27
. Include them in your prayers.
Better late than never: Congratulations to Cooper Puckett for
being awarded as Outstanding Catholic Youth for Region 1 last
March 23 during the Diocesan Youth Conference in Wichita. May
God bless you always Cooper and may other youth follow your
good example!
This April 18
, is my 28
year anniversary of ordination to the
priesthood. Pray for me and all the priests as we thank God for the
gift of the priesthood for the community. As it falls on Good Fri-
day, we are moving the celebration on April 26
, Saturday at the
5:30 mass at Saint Michael and the banquet following the mass at
Hickory Bend, LLC

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